Heading South free porn video

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Miriam Smith looked forward to her Friday nights with her fellow teachers from school. She and several of the other teachers got together for a ladies night out to let their hair down and celebrate the start of the cherished weekend. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the high school and enjoyed her work but she also enjoyed having a good time as well. She was definitely no 'stick in the mud' when it came to partying on the weekends.

Sometimes the group went out for drinks at a bar or pub outside of the school district boundaries as the school district frowned on having its teachers seen drinking at bars. Other times they would go to Broadway shows or other live performances. They even went to the roller rink from time to time as well as the bowling alley. They called themselves. 'The Party of Six,' because there were usually Miriam and five of her friends going out together and at restaurants, when they were called for dinner it was always, 'Miriam, Party of Six' or one of the other gals and 'Party of Six' being called out so their group became known as the 'Party of Six.'

Sometimes, her friends would joke and say that they were called, 'Party of Sex,' because it always seemed that their heated discussions would, sooner or later, come to the hot topic of sex. They would talk about which of their students were having sex with whom as well as who so and so was fucking this week behind her husband's or his wife's back. Their own sex life would turn up as a topic of debate from time to time, especially after imbibing a few Margaritas or glasses of white wine.

Tonight, one of the ladies had suggested going downtown to one of the 'art' cinemas to watch a new movie that was recently released. Miriam was interested in going as one of her favorites actresses, Charlotte Rampling, was in the movie. Charlotte, as you might know, was in the movie, 'Georgy Girl,' back in the sixties when Miriam was a young girl. The name of Charlotte's new movie was called, 'Heading South.'

The Party of Six met at a little sports bar on the edge of downtown coming directly from school. The ladies tended to dress down on Fridays and be more casual but even in blue jeans and a white blouse, Miriam still looked fabulous. She had kissed her husband goodbye that morning after fixing him some early breakfast as she didn't have to be at school until eight o'clock.

"Don't wait up for me, Maurice, as the Party of Six is going to see a movie at one of the theatres downtown."

"Have a good time tonight, Dear," he called out as he jumped into his Mercedes and drove off to work.

Maurice really didn't want his wife to work as he made plenty of money with his own real estate business but his lovely blonde wife wanted to make a difference in the world by teaching young people. "They are our greatest asset," she would say to him.

The left the bar with plenty of time to get to the movie theater and pay for their tickets. Miriam was surprised to see so many women her own age there at the movie that she felt right at home. There were quite a few couples already seated in the theater but it was mainly white women in their thirties, forties and fifties. Miriam found it odd that there were even several single white women with a Negro as well as a number of white couples with black men. She didn't consider herself a racist but she didn't believe in white women dating black men and the mixing of the races.

It didn't take long for Miriam to figure out the plot of the movie. The pretty white women in the film were teachers spending their summer vacation away from school at a resort where the impoverished local beach boys serve as gigolos for the rich white, American women. The black youths devote themselves to nourishing the women's starved libidos in exchange for food, gifts and temporary refuge from the perils of the island's repressive regime of Jean-Claude Duvalier. The movie was set in the seventies. There were three white women who went on summer break from teaching every year to enjoy some illicit sex away from their husbands. These women, as well as others, would go down to Haiti to find lovers. The problem was, these married white women were down in this repressed Caribbean island looking for local young men, that is, local young black men. Miriam was embarrassed by the way that the white women talked and carried on with the young blacks. She wasn't prejudiced, but proper white women just didn't act like sluts around Negro men. Miriam had always liked Charlotte Rampling but the way she threw herself at the young black boys was outrageous. Charlotte was old enough to be their mother, for Heaven's sake!

While it was all fun and games within the comfy suites and confines of the pristine resort and along the pure, crystal white shores of the resort, within Haiti itself is a miserable environment of suffocating poverty and brutal repression from 'Baby Doc' Duvalier's regime. When some of the women venture beyond the resort setting to see where there black Haitian boy toys actually live, it is an experience that jolts them back to reality.

During one of the first of many interracial love scenes in the movie, Miriam leaned over to one of her friends sitting next to her and asked in a whisper, "My God, is that boy's huge penis real?"

Her friend, Julie, laughed at the question.

"Of course it is, Silly," her worldlier friend whispered back. "Don't you know that most black men are hung like horses?"

Miriam was amazed at what she saw. These were young black men who were probably about eighteen or nineteen years old with some of them younger, who had cocks on them that would make a stallion proud. They knew that they were big and that was why the American women flocked down to see them. Miriam was aghast when she saw that the huge black penis that these boys sported were much bigger than her very own husband's. She had previously heard several of her teacher friends talking about how large Negroes were; now she knew what they had been referring to.

True to his form, her husband was already in bed that night when she arrived home from the movie and found him sound asleep as he lay snoring loudly. Miriam slipped under the covers without waking him. The movie had been highly erotic and she couldn't get the images out of her pretty little head about all of the naked young black boys with their massively stiff cocks. Miriam felt an unfamiliar longing between her thighs. The pretty blonde wife did something that she had never done before. She got up and searched in her lingerie drawer for one of the gag gifts that one of the 'Party of Sex' had given her for her recent fortieth birthday party. She found it under some of her panties. It was a rather large black dildo. Miriam had never used one before but she knew what it was for and she used it now.

Miriam went into the den and lay down on the couch. She put the Afghan over her just in case her husband stirred and came out to the den and caught her in 'the act.' Miriam figured that she could say that she had fallen asleep on the couch and her witless husband would be none the wiser.

The aroused wife hurriedly slipped off her dampened panties and pulled aside her sheer negligee. The dildo had a battery that caused the dildo to vibrate. She flipped on the switch and quickly found her moist opening. She jumped and cried out when the tip of the vibrating faux-penis touched her swollen clitoris. Miriam had never used a dildo before but it didn't take her long for her to catch on and figure it out. She imagined that the large black vibrator was the black boy from the movie. It didn't take long, however, for her to bring herself off with her own amateurish ministrations. Her heartbeat raced as she climaxed. It was as if a huge black cock was really fucking her for the very first time. She even imagined that she had the blessing of her own husband to be with her new Negro lover.

