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Today was the big day, Earth Day, only Mortimer wasn’t himself today. He was still in shock. It wasn’t enough that he was diagnosed with cancer and given a death sentence a few weeks ago, but now this. This was too much. From bad news to worse news, this was what had sent him over the edge, no doubt. It didn’t matter, with his Earth Day plan already in place there was no turning back now.

Going from good to very bad, his life, as he had known it, had suddenly reeled out of control and spiraled downward in a freefall dive of deception, destruction, and demise. He spent the early morning roaming the forest, his forest to think. He needed to be alone with his thoughts and wandering through the lush greenery always helped clear his mind.

Receiving the reserves of energy that he needed to fortify his strength to continue with his life, the sounds of the birds, the rustling of the trees, the picturesque beauty of the landscape, and the brisk, fresh air rejuvenated him. The forest is where he felt centered and is where he felt grounded and one with the Earth. The morning sun shining through the canopy of leaves created by the wealth of trees looked much like a stairway shining down from Heaven. It was beautiful. He wished he could be buried here when he died.

Every once in a while, with a heavy heart and with tears welling up in his eyes before giving in to anger, he’d stop to reread his notice received from the Alaskan Forestry Department telling him that because of necessary budget cutbacks and financial shortfalls, unless he took his early retirement now, he’d be laid off from his forestry service job as a Forest Ranger within sixty days. Sixty days, legally, he knew they could do that, but morally, how could they do that to him, after all he has given to them and to this job?

What else would he do to earn a living, but this? This was his life. His job was the only thing he had. What did it matter? He’d be dead anyway in a few, short months. Still after having given them thirty-five years of his life, forcing him to retire was a huge slap in the face and a boot in the ass. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right. His vision of a retirement party attended by all his co-workers was diminished by this forced termination of his employment.

Then, something off in the distance caught his attention. At first, he thought he heard voices. Then, he heard laughter. With his mind focused on the early retirement notice he received, with his mind drifting off and thinking of his personal woes, he thought he had imagined hearing voices in the deep forest. Then, in the distance, through the trees, he saw something or someone.

What the Hell is that? Who the Hell is that? Was it hunters? Was it poachers? What were they doing out here? Was someone lost? No one comes out here. It’s off limits to everyone. He pulled out his binoculars and zoomed in while focusing the lens. Who would be way out here and how did they get here without damaging the forest floor?

Then, he saw them. It was a man and a woman. They both appeared to be in their mid to late twenties. He was thin, about six feet tall, and had brown hair. She was blonde, beautiful, and buxom. It was automatic that he made note of their descriptions for his report, should they leave before he reached them. He scanned his field of view from left to right and saw their campsite and their SUV. Obviously, by their tent and doused fire, they had camped here for the night.

Had he been his normal self, he would have spotted their campfire yesterday. Certainly, he would have seen their trickle of smoke from his forest fire tower. Only, after receiving his forced retirement news, he was unable to summon the energy enough to climb the tower yesterday. Between the diagnosis of cancer and now this, had he not been given so much bad news to digest in such a short time, he could have done the job that the state of Alaska paid him to do.

He zoomed in on the woman for a closer look. Normally, after issuing them a lecture and a citation, he would have asked them to leave and escorted them out of the preserve to make sure they didn’t do any further damage to the forest while leaving. There was no camping allowed way out here off the main road and definitely no campfires. This was a nature preservation area, a natural wonderland, and off limits to anyone but Park Rangers and Forest Fire Fighters. The nearest campground was a dozen miles away on the other side of the main road.

He was angry that they blatantly trespassed and trampled the flora, the fauna, and his forest without regard for the damage their presence may have caused, especially having driven their damn SUV through this pristine terrain. How dare they? They don’t have a clue what damage they may have done. Then, after looking more closely at the woman, he was taken by her beauty.

She was more than lovely. She was extraordinary. Admittedly, it had been a while since he had been with a woman, but this woman captivated him. Transfixed in his inability to move, viewing her through his binoculars, as would a voyeur view a woman through a peephole, she mesmerized him into inaction.

