SpaceChapter 10 free porn video

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Betts said, "Mrs Watson asked me to help her. Patty and Liza want to rough it in their back yard. She wants me to be out there with them."

"Smart move on her part I guess."

"Can Patty and I go?"

"I don't see why not."

When the adults left, we hurried over to Gail's house.

She said, "Hi guys. You are over early."

I said, "Hi Gail. I have a favour to ask."

"What is it?"

"Patricia wants to have a camp out in your back yard with you and Liza. Betts is supposed to be here while I am away fishing. She is really going to be with me."

"I used to do that as a girl myself. I guess I can do that but we have no tent or mattresses."

I smiled and said, "You will."

I called a sporting goods store that had a website. I talked about their best two, four and six man freestanding tents. They had a few good selections and I learned about some features from those that had used the tents. Self inflating air mattresses, small pack-able stoves with Sigg bottles of fuel as well as lightweight stainless pots were discussed. I was given a rough total for what I wanted and gave the phone to Gail. She gave her name and address then said, "This is a large order. I want it delivered here by five tonight and I will pay cash."

The manager had to be called and since the number matched what was on his phone he would risk the time and the gas. Cash was such an easy item to deal with.

Gail said, "That was a lot of money you just spent. If you keep doing things like that then you will be broke before you are thirteen."

"My girl is important to me and besides the army you talked about can use them. It may be necessary for you to sleep with the three of them one night to show them how to camp."


"Well, how to enjoy camping."

Gail got the rest of my money. I even had to get a forty dollar loan. Patricia and Liza were ecstatic that they were going camping.

We rode hard to our range and gave out the arms. This time we kept our own even when on patrol. I wanted them comfortable with the weapons but not stupid enough to shoot somebody that came near.

Jerry said, "That game last night was awesome. Did you see, it had my face?"

Chuck said, "It was easy to spot. It was the most ugly. Now what are we doing today, Wally?"

"We work on what was in the game. Treat that as what we have to do."

"Is that what we are going to do tonight?"

"Yes. This time, it is going to be much more dangerous. There will be people with guns. The pit in the game exists on a farm. They are going to fill it with bodies. The kids they are going to sell to brothels in the East."

Sam said with a worried voice, "Slavery is not done anymore. There are laws against it."

"Ever hear of White Slavery?"

"Ya, I guess."

"It exists and so does piracy. The South China Sea has pirates today and the major governments are trying to stamp it out. Anyway, the kids in the porno movies are going to be sold. The guys over there like white skin for a change. Even the boys they like. Any young women are going to be sold and I guess even the youngest kids. In a way it is like what ranchers do when they make a cattle drive. Ranchers though leave lots behind to breed enough for the next year. Caputo wants people to believe that the families just got up and ran. Nobody will find them."

Chuck said, "So the old folks get killed and thrown in the hole?"

"That's right. The two buildings will house the slaves or maybe just one. It depends on how many they get I guess."

Betts said, "Don't call them slaves. It makes them less than human."

"That is the way they will be treated."

We went through without bodies what we had practised in simulation. There was the stalking to the farmhouse and the taking out of the guards and then the one in the guard room.

From my mind I heard, "The collection has begun. The female you call Wendy has just been abducted with her parents and sister. They should be at the farm within an hour."

"What do we do?"

"Get your supplies, including water. Bring your weapons in your packs. You will find the antidote to the anaesthetic at the usual place along with a two first aid kits. A product similar to what humans use to darken their skin along with masks and gloves will be provided. I will give further information as you travel."

"Ring my phone."

"Very good!"

The phone rang and Nadac quickly repeated himself and added we would need to take a taxi. Funds would be supplied.

"Guys, Caputo has started to gather people. None have been killed yet that I know of. Go home and get your packs and what you want to bring. Meet at Betts' house."

I got nods and the harnesses and guns went into my pack. We raced home because every minute we wasted, the more would die. Betts parked her bike in the garage with mine and she raced into the house. I waited for the sphere to drop is shield. I unloaded the cargo. Nadac worked with me to tell me their properties. We had miniature concussion grenades that would leave the same molecules behind that current military explosives used.

There was a black balaclava that apparently was not as hot to wear as what was now available. New t-shirts that were fuzzy. They looked ok but were more difficult to spot in the dark. The two first aid kits looked military and would clip onto a belt. What was new were five pairs of sunglasses with a nylon strap so they would not get lost. They marginally improved our sight at night. A small bud near both ears could transmit my voice to them without others hearing.

I ran into the house and wiped my face with a damp cloth and gathered what was needed.

Betts looked almost panic stricken. She too had cleaned up a bit and packed her things. I said, "Leave the t-shirt. We have some better ones."

"How do they get here?"

"A courier."

"If there is a courier, why can't soldiers do this?"

"First it's our battle. Second, we would never get trained."

"Trained for what? I never volunteered to be in the army."

"You can stay here Betts. I have better intelligence than what the police have. We can do it safer as long as we do not get shot."

"You, can get shot too. I don't want to lose you."

I held her gently and said, "I don't want to lose you either. The last house to be hit was Wendy's. We may not like her but I don't want her sold as a slave. She has a little sister too. The sister either goes into the pit or to the Orient. I think that is enough to fight for never mind the rest."

"Some deserve to die. They tried to trap us."

"Has it occurred to you that they were forced to do this?"

Betts hung her head and said nothing. The guys came now and didn't knock to get in. They all wore packs. They stood in a line waiting. I just said, "The garage," and we walked out.

I split up the grenades five ways even if Betts may not come. "These here are small concussion grenades. Think of them as humungous firecrackers. They will kill if they are close enough." I handed out the sunglasses and put my own on. It seemed like the hot garage got a bit cooler. "These t-shirts are cooler and harder to see. Dump your shirts in the corner and take these. There are some thin balaclavas. Nobody will recognise our faces but they may notice our size."

