Me And My Dad Marry My Aunt And Her Daughter
- 3 years ago
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Warnings to the naïve, the unwary and those who are to love struck to make wise decisions.
This writing is based entirely on personal experience. (Well kinda anyway).
After three years of marriage, I began to take note of certain patterns of my loving wife’s behaviors. I guess many husbands and wives do this. Now these were not behaviors that she was aware were irritating to me. Certainly they were not ones that she deliberately did to piss me off. She has consistently claimed that my observations which became accusations later, were entirely untrue and revealed flawed judgments on my part. I took it as her being entirely unaware of her hold over from her pampered childhood as an only child. There was no sibling rivalry in her past. She had had no competition for space, things or attention and no need for any type of accommodations in her childhood home.
For the first two years of our marriage, I silently endured these as I became increasingly aware. It seemed that these behaviors were increasing in number, type, frequency and irritating effect. When I finally began to point them out to her, at first she denied them. With my continuing reminders, she finally stopped denying them and took the tact that they meant nothing and I shouldn’t get all up set. In effect, she was telling me that I had to accommodate her, not her to me.
Truthfully, some were not very upsetting to me. I took it as just her was of doing life. However, over the past two years new ones began to show up. The effect of the old plus the new ways were grind at our relationship. She showed no overt concern for my feelings.
Her frequent reply to my commenting about her seemingly uncaring, indifferent or demeaning behaviors, went something like this, ‘I can’t understand why you get all up set over nothing.’ or ‘Just drop it, I’ve heard you tell me this before many times and I’m getting tired of hearing you complain’.
When I would suggest that a slight adjustment in her behaviors or attitude would be an appropriate remedy, her replies became increasingly haughty arrogant, belittling and irritating to me.
How could I have failed to note these while we were dating or even early in our marriage. Was she changing or was it only that I was becoming more aware of her idiosyncrasies? Why was my psyche being rubbed raw by these initially seemingly benign behaviors.
I remembered my dad telling me again and again as a kid that I could never change anyone. The only person I could change was myself. I guess by that he meant I had to accommodate in some way. My wife seemed to be messaging me the same. She was not going to change and it was my duty as husband to accommodate her.
Let me give you a short litany of the things she did that irritated me.
For instance, when she sat at a table to eat, her elbows spread out so that she took up almost two spaces. Rather that pull her elbows in next to her body, she just moved the chairs adjacent to her, farther away. This gave her more room and reduced the room others had. She would seek out the end of the table or the end seat at the side of the table so she would have elbow room. If I had to sit next to her she complained of my always interfering with her elbow. I’m quite sure this all came about as she never had anyone sitting next to her as she grew up.
I, on the other hand, had older brothers and sisters to deal with and they did not give up their elbow room. If I pushed them back at the dinner table, my mom would correct me verbally or, if I refused, I got a whipping that adjusted my attitude in quick order. I learned to eat with my elbows tucked in tight to my torso.
Being the well bred young gentleman that I am, I always opened doors for women to enter first. When my wife would walk through a doorway, entering a house, she would stop just inside the door to remove her coat or rain hat or just adjust her shoes. Tough luck if I was behind her, I could stand in the rain until she moved on inside in her own leisurely time. I would request her to move forward one step. When she did not move, I would gently push her farther inside to which she became angry. A verbal tongue lashing for being rude and insensitive and ‘pushy’ would follow. When I reminded her that I was getting rained on while she took her sweet time taking off her raincoat she would deny that I was getting rained on.
Of late, I have taken to telling her I don’t like to take her ‘shit’ in exchange for staying out in the rain. I felt like I was in a no win situation. Get rained on or get shit on verbally. Her attitude for the rest of the day was one of distancing me from her. She says she doesn’t like my attitude and I counter that I don’t like getting rained on by God’s rain or her shit mouth.
When we go out to eat, which is quite often as she doesn’t do dishes happily, she sits at the nearest booth seat which means I have to stand idly by while she seats herself. If we are taken to a table, I have given up trying to seat her as a man should help a lady with her chair. In stead, she chooses the chair nearest her and without looking around to see if anyone is behind her, like another patron or the waiter, she yanks out the chair and seats herself. That leaves me looking like an uncultured idiot.
