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Chapter 1

"She'd never been what anyone would consider an 'ideal' daughter, for any parent. Holly could easily be described as being a bit of a brat. She was 17 years old, with beautiful green eyes, and dark brown hair. She had a body that most men would die to get their hands on, and she knew it. Often in high school, Holly would use her charms on any guy she wanted, and never seemed to have a problem getting whoever she targeted. Sadly, Holly hardly ever found a guy worth being interested in, and only seduced guys who were dating girls she didn't like.

One of her proudest conquests happened less than a week ago, when she'd managed to seduce her ex-best friend's boyfriend into fucking her on the bed, right beside his passed out girlfriend! Just as he'd reached orgasm, he pulled out and shot his hot cum all over Holly's face, not paying any attention to the fact that his girlfriend had just awoken, and was watching him cum! She'd laid there in shock, not knowing what to say, until Holly's cum-covered lips took her by suprise. Holly kissed her lover's girlfriend, smearing his cum all over her face! This wouldn't have been so bad, but the girl she kissed was still a virgin, and believed the whole situation to be gross.

It was highly immoral acts such as this, that would ultimately be the end of Holly. What she didn't know was that the karmic wheel was spinning, and she was about to get more than what she deserved.

"Look at that slut!" Paris said, standing beside her closest friend, Dawn. "She's always thought she was the hottest thing in town." She hissed, as she held her books and walked out of the main entrance to their high school. "Well, she's about to get hers."

"What are you talking about, Paris?" Dawn asked, just noticing her friend's ramblings.

"Haven't you heard? Every girl in school is out to get her. Somebody slashed her tires, this morning while she was in first period." Paris said, pointing to Holly's little sports car, out in the parking lot. "She had two teachers helping her change her tires, and one even gave her his spare tire! The little bitch probably fucked him for it!" Paris growled. "I wish someone would just haul off and kill the little slut."

"I know she's mean, Paris. Just ignore her, she's not even worth getting upset over." Dawn replied, trying to kill the tension she was feeling from her friend.

As they both continued walking out to Paris' car, Holly's sports car came flying by, just barely missing Dawn. With a squeal, both girls jumped back, dropping their books as Holly raced out of the parking lot, with two guys in the car with her. After a sigh, Paris and Dawn knelt down and began retreiving their books from the ground. "That bitch." Was all Paris could manage to say.

In the back seat of Holly's car, Warren sat in silence, realizing that he was the only one who noticed the two girls they'd nearly hit. He wasn't sure how he'd managed to get a chance to sit in the car with the one girl every guy in school wanted, but he knew he wasn't going to mess it up. The speakers in the car were blasting one of Holly's favorite hip hop stations, as they drove. It was enough that Warren knew he was going to have a headache before they got to where they were going.

"You alright back there?" Warren's friend, Hank yelled from the front seat.

"Yeah, just chilling." Warren strained to yell back, over the music.

"Don't worry, baby. We'll be there in a minute." Holly yelled, grinning at him from the rear-view mirror.

They continued to drive until they made it to a deserted portion of the beach. Holly turned off the engine of the car, and jumped out, pulling her top off to reveal her beautiful breasts, covered in a string bikini top. With a giggle and a squeal, she went to the back of the car, opening the trunk to give everyone access to the two coolers of beer. Warren and Hank got out of the car, and joined her.

They spent the next two or three hours drinking, and hanging out. Sunset had finally arrived, and the night sky enveloped the beach, but Holly paid no mind. She continued to drink and flirt, eventually giving Hank a blowjob, and letting him fuck her on the hood of the car, while she jacked Warren off. By the time they had finished, it was almost 11 o'clock. "Oh shit!" Holly gasped, looking at her watch. "My dad's going to kill me!" She yelled, as she started putting her clothes back on, as soon as she found them.

She finally managed to get dressed, and got in the car with the guys to take them home, and go home herself.

After finally dropping off Hank it was almost 1. Holly was finally able to start home, racing her little car as fast as it would go. She drove so fast through the dark streets, that she had no idea that she'd just fallen into a speed trap. Behind her car, red and blue lights began flashing as the siren on the patrol car howled into the night air.

"Oh, this is great." Holly thought out loud, before deciding to try and outrun the patrol car. She dropped the car down a gear, and put the gas pedal to the floor, and watched as the speedometer eased past 120MPH. "You're not getting me, tonight, you son of a bitch." She mumbled to herself, watching the cop in the rear view. Her eyes flashed back to the road once more, before darting them back to the mirror, to make sure she was getting away. Suddenly, she heard a blood-curdling scream and everything turned a blinding white.

Holly found herself standing in what she believed to be a white room, with no visible floor or ceiling. If it were in fact a room, there was no way of telling how far from her the walls were. The white almost blinded her. That was when she heard heavy footsteps in the distance, coming from behind her. Startled, she swung around to look in the direction of the sound.

"What is this?" She asked, before catching a glimpse of who was walking up. He was a tall and slender man, with dark hair that touched his shoulders. Caught completely off guard, Holly found herself instantly attracted to the man. She stared at him, as he slowly walked up, wearing a black suit. His eyes never left hers, giving her the distinct feeling that he was staring right through her. Feeling shy for the first time in her life, she looked towards the floor. This was when she noticed that she wasn't wearing what she was a few minutes ago. Instead, she was wearing a beautiful black dress that she'd often seen Spanish dancers wear in the movies. She put her hands across her chest, and felt a diamond necklace hanging from her neck. She felt her hair and realized that it was put up elegantly, with a flower carfully petruding from it.

"Holly DeMancy?" She heard the man say, as he took the last few steps toward her. Caught completely by suprise, she just nodded. He gave a small polite smile, and took her hand and kissed it. "I apologize if I've inconvenienced you, Miss DeMancy."

"Uh, no. But where am I? Who are you?" She asked, looking at the area around her. "Oh no, my father! I've got to go!" She started to panic, once again.