Miriam got off of the couch, slipped her panties back on and wiped down the slickened dildo with a wash rag before putting 'Ole Black Joe' back into its carrying case. She remembered when her close friend, Julie, had given it to her. Miriam didn't know what it was and held it up for the other ladies at her birthday party to see. When they all started snickering, she knew her friends were making fun of her. Afterwards, Julie, who had given it to her, explained the dildo's use and functionality. Miriam blushed to the roots of her long blonde hair. She never imagined why any married woman would want something like that. Now she knew.

Miriam never refused her husband sex but Maurice didn't fuck her as often as he used to, however, whenever he did insist, she dreamt that she was Charlotte Rampling getting royally fucked by, Legba, the black teenager in the highly charged, erotic movie.


The 'Party of Six' usually did something together as a group at the start of the summer break from teaching school. Miriam was having lunch with Julie at La Madeline's, a little French bakery and restaurant downtown, when Julie broached the subject of the Ladies Group's next trip.

"Miriam," her friend said after a wonderful lunch of a small salad and a warm French baguette with melted cheese, "One of the gals in the group suggested that we go 'Heading South' for this year's summer trip. There's a nice little resort at Jamaica's Rio Ochos that specifically caters to white American women. She has already booked us space for the first week in June. Will you join us?"

Her friend's question took Miriam by surprise. She had thought a lot about the movie that they had seen earlier together but had never dreamed that she would actually go some place as decadent as that.

Julie saw her naive friend blush.

"Miriam, it's alright, really it is," she said as she covered Miriam's hand with hers.

"They are very discreet down there. Our husbands will never know unless you tell them. My husband knows because I shared our dark little secret with him last year. At first, he was mad at me because I had fucked a strange man. A strange black man at that. Later, he would ask me for all of the details. It got him very excited and he wanted to fuck me. Our sex was very rousing and passionate that night. In our dirty talk, he even tells me that he is my 'Negro Lover' and pretends that he is black as he fucks me."

Miriam had heard her friend talk about sex before but never like this. The flood of emotion washed over her like a sexual tidal wave. She felt that strange tingling between her thighs.

The pretty blonde wife stuttered as she responded, "Le, le, let me ask my husband."


That evening, Miriam did ask her husband.

"Dear," she said. "Is it okay if I go down to Jamaica with The Party of Six for a week?"

"Sure," Maurice quickly replied. He already knew about the planned trip as Julie's husband, Bart, had said something to him about the ladies' group trip to him today at the office. He also knew why they were going.

"Why don't you go and have fun with your lady friends. Several of us guys are going for a week-long deep-sea fishing trip to Cabos san Lucas. You go have your little fun while we go have our guy fun."

Miriam was surprised that her husband had agreed so quickly. He was quite the penny pincher and usually scrimped with their money. However, she was so excited and made plans to get ready for their Jamaican excursion.


Julie and Miriam went shopping together for some new clothes. They made a stop at the Victoria's Secret in the mall. Miriam was usually too conservative to shop there but Julie helped her pick out several exciting new outfits as well as some sexy swimsuits and lacy under things. This trip was going to really cost her husband quite a pretty penny in more ways than one.

The Party of Six left on Sunday afternoon and arrived at Jamaica's Montego Bay Airport late in the afternoon. One of those jaunty jitneys, a brightly painted, open-air jeep with the fringe on top, picked them up. Their driver was an elderly local Rastafarian with long dreadlocks. He looked over the pretty white American women with a practiced eye. He knew why they were here. The old Jamaican just wished that he was about twenty years younger so that he could 'enjoy' some of their lovely womanly charms. Now, he was like the old dog that could no longer even chase cars. He used to even remember what to do with them when he caught them.

Now Joe's big, ole black pecker was good for only one thing; peeing. Still, he liked to look at the pretty white women and remember the olden days when they would come down to visit him. He had been in big demand when he was a young lad of twenty. One prime day, he even 'serviced' more than twenty-five beautiful white women. With his stamina, if he had kept track of the number of white women he had fucked, he might've even rivaled Wilt Chamberlain's claim of having bedded over twenty thousand women.

Today, 'Ole Black Joe' was still considered a legend, at least in his own mind. 'Ole Black Joe' could dream now, couldn't he? Joe didn't know that a dildo had been fashioned after his own big black cock. He had been just that popular in Jamaica with all the pretty white, American ladies coming down to get away from their boring white husband and boyfriends for some discreet, wild 'jungle' sex. He really was a legend that lived on even today and was found in the drawers of many a fine, upstanding lady in the form of a big, black dildo.

Miriam sat in the passenger seat up front next to the driver. She talked to the driver while they weaved their way out of town and trough the jungle. The pretty blonde teacher loved the old black man's Jamaican accent. They talked about a number of different topics when she realized that the hem of her dress had ridden up her firm thighs and was now showing the old man quite an expanse of smooth white skin. He kept looking over at her and her legs while he was driving. Miriam knew that she should push her hem back into place but she decided to give the driver a show. She scooted over to the far edge of her seat near the door so she was now almost facing the old black driver. Miriam let her legs relax and open up. The wind had caught the edge of her dress and lifted it up to reveal her tiny little lacy, white bikini panties. She swore that the old black man just about had a coronary right then and there. If he had, she thought, the jeep surely would have been wrecked and the occupants injured but she wickedly kept her legs open for his continued viewing pleasure.


Miriam was excited. She had enjoyed teasing the old black driver and flirting with him. What had gotten into her? It had taken the old jeep driver several hours to make his way to the remote resort in lovely, secluded Rio Ochos. She and her friend, Julie, were staying in the same little bungalow near the beach. They arrived just in time for the welcoming cocktail hour.