The shipment was split up and they each got their own harness, gun and the special darts. I inspected every pack and even the clothes, that they wore, fit in. I handed out a hundred dollars in small denomination bills to each in case they needed it while all identification stayed here.

I said, "Guys, this is dangerous. We may get killed. There are some valid reasons why we have to do this and not the police. If you wish to stay here, you may. If you do go you will know that you are saving peoples lives and most of those will be children like our brothers and sisters. There will not be any glory except what we give each other. All I can promise you is something much better in the future. Anybody wanting to leave should do so now."

I looked at each person. They were nervous as hell. Sam was the worse but he was controlling himself this time. Betts looked to be unsure but she didn't move.

"Good. Get some additional water bottles in the basement and let's go."

The taxi was almost here and I talked with my mind. The thoughts went to one or all of those I talked to. They looked around and saw my smile.

Chuck said, "Howd' you do that?"

"If I told you I would then have to kill you. Let's just say that this is the very best."

We got in a minivan that Nadac ordered. I said, "We are supposed to be hiking but we slept in. We have to meet up with the rest of our group." I gave him the location then pulled out a fifty. I want to get there as soon as possible. If you hurry you get the fifty. You get a ticket and I will pay." I showed him a lot more money. The Pakistani driver swallowed and agreed to do his best.

The driver was good. None of us spoke and this was a bit eerie but I didn't feel like breaking the mood. We pulled into a trailer park just off of Highway 400 in a cloud of dust. The driver got paid and had the generous tip on top of the fifty.

Only a few minutes later a station wagon picked us up and took us near the farm. I gave a small tip to suit the effort. With the taxi and other cars out of sight we searched the surroundings with the new pair of zoom binoculars. There didn't seem to be anybody that would give us grief for crossing their property. We climbed a fence and headed across a field. We moved quickly and it was hot. The water was welcome. We went through a woodlot and then another cultivated field. We came upon the buildings that could house the captives but at the moment they were empty. Again the binoculars was used and I passed them to the rest so they could become familiar to them.

Keeping to training, we put the harness on and added the small grenades. The packs and black outfits stayed hidden. This time it was Sam that picked the first door. We surveyed the metal sided building while I pointed out the cameras. The explosives were not planted yet. I could have deactivated them now if that was the case. The roof on the building was fairly flat and had a movable skylight. This may be good for later. There was a rickety ladder that we put up to it to open it for ventilation or a way of getting in later.

The building was locked up and Chuck opened the nest door. This one had a single military detonator and a half kilo of plastique hidden in a ceiling. My sight told me that there we no more here, at least not now. With gloves on, I took the cap out and tugged the wires just enough to make sure the cap was far enough from the explosive to not set it off. This type of detonator would constantly monitor the circuit and self-destruct if it were moved or the cap cut out of the circuit.

The building was checked for way of taking it. Chuck and Jerry broke out boards in three places and put the boards back in place for later. If the wind did not knock them off then this would be great. The cameras faced where the openings would be and I hoped that there was no operator at the main house by then.

Jerry called out a warning and we locked up the building and hurried back to our packs and a ditch we had passed. Two cars stopped at the first building. A young woman and three girls our age were dragged out. None of them were familiar to me. They wore the nylon cable ties used by the police. The woman and one girl started to scream and the men sat back and watched.

After a moment on guy said, "There ain't nobody here to save you. I might do that but at a price."

Four guys took the four into the building and we heard more screaming and then slaps.

Sam said in a whisper, "What are they doing?"

It was Betts that said, "Rape."

Jerry said, "We going to do something about it?"

I said, "We rescue four and a lot more die. Let's get moving we have to get to the farm house." A few minutes we heard three gunshots. They were regularly spaced and I had to guess that they were executions.

Chuck said, "What was that?" Nobody answered him.

One of the cars left the building and raced down the dusty road to the farmhouse. We kept low and our progress was slow. More cars came and even a cube van. None of us verbally speculated as to what was in the vehicles. More gunshots were heard. By my count there were eleven so far.

Chuck and Betts wanted to hurry the most but I had to restrain them. They wanted to sacrifice our security for speed. I wanted to race too but I wanted to be alive to help.

The traffic coming to the farm seemed to peek then slow down. When we gained a fence line with some trees we made better time though we were not going directly to the house. We were going to come at it from the west and the sun would be behind us. The farmhouse from the distance looked deceptively simple. It was the mound of soil hundreds of metres back with a bulldozer near it frightened me much more.

While we stopped to drink and piss I watched the house. A car came in and dropped two bound people off and then car sped off to the place where the captives were stowed. The two were dragged by four men out to the pit. When the two were allowed to see inside they tried frantically to escape. The man was first. I saw his head fling back and then he fell. An older woman was next. She fell to her knees to beg but was shot where she knelt. The men swung the first body back and forth to gather momentum. It must have struck further toward the centre of the excavation.

Chuck was beside me. He whispered, "What did you see?"

It was hard to talk. I had seen countless Hollywood deaths but this was real. I handed him the glasses. I heard, "Oh, my god," in a quiet voice.

It took another hour to get to the house. Though the area close to the pit was the safest, we avoided it. I saw seven men and a woman. They were all serious but I wasn't sure if they were happy to turn their farm into a cemetery and killing ground.

One guy was watching the screens in front of him and drinking a beer. A phone call came in and it was answered. We had discussed many plans. But the best was when they came out to execute somebody.

We drank our water and pissed. Seeing Betts piss was nothing compared to the hell around us.