"Don't worry, time has no relevance here. A second in your world would be an eternity here." He said, appearing extremely comfortable with the strange things around him. This helped to calm her down. "Actually, your father is exactly why I brought you here, Miss DeMancy." He stated, his voice calm and sophisticated.

"I don't understand." Holly replied.

"I'm sorry, I realize this is all very strange. Perhaps you'd like something to drink, to calm you down?" He smiled, gesturing into the distance as if to invite her to walk with him.

"Uh... y-yes, please."

In an instant, she found herself sitting across the table from the man, in a beautifully decorated restaurant. "Let's see if this doesn't suit your taste, Miss DeMancy." He said, before taking a bite from his plate. "Mmm! Delicious!" He seemed to relish in the food. Holly still seemed uneasy. He noticed this, and laid his fork down. "Please, now. You're going to have to calm down. You're here simply because I required it. Now, for the moment, you have absolutely no reason to worry about a thing, so please relax and eat. I'll explain myself."

This seemed to relax her, and she carefully tasted the Mexican meal in front of her. With a look of pleasure, she swallowed her first bite of food, and had no problem going back for more.

"Oh God! Fuck me hard, baby! Fuck me so hard!" Paris screamed, as she was rammed from behind by her boyfriend. With a handful of her hair in one hand, and his other hand slapping her ass, he was pounding her with everything he had. In complete sync, she was bucking her hips back to meet his, using the muscles of her pussy to massage his throbbing dick for everything it was worth.

"You like that, Paris? You love that dick, don't you?" He said, riding her wildly.

"Fuck yes! Give it to me!" She screamed, as the bed shook wildly under her, from his movements. Suddenly, she felt him pull it out of her, and wildly, she wiggled her ass in the air, as she felt him explode all over it.

"Jesus!" He yelled, spraying his hot load all over Paris before landing beside her in an exhausted slump. "Oh my God, that was great." He mumbled, catching his breath. Quietly, Paris grabbed a tissue and cleaned her butt off, before standing up and putting her hair back up. "Where are you going?" He asked, watching her.

"I need a shower." She said, and smiled at him before she left the room. She knew his parents were going to be gone over the weekend, and she had already told her parents that she was going to be spending the night at Dawn's, so she was free to do what she pleased. She went into the bathroom, and reached in the closet to pull out a towel, before locking the door behind her. After a couple of minutes of adjusting the water, she stepped into the shower and let the water run over her body. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the heat of it.

The water felt so good that she never noticed the black tentacles that were slowly working their way up from the drain, beneath her. The three tentacles slowly worked their way up, until they completely encircled her legs, not touching her, but hovering just inches away from her flesh. A fourth tentacle silently caught up with the first three, as Paris silently washed her hair. Without warning, one of the tentacles rammed into her mouth, filling it so full she couldn't speak.

Instantly opening her eyes, Paris attempted to scream, but instead slipped in the tub, and landed flat on her back. Two of the tentacles wrapped around her legs, prying them as far apart as they would go, while the third one forced it's way inside her cunt. With an insane amount of force, Paris slowly realized in horror that she was being fucked by these disgusting black tendrils. The one in her pussy pounded relentlessly, and before she knew it, the one in her mouth had begun fucking her throat. Slowly, the fight she was putting up, was slowing, as she began going into a slumber. She continued to squeal in shock, as the world around her faded away.

Before she knew it, everything had gone black, and all that was left was the disgusting pleasure that she was getting by these huge black tentacles.

Chapter 2

"You see, Miss DeMancy, your father currently sits in a seat of unbelievable power. Power that he, himself, would've never acheived without my help." The mysterious dark-haired man said, still eating his beautifully prepared Mexican meal. "Quite frankly, your father owes me a fairly hefty debt."

Almost in shock, Holly decided it would be smarter to stay quiet. She knew that her father had just been elected a seat on the United States Senate, but wasn't sure what this had to do with her. Usually, her parents' business was just that, and she never cared to be apart of it. After all, being only 17, one wouldn't be expected to find politics that appealing.

"Miss DeMancy, your father has yet to pay that debt." She heard him say from across the table. But wait, wasn't she just magically 'popped' into this restaurant by this guy? Before that, didn't she just magically appear in that white room? Who was this guy, exactly? What did any of this have to do with her?

"Alot." He said, smiling at her.

"Alot of what?" She said, lost.

"It has alot to do with you." He grinned wider, deliberately informing her that he knew everything that was going through her mind. "I've been watching you for awhile, Holly, and I've got to tell you. I'm quite impressed with you're work." He continued grinning, pausing only to sip at the drink beside his plate. "You're quite a vindictive little slut, aren't you?"

In shock, Holly started to rise from her chair, only to be forced back down by an invisible force. "What the hell is this?" She asked, almost in a panic.

"Hell is exactly what this is, Miss DeMancy." He smiled, as several large black tentacles came from under the table, wrapping around her slender young body. They encircled her tiny figure, binding it to the chair. "You see, as I've already said, your father owes me a debt. Since this appears to be a debt that your father can't or won't pay, I'll simply make you pay." He smiled, crossing his arms across his chest, and leaning back in his chair.

"What the fuck are these things?" Holly asked, terrified for her life, as they slid across her body. Suddenly, one began to slide up her skirt, under the table. She felt it's cold, slimy texture work it's way up the inside of her leg, as she frantically looked around the restaraunt, to see if anyone was aware of her situation.

"Nobody can see either of us, Miss DeMancy. As far as these 'things, ' as you put it, they're going to help me take my payment." He watched in enjoyment. Holly's face began to blush as the long black tentacle inside her dress worked up the inside of her thigh, and began to slime it's way into her pussy. "I've been in need of a wife for a very, very long time." He leered at her.

"What? No, I--" Holly's sentance was cut short, as one of the tentacles swung up, violently, and ripped her dress, revealing her breasts. It then wrapped itself around her breast, and began massaging it, using the tip of the tentacle to wrap around and pinch her nipple. "This is sick, make it stop!" She began to cry, another tentacle wrapping around her throat before plunging into her mouth. Holly struggled to move her arms, to try and defend herself, but they were bound to the chair by more of the disgusting black tentacles.

