Mondo' S Clan Pt 5 Final free porn video

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Malo, Noma, & Lil accompanied by Sola And Soli were dispatched to do the same job as Socar. They accounted for 15 lomen before the attack.

Authors note: On the discovery of the lomen 's bowl the estimate was given as 100 feet not as the 100 yds across that it is, the length is about 200 feet. Roughly an acre and a half.

Noma's Tribe had arrived and were spread out in the forest. I had sent Timi to call his tribe and give them the plan of attack.

The day came and the infiltration began from all sides The Steps were guarded by the Cats and Handlers. The Southeast Steps which was the nearest to the Bramble Gate was guarded by Mondo & Bruno. Backed up by Malo & Sola. Northwest or River steps, covered by Sonda & Sondi backed up by Socar & Duri. Southwest pit steps, Teal & Girl, Last but not least was Northeast pit steps, Drago & Runt.

The bowl was surrounded by all our people each one had their slings and bags of rocks. Every one had 4 or 5 spears, and at least 3 knives. There were groups of women in reserve with hundreds of simple bamboo spears ready in case they were needed..

Bruno roared and was answered by each lion in turn. That was the signal every hunter stepped to the rim, picked a target and let fly. The lomen panicked and tried for the steps only to be met by the cats and spears. We were doing what we planned total containment.

We herded the lomen to the center of the bowl. We moved down the steps cats first. Once the Cats and handlers were in the bowl our hunters began leaping the 12 ft to the floor of the bowl. Now it was to be a fight spear to club. Once the lomen were in the center of the bowl we could not reach them with the slings so this was our only choice.

We started to yell The Beast as our rallying cry. The lomen hearing that still tried for escape. Taking advantage of their hesitation the cats leaped into the middle of them . 7 Big cats can reap havoc on scared lomen. The cats would rush them and they would turn to escape only to be impaled by the spears of the Hunters. If they got past the spear men the extra women and older kids were there with the bamboo spears and slings.

The battle carried on for hours. The lomen gave up and sprawled face down. Now was the hardest part of this war. We could not leave any of them alive. Nor could we spare any of their captives. There was already stakes available here in the bowl, We secured the prisoners to these stakes.

Our medicine people, Char, Tor and Ludi Began checking over our people. We had lost 22 people and had 34 injured. We had also lost one of the cats.

Malo was one of the injured he had stepped in some blood and went down he landed on his left wrist snapping the bone. He tried to get up but was hit by a lomens club breaking his shoulder. The lomen was attacked by Sola who ripped out the lomens throat. Another lomen swung his club striking Sola in the spine breaking his back. On the second swing the club crushed his skull.

Our captives consisted of 15 lomen and 23 assorted tribesmen and 7 lomen kids. The women who were a good ways along on their pregnancy were begging to be killed the others just showed fear. The kids were the worst if you got close to them they tried to bite and claw.

We split up, part of us watched the prisoners the rest began gathering firewood and brush. The bodies had to be burnt. It was hard to make the decision of what to do with the live ones. After much talk and thought the decision was made. We also took time to bury the two open pits trying to avoid disease.

Noma' s clan would take the injured thru the Bramble gate and care for them. The lake clan and the cats and handlers would take the prisoners. Mond's Clan would set the flame to the pyre then proceed to the bramble gate.

Now that the decision was made we continued gathering the brush and building the pyre. Once the pyre was adequate we began tossing the bodies on the pyre. When that was complete we went our separate ways. I went with the prisoneers.

We began pushing the prisoners up the Northwest Steps. They had not traveled far when the smell of smoke almost over took them. They looked around and could see the blaze reaching to the sky the smell was not altogether unpleasant until you realized just what was cooking.

We walked till we were near the lake. Leaving the rest Bruno and I took five lomen on toward the lake. The lake was serene hardly any movement at all. Just a slight disturbance as a pair of eyes would rise above the surface then disappear again.

Between my spear and Bruno's teeth we convinced the lomen to take a swim. It was funny how the two eyes multiplied into twenty. After a few screams and swirls the lake was again silent and serene, although there were a few more eyes looking our way.

Three more trips and all the lomen were gone. It took 5 trips for the tribesmen & women and it took longer. I had them kneel down then I cut their throats. I did this out of respect it was not their fault they were taken. They did not deserve to be fed to the crocs alive. As I put the knife to their throats most of them thanked me.

