Jennifer - Chapter Two free porn video

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Less than twenty four hours later, Jennifer Salvatore checked her mail on the computer in her bedroom at home. She maintained a couple of hotmail accounts, but the one that was of most interest to her just now was the account which she used primarily for her growing relationship with Rotter, or Jeff as she increasingly thought of him. It was also the address she had written on the mirror in the charity shop, hoping to hear from the guy who had watched her so intently the day before when she was doing Jeff's bidding – exposing herself to Kevin.

As her mailbox loaded, she thought back to the events of yesterday. She had never been so excited as she had been in the changing room of the charity shop. Watched by Kevin, a school acquaintance, and also by the shop assistant, a complete stranger, she had felt the intense thrill of exhibitionism as she tried to follow Jeff's instructions, and display herself to her schoolmate. As she deliberately exposed herself, the thrill had been amplified by the fact that she was following Jeff's instructions; that her power to choose had been taken away. She was also aware that she had gone further than she may otherwise have done because she wanted to please Jeff, and because she was so damned turned on by what she was doing.

She had e-mailed Jeff late last night to tell him all about her adventure, and how she had subsequently spent the afternoon with Kevin. She knew that Jeff was in Europe, several time zones ahead, and she hoped that he would have seen her mail whilst she had been asleep. Now she was eager to see if he had replied to her mail, to see if he was pleased with her behaviour. Her only regret about the afternoon had been that spending time with Kevin after her exposure hadn't worked out quite as she expected. Kevin had appeared to be so affected by seeing her nakedness that he seemed in awe of her, and too shy to make any kind of move on her, or to mention what he had seen. They had eaten together, and hung about together for a couple of hours, but nothing else had happened, much to her regret and frustration. She had enjoyed the attention he had paid her, and the look in his eyes as he stared at her with a new interest.

Her e-mail opened and Jennifer was at first excited to see she had new mail, and then disappointed to see that the three unopened mails were not from the people on her contacts list, which meant Jeff had not responded. She clicked to open her in-box and delete the spam that had arrived; nobody but Jeff and spammers sent mail to this account, she thought with regret. As she highlighted the three new mails and was about to delete them, one of the mails caught her eye. The subject line simply said "Charity Shop". She double-clicked the item to open it.

"Hi Jennifer, I sure hope this isn't a joke! I'm the guy in the junk shop in Valley Mall. If that was you yesterday, u r awesome, I'd love to see you again. Please tell me it was you. I can't stop thinking about you and what you did – it was so cool. If this means nothing to you, then I'm sorry – someone is having a joke.

I'll be working all day Sunday in the shop, and it would be great if you could come see me. Or mail me at this addy. I really hope it was you and that this isn't some kinda joke.

My name is Paul."

The mail was dated earlier that morning, and Jennifer was delighted that she had heard from the stranger that had watched her strip off her clothes, and parade naked, or nearly naked, for his eyes. Her last minute idea to leave her real e-mail address written on the mirror had paid off, now she wondered what to do next. Whilst she thought about her options, she quickly saved Paul as a contact on her contact list, and deleted the other two items of spam that she had received. Then she re-opened Paul's mail and read it again, another thrill of power and excitement rushing through her as it re-awoke the feelings of yesterday. She left the mail open as she dressed for the day.


After dressing as usual for a Sunday (short denim skirt and tee shirt), Jennifer went downstairs where her mom was just finishing breakfast. She kissed her mom (Karen), and reached over her to grab at her last slice of toast, taking a big bite out of it.

"Yeuk mom! Since when have you been taking honey on your toast?" The sickly sweet taste had come as a surprise to Jennifer, and she grabbed her mom's coffee cup to take a slug and take the taste away.

"Serves you right Jennifer, get your own breakfast!" her mom replied, grabbing her mug of coffee back, and pushing her daughter towards the kitchen.

Jennifer liked her mom, and thought she was pretty cool in comparison to most of her friends’ parents. Karen was a good looking, fit and fashionable thirty-something, having given birth to Jennifer whilst she was still in her teens. Although twice married, for the last few years she had been single, and she and Jennifer lived with Karen's mom (and Jennifer's grandma) in the small, comfortable house where Karen had grown up. The three women got on well together and were close despite the generation gaps that existed, partly because they all recognised each other’s need for space and privacy. Jennifer wondered which of her mom's friends had influenced her into taking honey on her morning toast.

In the kitchen, she grabbed some cereal over which she splashed ice-cold milk, and she poured herself a mug of coffee, before returning to sit with her mom, who was scanning the newspaper.

"What are your plans today honey?" her mom asked disinterestedly, continuing to read the paper.

"Oh I don't know," replied Jennifer, "I may just hang out at the mall with some friends." Until then, the thought of going to see spotty Paul at the charity shop had never seriously occurred to her, but as she said the words to her mom, she realised that she really did want to go and see him and see what happened. Once again, the memory of her very blatant exhibitionism the day before caused her to blush slightly, and hope her mom didn't look up from the newspaper to spot her obvious reaction. Little did she know that a penchant for exhibitionism was one of the many things she had in common with her mom.

"OK, well be good and drive carefully – and no drinking and driving, you promise?"

Jennifer reassured her mom, who had once dreamed that Jennifer had been injured and disfigured in a car wreck, and ever since was strict about Jennifer not drinking and driving. They chatted intermittently whilst Jennifer finished her breakfast, before she went back to her room to get ready to go out. As she entered the room, she looked at her computer screen and saw new mail, and her heart leapt as she realised that Jeff had replied whilst she'd been having breakfast. She quickly checked in Messenger to see if he was still on line and available for chat, and was disappointed to see he was not. She clicked open his mail.

"Hi Jennifer. Great to hear from you, and about your adventures yesterday. It sounds like you did exactly as I ordered you, and you have done very well. It was very exciting to read your description of what happened, and I loved it when you told me how exciting you found it. You were absolutely right to make yourself cum in the changing room, especially since Kevin didn't take the initiative and invite you back to his house later. If he had, you know I would have wanted you to give yourself to him and then to tell me about that. We may need to work a little harder to get you and Kevin into bed with each other, but I'm sure we will get there eventually. I am going to make you do some very dirty things with Kevin in the fullness of time.

As for the shop assistant, he was very lucky to be in the right place at the right time. It was an inspired idea to write your e-mail address on the mirror of the changing room; in fact it has given me some other ideas about how to make you do my bidding until we can meet and enjoy each other in person. I am very pleased with you for thinking of the idea, and as a reward, I have a treat for you.

If the young man contacts you as a result of your initiative, I order you to give him a night of pleasure; a night where you will refuse none of his demands; a night where you make all of his dreams come true. You are ordered to do this at the first opportunity if he contacts you, and you are to explain to him that you are doing it under my orders (I doubt that the fact you are doing it for me rather than as a result of his own magnetic attraction will make much difference to him). You must tell him that I have instructed you to behave that way for him. You should also give him my e-mail address and ask him (humbly, he will be acting with my authority, and therefore you will be properly submissive to him), you will humbly ask him to mail me and to thank me for giving him the use of you, my submissive, for the night.

