KIDNAPPED_(2) free porn video

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stayed to correct the spelling tests from her fourth grade class. She
wanted to get them out of the way so that she would have time to spend
with her boyfriend, Koban, over the weekend. They were planning to go
down to visit her mother in Kentucky. It was not a trip the young school
teacher was looking forward to. Her anxieties were growing as she
thought about it. She doubted that her choice of a companion would be
met with approval. Her perfectionist mother would surely pick Koban
apart. She was stressing out just thinking about the rain of criticism
which she anticipated pouring down on her in the inevitable phone call
after the meeting.

As she was leaving the building, she noticed a man standing by the curb
looking at her. She looked away and walked away. As she did he came over
to her.

"Hey there little girl, you got a light?"

She looked at the man with disdain. "No sir, I don't, I don't smoke."
She walked away again.

"Oh, c'mon now Corri Ann, there's no need to be that way, after all I'm
just looking for a light for my cigarette."

Corri turned and looked at him again. "How do you know my name?"

"Oh, I know quite a lot about you actually. I know you're cute and
innocent and you got a great pair of legs and those are all things I
really like."

She looked at him more closely. He was dressed in a ragged black
raincoat with the collar raised up around his neck. He was in his early
forties but his unshaven face and disheveled appearance made him look
older. He had an unlit cigarette dangling from his mouth.

"Sir, I am not interested. Leave me alone!" She again walked away, this
time with the determination not to respond to him again.

"Sure thing, baby. Whatever it is you want, I'll give it to you."

Corri quickened her pace as she crossed the street. She wanted to get
out of the sight of this repulsive looking man as soon as possible.
Turning a corner a couple of blocks away, she began to relax. She had a
long walk ahead of her but it was a nice day so she didn't mind so much.
Her Porsche was in the shop until Tuesday. Her thoughts drifted off to
the weekend plans as she made her way through the parks area. She
decided to take a shortcut through the woods, a primitive path that cut
a few minutes time off the walk. It was just starting to get dark.

Halfway down the path Corri stopped to get a stone out of her shoe. As
she was shaking it out, she glanced behind her. About a hundred yards
back she could see the man in the black raincoat walking toward her.
Corri's heart started pounding. The man was frightening enough on a
public street but on a deserted path in the woods, he was terrifying.
Corri hurriedly put her shoe back on and started walking at a very fast
pace. Looking back it was clear that not only was she not getting away
but he was actually catching up. Corri started to run. She wanted to
scream but with no one else around it would be useless. At the bottom of
a steep hill she took a detour across a short wooden bridge over the
creek which flows past the abandoned mill. It was unusual for Corri to
go through the millyard but she wanted to be out of the woods as fast as

Upon reaching the pavement, the frantic teacher looked back again. The
man was gaining ground. He too was running. Corri sprinted as fast as
she could. She wanted to get around the edge of the old brick building
so that she would be out of his sight. Rounding the corner, she was
moving between two vacant buildings, the mill and the boarded up power
plant. Looking back she could see that the man had yet to come around
the corner. Corri ducked into an alley that separated the two sections
of the power plant. She crouched down under a set of metal stairs and
hid under the lowest step. She listened intently. A few seconds later
she heard the footsteps of her pursuer go by.

Her ploy had worked. He would now be in a situation where he would have
to choose between several different paths to take. Corri hoped he would
end up thinking he had taken the wrong choice and give up. But she was
taking no chances. She decided to stay put for awhile, at least an hour.
Only then would she venture back out. She looked at her watch. It was
6:30. She vowed not to move until 7:30. She was very frightened but
relieved because she had outwitted her stalker.

After about ten minutes she heard footsteps in the alley.

"Corri Ann, you in here? Hey girl, you there? Come out, come out
wherever you are! Yoo hoo, you there little princess?"

Corri's heart pounded harder and faster than it had ever pounded before
in her life. The man was only a few feet away. Corri was as still as a

"Could you be here? Is it possible?" There was a long pause. "Oh well, I
guess not."