Then came the part I really hated to face... the children. They weren't really children they were closer to being wild animals. It was still hard... but I did it.

I said goodby to the Lake Clan and departed for the river camp. I spent the night at river camp. The next morning I headed on to main camp. All the injured were already there and were enjoying the healing properties of the hot pool.

I had been thinking all the way back. I called all the handlers together and we decided our next step. Socar and Goba and Duri went back to the waterfall cave and kept watch on the lomens trail. Drago and Runt covered the River Crossing. Teal & Girl covered the dry wash. We would keep these trails covered for the next 3 months. Just in case.

Noma & Lil Would take Soli and escorts Noma's tribe home when they were ready to depart. Then it would be time for Noma to make up her mind where she wanted to be. She had made a carrier for Tiensi so she could ride on Noma' s back.

Right now healing the injured was the most important

Six days later Noma and her Clan was ready to travel. Lil was so thrilled to be going along and Soli seemed to be a bit excited as well.

Flit was a gain picked as point scout. While Noma, Lil And Soli headed out a day early and made a sweep along the width of the trail ahead This was to be a full month trip and they were going to need food. By the time the tribe caught up they would have made a few kills and have meat on the fire when they caught up. That is the way they traveled.

Three weeks out and early in the morning Lil walked into a camp and found 3 lomen with 8 prisoners. Lil ducked back in to the bushes and made her way back to the hunters. When the lomen awoke they were ringed by the hunters with spears and a very upset big cat that was roaring. Before the lomen could move they were impaled by multiple spears.

They freed the captives, and fed them and questioned them. They were from a tribe Southwest of Noma' s Tribe by 4 weeks. They said that there were 8 more lomen a day behind them. Chief Sarl left 25 hunters and lil with Soli. The others continued on to Chief Bola 's Village.

Lil and Soli made scouts along the back trail of the captives . Three days later Lil and Soli found them. She rushed back to notify the hunters. There were 8 lomen and 22 captives. The hunters made a half circle around the trail and had 5 men in the trees just waiting to drop down. Lil and Soli would be the stopper they would slip in behind them.

The first unsuspecting lomen walked into the trap. A man in a tree dropped a loop of a strap over his head then the man jumped out of the tree hanging the lomen. One man grabbed the lead pole of captives and pulled them clear as the other hunters attacked. There were 2 more lomen hanging from trees. Two more tried to turn back the way that they had come. They met Lil and Soli. Soli leaped for the throat of the one on the left and Lil drove her bamboo spear into the gut of the one on the right.

The rest of the hunters made pin cushion out of the remainder of the lomen. Lil questioned the captives as she was cutting them loose. They assured her this was all the lomen they had seen. They took all the freed captives to Chief Bola' s Village where they were fed and told of their choices..

They could all head back to their village, they could join with Chief Bola' s villages or they could join Lil on her trek back to Mondo' s Clan of which Lil and Noma had spoken quite well about. The children had decided they were all petting Soli and wanted to go where she went. Noma told Lil she would be going back with her.

The thirty captives were torn, of the 24 adults 19 were women. Eleven of them wanted to go with Noma and Lil so did 1 of the men and all of the children which were ages 13 to 7. They discussed it late into the night but nothing changed.

Morning came and the ones wishing to return to their home village was ready to go. The men were given spears and the women slings. Flit and two others offered to escort them. By noon all the farewells had been said and they left for home.

Noma and Lil decided to wait til the next day to leave. Noma' s Father and father in law tried to talk her in to staying but she was firm. She said her home was the valley. She told them she would send word back with the injured clan members. Once they were healed they would be coming home.

Their trip back to the valley was uneventful.

Mondo talked with himself and began second guessing … He had sent single handlers to cover 2 important trails this he did not like. He called Timor and Bell and sent them to take Girl and to send Teal to her husband Drago. These two spots he considered the most dangerous because of the number trails that dumped in to these two.

He was not sure about Lake side … Toma had told him at the end of the lake the trail split in three trails the Lake Clan went straight. There were Clans to the right and left, the biggest being to the left around the lakes end. It was about 2 weeks distance the one to the right was a weeks distance. As experienced as Socar and Duri happened to be, he wasn't too worried.