The ladies from The Party of Sex were clearly enjoying themselves. The waiters were dressed in spiffy-looking uniforms but they were all young, muscular and black. They were very attentive in bringing us our drinks. There were other guests at the Full Moon Beach Resort but they were all white. There were a few young couples who were obviously newly weds as well as several older white couples who were probably married but maybe not to each other.

"Who cares?" Miriam thought to herself, "We're all her to have a little fun. Right?"

Dinner was very nice and they watched the radiant sun setting. Most of the ladies were going on to the disco to dance the night away and trip the light fantastic but Miriam was too tired from the stressful last week of teaching school. She kissed Julie on the cheek and told her good night.

"Don't wait up for me, Honey," Julie said breathlessly with a wink of her pretty blue eye. "I want to experience all the fun that this place has to offer."

Miriam saw that several of the waiters had changed into casual shorts and a loose, unbuttoned shirt. She easily found her way back to her bungalow.

As she was undressing, she felt the warmth between her thighs. She knew that it wasn't right to tease that old black driver but she felt wicked while she was doing so. Miriam also knew why these white women were down her as she had seen it in the movie, 'Heading South.' The only difference was that the movie was set in Haiti during the seventies and now we were in a more tourist-friendly locale of Jamaica. The young black men were still there for the same thing. Money and sex from the white American women. That was how those black boys made their living and they enjoyed pleasing those pretty white women, especially the blondes.

Miriam fingered herself until she had an orgasm. She was thinking of Legba from the movie. She finally dozed off to sleep and had an erotic dream that she was the white princess of the jungle and all of the black subjects were under her obedient command. She awoke to sounds of a struggle.

Miriam looked over at Julie's bed. It looked like she was getting ****d by one of the black waiters. She was about to hit the young black man in the back of the head with a table lamp when she realized that Julie wasn't struggling as she had her pretty legs wrapped around his muscular black buttocks urging him even deeper. Julie's arms were around her black lover's broad back and, in ecstasy; her nails were raking across the thick black skin.

Miriam put the lamp back on the table and sat back down on the edge of her bed. She watched the erotic interracial coupling of her friend with the black waiter. Julie saw Miriam watching and just smiled at her as she continued her energetic lovemaking.

Miriam fitfully went back to sleep but she had visions of black men between her own loins. Was it the intense heat of the jungle that made her dream these things?


The next day, Miriam was already dressed as she left for breakfast. Julie was still in bed resting up from her previous night's love session.

After breakfast, Miriam walked along the beautiful white-sand beach. The palm trees were swaying gently in the light ocean breeze. The sky was blue and the water was crystal-clear. She could even see some of the brightly-colored fish swimming around lazily in the warm sea water.

There were a number of sunbathers already out in the early morning hours as most people had been cautioned about the sun's extremely powerful and harmful rays during mid-day. There were no restrictions about wearing swimsuits or not and a number of the topless women were enjoying the sun's early warmth. Some were even bottomless as well as they frolicked nude in the surf. Miriam noticed that most of the white women were with a black man.

The pretty blonde teacher and wife walked along much further and she came to a jungle clearing at the edge of the beach that had the remains of an old bonfire. There were also small benches that formed a circle around the fireplace. She figured they cooked out wienies and marshmallows here and told ghost stories like they did in her own Girl Scout days back home.

Miriam had forgotten to take some water with her so she decided to head back to the resort. By that time, Julie was up and getting into her sexy swimsuit.

"Come with me for a swim," she asked Miriam.

"Sure, let me throw on my suit. Give me a minute, okay?"


The two beautiful white teachers got a beach towel from one of the black cabana boys and went down to lie in the sun near the water's edge. Julie popped her top and let her magnificent twin orbs run free. Miriam was surprised at her friend as she knew that she would never do anything like that back home.

Julie saw her friend looking at her quizzically.

"What goes on in Jamaica stays in Jamaica. Come on, Honey, let your hair down and have some fun. I promise, I certainly won't tell anyone."

Miriam hesitated as she had never sunbathed topless before. She found herself reaching behind her back and unsnapping the top's clasp. She released her own beautiful twin orbs. She laid face down on the lounge chair. Somehow she felt freer than she had ever felt before but she wasn't quite yet ready to show the world her bare breasts.

"Some oil, Ma'am?" she heard a Jamaican voice ask.

Miriam looked up to see one of the resort's black waiters.

"Some oil for your back, Ma'am?" the young black boy asked again.

"Sure, why not?" she replied reluctantly.

"My name is Mathuga," he said.

"Mine is Miriam," she half turned to shake his hand before she realized that she was topless and letting him see some of her bare breasts. Miriam flushed.

The young muscular black boy knelt down beside the beautiful blonde lady. He started on her back, rubbing the scented oil into her smooth white skin. His fingers worked wonders on her as she began to relax. Miriam had massages before but none as erotic and as sensual as this one. His strong black fingers massaged her top of her bare shoulders and then along the sides. The tips of his fingers slipped underneath and caressed the swell of her bare breasts. Her nipples tingled with excitement.

Mathuga then worked his magic on the back of her calves and down to her little feet. The young black boy gave her the best foot massage that she had ever had. He worked his way back up her firm thighs and massages her buttocks underneath the thin material of her bikini bottoms.

"Turn over," he said in a quiet voice.

Miriam turned over exposing her bare breasts to the young Negro boy. His fingers rubbed the slick oil on her chest and on her tits. He tweaked the nipples into firmness.

By this time, Miriam was breathing fairly hard and her heart was racing.

His dark roving hands moved down to her bikini bottoms, the last vestige of her modesty. Miriam surprised herself when she lifted her hips slightly to aid Mathuga in taking off the bottom portion of her skimpy bikini.

The young black cabana boy saw that her pussy hair was as blonde as the hair on her beautiful head.

"You have beautiful blonde hair, Ma'am," he whispered into her ear. "I especially love real blondes."

