RedemptionChapter 4 free porn video

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The night he finally told Donna everything about himself and his mother was a milestone for Dex. Until that event, he had been focused on just functioning in the face of his tragedy and his unwarranted guilt. With the ability to share openly with someone who sincerely cared, he gradually changed his focus to building a life in spite of what happened to him. Starting with the spring of his first year at the Ferguson's, he entered into an unbelievable year that would shape the rest of his life. Nothing that happened erased the tragedy, but the foundation of the man he was to become was constructed that year.

One night in April of Dex's Freshman year, Donna came home with the news that she had been asked out by Rick Santee, a senior All-State wide receiver and a forward on the basketball team. As she gushed the news at the table, Dex congratulated her right along with her parents. At ten that night, she was waiting when Dex came downstairs and immediately asked him, "Dex, what's wrong? You don't seem happy about my date with Rick. You never reacted like that about any of my other dates." He was reluctant to dampen her excitement, and tried to assure her how happy he was for her. She was by now too in tune with his moods to buy it, and told him so. "C'mon Dex, out with it. Let's not start hiding things from each other now."

"OK, Donna, but please don't be angry with me. It's just that Rick is a gunslinger."

"A gunslinger? What do you mean by that?"

"I mean his main goal is putting more notches on his gun - getting girls in bed with him."

"Oh, no! That can't be true! He's going to be valedictorian, and he has a football scholarship next year. His dad's one of the top surgeons in town. He dates lots of girls, and he... Oh!"

"How many nice girls have gone on second dates with him?"

"I... I don't know. He's a Senior and I don't have that much contact with him. It's such an honor to be asked by him. All my friends are in shock."

"Donna, don't go out with him. I've been in the locker room and heard his talk. It could be bad for you."

"Dex, I can't turn down Rick Santee, especially after I've said yes. I would be dead forever in that school if I did that. It's not like he's going to rape me or anything."

He just looked at her for quite a while, then asked her to wait. He returned shortly and handed her two twenty dollar bills and two quarters. "What's that for?" she asked him.

"Promise me you will have these on you somewhere you can't lose them. This is for a cab ride home. I don't think you will want to call your Dad for a ride when things go bad."

"What do you mean, when things go bad? Rick won't hurt me! Why are you trying to scare me? Keep your money!" and she threw it at him and stomped up the stairs. The next two nights were the first evenings they had both been home that they had not been together at ten o'clock. Karen and Mike noticed the chill, of course, but both kids assured them it was nothing serious.

For all of his training, Dex could not relax Friday night after Donna left. Karen asked him repeatedly what was wrong, and each time he felt more guilty for withholding his concern from them. He was balancing their trust versus Donna's and he did not know what was right. Finally, concern for her safety won out and he told them why he was worried. Mike went ballistic and was ready to call the cops. It took Karen and Dex a while to get him to see the folly of that move.

Dex begged them to say nothing to Donna if the date turned out alright, and they reluctantly agreed. Then he told them he knew where the party was and asked Mike if they could drive there and wait nearby just in case. Karen was to stay by the phone. He told them about Donna refusing the money for the cab. Mike was in the car almost before Dex finished asking, and the two drove silently the few miles to the party site.

As they sat waiting in the car, they talked, Mike at first angry that Dex had not come to them earlier, then realizing the dilemma the situation had posed. Things had relaxed and they were chatting in their normal fashion when they saw a girl run out of the house. Dex told Mike to stay right there, and his tone was so commanding, Mike didn't consider any other action. Dex bolted from the car, and ran toward the girl, now obviously Donna.

"Donna, did he hurt you?"

"Ohhh, Dex, you were right! It was awful! I am so embarrassed!"

"Donna, did he hurt you?"

"No, no! He tried to get me to go up to a bedroom. When I wouldn't, he started yelling all these terrible things so everyone could hear. All his friends were laughing at me!"

"It's OK now. Your Dad is here in the car and..."

"Whaaat!? Daddy's here? You told him? How could you?"

"I'm sorry Donna. You may hate me forever, but I couldn't let him hurt you."

Mike's strong parental instincts had taken over, and when Donna got in the car, he just hugged her and told her he was sorry she had a bad time. He knew scolding would be totally redundant. He was about to shift into gear and drive home when Dex stopped him, asked him to wait, and darted back toward the house.

Rick Santee was pissed. That stupid cocktease had gotten under his skin. He really liked her looks, and she was a good dancer. He thought everything was on track until she wouldn't go upstairs with him. How could she dare refuse? Even Junior chicks should know what's expected. Then she goes and runs out of the house crying! Well, maybe it wasn't so cool to yell after her like that. He decided to step outside and see where she was. He had just gone down the first porch step when his arm was jerked up behind his shoulder blade and his thumb twisted back excruciatingly. Before he could even scream, a hand was clamped over his mouth and he was dragged stumbling around the corner of the house into a clump of tall shrubs. A voice told him, "Rick, I'm taking my hand away and easing the pressure. If you yell, it will be worse. Got it?"

