DNA Chapter 1 free porn video

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"Am I keeping you up, Jim?" she said, smiling.

"Sorry Anne, what exactly is that batch designed to do?"

A small grin slipped across her face. "It's a secret, if it works you'll be the first to know."

Jim gave up, it was obvious she was not going to share her secret. Jim had a fair idea what it was, for months Dr Chamberlain had been working on a project to rewrite a persons' DNA via a benign virus. The advantages were obvious, any defect in a persons DNA could be repaired. At the extreme end Dr Chamberlain hoped that the process could extend life, or at least remove the worst excesses of age, to help her Jim had been hired as an assistant six months ago.

"You go on home, Jim. I'm almost finished here."

"Thanks doctor, see ya tomorrow." Jim left the sterile area and went through decomtam.

Only when he had left the lab did Anne open up an airtight container. In the container was a small vial of blood. She opened the vial and added one drop of a colorless solution. She then sealed it and sent it upstairs for a chromozone analysis. She had already done one analysis on the blood, which had yielded a perfectly normal result for a human male. For the experiments both Anne and Jim had supplied small amounts of blood, it saved the hassle of obtaining some through official channels.

The result reached her desk next day just before lunch. It showed the chromozones of a human female, an exact match for Anne's niece. Anne remembered the trouble she had to get through to get blood from her, eventually she persuaded her 17 year old niece to show her how she drew samples of blood from patients. Julie, the niece, was thinking of a medical career.

Anne leaned back in her chair and smiled, it WOULD work, not just the minor changes she had been working with till now, a full body change was possible. All she needed now was a test subject. She was under no illusion that she would be able to get one in an official program. But she had to test this now, and she had a test subject in mind. She realised there was no way a 25 year old male would allow this to be done to him. But, she thought, since the change takes only a few minutes I could test it on him and turn him back while he was unconcious. The only problem was how to knock him out.


"But its saturday Dr Chamberlain!" said Jim in an pained voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry Jim, but my experiment is at a critical point. I'll show you what I've been up to the last few weeks."

Just remember the overtime, Jim thought to himself. "Okay, I'll be there in about half an hour."

Jim walked through the deserted building up to the lab, put on the clean suit and entered the sterile room. Where was Anne? She was always here, when at work. As he looked around he started feeling faint, he tried to make it back to the exit but collapsed unconcious before he could get there.

Anne had watched him enter on the security cameras, and rushed up as soon as he entered the lab. She suited up and put a respirator on then entered the lab. Anne reached under the main bench and switched off the cylinder of anasthetic, then switched the ventilatos to full.

She rolled jim onto his side and pulled off his clean suit, underneath he was wearing his jeans and shirt. The anasthetic should give me ten minutes, she thought as she rolled up his sleeve and injected one of the two clear vials into his arm. The DNA virus was spread around his body and immediately set to work rewritting his genetic makeup.

In front of Anne's astounded eyes, Jim's features began to soften, his strong jaw covered in stubble became smooth and more feminine, his nose became petite and cute. His hair turned blonde and grew longer. In seconds his face was that of Anne's niece, but some- thing else had grabbed Anne's attention, his shirt had grown tight as two magnificent breasts had quickly pushed their way out of his now hairless chest. The shirt could contain them no longer and several buttons popped off to reveal two soft white round globes of flesh with prominent nipples.

Anne looked down at Jim's jeans, they were much tighter around the hips but looser in the crotch, a quick feel confirmed that Jim was now a girl where it counted.

Anne realised that her time was running out and she would have to turn him back now. She pulled out the second vial and injected it into the petite feminine arm, so unlike the hairy muscular one he'd had a few minutes before.

She waited a few minutes but was shocked to realise he wasn't changing back! What had gone wrong, she thought franticly. Suddenly the answer sprang into her mind, the first virus was resisting the second. It was a simple enough problem to get round but it would take time, more time than she had. She heard a small feminine groan, Jim was coming round!

Now what was she going to do!


Jim slowly woke up. Where was he? Why did he feel so groggy? He managed to crack open his eyes and look up. A blur in front of his face resolved into Dr Anne Chamberlain looking very worried.

"Are you all right, Jim? Don't speak, there was a cracked valve on a bottle of anaesthesia. I saw you go down as I got here, are you in any pain?"

Jim managed to shake his head feebly, he felt the rustle of something soft by his ears as he did so. Anne must have put a jumper or something under my head he thought. He felt slightly alarmed when he noticed Anne still looked very worried, she noticed him looking and managed a nervous smile.

Anne looked down at the beautiful young girl looking up at her. How am I going to explain what I did to him? He would be absolutely furious. An idea sprung into her head, if it was an accident then he wouldn't be mad at her, she could turn him back and he wouldn't tell the authorities. She slipped one of the empty vials in her hand on the floor and kneeled on it. Jim didn't seem to hear the small crack as the vial shattered.

"Umm, Jim there is another problem. Relax it will be okay. Its the reason I asked you to come in today. I've made a major breakthrough in my DNA altering virus. I had prepared several vials which should allow a full body transformation."

The realisation of what she had discovered caused Jim to forget his weak state. This is what Anne had been working towards for years, but why was she telling him this now while he was still barely conscious from the gas?

Anne continued. "When you fell over you hit the bench and smashed one of the vials." She held up half a broken vial for Jim to see. "And it totally transformed you, don't worry, its totally reversible." I hope, she silently added.

Jim was suddenly fully awake. No wonder I feel so odd, he thought. Who am I now, well I can't have transformed into myself and the only other person Anne is close to is her boyfriend, I must be him. No wonder she's looking at me so oddly. Paul, her boyfriend was the same age as Anne, 40 and was very handsome from what Jim could remember of the few times they had met.

