Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 2
- 4 years ago
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Dinner was finished, it had included a wonderful dessert made with berries and cream. Connie, Tammy and Harry excused themselves and headed to the barn when Pap said, "The stock needs feedin' and the cows need to be milked. Those are chores the young'uns do."
The women shooed us menfolk out to the porch while they cleaned up the kitchen. Having over eaten again I was stuffed and sat back as well as down. Pap took up a pipe and a tin of tobacco in a cabinet he kept out on the porch. He loaded a bowl and lit it. The smell was sweet and it wafted in the slight breeze that blew past us. "There is just something relaxing about a bowl after dinner that I enjoy." Cletus and I just nodded.
"Cletus, I was thinking about spending tonight in the bunkhouse if that's okay with you. Lana's and my room isn't finished and I'm sure the sisters wouldn't mind having a hen party for the rest of the evening."
"That sounds fine with me, Steve. But you better run it past the boss and that ain't Pap."
"Oh, I know that and she might be upset for a little while, but I think she will be able to handle it for one night."
Lana stuck her head out the door right about as the words came out. "Who might be upset?"
"You, dear. I was thinking of letting you and your sisters have a night together and I would sleep down in the bunkhouse."
"We have a room here that they have fixed for us."
"Pap said it wasn't finished yet. And I thought you might like some more time to catch up with your sisters."
"Well, if you're willing to let me spend just this one night with them, then you can sleep in the bunkhouse, but only for tonight!" She giggled.
Pap chimed in as soon as she closed the door. "Why don't we head down and see how the young'uns is a doin' in the barn."
We were off the porch when he spoke up again, "There's more to you a stayin' in the bunkhouse than meets the eye." Pap said.
"I can't get nothing past you, can I?"
"Nope, I just didn't know you were that smart."
Cletus was looking at the two of us go back and forth when Pap finally felt for him and said. "Cletus, them daughter's of mine want to be Steve's bitches and be a havin' his babies. With Lana expectin' and them havin' spent over half of their lives wantin' to be with the head of the clan, all of 'em together, they will be a doin' most anything to make that happen."
Cletus still looked lost as to why the house was a bad idea tonight. So I added, "What Pap is saying, Cletus, is that it's easier for them to ask for Pap's forgiveness sometimes that to get his permission."
"Forgiveness for what?"
"They are all working together so all of them can be my bitches and start having babies. And if I was in the house tonight at some point they would have snuck in that room which has the door off the hinges."
"And they figured once they were in bed with you..."
Pap chipped in before Cletus finished, "Exactly, he is only a man."
"And then they would just have to beg for forgiveness with Pap," I added.
"You are pretty smart for a city boy." We all laughed.
The kids were busy feeding the stock and milking the cows. Cletus moved over near Connie who was milking. I went with Pap to watch Tammy.
Pap asked, "Son, you ever milked a cow?"
"I'm a city boy, Pap. If that is a cow, where do you get the plastic jugs of milk from it?" Tammy and he started laughing.
"It's time you learned, Son. Tammy, put that milk in the container and bring the pail back. We will be a seein' if he can follow simple directions."
That's how I ended up sitting on the stool next to the cow and Tammy showing me the right way to squeeze on a teat to get the milk out. Funny how she really got close and I could feel her breasts rubbing on me. I looked at Pap and he just winked. And I thought we menfolk were in this together.
So finally Pap got Tammy standing back and I began to milk the cow. Then all hell broke loose. First the cow took its tail and swatted my face with the hair at the end of it. That of course nearly knocked me off the stool which had me close my fist and pull on the teat to hold myself in place, which caused the cow to step around and knock the pail over.
I tried to recover as gracefully as I could but all I could hear at that point was laughing. About the time I was going to join them the cow hit my face with hair on the end of her tail again. Of course I turned red and went to stand up. I figured that I should pick up the pail that was behind the cow and reached down to do that. Someone grabbed and pulled me back before the cow could land the hoof that she struck out at me. I was just starting to pull myself back up and my face was at the top of her tail level when she moved it and for lack of a better word farted. Of course it was not just gas that escaped but some pie matter.
I stood up and turned to look at Pap and he said, "Them be some interestin' freckles you got there." Of course he could hardly contain himself. All the rest were just joining in. The commotion had at that point brought the rest of them from the house.
So there I stood as the rest of them entered the barn with a new set of freckles and everyone laughing. Even Lana was. There was nothing else to do. I laughed along with them.
