SafesexChapter 3 free porn video

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I went to the bathroom to get the K-Y and a couple of condoms, and just like in a poorly written movie I found myself looking in the mirror. I thought, "proud of yourself?" No backing out now. I felt guilt, but reasoned that we were both going to get what we wanted. Beside, she needed major help with her self-esteem, and right now maybe just totally giving herself to a man was what she needed. That's the kind of logic a horny man sometimes resorts to.

While in the bathroom I decided to try to pee, but couldn't. The erection I was sporting probably had something to do with that. No pee, just a couple of drops of seminal fluid oozed out. No matter, I didn't really need to, and in a few minutes it wouldn't be much of a priority. I heard the bedsprings briefly squeak in the other room. Obedient girl. I wondered if, in spite of all my caution, I was letting myself get set up in some sort of con game. But I didn't see how, since I was so sure I had her pegged correctly. If this was a con, it was an all-time great one. I went to the closet to get my Polaroid (the 35mm would be better, but I wanted the discretion that instant photography offers), and checked that the safety lock on the front door was set. It wasn't, and I set it. Why hadn't I thought of that earlier? Mighty funny photos someone waiting outside the door could have come in and taken three minutes ago. This thought made me chuckle at myself, and reinforced my conviction that no nasty surprises were in store for me. It's a good thing there's no history of cardiac trouble in my family, because once again my heart started pounding hard as I walked toward the bedroom.

I strode in, and as I expected Amy was lying naked, on her back, on top of my bed. She had turned on the nightstand light, at its lowest setting, so my view was only dim. I hadn't even speculated on how she would look from the waist down, I had been so preoccupied with her top, but she was no disappointment. Her legs were together, so I couldn't have seen everything even if the light had been brighter, but her pubic hair was soft looking. The hair only reached a couple of inches above her pubic bone, maybe less, and I imagined that she could wear the most revealing bathing suits with confidence. Or maybe she just kept it trimmed. I was looking forward to studying this matter.

I put my paraphernalia on the dresser at the foot of the bed, guessing that she would not see what I had brought in. She raised herself slightly onto her elbows, spread her legs maybe an inch, and looked at me, apparently waiting for me to start the ceremonies. Ever passive. I walked over to the nightstand next to the bed, turned up the light to its brightest level, and went back to the wall switch and turned on the ceiling light.

The light was harsh, but I wanted a good look. I could see that her pubic hair was about the same medium brown as the hair on her head, or maybe even lighter. They say pubic hair is always darker, but I'm not sure that's such a hard and fast rule. At least it wasn't with Amy. Maybe it only seemed lighter because it was so sparse and fine.

I spoke. "Um, I think you are getting a little ahead of the game, Amy. Sit up, and get into a kneeling position." She complied, and folded her hands in her lap. I told her to spread her legs, and she did a little bit. Then I told her to take her finger and rub her cunt until she had permission to stop.

She hesitated, and I asked her if I needed to show her how. She shook her head and began doing as she was told. I wondered if her hesitation was due to the nature of the request, or due to the fact I had said cunt. I didn't care, as long as she went along. This was my chance to have things my way.

I quickly undressed in front of her, taking off my underpants last. See, it had been worth checking that they were clean. She watched me as I undressed, and kept her eyes on my penis as it bobbed when it came free, but her face was expressionless and I assumed she was watching only because she thought I expected her to.

I asked, "are you getting turned on?" and she said "yes". I probed, "are you turned on by your finger, or from watching me?" She replied, "both". I felt like I was playing a game of twenty questions, but decided that now was not the moment to ask her to elaborate. As near as I could see, or hear, her pussy was still pretty dry, so I didn't put much stock in her answer anyway. "Of course, you were already pretty hot, from having me play with your boobs, huh?"

"Um hmm."

I wanted her to remember her dining room lesson. I'm no student of psychology, but it seemed like the right approach, to keep hammering away at her insecurities. I joined her on the bed, also kneeling, and shifted around until we were facing knee to knee. I put my hand on her hand as it moved around her cunt, and after half a minute told her that she could stop. "I like to be with a woman when she's good and hot," I lied. Well, I mean, I like a hot woman, but I lied in implying that I thought this one was hot yet.

"You'll have to keep it in control, though, and not let your lust get in the way of what I want." I took her face in my hands, leaned forward, and pressed my lips to hers. Her lips parted, and I tasted her tongue. She reached up and put her hands behind my head, and rocked her head gently back and forth to add passion to her kiss. Simulated passion, of course.