A cargo van came this time and I got the guys in position this was the real thing now. More explosives had been set and in both buildings. The truck stopped behind the house this time. The back doors were opened and a man was dragged out. This man I knew. His face was bloody and he looked to have a broken arm. It was still Wendy's father. There was crying from inside but the driver got back into the van with his partner.

The four men escorted the single man to the pit as the truck raced to its destination by way of the dusty road.

I was close enough to hear the conversation. One man was saying, "Hi Frank. We hear that you were going to turn the boss in."

"I wasn't. I swear to god I wasn't. You gotta' believe me."

"Well you see Frank even if we did believe you we have a job to do."

"Dear god no. I have money. You can have all of it."

"What about your new wife?"

"You can have her too."

"I have a fancy for your two daughters. I hear the young one is a virgin. She won't be after tonight."

"You can have them. You can have them all."

"Thanks Frank." Instead of waiting until the edge of the pit the man raised the gun and shot the man in the forehead.

One of the other guys said, "What the fuck you do that for? Now we have to carry this shit."

They picked up the guy and my commands went out. Chuck and I raced forward. We got within twenty metres before one of the guys heard something behind him. I stopped and fired with two hands. I moved the gun just a bit and did it again. I moved to another but he was already falling.

We raced back to the house as Jerry and Betts opened the side door as if they were the men. Betts went upstairs and fired at the surprised woman. Sam has walked around the front and shot a man sitting in a lawn chair. Jerry went downstairs and shot a man that was watching baseball on the television.

Chuck and I raced into the house. I saw through the walls that the man in the control room was getting up. It could have been the noise or a security camera in the house. I had never checked for that. The guy opened the door just as I rounded the corner. Three shots hit his chest. He just had time to look surprised.

There was nobody else but we did the search anyway. I went into the control room and saw kids and women getting raped or giving blow jobs. Everywhere I saw people crying and the sound came through.

I must have been there a while because the rest were there beside me watching what was happening.

It was Nadac that warned me. I said, "The van is returning."

We raced outside. The driver must have seen the five bodies by the pit because he gunned his engine. I yelled to everybody, "Grenades now."

I took off a grenade and pulled the small pin. I had to throw the device to where it would be in five seconds. I threw mine and I saw others fly too. I hit the ground as four eruptions appeared behind the van and one just happened to be under a back tire. The van was flung up and it tipped over. We raced to the overturned vehicle. There were two dazed men in it and one had a cell phone in his hand. My gun came up and peppered him. Beside me Betts did the driver.

"Get the guns. We need something stronger than our darts to stop cars." Then I added, "There are rifles in the house. Check for bolts and ammunition."

I thought of dragging the guys out. Instead I went in and plucked out darts from both men. some were difficult to find. I went to the others we shot near the pit while relaying the word to clean up. Not all the darts were in the men and some must be in the pit or beyond. Now was not the time to spend a lot of time looking. Perhaps they would be missed but I doubted it.

I was in no mood to go slow now that there were some explosions. Jerry always boasted of sometimes driving one of the cars at the wrecking yard. In my mind I said, "Chuck, shut the main power off to the house. It will be dark when you do. Use Sam's flashlight. Jerry search the pockets of the guys and find keys for one of the vehicles. Sam and Betts bring the rifles to the car Jerry picks."

I ran back to the front of the house and made sure the man looked like he just fell asleep in the chair. I found a dart nearby too. Somebody was not careful.

Jerry got a pickup truck working and he backed up with some jerks but he was not bad. The guys jumped in the back with some guns and our packs and headed up the road. He kept it slow and stayed in the middle of the lane. I said, "Hell Jerry, you can drive. I was never sure."

"Ya, my brother taught me. Dad got mad because I banged some of the cars up."

"You are doing good now."

"What is the plan when we get to the buildings?"

"The explosives are live yet but they not likely to get activated. The second building we went into was the easiest to take. We come in from all openings if they are not aware of us."

"What if they are?"

"Then we make them come out with smoke."

"That will warn the second building. I'm sure some of those guys have cell phones."

"We have the rifles yet and the grenades."

We accelerated then coasted to a stop. I had looked ahead and saw the men still draining their nuts. I took what looked like a Glock with me. We would be seen so our black outfits went on along with the balaclavas and the glasses.

One guy came out the door just as we arrived and one of those in the back of our truck hit him with a dart. We just raced forward now. "Betts, Sam, Jerry. The back." I slowed Chuck down until the rest were ready. "Go!"

We burst in and some men got shot with more than the lethal amount. I really didn't worry. The captives just stared at us as we checked for more hostiles and retrieved all the guns. The kids or women could start using the guns too. They looked that insane.

I called out in what I hoped was an altered voice, "Stay inside until the cops come. You leave this building and we shoot anybody moving."

In my mind I sent, "Out!" which would be transmitted verbally by the glasses.

We hurried for the next building. A man was outside smoking when he saw us and ran inside. I called for the guys to stop. I went back to get a rifle. This was far too dangerous if they knew we were coming. I hurried forward and said, "They know we are here now. Let me see if I can smoke them out."

Nadac helped me with the information about the rifle. I put three shells in and then one in the chamber. I got close to the building and used the body of a car to rest the rifle on. I used my sight to pierce the walls. There were five men guarding two doors. I drew a bead on one and fired. The gun hurt my shoulder and I had done everything Nadac had said. I moved the bolt and fired again and again.

Other rifles fired from my right. There were no hostiles left in the building. Two were still alive but I just hoped they died slowly. With the Glock in hand I entered. The rifle I used was powerful and the metal sides of the building did not slow the bullet down much. There was a small hole going in a man and a large hole on the other side. I kicked away guns like I saw in the cop shows and looked for more threats.

