Seeding Hope Among The AshesChapter 21: Military Indoctrination free porn video

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"We're planning on investigating what's left of our military infrastructure when we visit Norfolk, Virginia, on Wednesday. We know they had some operational ships because they used a nuclear submarine in their attack on Washington. Naval warships are sturdy, designed to withstand direct shelling. Hopefully a few small meteorites didn't inflict much damage. Whether there's anyone who still understands how—or enough people to operate—them, we can't determine until we arrive.

If anyone in Norfolk can hear this, either civilian or military, we're looking forward to working with you. The Navy had a lot of resources which would be invaluable now, like atomic power and portable generators. I don't need to tell you, those tools would aid an established community more than a couple individuals. If that group is capable of dealing with the plagues, potential members won't be as fearful.

We're also worried about the number of weapons. If anyone has broken into the Navy's arsenals, we may have a problem, as we aren't prepared for a protracted battle. Let me emphasize, we're not heading there to lay claim to anything. We're establishing self-sustaining communities and providing enough confidence in everyone's safety so they are no longer terrified to join in a recovery effort. If you've already established there, we have no problems with you. But we will have an issue if attacked.

We're especially concerned with violence because our people have been assaulted, and we've lost all trace of Debbie in Raleigh. We're only sending Natalie because we finally heard from Monique in Atlanta. Our signals were blocked by the mountains. Someone topped Stone Mountain to reach us, letting us know that Monique reached both Charlotte and Atlanta and was recovering after treating four people.

If I suspect our people are in any danger, I'll seriously reconsider sending them. I realize we're fighting a war against the Great Death, but I'm not going to risk my people if I can avoid it. If a region is deemed too dangerous, then I'll let everyone in the area die. It's that simple. If you have any say in the matter, or can run interference for Natalie, I suggest you ensure she doesn't come to any harm. Otherwise, you and everyone you know will pay for the misdeeds of a few. Evil succeeds when good men stand idle. We're trying to save lives, not just a handful but the entire human race. We can only accomplish that if we work together. We can't sacrifice the few who can make a difference on a lost cause.

We're also interested in the health of the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic. We're curious whether anything survived. Seagulls, who alerted sailors of the safety of shore, are scavengers. Fish, mammals and invertebrates swim in waters contaminated by diseased carcasses. Water and food are necessary for survival. If any aquatic species remain, we need to know. They can help populate all the waterways which have died off across the world. Realizing the extent of the die-offs will inform us how much of a cataclysmic event this was."

It took Natalie some time to reach Norfolk due to the obstructed and damaged roads. She kept doubling back to locate alternate routes which didn't always lead where she wanted to go. What's more, they were often tree-lined highways, which meant they were often blocked by downed trees—usually pines felled by the plague. With no one else capable of disposing of them without infecting themselves—though a few had tried unsuccessfully—Natalie undertook the task herself. She drove until locating an outdoor supply store, grabbed a chainsaw and supplies, and circled back. She chopped up each tree and swept up the diseased sawdust. She learned a lot, never having used a chainsaw before, but avoided removing any human limbs. She transported the wood to a nearby house where she posted notices warning people not to use the cut-up pine for firewood.

When she reached the Hampton Roads Tunnel, she discovered both directions were flooded. Doubling back, she tried the James River Bridge, but there were several sections which had collapsed. Returning again, she investigated the Monitor Merrimac Bridge Tunnel, where she encountered an Aircraft Carrier lodged midway through it. It had broken free—or drifted after everyone aboard died—and collided with the bridge. With all three bridges out, there was no way to reach Norfolk by driving. She needed to find another means of carrying her supplies and powering her equipment, including her radio for communicating with home.

The nearby Hampton Roads Port at the base of the tunnel housed several larger shipping and military craft. However, they were too large for one person to handle and most were heavily damaged. On the east side of the bridge, there was a small sheltered port for smaller boats. Yet, most of those craft had sunk or been used to sail elsewhere. Natalie drove up Newport News Creek, which was more sheltered, but those boats weren't in any better shape. The Newport News Port had several oil tanks for refilling ships. Apparently a meteor from the initial storm punctured one and caused the entire area to burn. Most of the boats docked across the Route 664 Hampton Roads Beltway had melted.

Newport News Shipbuilding had several small piers for boats, but they were too large to maneuver or suffered extensive damage. However, she'd noted smaller marinas near each of the other tunnels. The James River was too wide for a novice to sail on her own. She returned to where she started, the Rt. 64 Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. She'd noticed a small marina across from the bridge in Fort Monroe. If that one didn't work out, she knew the various rivers in the region housed several small marinas of their own.

