Never MarryChapter 6: Military Intervention free porn video

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Looking back from September, Alicia Ortega thought the Sunday of her first run with Craig had made a dramatic turn in their relationship.

Up to then, Craig had tried quite solemnly to give her as intense or as many orgasms as he could. She appreciated that; what girl wouldn’t? They had not, however, had much fun.

After the pinch, the tickling match, the wrestling match, they had been much looser with each other. They slept in the same bed, and Craig had slept nude all summer. That made sex in the evening natural. A few times, they didn’t wait. Several times they made love in the afternoon. Once, when her sleep debt was way down, Craig had enticed her into morning sex, as well.

Since they saw each other every day, they didn’t need dates as an excuse. They ate out more often without going anywhere else. If one of them, usually her, wanted to see a movie, they found time. If Hollywood didn’t entice, they watched TV or took an early night.

They’d run almost every weekend. They’d found time to go to the beach. They’d taken Anne to both zoos, and they had visited each by themselves, too. They had taken Anne to the aquarium, and usually managed to see the show at the planetarium whenever it changed. Aside from that, they left museums alone.

Craig had put ‘Ortega/Warren’ on the outside of the mailbox. He’d put the full name of each on a sticker on the inside, where the mailman could see it easily. She had at least a nodding acquaintance with all the people in the building, and had spoken and exchanged names with all the women.

Money, which had been a minor friction with Sasha, seemed to be going fine.

She was a little surprised that half the food budget for her and Craig was more than her entire food budget had been. They were still eating out, even eating out more. And Craig didn’t take lunch to work. The guy simply ate a lot.

She sometimes thought that she should pay 40% of the food bill instead of 50%, but she had insisted, and she didn’t want to both be selfish and back down.

On the other hand, the utilities for the apartment were simply nowhere near what her share of the rent had been. She used more gas for her car and spent a little more on clothes, but -- everything considered -- she was spending less than she was taking in.

The higher clothes expense was partly that the stuff she had bought new the previous year for the new job was now wearing out. Partly, it was because she didn’t want to wear ragged underwear around Craig. He’d discouraged her purchases from Victoria’s Secret, telling her that he found her white panties sexy and the thong slutty. Still, she didn’t want him to see ragged, and he saw all of her underwear.

Craig suggested that she pay down her student loan, and she did pay down her credit cards. After a while that just meant that she had less going out in interest.

They had needed to get more furniture, and Craig had insisted on paying for it all. “While we stay together,” he’d said, “what does it matter? If we split, the furniture has to go with one person. One person should pay for it.” That hurt her a little. The queen-size bed, sure. He could sleep alone in it instead of buying a new twin. But the second chest of drawers? He was suggesting that he’d have another person to use it when she left.

Craig explained that they were -- taken together -- spending less money than the combined amount that they had spent before they met. They were simply not paying the rent she had used to pay. The utilities were a little more complicated, but the cost of electricity was probably what Craig had paid alone; the cost of gas little more than Alicia had paid alone, but much less than the sum of what each had paid.

They were eating more groceries but buying fewer meals in diners than they had -- combined -- done. Before meeting her, Craig had bought seven lunches and seven suppers a week in restaurants. In the average week, Craig now bought three suppers for them both, five lunches for himself, and one lunch for the two of them. That was a full supper less. “What is a greater expense is the breakfasts you cook compared to my breakfasts before you, but the quality increase is greater than the cost increase.”

So, Craig argued, they -- as a composite -- were spending less. So each should have a share in the savings.

If it seemed to her that she was saving more than Craig was, he could demonstrate his understanding, and she couldn’t demonstrate hers.

She accompanied Craig to his company’s Labor-Day picnic. The people there seemed to like his work, and he introduced her proudly.

“So, Miss Ortega, what do you do?” a guy who had once been Craig’s supervisor asked. Craig jumped in before she could answer.

“Remember when you told me that all my coursework hadn’t taught me half of what I needed to know?” The guy nodded. “Well, Alicia teaches kids everything they need to know.” The guy looked puzzled. “Remember the book? Everything I Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten?”

The guy laughed.

“Actually,” she said, “I teach pre-kindergarten.”

“Same stuff,” Craig said. “You just give them a head start. Pun not intended.”

Craig introduced her to the couple who had suggested the zoo. They circulated, ate, and left when the drinking started to get serious. “They’ll remember we were here,” Craig said. “Not everybody, of course, but the people who care whether I was. They won’t remember when we left.”

When the weather began to cool, Craig suggested that they switch parking spots. He gave her the gizmo to open the garage and the key to the side door. He called the owner, and told him of the switch. Apparently, he’d told the guy who owned the open lot when he rented the space.