"Why would I, Holly?" He continued to smile.

As the long shaft of the tentacle under her dress began fucking her, uncontrollably, the area around the table began to fade to black, leaving nothing but her, the table, and the mysterious gentleman sitting across from her. And, of course, the dozens of tentacles that were fucking her relentlessly. Holly's pussy began to burn with the heat of ecstacy, her clit throbbing with pleasure. Her body finally betrayed her, when it allowed her it's first orgasm, sending her head back in excitement. Her chair was soaked with the fluids escaping her womanhood, as more and more tentacles came from nowhere, ripping her clothes off of her, and began to ravage her.

"I thought you liked being a slut. Is it so wrong to take pleasure in what you do?" He smiled, as he stood from the table and wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Everyone should enjoy their position in this world, or any other. And while we're on the subject, Holly, why shouldn't others enjoy you for what you do?" He grinned as his face began morphing, horribly.

His clothes began to shred on his body, giving way to a set of blood-red wings and a long snake-like tail, as his face turned blood-red and sprouted horns. Holly was lost in a mixture of pleasure, pain and terror, now being fucked in the ass by one tentacle, and watching the horrors before her.

"Why shouldn't I get to enjoy you being a complete and utter slut, too?" He growled to her.

Alone, naked, and in the dark, Paris walked through the pitch black room, using her arms to try and hide her nudity. The humidity was unbearable, and the ground was rough-feeling to her feet. It felt as though she was walking on rock, as sweat dripped down her body.

"Where the hell am I, and what the fuck was that in the shower?" She mumbled to herself, scared out of her wits. It didn't take her long to realize that she wasn't in a room, but a large dark cave. As she continued walking, she began to see a red light at the end. Not sure what to expect, she followed the light to the exit. To her shock, what she then saw was worse than she could've ever imagined. She stood, overlooking a sea of blood, fire, and demons. Paralyzed in fear, she couldn't help but watch as the majority of them used crude tools to chip away at the rock. Scattered throughout the area were women, hanging from chains, completely nude. Their bodies were bruised and battered, showing signs of physical as well as sexual abuse.

"Holy shit." She muttered, and slowly tried herself inside the mouth of the cave, just inside the shadows.

Below, one of the larger demons raised it's head, it's ear twitching. It let loose a low, gutteral growl and sniffed the air, before discarding it and going back to work.

Inside the mouth of the cave, Paris took a moment to try and calm down. "How am I going to get out of here? I don't even know where here is." She muttered to herself, between the raspy breaths the humid stench-filled air allowed her. From the depths of the cave, she heard the sound of something scratching on rock. Unsure what to do, she walked back into the cave before the sound began to grow. Soon, she realized that the growing roar of this noise was in fact, a stampede. In horror, she caught her first glimpse of what was coming down the tunnel.

Speeding in her direction, Paris watched as hundreds of strange demonic creatures stampeded through the corridors of the cave. They looked to be two-legged creatures, their skin a solid black. Their legs looked incredibly strong, and their arms were very short, but at the end of each arm was a claw that could easily oust a tiger's in deadliness. Losing control, Paris screamed in horror, only to find that the echo of her screams had alerted the demons outside the cave of her presence.

Stuck inside the cave by countless thousands of demons, outside, and hundreds of these black dog/rat-like stampeding demons, Paris did the only thing she could think of... duck. Dropping her nude body to the ground, on her knees, she quickly covered her head with her arms in hopes of avoiding getting pummeled. To her suprise, one of the closest creatures quickly mounted her exposed ass, instantly ramming a hard 4 inch-thick cock into her. "No!" She screamed, raising her head to see her assailant. Before she could turn her head, another of the stampeding demons had mounted her from the front, and rammed it's throbbing black dick into her mouth. Choking on the invader, she began feeling the monster behind her slam into her with more fury than she's ever imagined. Each thrust was harder and faster than the last, the head of the demonic sex organ slamming into her cervix with each Earth-shattering blow. Betrayed by her own body, Paris found herself enveloped in orgasms so hard they hurt.

By now, Holly had begun enjoying the unholy fucking she was enduring. Time and again, her young body was racked with orgasms, and just as often, she felt her body accepting the seed of these long, black tentacles. She couldn't help herself anymore, being invaded in every orifice, she began squealing and moaning with pleasure. Beside her, the newly-transformed and demonic figure of her captor, the Devil himself, grinned as he watched the show.

"Yes! Accept it all! You will pay your father's debt to me, Miss DeMancy. And when you've paid me in full, you will partake in the plans I have in store for you. As everything in life is, Holly, this too is your choice to make. Do you accept the pleasure that I can provide you?" He watched her, intently.

Holly nodded underneath the hard, long tentacle, pumping away into her mouth. A tear of pleasure streamed from her eye, as she looked up to her captor, almost lost in ecstacy.

"Then it begins!" He bellowed, before cackling a long and hideous laughter.

Chapter 3

With a small gesture, Holly had given way to a devious scheme that had been over a millenia in the making. Constructed by the Devil himself, this plan would be sure to change Holly, amonsgt many others, forever. His large, blood-red figure hovered over her, rejoicing in the successful temptation of the young teenager before him. He looked on, as her small figure was fucked into a state of unconscienceness. It was time to re-make her the way he saw fit.

"Take her away!" He yelled into the darkness, surrounding them. With impecable speed, the long black tentacles that were fucking her moments earlier, removed themselves from her slumbering body, and wrapped themselves around her. They drug Holly's limp body into the darkness, as he calmly walked away from the scene.

Hours later, Paris found herself awakening with a severe aching in every hole. Slowly, her vision began to clear, as the overwhelming pain throbbed within her. As sweat glistened down her nude frame, it stung at the small cuts and bruises on her small ravished body. This is when she realized the severity of her situation. She moved her arms, only to find them bound over her head by chain. Still dizzy, she realized that she had been captured and chained in the belly of the valley she was overlooking from the mouth of the cave. The endless sea of demons surrounded her, none seeming to care of her presence as they worked on.