Miriam spread her thighs to let Mathuga rub the protective oil over her firm thighs. His finger dipped into her moistened opening and aroused her even further. Her clitoris throbbed as she realized that she had an orgasm while laying right there on the lounge chair on the beach in front of God and everybody.

Miriam grabbed her beach towel to cover her nakedness as she ran crying to the safety of her bungalow.


Julie had witnessed all of Miriam's introduction to the sexuality of black lust for white women. She went to console her friend.

The pretty blonde wife had thrown on a robe and lay crying on her bed when Julie arrived.

"Miriam, Honey," she said as she put her arms around the distraught teacher. "No one will make you do anything that you don't want to do."

"I know that," Miriam sobbed. "But I can't believe that I allowed something like that to happen right in broad daylight in front of everybody. How embarrassed can I get?"

"Dear, there wasn't any body making fun of you out there. They all knew that you were just enjoying yourself with that black boy. There's no harm in that. Remember, what goes on in Jamaica, stays in Jamaica."

"Yes, I know but I've never been unfaithful to my husband," Miriam replied through tear-streaked eyes.

"It's alright to have our fun. I'm sure that both of our husbands are having fun on their little trip."

Miriam smiled. She knew that her friend was probably right.

"Come on, Honey. Let's get ready for tonight's dinner."


Miriam's disposition had cheered up considerably. She knew that Julie liked sex quite a bit as she watched her having a different black lover every night this week but that wasn't for her. Miriam still had fun frolicking around in the surf and lying on the beach topless but she wasn't interested in taking a black lover, at least not just yet.

Mathuga watched out for Miriam and made sure that she had everything that she needed. He was quick to refresh her drink or to get her a clean towel. He even got her some postcards so she could write home and tell her husband about her wonderful experience in Jamaica. She felt no pressure at all to have sex with any of the staff of young black men.

The week was coming fast to an end. The resort was having a big 'Full Moon' party beach bash on Saturday night as it was to be a full moon and that was the name of the resort. Miriam wasn't too keen about going but Julie talked her into it.

There was a beach bar-b-que along with musicians, a limbo contest and Mocko Jumbies, the colorful Jamaicans on stilts.

Dinner was nice and the wine flowed freely. All of the ladies from the Party of Six had dressed up in Hawaiian outfits with skirts, bikini tops and leis. Julie won the limbo contest as she was able to go under the lowest bar. It was easy for her because she had been a dancer throughout school and now led the drill dance corps at the high school.

Miriam thought that she probably had too much wine but it kept coming. Mathuga made sure that her glass was never empty. After dinner, the guests were instructed to gather around the fire and sit down on the benches for the Jamaican Full Moon show. Miriam noticed that the black waiters were dressed in colorful loincloths and standing behind their white guests. They were told that a documentary was being made of tonight's celebration ritual and Miriam saw one of the waiters with a video camera.

The jungle drums started their sensual beat. It was announced that the King was looking for an heir to the throne. One of the older Jamaican men came out into the firelight dressed as the chieftain. Miriam was surprised when she recognized the Chief as the old taxi driver, Joe, who picked them up at the airport when they first arrived. He looked much more powerful tonight than he did while he was driving the jeep.

The Chief danced around the fire looking at all of the white women seated. He circled the fire three times and then looked up. At that very moment, the full moon was directly overhead and cast the chief in it silvery light almost as it were a spotlight. Then the chief pointed over her shoulder to Mathuga who was standing near Miriam. Mathuga came forward as directed and began to dance around the fire as if a zombie. The chanting began and the drums beat quicker. All eyes were on the young black man swaying to the beat of the music. It was clearly the call of the jungle. Everybody started to clap their hands in time with the jungle beat.

Mathuga danced around the fire and came close to several of the ladies in her group. It seemed like magnets either repelling or attracting each other. All of the women reached out their arms as Mathuga made physical contact with each one, even Miriam participated in this ritual. The young black man would start to pull one of the white women from her seat but each time would let her fall back down until he came to Miriam.

The skillful black dancer took a hold of Miriam's outstretched arm and pulled her towards him like magnets attracting each other. Her positive to his negative. Her whiteness to his blackness. Their arms intertwined as they danced together.

Miriam was dizzy from swirling around but didn't want to stop dancing with Mathuga. He held the blonde beauty in his strong black arms. His fingers went to work behind her back and soon her top was flung into the fire. Miriam continued dancing with the young black waiter with even more fervor. Her skirt was next. Now all that she had on was her little, black bikini panties and the flower lei around her neck.

They continued dancing and swaying to the music. Miriam was moved closer to a mattress that was placed on the ground. It all seemed to be going to fast for her. She looked over and saw Julie kissing on one of her black lovers. The other ladies in her group were in various stages of undress. Was this really happening to her?

Mathuga laid the pretty blonde teacher on the mattress as he continued to dance to the jungle music. At first, Miriam had tried in vain to hide her nakedness by covering her breasts and pussy with her hands. She was caught up in the moment as she writhed on the mattress.

The young muscular waiter danced above the pretty blonde woman. Miriam's legs flowered open as he stepped between them. She knew in her heart that if she wanted Matuga to stop, he would do so right then and there. It was then that she saw the huge tent in his loincloth. Miriam gasped as he pulled off the cloth, revealing his massive black cock pointing up towards the full moon.

It was hopeless now to stop this onslaught!

Mathuga maneuvered between her smooth, bare thighs and grasped his huge cock in his hand. He guided this raging manhood to her quivering pussy. Miriam screamed when the tip of his gigantic African cock speared into her tight, defenseless blonde pussy. She was not ready for anything like this. His thick lips covered hers and his tongue danced with hers in the sweet warmth of her mouth.

Miriam felt the white hot pain at the apex of her womanhood start to dissipate as Mathuga continued to thrust into the highly aroused blonde woman. If it had not been for the aphrodisiac in the wine, Miriam would not have been anywhere near lubricated enough to take his one-eyed, black monster African cock.

