TangentChapter 18: Going South free porn video

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Freidal had been in front of his troops when they marched into the fort. He saluted Count Quillan, and then stayed on his horse until they were at the quarters area. The men took the wounded to the hospital tents and then collapsed into their own blankets.

Freidal waited until the last man was resting before he sought out Xitki. "This isn't working," he told the old man bluntly.

Xitki Quillan toyed with a mug of wine and waved him to sit. "The first thing a competent officer learns is to plan. The first thing battle teaches him is that plans don't work. In our pride and contempt for our enemies, we made not only battle plans, but war plans." He snorted in derision.

"Now we learn the bitter truth: war plans are more fragile than battle plans."

Freidal waved his hand like angry gnats were attacking him. "We must attack! We should leave a few hundred men here and attack Outpost with everyone else. If we follow the Great Plan, we'll still be sitting here, those of us alive, during the peace talks after the war. Won or lost someplace else."

Xitki looked at him hard. "You think you can do my job better than me?"

Freidal shook his head. "Of course not! It's the others. It's the so-called Great Plan!"

"The Great Plan is the result of the effort of the finest men of Zarthan, approved by your father, the king, the God-King of the Mexicotal and the priests of Styphon. I signed off on the Great Plan! I signed off on the Captain-General's plan to raid towards Outpost.

"Once again, Freidal: do you think you can do my job better than I can?"

"No! It was those other people! I've never had a problem with one of your plans. Tell me to my face you thought the Captain-General's plan was sound! Tell me to my face that you thought the Great Plan had any chance of working!"

"Give me your hand, Freidal!"

Freidal offered up his hand and Xitki led Freidal's fingers to his throat. "What do you feel, Captain?"

"Your skin. The pulse of your blood."

"I'm alive, Freidal. If I'd told your father the Great Plan wasn't worth the parchment it was written on, I'd be dead. I had to compromise. Delos was a favorite of Styphon's House. To overrule him was to place myself in great jeopardy. Tell me, Freidal, how can I help my king, my soldiers and the people of the realm, if I'm dead?"

Freidal pulled his hand back. "And I could have closed my hand and you would be dead. We must attack, Xitki. We've lost nearly two thousand men, killed or wounded, since we arrived. We haven't once fought the main body of those who oppose us."

"And that is your plan, Captain? We simply mount up the men and launch ourselves at our enemy's throats? Right now?"

Freidal laughed, breaking the tension. "Okay, that would be a pretty stupid thing to do this afternoon. Tomorrow morning."

Quillan smiled slightly. "And between now and then?"

Freidal nodded. "Make preparations and plans."

"Well then! I'm glad you've come around to my way of thinking, Captain!"

"I can't go on like this, you know I can't," Freidal said, his voice plaintive.

"And we are back again to the discussion about whether or not you can do my job better than me."

"No. I am, however, my father's son. I believe the position of Captain-General has fallen vacant."

"And you think a jumped-up captain of cavalry can do a better job than your predecessor?"

"One thing I am sure of is that I could hardly do worse! Yes!" Freidal retorted.

"Then I guess we should find out how that sits with the other Captains. One or two of them might feel that they have a better claim to the position."

"There is something else we must talk about first," Freidal told him.

"Something more important than a council of war, so that we may plan this attack you so favor? A council of war where we elevate you to Captain-General?"

"Something of direct importance to it, yes. My Lord, Count Quillan. I saw something on the field a few days ago. Something no one else seems to have remarked on. Something that you must know, before we can plan anything."

Xitki made a come-along gesture.

Freidal gestured at Lamas, Xitki Quillans's batman. "Could you fetch Sergeant Alcibidos? He's waiting outside my tent."

A few moments later a man limped in on a crutch. His leg was splinted, his arm was splinted, his face bandaged. "Sergeant, please tell Count Quillan your duties under the Captain-General."

The man looked at Xitki Quillan and bobbed his head in respect. "My Lord, I was the senior picket sergeant."

"I want you to answer carefully for the Count," Freidal told the sergeant. "I want your best, most truthful answers. I swear to you on my honor that nothing you say here today will bring you or yours hurt."

"Why would I want to hurt one of my sergeants?" Xitki asked reasonably. "I know Alcibidos, he was a sergeant when I was a lad. A loyal and trusted man."

"Sergeant, where were you when the battle commenced?"

"My Lord Captain-General ordered two pickets forward to scale the ridge line. I could not order any man forward under such circumstances unless I was at his side." The old sergeant grimaced. "I could not keep up with trooper Rodrigos; he was ahead of me. When the Hostigi opened fire, they shot him first. I took cover."

"And then Colonel Trium ordered his men up the hill," Freidal offered.

"Yes, Lord. There had only been the one shot. There was no way to tell it was a trick."

"How many shots in the next volley?" Freidal inquired.

"Perhaps ten or fifteen. The Hostigi are fell marksmen, half of those shots went home."

"Did you see where the shots were coming from?" Freidal asked.

The old sergeant bit his lip. "I had my rifle up, looking for a target. I couldn't see a target."

"Dense smoke from the fireseed, of course," Freidal said equitably.

"No, Lord. I simply couldn't see where the shots were coming from."

"Surely the fireseed smoked obscured your vision?" Freidal continued.

The sergeant frowned, obviously thinking. "I don't recall a wind, but there must have been one. There was little or no smoke, not at first."

"Did you see any muzzle flashes, sergeant?"

"The one that killed trooper Rodrigos."

"Which way did the smoke blow from that shot?"

Again the sergeant contemplated an answer. "When I saw the flash, I took cover at once, my Lord. When I looked again, there was no smoke."

"Thank you, sergeant," Freidal told the man. "I appreciate your bravery and courage."

"I too," Count Quillan said. "I hope you will mend soon."

The sergeant snorted. "Two or three moons, they tell me. I'm not as young as I once was."

He left and Xitki gestured at Freidal. "And the point of that?"

