Jennifers New Life
- 1 year ago
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Synopsis: a mature, happily married woman makes a mistake, which opens up a new world for her.
Note from the author: I hope you like this story. I’d love to hear from you if you do!
Jennifer’s story.
If only I hadn’t gone to that damned silly Christmas party, none of this would have happened. I hadn’t wanted to go, of course. Not my thing at all. Lots of people you work with all year, all suddenly let loose on the world together, with lots of alcohol thrown in for good measure. I’ve never been to one which didn’t end with some sort of trouble. This one was no exception.
There were about twenty of us, all the girls from the accounts department. It was all Shirley’s idea. She came up with the idea of us all going out for what she liked to call ‘A slap-up, sooper-dooper meal with lots and lots of drinkies!’. She even found the place, a big, flashy looking hotel, right in the middle of the city. All the rest of us had to do was pay up. Right from the start I had refused to go, told her straight I didn’t like that sort of thing. She’d teased and nagged, going on at me almost constantly. And then she’d started on David, my husband!
He’d come to some after-work retirement party one Friday evening, and she’d started going on at him about how he should let me go out and enjoy myself, instead of keeping me chained to the kitchen sink. He’d looked at her, and me, in utter astonishment. He didn’t even know about the meal, much less try to stop me from going! After a few moments he turned to me and said, ?Look love, if you want to go to this then go. I don’t have any problem with you going out to enjoy yourself.? Shirley had been delighted! I tried to explain to both of them that it was me that objected, not David, but they were past caring. I remember sighing and saying, ?Oh for Christ’s sake alright, I’ll come to your bloody meal!? Finally, she was happy.
A few weeks later and the night of the party arrived. David had made sure he was at home to look after our two children, Harry and Becky, and after I had made their evening meal I went upstairs and lounged in a long, luxurious hot bath. David came in to sit with me as I bathed, talking to me about his day, our plans for the weekend, just casual chitchat. He slipped his hands into the water and began to stroke my breasts. After more then ten years together he knew exactly how to turn me on and in no time I was practically purring as he teased my nipples, then slipped his hand down to my leg and began to stroke and tickle the smooth, sensitive skin of my inner thigh.
?Any chance of a quickie?? He asked softly, his fingers moving higher and higher up my thigh. I could feel myself getting aroused, the warm pleasure washing over my body as he gently caressed me.
?Not too quick, I hope!? I smiled at him as he began to stroke my pussy. He grinned and leaned over to kiss me, his tongue quickly finding mine, his finger slipping between my pussy lips and finding my clit. My God! He was good! He had me panting and moaning within moments, knew exactly how to set my body aflame. Before I knew it I was spreading my thighs and pushing my hips up to meet fingers, now teasing me deliciously! I reached up and ran my fingers through his dark brown hair, pulling him onto me.
?Why don’t you join me in here?? I murmured in his ear before kissing and licking his neck.
He laughed softly before stepping back and pulling his T-shirt over his head, then began to unfasten his jeans. He pushed his jeans and boxers down to reveal his semi-erect cock. He had a great body, and even after all the years we’d been together I still enjoyed the view! He stepped forward, a warm smile gracing his handsome face. He was about to step into the warm, soapy water when our seven-year-old son, Harry called from outside the door, ?Dad, it’s grandpa on the phone, says he needs to speak to you about something.?
David’s shoulders sagged visibly. There were never any brief conversations with his father. Arthur could talk for England! David shrugged and sighed in resignation, ?Tell him I’ll be right down.? He said, his disappointment obvious. He turned to me and smiled apologetically.
?Sorry love! I’d better go and see what he wants this time!? He pulled his T-shirt back on, hoisted his trousers back into place and left the bathroom, leaving me feeling cheated and a little frustrated. I slipped my hand down between my thighs and began to stroke my pussy lips. I could still taste David, smell him. I closed my eyes and imagined he was still there, stroking my pussy. I began to tease my clit, the warmth of the bath water heightening its’ sensitivity. I cupped and stroked each breast, gently squeezing my nipples until they started to stiffen. I sank down in the water, opening my legs wide and relaxing into the pleasure emanating from my boobs and pussy.
And then I was suddenly roused from my private thoughts as David returned to the room. He was still chatting away to his father on the phone. ?Yeah, well that sounds fine to me dad, just hang on a minute and I’ll ask Jennifer.? He covered the mouthpiece of the phone, then rolled his eyes skyward and smiled. ?Dad wants to know if we can all go to their place for his birthday next year.?
I looked at him in amazement. ?Love, his birthday is in May! That’s five months away! Does he need to know right now??
?Apparently so. The restaurants book up really early, he says.? David grinned at the silliness of the conversation. I couldn’t help it, I grinned back. ?Sure!? I giggled, ?Tell him I’ll put it in the calendar. Now could I please have a little privacy while I have a bath??
He chuckled, then put the phone to his ear, ?Jennifer says that’s fine dad. Yeah, she says it’s a good idea to get things organised in plenty of time!? He turned and winked at me. I threw a sponge at him as he went through the door, then sank back into the water again. I was about to resume my intimate attentions, when the door opened again. David smiled sheepishly. ?Sorry about this, darling, but mum wants a word.?
I took the phone and began to speak to David’s mum while he sat next to the bath and grinned at me. His mother rattled on about nothing in particular for what seemed like ages. Finally David held out his arm and pointed to his watch. I gasped with shock, it was much later than I thought. I quickly made my apologies to his mother, explaining that I was going out with the girls, then handed the phone back to David. I quickly got out of the bath and dried myself before applying moisturiser. Wrapping myself in a bathrobe, I made my way to the bedroom.
I let the robe fall to the floor, then looked at myself in the mirror. ‘Not bad’ I thought, ‘not bad at all!’ Despite having the children I had managed to retain my figure, was still the same size I’d been on our wedding day. At five feet four I was about average height, my chestnut brown hair flowed past my shoulders. I cupped my breasts in each hand, weighing them. They were still firm and fleshy, a comfortable 34B. There were only a couple of faint stretch marks as evidence of my two pregnancies, and my waist was still slim. I let my eyes drop past my neatly trimmed bush and over my legs. I never thought these were one of my best features. Whilst they were shapely enough, I had always wished they had been longer. I turned and looked over my shoulder. David had always said that my bum was my best feature! He used to love to stroke and caress it, and often, when we made love, he would take hold of each cheek and pull my hips up to meet his.
I was satisfied with how I looked, and set about applying make-up and preparing my hair. Then I started to get dressed. I put on my black satin panties and matching suspender belt. The dress I had selected didn’t really allow for a bra underneath. Sheer stockings completed the ensemble, and I giggled to myself as I examined myself in the mirror. At that point David came into the room and stood to admire the view. He took a step towards me, licking his lips and smiling. I knew what he had in mind, of course, and felt a pang of disappointment when I heard myself say, ?Darling I don’t have time for that now! I’m going to be late as it is.?
?Trust my parents to pick that moment to call!? He muttered, ?Who needs contraceptives when you’ve got parents with timing like that!?
We both giggled. ?Listen, I’ll try not to be late. Maybe you’ll still feel frisky when I get home??
?Oh, I think I might just manage that. Jesus! You look stunning.? He said as he took in the sight of me in my little black dress and stiletto heels. I picked up my coat and gave him a peck on the cheek before finding my children and giving them their goodnight kisses. I had just finished saying goodnight to them when the taxi with two of the other girls in it, drew up. I quickly joined them, and we sped off to the city to meet up with the rest.
The meal itself was nothing remarkable, but there was lots of wine being drunk by all of us, and a great deal of banter between us and the tables around ours. Close to where I was sitting was a table of about eight young men, all in their early twenties. They seemed to be having a good time, and they kept up steady stream of remarks to us. It all seemed good natured, and by the time we finished our deserts we were at the stage of introducing ourselves.
As the tables were cleared we made our way to the bar and the young men followed. We were soon chatting away happily, with plenty of laughter on all sides. One of them introduced himself to me as Jason. He was about six feet four, with a powerful build. His face was ruggedly handsome, and clearly he was used to women finding him attractive. He flashed his smile at me and offered to buy me a drink. I agreed and he quickly returned from the bar with glasses in hand. One drink quickly led to another, and another. I felt it all going to my head and I lost balance slightly, leaning against Jason for support before starting to giggle! Jason giggled too, and then steered me to a nearby table, where he eased me gently into a chair, then sat next to me.
?I’m sorry about that!? I giggled again, ?But all that wine has gone straight to my head. I don’t normally drink anything like this much, you see.?
?Hey, don’t worry about it! It’s Christmas, right? Everyone should let their hair down, enjoy themselves!? He reached out and squeezed my thigh, conspiratorially.
Normally I would have brushed his hand away, made my excuses and left. I had never even come close to being unfaithful to David, had never been tempted. That night however, I let his hand rest on my thigh, smiled back at him. He carried on chatting away, apparently in no hurry to push his luck any further. He asked about my job, my family, my age. When I told him I was a thirty-six year-old mother of two he seemed genuinely surprised. He told me he was twenty-two, and had just finished university, where he had studied engineering.
After a couple more drinks he was able to persuade me onto the dance floor. Normally I won’t go near the thing, but he gently coaxed me and teased me until I finally agreed. We danced to a couple of lively tunes, and then a slow dance started. I made to leave but he pulled me to him and began to sway seductively. I let him embrace me, and fell into step with his rhythm.
His hands began to stroke my back, then slowly climbed until he was stroking my neck and shoulders. It was dark in the disco, and the combination of wine, music, the warmth of his body and the gentleness of his touch soon had me sighing with pleasure. Another slow dance followed, and this time he let his hands slip down my back until he was stroking my bum. I made no objection, feeling my body begin to respond as it had done with David earlier that evening. I looked up at Jason, and then he leant down and kissed me.
His mouth was tender and warm, he tasted of wine. Without hurry he pushed his tongue gently into my mouth. His large hands continued to stroke my bottom, pulling me closer into him. I could feel his stiff cock bulge in his trousers, pushing into my soft flesh, and felt a thrill run through me. His hands slipped up to my waist, then gently stroked the sides of my breasts. I felt my nipples stiffen at once at the delicious sensations he was rousing in me. I knew what I was doing was wrong. I had never been unfaithful to David, had never even given so much as a kiss to another man, and there I was letting some young stranger’s hands roam almost at will.
I told myself I could stop at any time, and fully intended that dance to be the last. As the music faded Jason broke our kiss and looked down at me. He smiled warmly, then took me by the hand and began to lead me from the dance floor. I followed unquestioningly, letting him guide me through the press of bodies. Before I knew what was happening he had steered me through a fire exit and into a car park. There were only a few cars in there, and no one was around. There was no sound, except for the faint music coming from the disco. It seemed cool and airy in comparison to the disco, and the lighting seemed harsh. And then he drew me to him and kissed me again.
The cooler air began to sober me up, and I began to pull away from him, intending to leave. He had other ideas, grabbing my bottom and pulling my hips into his. His kiss became more insistent, more urgent. We stepped back as one until I was leaning against the wall, then he raised a hand and began to caress my right breast. The sensations were delicious. My resolve began to weaken, I relaxed into his embrace, and then all resistance left me as he slipped his hand into my top and began to gently knead my breast. He quickly found my nipple, began to circle it with his thumb. I felt it stiffen, and then in one smooth movement he ducked his head and pushed my dress aside, exposing my breast to him. He began to kiss and lick my nipple, causing me to sigh with pleasure. He clamped his mouth over my breast, began to flick at the nipple with his tongue. I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling my arousal growing rapidly.
I tried to gather my thoughts. This was totally out of character for me; I had never done anything like this before. Once again I tried to push him away but he pushed my top aside, exposing my left breast and began to stroke and caress it as he sucked and kissed the other. I heard myself moan with pleasure, and then I felt his free hand begin to caress my leg. He quickly found the hem of my dress and began to push his hand upwards. I was panting and gasping, sharp spikes of pleasure ran through me like electricity as he played with my breasts. His hand was climbing steadily higher. He groaned with pleasure as he reached my stocking-top, then began to gently stroke the smooth, sensitive skin there. I tried to tell myself to stop this, to make him stop, but was unable to find the words. Instead I gasped as his fingers reached the top of my thigh.
I felt him gently pushing my thigh, silently urging me to open my legs. I hesitated for barely a moment before allowing my thighs to part. His fingers began to stroke my pussy through the sheer fabric of my panties. I felt wonderfully, deliciously wanton as this total stranger stroked and sucked my breasts and began his slow exploration of my most intimate place. His fingers pressed more firmly, applying gentle pressure to my pussy lips, and then he reached for the waistband and began to slip his fingers inside. I held my breath as his hand slowly pushed down into my panties. He reached the top of my bush and lingered for a moment or two, stroking the hairs there before resuming his descent.
Finally, he reached the top of my slit. I could feel his finger tip press gently on the base of my clit, and then he ran his finger along my slit. I heard my breath escape with a sibilant hiss as my tension dispersed. I opened my legs a little more to help him, and then he slipped a finger between my lips. I was soaking wet! He grunted as he ran his finger between my lips, his fingertip barely penetrating my tunnel before he withdrew it. And then he began to stroke my clit. Bright colours exploded inside my head as he gently teased and stroked my delicate bud. I was lost in a sea of pure ecstasy! I felt the beginnings of an orgasm start and heard myself moaning ?Oh God!? Jason just grunted again and carried on driving me higher and higher.
And then he suddenly fell to his knees and began to push my dress up my thighs. In moments it was bunched up around my waist and he had taken hold of the waistband of my satin panties and had begun to inch them lower. I was unable or unwilling to stop him, watched in fascination as he pulled them down over my hips, down to my knees and then pushed them gently down to my ankles. I stepped out of them as he pushed my thighs apart, and then he leaned forward and kissed the very top of my slit. I felt a shudder run though my entire body, followed by an enormous jolt of pleasure as his tongue began to tease and lick at my clit.
The sensations were almost too much as his tongue writhed around between my folds. He began to suck on my clit, his tongue repeatedly running across the sensitive bud, I felt a finger start to ease into my tunnel. I reached down and grabbed his hair, pushing my hips forward, thrusting my pussy onto his mouth. He grunted again and drove his finger deep into my pussy. I started to come, gasping and moaning, oblivious to my surroundings or the fact that I was betraying my husband, aware only of the crashing waves of pleasure surging over me. My knees almost gave way as my climax reached its’ peak, and then he slowly stood up and I fell against him, gasping for breath.
As I began to recover I felt him take hold of my hand and place it over the bulge in his trousers. I felt his cock twitch as I touched it. It felt huge! I opened my eyes in surprise to see him smiling at me mischievously. Without thinking I began to rub at the bulge, feeling it swell still further. I reached for the zip of his trousers and slowly lowered it then reached inside. I wormed my hand into his boxer shorts and began to caress his cock. I slowly drew it out of his trousers and looked down at it. It was a perfectly respectable length, but nothing unusual, but its’ girth was massive! It was so thick I could hardly wrap my fingers around it. As I stroked it the foreskin rolled back to reveal the large, swollen purple head.
He put his hands on my shoulders and gently, but firmly pushed me to my knees. I knelt down in front of him, fascinated, then kissed the head, feeling it twitch with pleasure. I opened my mouth and drew him into me, licking at the glans. I heard him sigh with pleasure as I began to bob my head up and down on his straining cock. I ran my fingers along the shaft, feeling the hot, smooth skin, then sucked at him gently. He opened his belt and trousers, letting them fall to his knees, then pushed his boxers down too. I began to caress his heavy balls, feeling his sack tighten at my touch. I sucked and licked at him, stroking his balls, flicking my tongue over his glans, savouring his grunts and gasps of pleasure.
I was expecting him to come in my mouth, began to brace myself for the sudden spurts, but then he reached down and pulled me to my feet. He pushed me back against the wall and lifted my dress, then stepped between my thighs, spreading them once again. He took hold of his throbbing cock and placed it at the entrance to my pussy, running the head along my slit. New jolts of pleasure ran though me. I looked into his eyes to see him smile again, and the he pushed his hips forward and began to slide his cock into me.
I moaned and opened my legs wider, trying to accommodate his shaft. I felt him slowly slide into me, pushing deeper and deeper. He ran his hand across my face, my mouth. I drew his fingers into my mouth, began to suck on them as I’d sucked his cock. He grunted again then pushed again, sending his shaft deep into me. I groaned as I felt his pubes against mine, and then he began to stroke into me, using strong, smooth strokes. His hands snaked around me and cupped my bottom, lifting me off the floor. I threw my hands around his neck to steady myself, and then he drove into me with a new urgency which was almost savage. I began to whimper with each stroke, my body lost in the pleasure of the moment.
