An Introduction to the Roadhouse
- 2 years ago
- 33
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A Safe House?
1 The Office
Susie went over and over her options on the short Taxi ride from her plush modern office to the nondescript street of workmen's houses where the woman at the help desk had directed her, "They offer the utmost in confidentiality and sensitivity when relationships fail, everything from a refuge or safe house to a reconciliation service for the professional or business woman," she had been assured, and now after paying the driver, she walked slowly down the street looking for number seventeen, and on seeing the number screwed to the plain brown door she paused briefly and checked the name on small brass plate before she rang the doorbell.
The door opened almost immediately to reveal a smartly dressed young woman who greeted her, "Hello," she said with a welcoming smile,"You must be Suzanne, I'm Natasha, come up to the office,!"
She gave Susie no time to reply as she led the way up the worn bare wooden stairs, "Here we are, the bath room is on the right if you need it."
The door swung noisily on its worn hinges as Natasha ushered Susie into a cramped office which was once a bedroom in the small terraced house. "So Suzanne or may I call you Susie?" Natasha enquired.
Susie looked at Natasha, surprised that such an attractive young woman should be working for an organisation like this she expected a middle aged lesbian with a military hairstyle in a boiler suit but instead Natasha was all lip gloss, shoulder length brown hair and cleavage, she wore a business suit but stylishly with an open neck blouse rather than starched shirt.
"Yes, Susie is fine," She replied quietly
"So, ah Robert, your husband, you say he hit you?" Natasha enquired as she peered inquisitively at Susie, noting that Susie's blonde hair appeared to be natural and taking in the her calm demeanour and immaculate outfit and makeup that gave little enough evidence of violence.
"Yes, across my face," Susie replied, flicking a strand of blonde hair away from her face, "After everything I've done for him."
"Tell me about Robert and yourself" Natasha suggested, "Right from when you met if you like."
"Well," Susie started, "We met when I was at University, years ago, he sold me a Moped." she remembered.
"And?" Natasha prompted.
Susie explained, "He had his own Motorbike business."
"A biker, eh, all leathers and testosterone?" Natasha smiled at the thought.
"Yes, I kept on finding little problems so I could take the Moped back," Susie explained, "And so I could see him, you see my Mum, well she definitely did not like Motorcycles."
"But you married?" Natasha observed, "So there was no pressure, parents, pregnancy?"
"Oh no, Mum didn't approve but Robert wanted everything to be legal especially as I was only eighteen," Susie explained, "And he paid for everything, he was making really good money you see, and we didn't even live together before we married,"
"So it was a good marriage" Natasha enquired.
"Yes." Susie agreed, "I thought so."
"So, where did it all go wrong?" Natasha agreed
"Well it made sense; when I graduated I had the chance of a really great job, a fantastic chance, here in London, so we sold the business in Durham and bought the most fantastic house, well we paid the deposit with the proceeds, and moved down here."
"And how did this affect things?" Natasha asked.
"He was all right at first but now he's totally unreasonable, I need him to support me, but he wanted to tinker with bikes all the time while I need him to do the garden and keep the swimming pool and the house clean, I told him we cannot have old motorcycles around our new house, so I bought him a smart new van and he sold the bikes and I said wait and see if you need a motorbike, it's not as if he needs to work, in fact for tax purposes he is better off staying home, but he just doesn't bother."
"Doesn't bother?" Natasha enquired.
Susie continued, "He will not clean up or mow the lawns or help entertain, he just wears the same jeans and tee shirt all the time, he's pathetic"
"And sex" Natasha enquired.
"When he starts pulling his weight he gets sex," she insisted, Until then he can do without."
Natasha could see the pattern emerging, her long experience in the job enabled her to tick the boxes on the form with accuracy.
Natasha continued "So physical intimacy has ended?"
"Yes." Susie admitted
"Do you love him?" Natasha asked, and peered intently at Susie seeking the physical clues which so often contradicted their words.
Susie thought hard, "He changed, I would have done anything for him so why won't he do it for me, I am the success, not him, he could not have dreamed of a house like ours when he was covered in oil fixing Motorbikes."
"And he supported you while you studied for your degree?" Natasha asked.
"While I did the little wifey thing while my friends had a great time partying yes, great." Susie added.
"Well clearly the situation needs drastic action," Natasha insisted.
"Drastic action" Susie agreed.
"We need to protect your interests," Natasha continued, "Get him out of the matrimonial home first, and restrained from removing or disposing of anything, without your consent, freeze the joint bank accounts, and most important keep you safe in case he goes off the rails, Its a lot of forms to fill in I am afraid."
Natasha fished a sheaf of forms from her desk drawer and Suzanne started to read,
"They are fine trust me" Natasha lied, "Do you have a picture of him"
Susie fished a picture from her bag, a tall dark handsome man with a moustache astride a bright red Ducati racing motorcycle.
'Oh god he is gorgeous,' thought Natasha as she said "Yes I see, if you could sign all the forms please."
Susie quickly scribbled down her details, addresses, emails, phone numbers Robert's cell phone and her home work and cell phone numbers, and she signed her signature on the forms, and when she finished Natasha suggested, "Let me make a call," and she left the room, to return minutes later.
Natasha spoke seriously to Susie, "It so happens that we have a vacancy in our west country retreat for two weeks, starting today, so I suggest you take advantage, get away from work and stress, re evaluate your priorities, decide whether Robert has a place in your life, and we suggest two weeks away from the daily grind is the ideal and is most beneficial in most cases, what do you think?"
"And what about getting Robert evicted," Susie asked, "and what about paying the bills."
"We settle everything," Natasha confirmed, "We'll ensure everything is paid up to date," she checked a form, "Yes, you authorised, it. see here," she pointed, "And we will ensure your employer understands and then we can sort everything out when you return."
Susie looked confused, "My Job, mortgage, paper bill, car tax?"
"Everything," Natasha confirmed, "Complete break from right now."
"But I'll need to pack!" Susie exclaimed.
"No problem," Natasha replied, "Sometimes girls arrive with nothing so we have everything essential that you'll need and the rest we can pick up on the way!"
"Yes, OK I'll do it, thanks." Susie confirmed as Natasha handed Susie a final form and a pen and watched as she signed on the bottom line.
"I'll make the call." Natasha promised and she slipped from the room.
Susie looked around the dingy room with its rows of lockers and drab green and gold wallpaper. She wondered if she was doing the right thing but she felt relief as she felt she had at least taken that first step.
Natasha returned, "The Taxi's coming, five minutes they said, we'll get you a few things on the way."
"What about Robert," Susie asked.
"He won't be there, don't worry." Natasha replied, "But phone round friends, parents, not Robert, and explain you'll be away for a few days," Natasha suggested.
"Can you do it?" Susie asked.
"Of course!" Natasha agreed, "If you write the numbers down," she said as she led the way to the Ford Mondeo Taxi, and gave an address a few hundred yards from Susie's house and as they arrived Natasha made a call on her cell phone, "Van's there, Plan A" she said.
Within three minutes Robert had dashed from the house and driven off aggressively in the van. Natasha told the Taxi driver to park up outside Susie's house and Natasha followed Susie indoors to help her pack a few things.
"Devon beckons, two weeks with no mobile phones or computers so just grab a few things and we'll get going." Natasha suggested.
Susie quickly filled a suitcase with clothes but when she went to add her makeup Natasha advised, "It's a retreat, no need for cosmetics, just grab your toothbrush and we'll get going."
2 Retreat
They drove to the Motorway and droned westwards for hours, eventually turning onto smaller and smaller roads and finally a gravel track across rolling green hills until eventually they arrived at what appeared to be an ancient Monastery
Natasha knocked loudly on the front door, a woman in a nuns habit appeared and ushered them inside to where an older Nun waited. She addressed Susie in a kindly slightly west country accent. "You have been sent for a short break, I understand, please you must eat with us."
"I'll see you in two weeks then," Natasha said cheerily as she set Susie's case down beside the reception desk, "No phones here," Natasha explained, "I had better look after yours," and Susie slipped it from her purse and Natasha gently took it from her and gave Susie a little kiss on the cheek before she slipped away through the doorway and back to the Taxi to return home.
Susie's left her cases in the foyer and walked towards the dining room, a huge table filled the great room but the nuns called her into the kitchen where she noted the rough wooden spoons and wooden bowls on the bare wooden table
"Please sit, I shall say grace." The elderly Nun suggested
The Porridge was edible the conversation non existent.
"We do not talk and eat" the elderly Nun explained when Susie started to ask a question.
With the meal finished the Nun took Susie further into the old red sandstone Monastery building.
"We rise at six, retire at eight, we eat fruits and vegetables and porridge, and drink only water from our own spring" The Nun continued, "You should bathe then we shall have your induction"
"That sounds drastic," Susie answered."
"Did Natasha not explain our methods?" the Nun queried.
"Natasha never mentioned anything, no." Susie explained, "But how should I address you, I am Suzanne, well Susie"
"I am Joan. But we do much meditation, little conversation." she replied as she opened an old oak door to reveal a modern bath in a brightly lit room.
"Here, take a bath, its not milk like Cleopatra but the salts turn it milky so just a bathe your cares away and help yourself to towels and everything and I will be back in an hour" the Nun suggested.
Susie undressed and lay in the warm white liquid, it felt so decadent, and and as she luxuriated there she was surprised to find there was a second door to the, room, which opened and a robed woman entered carrying a simple robe like a bath robe.
"I came for your clothes," she explained, "I have a gown for you, enjoy your soak."
The woman slipped away before Susie could stop her, she rose from the bath, wrapped the towel round herself, and stepped through the doorway.
It opened into a large room, like a school gymnasium but in the centre a fire place with a flue leading to the heavens, and Susie noticed several benches around the edge of the room.
"Susie, so soon come, Carla fetch her robe" It was the elderly Nun, Ruth, Mistress or which ever name she was using."Your treatment commences, see the fire"
"Yes," Susie agreed.
"Watch it flare and burn as it cleanses," the elderly nun explained
"I don't understand," Susie admitted
"Just watch then," the nun ordered and then she ordered, "Anita, commence."