Of course, I also expect you to write and tell me everything that happened in your own words, as soon as you have carried out this command. This is your next test, if the boy contacts you by e-mail.

I am still working on your reward for doing so well with Kevin yesterday.

OK Jennifer, I only have a few more minutes. I was hoping you might be on-line so that we could chat, but it looks like I have missed you. Well done for yesterday. Be sure to let me know if our friend the shop assistant contacts you, and be sure to confirm you understand, and will comply with your newest orders.


Jeff xx"

Jennifer drew in a deep breath as she read the mail from Jeff, but she found herself once again getting excited at the thought that she was handing over control of her body and mind to this stranger. She couldn't explain it, but she knew how it made her feel. He seemed to have the power to make her wet at will; just a few words from him and she was sopping wet with excitement, prepared to do all he asked. Well, everything he had asked to date. She wondered if she could really give herself to spotty Paul in the way that he demanded, but then realised that she had already been looking forward to exciting him some more by visiting him at the store later that day. As she re-read the letter, she realised how humiliating it would be for her to tell Paul that she was available to him on the orders of her Master. She checked once again that Jeff wasn't available for a chat, and then quickly replied to say that she had already been contacted, and that she understood her orders. Another thrill shot through her as she pressed the send button, and she realised she had committed to following Jeff's orders, and thereby, had committed to giving herself to Paul. She switched off the computer to finish getting ready.


Two hours later, Jennifer was edging nervously towards the charity shop in Valley Mall. Again, she found herself peering through the window to see who was in the store. She could see Paul standing behind his counter with his back to her, and was relieved to see that the rest of the store appeared empty. It was early Sunday afternoon. She pushed open the door and walked in.

Paul looked up as she entered, and his face broke out into a wide grin. Jennifer realised that when he smiled, apart from the spots, he wasn't bad looking. Even so, she kind of shivered when she thought about her new instructions from Jeff. She was wondering how to break the ice when Paul saved her the trouble.

"Hello. Welcome back. I was wondering if I would see you again. Are you here to do more shopping, or because you got my mail?" His voice was altogether more confident than he had appeared yesterday, and Jennifer wondered if that was because her behaviour yesterday might have embarrassed him.

"I got your mail this morning," she started, "I'm not sure why I left my address on the mirror, but thought I should let you know that I really am Jennifer Salvatore. It wasn't a joke; it really is me." She held out her hand, and Paul reached out and shook it to say "Hi".

There was a short embarrassing silence. Once again, it was Paul who reacted first, this time not quite so confidently.

"I...I couldn't believe my eyes yesterday," some of his newfound confidence went as he remembered the events of the day before, and as his mind stripped Jennifer of her Sunday clothes and saw her standing naked in front of him, "You looked fantastic.....I mean you look fantastic... I mean I was so excited, am so excited to see you again...." His voice trailed off as he wondered what to say next.

"I think I know what you mean" said Jennifer, "I don't know quite what got into me yesterday, but I don't usually behave like that. It was very exciting for me too, although I have to admit, I'm finding it a bit embarrassing now."

"Me too! But you shouldn't be embarrassed. You looked beautiful. You do look beautiful. And you certainly brightened up a boring Saturday at work!"

They looked at each other with sheepish, nervous smiles, and Paul's eyes once again scanned over this lovely girl standing before him. Jennifer noted his look, and needed to escape from it. She walked further into the store and asked, "Do you mind if I look around some? I didn't really see very much of the stock yesterday."

"Go ahead. Take your time. I'm here if you need me." Paul replied. He tried not to look at her too obviously as she started to look through the racks, his heart beating fast, amazed at his luck in her coming to see him again so quickly.

Jennifer browsed through the various racks, noting with surprise the quality of some of the items. There were discarded designer clothes here, buried amongst the cheaper items, and everything seemed clean and orderly. She didn't realise that the store had a policy of insisting that donated items of clothing were freshly laundered when handed in, and any that weren't were quietly discarded without ever seeing the racks in the store where they were intended for resale.

As she moved towards the back of the store, her eyes lighted on the record albums that Kevin had been browsing yesterday when she came in and worked so hard to distract him. She smiled when she saw the little pile of vinyl he had selected for purchase, still sitting where he had dropped them when he chased out of the store to catch up with her. On a whim, she picked up the pile and leafed through the record covers, noting those he had selected. They were an eclectic mix of late 60s and 70s artists, some American, some British, with no other connecting theme; Jennifer recognised an early Bob Dylan compilation and a Stones album, but the others were artists she had never heard of or had forgotten. Kevin had selected a total of 6 albums, and without really thinking it through, Jennifer took the little pile to Paul at his counter and asked how much for the lot.

"Well, our normal pricing policy is $2 per album, but I guess we can do better than that for you," he replied. "How about we call them double albums and give a discount. $5 for the lot?"

"Deal!" said Jennifer, and handed over a $5 bill whilst Paul slipped the albums into a paper bag for her. She couldn't understand why he was looking slightly disappointed, until he plucked up the courage to speak.

"I was hoping that you were going to find something else to try on" he said wistfully, as he handed her the bag and gave a meaningful glance towards the changing rooms at the back of the store. Jennifer couldn't miss the import of his words and countenance.

"Oh! Don't worry, I'll be back," she said, "but I have something to do first. What time do you get off work today, maybe we can have a drink after you finish?"

"Wow! That would be neat. I finish and lock the store at 5:30. Is that OK? I could finish earlier if you like?"

Jennifer looked quickly at her watch, and did a quick calculation. "No, that's perfect" she said, "I'll be back just after five. If you have any great bargains that you think I might like, dig them out and I'll have a look when I get back. You should know what size I am. See you later." She winked at him and left the store before he could think of an answer, and left Paul thrilled and excited, with nothing more than the scent of her and his memories remaining after she ran out of the door.


Jennifer quickly returned to her car, and with the albums she had purchased on the seat beside her, drove to where she knew Kevin lived with his dad. When she arrived, she looked for any sign of Kevin, but seeing no sign of him or his motorbike, pulled out a pen and paper and wrote a quick note.

"Hi Kevin,

Thanx for yesterday – I really enjoyed spending time with you. I disturbed your shopping trip, so went back to get these for you this afternoon; you can pay later if they are what you wanted – else I'm sure I can get the guy in the shop to change them - lol. I feel so guilty messing up your afternoon shopping..

See me at school tomorrow, maybe we can do it again sometime soon – I had a great time.


