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I went back inside my house, and took a mental inventory. I knew that I was not going to be able to drive far, considering the devastation, but my 4-wheel drive would at least get me out of the hit area. I went to my office, got a couple side arms, and a shotgun, put on my vest out of habit, my badge, and some water. The truck started on the first try, and I rammed it out the garage door, and down the street. I knew I would be needed at the precinct house, and that chaos would be reining. As I drove, I saw that the destruction was continuous, and that not a soul was around. When I got to the Police Department, I still had not seen anyone, and that is when I started to get scared. I went inside, and the bodies of my fallen brethren were all over the place, some sitting at their desks where they had died. I tried the portable radios, and had no response. I grabbed a couple automatic rifles, some first aide kits, and some army type rations. I went back outside, and decided to explore, and find some survivors.
3 days later:
Nothing. No one survived. The smell was starting to get bad. I knew I had to leave the city. I found a few of my friends, all dead. Every cop, firefighter, citizen was gone. What the hell had they hit us with? WHO had hit us? I loaded up on every imaginable supply that I could think of… Tent, sleeping bag, food, weapons, knives, ropes, and whatever else would fit in the box of my truck. I found a trailer, and filled it with Jerry cans of diesel for my truck from the National Guard Armory, and took some heavy weapons from there.
I had decided that west was my best option, and headed out of Minneapolis for what I thought would be the last time. The small towns were all the same. Willmar was maybe even worse than the cities. When I got out to Montevideo, I finally found no destruction, just death. It had to be some kind of chemical warfare then, and for whatever reason, I had not been killed. Watertown, South Dakota was not any better, but I did find animals running around however. I decided to take a closer look around, for a day. I found a vacant hotel room at the Drake near downtown, and slept through the night. In the morning, I went downstairs, and started to go out the front door. I stepped back when I saw movement across the street, and down the block. I looked closely, and saw a woman move into the building. I rushed down the street, and followed her into what I saw was the local drug store. I moved through the store, and wondered where she had gone. I went to the back, and found her looking at pills. She was young. Very young. Maybe 15. I spoke, “Hello, don’t be afraid.” She turned with a shocked look on her face, and screamed. I moved forward, and grabbed her arm. “Look here,” I said, “You are the first person I have seen alive in a week, who are you?” She calmed somewhat, and looked up at me. “I’m Kristin. Everyone is dead, except my brother, and I was looking for some penicillin, who are you and where did you come from?” I replied to her, “I’m Dave, I am from Minneapolis. Where is your brother?” We talked as we walked to her home where they had been staying since the attack. She informed me that she was 18, her brother Dale was 15, and that her parents were dead, along with everyone else in town. I told her that everyone I had seen from Minneapolis out here had been dead as well, and that I was moving west to find survivors. When we got to her house, we went inside, and I got a look at Dale, her brother. He had lesions all over his body, his breathing was shallow, and his pulse was elevated. He was in shock, but she had done everything she could for him. Not knowing what it was that had afflicted him, I knew it was best to just wait it out and hope for the best… We gave him some of the penicillin, and covered him back up from his thrashing about.
We went back into the living room, and sat down. Kristen asked me a bunch of questions, and I told her that I was a cop. That seemed to make her feel more comfortable, and we continued to discuss what had happened for a time. I told her that I had a truck over by the hotel, and that I was going to go get it. She wanted to stay with her brother, and I left. It took me about a half hour to get my things, and drive back to her house. When I got back, she had a lunch ready, and lights were on. She told me that they had a generator in the garage for power outages, and that her father had taught her a lot about survival, hunting, and general life in the Dakotas. We ate, and I asked her how long her brother had been like he is. She said it had been about 3 days, and I told her that we were going to have to start feeding him intravenously. I told her that I knew how, and we decided to go to the hospital to get it. When we got back, her brother was sleeping, and we started the IV.
We went back out to the living room, and I discussed with her what she was planning to do. She informed me, “Listen Dave, You are the only human I have seen, it is not going to be safe for us to stay here, and I want to go wherever you are going, and hopefully we will find other survivors.” I agreed with her, and told her that I would try and find a motor home the next day so we could transport her brother in a bed. She agreed to that, and we spent the afternoon composing a list of things we thought we would need that were not either in my truck, or her home. As evening neared, she said. “Listen, my parents are still in their room, I sealed the door so it wouldn’t smell here, and I don’t want you to leave and stay somewhere else. You can stay in the guest bedroom, okay?” I replied that I would, and she showed me where things were, and gave me a towel and told me I could use the shower after she was done. I went in and checked her brother, and wandered out to the back yard. I checked the generator, added gas, and went back into the house. As I was walking down the hall to the guest room, the bathroom door opened, and she crashed into me. Her towel fell down, exposing her breasts, and she hastily pulled it back up, blushing to the roots of her red hair. I laughed, and she blushed deeper. She said, “God, I’m sorry, I thought you were in your room, and I forgot to bring in my robe.” I told her, Kristin, I am ok, are you?” She blushed some more, and scampered down the hall to her room, with the towel barely covering her ass.
