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The weekend with Robert

The bell rang as Donna was busy cleaning up the house. Two weeks of neglect had made it very messy indeed, and her daughters hadn?t helped either. Old pizza was everywhere she found out, and the dust...

She opened the door, wondering who it could be.

?Hello Cutty.? Ninon walked inside. She looked at Donna with disgust. ?That?s not the way you planned to see Robert, is it??

?Of course not, I?m cleaning up the house.? She answered annoyed ?What are you doing here Ninon, you know I have to pick up Robert in an hour, so ...?

?Hush? Ninon said ?I came to help you pick out the clothes to greet him in, and to bring you to him.?

?You?re bringing me to the airport?? Donna said surprised. She didn?t want that at all. She needed to be alone with Robert and her daughters, she wanted a small family reunion. Some time off from the new life she was in.

?Yes, I will bring you, if you don?t mind.? Ninon smiled ?But I know you don?t.?

Donna looked angry at her. ?Actually, Ninon...? she started.

?Don?t!? Ninon warned ?Any complaints, I suggest you take them up with ms Brendan, Cutty, I told you so before.? She took Donna?s hand. ?Let?s go upstairs to fix you up, we only have one hour.?

Donna was pulled upstairs. Before they entered her room a sleepy Julie peeped out of her room.

?Well hello sleeping beauty!? Ninon smiled at her

?What?s going on?? the sleepy Julie asked, yawning.

?Your mother and I are going to pick up your father? Ninon explained ?But first she needs to ?get ready? for him if you know what I mean? she winked at Julie.

?Oh please, spare me the details.? Julie sighed ?I thought the whole family had to go??

?No, you girls were out so late, and what about training??

?Oh shit? Julie said suddenly wide awake. Her door slammed shut and a loud stumbling could be heard as Julie got herself ready for practice.

As Ninon and Donna entered her bedroom Donna tried to complain once more

?I planned for them to join me.? She said meekly ?Robert hoped to have a small family reunion...?

?Well that will have to wait. Besides, this way the girls don?t miss any training? Ninon said brusquely ?You go and shower, I will fetch your clothes.?

Donna reluctantly went into the shower, while she heard Ninon go through her closet. She had done so the last week every time they went out, but then it was ?fun?, or at least adventurous. Now it was really just invasive. Ninon, or actually ms Brendan, was now really getting between her and Robert, her and her family.

When she walked out of the bathroom her clothes lay ready on the bed.

?It was somewhat difficult to find the clothing to set the right mood, but these will do.? Ninon said. She was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room. ?Hurry, we?re getting late.?

?I can?t wear these.? Donna said as she lifted up the garments. ?It?s summer clothing, way too cold, and it?s way too revealing for Robert, he...?

?..will like it. Trust me, I know what?s on a man?s mind when he gets home, all enthusiastic of his trip, and full of testosterone.?

?And where is the underwear, you don?t expect me to go out without underwear do you?? Donna complained

?Well, I do actually.? Ninon smiled ?Again, he will like it.?

?It?s cold out there, and you don?t know Robert, he will complain, he doesn?t like this kind of kinky play, he..?

?Enough!? Ninon said ?Just do what you?re told. Wear this. Cutty, it is not that hard what we?re telling you to do, now is it.?

Silent the two women looked at each other. Donna angry but powerless, Ninon determined and unmoved.

Angrily Donna fetched her clothing and started to dress. ?Damn!? she thought ?Damn damn damn!?

?Now let?s put this in order? Ninon said when Donna was dressed fully. She pulled Donna in front of the large mirror and straightened out her clothing.

?You see? she looked through the mirror at Donna ?the colorful blouse and the average skirt make you look young, willing and sexy. All we need to do is to put on the right make up now.?

Reluctant Donna sat down and let Ninon do her make up.

Halfway through Julie opened the door and peeked in.

?Mom, we?re going to practice..? a smiling Julie said ?Wow... now I understand the change of plans. You obviously want to be alone with dad for a while.?

The door closed ?We?ll make sure we don?t arrive home early mom!? and Julie and Trixy were off.

?You see,? Ninon said into Donna?s ear ?Everybody understands.?

?No they don?t? Donna thought ?We wanted a family reunion, not the focus on sex.? But she sat still, powerless, and let Ninon get her ready.

As they got into the car Ninon gave some more instructions

?It is important to act the part. Remember what we?ve practiced a little this week. You?re appearance must be the same as your mind set, your behavior.?

They drove onto the street ?If you don?t you?ll be sending out mixed signals, getting everybody confused, and probably angry.?

Donna silently listened to the instructions, understanding she meant she had to come on to Robert, something she really wasn?t in the mood for.

Ninon turned on the radio to her favorite pop station, and they drove the rest of the road in silence.

Robert?s face was one of surprise, unwanted surprise, when he walked out of the gate and saw Donna standing in her rather out of place summer clothing.

Donna picked up all her courage, and walked over to him smiling, though she died inside as she saw him look her over in obvious disgust.

?Hi honey, I?ve missed you.? She kissed him and hugged him enthusiastically. He reluctantly hugged her back.

?What?s this..? he asked.

?Oh..? a suddenly unsure Donna replied ?I thought... let?s greet you in something special...?

?I am dead tired Donna.? Robert complained ?And where are my daughters? I hoped they would be here too.?

?They... went to practice, I wanted to be with you...?

?Donna, I don?t understand you, you know me, we talked on the phone just yesterday.? Robert told her as they started to walk ?And now... look at you, you?re dressed like a kind of slut.?

Ninon joined them as they walked out.

?Hello, I?m Ninon, a friend of Donna.? Ninon said all smiles.

?Uh...hello ?Robert said not understanding why she was there. He shook her hand and looked at Donna

?She brought me here? Donna said quickly ?You know, not to be all alone out here.?