"I told my troop sergeant that we were not to be the first up the hill. I was looking upslope when the trooper was shot. I could see the muzzle flash, but I couldn't see any fireseed smoke. Later, when Trium tried the hill, I saw muzzle flashes from one point alone, firing repeatedly. And no fireseed smoke."

"Undoubtedly you have a point to make," Xitki told him, his voice tight.

"I think the High King knew about the Great Plan. I think he's here. I think it is he, personally, that opposes us. The High King had a weapon that fired without fireseed smoke and fired more than once without reloading."

Xitki looked at Freidal for a moment then shook his head. "We know the High King was in Hostigos less than a moon before the attack. There was a public dedication of his new University in the city. Unless the High King can fly like a bird, there is no way he could be here."

"Unless it was a double and he came secretly."

"If the High King had come, we'd be facing more than a few thousand summer soldiers. He'd have brought his field army at the same time."

"That we might have noticed," Freidal said, laughing, trying to take the edge off. "No, I think it was just the High King and a cadre of his better officers."

"You are young, Freidal. You have, undoubtedly, read the romantic stories of kings traveling as commoners, princesses masquerading as bar maids and princes posing as cavalry captains.

"Freidal, if you were about to plunge your entire patrimony into war, would you ride off clear across the world from all that is important in your kingdom to take part in one small, albeit vital, part in the war? It makes no sense. We have a strong contingent of our Mexicotal allies with us, but that is just the lifting of their little finger. They have more than a million men marching on Xiphlon. We have fifty men with that horde; a representative of the king and his personal guards."

"I'm telling you what I saw. The sergeant confirmed it."

"He confirmed nothing, Freidal. His companion was shot, and he went to ground quickly, so he wouldn't get shot. When Trium's men came up the hill, he saw more shooting, but some of it undoubtedly came his way as well. He took cover again. I daresay you could ask a hundred men what they did in the battle and they could only tell you about half, if that. Every last one of those men would tell you a different story. When battle scares the pee and shit out of you, you spend your time thinking about that, not whether or not the High King is firing smokeless fireseed at you."

"Xitki, I'm warning you, that's all. Think what you like. But we know the party that hit the fort numbered about thirty. Does that make any sense? They caused death and injury out of all proportion to their number. You can ask any of the scouts and soldiers from the last battle. We know there were a hundred of them. That's all. One to our ten. And they slaughtered us.

"Xitki, allow in your calculations that there is something, someone facing us that you don't understand. These aren't Hostigi tactics; these are something different. These tactics are bold, unique and deadly effective. Things like the High King has been known to do."

Xitki Quillan looked at Freidal, and then shrugged. "Do me a favor. This is a story you can tell me; I trust Alcibidos as well. While he didn't draw the same conclusions, there is nothing in what he said that contradicts you, but his statements don't prove your theory either. Whatever you do, don't tell your story to anyone else. Maybe if we get confirmation of who it is we face, then it would be time to talk of your suspicions. I will freely admit that you were the one who noticed first and voiced your suspicions to me.

"Right now, Freidal, morale is in the shitter. We can't afford for it to decline any further. Not unless we know for sure. This is something we can take precautions for. But if the troops were to hear a rumor that they faced the High King... we'd be marching home in a day or two, because they'd be sure he'd be going for our homes before the summer wanes."

Xitki had Freidal retire to clean up and make himself more presentable. When Freidal returned, the Council of War was already underway. A lesser man might have taken umbrage, but Freidal knew full well that Count Quillan was easily the most devious man in the kingdom.

When he entered, everyone looked to him. Freidal bobbed his head. "I'm sorry for being late, Count Quillan."

"No problem. I saved you a seat." Xitki waved at the only slightly less ornate chair than his that sat at his right hand at the head of the table. The one the Captain-General had warmed before his untimely death.

Freidal walked over and sat down next to the old man, keeping his face empty of expression.

"Prince, do you have a word for us?" Xitki asked.

Freidal bobbed his head. "My position as a Captain of Cavalry was a polite fiction. It satisfied our allies, the servants of the God-King of the Mexicotal, who has sent his eldest son, his daughter-in-law and his grandchildren to reside with my father. Officially, they are my father's guests. All know them to be hostages for the honor of the God-King. They were afforded my father's protection and I was afforded the protection of my father's army.

"Polite fiction time has come and gone. Our armies have proved to be lacking in the field. We have lost battles; we have not been able to adhere to the Great Plan.

"We currently have enough supplies to sally forth against our enemies." There was a stir in the room and Freidal grinned sardonically. "True, we have enough to ride out, but not to return. Unless we defeat the Hostigi quickly we would be in trouble. However, we're already in trouble. I would prefer to face my father and explain to him that we tried and failed to carry Outpost by assault, rather than to explain to him that we failed to take Outpost because we sat inside our wall and essayed nothing."

Gamelin was sitting with his back against a rock, using Hellfire for shade. He grimaced to himself. This was a familiar position for him here in the desert. Except most of the other times he'd had the wit to doze in the time he had. He looked around. Like the first time, Judy was nowhere to be seen. Then, though, even if he hadn't been aware of it, he'd have seen her before the day ended. This day, it wasn't to be.

Vosper whistled and pointed to the northwest. Gamelin saw the signal blinking and heaved himself up and trotted towards Vosper and his signalman. "What?" Gamelin asked.

"Not good," Vosper said, watching the light blink. "The Zarthani have attacked towards Outpost. Helmoth managed to kill himself and four hundred men."

Vosper turned to the signalman. "That is how you read it, don't you?"

The signalman nodded. "Yes, sergeant! They are repeating the message again."

"Signalman, send, 'We continue our mission, '" Gamelin told the man.

The signalman started sending, even before his lieutenant had finished speaking. After a finger-width the signalman turned to Gamelin. "Lieutenant, they acknowledge."

"Signalman," Vosper spoke. Both Gamelin and the signalman looked at the sergeant. "About now you have an urgent need to piss. The temptation to mention what you've just seen will tempt you to speak of it to others. Signalman, not just this time, but if I hear you've passed on a message meant for others to your friends, why, I'll chop you into little pieces and leave you for the ants."