The rest of the crowd watched in amazement as they saw the beautiful blonde take the entire length and girth of her black demon's manhood. Julie smiled at knowing that her friend was finally taking some big black cock. She watched as Miriam's firm white legs came up to encircle her Negro lover's thrusting hips. Julie watched as her friend had an orgasm.

Mathuga fucked the pretty white woman like he had never fucked before. It seemed like hours or even days that he was buried deep inside her tight womb but it was actually only minutes. Soon he lifted up and roared as he shot his dark, hot seed deep inside her innermost being. The sated Negro got up from between her widespread legs and the next black waiter quickly took his place.

Miriam was fucked that night by all of the black men, including the camera man. Just as she thought that she was about to pass out from exhaustion, the Chieftain appeared. He whipped off his loincloth and sported a massive erection. Miriam gasped when she saw that his big black cock looked just like her favorite black dildo. It was larger than most of the other men but Miriam had been stretched out enough to take Old Black Joe once again.

After Miriam passed out, the thoughtful Mathuga lovingly carried the beautiful blonde teacher back to her bungalow and cleaned up her dripping, messy pussy before dressing her in her nightgown.

When she woke up the next day, Miriam called her husband and told him that she was staying in Jamaica for a while. The pretty blonde wife wanted to enjoy the rest of the summer. Mathuga did too!

So the next time that you ladies want to have some fun, consider 'Heading South.'

Written by jmcox261

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As I had predicted, Snort managed to get half his heifers pregnant in the first four days. Tally and I decided to split the herd into six lots before he did the rest. Five lots had ten cows in each. Half were pregnant, and the other half were not. The sixth lot included the other ten girls and Snort. If the owners of the first five lots wanted Snort to finish the job, they would have to pay his new owner. Else, they could put them to their own bulls. We considered this fair and the feedback...

4 years ago
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My White boyvisit to the South

I was your average city girl. Never been to the south a day of my life nevertheless did I want to go. But I promised my Great aunt I’d come to visit her since I hadn’t seen her in more than 10 years since I was 9. I was the typical 19 year old. In college, studying, lots of tests and more studying. Definitely no time for niggaz. Hadn’t had a date since I was 17 as a matter of fact. I guess the benefit of visiting down South would be the peace and quiet time I would get to relax and get some...

2 years ago
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Sarah Goes Down South

Sarah Goes Down (South) By Kimberli Nicole McCarthy This is a continuation of Sarah Smile The sun broke through the windows, pulling Sarah out of her slumber. She lay in bed, running her hands across her panties and bra, and thought fondly about the bathroom at Sbarros, and about how she pleased Billy again on the cab ride home, and how he took her again on the sofa before they retreated to his bed to sleep in each others arms. When Billy walked in from work that night,...

1 year ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Fifteen Heading South

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 15, Heading South) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

3 years ago
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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 16 Going South

Drew MacIntosh found himself in the main incident room, staring at the board that still had the timeline showing the vigilante incidents. With no new leads, Drew was working other cases now but he continually came back to the vigilante. The Crimewatch programme had been a big disappointment. Drew had held out high hopes that someone out there knew something, had that vital little clue that would unlock the case, but there had been only a trickle of calls and none of them threw up anything...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E16 Tamara Cooper 32 from Southampton

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of St Mary’s Stadium, home of Southampton Football Club ... Then spinning around to look over the River Solent, zooming in on a large, gray-green structure with little round windows ... Then we cut to that building – on a dusty industrial estate - with the river and St Mary’s Stadium in the background. A sign on the front of the building reads “MAIN AGGREGATES”. Our host steps into frame from the side, immediately making the scene better to...

4 years ago
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Adventure Down South

MARCH 2010 Comanche smoke signals of dust rise from an uneven dirt road, a half mile away. Beth’s bouncing pickup emerges from the cloud, an arrow aimed at Jim Ed’s southwest pasture barn. Beth and Jen stagger from the barn, loaded with gear. Jim Ed Andrews, III leans against his white crew cab pickup. He grins at the pony-tailed brunettes, who are irritated at our lack of assistance. The two girls are roughly 5-5, 120, with nice chests. Both are athletic and bright. Beth is dark skinned....

3 years ago
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Not Very Nice People Chapter 111 Going South

NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron (Sequel to Life Out of Joint) DISCLAIMERS This work is not intended to make profit. It may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. While it contains copyrighted intellectual property (namely, appearances of fictional characters), no copyright infringement is intended. As the story deals with topics and themes related to...

3 years ago
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A Trip Down South

My wife and I had been separated for about a year. I decided I needed to get back into action before dust started to collect. I joined an online service to avoid having to hit the bar scene. Making a decision three sheets into the wind has never worked out well for me. Besides, sex is best appreciated with a clear head rather than in a drunken state. I browsed through the ladies within my immediate vicinity, but nothing really jumped out at me. I needed that initial rush of looking at a picture...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 22 South

They headed south. They decided to continue on to John’s even though they believed it had been a fake message. Prue wanted to see him anyway. The two crates on the roof of the carriage were for him. They took it easy as Nianna and Tah’s heads still hurt. Prue sent a message ahead, so John knew they were coming. He was delighted to see them. “Oh my! Isn’t she a little heartbreaker,” John said when he picked up Nianna. He looked at her and then at Tah. “I’m glad you’re going to make an...

4 years ago
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Heading East Mark

Mark Sylvester was crying his heart out. His office phone sat off the hook beside him, the person on the other end having just given him the news he dreaded hearing. One of his cases came to a sad end, the poor girl he had been fighting hard to get free of her abusive situation settled matters her own way to make the pain go away- she killed herself. Mark was at a crossroads in his life. This was the third time one of his cases had been interfered with by his supervisor, Arthur...