Wendy was on the floor. She had blood on her and I knew it was her own. Betts came in and looked around but mostly at Wendy. She didn't speak but got the girl up and inspected her injuries. To see where she was bleeding. It was her asshole mostly. I was sure it had been used many times before but perhaps this time they wanted to just hurt the girl.

Another girl was beside her. If anything she was more beautiful than Wendy with teats just as pretty. This one was unconscious and not shot or hit by bullet fragments. There was enough blood to warrant a bit of first aid if necessary. I turned her over and found something I had never seen before.

This girl had a pussy but I saw a deflated cock just about where her clit would be. Hers was the same size as mine. Her giant clit did not have a head and as far as I knew no hole down the middle of it. There was no nut sack. She put me in mind of the Tomma but those women had smaller clits but they looked the same, almost like a finger with out the fingernail. This girl looked erotic. This clashed with my wish to protect all of them.

I called out mentally, "Any hostiles left?" It was a stupid thing to do. They could not answer.

The guys came in one at a time and looked around at all the naked flesh but their eyes usually stayed on Wendy then unerringly went to the beautiful girl with both a pussy and a cock. Eventually I found some cloth and tried to cover this oddity. I was sure she had a hard life with her genitals and with being under Caputo's thumb.

"Let's move out before the cops come. They're on the way." We turned around and got rid of all the toys we had found including my Glock. With pretty much what we came with we hurried to the end of the road and started across the fields. We were a good few miles away when we heard sirens. This gave us a bit more incentive to race faster.

We walked all night. During that time we talked about what we had done and I asked questions to find what we could have done better. The guys all admired Wendy and felt bad for her present condition. The new girl with a cock interested them the most. Part of it was because she was odd but I could tell that they found her sexy too. Jerry and Sam mentioned that they just may have seen this girl in one of the porno DVDs they had watched. They assured me though that they were all destroyed.

When it came close to dawn we changed back into our regular clothes and tried to appear as kids. Kids were not usually up at this time of the morning though. We hid when cars came by until we found ourselves at a service station with a diner. We cleaned up Beth as good as we could and sent her in to the service station part to get the key to the ladies room. We cleaned up as best we could. We already had a story formulated.

It was nice to just sit down now. We ordered lots of food and we ate too much of it. Five minutes later two cops came in and sat to drink a coffee. We were the only kids around and kids are what they would be looking for by now.

I had to do something. I said to Chuck that was right across from me, "Did you know that Martha Hinkley went up to Bob and kissed him?" He didn't reply so I added, "Bob was shaking in his boots. He was afraid to kiss her back. Jake almost pissed himself laughing at him."

Beth caught on and said, "It was a dare. Pam put her up to it. I was there and I heard. Martha would never have done it if Pam hadn't pushed her into it."

Jerry piped up weakly, "My sister Beth is having another baby. I have to go to another baptism."

Betts said, "You like going to them. Your second cousin will be there and you like her."

"I do not."

"You do too."

"I do not,... well maybe a little."

We slowed down to eat instead of talk and the cops ignored us. They left later and we all had a sigh of relief. The only thing we did differently was to wipe all the surfaces of the table that we may have touched that would not normally be cleaned. Paranoia was a good thing for me now. I called for a taxi on the public phone. I didn't like being traced through a phone if I could help it. Nadac might prevent it but it was still poor practice.

A taxi took us downtown. There was a fresh fish market and I bought a local whitefish and had it wrapped. My alibi was assured now. From the market we caught another taxi home.

"Guys give me your outfits. When you go home, remember to change your shoes. I want the ones you are wearing back here. We left tracks all over the place."

The black outfits came off and were thrown in a pile. The gloves went into a second pile along with the gloves we did not use. Even the glasses had to stay. Too many people had seen their distinctive design. I went through their packs looking for anything that could incriminate us later. The shoes were the only problem.

The guys left but now with hugs. We were much more of a team. Guys giving hugs to each other did not seem as wrong as it had before. Betts and I stopped at Gail's place. We went directly into the backyard. A tent was up and I could see one adult and two girls still sleeping.

Betts and I went back home and had a good shower then went to bed. I heard of this situation making a person horny but not now. I had killed three men, Sam got one and Betts got the last. We were murders and not even thirteen yet.

We woke up just before Mom and Pop got home. We both looked like shit and had another shower. We turned the television on and there was news of what the cops found on the farm. The news was coming on even when it never used to be.

We saw helicopter pictures of the pit and the house. There was no mention of us but I was sure it would come out eventually. We turned off the set and I could see that Betts was still bothered.

I asked, "Are you sorry you went, Love?"

"Really didn't think there would be killing. You said there was the pit but it wasn't real until I saw it."

"Betts, did we do the right thing? I mean about taking out the guy on the explosives and then the guys with the guns inside the last building."

"I have to think we did the right thing. I... shot a man."

"What was that man doing for the few hours before he was shot?"

"He deserved to die alright but I was the one that pulled the trigger."

"You helped society clean up its rubbish. If you had let him get away then all the crimes he committed later would be on your conscience."

"I know that too. I was the one to cause a death."

"I know how you feel."

"I know you do and I love you Wally Kiefer."

I love you too Betty Huggins."

"Betty now?"

"I was being formal."

In a moment I said, "I hope Wendy pulls through. She looked like she had broken."

"I saw that too. I hated her for what she did but she was so helpless there that I wanted to hold her to me."

"Yes, helpless is the word I would think that best suited her too."

We started dinner and I abused Nadac to get me a good recipe for the whitefish. Betts had to run off to the store to get some of the things I needed.

The Chuck called up on the phone and asked why I wasn't online. "Chuck I have an important job to do."