The signalman grinned. "My captain told me the day I volunteered for signal duty that my job would be the easiest in camp. But also the most dangerous. That if I spoke of what I knew, it would show I was untrustworthy and I would be killed out of hand. Sergeant, I like my job! I don't have guard duty! I don't have to wake up before dawn! Once upon a time, I could sleep the entire night without worrying about being woken. I won't mess up, sergeant!"

Gamelin had stood back, watching the byplay, thinking. There were no more signals, so he walked back towards the camp. Chollo, Manistewa's man appeared. "Bad news, Lieutenant?"

"Yes. Outpost is attacked; we lost a lot of men and evidently didn't get much for it. How far now, to your redoubt?"

The other waved ahead of them. "We've been going slowly, Lieutenant. At this rate, five days."

"We need to be faster."

The man looked at Gamelin then nodded. "You will have to spend horses. Perhaps men. Two days, in that case."

"We cannot spend either," Gamelin told him. "The supplies have to come through."

"Tomorrow, men will come to help carry the burden. Men who will not be able to carry as much as a horse, but who will still live at the end of the journey."

Gamelin frowned. "That's horses. Two days and I will lose soldiers."

"Not the good ones," the Ruthani trader told him bluntly. "Your men... they aren't very good, Lieutenant! Not up to our standards, they aren't very tough! You can't let the weak ones slow you down."

"We will go as fast as we may," Gamelin told the man. "I will not spend men. If someone falls, we'll carry him."

"You command, Lieutenant. The choice will be yours," the trader told him. Making it clear Gamelin's choice was just plain stupid.

After that, the rest of the day was a nightmare. No more rests. No more walking the horses. Fortunately, the break had come in the afternoon, because by dark, his men were exhausted and the horses were worse.

But, come dawn, there were men, more Ruthani, who appeared from the desert. They were grim, hard men. Men, Gamelin quickly came to learn, who had one purpose: killing Mexicotal. Oh, they'd kill Zarthani if they had a chance, but the Mexicotal were their prime target.

The worst part of the next day was the High Sun halt. It was clear about thirty of his men and about fifty horses would die in the afternoon, if they kept on. The Ruthani had brought enough men to bear the burdens the horses had carried, but they weren't interested in helping the Hostigi.

Gamelin made the hardest choice of his life. "I know it's not the best thing, Vosper. I want you to stay with these men and the spent horses. Let them rest until tomorrow morning and then continue on. If need be, take another day. Go slowly. We'll keep in touch. I'll see if we can send you more water as well."

Vosper had laughed. "You have made an old man's day, Lieutenant! Duty I can appreciate! This way I will arrive well-rested and ready for anything!"

Gamelin was pretty sure that if Vosper had continued on with the main body, he'd have arrived rested and ready for whatever was next.

The rest of the day was really bad, stretching all of them to their limits. Chollo was resting as the sun was half consumed by the horizon and Gamelin crouched next to him. "How much further?" Gamelin croaked.

Manistewa's man eyed Gamelin and smiled slightly. "You did better than I would have thought. But we slowed significantly this afternoon."

"It was very hot," Gamelin said. Even wetting his throat hadn't helped and there wasn't much water.

"We know." Chollo waved at the pile of mountains ahead of them. "In that canyon there, some of the women and children have brought water. You won't see them. Tomorrow, about halfway to High Sun, we'll make the final camp. There will be shade, water and grass for the horses."

He stopped talking and shaded his eyes, looking northwards. After a heart-beat he grinned. "Manistewa's niece comes behind us, along with her friend."

Gamelin turned and looked, but couldn't see anything. After half a finger-width of being told where to look, he could see the two ants out across the desert floor. He could only shake his head in amazement. His father had trackers like that, men who could see in the distance as Tuck with his glass device. They all swore it wasn't sorcery, just very good eyes.

While they were waiting, the signals sergeant approached diffidently. "Lieutenant, would you look at this?"

He was carrying some rocks. Gamelin grimaced, suddenly sure he was going to learn something about rocks. He bobbed his head to the older man, nearly as old as Gamelin's father. "In a moment, Sergeant."

Gamelin turned back to Chollo. "And this camp tomorrow... it doesn't sound very much like the redoubt I have heard about."

"It isn't. You will never see it, Lieutenant. Tomorrow more people will come, and the remaining weapons and supplies will be taken to safety. This is no need for any Hostigi to see where."

"That isn't the understanding I was given by Count Tellan."

Chollo chuckled. "Even if Manistewa had been telling the truth, which he wasn't, the Elders of the People wouldn't have permitted it. In times of peace, very few of our people know the way. A few more know a place to go to find a guide to take them to safety. We have kept our secret safe for more than a thousand years, Lieutenant, and we plan on keeping it safe for another thousand."

The signal sergeant spoke up. "Then Ruthani, you need to kill us all." He tossed one of the rocks in his hand, and then gave it to Gamelin. It was incredible! The rock was the heaviest he'd ever lifted!

"My father, Lieutenant, was a scholar who traveled the lands of the High King. It was his duty to look for minerals. That rock, Lieutenant, is called leadstone. It contains a lot of lead, plus silver and other minerals. If there is very much of this, then the High King will claim the land."

Gamelin's first instinct was to shoot the sergeant. It was clear Chollo was thinking the same thing.

"The High King has not claimed this land and we will not let him," Chollo said evenly. "You will see things like leadstone and other odd rocks in our lands. Forget them. They belong to our people, not yours."

The sergeant bristled. "We have already given a great deal of lead to the Mexicotal and Zarthani. We are here to send them more. And you would begrudge the High King the wherewithal to do it?"

"Sergeant," Gamelin interrupted the other's tirade. The sergeant looked at him. "Shut your mouth. Take samples; take notes of where you found them. This is none of our business, but affairs of state that are the concern of Count Tellan and the High King. Like your messages, you aren't to go talking about this to anyone except me."

The sergeant stood, furious and contemptuous. "As you command, Lieutenant." He stalked away, rigid with anger.

Chollo regarded Gamelin coldly. "You will not take that which belongs to our people."