2 years ago
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Heading East The Toro Family

The season had just ended in bitter disappointment. The Dodgers had lost in the divisional series yet again. They tried but there was always something that caused them to collapse or lose out on opportunities. Their performance wasn't really a problem to him, what irked was that the team was full of themselves. They were elites in the city but not all players were the same. Some were family people who chose to go home to their wives and girlfriends while others, like Miguel Toro,...

3 years ago
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Heading East The Jones Family

Newhall, Missouri was a changed place. In the past two and a half months every town agency had been completely torn apart by the state and federal corruption probes. There was rampant nepotism, greed, extortion, conflicts of interest, fraud, and embezzlement throughout the town brought to light by the investigators. It went further to include the County of Hadley which Newhall residents completely controlled. Things were dire in the town. The sheriff's office was torn in half...

4 years ago
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A Trip Down South

My wife and I had been separated for about a year. I decided I needed to get back into action before dust started to collect. I joined an online service to avoid having to hit the bar scene. Making a decision three sheets into the wind has never worked out well for me. Besides, sex is best appreciated with a clear head rather than in a drunken state. I browsed through the ladies within my immediate vicinity, but nothing really jumped out at me. I needed that initial rush of looking at a...

1 year ago
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A Night in the Old South

Ellen heard muffled voices somewhere off in the darkness and froze in her tracks. The rutted path upon which she struggled to keep her footing, had no doubt been recently trampled by soldiers on their way to and from the irregular picket-lines, which the tattered remnants of the Georgia Militia had stretched thinly through the woods northwest of Savannah to defend their retreat. The deep grooves impressed into the mud, which made walking so treacherous, were dug by heavy cannon wheels, she...

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fy from the south

There I was texting my cousin from SC. He was telling me to open my front door. I knew he was in the area because thats the only time he text me. He walked in an said he we had a little reunion but I knew what was coming. Wewere in my room an he was textin me as I listened to my ipod. Both of us being 18 and bi was kinda kool because we could tlk about girls and guys we had fucked. ME and him had past sexual expirences. Since we were 13 we were having it. So he ws telling me about this guy bck...

3 years ago
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Distance makes the touch wetter Going South

It has been a long time since I last saw her.We have been staying in two separate countries for such a long time that we would've died just to touch each other.Finally, the day had cum for us to meet as I boarded the flight for Pearson International.I texted her about my flight status and decided to catch some sleep since I knew things were gonna get really nasty even before the car starts, and I'll need every joule of energy.My phone beeped for the last time as an image of her teasing me in my...

1 year ago
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MARRIAGEI live in Puerto Rico with my husband and two little k**s. I am very attractive and have long brown hair and eyes and I’m only 4’11” tall but tightly packed if you know what I mean weighing only 107 pounds. I have been married for 9 years now, sex has tapered off from my husband and my vagina needed more than a quickie occasionally. I know we have 2 k**s, but that doesn’t change my attitude toward sex and it is more quickies now than ever. I needed some pleasurable intercourse. I love...

1 year ago
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family from the south

There I was texting my cousin from SC. He was telling me to open my front door. I knew he was in the area because thats the only time he text me. He walked in an said he we had a little reunion but I knew what was coming. Wewere in my room an he was textin me as I listened to my ipod. Both of us being 18 and bi was kinda kool because we could tlk about girls and guys we had fucked. ME and him had past sexual expirences. Since we were 13 we were having it. So he ws telling me about this guy bck...

3 years ago
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One Night In The South

The first rays of the sun came through the open window waking him. His eyes popped open and he looked around the empty room. He wondered where he was and how he came to be here. The pounding in his head didn't seem to help him any. Lets see he thought, I stopped at that club down the street called the "All Niter's" started talking to this really gorgeous woman we left and... Then his hands went to his wallet, opening it he found it still held all of his money. So I wasn't robbed, but damn...

2 years ago
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AnteBellum South

September 23, 1850 Dear John, I thought I'd write and tell you of my life here in Mississippi. It's great! My wife and I run a slave discipline camp here. Five years ago I discovered that many slave owners were unable to provide the discipline necessary to keep their slaves in line. So I offer a service. If slaves are misbehaving, they are sent to me and I see to it that they are sent back docile and obedient. The method is simple. I make their lives at the camp so miserable that they...

2 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 21 Heading South

October 30, 1981 (continued) I did a major double-take upon hearing that name; my mind was in a swirl. Inez Trujillo. Did she really say that? Yes, she did. Maybe she was a different Inez Trujillo? What was the chance of that? How many Inez Trujillos were there in this part of the world? Not many, I'd wager. And then something else dawned on me. Where had I heard that voice, the one with the slight trace of an accent? Why, it had belonged to the Inez in the other life, the broken down,...

3 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 41 Points Of The Compass North And South

The next few weeks were the most hectic of my life. We were on the home stretch toward graduation, and the pace was picking up. Two weeks after Prom, there was a banquet scheduled for the athletes who competed on all the school teams. It was held in a large banquet hall, and there were about a thousand people in attendance, students and families, coaches and administrators. The Athletic Banquet was one of the highlights of the school year, because it was the only time all the teams were...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 3 Moving South

July 1979 — Stockholm and Helsingborg, Sweden I awoke to a knock at the bedroom door. I was disoriented by the room, the time, and how light it was. It quickly came back to me where I was, and a look at the clock told me it was 7:00am. Lars stuck his head in the room and let me know that breakfast was in about ten minutes, but I had time to shower and dress. I quickly did that and then went to breakfast. When I sat down at the table, I found a bowl of what looked like yogurt at my place,...

1 year ago
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In the South

In high school I was the gay player on the football team. Most of my teammates new this, either by word of mouth or personal experience, and they were alright with it this was my life all I had to look forward to each day and as my senior year ended I realized that I may never play ball again. I didn't apply to colleges because my grades were not in top shape and I had always hoped that everything would come to some school sweeping me away. Luckily for me that school came and took me away two...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e13 Stephanie 53 sex shop worker from Southampton

Series 3, Episode 13: Stephanie We’re in a sex shop – nothing big or flashy, but it’s not too dark and seedy either. Two aisles running from front to back – one filled with magazines and DVDs, the other with dildos and vibrators. The rear wall covered with kinky costumes, and at the front a single member of staff. There are no customers in the store, perhaps scared off by our camera crew. The member of staff is middle-aged going on old – wearing a little red dress that she’s really 20, or...