Tall, leggy, and blonde, he had never seen anyone so perfect. She must be a Swedish or a Norwegian model, he thought. Definitely, she looked nothing like the short, squat, dark women who lived around here. Leaving his post for the first time in 35 years, he spent his day watching her instead of watching for forest fires in his tower.

He aimed his field glasses back on the boyfriend. He looked like a prick. For whatever reason, he seemed smugly disinterested in her. Whenever she tried to hug and kiss him, he recoiled and looked at her with distain. Apparently, the appalling behavior of her boyfriend that she didn’t realize up close, Mortimer could clearly see from a distance. He wondered what his story was. Assuredly, if he had a girlfriend who looked like that, he’d be all over her.

He focused his binoculars over to the vehicle. It looked new. It looked expensive. It was a Range Rover and that made him even angrier. He hated rich people who thought they could do whatever they wanted, wherever they wanted, and whenever they wanted to do it without penalty. And then, it happened.

In a rush of adrenalin and caught up in a wash of instant horniness, he couldn’t believe it when they started removing their clothes.

‘Fuck me,’ he said under his breath while wishing that she would fuck him and imagining that he could fuck her.

Watching them from afar, he was happy that he didn’t make his presence known. Instead of continuing to walk closer, he made himself comfortable behind a berry bush and trained his binoculars on her. He watched in excited awe as she removed her flannel shirt, hiking boots, and jeans.

Oh, yes, she was a hot one, this one was. Definitely, on a scale of one to ten, she was off the chart. She was one in a billion and one of a kind. She looked a bit like Heidi Klum and Christi Brinkley rolled into one, only she was prettier. She was doing a slow strip tease for the benefit of her boyfriend, only Mortimer was more impressed with her sexual antics and sensual movements than he obviously was. Being the voyeur to such an exhibitionistic show of such an extraordinarily beautiful woman was all so very erotic.

Mortimer Snerd wasn’t a happy man, an understatement. Yet, when left alone to his own devices, he wasn’t an unhappy man either. He worked at a job that he absolutely loved. Only, when someone scratched his surface, ruffled his feathers, and/or questioned his lifestyle, it was obvious by the poison he spewed that he disliked everyone and everything, except for his precious forest. Still, he saved his true hatred, emotional outbursts, and pointed political pontification and tumultuous tirades for those who had no consideration for preserving the planet. He hated polluters.

Having once met Al Gore, when Mr. Gore came to Alaska, and with a photo of the ex-Vice President standing with G
overnor Palin hanging on his wall and with a signed copy of Mr. Gore’s book, The Assault On Reason, gracing his overflowing bookcase, he especially hated those politicians who refused to acknowledge global warming. He became incensed reading about the Republican Party campaigning against and ignoring climate change and all the issues that go along with it.

It was their thinly veiled way of justifying their greed while spinning the blame of their continued pollution and the ill effects of their decimation of the planet elsewhere. Certainly, they weren’t as dumb and as ignorant as their lack of concern for global warming led one to believe. The warming of the planet is an irrefutable scientific fact. Their refusal to acknowledge global warming was all just a ruse hoping that everyone would stick their heads in the sand and not notice how badly and how quickly the companies that were more concerned with amassing profits than the quality of life issues were fouling the land, the air, and the water of the world.

After all, what good would it do them to save the planet now and in their lifetimes? Certainly, they believed, no doubt, the destruction that was done over the past thirty years wouldn’t make a significant difference in their lives, now, anyway. Apparently, they didn’t give a care about their children’s or grandchildren’s lives. Their strategy was to amass as much personal wealth without a care, as to how their companies hurt people, destroyed the ecology, ruined the environment, and eroded the quality of life of all living things around the globe.