"Me?" Gamelin laughed as best he could. "I have a hundred men and less than half of them here. I couldn't take a latrine pit unless my enemies withdrew first. As I told the sergeant: this is a matter for my superiors. And your elders."

"All know how the elders feel," Chollo said.

Gamelin glanced out over the desert. Tanda Havra and Tazi were much closer, running like ghosts over the desert. Gamelin couldn't help but feel his heart lift, knowing that somewhere behind them was Tuck... and Lady Judy.

Chollo laughed at him. "I don't have to worry about you. You are so love-smitten that you will not pay attention in your first battle."

Gamelin turned to face the much older man. "I paid attention in my first battle. And my second and my third. She's not so much a distraction as a motivation."

The other laughed and in what Gamelin guessed was supposed to be a friendly gesture, punched Gamelin hard in the arm. It was going to leave a bruise, Gamelin thought, but he resisted the temptation to rub it... or to return the blow, which had been his first thought.

Tanda Havra and Tazi slowed to a walk a few hundred paces away and came up to them. They were, Gamelin saw, breathing no differently than he was. They were sweaty and dusty, both needed a bath, but Gamelin was sure that was all they needed. And probably wouldn't mind going without for a while longer.

"Lieutenant, Chollo," Tanda said, bowing slightly to Gamelin, but not to her uncle's man.

"Tanda! Did you see Vosper?"

"Aye, they'll be here tomorrow before sunset."

"We have another quarter day's journey before we make final camp," Gamelin told her.

Tanda Havra shrugged. "Then, day after tomorrow. They will lose some horses; there isn't sufficient water. In another moon, you will not be able to come this way at all."

"And Captain Tuck?" Gamelin asked.

She grinned. "Tuck and the others, two more days for sure. He is more careful, staying further east than you did. It isn't as short a trip, but there's more water."

"This moon," Chollo opined.

Tanda grinned and bobbed her head. "This moon, indeed so!"

Later Gamelin stood off to one side of the camp, contemplating the mass of mountains to the south. There was only the slightest trace of light left. It rankled that he'd had to rely on Chollo and his men to bring the water; Gamelin's men were too spent.

Still, they were okay now and tomorrow would see them delivering the remainder of the weapons and supplies they carried with them. From out of the gathering darkness, Tanda Havra appeared to stand next to him. She too contemplated the mountains.

"You are upset that they won't show you the redoubt," she told him.

"It doesn't seem very trusting. But a thousand years... that is a long time to keep a secret."

"Will it help if I told you that until I started south I did not have any idea of where it was? The general direction. South and east, from Mogdai. Not how far, not which direction. As you may have noticed, there are a lot of mountains down here."

"I noticed," Gamelin said, slightly amused. Trygath wasn't like this at all! There a man could ride for days and the greatest eminence he might pass would be little taller than he was.

He turned to face her as the last of the light faded. "Tanda Havra, you were with Tuck. We hurried south, once we heard that Outpost had been invested. We haven't heard anything since."

"Well, as of two days ago, it still held," she told him.

"And Tuck? What are his intentions?"

"As Count Tellan said: to take the war into the lands of the Mexicotal."

"Everyone says the desert south of here is worse than what we've seen so far."

"It is. I am not sure of my uncle, Lieutenant. The morning after we learned of Captain Helmoth's attack, he produced an order from Duke Skranga, saying he wasn't to go into the field because of his knowledge of the High King's secrets. So he turned around and returned to Outpost. That makes no sense to me."

Gamelin grimaced. "I don't understand it either. Count Tellan might not give him the welcome he expects. It might be colder than the one we got here."

"Come," she said, lightly tugging on his sleeve. They walked back towards the fires, stopping outside the circle of light, but where they could see each other.

"I told you, Tuck has gone slower, he has stayed closer to water. His men are in much better shape than yours."

"I should have gone slower," Gamelin mused.

"No, you were told to come with all speed and that's what you did. That, Gamelin, is what people like you and I do, when commanded by the likes of Count Tellan... and Tuck."

"You sound like an old sergeant."

"I am of the Northern Ruthani. I left them because my mother disgraced her family. I came here, where my uncle lived, because it was the best choice I had. I didn't care for his attentions, so I moved on to Mogdai. I was a stranger for a very long time. They trusted me, this much." She held up her fingers a very short distance apart. "They trust my uncle only a little more. The elders here have allowed him to speak for them, because it is something they need."

"The world is a very complicated place," Gamelin said sadly.

"The world," Tanda Havra said quietly, "is the sum of our actions. It is what we make of it."

"Now you sound like a philosopher," Gamelin told her.

That reduced Tanda Havra to doubled-over laughter. "What I am, Lieutenant, is a solitary person who has spent too much time thinking."

"Tuck is a good man," Gamelin said stoutly.

She laughed again. "Lieutenant, Tuck fights his own battles. As do I. But that isn't to say you're wrong, either."

There was a sound behind Gamelin and he turned and saw nothing. When he turned back, Tanda Havra was gone. He chuckled to himself. Was it that simple? If a guard heard a small sound at night, he would turn and look, would he not? And since it was a small sound and if the guard saw nothing amiss, he'd finally turn back to his duty, content.

Tanda Havra sat down near the fire and Tazi promptly joined her. "Rest, Tazi. Tomorrow will be easy, the day after easier still."

"I helped fetch water," the younger girl said.

"That is good," Tanda told her.

"He was one of the ones who helped."

Tanda grinned, quite sure who "he" was. "Captain Tuck fought next to him twice. I don't think just anyone could do that... or having done so, be asked to do it again unless he was a good man."

Tazi bobbed her head. "He wanted me to walk with him tonight."

"This is not a good time," Tanda told her. "But it might not be a good time for several years to come. This is a choice you and he have to make."

"I said no. I told him I would rather run next to you, than walk with him."

"I am even less suitable than he is," Tanda said with a laugh.

Tazi sputtered in mock outrage. "You know what I mean."