After a little of this, I pulled back and said, "here, I want you to put your hand here," and put her right hand on my left thigh, "and this hand here," and put her other hand on my right thigh. I resumed kissing her, and she began massaging my legs. I broke away again and said, "no, just rest your hands there," and went back to kissing her. I didn't have any handcuffs, and didn't know anything about bondage anyway, but this might be the next best thing, to see if she would keep herself immobilized on my command. Keeping one hand behind her head while I kissed her, I used my other hand to begin with her nipples again, first one, then the other, back and forth. I heard her go "mmm" as we kissed.

She had learned her lesson well. I put my hands on her cheeks and pulled her face away from mine, tilting her head and began lightly pushing her head, prepared to add more pressure if needed. She allowed me to push her down until the top of her head was around my chest, then resisted, as if she only then realized what I was intending. "I have something else I'd like you to kiss," I said. I let her shift her weight slightly, then resume pressing, this time a little harder. She let herself be folded down until her mouth was near my penis. I then put my hands on her hands, so as to remind her not to move them from my thighs. She started kissing the tip of my cock without further instruction, not too accurately since neither she nor I was doing anything to hold it steady.

After a half minute of love pecks, I told her, "kiss it all over." She shifted her weight again and kissed it up and down the shaft. I let her do this for another minute, then told her, "now go back and just kiss the top of it." I used my right hand to steady my penis, and she seemed to understand, and passively resist, what was about to happen. In spite of the fact that moments earlier she had had her mouth next to the tip, she now kissed all around under the head of my cock but not squarely on top. I put my other hand under her chin to lift her head slightly so that she was kissing the tip in spite of herself. Then I slipped a finger between her lips and separated them.

She pretended not to catch on to what I had in mind, which was fine since I was perfectly willing to be explicit. Slowly I worked my finger between her teeth, and thereupon pushed down on her lower jaw to indicate she should open her mouth. She didn't comply quickly, but she didn't actively resist either. When I had half of the head of my cock in her open mouth, I stated, "this is getting you more and more turned on, isn't it?" She nodded slightly and said "um hmm". "Go ahead then," I said, and pushed downward on the back of her head.

She allowed the head of my cock to slide in, and I let her stop there. She didn't seem to have any clear idea of what to do at this juncture. Despite all my fantasizing about her during the evening, I hadn't stopped to consider whether she'd be any good at this. From what I could tell, this might be her first time doing it.

I reminded myself to take it real slowly, since the last thing I needed was to make her gag. On the other hand, she probably didn't know where to draw the line, so if I was patient enough I could probably get her to perform some amount of deep throat if she was capable of it. I tried to figure out a way to let her know what to do, without accusing her of not knowing.

Besides, she surely knew, at least in theory, and just needed to be encouraged to start. "Does it turn you on to suck it?" was the best I could come up with. Her reply of "um hmm" was equally unimaginative, although you could make allowances for the fact that it's difficult to be eloquent when there's someone's cock in her mouth. She began giving a little more action.

"Watch out for your teeth," I cautioned as she began to scrape rather than tease. I'd let her do it her own way for a while before trying to instruct her. Not that I was such an expert. My only expertise was as a recipient, and even that was awfully limited. In my highly aroused state, she didn't have to be a trained expert to quickly bring me to a pre-orgasmic peak anyway, and I wanted to make this last. So I periodically took my cock out of her mouth, touching her nose and cheek with it, then putting it back in. "You're very good," I told her. What the hey, give her a little encouragement. "Your tongue is so good," I added, hoping she would take the hint and ease up on the teeth a little.

I repeated this process of putting it in, taking it out. Each time, I put it in a little deeper than before, although still not even halfway. There was plenty of time, and hurrying it could only spoil things. After a few minutes of this, I pulled out again and sat there watching her. She waited for a bit to see what I was going to do next, and when I didn't do anything immediately she looked up at me.

I placed my hands on hers, which were still rooted to their spot on my thighs, and asked her, "what do you call this?", and she paused before replying thickly, "oral sex."

"No," I corrected, pointing to my penis, "what do you call this thing you are sucking?" "Your thing, uh, your penis." She said the word like it was a foreign term. "That's just the medical term. You surely call it something when you are talking with your girlfriends? A dick, a cock, a prick, a pecker?"

She thought for a moment, straightened her back somewhat to face me, then shyly returned my smile and said, "some of the girls in the dorm call it a cock."

"If you didn't call it that, what would you call it, a dick, or a prick, or a pecker?" "A dick, I guess." There was just a hint of flirtatiousness in her voice.

"You don't like to call it a prick or a pecker?"


I waited to see if she would elaborate. She said, "that's what gross guys call it."

"Or gross girls?"


"OK then," I said, "from now on you are NOT to call it a penis or a dick or a cock. When you want to suck it, you say 'may I please suck your pecker', or 'may I please suck your prick'. Go ahead, try it now for me."

The smile disappeared from her face. "May I please suck your pe-pecker?" she asked in a wooden voice, the word seeming to stick in her throat.