Suddenly, the army of demonic creatures stopped work, and turned in unison to face her. She watched, unsure of what to expect, as flame erupted from the cracks in the caverns, and the lakes of blood began to boil. Then, every demon en mass began to kneel, giving sight to one man standing in the distance.

Unknown to Paris, it was the same beautiful man that had earlier approached Holly. Both intreagued and in fear, she watched as he confidently and with no fear, walked amidst the demons. His eyes were locked on hers with an unwavering intensity. Before she knew it, he had reached her.

"Paris Kline, you seem to have found yourself in a highly questionable situation." He said, their surroundings not bothering him in the least. "Afraid, are you not?" He asked, calmly, his eyes giving her full view to his maginificent intellect. Slowly, she nodded, still unsure what to think of the man before her, who despite the seltering heat, wasn't sweating at all. "I understand, and believe me, that fear is with good reason." He smiled, politely.

"Who are you?" She finally had the nerve to ask, still weary of her surroundings. His eye contact with her never waivered.

"I am but a saint among a sea of evil, Paris. I would like to speak with you, would you allow me that privilege?"

Slowly, she nodded again, still sore.

"Good, I have alot to discuss with you. Have you ever watched that old game show, 'Let's Make a Deal?'" He grinned, before whisking them both out of the caverns.

Quietly, Dawn put her books in her locker, selecting only the few she would need for her first class. It was Monday, and she already knew that something didn't feel quite right. Saturday night, she had called Paris at her boyfriend, Mark's. Strangely, there was no answer. Nor was there an answer Sunday. When Dawn has gone to Paris' house to drive her to school, her mother told her that Paris already had already left with a ride to school.

This was definately not their routine, seeing as how Dawn had driven Paris to school almost daily, since she had gotten her license. 'Why didn't Paris call to tell me she already had a ride?' Dawn thought. Quickly, she buried such thinking deep inside her. Mark had probably driven her, since they'd already spent the weekend together. But if she left for school before Dawn did, why wasn't she there yet? She closed her locker and turned to head toward her first class, when the entrance doors to the school opened. Paris entered, followed not by Mark, but Holly DeMancy.

"What the fuck?" Dawn muttered to herself, as she watched a sight so odd she questioned if she were still at home, asleep in her bed.

Side by side, Paris and Holly seemed to glide down the hallway, looking not at all like the enemies most people in school knew them to be. They walked as though they were on a mission, and stopped when their paths forked, pausing only long enough to look at each other with a wicked grin, and give each other a long sensual kiss. Dawn's jaw dropped as she watched her somewhat gothic and long-time friend, Paris, plunge her toungue deep into Holly's mouth. A gothic teenage girl making out with a upper class prep girl was strange enough for her to watch, always being timid about the subject of bisexuality and lesbians. The fact that the two kissing were also well-known rivals left Dawn in shock, not to mention the way Paris has spoke of Holly, Friday.

Holly caressed Paris' curved and well-dressed body, before pulling away from the kiss. With a grin and an excited gleam in her eyes, Holly walked off to her class, books in-hand. Paris did the same, almost ignoring Dawn's presence, completely.

Quickly, Dawn ran to catch up, unknowingly passing the beautiful, dark-haired man who was leaning on a row of lockers, who had watched everything with a grin while remaining invisible to all.

"Paris! Hey, Paris!" Dawn called, as she finally caught up with her alleged friend. Acting as though nothing was different, Paris turned her attention to Dawn.

"Hey, Dawn." She smiled and said in a non-chalant tone, still walking.

"What the hell was that?!" Dawn asked, rather loudly. Quickly, she lowered her tone when noticing that her language had managed to get her glared at by a near-by teacher. "What was that? You're kissing Holly DeMancy, now?"

"Are you jealous?" Paris asked, almost giggling.

"Ew! No!" Dawn replied, not sure whether to be outraged or just confused. "You know I think same-sex relationships are sick!" She said, causing Paris to stop dead in her tracks. Enraged, the young goth turned to Dawn.

"Dawn Lynette Williams, personally I couldn't care in the least what your ill-conceived definitions of disgusting or pleasure are. The fact that you walk up on me, and speak to me in the arrogant tone you've just taken sickens me." Paris said in a frighteningly calm and quiet tone, to her friend who stood in complete shock. "I made a discovery this weekend, Dawn. It's a discovery that has enlightened me to my true nature, the people in this town, and, quite frankly, you. You're all overrated, arrogant people in dire need of either a good lay, or swift and brutal genocide."

"Paris, I don't understand." Dawn fought to say, as tears began to stream from her eyes.

"Of course you don't, Dawn. You operate on a level that would need to climb two rungs of the evolutional ladder to compete with a maggot. You, and the people in this town are beneath me. Now, I suggest you run along to class, like a good girl, okay?" Paris said, ending her rant with a smile that the sheer existence of, mocked Dawn's entire being.

"Please, Paris... don't..."

"Go, little girl. Go." She continued to mock, almost in a sing-song voice. Finally breaking down emotionally, Dawn ran from the scene.

At the end of the school day, Dawn quietly walked out the door of the school, into the courtyard. Instantly, she noticed Holly, with whatever guy she'd managed to get that day, walking towards her little sports car, in the parking lot. Paris quickly joined them, and together, the three left.

Disgusted and hurt by the sight, Dawn fought to ignore it. It was a fight she knew she'd lose, as she watched the car race out of the parking lot and away from the school. At that moment, Dawn realized that she hadn't seen Mark at school, today. She quickly looked and found his usual parking space taken by another car. Fearing the worst, she turned and ran back inside the school. As she jogged down the hallway, she finally found a payphone, picked up the receiver and searched her pockets for the small amount of change she had, left over from lunch. Suddenly, she spotted something moving in the corner of her eye. Startled, she turned her head and gasped.