"What now? I hope it wasn't like the last."

"Chuck, I am preparing the fish. I never cooked fish before. I could cause a disaster and I would go to my room and cry my eyes out for hours."

Chuck laughed so hard the phone fell. "Ya, the Captain cries because his fish recipe didn't pan out. I got to tell the guys that."

"You spread that around and I will not be able to show my face around them."

Same as Space
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A Planet Is BornChapter 7

Things were subdued amongst the now smaller group over the next few days. Hannah had recovered remarkably well, perhaps due to the fact that David hadn't actually succeeded in raping her. The twins were cautious and only went around in pairs - just in case David did decide to do something stupid, but no one saw any sign of him and it seemed he had taken their warnings seriously. The first clay bricks dried out enough for Ben to begin building the oven and it was taking shape quite rapidly....

3 years ago
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To Wake A Walker Teaser Preview

The first time my power surfaced, I was in the back of Jimmy’s truck-bed, arguing over which of us should take our pants off first. Of course, at the time I didn’t know to call it power, or magic, or anything. In fact, when he was suddenly knocked backward by some unseen force, his heavy denim ripping off of him like tearaway pants, I thought I was dreaming. When he started screaming and scrambling away from me, I backed away from him. I backed myself right out of the truck-bed and hit the...

1 year ago
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Sara 7

Our first day at school wasn't that big of a deal as we spent most of the day in class. Oh we spent close to an hour in the quad between classes and we even ate a small meal there. It was much better than high school ever was, for me at least. No one came up to me and asked me if I was in the right school or tried picking on me because I was smaller than every one else. We did have a few guys trying to hit on Amy and me but neither of us let it go to far. I couldn't for obvious...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is my third story at ISS, if you haven’t already read the first two, go ahead and check them out as well. I am 18 years old, and really lust this girl, 18 as well, from my apartment. She is dark, short and has quite big boobs and hips. Both of us lust each other and finally enjoyed fully for three straight days. On Diwali, after we burnt some crackers, my parents decided to go for tea, with all the other adults. It was 12 am, and I thought for it to be the perfect time for...

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My Livein Maid Indian widows new life abroad09

A Child widow Live in Maid goes abroad - She gets Transformed You read in part 8 Her hand went up to her ample bosom, feeling her heart ripped into pieces as tears flowing down her cheeks and wet the pillow along with the sheet and blankets. Anu cried and cried, curled into a ball on her bed as loneliness swept through her entire being. Gently and slowly I sit on her bed and pull her into my arms again, offering her solace and companionship in her hour of need. A flash of devilish smile...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Flight Book 3Chapter 17

Now what? Did I park crookedly? Keep the other two cars from being able to have somewhere to park? For once the cops had their hands on their guns, but they weren’t drawn. The FBI agents had on bullet proof vests, but no weapons were drawn. “Are you Joe Johnson,” one of the Fed’s asked. “One of many I have found over the years when searching for myself on the net,” I replied. Now this is going to get interesting, but at least they aren’t cuffing me or pulling their guns, so that is a...

2 years ago
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The Shack a Parable of Wolves

This is Angel’s story from The Shack, I’ve been asked for her story several times, and I hope this is satisfactory. This is very much a companion piece to “Shameless,” and I strongly recommend reading that first. The time period starts just before “Shameless” and ends a year or so after “Behind Blue Eyes.” I don’t typically write graphic sex in this story line and that remains true here. Special thanks to sbrooks103x and Ckcpper for editing and beta reading, and to No1specific for beta reading...

4 years ago
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The Last of Her KindChapter 4 Basic Instincts

Darren’s feet slapped the cool pavement, his breath tight and controlled. The sun was just rising above the treeline behind him when he arrived at the edge of town, staring at the long road that vanished over the hills. Farmland for several miles, and then plenty of forest behind them. His mind slipped back to the events of the night before. Upon rising, he had wondered if the whole thing had been a dream, but his cock had spilled the truth. His crotch was a sticky mess that had necessitated...

3 years ago
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In Crowded Bus

i was then about 18 and moving from school to college in Delhi. Had a long summer break and went down to my grandparents in rural Tamilnadu. I was a star attraction and curiosity as most of the people had not seen anyone walking around in skirts and short tops. I was by 18 quite busty and most men stared at my tits before they even looked at my face.I was getting bored after a week. There was a boy of my age next door who offered to take me around to nearby places of interest. We used to take...

1 year ago
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Cheryl and the bet

One day Cheryl and I was talking and Cheryl was talking bad about Gregg the old football coach of her son. Cheryl at one time wanted to fuck Gregg and I said that was ok. I told Cheryl that I think she was upset because Gregg didn’t want to have sex with her. Cheryl said Kevin all I had to do was call him and he would fuck me if I wanted him too. I told Cheryl that he wouldn’t Cheryl told me Ill bet you he would and if I called him he still would and he called me once already. I told Cheryl I...

Group Sex
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Under the Moonlight

Under the Moonlight By Wolverine James' large pickup truck plowed through the old woman crossing the rural highway they were heading down. James' and Turner's screams awakened Preston, who was in the back seat of the truck. Preston joined their scream symphony as the truck swerved to the side of the road. James parked the truck, and shut it down. The three young men sat their, panicked and panting in the silent darkness. A loud moan came from the old woman's direction and James bit...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 76 Answers and More Questions

September 1, 2007 (continued) I paused for a minute to collect my wits. Then, I faced George, not at all confrontationally, but seeking answers. "Okay," I began. "It's obvious you know quite a bit about us – about me – and the secret I have. Either you overheard a conversation of ours, or you're a time traveler yourself." "Please excuse me," said a remorseful-sounding George. "I didn't mean to frighten you. But I have some things to share with you that are of vital importance, and...

