RedemptionChapter 4 free porn video

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The night he finally told Donna everything about himself and his mother was a milestone for Dex. Until that event, he had been focused on just functioning in the face of his tragedy and his unwarranted guilt. With the ability to share openly with someone who sincerely cared, he gradually changed his focus to building a life in spite of what happened to him. Starting with the spring of his first year at the Ferguson's, he entered into an unbelievable year that would shape the rest of his life. Nothing that happened erased the tragedy, but the foundation of the man he was to become was constructed that year.

One night in April of Dex's Freshman year, Donna came home with the news that she had been asked out by Rick Santee, a senior All-State wide receiver and a forward on the basketball team. As she gushed the news at the table, Dex congratulated her right along with her parents. At ten that night, she was waiting when Dex came downstairs and immediately asked him, "Dex, what's wrong? You don't seem happy about my date with Rick. You never reacted like that about any of my other dates." He was reluctant to dampen her excitement, and tried to assure her how happy he was for her. She was by now too in tune with his moods to buy it, and told him so. "C'mon Dex, out with it. Let's not start hiding things from each other now."

"OK, Donna, but please don't be angry with me. It's just that Rick is a gunslinger."

"A gunslinger? What do you mean by that?"

"I mean his main goal is putting more notches on his gun - getting girls in bed with him."

"Oh, no! That can't be true! He's going to be valedictorian, and he has a football scholarship next year. His dad's one of the top surgeons in town. He dates lots of girls, and he... Oh!"

"How many nice girls have gone on second dates with him?"

"I... I don't know. He's a Senior and I don't have that much contact with him. It's such an honor to be asked by him. All my friends are in shock."

"Donna, don't go out with him. I've been in the locker room and heard his talk. It could be bad for you."

"Dex, I can't turn down Rick Santee, especially after I've said yes. I would be dead forever in that school if I did that. It's not like he's going to rape me or anything."

He just looked at her for quite a while, then asked her to wait. He returned shortly and handed her two twenty dollar bills and two quarters. "What's that for?" she asked him.

"Promise me you will have these on you somewhere you can't lose them. This is for a cab ride home. I don't think you will want to call your Dad for a ride when things go bad."

"What do you mean, when things go bad? Rick won't hurt me! Why are you trying to scare me? Keep your money!" and she threw it at him and stomped up the stairs. The next two nights were the first evenings they had both been home that they had not been together at ten o'clock. Karen and Mike noticed the chill, of course, but both kids assured them it was nothing serious.

For all of his training, Dex could not relax Friday night after Donna left. Karen asked him repeatedly what was wrong, and each time he felt more guilty for withholding his concern from them. He was balancing their trust versus Donna's and he did not know what was right. Finally, concern for her safety won out and he told them why he was worried. Mike went ballistic and was ready to call the cops. It took Karen and Dex a while to get him to see the folly of that move.

Dex begged them to say nothing to Donna if the date turned out alright, and they reluctantly agreed. Then he told them he knew where the party was and asked Mike if they could drive there and wait nearby just in case. Karen was to stay by the phone. He told them about Donna refusing the money for the cab. Mike was in the car almost before Dex finished asking, and the two drove silently the few miles to the party site.

As they sat waiting in the car, they talked, Mike at first angry that Dex had not come to them earlier, then realizing the dilemma the situation had posed. Things had relaxed and they were chatting in their normal fashion when they saw a girl run out of the house. Dex told Mike to stay right there, and his tone was so commanding, Mike didn't consider any other action. Dex bolted from the car, and ran toward the girl, now obviously Donna.

"Donna, did he hurt you?"

"Ohhh, Dex, you were right! It was awful! I am so embarrassed!"

"Donna, did he hurt you?"

"No, no! He tried to get me to go up to a bedroom. When I wouldn't, he started yelling all these terrible things so everyone could hear. All his friends were laughing at me!"

"It's OK now. Your Dad is here in the car and..."

"Whaaat!? Daddy's here? You told him? How could you?"

"I'm sorry Donna. You may hate me forever, but I couldn't let him hurt you."

Mike's strong parental instincts had taken over, and when Donna got in the car, he just hugged her and told her he was sorry she had a bad time. He knew scolding would be totally redundant. He was about to shift into gear and drive home when Dex stopped him, asked him to wait, and darted back toward the house.

Rick Santee was pissed. That stupid cocktease had gotten under his skin. He really liked her looks, and she was a good dancer. He thought everything was on track until she wouldn't go upstairs with him. How could she dare refuse? Even Junior chicks should know what's expected. Then she goes and runs out of the house crying! Well, maybe it wasn't so cool to yell after her like that. He decided to step outside and see where she was. He had just gone down the first porch step when his arm was jerked up behind his shoulder blade and his thumb twisted back excruciatingly. Before he could even scream, a hand was clamped over his mouth and he was dragged stumbling around the corner of the house into a clump of tall shrubs. A voice told him, "Rick, I'm taking my hand away and easing the pressure. If you yell, it will be worse. Got it?"

"Dex, is that you? What the hell do you think you are doing?"

"Giving you a chance to act like a man."

"What kind of shit is that? What are you doing here, anyway?"