When she had moved in with Craig, she had e-mailed Dad her new address. Now, he sent a bombshell.

| Darling Alicia,
| I’m taking some furlough time.
| May I come to Chicago to visit you?
| Love,
| Dad

She took a deep breath.

| Dad,
| I didn’t tell you, but
| I’m living with a guy.
| I would always love to see you.
| I don’t want you to blow your stack.
| Love.
| AL

| Alicia,
| | I’m living with a guy.
| Does your mother know?
| I’ll always love you.
| Dad

| Dad,
| | Does your mother know?
| Probably.
| Deb knows the guy.
| | I’ll always love you.
| | Dad
| I know.
| I love you too.
| Your Alicia

As a matter of fact, Mom had blown up at her when she had taken her last child-support payment -- and the only reliable one – away from her and gone to college. Mom should have known that child support ends at 18, and the college was an entirely different thing.

| Alicia,
| | Deb knows the guy.
| That’s not the world’s best recommendation.
| Your Dad.

| Dad,
| | | Deb knows the guy.
| |
| | That’s not the world’s best recommendation.
| She met him THROUGH ME.
| I and Deb’s Anne met him at the library,
| We started dating, and he and Anne hit it off.
| I know, I’m your little girl, but I’m
| a grown woman now.
| Come and meet Craig.
| Then form your opinion.
| I love you, and I trust you.
| I know you love me.
| Can you trust me once?
| Your Alicia.

She knew her Dad knew about Anne because he’d sent a present for her birthday.

| Alicia, sweet,
| | Can you trust me once?
| I trust you always.
| Hormones, not so much.
| Loving, if never effective,
| Dad.

| Dad,
| I work weekdays in a pre-K school.
| 2nd year, so hard to get off.
| Send when arriving and contact info.

He was coming in Friday October 6. He didn’t want her to meet him at O’Hare, but he had her cell number, and he sent her his. He wanted to take her and Craig to dinner Friday night.

His including Craig was a big step. She wanted to invite him to the apartment for dinner Saturday night. Craig suggested lunch instead. She could cook the same thing, and they’d have more time.

“Besides,” he said, “if he really can’t stand me, I’ll find it a lot more comfortable to leave if it’s not late at night.”

“He’ll love you. He has to.”

“Darling, he suspects that I’m fucking his baby girl. That tends to annoy papas. He loves you, and I love you. That will make sufficient ground for us to maintain courtesy. Cordiality might be more than we can manage.” ‘Suspects’? She’d told Dad that she was living with a guy.

“Now, you’re the one pre-judging him,” she said.

“I like him fine. Without Ben Ortega, there would have been no Alicia Ortega. One point in his favor. He set it up for you to go to college, another point. I don’t have a quarrel with him; I understand why he might have a quarrel with me.”

Dad flew in, took a hotel room, and took them out to dinner. He and Craig took some time sizing each other up. By the end of dinner, they were Ben and Craig. They bonded over calling her “Alicia” instead of “Al.” Craig made a half-hearted grab for the check, but Dad paid.

Dad came to the apartment in the late morning, and she made lunch. He’d made a later appointment with Deb.

“I’d like to hear what you think of Anne,” Craig said. “She’s a delight. Introduced me to your daughter, in fact.”

“I had been taking her to the library, Dad. Craig met us on our second trip. He only picked me up to get an introduction to Anne.”

“Deb does laundry every other Saturday,” Craig said. “She lets us borrow Anne then.”

The conversation veered on to the other kids, and then Mom. Dad had always been interested in her welfare. If Craig felt locked out, his face didn’t show it.

“And, so, Craig,” Dad asked. “You write programs?” Craig nodded. “What does that pay?”

“Better than pre-K teaching,” Craig said. “If you’re asking what I make, Alicia has never asked that. She has a right to, and if she asks me now, I’ll tell her.”

That as much as told Dad that he didn’t have a right to ask. She had to do something, so she asked, “Okay, how much do you make?”

“$89,280 a year this year. Those years start in August. That’s gross, of course.”

“That’s more than a chicken colonel makes. Of course, he gets a nice house, too. You pay rent on this apartment.”

“Yeah,” Craig said. “And I pay half of the health insurance. I put ten percent into a 401 (k), and the company puts in a matching amount of company stock at the end of the year. That year is the calendar year.”

“Even so, it’s a nice amount.”

“It’s a very nice amount. I put aside 23 K this year to pay on student-loan debt. That includes interest. The median family income is something like 50 K; I think that’s after tax. With all I pay down, I still have nearly that in disposable income.”

“So why haven’t you made an honest woman of my little girl?” Dad asked.

“You’re asking the wrong person. Long ago, Alicia made clear that she would stay with me as long as I made her happy. Talking about making it permanent made her unhappy.”

“Really, Dad,” she said, “you should ask Anne to show you the poems that Craig printed out for her. She has a great collection, and they’re all funny.”