"I know what you mean, sister. I have lived longer than you, Tazi. I've seen spring come, the sere summer, the relief of fall, the slowness of winter. Many times have I seen it. Many times have I seen sisters who, determined not to choose too soon, chose anyway. Do not regret choices made, Tazi."

"Do you think Tuck will truly go south? Into the lands of the Mexicotal?"

Tanda nodded. "Truly he will. I will help him, as much as I can. It will be a noble deed, even though we all will die."

"As long as we can kill one Mexicotal, it will have been a noble deed. Freeing one such as Smiling Fox's woman -- or my own mother -- that will be a deed of legend!"

Tanda smiled to herself. "I don't think Tuck plans on stopping at one dead Mexicotal, or freeing just one of them."

"And that is why I will wait as I must. I want to be part of this!"

"The Zarthani we have fought so far have been fools. It is clear that the Mexicotal are oath-bound to them -- which is why we don't meet many of their scouts. South of here, Tazi, those are Mexicotal lands. They will not be oath-bound there. It will be a thousand times more dangerous."

Same as Tangent
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3 years ago
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Heading South

Miriam Smith looked forward to her Friday nights with her fellow teachers from school. She and several of the other teachers got together for a ladies night out to let their hair down and celebrate the start of the cherished weekend. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the high school and enjoyed her work but she also enjoyed having a good time as well. She was definitely no 'stick in the mud' when it came to partying on the weekends. Sometimes the group went out for drinks at a bar or pub...

4 years ago
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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago 5 Headed South

After 8 years in Nevada and my life being in total disarray I said FUCK IT and headed south. I had lost track of Linda and Bonnie..still married to TJ and wondering at 51 years old what to do.. I ended up at the beach in Mexico where I had lots of history working in and around the Shrimp Fleet and lots of partying. I had a very good friend who owned a ship yard and was the Don Juan of the town. He had three kids all from different women and could party with the best of them. We, Leo...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 5 South

As I had predicted, Snort managed to get half his heifers pregnant in the first four days. Tally and I decided to split the herd into six lots before he did the rest. Five lots had ten cows in each. Half were pregnant, and the other half were not. The sixth lot included the other ten girls and Snort. If the owners of the first five lots wanted Snort to finish the job, they would have to pay his new owner. Else, they could put them to their own bulls. We considered this fair and the feedback...

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My White boyvisit to the South

I was your average city girl. Never been to the south a day of my life nevertheless did I want to go. But I promised my Great aunt I’d come to visit her since I hadn’t seen her in more than 10 years since I was 9. I was the typical 19 year old. In college, studying, lots of tests and more studying. Definitely no time for niggaz. Hadn’t had a date since I was 17 as a matter of fact. I guess the benefit of visiting down South would be the peace and quiet time I would get to relax and get some...

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Sarah Goes Down South

Sarah Goes Down (South) By Kimberli Nicole McCarthy This is a continuation of Sarah Smile The sun broke through the windows, pulling Sarah out of her slumber. She lay in bed, running her hands across her panties and bra, and thought fondly about the bathroom at Sbarros, and about how she pleased Billy again on the cab ride home, and how he took her again on the sofa before they retreated to his bed to sleep in each others arms. When Billy walked in from work that night,...

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Woman Partner Chapter Fifteen Heading South

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 15, Heading South) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

4 years ago
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Not Very Nice People Chapter 111 Going South

NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron (Sequel to Life Out of Joint) DISCLAIMERS This work is not intended to make profit. It may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. While it contains copyrighted intellectual property (namely, appearances of fictional characters), no copyright infringement is intended. As the story deals with topics and themes related to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E16 Tamara Cooper 32 from Southampton

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of St Mary’s Stadium, home of Southampton Football Club ... Then spinning around to look over the River Solent, zooming in on a large, gray-green structure with little round windows ... Then we cut to that building – on a dusty industrial estate - with the river and St Mary’s Stadium in the background. A sign on the front of the building reads “MAIN AGGREGATES”. Our host steps into frame from the side, immediately making the scene better to...

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The Lust of a Sunday School Teacher and a Churchgoing Boy

Introduction: Mrs Maggie Henderson is the pastors wife who out of growing sexual frustration seduces a fellow church member Clay Nicholas who use to attend her Sunday School group, but will an unexpected house visit later in the day threaten to turn the small Christian community upside down. (told from the boys perspective) Mrs Maggie Henderson The Pastors Wife and Sunday School Teacher The Pastors Wife I was brought up to go to church and believe that there is a God who will send me to hell...

3 years ago
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Alexias Tale Chapter 3 Sensual Outgoings

Sunlight beamed through the curtains, warming up the room. Under the sheets, a mildly aroused Alexia laid half asleep, one finger halfway up her ass and her mouth gently sucking on her other hand’s fingers. Her cock was slightly bulging, as it tried to break free from its fabric cage, causing it to pull on the thong. Her hair was messy, but in a way that you’d love to see after a good night’s rest. Her eyes opened, and Alexia realised what she was doing."Oh!“ she squealed, as she pulled her...

5 years ago
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Adventure Down South

MARCH 2010 Comanche smoke signals of dust rise from an uneven dirt road, a half mile away. Beth’s bouncing pickup emerges from the cloud, an arrow aimed at Jim Ed’s southwest pasture barn. Beth and Jen stagger from the barn, loaded with gear. Jim Ed Andrews, III leans against his white crew cab pickup. He grins at the pony-tailed brunettes, who are irritated at our lack of assistance. The two girls are roughly 5-5, 120, with nice chests. Both are athletic and bright. Beth is dark skinned....

4 years ago
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A Trip Down South

My wife and I had been separated for about a year. I decided I needed to get back into action before dust started to collect. I joined an online service to avoid having to hit the bar scene. Making a decision three sheets into the wind has never worked out well for me. Besides, sex is best appreciated with a clear head rather than in a drunken state. I browsed through the ladies within my immediate vicinity, but nothing really jumped out at me. I needed that initial rush of looking at a picture...