"Dex, is that you? What the hell do you think you are doing?"

"Giving you a chance to act like a man."

"What kind of shit is that? What are you doing here, anyway?"

"Watching out for my cousin. I knew you would hurt her."

"Your cousin? You mean Donna? Hey, man, I didn't touch her."

"How'd you get to be a Senior and not know shit about women? You hurt her just as badly with your foul mouth. Especially in front of all your friends."

"Awww, what's the big deal? She'll get over it."

"But you might not."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You'd better let go of me right now and get out of here while you've got a chance. Just 'cause you got a lucky jump on me doesn't mean I can't still beat your brains out... Aaaaagh!"

"Get this straight, Rick! You're not in charge here. I am. Lucky jump, huh? Okay." Dex released the taller boy and turned him so they were face to face. "Now, are you all on guard so I can't get another lucky jump on you?"

"Man, I oughta... Aaaagh!" Seemingly without movement, Dex had Rick pinned again, this time with his weight poised to drop on Rick's extended knee. "Ahhh, man, you're crazy!!"

"No, but you're an arrogant prick who should be castrated. But I'm going to give you a chance. Do you have any doubt I could end your football career right now?"

"No, no, don't do that. Christ, all I did was yell at the little cocktease, it's no reason to... Ow, ow, ow! OK, OK. You can ruin me. Jesus, that hurts!"

"Do you have any doubt I could do this again any time I wanted to?"

"N... no!"

"Good, then here is what is going to happen. I am going to give you some orders, and you are not going to say a word. I will keep the pressure on your knee to make sure. When I am done, you will have a choice whether to be a man or a cripple. Got it? Good!"

"First, you are going to walk down to that Pontiac and rap on the driver's window. Then you are going to apologize to Mike Ferguson, Donna's father, for your crude treatment of her." Rick started to object, but Dex increased the pressure, causing a loud groan.

"Next, you are going to ask permission to apologize to his daughter and take her to dinner to make up for your behavior. You will at least be allowed to apologize to Donna. You had better do this right, because I will know how you did."

"You are going to take Donna to dinner at the Gaslight next week, whether Mike gives you permission right now or not. You will keep asking until you get permission and you will accept whatever conditions are put on you. At dinner you will find out everything possible about Donna, her family, and her life. I will quiz you afterward to make sure."

"On Monday, you will bring flowers to Donna at lunch in the cafeteria and apologize in front of her friends." Rick was almost thrashing around in anger and frustration at this point, but Dex increased the pressure whenever he moved too much.

"Last but not least, you are never to tell anyone I was even here tonight. Now, are you going to be just a gimpy student next fall, or are you going to be a man?" Rick started to protest more loudly than ever, but ended up groaning with the pain. He angrily spat out his acquiescence.

Dex released Rick all at once without warning, and moved between him and the porch. Rick stood and waited for the pain in his knee to ease, then looked toward the front door, only to see Dex in his path. He stood motionless for many seconds, then his shoulders slumped and he started walking toward Mike's car. The speedy wide receiver who could do a 4.4 second 40 seemed to take a day and a half to reach the car thirty yards away.

Dex could not hear the conversation between Rick and Mike, but it went on quite a while. Mike was not prone to histrionics, so everything looked polite and civilized from a distance. Eventually, Rick walked around and opened the passenger side door and knelt on the running board. This conversation was much shorter, and he was soon walking back toward the party.

Wanting to at least try to hide his involvement, Dex slipped between houses and circled to come from behind the car. As he slid into the back seat, Donna dove between the front buckets and wrapped him in a big hug. "What was that for? Last I saw you, you were a puddle of tears!"

"Who do you think you're fooling, John Dexter Madison? What did you do to him, anyway?"

"Oh, just a friendly talk between teamates."

"Oh, sure! Well, whatever you did, he's taking me to the Gaslight to apologize."

"So he's forgiven, then?"

"Of course not! I would prefer never to set eyes on him again. I'm doing it to punish him."

"Won't hurt your social standing either, will it?" At this, she pounded on his chest in mock anger while Mike laughed. "Seriously, it is very important never to mention that either your Dad or I was here tonight. Can you keep that quiet?"

"Why should I? It would serve him right for everyone to know a Freshman showed him up!"

"But it wouldn't be good for you, would it?"

"Ohhhh, I see what you mean. My lips are sealed."

Back at home, everyone played it very cool and said nothing about the incident. Dex was sound asleep when Donna slid into bed next to him. He jerked awake and objected. She hushed him and told him she needed to feel safe that night and this was her safest place. They fell asleep cuddled together. He woke for his early workout and carried her up two levels to her own bed. She roused only enough to emit a contented hum.

While the two teens slept affectionately in Dex's basement room, Mike was not doing so well. After three hours of fitful naps and much tossing and turning, he went to the kitchen and poured a glass of orange juice. He was hunched over the table staring at his half-empty glass when Karen came up behind him. She said nothing, but pressed herself against his back, reached around him and stuck both hand into the front of his boxers. As she fondled his limp member, he finally spoke. "Hon, I'm afraid I'm not exactly horny right now."