They took the hint and changed the subject. When dinner was over, Craig cleared the table and gestured Dad down when he rose to help.

“Alicia cooks, Ben,” Craig said. “I wash. Those are house rules.” She and Dad went into the living room. When he was done, Craig came in and said. “Delicious meal, Miss Ortega. I think I’ll walk it off. It would be rude for you to tell me to get lost, so I’ll do it.”

“I like your guy,” Dad said.

“So do I.”

“Is it true? What he said about you shutting him down?”

“More or less,” she said. “He didn’t talk about permanence. He talked about marriage.”

“Some people think those are the same.”

“I’m not calling him a liar. Half the important conversations I’ve had, the person I have it with is in a different conversation. More with Craig. Sometimes he has obviously scored some point in his mind, and I can’t even tell what competition we’re in. What was that about my asking him how much he made?”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have asked,” Dad said. “I work with guys who can tell my pay by looking at my sleeve. Why ask me? He’s your guy.”

“Maybe he’s mine. For damn sure, he’s a guy. I thought maybe another guy could figure him out.”

“Anyway, back to the question you are avoiding.”

“I’m never going to get married,” she said. “I’d decided that long before I met Craig. Right now, we have a marvelous thing going. I don’t like thinking about the future. I’m one hell of a daughter for you. You weren’t afraid of death, and I’m afraid of life.”

“Well, I’ve been afraid of death loads of times. A combat soldier who isn’t afraid of death doesn’t get a medal; he gets a psychiatric evaluation. If he survives. Bravery isn’t not being afraid; it’s going forward when you’re scared shitless. Second, life is much more frightening than death.”

“Well, I’m not going forward; I’m hanging on. This is a great place in my life, really.”

“I must have scarred you horribly,” Dad said. “There was a time when there were two things I wanted, you and she, and Delta Force. I could only have one of them.” It took her a second to see that she and Mom were one of the two things he’d wanted. Made sense, really. When Mom left him, he’d lost a lot of connection with her.

“It wasn’t you, Dad. I may be prejudiced, but ask your step-children. It’s not as though Mom had a great track record in marriage before or after you.”

“You know what the divorce rate is in Delta Force? It’s strange. There are all these barriers to getting in, and it’s easy to get out, but almost none of us get out by choice.”

“Well,” she told her Dad, “you may have lost a lot, but you still have me.” They hugged for a bit.

She called Craig on his cell, and he came back. They spoke a bit about what Dad was doing now. Then Dad asked what Craig did.

“Yeah,” she said, “what is a program, and what does it do?”

“Well, a computer is an idiot, a blindingly fast idiot. It can make certain calculations, and it can otherwise shift data stored in bits and bites. It can do almost nothing else.”

She knew what a computer was. She operated one almost every day. What was a program?

“In order for that fast idiot to do what you need done,” Craig continued, “you have to translate what you want done into the tasks that a computer can do. That’s called a program. Sooner or later, you have to have a program in what we call machine language. That is to say, a sequence of those few tasks that the speedy idiot can perform.”

He talked for a while longer, but he didn’t make any more sense.

When Craig had walked Dad to Deb’s, he came back.

“You know,” she told him, “I’m never going to understand computers.”

“You could understand them just fine; what you don’t understand is your lover.”

“That’s two statements,” she said, “and the second one is true, but could you please be my boyfriend while Dad is in town. I don’t want him hearing the word ‘lover.’”

“I’m not going to say it where he can hear it. I’ve got twenty years on him and six inches, at least. Still I wouldn’t bet on me in a brawl.”

“Well, of those twenty years, and I think it’s closer to eighteen, more than ten had unarmed combat practices. I’d bet on Dad, too, but I don’t want you to fight. I want you to be friends.”

Craig said, “We are. He’s a good man, and he took care of you as much as he could.”

“And now you want to be the one taking care of me.”

“If only you’d let me.”

“But,” she said, “in a different way.”

“Not in quite the same way. You’re a very different person. But the way you mean, is the only way you’ll let me take care of you.”

“Do you really make $90,000?”

“Not quite, and that’s gross,” he said. “Wait until August and I’ll make more than 90 K.”

“Well, that’s more than twice what I make. I make $32,000. And that’s really gross.”

“And we have some joint expenses. Want to sit down when your father’s gone and redraw our joint budget?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “Paying half makes me an independent woman who has made her choice. I’m not your mistress.”

“You rule me, and that makes you my mistress. What you mean is that you’re not my concubine. My dad lost his job when the economy went down the toilet. For nearly two years, all the money coming into the house was from Mom’s salary as a teacher. Up to then, and after then, Dad was the chief financial support. Their relationship didn’t change all that much. They both went through tough times, but they went through them together.”

“They were married.”