The footsteps faded out as the man left the alley. Corri calmed herself
down. She waited. She wanted to be sure he was long gone before coming
out of her hiding spot. She checked her watch frequently. At 7:40 she
squeezed out from under the stairs. It was pitch black in the alley.
Corri moved slowly back toward the mill. She was scared but determined.
Reaching the corner she peeked out slightly and looked both ways. There
was no sign of him. She moved along the edge of the power plant wall. At
the next corner she crossed over and walked next to the mill. At the end
of the building she would enter the front millyard where it would then
be only another fifty yards or so to the safety of the well lit street.
As she neared the end Corri felt safe again.

The moment she cleared the corner of the building he was upon her. He
ran into her with a force that lifted her off the ground and knocked the
wind out of her. He carried her a few yards and slammed her into the
side of his white cargo van. He pinned her and covered her mouth. Corri
was absolutely helpless as his great strength overwhelmed her. The man
was breathing heavily. He was in a very agitated state.

"All right, little girl, I got you. You thought you could get away, but
now I have you. You're gonna do it my way now, do you understand?"

Unable to speak, Corri could only look at the man with wide open
terrified eyes. He pulled the girl forward and then smashed her back
into the van.

"Do you understand?" His voice was strained and angry. Corri let out a
muffled response and was able to nod her head very slightly to show her
assent. As she did he dragged her to the back of the van. Quickly
opening the doors, he threw her in. Corri bounced and slid a few feet.
He jumped in and grabbed her by the hair. In an instant he applied duct
tape to her mouth. Pinning her to the floor, he pulled both her arms
behind her back. In a flash her hands were tied. Just as quickly her
legs were skillfully bound. In less than two minutes she was completely

"Lay still, bitch, we're going for a ride."

With that the cargo doors were slammed shut. Her abductor got in behind
the wheel and started off. Corri lay on the cargo floor, paralyzed with
fear. She was not able to move at all. The ropes were very tight. She
was desperately trying to breathe in enough air through her nose but it
was difficult as her quivering body gasped for more oxygen. She was a
prisoner. And as bad as her situation was, she was afraid that it was
only going to get worse. Much worse.

The ride took twenty minutes but for the hapless girl it seemed much
longer. The driver was obviously in a hurry. He seemed to be speeding.
Corri thought that perhaps the cops might notice but the siren never
came. Going around corners Corri slid on the floor of the van. As there
was no way to brace herself she hit the walls each time. She tried to
struggle against the ropes but the knots had been skillfully and
securely tied. Escape was not a possibility. Finally the van came to a
stop. Corri heard the sound of a garage door opening. As the vehicle
pulled in a new and stronger fear came over her. This apprehension grew
as the door shut. Her kidnapper got out and went into the house. Corri
was left alone in the darkness for several minutes. The waiting brought
her to a panicked state. She wondered if she could endure much more.

Corri Ann jerked backwards as the cargo doors were flung open. She tried
to place herself out of reach but the attempt was in vain. Her kidnapper
easily reached for her feet and dragged her down. At the edge he grabbed
her by the hair with one hand and by the rope tied around her legs with
the other. He picked her up like a piece of baggage and carried her
across the garage and up a flight of stairs into the house. In the
living room the man leaned Corri against the wall. He held an object up
near her face. She was startled and frightened as the shaft of the
switchblade knife popped up in front of her eyes.

"You do what I say and the only thing I'll be cutting is rope. Do you

Corri shook her head up and down. She urgently tried to answer with a
"yes" but it was muffled by the duct tape which still held her mouth

"Good, then there's no reason we shouldn't be able to get along quite
well then."

The man lowered the knife and quickly severed the rope which held
Corrie's legs together. Moving higher he sliced the knots which bound
her hands. It felt good to be unrestrained but this relief was
temporary. The man spun Corrie around. Throwing the knife aside he
grabbed the front of the teacher's blue dress and ripped it open from
the neck down. The metal buttons flew off bouncing on the hardwood
floor. The dress was quickly and forcefully pulled down off her
shoulders and dropped to the floor where it was kicked aside. Reaching
behind her he grabbed her black bra on both sides of the clasps and tore
it open. Corri desperately tried to push the man away but this seemed
only to increase his wanton desire. He grabbed her by the throat pushing
her against the wall until she stopped the struggle. Reaching down he
viciously tore off her flame red panties as if the bright color angered
him in some way, setting off some malicious primal impulse in his brain.
Finally, he grabbed the corner of the duct tape and yanked it off in one
quick motion. The skin around Corri's mouth was stinging hot but she was
glad to be able to breath through her mouth again. But even this respite
was short lived. Forcing his mouth onto hers he pressed her head and
body back into the wall using all his strength and weight to squeeze his
victim. Corri felt as though she was suffocating as his tongue
penetrated deep into her mouth. Her lips were bruised from the great
pressure as he rolled his mouth back and forth against hers. Both of
them were breathing heavily and loudly from the struggle. His hands were
all over her body finally coming to rest on her breasts which he gripped
strongly in his large hands. He pinched her nipples, crushing them
between his vicelike fingers. Corri squealed in pain but the relentless
assault continued. The man began to move his hips and grind his crotch
into her.