A white robed woman threw rags on to the flames, they flared, suddenly Susie realised one rags looked like her dress, it was her dress,"Stop!" she cried but the woman continued and Susie saw her throw another dress and then her whole case onto the fire, her luggage was going up in flames, "Stop you maniacs!" Susie cried as she sprang to her feet but a slap across her face stunned her to silence,
"I am the Mistress here, I give the orders," the elderly nun reminded her as she held Susie's arms with her surprisingly strong hands while Carla took away her towel and fastened a belt around her waist trapping her hands to her sides,
"Stop Stuppphh," Susie protested until Carla carefully inserted a Ball gag between Susie's perfect teeth
"Watch as your vanity goes into smoke," the elderly nun suggested, as Anita fed the last of her clothes into the flames.
Probing fingers removed Susie's ear rings and her navel ring.
"We shall remove your disgusting body hair and you shall remain naked for this week until you earn clothes privileges," The elderly nun beckoned the woman in the white robe and ordered, " Anita, the razor"
Susie watched as Anita produced a cut throat razor and shaving brush, emotions of excitement mixed with fear and she froze as Anita made Susie lie on her back, and spread her knees before starting to hack methodically at the soft downy fur on Susie's crotch.
Anita timed her moment and as the hair was shortened she pushed the shaving brush into Susie's now moist vagina, the brush emerged glistening and Anita lubricated the remaining stubble with Susie's juices before carefully scraping the stubble away to leave a baby like perfection to her pubic areas. Anita stood back to admire her handiwork.
"Carla, a dog collar and lead if you please and tether her securely in her cell." the Nun continued, "But make sure all those rags are burnt first."
As the final remnants of Susie's possessions turned to ashes, so Carla buckled a dog collar around her neck, secured it with a tiny padlock and led her barefoot and naked from the room across the cobblestone yard and through a stable door, the cell was less than two metres square and the stone floor sloped towards the door while the bare stone walls bore various tethering eyes, and shockingly the whole was open to the skies.
Carla secured a least to Susie's collar and looped it over a metal hook secured to the stable wall, the she took an old rope and wrapped it around Susie's wrists securing Susie's hands firmly behind her and then looped the rope around a iron on the wall and pulled the loose end to haul her arms high up behind her leaving her almost hanging from her arms, an agonising position.
"When you complete initial contrition you get a roof." Carla explained brightly, "Now if you promise not to shout I will remove the gag."
Susie nodded and gasped for air as Carla undid the strap and removed the gag, "Ahhhhhhh help me!" Susie wailed so Carla but the gag back again.
"You really should keep your promises!" Carla told Susie in her west country accent as she slapped Susie's face, "Oh well, see you tomorrow!" she said reasonably and left Susie to swing from her tethered arms in complete agony.
3 Robert.
Robert was watching TV when the call came that Natasha had been rushed to hospital following an accident at work, the shock hit him like a sledge hammer and he just grabbed his jacket and the van keys and rushed out of the house, he panicked when he found she wasn't at the hospital and was still going out of his mind when much later after checking every hospital he could think of he returned home.
Natasha too had been busy; she had left Robert an envelope on the kitchen table when she helped Susie pack and left instructions for him to ring her mobile number that evening.
Robert rang as she returned along the M4, "What the hell is going on!" he demanded and Natasha gave Robert a straight choice, either he took advantage of her anger management counselling service, starting with immediate effect, or else Susie would make a complaint of assault to the Police.
Robert had no choice but to chose anger management,so Natasha suggested they start the next day.
She arrived at Robert's house next morning in a Lexus Limousine, the driver sounded the horn and Robert appeared, locked the house door and opened the door to sit with Natasha, "No you follow us!" she ordered, and she made a call on her cell phone.
Robert watched as an old Honda 500cc motorcycle pulled up behind the car, the rider dismounted and handed Robert the keys and he took Robert's case to the Lexus's luggage compartment and slipped into the back seat.
"Get your leathers Robert, then you can follow us on the bike," Natasha ordered, "We know you are licensed and it is insured," she laughed, "Don't get left behind."
Robert went and put on his one piece leather suit, boots, gloves and helmet and as the Lexus cruised away he struggled with the unfamiliar controls, and followed it, the bike felt ponderous, yet twitchy, and flat and gutless compared to the Ducati he usually rode, he struggled to keep up as they passed through the suburbs and on to the bypass.
They left the town behind and followed twisting country lanes until a long straight stretched ahead and suddenly the Lexus was pulling away, he wound the throttle against the stop, then as the Honda's lack of torque left him floundering far behind the Lexus, he flicked the gear lever three times, and opened the throttle wide which smashed his crotch into the fuel tank, as the bike slowed as it over revved, the Rev counter needle the wrong side of the red line, as he belatedly he remembered it had only five gears.
"Concentrate," he thought through the pain, he changed up a gear and as the motor howled stately progress resumed, the Lexus barely in sight, then as he leaned into an easy bend graunching sounds came from the low mounted foot rests cutting grooves in the asphalt, the bike running wide to the wrong side of the road, so he moved his weight, forward and to the inside of the bends, as he fought the evil handling Honda through the turns.
He sweated and struggled, and thought, "Why oh why had he let that bitch talk him in to selling his bike business." He had good friends, decent bikes he had fun, he enjoyed fixing other peoples bikes and customising them and they in turn had paid him good money for the work.
Now he had nothing, a bloody Astra Van, bikes and business all sold for a deposit on Suzannes bloody mansion. just to impress her bloody mother.
He rode for hours, seemingly a random route of old A and B roads heading vaguely south west until the unmistakable cone of Glastonbury Tor came into view and at last he got his bearings.
The Lexus slowed and stopped at a farm track, the driver unloaded his case.
"Up there, we can't follow," The driver ordered, and Robert saw a farm on the hillside and beyond the forbidding sight of an old Monastery on the skyline
They tied the case to his luggage carrier and he struggled to control the unwieldy Honda as it slipped and slithered up the muddy track.
The last few hundred yards were a nightmare but eventually he arrived at the farm and stopped outside the farmhouse.
A friendly face, appeared in the kitchen window, plump lady, fifty perhaps, a typical farmers wife, "Hello there young man," she beamed, "You must be Robert, I'm Sheila, I'm doing the first bit of your training," she beamed, "Come on in."
Robert walked into the kitchen carrying his helmet and case. "Hi, so you were expecting me?"
"I'm just getting tea, dear." Sheila explained, "But you can start right away."
She handed him some stout leather gloves, some German style leather shorts and leather boots, and pointed across to a door in a small stone built barn "Dressing Room is over there," she told him, "So put these on, just these mind nothing else, then we can get started."
"You can't be serious, can you?" Robert asked, but seeing Sheila was clearly not joking he took the leather clothing and walked the few steps to the barn where he was surprised to find himself in an old tack room with horse brasses and harnesses but also facing him a door through to a shower room. He quickly changed and feeling something of a fool he walked uncertainly from the barn.
"Oh Good now let's get started," Sheila exclaimed as she gazed admiringly at him.
She handed him an axe, and pointed to the barn full of short logs, "Get chopping."
He set the log carefully, he axe bit into it but jammed.
"You want to imagine it's her stupid face," Sheila suggested.
The next blow cleaved the log in two instantly, and the next and the next, sweat poured from him and Sheila every now and again rubbed him down with a towel to dry the sweat.
She noticed a swelling below his belt.
"Ah, I see you got a problem," she announced, "Carla," she pronounced it 'Car-ler') "Don't get here until six so I will see to it now"
She knelt down in front of him, tugged down his shorts and took the whole length of his swollen manhood in her mouth.
His eyes bulged in surprise and almost immediately he sprayed what seemed like gallons of cum down the kindly faced lady's throat.
"Bit salty, you want to be careful eating too much salt my lad," was her verdict, "Now chop,"
Robert gasped in amazement, but he pulled his shorts up and again started to chop wood but the passion gone and the blade jammed again.
"I think you learned the first lesson," Sheila explained, "So get a shower and I got Steak and Kidney for your tea then Carla's coming to do the next bit of training."
Robert showered and put the leather shorts back on, he liked the freedom he decided as he walked to the kitchen for his meal. The food was ready for him, the steak had been cooked in ale and was to die for, and then Carla arrived, she was 24 and gorgeous.
She took him to the barn, "What are you looking at?" she asked as she saw him staring at her.
"Ah, you are Gorgeous" Robert assured her.
"Look we have a program to get through," Carla warned him. "So don't get any funny ideas.
She stripped off her tee shirt and denim shorts, slid her thong to her ankles and invited Robert to undo her bra strap, then kicked her thong and shorts aside to stand naked except her wellington boots. Roberts erection swelled noticeably like a tent pole in the leather shorts.
"Look, closely" she continued as if nothing had happened, "You can slap me here, here, here" she pointed, "without leaving marks, whipping is more difficult but the breasts and Pantie area are usually pretty safe."
She reached in her sports bag and removed a whip and a heavily padded body suit which she wriggled into with the grace of a cat.
She smiled at Robert and then simply flicked the whip across the bulge of his erect penis, he screamed
And again "React, man react"
He grabbed the whip from her and grabbed with his left arm and threw her over his knees as he thrashed her with the whip.
"Good now what?" She instructed.
He grabbed her belt and tried to pull down the zip on her padded suit.
"Stop! enough!" Carla shouted.
"I'm sorry." Robert said quietly.
"No, you were humiliated and you reacted like a man," Carla replied, "we must sort your erection before we continue, were you going to fuck my bum or my vagina, cunt or ass in other words."
"Cunt" Robert chose quickly.
"Ass is better for subduing and dominating," Carla suggested, "But not mine, she assured him, "You need a prostitute for that."
"Why do you do this Carla?" Robert asked suddenly,"If you're not a," he stopped unsure of what to say.
"It's my job," Carla pointed out, "They pay very well, and when it's someone like you it's fun anyway."
Sheila's voice carried across the yard with the single word "Supper," and suddenly Carla was getting dressed in her shorts and tee shirt again, she shook Robert's hand and then she jumped into her little Mini car and drove away. Robert saw she took a different route to the one he used as she headed straight across the meadow instead of using the rutted track.
"Just you and me now boy," said Shiela, "I thought you could bunk in along with me save making up bed special," she suggested.
Robert agreed, perhaps she would wank him again but no way did he fancy her enough to get it up for a fuck.