"Ooooh! That bad, huh? Well, Lover, I consider that an intolerable situation." With surprising ease, she turned his chair around and knelt in front of him. Opening his shorts, she went to work on him, firmly shushing his half-hearted protest. Using both hands and her mouth, even his current funk was no match for her skillful and energetic arousal efforts. In a short time, she had him fully inflated, and declared, "Now you're horny!" She stood and pulled her short nighty over her head, leaving her naked. Straddling his lap, she sat right down on his cock and worked her way down. When fully impaled, she pulled his head between her breasts, started a gentle rocking motion, and said simply, "Talk!"

"Uh, what if the kids... ?"

"No! Not about that! I want to know what's got you thrashing around in bed like a beached whale."

"Oh, I don't know. I guess tonight was a jolting reminder that having a daughter is different. I can't get out of my mind what could have happened to her. Somehow, with the boys, I had confidence they could take care of themselves."

"Don't you think Donna can?"

"Well, I always thought so, but after tonight... I mean, Rick seems like every parent's dream date for their daughter."

"Honey, Donna was not in any real danger. She would not let Rick do anything she didn't want, and I'm sure Rick would not force her."

"Yeah, but you should have seen her when she got in the car. It about tore my heart out."

At those words, Karen literally crushed his head to herself and started bouncing vigorously up and down on him. Carried along by her energy, he began stroking and kneading her hips and her ass and returning her thrusts. It was barely two minutes before he erupted into her, his groans muffled in her cleavage.

"God! What brought that on?"

"The kind of love you showed is just damn sexy. I couldn't help myself."

"But you didn't have a chance to come."

"What makes you think I'm done with you?" She pulled back and kissed him fervently.

"Maybe we should get back in bed. I'm worried about the kids."

"I know for a fact they will not bother us. Donna is downstairs in Dex's bed."

"She's what!!?"

"Don't worry. They won't have sex."

"How do you know?"

"Donna promised she would let me know, first. I believe her."

"Even so, there's a lot of other things they could do that they shouldn't."

"Why shouldn't they?"

"Karen, you mean you don't mind your daughter doing who knows what with her younger cousin?"

"Younger, hah! Haven't you noticed that Dex is now her big brother? There is a very unusual bond between those two. You know, it won't be long before Donna is having sex."

"And that's OK with you?"

"I don't think at her age and her level of maturity it is up to us to decide if it is OK. It's going to happen. We can only hope to make it a safe and happy occurrence. Haven't you noticed how much she has changed since Dex arrived. She has more confidence and composure than most women I know."

"But she's still only seventeen."

"That's a fluke of the calendar. Haven't you noticed how nicely her hips have flared out, and how her cute little girl's butt is now a sexy woman's ass? Haven't you seen how long and smooth her legs are, and how graceful she looks when she walks. And those B cup bras I bought her not too long ago - they hold her in, but there's a lot slopping over."

"Honey, why are you telling me this? I... ?"

"Hah! I knew talking about your sexy daughter would get you hard again!" With that, she began moving against his renewed stiffness. Momentarily ashamed of his reaction, he soon got into the spirit, deciding that this time, she would get hers, too.

"You are a shameless hussy!" he growled as he searched out her clit with one hand, and used the other hand and his mouth to assault her nipples.

"Look who's talking, you lecher," she giggled.

They quickly got into a vigorous rhythm with her bracing her hands on his shoulders to hold them in place. After a couple of minutes, the chair was fairly dancing on the floor. He had only a faint thought of the noise carrying downstairs where the kids were sleeping. With the remains of his first ejaculation, the friction was reduced so he was confident of getting her off first.

As the intensity moved toward climax, he had to drop the hand from her nipple to grab around her waist. The bouncing motions had become so violent he was in danger of becoming unsheathed. Both of them were getting a little weary when Karen finally went over. As usually happened, the convulsing of her pussy and the sheer eroticism of her orgasm drove him to completion. Afraid of waking the kids, she planted her mouth at his neck, and actually bit down to keep herself quiet. The mild pain was the final push for him.

After two comes in a short time, he was completely depleted, tender, and quickly flaccid. There was quite a puddle running down between them. Still, neither was anxious to move, basking in the afterglow.

"Hey, Stud. Think you can sleep, now?"

"Almost am."

"Not worried about Donna anymore?"

"Huh, uh?"

"Gonna let her become a woman at her own pace?"

"If you say so, Hon."

"Gonna help her get there?" He found the energy to deliver a sharp smack on her ass, and they both revived enough for a playful chase up the stairs, Mike holding up his unfastened boxers.

Being the first up on the weekend morning, Dex emptied and rinsed the glass of juice, and mopped up the mess from the chair and the floor. Laughing to himself, he hung Karen's discarded nighty on the doorknob of their bedroom.

Dex had said nothing about the flowers in the cafeteria, so Donna was completely shocked. Of course, they could not be left to wilt in her locker, so she carried them with her the rest of the day. The school barely stopped buzzing about the event by graduation.