Unable to draw a full breath, Corri felt herself getting dizzy. As she
was coming close to feinting, her body went limp. The man backed off as
Corri collapsed to her knees. He grabbed her by the hair to keep her
from falling over. Holding her up, he pulled her thick red hair ever
harder. The pain brought her back to full consciousness. Her tormentor
then dragged her by her hair across the wood floor into the dining room.
He picked her up and laid her across the dining room table. Pulling out
two pieces of white rope, he again demonstrated his proficiency by
quickly tying both of Corri's hands to a heavy chair at the head of the
Using a black silk scarf as a blindfold, he wrapped it around her head
insuring that all she could see was darkness. The helpless woman laid on
the table, awaiting his next move.

It didn't come. There was a dead silence in the room. It was as if the
man had vanished. She felt he was close by but she could not hear him.
Minutes passed by at an incredibly slow pace. The tension was
unbearable. Corri began to squirm. She pulled hard on the ropes but to
no avail. As the waiting continued she began to cry. Finally, reaching a
breaking point, she screamed out; "NO, NO, STOP THIS! WHAT ARE YOU

She let out a scream when she felt the touch of his fingertips on her


His lips touched hers. Unlike before he was now being as gentle as
possible. He kissed her with a featherlike softness which contrasted
sharply with the forced circumstances she was in. His passionate touch
was like that of an adoring paramour who is in awe of the beauty of his
lover's body, worshipping it most tenderly. In a slow deliberate manner
he kissed her face and upper body. He drew circles around her nipples
with his tongue, withholding the pleasure from her until they were taut
and ready. And indeed, despite Corri's trepidation, she began to succumb
to the sensual talents of this man who had abducted her. She found
herself becoming increasingly aroused by his skills, although she made
an effort to disguise it. But when he dipped below the waistline he
began an erotic torture which had a tumultuous effect on the young
woman. With his tongue extended he drew wet circles all around her clit.
He would come very close but not touch it. Corri ached for relief but
said nothing. Only her heavier breathing belied her desire. Sensing her
increasing need, he would move lower to her inner thighs. The smooth
silky skin in that area was the most sensitive on her body. The tension
was multiplied as he licked, sucked, and nibbled. This was followed by
more tantalizing circles around her deprived clitoris. Corri began to
lose control. Despite her efforts at restraint she began to moan and
squirm on the table. Eventually she began to beg for relief with a
despondent tone of voice, "Please, please, it please, please."
Yet still the man continued with this game of tactile deprivation. On
and on he went repeating the process over and over until his victim was
in a frenzied almost psychotic state. Then he suddenly buried his face
into her throbbing pussy. Corri reacted with a tremendous explosion
which progressed into a long series of pulsating orgasms. She screamed
loudly as he continued to voraciously eat her. After several minutes she
fell quiet and still as the mind bending force of the many orgasms
numbed her into a state of blissful unconsciousness.

The chilling sensation of ice cold water dripping on her shoulders and
neck brought Corri back to life. She was now on the floor, tied by her
hands to the oaken footboard of a king size bed. It took her a moment to
adjust to her surroundings. The bedroom was large. There were numerous
cinnamon scented candles burning throughout the room. The flickering
flames reflected off the walls giving a warm glow to the room. Corri
looked over her shoulder. The man was behind her. He was naked except
for the medieval black leather hood which covered his head. Only his
dark eyes were visible through the mask. She also noticed that he had a
large erection.

"Welcome back Miss Bonds. You were out for a bit so I had to drip the
cold water on you to wake you up. Sorry about that but I'm not finished
with you."

"Please let me go!"