After some time he lifted me off his cock, let me slide to my feet and then positioned me over the bonnet of a nearby car. I was still gasping and panting as he stood behind me, lifted my dress once more and pushed my legs apart. He placed his cock at my entrance and drove in up to the hilt in one shattering stroke. I fell forward onto the car, gasping and moaning, only for him to lift me up again and begin to pound his cock into me furiously. He grabbed hold of my breasts, still exposed from his earlier attentions, and began to gently pull on my nipples. I glanced over my shoulder at him, could see his face contorted in concentration.
?Come on then you big bastard!? I gasped at him, ?Give it all to me.? He looked up at me and grinned, then rammed his weapon into me and tensed. I felt his cock twitch inside me, then felt him spurting into me. I climaxed again as he filled me with his jism, his hot breath on my neck. Finally, I felt his cock begin to soften and he slipped it from me. I fell against the car again, my mind and body completely shattered by the intensity of the orgasms I’d experienced.
I was beginning to recover when I heard him zip up his trousers. I stood up, a little unsteadily, and turned to face him. He grinned at me, winked, then said, ?Thanks for that, love. See you!? And then he calmly turned and walked away, slipping back into the disco through the same fire escape. I was completely lost for words, didn’t even have time to respond. I suddenly realised that I was standing in a car park at night, completely alone. Not only that, but I was virtually naked!
I quickly pulled my dress back into place, covering my breasts, then looked around for my panties. I found them near the door, where I had stepped out of them, and quickly pulled them back on. Then I went back into the disco. I made my way back to our table, found my bag and made for the toilets. I examined myself in the mirror. Apart from my makeup needing a bit of refreshing, I looked completely normal. I smiled to myself, wondering what I’d expected! Was there a particular look to women who had it off with strangers in a car park, I wondered? I fixed my make up and went back to my seat.
?Blimey Jennifer! Where have you been?? One of the girls exclaimed. I began to babble something about meeting an old friend, but she wasn’t listening. ?You’ve missed it all! Shirley and Carol have both gone off with blokes! Yes, I know, both of them, and them married as well! You should have seen them, though, off they went with these young blokes, looking like the cat that’s had the cream!?
?You mean the cats that were going to get the cream!? Another said. They all laughed loudly.
?So where did you go?? I was asked again.
?Oh, I felt a bit faint so I went and found somewhere quiet for a bit.? I said, hoping I sounded convincing.
?Because the last I saw of you was when you were talking to that big fellow, you know the one??
?Oh, him!? I giggled, ?Yes, well, he was after the same old thing. When I told him I was married he lost interest and went off. That was the last I saw of him.?
?Typical!? They all muttered.
After a few more minutes I made my excuses and left, hailing a taxi as I went out onto the street. The journey hole was uneventful, and I sneaked quietly into the house, not wanting to wake anyone. It was much later than I said I’d be, almost two in the morning, and the whole house was in darkness. I took off my shoes, stockings and suspenders at the foot of the stairs, and crept up to our bedroom. David was fast asleep and didn’t stir as I let my dress fall to the floor and slipped into bed next to him. He grunted, then turned over. I fell asleep almost at once. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep was the face of Jason as he looked down at me, watching as I sucked his thick, throbbing cock. I sighed happily and drifted off to sleep.
I awoke the next morning with a massive hangover! My head pounded and my stomach felt queasy. When I sat up in bed the pain grew worse, and I slumped back down again.
?Well, well, what time did you come home last night, or should I say this morning?? David asked with a chuckle. ?Had a good time, did we?? I groaned, he chuckled again. ?Here, I brought you some coffee, it might help. You’re going to have to do better than this if you’re going to be a party animal again, you know!? He laughed.
?OH God!? I groaned, ?I never want to see the inside of a disco ever again! Oh I feel awful, just bloody awful!?
David laughed at my misery. ?Well it’s like you always say when I’ve over done it; I’ve no sympathy for you, it’s a self-inflicted wound!? When I groaned again he giggled, then said, ?OK, I’ll let you have some sympathy. You drink your coffee, I’ll go and run the shower, you’ll feel better when you’ve freshened up.? He made his way to the bathroom, whistling happily. Moments later I heard the shower run and he called, ?Ready when you are, party girl!?
I took a sip of coffee, then shuffled to the bathroom, my robe draped over me. He gave me a brief kiss on the forehead before leaving me alone. ?I’m off to the shop for the papers, I’ll take the kids. See you soon.? I slipped my robe off my shoulders, then pushed my satin panties down to my knees and let them fall to the floor, where I stepped out of them. I glanced up and saw my reflection in the mirror. Christ! I looked rough! I groaned again then stepped into the shower cubicle. The hot water felt wonderful and I immediately began to revive. I poured shower gel onto my hands and began to soap my body. I gently rubbed my hands between my legs, lathering my bush and carefully washing my pussy. It was then that I felt Jason’s jism. For a moment I was confused, as I knew David and I hadn’t made love last night, and I couldn’t figure out where it had come from.
And then I remembered.
Suddenly it all came back to me. The dancing, the car park, his hands, his tongue, his cock! And then I remembered being bent over a car, with my skirt up around my waist and my panties several feet away as he drove his thick monster into me. I let out an involuntary shriek of dismay as all the sordid details began to come back to me. I began to scrub at my body in desperation, anxious to clean every last trace of Jason from me. I spent ages in the shower, using massive quantities of shower gel. Finally, I stepped out of the cubicle, my skin flushed and pink. I looked at myself in the mirror again. It looked like me, but it didn’t feel like me. How could I have behaved in such a way?
I tried to blot it out, told myself to forget about it. It was a one-off, an aberration. What did they call it, a momentary lapse of judgement. I persuaded myself that no one would ever know. No one apart from me, of course. And Jason. I reassured myself that it probably meant nothing to him, nothing more than a quickie. He probably couldn’t even remember my name this morning, couldn’t care less anyway!
I had pulled myself together, then went back into the bedroom. I pulled on a clean pair of knickers, a bra and my favourite old rugby shirt and jeans, then set about clearing up after myself. I picked up my dress, which smelled strongly of beer and cigarettes, my suspender belt and bra from the previous evening. When I picked up my stockings I noticed the stains on the top of one. Unmistakably semen stains. I quickly put them in the bin, put the rest of my things in the washing basket. I went into the bathroom again and picked up my satin panties. They stank of sex! It was all I could do to touch them, and there was a massive stain in them. I shuddered and threw them away too. Mustn’t leave evidence lying around, I told myself.
David and the kids returned some time later. I was just finishing another cup of coffee, and was beginning to feel human again. David still thought it hilarious that I’d got so drunk I had a hangover, and I resigned myself to plenty of teasing about it.
We spent the rest of the day together as a family. Because of his work, David travelled a lot, frequently away for days at a time, so it was something special for us all to be together for the weekend. Every now and again I would remember what I’d done the previous evening. I couldn’t believe how stupid I’d been, how much I’d risked by not telling Jason to keep his hands to himself. I was thankful that no one knew my sordid secret, or so I thought.
Two weeks later and my world was turned upside down. Everyone in the village where we lived was invited to a pre-Christmas party at the manor house. This was a regular event as the owner of the house, a local businessman called Eric Stevens, liked to host a party. David, the kids and me had gone along on a few occasions, and they were fairly pleasant events. Eric tried his best to be a genial host, and his hospitality couldn’t be faulted, but I never really warmed to him. There was something about the way he looked women over, particularly the younger ones, that I didn’t like. I always felt he was assessing us, even undressing us in his mind. David thought I was being silly. He liked Eric, often going out for a drink with him and a few other men from the village, despite the fact that Eric was a good fifteen years older than us both.
On the evening in question we made our way on foot through the village to Eric’s place, a grand looking Victorian manor house on the outskirts of the village. It was decorated with pretty coloured lights, and a huge fir tree, also decorated, stood in the entrance hall. Eric greeted each of us as though we were old friends, taking coats and inviting us to help ourselves to drinks and food. He lived alone, had never married, and clearly he spared himself no luxury. His home was filled with antiques, as well as the latest home entertainment items such as a large plasma screen TV.
A play area had been set up for the children, and our two immediately joined in with several of their friends. David spotted a couple of the boys and went over to speak to them. I drifted around the house, having casual conversations with several of my friends. At one point I stopped to admire a watercolour on the wall. It was a gentle landscape, and I was lost in its’ detail when a voice in my ear made me jump.
?I was hoping I could have a quick word with you.? I looked ‘round, startled. It was Eric.
?Sorry Eric!? I laughed, ?I didn’t see you coming?
?I didn’t mean to startle you, plenty of time for that later? He grinned. I was puzzled by his comment, decided to ignore it.
?What did you want to talk about?? I asked.
He looked around furtively. ?Not here Jennifer, too many eyes and ears. I need to speak to you in private. Could you slip away for half an hour tomorrow morning, do you think??
?I expect so, Eric. What’s all this about??
?I’ve been planning a bit of a surprise for David, actually, and I need to run the details past you. David mentioned you don’t work on Fridays, that’s why I asked if you could call ‘round tomorrow. That is ok, isn’t it?? He smiled at me. I was baffled! Why would he be planning a surprise for David? After a moments pause I nodded. ?Excellent!? He beamed, ?What time should I expect you??
?Well, let’s say nine thirty, would that be ok?? I suggested.
?Perfect!? He beamed again, ?See you then, and remember, it’s a surprise, so not a word to David, ok?? He winked at me as he slipped away. I shook my head in bemusement, then went back to the party.
After a couple of hours people began to drift away. I could see our children were beginning to tire, so I gathered them together and made for the door, glancing over at David, who was still talking to the drinking club. He came over to me and grinned sheepishly, ?Would you mind if I stayed for another couple of drinks, love?? He asked apologetically. He looked so boyish and appealing I couldn’t refuse, and besides, I still felt guilty about my moment of madness with Jason.
?That’s fine, love, just remember, you’ve got a long journey tomorrow, don’t stay up drinking too late.?
He held his hand up solemnly, ?I promise!? He said. I grinned again, then shepherded the children out into the cold evening air. They were exhausted by the time we got home and went to bed without complaint. I poured myself a glass of wine and sat back to wait for David. It was a long wait as it turned out. David didn’t arrive back until past eleven o’clock. When he came in he looked unusually serious, I looked at him quizzically.
?David? What’s wrong??
?Oh it’s nothing really. One of the guys, Ian, he just found out his wife’s been having it off with another bloke. He’s pretty messed up too, poor fellow. Apparently it’s been going on for nearly six months. She met him at the office party. How predictable was that??
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, suddenly feeling vulnerable. ?How did he find out?? I asked, trying to sound only vaguely interested.
?One of his so called mates told him. Seems lots of his supposed friends at work knew all about it, probably had a right good laugh behind his back, bastards! Christ! I’m so glad you and I aren’t anything like that, I couldn’t stand that love.?
I felt my heart beat quicken, my stomach fluttered. I put on my most reassuring smile, ?No, nor me, darling. Poor Ian.?
David poured himself another drink then sat, deep in thought. I made my way up to bed, grateful that he didn’t want to discuss it further. As I began to undress I noticed that my hands were shaking with nerves. I quickly got into bed and turned out the light. When David finally came up some time later I pretended to be asleep. I lay in bed listening to the steady sound of his breathing, unable to forget the look of pain on his face as he empathised with his suffering friend. Once again I cursed myself for my liaison with Jason, telling myself yet again how stupid I’d been, and how fortunate to have got away with it.
David got up early the following day and was off to work before I got the kids out of bed. I knew he would be away all day, not returning until late that evening. I made breakfasts and packed lunches, then took the children to school. As I waved them goodbye I glanced at my watch, ten past nine. Just time to drive over to Eric’s, my curiosity aroused.
I drove up the long driveway to Eric’s house and parked my small hatchback next to his Jaguar. Then I rang the doorbell and waited. After a few moments the door opened and Eric stood beaming at me once more, ?Ah, you made it. Good! Come in my dear, come in.? He smiled at me. He reminded me of some sort of predator.
?Eric, what’s all this cloak and dagger stuff about??
?I wanted you to have a look at something, before I give it to your husband.’ He grinned. He motioned for me to follow him into his lounge. ?Have a look, tell me what you think.? He pressed a button on a remote control and the plasma screen TV sprang into life. The screen flickered for a moment, and then a grainy black and white image appeared on the screen. I watched without comprehending for a moment. It seemed to be CCTV image of a car park. I wondered what on earth he was showing it to me for, and then a door opened and two people walked out into the car park, a large man and a smaller woman. My heart began to beat faster as I began to understand what he was showing me.
The two people on the screen began to kiss passionately. The camera zoomed in on them, their heads filling the screen for a moment before it zoomed out again. The man slipped his hand into her top, pushing the black material away, exposing her breast, then dropped his head and took the breast in his mouth. I looked in appalled silence as the camera zoomed in once again, this time on my face. It was clearly me. I was unable to deny it, and my face showed exactly how much I was enjoying Jason’s attentions. I turned to look at Eric, who was watching me with an amused look on his face.
?Where did you get this?? I asked, my voice trembling noticeably.
?One of my assistants brought it to me. He was in the security office at the car park and found a couple of the guys there making a copy. He watched it with them, thought I might find it amusing. We keep a library of this stuff, you know? For some reason people are always going into one of my car parks for a shag, we keep copies of the films for a laugh! Of course when I watched it I recognised you at once. You look far prettier in the flesh, if you don’t mind me saying, but I can’t fault your performance!?
?One of ‘your’ car parks?? I asked in a daze.
?That’s right. I have six of them around the county. Part of my business empire, and a very lucrative, not to say amusing part too.? He grinned again. I looked back at the screen. The image was very clear. Jason sucking on my breast, his hand buried between my thighs. As I watched in horror the camera focused on him as he knelt down and lifted my skirt before pulling my panties down. Then his head was buried between my thighs and the image on the screen clearly showed my face as I gasped and sighed with pleasure, both my breasts exposed.
?Jesus Christ, Eric, turn it off. Turn it off, please.? I begged.
?But you haven’t seen the best bit yet, Jennifer. It’s the bit with you bent over the car bonnet, holding your dress up while the young stud there gives it to you from behind and you just love it! Don’t you want to see that bit? You’re very good in it, I must say.?
Panic began to rise in me. ?Please Eric, please turn it off. Please. I can’t stand this.?
He grinned again, then pressed the remote. The TV died instantly. I felt light-headed. I stood staring at the floor, unable to form a coherent thought, unable to move. I felt suddenly sick, turned and ran to the toilet and retched repeatedly, falling to my knees. After a few moments he picked me up and steered me to a chair. ?Come on now, sit down and get your breath back. I can see this has been a bit of a shock!? He chuckled.
I looked at him in amazement. ?A bit of a shock?? I echoed.
He laughed out loud. ?Your face when you realised what I was showing you, priceless!? He laughed again. ?I wonder of David will see the funny side?? He mused.
?David? But you can’t, Eric, you mustn’t. Eric, he’s your friend for God’s sake. This would break his heart. Please, Eric, please say you won’t let him see this, please.?
?But it’s because I’m his friend that I feel I really ought to give this to him, you see. I mean, if he found out say six months from now, and all his mates had seen it, well I can quite understand how devastated he would be. That’s why I feel he should see it now.?
I was gripped by panic. I stood up and made a dive for the DVD player. Eric was too quick for me, simply stood in front of me and barred my way. He pushed me backwards, then sniggered at me.
?Now then, Jennifer, that really wasn’t a clever move, was it? Do you think that this is the only copy?? Another laugh, ?This is just the first. The master is safely tucked away where you can’t get it. And if I chose to I can make as many copies as I want. Perhaps one each for all of David’s friends, even one each for every man in the village? Then one posted on the Internet, one for the men where you work. One for your bosses, of course. Another for the head teacher, yes that would make your parent / teacher chats a bit more interesting, wouldn’t it?? He sniggered again.
I listened in stunned silence as he continued to outline how he could utterly humiliate me. I was completely terrified, unable to think, unable to respond in any way. Finally, he stopped talking.
?How does that sound to you, Jennifer??
?Please Eric.? I stammered, trying to hold back the tears. ?Please, I beg you, don’t do this to me. Please. I don’t know why I did it, and I’ve been truly sorry ever since. I’ve never done that before, I swear, never even looked at another man since I met David, I promise ??
?They all say that, Jennifer. ‘Oh I never did it before darling, I promise’? He mimicked. ?Some idiots believe it of course, only to be made a fool of again and again. How do you think David will react? Will he believe it was a one-off? Or will he think that this was the latest in a long line of cocks you’ve had up you??
?Stop it!? I sobbed. ?David will believe me, I know he will. If I tell him it was just that once, and that I’ve never been with another man, of course he’ll believe me, I know he will.? I sounded desperate, even to my own ears.