It was Cletus that came over and took me to the hose so I could rinse my face off. The women, including Tammy and Connie, headed back up to the house while Cletus, Pap, Harry and I stayed in the barn. It was Pap who spoke, "I'm sorry about that, son. I didn't figure it would go that wrong. But it was quite entertainin'."
"Thanks, Pap. Anything to brighten your evening."
"Ah, you ain't the first one to be baptized by Bessy."
"That's a comfort." I was laughing.
"Did you happen to notice anything special as you were trying to milk Bessy?" Pap asked.
"Special?" I was confused as to what he meant.
"Son, Tammy was all over you as much as she could be with me here."
"She did rub her breasts against me and she was holding my hand in hers as she was helping me learn to pull on the teats."
"What does that tell you, Son?"
"Ah, shit"
"It ain't that bad." pap replied with a little smile.
"You ain't the one she's after."
"Well now that's true enough."
Cletus looked at me and Harry snickered. It was Harry who told Cletus this time. "Cletus, Tammy's got a bad case of wanting the head of the clan too."
"Well, there is only one thing to say about that. Steve, better you than me." And they all started laughing. What else could I do but laugh too.
Pap and I headed back up to the porch while Cletus and Harry went to put the milk in what Pap called the spring house. Lana was waiting for me and had a change of clothes, my travel bag and a towel for me.
"There is a shower down in the bunkhouse."
"I love you too. Get over here and give me a kiss."
She came over gave me a quick kiss and that said, "You don't smell very good, but I still love you."
She walked back in the house with Pap laughing. Cletus and Harry came up on the porch and sat down. Harry looked over at my clothes sitting on one of the chairs.
"Lana thought I needed a shower before I went to sleep. I don't think so. What do you think, Cletus?"
"Were you plannin' on sleeping in the barn or the bunkhouse, the shower will settle that."
"What type of hospitality is that?" I asked in mock protest.
"When you smell like you do, it's about the best you can be expectin'." And we were laughing again.
"Well, I know when I'm not wanted so I'll just head off to the shower." I gathered my belongings and headed off to the bunkhouse.
I showered and was picking out a bunk to use for the night when Cletus walked in. "You clean up pretty good for a city boy."
"I'm going to be some head of the clan, now, aren't I?"
"Hey, Pap tries to baptize everyone at some point. Yours is over. He is still workin' on mine."
"A little friendly farm humor?" I raised my eyebows and cocked my head with my shoulders moving up.
"It does keep it interesting. He's a sly one."
"Well then I guess its best that he and I are over this. I have more than enough to keep me on my toes with the women."
"Yeah, I understand that. And you got Tammy added into the mix now too."
"Sure I can't give her to you?"
"Oh no, Connie is more than enough. Tammy wants the head of the clan and that ain't me."
"Cletus, you just are not pulling your weight on this at all."
"Yeah, I know my limitations. You're the one who needs to learn." We both laughed.
"I need to take a shower. I'll be out in a bit."
I picked out a bed and put all of my clothes in a pile to take back to the house in the morning. Cletus was done about ten minutes after that. He came out, put his clothes away, and went over to the refrigerator and pulled out a couple of bottles of beer. He opened them and handed me one and pulled out a chair. I grabbed a chair and tipped the bottle up for a swallow.
I said, "Nothing like a cold beer after a hard day of milking." He laughed and I just did too.
"Cletus, as you can tell, I know nothing about farming."
"I believe you."
"So I am going to need help learning all about it. Pap will help me but I'm going to need your help too."
"Well if this evening is any indication, I would say that's the truth."
"Hey, I'm not completely helpless all the time." I said in my defense.
"No, you're not. You do seem to have the women figured out more that I do."
"I only have that because Lana helped me a lot on the way here, plus my Mom is a Kentucky clan woman. If not for them, I would be lost."
"Well, I'll take pity on you then too and help all I can."
"Hey, we menfolk are in this together. Remember you need to be good to me or I'll send Tammy to you as head of the clan."
"Okay, okay. No more teasing, you don't fight fair." He took another swallow of his beer.
"Cletus, honestly, I need you here. I don't want you to leave just because I am going to be head of the clan. I read some about being the head of a clan but I have my own rules that I plan on living with."
"Clan rules are pretty specific at times."
"Well, from what I understand, as long as I don't directly flaunt our style out in public, I can have the rules I want in my own home."