“Well, I’m not allowed to discuss that,” he said. “Anyway, they were together. It’s not the one with the greater income owning the other. It’s a pair who joined together, and at one time person X contributed more to the common pot, and at another time person Y did.”

“If I decided to marry you because you’re rich, I’d be the worst gold-digger.”

“From the perspective of somebody outside who gets a selective subset of the facts, maybe. What we both know is that you’ve observed women being taken advantage by men who have an inadequate work history. ‘Does Craig really love me, or is he interested in my supporting him?’ is an honest question. Now, or at least when you’ve seen my bank statements, you’ll know the answer.”

“Does Craig really love me,” she asked, “or is he only interested in getting off in my cunt?”

“Another word we might avoid using around your father.”

“You think he hasn’t heard it in the Army?”

“And,” Craig went on, “you left out your own magnificent orgasms. They look, occasionally sound, and always when they’re around me feel the most erotic sights, sounds, and sensations of my short life. I’m not the only one who gets off, darling.”

“Okay, but I admit it. I’m in this relationship for the sex. You keep using the ‘love’ word.”

“You can’t have it both ways. I want to take care of you, but I don’t love you. That’s like saying that I want more food but I don’t want to eat. Wanting to take care of you is the essence of loving you.”

“That makes me like Anne,” she said.

“Well, the feeling I have for you bears some similarities. I’ll show you the Venn diagram.” Craig went to the computer printer and grabbed a piece of paper. He had a pencil. Craig always had a mechanical pencil and a cheap ball point in his shirt pocket.

He drew a large circle and a smaller circle almost inside it but with one edge sticking out.

“You,” he said pointing to the large circle. “Anne” was the small circle. “Now I have many feelings for you that would be inappropriate for Anne, indecent even. Then, too, despite what we say when she does something new, we really don’t admire what she does. I admire plenty about you. Still, protective, like your company, enjoy seeing you enjoy tigers, there’s plenty of stuff that I feel about both of you.”

She wasn’t sure she liked her response to the zoo being compared to Anne’s. On the other hand, she had enjoyed Anne’s responses. Saying that he liked her responses wasn’t the worst thing ever said about her.

“I can’t believe that we’re having a fight over whether or not you love me,” she said. She turned on the TV and watched a cooking show. It wasn’t her favorite form of entertainment, but it beat fighting with Craig.

Soon, it was time to prepare supper. Dad came back, and they had a nice visit talking a lot about Anne. Then Craig took Dad to the Red Line.

Craig walked Ben to the L when dinner was over. Ben was in civvies, but you’d take him for military from his stride and his stance.

“I can almost see the relationship,” he said.

“She has, thank God, her mother’s looks, aside from the hair. Even that looks better on her.”

“Well she can put on the authority look, too. School teachers and non-coms have a similar style. She told me that she’s used to people saying that she doesn’t look like an Ortega.”

“I got that in Delta Force, too. We’d go somewhere in Latin America, and they’d ask, “What’s the use of having an Ortega who doesn’t speak the language or look like he belongs?’”

“I told her she looks one hell of a lot more like an Ortega than she does an Al.”

Craig put Ben through the turnstile with his card.

“We’ll pick you up tomorrow with plenty of time to get to the plane,” he said.

“Your dad’s a great guy,” he told Alicia when he got home.

“He approves of you, too.”

“And that’s the strange thing. Well, he can probably see that I love you, too.”

“He loved me, and he loved her, too,” Alicia said. “He still left us much of the time.”

“Yeah. He had a very special, very necessary, task. He was one of the few people who could perform it. I, on the other hand, do one thing well, and I can come home every night after performing it.”

“Why is everything about you?” Well, not everything was. Her previous comment, on the other hand, sounded like it was about him to Craig. Still, once an idea was in her head, it could sink through all that armor plate. He’d leave it there to sink in slowly.

If fighting with Alicia was often frustrating, making up with her was always a joy.

She came the first time as though struggling against it. The second time, she was eager. Her face went from beaming, to worried, to pained, to agonized. Her body went from a sated relaxation, to stiff tension, to writhing, and then to an even greater relaxation.

When he entered her, she was all wet, welcoming, warmth. He fit his hands on her breasts, and she got the covers over them both and tucked around his shoulders.

As he stroked within her, she undulated under him and stroked him with her hands. She stiffened and thrust up.

She dug her nails into his ass, and her warmth hugged his length. She wailed, and he exploded.

The room was a little cool, despite the heater. They snuggled very tight under the covers.

He kissed her hair. “I love you,” he said. She hugged his arm between her breasts,

Ben was scheduled to fly out on Sunday, and Craig and Alicia picked him up to drive him to the airport. It was a way to get to spend more time with him.

When they stopped, Ben was in uniform.

“It’s easier to get through airport security in uniform,” he explained. Ben got in the front seat. Alicia was in the back.