?Fine!? he grinned, ?Then you have nothing to worry about. I’ll get some more copies made, and you can explain it all to Dear David.?
He looked at me triumphant. He was waiting for me to admit defeat, knew I wouldn’t take the chance of David seeing that film, couldn’t inflict that on him. After a few tense moments I gave in.
?Eric, I love David very much. I wouldn’t hurt him for the world. I know he’d believe me over this, but isn’t there some way we can avoid hurting him? Please, Eric, help me.?
?You’re asking me to help you keep your dirty little secret, is that right??
?Oh God, please Eric, please, I’ll do anything. Please help me.?
?Oh God, yes! Yes, I’ll do anything.? I babbled, not realising what was coming.
?Ok then, Jennifer, I’ll tell you what I want in return for my silence and help.?
?Anything Eric, just name it.?
?I want you.?
?I’m sorry? I don’t understand.? I stammered.
?I want you.? He repeated slowly, deliberately. Still I looked at him stupidly, not comprehending. He saw my confusion, smiled at me and explained. ?I want to have the same kind of fun with you as your young stud there, get it??
I looked at him in sheer horror. ?What? You mean you want ?. You want me to ? you want to??
?Fuck you; yes.? He said with another grin.
?I, er, I, no, Eric, please, I mean, er, we’re friends, you and David are friends.? I laughed nervously. ?I understand now, this was your little joke! You don’t really want me to, er, I mean, you wouldn’t take advantage of me like this, I know, I, er??
?I’m one hundred percent serious.? He said calmly. ?Either you come upstairs with me, right now, or I make the call that starts the copies being made. Your choice.?
I felt like a cornered animal. ?Right now? Jesus Eric, you can’t mean that, you don’t mean that. Look you’ve had your fun, and scared me silly into the bargain, now please give me the master copy. Please!? I was almost screaming at him.
He stood up slowly, then looked at me directly. ?Jennifer, you know I’m not messing around here. I’ve always wondered what you’d be like between the sheets. Such a prissy, fussy little hen when you’re all dressed up, but as we’ve seen, you can be a bit of a vixen when you want to be. I want some of that, and I’m going to get it today. Right now. Or Davy boy gets this, special delivery. It’s make your mind up time, Jennifer. What’s it going to be??
I was distraught. Tears were running freely down my face. I looked at him imploringly. ?Please don’t do this Eric.? I whispered. His response was to reach out and gently cup my right breast. I gasped with shock and stepped back from him. He chuckled again.
?I see. Well, you better say goodbye to village life then, Jennifer. When this gets out not a single soul will give you the time of day. Everyone’s sympathies will be with poor, betrayed, humiliated David.? He took hold of my arm, began leading me towards the door. ?You can go now. It was nice knowing you Jennifer.?
My mind was completely blank, I was unable to think for a moment. We neared the front door. Panic and desperation overwhelmed me. All I could see in my mind’s eye was David’s sorrowful face.
?No, wait!? I begged.
?No more waiting, Jennifer, I gave you your chance, told you how you could save yourself, but you’re just too bloody stupid to accept it. Oh sure, you’ll let yourself get fucked by some kid in a car park, but you’d lose everything rather than spread your legs for me. Well fine! Keep your pussy to yourself, I doubt if David will be bothering you for any after he sees the film.?
?Wait! Please stop, I’ll do it.? I yelled. He stopped abruptly.
?You’ll do what, Jennifer??
?I’ll go to bed with you.? I stammered. He grinned lecherously at me.
?I was beginning to think you’d never see sense!? He chuckled. ?No point in going though all that hassle when you can make me your friend and protector just by being friendly.? He moved closer to me, began to stretch his arm out towards my breast again. I gritted my teeth, forced myself to stand still. His fingers began to circle my breast, moving gradually closer to my nipple. ?There now. That doesn’t hurt, does it?? He asked sweetly. I forced a smile and shook my head, still not trusting myself to speak.
?Good girl.? He smarmed as he continued to fondle my breast. I felt my skin crawl. ?Now why don’t we go upstairs and make ourselves comfortable?? It sounded like the most reasonable thing in the world, two lovers adjourning to the bedroom for some sport! I felt utter revulsion. Fighting back nausea I let him lead me to the stairs.
?After you.? He grinned, motioning for me to climb them ahead of him. I took the first two steps nervously, then heard him start to climb behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see him smiling to himself and examining my bottom as I walked in front of him. I felt another shudder of revulsion shoot through me. I could almost feel his eyes burning into me as he stared at my body. I climbed the stairs slowly, desperately trying to think of a way out of this without losing David. By the time I reached the top of the stairs I had to admit defeat, if only to myself. Eric could destroy my marriage, my family, if he wanted, and I knew better now than to appeal to his better nature. Clearly, the bastard didn’t have one.
At the top of the stairs I stopped, unsure of the way to go. Eric moved smoothly past me, taking my hand as he did so. ?This way, sweetheart!? He chuckled as he led me into the bedroom. I looked around me, stunned. It was a huge room with a massive window on one wall, which looked out onto rolling hills. The room was tastefully decorated and furnished, and was dominated by a king-sized oak bed. There were mirrors on every wall, which made the room look even bigger. Eric sat down on the bed and looked at me with a lecherous grin on his face.
?OK then Jennifer, let’s have a look at you.? I stood before him, immobile, as he looked me up and down. ?Not bad. Not bad at all.? He grinned, ?Now take your things off so I can have a proper look.?
My mouth was completely dry, my fingers shaking. I felt as though I would be sick at any moment. With the exception of my drunken liaison at the Christmas party, the only person who had seen me naked in over ten years was my husband. Now I was in the bedroom of one of his friends, who was watching me like a hawk, and I knew I had no option but to do everything he said.
?Come on love, I haven’t got all day! Get your kit off! Start with your top, I want to have a good look at your tits.?
I could hear my heart pounding, the deafening roar of my own heartbeat. I felt very small and utterly defeated as I slowly lifted my T-shirt, pulled it over my head and let it fall to the floor. His eyes raked over me, glittering with triumph. ?And the bra, come on now, get a move on.? He snapped. I sighed with resignation, then reached behind me, opened the clasp and let it fall down my arms. I dropped it on top of my T-shirt, then let my arms fall to my sides, exposing my breasts to him.
He chuckled, then slowly applauded, ?Very nice, very nice indeed! What size are they, thirty-six??
?Thirty four.? I mumbled.
?Really? B cup?? I nodded.
?Did you breast feed your kids??
I gasped with outrage, ?Mind your own bloody business.? I snapped. His smile disappeared at once, a scowl formed on his rugged features and a hard light flashed across his eyes.
?If you ever speak to me like that again, bitch, I’ll tell the world what a slut you are, understand? You’ll be left without a friend in the world, even your family will disown you, got that?? He growled.
?Look Eric, just have your fun and let me go, ok??
?This is my fun, and I’ll have as much of it as I like, and you’ll put up with it without complaint, because we know what will happen otherwise, don’t we?? I nodded.
?So; answer the question then. Did you breastfeed your kids??
?Yes.? I said quietly.
?I thought so, you can tell by the size of the nipples, you know. Having a couple of kids chewing on them will always make them spread out! You’ve got quite a nice pair, though, haven’t you??
I was too appalled by his crude assessment of my body to answer. I simply stood there, topless, while he scrutinised me.
?Time to see the rest, I think.? He grinned, ?Time for you to take your knickers off, Jennifer!? He said loudly. I flinched and looked ‘round, nervously.
?Don’t worry, there’s no one else in the place. The staff don’t come in until this afternoon. We’re all alone, no one can see you, no one can hear you. So let’s have those knickers off, shall we??
It was posed as a question, even an invitation. I knew it was an order, an order I couldn’t ignore or disobey. I tried to contain my emotions as I reached for the button of my jeans and opened it with fumbling fingers. I felt a tear escape from the corner of my eye, wiped it away with the back of my hand, then lowered the zip of my jeans. I took a deep breath, then pushed them down to my knees. I slowly pulled them off each leg, then let them drop to the floor. Instinctively I clasped my hands together in front of me, he chuckled again.
?Plain black knickers, how practical!? He sneered, ?Do you have any sexy undies at home??
?Some.? I said quietly.
?Interesting! Right, get them off then, I want to see what I’m getting!?
My fingers felt cold and numb as I hooked them into the waistband of my knickers. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip then pushed them down, over my hips to my knees, then let them fall to the floor, where I stepped out of them. Once again I clasped my hands in front of me protectively.
?Hands by your sides.? He said, matter-of-factly. I let my arms drop to my sides, then lowered my head in shame. I felt my skin burn with embarrassment as I stood stark naked for his inspection. After a few moments he stood up and moved towards me.
?Well now Jennifer, you are a pretty package, aren’t you? You say you’ve never been with another man since you met David, apart from your young friend in the car park, of course?? He said with a snigger. I didn’t move, didn’t respond. ?David is a lucky man, isn’t he?? He reached out a hand and stroked my breasts, one at a time. Very deliberately, he lifted each one in turn, as if he were weighing them. Then he ran his fingertips across my nipples, circling them, squeezing them gently.
After a short time he walked around behind me. He placed a finger on my neck, then ran it slowly down my back, making me shudder. Finally his finger came to rest at the very base of my spine. I felt myself shaking with nerves and humiliation. He ran his hand across my bottom, squeezing each cheek, and then he came and stood in front of me again. He lifted my chin with his hand, then he looked into my eyes. His face was alive with amusement and lust, I felt my face flush deeply.
I watched as his eyes travelled down my body slowly, before coming to rest on my bush. I was desperate to cover myself, felt my fingers twitch nervously, only kept them by my side with an enormous effort. I saw his hand start to reach out towards my most secret place and closed my eyes with dread. His fingertips brushed so lightly over my pubic hair that I could only just feel their presence. I glanced down instinctively to see his hand hovering over my dark brown tuft.
?Nice and neat, Jennifer!? He grinned, ?Glad to see you keep yourself nicely trimmed, but what’s it hiding, eh? Open your legs, I want to find out what your pussy’s like.?
There were tears spilling from my eyes, rolling freely down my face as I shuffled my feet apart. He hesitated for the briefest of moments, then his hand slipped between my thighs and began to stroke the hair along my slit. I heard myself groan with misery, then closed my eyes, trying desperately to blot it all out. His fingertip ran along the entire length of my slit, and then his fingers were pressing against my pussy, stroking and rubbing my delicate lips. He began to prise my lips apart, inserting a finger between them. I drew in a deep, ragged breath, let out an involuntary sob. He laughed silently, then carried on with his invasion of my body.
His fingertip found the entrance to my tunnel and began to penetrate me. He grunted, then said, ?You’re very dry, Jennifer. I bet you weren’t like that for your young friend, were you? Let’s do something to loosen you up. Lie down on the bed.?
I moved to the bed on watery legs, then sat down. He pushed me by the shoulders, making me lie down, then pulled my knees up before pushing my thighs apart. He knelt between my spread thighs and stared down at my exposed pussy. He ran a finger along my lips again, then muttered, ?Oh yes, that is a pretty one!?
I closed my eyes in shame, then a moment later opened them in shock as I felt his hot breath on my sensitive skin, followed by his tongue on my lips. I yelped with shock and alarm, causing him to chuckle. ?Relax Jennifer, I’m going to see what your cute little pussy tastes like. You just settle back and enjoy it.?
He planted a series of kisses along my slit, then began to lick at each lip in turn. After a minute or two his tongue slipped between my folds and began to lick at my inner lips. In no time he was pressing his tongue into my tunnel, making me squirm around on the bed. He placed a finger on each of my lips, then gently pulled them apart. His tongue then licked slowly all the way up my slit until it finally came to rest on the tip of my clit.
As soon as he made contact with the tip of my sensitive bud I arched my back instinctively, trying to pull my hips back and away from him. I heard him chuckle again, and then his tongue began to circle my clit. His attentions were beginning to have an effect on me. I felt some of my tension begin to disperse, and then small ripples of pleasure begin to radiate through me. His lips closed over my clit and he began to suck at it gently. His tongue pushed the hood back and flicked slowly and delicately at the head of my clit, making me sigh and moan. Soon I was gasping with pleasure as he skilfully teased my tender flesh with his mouth.
I felt myself getting wet with my own juices, and then he slipped a finger slowly into my pussy. I could feel how wet I had become, and he lifted his face from my pussy for a moment and smiled, ?There, that’s better isn’t it??
He carried on working with his tongue, driving me higher and higher, until I was gasping and moaning, writhing around on the bed, his tongue sending shock waves of pleasure through me. I knew I was close to a climax, was getting ready for it, when suddenly he stopped. I looked at him questioningly and he grinned at me.
?Thought it was about time you did something for me.? He said simply. As I watched he pulled off his shirt to reveal a trim, muscular chest, then pushed his trousers down and stepped out of them on one smooth movement. Then he stood at the foot of the bed. His body was lightly tanned and looked athletic. His cock was standing proudly erect, easily eight inches long and with a very respectable girth.
He climbed onto the bed and lay down next to me, then pulled me towards him. ?Time for a good old sixty-nine, darling, off you go!? He laughed, pushing me towards his stiff member. As if in a dream I moved into position and reached out to take hold of his cock. It felt hot to the touch and the swollen veins under it’s skin bulged. It twitched as I slowly and nervously wrapped my hand around it. Then I drew closer. I had never liked giving oral, something David had been disappointed about but had grown to accept, now it was all I could do not to run from the room.
I was about to plead with Eric for him to ask for something else, but then he pulled me on top of him in a smooth movement, and I felt his hot mouth go to work on my pussy again. I shuddered at the renewed waves of pleasure and resigned myself to my fate. I moved forward and slowly took his cock into my mouth.
He grunted as I began to gently suck on the head of his cock. I wrapped my tongue around it and bobbed my head, feeling the velvet-like skin of the head on my tongue. I began to stroke the shaft as I sucked on its’ head, then found his balls with my other hand and began to stroke them. He grunted again, then moaned with pleasure. I felt his shaft stiffen still further and he began to push his hips forward in time to my strokes, pushing his cock into my mouth. Soon I was lost in my own private world. Eric continued to tease and torment my pussy, sometimes driving his tongue into my tunnel, sometimes sucking eagerly on my clit whilst pushing a finger into me. As he did so I stroked and sucked on his stiff shaft and played with his heavy balls.
I felt my climax near again, and began to concentrate on the wonderful sensations he was generating in me. Just as I almost reached the point climax he stopped again. I let out a moan of frustration, then turned to look at him, my hand still wrapped around his cock.
?Time to get into position.? He grinned. I rolled onto my back and opened my legs, desperate to climax. He moved between my thighs and placed his cock at the entrance to my tunnel. I closed my eyes and waited for him to enter me, but after several moments nothing had happened. He kept his cock poised, the head just between my lips. I looked up at him questioningly to see his face shining with amusement.
?What?? I demanded.
?You!? He laughed, ?So much for being the virtuous housewife!? As he spoke he moved his hips around, rubbing the head of his cock against my lips, teasing me maddeningly. ?Begging and pleading with me to let you go, and now look at you, desperate for my meat!?
I felt my face flush with shame, ?I thought this was what you wanted.?
?Oh, it is what I wanted, it’s just about a million miles away from what you wanted though, isn’t it?? He laughed.
I was gasping and panting, the feel of his cock at the entrance to my pussy, teasing me, driving me to new heights. ?Do you want me to beg you to put it in?? I whined.
?No, you’ll get it when I’m good and ready! No need to rush this, is there? We’ve got hours and hours to ourselves!? I groaned at the thought of much more of his delicious torture. He reached out and stroked my breasts, then ducked down and began to suck on each nipple. I realised I was moving my hips up and down, rubbing my pussy against his cock. The sensations were ecstasy! I felt myself drawing nearer to a climax. I closed my eyes and savoured the feelings. And then he let his hips fall and his cock began to drive slowly into me.
I opened my eyes wide with shock as he pushed relentlessly into me, driving slowly and continually until he was in me up to the hilt on one smooth stroke. The sensations coursing though my body were beyond belief! My breath caught in my throat, I lay beneath him, unable to move or speak, on the brink of a massive orgasm. He grinned at me again, then slowly withdrew, his cock sliding effortlessly out of me, only to be driven back in with the same slow depth. My climax hit me like an express train! I almost lost consciousness completely as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over me. I heard myself crying and moaning, unable to control myself, I pushed my hips up to meet his cock as it buried itself in me.
The contractions inside me began to subside and I became aware that he was completely still, his cock still deep inside me. I opened my eyes to see him smirking at me, a self-satisfied grin on his face. I felt my face flush with shame and I groaned and closed my eyes again.