He lay beside her, Naked, her hair silver shone in the moonlight he revelled in her warmth and smell, it was the same perfume Susie used, his prick expanded nudging her backside.
"Hey no funny business you climb on top if you want a fuck." she exclaimed.
"Sorry?" Robert replied in confusion.
"It's all right, fact is I could use one me self so, don't waste the hard on, you can climb aboard for a trip to heaven, if you want." she giggled.
"All aboard," he shouted laughing as he climbed over he tree trunk legs resting his chest over her pendulous breasts.
"Oh you want's me now do you, don't bother with no Johnny, it wont matter just this once," Sheila's west country accent became broader still as Robert's interest intensified.
He lost himself in her acres of flesh, so warm secure like an unborn child in the womb.
Sheila woke Robert at first light, sending him out to chop wood, and then mend fences, and then cut some branches off over grown trees and cut up some fallen tree trunks in the little wood with hand saws, Robert became almost exhausted, but Sheila's cooking kept his strength up and the morning continued with a lecture from Professor Lindermann, an academic from the nearby university.
"Repressed anger eats away the soul," he explained "One must react, Hot blood is a defence, kill with an angry blow and you get probation, plan it and you get fifteen years, so don't repress your anger Robert, hit out and make sure your wife, ah, this Susie makes herself available to you when you want, her vagina, her anus her mouth they are yours to use, everything must be available when you are stressed, you are the important one not she, that is where you have gone wrong, she must follow your work, and of course she should have a little job for pin money, to buy groceries and things like that."
Robert understood, let it out, don't repress.
4) Susie.
Susie's third day at the Monastery started badly, she woke as the suns rays began streaming through the opening that was once the roof of the stable and lit up her naked body as she hung by her agonised bound arms from a hook high on the wall for the third day running and once again she prayed for someone to rescue her, Robert, why didn't Robert ride up on that big motorcycle and rescue her, she knew the answer only too well, and faced up to the fact that she had brought her misfortune on herself.
She tried to sleep but her throat was parched and her tongue seemed to have swollen up behind her ball gag to completely fill her mouth, she heard some coming and screwed up her eyes against the glare, and there in the doorway she saw Carla with a jug in her hand
"We thought you would like some water," Carla announced as she saw Susie was awake, Susie looked at her hopefully, "No screaming, or no water." Carla reminded her as she slipped out the ball gag..
"I won't scream," Susie agreed in a whisper hoarse from dehydration, "For pities sake let me down, I can't feel my arms any more!" she complained.
"Yes," Carla agreed, "It's not nice is it?" she commiserated, "And it hurts much, much worse when they let you down," she added unhelpfully."
"Please, please let me go!" Susie pleaded, as Carla held the jug of cool water to Susie's lips.
"Well, actually, we did think perhaps, if you didn't mind," Carla suggested, "We could perhaps move you on, we usually leave clients here for a week but the nuns get nervous, so, what do you say?"
"Oh please!" Susie pleaded, "Anything just let me lie down."
"You need a bath first!" Carl laughed, "So, stand still, I'll let you down." she promised and she started to undo the ropes, she unhitched the leash from the wall first and then the ropes from the bracket and lastly the ropes around Susie's wrists.
Susie staggered and fell as the rope was suddenly released, and Carla watched in detached amusement as Susie struggled to try to stand on her aching legs as her numbed arms hung uselessly behind her and then as Carla undid the ropes binding her wrists so Susie's arms flopped uselessly to her sides.
"Shall we?" Carla asked but Susie couldn't stand unaided so she went away to find help locking the door behind her.
Susie flopped against the wall, she felt as if she had reached rock bottom, she wanted someone to rescue her, and she blamed Robert for her plight.
Carla returned an hour later and led Susie across the courtyard towards the Monastery which she rationalised must in fact be a Nunnery.
"Just stand there a moment," Carla said sweetly as she grabbed a hose reel and twisted the end to send a jet of freezing water cascading over Susie who convulsed instantly with the shock and gasped.
"Oh g'god," she wailed, but the shock and the adrenalin made her try to deflect the blast with her hands and that sent waves of agony coursing through her as her poor numbed arms came painfully to life.
"Turn, nice and clean," Carla joked, "Then we'll make a move."
"I'Im freezing!" Susie shivered "And s'starving!"
"Oh there's an old coat somewhere," Carla announced, as she hung the hose up, "Just slip it on and we'll get going."
"But I'm all wet!" Susie complained.
"So?" Carla asked as she handed Susie the smelly old coat which usually lined a dog basket, "You'll dry out eventually," Carla pointed out as she tugged the dog leash and as Susie struggled to pull the coat around herself as she rushed to follow Carla to an old Toyota pickup.
"Ok?" Carla asked and when Susie didn't respond she started the engine and drove off down the drive to begin with and then across the fields on a dirt track.
A Village loomed ahead and after fording the local stream Carla parked the pickup beside the back wall of the village pub.
"Wait here a moment," Carla warned and then she scrambled over the wall and disappeared for a few minutes, and when she returned she brought a pair of green rubber wellington boots, "There are stinging nettles and broken glass in the car-park," she explained, "And hurry up Natasha is waiting."
Carla climbed awkwardly over the pub wall, the concrete capping rasped on her bare bottom as she realised with nothing on under her coat anyone watching could see her sex, but Natasha was waiting.
Susie noted Natasha was immaculate as always her shoulder length brown hair styled perfectly and once again she wore a business suit, not the same one as before, but stylish with an open neck blouse to show off her cleavage now set off neatly by a silver chain with a crucifix. Susie thought ruefully of her own suit which they had burned and her lack of makeup and the filthy bedraggled state of her own shoulder length blonde hair.
"Why are you doing this to me?" Susie asked.
"It's part of our program, now get inside before you get arrested for soliciting or worse," Natasha replied quietly, "It's upstairs," she added.
"Upstairs," was the upstairs room accessed by an external stairway with gaps between the treads, Susie trembled at the prospect that anyone looking up would see right up her coat to her naked sex, "I've laid on a light lunch for you," Natasha promised so Susie set aside her concerns and followed Natasha up.
A small fibreboard walled and wooden floored room awaited her, "This is the clubroom and the food is next door in the play room," Natasha explained as Carla shut the door behind then with a surprisingly firm "Clunk!" and proceeded to lock and bolt the door.
"So how do you feel?" Natasha asked.
"Tired hungry," Susie replied, "How the hell do you think I feel?"
"Ashamed, worthless?" Natasha suggested, "Or will you be hitching a lift home?"
"No, look, please what is going on?" Susie demanded.
"Therapy, it's what you signed up for," Natasha explained, "Now come through and have a bite to eat." she suggested as she opened the door.
Susie stared at the plate of ham sandwiches and the pint of orange juice waiting for her, on a polished wooden table, "Tuck in!" Carla suggested and Susie started eating without even sitting down and had eaten one sandwich and drunk half the orange before she realised there was perhaps a lot of vodka mixed with the orange juice and that around the edge of the room were some strange items such as a set of medieval stocks and a cross....
"The local Bondage club used to meet here," Natasha explained, "So eat up and we can get on."
Susie was too intent on eating and drinking to worry about bondage clubs, she drained the orange and asked for more, and then as the Vodka took effect she succumbed to the warm glow and taking her plate with her she sprawled across a leather covered bench and rested her eyes.
"Susie!" Natasha whispered a few minutes later, Susie didn't respond, "Shall we put her in 'The wall'?" Natasha asked Carla.
"Yes, why not!" Carla agreed so they eased Susie upright and brought the base section of "The wall," across to Susie, they manoeuvred the massive wooden frame up to her and lifted her feet up so they could fit a total of five boards under her legs and then the sixth with two scalloped cut aways into which her legs fitted neatly, which was followed by a matching scalloped away board which fitted over her legs holding them firmly so her feet were several inches above the floor. Next they fitted securing pins to hold the boards down and then they added many more boards slipping them into the wooden u shaped frame which stood well over five feet tall until they reached high enough for the next scalloped hole board.
"Is that about right?" Carla asked.
"Good enough," Natasha agreed, and they set the next cut away board in place, scallops upward, and placed the matching board right at the top of the frame held by a pair of pins ready to drop it in place when Susie was ready.
"Susie," Natasha said quietly.
"Mmm," Susie replied.
"Just lift up a little Susie," Natasha requested as she took up position to the Susie's left side and Carla took Susie's right side and they eased her coat up and slipped her arms from the sleeves and then eased her forward and upwards so her arms went into the scallops to the sides of the upper board and her neck into the centre and then oh so carefully they pulled the pins and eased the upper board down over Susie's arms and neck.
They paused briefly and then they changed hands and took all the cushions from the leather covered bench and piled them under Susie's bottom to support her weight.
They lifted the last board into place and secured it with steel pins and a padlock and as Natasha took Susie's weight so Carla fixed the little leather seat in place, hooking it through the holes in the fourth plank and fixing the back stay so as Natasha eased Susie up so the seat took the weight of her bottom.
"Will you stay while I fetch Robert," Natasha whispered.
"Yes but wheel her into place first," Carla agreed.
They wheeled the "Wall" into position, and swung matching wooden walls out from he sides of the room to match it forming a partition across the width of the room with Susie's naked bottom and torso on on side and her hands lower legs and head the other.
To the side a connecting door pierced the left hand movable wall and there was six feet clear between Susie and the painted out lower panels of the end window and the clear panes at her eye level which showed the rolling Somerset hills and in the distance the Monastery where she stayed.
The effect of the vodka slowly wore off, "Help!" Susie cried hopefully.
"Sssh," Carla shouted from beyond the wall, "I'm here and it's soundproofed anyway, what's wrong?"
"Me, this, everything," Susie complained.
"I know," Carla commiserated, "But I'll lower the seat just a moment." she said, and suddenly all Susie's weight was on her legs and wrists and even her neck.
"No!" Susie cried.
"Don't you like that?" Carla asked.
"Oh no, please don't kill me," Susie pleaded.
"Hows this then, better?" Carla asked as she selected a six inch long by two and a half inch diameter Dildo with a big flange on the base which she fixed to an adjustable pole and finally eased the tip between the soft pink lips of Susie's vagina.