He also planned to to send Sonda & Sondi out River Gate in support and He and Bruno would support out the Bramble gate and the river crossing.

Two days later as he and Bruno was on the way to the river crossing Timor and Bell spotted a large group moving along the lomen trail. They were aware that the lomen usually camped in the clearing near the Bramble gate. Timor had counted knew there was to many lomen (12) for them to attack.

He continued to follow the lomen with Girl and sent Bell around the dry wash to get ahead of the lomen and their 23 captives. Once she was ahead of them she could reach Mondo, Drago and Teal and they could be ready with 2 more cats .

Bell ran all the way and due to Bruno' s sense of smell was met before she reached the river. She collapsed in Mondo' s arms and it took a few minutes for her to calm down. Mondo had her wait for Timor and Girl and to move up to the lomen trail and hang back until the lomen were fording the river.

They would know when to attack. Bell worked her way back to where Timor and Girl were awaiting the lomen. As expected the lomen stopped for the night in the clearing near the bramble gate. Since they were that close Bell went in the gate and found Leos on watch and sent him to Tondor to send 5 spearmen to the gate. Timor and Bell napped while Girl kept watch.

The next morning the lomen began moving their captives. While in the dry wash the spearmen and the cat handlers waited for them to move on. Once the lomen moved out of the clearing, Timor led the way into the clearing and trailed them staying just out of sight.

Two and a half hours later the lomen reached the river. They entered and the lead two reached the middle of the river Mondo and Drago let fly with their slings, the rocks flew true and the two lomen dropped. Teal turned the cats loose when the lomen rushed forward. The lomen turned when they saw Bruno and Runt only to be met by Girl and 7 spears. There was instant chaos the lomen did not know which way to run. They tried to swing their clubs but were getting in each others way and the captives were trying to trip and kick them.

The clan was successful again with no injuries. They freed the Captives and questioned them. Their village was East by North East and 3 months away. The best news was there were no more lomen in that direction. The captives consisted of 7 men 9 women and 7 children.

After viewing the valley they decided to all stay. They were aware that their village had already looked on them as dead. … They had traveled enough.

Drago and Teal decided to take Runt back to the river crossing and to feed the crocs the bodies of the lomen and to keep watch for awhile. He also kept the 5 spearmen just in case

I knew I could depend on Drago and Teal and with spearmen to help they could handle most anything they had to face. The next thing seemed to be to clear the lake area. Already their was Socar/Goba with Duri. On the way was Sonda and Sondi. We, meaning me and Bruno and Timor/Bell and Girl. That would be two full teams each direction.

We made our way out the river gate and waiting for us in the waterfall cave was our other team. I laid out my plan, I was not worried about the Lake Clan so we only had two directions to cover. I explained my plan to them.

When we reached the end of the lake Sonda & Sondi, Socar/Goba & Duri were to wait One week then take the right path. They were to reach the village and see how they were faring and watch for Lomen

Bruno & I, Timor/Bell & Girl were leaving now on the left path. We moved off the path and traveled parallel to it. Every thing seemed to be alright we did not encounter any lomen or evidence of their passing.

We had been on the path for 9 days when we spotted tribesmen armed with spears. We called out to them warning them of our presence and of the big cats. We walked out onto the path with one hand on the cat and the other in the air.

I spoke to the tribesman and told him what we were doing. They were pleased we were trying to rid the world of the lomen, but hadn't seen any lomen in over 3 months. They invited us in to their village to meet their Clan leader.

Their Clan Leader turned out to be a very beautiful full figured woman. We explained about how the lomen was able to exert control over the people. As long as no fear was shown they were easy to defeat. She seemed to be very smart and had many good ideas. The camp was clean and well run.

We spent the night and headed back the next morning. The way was clear. When we arrived back at the cross paths the other group was awaiting us. They too had found nothing, maybe, just maybe we had gotten rid of them.

We made it back to the river gate and from there to the village. Drago was still out. We rested and went out the bramble gate the next morning. We headed direct for the river crossing where we found Drago /Teal and Runt but no Lomen.

We made our way back. Noma and lil had returned with their additions to the clan. Hearing their report made me feel the worst was over.

Weeks later the last injured tribesman was healed. The ones from Noma 's Clan gathered together and set out for their return home. The Lake clan was led out the river gate and extended our hand in thanks.