?Fuck! You really are a goer, aren’t you?? He chuckled, ?Can’t get enough can you?? I groaned in misery, hating myself for allowing him to defeat me so easily. ?You this enthusiastic with David, or is it only with fresh meat?? He laughed again. When I didn’t answer he chuckled to himself, then said, ?No point in going all shy on me now, Jennifer, not when you’ve still got my cock up your cunt! Let’s see how much you enjoy this then!?
He took hold of my wrists, pushing my arms over my head and pinning them there. Then he looked down at out our entwined bodies and smiled. He pulled his hips back in a slow, smooth movement, then pushed in again. I felt my body start to respond once more, tried to deny the feelings. He was driving into me with long, deliberate strokes, reaching deep into my pussy, his pelvis grinding against my clit with each stroke. He began to increase the pace, gradually moving faster. He looked down at my breasts as they mirrored each impact and smiled again, then he lowered his head and began to suck on each nipple in turn.
I felt my body begin to betray me again, felt my breathing quicken as the sensations began to build in me. He was driving into me like a man possessed, each stroke making my entire body quiver and shake. I felt the heat growing in my body, began to thrust my hips back at him again. He grinned with satisfaction, continued to plough into me. He let go of my wrists, began to squeeze my breasts, gently pulling on my nipples. Then he leaned in and kissed me, his tongue forcing its’ way into my mouth, probing, exploring. Without thinking I put my arms around his neck, lost in the growing unreality of what was happening to me. All at once he drove deep into me and tensed. And then I felt him shooting his hot semen into me, and I started to climax again. As he collapsed on top of me another powerful orgasm tore through me, and I clung to him instinctively.
As I started to recover I was aware of his cock softening inside me, his hands still holding my breasts, his body heaving with deep gasps for breath. I still had my hands around his neck, could feel the warmth of his smooth skin. I turned my head to one side, bitterly ashamed of myself. Not only had I been coerced into betraying David again, had allowed myself to be used and abused by him, but my body had betrayed me, giving him the evident satisfaction of teasing me as he now did.
"I can see I’m going to have a lot of fun with you, Jennifer!" He grinned.
I pushed him away from me and he rolled onto his side. "Oh no your not! That was the first and only time I’m ever letting you near me you bastard!" I shouted, getting up from the bed and reaching for my clothing. He sat up on the bed and grinned at me, making no effort to dress.
"You think so? Think again! We’re in this for the long haul, my dear. Unless you want to explain your actions on film to your loving husband?" I looked at him in horror. "No, I see you don’t fancy that at all.? He laughed again. He put a cigarette to his lips, lit it, then blew smoke high into the air with a satisfied sigh. "No, let’s face it, Jennifer, you’re not the type to own up to David and accept your fate. You know if David ever found out he’d be devastated, and he’d throw you out for good. So you’ll play nice with me for as long as I want, isn’t that right?"
I glared at him with hatred. I didn’t care what the consequences were, I wasn’t going to allow him to own me. "You bastard!" I spat, "Do what you want to do, go on, have your fun, but you wont get anywhere near me again, you dirty old sod!" I pulled on the rest of my clothing and stormed from the room. I ran down the stairs and out of the front door, slamming it as I went. Then I almost threw myself into my car and drove away. I went home and immediately went to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and showered, trying to wash every last trace of him from me. Then I took the underwear I had been wearing and threw it into the bin. I told myself defiantly that I would take whatever consequences were coming, convinced myself that David would understand, that he’d forgive me.
I busied myself for the rest of the day, trying to put Eric, and what he’d done to me, out of my mind. By the time David and the children were home I had heard nothing from Eric, and I began to believe that I’d called his bluff and that he’d leave me alone. And then as I was clearing the table after our evening meal the doorbell rang. David called to say he’d get it and I carried on tidying up. I head voices as David spoke to the caller, and then my heart almost stopped as Eric followed David into the kitchen. He glanced at me and smiled, then said ?Hi Jennifer, how are you today?" As casually as if nothing had happened between us.
I stammered some sort of response, my mind racing as I pondered what he could be here for. I felt my mouth go dry as my fear took root. I was remembering what I’d said to him. He was here to tell everything to David, I knew it. I was suddenly aware of David saying something to me.
?What? Sorry love, I didn’t catch that, what did you say?" I stammered.
David grinned at me, "I said, Eric’s here to borrow some tools of mine. Why don’t you make us both a coffee while I get what he needs from the workshop?"
"Oh, fine." I said, relief gushing from me momentarily. And then David went out to the workshop, leaving me alone with Eric. He smiled slyly at me, then winked and said, "You looked a bit surprised to see me, Jennifer. Did I worry you?" All my resolve disappeared. I felt cornered. Could feel panic rising in me again.
"Please, Eric. Just leave me alone, please?"
"I haven’t touched you yet!" He said with a smile. I shuddered. "Although I have to admit I was a little disappointed by your sudden departure this morning. I hadn’t quite finished with you, you see!"
"I meant what I said." I said defiantly.
He snickered. "No you didn’t! If you’d meant it you wouldn’t be making coffee for me now, like the dutiful little housewife. You’d have told David exactly what happened in the car park, and in my bedroom this morning, and he’d be throwing me out. Instead he’s off finding some bits of crap that he thinks I need, while I’m here with his pretty little wife! Funny, isn’t it?" He sneered.
"So the story about coming here to borrow some tools?"
?Is just that, a story!" He laughed again. "I had to make you see that you have absolutely no choice in this, you see. I couldn’t have you going around thinking you’d somehow won your freedom. Your tantrum this morning was, how shall I put this? Amusing, but I knew you wouldn’t have the guts to come clean with darling David." He glanced out of the window and smiled as he saw David sorting out the tools for him. Then he turned back to me. "Face facts, my darling, you’ll do exactly as you’re told, and you’ll be as nice as pie to me, because if you don’t then everyone gets to see your movie debut!"
I stared at him in frustrated rage. I knew he was right, knew he’d read me like a book. There was no way I was going to admit anything to David. I knew if I did he’d never forgive me, would almost certainly throw me out. The prospect of that made me feel sick. I loved David, loved our kids, loved our life together. I simply couldn’t bear the thought of losing it all. I lowered my head in defeat.
"So that’s it, is it? I’ve got to be your plaything for ever, have I?"
He smiled with satisfaction, then stepped closer to me. "Not for ever, Jennifer." He chuckled, then reached out and began to fondle my breast. I tried to step back, only to realise that he had somehow backed me against the wall. I had nowhere to go. I wanted so much to push his hand away, to scream for David to come and save me, but I knew I couldn’t. Instead I glanced around nervously, making sure neither David nor my children could see what he was doing to me, then resigned myself to my punishment. "No, certainly not for ever." He repeated, "Just for a little while. Just until I get bored with you. Then I’ll let you go." He grinned again.
His thumb and forefinger closed on my nipple, squeezing gently, rolling it. Once again my body began to betray me as I felt it begin to harden. He laughed silently. "I’m going to have a lot of fun with you, Jennifer! David tells me you don’t go to work on Mondays, is that right?"
"Yes. I work part time. I only go in on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday."
"Excellent. I want you at my place on Monday morning, nine-thirty sharp. And dress up for me this time, make a bit of an effort, ok?"
I looked at him aghast. "Make an effort for you?" I echoed incredulously, "What would you like me to wear? A ball gown?"
"No need to go that far!" He grinned, "But I want to see some of your nice underwear, and some nice clothes, not jeans and T-shirt, ok? Oh, and put a bit of make-up on too." I looked at him in amazement, totally fazed by his complete confidence and assurance. He was still teasing my nipple, which was now sending small jolts of pleasure through me. As I stood there he calmly reached out and fondled my other breast, then dropped his hand and slipped it between my thighs. Instinctively, I clamped my legs together.
"Now, now, Jennifer, don’t be unfriendly." He chided. I sank back against the wall and let my legs open. He rubbed at the crotch of my jeans, squeezing me occasionally. "That’s much better. Now don’t forget, nine-thirty sharp, Monday morning. Do you think you can remember that?"
"Yes." I hissed, "Now please leave me alone." I begged.
He shrugged, then pulled his hands away from me. "Fine! See you Monday. I better go and help David with all that stuff. Enjoy your weekend, won’t you." He grinned again, then calmly walked from the kitchen. Moments later he was enjoying a laugh and a joke with David, the two of them behaving like the best of friends. I glanced down to see with horror that my nipples were both erect and clearly visible through the thin fabric of my T-shirt. I yelped with shock and quickly ran upstairs and locked myself in the toilet, not daring to come out until they had returned to normal. It was some time later that David came back into the house, giggling to himself.
"What’s so funny?" I snapped.
"Oh nothing love, it’s just Eric, he’s such a good bloke, you know?"
"Oh really? What makes him so good then?"
"Well, it’s a bloke thing really, I wouldn’t expect you to get it."
"Try me." I demanded. David looked surprised by my insistence, then shrugged and said, "Well if you must know, he was telling me about his latest conquest!"
I felt my heart begin to race again, heard myself say, "And what about it? What’s so amusing about it?"
David giggled. "Seems she went ‘round to his place this morning for a coffee, and ended up practically begging him for it! He said she really went for it! Couldn’t get enough of him. He said he was looking forward to having a lot more fun with her." He laughed again.
I was appalled. The bastard was taunting me by telling my own husband about me. The warning was clear - as if I needed any further warning after listening to him - do as I’m told or pay the price. I turned and walked from the kitchen without another word. I knew if I stayed I would demand that David tell me everything Eric had told him, knew also that I couldn’t face that kind of shame and humiliation.
For the rest of the day I was haunted by the thought of Eric telling all his friends, including my own husband, of the fun he was having with me. When David calmly announced that he was going to the pub for a few beers with his mates, I imagined them huddled together as Eric regaled them all with lurid descriptions of how he had used my body. I heard their laughter. No doubt he told them all he was enjoying a married woman, and no doubt they were all laughing at her poor husband. Even David would be joining in, unaware of how Eric, and me, were making a complete fool of him.
David came home at his usual time and seemed to have enjoyed himself. I was so tense I felt like my insides were in a tight knot. I wanted to ask David about his evening, but dreaded him telling me about what Eric had told them all. Finally I could take it no longer, I told David I was tired and needed an early night, then dashed off to bed. When David came up I pretended to be asleep. He crawled into bed beside me and put his arms around me. I could smell the beer on his breath, his body moulded itself around me in its’ familiar way.
He kissed my neck, then moved up to nibble my earlobe, his message clear even before he murmured in my ear, "Are you too sleepy for love tonight, my darling?" I tried to carry on the pretence of being asleep. His hands began to roam across my body. He cupped and stroked my breasts, teasing my nipples in the way he knew I loved, then he slipped his hand over my bottom, across my hips and moved between my legs. I sighed and parted my thighs to allow him access. He chuckled happily, "I knew I could persuade you, my darling!"
I giggled, then felt myself start to relax for the first time since I had been in Eric’s house. I reached behind me and felt for David’s cock, finding it stiffening already, and then I gasped as he slipped his finger between my pussy lips. I was soaking wet! His fingers sent jolts of pleasure through me, making me moan in ecstasy. I heard David chuckle again, ?My God! You really are in the mood tonight, aren’t you??
He stroked my clit, circling my super-sensitive bud with his fingertip. In response I gripped the shaft of his cock tightly, began to stroke it slowly, making him grunt with pleasure. After a few minutes of stroking my body he rolled me onto my back and climbed between my thighs. He positioned his cock at my entrance, then began to penetrate me. I was so wet he slipped in easily, sighing with contentment as he began to pump into me.
"What’s go you so fired up tonight?? He murmured in my ear. I felt my breath catch in my throat, I had been wondering the same thing myself. "You complaining?? I asked playfully, as I stroked his back and bottom.
?Good God, no! I love it when you’re like this.? He sighed again. I felt my body respond under his familiar touch, savouring the closeness of our intimacy, and then an image came into my head. I could see myself standing in Eric’s bedroom, slowly undressing as he took in the view. I gasped as I felt a jolt of pleasure run through me. Then I remembered how he had made me lie on the bed, how he had spread my thighs and explored my pussy with his tongue. I remembered the smell and taste of his cock, how it had felt as I held it, how the hot shaft had throbbed as I’d wrapped my fingers around it. And then I relived the sensations of him driving it into me, deeper and deeper, driving me on to an incredible climax.
I felt myself begin to climax again, I drove my fingers into David’s skin, thrust my hips up at him, then buried my face in his neck as my climax swept through me. I felt David start to climax too, shooting his hot semen into me. Finally, he collapsed on top of me and we lay there in each other’s arms, gasping and panting for breath. He rolled off me, then planted a kiss on my cheek, ?Bloody hell, love! That was a good one!" I kissed him back, then rolled over, turning my back to him, ?I hope you don’t’ mind love, but I’m shattered, I need some sleep, especially after you did that to me!" David laughed silently, rolled away. A short time later I heard the steady rhythm of his breathing, knew he was asleep. I lay awake for hours, tormented by the images and thoughts in my head.
As I lay in the darkness, unable to sleep, I went over the day’s events in my mind time and time again. I felt my entire body tighten as I thought about stripping for Eric. I felt so dirty, disgusted with myself for getting so aroused as he abused me. As I thought about the feel of his cock as he drove it into me, I became aware of the warmth between my legs. My hand trembled slightly as I slipped it down to my pussy. As soon as my fingertips touched my lips I felt a thrill run through my body. I slipped a finger between them and was amazed to discover how wet I was. When I gently touched my clit surges of pleasure shot through me, making me gasp. David grunted next to me and I froze with fear in case he found out how aroused I was. Moments later he began to snore gently and I could breathe again.
I waited until I was sure he was deeply asleep, then quietly slipped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. Not even daring to switch on the light I began to gently explore my delicate folds once more. I ran my finger over my clit and my knees almost gave way. I shuddered and leant back against the wall for support. The cold of the bathroom tiles against my skin made me shiver. I carried on teasing my little bud, then slipped a finger into my tunnel, finding it hot and sticky from my earlier tumble with David. I closed my eyes and thought of Eric’s tongue buried in me. Within moments my body felt as though it was on fire! My nerve endings sang with pleasure, and I could feel my nipples stiffen in the cool air of the bathroom.
I began to slide my fingers in and out of my pussy, gradually increasing the pace, getting faster and faster, mimicking the way Eric had driven his cock into me. I heard myself whimper with each stroke. I cupped and stroked my breasts, pulling on my nipples as he had done. My hand was a blur as I frantically drove it into my pussy. It was all I could do not to cry out as I moved nearer to another climax. And then it washed over me, and I let out a long, low moan as I clamped my thighs together on my hand. I slid down the wall and sat on the cold floor, my heart pounding as I recovered from my orgasm.
As soon as I had recovered I went back to bed. David was still sleeping soundly, but once again I was unable to escape my thoughts. I tried to explain what I was feeling, but found that the only rational explanation was so shocking that I refused to accept it. I tormented myself over and over again, thinking about my time with Eric, reliving every moment. Soon I felt the heat return to my pussy, and made another trip to the bathroom, where I relieved myself yet again. I had never felt so aroused, and I was also desperately confused. I finally gave up on the idea of getting any sleep, made my way downstairs and sat in the kitchen with a mug of coffee.
I was still in a state of utter denial when David and the children came down some time later. For the rest of the day I busied myself around the house, trying desperately to blot out all thoughts of Eric and the encounter I was to have with him on Monday morning. As the evening set in I suggested to David that we open a bottle of wine, which he was happy to do. Later I surprised him by opening a second, and so it was that by the end of the evening I was more than a little drunk!
As we settled into bed he reached out and playfully stroked my breast. "Do you fancy a repeat of last night, then?" He grinned. I suddenly remembered the powerful orgasm I’d had whilst making love with him, felt a familiar tingle between my legs. I grinned back at him, began to take off my nightdress. "I think that would be nice!" He pulled me to him, began to kiss me passionately. I responded at once, stroking his back, reaching down to find his cock. He sighed with pleasure as I began to stroke it. It quickly swelled in my hand until it was stiff and throbbing. He began to stroke my breasts, then rolled me onto my back and positioned himself between my thighs.
"You’re in a hurry tonight, love!" I sighed, as he placed his cock between my pussy lips. His response was to push his cock into me, slowly edging into my tunnel. As I felt him penetrating I again thought of Eric, and how he had driven his broad shaft in me to the hilt in one delicious, slow stroke. I felt as though I had been electrocuted as jolts of pleasure surged through me. I closed my eyes, picturing Eric’s face contorted with concentration as he ploughed into me. David began to build a steady rhythm as he pumped his cock into me. I found myself thrusting my hips up to meet him once again, still thinking of Eric.