"Yes you may," I replied cheerfully. As she bent back down and fit it into her mouth again, I added, "and by the way, I've changed my mind. You are not to refer to it as a pecker anymore either. Only the word 'prick' will be acceptable." She made no sound, other than the soft slurping and smacking associated with the act she was performing on me, but my guess was that she would remember to use the right vocabulary. She would remember who was boss.

I pushed her head as far down on my cock as she could comfortably take it, which was still only about halfway. A man has a chance to be introspective when he is being given head. I pondered the change in my personality that night. Or rather, the side of my personality I was allowing to come forward. Never during my time with Caryn had I tried to dominate her the way I was beginning to dominate Amy. Caryn was not the type of woman to be dominated. And the few women I had dated since the divorce, well, I was always trying to be gentlemanly with them, so I never approached them in this way. It never even occurred to me to do so.

It was different with Amy. Her needs were straightforward: a good grade. If somehow I insulted her and she walked out, so what? She wasn't going to cause any trouble, I judged. I could allow myself to be more free with her than I ever had been with a woman before. Whether or not it was a "good" side of me, it was a side I enjoyed. For once, I was getting things my own way. I suddenly realized I had better pull out or I would come right then.

Because, I had other plans for where my load of sperm was going to go.

"That's enough of that for now. You are very good, and later I'd like to teach you a few tricks you may not know. But now, how would you like a nice backrub?" Amy straightened up partway, looked at me, and said, "sure." I wouldn't say she exactly lit up at the notion, but her relief was evident.

Probably because she was getting tired, and also because she figured that receiving a backrub was safe. She had gotten away cheap and hadn't had to let me come in her mouth. She turned around and lay on her stomach, with her head on the pillow, and I straddled her thighs, poking my penis at the crevice between her legs just under her buns. I began massaging her shoulders, and as I leaned forward I allowed my penis to probe the spot it was at. Amy kept her legs together, not tightly, but enough so my penis didn't get very far. That was OK; I just wanted her to know it was there, and wonder what I had in mind. I give pretty good backrubs, you know, and I didn't spare the effort with her.

After a while I said, "I don't know if you deserve such special treatment, Amy. Our deal was that I'd give you an A if you took care of me, and here I am taking care of you." "Do you want me to rub your back now?" "No, that won't be necessary. Lie still." I got off of the bed and went to the dresser, and as I put on a condom I continued, "pull your knees up under your tummy." She did as she was told, her head on the pillow at the head of the bed, facing away from me. She was lying on the bed all folded up like an accordion.

I picked up the tube of K-Y. I asked her, "are you ready for me to fuck your cunt?" She said, "yes," and I told her, "Lift your bottom in the air, so I can see it. Higher." She complied; she was ready for me to penetrate her. I walked back over to the bed. "Now spread your knees apart a little. No, a little more, so your cunt is wide open for me." I climbed onto the bed behind her, opened the tube, and applied some jelly to the condom. I asked her again, "do you want me to fuck you now?"


"When you speak to me you must show your respect and call me sir." I waited, but she didn't say anything, so I repeated, "do you want me to fuck you now?"

"Yes, sir."

My heart again was pounding. She was letting me dominate her. "Tell me what you want me to do."

"F-Fuck me, sir."

"When you ask me to do something for you, you must say please. Ask me again."

"Please fuck me, sir."

"Is your cunt wide open for me?"

"Yes, sir".

"Tell me."

"My cunt is wide open for you, sir."

"Tell me how I should do it." Silence. "Tell me what you want me to put, and where."

"Your pri-i-ick in my cunt."

"Say it with respect."

"Please put your prick in my cunt, sir."

I rubbed some jelly on her asshole. Before she could react, I had pulled her bottom down a little bit and forced the head of my cock into her ass.

"I don't know if you've ever had this done to you before. If not, my best advice is to remain as still as possible." I adjusted my stance, and pushed in, pulled out a little, pushed in again. "It may hurt a little, but it'll only hurt worse if you try to move. I'll try to be careful." I continued to work my way in, two millimeters forward and one millimeter back.

This was only my second time for this, and doubtless her first, but for a couple of neophytes we weren't doing too bad. Besides, even her incompetent attempt at a blowjob had gotten me to the point that this didn't have to take too long. I was in nearly halfway. "Try to relax and let me do the work. You've got a real nice asshole; we'll have to do this, uh, more, uh, uh...".

If there's anything more ridiculous looking or sounding than a person having an orgasm, I'd like to know of it. Or maybe I wouldn't. Anyway, there's no point in describing the next few seconds, except to say that I was overly ready for it and it was a major relief. I hadn't even worked up a sweat in the process.