"Watching out for my cousin. I knew you would hurt her."

"Your cousin? You mean Donna? Hey, man, I didn't touch her."

"How'd you get to be a Senior and not know shit about women? You hurt her just as badly with your foul mouth. Especially in front of all your friends."

"Awww, what's the big deal? She'll get over it."

"But you might not."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You'd better let go of me right now and get out of here while you've got a chance. Just 'cause you got a lucky jump on me doesn't mean I can't still beat your brains out... Aaaaagh!"

"Get this straight, Rick! You're not in charge here. I am. Lucky jump, huh? Okay." Dex released the taller boy and turned him so they were face to face. "Now, are you all on guard so I can't get another lucky jump on you?"

"Man, I oughta... Aaaagh!" Seemingly without movement, Dex had Rick pinned again, this time with his weight poised to drop on Rick's extended knee. "Ahhh, man, you're crazy!!"

"No, but you're an arrogant prick who should be castrated. But I'm going to give you a chance. Do you have any doubt I could end your football career right now?"

"No, no, don't do that. Christ, all I did was yell at the little cocktease, it's no reason to... Ow, ow, ow! OK, OK. You can ruin me. Jesus, that hurts!"

"Do you have any doubt I could do this again any time I wanted to?"

"N... no!"

"Good, then here is what is going to happen. I am going to give you some orders, and you are not going to say a word. I will keep the pressure on your knee to make sure. When I am done, you will have a choice whether to be a man or a cripple. Got it? Good!"

"First, you are going to walk down to that Pontiac and rap on the driver's window. Then you are going to apologize to Mike Ferguson, Donna's father, for your crude treatment of her." Rick started to object, but Dex increased the pressure, causing a loud groan.

"Next, you are going to ask permission to apologize to his daughter and take her to dinner to make up for your behavior. You will at least be allowed to apologize to Donna. You had better do this right, because I will know how you did."

"You are going to take Donna to dinner at the Gaslight next week, whether Mike gives you permission right now or not. You will keep asking until you get permission and you will accept whatever conditions are put on you. At dinner you will find out everything possible about Donna, her family, and her life. I will quiz you afterward to make sure."

"On Monday, you will bring flowers to Donna at lunch in the cafeteria and apologize in front of her friends." Rick was almost thrashing around in anger and frustration at this point, but Dex increased the pressure whenever he moved too much.

"Last but not least, you are never to tell anyone I was even here tonight. Now, are you going to be just a gimpy student next fall, or are you going to be a man?" Rick started to protest more loudly than ever, but ended up groaning with the pain. He angrily spat out his acquiescence.

Dex released Rick all at once without warning, and moved between him and the porch. Rick stood and waited for the pain in his knee to ease, then looked toward the front door, only to see Dex in his path. He stood motionless for many seconds, then his shoulders slumped and he started walking toward Mike's car. The speedy wide receiver who could do a 4.4 second 40 seemed to take a day and a half to reach the car thirty yards away.

Dex could not hear the conversation between Rick and Mike, but it went on quite a while. Mike was not prone to histrionics, so everything looked polite and civilized from a distance. Eventually, Rick walked around and opened the passenger side door and knelt on the running board. This conversation was much shorter, and he was soon walking back toward the party.

Wanting to at least try to hide his involvement, Dex slipped between houses and circled to come from behind the car. As he slid into the back seat, Donna dove between the front buckets and wrapped him in a big hug. "What was that for? Last I saw you, you were a puddle of tears!"

"Who do you think you're fooling, John Dexter Madison? What did you do to him, anyway?"

"Oh, just a friendly talk between teamates."

"Oh, sure! Well, whatever you did, he's taking me to the Gaslight to apologize."

"So he's forgiven, then?"

"Of course not! I would prefer never to set eyes on him again. I'm doing it to punish him."

"Won't hurt your social standing either, will it?" At this, she pounded on his chest in mock anger while Mike laughed. "Seriously, it is very important never to mention that either your Dad or I was here tonight. Can you keep that quiet?"

"Why should I? It would serve him right for everyone to know a Freshman showed him up!"

"But it wouldn't be good for you, would it?"

"Ohhhh, I see what you mean. My lips are sealed."

Back at home, everyone played it very cool and said nothing about the incident. Dex was sound asleep when Donna slid into bed next to him. He jerked awake and objected. She hushed him and told him she needed to feel safe that night and this was her safest place. They fell asleep cuddled together. He woke for his early workout and carried her up two levels to her own bed. She roused only enough to emit a contented hum.

While the two teens slept affectionately in Dex's basement room, Mike was not doing so well. After three hours of fitful naps and much tossing and turning, he went to the kitchen and poured a glass of orange juice. He was hunched over the table staring at his half-empty glass when Karen came up behind him. She said nothing, but pressed herself against his back, reached around him and stuck both hand into the front of his boxers. As she fondled his limp member, he finally spoke. "Hon, I'm afraid I'm not exactly horny right now."