I showered, shaved, and gave myself a haircut trim. I put on sweats, and went back out to the living room. She was sitting on the couch dressed much the same as me, in sweats and a tee shirt. She looked up at me as I came in the room, and said. “Dave, you know that was an accident, don’t you?” I said, “Kirsten, don’t worry about it.. Of course I know it was an accident. Inevitably, we are going to see situations like that, living in a motor home, and living life until we figure out what the hell happened to the USA. We are going to have to be comfortable around each other, and letting something like that bother you isn’t going to cut it, okay?” She smiled, and said, “Dave, did you at least like what you saw???” My face must have betrayed my shock, and she let out a peal of laughter. She said, “Dave, you are the ONLY man that I know of that survived. As far as we know, there is no one left alive. We are like Adam and Eve. I just wanted to know if you like how I look, but your face just now makes me think you haven’t even thought of that, am I right?” I admitted to her that the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind, and that I thought she was a very beautiful young woman, but that I was 54 years old, and there were some things that men my age just didn’t think about, regardless of how pretty someone was. She laughed again, and said, “Dave, think about this. Obviously, the human race is severely affected by whatever happened. It is going to be up to people like you and me to repopulate and start civilization all over again. Yes, you are older than me, but look at yourself. You are buff, you are handsome, and hopefully, you are virile.” I looked at her again, and she stood up, took my hand, and led me to her bedroom. Once inside, she turned to me and said, “Make love to me Dave. Make me a woman, make me your woman.” I stepped closer to her, and said, “Kristin, I……” Shhh she said, and pulled her tee shirt off, exposing her firm young breasts to me, and stepped up to me putting her arms around my neck, and kissing me. I kissed her back, and when we broke it, she took my hand, and led me to her bed. We laid down, and kissed again. She broke the kiss, and looked at me. She said, “ I have never done this before. They say it hurts, please be gentle with me if you can.” I leaned back, taken aback, and said, “You’re a virgin?” She nodded, and I said, “Kristin, make very sure of what you are saying to me. I may be an old man, but I am not without urges, and having you there next to me half naked is making me very excited, in spite of our age difference.” She looked at me again, and said, “I’m sure, make love with me.”
We took our clothes off slowly, and I moved closer to her. Her breasts were about the size of half grapefruits, with small nipples, and her mound was closely shaved, leaving only a small tuft of red hair at the top. Her big brown eyes looked at me, and I started touching her, moving slowly, I kissed her neck, and slowly caressed her left breast. Her nipple hardened, and she moaned softly. I continued slowly kissing her, moving to her breast with my mouth, and my hand slowly down her flat stomach, to the v in her legs. As I touched her, she moaned and I felt her wet lips for the first time. I moved down, and kissed, licked her to climax, which ripped her body with a rocking screaming cum. She lay there panting, and I moved my cock to her entrance. I slowly pushed in until I felt her hymen, and backed out several times. She thrust her hips up the next time I entered, breaking through her hymen, and I stopped, to let her get used to the feeling. Soon, she started to move again, and I matched her thrusts. I could feel her tightening, and I increased the tempo, pounding into her cervix with each penetration. She came, yelling, thrusting, and bucking as I released my cum inside her as I came as well. We lay there, coming down, and she turned to me and said, “Dave, that was wonderful, more than I ever thought it could, or would be. I loved every moment of it, thank you.” I told her, “It has been a long time since I have been with a woman. You giving me your virginity, and the joy of sharing this with you is incredible.” We lay there a little longer, and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The sun was just coming up when I heard a noise in the house, and got up to investigate. Dale was conscious, and I got Kristin to come into his room. He looked at me, and croaked out, “Who are you?” Kristin told him to lay quietly, and said that I was a friend, and that I was here to help them, introducing me. He soon fell back asleep, and I checked his vitals again, with a slight reduction in his temperature, respiration more normal, and his lesions seemed to be less open. I cautiously told Kristin that I thought he was improving, and that I thought we should wait a few days to see if he was getting better.