?And you left our daughters behind, but your friend can come along?? Robert remarked angrily.

?I?m sorry... Ninon it was right?? he apologized to Ninon ?This... I?m just disappointed, and exhausted. Let?s just go.?

And they left the airport not saying a word to one another.

Donna tried to touch Robert, but he just shrug her off, and even fell asleep on the way home.

When they drove up to their home Ninon whispered into donna?s ear ?I will leave you two love birds alone now. Cutty, you didn?t act as you looked, you were shy, not confident, that gave him the possibility to get angry at you. Think about it.?

She got out and walked over to her car. ?You will be called later, to see how you?re doing.?

Donna sat silently with the sleeping Robert in her car. Tears welled up in her eyes, as she cursed herself for being so weak to follow the instructions of Ninon. She was sure she deliberately caused this fight.

?Damn you Ninon, damn you ms Brendan.? She cursed, as she woke Robert up to go into the house.

He silently walked to the bedroom and started to unpack.

The phone rang and Donna picked it up.

?Hello Cutty? the voice of ms Brendan said.

?H-hello ms Brendan? Donna replied.

?I just heard you are not following instructions.? Ms Brendan started ?I am very disappointed.?

?I?m sorry ms Brendan? Donna replied automatically, actually thinking she didn?t really do anything wrong.

?Sorry won?t do. I want you to fuck and please my employee asap.? Ms Brendan said coldly ?He has done a marvelous job and needs some enjoyment. You are going to give him that. You?re still inexperienced but he loves you, so that should make up for it. Now go to the bedroom and start fucking. If he refuses, call me at once!?

A perplexed Donna looked at the phone.

?She wants me to fuck ?her employee?? she thought angrily and surprised. Her anger gave her more confidence to protest.

?No, ms Brendan, I know my husband, he is not in the mood, and will just refuse me once again, and be even more disappointed in me!  He is really angry at me for my dress, my behavior, and that I let the girls go out.? She bit towards ms Brendan.

?That bad?? Ms Brendan asked, unimpressed by the tone of Donna.

?Yes, that bad.? Donna continued ?You are ruining my marriage, ruining my family. And for what? Can?t this stop? Please??

?No.? Ms Brendan simply answered.

?Why not. I?ve been good, you?ve had your fun. This must stop. I?m married, my family needs to be able to count on me.?

?They can. You are helping them. Isn?t it true he has this great job because you sleep with his boss? Because you are her slut? So how can you ask to change back to your old self? It would probably ruin everything for him.?

?So Cutty, get your act together. I would suggest a good fucking with your husband would get him to see it your way. If not, you will have a big, big problem.?

?Please, ms Brendan?

?Convince him, make him happy, show him you love him. Keep his mind off from the things he dislikes, give him things he likes.? Ms Brendan suggested. ?It is the best way to go with men. Don?t loose track of the bigger picture here. He?s not sacrificing anything now is he? And you, you alone have managed to steer your family to a double income highly paid family, with all the luxury that comes with that. You know this.?

?Yes, ms Brendan? Donna acknowledged.

?Ok, Cutty, you go up to your man and fuck his brains out. Give him everything you got, and you?ll see he?ll turn around, and everybody will be happy.?

Donna?s mind was racing through her options.

?Can I refuse? I don?t think so. And it is something Robert, or any man should like, having a willing wife after weeks away...? She looked up the stairs, where she heard Robert still unpacking. ?Well, here we go again? she thought, as she mustered up all her courage, and walked up the stairs.

Five minutes later a tearful Donna was downstairs again. Robert had refused her again, and she never felt so degraded, and mainly angry with herself. How could she have let herself be positioned like this? And now she had to call ms Brendan with the news. What reaction will she have, will she invade her personal life even more?

She picked up the phone and dialed ms Brendan ?Should I just not do it? And fake my having had sex with Robert?? she hung up again, and thought it over. ?That?s best? she decided, and turned away from the phone. She started to clean up the house again, not wanting to go upstairs to change, as she wanted Robert to cool down.

Just as he walked down the phone rang again. Robert picked it up before Donna, who feared the most.

?Hello ms Brendan, how are you ma?am? Robert said surprised ?No everything is fine..... Yes I will return Sunday night to Asia, .... No I haven?t been able to tell my wife yet.... No I just finished unpacking, and she was cleaning up here....Ok, I?ll give her to you.?

?It?s ms Brendan? he hissed enthusiastically to Donna ?She wants to talk to you.?

With a fake smile Donna accepted the phone.

?Hello ms Brendan?? Donna said shyly, knowing all hell could break loose.

?You didn?t fuck, and you didn?t call me? ms Brendan said.

Donna fell silent.

?No, I... I found it too weird.? Donna said honestly ?This is a private matter, and...?

?Shut up.? Ms Brendan interrupted ?You will fuck him now. I will help you to fuck my employee. When you?re done, you call me again, to explain what you have done to please him, in every detail. I want to know he has been treated well. You will learn that I can be much more annoying in your private life if you do not do as I say, understand??

?Yes, ms Brendan? Donna stumbled.

?Now give me Robert. You just act correctly, and be horny, smiling to him as I talk with him. Then you will have to comfort him afterwards, as he will be angry as hell at you.?

Donna gave the phone to Robert, who was still nearby ?She wants to talk to you.? She said.

Surprised he fetched the horn ?Yes, ms Brendan?

Donna watched him, and as she saw his face go grim, she remembered she had to smile and seduce him, and so Donna put on a happy face.

When Robert hung up the telephone he looked at Donna.

?Okay, I will fuck with you, Donna? he said angrily ?But damn, why do you have to be so close to ms Brendan, my biggest boss! How can you tell her you have been horny like hell all the time I?m gone? She actually was angry at me for not giving you the attention you ?deserved?!!?

Donna smiled sheepish at her husband. This story was better than the truth anyway, but she knew she had to play the act of horny housewife now to stick to the story.