Straight Sex
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Heading South

Miriam Smith looked forward to her Friday nights with her fellow teachers from school. She and several of the other teachers got together for a ladies night out to let their hair down and celebrate the start of the cherished weekend. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the high school and enjoyed her work but she also enjoyed having a good time as well. She was definitely no 'stick in the mud' when it came to partying on the weekends. Sometimes the group went out for drinks at a bar or...

3 years ago
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Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 22 South

They headed south. They decided to continue on to John’s even though they believed it had been a fake message. Prue wanted to see him anyway. The two crates on the roof of the carriage were for him. They took it easy as Nianna and Tah’s heads still hurt. Prue sent a message ahead, so John knew they were coming. He was delighted to see them. “Oh my! Isn’t she a little heartbreaker,” John said when he picked up Nianna. He looked at her and then at Tah. “I’m glad you’re going to make an...

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Anns Snowy Rendezvous Dales going Away Gift

Lisa Chen had spent the night with Dale. Still lying in bed, half asleep that morning, she heard the telephone. She wondered sleepily, who could be calling so early. "Hello," She heard Dale say, speaking quietly. After a couple of minutes, she could hear the tone of resignation in his voice. Lisa sensed something had happened. A moment later Dale returned to bed. Lisa could tell he was upset. Immediately, she asked him what was wrong. Sighing in resignation, he slipped back into the warm...

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MARRIAGEI live in Puerto Rico with my husband and two little k**s. I am very attractive and have long brown hair and eyes and I’m only 4’11” tall but tightly packed if you know what I mean weighing only 107 pounds. I have been married for 9 years now, sex has tapered off from my husband and my vagina needed more than a quickie occasionally. I know we have 2 k**s, but that doesn’t change my attitude toward sex and it is more quickies now than ever. I needed some pleasurable intercourse. I love...

4 years ago
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Distance makes the touch wetter Going South

It has been a long time since I last saw her.We have been staying in two separate countries for such a long time that we would've died just to touch each other.Finally, the day had cum for us to meet as I boarded the flight for Pearson International.I texted her about my flight status and decided to catch some sleep since I knew things were gonna get really nasty even before the car starts, and I'll need every joule of energy.My phone beeped for the last time as an image of her teasing me in my...

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A Trip Down South

My wife and I had been separated for about a year. I decided I needed to get back into action before dust started to collect. I joined an online service to avoid having to hit the bar scene. Making a decision three sheets into the wind has never worked out well for me. Besides, sex is best appreciated with a clear head rather than in a drunken state. I browsed through the ladies within my immediate vicinity, but nothing really jumped out at me. I needed that initial rush of looking at a...

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A Night in the Old South

Ellen heard muffled voices somewhere off in the darkness and froze in her tracks. The rutted path upon which she struggled to keep her footing, had no doubt been recently trampled by soldiers on their way to and from the irregular picket-lines, which the tattered remnants of the Georgia Militia had stretched thinly through the woods northwest of Savannah to defend their retreat. The deep grooves impressed into the mud, which made walking so treacherous, were dug by heavy cannon wheels, she...

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fy from the south

There I was texting my cousin from SC. He was telling me to open my front door. I knew he was in the area because thats the only time he text me. He walked in an said he we had a little reunion but I knew what was coming. Wewere in my room an he was textin me as I listened to my ipod. Both of us being 18 and bi was kinda kool because we could tlk about girls and guys we had fucked. ME and him had past sexual expirences. Since we were 13 we were having it. So he ws telling me about this guy bck...

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family from the south

There I was texting my cousin from SC. He was telling me to open my front door. I knew he was in the area because thats the only time he text me. He walked in an said he we had a little reunion but I knew what was coming. Wewere in my room an he was textin me as I listened to my ipod. Both of us being 18 and bi was kinda kool because we could tlk about girls and guys we had fucked. ME and him had past sexual expirences. Since we were 13 we were having it. So he ws telling me about this guy bck...

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One Night In The South

The first rays of the sun came through the open window waking him. His eyes popped open and he looked around the empty room. He wondered where he was and how he came to be here. The pounding in his head didn't seem to help him any. Lets see he thought, I stopped at that club down the street called the "All Niter's" started talking to this really gorgeous woman we left and... Then his hands went to his wallet, opening it he found it still held all of his money. So I wasn't robbed, but damn...

3 years ago
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AnteBellum South

September 23, 1850 Dear John, I thought I'd write and tell you of my life here in Mississippi. It's great! My wife and I run a slave discipline camp here. Five years ago I discovered that many slave owners were unable to provide the discipline necessary to keep their slaves in line. So I offer a service. If slaves are misbehaving, they are sent to me and I see to it that they are sent back docile and obedient. The method is simple. I make their lives at the camp so miserable that they...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 21 Heading South

October 30, 1981 (continued) I did a major double-take upon hearing that name; my mind was in a swirl. Inez Trujillo. Did she really say that? Yes, she did. Maybe she was a different Inez Trujillo? What was the chance of that? How many Inez Trujillos were there in this part of the world? Not many, I'd wager. And then something else dawned on me. Where had I heard that voice, the one with the slight trace of an accent? Why, it had belonged to the Inez in the other life, the broken down,...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 41 Points Of The Compass North And South

The next few weeks were the most hectic of my life. We were on the home stretch toward graduation, and the pace was picking up. Two weeks after Prom, there was a banquet scheduled for the athletes who competed on all the school teams. It was held in a large banquet hall, and there were about a thousand people in attendance, students and families, coaches and administrators. The Athletic Banquet was one of the highlights of the school year, because it was the only time all the teams were...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 3 Moving South

July 1979 — Stockholm and Helsingborg, Sweden I awoke to a knock at the bedroom door. I was disoriented by the room, the time, and how light it was. It quickly came back to me where I was, and a look at the clock told me it was 7:00am. Lars stuck his head in the room and let me know that breakfast was in about ten minutes, but I had time to shower and dress. I quickly did that and then went to breakfast. When I sat down at the table, I found a bowl of what looked like yogurt at my place,...