"That sounds about right."
"One of the rules is I am not going to force my being the head of the clan on anyone. I am not going to have Connie or Tammy just because they are living with me."
"I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that. I would have fought you if you were plannin' to have Connie that way. It might not have been my right to stop you but I would have. I plan on matin' up with her as soon as she agrees."
"From what I understand she is only waiting for me to finalize being with the other two out of family loyalty to them."
"That's right." Cletus replied looking straight at me...
"Well, I know that Pap has given his approval for the two of you and I am of the same mind on it. Of course I want to give you a mating up present of Tammy."
"Don't you start that again. I only want Connie and you just have to deal with Tammy."
"But I'm already dealing with Lana, Shana and Jana. Can't you be a team player and help out." I took another swallow of my beer.
"No! What part of that do you want me to explain to you?"
"Okay, okay. Head of the clan it is my issue to deal with." We both took another drink of our beers.
"So, when this is worked out with me and the three. Where do you want to live with Connie?"
"We figured we had a while before we'd be getting' mated up and that it would be takin' some time for you and the other two." Since we didn't know what Lana was plannin' it was hard to know. Now it is a bit more settled."
"I'd be happy to build you a house here on the farm as a wedding present."
"I'm not saying that I don't appreciate that, but I was hoping to have my own place one day."
"Well, maybe we could buy a place around here and have this and that one combined."
"That's an idea, but we will have to explore it. I do have some of my own money saved up to buy a place."
"Money isn't a real problem for me."
"It's not as much of one for me either thanks to you."
"What does that mean?"
"Well. Pap looks at me like a son some. And when he bought that stock in your company he had me buy some too."
"How much?"
"Just over 10,000 shares."
"So you got a bit more than $100,000 after taxes then?"
"That's about what I figure."
"I'm glad you have that. How much does a farm around these parts cost?"
"Somewhere between $200 to $400 an acre depending on what type of land it is going to be used for."
"So that's 250 to 500 acres if you bought it with no mortgage"
"Yeah, but you have to have some working capital too."
"That sounds right. Like you said we have time to work on all of this. I have to work on making the others mine and that will be taking some time. We have time on our side for now and it would be good to ask Pap what he thinks."
"That it would, Steve. Can I ask what you plan to do with Shana and Jana?"
"Cletus, like I said, my clan rules are not the same as the clan rules that others might have. I know that I am going to have the three of them as mine. I plan to have them all mated up with me. The clan rules say I don't have to but if they are going to have my children then they will be my mates."
"You know that Pap is mated up with both Mam and Betty Ann."
"Lana told me that, but I had decided to mate up with Shana and Jana before I knew that Pap was mated up with both."
"You know that is throwing coal oil on the fire when they find that out you want to be mated up with them." He finished his beer then.
Lunch was just about ready when Harry, and I sat down on the porch with Cletus and Pap. Shana brought out the iced tea for us both. She gave me a kiss that let me know that she loved me. And the wink told me she wanted to love on me. There are certain benefits being head of the clan. Shana headed back inside as I sat down for a rest. Not all of me was in a down position and while the others might have noticed they didn't say anything for the moment. I knew once we were out of earshot of the...
I was showered, shaved and escorted out so they could get ready for dinner. I transferred everything from the pockets of my old pants into the new ones which included the rings. Then I went downstairs and poked around. Someone had taken pains to restore this house or build it to look like a turn of the century house. The woodworking was distinctive, I knocked on the walls and there was no hollow sound that came from drywall. They had lathed and plaster walls and a craftsman who cared about...
Shana was blindfolded and tied to the bed. Her body was dripping sweat from the torment we had given her. She was to the point of whimpering and wanting to be filled, but that was not to be the case. Denial was the king of her desire and we were determined that she would remember this night. Everything pointed to her ovulating, which only heightened her desires all the more. I added to her torment by loudly talking to Jana and Lana, leaning next her and having them describe what I was doing...
My plans were to talk with my mates before having a clan meeting tomorrow morning but I recognized the mood at the table had told me otherwise. Pap and I waited out on the porch until Harry and Tammy came back from the barn. I saw Cletus and Connie heading to the bunkhouse so I got up and walked over that way. They saw me and came walking over. "We need to have a clan meeting so if you could come to the house." They just nodded and held hands as the walked over to me and we all went to the...