Anne swallowed, here comes the difficult bit, she thought. "The vial you fell on was based on the DNA of my 17 year old niece, I'm sorry Jim, you're now her twin."

Jim's face was now of one of absolute shock, his full feminine lips parted and he whispered in a weak whisper, "No!" He immediately realised his voice was high pitched and feminine, with all his strength he lifted his hand to his chest and found something impossible there.

Two big, soft, sensitive, impossible things.

His hand slipped inside his open shirt and he felt his large breast. HIS BREAST! It wasn't some fake, he could feel his hand on it as well. His nipple responded to the attention and sprang erect. When he was with his girlfriend he loved to play with her tits but now he had tits of his own. I'm built better than my girlfriend now, he realised.

Anne coughed and Jim jumped and took his hand away from his breasts. "Your shirt couldn't handle your new equipment, put this jumper of mine on till we get home."

Jim, still feeling very woozy, focused on the jumper. It was bright pink, He'd never wear anything like that normally. But he didn't have much choice now, it was that or display his new breasts to the world. Anne quickly and efficiently undid the buttons that had not popped off and removed the shirt. He deliberately avoided looking at his breasts, but he could feel them there swaying and bobbing with the slightest movements. Anne helped him pull the snug jumper over his head. Anne then pulled his long hair out of the back of his jumper and he realised he had a lot more on top than usual.

Anne pulled the jumper down, it was a much snugger fit on Jim's large breasts than on her own body. The fabric was stretched and if you looked, as all men would of course, you could clearly see Jim's nipples. Matters were not helped by Jim's breasts becoming aroused by the feel of the jumper on them. She just hoped they wouldn't run into security on the way out. I'd never be able to explain why I was dragging a half conscious girl through the complex, she thought.

She carefully lifted Jim to his feet and slowly eased him out of the lab and down the corridor. Jim was amazed by the ease with which she had lifted him, then he remembered he was probably much lighter than before. He noticed that Anne seemed to be slightly taller than him, whereas before he was a good six inches smaller. They finally made it to a side exit where Anne helped him into a seat.

"I'll go and bring the car around. I'll only be gone five minutes, okay?" Without waiting for an answer Anne rushed out the door.

Jim rested his head on the wall and closed his eyes, still very groggy from the anaesthetic. This was just wasn't happening, he must have had to much to drink last night and this was some drunken nightmare.

"Are you all right?"

Oh shit! A security guard! He opened his eyes and looked at the guard, he was over fifty and overweight. "I-I'm waiting for my uh... aunt." Jim was again shocked by his high and feminine voice.

The guard looked at Jim, she's on drugs, he thought. "Who's your aunt, miss?"

Jim was momentarily surprised at being called miss but managed to blurt out "Anne Chamberlain. She's taking me home, I was at a party last night." He managed to smile weakly at the guard. The guard didn't notice having just realised Jim was not wearing a bra. Jim saw the guard mentally undressing him and felt very uncomfortable, how am I going to deal with this?

Fortunately Anne burst in through the doors at that moment and froze when she saw the guard.

"Have you got the car Auntie? I still feel very hungover."

Anne gave Jim an odd look, but she quickly got the hint. "Well that'll teach you for drinking too much, come on lets get you home." She helped Jim to his feet and moved him out the door. Jim was infinitely thankful that the guard just opened the door and didn't offer to support Jim, he was sure the guard would feel him up.

Jim climbed into the passenger seat, feeling his breasts jostle in his jumper. His hips felt wider and his bottom larger and softer, but he absolutely refused to think about what lay between his thighs. Anne secured Jim's seatbelt, the strap coming between his magnificent breasts. It felt much more uncomfortable than wearing a seat belt as a man.

"You okay Jim?" Anne said from the driving seat.

"Yeah, I feel so tired"

"Well the change was very stressful on your body, it needs to rest." She put one hand on his knee "I promise you I can reverse it, a day at most and you'll be back to your normal self."

The drive back was mostly a blur to Jim, Anne was right he felt totally exhausted.

Anne pulled into her drive and into her garage, she looked over at Jim and saw he was dozing. Anne found it impossible to believe that this beautiful young woman was really a fairly muscular man. Anne went round to the other side of the car and helped Jim out, she took him upstairs to her bedroom. She carefully laid him on the bed. "Jim, you just rest here as long as you need. Give me a call when you wake up, okay?"

Jim nodded drowsily and Anne left quietly. Before sleep overcame him Jim wondered what would happen if Anne couldn't change him back. To be stuck in a buxom woman's body for life, to have men lusting after his body. The idea struck him with fear and a strange excitement. Before he could worry about it further he slipped into a deep sleep.


It was over five hours before Jim finally awoke. He yawned and slowly opened his eyes. His first thought was why is the ceiling a different color? He realised he must be in someone else's bedroom, how did he get here. He had a vague memory of a car journey and something about having tits. Some dream, except...


Suddenly he was totally awake and sat up. The first thing he saw was an extremely well endowed girl in her late teens sitting on a bed opposite, it was of course, the dressing table mirror.

He looked down to see his two large breasts straining the fabric of Anne's jumper. He slid off the bed and stood in front of the mirror. So this is what Anne's niece looks like he thought. I could really go for her. Except he was her.

He raised his hands in front of his face and studied them. They were refined and seemed impossible small compared to his broad callused hands he was used to. The nails were long and carefully manicured. He ran his hands over his hips, they seemed huge, child bearing hips he realised. The idea that he could now get pregnant and give birth filled him with fear. He suddenly felt hot and he reached down to pull off his jumper. He reached down and pulled the it up, it caught on his huge breasts and he had to ease each one out before he could remove the jumper.