"Ooooh! That bad, huh? Well, Lover, I consider that an intolerable situation." With surprising ease, she turned his chair around and knelt in front of him. Opening his shorts, she went to work on him, firmly shushing his half-hearted protest. Using both hands and her mouth, even his current funk was no match for her skillful and energetic arousal efforts. In a short time, she had him fully inflated, and declared, "Now you're horny!" She stood and pulled her short nighty over her head, leaving her naked. Straddling his lap, she sat right down on his cock and worked her way down. When fully impaled, she pulled his head between her breasts, started a gentle rocking motion, and said simply, "Talk!"

"Uh, what if the kids... ?"

"No! Not about that! I want to know what's got you thrashing around in bed like a beached whale."

"Oh, I don't know. I guess tonight was a jolting reminder that having a daughter is different. I can't get out of my mind what could have happened to her. Somehow, with the boys, I had confidence they could take care of themselves."

"Don't you think Donna can?"

"Well, I always thought so, but after tonight... I mean, Rick seems like every parent's dream date for their daughter."

"Honey, Donna was not in any real danger. She would not let Rick do anything she didn't want, and I'm sure Rick would not force her."

"Yeah, but you should have seen her when she got in the car. It about tore my heart out."

At those words, Karen literally crushed his head to herself and started bouncing vigorously up and down on him. Carried along by her energy, he began stroking and kneading her hips and her ass and returning her thrusts. It was barely two minutes before he erupted into her, his groans muffled in her cleavage.

"God! What brought that on?"

"The kind of love you showed is just damn sexy. I couldn't help myself."

"But you didn't have a chance to come."

"What makes you think I'm done with you?" She pulled back and kissed him fervently.

"Maybe we should get back in bed. I'm worried about the kids."

"I know for a fact they will not bother us. Donna is downstairs in Dex's bed."

"She's what!!?"

"Don't worry. They won't have sex."

"How do you know?"

"Donna promised she would let me know, first. I believe her."

"Even so, there's a lot of other things they could do that they shouldn't."

"Why shouldn't they?"

"Karen, you mean you don't mind your daughter doing who knows what with her younger cousin?"

"Younger, hah! Haven't you noticed that Dex is now her big brother? There is a very unusual bond between those two. You know, it won't be long before Donna is having sex."

"And that's OK with you?"

"I don't think at her age and her level of maturity it is up to us to decide if it is OK. It's going to happen. We can only hope to make it a safe and happy occurrence. Haven't you noticed how much she has changed since Dex arrived. She has more confidence and composure than most women I know."

"But she's still only seventeen."

"That's a fluke of the calendar. Haven't you noticed how nicely her hips have flared out, and how her cute little girl's butt is now a sexy woman's ass? Haven't you seen how long and smooth her legs are, and how graceful she looks when she walks. And those B cup bras I bought her not too long ago - they hold her in, but there's a lot slopping over."

"Honey, why are you telling me this? I... ?"

"Hah! I knew talking about your sexy daughter would get you hard again!" With that, she began moving against his renewed stiffness. Momentarily ashamed of his reaction, he soon got into the spirit, deciding that this time, she would get hers, too.

"You are a shameless hussy!" he growled as he searched out her clit with one hand, and used the other hand and his mouth to assault her nipples.

"Look who's talking, you lecher," she giggled.

They quickly got into a vigorous rhythm with her bracing her hands on his shoulders to hold them in place. After a couple of minutes, the chair was fairly dancing on the floor. He had only a faint thought of the noise carrying downstairs where the kids were sleeping. With the remains of his first ejaculation, the friction was reduced so he was confident of getting her off first.

As the intensity moved toward climax, he had to drop the hand from her nipple to grab around her waist. The bouncing motions had become so violent he was in danger of becoming unsheathed. Both of them were getting a little weary when Karen finally went over. As usually happened, the convulsing of her pussy and the sheer eroticism of her orgasm drove him to completion. Afraid of waking the kids, she planted her mouth at his neck, and actually bit down to keep herself quiet. The mild pain was the final push for him.

After two comes in a short time, he was completely depleted, tender, and quickly flaccid. There was quite a puddle running down between them. Still, neither was anxious to move, basking in the afterglow.

"Hey, Stud. Think you can sleep, now?"

"Almost am."

"Not worried about Donna anymore?"

"Huh, uh?"

"Gonna let her become a woman at her own pace?"

"If you say so, Hon."

"Gonna help her get there?" He found the energy to deliver a sharp smack on her ass, and they both revived enough for a playful chase up the stairs, Mike holding up his unfastened boxers.

Being the first up on the weekend morning, Dex emptied and rinsed the glass of juice, and mopped up the mess from the chair and the floor. Laughing to himself, he hung Karen's discarded nighty on the doorknob of their bedroom.

Dex had said nothing about the flowers in the cafeteria, so Donna was completely shocked. Of course, they could not be left to wilt in her locker, so she carried them with her the rest of the day. The school barely stopped buzzing about the event by graduation.

At dinner at the Gaslight, Rick actually talked to Donna, asking her numerous questions. She had dressed up and looked absolutely stunning. Rick asked Donna out several times more that spring and summer, but she flatly refused. It was no loss to her because she now had a steady stream of prospective dates, so many in fact that Karen joked about being nothing but a social secretary. Donna was still very selective and did not go out often, and then only after the boy had Dex's approval.