Another favorite of hers is to seat herself at the near end of the pew in church. This means that everyone else has to climb over her to get seated. Afterward, she complains how rude the usher is if he asks her to move toward the center. Anyone who climbs over her is likewise treated with a half smile, more of a scowl and little if any movement of her knees to make their entry easier.
She must have grown up learning that other people exist just to please her as her parents had. She never had to learn to share anything like toys or clothes. As a result, she keeps all her old clothing rather than giving it away. She has the largest walk in closet we could afford in the modest house we finally built after savings for the first two years. This closet will never be big enough to fit her and she complains as to how she needs two closets, one for winter and one for summer. When I asked her why she didn’t ask for four closets, one for each season, she looked a little bewildered and said, ‘That’s the only good idea you have had this year.’
Little by little, I have begun to realize that unconsciously she sees me as the person who is to dedicate myself to pleasing her. My needs or desires simply do not count much, if any, with her.
My life was becoming something like this. Her desires are needs and my needs are just desires. Hass it always been that way or is it that I’m just now noticing how it demeaning it is. How it grates on me.
I met her in college. She was truthful in saying the only reason she came to college was to find a husband who would spend his lifetime taking care of her. Now I was not only naïve but love struck as she was very beautiful in a demure sort of way. She was somewhat shy which appealed to me. After we were married her shyness with me left with the dawn of the first day. Her body was beautiful but she never dressed to show her cleavage or beautiful hips. Other than some closed mouth kissing, her body was off limits to me ‘until we are married’. . As I studied psychology in college, along with the premedical sciences I was taking, I gradually began to listen to how she constructed her sentences. Began to listen to the inflections and tones of her speech to me. She was always super polite to others but over the past two years I felt like I was being treated like trash. This was always in private. She never demeaned me in public. I was glad for that at least.
When speaking to me privately, she never used words like, ‘please’ or ‘I would you like to…’. She addressed her needs as simply ‘Jon, you should or must do this or that.’ Now I didn’t mind doing most of what she requested but I increasingly hated not being asked and just being told what to do. I would have done
it anyway, like helping around the house or checking our (her) car’s tires for air pressure. But to be told I ‘should’ do this rather than suggesting I do it kept on grating.
If I didn’t get it done right away, including dropping what ever I was doing and go do her will, then she would tell me I should not forget it, and keep telling me until I couldn’t stand it anymore and gave in for the sake of shutting her mouth temporarily.
She was passive in bed at best. She told me that a good wife allows her husband to have sex with his wife but that doesn’t mean she has to actively participate. I have yet to believe she has had a real orgasm. If I really try to get her hot by romantic foreplay she calls it off and tells me to get with it. She doesn’t allow herself to enjoy sex which really turns me off as I want to please her. For a long time I kept telling her that if she would just let me please her that way, then I would be happiest. From this I found out that my trying to please myself by bringing her off was not on her agenda. My pleasure was NOT what life was all about to her, even if it brought her pleasure. She was not going to experiment with nasty sex. She had been taught that she was ‘dirty’ between her legs and sex was a nasty thing that men liked and married women were supposed to endure.
We had no children after three years of pretty much one-sided marriage. She had had to work from the beginning. I even quit college to get a job to support us so she wouldn’t have to work after our second year. I was going nowhere in life with her and going there in a hurry.
Finally I had had enough. I sat down and had a little talk with my self. Enough was enough I told myself. She is not working and has all day to do things yet has no time for fixing dinner or sex with me. She was not going to change and I was not going to live my life as she had planned for me. I had to take some action for my own mental health. I wanted to finish college and go on to medical school. She wanted me to make money like doctors do but she wanted it NOW as the TV advertisement prompted her.
I talked with my parents who were understanding but not really supportive. I had to do this on my own so I did it. I set up a separate bank account with only my name on it but left our old joint account open. I got her a separate credit card under the guise of better service by changing cards. Our joint credit accounts were closed. I got my own credit card also. I deeded the house to her. All this with the purpose of cutting all financial entanglements with her.
I visited a lawyer and had divorce papers drawn up giving her everything except alimony. I arranged to have the papers delivered to her at home in exactly one week. I paid the lawyer in full. Only cost three hundred if she didn’t contest it.
I had my last paycheck given to me personally rather than deposited. Our old joint account had three months living money. I had worked hard and saved in spite of her. Now I was going to be free.
