The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)s12e10 - Brooke Longstaff (20), From Melton Mowbray free porn video

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of an old-school theme park. Small roller coasters, spinning rides, fairy tale climbing frame palaces, climbing frames with water features, and a large central lake with some water dodgems ... We finish up at the entrance area – a large concrete courtyard with bright green buildings across the front of the park. A sign above the green buildings reads, “Twin Lakes Park”. Sitting out front of the entrance, a green wooden pen, which holds a life-size black and brown statue of a horse...
And in that pen, stepping out from behind the horse statue, running her hand suggestively around its big behind, the slim, top-heavy figure of our host – her body wrapped in a tight, knee to neck dress that covers her flesh but leaves virtually nothing to the imagination – tight ass, firm round fake breasts ... It’s our former pornstar ... Renae. She takes a quick sideways glance down toward its fiberglass belly as she walks to the front...
“Hello, and welcome to Melton Mowbray ... My name is Renae Russell, and I’m here to confirm that size matters!!” She lets out a little, squeaky giggle, “This week I’m at the Twin Lakes theme park, in Melton Mowbray, to meet a pretty young thing who’s got perverted horsey thoughts on her mind, and is determined to ride them all the way to ‘The United Kingdom of Zoo’...”
She looks at the fiberglass horse again, then to the camera with a raised eyebrow – and we cut to a shot of a pretty blonde women in casual clothing – white cotton singlet-t-shirt and blue jeans - walking toward us. She’s young, fresh faced, with a wide, very cute smile. It’s the kind of smile where she has almost no top lip, and the bottom lip folds forward, almost flipping over against her chin. White rabbit teeth, cute rather than bucktoothed. Almost geeky. Everything about her – from her cute smile, to her little boobs bouncing in her t-shirt, to her fast walk, says ‘perky’.
She walks toward our camera position – clearly looking at the ground to make sure she hits her mark – then coming to a sudden halt with her upper body in perfect focus, and announcing her presence a little too loud and with just a tad too much confidence.
“Hello there ... My name is Brooke Longstaff. I’m 20 years old, and I’m from Melton Mowbray!”
She says ‘Melton Mowbray’ as if being from the town is something to be proud of.
“And why are we here with you today?” Prompts our host.
Brooke gives us that cute smile again, wide – right across her face – swinging her shoulders slightly side-to-side, and proudly stated that, “Because I want to have sex with a horsey!”
“OOooooohh!” Gasps Renae, even though we know she already knew this (she mentioned it in her intro after-all). “And what was it that made you want to have sex with a horse?”
Brooke continues behaving in a very light, fluffy and girly way. “I’ve always loved horses ... Right back when I was a little girl ... They’re so big and beautiful, and powerful ... I mean, they’re so much bigger than we are ... And then you see their cocks...” She gives us a ‘wow’ face and holds her hands out to demonstrate the size of horse cocks (as if our viewers don’t already know) – then, after a little giggle, she continues, “I’ve fantasized about sex with horses since before I actually had sex ... And when I did have sex, it was such an anti-climax because I’d been fantasizing about horse-cocks...” She holds her hands up again, eighteen inches apart... “ ... And I just got this regular man-sized cock...” She brings her hands much closer together, around six inches, and shakes her head...
Another angle, with her nodding back over her shoulder toward the horse statue, “And then I got this job, and I have to walk past this bloody thing every time I go in or out! And it’s the right size – it just doesn’t have a cock!” We can see she’s breathing a little heavy already, just from talking about it... “I was going to buy one of those big horse-cock dildos, so I could feel what it’s like to have something that big ... Inside ... But then I thought, no ... I want it to be the real thing...”
“Why have a plastic toy when you can have flesh, huh?” Giggles Renae, obviously agreeing 100%.
“Yeah ... Why ruin the surprise...? Fantasy can only go so far ... I mean ... Sometimes, I try to be the last worker off-site, and I go out there and rub one out bent under him, or leaning against him ... Just to imagine what it would be like to be under a horse ... But ... I just really need to play with the real thing...”
“And that’s where we come in...” Smiles Renae, “Because ... We’ve got access to a real horse...”
Brooke bends at the knees a little, smiling broadly – showing off dimples that rival Renae’s... “I know ... That’s why I applied!” She laughs.
We pause on the image of her looking excited by the impending fantasy fulfillment ... And then cut to:
Renae (in her PVC mini-suit and high-heels) is leading Brooke (in her jeans and tight white singlet-t-shirt) by the hand toward a large stables building. Brooke’s nipples are standing proud, easily visible through the thin cotton top – proof positive of how she feels about all of this ... Both girls giggle to each other as they pass our camera position and head into the building.
Inside the stables – we track backwards from the large main doors, a line of stalls – horses leaning out over the half-gates, looking at us as we move between them. Bright eyes, lazy movements. We swing around and look into the small parade ring at the end of the building. There’s a single, large, magnificent looking stallion standing in a pool of light – flipping his head back, flicking his tail, shuffling a little with a loud clip-clop of hoofs as we get closer ... It’s hard to believe this is possible – but this horse looks more fuckable than Champion The Wonder Horse...
Renae introduces him as she approaches, raising her squeaky voice, “Say hello to Nigger...”
Brooke looks genuinely shocked by the name, half laughing as she turns away, bends over a little, and then completes her turn and faces the stallion again. “Nigger...?” She asks.
“Do you know why we call him that?” Teases Renae, waiting just long enough for her guest to think about it, then answering her own question – “Because he’s black, and he’s got a hhhuuuuuugggggeee cock!”