2 years ago
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Short Tail

I had just finished another argument with my mother concerning my inability to find a wife, which naturally led to my inability to provide her with grandchildren. We've been having these arguments once a week now for three months. Before, it wasn't so bad; but now, I was getting sick and tired of listening to the same bullshit over and over again. She just wouldn't get off my back.I think all this arguing stems from the time when I was a boy. Back then, my mother always wanted more kids, but my...

1 year ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 21

“I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” Gianna said as she bounced back into the room. I was lying across Sonia and Vivianna on the couch in the entertainment room as we watched some mindless comedy show. No one was actually watching it, but it gave us an excuse to give Kiera and Marta some alone time with Master. “You seem extra excited all of a sudden. You’re always perky, but you’re almost buzzing now,” Sonia said. “Want to let us in on the secret?” “It’s not a secret, that phone call was...

1 year ago
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Charity Graduates 4 The Big Game

Introduction: Go Cougars! Charity Jones here again, sending you back in the time tunnel to the sexploits of my wonderfully misspent youth. The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in its death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cds were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part, Beeders...

3 years ago
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Shipwrecked on Lust Island

After six months on her new job, Melissa found herself summoned to Masters’ office. At first she was worried she had done something wrong but the boss quickly put her at ease. “Melissa, you’ve been a great hire and a wonderful asset to the office,” he said. “It’s about time you had a vacation.” “Well, um, thanks, but I don’t really know if I’ve saved enough to afford a trip,” Melissa said. “I thought you might say that,” Masters said with a smile. “I’ve talked this over with your folks and...

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Financial DominationHS Crush Part 2

[Just a reminder that all in this story are 18+. Thanks to everyone who commented on the first part--and encouraged me to continue this story. Hope you like part 2!]So it went on like that for days. Ignored by Jaime, flipped off when I gave her my lunch money, watching her wishlist for new things added and trying my best to keep up with the shoes, outfits and other things she would place on there. I did it because...well, it helped me feel connected with her in some small way. Even though...

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Thank you all for the feedback from the first story, I've tried to shorten the paragraphs here to make it a bit easier to read. Please, let me know what ya'll think about these first 2 stories. I have a few more ideas, but if you have any suggestions for stories, please send them along to [email protected] and I'll see what I can do with them. _________________________________________________________________________ With the approach of spring, it could only mean one thing. The...

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MylfBoss Ariella Ferrera Dana Dearmond Executive Office Creampies

Ariella Ferrera and Dana Dearmond are strong, intelligent, mature, and savvy business owners. They are always on top of their game and trying to improve their company, but one of their recent decisions to hire a bumbling idiot is turning out to be a fail. Dana and Ariella were in their office discussing the future of this dumb young guy. Just as they started chatting, they guy was outside and overheard their conversation. He found out he was going to be fired at the end of the day, but then...

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Sidedressing By Tyrone Slothrop Older sisters can be a boy's good friend and most effective torturer. Bernadette, charged with watching her little brother, was getting bored and decided to see how far she could manipulate him. Nothing nasty just keeping her hand in. Practice makes perfect. "Ralphie, come here, I want to try a new game." Ralph heard his sister and put down his videogame. He wandered into her room. At thirteen he was fairly average in height, about five feet...

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Charmed Kitten

Charmed Kitten By Maggie O'Malley Rebecca stared intently into the computer screen. Frustration was etched on her lovely young face, and a frown turned at the corners of her mouth. Her chin rested on the thumb and forefinger of her right hand, while her left hand worked from the top of her head through her thick brown hair, stopping at the base of her neck to massage her aching muscles. Her beautiful brown eyes were tired from hours spent at the computer and pouring over...

4 years ago
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One For The Team Chapter Five

Chapter Five - The Cottage May 1986 Detective Sergeant Archie Sanders and his partner Detective Constable Sandra Tingle had stopped at a layby on the A12 near Mountnessing and were drinking tea purchased from the take away food van and smoking cigarettes. "This is the worst cup of tea I think I've ever had," Archie Sanders poured most of his drink onto the cracked asphalt. "Shouldn't we get a wriggle on Archie?" Sandra Tingle tossed her styrofoam cup into an overflowing...

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Cum On Clothes

Cum On Clothes Reddit, aka r/CumOnClothes! Where do you like to cum when you fuck a chick? I love doing it on multiple places. For example, sometimes I feel like cumming on her face and so I do that. At other times I feel like I would rather cum inside of her, so I end up giving her a nice creampie instead. And then there are times when I want to get extra freaky and that’s when I think about cumming on her clothes. Imagine hot mad a bitch will be if you cum on her clothes. Chicks really don’t...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sexy Modern Bull

Exactly what the smut world needs! Another premium website presenting the rawest of porn, with a special focus on anal sex and black megaswords! Does the concept ring any bells? In any case, today, I am gonna present to the world, expecting to see tons of anal sex worshippers flocking to this hardcore heaven!However, I don't give a fuck about whether you are gonna spend some bucks on watching black dongs drilling gaping holes. My mission today is to prove to all prude fuckers...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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An unexpected sisterly love0

By the time I was 20yrs old and Laura was 18yrs old, our parent had divorced and Laura and I were living with mom in a 3 bedroom apartment while Devon had moved out to live with his girlfriend. I was not a virgin I had had a few girlfriends but was single at the moment. Being single masturbation became a daily routine every night. One night, mom was working the night shift at the hospital and Laura was out with her fiends. I was in my room laying on my bed my pants and boxers down to my...