?I?m sorry Robert, it was just women talk, I didn?t expect her to act on it like this.? She told Robert ?But come, let?s do it...?

The sex was awkward at the beginning, as both had to come to terms with the situation, but once Robert?s dick entered Donna they both got into it and ?slammed? away. Robert complimented for her eagerness, while pinning her on the bed with his throbbing dick. And how much he actually enjoyed her hot behavior. Donna was encouraged by this and tried to increase the pleasure she was giving to Robert. It ended finally with both climaxing hugging each other tightly.

?Oh, man, that was great!? Robert complimented her ?I?m sorry I was such a pain in the ass, it was probably the stress of work and traveling. But this was great!?

Donna smiled and kissed him passionately. ?When you?re up to it we do it again? she smiled.

Then she suddenly remembered she had to call ms Brendan as instructed. She jumped out of the bed, and walked out of the room, putting on some panties and her night gown. ?I?m fetching myself a drink, want some too?? she used as an excuse.

?Yes, please...?Robert replied, as he fell back on the bed, exhausted by his wife.

Donna picked up the phone downstairs and called ms Brendan.

?You?ve learned fast.? Ms Brendan started

?Yes, ms Brendan? Donna said meekly.

?You did fuck him??

?Yes ms Brendan?

?He enjoyed it?? yes ms Brendan

?He came in you??

?Yes ms Brendan? Donna was getting furious at this line of questioning. This was supposed to be a private matter between a wife and husband, now this woman...

?Ok, let?s check this.? Ms Brendan interrupted her thoughts ?Put on some high heels and walk outside to the waiting car in front of the garage.?

Donna looked surprised at this and didn?t make a move

?Right now!? ms Brendan shouted.

?Yes, ms Brendan? Donna woke up and quickly put on some high heeled shoes she found in the closet and walked outside, wearing just heels, panties and her night gown

?Damn, she got me walking in my night gown outside in brought day light!? she looked around if anyone would see her. ?Where is her car?? Then she noticed Ninon?s car in front of the garage, up their drive way.

She quickly ran to it and got in, looking around if anyone saw her.

?She?s in ms Brendan? Ninon said into her portable once Donna closed the car door. She lay the phone on the back seat of the car.

?Ok Ninon? Donna heard ms Brendan?s voice ?What is she wearing??

?Just her night gown, panties and high heels? Ninon said.

?Ok Cutty, get rid of the panties.? Ms Brendan directed.

Donna didn?t know what to do. She looked embarrassed at Ninon who just smiled at her and nodded, encouraging her to follow the instruction.

Reluctantly she removed the panties.

?Give them to me.? Ninon said ?She has removed her panties, ms Brendan?

?Ok, now spread your legs Cutty.? Ms Brendan continued.

Donna complied.

?Lift them up on the dashboard?

Donna lifted her legs. Ninon nodded again ?She has done as you said ms Brendan?

?Cutty, show Ninon you have had sex with your husband, show her his cum.?

Donna looked surprised at the phone on the back seat.

?Dip your finger deep into your pussy and let me see the mixture of your love making.? Ninon explained.

Donna slowly moved her right hand to her pussy.

?Go on, before she gets angry, she?s very impatient you know.? Ninon warned. ?You?re testing her limits, and that?s not wise.?

Donna?s fingers dug deep into her still wet pussy and when she pulled them out they were coated in a slimy mixture of her cum and Roberts.

Ninon grabbed her hand and moved it close to her face. She inspected it, smelled it and then nodded approvingly.

?She definitely has had sex ms Brendan, I smell her husband?s cum, and her juices also. Her pussy is still glimmering from the juices.?

?Good.? Ms Brendan?s voice said ?You see Cutty, you forced me to check on you, as you disobeyed my previous instructions. This is much more embarrassing isn?t it??

?Y-Yes, ms Brendan? a red Donna replied.

?Will you ever disobey me again??

?No, ms Brendan.?

?Stick your hand into your mouth and lick it clean.? Ms Brendan order

Donna knew she was testing her again. She looked at Ninon for help, but she just made a gesture to do as she was told. With a sigh she brought her hand to her mouth and licked it clean. She could clearly taste her own cum and Robert?s. ?How disgusting!!?

?More sucking, make it really clean.? Ninon said, warning her.

When she pulled her hand from her mouth Ninon told her to lick her fingers clean.

Finally, after what seemed ages to Donna, her hand was clean enough for Ninon.

?She has cleaned her hand.? Ninon told ms Brendan

?Yes, but not without specific instructions from you. Cutty, put your hand back into that wet pussy of yours and lick your hand clean, and do it good this time. Be eager about it. If Ninon needs to give additional instructions again, you?re in for it!?

Donna knew she had to follow the instruction, and saw no way out. She brought her hand back into her pussy, pulled it out and started to suck and lick it clean.

?She?s doing very well ms Brendan? Ninon said as she gave Donna a thumbs up.

Thankfully Donna smiled at Ninon as she licked her fingers clean.

?Have her doing it with both her hands until her pussy is clean, check it, and let her go back to her husband inside.? Ms Brendan told Ninon.

?Cutty, when you?re back inside you?ll fuck Robert as much as possible. Suck his dick to get him up and running, rub it, do whatever to get him going. I have a number in my head of the minimum amount you must fuck him this weekend. Every time after you?ve had sex you call me, so I can keep track. Don?t disappoint me again!?

?No ms Brendan? Donna replied sheeply.

?Ok, go about it, and till our next call Cutty.? And ms Brendan hung up.

After a short silence Ninon spoke ?Well Donna, you better get to it before Robert or your daughters, neighbors see you sitting here naked, licking your own cum.?

Donna looked helplessly at Ninon, but seeing she wouldn?t budge she reluctantly started to ?clean? her pussy with both her hands, licking them clean with her mouth.