As a Forest Ranger, Mortimer wished he had the authority to take those who were found guilty of polluting the planet to a toxic waste dump and make them clean it up without wearing any protective hazmat clothing and gear. Instead of having their companies and the companies they invested in given fines that weren’t remotely large enough to reverse the destruction they caused and the pollution they created, he wished people would take more interest in saving their planet by putting those companies who helped to destroy the land, foul the water, and pollute the air out of business. If every person became more proactive in protecting the planet by boycotting and not buying whatever these polluting companies sold and not do business with whatever services they rendered, these evildoers would stop and change their ways to stay in business.

He watched her unbutton her flannel shirt. Certainly, she was taking her sweet time about it, which definitely made it more seductively sensuous and teased him in a titillating way. There, now, as she opened her unbuttoned shirt, he had a clear view of her bra, her cleavage, and the bulbous roundness of the top of her overflowing breasts. He watched as her shirt cascaded down from her shoulders and fluttered like a bird landing to the forest floor. This time, he wasn’t offended by her littering or affronted by her presence way out here. Watching this slow strip tease show was well worth whatever damage she caused. Hopefully, he could fix whatever they did with a delicate shovel.

She started slowly moving her body seductively, as if she was dancing a sexy dance to an imagined music before unbuckling, unbuttoning, and unzipping her jeans. He imagined her dancing for him. He imagined her stripping for him. He trained his binoculars on the section of her opened jeans, where clearly he could see the top of her powder blue panty just below her flat, toned stomach. Form fitting and skin tight, she had difficulty continuing her slow strip tease while exerting enough pressure to wiggle out from the grasp of her denim without having to stop her sexy dance. Watching her wiggling her shapely ass, he wished he were her jeans with his hands holding onto her round hips, as she was trying to break away.

‘Bend over, baby, and turn towards me. C’mon, just a little bit more. Turn, baby, turn and show me your ass.’

Just as he said it, just as he wished it, she did it. Now, with her bending down to remove her jeans from her ankles, he had a clear view of her shapely panty clad ass and a good view between her legs. He imagined bending her over and fucking her like a dog while he reached up and fondled her abundant breasts and fingered her nipples.

‘Bark like a dog, baby. Let me hear you bark like a dog,’ he imagined saying to her while plunging his cock ever so deep in her warm, tight pussy.

Now, dressed only in her matching powder blue bra and panty, she revealed that she had a spectacular figure. Quickly, he looked over at her boyfriend. He was already naked and Mortimer derived great happiness in the fact that the cold air did its job in shrinking his puny package. Picking up, folding his clothes, and clutching them in his arms, her disinterested boyfriend wasn’t even watching her slowly stripping off her clothes for his benefit and personal pleasure. Quickly he trained the binoculars back on her. She was exquisite in every measure of the word.

‘Be still my heart,’ he said for no one to hear. He watched her, while holding his breath, as she reached behind her to remove her bra. ‘Oh, my God, yeah baby, show me your tits. Take it off and turn this way. Let me see your knockers.’

In one swipe of her hand, her bra was gone. Wow, did she ever have great tits, so full and so symmetrical, they were perfect. He zoomed in closer. They looked real enough. The chill of the morning air erected her pink nipples and he imagined sucking on one tit while feeling the other before switching off and repeating the process again and again.

In a quick motion, her panties were off, too. Her pussy was shaved. She was naked, totally naked. He zoomed in his binoculars in for a tighter shot. Judging only by the color of the hair on her head and by her light blonde eyebrows and her fair peaches and cream complexion, had she had a patch of pussy hair, he would have guessed that she was a natural blonde.

Never in his 35 years as a Forest Ranger has he been treated to such a delightful sight and he was glad that he carried his binoculars wherever he went. Sure, he’s seen lots of naked people out in the woods, people who thought they were alone from his voyeuristic binoculars and free to undress, but nothing like this and nothing like her. Most women look better with their clothes on, but not her. Someone who looks as good as she does naked should never wear clothes.