During the final week of school, Rick stopped by the practice field where Dex was preparing for a meet with the track team. Not knowing what to expect, Dex walked over to him. "Dex, that stuff you said about me that night at the party - did you mean that? Is that what people really think about me?"

"You already know or you wouldn't be asking."

Rick looked glumly at the ground. "How come Donna went to the Gaslight with me, but won't go out again?"

"Shit, man, you really are clueless! Ask your mother!" With that, Dex turned and walked away.

Dex had managed to land a summer job, and had, in fact, started working in early May. He had gone out for track, mainly to help his conditioning, so his time was scheduled very tightly the last month of school.

One evening, Dex was leaving work after closing up at 9:30, when a white Cadillac pulled up alongside him and a woman spoke to him from the driver's seat. She identified herself as Margo Santee, and asked if she could buy him a Coke. Intrigued and seeing no reason for suspicion, Dex agreed. Once seated in a nearby fast food joint, she asked simply, "Dex, what happened that night at the party?"

He didn't respond for quite a while, just looked her straight in the eye. "Mrs. Santee, if something happened with Rick that night, he should be the one to tell you. I really can't."

She nodded and went on to tell him, "This is what I do know. At the party he treated your cousin Donna very badly. I have found out exactly what he said to her and how he embarrassed her in front of the whole group. I am ashamed of his behavior. I also know that afterward he did some things that were totally out of character for him. Something forced him to do those things, and I can only conclude it was you."

"Maybe he just had a change of heart."

"Surrrre! That must be it! Hey, I may have no control over my son, but I do know him rather well. The only way to give him a change of heart is with a hammer. No, you did something to him."

"You're a good detective, Mrs. Santee, but why does it matter what happened?"

"I thought maybe it was something I could use in dealing with Rick."

"'Fraid I can't help you there. There must be a bigger reason you wanted to see me."

"Guess my subtlety isn't in great form tonight. In the last month, I have had three conversations with Rick where I felt like an actual parent, rather than an ineffective jailer. He is totally frustrated by your cousin Donna."

"How's that?"

"She's apparently the first girl to turn him down."

"No, I don't think that's true."


"The word is no nice girl ever goes out with him a second time."

"But Donna did."

"That was payback."

"Ah! She only went to restore her social standing."

"Something like that."

"And it wouldn't be good for her if everyone knew her cousin forced him to do it."

After a pause, he told her firmly, "No, I won't do it."

"Shit! So I'm transparent, too, huh?"

"I wouldn't say that. It took me a while to figure it out."

"Look, Rick is a good kid. He studies hard, he practices hard, and he has never been in any trouble."

"But he treats girls like dirt."

"Donna could help cure him of that."

"That's not her job. She is supposed to be having fun on her dates. I believe that's your job."

A flash of anger crossed Margo's face. She obviously did not like being lectured by a fifteen-year-old. When she had her control back she told Dex, "But just think of what she is missing out on."

Now it was Dex' turn to be angry, but his control prevented it from showing. "Mrs. Santee, I have already said things that are disrespectful to you. Before I say any more, I had better go home. Thank you for the Coke."

"No, wait! Tell me what you were going to say. Please. I won't consider it disrespectful."

"Okay, you asked me to. Don't you wish you had missed out on all that stuff?"

"Shit! How did you get so damn smart?"

"Maybe you're not as good a detective as I thought, Mrs. Santee."

Dex was not even mildly surprised when the Cadillac appeared the next night he closed. This time, he just climbed right in. Instead of a fast food joint, Margo pulled to the far end of the parking lot. "I've been doing some more detective work, Dex."

"Not a pleasant discovery, was it."

"I'm truly sorry. I had no idea."

"I'm afraid you still don't. What you could read doesn't tell the story."

"Why don't you tell me about it?"

"No. Only one person knows the whole story. I would rather keep it that way."

"Donna, right? That means you too are very close, doesn't it?"

"Mmm hmmm."

"So in a way, Rick has to compete with you."

"She's my cousin, but more like a sister. Of course, I never had a sister, so I don't know for sure."

"But she's older, and you're watching out for her!"

"It goes both ways. Isn't that how it's supposed to work?"

"Could I meet Donna?"

"I'm not in charge of who she sees?"

"Excpept for her dates, you mean?"

"I give her my opinion, but she doesn't always take it."

"Like that party with Rick?"

"Yeah, like that."

"You were there watching out for her, weren't you?" He said nothing. "Does she screen your dates, too."

"There aren't any to screen." She looked about to comment, but held back.

"Why are you against her going out with Rick? He wouldn't mistreat her again."

"He's still a gunslinger, and she would be just another notch. Besides, she is the one saying no. I have said nothing about Rick since that night. I do not even know how many times he has asked her. Look, as far as I know, Donna is a virgin. When she gives it up, I hope it's to a guy who realizes the treasure he has received, not one who will brag about it in the locker room and move on to the next."

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The next day Sarah decided that girl love certainly had its moments, but it was still better with a man. She was a man's woman and intended to have one every chance she got, starting with Ruth's father. Yes, she had to have Ruth's father. Her opportunity came even sooner than she had expected. Three days after witnessing Ruth and her father fucking, she came home to find him sitting on their couch reading a magazine. "Oh! Mr. Van Arsdale," she said when he turned and looked at her. "I...