We cut to a shot of the young blonde standing infront of the horse – close enough to stroke his nose and neck ... Her nipples looking like they will rip through her top at any second as she leans back and forth as the horse raises and lowers his huge head.
We watch her silently stroking him for a moment – leaning in to let her lips touch his nose, trying to angle toward his mouth – but he raises his head again, taking himself out of her range...
She looks up at him, in awe, mouth a little open, hands in the air infront of her ... Then smiling... “Wow! He’s ... Amay-zing...”
Renae steps up behind her guest, figuring that the youngster is over-awed and moving in to speed things up ... She takes the bottom of the thin, white top and peels it up over a flat belly and small tits ... Brooke reacts by instinctively raising her arms, letting the ex-pornstar remove her top...
Our host throws the top away onto the dirty floor of the parade area, then brings her hands down the front of her guest to place them over her perky little chest – her fingers either side of the erect nipples, nuzzling in behind her, letting her own, much bigger, PVC wrapped chest, squash up against her back...
As Renae is holding her tits, the younger woman continues to focus on the magnificent stallion infront of her – reaching up to stroke his nose up to his forehead as he brings his head down to her again. Their faces getting closer together – then the huge beast blows out his cheeks and lips, letting them flap noisily infront of Brooke ... Who gasps as the hot breath on her face and tits...
At this point, our host asks the most reduntant question in the history of our show... “Do you want to play with his cock?” – and Brooke gives us another of those wide, lip-folding, dimple-forming smiles...
We cut to a shot of her bending forward and patting her hand against the horse’s solid flank ... Reaching under his belly with her other hand, fingers spread and palm flat, and stroking – hard – over his shaft. Back and forth...
“OOooooohhhh God ... I’m touching one ... I’m touching it...” She gasps – the tone in her voice and the smile on her face suggesting ‘wonder’ rather than ‘sexy’. She can’t believe she’s finally getting to do this...
The cock responds to her touch almost immediately – the first few inches, becoming six inches, becoming a foot of bending wrist-thick flesh, bowing and bending under its own weight with every move. “OOoooooh ... Mmmyyyyyy ... Gaaaaaahhhddd!” gasps our young whore, her face lighting up even brighter – eyes wide – mouth open in amazement ... Staring at the cock, then turning to look back at our camera... “Is this ALLL for meeee?” and then laughing a little, more in disbelief than humour.
She moves her hand from rubbing the base, to wrapping fingers around the shaft, her grip pressing into the soft outer skin, jerking experimentally up and down, reaching forward with her other hand to play with the big tip ... Rubbing her palm over it ... Gasping, almost lost for words – in the corner of the frame we catch the moment that she begins to drool and has to suck it back in, bringing the hand from the head of the horse cock back to wipe the saliva from the corner of her mouth – the giggling...
“You look hungry...” Comments Renae.
Young Brooke looks back toward us again, big smile, licking her lips... “Oh yeeaahhh ... Can’t wait...”
We cut to a wide shot so that we can see the whole scene from the stables ... The big black horse, the slim pale slut bent forward, reaching under his belly to fondle and stroke his huge cock, the crew standing behind and to the side, making sure they don’t miss a thing, Renae standing back and smiling as she watches ... Even the handler, standing infront of the massive beast, holding the reins and making sure he remains calm.
As we watch, we see the youngster pulling the cock sideways out from under the wide belly, and leaning in closer...
To a close-up as she moves her mouth toward the end of the horse’s huge cock, trying to stop smiling, licking her lips then opening as wide as she can ... Placing them around the head of the cock – straining to open wide enough to take the fat tool inside, barely managing – having to turn her head from side-to-side to stuff it in ... The soft outer layer of flesh giving slightly under pressure from her lips ... Then it’s inside and she half coughs around it, struggling to take it in. Taking a second to assimilate to it ... Then relaxing...
She moans (the sound muffled by the huge cock in her mouth), her eyes drooping, as she begins to suck on it, working her hands up and down the shaft, wanking him toward her face ... Holding it there – pushing her mouth forward, jerking hard ... Breathing faster through her nose – noisily – as she gets increasingly excited.
She holds it in her mouth for as long as she can, her breathing become increasingly laboured, struggling after holding her mouth this wide, and choking herself on the horse’s flesh, a little of his pre-cum, and her own saliva, she pulls it free ... It’s hard work just to get it out, the tip larger now than when she forced it in ... She doesn’t panic, but she’s not far off – her eyes opening wide, her head twisting, and then – as the tool pulls free, she’s left bending forward, coughing and spitting on the concrete floor. Throughout her coughing fit, she never releases her grip around his shaft.
After catching her breath, she looks up, looking a little ashamed... “I’m sorry...” She giggles. “It tasted horrible ... But it was awful...” She pauses. “Fucking hell ... I just sucked a horse’s cock!” She laughs a little more – managing to look like a playful and innocent girly despite having a horse’s huge member in her hands.
She gets back to the job, both hands around the shaft, wanking it slowly but forcefully toward her...
“Okay ... Time to see if it fits in the other end...” She comments, keeping hold of the cock as she turns herself around and eases her behind under the horse, directing his big dick down between her thighs ... She throws her head back so we can see her still smiling face as she gasps at the fact that she’s doing this ... She looks to the camera and notes that, “I’ve done this under that bloody statue so many times ... But he hasn’t got one of these...” – she pushes the big head of the horse’s cock up toward her pussy lips – pushing it against them, trying to twist the end between them...

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