We stopped at the BBQ shack; Mam and Betty Ann drove in right behind us. I asked, "Do you want to eat here or just get some to take home?" Mam responded, "Ya'll get it and bring it home, we'll meet ya there." We tried to figure how much to get and finally just got three family meals knowing that it wouldn't go to waste with all of us there to eat it. Pap, I and Harry sat and drank iced tea while the food was being prepared. "How much did ya be a transferin' into Bobby's...
Cletus closed up the old truck, and we went to lunch. I am to the point now that there just aren't enough ways to describe lunch or any other meal than to say they're wonderful. When you live through the college experience, and the fast-food times of starting your own company, those meals are just processed nutrition, high in everything that is not good for you, with taste, they get from chemical wonders. These meals my friends are home cooked food that is to live for. Well enough about the...
Dinner was a wonderful as ever. Good food and lively discussion was the order for the evening. I was just getting up when Tammy came over to me and handed me some paperwork. "Age of consent is sixteen, and I printed it for you." She grinned and went her merry way. I sat back down and looked at the paperwork. There were some general websites and then the actual law from the state website. I looked over at her, and she was just a bit smug. Lana came to me and I handed her the paperwork....
There was screaming coming from the house. I had dropped to the ground and made myself as flat as possible. Then I felt thuds hitting the side of the Ford. They say that time slows down when you're in a personal situation; it didn't for me. I scrambled under the Ford and got behind the back wheel. I was out of sight of whoever was shooting but the tires would not stop a bullet. Curiosity made me want to look at who is shooting when I heard Lana's voice. "Get away from the car. You're...
We walked out of the house onto the porch. Pap was right behind us, so I stepped to the side and whispered to him, "Call Bobby about Irene before you head over to Hap's thanks." He gave me a wink, and I walked towards the barn. We had not said anything to each other and when we got past the barn I stopped and pulled her to me. I gave her a hug which she returned, and then I spoke, "Tammy, what am I going to do with you?" I waited for her to tell me. She bit her lip and bounced from one...
My body was hurting, I was moving slowly to the kitchen where Mam handed me the glass of water and saltines. Back in the bathroom holding Lana my body still hurt. She felt as good as ever maybe better, but I still hurt. Lana helped me up when she was feeling better, and I took more than my usual time to finish. I didn't get in the shower. I simply washed up and hoped I would smell okay given from that. When I opened the door Lana was there smiling at me. "Good morning Angel I love...
We arrived at the county courthouse at 8:40. Bobby, Eddy and Susan were there waiting for us outside. Our greetings and hugs exchanged, we walked into what felt like the lions den. I'll admit now that I was angry, angrier than I think I had ever been, and I wanted blood. I had never wanted blood as an adult, but before it was just Lana and I, and I really didn't have any enemies that I could think of. Now that someone wanted to rip us apart I was responsible for all the clan and the...
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We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing, wandering back and forth between this house and that one. The emotional toll of this all was coming down on us. Pap and I went back over for the third time and wandered around some more. It was hard to imagine why anyone had done this. We were going to the barn when Cletus came out and met us. "Pap, Steve." "Cletus," I said and Pap just nodded his head. "I think it might be a good idea if Connie and I stay in the bunkhouse. The animals are...
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Pap and I are just sitting, doing nothing more than enjoying the evening. He sat back with his burning bowl of sweet smelling tobacco, and I'm here with my thoughts. Where was I two months ago and do I care anymore about that old life? I wonder what would have happened if Dad had stayed in the hills of Kentucky with Mom instead of the beaches of Southern California. What ifs and who cares none of it matters. Pap brought me back to reality. "So they mated up last evenin', been wonderin'...
I had not sat down before Pap looked at me with knowing eyes. "She be a havin' that look of bein' mated to you." "It wasn't my fault, I couldn't get away, she made me, the car had a flat tire, the transmission blew up,..." I went on until the absurdity of it all had them laughing. It was an old scene from 'The Blues Brothers' that John Belushi had used with Carrie Fisher for not being at their wedding. "You be a done makin' fun?" Pap asked while trying to regain his...
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The rooster beat me awake, and I was looking at two heads of hair snuggled against me. I would think it was Lana and Shana but there was no way to tell without waking them. So I did, and got kisses for my trouble. Lana left to use the bathroom, and I took advantage of Shana. Maybe it wasn't advantage of as much as loving on but we both enjoyed it. The bathroom door opened but that didn't slow us down. Lana came over and kissed me and then Shana. The need for speed filled my lust, as we...