Our Clan had blossomed and almost doubled in size. Life became very pleasant for years to come many new things were learned. And many babies were born. Eventually we became the largest Clan in our area of the world.



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Ritual 2 Birth of the ClanChapter 9

I sat back in shock. I was a one-man Craxill population bomb. And, since I had no delusions of uniqueness, so was every other human male on the planet. The possibilities were disturbing. "Husband?" Priya asked, concerned. "She's right," I said. "We wondered, and now we know. I jacked off into her vagina, and her mate got her pregnant with twins. I fucked her up the ass, and her husband gave her quadruplets. And the exact same thing happened to Nilwint. Add up Lisa, three of Rillnam's...

2 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 5

For most of my adult life professors, business associates and friends have commented that I think and act older than my age. No Doubt, part of that was growing up as an only child. It's not my parents' fault, but I became a miniadult early on. My role models were adults, and they were having fun being adults, so I wanted to be like them and treated as one, so you just became older in your actions and views. It doesn't mean that I didn't have a good childhood or never had any fun with...

2 years ago
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7 Clan Amir The U MAMA WarChapter 02

In early January, 2013, Lord Robert visits the US on a diplomatic trip to last a few weeks. He’s accompanied by some university students as interns because many of the students are studying political science or public relations, and some members of the group are businessmen there to help develop closer economic and political ties between the two countries. The trip is triggered by difficulties between Berant Ambassador Shumra and the US Secretary of State on a major bi-national trade...

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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 9

Lunch was just about ready when Harry, and I sat down on the porch with Cletus and Pap. Shana brought out the iced tea for us both. She gave me a kiss that let me know that she loved me. And the wink told me she wanted to love on me. There are certain benefits being head of the clan. Shana headed back inside as I sat down for a rest. Not all of me was in a down position and while the others might have noticed they didn't say anything for the moment. I knew once we were out of earshot of the...

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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 22

Shana was blindfolded and tied to the bed. Her body was dripping sweat from the torment we had given her. She was to the point of whimpering and wanting to be filled, but that was not to be the case. Denial was the king of her desire and we were determined that she would remember this night. Everything pointed to her ovulating, which only heightened her desires all the more. I added to her torment by loudly talking to Jana and Lana, leaning next her and having them describe what I was doing...

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Ritual 3 Defending the ClanChapter 6

We didn't make any effort to publish the news of the formation of the foursome, but we didn't try to keep it a secret, either. I don't know if it was the foursome, or what Roger told me a few days later that triggered the penultimate crisis, but either one was probably enough to have done so. Roger came to me at work, during a lunch when Larwint was off at the dojo with Sensei, and indicated with a quick Craxill gesture that he had a secret to share with me. I set the office privacy...

4 years ago
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Ritual 3 Defending the ClanChapter 7

The next several days were increasingly hectic. I had to calm my superior's fears about any splash-back on them from the Craxill as a result of the incident (easy) and from the Earth public on the Craxill "execution" of two humans (much harder.) Fortunately, the pendulum was currently at the 'burn them at the stake' end of its swing as far as treatment of sexual abusers of children went, so the 'victims' of Craxill justice weren't likely to get any sympathy. Then there was the press...

2 years ago
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6 Clan Amir The Shukra WarChapter 04

The rebellion hasn’t gone as well as planned. The Rebels control most of Shumeer and the main highways. The Royalists control most of the mountains, all of the coast, and the area behind the coast for about thirty kilometres. All of the Shukra Navy is loyal and is still operating because the few naval Rebels were soon killed. According to their plan, by now the Rebels should have control of all of the country except the mountains. All support for the Rebels has to be flown in or driven in...

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6 Clan Amir The Shukra WarChapter 07

All is in readiness by 5:00 p.m. with Major Pargrew’s force ready to go in the front door and windows while Captain Daneer’s force is in the tunnel on the way to the cellar of the Palace apartments. Reaching the hidden door Gerry stops the Captain from opening it for the moment. They’re about five metres ahead of the rest of this force, just Gerry, Lillian, and the Captain. Gerry takes a deep breath to calm himself and he extends his empathetic ability while he tunes out those with...

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Ritual 3 Defending the ClanChapter 4

I returned to the gathered clans long enough to establish my presence and an air of pleased success at my Attachment of my new clanswoman, then we made our excuses and returned home. Priya was wound up, hanging on my arm and pressing against me frequently. When we got back to the house, she nearly pulled my arm off as she dragged me to our room. "I know I told you to save yourself for tomorrow night," she said as she stripped me, "But I can't wait." This wasn't the first time that...