"No please," Susie pleaded but gently and fraction of an inch by fraction of an inch, and despite Susie's pleas Carla wormed the intruder deep into Susie's womb until the flange nuzzled her crotch and once it was right in Carla pushed up firmly making Susie gasp and she released the pole's ratchet so when she let Susie down again much of her weight was taken through the Dildo and pole.
"Better?" Carla asked.
"No!" Susie replied.
"Shall I take it out?" Carla asked.
"No!" Susie replied, "It's horrible but it's better than having my head torn off,"
"I'll just plug you then," Carla suggested as unseen by Susie she took up a big black waisted butt plug, liberally coated it with lube and unceremoniously placed it against the tight brown bud of Susie's anus and forced it in with her knee..
"Aggggh!" Susie protested.
"Here noisy!" Carla laughed as she came through the connecting door and she slipped a pair of headphones over Susie's ears, "Its Radio Mendip," she explained, as she pulled a headphone away so Susie could hear, "Gagged, blindfolded and deafened," Carla said, "That's the way to enjoy Anal sex, its club night so have fun," she said and from her pocket she produced a red ball gag and Susie had no choice but to let Carla put it on her again.
"Better?" Carla asked and she laughed and slipped from Susie's view.
The Music droned on but at least there were time checks, and some banter and her crotch gradually became numb and her anus accustomed to being stretched and she felt hungry again, but then without warning her butt plug was pulled and she tried to scream as a warm penis was thrust unceremoniously up her anus in its place, "Its five past eight on Radio Mendip!" said the announcer as Susie's anus was de-flowered by an unknown unseen man sending un-wanted sensations coursing through her, as suddenly her vagina began secreting moisture so she slipped up and down the Dildo inflaming her beyond reason until she screamed into her gag in a heady mixture of agony and ecstasy.
No sooner had a warm wet feeling invaded Susie's backside than the Penis retreated to the consternation of its owner, "Rod," a bearded hells angel, "Shit I thought she'd have had an 'Enermer," he said in his west country brogue, as he surveyed his shit coated penis and the trail of filth leaking from Susie.
A stirrup pump Enema followed, a bucket of water and an empty bucket and an old brass stirrup pump that was a fire extinguisher back in the war, which squirted cold water agonisingly far into Susie's bowels to flush out the filth was an unexpected treat for some club members and an unnecessary filthy diversion for others but soon enough she was pronounced sparkling clean and ready for her next client.
'Beemer,' was next, then Phil, and Harry, 'Bob' and then Kat, a biker who rode a Suzuki Katana, then Rod and Andy and then 'Bob' had another go, or so Carla told Susie when she handed her her earnings at the end of the session, and then Sidney and Martin and Geordie, and Hog. "That's eighty quid after commission," Carla said when she finally removed the headphones, "That makes you a real prostitute!"
"Why?" Susie asked, when her gag was removed.
"It's the treatment," Carla explained, "How do you feel?"
"Awful," Susie admitted.
"Rock bottom?" Carla asked.
"Yes," Susie agreed.
"It gets worse," Carla said lapsing into a west country accent, "You 'ent been whipped yet."
5) Ass Hole
Natasha came to see Robert at the farm where he was enjoying the hard work, "How do you like it here?" she asked.
"Yes, it's ok," he agreed.
"How is the sex?" she asked.
"Sex?" he asked.
"She's old enough to e your grandmother!" Natasha observed, "You really are incorrigible."
"Oh," Robert replied unsure if he hd been insulted or not!
"Its part of the treatment, you see from what I have discovered Susie is actually a very poor fuck, unadventurous and seldom interested in sex, but I think we have proved that there is nothing wrong with your libio!"
"Right," Robert replied.
"So we have arranged a session at the local Bondage club, they have a whore booked for Anal, so you can fuck her," Natasha said crudely, "Get some practice in fact there is no point going if you don't, I will attend as your girl friend, so just wear the motorcycle leathers and nothing else!"
The club was in the upstairs room of the local pub, "You need a special knock and pass word," Natasha explained as she led Robert up the stairs, a brown coat, floppy hat and cardigan disguising her leather cat suit none too well.
Inside the room there must have been around thirty people in various stages of undress, but after hanging up her coat Natasha insisted Robert should go through to the other room where refreshments were laid out, and so he could join the queue for the whore.
She was apparently pushed through a wall, her naked torso their side her face, feet and hands hidden, and she seemed to be supported by a pole up her vagina. "She's a school teacher," Natasha lied, "Doesn't want her face seen."
Robert worried he might not be able to perform, but after watching three other men ram their cocks up her red raw backside he had no problems what so ever, he just pulled on a condom, smeared it with lube and rammed his cock inside her, deep inside her gloriously tight and warm ass.
"That's ten pounds," Natasha said as Robert pounded away, "On account, and she pinned a ten pound note to the wooden wall beside the whore.
"What's her name?" Robert asked.
"Asshole," Natasha said, "It's just an asshole, nothing more."
Robert came violently, explosively, filling the condom with creamy yet yellowish cum.
"Yuck!" Natasha exclaimed, "That needs attention, have a sandwich and try again."
Robert watched the others, some were gently whipping each other, but mostly they sat around talking, "Robert," Natasha suddenly announced, "The Ass hole is free."
Robert once again stepped up to the mark, his penis slid in easier now and he banged into her in a frenzy, his balls banging and slapping against her crotch as he fucked her with long violent strokes, sweat poured from him and then suddenly as a choir of heavenly angels burst into song and a mauve elephant exploded in his brain, so Robert shot his load into the Ass hole again.
"Thats better," Natasha said reassuringly as Robert slid from Ass hole and she peeled off his condom, "Creamy white," she dipped a finger in it and tasted it, "Salty," she said "Mmm!"
"Natasha," Robert said, "That's disgusting!"
"No, slightly salty," she said, "But you're neglecting me," she chided, "I haven't had a fuck yet."
"No," Robert agreed, "I don''t suppose you had."
"And you prefer fucking an anonymous Ass hole to fucking me?" she enquired.
"I didn't think," Robert said.
"I don't want thinking I want fucking, don't you understand anything?" Natasha taunted him, "But never mind, another day maybe." she said, "We ought to be getting back."
"What?" he exclaimed.
"Home time," Natasha explained, "You can hump Sheila later if you feel the need, I'm sure she will be more than willing."
Robert was sure of that but doubted whether he would be in any fit condition to hump anyone after the glorious anal action he had just experienced.
Natasha drove Robert home to the farm in the smart black Lexus Limousine before she made a wide detour and drove along the track across the fields to the Monastery where she was to check on another recently arrived client.
Robert was greeted by the smell of rabbit stew as he returned to Sheila's kitchen, "I expect you want something hot inside you," she suggested, "Ass fucking takes it out of you don't it?"
"What?" he exclaimed "How did you know!"
"Oh yes Natasha got a whore in special for you," Sheila said, "I said I'd do it but no she said she wanted someone tighter," she said, "Ass wise I mean."
"They got another do on tomorrow," Sheila explained, "I'll take you if you like, you'll have to help me on with me corsets mind!"
Robert's mind reeled at the thought of someone fucking overweight, greying Sheila, and then he realised that is exactly what he had been doing, in the darkness of her bed admittedly, but fat, ageing Sheila had been the recipient of his cum and the realisation of that shocked him to his core.
He ate his stew thoughtfully and accepted a second helping, and within an hour he was in Sheila's bed again, enjoying a leisurely fuck.
6) Susie Slut
Susie could only dream of a soft bed, following the Bondage session, as Carla put a black hood over Susie's head before she persuaded Harry and Geordie to help her dismantle the "Wall," and, as soon as the second plank came off freeing Susie's hands so Carla pulled Susie's arms around behind her and slipped a pair of leather hand cuffs around her wrists, then with the wall dismantled enough to free her legs Susie was lifted off her supporting dildo and allowed to sit on a bench while they pushed the 'Wall' to the side of the room and reassembled it.
Susie sat quietly, ball gagged and now blinded by the soft black hood over her head and deafened by Radio Mendip which still blasted through the headphones, she waited helpless, until as a token of thanks Carla graciously let Harry and Geordie lay Susie on her back, after letting her step through her cuffed wrists, by pulling her knees hard up under her breasts so her hands were in front of her, and once laid down they spread her legs and took it in turns to fuck her bruised and numbed vagina.
"Oh poor Susie, your titties aren't getting any action," Carla told Susie as she lifted one of her headphones and immediately she slipped a traditional rough hewn Gypsy clothes peg over each nipple.
Susie squirmed in renewed agony which excited Harry to a premature ejaculation, and so sooner than he intended Harry handed her over to Geordie.
Later, much later Susie realised she was alone, her hands sought to release the hood but the ties were carefully hidden up inside the fabric, so she just gave up and lay on the hard wooden floor and slept soundly.
Susie didn't know it but Carla had slept nearby, in a sleeping bag on an air bed, idly wanking herself with the same sort of dildo she used on Susie and with the same sort of butt plug she used on Susie plugging her brown hole and so amid vivid dreams involving hundreds of men using her like they had used Susie, she drifted into a contented deep slumber.
Susie slept until lunchtime, her own dreams of psychedelic walrus's and marshmallow clouds dissolved as she found herself lying on the floor with two bearded hells angels watching her, "Oh she's awake!" Carla said and repeated "Awake?" as she removed Susie's headphones and turned the radio off.
Susie stared helplessly, "Right take a leak in the bucket and then we'll clean you up ready," Carla said callously, "But first Razor needs a blow job," and she turned to Razor before he wanks all over your face."
Susie stared but Razor already had his short fat penis in his hand and was tugging the hairy skin covering his heavily veined shaft backwards and forwards making his balls swing and too late Susie opened her mouth wide as the greyish cream splattered her hair and forehead, nose and chin as it pulsed with ever decreasing explosive energy until a mere trickle ran down between her breasts.
"Stupid girl," Carla complained, "What a mess, you must learn to swallow, now suck Fat Bob off properly. Fat Bob was a wiry six foot two with a west country accent so thick that he sounded thick, and a long thin penis, she later learned that he rode a "Fat Bob" Harley Davidson, that's a sort of half chopper, if you're into those things, but Susie thought the name completely bizarre.