Dinner was finished and the men, minus Cletus and Harry, who were taking care of the animals, sat out on the porch for our evening ritual of iced tea and talk. Pap had gotten a new pipe and the sweet smell of his tobacco drifted in the still air. The second crew of security had eaten dinner and the women were just about finished cleaning inside when Tammy came out the door. She was in my lap in a flash, and I got a kiss that let me know that I was still alive, very alive. She stood back up...
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I was an orphan and taken by the unseen clan, they were assassins. They found orphans that had ... gifts and trained them. In my case I had great potential and they wanted to exploit it. The younger children all lived and slept in one large room until they demonstrated some ability for the clan craft. In my case it came at the age of six. I had been spying on grandmaster Rava and realized how he managed the trick of vanishing. Master Charles caught me and threw me across the room and stalked...
When we got to the kitchen, bedlam broke out as the children saw their parents, and demanded some attention. Priya and I cuddled the babies, and Rillnam and John hugged their children as well. LJ and Patrick had been sampling human foods, as could be seen by the smears on their faces, but they still wanted Rillnam's milk. Our babies were already fed, having suckled on Jessica and drunk from bottles of Priya's milk that she'd pumped yesterday. Once the children were calmed, we adults got...
The Amir (pronounced a-mear) Clan has ruled Berant since the sixth century AD / CE. For over a thousand years they’re the premier clan in the Amiri tribe (pronounced a-mear-e) and the largest clan in the country. The crown goes to the eldest male of the senior Amir line, usually the King’s eldest son, unless an Amir Clan Council rules that person ineligible, which is a very rare event. If the King has no sons it then goes to his eldest living nephew. If no living males can be found from the...
Copyright© 2000-2003 Who walked down the street in the nude. A bobby said, "Whattum Magnificent bottom!" And slapped it as hard as he could. Clan weddings can happen any where - all that was needed, was a elder or a priest to reside over one... and a little privacy from the rest of non-Clan society of course. On one side stood of the meadow stood Anne, with her large extended family behind her. On my side stood mother and Mr. Duncan. In the middle, the Clan priest, with...
Preparation Malo, Noma, & Lil accompanied by Sola And Soli were dispatched to do the same job as Socar. They accounted for 15 lomen before the attack. Authors note: On the discovery of the lomen 's bowl the estimate was given as 100 feet not as the 100 yds across that it is, the length is about 200 feet. Roughly an acre and a half. Noma's Tribe had arrived and were spread out in the forest. I had sent Timi to call his tribe and give them the...
Copyright© 2000-2003 There's an unbroken babe from Toronto, Exceedingly hard to get onto, But when you get there, And have parted the hair, You can fuck her as much as you want to. Our night was fantastic - I had given mother a hemp bracelet for her ankle, one for each. What was not so obvious, at least to anyone but the two of us, was that these bracelets locked together with two others that I had given her, for her wrists, last winter. In any combination I could bind her...
Sylvia and Steve: Sylvia is a great story teller. After she came to Bellingham, Washington, in 1969, fleeing for her life from the Mob guys in Los Angeles. Her pimp never gave any of the money she made whoring to them, he kept it for her. They caught up to him and put three bullets in his head, but they never found our that Sylvia, age s*******n, had received over four hundred thousand dollars from Al before he was killed. They are looking for that money, but Al never let them know who she...
I woke the next morning to the pleasant sensations of a warm mouth surrounding my cock. As my head cleared, I revised that to be a hot mouth, and the swirling sensations of a Craxill's tongue filaments winding around the tip of my cock confirmed what the higher body temperature suggested. I opened my eyes to find Priya lying beside me, smiling as Nilwint explained the finer points of oral sex to her sister, whose brown-furred head was bobbing over my lap as she followed Nilwint's...
The next morning, I was just finishing breakfast when Jessica wandered in, looking radiant. She kissed Priya on the cheek, and whispered in her ear, then glanced at me significantly. I raised an eyebrow, but she didn't speak. Suspecting what she wanted, I pushed back from the table, and offered her my lap with a glance. Jessica settled down in my lap, and I put my arms around her. "It's too early for a pregnancy test," she told me, "But the ovulation test was positive this morning, so...