David’s pace increased. I knew he was close to climax. He drove into me frantically, then tensed and I felt his cock start to shoot into me. After a few moments he rolled off me and grunted with satisfaction. I was nowhere near climax, and slumped back on the bed in frustration. David was still gasping and panting next to me. I was about to ask him to do something to relieve me, when he turned to me with a sleepy grin on his face and said, "Goodnight, love. See you in the morning." His speech slurred with both wine and fatigue. He turned away from me and fell asleep almost at once. I lay in the darkness, listening to his breathing, still unable to sleep myself.
I started to think about Eric once more. Once again I relived being made to strip for him, this time I imagined having to display myself in the most revealing positions, bending at the waist, opening my legs, throwing my arms back to force my breasts out towards him. I closed my eyes and remembered the feel of his cock, then thought about how it felt as he positioned it at the entrance to my pussy. How he had teased me with it, positioning the head just inside my lips, moving it around, tormenting me. "Do you want me to beg you to put it in?" I’d asked him, fully prepared to do so. He’d laughed at my urgency, had enjoyed my total surrender.
I slipped my hand down between my legs and began to play with my pussy. I was hot and wet, sticky with David’s semen, and fantastically sensitive. I stroked my lips, running my finger along my slit, then dipped my finger between my lips. I began to rub and tickle my clit, the sensations almost driving me to orgasm. I moved my other hand to my breasts and began to gently pinch and pull at my nipples, just as Eric had done. I began to writhe around on the bed, lost in the delicious torment. I felt my climax approach, began to thrust my hips up to meet my fingers. And then I froze as David turned over in bed next to me.
As soon as I was sure he was asleep I crept from our room and hurriedly made my way to the bathroom. There I lay on the cold floor and played with my pussy until I felt my orgasm return. As I began to climax I pictured Eric smiling at me, savouring my humiliation. I lay curled into a ball on the floor for several minutes, then began to stand up. As I did so I remembered how he had casually fondled me in my own kitchen, telling me how he was going to have a lot of fun with me, ordering me to dress up for him. I groaned and began to play with my pussy again, bringing myself off another two times before I went back to bed and collapsed into an exhausted, sated sleep.
Sunday; day of rest. Not for me! I busied myself around the house all day on a mixture of normal household tasks and preparations for Christmas. David was busy too, so that we saw very little of each other all day. Whenever I stopped for a moment I remembered how aroused I’d become thinking about Eric and what he had done to me. And then I’d remember that he was expecting me at his house, at precisely nine-thirty the following morning, all dressed up to please him. Every time I thought of it I felt a surge of panic. My imagination was working overtime thinking of what he would do to me. By the time I reached the end of the day I was a bundle of tightly drawn nerves.
David slid into bed beside me and reached out his hand towards me. I gently brushed it aside and said softly, "Not tonight please love, I’m really, really tired." I heard him laugh quietly, "Don’t worry love, I understand. See you in the morning." And with that he turned over and was soon snoring gently. For yet another night I lay awake, unable to sleep, this time listening to my heart beating irregularly. Every time I thought of Eric I felt it lurch alarmingly. I felt panic rising in me, felt sick to my stomach. I was close to tears. Finally I drifted off into an uneasy, restless sleep, but there was still no escape. Eric haunted even my dreams, his grinning face taunting me, shaming me. When my alarm clock went off I awoke with a start.
My nerves finally began to shred completely during breakfast. I shouted at David, yelled at the kids, slammed doors and was generally obnoxious. David looked at me with concern, was about to speak to me, and the his mobile rang and he took the call then hurried off to work. I took the kids to school then returned home. I undressed and put on my bathrobe, then sat on the end of my bed and wept bitterly. After a few moments I glanced at the clock and realised that I had twenty minutes to get ready and get to Eric’s place. I made my way to the bathroom and washed my face, then went to my wardrobe. I selected a dark blue, three-quarter-length skirt and matching blouse and dropped them onto the bed in readiness. Then I began to apply my make up.
Once my make up was applied I went to my bedside cabinet to select my underwear. I chose black satin panties and matching bra, and sheer, stay up stockings, the type that needed no suspenders. I dressed quickly and left the house, pausing to check myself in the mirror. I was so wound up I was unable to see or think objectively. My clothing could have been in total disarray and I wouldn’t have noticed! I drove the short distance to Eric’s house, then sat in my car on his driveway for a few seconds in a desperate attempt to pull myself together. I walked towards his front door, my legs feeling shaky and unsteady beneath me. As I reached for the doorbell he opened the door and beamed at me.
"I began to think you weren’t coming, Jennifer. You’re ten minutes late."
"I’m sorry." I mumbled.
"Yes, well, don’t let it happen again, right? When I say nine-thirty, I mean nine-thirty, remember that." He snapped.
"Yes, I’m sorry." I said again.
"Come on in then." He swung the door open and I walked slowly into his house. He closed the door deliberately behind me, then lead me upstairs again. Once we were in his bedroom he made me stand in the middle of the room and walked ‘round me, appraising me thoughtfully.
"Not bad at all Jennifer." He chuckled, "You look pretty classy, don’t you? And what about underneath? Did you put on something nice, like I asked?"
I nodded dumbly.
"Well what are you waiting for? Let’s have a look then." He laughed. I wanted to run. I wanted to run out of his house and keep on running until I was far, far away. Instead, I just stood there, unable to move or speak. He laughed again. "You’re not shy, are you, Jennifer? Not you, surely. Not the respectable housewife and mother who let some nameless young stud shag her stupid in a hotel car park?" Another mocking laugh. "No, you can’t be shy! After all, I’ve seen the film. I know just how, er, uninhibited, you can be!" He laughed again. "Would you like me to put the film on, so you can remind yourself of how much you enjoyed yourself?"
"No!" I yelled, suddenly finding my voice, "No. You don’t need to do that, Eric."
"You don’t want to watch how he bent you over the bonnet of the car and shoved his fat cock up you? How you held your dress up so he could do you? It’s all on the film, you know? It even captures the bit where he’s giving it to you, and playing with your tits, and you turn ‘round and urge him on! You can see the exact moment when he shoots into you. You look particularly good in that bit! Bent over a car, taking his load up your cunt!"
"Stop it!" I shrieked, "You’ve got what you want, now stop it!"
"Oh but I haven’t got what I want. Not yet, anyway." He sneered.
I felt my eyes fill with tears, tears of despair and defeat. "So what do you want?" I sniffed.
"Well, I want to have a good, long look at those nice undies you say you have on. That’ll do for starters." Another laugh. I knew there was no way out. I would have to do whatever he wanted. Slowly I began to lift my skirt, bunching it in my hands, raising it higher and higher. He looked at me, his eyes glittering with triumph and lust. His smile broadened as my stocking tops were exposed. I raised my skirt another inch or so, then hesitated.
"Don’t stop there, sweetheart! Come on, let’s have a look at the goods."
I took a deep breath, then lifted my skirt up to my waist. Then I stood there, my face flushed and hot, waves of humiliation washing over me. He took a step back, put his hands on his hips and grinned.
"Mmmmm! Nice!" He purred, "I like nice, classy underwear on a woman, Jennifer. I’m glad to see you didn’t go for on of those awful thongs. Can’t abide those on a woman. No, give me a woman in a nice pair of knickers and some stockings any day! Lift the back then."
I lifted the back of my skirt and he moved ‘round behind me. I could almost feel his eyes as they ran up and down my legs. And then he moved closer and I felt his hand cup and stroke my bottom cheeks. I stayed immobile as he ran his hand over my bum, then stroked the soft skin at the top of my thighs. And then he slowly walked around to stand in front of me. He looked me directly in the eye, then winked and fell to his knees, saying, "Let’s have a closer look, shall we?"
He made me stand there, holding my skirt up to my waist while he peered at my panties. He stroked my thighs again, making me part them slightly so he could run his finger up my inner thighs. And then he reached for the waistband of my panties and began to pull them down. I heard myself whimper pitifully as they began to descend. He pulled them down to my knees, then let them fall to the floor. He made me step out of them, then bunched them in his hand and put them to his nose and sniffed at them. I was appalled and disgusted, but still powerless to do anything but stand there.
After a few moments he dropped my panties to the floor and turned his attention to my pussy. He stroked my bush with the back of his hand, then pushed my thighs apart. I knew he was looking right along the line of my pussy, felt completely exposed. He slipped his finger along my slit, making me gasp with shock. Then he stood suddenly and walked over to the far side of the room. He returned with a small chair, which he placed to one side of me. I looked at him in confusion.
"Put your foot on that." He ordered.
Without thinking I lifted my left foot and placed it on the seat of the chair. As I did so he knelt down in front of me again, and at once I understood. I was now completely exposed to his gaze, and his touch. As I stood there he ran his finger along my slit once again, then gently parted my lips and inserted his finger. He found my clit in moments and began to stroke and tease it gently. Soon I was wriggling around as he invaded my most feminine place, teasing me maddeningly. He spread my lips still further, then gently pushed his finger into my tunnel. He sniggered, then pulled his finger out of me and held it up in front of my face.
"Look at that!" He sneered, "You’re fucking soaking! You love having your cunt played with, don’t you?"
"No. No, you’re wrong." I stammered, "I don’t like this, I want you to stop. Please stop." I whined. Without warning he leaned forward and ran his tongue over my clit. The sudden rush of sensations over my clit made me cry out in surprise and pleasure. I lost my balance and stepped back, kicking the chair over as I did so. He sat back on his haunches and laughed at me.
"Sorry about that, Jennifer!" He giggled, "I forgot how much you like having your clit tickled like that. I’ll give you fair warning before I do that again!" I felt colour rising in my face, wanted to run from him. Before I could say or do anything he said, "Why don’t you slip your things off and lay back on the bed, hmm? Then we can have some fun."
"But I don’t want to have any ‘fun’, Eric, not with you. Please, don’t do this Eric."
He moved over to me, reached out and began to fondle my breasts. "Of course you want some fun!" He chuckled, "Look at how you were on Friday. You were begging me then, too, remember? First it was ‘please don’t’, and then it was ‘please don’t stop!’ Remember how you liked it when I slipped my cock into you?" As he spoke he started to open the buttons on my blouse. When he’d opened several he slipped his hand inside, began to stroke my breast through the thin fabric of my bra. I felt my nipple stiffen as he ran a finger across it. "See? You love it, don’t bother to deny it! Now slip the rest of your things off and lay on the bed."
He turned away from me and began to undress. It clearly never crossed his mind I might refuse to do as he’d ordered. Feeling completely vanquished I opened the rest of the buttons on my blouse and slipped it off. By the time I’d done that he was standing before me, stark naked, his cock throbbing visibly. He grinned again as I let my bra fall to the floor, and then I reached under my skirt and began to roll down my stocking.
"No, leave them on!" He insisted. I sighed, then reached ‘round and unfastened my skirt. I let it fall to the floor too, then stood there, exposed. He stepped forward and put his arms ‘round me. He let his hands fall until they were caressing my bottom, then pulled me to him. His cock, now fully erect, pressed into my belly, making me gasp. It felt hot on my skin. He kissed me, probing my mouth with his tongue. Slowly he steered me to the bed, then gently pushed me onto it. He broke our kiss, then stepped back to examine me once more. His eyes ran the entire length of my body, focusing on my pussy and my breasts.
Then he lay down next to me on the bed and said, "Why don’t you remind me how good your mouth can feel? Remember, no teeth now!" He laughed at his own joke as I slowly made my way down the bed until I was level with his stiff cock. I could hear my heart thundering as I reached out and wrapped my fingers around the hot shaft, and then I lowered my mouth onto its’ swollen glans. He grunted with pleasure as I went to work on him. I sucked and licked at his engorged cock, played with his balls, stroked his skin, listening to him groan appreciatively.
After what seemed like hours to me, he reached down and pulled me up to him. He smiled at me, then gently rolled me onto my back and knelt between my thighs. He took hold of each leg behind my knee, spreading me wide apart. I watched his eyes linger on my exposed slit, felt shame and embarrassment course through me, then he moved forward, pushing his cock towards me.
"Why don’t you put it in this time?" He grinned. I reached down and took hold of his shaft, positioning his glans at the entrance to my pussy, then I closed my eyes and waited. This time he didn’t keep me waiting, but edged his thick shaft into me, pushing slowly, going ever deeper. I opened my eyes and watched him as he savoured the moment. He still held my thighs wide apart, watched as his cock sank into me with a lecherous smile on his face.
"You look good with my cock in you!" He laughed. I turned my head away in shame, wanting it to be over. Instead he pulled me closer to him, burying his cock deep inside me. "Feel how wet you are! You must really love this." He taunted. I closed my eyes tight, trying to blot out what was happening. Suddenly he pushed my legs up high, my knees almost touching my shoulders, and he drove into me forcefully. I opened my eyes wide with shock and saw him still grinning at me. "That’s better, isn’t it Jennifer?" He laughed, "You like it deep in you, don’t you?"
As he spoke he pulled out, only to slam back in at once. My body betrayed me again. It felt wonderful! He continued to hold me spread wide open as he repeatedly thrust deep into my pussy. I felt the familiar sensations start to grow, knew I would come if he kept on at me. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.
"Now I want you to do something, lover!" He grinned. "Hold your legs wide apart for me, like this. Go on, spread yourself nice and wide for me, so I can get in really deep." Without thinking I did as he said, grabbing hold of my legs behind each knee and pulling my legs wide apart. He looked down at me briefly, before placing his hands on my hips and continuing to drive deeply into me. I heard myself panting and moaning as I held myself spread for him, my body drawing ever closer to climax. I looked down to see his shaft glistening with my juices, driving into me like a piston. He reached out and began to maul my breasts roughly, pinching my nipples. I groaned and sighed with pleasure.
His strokes became faster and faster. I knew he was about to climax, and his urgency was driving me closer and closer to my own explosion. Suddenly he groaned and tensed, then I felt him start to shoot his jism into me. My entire body convulsed in pleasure as I started to climax. I let go of my legs, dug my heels into the bed and thrust my hips up to meet his cock, burying him deep inside my hot tunnel. I heard myself crying out as I gave myself totally to my orgasm, and the he collapsed on top of me, gasping for breath. Moments later I too slumped back onto the bed, my body shaking from the intensity of the sensations coursing through me.
After a few moments he rolled off me and reached for his cigarettes. I turned onto my side and curled into a ball, my back to him. I heard him light his cigarette then sigh with pleasure as he blew smoke high into the air. "Fuck me, that was a good one!" He smiled. I didn’t respond. He ran his fingertip down my spine, making me shudder. "You enjoyed yourself too, didn’t you?" He asked, the laughter in his voice obvious.
I was too stunned to move. I felt as though this was just one big betrayal. I betrayed David, my own body betrayed me. Eric’s finger travelled down my spine, traced the line of my bottom, then climbed again until it reached the nape of my neck. "There’s no need to be ashamed about it! It’s ok to admit that you enjoy our little sessions! Plenty more to come too." He laughed again. My heart sank. I turned to face him. He looked self-satisfied, almost smug.
"Please Eric, stop this. Please don’t make me do this again, please, I beg you. I’m sure there are any number of women who would enjoy being with you, but I’m married. Married to David. And I love him, I really do."
"I believe you."
"So you’ll let me go?"
He grinned, blew out another plume of cigarette smoke, "Not a chance!"
"Eric please. Please!" I begged.
He reached out his hand and began to stroke my breast, paying close attention to my nipple. "You can fool yourself, Jennifer, but you can’t fool me. You like this stuff as much as me ?"
"You’re wrong, please Eric ?"
"I’ve had your type before. Every day, middle class housewife. Decent. Honest. Homely. Sex once or twice a week, always the same position, always with the light out. What were your favourite times, you and David? Let me guess; Friday night and Sunday morning. Am I right?"
I was startled for a moment. How could he have known? David must have told him. I felt hot anger seethe through me at the thought of David telling anyone about our love life. Eric laughed again. "I’m right, aren’t I? Jesus Christ, that was right, wasn’t it?"
I was appalled. He had simply guessed! Could he read me as easily as that? "No, I mean, it’s not like, er, I mean, no. That’s none of your business, Eric. It’s private, you can’t just ?"
"Like I said, I’ve had your type before. You carry on in your own clean, private world. And then someone like me comes along, takes you to another place, and you love it! Why not admit it, darlin’? You love the feel of my cock in you, don’t you?"
"Eric, stop it please." I brushed his hand away, he pushed it back immediately, began to circle my stiffening nipple with his thumb. I wanted to leave, found that I couldn’t. He continued to taunt me.
"Of course you love it. It’s a bit of danger, isn’t it? Imagine if hubby found out! Imagine if the neighbours knew! I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve been diddling yourself silly over the weekend just thinking about today!"