After almost a half hour she was allowed to go and she walked naked back into the house, Ninon had kept her panties. She shrugged as it was cold outside, and was happy to be in the safety of her house once again. She recalled she told Robert she was getting a drink for them, so she went to the kitchen and poured them both a soft drink, and went upstairs.

She lay besides the sleeping Robert and slowly drank, thinking of her complex situation.

After some time she woke him up, giving him his drink, and started slowly fondling his dick. She had decided to play along this weekend. She saw no other option at the moment, and on the other side, she wanted to fuck her husband badly after all these weeks of no sex, apart from that horrible weekend. And Robert wouldn?t mind either.

Sleepy Robert reacted, and as soon as he got hard she straddled him. When she rocked him for a few minutes he really woke up with a smile, and finally responded.

?I thought you didn?t approve of me anymore.? She said softly as she sat up straight.

?Oh no baby, just that I?m dead tired, I think.? Robert replied, as he caressed her breast.

And that?s when he finally noticed her piercing.

?What have you done?? he remarked, obviously disapproving, though Donna felt his dick throbbing just a bit more. 

?Oh,...? Donna said. She hadn?t thought of this problem anymore. ?Well....? she felt his dick still hard, so she knew it aroused him sexually, ?I?d hoped you would find this sexy...?

?That?s not the point dear.? Robert replied ?What will the other people think when they see this? he touched the piercing with its small chain. ?It?s so not you, so not appropriate.?

?Nobody will see if you don?t want that to happen, dear? she said as she rocked him just a bit harder to distract him. It worked and he started to concentrate on the fucking once more. They picked up speed and she new he was about to come, again.

?How often have we done it twice in a day lately?? Donna wondered, as she felt herself getting excited at that thought. ?How often would ms Brendan expect us to do it??

?Oh baby, yeah!? Robert started to moan, and Donna joined him to get him off. She herself was nowhere near an orgasm, but she excitedly postponed her own relief for the next ?A third time would be close to a personal record!?.

Robert shot his second load into her, and happily fell back into the pillows. Almost immediately dozing off again.

Donna stood up and slowly walked down stairs again, and made the necessary phone call.

?Very good Cutty? ms Brendan approved ?Just remember, I have a number in my head you have to reach, and it is in the double figures, so you have little time till Sunday evening. ?

After ms Brendan?s remark Donna shrugged, and walked upstairs. ?Better try to do it one more time before our daughters come back home.?

It turned out to be difficult to get her husband going a third time. Not only was he vast asleep, but his dick just didn?t respond to her fondling. She tried kissing it, sucking it for a while, but it took a good half hour for him to react, and when he was hard and waking up, her daughters came home.

?Damn? Donna thought exhausted herself from her efforts. She heard her daughters coming up the stairways, and she quickly went into the shower.

They didn?t had a chance to do it that day.

The girls were delighted with their gifts and the family had a wonderful time together since long. They had a delicious meal prepared by the whole family, and Donna found herself drinking a coffee looking at her exhausted family watching television. All looked perfect and she enjoyed the moment.

That?s when the phone rang. Donna picked it up and her fear became truth.

?I didn?t receive any calls from you Cutty.? Ms Brendan started right of. ?You know what is expected from you...?

?Yes, ms Brendan? Donna replied as she walked out of the living room. ?But with my daughters here I can?t possibly fuck my husband.?

?Just ask them to entertain themselves while the parents have a quicky.? Ms Brendan replied ?It?s either that, or you won?t reach your quota, Cutty.?

?I can?t do that!? Donna replied not believing ms Brendan was serious.

?You can my dear, it is your choice to do it or not.? Ms Brendan said coldly ?And if you don?t reach your quota, you will have to pay the price for your disobedience.?

?And that is going to be high, very high.? She added.

A silence fell as Donna?s mind was once again racing through her options. She knew she couldn?t possibly have a quicky now, even if she did as was told, Robert would refuse. She just had to fuck her husband a lot tonight...

?I?ll hear from you later.? Ms Brendan broke the silence, and hung up.

Donna joined the family again after some thinking time. ?I?ll fuck Robert tonight like crazy.?

When they finally went to bed she managed to have sex with her husband five times. And she even managed to call ms Brendan after each time, using excuses as fetching a drink, cleaning up, etc. As it was late at night she left the messages on her answering machine.

Sunday morning reached and the count was on 7. Donna woke up exhausted as the light shone into their window.

?Tataaa!? her daughters marched into the room with breakfast trays. ?We made breakfast for the family. Hope you?ll enjoy it.?

As they jumped on the bed and woke Robert Donna had conflicting thoughts. Though she loved her daughters, she was worried as she missed a great opportunity for another ?shag? or two. How would she reach the two figures, let alone the figure ms Brendan had in mind. For sure it was not 10.

?Oh boy, what a treat.? Robert said ?Just what I needed, I feel exhausted, must be the jet leg.? And he winked at Donna, who politely smiled back.

The whole day she was not able to get Robert away from the kids. As the day passed she tried more and more to seduce him, knowing trouble would come if she didn?t do as ms Brendan said, even though it repelled her more and more.

But Robert avoided her more the more she tried to seduce him. Her daughters made her situation even worse when they asked Robert what he thought of mom?s piercing, eventually even asking if they could have one now too.

A very angry Robert told her, no, demanded of her she would get rid of the piercing by the time he got back from his next two weeks in Asia.

Donna had to promise she would remove it, and thus had an additional problem she knew. Ms Brendan would never agree for her to remove it, for sure not now she hadn?t reached her quota. On top of that at the end of the family day she had achieved piece with Robert again, and that itself was a miracle. But no way she could pull him into bed anymore.

As night fell he started packing and even send her out of the room, as he got annoyed by her coming on to him.