Craig took a look at the ribbons on Ben’s chest. “I can’t read ribbons,” he said, “but I know what that V stands for.”

“What?” Alicia asked.

“Your father is a fucking hero. The V stands for valor, bravery. They started medals for bravery, and then they gave some of them for just doing a good job. Then they put the V on to say that this one was awarded for bravery.”

“You’re going too far,” Ben said.

“If there’s another soldier at the airport, can I ask him to read your chest and tell us what it means?”

Same as Never Marry
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Kate and the Military Institute Military Institute Mom

Part OneMilitary Institute MomShe parked the car in one of the few visitors' slots in front of Charlie Barracks. In truth, it was a dormitory, circa 1970. Unadorned, red brick, two stories of blank windows reflecting the afternoon sun. A few cadets in gray uniforms were walking to or from the nearby mess hall and rec center. Most of the young men were laughing. It was, after all, Friday. Classes were over, drills were done with, and there was a dance tonight with the girls from St Mary's...

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Military Wives

Introduction The Rivers' family was pretty much your typical military family. John Rivers was a Navy Chief Petty Officer, Master-at-Arms/Shore Patrolman, who was stationed at Walker Shores Naval Base. After returning from a one year tour of duty in Iraq he was now entitled to a three year tour of shore duty, and he had chosen Walker Shores because it was a small, isolated base and he felt that it provided an opportunity to distinguish himself in local base investigations and help with his...

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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 21 Military Indoctrination

"We're planning on investigating what's left of our military infrastructure when we visit Norfolk, Virginia, on Wednesday. We know they had some operational ships because they used a nuclear submarine in their attack on Washington. Naval warships are sturdy, designed to withstand direct shelling. Hopefully a few small meteorites didn't inflict much damage. Whether there's anyone who still understands how—or enough people to operate—them, we can't determine until we arrive. If anyone in...

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B6 Chapter 19 Interventions

Chapter 19: Interventions Ebony strode back through the corridors of the Island to Dee Dee's lab like a woman possessed. After everything that had happened in such a short time, Ebony's emotions were boiling in her mind and body like a cauldron. The events in the infirmary had been reassuring to Ebony when she saw Dee Dee awaken to the smelling salts, and recognize both her and Tami. But Ebony's hatred for Jeanne and Barocca had gone past all levels now. This was no longer a case of 'who...

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Military Bus Driver

So, this is a tricky story to tell. It took place several years ago while I was working as a civilian bus driver for a military base in North Carolina. It was a large one and men and couples were constantly coming and going. I was one of the drivers that would transport them to and from the barracks and the airport, etc. Being parked at one of the barracks a commercial 18 wheeler pulled in beside me and asked if I'd picked up sergeant Brassel yet. It was Sarah, a young female civilian driver...

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Swinging in the Military

I took a sip of my water and watched my wife sacrifice her body to dive for a dig in the sand volleyball game. She loved playing volleyball in general and now she was the only girl on the court. Our friend Rich offered her a hand to get up. Sandy really dug Rich, and I had to admit I understood. He stood right at six feet, with curly dirty blond hair, broad shoulders, and washboard abs. Sandy kept his hand and gazed into his eyes just a little too long. Message transmitted, would it be...

Group Sex
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The Military Guy

I found myself a widow and young mother at only nineteen. I had always been attractive and knew I wouldn't have issues moving on, but never felt it would be right. That changed unexpectedly in one chance meeting. At twenty-one I was happy, but deep down felt that I needed to find a guy to please me. Before my first husband swept me off, I always saw myself with a man in the military; I loved the uniform. Maybe that's why I had agreed to go on a date with my dad's friend, nothing serious, he...

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The Perks of Military Command Part IV

Being a military commander in a training cadre had its perks. My next assignment was in a Support Command unit at a military base in Texas. I was assigned responsibilities as an Operations Staff Officer in a rather large combat support battalion. We had engineers, mobile service stations, medical units, supply units, payroll processing and military police units, all a part of our broad and over-reaching scope of operations to take care of the soldier. While combat units, by tradition, are...

1 year ago
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Little Village Girl the Military series

0 Little Village Girl & the Military series Part 1:?Her pain & pleasure (*a cyber-story exchange with ?MD?) Synopsis of story:? This is the first part of a series of stories that have come out of my fascination with humiliation, bondage, rape and the military.? This series revolves around what a bunch of military men would do when confronted with a helpless female (either a civilian or enemy troop).? In this first of 3 parts, Little Village Girl went on a date with a dashing Marine...