Now for the first time he had a clear view of his large mammaries, the size of his nipples surprised him, they were dark brown and very inviting. He cupped a breast in each hand and felt their heavy weight with a queasy feeling. The pressure of his dainty hands on his large nipples caused them to become aroused again. A wave of sexual arousal swept through his body. He looked in the mirror and watched the young woman slowly rub her huge nipples. He trapped his nipples in-between his fingers and moaned from the feeling. He imagined himself with this girl feeling her breasts until she begged to be fucked. A small part of his mind reminded him that he was now the girl but he was past caring. He felt his groin become aroused but instead of his usual pumping hardness he felt a dampness. He undid his jeans and pushed them off his hips, they and his underpants fell to the floor and Jim was revealed in all his feminine glory.

God, I'm beautiful, he thought staring at the angel in the mirror. Hesitantly he moved his hand to his strange new equipment. He ran his fingers over his silky lips and slipped one finger into vagina. The feeling was utterly alien, and totally erotic. He pushed his finger in up to his knuckle and gasped again. He began to caress his clitoris and his knees almost gave way from the assault of pleasure.

He collapsed on the bed and began working his cunt with gusto, he brought one hand back to his breasts and began to knead them in his desperate need for release. Suddenly it broke over him like a huge tidal wave and he screamed his shear delight as he had his best orgasm of his life.

It reached an intensity he could not believe and did not die away as quickly as his male orgasms used to. He lay there on the bed and gently rubbed his clit and his nipples, maybe being a woman for a day wouldn't be so bad. It was a once in a lifetime experience and when Anne turned him back tomorrow he might have learned how to please his girlfriend more.

There was a gentle knock on the door, "Jim? Are you all right?"

Jim couldn't help laughing quietly, though it came out as giggles. Anne had obviously thought he'd screamed at waking up in a girl's body. At least that's what he hoped Anne thought. " Yeah, I'm fine just wasn't expecting what I saw when I woke up." Dear God he thought how am I going to get used to this voice?

"Can I come in?"

He quickly scrambled into his jeans and jumper. He didn't bother with the underpants and kicked them under the bed out of the way. Jim opened the door and looked at Anne's concerned face. He smiled, "It still feels very odd, My hips seem massive and these move at the slightest movement" He glanced down.

"I might be able to help there." She said and handed him a small bag. He looked inside and pulled out a small mass of white satin and lace, he untangled it and his jaw dropped. "A BRA!"

"Well you do need it, if only for today. Do you want me to help you put it on?"

Jim was still shocked, as a man he wouldn't mind going topless but he didn't want to show his breasts even to another woman. He noticed he had thought 'another woman' and thought I'm glad I'll be out of this body tomorrow or I might start fancying men. "Well... I don't know"

"Don't worry Jim. It's not like I haven't seen a pair of breasts before is it?" She led him back into her bedroom and helped him off with his jumper. She slid his arms into the straps and made him lean forward so his breasts fell into the cups, then she fastened the bra and Jim stood up.

He stared at his reflection open mouthed. The bra was beautiful and they held and cosseted his breasts perfectly. He tried to analyse his feelings. he was in his bosses bedroom wearing a bra and it felt... wonderful. He felt uncomfortable with the thought and pushed it out of his mind. Where had she got the bra? Anne didn't have small breasts, but they were no where near the size of his. He asked her.

"Well, I thought You'd feel better if they weren't flopping about all over the place. And I felt guilty for what happened to you so I went out and got it. It might feel odd for you to wear a bra, but it helps doesn't it?"

"Yeah, thanks. It beautiful." Anne thought that was a bit odd coming from a man. Perhaps his female chemistry was affecting his mind in subtle ways. She longed to study Jim's behavior more closely, but the first priority was to find a way to reverse the transformation. Then she could research it at her leisure.

"Look, I'm going to have to pull an all nighter at the lab to produce a virus capable of reversing this. Will you be alright on your own?" She opened her wardrobe and pulled out a pair of her own jeans and a loose blouse she guessed might be able to contain Jim's breasts. "If your jeans aren't comfortable try these on. We're about the same size now. There's plenty of food in the fridge. Don't answer the door, I'll put the answer phone on, so listen in case I phone you."

"Don't worry there is no way I'm answering the door looking like this."

"Alright, I should be back sometime early tomorrow, so relax, we'll soon have you back to your normal self."

Jim smiled back and before he knew it Anne was out the door and down the street in her car.

He slipped out of his jeans and stood just wearing his bra. He buttoned the blouse. Slightly confused at first because the buttons were on the other side of the blouse than on his shirts. It fitted, just.

He was about to slip on his jeans when a mischievous thought crossed his mind. He smiled and started going through Anne's drawers. He quickly found her lingerie draw and sorted out a pair of white panties, he chose a frilly pair similar in design to his bra. He slowly drew them up his satiny smooth legs and they fitted snugly around his new crotch. He looked in the mirror and saw the slight female bulge under his panties that always turned him on. He found it almost impossible to believe it now belonged to him.

Finally he put on Anne's jeans, they were very tight and Jim admired the way they showed off his cute butt and wide hips. He looked in the mirror and realised he was one sexy woman. The thought made him feel odd. He hunted around for some shoes and found a pair of trainers, which seemed impossibly small but would easily fit his small dainty feet. He was about to put them on when he noticed some high heeled shoes, he had always admired the wiggle they gave a woman and couldn't resist trying them on. He slipped them on and tried to do the sexy walk he saw women do every day. His first attempt almost broke his ankles, and after five minutes the best he had managed was a drunken waddle. Maybe it wasn't as easy as it looked so he switched back to his trainers and wandered down stairs for something to eat.

As Anne drove back to the research institute she had the nagging feeling she had forgotten something important, she racked her brains for a few minutes but couldn't remember. Jim's problems kept intruding and she soon became involved in trying to solve it.