Jen xx"

Satisfied with the note, she ran up to the door and knocked. After a couple of seconds, Kevin's dad answered in a pair of sweats and a tee shirt, and confirmed that Kevin wasn't in. Jennifer couldn't help noticing his deep chest and flat six-pack stomach, and the thought occurred to her that maybe her mom wasn't the only fit and attractive parent among her group of friends. She handed over the bag containing the albums and her note and asked Mr Lyne to give them to Kevin as soon as he got home. Checking her watch again, she realised that she had plenty of time left to get back to Paul and the charity shop to keep her promise to him, and her commitment to Jeff. As she turned and headed back to her car, Mr Lyne's eyes followed her. "They sure didn't make them like that when I was at school!" was the thought that flashed into his head.

Back in the mall, she walked back into the charity shop at a little after five, to the evident relief of Paul, who was beginning to think that it was all a joke after all. He beamed when he saw her enter, and then let her browse around as he dealt with the only other customer in the shop. When she had left, he locked the door behind her and flipped the sign to 'Closed' before turning to find Jennifer standing by his counter, watching him. He blushed when he realised that she had seen him lock her in, and then said, "Well, you don't want to be disturbed when you're shopping do you?"

Jennifer laughed, and said "It's OK. Did you find any bargains for me to look at?"

Paul hurried behind his counter and lifted up a small pile of items he had selected from the racks whilst he'd been waiting for Jennifer to return. He watched as Jennifer went through the pile, discarding some items and piling others in a new heap on the desktop. She liked the look of most of the things Paul had selected, which tended to be well known designer label items, although many of them she recognised as no newer than last season's fashion. All were in good condition, and the sizes looked right for her. Some items she rejected because she knew friends had the same item, others because she knew the colour wouldn't work for her. By the time she had finished going through Paul's selections, she had 7 or 8 items that had avoided rejection. When she looked for price tickets on these items, she couldn't find one.

"How much are these?" she asked.

Paul leered at her. "Why don't you try them on. If you like them, I'll tell you the prices. In fact, let me see you in them, and I'll price them according to how much I like them. The more I like you in them, the less you pay. How about that for a deal?"

Jennifer had been starting to warm to Paul, but now found his response a bit creepy. It seemed he was willing to cheat some poor Central American orphan out of a few dollars for the sake of seeing her in some clothes he had selected. She started to react negatively to him, and wonder if she could go through with her commitment to Jeff to let him use her, but then remembered what she was there for, and thought "What the heck! He's just using his position for a bit of fun. In a way, I'm kind of using him to satisfy my own desire to submit to Jeff. If that's what he wants, then who am I to say No?". She picked up the remaining items and wheeled around and headed silently for the dressing rooms at the back of the store.

As Paul watched her heading back to the changing rooms, he wondered if he was in for a repeat of the previous day's performance, and his cock started to harden at the thought. It stiffened again as he watched Jennifer hang up the items she was to try on the hook in the same cubicle, the curtain left completely open. When she turned away from him and peeled off her tee shirt over her head, to reveal her naked back, no bra, he was hooked. Jennifer pulled on the first item, a thin stretchy long sleeved purple tee shirt with a print of Che Guevara's famous face in a kind of watermark design across the front. She smoothed it over her hips, adjusted the sleeves and then examined herself in the full length mirror at the back of the cubicle. Satisfied with the result, she turned and walked the length of the shop to where Paul was still standing behind his counter, which was effectively hiding his growing erection.

"So how much for this one Paul? I like it a lot, but I'd need to wear a bra with it for sure. What do you think?"

Paul looked at her as she posed for him. The tee shirt hugged her figure, and he could clearly see her nipples through the thin, almost cheesecloth material of the shirt. One of her nipples stared incongruously through the left eye of Che Guevara.

He whistled softly. "Wow, that looks fantastic. You have such a perfect figure, I guess you would look good in anything. I love it. Sold for 50 cents!"

She smiled acceptance, turned on her heel, and headed back. Halfway down the aisle, she turned her head over her shoulder and called to him, "You'd better get out from behind that counter and come down here. If you think I'm walking backwards and forwards on this catwalk all night, you're crazy."

Paul adjusted his cock as best he could to hide his excitement, and then scampered after her down to the back of the shop, where he waited just outside the changing room, unable to take his eyes off of her, the curtain doorway completely ignored by Jennifer.

Jennifer left the tee shirt on, but unzipped her skirt and stepped quickly out of it, her back towards Paul, so he could see the thin black string of her thong where it disappeared between the perfect globes of her ass at the top of her long and shapely legs. She took down the next item, a pair of designer low-cut jeans, which she wriggled into, and which proved a perfect fit as she zipped and buttoned the waist. Paul continued to watch her brazen and nonchalant display speechlessly. Again, after examining herself in the jeans, trying her tee shirt tucked in, and then pulled out of the waistband, she settled for the latter, and stepped out to let Paul pronounce his verdict. As she turned and posed for him, reaching back and running her hands over the stretched material covering her bottom, she asked him the price.

"I... I... I think they are just perfect," he stammered, "they go so well with the shirt that they must be the same price. How about a dollar for the pair of them?"

Jennifer giggled and returned to the cubicle, starting to have real fun, and recognising that she was going to be adding substantially to her wardrobe for virtually nothing. As she took down the next item she started to think about her situation. She was doing several of her favourite things all at the same time. Life couldn't get any better than this. She was shopping, which she loved to do, buying good clothes at ridiculous prices, and exposing herself and exciting a guy all at the same time. And later, she knew, she was going to get laid. She was already starting to get wet from Paul's constant attention and admiration of her young body. Sheer heaven.

The next item was a little crop top with spaghetti string straps and a square cut top. It was cream in colour and made of a light flowy silk. She just knew it would be beautifully cool in the summer. Before she tried it on, she took it from its hanger and held it up to the light, teasing Paul who watched every move. She carefully laid the top on the chair at the side of her, and then turned to face Paul before removing the Che Guevarra tee shirt right in front of him.

As she peeled the tee shirt up over her head, it clung to her skin as it slid over her breasts. Paul was fascinated as the material exposed the rounded curves under her tits, which then shook with freedom as the material cleared her nipples, which were visibly stiffer than they had been previously. She took her time folding her new tee shirt, before slipping into the crop top, which reached just below her tits, leaving her flat stomach and long thin belly button tanned and naked beneath. The square cut top stretched across the top of her breasts and continued in a straight line around the tops of her arms, leaving her lovely shoulders completely bare, except for the thinnest of straps.

And so it went on. Jennifer trying on clothes in front of the increasingly excited Paul, giving him a private fashion show, but allowing him to see behind the screens of the catwalk, watching his personal model change into different outfits. Everything was priced at 50 cents, everything was perfectly displayed on the perfect frame of Jennifer.

As she tried on the last item, a short tan pleated skirt with an integral leather belt by Jean-Paul Gaultier, Paul picked up the courage to ask Jennifer a question.

"Jennifer, why are you doing this?"

The question caught Jennifer by surprise, and she paused in the act of fastening the leather belt around her hips. She sat on the chair and thought for a minute before responding.