She was a woman without flaws, a flawless diamond. Her breasts were perfect. Her hips were just wide and round enough and her thighs were a shapely stairway to Heaven. He reached down and touched himself and massaged the head of his cock through his uniform pants while watching her. He was already hard and his cock was throbbing. He wanted to pull out his prick and play with himself, he couldn’t wait to jerk off to the sight of her naked body while imagining her in his house and spread eagle on his bed, but he didn’t want to miss anything. There was just no way that he could jerk off and hold his binoculars steady enough to watch her at the same time. She was worth waiting to jerk off over later, as he didn’t want to miss anything. He only wished he had brought his video camera.

He followed them with his binoculars when they walked down to the water. He knew they wouldn’t be there long. With the runoff from the melting icecap this time of year, the water was just too damn cold. They took their ten second dip with screaming laughter and were quickly out and drying themselves with a towel. He watched her big tits bouncing up and down and side to side with the mad dash she made from the water to the shore. Making a run much like the run that Bo Derek made on the beach in the movie 10, she was so much more in every way than Bo Derek could have ever been and he imagined her running to him.

Mortimer studied their body language and what should have been reversed behavior, he watched her dry her boyfriend with her towel, instead of the other way around. Damn, if he had such a hot, playfully sexy girlfriend, h
e’d be all over her naked body drying her with his towel for the opportunity to feel her magnificent body. He imagined resting his stiff cock between her ass cheeks while drying her back, shoulders, and breasts with his towel. If he was her boyfriend, she wouldn’t have a drop of water left on her, even if he had to lick it off of her. What the Hell is wrong with her boyfriend? He must be gay to be acting so disinterested in her.

Still naked, he watched them walk back to camp with towels casually draped over their bodies. Her nipples were as erect and as hard as he has ever seen nipples and he imagined sucking on those plump tits. The subtle movement of her breasts proved to him, even from his distance, that they were very firm and that they were natural and not man made silicon creations. She never removed her hand from his round, firm ass, another behavior that should have been the other way around, with her boyfriend feeling her lovely, round, firm ass. Every now and then, they’d stop and kiss and it was a kiss that she always initiated and that he was first to break off. Her boyfriend is such a fool.

She’d give him a deep kiss and then she’d stroke his cock until it went from flaccid to semi-erect to hard. Oh, my God, it was so hot to watch them making out while naked, just as it was as hot to watch her fondling and stroking his puny, little cock. He couldn’t help but imagine her kissing him. He couldn’t help but imagine kissing her. He imagined her stroking his big cock while kissing and kissing her. He imagined feeling her breasts and reaching behind her to feel her ass while kissing and kissing her.

Now, finally, her boyfriend was being more attentive to her and he realized that he may have misjudged him. Just before they reached their campsite, she fell to her knees and took him in her mouth. He couldn’t believe it. It all of his sixty years, he’d never been witness to a woman giving a man a blowjob and she was sucking his cock as if she was a pro. He watched her head move back while her hair moved forward. He felt as if he were watching his own personal porn movie. He’d give anything to have someone who looked like her suck his cock.

It was a vision that he’d jerk off about for whatever time he’d have left on this Earth, no doubt. He watched her sucking her boyfriend’s cock, as her boyfriend reached down and felt her magnificent breasts and fingered her nipples, the lucky bastard. Then, when she was beginning to really get into blowing him, he put a hand to the back of her head and fucked her mouth with his hips before abruptly stopping.

Oh, my God, that was an outrageous display, but why did he stop? Mortimer never would have had the control to stop. He would have cum in her mouth, as he was expecting her boyfriend to cum in her mouth. He was hoping to watch her boyfriend give her a cum bath with cum dripping all over her face and breasts.

‘Damn, definitely, I would have shot my load in her mouth if I was her boyfriend and she was my girlfriend and sucking my cock.’

Now that they were walking again, obviously, they were going to continue this show back at camp. It took all the control he had not to pull out his prick and jerk off over what he had just witnessed. It took all the control he had not to burst upon them and ruin their fun for the chance of getting a closer look of her naked body. Only, he wanted to see more. He wanted to watch them fuck. He wanted to witness what she’d be like when taking her boyfriend’s cock deep inside her. He wanted to hear her scream with orgasmic pleasure, so that he could imagine being with her when he was alone in his cabin later. Patiently, he waited to see more of their show and he was glad that he did because his patience was well rewarded.