"No, no.....come now Corri Ann, that wouldn't be fair, would it? After
all, I haven't had my fun yet. It's my turn now little girl. Now, get up
on your knees, in the doggie style position. That's it. Reach up and
grab the top of the footboard."

Corri complied with his orders. She had never felt so vulnerable.

"Now, get your ass up higher in the air! Higher! Now!"

The prisoner arched her back downward to make her butt as high as

"Very good! Let us begin!"

With that the black leather paddle came crashing down hard on Corri's
left cheek. She groaned and lurched forward. The next whack hit her
right cheek. The hot searing pain caused her to grab the bedframe with
all her strength. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as the
onslaught continued in a methodical fashion. After eight whacks he
stopped and rubbed her burning red skin. Corri began to cry very softly
but audibly. The man continued with eight more spanks of increasing
hardness. Each one stepped up the intensity of the heat which was
spreading through her body, enveloping her in a warm, numbing glow which
eradicated the boundaries between pain and pleasure. Corri was in a zone
where there was no thought, only sensation. The experience was all that
existed. It became reality. After number 16 he again stopped to rub her
ass. The girl was no longer crying but uttering senseless gibberish. The
soothing rubdown had no effect as the skin could no longer feel soft
touch. He picked the paddle up again. The last six were extremely hard.
Corri let out squeals which came from the depths of her being. White hot
light flashed in her brain. After the 22nd whack he threw the paddle

"There, that's the birthday spanking I'm sure you never received.
Consider it my gift to you. Now, for my pleasure!"

Stepping aside for a moment he pushed two buttons on the stereo next to
the bed. Returning to Corri he issued one more loud command; "GET YOUR

The teacher could only obey. As she raised up for the final time he slid
his throbbing hard-on into her ass. Corri gasped loudly at this
unexpected intrusion. At the same moment the stereo came on blaring out
Jim Morrison singing "Back Door Man". He took great pleasure singing
along while fucking to the hard rhythmic beat of the song. Driving his
cock into her ass with deep penetrating strokes, Corri became nothing
more than a receptacle for his powerful plunges. As the song reached
it's maximum crescendo the man humped harder to achieve his own climax.
Corri felt his ejaculation deep inside her, triggering her own juices to
flow. As the stereo fell quiet all that was heard was the passionate
heavy grunting of their shared orgasms.

After cutting the ropes he lifted her exhausted body onto the bed. He
laid down next to her putting his arm around her.

" was that?"

"Oh god, it was perfect, absolutely perfect. Thank you so much, it was
exactly what I needed. It was better than my fantasy. Thank you Master."

"Good, I'm glad you liked it. Believe me, I did too. Now, let's get a
little sleep. We got a long drive tomorrow, or should I say, in a few

"Yes, thank you, Sir."

Koban scooted up closer, his body pressing against hers. Holding her
tight he put his lips to her ear, whispering softly, "You are


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The room was ornately Byzantine in style, with a mosaic marble floor and slim columns round the walls supporting decorative rounded arches. There were some heavy gold and crimson d****s at one end and the furniture, though sparse, was expensive. It consisted of a low chaise couch with a single high-curving end, an equally low table - on which stood a white urn filled with exotic-looking flowers - a comfortable-looking armchair, a footstool and, finally, a tall inlaid cabinet with cupboard above...

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The House of Even D Light

The rain beats down on you drenching you to the bone. You can barely see beyond your own hand. Suddenly the storm lets up enough to see a huge house in the distance. You run for it as if your life depends on it. Just before you reach the steps to the front door it opens and an old butler stands in the doorway grinning at you. "Welcome. Welcome come on in get out of the rain before you drown. Though before you do can you tell an old, nearly blind man how many there are with you? I also would...

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Cousins Are We In Too Deep Part Three

Not sure about most folks, but where Dani and I come from, family is number one, before religion, before country. Being cut off from our entire family would have been a fate that was incredibly traumatic for Danielle and me so, this added a new wrinkle to the already complex dilemma that was burning a hole in my brain, working overtime. However, in the true spirit of a man who loves to fuck, I decided to table all of that until we could rationally discuss it. Now was not the time for...