"Can I help you?" The beautiful, dark-haired man asked with a polite smile on his face. He'd been leaning on against the corner, by the payphone. But why hadn't she seen him before?

"Uh, no." Dawn replied, unsure of what to think of the man. He was a highly suspicious character, but his charms were astonishing to her. "I'm just fixing to make a call." She finished, still eying him.

"Very well. Do you have change?" He asked, his hands resting in him trouser pockets. His eyes felt like they were looking deep inside her. This made her very uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I've got it. Thanks, though."

"No problem. I'll be off, then." He smiled, and turned to walk away. Behind him, Dawn stared momentarily, and continued to search her pockets for the change she knew she had. Her fingers dug inside her pockets, but she could only feel cloth. How could she have lost the change she knew she had? Wonderful.

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The professor took me to a small Italian restaurant where he was obviously known, if not well known. "So tell me what is good her?" I asked. "Everything is wonderful. I know that sounds like a commercial, but it really is. What do you like to eat?" he asked. "I'm not sure to be honest. I like things with beef and cheese in them for sure. Other than that, I have no real idea," I said. "I don't think I like chicken." "Then try the Lasagna, it is excellent and god knows you can't...

4 years ago
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learning to eat my cream pie

I can’t believe it. Here I am in our car driving home to my husband Steve. I’d just spent the last two hours at a hotel with Ridge. I had a hard week at school and I needed to unwind and he definitely made sure that I did. He fucked me so well I had two very strong orgasms. Just the kind of unwinding I needed. But that’s not what’s so hard to believe. My husband Steve knows that I fuck him and he’s fine with it. Steve used to want to always be there to watch and join but lately, due to my...

1 year ago
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Unfinished Business

The two made conversation as the vehicle made its way through the downtown and up towards the hot springs on the mountain side. Andre straightened out the weekend pass in the window before they each grabbed their respective swim bags and locked up with a chirp. The springs were busy late summer with everyone trying to visit before the air got any colder, and there was a bit of a lineup to get into the resort where they could pay for their arm bands. The two were both idly looking around at the...

4 years ago
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Caught by Mom

I was just minding my own business, watching TV while home alone, and felt a sudden urge. We all get them. I just felt like I had to 'take care of myself', you know what I mean. So I did the thing all eighteen year old boys do. Went upstairs, into my parents' room, and approached the drawer. You know the one I mean. Mom's special drawer. Where the sexy lingerie and the toys are kept. It's where all my best wank material comes from. I see exactly what I want.

2 years ago
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Incall on a Cold Winter Sunday

Marcie called Sunday around 1 pm saying she was lonely and horny. I had nothing better to do so I drove right over. Marcie answered the door in a loose hanging, bright red shift made of very fine silk. It hung down to her thighs, but it was easy to tell she was wearing no underwear. She gave me a hug and kiss on the neck and I took the liberty of reaching under her shift to grope her bare ass.She giggled as she pushed me away and led me through her back entryway into her kitchen. She...

1 year ago
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Rachael meets her match

My name is Rachael and I always had a thing for women and face sitting with women. I always would be the submissive type in the relationship. I ‘m cute, 5 ‘5’, 125 pounds, with beautiful long blond hair that goes past my shoulders with some cute freckles on my face. I ‘ve been told I have a great body too.   One Saturday night I met my match when I went out to this bar in the city. I was wearing a black short skirt with thin see through silk blouse. I had some of my cleavage showing through my...

3 years ago
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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 17

Sari came up and plopped in my lap. “I always thought that Daddy was homophobic, the way he acted around my gay friends.” “Well, when fathers have a pretty girl as their daughter, and she tells him about some ‘gay’ friends, he might just think that they’re pretending to be gay, just so they can be in a room alone with their daughter. If we have a little girl, I plan to be very protective of her.” We started a nice kiss as the door opened, and Mom walked in, carrying some brown bags....

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Sex Game with Bhabhis in Jaipur

Ihi, friends…This is Rehaan from Jaipur.I’m an engineering student. This is my first story for ISS readers.i’ll try my best to describe that unforgetable day when i encountered with that horney bhabhi. To Make this story more interesting,let me describe the story in hindi. Dosto main ek engineering student hu and main jaipur ke ek well knonwn area me rehta hu jaha har taraf hariyali hi hariyali hai. Jaha dekho bhabhis n grls hi grls dhikhti hai. Dosto main yaha bahut time se reh raha hu. Par...

3 years ago
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Daisy Gets the Treatment She Wants ch 03

[Day 1-2 (Saturday-Sunday) - late evening/early morning] Bill stepped forward and raised his glass in a toast. "I think we can start the main event now." He took a drink and motioned to two of his men. They rolled the big wooden X down the hallway and into a bigger room. ... end of Chapter 2 ... The wheels of the dolly underneath the big cross were small and Daisy's body felt every small bump in the floor like a blow. Every part of her body ached, every muscle was fatigued and...

2 years ago
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A Picture Worth A Thousand Words Pt 02

A note: I realize that this could have been posted in several different categories – LW, Non-erotic, etc. Despite what my wife might claim, I’m a romanticist at heart, so I put it in romance. Thanks for reading. WR ***** Chapter 5 The next two weeks flew by. The dinner at Joyce’s was great. Her friends had been married for eons and were delightful company. I was glad I brought 3 bottles of the Chardonnay she liked. Business was steady. I was finding that we were getting more small...

1 year ago
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MilfBody Mercedes Carrera Cross Fit Tits

Mercedes Carrera wants to be a trophy wife, and she is one hell of a trophy. She spends her days at the gym, getting her brass body in shape for whenever her prince charming decides to come into her life and pay for every last thing she needs. Our stud may not be that guy, but he certainly can serve as a nice little snack for this voracious, Latina vixen before she finds what she is really looking for. She watches him bench and is impressed, so she decides to show him her form. She walks over...

2 years ago
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A tale of a land lord

Being the land lord has it's ups and down's,but it also had some fringe benefits as well. It was there where I had several three some's with tenant's that couldn't pay the whole months rent .I made a habit of trying to rent to couple's, leaning more towards the couple where the woman was attractive. This story I am writing was about a young couple that shortly after moving in the guy was arrested and ended up doing two years in prison. Casey was young ,there really wasn't any...