She remembered her instructions from Jeff in his e-mail received this morning. "If the young man contacts you as a result of your initiative, I order you to give him a night of pleasure; a night where you will refuse none of his demands; a night where you make all of his dreams come true. You are ordered to do this at the first opportunity if he contacts you, and you are to explain to him that you are doing it under my orders". Jennifer realised that she would never have a better opening to comply with her orders.

"Are you enjoying what I am doing Paul? Do you want me to stop?" she asked. Of course, he responded an emphatic "Yes!" and then "No!" in turn.

"Then I will answer your question honestly. I am doing this for me, because it excites me, and for you, because it clearly excites you, but also for someone else." She paused.

"You mean the guy that was here yesterday? That followed you out of the store?" Paul was immediately jealous of him.

"No, Paul. For someone else." It was going to be humiliating for her to go through with this, but she knew she must. "What I did yesterday, I did under orders from a friend of mine. He tells me how to act, what to do, and I obey him. It is a game we play that excites us both."

"You mean some kind of sex game? Is he your Master or something?" Paul's flash of jealousy about Kevin had suddenly changed to one of inspiration, curiosity and interest.

"Exactly that," confirmed Jennifer. "We haven't been playing the game long, but it's the most exciting thing I have ever done."

"Cool!" said Paul, whose curiosity and interest was roused. After a couple of seconds of thought, he added "But that was yesterday. What about today?"

Jennifer told him about how she had mailed Jeff the night before, and told him how her adventure had gone. In answer to Paul's frequent interruptions and questions, she explained that Jeff lived overseas, that she had never met him, but that she thought she would do anything he asked of her. Hearing that this guy was not even a physical threat to him eased Paul's jealousy, and he probed further. She explained how she had told Jeff about Paul and how she had left her e-mail address on a whim, and how she had received a reply from Jeff giving her further instructions.

"So what are your instructions?" he excitedly asked. Jennifer knew that this was the crunch, the line she must step over to satisfy Jeff's demands.

"I was ordered to do anything you ask" she said quietly, "if you contacted me using the e-mail address. I was told I had to 'give you a night of pleasure, refuse none of your demands'. That's why I am here, why I am doing this." This admission had been hard for Jennifer, but she realised that she was wet and excited, again, following Jeff's remote orders to the letter. The man had a power over her that she couldn't understand. She couldn't look Paul in the face.

"Cool!" he said, "Kew-fuckin-el. So I can ask for anything?" the sudden possibilities took his breath away, and he watched as Jennifer meekly nodded yes in answer. He was amazed at the sudden transformation in her, from this spunky, confident, show-off of a dream girl, she had quickly transformed into a meek and submissive little miss in about 30 seconds. He licked his lips like a sand lizard eyeing its prey, and wondered what to ask for first.

"Keep those things on. Let's go get a drink. I need to think about this" he said, dragging Jennifer up from the chair, grabbing her other 'purchases' and her original clothes, and stuffing them in a paper bag as he passed the counter with her in tow. They left the store which he locked behind him and headed to the sports bar just down the mall. Two minutes later, they were sitting with a beer in front of them, and Paul was asking Jennifer some more about her 'Master', Jeff.

"So what else has he made you do? Here's mud in his eye anyway" and he clinked bottles with Jennifer's and took a big pull of his own beer. Jennifer took a sip, and explained that this part of their relationship had really only just begun. They chatted over the beer, Paul trying to convince himself that this was real. Wondering how to play his cards, which felt like a Royal Flush from where he was sitting. All of Jennifer's answers seemed to confirm that she was there to do as he ordered, was his for the evening to do with as he wished. He realised he couldn't take her home, where he lived with his mother, so he quickly finished his beer and told her to come with him back to the store, where he took her into the little staff room. As well as a sink and a door to the staff bathroom, there was a tired old sofa that someone had donated to the charity, and a couple of arm chairs. He sat in one of these, looked at Jennifer standing before him and said "Take off those clothes, all of them."

Before starting to obey him, Jennifer said "There is one condition before you can continue."

"Oh shit," thought Paul, "I knew there had to be something wrong with this." He indicated that she should go on.

"Jeff has said that you must e-mail him afterwards. Tell him what happened. I have to know that you will do that before I can obey you."

A wave of relief swept over Paul. He was going to achieve his dream after all. Writing to this guy would not be a problem, and he would put up with a lot worse than that to finally get to fuck her, something he had wanted to do since she first came in the store yesterday.

"Not a problem," he stated, "It would be rude not to. Now, do as you are told and lose those clothes."

Jennifer was relieved to have finally obeyed every one of Jeff's commands except one. Now she had to do as she was told and let this boy use her. She realised that her breath was coming faster, and her heart was racing as she took one more step on her humiliating submission to a man she had never met. She started to unbutton the blouse that Paul had selected for her, and that she was still wearing.

As Paul watched her strip off her clothes, he realised that watching her expose herself at his orders was much more exciting than watching her changing in the store. This was now happening because he willed it, and his ability to control what was happening was a powerful aphrodisiac for him. His cock was straining at his jeans as she stepped out of the Gaultier skirt, and then stripped down her thong to stand completely naked in front of him. For the first time, he took his cock out of his pants in front of her, letting the blood swell it into a stiff erection, which he couldn't resist stroking slowly as she watched him, naked.

For Jennifer, being told to strip had also opened the floodgates of her arousal, and she was dripping wet with excitement when she watched Paul undo his pants and reach inside to release his stiffening cock. The organ seemed to unfurl before her eyes as it enjoyed its freedom from the confines of his pants, and she thought that his casual stroking of it in front of her was one of the most exciting things she had ever seen. As he stroked himself, she could see the foreskin peeling back from the bulbous head at the end of every stroke, before closing over the head again as his hand slid back up his cock.

"Get on your knees and suck it" he commanded, and she obeyed him. She squatted down, and then came between his legs on her knees, and reached out a hand to replace his in stroking his weapon, now fully hard. She couldn't take her eyes of it as she leaned forwards, almost going cross-eyed with the effort before she opened her mouth and let the head of his cock slide between her lips. As she did, her eyes closed and she gave herself over to the sensation of his smooth soft skin, covering his hard maleness; the flavour of him filling her mouth, and his fullness pressing ever forwards as she took more of him inside her.

Paul sat back in the chair and let her work on him, looking down the length of his body, still fully clothed, with a beautiful naked girl between his legs, her warm soft moist mouth wrapped sensationally around his cock. The feeling was awesome, and he felt his knob head bump against the resistance of her throat, her lips pressing into the denim of his jeans, taking as much of him as she was able.

Her lips clung to him as she slowly withdrew her face from his groin until she just had the first couple of inches of his bulbous knob in her mouth. And then she opened her eyes and looked directly into his as she pressed forwards again, to slide him back inside again. Paul was already close to cumming, and reached forwards to hold her head still, as waves of desire and lust swept over him.