We spent the next three days getting prepared. I found a large motor home, and we stocked it with every conceivable survival equipment we could find in the town. The food supply was supplemented with rations from the Guard Armory, along with more weapons, Army boots, camouflage clothing for the 3 of us. Dale seemed to be improving daily, and was conscious for a few minutes at a time. Kristin and I made love at night, and in the mornings, and I continued to be amazed at my luck in finding this beautiful, vivacious young red head.
The fourth morning, we moved Dale to the smaller of the two bedrooms in the motor home, and set out heading west. We drove as far as Sturgis SD the first day, and stayed the night there. I had been there a couple of times in my earlier years on motorcycle trips for the yearly big rally, and wanted to do some exploring. Rapid City had been a ghost town, and I wanted to re supply some of our foodstuffs. As I was entering the local supermarket, I heard a rustling across the street, and went to investigate, with my .45 caliber Colt auto at the ready. As I turned into the alleyway, a door about half way down slammed shut, and my reflexes went into high motion. I really was not too concerned about someone shooting back, but it never hurt to be ready for anything. I slowly opened the door, and moved into the dim interior. Moving from cover to cover, I entered the front of the store, which was a local mercantile by the appearance of things, and slowly looked around. I saw some movement at one of the clothing racks, and moved cautiously across the room. As I approached, I heard a gasp, and told whoever was there, “Freeze, I won’t hurt you if you just stand up.” A tiny wisp of a girl with blonde hair stood, and said to me, “Mister, don’t hurt me. You scared me to death when I saw you across the street. No body is alive! I thought I was seeing things! I am so scared, and lonely, who are you?” I responded, “My name is Dave. I’m a cop. Don’t worry, you will be ok now; who are you?” “I’m Carrie.” She said. “Okay, Carrie, take it easy, you’re not alone anymore. I will help you. I’m not alone. I have another woman with me, and her brother. I think we should go and introduce you to them, what do you think?” She agreed, and as we walked back she told me that she was 14, and that the entire town was dead, except for a few dogs, and that she had seen a deer earlier in the day. She said she had been on vacation with her parents when there was a bright flash toward Rapid City, and everyone just died. She told me how afraid she has been, and that she had been surviving by taking food from the store I was going into, and living above the store I found her in. She told me that she was from Oregon, and that her entire family was with her on the vacation.
As we approached the camper, Kristin came out, and when she saw Carrie, she let out a whoop, and came running. She threw her arms around her, and was talking a mile a minute. After things got calmed down a bit, she looked at me, and said, “Dave, Dale is worse. His lesions are erupting all over his body, and I am scared.” I went in, and Dale was indeed worse. His temperature was highly elevated, and his blood pressure was 180/140. I started getting washcloths, packing them around him wet to try and cool him down. Kristin and Carrie soon were helping me, and we eventually got his temp down to a decent level. We cleaned up, and Carrie asked, “Is he sick from the explosions? Does he have radiation