4 years ago
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 29 Gathering

That evening at home, I got Dad caught up to date on what was going to happen, and let both Mom and Dad know that I was continuing to develop new skills. I told Mom we might have to put her bread warmer in a museum some day, and then I lifted the salt shaker off the table and moved it in a little circle in the air above it to demonstrate what I meant. We got a call from Cyrus at 8:30, to let us know Grandpa was coming in pretty much right on schedule, at 9:00. We decided to head out to the...

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Summer Holiday Education pt3

Granma went into the kitchen and fixed us all a bite to eat and a large Jug of ice cold Lemonade which she set out on the patio table. “Come and get it” she shouted   Still naked me and grandpa walked out onto the wooden decked patio took a seat and looked out towards the sea while we ate our sandwiches, just then I heard the phone ring.   “I’ll get it” said granma   We could hear granma in conversation with someone and now and again she laughed so we knew it was someone she knew.   ...

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Gayles CeremonyChapter 5 Wayne

Steve watched in disbelief as Bill shrugged off his advice to give Gayle a minute. The Bill he knew wasn’t a rapist. Physically strong, he was careful not to hurt anybody. Bill knelt on the air mattress between Gayle’s spread legs and dropped so that he was covering the poor woman and about to penetrate her. Then he stopped. He whispered something in her ear. Gayle nodded. A minute passed, and then another. Their breathing was all the motion you could see, and it began as mostly Gayle’s....

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CADE Anal Fun

CADE Anal FunCat was hanging in Jade's room listening to music and talking. Jade watched the redhead with lust filled eyes. She looked so cute he couldn't resist.Cat was talking to Jade and before she knew it Jade was kissing her with such passion. Cat broke the kiss, "Jade.”Jade put her hands on Cat's sides, "Come on Cat I want to make you feel good. Just give in.”Cat felt her skin burn with lust where Jade was touching. "Jade.” She was planning on saying more but Jade kissed her neck and...

2 years ago
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Angelas New Girlfriend Part II

Angela's New Girlfriend ? Part II We had only taken a couple of steps when Veronica stopped and turned to me. She held my attention with her mesmerizing blue eyes and then said, "What do I call you? I sure can't call you Larry any more!" "Laura," I replied without hesitation. "Laura will do just fine." "Alright then, Miss Laura, we're going to get started right now. The first thing you need to do is start perceiving the world like a woman. Close your eyes." She looked at me...

3 years ago
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The After party intro

I remember It was Saturday morning 27/12 and i woke up still pissed from my birthday party last night ..I look over to my younger Sister whos 13 years old,brushing her hair in the mirror.My cock is throbbing and I have To get up and go to the toilet. My sister is watching me in the mirror , as I rush in to flick my rock hard 7.7"inch cock out of my bathers full of alcohol and start pissing .What a relief !!.We moved into a new two story house about 3 years ago and the renovations weren't fully...

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My Fantasy For You part 2

You push me back to a lying position on the bed and begin kissing my face, my eyes, my neck. Running your fingers through the silkiness of my hair. I sigh with pleasure at your kisses, feeling your lips make their way across my shoulders down over the tops of my breasts. I bite my lip with a moan as I feel your tongue flick first one pointed nipple and then the other. I know what is coming and push my breasts forward in anticipation. You laugh deep in your chest at my impatience, but...

1 year ago
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My Fantasy

Ever since I was younger, I've always been attracted to older men. I would always picture them showing up in suits to whisk me away to some wonderful dinner or show. Then I got older. I started fantasizing about an older man in his 40's or 50's, calling me up and inviting me over. We'd grab a bite to eat then head back to his place. He'd rub my shoulders and kiss my ear. Slowly we'd tease each other to the point of insanity and then the wild and earth shattering sex would begin. I'd stroke him...

2 years ago
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Just the other night

Thought I would add to my stories today. This happened just the other night.When we went to bed I was pretty tired and I wasn't in the mood. It doesn't happen often but some times it just can't be helped. Anyway she just knows how to get me going. First she snuggled up close. She always sleeps naked and I could feel her huge tits against me. She lay on my shoulder as she usually does and began lightly playing with my cock. Shortly there was a bit of stirring and she took this as her cue to...

1 year ago
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My Love Jenna

Letter to Jenna I got home from work very late last night, and used my key to quietlyopen the door to your apartment in L.A. When I entered the room, my heartlightened as I was greeted by the fresh, clean scent of your perfume. Ipulled off my shoes and left them by the door so as not to disturb you. I smiled when I heard the familiar clicking of the keyboard, and I knewthat you were still awake. I walked up behind you, admiring how you looked;your silhouette aglow from the light of the computer...