Luckily, several boats moored at Old Point Comfort Marina were still sea worthy. Natalie selected the easiest to master and transferred all of her supplies. She used her battery-powered pump to fill the tank, which relieved her of learning to sail to the other side of Hampton Bay.

Motoring out of the marina was interesting. As she expected, the water was littered with carcasses: fish, sharks, birds and humans. Since she couldn't steer and shift the dead out of the way, she plowed through them. She ran over several, which threatened to jam the boat's propellers. She was forced to stop, lift the motors and clean the debris with her hands; a messy and grizzly job.

While maneuvering past the dead creatures, she drifted quite a bit. Each time she tried to recover and head back the way she wanted, the propellers would clog again. It was late evening before she entered the navy base's shipyards. She noted a smaller seawall to the side and motored into the Naval Sailing Center and Marina by the Naval Base Golf Course.

It was late when she finally moored her craft to the dock and crashed in the stateroom. It was so small and cramped it could hardly be called such. She fell asleep immediately, exhausted by her long struggles. She didn't manage to sleep for long.

The loud crash of the cabin's door being kicked open rudely awakened her. "Don't move!" a male voice shouted as a bright light shone in her face. Blocking it with her arm, she rolled out of bed but another figure intercepted her.

"Try to stand and you're dead!"

"Excuse me, I—"

"We don't care, Ma'am. Keep your hands up until we can search you and the ship."

"We don't take kindly to civilians entering a military facility."

"There are no more military facilities," Natalie reminded him. She tried to study the men, but the stark contrast between the light in her eyes and the dark cabin prevented her from seeing anything.

The first sailor studied her and the other checked out her supplies. "You're a little young to be doing this type o' shit, ain't ya?" Shifting so one figure blocked the light; Natalie could see the men better. They still wore their navy khakis, though their hair had grown out. One had streaked blond hair, while the other was black and sported an afro. The black sailor yanked her bags from under her cot and prepared to unzip her duffle bag.

"You need to be careful. They're medical supplies. If you puncture the IV bags, I may not be able to treat you if you touch anything I handled."

The man jumped back two feet, throwing his hands up. "You have the plague?" The blond by the door backed up as well.

Natalie sighed, knowing she had to go through this. She preferred revealing it under different circumstances. "I've suffered from each of them, all nine Great Death plagues. As such I'm immune, but I'm also a carrier."

"In that case, you better get the hell out of here." The blond pointing his gun at her seemed to be in charge, as he set the tone for how the two men responded. "There aren't many of us here, and most of us haven't been exposed to the plague yet."

"You expect me to navigate the bay, with all the bodies floating in it, in the middle of the night?"

"You've got electricity and lights. That's what alerted us when you arrived. You should be fine."

"Thanks, but I barely managed to make it here. Besides, I don't think you want to chase me away." Natalie waved her hands. "Can I lower my hands now, I'm not about to make a break for it while you've got me covered."

"Keep your damned hands up," the blond insisted, standing by the cabin door.

"Any reason we should care whether you live or die?" the second sailor asked.

Unable to lower her hands, Natalie instead used them to accent her speech. "Because I possess the cure to the plagues. I'm here to treat enough people for you to build a working community. Once I do, anyone nearby can come for treatment if they become infected. You'll need a separate group here if you hope to last, and that security will draw people. In case you haven't noticed yet, it's going to be a rough winter. Military barracks aren't known for being well constructed or insulated. Living on a metal ship in the middle of a blizzard won't be much more comfortable. You'll have to relocate to civilian housing if you expect to survive the coming winter."

The first sailor was about to object when he tilted his head, her words striking home. "Wait, you said 'cure'?"

"I did. We've been treating it for some time. We've been visiting various cities, setting up regional treatment centers. We've lost a few people, but most survive. By the way, you didn't touch anything on the way in, like the wheel I used to steer with, did you?" When the two men shot nervous glances at each other she shrugged and lowered her hands, convinced they wouldn't risk shooting her. "If you did, you may have been infected. I wasn't exactly expecting company, so I didn't scrub everything I touched. This area is extremely humid, so the cells which transmit the plagues can't dry out. If they aren't sterilized, they'll remain active indefinitely. You might want to consider a drier locale if you want to avoid the Great Death. Even with the treatment, it's not something to undergo lightly."

"We ... we touched the railing when we came aboard."