Jim was in the process of putting together a sandwiche, when he heard a key in the front door. Anne must have forgotten her laptop or something. He heard the door open and a male voice call out, "Are you ready yet, Anne? The film starts in half an hour."

Jim was terrified, that's Paul her boyfriend! She forgot a date!

There was no way he could get upstairs without Paul seeing him. He would just have to face him and explain his presence.

Gathering up his nerves he stepped into the hall.


Jim had never been so terrified, he had always prided himself on being able to face any situation but some reason having to face Anne's boyfriend in this body was far worse than the time he had been drawn into a brawl at a bar years before.

As he rounded the corner into the hall Paul looked up obviously expecting Anne, his momentary surprise was replaced with a broad smile. "Hello, you're Julie, right? We met briefly at your parents place last christmas."

"Uh... thats right," what the hell am I going to say, he thought franticly. "Anne had to work late, one of her projects was at a critical stage." Jim watched horrified as Paul's eyes flicked over her breasts, before looking at her again. Jim realised Paul probably was not even aware he was doing it. It's almost an instinctive reaction in men to girls like me, he thought.

"Typical, its not the first time she has forgotten me for her research. That's what I get for dating a career woman like Anne." He smiled ruefully.

He's got a cute smile, thought Jim. He suddenly realised what he had thought and shock ran through his mind. This body is affecting me more than I thought. "She said she would be working through the night and won't be back till tomorrow morning," Jim blurted out.

Paul looked at her askance, she's attracted to me he thought. Why else the shy, nervous glances. He watched Jim bite his lower lip in apprehension. Dear God, she is so sexy, Paul thought. His eyes flicked across her breasts which were straining a blouse just too small for them, he felt his cock stir in his trousers. The last couple of weeks had seen Anne cancelling dates, she always did this when she reached a major point in her research. When he had arrived and seen Anne's car gone he realised he would almost certainly have another frustrated evening.

Now? Well maybe not. "Its a shame I came all this way for nothing. Never mind, so you're staying with your aunt?"

"Yeah, just a day or so." Jim searched his mind for something to say. The words, "would you like a drink?" popped out of his mouth. No! You idiot! You want to get rid of him, not give him a reason to stay.

"Thanks, just a coke, I'm driving." He smiled and followed Jim to the kitchen.

Jim was uncomfortably aware of Paul standing right behind him as he got the coke out of the refrigerator. He tried to stop his hands trembling as he poured the drink into a glass and handed it to Paul. As Paul took the glass, their fingers touched. Paul maintained the contact longer than neccessary, then took the glass. "You have very nice hands," he said. Jim didn't know how to reply to this and just managed a shaky smile, a part of his mind preened at the obviously genuine complement however.

"So you'll be starting college after the holidays I suppose. What do you want to do?"

Jim thought franticly, "I want to follow my Aunt, what she's doing is so important."

Fortunately Paul didn't know Julie at all, so Jim could make up most of his background as he went along. Half an hour passed and Paul was showing no sign of leaving. Jim was becoming frantic, he wants me he thought. Several times he caught himself wondering what it would be like to be on the other side during sex. To be the one to lie back and open his legs, to feel a hard cock inside him. Once he caught himself looking at Paul's crotch, he suddenly realised the direction his thoughts were going and firmly shoved them out of his mind.

Jim could tell from the look in his eyes that Paul had seen him trying to size up his cock, he had to get rid of him fast before Paul tried something. Jim made some excuse about having to get ready to go out with some friends.

As Paul was reluctantly leaving he asked if Jim had a boyfriend.

"No! uhh no, not at the moment." Jim cursed silently I should have said yes, now Paul would be after me. Jim recognized the look on Paul's face, the predatory look, he'd had it often enough when after a pretty girl.

On the doorstep Paul suddenly turned around and kissed Jim on the lips. Jim was taken totally surprise as Paul held him in a strong embrace. Jim opened his mouth to protest, but realised his mistake when he felt Pauls tounge in his mouth. Part of Jim wanted to thrust him away, but somehow he could not find the will power to do it. Despite himself, he enjoyed the kiss, he loved the feeling of protection the strong arm around him gave. He found himself responding, kissing Paul passionately. He felt his nipples start to tingle and the strange wetness at the crotch he had felt that afternoon when playing with himself. He realised how it could end up and he did not want to go to bed with Paul despite the responses of his new body.

Finally, he found the strength to pull back from the abyss. Paul smiled at his Jim's flushed face and heaving breasts, "Well, I'll see you around before you go back home." And then he was gone into the twilight, leaving Jim stunned on the doorstep.

Back inside Jim slumped heavily in an armchair, making his heavy breasts jostle, but he was too preoccupied to notice. A man had kissed him. A man who quite obviously jump into bed with him at the slightest invitation. He could feel the Paul's strong lips on his, the rasp of stubble against his soft face. And the smell of a brand of aftershave he had used himself just this morning. Paul's reaction was a perfectly normal one when confronted with such a sexy young woman, Jim theorised. It was his own reaction that disturbed him, he had been almost ready to give that invitation to Jim.

A sudden image of a naked Paul leaning over him flashed through his mind. Jim thrust the mental picture, it's just this bodies hormones, just relax. Tomorrow Anne will have worked up an antidote and all this will just have been a bad dream.

It had only been a couple of hours since Anne went back to the labs, but Jim decided to phone her anyway to see how she was getting on. He sighed with relief When Anne answered the phone. "Anne its me, Jim. How is it going?"

There was a slight pause at the other end of the phone, then Anne said "It's going slowly, you can't rush these things, just relax."

"Paul came over a while back."

"OH HELL!! I forgot all about him, we were supposed to see a movie tonight. Did he see you?"

"Yeah, but I managed to convince him I was Julie, visiting you. It was a bit hair raising I can tell you."

"Why, did he try anything?"

"No, no. Nothing like that." Best not to tell her, "I just feel very odd in this body."