The day the divorce papers were to be delivered finally arrived. That day was the first day after my last day on the job. I had given notice several weeks earlier. We had breakfast together which was not to unusual. I told her I was not going to work today. Looking across the table at her, we both with coffee and finishing up the toast, I looked at her and said.
‘Sweetheart, Today I am giving you what you have wanted most. I am going to let you provide for yourself and you only. You don’t have to feel angry or even guilty about my wanting things that interfere with your happiness. You no longer have to endure sex with me or my complaining about standing in the cold rain while you take your rain coat off. You don’t have to ask me ten times to oil the screen door or check your tires. The dishes will be put in the dishwasher exactly as you want them from now on. You can set the thermostat to exactly where you want it. You will never have to complain about the clothes in the washing machine being left over night rather than being put in the dryer and I promise never to run the dryer at night again. You will never have to tell me to get gas in the car. You will never have to remind me several times to trim the lawn again the way you like it done. My snoring will never bother you again and you will never have to tell me to pick up your dirty panties off the floor and put them in the washer.
‘Later this morning, you will be served with no fault divorce papers which I have prepaid. If you sign you won’t have to pay anything to be rid of me and all the irritating things do to you. I’m giving you sole title to the car and the house. All current bills are paid and you have three months worth of money in the bank to see you through until you get a job to support yourself in the style you have always complained about that I didn’t. I’m taking the metro to the airport in half an hour. My personal things have already been packed and shipped. If you had been looking, which you never notice me anyway, you would have seen that my things in the guest room where I have resided for the past year are missing. They have been boxed and shipped over the past month to my new city and to my new apartment. Now I have only to give you my wedding ring which has discolored my finger from the false gold it was made of when you bought it for me. I enjoy the coffee and will miss that a lot but most of all, I will enjoy your being free of me and my constant nagging about my desires for personal and sexual fulfillment.’
With that I pulled off my wedding band and gave it to her. I washed off as much of the green as I could in the kitchen sink as she turned to look at me without saying anything.
As I was walking out with just my over night bag, She called out, ‘Jon, why did you take so long, Jerry has been after me to get rid of you for almost two years. We won’t have to hide from you anymore. I see you finally got all the hints I have been sending you. Thanks for paying for the no fault divorce. I’ll sign it gladly.’
With that I left. I stopped on the door step to thin a little. He she been cheating on me for such a long time? I had not clue and had never even considered the possibility. Live and learn, I guess. I made one more stop before hopping on the metro, I stopped by the bank and withdrew all the three months cash we had saved. I went to our safety deposit box and took out the car title which had only my name on it. We owed nothing on it. The house title was the only remaining item in it. My lawyer had the marriage license in his office. He would burn it after the divorce was finalized. Having nothing else to do, I decided to go back home for one more item I had left.
I figure we had both won and lost just about everything we had. I knew Jerry, who ever he was, was going to learn about only children as wives also. I just hope it took him twenty years rather than two.
I knocked on the door to my former house and Sherrie answered.
‘What are you doing back here. I thought you would be in the airport by now!’. She seemed not a bit remorseful as to the events earlier in the morning.
‘Honey, since this Jerry guy is going to be supporting you now, I figured you had no need for the car or the cash in the bank so I’m taking both. Give him my best regards.’ I smiled and waved as I drove off on my way to my future.
Epilog. I did get a good job in another city then finished college on an ROTC scholarship. I became not only the gentleman I already was but an officer as well. Thankfully, I never heard from or about Sherrie again.
One Week Only Hi guys, good to see you again. Wow, third instalment already - how are you enjoying the ride? I want to say thanks again for all the comment's you've been posting, you have no idea how much they mean and I DO mean that. 'One Night Only' was very nearly a one-off until all the reviews, requests and advice came in. I've tried to fulfil some of the requests on here by making the story longer than normal, as well as adding a little more sex. In spite of this, however, I'm...
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I was attending a marriage of my relative. Thought I was not comfortable in attending such functions my mother compelled me to attend. I knew her idea was that some prospective bride may be available for me and she can plan for my marriage. I had just then got a good job in Mumbai after completing my post-graduation. I had come to Bengaluru to meet parents after three months. My mom spoke to me several times but I had told that let me settle down for at least two years, have some bank balance...
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I am an extremely lucky man. I know full well that I had nothing to do with the hand of cards that life has dealt me and I am very thankful and aware of my good fortune. I was born into a middle class family and I have always been a decent looking k**. Not striking, mind you, and I did not stand out in any way by my looks, but I was what you would call a "nice looking boy" while I was growing up.I had tried the usual assortment of sports as a k**, and I did reasonably well with most of them,...