poisoning?” That had not occurred to either Kristin or me, and I told them that I would go see if I could find a Geiger counter. I returned shortly, and we tested Dale. There was no indication of radioactivity, and we all breathed a sigh of relief, but still I wondered what it was that was plaguing him. The girls, whom I could only think of that way, said they had talked in my absence, and that Carrie of course would be going with us. She said that she and Kristin had been talking about our relationship, and wondered where she would be sleeping. I realized that we would need to find a place, that would accommodate our living and we talked late into the night about where we would go, without reaching a decision.
Kristin and I woke in the morning to Carrie yelling at us down the hallway. Dale was awake, and talking. He was confused, weak, and deeply in shock. We explained to him what had occurred, and he tried to absorb everything we told him, but it was shocking, and he soon fell back to sleep. Carrie said that she would stay with him as we drove that day, and with Kristin checking on him frequently, we moved further west. We decided to avoid Denver, and moved further south, and west. By the end of the day, we were just outside of Colorado Springs, and decided to stop for the day. We stopped at a small motel, and broke into some of the rooms to find accommodations for the night. We explored a little, and made our evening meal in the camper. As we finished, and cleaned up, I checked on Dale, and had a talk with him. He seemed to be as accepting of the situation as Kristin was, and had a good head on his shoulders.
Kristin and I went to a room for the night, for privacy, and as we closed the door, she came to me and said, “I need you tonight. I am relieved that Dale seems to be getting better, and that we have Carrie here now. I am still frightened.” I told her that I was afraid too, but that I was confidant that we would figure out how to survive, and that we would probably be finding other people. She seemed to like that, and we moved to the bed.
She reached out to me, and pulled my sweats down. She hungrily devoured my cock, bringing it to attention in short order. As she was doing this, I pulled her shorts off, and started licking her upper thighs, moving to her already glistening pussy lips. As I spread them apart, and brushed her swollen clit, she started shaking, and came hard. She had obviously been ready. I inserted my fingers into her opening, and curled them, brushing her g-spot, and making her writhes on the bed. As I continued with this, she started bucking hard, and gushed and squirted, and bucked some more. My face, and the bed were covered with her juice, and it’s sweet taste filled my mouth, nostrils, and the air around us. She must have squirted at least fifteen times, and as she came down, she started licking and sucking my engorged cock again, bringing me over the edge. I felt her swallowing, and soon we were laying beside one another again, panting until we both calmed. She looked at me and said, “Oh my god, I have never felt anything so incredible as that. I thought I was going to die of pleasure. What the hell did you do to me?” I told her that I had just massaged her g-spot, and that she squirted. She laughed, and looked at the mess we made. I said, maybe we should get another room, with dry sheets. She agreed, and we picked up our clothes to move to another room, not bothering to dress, as the sun had set already.