Even though he didn’t live in what some may not think was a rain forest area, a swampy, danger filled tropical jungle, Mortimer lived in the Tongass National Forest area of Alaska. Tongass National Forest is, indeed, the world’s largest remaining rain forest, a 500 mile area that is reserved and deemed a sanctuary to preserve fauna and flora. He knew that there are plants, roots, insects, and animals in the forest that we have yet to identify their purpose. These plant, insect, and animals may be what we need to preserve not only our quality of life but also things that are integral to the continuation of mankind. We must preserve what we inherited before we lose anything else to extinction. Now, because the rainforests are disappearing to build houses and shopping malls, what resources have already become extinct are lost forever.

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At some point in almost every situation out in the field, a good shamus gets a gut feeling about either the client or the creep or creeps he’s chasing. It was that sort of sixth sense that guided him to a nice three-point landing back on solid ground. This was a case that started with a favor and was progressing with a promise and now I was uncertain if the entire scenario was something that was nothing more than an elaborate ruse to hide the true facts of what unseen forces were...

1 year ago
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Vietnam Prisoner Of War

I was enlisted in the army in the 60's. Boot camp was hell, but I made it through. Some one must have liked me because I got assigned to be a paratrooper in 101st Airborne Division. Before I knew it I was shipping out for Vietnam. First time out of the USA, and it sure as hell was nothing like home. The people, the jungle, it was all foreign. The Vietcong hated us, but goddamn we weren't about to lay down. We came there to fight and we came there to win.Three months into my deployment we got...

3 years ago
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Journey Towards Sex With Mom 8211 Part 2

I am sure you must have read the last part – “Journey Towards Sex With Mom – Part 1”. I described in last part how my mom came to know about my masturbation and helped me with it by letting me do it in front of her such that I can see her cleavage. I did like that for 2 more times. One day, I called my mom and said, I will be late from office day as that day I had meeting at late time. So I came back at 10 pm and I was very tired. She had not eaten so knowing that I gave her a kiss on her cheek...

2 years ago
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My first Trans experience

It was about 15 years ago and I thought to myself, Hmmmm I do love transexual porn, I mean I really love it! So I embarked on my search for a transexual that would rock my little world.Adult Work, ALT and other sites skimmed though to find just the perfect Tgirl for my initiation, as I searched and watched videos, photo galleries along with reviews from fellow punters, I came across Joanna Jet, a fully fledged porn star whom, with long blonde hair, gorgeous body and a cock that simply stood...

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Just sixty seconds into the elevator

That afternoon I came back from lunch and walked into the elevator. It was so crowded with other people I had never met. But amongst all these persons, there was the sexy brunette secretary from the tenth floor…She stood in front of me and I could smell her hair. I moved my face closer, smelling her round bare shoulder and neck. I had to bite my tongue to stop from sinking my teeth into her soft skin. I breathed the scent of her hair in deeply and my cock began to press hard against my...

2 years ago
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Come down this road with me

If there was one guy Mary would really want to meet, it would have to be William. A short profile of him will have to be as follows, Very sexy, blue eyes, his greying hair was neatly trimmed like that of an ex-marine, which suited his athletic build. Mary imagined him to be around six feet tall, with sensual lips. Mary loved men that kept a diary. Reading his diary kept her busy for several hours. She was thrilled chatting to him on line, wondering just where about in Africa he was...

1 year ago
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This is a work of pure fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Please don’t hold the author responsible. It was 8 AM Friday morning; the alarm of my table clock woke me up. I dragged out myself out of my bed to go to office. I am not married and stay alone in a rented 3 BHK flat at a posh locality of a growing hi-tech city of Hyderabad. A city which is high on IT industry and am another IT guy working as a Consultant in a global IT firm. In my short...