3 years ago
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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 3

After the initial ninety days of cleansing operations, the military units began to fall into a routine of merely cramming as many detainees into abandoned buildings as possible and simply burning it to the ground with them inside where the military men and women of the unit did not have to watch their suffering. Of course, they could still hear the screams even with the ear plugs but it as a whole sight better than the butchery of the first ninety days. The percentages of salvageable females...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 8

There was no doubt that the Northern sector which was the scene of the concerted push to clear the coastal areas of Looters and rebellious survivors was moving along quite successfully. Still, the reports from the interior in the high mountain country and even down into the dry desert regions north of the southern border lands were far less encouraging. Major Mike read the detailed reports and statistics from the different sectors a second time still in disbelief and he could see the trend...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 10

Major Mike stood outside the command post looking at the clouds forming overhead with the cool ocean breezes and a hint of rain in the air. The staff meeting had broken up early because the General had a golf date that he was loath to postpone for a mere update on recent developments in his area of operations. Besides, a well-known professional golfer was scheduled to be part of the foursome that would participate in the "charity" event. It was actually to fund alternate sites for their...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 11

The final straw that pushed Major Mike into the long-planned defection was the inspection squad from central headquarters that included the unit of interrogators with no patience for survivor reluctance to betray other pockets of resistance. The inspection group acted like they were in charge of the entire operation even though his band of fighters were distantly detached from the central authority now and he had allowed them free rein more as a courtesy rather than any sense of loyalty to...

2 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 46 Unexpected Interventions

ON GREG’S ISLAND Bob’s POV: When Greg came back with the lantern it was like the whole inside of the cave was sparkling and reflecting light. I knew something about diamonds from our diamond guy when we started cashing-in on our diamonds that we got from El Muerte last summer. We had several ‘raw’ diamonds so I sort of knew what they looked like. I also knew that some or most raw diamonds don’t really sparkle like you see cut diamonds do. Our guy told us that real raw diamonds were cubic...

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Military training with the big bar maid Chapter 2

As mentioned before, Gerda worked at the cozy bar across the street from our army barracks in a small town in Southern Germany, where I was doing my basic training. Almost six feet tall, she was a very big Bavarian girl in her mid twenties. Her voluptous breasts and her beautiful butt were probably the reason why she got employed at this place frequented mainly by soldiers.We started talking at the bar where she was serving drinks, and she invited me one night to go dancing. We both got very...

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Military Bound

True hot time told to me by a friend.One Saturday our friends had come over for a BBQ. They had brought with them, her younger brother Larry and his buddy Pete who were both military bound. The boys had recently graduated High School and were going to basic in 2 days. They were squared away boys, athletic body, and prototypical soldier. They said they were trying to have as much fun as they could before they had to leave. My wife jokingly commented that the boys must be getting laid quite a lot...

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the military man

hello again, i only post true stories. YES i am a lucky bitch with nice adventures;)if you have read my story before that was my 1st experience with cock, you would know that i am now a cock whore bitch who worships big cocks. this story is not related to the one before.i was on my way to my parents summer house in the mountains, when i spotted a military man waiting for a cab or something. like most of the bottom bitches i have a tender horny spot towards military men, so i took advantage of...

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Former Military Officers

It has been at least four years since he’s left the army. He was a policeman, a military one at that, but now that he’s out he has established himself as something of a nomad. He travels around. He has nothing he knows about that’s in his name. He owns no home or car and although he has a bank account he does all his banking…well that isn’t important. On a bus somewhere out in the Midwest, he was traveling to some God forsaken odd town. It wasn’t a bad town. It was just small. It barely existed...

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Military School Crosdresser

MILITARY SCHOOL CROSSDRESSER By Kresha Matay PART 1 Tim was a sensitive young boy, bright and intelligent, but lacking many of the physical characteristics of Joe, his father. The father had wanted a son who was interested in sports, hunting and fishing just like himself. Unfortunately, through no fault of his own, young Tim couldn't measure up to the desired image. Joe had expected his son to grow up to "be a chip off the old block" and when he didn't, his father felt...

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In Military Service

Chapter One: The SurpriseDaniel was an 18 year old soldier fresh from boot camp. He had been trained for military service with the Atlantic Alliance Army - a major world organization with open military world operations. He was about to be sent out to his first assignment aboard a small ship called the Virginia, stationed off the coast of China in the North Pacific. The A3 consisted of personnel from all over Europe, North America, and English influenced international locations such as Japan. He...

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Military NonCon

Being a new recruit definitely did not have its merit. Everyone treated me like a second class citizen and while I didn’t want to admit it, it probably didn’t help that I was 5’2 and Asian. I must've looked like I was easy to push around. To be completely honest, outside of the military I was treated like a pushover. But that’s exactly why I joined- to harden up. Yet I was back at square one. I should've known better, but what's done is done and some part of me hoped that despite my rough...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 17 Militarymdashan Interlude

“Your bed’s a mess, Lingam. Get things straightened.” “What? Give me a break. It’s Saturday.” “No excuse. Everything needs to be in order so we can leave for the week. If Cap comes by for a surprise inspection, I don’t want my leave canceled.” Donnie Defoe stood ramrod straight in his uniform, like he did every morning at 0600. His shoes were shined, his bed was made, his locker was closed. Everything was perfect. His friend and roommate, Richard Lingam, was just the opposite. He’d live...