1 year ago
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Mutual Benefits Chapter One

I would have traded anything in the world for another life, one where I wasn’t known by everyone as nothing but a nerd.People kept telling me there were going to be all these benefits later on in life - “think of how easily you’ll get a job,” “you’ll get to be the boss of all those people that bullied you,” “you’ll be set for life.” What the hell kind of life was I set for? They say that high school shapes you and these four years make you who you become later in life. I was on a perfect course...

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8220Mami 8211 Opening Up8221

Hey, Indian sex stories dot net friends. Before continuing the story of my sexy mami ..Let me tell you about myself. I’m Shiv .. 21 years .. Doing engineering. Height 5.9… Its second part of my story “mami-the introduction”.. Any auntie’s, Bhabhis, newly married girls can contact me on my mail id .. Coming back to story Mein mami koh kiss kare hi jaa raha tha.. Tabhi unhone aankhe kholi aur boli “bas”.. Unki saaanse bohot tez thi.. Literally woh haf rahi thi.. Woh waise hi bed se uthi aur...

4 years ago
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Mon and son TV

Mum and I got home from her works party at one o clock in the morning, I felt tied out and ready for bed, I kissed mum goodnight and went upstairs to bed, mum passed my room and called goodnight once more, I returned by saying I love you, I took off my dress, followed by my bra and panties and sat down in front of the mirror and removed my make up, I heard mum go to the bathroom, I waited till she has come out before going there myself, back in my bedroom I slipped on a silky night shirt and...

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Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk part 1 by Some Writer David lay in bed, listening to the hum of the shower that seemed to vibrate the walls faintly.The sun streamed through the curtains despite thembeingclosed.He found himself thinking about Kate showering, and wondered whether he should try to join her.He decided she would probably not appreciatethe intrusion and instead let his mind envisage her wet, naked form.Despite Kate staying over the night before they had not had sex as she had beentoo tired. David...

3 years ago
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Her late confession

The wife spent some time recently with some friends on a river cruise through southern France. I couldn't go because of work. I gave her permission to have fun if the opportunity presented itself. She told me about some hot bartender she had been flirting with but nothing else while she was gone. This is what she finally told me about a week after she returned. I'm trying to decide if she followed directions. Give me your thoughts.You wanted me to tell you if anything happened on board the...

1 year ago
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Driving home on a rainy day

The weather was quite bad, the rain poured down so heavily that I could see maybe only the six cars ahead of me. The rain had caused everyone to slow down and I was moving at around 20mph. The slow traffic in a way made it safer for everyone, though I did want to get home sooner. I turned on the radio and learned that the thunderstorm would continue on through the night until the next morning. At times like this I wish I had opted to buy a condo in the city instead of the spacious house out in...

Group Sex
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ZZ3 Yellow

(This story is pure fiction. none of it is nor will ever take place) If you have already read the first two chapters, White and Pink, then you pretty much have the gist of how my week went. My formerly "tomboy" girlfriend couldn't keep her hands off of me, and was dressing like a teenage wet dream. My 10 year old little sister wanted an orgasm once every couple of nights or so. Not to be out done by big sis, baby sister was right there too a couple of nights a week, wanting me to "read...

3 years ago
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jennifer and mark part 3

Part 4 will follow After several months of enduring countless, rapes and tortures, for the viewing of the paying visitors of jennifer and mark, rachael had given up her faith in escaping her personal hell. Some of the situations she was placed in were pleasurable even though they were against her will. Rachael no longer was embarrased whilst kirsty or jennifer paraded her naked in front of mark and the rest of the voyeurs who came to see her be punished. as promised Rachael was very...

2 years ago
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The Promise

Brody dropped the case files on Rebecca Johnson's already buried desk and laughed. "Here you go, busy-bee. You got some catching up to do." She could smell the cloud of body spray following him when he moved. Eau de Asshole, she thought and smiled, her eyes stinging from his acrid musk. Brody had been in her law school class, but now he was her superior at work. It was unfair, but she knew he'd ended up as second chair on some important cases purely because he went out with the guys after...

1 year ago
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Scales Like StarsChapter 3

The door to Merton’s room closed and, for the first time in what felt like several months, he could take a breath. He walked away from the door, let his shins hit the edge of the hovering bed that made up the center of the room, and flopped face first into the bed. He didn’t bend or fold. He just plopped there and remained perfectly still, his nose mashed against silken fabric. “So, uh ... nice room,” Julia said, her voice shy and nervous. Merton rolled around onto his back and sat up. His...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Brenna Sparks Night Before The Wedding

Ryan McLane walks in the massage parlor a little out of breath. It clears that he’s excited about his appointment today. When Brenna Sparks walks into the room and sits right next to him, she puts her hand on his lap. When he tells her that he’s getting married tomorrow, she stops being so affectionate. She certainly doesn’t want to service a married man; she’s just not that type of girl. When he tells her that his wife actually gave him a pass, she lightens up...

2 years ago
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Lyin Eyes Ch 05

Two months later: ‘You and Doctor Jamison have talked about your Aunt Ruth?’ I was watching Alyssa race through a big maze of stout, hollow tubes hung from the ceiling at Chuck E. Cheese’s. I could only see her through the occasional window and a few clear plastic sections in the big, round pipes. The happy screams of young children playing on equipment designed with them in mind made a noisy backdrop to the conversation Laura and I were having but it suited me just fine. The place was...

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The Traditional Sacrifice

I never knew my mother. She left when I was very young. My family told me stories about her. They told me she loved me, but they would not tell my why she left. That truth came when I became an adult. It came after I was married, after I had a child of my own. My life was supposed to be normal until then, as normal as it could be under the circumstances. My people needed me to be normal. They needed me to have children. They needed me to love and to feel loved. It was a necessary part of the...