I withdrew and, grabbing a wad of kleenex, gingerly removed the condom and wiped her butt clean. I had finally found something imperfect about Amy: her butthole was poopy inside like anybody else's! I checked her bottom for any traces of blood, but she was fine. I didn't figure I could have hurt her, since I hadn't had to get at all rambunctious. I rolled her over onto her side, and lay down beside her, facing her.

There were tears on her cheeks again, but I pretended I didn't notice. "How was that?" I asked with mock politeness.

"I don't really like that," she said.

"Well, you did just fine. We won't have to do that all the time when you are here." I had been very hard on her mentally, and it seemed that now was a time to loosen up a little and acknowledge her feelings. But only a little, at least yet. I had something I needed to do first. I got out of bed and stood up. "I'm going to take your picture." Amy rolled slightly so that her face was buried in the bedspread. "I know you intend to keep your part of our bargain, and not cause any trouble. But I need some protection in case you were to change your mind after you got your A. You know what I mean?" I went to the dresser, and picked up the camera.

Amy didn't move. "Come on, I'm not going to show them to anybody. They'll just be for me." I stepped by the side of the bed, and rolled Amy onto her back.

"Why do you want to be so mean to me?" she asked through her tears. "I'm not being mean, I'm just making you live up to your end of the bargain. Do you want to just forget the whole thing?" She didn't say anything, just sniffled a little; her nose was running.

She was crying a lot more than I expected. I handed her a kleenex, and she blew her nose. I had been harder on her than I had realized, and there was some risk in offering her an easy way out. But if she stayed through this and came back for more next week, I knew I would have an obedient partner for the rest of the quarter.

She was silent.

"OK then, prop yourself up on your elbows." She did and I went back to the end of the bed and pointed the camera at her. She turned her head away just before I snapped the shutter. The photo came out, and I set it on the dresser to develop. "Pull your knees up and spread your legs." More tears, but she obeyed. This was my first clear look at all of her pussy, but I was preoccupied with taking a good photo before she changed her mind. "Look over here." The camera clicked and whirred again. "OK, that's all." I stood by the dresser and watched the photos develop, and Amy lay back down on her back, her knees still up.

"I'm going to keep them in a safe place, so don't bother having someone break in and try to steal them. No one has to see them as long as you keep quiet about this." The pictures were ready. The focus wasn't sharp, Amy's eyes were red and her hair I now noticed was a mess. Not what I'd send to Playboy, but I now had my insurance policy. I sat down at the foot of the bed and looked at her. "I need to go pee," she said. I nodded, and she got up and waddled out the door.

Geez, maybe I had hurt her butt after all. I heard her blow her nose again, and then it was several minutes before I heard the toilet flush. I sat on the bed and waited. I'd offer her something to drink when she got back, but no reason to get something now. So I just sat and monitored the state of my penis. Its erection was disappearing, but it was not going completely back to its unaroused state either. It could be coaxed. I wasn't eighteen anymore, and twice in one night was probably going to be about all I could comfortably muster. Anything more than that would have to be for her sake, and I was pretty sure that twice would be more than she wanted anyway.

She still hadn't come back, and I was worried that maybe something was the matter. I debated whether to let her have her privacy or to check that she was all right. Finally I heard the sink faucet. She let it run for almost a minute. Another round of nose blowing, the sound of the bathroom door opening, the faint sound of her bare feet on the hallway carpet. She came back into the bedroom and sat on the side of the bed, rather than at the foot of the bed by me. She was walking much more easily now, and I felt reassured that I hadn't injured her. You could still tell she had been crying, but she was much more composed. She had carefully rearranged her hair into something resembling its customary perfect order, tied back with the clip. She picked up her underpants and started to put them back on, but I told her not to. "Would you like something to drink?" I offered.

She mumbled, "no."

"Come on, some pop, or I've got some beer, or would you like something stronger?" I figured that giving liquor to a minor would be rather inconsequential, at this point. ("I realize, your honor, that sodomizing an unwilling woman is not worthy of the court's attention, but I intend to prove to the court that the defendant gave my client a BEER!") She said nothing, so I got up and went to the kitchen. I decided to just give her soda pop, rather than anything alcoholic. She'd been through a lot, and might resent it if she thought I was trying to lower her inhibitions further with drink.

Maybe I was being overly cautious again, but I didn't know her well, and some people are hung up about alcohol. I chuckled at the thought of trying to guess what she might be capable of with lowered inhibitions. Would my heretofore untested sexual creativity be up to the challenge? I returned to the bedroom with two glasses of pop, and sat on the middle of the bed, next to Amy, who had moved there during my brief absence. She cautiously sniffed her drink, took a sip, then took a longer swallow. Her demeanor became a little less gloomy. Did she interpret the non-alcoholic drink as a little peace offering? We both sat naked, legs folded Indian style, in the middle of my bed, drinking Seven Ups. "I'm sorry if you thought I was being mean."