3 years ago
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Saturday in the Park with Master

I had been looking forward to the picnic for weeks. I stood naked in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the potato salad while Master ran out to get the ice and beverages. I sang along to the countdown show on the radio and began to seal up the salad and clean up the kitchen. I put the plastic dish in the fridge and shut it with my lightly bruised hip. I showered and shaved Master’s pussy smooth. I expertly guided the razor over every contour of master’s vulva and over the creases...

2 years ago
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Woman8217s Decision 8211 Mohit And Purva

I am Purva a 28 year old working married woman living in Noida. I am from Himachal but did most of schooling in Delhi. I have lived in hostel since I was 14. I am the oldest of the three siblings. I had a younger sister and a brother. After completing my graduation I got a job in an advertising firm.(thankfully in delhi). I was a perfectly independent working women of Delhi. My mother got worried and started pestering me for marriage. Finally I gave in and told her about my expectations. She...

3 years ago
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A Surge Ends Up As Reality

Every inch inside her was taking her into more and more pleasure Wah! My first sex experience and it was heaven and nothing more. I could feel her juices lubricating my dick into her. Each time I went in I could hear the sound gluch gluch of my dick banging her cunt. Well I am Yagnesh 20 years old pursuing b-tech in Vijayawada. This happened a month ago when I was in my room . I am a big fan of iss and always hoped to bang someone. Always craved for sex but no one was so close to me to share...

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Renaissance Festival P 1

“I like liquor…”“And lick her!”There was a collective chortle from the crowd as the buxom singer moved her fingers into a v shape, miming oral sex while her sister looked on. The pair of women were dressed in a pair of leather corsets that emphasized their heaving chests, hands rumpling up matching peasants smocks to add a hint of sensuality to the score. The song continued until the chorus rose up past me. I followed Samuel and Nicole, my eyes unable to focus on the flood of colorful costumes...

4 years ago
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Widows Hot FamilyChapter 2

Judy, Jane's sister, was at that moment riding a crowded bus into Jackson, the nearest city, when a hand cupped one of her soft asscheeks. Judy jumped, but didn't want to draw attention to herself by making a scene. The cities were full of perverts and weirdoes these days, and she believed he'd quit after a quick feel. But the lewdly prodding fingers stayed with her, and she wriggled in an attempt to squirm away. There were so many people surrounding her that she could hardly move as her...

2 years ago
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Diary of How I Became a Gay Sex Slave Chapter 5

“100 loads, very good slut. Did you enjoy taking all these big cocks in your ass.” Darren asks. “yes sir” “Which position was your favorite? In the sling, tied doggystyle?” “I love it all sir, love being fucked by your cocks.” I tell him. “If I had to pick a position, I would say doggystyle.” “Great, what size cocks do you like?” “Sir, if I had a choice, bigger is better.” I eagerly respond. I am definitely getting aroused even more, trying to figure out what he has...

4 years ago
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In the coffee shop

I’ve been chatting online for a couple of days to a beautiful girl, let’s call her ‘Steph’. From the first time I chatted with her I knew that she was a gorgeous, sexy girl like me and there was a massive instant attraction for me. Chatting and sharing naughty pics and videos was so horny and I know she loved it too. What made it doubly sexy was that she was married but I was her secret when he was out at work. One day, we decided to meet up for a coffee. My body was tingling with anticipation...

4 years ago
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Game Of Thrones In Chennai

Hi this is Varun from Chennai, i am here to share one of my erotic experience in recent time. I am very tall, brownish with a good dick size. Coming to the story i am working in a reputed MNC in Chennai. The story is all about the experience i shared wit my friend Priyanka(Name Changed) , She is tall, lean wit good boobs and ass. her sizes should be somewhere around 32-28-34. she is very fair, she is not from Chennai so she is staying in a room along with her friends. i know her since i joined...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 20

[Arnold's manuscript] It was a long wait. It was full dark when Maria came out. She said, "I'm not really hungry. I will just have snacks and water in my room." She started for the kitchen. I cried out, "Maria, please wait. I'm sorry. I truly don't know how to handle a relationship in a functional way. You may never be able to forgive me. If that is true, I will understand. I will have to regret that for the rest of my life." She had stopped and was looking at me. I walked to her...

3 years ago
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Dinner For Three

[ For Megan, who will never be without those BIG black cocks that she loves so much! ]Her phone buzzed on the bed side table as she was brushing her teeth. She checked it and saw that it was from William, her grandmother's next door neighbor, a late 40's widowed black guy she had recently been fucking. He said he'd been missing her, and was wondering if she could managed to come over and have dinner with him. He added that he had an old army buddy over, and that he wanted to introduce her to...