A troubled Donna went into the kitchen and started to wash the dishes as she nervously thought about the possible consequences of her not reaching the amount of fucks ms Brendan wanted her to have with Robert.

Robert leaving didn?t help her emotional state, as she felt left alone, like a prey for the big bad wolf. She wanted him to stay, but couldn?t bring herself to say it out loud. She knew he had to go.

The whole evening she expected a phone call of ms Brendan, but non came. Her daughters noticed something was going on, but they figured that mom was just missing their father. They tried to cheer her up, but at last went to bed leaving Donna alone in front of the television. That?s were the worried Donna fell asleep.

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Saturday morning I decided to go to the office, no particular reason, just wanted the peace and quiet. I had no idea any one was there when I went in to my office, I closed the door and sat down behind my desk. There is a large view window between my office and my staff's desks. The blinds were closed just enough that I had privacy but were slanted so that I could look down through them and see most of the room outside. I had been there only a few minutes when I heard someone come into the...

3 years ago
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My first gay experience 2

Picking up where I left off, I decided to follow Jay into the shower. After the blowjob he’d just given me I was horny as hell and ready to blow my load all over again. As I entered it was almost as steamy as the sauna, as someone had left one of the showers on. I was about to turn it off when Jay grabbed me from behind, rubbing his hands over my sweaty chest, pinching my nipples. It felt amazing and I moaned in pleasure as he began kissing up and down my neck. He then turned me around and...

1 year ago
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New MagusChapter 17

Jordan was gone to get a room and Danielle held me to her gently while we kissed. The thought that kept rolling around in my head was Jordan’s advice to show Danielle that she was wanted and desired. I couldn’t argue with what I was doing. It felt good to kiss Danielle, to be pressed against her like I was, but I didn’t want to push things too far. The real problem with having our lips locked together was that we couldn’t talk. For her part, Danielle made no move to pull away or push me off...

3 years ago
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Blackshaft 101 Say Hello To The Black Guys p3

(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Eglin City Police Department. Holding Cells. Night. “I don’t know what happened to you,” Mike Pernell said, gripping Patty Heinrich’s hair as he thrust his hips towards her face and enjoyed the gagging sounds. “But I fucking like it.” The black police officer closed his eyes and moaned as he pushed his thick cock further past the white woman’s lips. His cock was in her throat. He felt her hands grip his ass cheeks and pull as his balls were...

2 years ago
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My Cheating Girlfriend Pt I

I'm 31 years old, and my girlfriend is 23. We've been together for 4 years now, but a couple of years ago we had an argument and it led to us separating for a few days. I moved into a friends house to give her some time and space to gather her thoughts, thinking all the while that our relationship was crippling and we were going to break it off for good. She spent the majority of those few days with her ex-boyfriend, as she would later explain. They would meet up after work and head...

4 years ago
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The Other Side of Me Part Eleven

The Other Side of Me - Part 11 by Limbo's Mistress I discovered rather quickly that cheerleading was exactly like cross- country running. Just like performing complex neurosurgery was exactly like applying a bandage to a paper cut. Shelly and I departed from the library and made our way across campus, past the throngs of other students heading to classes. Heading toward the currently unused soccer fields on the far side of the university. It was her suggestion, one I completely...

1 year ago
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Characters These are all fairly vague mainly explaining the relationships. If you want something more in the description then comment saying so Saffron (Girl 1) You met both Saffron and her Twin sister Bella . They are both good looking. Saffron is more out going and talkative, gerally drawing more attention to herself than her sister. Bella (Girl 2) You met both Saffron and her Twin sister Bella . Bella Tends to be more of an introvert compared to her sister. She has accepted that she...

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Jessicas New Job

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Jessica Buske whispered to herself, crying. She was sitting on a bench in the park. It was the only place she could think of to go. Jessica is a pretty red head, nice figure. She’s wearing a business suit. “Cutbacks...cutbacks...” she repeated it to herself, almost not believing the meaning of the word. The word seemed like some kind of a curse on her. Her whole life had changed an hour ago. And now, here she was, in the park in the middle of the afternoon, wondering...

4 years ago
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Enri Initiation part 1

Copyrite Aussie Greg [email protected] We picked up my Filipina future bride Enri Tanquezon at Tullamarine Airport, Melbourne. There was myself, the Elephant Man and his 23 yr old wife Virley, Wozza (Warrick) and his 19 yr old wife Anecita (that is going by her passport which said she was18 when she came here, and it cost him USD1000 for each yr the official in the Philippines added to her age on the document, and it cost him 5000 - do your own maths) who in her one year stay in...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend Stays the Night

Ki was coming to stay. She was gorgeous. I'd fancyed her for months now. I didnt tell her though, as I thought sh eliked me back. We were always fooling around. Sitting in each others laps, holding hands, sleeping on each others shoulders. So I asked her to stay the night, as my family were on holiday. 7pm. She rings the bell. I answered the door and there before me was the sexiest woman in the world. Her skinny jeans and green jacket, made her jade eyes glow. I snapped out of my tance and...

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Spring Break

It began innocently enough.  This was my first year at college and I was determined to do all the stuff that college kids do.  Isn’t college about experimentation and finding yourself?  And isn’t a girl entitled to have some fun? I hadn’t dated much in high school.  I’ve always been shy, and I knew I needed to spread my wings.  So I decided to go to Florida for Spring break.  The roommate the school had assigned to share my apartment (my parents signed the lease) wasn’t available to accompany...

College Sex
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Chapter 1:My name is Jacob Smith (but I go by Jake). I was a student at the University of Alabama in my junior year. I didn’t like my roommates and wanted to get a new living arrangement. The day before the grace period for housing cancellations expired, I ran into an old lady who suggested I live with her. She would keep me for free and pay for my meals with her in exchange for some limited domestic services, such as cooking, cleaning, and ?whatever other things might come up?. I hastily...