When he had quieted sufficiently, he let her continue for a few minutes, before he pulled her mouth off his cock, and pushed her away to allow him to strip from his clothes. Jennifer watched him undress, and was pleasantly surprised at his fit athletic body, which belied the spotty youthful look of his face. He was very slender and fit beneath his clothes, his mass of pubic hair framing heavy balls and an impressive cock which stood stiffly out from his body. The cock swayed gently in front of him, straight and erect, at an angle of about 45 degrees from the vertical.

He stood before her, and she had to reach up and pull the cock down to let it slide again between her lips. This time, with no denim to prevent her, she was able to stuff more of the length into her mouth, until the head broke through the resistance offered by the neck of her throat, and she took him deep within her, gagging slightly in her efforts. As she started to slide him in and out of her throat, her other hand reached for her breast, where it found and pinched her own nipple, causing a thrill of pain and pleasure to shoot through her body, and add to the dampness on her thighs.

Jennifer gave herself over to pleasing him, and felt a glorious and unusual pleasure in her submission to him. She wanted him to ask her, to tell her, to do dirty things. She wanted him to be cruel and hard with her. She wanted to suffer for him. She wanted to do it for Jeff. She squeezed her nipple harder, gradually increasing the pressure on that sensitive bud until the pain and pleasure became just pain, squeezing harder than she ever had before, enjoying the pain, enduring it. All the time, his cock was pistoning in and out of her mouth, and she felt him swell to new heights just before he lost control, and started to shoot ribbons of hot cum into her mouth. Again, she gagged at this new onslaught, and pulled back from him, when his later ejaculations shot against her lips, and then across her face. She squeezed the last drops from him, rubbing his now softening cock across her face and over her lips, using it to smear his cum into her skin, collecting the excess, and then pushing it into her mouth with his prick, tasting him, glad that he had abused her so selfishly, delighting in being his cum-slut.

Paul sat back down, his legs shaking from his spent passion, and she crawled to him again, laying her head in his lap, letting her hair fall across his cock, wet with her saliva and his own cum. She let him relax, confident that he would be ready for action again soon; patiently waiting for the further abuse that she was sure would come, wishing it on herself. As she knelt at his feet waiting for him to recover, she tasted him in her mouth, and imagined telling Jeff how she had satisfied his instructions. She squeezed her legs together to increase the pressure on her soaking sex, and wondered if she was having just too much pleasure from this submission. Again, the need to submit physically became stronger in her, and she found herself wanting to be abused even more.

After a few minutes, and without a word being spoken, Jennifer reached for Paul's hand and drew it to her breast, where she pressed his fingers to her flesh, wanting him to squeeze and hurt her. He started tentatively, squeezing her whole breast softly, enjoying the feel of her beneath his hand, and then concentrating on her nipple, which he rolled between finger and thumb, gently, uncertainly, increasing the pressure. She moaned in encouragement, wanting him to go further, wanting to give herself to him, and he responded again. He grew in confidence as he heard her groans and moans increase as he squeezed her harder, as he felt her press herself harder against his hand, encouraging his abuse. As he recognised her need, and realised his power over her, his cock began to stiffen again, stirring against her cheek, which amplified her own excitement and need for him to hurt her. It was a vicious circle of pain engendering excitement engendering pain. Jennifer had never experienced anything like it before. She wanted to challenge him to take her further than she thought she could go. As he cruelly squeezed her nipple, she looked up at him, her eyes wet with the pain, and said, "I want you to hurt me. I want you to make me cry".

Her words caused his cock to swell again, and he stood and pulled her to her feet, turning her around and pulling her to him, her back pressed against his front. His arms wrapped around her and he slid his hands up over her flat stomach to cup her breasts, his fingers to grip her nipples.

"Tell me again what you want" he whispered into her neck, and her body shook with the pleasure of her submission.

One nipple was already sore from the rough handling she had received, the pain lingering longer than the touch that had caused it, and Jennifer knew she could endure more, wanted to endure more.

"I want you to squeeze and pull my nipples until I beg you to stop" she whispered, "I want you to hurt me and make me cry for you." She leant her head back onto his shoulder, and reached up with her own hands to press his fingers harder against the sensitive flesh of her nipples. The submission in her was sublime. He gave her what she had asked for.

Again, the pressure from his strong fingers began to increase, squeezing until the pain she felt was intense. Then, when she thought she could bear it no more, he rolled her nipples without releasing any of the pressure, before starting to pull them out and away from her, pulling her breasts into elongated points, firmly clamping the nipples in his vice-like grip. She bore it as long as she could, and then some more. When she closed her eyes with the pain, a tear rolled down her cheek. All the time, she could feel his hardness growing and pressing against her rump, and she wanted to endure more for him, for Jeff.

Finally, she could take it no more, and her body collapsed beneath her, and she fought to remove his hurting hands from her breasts. He fought back and she squirmed away from him, the tears flowing freely now, her nipples sore and red. When he finally released her, she sobbed, turned to face him, and pressed herself against him, sobbing into his shoulder with relief and with pain. Jennifer had never acted like this before, and she felt confused, alarmed, proud, subdued all at the same time.

She realised that she was also as horny as hell, her pussy a wet mess between her legs, and the need for some kind of release making her ever wilder in her thoughts and fancies. As Paul's arms wrapped around her again, and pulled her to him, she reached down to grasp his cock, and guide it between her legs, where it rubbed against the soft wet folds of her pussy.

"Fuck me, Paul. Please fuck me now," she begged.

Paul stepped her back towards the sofa, not letting his cock slip from between her legs, and gently laid her back across the arm of the couch, her head and shoulders on the seat cushion, beneath her raised and exposed midriff, her long legs reaching down for the floor, unable to reach. He spread her legs, or she spread them for him, and he stepped between them, his engorged cock head just inches from her cunt. As he slid his length into her for the first time, she experienced her first orgasm, which was mightily amplified by the pain and suffering she had endured for him. When she came back to earth from that first shattering climax, she found him humping hard into her, stroking his full length into and out of her grasping pussy, his pubic hair stimulating her exposed and swollen clit with every thrust.

She started to imagine what it would be like to have her pussy slapped by him, and thought about asking for it, but stopped herself as the pleasure from this raw sex swept her up once again towards another orgasm. She was still sobbing, between asking him to fuck her harder, fuck her deeper. She felt him speeding towards his own climax, and tried to match hers to his, but was unable to stop herself from reaching the finishing line first. As her legs wrapped around him and pulled him into her as she clenched him within her in her climax, he reached the top too, and drove into her with all his might, and she felt his seed fill her, as he spasmed half a dozen times and then collapsed on top of her, spent.