I gasped loudly with shock, my hand flew to my face to cover my mouth. I looked at him in horror, my eyes wide with fright. His hand froze, still playing with my nipple. "My God!" He sniggered, "You have, haven’t you?" I shook my head, not daring to speak. He began to play with my nipple again, slowly circling with his thumb. He looked deeply into my eyes. "Tell me." He said, softly. I shook my head again. "Tell me." He demanded again.
"I can’t." I said with a sob.
"Of course you can. You can tell me everything. I want to know everything. Tell me." His voice was suddenly soft, gentle, soothing. I felt some of my tension begin to disperse, the sensations being generated in my nipple began to spread to the rest of my body.
"Please Eric." I whispered.
He leaned forward and kissed me tenderly, then said, "Tell me. I want to hear, I want to know. You want to tell me too, don’t you?"
I shook my head.
He chuckled maliciously. "Of course you do." His voice was caressing me. Reassuring me. "So tell me how it was." He urged.
I swallowed nervously. I knew he would go on and on at me until I told hi what he wanted to know, and I knew that if I made it up he would see at once. I took a deep breath, and began. "It was on Friday night." I said, falteringly, "After David came home from the pub. We made love."
"Go on."
"Well when we were, er, I mean, when he, er, well, as we were making love, I started to remember being with you that morning."
"Well." I stammered, "I thought of how you made me undress, and then how you touched my body, what you made me do to you. How it felt when you had me. How your cock felt as you pushed it into me."
"I came." I sobbed. "While David was still making love to me, I came. I was making love to David, but thinking about you." I sobbed.
"That’s ok. It’s allowed! There’s no harm in just thinking about it, is there?"
"But I’m not just thinking about it, am I? I’m here with you, and you’re doing things to me that I can’t explain."
"What else happened?"
"Afterwards, when David was asleep, I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I crept out of bed and went to the bathroom. Then I, ?"
"I brought myself off." I sobbed. "There. Are you happy now?"
He grinned again, "Perfectly! Anything else?"
I looked at him in astonishment, then amazed myself as I told him how I’d had to do the same thing again after making love to David the following night. How I’d lay on the bathroom floor and teased and stroked myself to three orgasms before I’d been able to sleep. I even told him how I’d imagined having to display myself for him. By the time I finished my shameful admission, tears were running freely down my face and I was in the depths of despair. Eric listened calmly, urging me on gently yet insistently whenever I stalled. At last I had told him everything. I sat on the bed next to him, my head bowed. I had never felt so ashamed of myself, never felt so thoroughly corrupt. I thought of David, of what I had done to him, betraying him in the most disloyal way, by imagining he was another man as he made love to me. I felt the tears start to flow again. My entire body slumped down, misery washed over me.
The silence in the room was broken only by the sound of my miserable sobs and sniffing as I silently wept. And then Eric laughed. A harsh, loud, triumphant laugh. Its’ suddenness made me jump. I looked at him in disbelief. Before I could say a word he laughed again then said, ?Whoever would have thought it? Prim and proper Jennifer getting all hot and bothered at the thought of dropping her drawers for me!?
I gasped with shock, began to stammer denials. He cut me off with a wave of his hand, ?Don’t even bother to deny it, love, you’ve just told me all I need to know. You like the idea of standing in front of me and taking your kit off! Wait, no, that’s not quite right is it? You like the idea of standing in front of me and being made to take your kit off. It’s the lack of choice that gets you hot, isn’t it??
?No, Eric, please. Don’t do this to me. I don’t know what it was, or why I felt like that, but I never want to do it again, do you hear me? Never.?
?But baby, you love it so much! You just told me you do. You sat there, stark naked after we’ve just had a damn good fuck and told me how you imagined stripping for me. And not only did you get off on that, but you did it while your husband was sticking it to you! That is what you said, isn’t it??
I began to cry again, tears of shame and humiliation. ?Oh God. Oh I wish I’d never even heard of you. Why won’t you let me go? Why do you have to keep on taunting me like this? You’ve had your fun, now let me go, please. Please, I’m begging you Eric, please don’t make me do this any more.?
He smiled a broad, smug smile, lay back on the bed and lit a cigarette. Blowing smoke up to the ceiling he said, ?We both know that’s not going to happen, don’t we, hot stuff? Not a chance! Have you any idea of the number of sweet little wives with hot pussies I’ve had over the years? Pretty little things like you who made some sort of mistake, and then were prepared to pay to keep it quiet? Must be dozens. And I’ve had all the begging and pleading, all the promises that they love their husbands and they won’t do it again, all the protestations that they hate me and what I make them do, and then they just accept the inevitable. Sort of just lie back and think of England!? He sniggered. ?The difference is, you’re the first one who’s actually liked it!?
I started to deny it, he cut me off again. ?You love it! You teased and tickled your pretty little cunt to orgasm after orgasm just thinking about what I do to you. And when you’re here you come again and again. And you expect me to believe that you really don’t like this? You really expect me to just let you go? The most interesting piece of arse I’ve had in years? Don’t be silly!?
?Please Eric. Please let me go.? I begged.
He ignored my words completely. ?Here’s what we’re going to do.? He said, still smiling, ?You’ll come here every Monday and Friday, and we’ll have lots of fun! From time to time I might want you to get away from David and meet me somewhere. You’d better do as you’re told, because if you don’t you know what will happen, right? And you’d better believe that if I go to your precious husband, I’ll be telling him how much you like making yourself available to me, got that??
I looked at him with pure loathing. ?You bastard! You complete and utter bastard! Jesus!, I wish I had a gun, I’d blow your ugly head off.?
He grinned again, ?Dear, dear, Jennifer! You really must learn to control that temper of yours!?
I jumped off the bed and began to dress as quickly as I could. I pulled on my knickers and put my bra on, then reached for my skirt.
?What do you think you’re doing?? He snapped, ?You only get dressed when I tell you to.?
Something inside me snapped. I spun around and faced him, my entire body shaking with rage. ?Fuck you, you malicious bastard! You do whatever you want, because that’s it, finished. You’re never coming near me again, you got that? Never!? He smiled at me again. I felt my heart pounding inside me as I seethed with rage. I pulled on my skirt then reached for my blouse. I was shaking so much I couldn’t fasten the buttons. Instead I tucked it into the waistband of my skirt, then picked up my coat. Then I heard him speak again, this time into the telephone.
?Yes, hello, can I speak to David Richards please? Yes, it’s urgent. My name? Tell him it’s Eric Stevens. Thank you.? He turned to look at me and smiled again. ?It’s been nice knowing you, Jennifer.? He grinned. I felt all colour drain from me, together with every last bit of resolve and determination.
?No. Eric, please don’t. Please, I’m sorry.? I whined. He looked at me triumphantly, his eyes glittering.
?Get your kit off, then.? He ordered. I dropped my coat and began to remove my blouse. ?Quickly then!? He barked. I took off my blouse then hurried to unfasten my skirt, letting it fall to the floor where I stepped out of it. As he watched me he reached over and pressed a button on the phone, turning on the speaker. At that moment I heard David’s voice.
?Hi Eric, what’s the problem??
Eric grinned at me, then motioned for me to be quiet. ?Hi David, sorry to bother you mate, I know you’re busy. I was wondering if I could borrow a couple of things from your workshop? I’m right in the middle of a job and I don’t have the right stuff, wouldn’t you know it?? He chuckled.
David chuckled back, ?Sure, mate. Anything you need. Listen, Jennifer will be home today, why don’t you go on up and tell her I said it’s ok??
?You sure that’s ok?? He motioned for me to continue undressing. I took off my bra and let it fall to the floor.
?No problem. Take what you want and I’ll see you later.?
I pushed my knickers down and stepped out of them, standing before him once again naked apart from my sheer stockings. He looked me up and down and smiled.
?Thanks a lot, mate. See you, David.? He pressed the button and the line went dead. I heaved a sigh of relief. Suddenly my legs felt weak and unsteady. I sat down on the bed, shaking. He looked down on me, then said evenly, ?That’s the last chance I’m ever going to give you, understand? From now on you do as you’re told or Davy boy gets some very unpleasant news, right?? I nodded dumbly.
?Good. Now put your coat on and come with me.?
?Where are we going??
?To your place.?
I looked at him horrified. ?My place? Why on earth do you want to go there??
He looked at me with contempt. ?You stupid bitch! You just heard me asking your husband for the loan of some things, didn’t you? So what will he think if he comes home this evening and all his stuff is still there??
?I see.? I said, feeling silly. ?Wait. I need to get dressed first.?
?No you don’t. Bring your things with you, just put your coat on.?
I shuddered as I pulled on my coat, gathered my things and followed him out to the cars. It was the longest drive of my life as I followed his gleaming red Jaguar through the village towards my home. I was constantly checking to make sure my coat covered me, and I was terrified I would see anyone I knew. At last we turned into the driveway of my house. He waited by the front door as I got carefully out of my car and went over to him. I fumbled in my bag for the key, and then we were inside. As I closed the front door behind us he turned to me and said, why don’t you make me a coffee while I go and get a couple of things from the workshop. You can bring it out to me when it’s ready, but lose the coat first, ok??
Without waiting for a response he turned and marched out to the shed. My brain felt like it was going to explode! As if in a daze I made my way to the kitchen and made the coffee. Then with my heart hammering I slipped off my coat and picked up the mug of coffee with trembling hands. I put my head out of the back door and peered around, checking to make sure there was no one to see my shameful surrender. I needn’t have worried, David and I had made sure that our garden was totally private long ago. I took a deep breath and began the short walk of shame to the shed. I shivered as the cold air touched my skin. I felt my nipples stiffen at once in the chill air.
At the door of the workshop I hesitated for a brief moment, then opened the door and went inside. Eric grinned at me as I handed him his coffee, then reached out and ran his finger across my nipples. ?I see the cold is getting to you.? He smirked. I dropped my head in shame. ?Maybe you should do a bit of exercise? To warm yourself up, hmm??
I looked at him, confused. ?What do you mean??
?Well think back to when you were at school. On those cold winter days when you did games I bet you had to do a warm-up routine, didn’t you??
?Yes, but that was years ago. Eric, you don’t really want me to??
?Why not start with a bit of jogging on the spot?? He grinned.
?Jogging on the?? You’ve got to be joking!?
?Not at all. Come on. Let’s see you jogging.? I simply stared at him, unable to believe what I was hearing. ?I’m waiting, Jennifer. Or perhaps you’d like me to call David again?? His smile chilled ominously.
?No, wait. Look, I’ll do it, ok? There’s no need to keep threatening to call David.?
?For the moment it would seem there’s every need. You need to keep reminding yourself that you’re in no position to object or argue, yes??
?Yes, Eric, I mean, no Eric.? I stammered.
?I’m getting tired of warning you. You’ve made your choice. That choice is to buy my silence with your co-operation. Of course you can stop buying that silence any time you like. You’re like a customer, and the customer is always right! But we both know what will happen if you do that, don’t we??
I nodded.
?Yes, of course we do. Darling David gets a surprise package. A film of his nice, homely little wife getting shagged stupid in a car park at the office Christmas party by some local stud.?
?Alright!? I yelled. ?You’ve made your point, and God knows you’ve had your fun. Just do what you want to do and leave me alone, ok??
He smiled at me patronisingly. ?Now I’ve warned you about your little temper tantrums before, haven’t I?? He chuckled, ?Oh I could just stick my cock into you, give you a good stuffing whenever I fancy, and leave it at that, I know that. But I’ve already explained to you, that’s not good enough. You see, I want to have a bit of a play, and you are going to be my play thing. Understand? I’m going to have my fun with you, and you’ll do exactly as I say, without complaint, for as long as I want you to. Got that??
?Yes.? I snapped.
He sighed, ?There’s that temper again. You really must contain that, you know. I won’t stand for insolence.?
?Insolence?? I almost screamed at him. ?Jesus Christ Eric, I’m not some bloody teenage schoolgirl, I’m a grown woman.?
He grinned at me, then looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my breasts and my bush. ?So I see, Jennifer, so I see!? I felt myself blush. ?A grown woman indeed. Grown up enough to recognise the realities of the situation you’re in. And yet you still insist on arguing with me??
?I wasn’t arguing with you Eric, just saying??
?And interrupting me.? He snapped. I fell silent. ?You’ve already accepted that you don’t want David to know about your little fling at Christmas, and you’ve been sensible enough to agree to my terms. But you still argue and resist when I give you an instruction. That’s just not good enough, Jennifer, not good enough at all.?
?I’m sorry, Eric.? I mumbled.
?Yes, well, sorry isn’t really good enough any more.? He said ominously.
I felt panic rise in my stomach. ?You don’t mean you’re going to tell David? Eric, please. Please don’t do that. I’ve done everything you told me to do, haven’t I??
?Yes, and you’ve bitched and whined continually.? He snapped. ?If we’re going to continue with this ‘arrangement’, then you’re going to have to do more than just open your legs whenever I say so. You’re going to have to earn my silence as well as buy it. And that means doing what I say without question; without arguing; without hesitation. This is your last chance. Either you agree to that, or?, well we know the rest, don’t we, Jennifer?? He smiled at me smugly, then leaned back against a bench, a challenging look on his face, demanding an answer.
My heart was hammering, the blood pounding in my ears. My brain was racing, weighing up his threat. For the moment I had forgotten that I was standing in my husband’s workshop, stark naked except for high heels and sheer stockings. I tried desperately to think of a way out, of a way of escaping. I told myself that if I went to David, confessed and begged forgiveness, that he’d understand. I knew at once that it was false hope. David could never forgive such a betrayal, and especially not when Eric would be sure to exploit it to the full by distributing the film. I didn’t doubt for a moment that he would. For a moment I toyed with the idea of facing the consequences, of telling David everything, including what Eric had coerced me into doing. I immediately realised what those consequences would be. I would lose everything. I knew I couldn’t face that. That left only one option. I felt my stomach tighten into a knot, for a moment I thought I was going to be sick. I fought back the nausea, took several deep breaths to clear my head and calm my jangling nerves. Then looked up at Eric.
He was watching me like a predator. He smiled confidently at me, then lit a cigarette, blew a stream of smoke lazily up into the air. He seemed in no hurry to break the silence, clearly, he thought he’d said all he needed to say. I knew what my response would be, had to be, but I was suddenly incapable of saying the words. I tried to form them in my mind, but nothing seemed to come out. I opened my mouth to speak several times, only to close it again, unable to make a sound. Finally, I heaved a huge sigh. I felt my shoulders sag, felt my resistance leave me. I was broken and defeated.
?OK Eric, you win.? I said simply. Those few words cost me so much of my self- respect and dignity I wanted to weep.
?I always do, Jennifer, I always do!? He grinned, smugly. ?Now tell me what you mean by that.?
I tried to swallow, found that my mouth was dry. I tried to clear my throat, couldn’t. ?I’ll do whatever you want.? I said huskily.
?I’ll do whatever you want, without argument or complaint. You can have your fun, Eric. I’ll be your plaything.?
?Finally!? He laughed. ?I knew you’d see sense in the end. Now let me make it perfectly clear what I expect from you. You will make yourself available to me whenever I tell you to. You will wear what I say and do what I say. If you refuse, I send the film to David, and if you complain I will punish you. Is that clear??
?Yes Eric.?
?You will not try to resist me in any way, and that includes preventing yourself from enjoying our little game, understand??
?Yes Eric.?
?Yes, indeed! I like to see a woman climaxing. You can expect to have many orgasms over the coming weeks and months. If I find out you’ve faked a climax, I’ll punish you. Any questions?? He smiled triumphantly.
?No.? I said quietly.
?Good. Now let’s have you jogging on the spot, like I said. I don’t want my little toy getting cold, do I?? He chuckled.
With a heavy heart I began to jog slowly on the spot.
?Faster!? he barked. ?Come on, get those knees up.?
I jogged faster, lifting my knees as high as I could. My breasts began to swing and bounce painfully. I put my hands over them to ease the pressure.
?What’s the matter, your tits hurting?? He laughed. I nodded. ?Too bad, I like to watch them swing. Let them go.? I did as he ordered without comment. Next he had me doing star jumps, and then I had to bend and touch my toes. As I bent and then straightened, he walked behind me. I could feel his eyes raking over me. Then I had to open my legs wide and bend over as far as I could. He stood behind me once more. I could imagine the view he had. He ran his hands over my bottom, then slowly ran a fingertip along my slit. I felt a shudder run through my body, and then a pang of shame. Eric chuckled to himself.
?Feels to me like your pussy’s getting wet again.? He said with obvious amusement in his voice. ?Would you like me to give your clit a bit of a tickle?? When I didn’t answer he slapped my bottom hard, making me yelp with shock and pain. ?I said would you like me to give your clit a bit of a tickle?? He snarled.