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Heading to LA Clay Cole and I continue

Clay and I rode together in his car, while Clay dropped Nate off at home, proudly displaying phone numbers for Marko, Matt, Jessie, and Mike. Clay showed me he got Brian’s number and a few others. Cole didn’t share with the young guys that he too got Marko and Matt’s numbers. Clay and Cole sat in the pool house for a while and talked while Nate and I cleaned up, made some dinner, and chatted about new swim and under gear styles coming out. Cole motioned for us to come over and all was well....

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Heading to LA Clay Cole and I continue

Clay and I rode together in his car, while Clay dropped Nate off at home, proudly displaying phone numbers for Marko, Matt, Jessie, and Mike. Clay showed me he got Brian’s number and a few others. Cole didn’t share with the young guys that he too got Marko and Matt’s numbers. Clay and Cole sat in the pool house for a while and talked while Nate and I cleaned up, made some dinner, and chatted about new swim and under gear styles coming out.Cole motioned for us to come over and all was well. ...

1 year ago
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Heading to the airport

I had a flight to catch, but it was at 3:30 and that left me a lot of late morning and early afternoon to think about dick. One of my favorite ABSs was on the way to the airport, so I finished packing, popped a couple of condoms in my pocket just in case and headed out the door.I got to the Pleasures on Washington St. at about eleven, headed in and paid my entry to the booth area. There were a reasonable number of middle aged guys milling around, but I couldn’t detect much of anything...

3 years ago
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Heading Home for Spring Break Part 1

Katie walked back to her shared apartment after the last class before spring break. The days were getting hot in San Diego. Her long tanned legs showed beyond the hem of her mini skirt. The heat always made Katie feel horny and she looked forward to a week alone at her childhood home, where she could masturbate herself into a frenzy.Arriving in her room, Katie grabbed her pre-packed bags and was heading for the door, when her roommates came out of the kitchen. Rebecca was the first to greet...

2 years ago
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Heading Home for Spring Break Part 1

Katie walked back to her shared apartment after the last class before spring break. The days were getting hot in San Diego. Her long tanned legs showed beyond the hem of her mini skirt. The heat always made Katie feel horny and she looked forward to a week alone at her childhood home, where she could masturbate herself into a frenzy. Arriving in her room, Katie grabbed her pre-packed bags and was heading for the door, when her roommates came out of the kitchen. Rebecca was the first to greet...

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Heading West Ch 02

‘So Janine, yeah, the last time we spoke, I was telling you about that incredible thing that Scott and I did in Texas on our trip out west. You know, when I fucked him while he drove the car down the highway? That was so good, you HAVE to do it with Billy. I was so turned on, you have NO idea. And when that other car passed by us, it really was so hot. But let me tell you, that was not the only crazy thing we did. Yes, I know. We were completely uninhibited, it was so great! What? You want to...

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Sexual Shenanigans of Trump Supporters Nicole Arbour Kaitlin Bennett Ashton Whitty and Lauren Southern

Nicole Arbour. Lesbian madam. 40 years old, 5’ 10” tall, leggy, athletic, strong. And stacked. Like a brick house. 50E-24-38. Shoulder-length thick blonde hair. Bright red lipstick, toenails, and fingernails. Golden tan from sunbathing in the nude. Neatly trimmed pussy. A real, live Amazon queen. Nicole had been supplying beautiful American blondes to Kayleigh McEnany’s escort service. A very lucrative partnership. Kayleigh had double-crossed Donald Jr and Eric. Embezzling from the Trump was...

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Sexual Shenanigans of Trump Apologists Nicole Arbour Kaitlin Bennett Ashton Whitty and Lauren Southern

Nicole Arbour. Lesbian madam. 40 years old, 5’ 10” tall, leggy, athletic, strong. And stacked. Like a brick house. 50E-24-38. Shoulder-length thick blonde hair. Bright red lipstick, toenails, and fingernails. Golden tan from sunbathing in the nude. Neatly trimmed pussy. A real, live Amazon queen. Nicole had been supplying beautiful American blondes to Kayleigh McEnany’s escort service. A very lucrative partnership. Kayleigh had double-crossed Donald Jr and Eric. Embezzling from the Trump was...

3 years ago
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Heading To The Bush

Some may call it picking the low-hanging fruit, but for me, I prefer to think of it as exploring the bush growing down below...As a man in my early 30s it's been a trend for my whole sex life so far that all the girls I've been with have been shaved downstairs, and the curiosity was starting to build. I'd seen the memes, I'd even seen the occasional porn movie from the 70s, and I know that the women in the generations before me always had the big muff style going on. I'd never had trouble...

2 years ago
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Heading over to Steves part IIA

I spent the next three days working out extra hard. And laying out my 5 favorite spandex pieces. I knew I was taking my N2N white bikini with cut out parts covered by mesh. They don’t make it anymore so I take good care of it. I have a lt blue cocksox bikini that is see thru when wet, A muscleskins torpedo with 1/2” inch sides in yellow and black , and a orange Jose Snyder bikini with easy off clips at the hip that I will likely bring…so what is the last piece. As I was showering and...

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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 4

We arrived back just before dinner. The three of them headed over towards the house. I called Lana back and asked, "Think now would be a good time for the test so we can call Mom and Dad after dinner?" "I was planning to as soon as I could slip away. Of course you know that once it is confirmed it will be the topic of conversation all through dinner again." "No way for you to not let them see you going to take the test." "You're talking about women wanting to make sure about their...