2 years ago
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RendezvousChapter 21

Cora I spent waaay more than I planned on. In the five days while we were waiting on the Royce I shopped away nearly fifty thousand dollars. Dresses, blouses, slacks, underwear ... shoes ... lots of shoes. Clothes for Charles ... and clothes for his alter ego ... Chuck. Add to that the twenty grand I spent on the Roller: Brakes; new drums, relined shoes, rubber lines, stainless metal lines. The mechanic showed me the almost rusted through old lines and had me poke an icepick through...

2 years ago
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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part X

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

3 years ago
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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part I

Trish closed down the cover before lifting the laptop off the bed and placing it on top of her bedside cabinet. “You need a rest darling,” she said, turning back around to me. Her eyes fell on my groin. It was summer and I was lying naked on top of the bed next her. Trish wore a short, red top that masqueraded as a nightdress. It served little purpose, as she was naked underneath. Trish always preferred the freedom from the restraints of underwear in bed. I never complained. I always slept...

1 year ago
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BlackCocksMatter Addison Lee Studying On That Nerdy Black Cock

School girl Addison Lee has more than physics on her mind when she invites over her nerdy study mate Eddie Jaye. The only thing she wants to study is that big black cock of his. She knows that wearing no panties under her short skirt will be sure to get his attention. She was right when he pulls out that big black cock letting her take complete control with her hands and mouth as she slobbers all over his shaft! He bends her over in doggy and throws that skirt up so he can drill his hard cock...

3 years ago
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Knocking Up My Niece

Mandy was excited. She'd turned fifteen and now her parents were going to let her make some money babysitting. Her first babysitting job was for her uncle and aunt, Bob and Julie. She already knew the kids, of course, because they were her cousins. She'd even babysat for them before, but not for money. She arrived at their house promptly, with her homework and a book she wanted to read. She was met by her Uncle, who, as usual, gave her a big bear hug. She liked his hugs. There was something...

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Wife filled my fantasy as a birthday gift found i

Richa is in her 28th year. She is fair and tall. She had one of the best boobies you will ever see and the roundest of ass you will every lay your eyes on. She is a teacher in a School and teaches Math’s in a Middle school class. She has long silky hairs that she usually keeps open. Her lips are juicy and red. They taste like strawberries. Her Neck is the most sensual part of her body. If you want to get her in the mood for fucking and she does not, all you need to do is plant a kiss on her...

1 year ago
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3 Sex Students Mormon Monastry Video

AT OUR 'EXPERIMENTAL EROTICS INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE' WE TRAIN TASTY TEENS INTOSEXUAL SUBMISSION in order to SERVE Monastry Minister Professor Peter FOR SATISFACTIONWe proudly present and intimately introduce three tight tasty teens among our 'Sex Sudents':PETRA PRINCESS (18), STELLA MARIS CLAESSENS & SASKIA VEN (BOTH 19)Petra's prime plus is her EROTIC EDUCATION at the Mormon Monastry by her father Prof Peter.Petra Princess' application as 'Sex Student' is examined by experienced Stella...

3 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 7

Not even casting a glance at her to make sure she was securely fastened, Casanova stretched Fran out the same way. Renee felt even more frightened as she realized that the straps were already attached to the bed, just shoved under the thin mattress. All he had to do was pull them out and fasten them around her wrists. As if he did this sort of thing all the time. "What is it you're doing to us?" Renee asked shakily, scared, sick, ashamed of what she'd just done with this man who had...

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Second ChanceChapter 19

As we picked up gear to load our armored truck, I commented to Ken, “The After Action Report will take most of the night. I can’t imagine getting to take advantage of a hotel room any time soon.” Ken’s smile indicated he had a different opinion of that statement. “Why Mr. Deputy Secretary, your team leaders handle reporting. Deputy Secretaries do not write reports about shootouts, because Deputy Secretaries do not engage in shootouts as a rule. So, even though you did participate, your team...

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I was doing my A levels a couple of years ago at an FE college, and usedto travel from home by train. Coming back one day, I got into acarriage which was empty (almost unheard of) apart from one guy from mycollege who I quite often saw on that train, and who I knew was doing acourse in sports. He was really young looking, maybe only 17, and areal hunk of teenage meat. It was July, and a hot day, and he waswearing a skimpy white tee-shirt and light blue satin Umbro soccershorts, really shiny...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Riley Steele Pussy Squirt Anal Antics

Glamorous in plush lingerie and heels, flashy blonde Riley Steele teases. She makes out with superstud Markus Dupree, who soon ravages her. Markus fingers her to an intense, squirting orgasm! Riley kneels for aggressive throat fucking. The submissive girl gags and drools through a messy blowjob, and she lewdly rims Markus’ bunghole. Markus porks her tight cunt. Next is a manhandling, savage buttfuck featuring lewd anal gaping and raunchy, ass-to-mouth cocksucking. Riley’s slit spews...

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Skipper Chapter Four

Skipper, Chapter Four - By: Beverly Taff I woke the next morning to a knock on my door as Sissy brought me breakfast. I was feeling deadly. "God you look a mess. You'd better get yourself home and tidied up before Margaret sees you. She'll be here all afternoon doing my accounts." After finishing breakfast, I sneaked out to my car and drove home to clean up and choose a new outfit. This took most of the morning and after I was finally happy about my appearance, I carefully hung...

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The landlady of the Bed Breakfast

I ran through the woods enjoying the rain filtering through the trees, keeping a steady pace. I rounded the edge of the woods, crossedover the bridle path and on to the final road down to the Bed& Breakfast (small hotel for the American readers). We were staying there for a few days as my wife and children visited the grandparents (their place was too small for us). I had the day off from all that and was making the most of it. I crossed the road and slowed to a stop and open the door to the...