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It's not like I didn't plan to say hi to Bailey or smile in the hallway as I passed her or pretend she hadn't ignored my existence for the last two and a half years by joining in whatever conversation she dragged me into. The thing is she wasn't in school the first day back or the second or the third. That will make shit of any teenage boy's plan! By the time, I saw her on the fourth day I talked myself into believing she regretted what happened, that she didn't mean 'anytime', that...

2 years ago
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Meri Sex Kahani Part 4

Main Vinod, apni kahani ka 4th part lekar haazir hu. Pichhle part mein meri beti Anjali ne apni maa se Debu ke sath ki relationship ke bare mein confess karaya. Anjali ne maa ko apne naye premi Debu ke sath relationship rakhne ka permission diya. Woh Debu ko maa ki chudai karne degi ekin ek condition par. Maa uss din hi Debu ke ghar ki kisi maal ko lekar ghar aaye aur mujhse chudwaye. Anu Debu se chudwaane ke baad uski chhoti bahan Deepa ko lekar ghar ayi. Ye ladki Anu ya Anjali jaisi sundar...

2 years ago
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Jill Becomes A Hot Wife

My name is Randy, my wife is Jill. This story is how we made our lives exciting and probably saved our marriage. We had been married almost eight years now and our sex life was dull at best. Jill was not very open about sex and sometimes she even acted as if it were dirty and disgusting. When I tried to talk about it and give her ideas, to get her to open up a bit, she would get mad and accuse me of not loving her the way she was. One day she was shopping at the mall and she saw a young woman...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 40 I Run Faster and Put My Foot in My Mouth

Monday, April 11, 2005 (Continued) Julia had a very busy afternoon dealing with the many people who were dismayed or panicked over whichever of her club or committee resignations was relevant to them. She also had to do a lot of talking to hand over what she'd been doing in each case. It was all very boring stuff compared with what she was doing for me! The afternoon had its good points though, such as when I met Julia outside one classroom and we went in together. We were earlier than...

1 year ago
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Scoreland Holly Wood Holly8217s HouseWarming Party Heats Up

Holly Wood is getting her new home ready for a house-warming party when Nicky Rebel arrives with a gift. Except he’s way too early. He claims he made an error about what time the party starts. That’s a lie! Nicky just wants some alone time with the statuesque Holly before the other guests arrive, and Holly knows it. We don’t blame him for using this strategy since it was our idea anyway. Nicky can’t decide whether to stare at Holly’s big, heavy, traffic-stopping...

3 years ago
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The Office

Jon called his secretary into his office. It was after work and the staff had gone home for the day. When she entered he told her "Shut the door and lock it." As she locked the door he told her "Walk to me nice and slow with your back arched." She walked to him as he watched her tits strain against her tight top. She came behind the desk and stood beside him. He slowly unbuttoned her top and opened it showing off her huge globes. She knew to never wear a bra for him. His hands reached grabbed a...

4 years ago
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Angela Gets Gangbanged Part 18 of the Angela series

Chapter 1 The officer that had been watching the unit called Carly as soon as he saw the big man come out and talk to the three teens. She told the officer to continue observing but not to intervene yet. She notified the monitoring center and told them if anything happened and there was one word of protest from Angela to immediately let the officer on surveillance know. She quickly dressed and headed to the complex so she could be right there if anything happened. The officer had watched as...

2 years ago
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Rebeccas Insel

Der Tag begann wie alle anderen. Rebecca schlug die Augen auf und sah durch das Glaslose Fenster ihrer Holzhütte das der neue Tag wohl nicht besonders schön werden würde. Die Sonne wurde immer wieder von Wolken verdeckt und so kam es das nur selten wärmende Strahlen die Erde trafen. Rebecca sah dies als Zeichen das in den nächsten Tagen wahrscheinlich ein Unwetter über die Insel ziehen würde. Ihre Hütte war zwar stabil gebaut, aber bei einem Hurrikane würde sie wohl besser Schutz in einer der...

1 year ago
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After cocktails

It was hot, that night in Bermuda, but no-one was thinking of the war. Everyone at the cocktail party was drinking instead of eating, and whether from shame that they were dodging their duty, or fear that they would soon be back in the thick of the fighting, they were determinedly jolly. Finally, the last guest left, so that their hosts could retire to bed. The ceiling fans whirred as they undressed: she, her designer dress; he, his white tuxedo. In bed, she looked at him. "David,...

1 year ago
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DaddysLilAngel Whitney Wright Let Them Watch

Brad Newman and his wife Fallon West are having a barbeque with their friends Jack Vegas, Valerie White, and Kat Monroe. When Brad’s stepdaughter, Whitney Wright, comes strutting out in a slutty outfit, Brad demands that she go change. Whitney disobeys her stepdad, instead flirting with Jack and flashing her tits at him. As Brad’s stunned party guests look on uncomfortably, Brad orders Whitney down onto her knees to suck his dick with her naughty mouth. Pulling down Whitney’s...