At dinner at the Gaslight, Rick actually talked to Donna, asking her numerous questions. She had dressed up and looked absolutely stunning. Rick asked Donna out several times more that spring and summer, but she flatly refused. It was no loss to her because she now had a steady stream of prospective dates, so many in fact that Karen joked about being nothing but a social secretary. Donna was still very selective and did not go out often, and then only after the boy had Dex's approval.

During the final week of school, Rick stopped by the practice field where Dex was preparing for a meet with the track team. Not knowing what to expect, Dex walked over to him. "Dex, that stuff you said about me that night at the party - did you mean that? Is that what people really think about me?"

"You already know or you wouldn't be asking."

Rick looked glumly at the ground. "How come Donna went to the Gaslight with me, but won't go out again?"

"Shit, man, you really are clueless! Ask your mother!" With that, Dex turned and walked away.

Dex had managed to land a summer job, and had, in fact, started working in early May. He had gone out for track, mainly to help his conditioning, so his time was scheduled very tightly the last month of school.

One evening, Dex was leaving work after closing up at 9:30, when a white Cadillac pulled up alongside him and a woman spoke to him from the driver's seat. She identified herself as Margo Santee, and asked if she could buy him a Coke. Intrigued and seeing no reason for suspicion, Dex agreed. Once seated in a nearby fast food joint, she asked simply, "Dex, what happened that night at the party?"

He didn't respond for quite a while, just looked her straight in the eye. "Mrs. Santee, if something happened with Rick that night, he should be the one to tell you. I really can't."

She nodded and went on to tell him, "This is what I do know. At the party he treated your cousin Donna very badly. I have found out exactly what he said to her and how he embarrassed her in front of the whole group. I am ashamed of his behavior. I also know that afterward he did some things that were totally out of character for him. Something forced him to do those things, and I can only conclude it was you."

"Maybe he just had a change of heart."

"Surrrre! That must be it! Hey, I may have no control over my son, but I do know him rather well. The only way to give him a change of heart is with a hammer. No, you did something to him."

"You're a good detective, Mrs. Santee, but why does it matter what happened?"

"I thought maybe it was something I could use in dealing with Rick."

"'Fraid I can't help you there. There must be a bigger reason you wanted to see me."

"Guess my subtlety isn't in great form tonight. In the last month, I have had three conversations with Rick where I felt like an actual parent, rather than an ineffective jailer. He is totally frustrated by your cousin Donna."

"How's that?"

"She's apparently the first girl to turn him down."

"No, I don't think that's true."


"The word is no nice girl ever goes out with him a second time."

"But Donna did."

"That was payback."

"Ah! She only went to restore her social standing."

"Something like that."

"And it wouldn't be good for her if everyone knew her cousin forced him to do it."

After a pause, he told her firmly, "No, I won't do it."

"Shit! So I'm transparent, too, huh?"

"I wouldn't say that. It took me a while to figure it out."

"Look, Rick is a good kid. He studies hard, he practices hard, and he has never been in any trouble."

"But he treats girls like dirt."

"Donna could help cure him of that."

"That's not her job. She is supposed to be having fun on her dates. I believe that's your job."

A flash of anger crossed Margo's face. She obviously did not like being lectured by a fifteen-year-old. When she had her control back she told Dex, "But just think of what she is missing out on."

Now it was Dex' turn to be angry, but his control prevented it from showing. "Mrs. Santee, I have already said things that are disrespectful to you. Before I say any more, I had better go home. Thank you for the Coke."

"No, wait! Tell me what you were going to say. Please. I won't consider it disrespectful."

"Okay, you asked me to. Don't you wish you had missed out on all that stuff?"

"Shit! How did you get so damn smart?"

"Maybe you're not as good a detective as I thought, Mrs. Santee."

Dex was not even mildly surprised when the Cadillac appeared the next night he closed. This time, he just climbed right in. Instead of a fast food joint, Margo pulled to the far end of the parking lot. "I've been doing some more detective work, Dex."

"Not a pleasant discovery, was it."

"I'm truly sorry. I had no idea."

"I'm afraid you still don't. What you could read doesn't tell the story."

"Why don't you tell me about it?"

"No. Only one person knows the whole story. I would rather keep it that way."

"Donna, right? That means you too are very close, doesn't it?"

"Mmm hmmm."

"So in a way, Rick has to compete with you."

"She's my cousin, but more like a sister. Of course, I never had a sister, so I don't know for sure."

"But she's older, and you're watching out for her!"

"It goes both ways. Isn't that how it's supposed to work?"

"Could I meet Donna?"

"I'm not in charge of who she sees?"

"Excpept for her dates, you mean?"

"I give her my opinion, but she doesn't always take it."

"Like that party with Rick?"

"Yeah, like that."

"You were there watching out for her, weren't you?" He said nothing. "Does she screen your dates, too."

"There aren't any to screen." She looked about to comment, but held back.

"Why are you against her going out with Rick? He wouldn't mistreat her again."