?If you want to, Eric.? I said quietly.
?That’s not what I asked. If I wanted to do it, I would. What I asked is would you like me to tickle it. Well? Would you??
I knew I wasn’t going to escape this humiliation. I gave in. ?Yes Eric.?
?Yes what??
?I’d like you to tickle my clit.? I closed my eyes and bit my lip to fight back the tears of shame and humiliation.
?Then ask me nicely.?
?Ask me nicely.?
I felt tears escape from my eyes. I took a deep breath, then blurted out, ?Please Eric, will you tickle my clit.?
He laughed to himself, then I felt his finger slip between my lips. I realised I was absolutely soaking wet, and incredibly sensitive. He quickly found my button, began to stroke and tease it. Within moments sharp jolts of pleasure seemed to shoot through me like electricity. My nipples tingled, and I felt warm waves spread out from my pussy. As he continued to stroke and tease my bud the sensations grew and grew. I realised that I was gasping and moaning, and that my hands were gripping my ankles tightly. I knew if he continued I would climax. I was torn between wanting him to stop, and wanting the delicious sensations to continue until I came.
Moments later I was on the brink of climaxing. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the waves of pleasure which were beginning to intensify in the way I knew meant my orgasm was close. Just as I reached the very brink, Eric pulled his hand away and said, ?I think you’ve had enough of that for now, stand up.?
I let slip an involuntary moan of frustration as I stood unsteadily. Eric chuckled to himself. ?Oh dear, were you about to come?? He asked in mock sympathy. I didn’t answer. I felt my face flush hotly. ?Just as well you didn’t really.? He grinned.
I felt confused. ?Why?? I asked, ?You said I was going to come lots of times with you.?
?And so you will. But only when I give you permission.?
?When you give me permission?? I echoed, incredulous, ?You mean I have to ask you before I can come??
?Oh yes. That’s another rule.? He smiled sweetly. ?You can only come with my permission. And that includes the times when you’re with me, when you’re on your own, even when you’re with David.?
My brain felt as though it was about to explode. ?You mean I have to ask for your permission before I can come, even when I’m with my own husband??
?Exactly!? He beamed.
?But how am I going to do that?? I demanded. ?I can hardly call you up when I’m with him and say, ‘hello Eric, this is Jennifer. Is it ok if David makes me come?’, can I??
?Well no, of course not!? He laughed, ?Even David would get suspicious at that! No, you’ll have to ask in advance.?
?In advance?? I asked, stupidly.
?Yes. Put it like this, if you think David is likely to be a bit frisky this evening, you must ask me if you can allow him to use your body, and you must also ask for permission to come whilst he’s having you. You must tell me how many orgasms you intend to have, and you must have exactly that number. Same goes for when I’m not around. If you want to have a bit of a play on your own, you have to phone me and ask for permission to masturbate and to climax. Understand??
I looked at him in sheer amazement. He didn’t just want to use me and play with me, he wanted to own me completely. ?But Eric, you can’t expect me to do that?? I began.
?Are you arguing with me?? He snapped.
?No. Of course not Eric.? I stammered, suddenly aware of the menace in his voice.
?I think you are. I think you still haven’t learned your lesson.? He sat down on a stool, ?Well perhaps this will teach you. Get over my knee.?
?Eric, I wasn’t arguing with you, I promise.? I begged, ?Please, I just wanted to know what you meant. Please, Eric, I’m sorry.?
He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. I submitted meekly, and in moments I was across his lap, my naked bottom high in the air. He stroked my skin with one hand, while the other took a firm grip around my waist. ?Now you’ll understand why you should do as you’re told.? He growled. He slapped my bottom with a stinging blow, making me gasp with shock and pain. Before I could say anything he slapped me again. And then another slap struck me. Soon I was yelping and crying with each blow, begging him to stop, promising him I would do anything he said without arguing, apologising for my actions. When I put my hands across my bottom to protect myself, he made me take them away and apologise once more. Soon my bottom felt as though it was on fire and I was sobbing like a little girl.
Finally he stopped. He dragged me to my feet and made me stand in front of him. Without thinking I reached behind me and began to rub my blazing cheeks. He reached out and ran his fingers across my bush. Instinctively, I pulled away.
?Now, now, Jennifer, don’t be naughty.? He chided.
I pushed my hips forward again, allowing him to stroke my mound once more. He reached between my thighs and gently pushed them apart. I shuffled my feet wider in response to his unspoken order, and then shuddered as he ran the tip of his finger along my slit. He stroked my slit for a few seconds, then slipped his finger between my lips and quickly found my clit once more. Shame flooded through me as I realised how wet I was. Eric chuckled again, ?You’re soaking wet, you know that?? I groaned in misery.
?You ever been spanked before?? He demanded. I shook my head. ?Well you obviously like it!? He laughed, ?Just feel how wet you are down here!? I felt tears escape from my eyes, begin to run down my face. He pressed his finger against my clit, began to stroke it in small circles. I felt the waves of pleasure radiate out, making my nerve endings sing. He reached out with his free hand and began to stroke my nipples. Within moments I was gasping and moaning. It was all I could do not to thrust my hips forward onto the fingers which were teasing and tormenting me once more.
?Jennifer, you’re absolutely soaking now!? He laughed. ?I bet you’d like to come, wouldn’t you?? He smiled at me, enjoying my shame. ?Tell me. Tell me if you’d like to come.? He insisted.
My heart was pounding. I could hear the blood roaring in my ears. It was hard to breathe, I was aware that I was panting and gasping in response to the delicious torment of his fingers. I tried to speak, found that I couldn’t, the words simply wouldn’t form in my brain. He slid his finger along my slit, found the entrance to my hot, wet tunnel, and began to slowly penetrate me. I heard myself sigh and then whimper as his finger slid deeper and deeper into me. His thumb started to press on my clit. I moaned again. He laughed quietly.
?Proper little slut, aren’t you?? He laughed again. ?You haven’t told me if you want to come yet, Jennifer.? Without waiting for a response, he inserted two fingers into me, then began to slowly fuck me with them. It was almost too much for me. I opened my legs further and thrust my hips forward, pushing his fingers deeper into me. He laughed again, I didn’t care. All that mattered to me was climaxing. Powerful waves of pleasure swept through me. I could hear myself grunting, gasping, moaning as I impaled myself on his fingers.
?Don’t forget to ask permission, Jennifer. Unless you want another spanking, of course!? He laughed.
I closed my eyes tightly, trying to shut out the image of the smug grin on his face. To my eternal shame I heard myself whine, ?Please Eric, please can I come? Please, Eric, I want to come. Please??
He pulled his fingers out of me, then took hold of my clit between his thumb and forefinger. He pulled it forward and upwards, making me stand on tip-toe and thrust my pelvis forward. My eyes flew open in shock at the new wave of sensations it induced in me. I put my hands on his shoulders to steady myself, and in doing so I looked him in the eye. His entire face was lit with triumph and amusement.
?How long do you think I could hold you here, Jennifer?? He grinned.
?Please Eric.? I gasped.
He rubbed my clit between his thumb and finger whilst keeping me on tip-toe, grinned again. ?Who knows how long I’ll keep you like this, standing there whilst I play with your hot little button!? He reached out and cupped each breast in turn, then gently pinched each nipple, sending spikes of pleasure through me.
?Please Eric.? I repeated.
He looked into my eyes and laughed. ?Hot little bitch. You just can’t get enough can you, love??
?Eric, I need to come. Please, I’m begging you.?
?You’re begging me to let you come??
?Yes!? I almost screamed at him. I was gripping his shoulders tightly, my hips writhed around as he held my clit gently but firmly.
Suddenly he let go of me, took his hand away from my aching clit. ?I don’t think you’ve earned it yet Jennifer.? He grinned, ?Why don’t you show me how much you want to please me??
?What do you want me to do?? I pleaded.
?Perhaps you’d like to suck my cock?? He smiled. ?Would you like that, Jennifer? Tell me how much you’d like to do that.?
?Oh I’d love to suck your cock, Eric!? I breathed. At that moment I’d have done anything to be ale to climax. I dropped to my knees in front of him, ignoring the cold of the concrete floor. I began to fumble with the zip of his trousers. In moments I had opened them and brought out his cock, which was already stiff. I grasped it firmly, wrapping my fingers around the hot shaft, then began to suck eagerly on his member. Soon his cock was hard and throbbing in my mouth. I sucked and licked it, feeling it twitch with pleasure. I cupped and stroked his balls, feeling the skin tighten, hearing him grunt with pleasure.
?Oh you are fucking good at that!? He laughed, ?Do you do it as well as that for David??
I closed my eyes in shame at the mention of my husband’s name. He laughed again at my reaction. I had begun to prepare myself for him coming in my mouth, expecting his hot, salty jism at any moment. However, he made me stand and bend over David’s work bench, then positioned himself behind me. I felt his broad cock start to enter me and heard myself sigh as the pleasure waves began again. As he drove into me I found myself pushing back to meet his strokes. He reached around me and began to stroke and cup my breasts, teasing my nipples until they were stiff and incredibly sensitive.
?Tell me how much you want to come.? He breathed in my ear.
I was too far-gone to resist. ?Oh I want to come so badly, Eric. Please. Please let me come Eric. Please, I’m begging you.?
?You can come when I come.? He sniggered. ?So the better you make it for me, the sooner I come, and the sooner you get to come off too. It’s up to you, Jennifer!?
I felt myself blush, then gave myself over to the pleasure I was feeling. I ground my hips back onto him, forcing his cock deep into me. I spread my thighs wide, then reached between them and began to cup and stroke his balls. I lifted his hand to my face, began to kiss and lick his fingers, then took his index finger into my mouth and began to suck and lick it as I’d done to his cock. He grunted again, then slammed his cock into me, forcing me forward onto the workbench. My breasts were pressed into the rough wood surface, Eric’s weight pinned me down as he thrust into me time after time. I knew I was so close to orgasm, longed for the release. And then he groaned and I felt his cock twitch inside me before the familiar warmth began to spread into me. I gasped and then began to come myself. Hot, bright colours exploded in my head as my climax hit. I felt my legs give beneath me and I fell forward onto the rough wooden bench, pinned against it by his weight on top of me.
He was grunting and panting as he recovered from his climax. I could smell tobacco on his breath. Finally he stood up, slipping his cock from me as he did so and sighed happily. I was too stunned to move, simply lay across the bench, my heart hammering against my ribs. ?Very good, Jennifer, very good indeed.? He chuckled, ?You’re getting to like this, aren’t you??
I stood up slowly, my legs still shaky. ?How long do you think you’ll want to do this to me, Eric?? I asked quietly.
?As long as I like.? He snorted, ?You complaining??
?No!? I gasped, aware of how ruthless he could be if provoked, ?No, I wasn’t complaining, Eric, honestly, I was just wondering, that’s all.? I forced myself to smile at him.
?Well never you mind how long we’ll be doing this. I told you, once I get bored of you, I’ll let you go.? He lit up another cigarette.
?And when that happens, will you give me the master copy?? I asked imploringly.
?Possibly. Although I may want to keep a copy, just for fun.? He grinned. ?Now, I’ll see you again on Friday, at 9.30. Don’t be late, understand??
?Yes Eric.? I said obediently.
?And next time, wear some very sexy underwear, the best you’ve got. Better still, go out and buy some new ones just for me. David isn’t allowed to even see them. They’re just for me, understand??
?Eric, I can’t afford to go around buying expensive knickers.? I complained, ?And besides, David checks the credit card statement every month, he’d spot something like that immediately.?
He smiled at me, ?Clever girl. Of course he would, and we don’t want him asking any awkward questions, do we?? He took out his wallet, took out a few twenty-pound notes and handed them to me. ?Use this.? He grinned, ?Keep the change somewhere safe, I may want you to buy other things.? I took the money dumbly. ?Right then Jennifer, I can’t stand around here chatting to you all day, I’ve got lots to do. See you Friday!? He calmly walked away, leaving me standing naked in the middle of the workshop.
I hurried inside and ran to the bathroom. I showered, then went back downstairs. I shook my head in disbelief. How had I got myself into this mess? I knew the answer, of course. My own fault. If I hadn’t been so stupid as to have allowed myself to be seduced at that bloody Christmas night out. If there hadn’t been a film of the entire incident. If Eric hadn’t somehow obtained it. I shook my head again. I knew I would do whatever he wanted to keep that film secret. I started to wonder what he might want to do next, began to imagine scenarios, tormenting myself. And then I realised, to my horror, that I was becoming aroused. I slipped my hand inside my bathrobe and stroked my pussy. I groaned to myself as I found myself soaking wet. What the hell was happening to me?
As I withdrew my finger I brushed it against my clit. Jolts of pleasure shot through me. I stormed through the house, raging against myself. Yes, I’d been stupid, yes I’d been unfaithful to David. Yes I’d allowed Eric to manipulate and use me. But did I have to give in so easily? Did I have to actually enjoy it? I called myself every vile name I could think of. I was a slut, a whore, a ridiculous, pathetic, bored little housewife looking for some cheap thrills. If I had any self-respect I’d never have allowed myself to be manoeuvred into behaving as I had.
I’d hoped that by berating myself I would drive away the delicious, warm, sensual feeling coursing through me.
I was wrong.
I finally ran out of insults to call myself. I sat down on the bed I shared with David and wept. After ten minutes or so I calmed down. I began to drift into a kind of half-sleep. Images of Eric came into my mind. The way he looked at me as I undressed before him. The way he examined the most intimate parts of my body. The feel of his hands as they knowingly explored and stimulated me.
Suddenly I was seized by a burning need. I rolled onto my back and fumbled urgently with the belt of my bathrobe. Pulling it open, I stroked and cupped my breasts, rolling my nipples between thumb and forefinger. I sighed with pleasure, then spread my legs slowly and deliberately. I ran my fingers through my pubic hair again and again, then stroked the tip of my finger along my slit.
Oh my God I was so wet!
I heard myself groan with pleasure.
I slowly rubbed my fingers along the lips of my pussy. My body sang with pleasure. I could smell my own scent, knew I was incredibly aroused. I pushed a trembling finger between my lips and slipped it into my pussy, followed by a second. The sensations were delicious! I slowly fingered myself, savouring the warm pleasure seeping through me. I opened my legs as wide as I could, spreading myself, then gently stroked my clit with my fingertip.
I almost came instantly.
I forced myself to hold back, not wanting to end the wonderful self imposed torture. I pressed my finger against the base of my clit, forcing the hood back and forth over my sensitive bud. Ecstasy surged through me like electricity. I arched my back and cried out, pushing my hips up off the bed. As I began to stroke the head of my clit with my fingertip with tiny, circular movements, I felt a massive orgasm approach. My breath caught in my throat, my entire body rigid with anticipation. And then it broke on me. It seemed to go on for ever and ever. Waves of pleasure surging through me, making me shudder and moan. Bright, hot colours exploded in my mind. My body felt as thought it were on fire!
When it finally subsided I collapsed onto the bed gasping and shaking, every nerve ending jangling. My body felt as thought it was made of lead, my limbs heavy and unresponsive. It was all I could do to roll onto my side and curl into a ball. I lay there, like a naughty child hiding away for what seemed like hours. Finally I sat up. I immediately caught sight of myself in the dressing table mirror.
My God, I looked a sight! Hair in total disarray, my eye make-up had run everywhere, making me look like a frightened panda! I struggled slowly to my feet and looked at myself properly. My nipples were swollen and pink, my pubic hair between my legs wet. I began to laugh uncontrollably. I sat back on the bed and laughed and laughed! Finally I managed to regain some control. I made my way to the bathroom and showered again, carefully avoiding any prolonged contact with my nipples or my clit. Then I dressed and reapplied some subtle make up.
Some time later, as I sipped a coffee downstairs, I remembered what Eric had said. I hadn’t asked for his permission to climax. I chided myself at once. Stupid bloody fool! How on earth would he ever know? How could such things even occur to me? Telling myself over and over again that I couldn’t possibly consider admitting my ‘transgression’, I tried to busy myself around the house.
I lasted almost an hour.
Suddenly, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I scrambled for the phone and dialled his number. It rang for several seconds, and then the familiar voice answered.
?Eric, it’s me, Jennifer.? I gasped, my heart in my mouth.
?Jennifer? What’s wrong?? He sounded concerned.
?Eric, there’s something I have to tell you.? I could feel my legs shaking as I spoke.
He sighed with irritation. ?What is it? Are you going to tell me how you won’t play my little game any more? We both know that’s not the case, Jennifer, so why bother??
I took a deep, unsteady breath, ?No, it’s not that, Eric. I need to tell you something, I need to confess something to you?..?
