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Copyright© 2002
"Three hundred bucks an hour? I gotta be out of my everlovin' mind!"
Yet here he was, sitting in the waiting room. Waiting. Vic had arrived twenty minutes early for his appointment.
"Mr. Victor?" The middle-aged woman in a crisp nurse's uniform ushered him into the dimly lit room. The only furniture was a low, vinyl-covered padded table. There were what looked like television screens mounted on two of the walls. "You are to undress while you await Mistress Domina," she told him. The door shut with a barely audible click, and he was alone.
This was his first visit to a real live dominatrix. He had heard crazy stories about what went on in their chambers (dungeons?) -- stories of clients being subject to extremes of degradation and humiliation. Whippings, torture, insertion of unusual objects into various body orifices, and even worse. Much worse.
There was a shabby terrycloth bathrobe hanging on a hook beside the table. He pulled it on. Underneath he was naked. The door opened.
Mistress Domina -- "DOE-meen-ah," she pronounced it -- was wearing a tight black elastic bodysuit. Tall and classically voluptuous, she even verged on chubby. Wire-rimmed glasses incongruously gave her the look of an old-fashioned schoolmarm. She was leafing through various papers on a clipboard.
"Your file lists your treatment plan as exploring extreme variations of anal sex, but with only a mild degree of humiliation, and minimizing pain where possible. Pity. One of our specialties is training and severe discipline, but we always cater to our clients' needs.
"Due to the nature of your particular program, you will require cleansing enemas in preparation for each session. In future visits, our medical staff will administer these. Today, however, I will handle this, as it will permit me to assess the physical health and capacity of the relevant parts of your anatomy -- the lower colon, rectum, and anal sphincter."
Vic lay facedown on the padded table. Nylon straps locked his arms and legs rigidly in place. A rubber hose ran upward from the crevice of his buttocks to the large enema bottle dispensing a cloudy amber liquid into his lower intestine.
"This is a mild Castile soap and mineral oil solution. You should not find it unduly irritating, but it will most effectively accomplish its purpose of thoroughly purging your large intestine. We will follow up with two rinsings of distilled water. You are expected to retain the solution within your colon for ten minutes, at which time I will release the restraints and permit you to use the bathroom facilities."
What a relief it was to dump the liquid contents of his colon in a single, smelly, explosive burst! Perched on the toilet, Vic mulled over what awaited him for the remainder of the two-hour (six hundred dollar!) session.
Preliminary dilation, Mistress Domina had called it. Now he was standing, bent forward over the padded table. His arms stretched out at an angle past his head. Straps buckled around the wrists held him firmly in place. His chin sank into the soft pillow under his chin.
"If you will look upward and a bit toward your right, Mr. Victor, you will be able to follow our progress on the video monitor."
Mistress Domina was examining what appeared to be a rather large corkscrew device with a handle on its end.
"This is a Type IV Orifice Spreader. Practitioners in our field consider it superior to a medical speculum for stretching and expanding the anal orifice. From its small rounded insertion tip, it gradually tapers outward into a cone as we move toward the base. There is a wide spiraling screw thread running diagonally along its surface to engage the ring of muscle at the entrance of the anus. The crank on the end permits the operator to rotate the device, with the net result that it actually screws into the recipient. The net result is to gently but inexorably enlarge and loosen the anal sphincter. For our first session, we will content ourself with a modest gain in aperture."
"Screwed by a corkscrew," Vic was thinking as Mistress Domina introduced the tip of the thing into him. It felt rather like a small dildo as it penetrated about an inch deep, just past the anal ring. "So far, so good," he mumbled. He was starting to get an erection.
Now there was slight sideward pressure, and he began to feel the stretch as Mistress twisted the crank. It was advancing deeper into his rectum, and widening him sideways. There was little friction, due to the lube applied to the spiral threads. He watched on the video monitor, fascinated and disbelieving, as about a third of its length disappeared into him, and he stretched, stretched, and stretched. He felt as wide as a railway tunnel, and it was starting to get distinctly uncomfortable.