4 years ago
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Alex and Jessica Ch 01

‘Ow!’, she yelped as he ran into her. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!’, he kept repeating as he helped her up and helped her clean up her now-spilled tray of food. ‘Its fine’ she said with a growing impatience in her voice. His name was Alex Constantin, a young freshman excited about the prospect of going to college for the first time. He was about 5’7′, had light topaz brown eyes and a dark, bold green covering locks of midnight brown, straight, puppy-soft hair, which was parted to the...

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The year was 1901; the final year of my music studies at the conservatory. Franz was about ten years older than me and occasionally visited our class to lecture or give instruction as he was too young to acquire the position of a professor at the time, though he was on good terms with all of the teachers and many of the students. A respected young conductor, he was a mentor of sorts to me, having already achieved the status I could only dream of someday nearing.I rather looked up to him but he...

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Insaney about Hermione

**** (All characters in this fictional work and in oncoming continuation of said work are at least 18 years of age) **** They can't understand._ Maybe they do not want to understand. Yet you don't deem it much as something you should care about. Sure, you have neither seen nor exchanged anything besides a few 3-words-long text messages with your friends and family in a while. Understandably, though, since you are busy. You are in love, John Doe._ And who could blame you for wanting to embrace...

3 years ago
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White Rogue

The city of Mellor was full of dark mages, self proclaimed nobles, Werewolves, drakes, vampires, witches ... basically a lot of evil creatures. There were also greedy merchants, hunters, knights and sanctuaries. I even knew of a courtyard with a huge oak tree and a dryad. She sometimes hunted the night with her bow. As for me, I was a rogue and roamed the night. My prey was the evil nobles or greedy merchants and sometimes even a dark mage. There were also a few dark elves that lived on the...

2 years ago
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Lindas New SchoolChapter 8 War Council

When she arrived at the entry hall, she was unsurprised to find her parents waiting there, along with the headmistress. She was pleased to note that both parents had briefcases, and each carried one of the stuffed animals she had requested. She was especially happy to note that her father's briefcase was the one she had suggested. Miss James showed them to a small meeting room just off of the entry hall. She requested a chance to speak with them once they were finished with their meeting....

1 year ago
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Heart of DarknessChapter 6

Anne slips down the stairs humming and feeling energized. She is wearing her robe, which is loosely tied shut. The little gremlins were right about their cum and she wishes she would have let them do it more often. Of course if they did, she probably would have been a lot hornier all the time and that may or may not have been a good thing. She swings the door open expecting to see Cameron. Instead, it is Carrie and Roger standing in the doorway. Anne frowns briefly and says, “You know this...

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My Aunt My teacher

Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been only a month after my aunt came to live in our neighborhood after she had separated from her husband she lived with her daughter,3 years old, she was not yet divorced, only separated . I went to her house quite a few times mostly because she needed some thing to be brought and sometimes because I wanted to see her, she was some thing to be wanted , I had been watching her body hungrily ever since she arrived , also her dressing being casual...

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Invisible Girl

It looked like it would be another long lonely year for Analia Thomas again this year. But if you looked on the outside you would think that everything was fine. She graduated with a 3.6 GPA from Southeastern University with a degree in International business, with three leads on possible oversea appointments in multi-million dollar firms. The girl had everything going for her, at least it seemed that way on the outside, but only Analia and her bestfriend courtney knew the truth. Analia was...

4 years ago
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The time I was an American prostitute in India

Hi. My name is Vivian and this is my story of the time I lived and worked as a prostitute in India. I’m not much of a story writer so I’m going to ask that you forgive me if this reads out more like a report than an actual story but I feel as though I should get this off my chest. It was 2015 and I was just 26 years old at the time. I am Caucasian, 5 feet & 10 inches tall, thin with a 25 inch waist, gray eyes, raven black hair which reached down to my D-cup breasts and have sleeve tattoos...

2 years ago
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Train Three Sexy Slaves 15 Tamara3

Tamara is a talented tasty teen and in full control of her pussy's musclesTasty teen Tamara succeeds in sucking some smoke of hot pot from my joint!Tamara gets a special sexy tasty treatment in bed that sweet Saturday nightTamara gets a creampie first which leaks all down to wet her tight sphinxterTamara is so horny hot and high she can not stop coming with all her mightTamara milks my member by both her hot holy holes for my erotic explosionsTamara sets an example for the three tasty sexy...

1 year ago
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Private Lya Missy Maria Wars Horny Senoritas Enjoy Interracial Threesome

Today in Private Specials, Spanish Señoritas, the super sexy Maria Wars makes her debut alongside the always horny Lya Missy and stud Jesús Reyes, and this is one interracial threesome you won’t want to miss! Watch these sexy ladies share a serving of BBC as Maria starts off the action herself before Lya gets her tongue involved for some double blowjob fun. Then enjoy the sight of Lya’s tattooed body and Marias sexy figure get put to work as both girls take turns getting pounded...

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Finding Michelle

My name is Walter Franklin II. My father was Walter; I will not tell my middle name, but it's almost as bad as Johnny Cash's song about "A Boy Named Sue" where the troubadour talked about growing up tough. As teachers called my full name at the beginning of the year, there was always some new kid who did not know that using that name could get him hurt. I was fair; I always explained that I did not like that name and if it was used again, I would do my best to hurt the person who used...

2 years ago
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Fun at work prelude

Hello there. Let me firstly introduce myself, and tell you a bit more about me. My name is Bart, I’m 21 years young, and currently work for the government. Well, to be honest, I just work for a small part of our government. Our ‘section’ has roughly 1.400 employees, going from administration, to workers, and finally the ‘high placed’ people who decide things around here.   I’m part of the administration service if you wondered, so is everyone else who is working in this building.   As for...