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I DIDN'T WRITE THIS BUT I RAN ACROSS IT AND WANTED TO SHARE IT......Chapter 1"Dick, you must find a way to help me," complained Sarah to her husband. She felt she was fat and needed help to shape up.Dick was happy his plan was working. He had deliberately made comments to give her that impression, that she was fat and needed to exercise to reduce her weight."You are not really that fat," said her husband, deliberately sounding unconvincing."Oh yes, I am! You yourself have said that many times,"...
Jason Howard stood near the window of his upstairs study looking out onto the patio where his eighteen-year-old daughter and her best friend lay in lounge chairs getting a suntan. The back of the house faced east and the afternoon sun hid him as he stood looking at the young girls. The blinds were adjusted down to block the sun and still give him a good view.It was a Saturday and his wife was out shopping with friends, something she did more and more these days. It was as though she valued the...
Story One: Quarantined with His Nubile Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Three weeks with no women. Three weeks with my daughter stuck in my apartment thanks to the quarantine. I liked my daughter. Hell, I loved my daughter, but having Shannon stuck in the house with me for three weeks was enough to get on anyone's nerve. The only exciting place we could go was the grocery store. And you couldn't turn that into any huge amount of...
Chapter OneI would never admit this to my friends because I don't think any of them would understand. Oh, they most likely have the same feelings that I do; there have been many times recently when I have seen the look of intense desire and want on their faces when they looked at my daughter. But I doubt they would understand that I, her own father, was attracted sexually to her. I couldn't help it and I can't even explain why I wanted her except to say she was just so attractive that it was...
Jerry Lamont sat in the rear of the darkened club and watched his daughter perform on stage. She was naked, sandwiched between a man and a woman. The man rubbed his cock on her rump as the woman sucked her breasts. Jerry’s prick stiffened as he watched his daughter. She was in her early twenties, quite pretty, with long wispy light brown hair and gray eyes. She was big-boned and full-bodied; not chubby, just firm with a full body. She had big tits and a big ass. He stroked his crotch as...
I may never forget the morning when I awoke to the soft tapping of raindrops cascading off from my bedroom window. I had slept without the alarm. It was the beginning of a alarm was necessary; I wasn't expecting to go into the office. Upon hearing the raindrops, still groggy with sleep...I reached over to the left side of my bed; it was empty. The sheets were cold...the pillow was fluffed. I quickly recoiled my hand...I felt a teardrop forming; my beautiful wife JoLyn was...
Mafia DaughterPart 1 By AntiphasDonna Gionese was a privileged girl; the only child of Mario Gionese, a powerful crime lord whose business acumen had amassed a sizeable fortune. Looking as stunning as a fashion model with long, fawn hair coupled with piercing doe-like gray eyes, Donna had rarely given a thought about her father’s business which employed heavy handed tactics and brutality to get his way.Twenty four years old and educated at the best schools, Donna lived the kind of life the any...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daddy's Slutty Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Alex, please, your sister is fine,” Deidre Icke said into the PA system, staring at the security feed. Her eighteen-year-old son rammed his shoulder into the metal door of the locked storage room, the makeshift jail they put him in. Everything was going wrong. Deidre Icke was entrusted with fulfilling Dr. Blavatsky's...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Eight: Sharing His Slutty Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre's mind reeled as she stared at the swollen belly of her eighteen-year-old daughter, Alexis. Cindy and Mindy's words that the two rapidly growing children inside Alexis were the true Gemini gods dazed her. That Alex and Alexis using the Halo was all part of Dr. Blavatsky's plan was such a powerful...
Tuesday, September 5th 2007, 10:49 a.m., San Francisco, California "You better watch this boss," my secretary Patricia instructed as she walked across my office to the cabinet that held a large screen, flat panel TV. "What?" I asked as I looked up from the proposal I'd been examining. "It's also on the Internet ... the news outlets ... youtube ... I think even youporn ... I just got a call from Joyce in our PR department." "And the subject is?" I asked as I watched the TV...
