Military Wife free porn video

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Military Wife part One

"P-please, Dee..." the older man, said, pleading with Dee, hiseyes brimming with tears. Simone and Sheila stared at the tube around GeneralVidalia's quivering,  horribly erect penis. "So he can't gopee-pee until you tell him he can, eh, Deirdre?" Simone asked, chuckling. "Well,Norb has a real authority problem, Simone" Dee said, her eyes sparkling. "Fora man who is in charge of 400,000 soldiers at seven Army bases, he really knowsquite little about obeying orders. He hasn't been allowed to pee for seventeenhours, and I think I may make him hold it in for another day if he keeps gettingon my nerves."

The ladies could see that the grizzled military veteran was having one helluvatime holding his legs together, pushing his knees in contraction with eachother so he wouldn't go against his will, like a recently potty-trained kindergartnerawaiting the bell. The general kept biting his lip and moving his knees togetherand Dee occasionally would reach over and flick his right thigh with her longnail,and he would bounce and grit once again. "You see, there's a catheterin the cock tube he's wearing" Dee said amusedly. So he can't really peenow, but I have him trained so well that if he doesn't have the tube on, hecan also hold it, usually. The last time he fucked up, I made our merry soldierdrink up an entire bucket of his urine, my urine and that of our dogs." Deemotioned languidly at the two Doberman Pinschers dozing near the fireplace.

"I have to meet with Major Thundersley...I have much preparation todo, Dee, please, oh please let me urinate and wash up, this has been just miserable.

Dee turned to her friends, as if ignoring  the General, who looked completelymiserable. "Can you listen to him beg, isn't it revolting?" Dee breathedin and then repeated in a pathetic falsetto "I must meet with Major Thundersley...Ihave much preparation to do..." Then Dee did the "I'm gagged" motionwith her forefinger down her throat, and the other two women laughed. Dee motionedto General Vidalia, who shuffled miserably over to her. "Hands behindyour back dear...". Dee unlocked General Vidalia's cock lock, revealinga bloated penis. "Darling, I am going to play with your peeper a littlebit, but if you either cum, which I know you're dying to do, or let even onedrop of urine fall on my fingers, it'll be a bad day for a certain Fort DixGeneral, do you understand?" General Vidalia nodded miserably.

General Norbert Vidalia stared down, biting his lip for the millionth timethat day as his wife stroked a long, pale pink fingernail across the tip ofhis engorged cock. Despite the intense pain in his kidneys from the backedup urine, Norb had to admit that Dee was still quite as beautiful as she'dbeen when he'd married her a quarter century ago. He watched with parched lipsas her cleavage heaved in the tight bustier top, and heard Mistress Simonechuckle. God Damn Simone! She had been another one who'd hung out at the S&MClub where he'd met Dee that first night.

Norb had to resist letting go, he was on the verge of peeing, and God, didhis kidneys hurt from holding back pee for nearly a day and a half. Dee pulledhis foreskin, and  a tiny droplet of urine came out, falling on her boot.Dee immediately arose, and picked up a cane. "Do you like this, girls?" sheasked as she held up the ivory cane with the silver dog's head "Norb got thisfor me in Argentina, it's an antique. This fantastic early twentieth centuryArgentine four-part suitcase cane with ivory extensions measuring 36-1/4 inchesoverall when in cane mode. However, the cane also doubles as a riding whipwhen the ivory extensions are removed and the leather whip is screwed in."

Dee laughed as Norbert shivered, remembering the times the leather whip,screwed in, had lashed his back, buttocks, penis and balls severely.  Deewent on. "It's also called a "flick stick.The flick stick "flicks" outwith a sudden downward thrust of the cane head when the hardwood shaft is heldat the middle. Watch me flick it on the General's penis for allowing urineto leak out of his bad little wee-wee! And remember, Norbert, if you let anyurine come out during the whipping, it will go even worse for you."

Norb nodded miserably. Dee lifted the cane, "flicking" it repeatedly acrossNorb's suffering shaft. WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK! Norb screamed as thecane came down repeatedly on his poor penis, but his military bearing didn'tquiver, he kept his hands behind his back and did not fall!

WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Some more urine came out of the penis, and Dee, enraged,began whacking Norb's penis harder "Goddamit, I said no pee can come out." "Ican't help it, Mistress Deirdre!" Norbert screamed, and held his urine as besthe could. Finally, Dee noticed that despite the caning, Norb was releasingno more pee. Norb held still, his tongue between his teeth as Mistress Dierdrecontinued the cruel caning. Finally she tossed the cane down and resumed hergentler attentions on his bruised cock, "Poor baby…"crooned Dee as hernails played across the penises welted surface. "But you'll learn, darling."

Norb nodded, trying desperately not to release any more urine. He grittedhis teeth as her pretty nails pulled and scraped his cock. It had been so longsince he'd cum, nearly four months, and of course he hadn't peed since eighto'clock the night before!