2 years ago
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Head Games Blowjobs Tricks

We all know when a man is fully erect; his penis head is all puffed up like an umbrella, helmet, or mushroom. A man's cock head is made up of many nerve endings and if you work it over properly, you will have him ejaculating in no time. Having said that, there is only so much you can do with a penis head. We have all performed the standard foreplay mouthing of that mushroom by sucking it and popping our mouth off very quickly, or taking our tongue and licking the head along with the rim...

1 year ago
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Head Girls Downfall

Mr Masterson stroked his long cane in anticipation as Tamara looked on anxiously. She knew what to expect and she knew it was going to hurt, her bottom tensed beneath her school skirt! At Le Blanc Maison finishing school for girls if you misbehaved there would be only one outcome, corporal punishment and if you were sent to the Headmaster, that would mean the cane! There would be no mitigating circumstances, the unfortunate girl would have to take off her knickers and bend over for however many...

3 years ago
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Head Games Pt 01

“No offense, but I don’t really care to tell my life’s story to a complete stranger. Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself first,” I say. “Very well.” She gives me a smile as bright as a daisy. “There’s really not much to say. I grew up with my sister. I knew early in life what I wanted to do with myself. I’ve always been interested in learning about what makes people tick so I decided to study psychology in school. One thing led to another and here I am, sitting with you now.” She...

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Head Girls Dilemma

Head Girl Joanne’s dilemmaPauline Margaret Manson had taught at my school for twelve years. She had always seemed to me to be fair and kind to her students, but Miss held a deep secret that had started as a rumour when we were lower down the school and had become a rather loud whisper around school. Pauline had a target to administer corporal punishment to all her students by the end of the school year. So far that year, each one of her twenty A-Level History students had been placed in after...

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Head Check From Little Missy Checkout Girl

“ Sorry I have to ask you this but can I see your I.D.?”The cashier who asked me this question didn’t look old enough to buy beer herself but in the supermarket where she worked it was store policy to check everyone, no matter their age.“I know you’re only doing your job. Glad to help fight the menace of u******e drinking” I said with a straight face while handing her my license. She typed my birth date into the computerized register before returning my license to me. “ Wow that’s how old you...

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Head Girls after school detention class

I was in my final year at secondary school and had generally been a well behaved student, having only ever been placed in detentions for minor breaches of school rules, such as forgetting my PE kit or handing homework in late. However, with just over a month to go at school, I was involved in an incident which resulted in being summoned to the Head Girl’s study to explain my actions and also to be punished for what I had done. Our Head Girl was Sixth Former, Joanne Wilson. Joanne had the...

4 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 2

Lana and I didn't discuss a time table for going back to Arkansas. I wanted to take the time with Lana and do some exploring along the way. Sure there had been our honeymoon after we were first married but that was more about exploring our bodies than enjoying our time together. I'm not complaining about our first honeymoon but I saw this mating up as a new life for us and every new beginning should have a honeymoon. Of course I had not mentioned this fact to Lana but I had a good idea what...

2 years ago
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Head teacher final part three is company

As they picked up Kelly and set off Sally and Kelly had some fun in the back, Kelly was busy sucking Sally’s huge tits and fingering her pussy whilst Sally lay back enjoying the attention, arriving at the hotel and booking in once in the room Sally and Kelly paid attention to Brad, Kelly dropped to her knee’s and pulled his cock out sucking in deep into her mouth whilst Sally breast fed Brad while he rubbed her pussy over her thong. Stopping for a moment Kelly said “let’s get stripped and get...

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Head Dressing

"Head Dressing" The title of this short story is a bit strange but it's a punishment the neighbor lady made up and later I was to suffer. But before I get ahead of myself I will start at the beginning. I was a typical teenage boy living with my step mom in a modest duplex apartment. We had a neighbor lady named Madge who lived in the apartment next door. I was just learning about women and would always notice Madge when ever she would come over to have coffee with Ruth. I always...

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Introduction: My head nurse shares her marital problems and more with me after she finds out about a sexual encounter I had with a patient, one which left me masturbating every day to the memory HEAD NURSE I own a fairly active Family medical practice in Portland and have worked for 9 years building it up with accolades from most of my patients. Part of my success is from my excellent staff of women who seem to cater to every need of the clientele. My best asset is my Head Nurse, Lynn, who...

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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 3

Dinner was finished, it had included a wonderful dessert made with berries and cream. Connie, Tammy and Harry excused themselves and headed to the barn when Pap said, "The stock needs feedin' and the cows need to be milked. Those are chores the young'uns do." The women shooed us menfolk out to the porch while they cleaned up the kitchen. Having over eaten again I was stuffed and sat back as well as down. Pap took up a pipe and a tin of tobacco in a cabinet he kept out on the porch. He...

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[Author’s Note: I have reprised parts of HEAD NURSE to give you, dear reader, some background, but this story is a stand-alone rather than chapter two of a previous story. As in HEAD NURSE most of the story is true, but I hope you don’t know which parts so that the involved parties may continue to remain hidden from public disclosure and I may remain undetected from the authorities. Enjoy] CHAPTER 1 “Oooooh, Doctor, right there…yesss..that is perfect,” my patient, Mary Quinn, whispered...

3 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 9

Lunch was just about ready when Harry, and I sat down on the porch with Cletus and Pap. Shana brought out the iced tea for us both. She gave me a kiss that let me know that she loved me. And the wink told me she wanted to love on me. There are certain benefits being head of the clan. Shana headed back inside as I sat down for a rest. Not all of me was in a down position and while the others might have noticed they didn't say anything for the moment. I knew once we were out of earshot of the...

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I own a fairly active Family medical practice in Portland and have worked for 9 years building it up with accolades from most of my patients. Part of my success is from my excellent staff of women who seem to cater to every need of the clientele. My best asset is my Head Nurse, Lynn, who seems to have ESP when it comes to meeting needs and is competent as hell to boot. Anyway, I was in clinic one morning when a long-time patient arrived for her appointment for a ‘check up’. Lynn recorded...

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