"Look Jim, you might not like this suggestion, but I'd like to call someone in to look after you while I work.

Jim certainly didn't like this idea at all, but at least it would stop incidents like what happened with Paul. "Who?" he asked.


"What! Your niece! How is she going to react when she hears there is a man running around with her body!"

"She's quite level headed and she is the only family member who is really interested in what I do. She knows about the gene therapy work I'm doing and she is open minded. I can't tell anyone here because I'd get fired by the board for your accident."

Jim thought about it for a bit, "Alright."

"It'll take her about two hours to get over, go get some sleep. Julie will let herself in."

He reluctantly agreed and hung up, he was very uneasy about revealing his predicament to anyone and surely he didn't need someone to help him for one more day before Anne worked up an antidote. But Anne probably just doesn't want me left alone to worry, he thought. I wonder how Julie will react to me?

Jim realised he was exhausted after the evenings excitement and he was soon stripping off in Anne's room. He had some trouble removing the bra, but finally he managed to get it off and his magnificent breasts swung free. He searched for some pyjamas, but it soon became obvious Anne only had frilly nighties. The night wasn't that cold so he decided to not wear anything.

His body was still fairly tired from the transformation and it was not long before he was fast asleep.


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DNA IIChapter 18

Quince had stopped at a cheap motel late in the night and had booked into a room. He was glad to finally stop driving; his leg had been getting cramp. As soon as he reached his room, he opened his suitcase. A quick check confirmed that the vials and money were present and intact. The vials were clearly labelled. The last thing that Quince wanted to do was take the wrong one. Quince regretted leaving his horses behind, but there wasn't any real choice. At least with the DNA viruses based on...

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DNA 2 Chapter 3

Normally he started the morning with some simple exercises. He had let them slip but he decided to do them while he waited for Michael to get up. It felt very different than when he did them in his old body. His upper body was far more supple than he was used to and his lower male half was obviously far less fit and had been a stranger to exercise. His breasts bobbed and tugged at his chest with every movement. He had to stop several times just to readjust his bra and stop his breasts...

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DNA 2 Chapter 2

Paul stepped nervously up to the receptionist. She looked up from her computer terminal and said, "Welcome to Quince Biochemicals. Can I help you?" "Yes, I'm looking for Doctor Kingston." Paul's feminine voice still sounded way too high to himself and he unconsciously cleared his throat. The receptionist frowned. "I don't recognise the name. Hold on, I'll just check our records." She tapped at her computer for a few moments. "No, I'm sorry. I have no record of a Doctor...

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DNA Test

Edited by 'LadyCibelle' and 'Techsan'. I'm pissed, mad, aggravated and whatever other adjectives you want to use that are negative. I can't believe what she did to me. My so-called wonderful girlfriend and future wife took what I thought was a good relationship and threw it down a toilet. Let me start at the beginning: Sheila and I met at a private party. I was nineteen at the time and she was twenty-two. We always laughed when people asked if she was robbing the cradle. It didn't...

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DNA Chapter 4

Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and Paul?" "Julie is handling it quite well, but Paul, I don't know. He is very withdrawn. Perhaps you should talk to him." "Tonight, today I have to prepare and test this." She gestured at the screen. "Julie needs to get some more clothes, You live near the institute, don't you." "Yeah, you drop...

4 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 15

Simonds breathed a sigh of relief as the last courier car pulled out of sight. He hadn't believed that Quince would be able to pull off this one final deal. Quince had just finishing dividing up the hefty pile of cash as Simonds entered the house. Simonds had never liked Quince's house, preferring to do business at the Quince Biochemicals building back in the city. Quince, however, had never trusted his people, who had replaced nearly a dozen policemen. He felt far safer in his...

4 years ago
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DNA 2 Chapter 12

Simonds could here the anger in Quince's voice. "His clothes and documents are all gone. He obviously packed in a hurry." Quince gave a short humorless laugh. "I didn't think Kingston had the guts to do it. Never mind. His lab still seems intact. That's all that matters." "He's going to go to the authorities, and he'll be able to prove his story." "It'll be a close run thing, but I still believe we can process the consignment before we have to leave. Remember, this final...

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DNA 2 Chapter 1

As he got up he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest shift. His eyes drifted over his large, firm breasts. He had hoped that it had all been some insane dream. That he still had his own tall, muscular body. Not a half female, half male one. He could still remember vividly how the horror had started. He had woken just two days previously and everything had been right with the world. He had been a successful lawyer, with a big house and a hefty bank balance. And he had just spent the night...

2 years ago
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DNAChapter 4

Anne worked way into the afternoon, finally she leaned back and stretched her stiff back. On the screen lay the plans for a simple addition to the DNA viruses running around, that should make the transmission much more difficult, but not impossible. She had to stop the problem now before it spread. Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and...

3 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 3

Paul slept better that night than he had since his transformation. For the first time there was light at the end of the tunnel. It was just after eight in the morning that Paul woke up. It was very quiet in the apartment. Michael wasn't up yet. The small amount of clothes he had lay on a chair in a small pile. He didn't like the idea, but he was going to need new clothes. Female clothes. Well, at least he could choose ones that were less revealing. Normally he started the morning with some...

3 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 12

"What do you mean, he's gone?" Quince's voice barked out of the mobile phone. Simonds could here the anger in Quince's voice. "His clothes and documents are all gone. He obviously packed in a hurry." Quince gave a short humorless laugh. "I didn't think Kingston had the guts to do it. Never mind. His lab still seems intact. That's all that matters." "He's going to go to the authorities, and he'll be able to prove his story." "It'll be a close run thing, but I still believe...