"He's still a gunslinger, and she would be just another notch. Besides, she is the one saying no. I have said nothing about Rick since that night. I do not even know how many times he has asked her. Look, as far as I know, Donna is a virgin. When she gives it up, I hope it's to a guy who realizes the treasure he has received, not one who will brag about it in the locker room and move on to the next."

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"No, NO, NooOOO!!!" I screamed. I sat up drenched in cold sweat. I hadn't heard the alarm and my watch told me I was late. Louie's car would be here at 5:00 AM to take me to the station. I fairly flew through my morning shower and shave and raced downstairs to have a quick breakfast. No time for the usual, sausage and eggs; I reached for the cereal. Funny, I'd swear that the leprechaun on the Lucky Charms box was smirking at me. I was still gulping down my bowl of nutritious "frosted...

4 years ago
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Society Whore Anjali 8211 Part 4

Sunny ke ghar par 5 din tak lagatar chudai karwane ke baad main 6th day ghar wapas aayi. Meri halat puri tarha se kharab ho chuki thi. Meri gaand aur chut puri tarha se fat chuki thi, aur boobs bhi swell ho gaye the. Un 5 dino mein mere saath bohut kuch hua. 4-4 lund mere chedo mein dale gaye the aur 10-10 logo ne ek baar mein mujhe choda tha. Mujhe rassi se bhand kar latkaya gaya tha aur fir choda gaya tha. Anil aur Sharmaji bhi waha kafi bar aaye the. Maine har raat randiyo ki tarha dance...

3 years ago
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How High a Price Contributed Conclusionsby Lily May

My version of the conclusion to How High a Price 12th August 2003 On Monday morning Early went to work at the usual time and upon arrival checked his mail finding his company Visa statement and when seeing the hotel account for his last trip listed he suddenly thought what surprises Susan's Visa statement might contain. He told Carole to cancel his days appointments and went home and went into the den/home office where he looked for and found her statements. He checked out the last 12...

4 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 54

Crow Ridge Indian Territory June 21, 1885 While Eli was on his trip back east and the other men were busy with Jon David and the drilling crews ... the Young Bucks took it upon themselves to keep a lookout along the river and all around the rail loading facilities. They rode from daylight to dusk, taking plenty of time to practice with their pistols and rifles daily. They were out early again this morning, patrolling the river in front of the houses. When they stopped to water their horses,...

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Fun at friends house

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Phil and this is a made of story of what I would like to happen. I am in a wheelchair and 19 years old but in this story I am not. To this day I have never had sex but I have a plan in mind. I have had nurses throughtout my years of school and some of them are fucking hot. One has huge fucking tits, she is kinda big and her daughter is hot as well. Her name is Susan and her daughter names is Jackie. I remember when susan has taken care of me...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 14

Tim's turn: I've become a legend for all the wrong reasons. Well, I guess that's incorrect. Kimberly Elkins is the very right reason. Medium-sized town. Many of the people I work with are married to or related to or friends with people at Kim's high school, so outside the few that already know who I'm marrying because I told them, there are others who found out from that other path. Some people shake my hand and congratulate me. Some just ask if it's true. Some shake their...

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Lita had been driving across the country for hours and she was exhausted. All she wanted was a stiff drink and a good night's sleep. She drove a couple more miles before coming across a bar on one side of the road, and a motel on the other. "Perfect!" she said out loud. She pulled into the parking lot, turned off the engine and got out of the car, locking it behind her.As soon as she walked in the bar, Lita noticed two things....great music and nothing but women. She thought, 'A lesbian...

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My Descent Into Subliminals ndash Chapter 12

My Descent Into Subliminals – Chapter 12 – RoadtripTricia had followed her instructions to the letter, she showed up with Chad Friday morning under the guise of helping Beth wrap presents. I just had to send Chad on an errand to give Beth and Cindy time to give Tricia her pregnancy test. They were using some test that supposedly provides results six days before a woman’s period is due.To give the girls the time they needed, I gave Chad a shopping list and sent him to the local fetish store. He...

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The JaysChapter 31

Libby was still on a high as she and Court went down to her flat. Now that she was away from Kristian she could tell him the thrilling story of Kristian enthusiastically accepting her advice. Court was as appreciative and excited as she had thought he would be. He swept her into his arms and kissed her. "Wonderful, darling! You are a very talented musician and he knows it. He thinks the world of you and so do I." He kissed her again. "But we love each other and that makes it even better...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 29 Penny

November 27, 1987, Chicago, Illinois After dinner on Friday we had our house meeting to discuss living arrangements. I started out with the office and den changes, and then asked everyone their plans for the next year. There wasn’t any change other than the one I already knew about with Sofia. “Is there a problem because Kara’s having a baby?” Charlie asked. “It’s not a problem, it’s just a complication,” I said. “We have a full eight months to figure it out, and once my dad leaves, the...

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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 31

Miranda sighed tiredly "mama I think I'm going to go to the lair for a few days and just sleep." Laurel hugged Miranda "ok sweetie, if you need anything just let me know." Miranda nodded gave Zara a snuggle then left for her lair. Miranda slept for a whole twentyfour hours getting up she fixed herself something to eat, then packed some food in her backpack, strapped her Mandolin to the pack and went through the mirror. After laying on the beach for an hour she decided she needed...