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Motel Dread

Naudia yawned widly and openly as her windsheild wipers hacked away at the rain pounding her windshield.  She had been driving all day to get to a job offer. Since her future boss didn't want her to come down until he saw a picture of her as part of her resume she figured he wanted a secretary that would do a little more then to just hold calls. Right now however she needed a place to rest. After another 2 miles she considered just pulling to the side of the road and sleeping in her car for...

2 years ago
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Roman Holiday

Roman HolidayorA Connecticut Yankee in Caligula’s Courtby [email protected] 1“Brandi!” shouted Diana with exasperation in her voice.  “Come over here!”Diana shook her head in disbelief at what she had just seen.  But as the captain of the lacrosse team, she had to do something about it.  She couldn’t afford to let something like that happen in a game.  It could get a player kicked out of the game which would be bad for the team.  And this year, Saxbury College had a very good...

1 year ago
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Where the magic happens Part 1

My stomach growled as I slipped my red skinny jeans over my black lace panties. I sighed and checked the fridge, which was practically empty. "Damn," I muttered, slipping on my black two inch heels and I walked out of the house. Since I just turned sixteen, I don't exactly have my license, so I began walking to the nearest Taco Bell. I was about to pull out my iPod and listen to techno when my ex-boyfriend drove by with his hot friend Nick. I blushed and felt butterflies in my stomach - I still...

First Time
2 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 47

Several hours later... It was almost 10 PM before Brianna was led by building security to her new home, the upper levels of the Central Government Complex. After going through a number of rigorous medical exams in the labs below, Brianna was surprised to be allowed to discard her flimsy medical smock and to put on newly issued clothes. And then she was escorted to an ascending elevator. Brianna had assumed she'd be kept in one of the sub-level holding pens, and was half expecting that the...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Unwinding

I returned to the campsite from a days cycling to find the shower block closed and when you’ve been hot and sweaty on a bike all day, that’s not really what you need. At this moment I was stood in my lycra shorts and cycling top with towel and washing gear facing the locked door and out of service notice. A bit narky and envisioning a very smelly evening without the means to clean up properly.I hadn’t noticed Sandra, the Site Manager walking up to me till she spoke. “Really sorry about that.”...

2 years ago
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Mosi ne mujhe chodna sikhaya

Well bahut salon purani baat hai jab mein 18 saal ka tha, mere ghar mein meri maa mein aur meri mausi rahti thein, mere father ne maa ko divorce de diya tha , meri maan ek bank mein kaam karti thein aur mausi beva thi ,uska koi nahin tha , isliye hamare hi ghar mein rahti thein. Yeh april ki baat hai jab meri chuttian chal rahi thein , maan bank chali gayi thein aur mein kuch novel lay aaya tha library se, un dino tv nahein tha, time pass karne kay liye ya to radio kholna padta ya phir novel...

4 years ago
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Women as likely as men to enjoy casual sex

It's not just men who are looking for 'friends with benefits'.A Deakin University researcher has said that women are as likely as men to enjoy casual sexual arrangements, but for different reasons.Kylie McCardle, who has been looking for 400 'friends with benefits' to take part in a survey, said the women who took part in an initial study said these arrangements gave them sexual confidence."The men were more likely to say they enjoyed the intimacy of the friendship," the Age quoted McCardle as...

1 year ago
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Basement fun

Once at my friends house, we were left alone and he said, "Why don't we watch some porn?" So I said "ok" and then we proceded to the basement. As he put the porn into the VCR i got excited. The movie was a girl giving a guy a blowjob. We both instantly got hard and tried to cover it up.  I looked over at him rubbing his cock and asked if he wanted to jack off. He said we both pulled out our hard cocks and began to rub them as we watched the surprise and said ok. I moved closer to him...