"Seven inch depth and two inch width," Mistress Domina announced, then she slapped him on the right butt cheek. "Now we disengage." Vic could feel his sphincter relax and spring back as the corkscrew untwisted and unscrewed out of him.
"Ten minute rest period before the final phase of this session," Mistress said. The door clicked shut and Vic was alone, standing, bent forward over the table, still held in place by wrist restraints. He closed his eyes and dozed off...
... and awoke as he felt something inserting into him. Into his anus again. Looking at the video monitor, he saw Mistress Domina penetrating him with something protruding from a black harness she was wearing around her hips. A dildo. A very large dildo.
The corkscrew treatment must have loosened him quite a bit. He didn't feel any discomfort at full penetration. How deep? At least six inches. Now she was vigorously pumping in and out. Mistress was fucking him. Fucking him in the ass.
Half an hour later, Vic was driving home. He felt exhausted, utterly and completely drained. Well, why not? He had climaxed twice during the "final phase" of his first treatment. There was still a pleasurable throbbing in his bowels. Mistress knew what she was doing, all right. Painless extreme anal -- that was right on the money.
He had to continue the "treatment." It was the fulfillment of lifelong fantasies. Being dominated and being penetrated... simultaneously. There was only one small problem, though. How to pay for it.
Six hundred per session was quite a bit more than he could afford. So, what were his options? Get a second job? Take another mortgage on his condo apartment? Borrow money from the loan sharks? None of those alternatives particularly appealed to him.
Inspiration! Vic had once been quite an accomplished computer hacker. What if... what if he could figure out a way to electronically recover the money he paid for Mistress Domina's services. Say, if he could access the house bank account on-line and drain some funds from it. Now this idea rang his chimes. While she was fucking him in his most intimate place, he could be fucking her right back in hers -- in the pocketbook.
This waiting was making him nuts. Waiting for his second session with Mistress, Vic was busy chewing his fingernails down to ragged nubs. Damn. They really ought to have a better selection of magazines for the waiting room. "House Beautiful" and "Woodworking Hobbyist" didn't quite do it for him.
"Mr. Victor -- " A different nurse this time. Younger, prettier. The room she admitted him into was likewise different. In addition to the familiar padded examination table there was an elaborate mechanical chair that appeared to have various devices built into it. It also had a sort of cutout in the center of the seat, toward the back.
"If you will please disrobe, we will administer the series of preliminary enemas. Starting with this session, their purpose is not just internal cleansing, but increasing intestinal volume. You will receive a full four quarts, and retain the solution for twenty minutes."
Twenty minutes! He could never hold it in that long.
As it turned out, he could. If he had to. After the attractive nurse had filled him to bursting, he felt something expanding just inside his anus.
"This special-purpose enema nozzle contains an inflating bladder to block the exit from your rectum." In the video monitor he watched the nurse pump a small rubber bulb in her hand. "You will find yourself unable to expel any liquid, and attempts to do so will be futile and only cause increased discomfort. Bye. See you later." The door shut behind her.
Those were the longest twenty minutes of his life. Several times he thought his belly and guts were going to burst. Then he surrendered and gave himself over to the feeling. Totally distended inside, blown up like an overinflated balloon. Transformed into a human water container. Yet, in the midst of his discomfort, he felt the stirrings of... lust. On his stomach on the padded table, arms and legs in restraints, pumped up with a solution of chemicals... his penis began hardening beneath him.
He hadn't even noticed that the nurse had returned. She was regarding him with a faint smile as she unbuckled the straps.
"Through the door and to the left. Empty yourself in the sanitary facilities and be back here within ten minutes."
The following two rinse enemas were no big deal. He didn't have to hold them in very long, and he enjoyed the sweet feeling of inner purification they left him with.
"Welcome back, Mr. Victor." Mistress Domina had entered. She dismissed the nurse.
"We will employ a special-purpose Dilation Chair for this next stage of your treatment. Please sit down, if you will."
The chair was form-fitting and surprisingly comfortable, but he was held firmly in place after Mistress had strapped down his arms and legs. Yes, there was, in fact, a slot in the seat beneath him, lengthwise along the crack of his buttocks as he was positioned.