With her hands fastened behind her back once again Susie kept falling forward as she tried to suck Fat Bob so Carla let her sit on an old broken wicker chair with a hole in the seat and a bucket under it, but she could now brace herself and as Fat Bob offered her his sweet smelling freshly washed dick to suck so she allowed herself to remember when she first sucked Robert off, on the can in the loo at his bike shop, and just as she had then so she wet herself as the semen pumped into the back of her throat, as if the semen was draining right through her, it was all too much and waves of excitement shuddered through her.
"That's disgusting pissing yourself when you come you filthy slut!" Carla chuckled, "You my darling have hidden depths don't you?"
Susie looked round, she should have felt ashamed but instead she just felt relieved.
Even the stirrup pump enema didn't bother her unduly, until Carla announced that Fat Bob and Razor were here to help her practice DP, where they double plugged her, vagina and anus atb the same time, two live cocks pulsing within her.
"No," she said feebly but they didn't listen, they merely strapped her hands to her sides and with some false starts they eventually stood her up and bent over while Razor forced himself up her anus and then stood her straight up so Fat Bob could spear her vagina with his long thin penis.
"Ggggg," Susie gurgled as the sensations of two cocks working independently coursed through her, "Oh lord," she gasped, as the sensations became too much and reality dissolved into the pink fog of orgasmic bliss.
Carla sensed Susie had lost control and she stepped forward and released the strap around Susie's arms so she could embrace Fat Bob and pull him to her and then in a sudden deluge of cum Susie felt two condoms swell ominously inside her before they subsided in post orgasmic bliss.
"Say thank you, Susie," Carla insisted, "Thank you for using me," she suggested.
"Thank you," Susie said quietly, "That was," she added but she quickly shut up as she remembered were she was."
7) Life changes for Robert
Robert meanwhile was with Natasha, "We have a buyer for your house," she said, "And there is a workshop with a little two up two down terrace house a couple of miles away which we have first refusal on, so if you sign here, and here," she said,"We can proceed."
"What about Susie?" he asked.
"Look, why worry about her," Natasha snapped, "She is out to shaft you, take you for every penny, so do it to her first and forget her."
"Yes, I suppose so." he said.
"And there's a mechanic's job at the second hand bike shop just down the road going if you want to get really dirty," Natasha smiled, "Ok?"
"Ok," Robert smiled and then later that day they travelled back to Robert's hated suburban home and after a brief stop to collect the mail they travelled into town to find his new home.
"Wow, it's brilliant!" Steve said, as he opened the back gate to the terraced property to find almost the whole of the long back garden was roofed over as a workshop, "It must be fifty feet by twenty," he said.
"Eighty," Natasha agreed, "Do you want to see the house?"
"Not really." he said, "Has it got broadband?" he asked and when Natasha nodded he said, "No sod it, lets do it." he agreed and signed the forms Natasha handed him.
They cleared the old house next, Natasha had hired a Man and a Van an they quickly ferried the furniture to the new place, all except the poncy stuff Susie liked which went in the skip Natasha had arranged to be placed on the drive, and when they were done they piled all Susie's smart clothes and stuff into the big yellow skip on the driveway before they went down to the Fish and chip shop for a celebratory take away meal, the three of them, Natasha, Robert and the Van Man.
"I'll have Susie call you," Natasha promised, "So you can decide whether you want her back or not," Natasha smiled her most seductive smile, "There's a nice 996 Ducati in this weeks on line Trade it , she said conspiratorially.
8) Susie starts soliciting
Susie sat on the floor eating her dinner of fish and chips off the polished floor with her fingers as Carla watched her, "Was it really so bad living with Robert up north?" she asked as Susie dropped a chip which cascaded between her naked breasts and slithered down her naked belly to slide off her naked sex onto the floor.
"No," Susie admitted, "Not compared to this!" she said as she retrieved the chip and ate it.
"Natasha sent some pictures," she said, and she reached for a sheaf of A4 sheets fresh from the computer, "Here's your old house with them throwing rubbish in the skip."
"But that's the new house and my antique sideboard!" Susie protested, and as Carla showed her another picture she exclaimed, "My posh frock!"
"Pity," Carla sympathised, "We could have flogged it except the yobbos torched it." she said, "Burned it, set fire to it."
"What everything?" Susie asked.
"Except what Robert wanted, oh and look there's Robert at the new house on his new bike!"
Susie stared, Robert smiled at her from the picture, he had started to grow his moustache again, the one that made him look, well, masculine, and he had his tight leathers on and despite everything a surge of excitement rushed through Susie's veins.
"Why on earth did a gorgeous hunk marry a useless slut like you?" Carla asked.
"I don't know." Susie replied.
"Because he loved you, wanted to help you, and you took that love and pride and everything and crushed it you selfish bitch," Carla told her bluntly, "And by the way it seems he sold the van to buy the bike, but if you look it has a pillion seat so he did think of you!"
"So what happens to me now?" Susie asked.
"Well, there's a meeting of the Wessex bondage club in the pub this evening, so you go down the bar and see who'll pay to fuck you, ten pounds for straight twenty for anal." Carla said, "But first we'll get some pictures for the web site, Slut Susie from Slough, or Natasha was bidding for the domain www.Slough-Slut-Susie.whore, cheapest fuck in wessex."
"No!" Susie wailed.
"Well you have to earn some money somehow or other." Clara reminded her, "Natasha sent the pictures of you in the wall to your boss so you won't have a job to go back to or any references or anything."
Susie gasped, and then she felt a a horrible weight of despair in her throat, "Oh god," she sobbed and the the tears started to drip onto her piece of battered haddock.
Carla put a protective hand around Susie and caressed her right nipple, "It will be all right," Carla promised as she moved to kiss Susie's lips, "Don't worry," she said as her other hand sought Susie's stretched and swollen sex, and then as Carla's tongue invaded Susie's mouth so two then three then all four or her tiny fingers and finally her thumb passed the tight entry to Susie's vagina and passed within.
"Fuck men for money," Carla whispered between kisses, "And girls for pleasure!" she added as she balled her fist within Susie and started thrusting, her mouth on Susie's mouth stifled Susie's screams of pleasure and then gloriously as Susie's muscles involuntarily squeezed Carla's wrist as they tried to milk her of the gushing rush of semen which her hand could never deliver.
Susie lay still afterwards, shocked, too shocked to protest when Carla made her dress in a variety of fetish wear, red latex, black leather, even soft floaty chiffon but with her legs spread showing her sex, or bent over to show her anus, and with her breasts exposed and always smiling at the camera or sucking a dildo.
"You can wear this for the club," Carla suggested, as she fished a simple dress cut low at the back, out of a carrier bag "Stick it on backwards with your tits out and wear these heels," she fished out some red shoes with four inch heels and some black hold up stockings, "And these and stick a few condoms up your backside ready."
"No!" Susie protested so Carla slapped her face.
"Yes, now finish your dinner," Carla said, "And stick the old coat on till we get downstairs."
Carla led Susie down the steps and into the lounge bar, "Ten for straight twenty for anal, they are members of the Wessex bondage club," Carla whispered as she led Susie inside the lounge bar and took her coat, "Offer yourself," she said, "Like I taught you and to the girls and boys, tell them Dp and spanking is negotiable."
Susie had never been so scared but she saw a friendly looking woman sitting at a table with her friend and she said, "Excuse me, I'm Slut Susie from Slough, would you like to fuck me, it's."
"No!" the woman shrieked, "You're deranged,"
"Ten pounds for," Susie added frantically, but the whole bar was in uproar.
"There's a bally prossie Harry!" someone exclaimed.
"Every time we have a drink before WI some clown sends a drug raddled drunken prostitute," Miss Gibbons announced as she placed her coat around Susie's shoulders, "Come with me I run a refuge in town," she said and Susie gratefully accompanied Miss Gibbons as she hustled her out of the door and across to her ancient Morris Minor car.
"How much to whip you dear?" Miss Gibbons asked.
"Fifty?" Susie replied.
"Fifteen take it or leave it," Miss Gibbons offered, "Only I'll have my coat back and drop you here if it's no." she added so Susie agreed.
It took barely fifteen minutes once the arrived at Miss Gibbon's impressive Georgian Manor house, she simply drove Susie to the stable yard behind the house, made her bend over the mounting steps provided to allow skirted ladies to mount their horses decorously side saddle, and then when Susie removed her coat Miss Gibbons carefully took aim and administered six excruciatingly painful lashes with a riding crop, three to each buttock, changing sides after every strike.
Susie winced with the pain, stifling her cries though not her tears, "I am a disgusting sub human cretin," Miss Gibbons said, "Come on girl, say it!"
"I'm not a prostitute really!" Susie blubbed.
"Of course you are, you take money for sex," Miss Gibbons insisted.
"I work in Slough really," Susie sobbed.
"Ugh, no wonder you came down here, all those nasty foreigners yuck!" Miss Gibbons agreed, "Are you getting wet yet?" she asked and when Susie didn't reply she crudely grabbed at Susie and thrust her finger into Susie's labia.
"Oh yes," Miss Gibbons agreed, "Slut Susie, that should be pain slut Susie, now just stay there," Susie lay across the cold solid stone step and waited the next blow but instead something nuzzled her vagina, "Relax girl, enjoy," Miss Gibbons laughed and as Susie craned her head round she saw Miss Gibbons was holding an old yard brush by the bristle end and was forcing it into her vagina.
Miss Gibbons put the broom head against her tummy leaving a filthy brown mark across her pastel green dress and pushed forcing the wooden shaft deep inside Susie and to lubricate its passage Miss Gibbons swatted Susie's shoulders and buttocks one handed and lighty with the riding crop.
"No please!" Susie cried, but she was fully impaled on the handle and Miss Gibbons was expertly manipulating the shaft.
"You see only another girl understands what a slut needs to make her cum," Miss Gibbons explained, "Cum for me, let me see how low you are, making love to a yard broom, you filthy slut."
"Please," Susie cried.
"Oh very well then," Miss Gibbons exclaimed, "Would you like a cup of tea?" she asked as she dropped the broom, it bounced and the shock sent a shock wave of agony coursing through Susie's being, she gasped and screamed and as the pain subsided and she began to float on a purple haze of pleasure she realised she had cum.