2 years ago
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Pati Ke Samne Biwi Ka Chudai

Hi this is ajay from andhra pradesh. Bhai aap sab logo ki rarah mein bhi iss ka dewana hoon. Mein ne kafi stories pada hoon especialli muje incest stories bahoot pasand hein. Mein bhi incest hoon. Aab der na karte huve story pe aathe hein. Ye story nahi real incident hrin mera life pe. Mein job karta hoon central govt mein. Jis time mera posting tha assam mein. Job chal raha tha life boring ho rahi thi vus time mein eak account open kiya f.B mein muje aunties ko chodna bahoot pasand tha kafi...

3 years ago
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My Wifes New Job

'I wish we could afford a nice holiday!' Julie said, sulking looking at her friends latest holiday pic's on fb.Things hadn't been going so smoothly for me lately with work, coupled with some expected large outgoings, our finances weren't looking great.'You know its been tough for me lately!', I replied. 'Maybe you could get yourself a job!'That didn't go down too well. My wife got up and stormed off to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Damn she looked sexy when she was angry!The next...

4 years ago
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Picking Wild Flowers

Last summer I went to a small seaside village at the southwest of Turkey. I was among straight friends and I never thought that I could pick a wild flower on my way. On the first day after doing a sightseeing tour around, we came back to the place where we stayed for lunch. There I saw a blonde young boy with incredibly beautiful face and very sexy smile. He was working as a bellboy in the small boutique hotel. I thought he was a student working for the summer but later on I learned that he was...

2 years ago
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Ass to Ass With Mommy

Carrie opened the beach house and flipped on a light. She had her arms full of groceries while Chris and Krista followed her in with their suitcases and duffel bags. The house was on the gulf coast, not the most desirable of ocean fronts, but a fun vacation none the less. The maids had left that afternoon changing out the bed sheets, sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming, then heading on to their next house. Carrie paid a monthly fee to have the maids clean the house during the summer. This was the...

4 years ago
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Cosmetic Shop

Hi I’m Ashu from Lucknow and mai ISS ka bahut bada fan hu padai khatm hone k baad jab koi naukri nhi mili to papa ne meri cosmetic ki shop kara di aap jo jantte hai k cosmetic shop me kya-2 milta hai aur aurte aur ladkiya aati or fir is tarah mere b shop pr kai aurte ladkiya aai jinse Mere sambandh ho gaye to maine socha 1-1 kar k sare sambandh aap logo se sere karo agar aap logo ko meri story pasand aaye to mujhe mail karna meri ID He ab apna parichay karata hu mera naam ashu hai dekhne me...

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My Visit To Rio Carnival

I was just eighteen then, still at school. I had taken a drop that year. So I was visiting my aunt in Canada. Since it was my first trip to North America, I also wanted to visit the USA and some countries in South America. After visiting the USA, Jamaica and Mexico, when I arrived back in Canada, it was the first week of February. I still had a few months before school and some money remaining.I informed my aunt that I would visit France and some other countries. However, from Charles De Gaulle...

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The start of it all

I,ll begin by saying, I have had a satisfying sex life in one way or another. Number of partners, who they were, their ages, their lifestyles, have all been different. I,ve been married twice, had a long term partner, had a number of long term lovers but none while I was married. I was always faithful to my marriage partners, that being said my first wife was not. I was probably a late starter, I was almost 16 when I had my first encounter and that seemed to set the tone for the rest of my...

3 years ago
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Blackmail Come True Chapter 1

I walked out to my car, steeling myself for the 45 minute commute to work, when I noticed a manilla envelope stuck under the windshield wiper of my ten year old Honda Civic. The outside of the envelop simply read, "From an admirer." I'd only moved to this neighborhood about a month before, coming out of a horrendous divorce, and hadn't really even considered dating yet, so while I was flattered to receive a note from an admirer, I was also a little bit creeped out because it might mean...

2 years ago
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Love at First Sight

Their eyes met across the bar. She was having a glass of wine after a long day of work at the bank, sitting alone sipping slowly, her long fingers playing with the glass stem. He was there having a beer with his mates — a cheerful company of working guys, all loud and good spirited. After a few drinks all she wanted was some peace and quiet but that wasn't going to happen. Each time a different guy approached, trying to chat her up. She wasn't surprised; she knew her curvaceous body and tight...

Love Stories
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It was the night of our third anniversary. Carla and I came out of the theater, walking slowly to the car. I took her to a movie she had wanted to see. It was a sexy film about six college ‘kids’ in their senior year. There were four guys and two girls. In celebration of their upcoming graduation, the parents of one of the guys had given him permission to invite his friends to a weekend at their house, set on a private island. Sex, drugs and booze were had by all. During the course of the...

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The Reunion

I travel a lot for business and I happened to be heading to the area where my older sister lives. It had been about five years since we were in the same zip code.I should point out that we did more than just experiment when we were younger. We weren't exactly oblivious when we started playing around and after a few years, we were doing everything.I wasn't sure how the night would play out but we met for dinner and caught up on life and just about everything else. We'd ordered a bottle of...

5 years ago
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I was his bitch before the end of our first time t

I grew up in New York and was introduced to gay sex before I was 14. I was working in Brooklyn Heights one day and met a man named Ariel. He was from Argentina and had just moved to NY a few months before. He asked if I could help him with moving a chest up to his apartment from the car. I said sure. I was about 23 and he was near 50 and was very good looking. Once we were inside it took only a few minutes before he leaned towards me and said thank you and kissed me, I kissed him back. He took...