2 years ago
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Lilija of Clan Zyszudko Ch 01

Chapter 1: The End of the Journey **NOTE ONE to all readers**: This will be part of a longer story, with a focus on characters and not just sex. It will try to be more than a stroke story (don’t worry, there’s still sex). That being said, the sex won’t always be lovey-dovey or utterly romantic, so be forewarned. –Enjoy!! **NOTE TWO Pronunciation Guide**: (basically, sz = sh and j is like y) Lilija (Lee-lee-ya) Zyszudko (Zish-ood-ko) majalia (may-al-ee-ya) Korvyn (Kor-vin) Krisztir...

2 years ago
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The Clan

When I met Glen, I had no idea what lay ahead for me. Upon meeting him, a one-on-one encounter was as far as my imagination stretched but then, maybe I was somewhat naïve. Glen was a butch biker and very macho. I was aware that bikers usually hung out together in packs. Being shit-scared of motorcycles, I avoided these guys. Glen, however, had a very sexy smile and eyes that could melt the South Pole. Glen’s former lover had been seconded to an overseas branch of the company he worked for, and...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Dragon ClanChapter 10

Aldren had Mirgan sit next to him at the table. As soon as the others had taken their places, he got their attention. "Friends, we were trying to decide what to do about the siege against the dwarf kingdom. One of my younger captains brought to my attention a plan of action that I find might suit our purpose. Mirgan, will you give us your thoughts." He then motioned for Mirgan to stand and speak. Mirgan started to speak. While he had been present for the entire conference, he had spent...

1 year ago
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2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 08

In February, 2001, Gordie is asked by his sister Dani to see if he can help an old friend of hers from school, Marcella Barrington, find a new job around the View Port / Carmel area. Her parents aren’t well and she’d like to move closer to them in View Port. She’s a well-regarded business manager with an MBA and a good work record in Berana, the capital city. However, there’s not much demand for MBAs outside of the capital city. Gordie passes her resume around all of the local businesses, but...

1 year ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 10

We walked out of the house onto the porch. Pap was right behind us, so I stepped to the side and whispered to him, "Call Bobby about Irene before you head over to Hap's thanks." He gave me a wink, and I walked towards the barn. We had not said anything to each other and when we got past the barn I stopped and pulled her to me. I gave her a hug which she returned, and then I spoke, "Tammy, what am I going to do with you?" I waited for her to tell me. She bit her lip and bounced from one...

2 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 12

I was showered, shaved and escorted out so they could get ready for dinner. I transferred everything from the pockets of my old pants into the new ones which included the rings. Then I went downstairs and poked around. Someone had taken pains to restore this house or build it to look like a turn of the century house. The woodworking was distinctive, I knocked on the walls and there was no hollow sound that came from drywall. They had lathed and plaster walls and a craftsman who cared about...

3 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 14

We stopped at the BBQ shack; Mam and Betty Ann drove in right behind us. I asked, "Do you want to eat here or just get some to take home?" Mam responded, "Ya'll get it and bring it home, we'll meet ya there." We tried to figure how much to get and finally just got three family meals knowing that it wouldn't go to waste with all of us there to eat it. Pap, I and Harry sat and drank iced tea while the food was being prepared. "How much did ya be a transferin' into Bobby's...

4 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 15

Cletus closed up the old truck, and we went to lunch. I am to the point now that there just aren't enough ways to describe lunch or any other meal than to say they're wonderful. When you live through the college experience, and the fast-food times of starting your own company, those meals are just processed nutrition, high in everything that is not good for you, with taste, they get from chemical wonders. These meals my friends are home cooked food that is to live for. Well enough about the...

1 year ago
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2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 12

Born Kelly Ingrid Mary Amir on 10 November, 1990, a very bright and vivacious young girl who wasn’t as smart as most of the clan, but no dummy, either. Due to being born late in the year, and her younger brother being born early in the year the year after next, she’s in the class just ahead of her brother, Gordie. When she and Gordie walk to school you’d think he was the older. She’s short for her age while he’s tall for his, and he’s a little taller than she is. Gordie is much smarter than...