"Hey, Mom?" she asked, poking her head my bedroom. "Dad is in the shower, would you like to sneak in a quickie before he gets out?" I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip for a few seconds. "Rose, there is something I need to tell you," I informed her, peeking back at her. "What, Mom?" she asked, coming in there with me. "You were walking in the hallway naked?" "I tend to get gutsy when it comes to having sex with my mom," she informed me, sitting down with me. "She is smoking...
Donna Hartley was no shrinking violet. She had the kind of job many men would have envied; she was a sports commentator for super bike racing and loved every minute of it. She presented the image of a tall confident woman in her late thirties, not frightened of the world and what it had to offer. She began commentating fifteen years ago because of her love of motorbikes coupled with her journalistic training, and now worked for the major sports station as their “star reporter” on...
One Month Only Hi guys, Sorry this one took a bit longer than usual, I've had all kinds to deal with of late. So, to those of you who have stuck around, I'd like to say thank you. Not only for continuing with the story of Mike & Jay, but for leaving your comments time and time again. In this instalment, I've tried to fulfil a number of requests. Quite a few of you seemed to like the Mike/Debra relationship so we will be looking at that a bit more. There are also a few other...
Ayesha was shopping locally with her mother, getting to know the new area. She hoped not to run into anyone from the new school while wearing traditional Pakistani clothes. Although, while wearing an abbaya and head scarf, there wasn't much chance she would be recognised. The clothing completely covered her, leaving just her face partially bare to the outside world. If she saw anyone she knew, the scarf could be used to cover her face. Not that it mattered much, as she hadn't started in the new...
POV: Kate"Hey, Mom?" she asked, poking her head my bedroom. "Dad is in the shower, would you like to sneak in a quickie before he gets out?"I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip for a few seconds. "Rose, there is something I need to tell you," I informed her, peeking back at her."What, Mom?" she asked, coming in there with me."You were walking in the hallway naked?""I tend to get gutsy when it comes to having sex with my mom," she informed me, sitting down with me. "She is smoking hot," she...
IncestI am in love with my daughter. No, not the “I am a carrying parent” version of it. We are a couple, since let me think, about six, seven years. We live together. Behave like every other couple. I am the old fart, she is young and gorgeous. It isn’t something to be proud of. You cannot tell anyone what you really are. So, how did it came to that forbidden relationship? Was it my dream to hammer my dick into my little girl? Never. But it is what I do. And I admit it, I like doing it. I like...
Gerald Gateson found it difficult to maintain his composure on the trip to see his daughter. It seemed that his ex-wife was intent on making it more difficult as time went on. He and his ex-wife had gone through a particularly nasty divorce six months previously. Gerald lived in Los Angeles while his ex-wife had moved to Denver. Under the terms of the divorce, his ex-wife had retained custody of their sixteen-year-old daughter, and Gerald was required to pay alimony and child support, which...
"And something else, Darryl Sanders, I'm going to marry you someday." Courtney Archer age 8 Grindelwald, in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, Sunday, July 1 "Yes I've made a decision. It's the hardest damn thing I've ever done in my life... even harder because this is when someone gets hurt. But I don't think I can put this off any longer." His eyes showed his guilt and pain, as well as a few tears. He was still reluctant to speak. Everyone else was keyed up to hear what was...
Chapter Two: Mommy Tempts Her Futa-Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! “This is very, very bad,” whimpered Grace the Futa-Angel. Her motherly face, lit by the golden halo floating above the crown of her head, twisted with concern. Her long, blonde hair spilled down her back and amid her white-feathered wings. “I'm going to be in so much trouble.” Spice had been bad. Again. Last time she had escaped, she started a century of witch hunts in...
The Farmer’s Little Daughter Part 1 (the kitchen) There ought to be a law against a man’s adolescent young daughter growing up to be so goddamn sexy! If there was such a law, that daughter of mine would most certainly be breaking it. Why, a judge would throw the book at her, lock her sexy female ass up in jail, and throw the key away to a place where it would never be found! These were just a few of the thoughts running through my mind as I stood at my daughter’s bedroom door...
The Interrogation of a Mother and DaughterBy Shabbadew2002Email me @ [email protected] Berlin June 2009Offices of the Die Welt Abendblatt (The World Evening Paper)The man, Otto, was 63 years of age. The woman, Ilse, was 61. They sat nervously in the two chairs and smoked incessantly. They drank a lot of coffee too. Otto had never been good looking, even in his youth. He was heavy-set and paunchy. His hair was now thin on top and he wore it close cropped. She had been fairly...