2 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 01

A cruise ship that specializes in human sexuality. High Tech makes a dream come true. 01.01 Prologue, Cruise Ship Regeneration: 01.02 Evan and Susan: 01.03 Evan and Susan meet Ruth: 01.04 Evan, Preparation: 01.05 Evan, Gel, Preparation: 01.06 Evan, Gel, Genital Correction: 01.07 Evan, Gel, Prostate Correction: 01.08 Evan, Gel, First Ejaculation: 01.09 Evan, Gel, Nipple Enhancement: 01.10 Evan, Gel, Prostate Preparation: 01.11 Evan, Gel, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 01.12...

1 year ago
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Here is a lady who has no money. But wants to get laid and has no man. Can't afford a toy. So she goes into the kitchen looks around what can she use cause she needs something long and thick Her hand only teases her even drives her mad. So here she has a long carrot on the table. Along with frozen sausage and cucumber. She looks at them all wishing a man would appear at the door, so she would not have to cum to this And play with her food. She grabs the frozen long thick sausage and goes into...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed fiancee Part 3

The next day after Leon fucked me for the second time my fiancee called and said he was on his way home and that he wasnt going to leave town again until after the wedding,this was a surprise and relief to me that way I wouldnt have to be alone with Leon again. That afternoon my fiancee came over to see me before he went to the house to work I was very scared that he may sense that something was wrong because im not good at hiding things,there was a part of me that wanted to tell him but I knew...

3 years ago
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Infidelity Revisited Ch 04

Charmaine was approaching her house twenty minutes later with the dog. She wanted to get into the house and change her shirt. She felt guilty about what she was doing, but she had never so enjoyed sex before! She didn’t know what her plans were with Danny, or with Ryan, and she didn’t want to think about it. All she knew was that she enjoyed Danny’s company, and Ryan’s cock. She liked things the way they were right now, and didn’t want to think about any future plans. Her mother was outside,...

2 years ago
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UpgradeChapter 11 SisterinLaw Sex

Brad and I picked up Melissa at the Sarasota airport Friday about noon. He’d talked to his wife late Wednesday night after our first little sexual soiree with Pam and Trish, and again Thursday midday. He described to her what had happened from the time he arrived until then, detailing the teasing around the pool, cocktails and dinner, the hot tub and patio sex, sharing how the sleeping had gone with Trish ensconced in his bed and trying to fuck his brains out throughout the night, and...

1 year ago
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The Dark SideChapter 5

I wound up at Danielle’s house. I hadn’t wanted to go to the home my daughters and I shared; I was too upset. I spent an hour pacing up and down the length of Danielle’s patio when she and my daughters came walking down the lane. It wasn’t really a street. There weren’t any cars or trucks on the island. Most people just walked or road bikes to get around. “Your mother’s here,” I told Megan and Evelyn bluntly. They were both wearing bikini tops; Danielle wasn’t, but she wasn’t my daughter. I...

2 years ago
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My Trip With Lauren Part 2

It was getting close to dinner time. Lauren had swam for about 20 minutes and I was trying not to sneak peeks at her. Sitting like I was, in the lounger, there would have been no way to hide the boner that would have happened. She got out of the water and came over to say she was done and ready to go. She quickly went over the the pool's shower and rinsed off, dried, and wrapped the towel around her waist. We walked back up to our room without saying much except that she was looking forward to...

1 year ago
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Thanksgiving Day

After getting the sheets changed on my bed, I took a shower got my makeup on and my hair pulled up in a ponytail. In my dresser I pull out a black corset with no bra covering, just the wires to hold me up and my nipples to be erect all day. The corset laced up the front and had a few snaps in the crotch. I then put on my black leather minis skirt and my black sheer button down shirt. I found my black heels by the steps, but not until I found my thigh hi hose with the seam down the back. ...

3 years ago
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AvatarChapter 16

Terry sat in the office of Slovan something or other. She didn't much care what his name was. He was the leader of one of those third world countries which were engaged in what was referred to, amongst polite company, as "ethnic cleansing". Amongst those who didn't care much for colloquialisms, it was genocide, plain and simple. His religion hated the other predominant religion in the country, and, with Slovan as their military leader, was engaged in a plan to purge the "heretics" from...

2 years ago
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a very bad nightmare

Dear April bill is dangerous you need to leave the house at ten o clock at night someone will be waiting for you outside but you need to do it soon otherwise bad things will start up and result in your death please trust us we know you don’t trust anyone anymore that much but have faith. A trusted friend. I thought it was weird but I figured anywhere is better than here. So I waited till...