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Family Affairs Ch 36

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter thirty-six While his mother and Matt were discussing his return, Ricky was on a plane, headed home. He reclined his seat, closed his eyes, and recalled the wild weekend he’d had. He was going to State University, that was for sure! The girls there were incredible! He talked with the basketball coach for about an hour, the rest of his time at the school had been one wild party. Michelle – the last girl he had been with – was a slim, pretty...

3 years ago
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Little Pig Pt 6

Lil Pig is still being a Lil Pig. Recently Lil Pig had a one on one that brought back memories of when he was young. the guy he was with was a big bear type. All he wanted to do was lay down & cuddle with Lil Pigs ass against his cock. What happened next reminded Lil Pig of a time he stayed the night at his friends and his friends Dad did the sex act same thing. Mr. Bear rubbed his cock up and down Lil Pigs crack several times. Thinking Mr. Bear was going to stick it in Lil Piggy's...

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Fucking other men for Hubby 2

I've been writing about my experiences lately, now that Hubby has convinced me how good it would be to be with other men. I can honestly say I've enjoyed it more than i thought i ever would. Being married for so long and being a wife and mother has always been my idea of what i should be. Lately after hubby got me into sleeping with other men i realized that its just sex and nothing else and I shouldn't take it so seriously. To recap i've slept with two other men, both older and both well hung....

1 year ago
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Private Cristina Miller Latina MILF Exchange

Today Cristina Miller has come to Private Specials, Beach Angels to take a vacation with her boyfriend, but armed with her big natural tits, juicy curves, and insatiable sexual appetite, this horny Latina has another cock on her mind! A couple’s swap is the perfect excuse to try out a big cock, and Cristina takes full advantage of the opportunity as she takes Alberto Blanco to town with a gagging blowjob and titfuck before spreading her legs for an incredible fuck that has her big tits bouncing...

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First time4

When he arrived at 6 p.m. on Friday night I felt a little akward, but mainly because there was so little room in my apartment. I had a hot plate, a kitchen table with one chair and a bed. Aside from that there was only the small bathroom and a sink and small refrigerator next to the kitchen table that was supposed to be a kitchenette. I poured Alan, a drink and sat on the bed while Alan drank his scotch while sitting on the chair a foot away from me. He asked me questions about work...

2 years ago
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Busted In the Pool room

The party was in the phase where only the hardcore are still left drinking and playing cards. I was drinking right along with everyone else this was 1989 small town, and was feeling a good buzz going. Stacey was wearing a tank top with a plunging neckline, her hair was 80's perm big and dirty blond, and those innocent doe eyes looking at me from across the table started to have an effect. I decided I had enough cards and wanted to get some before Stacey had to go home with her parents, so I...

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Creating my own cumslut

Introduction: I wanted to share a few stories about my wife and I as we explored each other and as I tried to broaden her sexual experience – who knew the results were going to be so explosive! Im Mike and Im 48 and Im married to Kati who is only 27 – second marriages can be so much more fun. Although I was born in the US, Ive never really settled and worked around the world. After my divorce I spent some time working, and playing, in Europe – generally working in the west and playing in the...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Jazlyn Ray High Dollar Anal Whore

Jazlyn works as an elite escort, only giving her time to the people who can afford her. Tommy finds her profile online and applies to hire her for some dirty BDSM ass fucking. The process didn’t take long to approve him, especially with the amount of money he has to offer. Jazlyn shows up and they negotiate how the day is going to look for her. she knew he wanted some BDSM, but she had no idea how intense it would get. Tommy eases her into the whole process until he gets her bound. There’s no...

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The Mentor

It all started very innocently, I was asked by one of the tutors, if I would act as a mentor to one of the final year students on the Business Studies degree course. Having ascertained that it would only mean one or two meetings I agreed to have my name put forward.I didn't hear anything for ages and had forgotten all about it when Liz rang from the University to say they had a student who wanted to take up my offer of help. She told me that the student was in some difficulties with her...

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Bachpan ki dost

Hello all readers main aaj aapko apni ek aur real story suna raha hoon.yeh baat aaj sey 2 saal pehley ki hai main apney buisness tour par apney home town jata rehta hoon wahan par mere total relatives rehtey hain main wahan apney makaan main jakar stay kartata tha lekin after 2–3 hours main apni buajee ke yahan chala jaata tha wahan par mera affair apni cousin se tha jo ki bachpan se tha par hum ek doosrey se keh nahin sakey theiy abhi tak lekin hum log oral sex regular kartey theiy kissing to...

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The Life of Chester Winkledorp

Chester Winkledorp hated his name, and he hated the other kids at school for how they treated him. He wasn't even five feet tall, he weighed 90 lbs, and he had bright red hair that his mother had forced him to get styled in a buzz cut. He had freckles all over his body and a slight overbite. Not to mention he wore coke bottle glasses, and has braces on his teeth. He also had a problem with the septum in his nose that caused an embarrassing snort when he laughed. Life (as it would seem) gave...

2 years ago
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my first back seat fuck

so there i was all alone one night hitch hikeing home one drunkn night,,i had got into a fight with my girl friend in which it ended up that i left her place since she picked me up at the bar,,,iwas flirting with danger with her best friend and her other friend,, there names were Candy and Sheri, and my god was she ever so sweet, her friend Sheri was alright as well, so like i said she picked me up cause like a dumbass i need her ass,,,but she had caught me flirting with her two friends,, i had...

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MylfXTeamSkeet Sofie Marie Maya Woulfe No Nut November Bet

Donnie and his stepson Rico tell Donnie’s wife Sofie and Rico’s girlfriend Maya that they’re doing the No Nut November challenge, which is why Rico hasn’t let Maya stay the night lately. Now Sofie and Maya are gonna take it upon themselves to make the guys fail, starting by staging a water accident that’ll cause them to take off their clothes. That night Donnie and Rico are watching a movie when Sofie and Maya join in and start cuddling them, and it’s not long before they’re on all fours...