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Pepper Learns to Drive

“Maybe you shouldn’t ride her today,” I teased. “What!? Why not, I love Mystic, she’s the best horse in the world, and she loves me too daddy. Why can’t I ride her?” I looked at my teen daughter and judged her to be about the prettiest, most loveable daughter in the world. I felt a surge of Father’s Pride that she was so vibrant, so intelligent, so spirited. A father couldn’t ask for a better child, a better person in his life. Yeah, I loved my daughter Pepper without question, without...

1 year ago
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Help Wanted for Summer Farm Hand

Hi, my name is Justin. I live in Alabama and currently go to college at the University of Alabama. My family owns a huge farm in a northern county of Alabama. I just finished my spring semester at the University and I am headed home for the summer. I am 20, 6'1, 180 with brown hair and Green eyes. My Dick is about average at 7 inches. I work out and stay in great shape. Something about country, cowboy type guys just turn me on. I have been with 3 guys all while I was at school, and they all...

2 years ago
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Hot Tanya Celebrating New Job By Losing Virginity

First of all, I, Ashu, am a huge fan and regular reader of Indian sex stories for last 10 years. If any girl or aunt or married lady from Hyderabad is interested in discrete sexual relation after reading this story, kindly contact me on I guarantee full satisfaction. Coming on to the story, it was a regular April morning in Hyderabad. As discussed with my girl Tanya, I arrived Hyderabad on Saturday morning. First a brief description about Tanya. She is a tall Marathi girl aged 23 with a good...

4 years ago
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Summertime in the open air

Finally, after such a long wait, we find ourselves alone in a grassy field beneath a tall, shady tree. There is no one around, and the only sounds are those of a hot summer’s day; the wind gently stirring the leaves in the trees and a distant jet engine as it disappears into the distance. I lay on my back, my hands beneath my head. You lay on your side with your head nestled on my shoulder. Your hand starts to trace shapes on my chest, through my white cotton shirt while your bare toe rubs...

Oral Sex
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It had never been my intention to move back home after I had moved out to an aunts house at s*******n due to my parents having a vicious divorce. But my aunts place turned out even worse as she had a drunkard for a boyfriend. And she tried using me as her own personal ther****t twenty hours a day...So I worked my but off and got a place of my own a year later which really wasn't easy at eighteen let me tell you. The economy having gone to shit. Times were hard at the moment, for everyone....

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Une apregravesmidi chez Maitresse Jeanne

le 2 avril 2018. Hier dans la matinée, Karine m'appelle sur mon portable (une copine rencontrée à l'Amphibi) pour me demander si je si disponible pour un plan cul c'est son mari (Henri) qui l'organise avec une "Maitresse" qu'il a découvert en allant sur son blog. Il veut éduquer Karine, qu'elle apprenne à se soumettre pour mieux la dominée, enfin bref je les ai rejoins. Henri, à beaucoup parlé de lui, de ces performances, bien installé dans un beau fauteuil un verre de Wiskys à la main.La...

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Her Neighbors Games Ch 5

The incessant beeping of the alarm clock pulled her roughly from her slumber. The first thing she became aware of was the musky odor that filled the room, a mixture of sex and sweat. It took her a few moments to realize that it was herself that gave off the aroma, and she felt light-headed when last evening’s events rushed to the forefront of her mind. A look at the clock startled her. Five to eight. She must have slept through almost a half hour of the alarm’s hubbub. Silencing it with a push...

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My New Stepdaughter

I met Helen at the park one day, we were both out walking our dogs and just bumped into each other, and the instant i saw that mature 30 something blonde woman in her summer dress and sandals, i knew i was going to be with her forever.As it turned out she was just a couple of years out of a divorce, and after some friendly chatting, she agreed to go on a date with me and the rest was history, we fell in love, moved in together a few months later, and now a year on we we're preparing to get...

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A man sees a group of dogs fucking a bitch in heat curiosity gets to him and he joins then so does another man

This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story; should seriously consider seeking professional help!! It was a night much the same as many others. I was sitting home, lonely, horny, and wondering what to do about it. There was no one to call and nowhere to really go, so I decided maybe a nice long walk might help. It was a quite hot night so I just...

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Fineprint 2 RepublicChapter 3 Big Game

Over the next few hours Ursi worked out what furniture they would need for the longhouse, walking through the space with a tablet computer and entering in the data, converting Borealan measurements to centimeters and being sure to note any special requirements. Dennis returned to the Navarin and used the computer to look up information on the animal species that inhabited the Siberian taiga. It looked as if wild game was plentiful, there were large moose, of ideal size for a Borealan to dine...

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FIRST TEEN EXPERIENCES - PART 1This is a story in multiple parts set in the early seventies when I was in my teens at school in Northampton (UK). The story is a mixture of truth and wishful thinking fantasy, I will leave it to you, the reader, to decide which is which, either way I hope you enjoy it and it brings back memories of those teen years.It was the spring of 1972, I was a few weeks away from being fifteen and attended Kingswell Boys Secondary Modern School in Northampton. I guess I...