3 years ago
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Adnan Mamoo Aur Mahboob Ke Saath 8211 Part II

Haan tau abb mein yaani Adnan.  Aapko iss kahani ka 2nd part sunnata hoon. Zara dill thaam ke baithoo. Aaj kal mein university of karachi ke hostel mein hoon . Jaisa ke aap ko maloom hai mein iss waqt 20 saal ka sporty body wala jawaan hoon. Pechley saaloon se koi sex ka waqiya nahi huwa. Sirf mooth maar ker guzzara kerlaita hoon. Idher hostel mein university khulne se 2 haftey pehley hi aagaya tha. Mujhey merey parents ne ek jeep bhi dee hai. Wo loog london mein business ke silseley mein udher...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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DNA 2 Ch 11

His head started pounding. He laid back on the bed and tried to remember what had happened the night before. He and Mandy had gone to a couple of nightclubs and had ended up getting drunk in a gay and lesbian club. Paul shifted under the bed covers as he remembered how he and Mandy had danced together. How had he ended up in her bed? Then he remembered lying naked in her arms on the bed, letting Mandy suck and caress his breasts. He remembered slipping his hard cock into her eager pussy...

3 years ago
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DNA 2 Chapter 10

It had taken Michael over an hour and a half to get there. He hoped he wouldn't be delayed here long by whatever Quince wanted. He had hit a brick wall in his research of the DNA-altering virus. He had been working on it for nearly two weeks now, and he still couldn't see any way to reverse the process without a great deal of danger to the subject. Nearly every day, Paul would journey to his lab to see if any progress had been made. Paul could never quite hide his disappointment when...

2 years ago
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DNA 2 Chapter 9

"I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much as she used to, but he was still far from comfortable with his new form. He was wearing a flowing long skirt which covered his legs. He would have preferred to have worn jeans, but they just made his masculine lower half too obvious for his liking. Paul fiddled with the buttons on his white blouse. He had never really noticed that woman's blouses had...

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DNA Chapter 6

"Enough to know we have a severe security breach." The other man was small and wiry. He wore an ill-fitting suit and was carrying a folder. From the folder he produced several photographs. Quince scanned each one. They clearly showed one of his security guards, Jeff Stockwell, in a bar with another man. "Do we know who this other guy is, Simonds?" "He's a cop. We don't know if Stockwell is a cop as well or just an informant." replied Simonds. "Damn. How much do they...

2 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 6

"Are you sure about this?" asked Quince. "Enough to know we have a severe security breach." The other man was small and wiry. He wore an ill-fitting suit and was carrying a folder. From the folder he produced several photographs. Quince scanned each one. They clearly showed one of his security guards, Jeff Stockwell, in a bar with another man. "Do we know who this other guy is, Simonds?" "He's a cop. We don't know if Stockwell is a cop as well or just an informant." replied...

3 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 9

"Hurry up!" Mandy shouted from outside Paul's bedroom. "I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much as she used to, but he was still far from comfortable with his new form. He was wearing a flowing long skirt which covered his legs. He would have preferred to have worn jeans, but they just made his masculine lower half too obvious for his liking. Paul fiddled with the buttons on his white...

4 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 10

Michael Kingston had never been invited out to Quince's house before. It wasn't a large house, but being well out of the city, it had a fair-sized field which contained several expensive horses. Apart from his company, they were the only thing Quince showed any real interest in. It had taken Michael over an hour and a half to get there. He hoped he wouldn't be delayed here long by whatever Quince wanted. He had hit a brick wall in his research of the DNA-altering virus. He had been...

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DNA IIChapter 11

As Paul's eyes focused on the ceiling it gradually occurred to him that it was the wrong color. He raised his head and realised that he was in Mandy's room. His head started pounding. He laid back on the bed and tried to remember what had happened the night before. He and Mandy had gone to a couple of nightclubs and had ended up getting drunk in a gay and lesbian club. Paul shifted under the bed covers as he remembered how he and Mandy had danced together. How had he ended up in her...

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DNA IIChapter 14

Paul's eyes stared in horror at the syringe Bill was holding. Once that was injected into him, he'd start down the path that led to total servitude. "Hold still," commanded Bill. He reached out and grabbed hold of Paul. Despite all his efforts, Paul could not get free from Bill's iron grip. Paul felt the needle being pressed against his arm and he knew it was now or never. He bit Bill as hard as possible on the arm, drawing blood as he did so. Bill bellowed in anger, but didn't let...

3 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 16

Simonds drove in a state of near panic. It took all of his self- control not to accelerate wildly when he saw two patrol cars scream past him going the other way. He watched the flashing lights vanish into the distance. He wondered if they were heading to Quince's house. Whatever the case, he had to dump the car as soon as possible. He was now heavily implicated in the murder of eight policemen and Quince's thugs who had replaced them. Despite the misgivings he had about taking the virus,...

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DNA IIChapter 17

Anne was so preoccupied as she left the plane that she walked straight past the policeman. "Doctor Chamberlain?" he said. She turned and noticed him and his patrol car for the first time. "I'm sorry. Can you tell me what's going on?" "Lieutenant Harrison will brief you on the way to the hospital." Hospital? Anne climbed into the back of the car. A man in a crumpled grey suit was sitting in the passenger seat. He turned around as the car pulled out of the airport. "I'm sorry for...

2 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 21

Paul brushed his long, curly hair out of his eyes as he lowered his mouth to Anne's pussy. He ran his tongue gently over her lower lips until he reached her clit. He smiled as he heard Anne give a very familiar moan. At last she was getting into the mood. Paul began licking and nipping at her cunt. He had always enjoyed eating pussy. He had introduced Anne to it when they had first made love. Relations between them had been a little rocky since Paul had arrived at Anne's house. She was...