They stayed like that for some time, sweat sticking their bodies together, before she could crawl out from under him, and find the bathroom. She gulped down some water, and dabbed cool water on her aching nipples, before rinsing her face. When she returned to the staff room, she found Paul curled up asleep on the couch. She dressed herself in what she came in, wrote Jeff's e-mail address on a piece of paper which she stuffed into Paul's hand, collected her new things and quietly headed out to her car, the material of her tee shirt rubbing against her nipples as she walked, and reminding her of her debauchery and sudden surprising need for pain.

As she gingerly climbed behind the wheel of her car, throwing the bag of unpaid-for second-hand clothes on the seat beside her, she looked at herself in the vanity mirror. She was a mess, her hair matted, her eyes red, her breasts and nipples bruised and sore. She smiled weakly at herself, and then thought of the long e-mail she would need to write to Jeff before she was able to sleep and rest.

She pulled out of the car-park and headed for home.

To be continued xxx

Jennifer and I would love to hear from you if you have enjoyed reading this.

Same as Jennifer - Chapter Two Videos

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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 5

Chapter 5“I want you to fuck me.”Mark lifted his sticky face from his mother's loins and looked at her, seeing her look back at him, the lustful stare of her brown eyes piercing his.Jennifer wanted to make sure her son knew what she had said, so she curled her upper lip in such a manner that her grimace betrayed how nasty the thoughts made her feel and how nasty she wanted Mark to see her be. She curled her upper lip as she rasped the words again while looking her son right in the eyes.“I want...

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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 3

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Jennifer's fifteenth birthday fell on a Saturday. Frank was pleasantly surprised how many friends Jennifer had. The weather was good, and almost twenty teenagers filled Frank's living room, kitchen and the small backyard. Frank did not even attempt to make a surprise party. Jennifer enjoyed organizing her own celebration, inviting her friends and coordinating transportation. Jeremy, Mary and their kids came for a brief visit. Mary had no problems talking to the high school students, and...

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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 4

Chapter 4Mark’s balls may have been drained for now, but they were already stirring as he looked at his mother lying on the bed. She was looking right at him with her brown eyes through those librarian’s glasses. That mousy look gave her natural good looks something wildly erotic to him, aside from her body and position of course. Jennifer, mousy or not, was lying on the bed looking like a wanton slut, just the way she wanted to be, and with the people she wanted to be a slut with. Her son...

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Jennifer Chapter One

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JenniferChapter 2 Jennifers Arrival

Angela spent nearly two weeks wrapping things up. Most days, Frank and Angela talked long on the phone, and Frank helped her through the estate and funeral legalities, remembering his own experience when his parents died. Frank flew out for two days to attend Terrence's funeral and help with packing. The funeral was one of the most depressing events Frank had ever attended. The weather was cold and damp. Angela was red-eyed. Jennifer was completely silent and stone-faced as she huddled in...

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JenniferChapter 7 Sweet Sixteen

Jennifer's sixteenth birthday was a bit more subdued than her fifteenth. A number of the teenagers were now paired up, and there was less flirting and posturing going on. What was there was more relaxed, as though they were doing it more for fun than extreme horniness. There was also less stratification into social cliques. Frank recognized most of Jennifer's guests. In addition to her classmates, there were a few from the karate classes, and Frank enjoyed talking about upcoming...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 5 Just Playing

The 'big deal' was that the thin cotton panties didn't hide much when dry, but when wet, it was like they didn't even exist. From the backside, the view was also spectacular. Had Jennifer been wearing a thong, her butt could not have looked any better. "Come on ... lets play," she said from the middle of the pool. "Okay ... but you first," Billy said as he tossed her the ball. Jennifer pushed the ball under the water and sat on it. It provided her with just enough extra height so...

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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 2

Chapter 2“Remember that night that you confessed to me you had those fantasies about Mark? Well, honey, here is your surprise. You wanted your son, and I’m giving him to you.”Tim’s words registered in Jennifer’s brain, but they seemed to come from a distance. It all seemed hazy. She had indeed confessed her i****tuous desires to Tim one night, and it had turned him on immensely and they fucked like rabbits for the rest of the night.But of all the fantasies she had, this surely had to be the one...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 4 Showtime

Jennifer was still in the bathroom when the doorbell rang around eleven. 'That should be Donnie and his friends, ' she thought. She went to the intercom and looked at the video from the front door. Yes, it was them, alright, and on time. "Coming," she said into the intercom. Jennifer opened the door wide, presenting the guys with an unobstructed view of herself. They knew, especially Donnie, that Jennifer was a bit of a showoff, but none of them was expecting what they saw. Jennifer...

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"That was rough, I'm sure," said Jennifer. "Yeah ... well it's been brewing ever since Dad and I moved out," Donnie said. "I just wasn't ready to admit it." "Uh huh ... me too ... I mean ... uh ... You were talking about us weren't you." "Of course," Donnie said emphatically. "Can we go in the house?" Jennifer looked into Donnie's eyes. "Kiss me first ... like you did when you took the ball away." Donnie took a step toward Jennifer, narrowing the distance between them....

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JenniferChapter 4 A New Parent

"Hi, Zack, do you have a few minutes to talk?" Frank asked his boss. Zack was a partner, and a pretty good boss, although he was as driven as anybody in the firm. "Sure, Frank, come over," said Zack, pointing to a guest chair in his office. "How are you getting on? And how is Jennifer doing?" Zack had attended Angela's funeral, and had told Frank to take as much time as he needed before returning to work. "That's actually what I wanted to discuss. Jennifer gets home at about two...

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JenniferChapter 3 Another Change

Neither Angela nor Frank held an elaborate Thanksgiving celebration. They didn't have family nearby, and were used to living alone. Even during the years they lived together, they didn't feel it necessary to prepare a festive meal, especially for two people. However, Jennifer mentioned wistfully that her dad always had one. So it was that Angela bought the smallest turkey she could find in the store, and Frank looked for traditional recipes. Mary, his assistant, proved an invaluable...

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JenniferChapter 12

Rocky came into the weight room, still drying his hair with a towel, and went straight to a bench. He was wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, and Jennifer thought he looked like a Greek god. Before he had a chance to do any presses, Jennifer walked over and looked down at him. “I didn’t get a chance to thank you for what you did the other day. I’m sorry. I guess I was a little shaken up.” “My pleasure,” said the smiling young man. He looked up at her and liked what he saw. She was...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 1 The Brother

For the second time in two days, the doorbell rang as Jennifer was stepping out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her body and went to the intercom. The video from the front door wasn't all that clear but Jennifer was able to tell it was her brother Donnie. She pressed the 'talk' button. "Just a minute," she said. Jennifer ran a comb through her wet hair as she looked at herself in the mirror. The towel she was wearing was big enough to cover from the tops of her breasts to...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 2 Caught by Mother

"Oh shit!" said Jennifer, as she hugged the towel around her and jumped up from the couch. "It's mother ... quick, out the back door. She can't know you've been here." By the time Jennifer's mother came in from the garage, Donnie was long gone, into the woods at the back of the house, and Jennifer was in her bathroom getting dressed. "Jennifer ... I'm home," Judy Grafton hollered. "In here Mom ... I'll be out as soon as I dry my hair," Jennifer replied. Her mother had...