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Military DelightsChapter 17 Visitors

The Emir was asked by his military advisor, General Mustapha, what was to be done with non-citizens of Tirfil, foreign nationals working there and their families. "How many are there?" he asked. "Dozens of men, some with their wives," he was told. "The men who are on non-military projects do not concern us, turn them and their dependants loose," decided the Emir, "Military advisors can be repatriated compulsorily; their families stay or go with their menfolk. Does that cover all of...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 12

Things had quieted down considerably after the violent confrontations in the wilderness between the combined forces of the Looters and the well-armed survivors of the conflict versus the determined cleansing actions of the military sponsored by the distant government in Washington, D.C. Major Mike hadn't reported back to headquarters for several months and even though Corporal Sandy continued to monitor the radio listening for traffic related to their area they kept their radio silence in...

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Military Madness

It had previously occurred to the army that placing Over 30 what were essentially teenage girls in the custody of army instructors could be an invitation for abuse, and indeed there had been what was referred to as incidents as well as rumors throughout the army of the goings on in the troop blocks of the Army Foundation College. But so long as the girls in all these rumors were willing and the training and recruitment were not affected well the army wasn't going to risk the disruption that any...

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BlazBlue Sexy Intervention

You certainly don't need to know about the BlazBlue universe to read this story. It'll definitely help, though! It's simply an anime set in the future. There's magic, and science, and they use it in unison to survive in what is essentially a post-apocalyptic world. It isn't barren, however, but a good portion of the population did die almost a hundred years ago. All you need to know while reading this is that there's people, and you're going to mess with them. Feel free to "like" your favourite...

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Godly Intervention

Eros sighed. Today was turning out like every other day he'd suffered for aeons. Stuck on Mount Olympus, occasionally shooting an arrow at a nymph for target practice, the minor God was getting sick of the routine. "Mother, can you please tell me why I'm not allowed out in the human world?" Eros asked Aphrodite, a question she'd grown accustomed to hearing. "Because," the goddess of love began, "you can't be trusted out there. Every time we let you out, you mess with natural law and people end...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 7 Intervention

Rachel acted like a cat with a new toy loaded with catnip. She was all over Dave almost from the moment she arrived Wednesday evening for dinner and for ‘her time’ with ‘her lover.’ The obviousness of her possessiveness was not lost on any of the others at the dinner and, in fact, it provoked some subtle laughter behind Rachel’s back since it was undeniably blatant. Dave took her advances in stride, returned a modicum of affection, and did announce that ‘one of the other women’ would be...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 39 Isekai Life Divine Intervention

So, to recap, while I reflect on how massively fucked I was. Katriana, Ashryn, Voss and I were lying on the floor of the arena, bound by Hold Person spells (or whatever stupid name that spell had in this universe). We were all still alive, but for how much longer was anyone’s guess. The only other person still alive in the arena was Mariska, who had taken a hard right into mad religious nutcase territory and never looked back, cackling and capering with joy now that she had managed to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 13 Intervention

May 8, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “How are you, Katy?” I asked when she arrived home. “Depressed. I guess that sounds strange.” “No it doesn’t. You told us before that it wasn’t a cause for celebration. And it’s not. The death of any relationship is hard. How was he?” “Angry and confused, just as he’s been since I first told him about my sexuality.” “Where’s Lauren?” I asked. “Studying. She has finals next week, just as Kara does. I guess Kara’s studying?” “Yes, with her ‘Chemistry...

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Speaking With Your Demons21 A Caring Intervention

“All right, what’s so important that you’re taking me away from my other priorities? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m still mopping up operations. I’m talking to hundreds of curious creatures, fending off the media until I have a better grasp of where we stand, and I’m nervous about leaving that little weasel, Desttr, alone for too long.” “That’s not a very ‘accepting’ statement,” Sweizzr reminded him. “No, but I’m being honest. I still don’t trust the bugger.” Ignoring the distraction,...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 23 Not Even Divine Intervention

The Darwyth Pride rumbled towards Mount Gyru, slowly climbing the easy slopes of the lower elevations on the western face. They could see a massive encampment just below them boiling with men and horses and elph-tor, all slowly streaming up the northern face of the mountain and curving westward to meet him and his companion's Pride. The cloudy sky over head was roiling in the gloomy dusk of the Netherland winter and even though night was not far behind, the sky was strangely luminous. Where...