2 years ago
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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 24

Book ten, One Last Breath, went on sale at one minute after midnight this morning. In the last two weeks, Matt had signed just over 3,500 copies. Fed-EX picked them up late yesterday afternoon. One of the reviewers wrote, “One Last Breath concludes a two and a half-year journey that we’re sorry is over. The only comfort is that a new series will begin a new journey in six weeks.” Matt breathed a deep sigh of relief, both because he had finished the series and because it had been so well...

4 years ago
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Shes Huge And So Is He

Like most kids, all through high school I suffered from having too little money and no sex. When I turned 18, in the spring of my senior year, my father said he thought he could land me a caddying gig at the country club. I figured that would at least help on the money front, but my first weekend I didn’t even get out on the course, so of course I made no money. Before I left Sunday, I told the caddy master, “I know this game.” He said, “Kid, you’ve got to pay your dues. Maybe next...

1 year ago
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St tropez

Amber strolled down the beach, marveling at the sheer beauty of the strip of sand know around the world as St. Tropez. Made famous in the sixties by Brigitte Bardot, it now was the play ground for the idle rich of Europe. This was Amber's second visit to the continent, but her first to the South of France, and it was all that it was cracked up to be and more!!! It was seven in the morning and she had the entire beach to herself, that is, except for the huge yachts that were moored not more than...

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Happy Birthday0

My name is Josh. My father runs this town. Well, he controls everything that happens here, but he aint exactly an elected official, if you get what I mean. Nothing happens here that he doesn’t have a say in, so I have grown up almost as royalty here. It may be a small town, but it is MY town. One of the clubs my father owns holds a regular poker night and it is pretty popular. The stakes are big, and since I’ve been playing all my life, I normally do pretty well. As well as I do, however,...

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The Joys of High School

Part 1: It was the end of another long day of High School, and the end of Phys. Ed. (aka “Gym”), which was perfect for Junior Jake, who liked having the locker room to himself. He could take naughty pisses anywhere he liked, such as some of the lockers, a sink or two that was plugged up, but especially all over the floor. If no other option was available, he could simply pee in the showers like most of the other boys did, which was fine with him. Jake secretly enjoyed watching the others do...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 26

When they got home late Sunday evening, Stuart told them that his reassignment to Lejeune had been finalized and his report date was set for between June 25 and July 8. “You three will be in college in the fall so we won’t need that large of a house,” Sarah said. “Dad’s reporting around July 1 and I’ll be closing our house here in July and moving our effects that last week. Do you know when you can move in at your school?” “Yeah, that’s something we planned to discuss, Mom, Dad. I told you...

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That Girl Chapter 2

I sprung out of bed and quickly went through my morning routine. Downstairs, after finishing a delicious breakfast made by Maria, I was about to leave and I said, “Aunt Jennifer, I’m going to a friend’s house for a while.” “When are you coming back?” She asked after coming to the door. I shrugged. “After lunch or something,” “Okay good because we’re going to go out to eat for dinner okay?” “Okay,” I nodded and began to open the door. “By the way,” she stopped me. “Are you going...

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VivianBy J.J. ScribeI was horny one night and my girlfriend was out of town so I decided to go to an xxx video store for some porn. I’ve done this before and picked out some dogs so this time I went up to the counter and asked the attendant, a young woman, for a little help. She was surprisingly attractive for someone you usually find working in a store like this. And she was very friendly. She said her name was Vivian as she guided me toward the back wall. As I followed her, I couldn’t...

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School projects can be fun 18

This is a true story.I was finishing up high school. Up to that point I had fooled around with a a few girls and watched porn with friends, but never did anything with another guy. I was however, very open-minded to new experiences. But, I had no idea that such a great experience would come from the start of a rather banal school project. I was partnered with two classmates who I got along with well enough. One is of little importance to this story; the other, we'll call him Adam, is the crux...

1 year ago
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Alien Sightings1

This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...

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Thou Shalt Covet Thy Brothers Wife

John was extremely grateful to his brother Sam and his wife Judy when he returned to England from Germany. The three-year contract as a chemical engineer had ended and so it was time to come back home.The only problem was, he had nowhere to live. The house he was negotiating to buy wouldn't be available for another three months.“Come and stay with us, we have the room, and Judy would love to see you again,” his brother had said. So here he was a guest in their house for the next three...