4 years ago
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A Bride chapter 23

They thought it was hilarious when I pulled out two denim mini skirts from mum's wardrobe and they gave it the high fives as I reached for two skimpy white tee shirts.The microscopic white g-strings sent them into a fit of giggles and when I reached into another drawer of the dresser and fished out two pairs of hold up stockings, I thought they were going to die laughing."What?" I grinned, feeling very foolish, "What the hell are you laughing at?"They laughed and ushered me out the door,...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Leila Rae What Else Would I Do on My Knees

Exactly girl. What else would you be doing on your knees other than sucking Isiah Maxwell’s cock right after getting ambushed in the bathroom after Rocky “The Director” played around with that voluptuous ass of yours in the living room. Well this is for sure the biggest cock this MILF has ever sucked or fucked before and even admitted she was quite impressed with herself for being able to take it all. Let’s just say if you like your women a little darker and exotic with beautiful eyes that...

3 years ago
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My Mother Fucked For Car Battery

Hey guys, this is Nosha again. I got your responses and I guess this time I’ll have to tell you about the time my mom Soma, the beautiful bong milf, got some proper fucking from our driver. This is a few weeks after I saw her ‘breakfast fuck’ with anju uncle… I was on the terrace of our building, waiting for mom to come back from her shopping. I had left my keys inside and was locked out. I was looking out for our car and after twenty minutes I saw it entering the road to our colony…but just...

4 years ago
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William and Ann 7

Chapter 7 Larry was in the kitchen making a grilled cheese sandwich as William and Ann returned from their outing. He walked over to the front door as they entered. His face carried an anxious smile as he anticipated seeing what Ann purchased. She gave him a peck on the lips as she walked past him. William was the pack mule holding the bags. ”Go get changed, Annie. I want to see what I bought.” “I know, Dad. Just relax. Go sit in the living room. Is that a grilled cheese I’m...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ivy Lebelle Has Her Ass Opened

Ivy Lebelle is back for more hardcore anal from Manuel. Ivy is a curvy cutie that knows how to work those curves to her advantage. She’s dressed in black lace lingerie with black stocking and high heels as she shows off for the camera. Ivy teases us as she slowly remove her lingerie exposing her giant tits, perfect round ass, and tight little pussy. Manuel joins in and buries his face in between her ass cheeks, Ivy strokes his cock to get it nice and hard then Manuel puts it right in her...

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Diana and Tegan a story possibly inspired by real

Diana was standing at the sink peeling apples, the water icy cold straight from the well. It was a nice warm summer day though and, as she was inclined to do, she was just wearing a long skirt. When she heard the front door open she called out, “Who is it?” “Just me,” came the familiar sound of her son's girlfriend, Tegan. “Hi Di, whatcha doing?” she continued. Diana had long given up trying to tell the girl she didn't like being called Di, made her sound like a dead princess she always said,...

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my friend her mom and me

well this all stared a few years ago when i met a gal and we started a relationship. we would get together at her home and had some great sex. her and her mom shared a house together. her mom at the time was over seventy five y/o.and i would show up and my friend and i would go upstairs and have sex for a couple of hours. her mom would be down stairs alone and she knew what we were doing. well after about a couple of weeks of this i started saying something to my friend about her mom staying...

3 years ago
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Island Fantasy

Part 1 My ship arrives off shore at about 10 in the morning local time. We drop anchor about a 1/4 mile out and busy ourselves with getting ready for some shore leave. I'm very excited because I've only been on the ship for about 3 weeks and I'm already getting to go to a new and exciting foreign country. As I look over the sides of the ship I see a large crowd of small vessels starting to appear. They're locals, fishing boats, runabouts, and all of them loaded with people staring up at...

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"Ouch." It hurt like hell when she rammed me from behind with that supermarket shopping cart. I was bending over, trying to get a can of soup from the bottom shelf of the display. I almost took a header into a mountain of cans when she ran into me. At first she was embarrassed and then there was a slight lilt of amusement in her voice when she said, "Oh, please excuse me." "That's quite all right." Now it was a little funny to me too. I assessed my attacker. Perhaps my age, mid to...

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All is fair in love and war part 2

Scarlett was awfully turned on by Elisabeth’s dominance. It was already making her wet. She liked being controlled, made her feel naughty. ‘So come on then Scar, I don’t have all day!’ she said tapping her foot and raising an eyebrow before mumbling with lust in her eyes ‘take me right now!’ Scarlett gulped and extended her hand taking hers and wandering over to the single bed. Elisabeth needed no prompting or help whilst she casually undressed in front of her as though she was just getting...

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Breaking and Entering

© 2002 Couture "Will you be a dear and clean the kitchen tonight?" I asked my husband, who was sitting in his recliner watching television. "Come on honey, I'm watching something right now." Bryan said, pointing the remote around me and at the TV as if he could somehow zap me and make me move as easily as he could change the channel. I looked back and saw that hateful little planet at the edge of the T.V. screen. Just great, the fucking sci-fi channel. He would be sitting in his...

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Sac covering my tits

This was a little mermaid lemon comissioned by, believe it or not, my (ex) gf. I tried to do it as fast as I could thinking to impress her. ^_^ "I'm a prince in middle of seashore with broken ships all over beach!" Erik sang, while drinking some wine. Suddenly, he saw it. A red piece of hair in sea. And more hair. And that hair was connected to a naked female body. "My God! Who is that?" he thought, while beginning to leave his castle… Or whatever that huge building was....

3 years ago
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From Student To Male Escort

Hi ISS readers I’m 22 year old Sikh boy from a middle class. My name is Ben (changed) from Amritsar. I’m pursuing my B.Tech from Chandigarh. This story begins when I have completed my +2 and gone to Chandigarh for higher studies, there I stayed in a rented room. The house was of a lady who was in her 30s. She introduces me in the world of male escort. After shifting there she started noticing me, she come in my room frequently and talk to me without any reason. Initial I thought as she live...