This is a continuation of the story in Jennifer’s Shame, so if you’ve not already read it, I suggest you start there. As always, all comments and scores are gratefully received. When she got home, Jennifer went upstairs and ran a bath. Easing herself gently into the warm water, she lay back, closed her eyes and let her mind drift back over the events of the afternoon. She could almost hear the sound of the swishing cane and again experienced the searing sting as the rattan bit into the soft...
At the age of 37, Jennifer Carson still had it. Her face was unlined and she was fitter than she had ever been in her life. Appraising her naked body in the mirror, she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. Her breasts were still pert and her bottom was round and smooth. On this sunny Monday morning, she would be visiting her old secondary school to appraise its current standards and decide if she was going to send her own daughter there. 20 years ago it had been a great place and...
The first shot struck Jennifer under the chin. That one came from Lawrence. She was still yelping when Trent’s delivery took her full in the face, filling her mouth and blinding her in an explosion of thick white. She spat and wiped her eyes clear, then pursued her boyfriend, scooping snow as she ran. Trent taunted as he fled, but stumbled knee-deep in a drift. “Bastard!” She laughed as she pelted him, then pushed him over while he was still off-balance. He pulled her with him and they rolled...
A guy sighed and the cock in her left hand began to go off, sticky cum splattered against her wrist and dripped down between her fingers. Almost as soon as he pulled his cock away from her grasp, the two guys fucking her squelching cunt blew their loads too, she could barely feel it as it splattered deep inside her body. "Mmm," she moaned around the cocks in her mouth.Her right hand was still jerking off a particularly large cock as the two guys withdrew from between her legs, managing to...
When the group arrived at the cottage, they went straight back to downing more shots of Tequila. Jennifer said there seemed to be a lot of men in that small cottage, more than she remembered being at the bar? Jennifer alone in a room full of guys playing drinking games. Not being very good at the games mean's that she had to down extra shots as penalties. Jennifer was feeling the buzz of the Tequila, but also loved being the centre of attention. Before long, two of the guys moved either side of...
Cheating WifesShe stood before the judge, head down, and remorseful hearing his words, his question. “Ms. Starkey, would you like to explain why you did it? Why did you let it happen?” She collected her thoughts. She wanted to explain herself, but how do you do that with your dad, your mom, and your bigoted brothers in the courtroom with you? “Ms. Starkey why did you do what you did?” the judge asked again. His tone was more forceful. Her dad, a judge also, probably didn’t want to hear her explanation. She...
InterracialJennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89′. I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit older than me (closer to 40 I guessed). I have always enjoyed the company of older women since my mid twenties. The have their act together, know what they want, and are at...
My wife finally moved home only because I told her to keep seeing other guys. The catch was she had to bring them home to a cottage on our property to fuck them. Tonight I'm waiting for her to come home from a date. So I can watch my slut wife suck a strangers cock and get fucked. Jennifer is a 45 year old 6ft with 40dd tits and voluptuous ass and pussy. When she left tonight she had on black blouse and half bra with fish net stockings and come fuck me boots. Finally I seen lutes pulling into...
Cheating WifesIch stand mit rasendem Herzen vor meinem Schminkspiegel, als ich mich inspizierte. Als ich mein Kleid über meine Hüften glättete, erregte der Glanz meines diamantenen Eherings meine Aufmerksamkeit. Ich überlegte, ihn auszuziehen, aber als ich mich an Sallys Kommentare über die Beliebtheit von verheirateten Frauen erinnerte, beschloss ich, ihn anzulassen. Ich freute mich über meine sexy Reflexion. Da ich kleine Brüste hatte, trug ich selten einen BH, und der dünne Stoff meines Kleides umriß...
InterracialThis story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...
The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....
GLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....
It was late at night and Sloane was restless. He had been at the office all night working on the latest movie he was making, He had some energy to work off so he left the office and went to a private club he belonged. It was a fitness club and the place catered to people in the entertainmet business. The club was open 24 hours a day. The time was 3 a.m. when Sloane walked through the door. He changed his clothes and went into the gym. There were weights and exercise machines all over the...
I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...
(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Here are some random sex story's that i had on my computer so enjoy...
Introduction: A glmpse into the characters involved… very small sex scene involved Nick = handsome, sweet sincere guy with a dark side Anthony = Skyes brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesnt care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) ...
Again the ravings of a lunatic. Fiction. I like this story. It seemed so real when the idea grew in my mind. There is no sex. I have no idea where this should be posted. So I will put in the Loving Wives and get on with it. Copyright by mcwade May 15, 2005. The damnest story you ever heard: OK. Here we go. I am 63 years old. My gut is a bit too large, my waist is 36 inches instead of 32. I am way out of shape. I will walk this summer to regain some of my wind and shape. But that has...
Anthony = Skye’s brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesn’t care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) Skye was sun tanning by the pool when she heard her brother’s voice. What could he possibly want, the fact she was sharing...
A NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Following story, although it changed to different girl in different country is true. It is slightly changed to fit the storyline. A word of caution: THOSE WHO DON’T LIKE ROUGH AND EXTREME SEX, DON’T EVEN START. - Master, why don’t you slap me sometimes? – asked Thia once in the middle of cleaning my room while I was working on some project drawings. - Excuse me? - Well…. I know that you love rough sex……and I know that you have some rough games with some girls….Sora...
(These poems have all been posted elsewhere on the internet, years ago, but I decided to string some together to partly tell a story.) I had dated Jackie David perhaps a half-dozen times before we went dancing. I had found her more and more attractive each time, but had gone slow with her in the hope of building something solid in the way of a relationship - since she seemed to have more substance than any woman I had dated for some time. But the night that we danced I...
- JALEN /-It’s the rattling of chains that wakes me, knocks me back down the hill like Sisyphus’ fucking bullshit rock. Yea. I know Sisyphus. Paint him black and you get the inner city version where the damn rock is America’s racial aggression that never quite dies. Double down by making that sad fuck an addict and shit, there I am, up the hill, down the hill.I groan, head pounding, and pull my face from the salty sweet embrace of a still moist cunt.Nose twitches.I fight back a sneeze. Realize...
HardcoreDuring colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...
you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...
Hi how are you all iss story readers… All Male and female me fir ek story le kar hajir hu apko aur entertain krne ke liye or jyada maja dene ke liye.. Mera name Meet he.. Aur me ahmedabad gujarat se log pehli baar meri story read kr rahe he unko meri details de deta hu.. I m 26 yr old..doing business in ahmedabad..i m single… So now all readers me aab story pe ata hu.. Ya baat 1week pehle ki he.. Mene meri last story post ki”muslim housewife ki chudai”..uske baad muje kafi logo ke mail...
This is the girl who is in this story with me : all starts off with me going downtown just by myself to a well known gay bar. I have been bi-sexual since I was about 14 and I am 18 now. I was wearing a burgundy dress which flared out a lot at the bottom and was showing a fair bit of cleavage, my legs were bare and I had black lace panties on and a matching bra. I was in the mood for a girl tonight seen as I hadn't had sex with a...
Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...
TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...
TUROK THE TORMENTOR 2 By: ROBO Bruno was sitting in his Limousine with his maul Tiffany watching the drug deal go down. His father Franko Costintino had finally trusted him with an important task in his drug-dealing cartel. The Asian Gang was purchasing one million dollars worth of Heroin for distribution, after this Bruno would finally prove to his father that he could take over as head of the cartel. Bruno was 21, short black hair, and a muscular build and he was wearing a suit....
TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...
My son Ken was 18 now, and soon got his own apt. and a room mate….Jen. Lynn and I still have visits from them and we stop by their place. Our husbands who had lost interest in sex, got use to Lynn and I, (Julie), spending the night together a lot. My husband and I have a guest house and Lynn I used that to have our ‘sleep over’s in. Her husband was always gone hunting or fishing and was never there on weekends. Our story telling continued and we kept going further with our mutual masturbation....
This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like tits. I was focus for a lot of attension from some boys and teachers, they liked my apperance. Basicly I wanted to get away. So I joint up for...
HumorCopyright© 2002-2004 by DB. The doorbell rang unexpectedly. I was surfing the web to see if Elf Sternberg ( had posted anything new on his latest AI (what I generally call robot) storyline. Although he recently, publicly referred to my writing as "abusively shallow", he also admits that it has affected him enough to provoke him into writing stores in response, so a lot of good has come from this in unexpected ways. Besides, having Elf as a critic is an...
When I was about eight, I loved to climb poles and ropes. I discovered that I got this extreme feeling of overwhelming pleasure in my pubic area when I climbed them. Then, I discovered I could duplicate that pleasure with my hand on my pecker. When I was nine, my mother found me jacking off in my bedroom and told me that it was a sin and I would go straight to Hell. She also said that I would go blind if I continued. I thought about it for a time but then decided I would continue until I needed...
For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...
I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...
Madeleine Roth, posting under the name of Fatima, was putting the last touches to her daily blog. Eastern Promise, the web site she ran with a number of her friends, took up most of her spare time. She and Krista Collins had founded the site almost three years earlier as way of publishing their fantasies of life in the east, veiled and enslaved as part of some potentate's harem. Over the years they had created a series of stories. They, in turn, had attracted other, like-minded, authors and...
Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...
TGStorytime! I had this crazy dream where I found a remote control that let me alter the very fabric of time and space. I could have used it to rob banks, bang several of my favorite pornstars at the same time, or really do whatever I wanted. All I wanted to do, though, was turn my penis into a vagina and grow rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. That could mean I’ve been reading too much TGStorytime, a user-contributed library of transgender was established in 2011 by Joe...
Sex Stories SitesHey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...
She then said, “It was Storytime night and that always ends with us having smoking hot sexâ€. Curious to what that meant I asked, “What is Storytime?†She said, “OMG it is so hot. John loves it when I tell him a sex story from my past or tell him a sex fantasy while I lay next to him and play with his dick. It is such great foreplay and it has really improved our sex life. We both get so horny. You should try it sometimeâ€. This story is about how I discovered a kinky way to turn my husband on.
MarriedJenniferi. The a*****ionJennifer walked slowly back to her dispatch area. When she got back to the office, all of theother runners were out. Jennifer sat down at the table and pulled out her MCAT study guideand began immersing herself in preparation for the upcoming test. Jennifer had alwayswanted to be a doctor. She had already completed a degree in Chemistry with a minor inBiology and was going to become a doctor. These few facts made her feel superior to mostof the uneducated people she...
Jennifer was an attractive girl. She was 5’ 3" and weighed about 110 pounds. She was admiring her naked body in the mirror of her room. She had a reasonably shapely body for a 17 year old girl. Her brunette hair hung down to her shoulders. Her breasts were good sized, about a c cup. She didn’t like her legs; she felt they were a little to short. She felt her greatest asset was her ass. She turned to look at it. It was well rounded and firm. It had kind of a heart shape to it. She turned back...
Michael was at the gun range close by the Sheriff’s Department. He was there to settle a bet with one of the older, more experienced officers. The bet was: who was the better shot? Several other officers, having little to do that day, decided to tag along and see who would win. Michael wanted to wrap this up fast. He was catching a plane to Colorado in a few hours, and he needed to pick up Jennifer on the way there too. They had been secretly dating for several months now. So far, they’d...
Jennifer a slow starting tale of how a young graduate finds her place in society. Any similarities between the characters or corporations depicted here and any characters or corporations which actually exist is entirely unintentional.Part One.Jennifer walked slowly down the long brightly lit slightly curved corridor of the Walthers building looking for Mike Gordon's office, it was almost ten thirty on her third day at Walthers and Walthers. and her first day working as Mike's PA her first job...
Jennifer Smith couldn’t wait to get home. The assistant sales-director got a phone call from her husband Tim during the day and she’d been feeling giddy ever since. It was a long working day, but Tim’s phone call really made her feel better. She loved her husband very much, but in the last couple of years they’ve had their problems. Without either of them knowing it, they were both feeling dissatisfied with their sex-life, until at one point they had an argument which...
Jennifer has a Plan They were to be spanked, all of them. Tomorrow, after breakfast, in the changingroom, on the bare bottom, with a gym shoe, by the head prefect. Such was themessage delivered to the girls of 6A, on that wet and miserable afternoon inFebruary, by Miranda herself. With her chestnut hair tied with red ribbons,and already in her games tunic — for this was the day of the match — shestood among their desks and told them their future. 'Let's see if this helps you remember,' she...
Dominic Bryan sat down in the log cabin hidden away in the Los Angeles countryside. His ears picked up as the sound of a car rolled up the drive, collecting gravel in its treads as it went. He stood up and moved away from the desk, peering out of the large window, Dom saw a big green SUV slow to a halt outside of the resort. Two people got out of the vehicle and walked to the back of the car. The larger woman opened the back of the car and hoisted a large bag out of the back. That must be the...
Chapter 4 That night she dreamed of having a master who was having sex with her. She woke up several times only to realize that it was a dream. It was peculiar, however, that she felt a certain feeling in her vagina. She wondered if perhaps she hadn’t been masturbating in her sl**p as she had seen in the illustrations in the book. When she got to that section she tried what was shown and decided that she could do it if asked but that it didn’t feel good as the book indicated. The next...
Chapter 4 That night she dreamed of having a master who was having sex with her. She woke up several times only to realize that it was a dream. It was peculiar, however, that she felt a certain feeling in her vagina. She wondered if perhaps she hadn't been masturbating in her sleep as she had seen in the illustrations in the book. When she got to that section she tried what was shown and decided that she could do it if asked but that it didn't feel good as the book indicated.The next morning...
Her breathing came in ragged gasps. She tried to be as quiet as possible, but it was really difficult with Ryan's fingers buried inside her. Ryan and Jennifer were in the high school drama room off the back of the auditorium. Jennifer was wearing a tight black tank top and a short denim skirt that only came down to mid-thigh when worn properly. Right now though, Jennifer's skirt was bunched around her waist, her lacy black thong exposed. Ryan was standing behind Jennifer, his groin...
Jennifer gazed down at Allison, who was completely exhausted, and almost completely naked except for her bikini top pulled off to the sides of her breasts. Sweat glistened across every inch of Allison's body, and cum was dripping lazily out of her pussy. “So...” said Jennifer tentatively, after awkwardly making eye contact with Allison, “do you think he would let me try some of that with him, too?” Allison sighed, still coming down off her incredible orgasm of only a minute ago. “I...
"I know," Jennifer hissed back when Mrs. Miller, the algebra teacher turned her back to write another problem on the board. "It's like torture having to sit here listening to her voice when we could be at your place laying out!" Allison continued at the next opportune moment. Jennifer's house had a great backyard with a pool, hot tub, and big lawn. The weather in central Florida was perfect for swimming this time of year, and the two best friends couldn't wait to get to the...
Chapter 2 ‘This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her,’ a man said. ‘Is that because she was a problem?’ a female voice said. ‘We don’t know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price,’ the man said. ‘Give her the standard training course,’ the woman said and walked out...
Chapter 2 "This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her," a man said."Is that because she was a problem?" a female voice said."We don't know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price," the man said."Give her the standard training course," the woman said and walked out of the...
“Hey what’s up?” Came the text. Jennifer might be an amazing woman, but she was still a 20 something. I didn’t really care for texting all that much, but it was a necessarily evil. A week had passed since my adventure at the club with Rochelle and 2 weeks since I had seen Jennifer. I was beginning to miss her and I was happy to hear from her. “How’s it going? Things ok with the roommate?” I asked. “Yup. I’ve got news.” came the reply. “Call me.” I said. Jennifer called me. “So what’s...
Less than twenty four hours later, Jennifer Salvatore checked her mail on the computer in her bedroom at home. She maintained a couple of hotmail accounts, but the one that was of most interest to her just now was the account which she used primarily for her growing relationship with Rotter, or Jeff as she increasingly thought of him. It was also the address she had written on the mirror in the charity shop, hoping to hear from the guy who had watched her so intently the day before when she was...
ExhibitionismI am a sex addict.Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. Yes, I know that most of the male species qualifies as sex addicts too. But however debatable it is to say sex addiction is a mental illness, I still fall under the parameters. It's only due to treatment and counseling that I can keep it under control -- and still enjoy sex without going overboard about it.Maybe that's why my doctor thought of me when Jennifer Lawrence wanted to research sex addicts in October 2011.She needed to do so...
Jennifer arranges to go and visit Katherine, but has an adventure along the wayThis is a continuation of the story in Jennifer's Shame, so if you've not already read it, I suggest you start there.As always, all comments and scores are gratefully received.When she got home, Jennifer went upstairs and ran a bath. Easing herself gently into the warm water, she lay back, closed her eyes and let her mind drift back over the events of the afternoon. She could almost hear the sound of the swishing...