In the Amiri tribe a boy becomes a man when he’s Stood the Tests of Manhood and passed them. This is a set of tests to ensure a young man has the skills and attributes to make him a worthy adult member and warrior of the tribe. They include the use and care of weapons, jungle craft, leadership, knowledge of the laws, courage, and many more skills. All of the tests can be retaken twice in the testing period, except the Coup, which can be taken only once a year. This simple pass or fail test...
The next morning, things were deceptively normal, other than a last-minute discussion of timing over breakfast. Priya, and most of the Craxill in Clan Phoenix would be in attendance at the ceremony; Jessica, Nadiya, and Nilwint would be riding herd on the children, assisted by those of Linda's friends whose school schedules permitted. Kirnwan would be present, but not part of the 'procession.' Instead, he would be part of the 'audience, ' which would give him the chance to sample the...
Father, so I was told was still in town. Celebrating the sale of the Tyrannos at the Xchange. Greifen caught me right by the gate after the school flier had dropped me by the gate. He still looked sober and miserable but he grinned as he closed the gate. “Looks like even your Father could not find a bad world about you today. Word is they got a very good price for your Tyrannos and from what I heard they are celebrating at Hogun’s Inn. Many clan Chief and Elders are there. They will drink...
Kaire did not really have the same types of crime as the humans. At least not until we learned more about them. We have had peacekeepers for a millennium but mostly they were to settle clan disputes. Now they were more like the human constables or peace officers and had learned to cope with the new crimes. I was sixteen and unmated and a cadet officer in my clan. What that meant was any arrests had to be reviewed by a clan member that was a full peacekeeper. Not that I had ever made a mistake...
Copyright© 2001-2003 A gay young prince from Morocco Made love in a manner rococco. He painted his penis To resemble a venus And flavored his semen with cocoa. I lost myself into my work. The loss of Anne hit me harder than I assumed it would - yet it happened during a time of joy. The birth of my first child, a daughter, was miraculous and a joy to my world. Minutes after her birth, Anne slipped away into oblivion - nothing the doctors could do, could save her. Perhaps mother...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
While Terry had a strong intuition that his one-time girlfriend, Gayle, would be a net benefit to the family, he was less certain about her integrating into the family than about anyone else. Aside from her skills as an editor and researcher, Gayle was incredibly knowledgeable about science fiction, which always could be a source of nontraditional thinking. She was also a walking repository of space information. She had also been a high school teacher, and, by the accounts Terry had heard, a...
Copyright© 2000-2003 An ARPAnaut name of Corvette Had a fetish involving the net. As he fondled his IMP His cock went from limp To as hard as concrete which has set. When I got home from soccer practise I knew Linda or mom was in trouble - that familiar stressful energy was in the air. Dad met me just inside the kitchen - he was drinking his coffee and reading the paper at the table, just like there was nothing going on. "Ah Tom, come here boy." I wanted to shower the sweat...
The year 2006 is a year of many diverse challenges and changes in Gerry’s life. In December, 2005, he passes his final exams to obtain a degree in law and is accepted by the relevant bodies as entitled to practice law. In February, 2006, he becomes a qualified lawyer entitled to appear in court and be paid to represent someone. A month later he’s appointed by the Amiri Tribal Council as the Amur Elder because the previous Amur Elder is retiring. The Amur Elder is the tribe’s senior judge as...
I sat back in shock. I was a one-man Craxill population bomb. And, since I had no delusions of uniqueness, so was every other human male on the planet. The possibilities were disturbing. "Husband?" Priya asked, concerned. "She's right," I said. "We wondered, and now we know. I jacked off into her vagina, and her mate got her pregnant with twins. I fucked her up the ass, and her husband gave her quadruplets. And the exact same thing happened to Nilwint. Add up Lisa, three of Rillnam's...
Everyone is woken up for an enjoyable breakfast at 6:30 a.m. After breakfast the girls wash up and change into culottes - a one piece cross between a skirt and shorts that works like shorts and looks like a skirt. They go to the barn to select horses and saddles for use over the weekend. With all of the horses saddled and settled to their riders by 9:30 a.m. the girls go back for packed lunches, drinks, and fishing lines. They’re going to the river to spend most of the day trying to catch...
In early January, 2013, Lord Robert visits the US on a diplomatic trip to last a few weeks. He’s accompanied by some university students as interns because many of the students are studying political science or public relations, and some members of the group are businessmen there to help develop closer economic and political ties between the two countries. The trip is triggered by difficulties between Berant Ambassador Shumra and the US Secretary of State on a major bi-national trade...