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Second ChancesChapter 2 Intervention

I placed the gun to my head ready to pull the trigger and bring down the final curtain on my life. It took me the better part of an hour to muster up the courage to do the final act. I put my finger on the trigger and gradually squeezed. I heard the mechanism of the gun working as the pressure on the hammer spring was released. I then heard the hammer come down striking the primer cap of the 38 caliber shell in the cylinder. I had my eyes closed, resigned to meeting my maker and just waiting...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 95 Sexual Intervention

Greg felt horrible. It was the worst feeling in the whole world, knowing that he had just seduced his own daughter. That wasn't something that happened in real life; it only happened in the news, to people that he didn't know. But he had just become one of those monsters. Brit's reaction was completely opposite. "Oh thank you, Daddy!" Brit whispered in his ear, hugging him to her. "You've made me so happy." "Happy?" he mumbled, astonished. "I've seen the way you kept stealing...

1 year ago
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Compassionate Rachel part 5 Aprils intervention

Angry and horny would be the words I would describe April at that very moment. I could tell she didn’t know about Becky and for that I was very glad. It was however obvious in this very awkward moment that she know about Rachel and myself. I quickly grabbed my clothes putting them back on, slightly embarrassed from April’s presence. “And how do you suppose we work this out?” April asked softening her tone. “Well,” Rachel hesitated thinking ‘what could I possibly offer her?’ Just then April...

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Kiara Joins the Military Chapter 3

He was red faced and breathing heavily. He had a surprised expression on his face and Kiara wondered why. As she did so she felt a bead of juice run down the inside of her leg. Maybe she wasn't supposed to be so turned on by the spanking she'd received. They made eye contact. She was was still breathing deeply and gulped, composing herself. Slowly, she slipped off her shorts and flip flops. Sitting back on the edge of his desk slightly she spread her legs a little, an invitation. Or perhaps...

1 year ago
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Jinx and the Military girl

A light rain falls from the sky in the college town of Denton, Texas. Black canvas high-tops splash through shallow puddles on Locust St. as a light rain falls at a slant. A black haired 16-year-old walks down the street, his hair a few inches short of shoulder length. He wears a pair of faded blue jeans and a faded jean jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow. His hands rest in his coat pocket and he can’t seem to take his deep blue eyes off the side walk. “Huh, I wonder what...

3 years ago
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Military Hospitality

My husband and I were stationed in Italy. He was in the Army and we lived in military housing on the fourth and top floor. There were two apartments on each floor. A new couple had just moved in and after hubby left for work I went down one flight to welcome my new neighbor. Military communities, especially overseas, are very close. Everyone helps one another. I knocked on the door around mid-morning and wondered what she would be like. To my surprise, an extremely well built and nice looking...

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Military Men Wilfred

"Are many of them still waiting?" Nate asked as he removed the small pouch of toiletries from his locker. The communal bathroom at the end of the corridor was shared by around fifty military recruits, all living on the same floor. Those assigned to the bunk right next to it often rushed in first to claim the showers before the others could. "There wasn't anyone when I came out," his bunkmate James replied, scrubbing his hair from across the room. Thank god. It was Nate's cue to head to the...

Gay Male
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The Perks of Military Command Part III

Being in charge of an Army training cadre has it perks. As a company commander, I could pretty much get anything I wanted. The most rewarding aspect, was seeing individuals working together, to form a team and accomplishing things as a group, things they could never accomplish as an individual. Getting through basic training is no easy task. Drill instructors are taught to break a person down, and then to rebuild them they way the Army wants them to be. This is no easy task and my task, as a...

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56. MILITARY MASTERY.Cpl Joe Longfellow and the new intake I stood, waiting with my friend the provost sergeant, a total contrast to the spit and polish merchant next to me the cool welsh wind blowing round us outside the guardroom, as we waited the new arrivals. Me a corporal of 16 years service, dressed in boots, coveralls and a blue beret of the transport corp, a working guy, tucked away here in what would be known as a cushy billet, as far from bullshit as I could get. I was in charge...

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A Visit From The Military

A Visit From The MilitaryThe sound of the doorbell startled her, she was not expecting anybody. He was in his thirties, tall and well built and she knew from his short haircut that he was from the Military. He had a couple of parcels in his hand and he smiled at her as she stood looking blankly at him. “Pete asked me to drop these by.” He said.Pete was her husband and he was currently serving overseas. “Th.....thanks.” She responded as she stretched out a hand.“There is a letter as well; Pete...

3 years ago
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Military Hospitality

My husband and I were stationed in Italy. He was in the Army and we lived in military housing on the fourth and top floor. There were two apartments on each floor. A new couple had just moved in and after hubby left for work I went down one flight to welcome my new neighbor. Military communities, especially overseas, are very close. Everyone helps one another. I knocked on the door around mid-morning and wondered what she would be like. To my surprise, an extremely well built and nice looking...

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