"Beneath the chair are various cylindrical penetration devices. The control panel permits me to insert these directly into your posterior through the opening in the seat. There are a number of options for manipulating and moving them inside your rectum after penetration. To minimize discomfort, all insertion devices are ergonomically designed and adequately lubricated.
"We will begin with stretching and widening. This first insertion will be a combination speculum and dildo, a cylinder that screws apart and expands sideways to widen the anal entrance and the lower rectum. Prepare yourself."
There was a mechanical hum and Vic felt something pushing between and through his buttocks from below. Now it was pressing against his anal opening ("It's going in right up through my asshole," he was thinking).
"Your cooperation is expected, Mr. Victor. Push gently outward, as if you were having a bowel movement. This will unlock your sphincter ring and let the device into you."
It was inside him now, and moving up higher inside. Higher still. It stopped.
"Relax your thigh muscles. We will now commence the expansion. Speak up if it becomes too uncomfortable."
Vic saw her move a joystick on the control panel, and he felt the sides of his anal opening slowly forced apart in all directions. The stretching sensation was stronger and more uniform than the corkscrew device from the previous session. Wider, and wider still. Then it held steady. He could just barely tolerate it.
"We will hold at this setting for five minutes, Mr. Victor. I must congratulate you. You have a three-inch aperture now. That is probably sufficient even for full-depth fisting, but that will have to await a future session."
This wasn't bad at all. Extreme expansion, huh?
All too soon, Mistress withdrew the expansion dildo from him. He felt an emptiness inside.
"The next insertion will be for the purpose of depth measurement. Using a soft, flexible probe we will determine how far up into you we can penetrate. Get ready."
This one felt softer and gentler than any of the other mechanical dildos. But it kept moving up and up, and farther up into him. It wouldn't stop. It just wouldn't stop. "Mistress, I feel some discomfort inside now."
"We're at eleven inches and probably impacting the bend in your lower colon. Let me unlock the flex joints of the probe. How does that feel now?"
"Better, thanks."
"Let's resume then."
"Twenty-six inches. You held out quite well. We'll withdraw the probe and give you another ten-minute rest period before completing the session."
Homeward bound, Vic felt good all over. Purified inside and thoroughly fucked out. Mistress had ass-fucked him with a dildo for twenty minutes at the close of the session. A huge dildo. She had let him measure it before penetrating him. It was ten inches long and two-and-a-half inches across. It had felt very satisfying as she plunged its full length into him.
On the way out, Mistress had actually smiled and hinted at a special surprise for his next session.
He had another reason to feel fine. His monthly bank statement had come in this morning's mail. There was a canceled check made out to the House of Dominance. He now had Mistress Domina's account number... and he had not the slightest doubt that he was every bit as good at plundering her electronic funds as she was at plundering his ass.
It was his third session. Mistress had escorted him out of the waiting room. No nurse this time. She herself had given him his cleansing enemas. Special treatment, indeed. Now he was taking his ten-minute rest period, lying flat on the treatment table, waiting for her return.
The door opened. Now this was special. Mistress stood before him in her full shining glory. Bare-ass naked.
"Make yourself comfortable in the Dilation Chair, Mr. Victor. This time we will use a conical insertion device to stretch your entrance. Penetration depth will be minimal, but we will open you up to a four-inch width."
Strapped down in the chair, Vic groaned as the conical dildo pushed against his anal sphincter, then into him. It was splitting him apart! Then the pressure relaxed and he let out all his breath in a single gasp.
"Now, now. It couldn't have been all that bad. Let's check your progress."
She undid the straps and bent him forward over the table.
"Quite a passageway you have there. Big enough to drive a truck through. More than adequate for purposes more dear to your heart."
There were pinpricks of cold metal on both sides of his anus. Mistress was measuring his sphincter width with calipers.
"Just a hair short of four inches wide, but close enough for government work." It was the first touch of humor she had ever shown.
"Stay as you are Mr. Victor. You are about to experience something very startling." She turned. "Come in, Barto. We are ready for you."