"Alas, I'm not sure which areas I handled. I was hoping to select the best candidates based on how many they can treat once they recover. If you're infected, hopefully you're a more common blood type."

"I'm O negative," the leader told her.

Natalie sighed. "That's not ideal. It means you're a poor choice for treatment. Since there are no antibodies in your red blood cells, they're concentrated in your plasma, which is how we perform the treatments. If infected, we'll have to decide whether we can save more people by treating you or simply letting you die."

"I ... I don't even know what the hell I am," the other man confessed.

His friend stared at him. "It's on your dog tag, idiot."

The man didn't stop to argue, ripping his shirt open and yanking his dog tags over his head. "I'm A positive. Is that good?"

"It's not ideal, but it's about as good as we could hope. That means you can treat one out of every three people, which is a decent amount. Positive and negative doesn't matter with plasma."

"So you can treat me?"

"Yeah, unless it's between you and someone who's AB. They can treat anyone, and thus can donate plasma for whoever who needs it, either here or for the surrounding communities. But let's not ... get ahead of ourselves. You might not even be ... infected." Natalie couldn't keep from yawning, but the two men were too busy staring at each other to watch what she was doing. "I don't suspect I can finish my nap? I've been working all day reaching here. If I'm going to explain what's involved, I'd prefer to be thinking clearly."

"We'll have to let the Commander decide how to handle this. If we leave you alone, you could do anything you wanted and if we arrest you ... well, you may not be as likely to treat us if we get sick."

Natalie cocked her head at the foibles of nature. "So an actual ship's Commander survived?"

"Well, no. We were getting into scrabbles over who was in charge, so we got together and voted who to promote. There was a Lieutenant Charles Bennet, so he's now Commander Bennet."

"And who are you? I'm Natalie."

"I'm Frankie Sanders, Ma'am," the blond replied, nodding to Natalie, signaling they were already thinking of her differently. They were no longer here to arrest her, instead treating her deferentially. Frankie stood a little taller. "I'm a Petty Officer, Third Class," he announced, showing the rank must have been post-breakdown as well.

"I'm Sammy Taylor, Seaman, Ma'am."

"That's good to know, but could we skip the Ma'am business. I'm a little young for anyone to call me Ma'am. You make me feel like an old lady. You two are almost old enough to be my Dad."

Rather than being offended, they both broke into smiles. "Sorry, even though we may swear like ... sailors, the Navy continually drills respect for ladies, so until you earn a ranking, you're stuck with 'Ma'am', Ma'am."

Natalie shrugged, tossing her sheet off and getting up. "Guess it can't be helped then. Let me get my stuff together. If I leave my gear here, will it remain secure? And by that, I mean do I have to scrub everything down so someone won't go through the boat examining anything which isn't nailed down?"

Frankie laughed. "Aside from one Navy wife, you're the first person to enter the base since the big die-off. We run a pretty tight operations here, although as you can imagine, we're a bit short staffed."

"What about my weapons? I normally carry a few because the world became a dangerous place of late."

"We'll safeguard them for you, keeping them secure until you leave. While you're here, you'll remain safe enough."

Sammy arched his eyebrow. "Unless you're selling us a line of bull."

"What weapons do you have, Ma'am?" Frankie asked, ignoring Sammy's implied threat.

Natalie pointed out where she stored them, and extracted extra gloves for the sailors to use to remove and examine them.

Sammy glanced at her rifle with a skeptical expression. "An M16? That's an antique. Where did you pick that up? A Vietnam Memorial?"

"No, our group defended a National Guard Armory when it was attacked. Needless to say, we never met anyone to turn over what we recovered."

"That explains it. Still, you've kept it in excellent service. Can you fire it?"

"I've had some terrific training, though I haven't had as long to practice as most of my people. I was a ... late addition."

"I'll tell you what, when you're ready to leave, I'll give you one of our more modern M4s. They're more dependable and more reliable at stopping someone." He paused, flashing her his best smile. "A delicate flower like you shouldn't be using such an old relic."

Sammy smiled. "We've always respected women who can take care of themselves."

Natalie halted her preparations and examined both men. "Am I going to have a problem here? Let's face it: you men have been doing without for a long time. Approaching me too closely means death, but that doesn't guarantee someone won't get stupid."

Frankie considered Sammy for a moment before answering. "We've spent longer at sea than the world has been shut down, so we haven't been doing without for long. However, I've got to admit the military has a long history of sexual abuses. Hell, rape of service personal by our own people is a long-standing problem the brass was never able to address. But I'll guarantee this, if everything you say is true, I'll make it my personal duty to ensure that no one tries anything."