3 years ago
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Lesson Learned Ch 04

“Are you sure you should do this again?” Gina asked me over lunch a couple of weeks later. Lia and I had gotten together nearly every night during those two weeks and it was like it used to be. Fantastic sex at night, friendly acquaintances during the day. “Why not?” I took a bite of my burger. “I just thought you . . . I don’t know.” Gina shook her head, then pushed her brown hair back behind her ears. “I don’t know either,” I admitted. “I don’t know what I want, or what she wants, but maybe...

2 years ago
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Daddy uses Josie

*Not my story but I thought it was hot:)* My girlfriend and I discovered we were both bi-curious about a year agoand started sharing some of our fantasies.Well fantasy lead to realityand one of her fantasies coming true. My girlfriend Patti already had me wearing panties and her lingerie. Shetold me that she wanted to watch me service another man dressed anywaythey decided.Of course I was game. She finally found someone local and willing to play so she invited himover without my knowledge. It...

1 year ago
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ANTICIPATION SLUT !!A recently married couple were having a tough time only been married 1 year and 3 month, they got to a point where things went so bad that the wife moved back home it had been about 2 weeks but the husband and wife were talking and still meeting and actually missing each other as both were a combination that u cant do with out eg salt+pepper, barbie and ken , batman and catwoman So one day they met in the park the wife had asked for a few things that she needed so the...

2 years ago
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The Journey From Pain to Pleasure

The massage appointment which Rupali had got cancelled and she was very frustrated as she had pain in her lower back.Rupali was in her 40s with incredible beauty with her brown, silky long hair that was always straight and neat and reaching below her butts. Her gorgeous face, with perfect curves on her looked like she was in her early 30s. The best feature in her was her butts and breasts.She called Nish to get an appointment at her home to help her feel better by having a body massage while...

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Everyone Has A First Time I Surely Did

Everyone has a first time, I certainly did. I guess that I was about 16 or so, it was a wonderful summer off from school. Being that I lived near the water, I tended to spend much of my free time at the beach. It was a very secluded, private beach that required a quarter mile walk through wet-lands on a dirt and gravel road. From the beach, all that could be seen was trees and water, the nearby homes were obscured by a deeply wooded area just south of the wet-lands. Where I lived was a spread...

3 years ago
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On separate vacations together

Last night my wife and I were enjoying a nice evening at home , just sipping some adult beverages and recalling last summer. You see I'm her cuckold, she has multiple sex partners and I'm not allowed to have sex outside our marriage.Well she brought up this pasted June when she and I went on vacation in Panama City Florida. We met up with some of her friends after checking into the motel. Mike and Mark are two of her regular lovers and they were staying in the same motel as my wife and me. We...

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Brother and Sister Discover Eachother

My name is Josh and I’m 15 years old. I’m about 6 foot and well built with a 9 inch dick with a 7 inch girth. I have a younger brother, Matt, at 12 years old. I have one sister, Ashley, who is also 15. I never really paid that much attention to her when she was younger until now because she has a perfect body with nice sized tits and a nice round ass. My story starts when our parents went on a weeklong vacation leaving us at home alone. They felt it was ok because we were both perfect student....

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The Trick is Turned or Cocktales for two

The Trick is Turned; or Cock-tales for Two. I entered the cocktail party at Lee's house with a bit of an attitude. I had just conceded defeat to her in a recent election. She was now the incoming president of the local accounting association. I had only lost by a handful of votes and decided against asking for a recount. Since the election was overseen by fellow accountants, asking for one would have been a tactless symbol of no-confidence. How that dyke had gotten elected was a...

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Hiring An Assistant

Greg sat at the bar in Embers, nervously reading his first erotic novel as he waited for Sarah and Don to arrive for a business meeting. Absent-mindedly he smoothed his smart black trousers unbuttoning his burgundy blazer as he took a deep drink from his coke zero, not wanting to be intoxicated when Don and Sarah arrived.A smile spread across his lips as he read a section that Sarah had written. She had a sexy quick mind when it came to writing about sex. Greg knew that he owed at least a small...

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My sissy son by his dad and lover Part 5

Well...what a few months it's been since i/we last spoke to you.Many thingshave happened,some of them great,some fantastic..some not so good,best tell you!Lucy and i are in love,no two ways about it,we found out how to change her name by deed poll(to legally change your name in the UK)So she's now,legally..Lucy Alice Andrews and she wears a matching wedding band and engagement ring like mine.I wear just the band when we go out together,as i said..she passes for a woman no problem.So people just...