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My Degraded Wife

Introduction: Wife is abused by Dune Coon and his friends Ive been happily married for 10 years to my wife Andie. We have three small children and I always thought our marriage was fine. Andie is a 32 year old large breasted Italian girl with a small waist and a nice round butt. Her lips are pouty and full. Her olive skin is soft as a babies butt. Shes probably 20 pounds heavier than the average girl, but many men drool over her slutty body wherever we go. Shortly after our 10 year...

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Experiences in East Africa

This is a true story which, unfortunately, may have come to an end.About five years ago I began helping lead a program in East Africa. When on safari we were staying in a tented camp where the drivers and clients eat dinner in the same area. After dinner I went over to my lead driver to discuss the next day.After the other drivers had finished and gone, I asked him how he became such a good wildlife guide. He told me a little. I asked him if he had a wife and k**s. He did back in his home...

4 years ago
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Romantic Interludes

It is a cold, bleak January afternoon. You look outside the window and see the dirty snow, the hail, all in disgust. Suddenly you get a phone call. ‘Anything to take my mind off THAT’ you think. ‘Hello?’ you answer. ‘Hi love, how are you?’ I say. ‘Hrm..I’m alright I guess, what’s up?’ ‘Well’ I start in, ‘I received a call from the landlord, and our heat is broken so I’m here at the apartment while its getting fixed. Why don’t you go shopping for a bit after work and it should be fixed...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Sister RewrittenChapter 7 Fun at night

After returning home, Heather was in the mood to cuddle, and so we cuddled up and watched movies for the next week or so, waiting for her period to pass. A few days after her period had passed, we still hadn't had sex. I wasn't exactly sure what my sister was up to. She cuddled with me daily, but when I tried anything she pulled away, telling me I had to wait. It was infuriating. I could hardly stand it. When mom got home, she and Heather went into her room, doing who knows what ... then...

2 years ago
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Streamate Mature

Over time, everyone's taste varies, be they of the tongue or titillation. While I have never found a consistent pattern to it, I have found that a lot of people, no matter how old they are, prefer more mature women. Among the many different fetishes that I appreciate, I think that I can speak to a few of the reasons why. MILFs have a particular forbidden fruit aspect to them, and I have yet to meet an older woman who did not have plenty of experience.If you have never considered the merits of...

Live Mature Sex Cams
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My attempt to get Chloe Mafia Khan wet

It's just a scenario I'd like to share, on the off chance that Chloe reads this and gets soaking wet, ends up fucking herself to orgasm with her favourite toy and decides to put words in to action :DIt's another quiet night in at the hotel, working away from home isn't always as much fun as I would like but that's life I guess. I logged on to the best porn site around (three cheers for Xham) and came across a profile with what can only be described as a slutty angel in the picture. My jaw...

3 years ago
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Bareback Party

Eigentlich hätte es für Jana nur ein Tagestrip nach Berlin werden sollen zuerst war alles glatt gegangen und die Termine liefen wie geplant aber dann schlug der Winter erbarmungslos zu. Der Flughafen war geschlossen worden da hatte die 34 Jährige Businessfrau die Sicherheitskontrolle schon durchschritten gehabt. Auch ein ICE Richtung Heimat war nicht mehr zu bekommen. Es war nicht so dass Zuhause jemand auf sie gewartet hätte, aber dennoch hatte sie keine Lust das Wochenende bei minusgraden in...

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I Awoke

I awoke and stretched until my joints creaked, then I got out of my bed, I stripped out of my PJ's and went to the bathroom dressed in just my knickers. If any male members of my family saw me, it would surely make their day; as it happens, I didn't see anybody on the short trip. I washed and brushed my hair; I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled at my reflection. I'm seemed to have peeked at 5 foot 4, but I think my bust is still growing. My newly purchased bra in a 34 'B' was...

4 years ago
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A Medical Fetish Horror Story

A story of slipper socks, electroshock, and a nightmare come true.I've been sitting here tonight watching all the videos of people that have been in a mental hospital and done electroshock. I don't know why they have been getting me off. I've always had a medical fetish. I love the slipper socks the few times that I've been out to the ER and got to wear them. My friend let me try on a straight jacket. Although it was just a cheap vinyl one. Nothing like the real ones from the hospital. He also...

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Moving Into My Dorm Room

My brother and I have always been close. We literally did everything together. He was a few years older than me, though it didn't matter much to us. My name is Scott and my brother is David. I'm shorter with brown hair and David is tall with black hair. Over the years I developed a little crush on him. I'd sneak peeks of him in the shower or when he changed. We shared a room and he usually slept in tight fitting underwear that left nothing to the imagination. Then when I turned 18 and finished...

2 years ago
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WinnerChapter 12

A bunch of TV cameras, each with its own lights and tripod, lined the back of the spartan MCI meeting room, the place where Michael Jordan and Jaromir Jagr, among others, met the press and where new coaches and high draft-choices came and sometimes went. A half-dozen microphones and about twice that number of small tape recorders sat on the plastic lectern. The room was wall-to-wall men with one or two women elbowed in for good measure or perhaps for the sake of appearances. Even Tony...

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