The door opened and a burly young man strode in. He bowed to Mistress, then to Vic.
"This, Mr. Victor, is my associate, Bartolomeo. His specialty is testing expanded anal cavities. With your permission, we will commence."
Vic shrugged his shoulders. He had never been ass-fucked by a man. "Since everything else has been done to me, why not this, too?" he mumbled.
"How's that again, Mr. Victor?"
"Yes. Yes! Go ahead. Get it over with."
It didn't feel much different than when Mistress had used a dildo on him. In fact, the man's cock felt distinctly smaller inside him. Must be the effect of the dilation part of the therapy. 'Just think, I've got a wide enough asshole to be ass-fucked by a man, and hardly even noticing it.'
Vic did feel the faint throbbing, then the wet discharge inside him as the man came. He heard, rather than felt, the withdrawal out of his ass. It was a distinctly liquid sound.
"Congratulations, Mr. Victor. You have officially lost your anal virginity."
"My pleasure, Mistress."
"What next?" Victor was thinking as his ten-minute rest period came to an end. That question was answered as Mistress entered the room. She had on a short white lab coat, but was naked from the waist down. In her right hand was a skin-tight latex glove, which gleamed with an oily gel.
"You are ready -- more than ready -- for fisting, Mr. Victor. Will you kindly bend over the table. Thank you. As usual, I will buckle the restraints on your arms and legs. You may observe what is being done to you on the wall monitor."
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At the appointed hour that morning he made for the closed door, knocked and smiled to see that it pushed open a fraction as the catch gave. ‘Greetings,’ he said quietly and bowed before looking each way down the corridor, and sliding into her room, pushing the door gently closed, with a discrete click. ‘I am here for that breakfast you promised me.’ ‘Hola hombre,’ she responded calmly, as she sat on her bed, closing her kimono and watching him peer at her quizzically through the half-opened...
The following stories are short stories, meant for only having one part. No background information and made for everyone. This short story season will be one for everyone of the subjects on Lush and if you would like a personalized story just put it in my inbox. I will ask for details ECT. Please enjoy this installments of my short stories. Supernatural : Vampires. As I closed the book to my favorite story "Vampires the lost lovers" there was a long chill coming down my neck. The window's...
SupernaturalL'ncze woke me when she moved to get up in the morning, at least I assumed it was morning. With the low green moss illumination permanently glowing and having no means of looking outside, I really had no idea whether it was day or night. Still my mind said that when one got up after sleeping it was morning and they referred to the first meal of the day as 'breakfast'. She kissed me and said quietly, "Lie still Henry, I'll get a can for you to pee in and then you can have some...
It was late and we still had many miles to go. I was travelling with James, a gay friend of mine, and after landing a couple of days ago in El Paso, we had driven up through New Mexico, and now were heading to the area known as the Four Corners, where the four states of Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico meet. The reason for the trip was to look for some quite rare species of cactus plants, the collecting and cultivation of which were an unusual passion of mine. On field trips such as...
Me and My Big Mouth (Part 1) If you read my first two stories you'll know I've recently found my first man friend, Richard. You'll need to read those to find out how he helped me find my role in life. Unfortunately this new relationship has had to go on the back burner for a while as his mother has been taken seriously ill and he has had to go to London to look after her. He just had time to email me quickly with this sad news, saying the thought of seeing me in the future would...
Back to the club again, hope you are enjoying. This part will be about the time we spent in the dark room. because we did start to spend more and more time there... :-)the room, as i explained already, is pitch dark, no light whatsoever. There are a couple of sofas, a large bed that can hold up to 6 couples (that's my guess :-) ) and some seats here and there. The central part is empty.Now, I cannot tell all that has happened there, because my wife had to explain me after the fact what she did...
I started running a couple months back, when I decided to get back in shape because I was playing again weighting around 195. After the first month of waking up early and… I started running a couple months back, when I decided to get back in shape because I was playing again weighting around 195. After the first month of waking up early and running around the neighborhood, it became routine for me. Every once a while, I would see the neighbor pulling up in her driveway. She drove a candy...