4 years ago
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4 Clan Amir The Day of BloodChapter 01

November, 2001, Gerry Mannheim sets up his first business, View Port Internet (VPI), and it’s a runaway success. Over the next few years he pours most of his profits back into the business to expand it across the country. He’s operating as a private company well within the law, so he has no need to inform the government of what he’s doing and he sees no reason to do so. He quietly buys the right of way to bury fibre optic cable across the country while only dealing with private land owners...

2 years ago
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Clan Leaders Daughter

I was a human protector and a good one. I glanced at the Kaire teenager following me and shook my head. Why had she insisted on coming here and why had her father allowed it? He was a major clan leader and she was only a daughter and one from a later litter. Kathera or Kat as she asked me to call her was golden with black strips. That was not a uncommon coloring for her people so she did not stand out. We were on a vague and very distant world once called Aur where some of the Kaire were wild...

3 years ago
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Dragon ClanChapter 4

Aldren's concentration was broken as he heard a scream coming from above and behind him. Before he could react, he felt something hit him in the back, knocking him from the saddle and sending him sprawling on the trail. He felt a severe burning sensation as the creature's claws dug deep into his back, snapping the chain mail links. He tried to roll away to escape and managed to stagger upright, but the creature sank its talons into his calf, tripping him back to the ground. Ameni pulled...

3 years ago
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Dragon ClanChapter 12

When Aldren returned to their quarters, he found Ameni awake and waiting for him. Rather than explain it all to her then, he told her the bare basics of what he found out. What he didn't say was that it could mean his life. She accepted his explanation and helped him get undressed for bed. They held each other for a while, just enjoying the closeness of the other. Eventually, their hands began to roam over each other's bodies and their passions started to rise. Aldren moved between...

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The Clan

After school on a Friday night, Dale packed a weekend’s worth of clothes and underwear in his school knapsack. He also tossed in his PS Vita and his old Game Boy. “Are you ready yet, Dale?” his mom called from downstairs. “Coming, Mom!” he called as he lumbered down the stairs, two steps at a time. Dale hesitated and walked over to the fourth wall. Opening a secret door, he peeked out. “Pssst! Hey reader! Please click on Show Story Details above if you haven’t done so already. This is a...

4 years ago
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Dragon ClanChapter 8

As much as it irritated Mirgan, it was close to the Spring Equinox before the main body of troops was set to leave. The day after he had arrived, Aldren sent trusted riders that could scout out into the countryside to find out just what was happening. These riders came back with information that was taken directly into the tower. Aldren heard all their reports and found that the troops of the king were indeed traveling further north, bringing the priests with them. Any resistance by the...

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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 6

Pap and I are just sitting, doing nothing more than enjoying the evening. He sat back with his burning bowl of sweet smelling tobacco, and I'm here with my thoughts. Where was I two months ago and do I care anymore about that old life? I wonder what would have happened if Dad had stayed in the hills of Kentucky with Mom instead of the beaches of Southern California. What ifs and who cares none of it matters. Pap brought me back to reality. "So they mated up last evenin', been wonderin'...

2 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 8

My body was hurting, I was moving slowly to the kitchen where Mam handed me the glass of water and saltines. Back in the bathroom holding Lana my body still hurt. She felt as good as ever maybe better, but I still hurt. Lana helped me up when she was feeling better, and I took more than my usual time to finish. I didn't get in the shower. I simply washed up and hoped I would smell okay given from that. When I opened the door Lana was there smiling at me. "Good morning Angel I love...

3 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 11

Dinner was a wonderful as ever. Good food and lively discussion was the order for the evening. I was just getting up when Tammy came over to me and handed me some paperwork. "Age of consent is sixteen, and I printed it for you." She grinned and went her merry way. I sat back down and looked at the paperwork. There were some general websites and then the actual law from the state website. I looked over at her, and she was just a bit smug. Lana came to me and I handed her the paperwork....

2 years ago
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2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 05

The Chektar family farm is about eighty kilometres from View Port and near the base of the Amir Mountain Range in a wide set of folds that go deep into the range at its widest point. The range almost seems to makes a ninety degree turn at that point. The main part of the farm extends into this fold and it runs into the foothills which make up three sides of the farm boundaries. The mountain jungle transitions into thick mountain forests for the last few kilometres before the open plains. The...

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