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JenniferChapter 14

It had been several days now, and as the morning broke, Jennifer was very glad that ‘that time’ had passed. In her present environment she found herself constantly horny. As she ate her breakfast, she surreptitiously eyed both Roger and Rocky, trying to decide which one to take back upstairs with her. So, she was somewhat disappointed when Margaret came in and asked her to join her in the business office. Arriving there, Margaret immediately set Jennifer to work cleaning and straightening...

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JenniferChapter 9

The two women went back down the stairs and to the kitchen. By now, mid-morning, the house was showing some life, as people woke and began moving. Half a dozen beautiful young women were gathered around a kitchen table. Margaret introduced them to Jennifer. “Most mornings we simply have coffee and juice, fruit, some buns and pastries. You know, sort of a continental breakfast. Lunch is usually sandwiches and soup, or something else of the sort. Mrs. McMurphy prepares a nice dinner before she...

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JenniferChapter 13

Jennifer returned to her room and collapsed onto her bed. She knew her work in the office was caught up, and just said, “Fuck it.” Screwing Rocky would tire a team of Olympic athletes. The next several days passed quickly, with occasional fucks from Roger and Rocky, and shortly she noticed that it had been three weeks since she had arrived at the Lakehouse. It was that time of the month again, so that evening she dressed in skintight black denim jeans and a sequined black top that was half...

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JenniferChapter 8

The wakeup call at 8:00 woke only Margaret, who leaned across the space between the beds to rouse her niece. Both men snored on. Unsurprisingly, the men had collapsed into deep sleep a fuck or two after the girls had showered. Margaret motioned for Jennifer to follow and headed for the bath. “Grab a shower and get dressed,” she whispered. “I’ve got room service bringing up some coffee, juice, and croissants. Roger should be bringing the car by at nine, so we’ve got an hour.” “What about...

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JenniferChapter 16

Jennifer and Margaret lolled in hammocks on the front yard of the Lakehouse. It had been a little over a week since Jennifer had talked to her mother, and both expected her to show up sometime today. So, they had given themselves a day off and lazed the afternoon away. The manic sex drives they had felt had subsided to their normal horny levels, much to the relief of an exhausted Roger and Rocky. Margaret’s period had come and gone, and she told Jennifer that meant her mother’s had passed,...

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JenniferChapter 3

“Anna Maria, Mamma, will you keep a very open mind for me, just for a minute. I need to ask you a question, for a favor, if you will, but it may freak you out. Regardless, I need you to promise that you will not shun me or hate me afterwards, and God forbid, I need you to promise not to tell your daughter, your daughters, to disavow me and leave me. If you disagree, I promise never to breathe a word of it again, but I need your help and blessing.” “What, child, in the world, could be this...

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JenniferChapter 6

By the time Jennifer and her aunt got out of the Las Vegas airport it was late. The plane had been delayed in landing, and at baggage pickup, Jennifer had no baggage to pick up. Another hour went by before it was discovered that all her luggage was visiting Orlando and wouldn’t be back for another day. Margaret decided they would stay in town for the night and go to the Lakehouse in the morning. Margaret called the Lakehouse and spoke to a man. “Hello ... Roger ... We just got in ... They...

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JenniferChapter 11

Margaret closed for the night after the men had left. Jennifer sank onto a barstool in disbelief, as the remaining girls clustered around her and her aunt, offering support. Rocky and Roger returned shortly from the front gate. “They’re gone,” said Roger simply, as he moved back around the bar. He poured a round of brandies for the group. After several more minutes, the remaining girls left for their rooms. When the four were alone, things were quiet for a moment. Then Margaret spoke up....

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JenniferChapter 5

The three women slept until the early afternoon. Then they loaded up Alexandra’s car and drove to the airport. It was a silent drive, as Margaret continued to snooze, and Jennifer drowsily contemplated the events that were taking her to Nevada. She had not planned on going to work for her aunt. In fact, she had recently gotten a job as junior bookkeeper at Honest Bob’s Lincoln-Mercury-Ford. Of course, she had been wearing a very tight skirt and a not quite opaque blouse when she applied for...

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JenniferChapter 10

Finally, by the end of the week following her arrival, she felt that things were caught up enough to allow a more normal schedule and told her aunt so. “Well, that’s good. You need to learn the rest of the business as well. Don’t forget, I also need you as an assistant hostess.” “So, what do I do? And when?” quizzed Jennifer. “Well, when is evenings. Or whenever I’m busy, or away,” responded Margaret. “The hostess greets callers, takes their coats, takes payments, introduces them to the...

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JenniferChapter 15

The ringing phone woke Jennifer from her nap. Briefly disoriented, she looked around the room. Sitting up, she wrapped the sheer robe around herself, and walked to the phone. “Hello?” “Hi, honey. How are you?” “Mom? How are you? I’m fine!” The two women talked for several minutes, and Roger stirred and rolled over on the bed. Raising up on one elbow, he looked across the room and saw Jennifer talking animatedly on the phone. All she was wearing was the short and sheer robe and high-heeled...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 3 Scheming

Mrs. Grafton waited quietly while Jennifer studied the pictures. "Do you know how to delete them?" "I think so..." But then Jennifer surprised her mother, maybe herself too, "Do I have to though?" "No ... but I thought you'd want to ... you don't know what he's planning to do with them ... maybe show them around the school..." "Donnie wouldn't do that." Jennifer protested. "Maybe some close friends, but not all over school ... he wouldn't do that." "You don't know...

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JenniferChapter 7

The first order of business was to undress the two elderly clients. Starting at their sports coats and shirts, the two whores worked their way downward, kissing and licking as they went. Jennifer could sense her aunt’s surprise at finding such firm cocks as these men possessed. While both cocks were slim and average sized, Margaret had not been expecting what she saw and felt. Shortly both men were in their birthday suits. Margaret had them sit next to each other in two armchairs. Then...

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Jenniferi. The a*****ionJennifer walked slowly back to her dispatch area. When she got back to the office, all of theother runners were out. Jennifer sat down at the table and pulled out her MCAT study guideand began immersing herself in preparation for the upcoming test. Jennifer had alwayswanted to be a doctor. She had already completed a degree in Chemistry with a minor inBiology and was going to become a doctor. These few facts made her feel superior to mostof the uneducated people she...

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Jennifer was an attractive girl. She was 5’ 3" and weighed about 110 pounds. She was admiring her naked body in the mirror of her room. She had a reasonably shapely body for a 17 year old girl. Her brunette hair hung down to her shoulders. Her breasts were good sized, about a c cup. She didn’t like her legs; she felt they were a little to short. She felt her greatest asset was her ass. She turned to look at it. It was well rounded and firm. It had kind of a heart shape to it. She turned back...