1 year ago
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Forget The Drink Gimme The Bitch

With fourteen months still to go until I hit the big Five-O, I had pretty much worked my way through the world of wine, women, and song, and ended up settling on Scotch. At least for a permanent relationship. I had never really liked songs, at least not in the popular sense. I was more of a classical music guy. Brahms — that's who I liked. Brahms the broody. Brahms, the guy who couldn't bring himself to write a symphony for decades because of the enormous shadow cast by Beethoven, who had...

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Dennis The Menace Part 6 Alice Meets Henry039

Dennis The Menace: Part 6 - Alice Meets Henry's New Bossby Sniper32One late afternoon, Alice was in the kitchen making dinner, when her husband Henry came in the house though the back door. He through his brief case on the kitchen floor, he then almost ripped the refrigerator door off the hinges when he grabbed himself a beer. "Honey, your home so early and you look upset" Alice said when she saw the look on his face."Remember earlier this week when I told you I was getting a new boss, well I...

1 year ago
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The CameraChapter 18

“Mom – Bobby Joe, look who’s here, we’ve been waiting for you, and I was showing Mr. Muller all of the photographs we have made.” “Not all of them, Kori, I hope,” Margaret laughed as she hugged the older man and said her hello’s. “Hi, Mr. Muller good to see you again,” Bobby Joe said as he shook his hand. “Yes, Momma, I showed him your pictures too. Mr. Muller likes your fat pussy lips.” “Kori, you shouldn’t do that I am embarrassed now.” “Very nice Ms. Margaret very nice indeed.” “Well...

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Penetrator Rise of the Machines

You are Tx 3000. An altered human with enhanced intelligence and liquid metal housing. Whilst retaining the human emotion of lust and sensation of pleasure, you are ruled by machine logic. Designed only to complete your mission. Sent back from the year 2020, where machines rule the world. Your objectives: To destroy or alter resistance members in their youth. Speed up the control of the machines by applying nanotechonology to valuable humans, transforming them into cyborgs To mate with...

2 years ago
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Bird SongChapter 2 The opium trail

James MacLaren hunched forward over the keyboard and screen of the computer in his bedroom. The bedroom door was locked to avoid any unwanted intrusions and there was a good reason for that. James was doing something he shouldn't be and he knew he would be in big trouble with the other members of his family if he was found out. He had recently turned fifteen and was what might be called a geek if he lived in the US. Here on his father's farm on the very western outskirts of Glasgow, he was...

3 years ago
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Hello all ISS readers! I’m Susant again. I am happy to say that I could have developed friendship with so many readers thru my stories. Thanks to all my fans and This is my sincerest request to all of u teen virgins that after reading this story don’t forget to give your comments on Rahul’s act. Ok before that, read out his confession…. Hi Susant………..I am Rahul, going to narrate my most dangerous acts in my life which sometimes embarrassed me very much. Please read this patiently and...

1 year ago
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Confessing to Auntie

Note : This story is completely fictional! As from my first story of seeing my Aunt Tammy naked. I finally got the balls to confess to her one day. It was the perfect time, she was bored and she asked me to take her to the Casino. So we went, we had fun and then went out to eat after. She had a few drinks, not enough to make her drunk or anything just a little buzz to put her in a good mood. Well we were talking and I told her I had a confession to tell her and I feel really bad for doing it...

2 years ago
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Shilpa Jab Pune Aayi 8211 Part 2

Hello Friends Thanks for your comments on my first story , it was awesome reading the mails from you all , aab mai apni pichli story “SHILPA JAB PUNE AAYI part -1” ki aage ki story batane waalon hun jaisa ki mai apni pahli story mai bhi bol chukka hun story ka mazzza hindi mai hi hota hai to mai iss story ko bhi hindi mai likh raha hun Story start karne ke pahle bata dun mera naam Amit hai mai 26 saal ka hun and mera lund 7 inch ka hai jo ki aap ko satisfy jarur kar payega  ,mai pune mai raheta...

2 years ago
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Extra Credit part 1

One day at school Sara was in the middle of her algebra class and she dropped her pencil. She never bends down to get it herself incase her boobs fall out of her top. So she kindly asked the boy sitting next to her, “Could you pick up my pencil for me, please? I dropped it.” The boy’s name was Jason, he had short brown hair and blue eyes and was always kind to Sara even though she liked to tease him. He picked the pencil up and handed it back to her. “Thank you.” Sara said. She noticed...

1 year ago
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Three Sissies At The Lake House Sucking Cock

It has been almost a year and a half since Steve, Mike and Joe have been meeting at Joe's secluded lake house every month. Of course, it's really a secret meeting of three sissy cross dressers who love to dress femmie and let go and have slutty girlly hot sex. ...

2 years ago
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Fancy Dress

It was a night out, or a night in, depending on how you looked at it. Me and my boyfriend, Tom were going to a fancy dress house party at one of his friend’s houses. He was dressed as your quintessential pirate, and I was going as a burlesque dancer. This essentially entailed me wearing next to nothing, simply some black high heels, stockings and suspenders with a corset and some halfway down the leg, frilly shorts style knickers. I was running late upstairs and was putting the finished...

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Virgin Girl Scout Ripe to Eat

Jane Mayon undressed in her bedroom and put on her girl scout outfit, picked up the cloth bag filled with boxes of cookies, and then headed out. She called to her mother as she went through the living room: "Mom, I'm going." Her mother answered from the kitchen: "Hold on, dear." Jane waited impatiently at the living room door. Her mother came from the kitchen and asked her: "Where exactly are you going? Are you selling or are you delivering?" "I'm delivering," Jane replied. "I'm...

1 year ago
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My wife Sarah and I had seemed to get more risqué with our sex life as we moved into our early 50’s. Sarah had hit the menopause a couple of years earlier and had put on weight going from a size 12 to a size 16, although on a plus note her magnificent breasts had swollen from a 38C to a 38D, but standing at 5 feet 8 inches and having a broad swimmers body she carried it well and with her long blonde hair and dazzling smile she still looked terrific.Sarah is rather a chatty girl, often...

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