"I think we'll forego the Tea," Miss Gibbons explained as she dragged the broom from Susie's vagina and propped it against the stable wall with seven inches or so of the shaft glistening obscenely with Susie's juices.
Miss Gibbons changed her soiled dress for another typical 1970's style pastel blue dress and offered, "I'll drop you back at the pub, you had better sit on a newspaper, you're leaking flith you disgusting little slut."
"I'm not really a whore, will you help me," Susie pleaded, "I have a degree from Durham," she added.
"Liar, you are just a lying slut," Miss Gibbons observed, "I would have taken you to my bed and let you make love to me except you would probably hit me over the head and run off with all my jewellery stuffed up your backside!"
"No honesty!" Susie protested.
"Liar, now do you want a lift?" Miss Gibbons asked, "Because if you keep lying you can walk."
Susie gratefully accepted the lift but when she returned to the Pub she saw a police car outside, "That's her!" she heard Carla say and when she looked she saw Carla in a huge green cardigan with a brown skirt looking every inch the typical Womens Institute member, "She walked in as we were discussing tonight's WI meeting and she tried to sell herself!"
"Are you, ah, Miss Susie Slut?" a burly policeman asked as Susie stepped nervousy from Miss Gibbons car."
"Susie, Suzanne," she replied.
"In that case Miss we must ask you to cum, I mean come," he chuckled at the joke, "Down the Station."
"Why, do you expect me to catch a train?" Susie asked in a desperate attempt at a joke but the Policeman's younger colleague had grasped Susie by the arm and they forced her into the back seat of an elderly Rover police car.
Susie looked out helplessly but Carla walked over and handed the policeman a card for Susie, and said "Have this card, they do rehabilitation, they'll help you kick the drugs."
"Drugs?" The burley policeman asked.
"In her bottom I expect." Carla said, "Disgusting!"
Susie wanted the floor to open up and swallow her, but the burly policeman climbed into the driving seat and they set off for the local police station.
They parked up and hustled Susie into the police station under a blanket, "Right Miss, you stand accused of soliciting for sex at the Golden Heart public house in Glastonbury road," the younger policeman suggested.
"Look, if I let you fuck me will you let me go?" Susie asked hopefully.
"I wouldn't fuck you if you paid me," he replied, "But these drugs, either we get a woman in from Glastonbury to search your cavities or we do it ourselves."
"Can you get a woman." Susie asked.
"Sounds like she wants us to do it young Jason," the burly constable laughed.
"But she said!" his colleague insisted.
"She's a lying whore," the burly one observed, "Get her in the cell."
The younger policeman led her into the cell and stood guard outside while his burly colleague dropped his uniform trousers, slipped on a pair of police issue rubber gloves and a police issue condom and as Susie bent forward from the waist so he first started to search her anus with his fingers and then as she relaxed he forced the handle of the hand brush they used to keep the cell clean deep inside her and worked it around "To loosen her up," and finally he rammed his rampant penis deep inside her.
"If you accept a police caution we will keep you in overnight and let you go in the morning!" he grunted between thrusts.
"And if not?" she asked.
"Glastonbury Magistrates at the en of the month, you can stop here till then." he replied.
"I'll take a caution," she agreed.
"Good girl," he said, "You don't mind if I pull out and spunk all over your face do you?" he asked and without waiting for and answer he pulled out of her, tossed the shit streaked condom into the corner of the cell and almost immediately his swollen tool began to twitch and jerk and leak pre cum until suddenly the watery white semen began bubbling from his tool and he caught most of it in his gloved hand and smeared it all over Susie's face before he wiped his glove clean on her hair.
"You fucking disgust me you filthy whore," he insisted as he stared at Susie's glistening face, "You had better use your phone call to ring these people," he added and handed Susie the card.
She stared at the number as the burly PC handed her his cell phone, "Get on with it."
She dialled the number, "Bobs Bikes," the answerphone cut in, "For service press one, for a long wait press two, for all other enquiries go get," it said in a strangely distorted version of Robert's voice.
"Hello, I'm here," Robert said, "What can I do for you?" Susie was shocked, then she remembered Carla had handed the policeman the card, Robert would come for her, she was sure.
"Robert, it's Susie, can you help me please." she asked
"Get stuffed." he replied and slammed the phone down.
9) Robert to the rescue.
Robert was enjoying life, he swapped the Van for a nice Ducati 996 Biposto, twin seat in other words, and discovered the previous occupant of the house had used it as a brothel, "You letting rooms like Tony did," a soaking wet drug raddled scantily clad prostitute asked as she stood shivering on his doors step the same evening that he moved in.
"Oh I don't know," he said seriously considering the idea, "How long for?"
"Long as it takes, ten minutes quarter hour." she said.
"I thought you meant to stay!" he said.
"No, just to bring blokes back," she suggested.
"How much do you charge?" he asked.
"Fifty for straight, and." she offered.
"Tenner, and fish and chips?" he offered, "Stick your clothes in the tumble drier?"
"You're on you smooth talking bastard!" she smiled showing a row of fillings in her rotten nicotine stained teeth.
"Stick your stuff in there," Robert pointed to the Tumble drier, and wished he had saved some of Susie's stuff, "What's you name?"
"Dawn, they say I fucks till dawn," she laughed, "Well you have to with a habit like mine."
Dawn stripped off and put her jacket tee shirt skirt and underwear in the drier and turned it on.
"Where's me fish and chips?" she asked.
"Oh, its a frozen ready meal," he said, "In the fridge,"
"Yuck," Dawn exclaimed, as she looked in the fridge, "This looks better, Roast beef meal for three," she said, "That'll do me." and she pulled the packet out and went to microwave it.
"Fuck first!" Robert said.
"Pay first," Dawn insisted, "Look there's no hurry!"
"No?" Robert queried as he dropped his pants revealing his straining erection which was already glistening with pre cum.
"Oh, I see, do I turn you on?" Dawn asked, and Robert stared at her prematurely sagging tits and peroxide blonde hair with black roots and. "Stupid question," Dawn answered herself as she retrieved a condom full of condoms from her vagina and handed one to Robert who slid it on and before she could ask "Where?" he lifted her onto the Tumble drier and eased his length into her.
"That's nice," Dawn admitted, "I usually takes it up the back passage in a back alley." she confessed, "This is really nice and civilised."
The drier gently throbbed as the clothes turned, "It's more than fucking nice you bastard," she said and then the microwave pinged, "Hurry up!" but it was nearly half an hour before Robert finally released a warm flow of cum into the condom and announced he was satisfied.
They shared the meal, and as it was still raining they decided she might as well stay the night.
They thrashed out a deal the next morning, Robert agreed that she could use the sofa bed in the front room as long as she looked after Robert.
Robert was just looking forward to Dawn coming home so he coud screw her when the phone rang, the answer-phone cut in but he picked up anyway,"Hello, I'm here," he said, "What can I do for you?"
"Robert, it's Susie, can you help me please." she asked
"Get stuffed." he replied and slammed the phone down, how dare she phone him, she had her therapy, he'd been weaned off her, shown even the most unpromising prospect can be a decent fuck and now she wanted help.
He brooded, the phone rang again, "Susie?" he asked hopefully.
"Natasha, did Susie call?" Natasha asked.
"I slammed the phone down." he said.
"Only she's in a bad way, she been arrested and cautioned for soliciting and prostitution, she has her own web site and everything, its disgusting," Natasha gave him the web address, "And I think she will be dismissed from her job without references when bosses find out."
"How?" he asked.
"Because I've already emailed and told them," Natasha explained, "So do you want her back, or shall we get her started on heroin and let her get aids and die."
"Natasha, that's awful, where is she?" Robert asked.
"Near Taunton," Natasha said, "Phone her back," and she put the phone down.
"But I don't know the number," he protested into a dead phone.
Suddenly he remembered, the answerphone had started to take the call, he replayed the messages and sure enough it had a "Phone number," it said, "Called at."
He played it three times to be sure and rang the number.
"Constable Roberts," came the reply.
"I think my wife rang earlier, Susie." Robert said.
"What Slough Slut Susie's husband, are you mad sir?" PC Roberts asked.
"Totally, I must be, can you put her on?" he replied.
"It's your pimp!" PC Roberts said as he handed Susie the phone.
"Hello Robert," she said awkwardly as PC Roberts younger colleague humped her anus, his ealier qualms having been allayed by the way his older colleague rode her, "I'm in such a mess, can you rescue me?"
"Why?" he asked.
"They made me do things!" she said.
"What things?" he asked.
"Whipped me, made me suck their things, poked me two at a time, up my bottom and everything and now I've been arrested for prostitution." she complained.
"You never let me fuck you bottom," Robert observed.
"Look Robert, I can change, if you'll have me back I'll do anything, you can do anything, anything, anytime." she offered.
"What anal?" he suggested, "Dress in leather, fuck in a field, in the rain, on the beach at Weston, in the surf at Newquay."
"Yes, I'd like that, please help me!" she said.
"Well there's nothing booked in Thursday week so," Robert suggested.
"No you bastard now!" she said.
"I'll have to bring the bike." he pointed out, "I sold the van."
"Yes anything!" Susie agreed.
10) Together again.
Robert could hardly believe his eyes when he went to fetch Susie from the cell his once immaculately dressed and perfumed wife was curled up in a ball on the floor, her hair matted with cum and her naked ass and vagina prominent and bruised between her legs.
"She accepted a caution for soliciting, and its after midnight so get her out of here," PC Roberts insisted, so Robert gently kicked her awake and handed her the motorcycle leathers she used to wear, and her boots and gloves and helmet, even her scarf but he insisted she left the whorish costume Carla provided behind so she was naked under the Leathers.
The power of the Ducati was a shock to Susie as was the minute size of the pillion seat so she clung desperately to Robert as her hurled the bike around the country lanes and B roads as her headed for the Motorway and as she did so she remembered why she had loved him and began to wish they could make love again.
They stopped at Easton in Gordano service area on the M5 and there between a Ford Mondeo in Car Park B she started to repay Roberts kindness with a straight missionary fuck on the wet tarmac, and he marvelled at the ease with which he simply took her, no foreplay, nothing. Her bruised but moist vagina yielded instantly as his penis melted within her moulding her to his needs, and as he pounded her urgently her excitement and pride that her man had chosen her pushed her to a pinnacle of ecstasy that the hot gush of his semen filling her pushed her beyond anything she had ever known, "Love you!" she gasped.