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Jennifer Part 2

Michael was at the gun range close by the Sheriff’s Department. He was there to settle a bet with one of the older, more experienced officers. The bet was: who was the better shot? Several other officers, having little to do that day, decided to tag along and see who would win. Michael wanted to wrap this up fast. He was catching a plane to Colorado in a few hours, and he needed to pick up Jennifer on the way there too. They had been secretly dating for several months now. So far, they’d...

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Jennifer Part 4

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Jennifer and Allison Part 3

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Jennifer and Allison Part 2

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Jennifer and Allison Part 1

"I know," Jennifer hissed back when Mrs. Miller, the algebra teacher turned her back to write another problem on the board. "It's like torture having to sit here listening to her voice when we could be at your place laying out!" Allison continued at the next opportune moment. Jennifer's house had a great backyard with a pool, hot tub, and big lawn. The weather in central Florida was perfect for swimming this time of year, and the two best friends couldn't wait to get to the...

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Jennifer Part 2

Chapter 2 ‘This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her,’ a man said. ‘Is that because she was a problem?’ a female voice said. ‘We don’t know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price,’ the man said. ‘Give her the standard training course,’ the woman said and walked out...

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Jennifer Part 2

Chapter 2 "This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her," a man said."Is that because she was a problem?" a female voice said."We don't know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price," the man said."Give her the standard training course," the woman said and walked out of the...

4 years ago
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Jennifer Brings Over a Friend Club Wives 8

“Hey what’s up?” Came the text. Jennifer might be an amazing woman, but she was still a 20 something. I didn’t really care for texting all that much, but it was a necessarily evil. A week had passed since my adventure at the club with Rochelle and 2 weeks since I had seen Jennifer. I was beginning to miss her and I was happy to hear from her. “How’s it going? Things ok with the roommate?” I asked. “Yup. I’ve got news.” came the reply. “Call me.” I said. Jennifer called me. “So what’s...

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Jennifer Lawrence researches a sex addict for new

I am a sex addict.Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. Yes, I know that most of the male species qualifies as sex addicts too. But however debatable it is to say sex addiction is a mental illness, I still fall under the parameters. It's only due to treatment and counseling that I can keep it under control -- and still enjoy sex without going overboard about it.Maybe that's why my doctor thought of me when Jennifer Lawrence wanted to research sex addicts in October 2011.She needed to do so...

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Jennifers Need

Jennifer arranges to go and visit Katherine, but has an adventure along the wayThis is a continuation of the story in Jennifer's Shame, so if you've not already read it, I suggest you start there.As always, all comments and scores are gratefully received.When she got home, Jennifer went upstairs and ran a bath. Easing herself gently into the warm water, she lay back, closed her eyes and let her mind drift back over the events of the afternoon. She could almost hear the sound of the swishing...

2 years ago
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Jennifers Birthday Present from Her Mom and

This story is an actual event that happened to me a few years back. I had lost my privileges to drive a truck for a few years, so I decided I would go to work in fast foods, as a maintenance person. I worked hard enough that the franchise owner decided to send me to school to learn how to actually work on all the equipment in the stores, as well as doing my usual daily work. Now, the advantage to this position is a few things. 1) You basically work by yourself, and are not really crowded onto a...

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Jennifer Part 5

Chapter 5 She felt her shackles being released and she was raised up off of the rack by the mistress. As she stood she saw the maid still twitching against the wall as the dildo pulsed inider of her. The maid continued to whimper ever time a pulse hit. The pain of the enema made it difficult for Jennifer to stand fully erect. As she tried to straighten the skin of her stomach stretched around her now round tummy. It was almost impossible to stand fully erect. The mistress watched for several...

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Jennifer Part 5

Chapter 5 She felt her shackles being released and she was raised up off of the rack by the mistress. As she stood she saw the maid still twitching against the wall as the dildo pulsed inider of her. The maid continued to whimper ever time a pulse hit. The pain of the enema made it difficult for Jennifer to stand fully erect. As she tried to straighten the skin of her stomach stretched around her now round tummy. It was almost impossible to stand fully erect. The mistress watched for several...

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Jennifers Husbands Fantasy

My wife Jennifer and I have been married for nearly 15 years. We have what I consider a perfect marriage. That's not to say we never have disagreements or get crabby with each other. We do, but it's generally short-lived and due to fatigue on one of our parts. Although we don't have all the same interests, we have the same core values, and I firmly believe that's what determines a couple's compatibility. I would describe our sex life as very good and I hope Jennifer would do the same. Although...

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Jennifer Knew Something Was Missing

Like most young men, I wasted years of my life obsessed with small waists and small asses.  It wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties that I learned to appreciate a woman with curves. Unfortunately, the woman I appreciated was off the market.Jennifer and I met online on a blogging site.  The idea seems absurd today, but this was 2004 and the whole world wasn’t on the internet yet.  It was easy for people in their twenties who shared interests to connect and develop a real relationship.It was a...

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Jennifers Birthday Paddling

Synopsis: Very Long story. Jennifer and her friend Linda get a paddling, and Jennifer gets her rectum pleasured by her friend.---------------------Jennifer's Birthday PaddlingJennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89'.I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit...

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Jennifer by Aoife Martin 1. Jennifer Jennifer stood in front of the full-length mirror in her sister's bedroom. She regarded her naked form with disdain and disgust. Oh how she hated her body! She hated its slimness, her boy-hips, her flat chest that would never bud. Most of all, she hated the thing between her legs. The thing that made her a boy. Carefully laid out on her sister's bed were the clothes Jennifer was going to wear. She quickly pulled on the pair of panties she...

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Jennifers Shame

Jennifer returns to her old school to see how it has changedAt the age of 37, Jennifer Carson still had it. Her face was unlined and she was fitter than she had ever been in her life. Appraising her naked body in the mirror, she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. Her breasts were still pert and her bottom was round and smooth. On this sunny Monday morning, she would be visiting her old secondary school to appraise its current standards and decide if she was going to send her own...

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Jennifer And Her Daughters II

JENNIFER AND HER DAUGHTERS II By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 3 Steve awoke to pain. "God, I hurt!" he swore. He winced as he got out of bed. He looked down at himself and saw horrible swelling all over. His arms and legs were especially swollen. He was sure that he was swollen in every place that the hair removal gel had been applied. He touched his face and felt a sharp stab of pain. He went over and stood in front of a full-length mirror in the bedroom. He saw that his face...

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Jennifer Part 6

Chapter 6 Trenka was cussing at Bragk until the gag went in and the device inflated. Jennifer sat and watched, knowing that she was about to witness Trenka being punished for poisoning her. It was little satisfaction knowing that the girl would pay for what she did. Bragk took a knife and cut away Trenka’s thin clothes. The slave maid now lay naked, strapped to the the rack. Next she was given a four liter enema. Tears ran from her eyes as the water ran in. From the pain in her face Jennifer...

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