3 years ago
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Jennifer and Me

This is a fantasy from long ago about a black, female engineer friend. I am an Electrical Engineer, military computer design was what I did. Now I’m seventy-one and own a small store in a small town about seventy-five miles north of San Francisco. I sell mineral specimens, jewelry and Grateful Dead memorabilia. There was a black, female engineer friend that I’d known many years ago and sometimes, as I’m staring up into darkness waiting to fall asleep, she walks gently back into my...

1 year ago
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Dog Theft Averted Husband Theft Commenced Part 1

John rounded the corner into the park and looked at his GPS watch. One more lap, he told himself.As he picked up the pace again he heard a commotion to his right. Turning to look, he saw three men wrestling with a young girl and making off with her small dog. The men were headed towards a van, dragging the clearly agitated dog behind them as they ran.John sprinted towards them and flew at the guy who was dragging the dog by its lead. The man hit the ground with a thump and the dog broke free,...

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Elaines Dog ShowChapter 3

"Elaine? Elaine, honey, are you okay?" Wanda called through the locked bedroom door. Elaine opened her eyes and moved her head to the right, focusing them on the small alarm clock on the bedroom dresser. It was eleven o'clock! "Sam! Sam, wake, up!" Elaine whispered, as she rolled back and shook the big man's shoulders. "It's almost midnight, and I've got to go." "Hmmmmm?" Sam mumbled sleepily, blinking his eyes open then reaching over and stroking her tits lightly. "No more...

3 years ago
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Dosti Ki Khaatir

Hello dosto, I am PRIYA and I am from delhi. As some of the readers know im a very adventures person in case of sex. I have appetite for boys and their lunds which i think very few can match. I am 29 married with a very sexy kaatil figure (36″ 28″ 36″) . And have a very cute face that can turn many heads. I like wearing short and revealing clothes. Waise to I am from punjabi background to usually I wear suits and nighties at home. But when i go out to I always tend to wear saari . And you know...

1 year ago
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The best season P

It is in the best season that you always peek with a little more attention, especially if you have the sister hottie, as in my case :-P. It was a beautiful summer day, August end of August I remember, when my sister and I were at home with our cousin (young like us :-P), my sister and our cousin were sitting on the bed and started joking with mobile phones so I take a chair and sit in front of them :-P to joke with them :-P but also to peek a bit :-P because our cousin had the skirt up to her...

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Becoming His Cum Slut

So, as previously told, the events leading up to us having a threesome with my best friend and my husband started me down a path of becoming a cum slut. I never really liked the word slut or whore because of its’ negative connotations, but I soon learned that a woman could be classy and proper in the streets and still be a whore or a slut in the sheets for her man. After that night, I started enjoying my husband cumming in my mouth. I loved how he tasted and as much as I wish I could fit him...

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It was 5 years ago and I can still remember that amazing weekend when my younger cousin decided to sleepover my house for the weekend and hang out with my little sister. She was skinny not very develop yet and neither was I. I never really had a thing for her but none the less she was still very attractive. She was a straight girly girl who always had her hair and nails always done.The first night she and my sister were watching a movie and just doing each others hair. I decided to join their...

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The House to Themselves

Gregory and Victoria own their own business and tend to travel across the world a lot for their work. Usually it was just one of them gone at a time, leaving the other at home to run the household, but as their sons started to grow up and became able to take care of themselves (usually with frequent check-ins from neighbours and friends), both Gregory and Victoria left for business trips together. At this point in their lives, Gregory and Victoria had raised two extremely independent, smart...

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The Meaning of Christmas

Gloria sat watching the package laden people of Christmas from her office window. She never understood the idea of Christmas, spend until you cannot spend anymore and pretend to be a great person for one day when you’re an asshat for the other three hundred and sixty-four. Grabbing her coat she prepared to leave for the day. ‘Hey Gloria. What are you doing for Christmas?’ ‘Oh hey Jim. Same as usual, sit at home, watch TV and have a normal dinner.’ ‘Well you know, you are always welcome at...