1 year ago
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In the South

In high school I was the gay player on the football team. Most of my teammates new this, either by word of mouth or personal experience, and they were alright with it this was my life all I had to look forward to each day and as my senior year ended I realized that I may never play ball again. I didn't apply to colleges because my grades were not in top shape and I had always hoped that everything would come to some school sweeping me away. Luckily for me that school came and took me away two...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e13 Stephanie 53 sex shop worker from Southampton

Series 3, Episode 13: Stephanie We’re in a sex shop – nothing big or flashy, but it’s not too dark and seedy either. Two aisles running from front to back – one filled with magazines and DVDs, the other with dildos and vibrators. The rear wall covered with kinky costumes, and at the front a single member of staff. There are no customers in the store, perhaps scared off by our camera crew. The member of staff is middle-aged going on old – wearing a little red dress that she’s really 20, or...

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Tips n Toes An Ongoing Story

Tips 'n Toes: an ongoing story by CCSondra You know, its amazing when you step back and examine your life just how often it is those little things that make us who we are. From developing phobias to our love of certain comfort foods, to the kinds of games we play it really is the small stuff that counts. Well, I think for most of us who enjoy, need, crave, the gurlie part of life that is true as well...at least I know that is the case for me. My...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 19 Comings and Goings

August 31, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Good evening, Mr. Spurgeon,” I said when Les led me to Noel Spurgeon’s study. It was late on Monday evening because I’d gone to karate practice before driving up to Glencoe. Samantha had arranged for me to talk with her dad, and then talk with her parents together. “Good evening, Steve. I suppose at this point, you should call me Noel.” “Thanks. I assume Samantha told you what she wants to do?” He nodded, “Actually, she asked my permission. I was...

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Hypnotic goings on

Life in the military can be quite boring at times so I got a book form the library entitled 'Teach Yourself Hypnotism' seemed a fun way to pass the time. Thinking it would be a waste of time I soon discovered that I could hypnotise some of my friends into doing things they would not normally contemplate, this caused much amusement in the barracks at night time. Eventually the novelty wore off and I didn't do it for a long time. Life was boring but about to change drastically, the Army was...

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Goings on in the Dorm

A Chastened Tale Demetri swallowed. He was a virgin and cowered as Chrissie just stood there, staring into his eyes without blinking, sticking out her tits so that they barely made contact with his chest. He tried to back away but had already met the wall of her dorm room. How had he gotten trapped in there? The only way out was through her unless—unless she stepped aside and allowed him to leave. If she didn’t—she’d have them fully against him and he didn’t know if he could deny her...

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More Goings on at Nichols College

A Chastened, FL Tale The Professor, His Wife & Laura On my first night back home with Tabby, we didn’t get much sleep. The note was clear. I was to be naked, in bed, and hard when she got home. The problem was I wasn’t sure when that would be. I’d gotten home early, I cleaned the house again, lit some candles, and undressed, but I had somewhere between ten minutes and three hours to prepare myself. The naked part was easy, but keeping myself in a constant state of arousal was proving...

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Sexual Shenanigans of Trump Supporters Nicole Arbour Kaitlin Bennett Ashton Whitty and Lauren Southern

Nicole Arbour. Lesbian madam. 40 years old, 5’ 10” tall, leggy, athletic, strong. And stacked. Like a brick house. 50E-24-38. Shoulder-length thick blonde hair. Bright red lipstick, toenails, and fingernails. Golden tan from sunbathing in the nude. Neatly trimmed pussy. A real, live Amazon queen. Nicole had been supplying beautiful American blondes to Kayleigh McEnany’s escort service. A very lucrative partnership. Kayleigh had double-crossed Donald Jr and Eric. Embezzling from the Trump was...

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Sexual Shenanigans of Trump Apologists Nicole Arbour Kaitlin Bennett Ashton Whitty and Lauren Southern

Nicole Arbour. Lesbian madam. 40 years old, 5’ 10” tall, leggy, athletic, strong. And stacked. Like a brick house. 50E-24-38. Shoulder-length thick blonde hair. Bright red lipstick, toenails, and fingernails. Golden tan from sunbathing in the nude. Neatly trimmed pussy. A real, live Amazon queen. Nicole had been supplying beautiful American blondes to Kayleigh McEnany’s escort service. A very lucrative partnership. Kayleigh had double-crossed Donald Jr and Eric. Embezzling from the Trump was...

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My Ongoing Submission To Aldous

It's a typical hot and humid Southern night. Electrical lightning flashes in the distance. I hope it doesn't rain and ruin my carefully coiffed big blond wig. In my stiletto heels, hot pink thigh-highs and a matching micro-mini dress, I hope to appear as feminine as is possible for an older man to look.Little details are important. I've spent some time making sure my finger and toenails are nicely trimmed and polished and my makeup is tasteful.I stop at a convenience store and strut in...

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The life and ongoing lusts of a Rock Goddess

Introducing Sock Puppetz The spotlights blazed, bathing the stage in a haze of bright white heat. The noise from the crowd was tremendous, the stomping and whooping shaking the stage like an earthquake was in full effect. The members of the band stood, arms raised, the adulation sweeping over them, big smiles on their faces. The lights moved, twisting away from the stage, across the crowd. This was the biggest gig they’d played, the phenomenal success of their second album, Poisoned Lips, had...

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My ongoing sissy story part 2

As some of you liked my story (my first time as a sissy) I thought I would follow it up with my next encounter.Some 10 years had passed since my affair with Andy and I was now happily married with a family although I used to sometimes reflect on the lovely times I had with him but had decided that my bi crossdressing side was firmly locked away and that Nicole, my alter ego, was locked away with it. The only thing that remained from that era was my dislike of body hair so I was super smooth all...

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Goddess M Real story ongoing

Whats good my xhamster peeps. So I’ve been contemplating sharing this along with video and pictures of her but fuck it here goes. The reason to all of this is because of me being horny to begin with lol but it was well worth the years of wait and we still link up whenever we have time. So goddess M i grew up calling each other cousins however we are not cousins at all. Her mother grew up with mines and was close friends so there. First off let me describe herMIs about 6 ft STACKED, thick, big...