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Blowjob Diva

Sandra was very, very wealthy...she was an individual of the first order...and pursued her desires without reservation, and without incumberance. She liked the taste of cum...and the swampy smell of a cock...and the incredible feeling of filth while on her knees doing the dirty. She lived in a mansion...removed from her nefarious activities...and ventured out when the urge came upon her. She was thirty two years of age, blond, voluptuous, and beautiful...with an uncanny resemblance to...

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A Slut is born 2

The week went by slowly as I digested what Jim had done to me last Saturday. As I walked around school, I found myself looking at people differently, wondering if any of them had ever been treated the way I had. This would always bring the details of what Jim had done to my mind and my cock would immediately start to respond. I had started making sure I always had a book or a coat to hold in front of my crotch, and walked around in almost perpetual shame.The showers after gym were the worst. I...

3 years ago
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Story Of My Desire That Will Make You Come

Hi readers I am Seema from Mumbai It been so long I am reading stories on this site. I had dream that one day I will write my own. But always loves to read real and sensible stories so I also decided to go for real one which I would observe or experience. Today it’s my first story and it is of my own of one recent event in my life. I was readily waiting for such chance to occur in my life. I am 23 now and married 2 years ago after my completion of graduation. My husband name is Vihar. He is...

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Sarah Carerra 243 Sparkle

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: July 4, 2011) Chapter 43 - Sparkle Dad awakened me just before lunch the next morning. The extra sleep had been great, and I almost felt ready to perform again. I knew that another night's sleep would do me a lot of good for...

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Gabriellas Dark Belgian Chocolate

Gabriella winced as she tried to cross the street. There was a light at the center of Westport Road and Pennsylvania, but the sidewalks were full of young women of all sizes in all manner of dress. The young men driving by never seemed to keep their eyes on the road; and certainly not on the one light above the intersection. She had gone back to her car to get some more boxes of chocolate. She had run out earlier than she was used to. She had a small shop she had inherited from her parents...

4 years ago
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Vigilantethe Beginning1Chapter 2

April, 1947 This was the last week of April, so I had to hurry if I wanted to catch the people behind this scam. School was nearly out (kids were needed to help on the farms), so I needed to move before I lost the trail. Realistically, I had only a couple of more days before I lost my contacts. At the last bell, I followed the fifth-graders to their runner. They gave him their take for the day and left. I followed the runner to two more schools by TPing to sort of generic street corners;...

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Dick JonesChapter 4 the girl next door

You don't care why I'm writing this, do you? You just wanna hear more stories about Dick. Fuck, I can't blame you. I got dozens of 'em. It's almost boring. Hey, I said "almost." But if I shoot my whole wad, you might not get through it all, and there's more to this story than a bottle of Jergens and a box of Kleenex. Like every tale worth telling, this one is about a girl. (I just watched "Spider-Man" again last night. So sue me.) And I haven't even mentioned the girl...

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Real Love Deserves Sex

Hi guys.. How are you all.. All the best for your bright future.. Here I am sharing an experience happened in my life .. This is Shiva from the capital of separated Andhra Pradesh (guntur,vja) and staying in Hyderabad, doing job. Just try to understand, I may not good at English.. When I was in college days, I’m in love with my uncle’s daughter ( family friends). Her name is Meghana, fair and cute girl.. Very active & friendly. I like her behavior. I like her very much. She also likes me, I...

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Turn the Tables

  I thought my life was fairly normal. My name is Katherine and I am 25 and have been married for 4 years. My husband Jimmy works in video production and makes a decent salary. I work part time in retail. We live in a modest house and from all outward signs are a normal couple. When we first were married our sex life was good. We had sex like I expect most couples our age do. After our first anniversary things started to change subtly. Jimmy got more adventurous in bed. He was always...

Wife Lovers

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