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School Girl at the Bus Stop

As I arrived at the bus shelter I saw there was a girl already there waiting. I was shy in those days, well I was only nineteen, and avoided her eye. She wasn't having that though."You're Josie's brother aren't you?" she piped up cheerfully."Oh, yes I am." I responded warily."She often talks about you," the girl said, "I'm Kerry, her friend. We are in the same class at school."I did a double-take. This little minx looked older and more sexy than my little sixteen year old sister. Perhaps that...

2 years ago
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Bat the Claw

Another from my current comic phase. The sequel to "In the Bat of the Claw" Bat the Claw By Bill Hart Bruce smiled as he looked at his still sleeping wife. She was just so beautiful. Was it any wonder he loved her? Last night Elektra had once again been that totally incredible lover he'd married. She was nearly insatiable. But then, she had always been. Any time he thought about how the man she'd once been had vowed to fight him any way she could and every step of the way,...

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The Last Herd

As we approached the clearing, we could see them, the herd was sleeping in an open field. ‘Look Scott, there they are!’ said Calvin excitedly. ‘I see them,’ I sighed, ‘Do we really have to kill these ones too?’ ‘I’m telling you Scott, these things are vicious monsters! They leave bodies mutilated! The world doesn’t need creatures like that roaming free!’ groaned Calvin in frustration. ‘I suppose,’ I said, ‘But don’t you think killing every last one of them is going too far?’ There was a...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 20 How Joerg Isebrand Kneels Before his Sister Katherine

"Who giveth away the Bride?" the preacher asked. "I, Bjoern Isebrand of Lauheim, give away my sister Nele Isebrand, a maid of free birth, to be wed to the Noble Arnulf of Erlenburg." Bjoern's voice was strong, yet wistful. Giving Nele away came hard for the Isebrands. They all loved and cherished their youngest sibling. There was no turning back, though, and Bjoern placed his sister's hand in Arnulf's left hand. "Do you, Gøtz Rudolf Ernst, Baron of Erlenburg, consent to the wedding...

1 year ago
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Sandra and Graeme

I shuddered from the force of my orgasm as I continued to come inside her. My mind reeled from the pleasure provided by the most exquisite woman I had ever fucked and the fact that she was my lover's wife. Sandra walked in on her husband, Graeme, and I in a heated 69 session and demanded I fuck her as a "use tax" for being with her man. Graeme was the only man I had been with (I will tell you how that came about some other time), but until my encounter with Sandra I was convinced I was done...

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Doggy Mommy in TexasChapter 3

The 10 women were to return on the 14th and all 10 DVD's were ready the night of the 13th and Mike and Kyle had arranged 10 chairs in a circle around the cum stained blanket that was Michelle's stage. Mike and Miles felt they had everything prepared for the grand finale of Michelle's visit. They had even made a second DVD for each lady showing Michelle with the other 9 dogs. They felt it was a little something extra for their potential investors and since the women had went on a cruise...

1 year ago
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Raped in prison

Introduction: Valkyrie is in a gaol trying to ding cylsas nadir when the prisoners escape and have their way with her As valkyrie was pulled out of the ventilation ducts she screamed with a terrible gut wrenching fear. She was going to die. They finished pulling and she landed on her ass, the tall bulking men standing in front of her, grinning at their triumph. What should we do with her? One man asked we should kill her! This got some cheers. No, we should use her as a hostage to get out of...

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Dewar And Bhabhi 8211 Part II

By : Neeruluvu Hi friends, this is Neeru here again. This is my second post on ISS. I am thankful to ISS for making such a wonderful platform for meeting likeminded people. I am 36 years old female with nice body structure. I have a wheatish complexion with a seductive face. I have many things to share about my life, which happened in past and keeps on happening till date. Everyday is a new day with lots of adventure and excitement for my loved ones and me. You can revert to me on After my...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 22 The Best Laid Plans

April 1983, Chicago, Illinois I arrived home just before 8:00pm to find Stephie and Elyse sitting on the couch watching TV. Stephie jumped up and hugged me and gave me a quick kiss. Elyse got up more slowly, and hugged me once Stephie had released me. I poured myself a cup of tea and sat down with the girls to show them the drawing of the basement that my dad had given me. “That sauna is huge!” Elyse said. “It has to fit all of us. Roughly I’d say you could put eighteen people in there,...

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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 12

Sex Log: Day Ten Sorry, I forgot to update for Day Nine; it was lame, the guy was supposed to wine and dine me. That turned out to be a burger from In-N-Out Burger, then a movie which I didn't even get to see all of. He sucked in bed too. Couldn't keep from shooting his load too quickly the first time, so I figured the second time around he'd be able to control himself better. Wrong! Two spurts and then he was done for the night. I can't remember how long I blew him for, but he could...