3 years ago
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Adnan Mamoo Aur Mahboob Ke Saath 8211 Part I

My name is Adnan , I am doing my msc in University of Karachi. Iss waqt meri age 20 saal hai…I am 6 feet height, and about 125lbs weigh…and I have a good size Cock- Lund…7 inch long and kafi moota hai…and its circumcised. .I am actually very proud of my Lund .  Meri Gaand merey ek mamoo ney bachpun mein phaari thee jub mei 18 saal ka tha. . Huwa aisa uss waqt mein apney kunwarey mamoo ke ghar gaya huwa tha. .meri grand parents kissi wedding mein Lahore gaye huwey thay……mujhey daikhker merey...

Gay Male
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Adnan Mamoo Aur Mahboob Ke Saath 8211 Part III

Mahboob ko nanga soota daikhker. Merey munn mein aaya chalo mein apney mamoo ka game isskey saath khailta hoon. Yeh sooch ker mein Mahboob ke ooper charrh gaya. Ussey ulta kerdia aur uski gaand mein apna Lund ghussaney laga. Dard ki wajah se Mahboob ki aankh khool gayi. Uss ne poocha. “yeh kia kerr rahey hai Adnan. Meri Gaand bari tung hai aur chooti aapka Laura tau meri gaand pharrh deiga. Aisa na karain. Abb aap tau merey doost hai na. Please. Na karain.” Mein ne Mahboob ki baton ki parwah...

2 years ago
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Adnan Mamoo Aur Mahboob Ke Saath 8211 Part IV

“Adnan jaldi se meri gaand maarlo nahi tau Ghazi washroom se baher na aajaye.” Mein tau tayar hi tha. Mahboob ko bahir balcony mein leyjaker aur jhuka ker usski khoob gaand maari. Doggy style mein abbhi gaand maar ker room mein aaye thay ke Ghazi bhi shower leker aagaya. Aur itna chikna lug raha tha. Ke mera Lund ko masti aarahi thi. Ke kiss tarah isski virginity ko pharrey. Mager Mahboob ko daikhker khamoosh raha. Kooch dair baad mein ne Mahboob ko kaha. “Mahboob. Ke baher jaaker canteen se...

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Ednas Basement

Edna’s BasementBy MissyChapter 1. Missy Revealed           Missy looked out the window and watched as her Mom got into Bob's truck. He was kind of gross - when she'd let him earlier it was pretty clear that he hadn't shaved that day and his fingernails were dirty and he smelled like he'd been drinking beer. Her mom hadn't seemed to notice any of this - not that she ever did these days - and had told Missy not to wait up when she was walking out the door.           It was not like she...

4 years ago
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PrologueShe was stretched out stark naked on the bed, and knew well what she was doing. She closed her eyes, let her head roll back on the pillows, and surrendered to her fantasy. She needed to come too badly. She had to stop but she just couldn't. With the tip of her index finger she began to circle her clit, the most sensitive spot of all. She felt delicious rushes of pleasure as she rimmed the throbbing lump, and her hot cuntal juices began to seep out and run down the crack of her ass. She...

2 years ago
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Edna Mayfield heavily revised

[note: this is a complete rewrite of the original] Edna Mayfield ◊◊◊◊◊ Is it perfume from a dress That makes me so digress? ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ — T.S. Eliot 28 August The Mayfield house was unlike any other in the neighborhood, comfortable, perhaps, but hardly practical and certainly not in keeping with it’s more typical suburban neighbors. The house’s immaculate cypress siding, stained dark gray, hovered lightly under a copper roof, yet the sidewalk along the street...

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DNA 2 Chapter 8

She was strapped into a car being driven over some waste ground. All around were factory buildings that seemed to have been in disuse for some time. How did she get here? Jeff looked over at the driving seat and snapped fully awake. Her old male body with Bill inside was there. Jeff gasped as she remembered what he had done to her. No, what she had let him do to her. She had spread her legs and virtually begged him to fuck her. She might have been under the influence but that didn't...

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DNA 2 Chapter 7

For the first time since that impossible event had happened, Jeff managed to calm herself down enough to examine her new body. She looked down at her chest. When she had put the T-shirt on that morning, it had been tight against her muscled torso and thick arms. Now it was as loose as a tent. It was still tight in one area though, where her breasts stretched the material. She closed her eyes and pulled the T-shirt off. The soft curls of her long hair brushed against her bare shoulders, but...

3 years ago
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DNA 2 Chapter 4

Paul wanted to just pummel the man's face in. Instead he just smiled and said, "Would you like fries with that?" The man smiled. "Yeah. Say, what are you doing when you finish work? Perhaps I could take you out for a drink?" Paul glared at him and the man visibly paled. "Or maybe not." He paid for his burger and fries and retreated to one of the bolted-down tables. "I hate that the most about working here. When the lowlifes try to pick you up. Why do they try?" Mandy asked...

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DNA IIChapter 2

The reception area was fairly small and occupied by only two other people, a receptionist in her late thirties and an absolute mountain of a man. He was a tall, wide and heavily muscled African-American. Paul guessed he was security, though he wasn't wearing any sort of uniform. Paul stepped nervously up to the receptionist. She looked up from her computer terminal and said, "Welcome to Quince Biochemicals. Can I help you?" "Yes, I'm looking for Doctor Kingston." Paul's feminine...

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DNA IIChapter 4

The man was in his early twenties, smelled fairly bad and had greasy hair. But what really filled Paul with disgust was the way that he was drooling over Paul's breasts. Paul wanted to just pummel the man's face in. Instead he just smiled and said, "Would you like fries with that?" The man smiled. "Yeah. Say, what are you doing when you finish work? Perhaps I could take you out for a drink?" Paul glared at him and the man visibly paled. "Or maybe not." He paid for his burger and...