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All For My Goddess

special thanks to My Goddess @deegenerate for editing this for me and encurageing me to post this After laying out a blanket for goddess and get her laying out under the stars, I go get her some wine, and when I return she is laying knees bent, legs spread, rubbing her already soaked pussy. Taking her wine glass form me, she says, "Take me." I dive right in and start licking up all her juices, making me so hard. I finger her hole and nibble her clit. She is getting close, then she grabs my...

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JulesJordan Summer Col Fiery latina Summer Col puts on an anal show with her tremendous backside

Sweet little Colombian, Summer Col performs some true anal sourcery in this scene from The primo event begins with Summer Col outdoors. She’s adorned in a neon pink stretch garment laden with large holes. The lunar like ensemble was made to cradle her worshable ass. As she hypnotizes Jules Jordan you can hear a helicopter. With perfect timing he says “Police on the lookout for fat booty”. You don’t need to be a detective to know she has the goods. The giggly cutie patootie with...

3 years ago
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Fun With Neighbor Bhabhi In Her New Flat

Greetings to my all ISS friends and followers, I would like to thank all the story readers who gave overwhelming response in my previous story. I am Dev living near Noida and this story which I am writing in hurry is about my neighbor bhabhi, whom I satisfied in her new flats. Her name is Rita and looks gorgeous. This story happened with me in last month. She, her son & her husband were our neighbor till few months back and recently they shifted to their new flats in noida. Lets start the story...

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Oral Fixation Leads to My Bosses Impregnating My Wife

One of the perks of working for a large corporation with global interests is the occasional opportunity to travel internationally at the company’s expense. In my case, I'm a senior chemical engineer for an oil company headquartered in Houston, and periodically traveled to one of our petrochemical plants in Puerto Rico. It's not technically international travel since Puerto Rico is a territory of the US, but it was a welcome diversion for me. I usually traveled alone on those trips, but the...

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(the first story I posted on Lit, the original Liliane, which was written twenty years ago or so, received a lot of very pertinent comment – the new version is an attempt to do something with it. It got a little longer in the process, I’m afraid.) * The lights were very hot overhead and everyone on the bed was sweating profusely. Lillian didn’t really notice – she delighted in being sandwiched between two sexy, big-dicked, horny fellows who gave her all they had, long and hard, both senses,...

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Meri Pyari Reena Didi

Bat 6 saal pahle ki hai jab mai 19 saal ka tha aur Reena didi 21 saal ki thi. Garmi ki chhutiya chal rahi thi aur mere ghar mere do cousins aaye huye the jinki umar 8 saal aur 10 saal thi. Hum sab mil julke ke khela karte the. Hamara ghar jyada bada nahi tha so hum pancho bhai behan khana khane ke bad ek he bed par so gaye. Reena didi apne legs mere head ki taraf karke soye the. Mai half pant aur t shirt pahne tha aur Reena didi ek hulki salwar suit pahne thi. Raat ko lagbhag 2 baje mujhe didi...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 46 Boston Legal Systems

January 13, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Good morning,” I said. “On the phone, we have the five members of the Board of Directors, as well as Jamie Ferguson and Matt Kern of Allen & Baker. We also have Mr. Samuel Shapiro, of Shapiro/Gleason in Boston. In the office with me, I have Elyse Clarke, Kimmy Bradford, and Jeri Lundgren.” “Welcome everyone,” Joyce said. “I call the Board to order. It’s your meeting, Steve.” “Thanks, Joyce. I’m sorry for the short-notice meeting, and I extend my...

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The Hotel Room

Danny was ending his day and he visited the hotel to pick up wi-fi and sign out after his final meeting. He had stayed in the hotel before and knew he could work quietly. He completed and looked at the time and decided he would delay driving at present to let the congestion subside a little. Then he was approached by a well spoken and dressed man and asked if he might be interested to know that in a room in the hotel a naked woman was waiting for a stranger to enter the room and have sex with...

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Blackmailed Maid For Sex

Hi readers, this is my 2nd story on ISS (if you haven’t read my first story go read it). Last time I told my story of how I had a short gay relationship with my house guard which was true and again this time I will tell another true story from my life. As you all can tell by now, I have a thing for Desi servants, so when I was around 5 years old, we got two new girl maids who were in their teens and were sisters. The younger one was shani and older was faima, they stayed in our house for a very...

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