ExhibitionismHi friends I am Rohit 28 male married and based in Mumbai. I am 5.8 and an engineer by profession. This is my 1st story in ISS. Baat 7 saal pehle ki he jab me 21 saal ka tha aur engineering final year me just meri entry hui thi. Main apne cousin ke ghar par rehkar padhai karta tha kyuki mera ghar gaon me tha aur waha ache school colleges nahin the. Mere cousin ke yahan sirf woh aur unki wife Priya rehti thi. Mere bhai ne International Marketing me MBA ki hui thi aur most of the time who out of...
Hermione didn�t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwartsexpress, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought heand Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrolthe train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry�sthoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had beenable to keep these thought away for a couple of...
‘Ho-ho, ho-ho, a bussing we will go.’ Actually, I hate buses as much as I hate planes. But they are a necessary evil when you travel. I’d had to bus to a hotel in town for the night. I then bussed to a different airport. I then jumped on my next flight to get to Kuching and then another one to get to the Mulu airport. A friend had organised for me to stay in Mulu Village with a family that he had stayed with previously. From here, I could pretty much do as I wished. I’d organised a couple...
You walk through the hallway between classes, still tired from waking up early and late night cramming for a test, lost in your own thoughts until— “SNAP OUT OF IT!”. Your best friend Mary looks at you worried, “are you still thinking about the ex?”. “No”, you quickly shout, “I’m over him now and besides I’m taking your advice from now on I’m gonna be a bitch”. “That’s a good girl, because he’s coming this way”, Mary said. The ex was walking with a group of his friends talking to Bruce, the...
TeenAbout 10 years into my marriage, my wife Lisa and I decided to avoid the pitfalls and affairs that most couples fall into with being bored and decided to open our relationship to experiment together. At first we had a comic series of missteps, failed foursomes and random encounters until we finally hooked up with David. It wasn’t supposed to be a threesome… his date got cold feet, took off early and left the three of us horny and desperate for something to finally happen.At first, we were like...
Homer Barlow was the Mayor of Appleton, a lifelong resident. He was much older than Cal—pushing seventy. He’d once owned the hardware store in town and got into local politics about twenty years before when he ran for City Council. It all started when he couldn’t get a zoning easement. He and Cal sat in a booth in the back area of the diner. It was easier to discuss business over lunch than in the Mayor’s office. “I called the meeting, so I guess lunch is me this time,” Cal said as they...
Hi… I am Kavi, and I am back with my 4 th story…First of all thanks to everyone who have taken their time in mailing me without your encouragement I would have stepped writing. And for the people who don’t know about me.. hi I am kavitha ageing 34 from tamil nadu, happily married and blessed with 2 kids. Kindly read my previous stories and share your feelings about those stories. This story is a pure fiction and please forgive me I am bad with my narration and with my english. It was heavily...
Settling in to the westWe had moved to WA from the eastern states. My motivation for the move was to try to get my wife, Sue away from the men that she had formed her cheating relationships with. I had told her she had a choice to make. She could either stay in the east and our marriage would be dissolved or come with me but only on the condition that her cheating behavior ends. Sue had chosen to come with me. I had little faith that she would reform and the first sign to me was that she agreed...
Wife LoversSitting at my desk, I enjoy browsing and reading stories of sex and pleasure. I love the stories of encounters with strangers and glances in public places. My cock hardens, asking me to let him out of my pants. Although I'm tempted, I tell myself to be patient and I keep reading the following story.It is about infidelity, about a betrayal with a neighbor. He describes her body, her breasts, her hard nipples, her neck and soft buttocks, she is the body of a mature woman. She is dying to let him...
Introduction: Following on from earlier story about myself, my Gf Clare and our young neighbour Things carried on this way for a few months and Sophie was a regular visitor to our bedroom. We played out all our fantasies including my favourite where the two girls tied me up and had their way with me. I was during one of these nights that Sophie mentioned that Steven, her older brother, was back from college soon. I looked at Clare and could see her smile. I could tell she was already thinking...