4 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 7

Some time had passed. Jeff had no idea how much. The small room had no windows, only a low-powered lightbulb, so she couldn't even tell if night had fallen or if it was already dawn outside. The events of the last few hours played relentlessly through Jeff's mind. Somehow, Quince had turned her from an imposing male cop into a well-endowed woman. For the first time since that impossible event had happened, Jeff managed to calm herself down enough to examine her new body. She looked down at...

4 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 8

Jeff could feel herself being jerked around as she returned to consciousness. She opened her eyes and blearily looked around. She was strapped into a car being driven over some waste ground. All around were factory buildings that seemed to have been in disuse for some time. How did she get here? Jeff looked over at the driving seat and snapped fully awake. Her old male body with Bill inside was there. Jeff gasped as she remembered what he had done to her. No, what she had let him do to her....

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DNA IIChapter 13

Paul stood in the kitchen of the small apartment making two mugs of coffee. He was wearing Mandy's pink dressing gown and nothing else. They had made love several times that morning, Paul making sure he wore protection each time. He could still feel her hot mouth on his tender nipples. It had felt so good, women were lucky to have these extra sensitive parts that men didn't. Perhaps life wouldn't be so bad with Mandy. At least he could be a man with her, and he didn't have to pretend to...

2 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 19

It seemed to Paul to take forever from the instant Quince fired to the moment that the bullet slammed into him. Paul could remember being surprised at the force of the impact. He had slumped to the floor, feeling his blood staining his blouse. He was surprised that there was no pain. That means the damage is very bad, thought a corner of his mind. He had no time to ponder it further as the world rushed away, leaving only darkness. Paul had brief snatches of awareness in the ambulance, and...

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DNA IIChapter 20

Paul was well enough to leave the hospital a couple of months later. He had become more comfortable with his new body, but he still found it hard to deal with the loss of his manhood. What he found most difficult to adjust to was the way that other people reacted to him. Men seemed to want to help him, as if he wasn't capable of performing any task. At first he had thought it was because of his injury, but even now that he was well on the way to recovery, he was still treated the...

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I wake up a while later. I don’t know how long I was out for. I tried to move but all I could do was sway back and forth painfully. My wrists were in cuffs above my head. I tried to scream but was unable to because I was gagged. “Ah nice to see you are finally awake” I look around me. Over in the corner of the room standing by the door stood two, masked figures, the one I had sprayed and kicked in the groin and the other one must be the one who knocked me out. The first one was a tall,...

4 years ago
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Kidnappen and enslaved pt 2

“Like It bitch?” he asked, grabbing her tits and squeezing hard as he could. “You like being treated like a fucking whore?” she was closing her eyes tight, hoping it would go away. He grabbed her face roughly and made it face him. “Look at me while I fuck u bitch! Look at my big fat black dick inside your tight little cunt. Look bitch. Open your pretty little eyes and watch me cum inside you.” Slapping her hard, he forced deeper inside. Her eyes almost popped from her head, he was in so deep....

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stayed to correct the spelling tests from her fourth grade class. She wanted to get them out of the way so that she would have time to spend with her boyfriend, Koban, over the weekend. They were planning to go down to visit her mother in Kentucky. It was not a trip the young school teacher was looking forward to. Her anxieties were growing as she thought about it. She doubted that her choice of a companion would be met with approval. Her perfectionist mother would surely pick...

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Kidnappen and enslaved pt 2

Introduction: teasing bit He was the biggest shed ever taken inside her. she felt something being put around her throat and tried to jerk her head back but couldnt move. The guy with his dick down her throat held her head against him. She couldnt breathe, gagging on his dick as she bucked back and forth with the guy fucking her as hard as he could. She felt her hands being tied behind her back as she struggled to get away. Waiting till she was blue in the face and about to pass out, the guy...

2 years ago
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Ariadna was a tall, skinny young woman, with long black hair and fair skin. She was raised by nymphs in the forest. And she had never seen a man. One day when walking naked in the forest, and heard singing by the river. As she approached, she saw an athletic young man.

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Vandna Ka Nanga Nach

Hi friends…I am vishal….Hope you all remember me … Here i am again with my new story, hope you would have liked my previous stories — “the ultimate seductresses part 1, part 2, part 3…. And “seduced by wife’s friend” so here i am with the next one, hey but friends please dont forget to mail me your comments on This story is about my neighbour vandna..She is one of her kinds real hot super sexy and slutty woman, sex with her is one of the most amaizing things ever happened to me, without...

3 years ago
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Ednas Beauty Shop and Chain Saw Repair

Pam came in over an hour late, not that it mattered, it was pouring outside and we didn't have the first customer in the bar. She came in the front door, employees usually park in the lot in back and come in the back door. This girl was soaked, her hair was plastered to her head. She was bare foot with her shoes in one hand and her purse in the other. Her stockings ended at her ankles in a frayed roll. One of her shoes was minus the heel and she must have walked the bottoms out of her...

2 years ago
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Kidnapping Rebehah

As Rebekah grew older, her body began to blossom. Her black hair, blue eyes, and creamy skin looked great. In a bathing suit it was readily apparent that she had a nice pair of breasts, a tight ass and a great pair of legs. My friends were beginning to notice that Rebekah was a beautiful girl. It was all I could do to keep them in line. The fact that she loved wearing short shorts and miniskirts made her all that more appealing. I have to admit that there were many times when I looked at her,...

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Kidnapping Enslaving A Waitress

Kidnapping & Enslaving A Waitress A Piece of Fiction by THE Traveller CHAPTER: 1 A SCARY DUNGEON TO KEEP THE ABDUCTEE It took me a good two years to turn my really big basement into a ready tooperate dungeon. I designed the dungeon so that it would contain the ultimateamount of bdsm related accesories and devices. I carefully picked every equipmentthat was needed... to enslave a woman. For hours, I would keep making sketches of how I wanted the dungeon to looklike. Then for another couple...

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