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The Ostfront (eastern front, WW2) is the most shocking example of the human survival instinct, with tremendous death tolls on both sides, and countless civillians thown into the cold, and crossfire. A quaint German fisherman, Hans Gotler, is conscripted to fight in this hell on earth. Hans awoke, as usual to the 'WHUMP' of mortars hitting the around the column of trucks and armour that was the sixth army. "just another day on the job eh Gotler?", said Heydrich, still hiding from beneath his...

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Tonight I really wasn't in the mood to go out but then sitting at home for the evening wasn't appealing either so I forced myself to slip on a dress, light makeup, spritz of cologne and go to see a small theater showing of a light opera a co-worker had told me was very good. A small fender bender up ahead in traffic delayed my arrival. Making my way gingerly down the aisle in the near darkness to my seat counting off rows as I went finding the proper one, then looking down the length of it I...

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To much time apart

This is my first time writing something like this so please go easy on me.....My husband and i have a sex life alot of people might call boring. We have been together nearly 10 years and 2 wonderful c***dren so whatever people think what we have works for us. Because of his work and me busing k**s around to various actives we got into a routine of Wednesday and Saturday night being our intimate time. Our encounters are basic by most peoples standards, typically a little bit of foreplay then...

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Eve raps the door so tentatively that her knuckles hardly graze the surface of the splintering wood. She knows Villanelles will make her wait so she idly runs a hand through her hair, fluffing it up to enhance the volume and so that a few stray locks hang in her face ever so slightly. “Goddamn it, Eve,” she mutters to herself; why is she always trying so hard to look good for Villanelle?Behind the door, Villanelle adjusts the lapels of her suit jacket, thumbing the burgundy velvet with a...

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Semper FiChapter 4

Robert Morgan's enhancements didn't turn out to require much, mostly for wear and tear due to his age and the effects of a politician's easy life. He came out of this with a somewhat enlarged cock, of course, but not the monstrous type that some volunteers foolishly picked for themselves. He wondered how in the name of Sam Hill any man would want a cock so large that he couldn't do anything without risk of injury to it, not to mention the danger of damaging concubines so badly that they...

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Miss Mays Atonement Part 1 of 2

Miss May's Atonement Part 1 of 2 Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea by Mitzi and Gastoni] Brandon Stewart sat in silence beside his wife while his attorney read the settlement proposal from Martha Duff's attorney. Brandon's gaze briefly drifted to the stony look his wife was giving him as the attorneys tried to settle the sexual harassment charges against Brandon and the company he had founded with his wife. Sarah Gordon glared at her husband while the attorney she...

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Our little secret Part 1

Hi my name is Tom, this story took place a few years ago. At the time i was still living at home with my parents. I'm an only c***d and at the time i was a virgin. All i'd ever done was kiss a girl, but nothing more. When this story took place my dad had walked out and left my mum for another woman.My dad walking out had hit my mum really hard, she was a real mess. family and friends were really kind and supportive, but it was only when my aunty Teresa came to stop with us that my mum started...

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Pillow Talk

A bedtime confessional for two. I was lying on my back in the dark on my side of our bed; one hand behind my head and the other on my chest. Jill was lying on her side with her back toward me. We had just retired at our usual time; eleven pm. "Jill?" I said softly. "Hmmm." "When did you decide to have an affair?" I asked quietly. I felt more than heard her stiffen with a quick intake of breath. "What are you talking about?" she finally asked. "I'm just curious... I know you've...

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One Dark NightChapter 3

We had been driving for a long time and the guys were getting tired and we were running out of money. We stopped at a big Holiday Inn we had passed by. We had a few bucks left for something to eat and a few drinks. We all walked into the lounge, I had used the ladies room to freshen up moments before. And put on some makeup and fixed my hair. So I felt a little better. All heads turned when we walked in. We took a small table off to the side. Rick nudged me when we spotted this...

3 years ago
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Fairwell Lunch Chapter 3

A Fantasy Comes True Diana and Mark teased each other often after their wrestling match in the backseat of her car but even with her permission slip to fool around she did her best to keep him at bay, at least for the most part. Mark was defiantly interested in more than just teasing; he wanted to pay off his IOU and often reminded her he owed her a licking. However, as good as that sounded, she somehow resisted; mostly, because she thought it would be too hard to pull off at work and she...

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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 21

Irene asked, “What are you looking at?” Stephen answered, “You are wearing makeup.” “Yes, I am,” Irene replied. “Did you change your hair?” Stephen asked. “Yes, I did,” Irene answered. Stephen said, “I’ve never seen that dress before.” “It’s new,” Irene said. “Claudia and I went shopping last weekend.” “Irene is in love,” Stephen said pronouncing love more like ‘luuuv.’ Magus stepped out of his office and said, “Wonderful powers of deduction, Titus. Do you care to guess the identity...

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Becoming Tammy Part 1

Becoming Tammy, Part 1 By Incognito ******************** Authors note: This is my first longer story. I've written a few caps over at Rachel's Haven, but nothing of this length. Therefore, I'd love to get feedback. Is there enough background information? Does the story work? Is it sexy? Is there any part of the story you'd like me to expand on? Does my writing style work? English is not my first language, but I like to believe I'm fairly good at it none-the-less. I would also like...