2 years ago
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Jackis BitchesChapter 6 The Game

After all the girls took their seats at the poker table, Jacki began to explain a couple of rules changes. Most everything was the same as last month, except that each hand's loser would be eating pussy instead of sucking cock while the winner was spanking whoever was cuffed to the spanking rail. If more than one person were cuffed to the rail, it became winner's choice. "Also, Jenny has requested a couple more rules changes," Jacki explained. "She suggested that with seven players it...

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Friendly Fun

Julie a 5’10’’ brunette with piercing green eyes setting off her olive complexion giving her a wild a****l appeal. And it was an a****l attraction we shared. Julie had/has an amazing body. Welled muscled deeply tanned legs that cause any eye to admire especially in tight shorts. Full hips and a firm but supple ass that invited your hand to cup and screamed for a slap. her tan-lined crotch highlighting her dark triangle of pubic hair directing your fingers, tongue, lips, and cock to her waxed...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Sunday by loyalsock

It was 2:00 in the afternoon, we were in bed all morning, all I wanted to do was to stare at her perfect Angel body, I know I know, I hate that cheesy bull shit too, but she was different, her plum lips, "blow job lips" my friends called them, her blackish brown eyes, she hates them so much, most guys would fantasize about blue or green but I told her they reminded me of the night, my favorite time of day. Her breasts, C cups, hers are possibly the greatest pair I've ever seen, they were...

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A Medical Fantasy Story

He woke and was startled to find himself in what appeared to be a hospital bed, his arms and ankles firmly bound so that he could not move … He wondered what could have happened? Was he in an auto accident? Did he have a heart attack?And then he recalled his last memory before he awakened was sitting in his Doctor’s examination room … Doctor Renee … and her telling him that the shot she was giving him might make him a little sleepy. A little sleepy? He felt groggy and weak and struggled...

2 years ago
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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 49

Game time approached. The team wandered in and suited up and the cheerleaders did the same and Toby and Hank became involved in a certain amount of hosting for the visiting Marauders. The stands at the football field began to fill with students, parents, and alumni. Tyrone got Antoine as far as the school, then separated himself from the man for their mutual protection, hunting down Otis, who was positioned where he could see Beverly better than football -- which made sense, given the fact...

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Reality Bent School

Jessica always imagined that by 19 she would be working towards her dream career as an architect. What she didn't expect was that, in order to combat the rapidly rising unemployment rate, the government would legislate another three years of mandatory general education for young adults, starting with her age group. Even worse, the process of finding an "institutional college" was out of her control, and the system had sent her to a boarding school that was hours away from her parents’ home. It...

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Pehli Chudai ka Riwaaz 8211 Part 1

Hello doston, aaj main aapko batane jaa rahi hun mere goan main chalti aa rahi pehli chudaai ka riwaaz. Mere baare main, mera naam Shruti hai, aur mera figure 36-32- 38 hai. Mere bade-bade boobs, aur pink nipples kisi ko bhi bechain kar sakte hai. Meri chut itni chikni, aur tight hai ki do ungliya andar jaate hee tight hojati hai. Main ab 23 saal ki shadishuda aurat hoon jise sex bahut pasand hai. Main har roz apne pati se chut, aur gand marwati hun. Yeh kahani meri pehli chudaai ki hai jo tab...

3 years ago
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Awoke the other night like I have so often recently, with a leaky dick straining to burst. Falling back to sl**p was out of the question so I grabbed hold and slowly started rubbing my cock, closed my eyes and started dreaming…..She came into my room and climbed on top of me. We were both naked and our hands roamed freely all over each other. She let out a sweet sigh of delight as I cupped her beautiful breasts, and spread her legs a bit as my hand found its way to her damp crotch. I slipped a...

2 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh3

Introduction: Ok. Heres chapter three… four soon to come Ch3 She woke stretching slightly colder then she would have liked but stopped when she realized there was an arm over her waist. Robby didnÃ,t sleep like that. Now that she thought about it, she didnÃ,t recognize this room either. WhatÃ,s going on, she thought. Panic beginning to set in. She rolled a little to see Aaron laying on her side and the last two days spilled back into her mind. Curling up next to his chest she...

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Got my first

Had a little extra cash and alot of free time today so I decided to get a a massage. My search took about and hour, I basically googled happy ending a bunch of times called up a number and decided from the sketchy answer and vague answer to my inquiry that I had found the right place.Turns out my instinct was right. I was greeted outside the surprising small"parlor" it was basically a small studio/office space (around 350 sq/ft was my best guess) and looked over suspiciously by an middle aged...

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Rum Sodomy and the Lash Ch 08

It was like a vision of heaven, thought Kitty, as she watched the city of Barcelona unfold from distant smudge to clear definition over a period of an hour or so. She knew that Captain Prince had business here in the rookeries of the Raval district, and she also knew that this might be her best chance of escaping his maddening personal and sexual despotism and living her own life, however hazardous. She had a pair of britches and a promise of a rowing boat from Tom, she had a bag of cunningly...