"Not a bad first-time-back fuck," he agreed grudgingly.
They had an all day breakfast and afterwards he bent her over a Vauxhall Astra and sampled her anus for the first time, he wanted to kiss her neck but the stench of someone else's stale cum in her hair put him off yet excited him and he summoned his last reserves of spunk to fill her ass hole.
It was getting light when they got back to Robert's new home, Susie watched as Robert expertly swept the Ducati up the back alley to the entrance to back yard and she seemed surprised as he opened the doors to reveal the large workshop.
Susie was even more surprised to find the small terraced house now contained much of the furniture from their house, but it was late and they slipped into bed together and slept until past mid day.
Robert woke first, "Hey Susie, wake up!" he said, "Where's my breakfast?" he asked.
"What did your last slave die of?" she asked as she stretched and then she remembered where she was, "Oh right," she said, "Sorry!"
"I like waffles, syrup, coffee," he said, "Make a tray, bring it up and wake me with a blow job." he suggested, "If you want to hang around."
"Robert!" she protested so he hit her around the face, not hard, just a little reminder.
"Bitch, you filthy bitch," he exclaimed, "Christ there's cum all over your face, get cleaned up ok!" he snapped "You're a fucking disgrace!"
"Robert!" she said again, "Sorry."
"Yeah well I'll let you off this time, but you remember, if you want to stay you stay clean and wholesome all the time." he said, "Twenty four seven."
"Yes, I'll remember," she said, "And Robert," she said, "Thank you for rescuing me!"
"Hey," he said, "That's what I do, look out for you, so get a bath, ok?"
He watched her as she walked towards the bathroom, she looked sexier than he remembered, it was her slightly bruised sex he decided, and the fact she was naked, and it didn't seem to bother her, not like before when she never let him see her naked, he smiled, he liked the new Susie, he decided.
Susie dreaded the thought of taking a bath in the old terraced house but the water was hot, and there was plenty of soap and hair shampoo, and there was a shower head at the end of the bath and she saw a hair dryer in the bedroom, and she realised that all she had to do was wait until Robert dropped his guard and she could slip the leathers on and escape, phone her mum maybe, she thought as she she filled the bath and climbed in.
She rinsed her hair and watched the filthy water swish around the plug hole, then after rinsing the shampoo away she dried her self and sat on Robert's bed and dried her hair.
Her mood lifted and crashed in the next few minutes as Robert produced a plate of ham sandwiches and then he sat beside her and handed over her cell phone, "Natasha sent it."
He left her alone and she immediately rang her mother, "Mum!" she said.
"Natasha," her mother replied, "I think its for the best if you don't ring here again." she said.
"Mum!" Susie protested.
"We saw the pictures, the website," her mother explained, "You just lied didn't you, making out you had a good job when you're just a prostitute, lord knows what your sister would say if she ever found out."
"But Mum!" Susie exclaimed as her mother put the phone down.
"There's a message from your boss," Robert said as he returned, "You ought to ring him."
Susie made a strangled cry and buried her head in the bedclothes, "Hey don't cry," Robert said, "What is it?"
"My Mum doesn't want me to ring her anymore." She complained.
"No," Robert agreed, "Natasha had me take a CD of your website to her house, sorry."
"And work?" Susie asked anxiously.
"Yes, and work," he agreed, "And pretty much everyone in your address book." he admitted, "Have you seen it?"
"No," she replied.
"I'll get the laptop, I've had loads of enquiries," he suggested and as she cried her eyes out he went to find his Laptop, "Here it is look!" he said with a beaming smile.
"Slut Susie, Slough's ultimate whore experience," a voice not unlike Carla's husked from the laptop as the camera homed in on Susie's ass hole, panned along her crotch past her vagina and zoomed up between her breasts to focus on her face showing her energetically sucking a leather clad hells angel's cock.
It showed her on the 'Wall', her backside leaking cum as a whole series of men used her,Robert himself included, "Isn't that Mr Williams your boss?" Robert asked.
"What, no that's Mr Edwardes," she gasped, "Oh god!"
"No wonder they've been leaving messages!" Robert quipped, "Anyway you can use the front room, Dawn has been using it, I'm expecting a bloke at six thirty, I told him twenty five for anal, is that ok?"
"Don't joke," Susie replied but Robert shook his head, "Oh no, I'm deadly serious, if you want to stay you have to pay your way."
"Well half of everything is mine!" Susie insisted.
"I think you signed this?" Robert suggested and he reached under the bed and produced a briefcase with some forms, "Seperation, distribution of assets, Suzanne an Robert," he said, "The house, the sums paid by Robert.." he quoted, "and Suzanne for the house shall be returned to pro rata from the residue to Robert and Suzanne." he quoted, "Natasha got this place using my part as a deposit."
"And mine?" Suzanne, asked.
Robert read down, "A percentage of the residue due to Suzanne shall be paid to The Company aforesaid by way of a fee, the percentage shall be," Robert read "Well see for yourself you signed it."
"What?" she demanded.
"One hundred per cent." Robert explained.
"No!" she gasped.
"That's what it says." he confirmed, "If you're not happy there's a phone number here, why not call Natasha?"
Susie made the call with trembling fingers, "She's coming round," she said and she put the phone down.
Natasha arrived within the hour, she arrived by taxi carrying two big cases, but Susie had to wait upstairs as Robert refused to let her borrow any of his clothes.
"Natasha," Susie wailed, up here!"
Natasha climbed the stairs, "So you're not satisfied with our service?" she asked.
"No," Susie admitted.
"You ungrateful slut," Natasha exclaimed and she slapped Susie across the face sending her sprawling across the bed, "You've had more sex with your husband this last two days than the last two months, we've lost count of the orgasms you've had, you have clients queueing up to screw you, we've got your mother off your back and now you quibble about a few measly thousands of pounds, well we're not a charity you know."
"Not a charity?" Susie gasped, "But I thought,"
"No they are dot org, we are dot co dot uk, it makes all the difference," Natasha admitted, "They would have you on medication and Robert locked up." she said, "Instead of having the best sex you ever had."
"Robert!" Susie said, "Do something."
Robert shook Natasha's hand, "Thanks for everything!" he said.
"I brought her some clothes and her passport and that sort of stuff," Natasha said to Rober, "They're downstairs, would you fetch them please," she asked.
"Now Susie," Natasha advised as soon as Robert was out of earshot, "Make him jealous, scream the house down when punters use you, make sure fake an orgasm every time, he'll soon come around."
Natasha went quiet as Robert brought the cases upstairs, and Natasha opened them to reveal peep hole bras, open crotch panties and pantihose, cuffs, a dog collar and leash, and latex and leather dresses, and even a reasonable business suit in one case and shoes and night dresses and a coat in the other together with a selection box of a thousand assorted condoms.
"Sheila sends her love and you will invite us to the christening won't you." Natasha said as a parting shot, "I'll see myself out."
To be Continued
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Near the center of the city park, there was a small, rundown bathroom far from any of the main walking paths. It had originally been intended as a park employee bathroom, but as other facilities were built over the years it fell out of use. Nowadays it received very little foot traffic, but thanks to a lax cleaning staff, managed to be as filthy as any heavily used gas station bathroom. The usual graffiti adorned the walls, most of the floor was covered with tracked-in dirt and leaves, and...
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“As we enter the main room this is the main congregating area. This building was at one time a warehouse, and I chose it for the club because it was not too large like some of the many empty warehouses in Denver area. The central area will seat about 200 people, and we can hold a max of 500 people total.” “To the left is our new video and toy store. All our videos are from club members who wanted to sell their videos of their play time. Videos range from $25 to $50...
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I went to the bathroom to get the K-Y and a couple of condoms, and just like in a poorly written movie I found myself looking in the mirror. I thought, "proud of yourself?" No backing out now. I felt guilt, but reasoned that we were both going to get what we wanted. Beside, she needed major help with her self-esteem, and right now maybe just totally giving herself to a man was what she needed. That's the kind of logic a horny man sometimes resorts to. While in the bathroom I decided to...
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Hey my name Abdul Musaveer—20 years of age from Hyderabad, India…6feet 2inches tall…slim body. White complexion…with very cute face…and very sporty and friendly nature….I have very sexy smile as most of my friend says….One afternoon…with my 3 other best friends … my three best buddies, Mohsin, Ibrahim and Shahzad ..Wondering around in King Street in Hamilton…it was a hot summer day….and looking around lot of semi nude’s boys and girls….make us horny as fuck Short description for these three...
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DEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, JUNE 12th (Continued) On Saturday, Fred got the old johnboat working in the boathouse down by the little pier, and told us that he'd be taking it out on the lake for several hours. Before he left, however, Brenda said she had something to suggest, and she went into the bedroom and emerged holding two bikinis. She'd purchased them the day before, and since the weather had turned warm, she asked Fred it the two of us could lie on the pier and soak up some sun. I was...
Adapted from “1942” by Jenny Wanshel Micronesia, October 26, 1942 Perhaps it was his boots that pulled him under when in crossing the reef, the surf upended the launch, but in any case, Lieutenant O’Connor vanished. Miss Elsie held back the boys who wanted to swim to the officer’s rescue. She grabbed them by the shoulders, the arms, the hair, but ultimately it was her shrieking that dissuaded them from likewise perishing. There were nine on the sand, eight boys from Palua Secondary and...
I woke up Monday morning with a terrible cold. Just my luck,I was playing semi pro soccer and the most important game of the year was in 2 days I was working as a physical trainer and I had 4 clients booked for the day, I got my phone and canceled my appointments and went back to bed. Not being able to get any rest due to nasal congestion, fever plus my body was just hurting . The state final was Wednesday so I only had 2 days to fight of my cold. Laying restless in bed thinking how I could...
I was twenty-three and this older guy asked me out on a date, I agreed and he took me to a new experience. He had taken me to a gay bathhouse.Gary was a gray-haired bear, he was just a little taller than me, he was about 5' 10". He also had piercing blue eyes and a deep voice that made my knees weak and an urge to have him deep inside me.I had gotten ready for my date after I got off work. It was a Friday night. He liked his men young and smooth. So I shit, showered, and shaved everything. Then...