3 years ago
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 12 Instructions

When Ambassador Sharon Klein spoke to her immediate superior, the Secretary of State the next morning, he wanted to know how the meeting went. Sharon was less than pleased to learn that she had been sent there, as far as he was concerned, as the perfect person to improve relations with Kobekistan, notably in the field of commerce. This was pretty much what the President, Maria Suarez, had told him when she was appointed instead of his nominee. "I know that's what Maria wants, but how am I...

2 years ago
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A Glory Hole in my Bedroom

Some years back I had an experience, which ranks with the audacious and unbelievable, but when executed with the right person, it does work. My job as a stewardess with a well known airline, saw myself with overnight stays, sometimes extending to a couple of days, depending on scheduals and staff shortages. These overnight stays were usually in a cost cutting hotel or as in this case, little challets, consisting of bed and shower. I arrived early morning and after signing-in I was shown to my...

1 year ago
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PrincessCum Molly Little September 2022 Flavor Of The Month Molly Little

Horny petite spinner Molly Little wants her stepbrother Oliver Flynn to cum inside her, and today she has the perfect opportunity to get everything she’s been dreaming about. Standing in her bedroom in front of a full length mirror, Molly changes into increasingly provocative outfits for her first day back to school. She has Oliver in her room to give his opinion. At first, Oliver tries to not look when Molly is getting naked. She’s so blatant about it, though, that eventually...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex With Maid Namita Part II

Hi ISS Readers, This my fifth story and I am sharing yet another hot session with my Maid Namita, its very difficult to have sex with her because my wife’s around so I am always on a lookout to send my wife to her folks so that I can enjoy Namita, last Saturday my wife asked me to leave her with her folks for the weekend, so Saturday evening I dropped her and came, Sunday morning she came by as I was sleeping She rang the bell and it woke me up, I opened the door and let her in, my head was a...

2 years ago
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False SignsChapter 14

Whitaker slept peacefully, her dark hair a sharp contrast against the bleach white pillow she rested on. Her face was calm and restful. Staring at her as she slept; Taylor thought back to how she looked in that gray, smoky concrete hallway, two days ago. When he’d returned to her, Whitaker was in bad shape. Her skin had gone ghost white, and she was sweating profusely, lying in a pool of her own blood. She had only briefly opened her eyes when he’d gotten to her, and started basic first aid...

4 years ago
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Another work story with Margaret

At one stage Margaret was going to be away working with one of the guys from the office for two weeks. I knew he fancied her and I had this fantasy of him fucking her whilst they were away. I used to tell her that I hoped she dressed sexy whilst she was away and to make sure she took some of her shear stockings.. I knew that he fancied her. I invited him around for drinks and dinner one night about a week before they where due to go. Of course as soon as I knew she was going I had been planting...

3 years ago
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Fun with a friend

Standing in the doorway of the dimly lit room, Lisa's blue eyes scan every table in the restaurant looking for him. They have been good friends for a long time so why did she have these butterflies flying around in her tummy just because she was meeting Greg for lunch; today of all days? It was probably for the same reason that she took extra care with her make up and clothes; today of all days! There has always been a sexual attraction between the two friends and each time they got together,...

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I fucked my student

Hi I am deepak jain (09412574937); I am working as a lecturer in a reputed college; my college believe in co-ed. As i am teaching post graduate class, there was a girl named Neha, her boobs my good is 38 and always bulging. She used to wear tight shirt and day she approach to my cabin and incidently it was raining heavily. My room is having Ac, ac heater is on; and no other faculty was in room. Very less staff and students was there in college.As i entered i was shocked, she was in bra...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty YAVARA I blasted through the roof the chieftain’s hut. I didn’t stop for their exclamations, nor to see their faces of wonder before I scorched through the sky. Prestira’s dying thoughts were echoing in my mind. They took her, she said, they took Elena! Stay with me! It’s too late. It’s all my fault; I did this. No! I thought, This was Leveria, not you! I killed Patricia, Prestira’s telepathic voice sobbed, I burned her alive. She screamed ‘why’ the whole...

2 years ago
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The Blushing Sissy

The Blushing Sissy by StateRowdy [email protected] ? She'd been teasing me all week, much, much more than usual. And, now I could hear her talking to me from her bathroom tub, which by the way, used to be our bathroom. Me, I was busy ironing her long and elegant pinstriped wool gabardine black skirt with the flounced hem and her very sheer ruffled black silk halter. Ironing is perhaps one of the hardest chores I have to do. Everything had to be just so, or it was over her knee, panties down...

3 years ago
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Being Kept

This is it. After what you estimate to have been weeks upon weeks of being sold and resold, endlessly shipped around space and thoroughly examined by countless alien slave-vendors and buyers, you've ended up at what seems to be your final destination, a banquet of sorts? From the small, covered cage you're situated in you can't see much, but the buzz of conversation in a language you can't yet decipher, the clanking of utensils and the extremely foreign yet intoxicating blend of smells from...

3 years ago
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A Fall to GraceChapter 27

Thursday morning brought the first reactions to the tender decision. The Sales Manager at Midlands rang and asked Grace for more details of why they had been turned down. She replied that the reason given in the General Manager’s letter was all they were going to say. He tried to bluster for a more details but Grace replied that the reason given was adequate and when he continued to bluster put the telephone down. An hour later Owen Davies rang. “Good morning, Miss Ward, Owen Davies. We’re...

2 years ago
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Your Words

She dumps her bag on the ground as she walks in the door from a long day at work. With a sigh, she pours herself a big glass of white wine from the stock in the fridge, and takes a gulp. Walking through to the bedroom, she rests the glass carefully on her dresser. Looking in the mirror, she starts to slowly undress herself, feeling the weight of the day peel off her as her clothes do. She can see that her breasts sit high in her balconette bra, her nipples almost visible under the soft lace...


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