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We Were Blindfolded He Wasnt PART THREE

This story is 100% true. Check out the Prologue and Parts One and Two. My cock jumped when it felt a wet pair of lips wrap around it. A soft girly moan vibrated on my cock as he started sucking me deeper. It wasn’t long before the twink was deepthroating me, his nose buried in my soft blond pubes. He pulled back and started sucking just my head, assiting the pleasure by wrapping his dainty hand around the base of my cock. I let out a moan and started thrusting into his mouth like it was my own...

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PerfectFuckingStrangersClassic Kagney Linn Karter 25932

I can’t believe I just did that. But fuck it. I was horny and that guy looked hot. Next thing you know it his was lucky fucking day. It’s not often that I’ll tell some random guy to follow me back to my place for a hot fuck, not at least without him buying me a few drinks and bullshit discussion at a Friday night bar. But my gut told me otherwise this time. And it was right. He had a big dick and he knew how to fuck. No strings attached, no questions asked. Just the way I like...

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2 horny sluts

Okay so i met these 2 milfs early mid twenties both had some big tits. One was a medium bbw pierced nipples shaved pussy ima call her Tay. Her friend was a small bbw nice big tits and a sexy ass ima call her Cay. we got a hotel room started drinking a little Tay being so horny was practically sexing me up with her eyes her friend Cay being a lil shy was just making small talk. Tay got out her shorts quick and layed down on the bed facing me im sitting in the chair relaxing tay tells Cay to take...

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MommysGirl Kendra Lust Kristen Scott Mommy Wants A Kiss

Kristen Scott is hanging out with her friend Lena Paul as they chill out on her bed. When her step-mom, Kendra Lust, walks into the room, she tells her she’ll be stepping out for a while. Before she leaves, she kisses Kristen on the mouth practically making out with her in the process. Lena is sitting on the bed and watching this. She is really weirded out by it all. She asks Kristen if her step-mom always kisses her like that because usually people tend to not make out with their...

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Mehendi On Vidya8217s Hands

Hello Friends, this is Shravan from Mangalore, Karnataka and presently working in Bangalore. The following new story of mine is Completely a FICTION and is not inspired from real life. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedbacks to Enjoy my Latest Fiction Story……. The incident i am going to narrate to you all happened during my cousin’s wedding function in my village. The function was attended by all my family members. I had put leave from my work for 10 days and attended the...

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My First Voyeur Experience

My first voyeur experience was when I was attending St Andrews Boys School in Bedford in the UK, this was back in the late sixties. I had lost the key to the padlock on my bike and had had to walk home from school, it was only about a 20 minute walk but I was not happy. When I told my dad he was even more unhappy and as the bike was only about 3 months old sent me back to school with the spare key to collect it after dinner rather than leave it there over night. By the time I got back to school...

2 years ago
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This story contain adult themes only. “She’s hot.” Noah Townsend turned around abruptly into the smiling face of a taller man with wild sandy blond hair that fell casually in face. He was looking at a shirt on the rack in front of them. “The girl you’ve been staring at for the last 20 minutes. She’s hot.” Noah felt his face getting hot as an awkward smile rolled across his face. He rubbed his large rough hand over his freshly shaved head. Suddenly he felt exposed. He clenched his jaw before...

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Shes No Tomboy Anymore

She’s No Tomboy Anymore I watched Teresa grow up. My wife and I have lived next door to her parents since before she was conceived. Her mother is a tall, thin, sexy woman of about thirty-five. We have a daughter that age that lives in California but no grandchildren yet. Teresa wasn’t always a tomboy. She stared out life as a very pretty little girl in dresses that hated to get dirty. Then about age ten or eleven she became a tomboy. I guess its because there are not very many girls...

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My Calendar for KettieChapter 6

December 23, 2013 When my crew took their first break on Monday I stayed in my command post (I usually had coffee with them) and called Kettie. She answered on the first ring and knew it was me from the ID. "Hi Mattie. I was hoping you'd call early. Ohhh, last night was so nice. Aren't we a couple of horn balls, huh?" "I certainly can't get enough of you, that's for sure." I replied. "I really thought we would get through the day without getting sexed up, it was such an enjoyable...