"That wasn't the question," Natalie reminded him, pulling out her bag of medical supplies and stowing it under her arm. "I wasn't asking to be protected. If the Navy can't protect its own sailors from sexual abuse by their superiors, I can't imagine you can watch me twenty-four/seven."

Frankie shrugged. "Human nature is what it is. The service attracts some pretty aggressive and assertive people. We have enough stupidity to go around. So no, I can't guarantee some idiot won't try something."

"In that case, can you at least give me my knife back? If I'm attacked, I'd prefer to make them stop and think before it's over."

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Chapter 21: Military Indoctrination Videos

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Jessica awoke at 6:30 am to the sound of her alarm clock beeping. She lazily slammed her finger down upon the off button. She pulled off the covers and slowly got out of bed. Today was her second day at her new job. The first day was just a show around the office, but today was different. Today was the day it REALLY begain. Jessica was excited, despite her groggy body language saying otherwise. She cleaned herself up and got ready for work. She let her long, wavy, dark brown hair down and it...

Mind Control
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website without obtaining the author's permission...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 02 Indoctrination

Everything changed the following week. She came inside in another slutty little outfit ready to tease and send Mr. Michaels off to his game as usual, but he did not look happy to see her. He told her to come in and sit down on the couch. Billy was nowhere to be seen. She could even see that Max had been put outside onto the deck and waited at the glass doors. She sat down suddenly nervous and asked, “What’s wrong?” He stared daggers into her for what felt like minutes without responding...

4 years ago
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Queens Four of a KindChapter 9 Indoctrination

Sunday Night Narrative Pam, Abbey and Trish arrive in one car to Maggie's house. The three women can be seen approaching the house with their heads down and very quiet. They wear knee length coats despite the warm weather. Pam goes to knock on the door when Maggie opens it up from the inside. "Is Randy still here?" she asks. "No, I dropped him off at the movies," Maggie answers. "He has been dying to see some of the summer flicks so I bought him and his friends Joe, Rob, and Jake...

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Military Bus Driver

So, this is a tricky story to tell. It took place several years ago while I was working as a civilian bus driver for a military base in North Carolina. It was a large one and men and couples were constantly coming and going. I was one of the drivers that would transport them to and from the barracks and the airport, etc. Being parked at one of the barracks a commercial 18 wheeler pulled in beside me and asked if I'd picked up sergeant Brassel yet. It was Sarah, a young female civilian driver...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

4 years ago
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Military DelightsChapter 30 The Army Brothel

For four days she stayed there in solitude, broken only by regular meals brought in by a eunuch, and various visits at random intervals by the Colonel during which he used her mouth, vagina and rectum, and whipped her if she made the slightest mistake in the Arabic commands he gave her. As he was leaving her on the fourth day, her cunt leaking the sticky deposit he had left there, he spoke again to her in English for the first time, "Get clean. Very clean. Now customers come for you. Each...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Swinging in the Military

I took a sip of my water and watched my wife sacrifice her body to dive for a dig in the sand volleyball game. She loved playing volleyball in general and now she was the only girl on the court. Our friend Rich offered her a hand to get up. Sandy really dug Rich, and I had to admit I understood. He stood right at six feet, with curly dirty blond hair, broad shoulders, and washboard abs. Sandy kept his hand and gazed into his eyes just a little too long. Message transmitted, would it be...

Group Sex
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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 8

There was no doubt that the Northern sector which was the scene of the concerted push to clear the coastal areas of Looters and rebellious survivors was moving along quite successfully. Still, the reports from the interior in the high mountain country and even down into the dry desert regions north of the southern border lands were far less encouraging. Major Mike read the detailed reports and statistics from the different sectors a second time still in disbelief and he could see the trend...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 10

Major Mike stood outside the command post looking at the clouds forming overhead with the cool ocean breezes and a hint of rain in the air. The staff meeting had broken up early because the General had a golf date that he was loath to postpone for a mere update on recent developments in his area of operations. Besides, a well-known professional golfer was scheduled to be part of the foursome that would participate in the "charity" event. It was actually to fund alternate sites for their...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 3

After the initial ninety days of cleansing operations, the military units began to fall into a routine of merely cramming as many detainees into abandoned buildings as possible and simply burning it to the ground with them inside where the military men and women of the unit did not have to watch their suffering. Of course, they could still hear the screams even with the ear plugs but it as a whole sight better than the butchery of the first ninety days. The percentages of salvageable females...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 11

The final straw that pushed Major Mike into the long-planned defection was the inspection squad from central headquarters that included the unit of interrogators with no patience for survivor reluctance to betray other pockets of resistance. The inspection group acted like they were in charge of the entire operation even though his band of fighters were distantly detached from the central authority now and he had allowed them free rein more as a courtesy rather than any sense of loyalty to...