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Train grope leads to ongoing gloryholeTrue story

This all started a few years back in 2012... I leased a BMW for like three years. For those that aren't sure how leasing a car works, you pretty much sign paperwork stating that you will make payments on a particular car during specific time frame. And after the lease is up, you can decide whether to keep the car for longer or return the car back to the dealership... So after my lease is up, I had to turn the car back to the dealership. They soon convinced me to get another car lol, as they are...

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The life and ongoing lusts of a Rock Goddess

Introducing Sock Puppetz The spotlights blazed, bathing the stage in a haze of bright white heat. The noise from the crowd was tremendous, the stomping and whooping shaking the stage like an earthquake was in full effect. The members of the band stood, arms raised, the adulation sweeping over them, big smiles on their faces. The lights moved, twisting away from the stage, across the crowd. This was the biggest gig they'd played, the phenomenal success of their second album, Poisoned Lips, had...

Straight Sex
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Going To The Dogs in Suburbia

My Cousin's Pet or Going to the Dogs in Suburbia Going to the Dogs in Suburbia Categories: Ff, Non-consent/reluctance, humiliation Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. It portrays two young women in a human-dog / owner relationship. This story is not real and should not be used as anything but fuel for fantasies. The author in no way, form, or fashion condones the sexual abuse of minors. Consent is an essential element for any sex act and, while this story depicts otherwise,...

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Micks Mom Got It Going On

"Michael, would you come here for a minute?"Susanna called to her son from her home office. Michael did not respond at once. He sat slouched on the sofa, on the other side of the house, playing Fortnite on the big-screen TV in the living room. It was late Sunday morning, and Michael didn't have to go to work."What is it, mom?" he shouted back, not moving a muscle to get up. He was in the middle of a game, and it was going well. He was keeping up, more or less, with his teammate and recent...

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Going Down UnderChapter 2

From Chapter 1 “…I don’t want to interrupt what sounds like a fascinating lesson, but I need to ask the Professor here a question. Mr. Simmons has taken ill and will be out for a while. He and I were supposed to accompany the students on the annual school trip in two weeks. We’re going to Fraser Island, which you would find interesting. Would you like to go on the school trip, Professor? We will be staying ten days.” The room was silent for a moment before Cindy said, “Oh Professor,...

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Chapter eleven Going Bare Back for first time wLise

Midway point of my senior year High School.... (2002) When Stephanie didn’t return my call as she said she would it became very evident that no matter how bad things were with Barry and her then boyfriend. That she couldn’t bring herself to leave him. So I guess I was stuck with Lisa, Now don’t get me wrong here I loved the woman but she was like of crazy in some way but aren’t all women crazy in one way or another I mean during time that Lisa and I had been dating we had broken up at least...

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Never Going Back Again

feminize – feminization – transsexual – crossdresser – gayTo tell the truth, I never really figured out how to do the guy thing very well. I was always small for my age. People used to say that I'd shoot up someday, but it never happened. All through my school years, I looked about two years younger than my classmates. It didn't make for an adolescence filled with confidence, or even security. I was picked on mercilessly—teased, of course, but also actually beaten up from time to time.It didn't...

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Going Down Under Chapter 3

…I want to show you something,” Adele said as she unbuttoned her shorts and slid them off of her hips. She had a beautiful ass, not just for her age but for any age. She spread her ass and showed me her asshole. “No man has ever been in my ass. No man has ever eaten my ass. I’ve wanted to try it, and I hear that you love eating and fucking ass. So you’ll fuck my virgin ass?” she asked as she buttoned up her shorts again. “No. You’re going to have to watch me fuck one of the girls in...

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Going under cover

?Going under cover?. Author’s note. This novel is just a product of my morbid imagination and it contains crude language and descriptions of sexual intercourses (if you are under the age of twenty-one years or you’re offended by such writings please don’t read further). FDI stands for Federal Defense Investigation, a paramilitary division of USE army, principally fighting terrorism and mafia. Events take place in the USE (United States of Europid) on a planet other than planet Earth. Probably,...

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Going Down UnderChapter 1

I was happy to leave a record-nasty winter in the northern US. When I boarded the plane in January at my tiny local airport, the temperature was -5F with a wind chill of -17. Eighteen inches of snow had fallen the day before. I walked across the tarmac in my Eddie Bauer subzero parka and gloves so thick they would put Neil Armstrong to shame. When I stepped off the plane in Brisbane into 90F temperature, I don’t think anyone had ever seen such garb in person. I got situated in the...

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Teras Awakening No Going Back

I had found a good engineering job right out of college and we had a decent life. It was the typical American life, lived in the suburbs, kids went to good schools, played sports and Tera was a typical soccer mom. Then one day we looked up and our last kid was graduating college and leaving for a job in another city. We had become "Empty Nesters" at 43! Being in excellent health and happy, I thought, this is our time to enjoy life! I had always been extremely happy with our sex life and...

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No Going Back

No Going Back My name was Richard Anthony Mason. When I was younger I found that liked to wear girls clothes. As I got older I found that I liked to wear girls clothes lot, a real lot. I liked girls clothes so much that I wished that I could wear girls clothes all the time. They say, careful what you wish for, let me say, they are right. When I was ten years old my brother Mike, who was nine at the time, caught me cross-dressing in my mom's clothes. I thought he was going to tell...

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Going Nova

The characters, events and organisations in this story are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people or organisations is coincidental and unintended. Going Nova By Emma Smith Friday, 14 February 2003 Chapter 1 System Compromise I sweep through the airport arrivals lounge with my entourage behind me. I am in full flow, an unstoppable force. Network camera drones track and focus as I march forward. Some of them are...

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Going Back to School Part 1

Introduction: This started out as a short story and has somehow turned into a novel, or at the very least a novella. At the moment its about 17,000 words and only about half done. I write slow because Im very busy, so please dont expect a true ending anytime soon. A few people here on the forums helped me with descriptions for experiences I havent had and my thanks go out to them. I dont have an editor so I apologize for any mistakes or detail discrepancies that I have missed. Chapter 1 When I...

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