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Vixen Relatiates

Vixen’s elderly World History teacher was Professor Ivan G. Wainmoor who had a Ph.D. from a Midwestern college that no longer existed and was the long-time head of the history department as well as a respected member of the faculty council. He had been at Seaside for more than twenty years and could do almost all of his lectures from memory. He gave the same exams year after year, and any student who did not acquire a copy early on wasn’t really paying attention to campus life. Sometimes...

3 years ago
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Amelia and MeChapter 4

“Morning Drew.” That voice! Angelic as all heaven. She feels good on me. I wonder if I am a good pillow? “Morning Amelia! How are you this morning? More specific, to be exact, how is your ass?” “Drew my ass is a bit sore. No more than falling on it on an icy walkway.” “Oh, I am so relieved to hear that. I thought I might have been a bit hard on you last night.” “I have had no experience with what we did. Was I to hard? Was I to soft? But I do have to know the answers to these questions I...

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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 12

“Are you having a good time?” I almost nervously asked as Molly and I walked throughout the town. “Yeah. This is nice.” she replied politely with a small smile. “When you live so close to a place you kind of forget to check it out and play tourist from time to time.” “Yeah! This place is really cool. There’s a neat little ice cream place here too. I saw one last time I was here with D- with Diane.” I couldn’t let it slip that I was hanging out with Daisy behind Molly’s back – even if Molly...

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My best friend fucked my boyfriend

Thought I'd share something that my ex and I tried that was hot fun. When I was with my ex, once, I had him go online and talk to a best bud of mine who I thought was hot and would have my man tell him that I was out of town and that he shouldn't be meeting anyone, that we've always been monogamous, but that he was horny and asked him to come over and hang out. Of course, my best friend, knowing that it was his best friend's man he was talking to and had met before at a get together, he was...

3 years ago
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Deal or No Deal

This story is fiction and is intended to be treated as such. It has harsh language and deals with Transgender themes. If this would offend you please stop reading, I don't want you to go blind! Thanks to Janet, HER and Paula for the rush job in Proofing but of course any mistakes are mine. Here is another story originally written for the Sci-Fi contest at StarDust. This is a different type of story from my others so keep an open mind please. Batteries are not included some assembly is...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 19

The next morning we each took a shower, then after breakfast at the chow hall we headed out into town. By the time lunchtime came around I had filled two rolls of 36 exposure film. We found a place that had a great tempura and shared a large plate, then hit the road again. Finally I had finished five rolls, including a lot of shots of Jackie, some of me, as well as a few together that we managed to get some locals to take for us. We headed back, and wrote until it was time for dinner. Jackie...

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Aunt Anne and Her Friends Ch 06

All characters over 18 years old_________________________I awoke to the sound of a muffled alarm clock. I opened my eyes. Still wrapped in a sheet on a sofa across the room, Lucy fumbled for the clock, which was under a cushion, and turned it off. Aunt Anne slid gently away from beside me and stood up. It was summer (though not a very warm one) and enough soft light filtered through the curtains for me to be able to see her naked body clearly. I'm guessing that most blokes wake up in the...

2 years ago
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Urvashi and servant

As I already told, urvi mostly wears short skirt and strip t-shirts, sleeveless t-shirts and shirts. Her skirts mostly just covering half thigh. And, while wearing such clothes, certainly sitting in some position will expose her panty. Often, her shirts, t-shirts are much of transparent. So, her bra in most cases is visible. She likes to wear thin strip bra and her bra’s are matching with her dress. With pink t-shirt she wears pink or red bra and like that same with panty. Our new servant,...

2 years ago
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The new master 1

THE NEW MASTERMeet-1The first meeting was arranged pretty fast. Several messages on the contact site then a few texts to arrange the details and the meeting was on.His latest text informed me he was on his way and would arrive in 20 minutes.I had showered and was clean and fresh. I had the front room ready. Blanket laid on the floor. Towel folded on the chair. Poppers ready. All I had on other than my chastity cage was my yellow jockstrap and my nipple clamps. I'd been pumping them for a couple...

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Tales Of A Slave pt 3

There stood Donna in a dark buttoned up cardigan and a jean skirt just reaching down to her knees and black heeled shin high boots, she was a pretty little blonde haired girl looks a little younger than what she is but she recently celebrated her 19th birthday, she wasn't a big girl but she did have nice curves, a typical hour-glass figure, roughly about 150 - 160lbs in weight, and light blue eyes.She smiled nervously at me biting down on her lip and stroking her arm sheepishly, I had to keep...

3 years ago
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A night in the Valley

All my previous stories have been true.This one starts out as true but the actual encounter is not.Bored, slightly drunk and lonely on a business trip, I check into an adult chat site. I find you playing on cam. Damn nice dick there. You are staying at the hotel I normally do but I am across town this time. I want you cock in my mouth. I am jacking off and watching. But you won't let me come over. You have a girl coming by. By you say I can lick her juices off :)A couple of hours...

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