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Duncan knew it was not a sign of age for a man with his long history to indulge himself in reminiscing. Still, sometimes he felt guilty to just sit and reminisce, remembering all the wonderful things he had seen and, more importantly, the people he had met. It hadn't been that many years since he made that early pit stop here in Ritzville. Lord knew he'd spent hours enough recalling that morning. Most especially the vision of Helen; walking, swaying up the walk from where she'd parked...

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A Cautious Man Ch 0608

Chapter 6: When he met Zena Wildman, it wasn’t at a church social. She came into his shop one noon hour and handed him a fine old Sunbeam toaster. It was the heavyweight, chromed beauty of the fifties with the slow-down, slow-up feature. The raising and lowering mechanism had quit and almost as an afterthought, Zena remembered Bill’s Repairs and decided to see if it could be fixed. It had been in the family for many years and had been given to her by her parents when she moved out. Her brother...

4 years ago
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Three some with couple

Hi Friends! Love to be back again after a long time. Thanks to all my fans who encouraged me to write all this by giving me ideas and inspirations. I am going to narrate an experience I had long back with a couple. Actually he was my friend and I used to go to him often and was sort of family friend. His name is Rajan and his wife is Uma. Rajan works in a private factory and has shift duties. Since I am working in officer cadre, I had normal working hours. I am telling this because everything...

1 year ago
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Elevator Encounter

My knees went weak. I love that word. It makes me wet, and makes me want to prove that I am a slut. I didn’t turn, I pretended not to even notice. I shifted closer to his voice though. His hand cupped my ass, and I pressed closer. He chuckled into my ear, and the elevator stopped, letting the other passenger off on the fifth floor. The doors closed and we were alone. He pulled up on my mini skirt, and rubbed my bare ass, his hands slipping between my thighs to my wet hole. He lightly grazed it,...

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Instructor Mikes Academy Part 1 Taking the First Step

multipart series involving White Daddy / south asian teen raceplay, crossdressing, and more. If you are not over 18 and/or find the notion of White Cock superiority to be offensive, then please do not read on. Aside from a few things altered, this recounting of several months of my life is almost entirely true. It feels good to get it off of my chest as a form of therapy regarding past sexual experiences. This experience almost 30 years ago while growing up as a small South Asian boy in a...

2 years ago
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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 1

It was now May 2002. The incident with Tom was still in my thoughts, and whilst I knew that the outcome had been the right one, I found myself slipping down into a depressive state of mind. I had begun to recognise the signs a few days after seeing Tom that evening. The constant sexual hunger I had grown to accept as normal for me seemed to fade. And with it, the need to masturbate several times a day was no longer there. My energy levels dropped, and everything became an effort. Life had lost...

3 years ago
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Woman In The MirrorChapter 9 From The Frying Pan Into The Fire

I never, ever, could have imagined, that men could be such huge problems. Before, I never gave them much thought. During my cross-dressing time, I went out with Jen and Sandy. Most often it was to lesbian localities. When we did go out elsewhere, I didn't seem to notice that extreme amount more attention from men. Once I started going out alone, it was a completely different story. The thing is, even if you are a lesbian and not interested sexually in men, they cannot be excluded from...

2 years ago
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A Lover once asked me: If you had to explain why you love cunnilingus so much, how would you describe it? And do you really love it as much as you say? I truly pondered how I should answer these questions because her inquiry was so honest and deserved a full explanation!As to the question: "Do I love it?"Oh do I ever. I love it when I run my hand over a pussy and find it already oozing wet. Feeling over the Vulva, just the feel of that curvature cupping into my hand, the prelude to an exciting...

1 year ago
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Personal Service With A Smile

(For: ma1450)It was another swelteringly hot and humid Summer day in West Virginia, but as Mason woke up, he immediately remembered what was on the agenda for him that day, and he started getting a hard on!He laid there in bed for a few moments, lightly stroking his cock; letting the excitement and anticipation build up stronger. But he stopped after a moment. It wasn't the right time, or the right place, to come. Not yet. That would be for later!So instead, he got out of bed and took a...

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Maid to be Submissive Part One

As I stared up at the ceiling, contemplating my own existence, I couldn't help but retrace the last few weeks in my mind. My girlfriend had just broken up with me, apparently, she had met someone else and had been cheating on me for months.The same week, I found out that my company was laying people off and I was about to lose my job too. This is how I ended up at age twenty-five, living with my mom again.It wasn't all bad, I thought, trying to convince myself. My mom owned a long-stay motel,...

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The Mystery of Jack

As I opened the back door to the shed in Jack's backyard (where he had installed a glory hole), my pulse was starting to rise. The day was a fairly hot and humid one that July, but the shed where the glory hole was located had air conditioning, and closing the door behind me felt good on my lightly sweaty skin.Directly ahead of me was the four inch diameter hole through the plywood divider that separated Jack's side from that of mine. Even though my side was quite dark, I could make out...

2 years ago
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The Bookstore on Conner

There’s a small bookstore on Conner Avenue, situated near the middle of a block along the north side. The four story brick building houses three businesses on the street level, the bookstore, an artist supply store plus a bicycle shop. None of these businesses are particularly profitable and nor will they go away easily. Conner Avenue has three blocks devoted to the trendy shops and odd retail stores. People love to walk up and down the uneven sidewalk, browsing for new and used merchandise and...

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Mistis Adventures Part 97

The big day was here for Sue, and the rest of her family and friends. She had anticipated this day for the last 13 years, and it had finally arrived.She had not had to go to school, and spent the day in a Beauty Shop, getting herself ready for tonight. She had been given a permanent, a facial, manicure, and pedicure, and had had her hair styled. She looked in the mirror at each stage, to see what progress had been made. She had gone to buy a dress, and, unknown to her, Pete had taken money from...

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