Gay MaleKeith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor,...
I wrote this story long ago at another site. It's one of my favorites.In 1962 life was simpler. The k**s in the neighborhood played baseball and football on the street. We could ride our bikes anywhere and not have anyone worry about us. As we got older several of the boys decided we needed a clubhouse where we could jack off whenever we wanted to without fear of getting caught. Being nerdy boys and even though I was a senior and he was a junior, the girls at school didn't seem that...
I’d been running out of ways to casually pass by Mom’s bedroom when, finally, I saw that she was open mouthed and snoring. The bedside light was still on and her romance paperback was splayed out in her hand. I crept out the back door and crossed the silent dark streets in the direction of the highway.Dad was in the doghouse. Specifically, he was staying at the motor lodge on the edge of town since Mom kicked him out of the house.Mom knows that Dad and I are close – in fact, she’s always...
The Demons Sons clubhouse sat somewhat obscure, but ominously at the dead end of the road she had grown up on. She couldn't remember a time in her life when there wasn’t loud bikes or hot rods going by her house. It was natural to her by this day in time, her eighteenth birthday. In fact, she had even become quite curious about what was inside. Her dad had always told her that they weren’t just a motorcycle club like they always purported. But he also said hundreds of times, “Like most...
Group SexThe Demons Sons clubhouse sat somewhat obscure, but ominously at the dead end of the road she had grown up on. She couldn't remember a time in her life when there wasn’t loud bikes or hot rods going by her house. It was natural to her by this day in time, her eighteenth birthday. In fact, she had even become quite curious about what was inside. Her dad had always told her that they weren’t just a motorcycle club like they always purported. But he also said hundreds of times, “Like most...
Group SexThis is how it all began with my Indian housemaid Maria. Let me describe her first of all. Maria is over 50 years old, good sense of humor and decent figure. She has 36C boobs, a nice shaven pussy, nice ass and a pretty face. I first met her in 1995 when I dropped her cousin off after work but never got to talk to her. Later both her and her cousin left the country and Maria returned a few years later with her husband. I met her in the local supermarket one lunchtime where we both recognized...
Are you dissatisfied or frustrated by your current living situation? Do you wish that you were the one making the rules in your house? Do you make the rules of the house but wish your housemates would follow those rules without question? Well now you can! You have been randomly chosen to receive the HouseMate app absolutely free! There’s no need to give your credit card number or your personal info, we have all that stuff already! How do you think we found your phone? ;) How does the app work,...
IncestHello guys, this is Raj back with another experience. Read it and enjoy! I met this person on an online dating platform. In the first text, he asked me to meet him, and I somehow agreed to it. We met at a coffee shop on a Friday evening and got to know each other even better. We liked each other and planned to meet at his place on Sunday afternoon and have fun. His name is Tom. On Sunday morning, he picked me. We went to have breakfast and then headed to his place. He lives in an apartment in...
Gay MaleThe whisper was soft as I watched him from across the room. “Enjoy your dinner, Eli. Don’t worry about how it was paid for.” It bothered me that I’d verbalized my thoughts. It was unprofessional. Looking away from Eli, I made sure that no one was obvious in their concern about the crazy lady at the table for one who was talking to herself. Eli Martinez worked for a hedge fund and could easily afford his meal at Rio Bistro. I couldn’t, but my dinner was an investment. The waitress was sweet...
The story I’m about to tell to place nearly forty years ago. At the time, I was living in a shared house with three other people. One of my housemates was a good friend, a tall Welshman called Ned with red hair. We all shared in the house running and often eat together, cooking communal meals. As close friends, sharing seemed natural though I didn’t at that time see how far that might go!My girlfriend of the time was at college outside of London and so we didn’t see each other as often as we...
ThreesomesIt was the start of my third year in college. This year, I was finally moving out of the dorms and living in a house. I really procrastinated the year before when it came to housing and I ended up asking Diana, my best friend, if she was able to accommodate one more at her place. She had already found someone to occupy each room at the house that she rented, but luckily for me, she offered to let me room with her. The two of us have known each other since middle school and have always had each...
My business travel during this period was mostly in the Northeast states, often by car. I sometimes started my work-week with a day-long drive to the first city, then working my way homewards to end up at home on Friday night. It was hard work, moving from hotel to hotel and seldom staying more than one night in each city. As a married man, I didn't look for women during my travels, My luggage would include a dildo and some lube, good for an ass-job and masturbation, as near sex as I could...
My boi-pussy was wet from the lube that dribbled out into a small puddle on the rubber sheets on the floor. As one man steps away from me after fucking my ass into oblivion, another comes up to take his place between my ass cheeks while the others continued to watch and cheer him on.I was drunk from the aroma of poppers and scented condoms as four or five men took turns gangbanging my tight boi-hole. I braced myself once again as a large cock penetrated easily into my stretched boi-pussy. This...
I have been reading about bathhouses for a long time. I have only been with a couple of guys, and am not all that experienced. I was going out of town on business and thought this was the perfect opportunity. I could barely keep my mind on my business that day thinking of walking around this bathhouse naked with other men. that night I went to a gay bar near there to get rid of my inhibitions. after a few drinks, I thought I may as well start my short walk to the bathhouse. I could feel my body...
My name Lisa and I am an experienced and slutty crossdresser. I started to crossdress when I was 20 because I wanted to know how it would feel like to be like one of the porn sluts I was masturbating on. It started with dildos and a dress and very quickly I moved to real dicks and eventually multiple at a time. The following is the true story of my first visit to a bathhouse and first experience with multiples dicks. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments.It took me two years to finally find the...
"I don't know what you're expecting Bobby," Samuel said. "It's not like there's gonna be a bunch of leather strapped queers that are going to take you the first chance they get.""Still, it's a gay bathhouse..." Bobby said, adjusting the passenger seat."You'd be surprised, not that much sex actually goes on there anymore," Samuel said, sensing his straight friend was rolling his eyes. "So there's some, but for the most part, it's in private rooms. Guys our age mostly come here to work out, swim...
Monster SexIn his hands I felt safe. I always had. In a world of people desperately seeking and holding out hope for that one true connection, I had found mine. He had stolen my heart in an instant, becoming my oxygen and with him I felt more alive than ever before. Never had I felt so treasured and adored, his affection spellbinding. Willingly I bestowed both my mind and body to him. And in doing so he had opened my eyes to so much more. Deep in my heart I knew he would always keep me close, forever...
BDSMIt's a drab, nondescript little room hardly worth describing except it plays a key part in our story. It was not Martin's in any propertied sense. Nor was it his in the sense that it was the room his wife Cindy consigned to him. He had in fact chosen it on his own months before, as we will learn. Today it's his to live in when he's off duty. In mockery after a few martinis, Cindy refers to it as the "formal maid quarters." Never refurbished or remodeled like the rest of the house and...
Saturday starts nice and sunny when Emma and Donald wake up. It is already getting warm by nine o’clock. They decide that they will spend the day, for the most part, on the beach.After a quick shower, both are in bathing suits, Emma insists on a cover to go down to breakfast with Dorothy and Maude. But both women can see her figure outlined under the light coverall and sigh at Emma’s loveliness.That is the nice thing about Dorothy and Maude, they have over the years learned to appreciate,...
Love StoriesLori Connors walked through the greenhouse of her nursery and spoke to several of the customers looking for plants and flowers. After purchasing the greenhouse and nursery several years earlier, Lori used her business and horticultural skills to increase sales while offering the public and landscapers a variety of plants and trees. In an attempt to foster more business, she allowed her blonde hair to grow to her waist. She often greeted the landscaping contractors early in the morning dressed...
On the 31th of July Millie Marie closed the shop that bore her name, giving, as was her long tradition, the employs and followers of Millie Marie's Housewives & Others the whole of August off with pay. Millie herself, making sure no one knew where she was going, headed to the airport for her annual pilgrimage to the Greek Isle of Samos. It was there in 1890 that Millie Marie, then known as Sir Miles Jove St. Maris, a member of what passed in that time as the profession...
Housemate Sisyphus I live in a cabin in the woods that my wife and I built several years ago. She moved out last year and we got a divorce after twenty-five years. We’re still friends but just drifted apart. Life goes on. I’m a writer and have a couple of books published and a collection of poetry. I have a little following but nothing major by any means. I teach writing at a local college and a few on-line courses. I’m sixty-one and in pretty good shape considering I love to eat and hate to...
Underwear HousemateWill woke up to the smell of French Toast wafting up from the kitchendownstairs. He had slept in and spent longer than he intended to withBen from the night before. All that intense fucking again and againhad left him ravished, and he hoped he could score a delicious bite tofill him up for the drive home. Hoping to tempt Ben into sharing hisbreakfast, Will only dressed in his tight black jocks before headingdown."Morning, sleeping beauty." Ben cheerfully greeted him as he...
Part 1-A – Jesus I woke up and checked the clock in my tiny room and cursed – late for work again.? I quickly sprinted to the bathroom and as I got there, saw that I'd just beaten Liz, my obnoxious church-lady housemate, apparently also late and running, to the bathroom.? Oh, well, she’d had the same chance as I did.? Now she'd have to wait.? Our other three housemates had long since left for work. As I locked the door behind me she shrieked, and shouted at me through the door -- she seemed...
The week was a great one, I had Adam back he had kinda forgiven me, I came out to my mom, and I was going to the clubhouse to pay for my wrong doing and disappointing Adam. We where leaving school and I told Adam I had to run to my house and grab clothes for the weekend. He said you will only need one suit of clean clothes, I’ll go with you. We headed to my house and I packed a pair of jeans, a shirt, socks, and underwear in my backpack. I excused myself and went into the bathroom and...
The empty shell of the townhouse still smouldered as the fire crew carried out the charred remains of another victim. The corpse soon joined the line of black body bags behind a parked ambulance, hidden from the gathered TV cameras. No doubt an effort to give them a dignity in death that they didn't have in life. So… what happened at this old townhouse? DC Blakely scribbled into his notepad, twitching his nose at the acrid smell of burnt furniture. He turned to his colleague, the buxom brunette...