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Little Village Girl the Military series

0 Little Village Girl & the Military series Part 1:?Her pain & pleasure (*a cyber-story exchange with ?MD?) Synopsis of story:? This is the first part of a series of stories that have come out of my fascination with humiliation, bondage, rape and the military.? This series revolves around what a bunch of military men would do when confronted with a helpless female (either a civilian or enemy troop).? In this first of 3 parts, Little Village Girl went on a date with a dashing Marine...

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The Perks of Military Command Part IV

Being a military commander in a training cadre had its perks. My next assignment was in a Support Command unit at a military base in Texas. I was assigned responsibilities as an Operations Staff Officer in a rather large combat support battalion. We had engineers, mobile service stations, medical units, supply units, payroll processing and military police units, all a part of our broad and over-reaching scope of operations to take care of the soldier. While combat units, by tradition, are...

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The Military Guy

I found myself a widow and young mother at only nineteen. I had always been attractive and knew I wouldn't have issues moving on, but never felt it would be right. That changed unexpectedly in one chance meeting. At twenty-one I was happy, but deep down felt that I needed to find a guy to please me. Before my first husband swept me off, I always saw myself with a man in the military; I loved the uniform. Maybe that's why I had agreed to go on a date with my dad's friend, nothing serious, he...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 12

Things had quieted down considerably after the violent confrontations in the wilderness between the combined forces of the Looters and the well-armed survivors of the conflict versus the determined cleansing actions of the military sponsored by the distant government in Washington, D.C. Major Mike hadn't reported back to headquarters for several months and even though Corporal Sandy continued to monitor the radio listening for traffic related to their area they kept their radio silence in...

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Military training with the big bar maid Chapter 2

As mentioned before, Gerda worked at the cozy bar across the street from our army barracks in a small town in Southern Germany, where I was doing my basic training. Almost six feet tall, she was a very big Bavarian girl in her mid twenties. Her voluptous breasts and her beautiful butt were probably the reason why she got employed at this place frequented mainly by soldiers.We started talking at the bar where she was serving drinks, and she invited me one night to go dancing. We both got very...

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the military man

hello again, i only post true stories. YES i am a lucky bitch with nice adventures;)if you have read my story before that was my 1st experience with cock, you would know that i am now a cock whore bitch who worships big cocks. this story is not related to the one before.i was on my way to my parents summer house in the mountains, when i spotted a military man waiting for a cab or something. like most of the bottom bitches i have a tender horny spot towards military men, so i took advantage of...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Military Bound

True hot time told to me by a friend.One Saturday our friends had come over for a BBQ. They had brought with them, her younger brother Larry and his buddy Pete who were both military bound. The boys had recently graduated High School and were going to basic in 2 days. They were squared away boys, athletic body, and prototypical soldier. They said they were trying to have as much fun as they could before they had to leave. My wife jokingly commented that the boys must be getting laid quite a lot...

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Former Military Officers

It has been at least four years since he’s left the army. He was a policeman, a military one at that, but now that he’s out he has established himself as something of a nomad. He travels around. He has nothing he knows about that’s in his name. He owns no home or car and although he has a bank account he does all his banking…well that isn’t important. On a bus somewhere out in the Midwest, he was traveling to some God forsaken odd town. It wasn’t a bad town. It was just small. It barely existed...

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Military School Crosdresser

MILITARY SCHOOL CROSSDRESSER By Kresha Matay PART 1 Tim was a sensitive young boy, bright and intelligent, but lacking many of the physical characteristics of Joe, his father. The father had wanted a son who was interested in sports, hunting and fishing just like himself. Unfortunately, through no fault of his own, young Tim couldn't measure up to the desired image. Joe had expected his son to grow up to "be a chip off the old block" and when he didn't, his father felt...

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In Military Service

Chapter One: The SurpriseDaniel was an 18 year old soldier fresh from boot camp. He had been trained for military service with the Atlantic Alliance Army - a major world organization with open military world operations. He was about to be sent out to his first assignment aboard a small ship called the Virginia, stationed off the coast of China in the North Pacific. The A3 consisted of personnel from all over Europe, North America, and English influenced international locations such as Japan. He...

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