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Sex With My Cousin Sis Part 8211 3

Hi, guys. This is raja again.. with 3rd part of my story i.e. Sex with my cousin sis.. hope you all read my prev story.. if not then read that and come back here for happy ending ;) Please do comment to I have got more good comments..and got some good friendship too. girls and aunties can come here for best friendship.. privacy is 100% guaranteed. Ok coming to the story…after that incident we didn’t get any chance to do our foreplay atleast..I was very busy in my stuff..story will be little...

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Our Spanking Ritual Part One MF

Our Spanking Ritual M/F This story is written from two points of view. Usually you only see the story from one perspective; this gives you the whole picture. Our Spanking Ritual M/F How I see it: Lately I have been putting in a lot of overtime at work. This has meant that when I finally get home, I eat late, and I don't get to spend very much time with my lovely wife. I usually call her on the phone about one o'clock to let her know if I will be arriving home on time, or if I need to...

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Slut wife dont tell her husband part 2

Please read "slut wife but don't tell her husband before reading this. Any and all comments are greatly appreciated. I love getting your ideas for further parts of the story too. Sarahs husband was called into his bosses office and asked if Sarah had a job, the answer was no, he earnt enough for her to stay home. Then he was asked if she had ever done any secretarial work, the answer was yes, she used to be a secretary. The boss then asked him If he thought Sarah would like to become 1 of...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 32 The Waking

When Franz returned to himself, he seemed still to be in a dream. He thought himself in a sepulchre, into which a ray of sunlight in pity scarcely penetrated. He stretched forth his hand, and touched stone; he rose to his seat, and found himself lying on his bournous in a bed of dry heather, very soft and odoriferous. The vision had fled; and as if the statues had been but shadows from the tomb, they had vanished at his waking. He advanced several paces towards the point whence the light...

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This Is the Modern WorldChapter 17

"So you and your minions found the asshole professor?" I asked, beginning Monday's Tales. I felt relief when I emerged from the second bedroom in the suite after another mini orgy with Cat, Naomi, Helena, Betty, and Lindy, me dressed in my usual boxers and nothing else and the ladies in panties and/or sheer shifts or naked and I saw that all the angels had returned. Chanda even hugged and kissed me lasciviously in her sexy red teddy with her odd couple best friend Alexandra in a similar,...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 3 The Delegation

The Ranch Hands Kitchen was built on the opposite side of the barn from the two apartments that had been built for Pappy and BB. It was a large room with a propane cooking range in one corner along with cabinets to hold cooking utensils, dishes and flatware. Several mismatched tables with mismatched chairs filled the room and spare chairs were against the wall. One corner of the room was walled off to hold a toilet and sink. Until recently, the ranch held a round up once a year. Riders were...

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My first sex toy Vibrator

My first sex toy (Vibrator)After my bisexual experience with JC, I decided it was time to buy some toy that would keep me company in my solitary games,the idea of having some kind of sex toy always appealed to me, but I never dared to go to the shopping sex-shop,(Many men see them as substitutes when in reality they are just a game that can give a lot, but that is very morbid to a relationship).Due to my work I did not have time to go to a sex shop, and in this matter it is not convenient to...

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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 8 Insatiable

Saturday, May 18, 1996, Sanford Maine I was dripping sweat and panting hard; my muscles were pleasantly sore from exertion. I was pushing it; I wanted five more on each of my last reps, and I grunted my way through my final set. I was hoping to add ten pounds of muscle before training camp started in August. This season we wanted to make the playoffs, and the coach, Jacob Myers, thought that we had a good shot. Biking home would be my cool down today, and I figured that a dip in the pool and...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart III 5 Lets get naked

"So are we going to get naked, or what?" Joey said again. "It's your call, Tim. Who goes first?" "Hey Joey, have you seen Suzi naked since that night in the mirror?" "Nope." "Well, I guess you're the first contestant," I said to Suzi as I placed my hand on her tummy. "I figured," she said not moving. "Heh. Hey, I'm just going to sit over here and watch," Joey said. "No you're not. Get over here. I haven't told you the rules yet." "Rules?" "Yeah, I just thought...

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