“Sheriff better come quick. They’re coming.” The Sheriff looked questioningly at the Doc. “Go ahead, Pete. There’s nothing you can do for them. As soon as I can, I’ll be over to look at the boy.” “Ok, Doc, but you know these folks will want some answers. Is there anything I can tell them?” “Tell them that the young lady is alive and not likely to die. Both of the women are in shock. I don’t have anything else until I can talk to them. The boy I don’t know. Won’t know until I can look him...
JanuaryWe had been married for 30 years and our lives were pretty much routine and average. We had a nice simple house, big yard, two dogs, a cat, and were very much like every other house in the neighbourhood. I had a normal job with a little stress but nothing over whelming. She had her own job that she really did not need. She kept working just so she could get a discount and not get bored. But all of that changed last New Year’s Eve. It all changed because for my Christmas present, I...
Wedding And Honeymoon After crying all the way home, I was useless the rest of the night. All I could do was hold her and cry. “Mick, I’m sorry. I wish I could make myself better, but I can’t. Please don’t be like this. I need your strength.” “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I love you so much. I’ve never loved anyone like this. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you.” “Don’t worry about that now. Come to bed with me. I need you inside me.” We made love almost all night. She kept...
We were standing on the back porch when Malena came out. Her long hair was braided and she wore a man’s shirt that fit her so snug, there was no doubt she had been hiding a nice set of woman-size breasts all this time. Her denim trousers fit her backside as well as Lucia’s fit her. Tom recovered from his stare and helped her onto the wagon seat, then climbed up to sit beside her. I looked over to see Alejandro’s and Joaquin’s eight kids standing in the doorway of the barn. I waved to them...
Roger Parker couldn't believe his eyes! Everybody was naked. Fucking! Not just Lucy, but their kids! All of his kids! The eight of them! Naked. Fucking. Sucking. The whole family! How did this happen? In what? A few hours? He had left home this morning, and everything was normal as usual! How did this happen? Who the fuck cares? His dream was right there, in front of his eyes! He smiled! And his kids started to move closer. They kissed him. They said things like "hi, dad" and...
Deedee and I had surprises for each other Tuesday morning. I walked up to her locker just before classes started and handed her a freshly pressed gray jersey. She eagerly took it and opened her locker to hand me my white jersey. I made a show of pressing it to my nose. “How does it still smell like you?” “A girl has to have her secrets,” Deedee giggled, tapped my chin dimple and gave me a peck on the cheek before spinning off to the girl’s room to change into my jersey. “Get a room!” Mike...
Jim sat in the little club thinking. Why did Sylvie wish to speak to him after nearly nineteen years? She said when she called it was about a promise she had made to herself a long time ago. -- Older, much more mature and still attractive, she came up to the booth behind him. He stood and greeted her and when they sat down she said, "It has been a long time, Jim. I asked you to meet me here to give you some information. You know when I left that time so long ago I was falling in love with...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi reader here is a amazing announcement for you I opened my sexblog for you so you can read my new stories at this web page also there I will written a new story of series that named Cum with Mum read and write to me your comments. Here is an Incest story for you. The hot story read and enjoy it my reader. Hi, I am Kim I was 20(25 now)and my mom was 39(now 44)(5'9'' 120lbs brown hair and eyes, large and and 39D cup) I never really thought nothing...
Incest3 Months Earlier “We can’t keep doing this,” Stacie said unconvincingly as she tugged her panties off her waist. “Why not? We both love it.” I responded. “Cause it’s incest, and Mom is right over there,” Stacie whispered. Mom was in the bed across from us. The hotel room in Mandalay Bay only had two beds, and Mom booked the flight so late that all the other rooms were full. Stacie and Mom were supposed to double up, but by the time Mom took her sleeping pills and passed out, Stacie found...
My name is Clint Howard, I'm a junior at Kowalski High School. The reason for the name is pretty obvious, as you see both my mom and dad were fans of Clint Eastwood.This is how my troubles(if you would call them that!) began. It began on a friday morning like no other, I was hiding in the school basement, which is mostly used for storage, to avoid athletics because today was track. Even though I'm in decent shape I did not want to run that day because of the boiling sun. I walked into an empty...