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I appreciate a joint like CartoonPorn, where they tell you exactly what kind of smut they’re peddling even before you click the link. Then again, the title does bring some questions to mind, at least if you’re a fan of perverted artwork. What kind of cartoon sex are they talked about, anyway? Could it be X-rated parodies of typically SFW cartoons, 3D dirty stories rendered with Blender, filthy hentai full of big-eyed bimbos, or Western-style comics about sucking, fucking and humping?Raise your...

Porn Comics Sites
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Lisa sez Never say Never

Well, I always swore I'd never let anyone fuck me in the ass, but I found out that the old saying "Never say Never." is really true. A couple of weeks ago I let one of my fuck partners put some lube on his finger and play with my butt hole. He and I went further the next weekend. I was realllly excited and told him how much I wanted his finger deep in my ass. He smear some of my juice and lots of lube on his finger and gently rubbed and licked both my holes. I rubbed my clit as he fucked my...

First Time
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Marys Rescue

This is an excerpt from A Queen From Eden, the fourth novel in my erotic science fiction series (see my profile for more details on where to obtain these novels). This is a sequel to the first excerpt (Sarah Finds Her Pioneer). Be the first to figure out what language the residents of Ooir are speaking! * ‘Doostey! Doostey!’ The man who called himself her husband was shaking her. ‘I am awake,’ Mary grumbled. Awake enough for you, you drunken fool. She opened her legs for him, but that was...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Zazie Stepsisters Diary

Zazie has been thinking about fucking her stepbrother, Nikki Nutz. She chronicles her desire in her diary, which she doesn’t keep very well hidden. Nikki knows there’s something illicit in that diary, so he waits until Zazie has peeled her clothes of to go take a shower and then sneaks into her room. By the time Zazie is done enjoying the process of rubbing her tits and pussy down with the help of the warm water, Niki is waiting for her. When he hears Zazie coming, Nikki begins...

2 years ago
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Chimera Isle Ch 04

Cambry, Keeli and Grant walked slowly back to their summer haven basking in the warm ocean breeze. They had just finished up their orientation meeting at their summer job here at Chimera Isle and all were still tingling from the sexual display they had witnessed. This was definitely going to be a different place to work than any had worked before. After Jon, one of the hundreds of employees from Chimera Isle, exploded onto the owner’s wife, Cambry had glanced around the large auditorium to...

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To Make A Pot Meg

Sam and Meg Russell have been happily married for 20 years. Meg is forty-five years old, has brown hair and blue eyes, stands five feet six inches tall and weighs one hundred and sixteen pounds. She is quite proud of her figure and works hard to ensure that she keeps it. The narrowness of her waist accentuates the width of her hips. Her breasts, while not large, have a certain sexy pertness. Sam is forty-seven, a successful accountant, a man adept at using his brain rather than his brawn. He...

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I shall start my introducing myself. I am a 30 year old woman who earns her living dressing males as women. Usually they end up dressed fully by which I mean from the skin out (undies) skirts and tops or perhaps a dress. Cosmetics and high heels in that case may be taken as a given. Some of the clients make pretty ugly women but yet more turn out as reasonable women and a small number look very much the part. I don't allow then to have them penetrate me however I am open to being...

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Accidental Nude Day Noonie

Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck, unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed poolside seat.Two hours earlier:Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the foothills. Though...

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Outrageous Step MOM Birthday Massage

My wanton stepmom deliberately escalates my sexual intensity at a private birthday massage and unleashes my hidden depravity back onto her.... Family bonding was apparently her chosen ploy for enticing me to share girl time with my new step mom.At s*******n and having a sexually hot ‘new momma’ in your house after several years of a free reign as the number one piece of eye candy in the home and street caused the jealous piqué to surge through me like an estrogen shot. Here was competition and...

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Gretas Story 5 Naked in College Sigma Kappa Gamma

Sam and Gramma Kramer moved me directly into the sigma Kappa Gamma house on the P-FIT campus the Monday of the second week of August. It was three weeks of pledge and freshman orientation prior to the beginning of the academic year, including the volleyball coach's request that all volleyball players report, at that same time, for screening and evaluation. Brenda was being moved into the freshman dormitory. Since it is across the P-FIT campus and a half-mile from sorority and fraternity row,...

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The Story of Cinderella

Once upon a time in a far away land there lived a young woman called Ella or Cinderella like her step sisters called her. She lived with her step mother and two step sisters, Anastasia and Drizella. And life for Cinderella was pretty hard. Her step mother owned the local brothal and Cinderella and her step sisters were the main attractions. While Ana and Drizella were the high paid girls in the brothel. Poor Cinderella was a low paying one. Because of her dirtiness, she was still a virgin which...

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The Boss and my intern

After getting my MBA and also the fact that I always deliver in my job I was promoted at the age of 24. As a Manager I always made sure I treated my team well and made sure I took care of them. Besides thanking them on a daily basis, I always made sure I go out of my way to learn how their family life is going and always emphasize the importance of family life. Because of this my team pretty much will work themselves to death to make sure we meet any goals my boss sets for us. People would...

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