Dee smiled as she continued playing her long nails across Norb's cock. "Areyou regretting all those Michelobs you had last night at the Club yet, dearest?" Norbnodded unhappily. What a mistake that had been!

 Dee had been enraged when Norb had admitted having had a few beerswith Colonel Metcalfe and Major Compton at the Officer's Club earlier in theevening, and she'd caned him severely on his nipples, and then ordered himto the basement. "You like chugging those beers, hon? When you were expectedhome to polish the silver in your little French maid's outfit?" Dee had screamedthis. "Get downstairs!" "But darling"begged Norbert, "It's one Friday nighta month we get together, just to joke about and talk about our troops, andmaybe the Dallas Cowboys—" Dee had kicked him violently down the stairs,she'd been so angry. "You are expected here every night at five-thirty, noexcuses!" she'd screamed. "Strip and get down those fucking stairs, you littleweiner!"

Dee had then bound Norb to the wall of their basement dungeon and removedthe cock chastity tube he was forced to wear daily, putting a plastic hosebetween Norb's cock and  his mouth. Normally, Norbert was not allowedto pee without his wife's permission, which meant he had to drive home fromwork at noon to get her to undo his evil tube that prevented unauthorized urinationAND masturbation, and sometimes it was tricky if Dee was out shopping whenNorb got there and he had to cower, holding his kidneys on the front porchuntil she got  home and unlocked him.

 "I forgot again dear" was her usual excuse..and then once or twiceshe was in bed with one of her lovers, and refused to let him in…butlast night he'd gotten in, and gotten Dee to unlock him to pee before he'dtold her where he'd been. "And if I'd known, you would have had to keep allthe pee in you from noon on, including all those beers!"she'd screamed. "Butthere's still more beer processing in your gut, and you'll need to pee badlybefore midnight!"

Dee had adjusted the plastic tube into Norb's mouth, and then challengedhim to hold his water til the next day. Norb had been bound upside down, thetube in the mask on his face, from eight-thirty that evening, no television,nothing…and he had to stay there, holding his miserable bladder.

 The one time Norb had let loose and peed a few drops, around two inthe morning, the little bit of horribly stinging, beer tinged urine that hadhit his lips and gone down his throat, almost destroying his taste buds fora week had convinced him to continue the awful self-control.

But it was a lesson to General Norbert Vidalia, Mistress Deirdre had longforbidden him to hang out at the manly Officer's Club. "Your duty is to Mommieafter you have left the office at five o'clock. Quaffinga few with the boysis a privilege of real men, and after all I've slept with all your so-calledfriends, including Metcalfe and Compton, so why drink and play darts with them,they don't have much respect for you anyway, dear."

Often Dee would give Norbert a vicious beating for being late after fivethirty, ten strokes for the first minute, and one for every minute afterwards…oncehe'd gotten in at five-forty-five, and nearly died from twenty-five lashesfrom Dee's  whip-cane!

As Dee giggled and talked with the other two women, Norb tried to rememberwhen he'd become such a lowly slave-boy. Certainly this had started becausehe'd gone in search of a dominating woman, and Dee had been wonderfully satisfying..buta bit more than he bargained for. As Norb played through his memories for theearly days with his evil wife...when she was just a girl, Dee was also tellingSheila and Simone her version of what had happened over the past was the tale of


"Oh yes, ma'am" the Gypsy said to Dee, standing over his table of leatherworkat the market, what Dee would have called a flea market in her own country.But this was a marketplace in Bamberg, Germany, right near her husband's Armybase. "You'll like this razor strop, I've sold many to barbers. You must bea beautician, right?" Dee said nothing, and the Gypsy went on. "This genuineleather razor sharpening belt is like the ones you've seen in old fashionedbarber shops." Dee grinned at him. She knew where she'd seen razor strops likethat before. In Daddy's house. She really enjoyed listening to the Gypsy, thoughshe'd already decided to buy the strop. For one thing, he was one of the fewnon-military personnel she'd met in Bamberg who spoke good English.

And what a strop this belt was. Dee weighed the strop in her hands and examinedit carefully. It looked fairly durable. It was two feet long with a brass loop,quite heavy, looked like it could do some damage, eh? She tried to listen tothe English-speaking Gypsy as he went on. "The leather and canvas combo isgreat for sharpening razors."  The Gypsy smiled, seeing the enthusiasmin the young girl's eyes. Dee was thinking of her young husband's gluteal musclesshaking as his butt would withstand blows from this vicious leather monster.Dee smiled again, running her tongue across her teeth. Her breasts heaved inthe halter top, and the Gypsy gasped through his pitch.

As Dee looked at the strop, she thought about what a stropping felt like.She'd gotten one at least once a week for years.  The Gypsy continued. "Barberslike to use this strop to put a final finish on beautician shears, you know." That'snot all they use them for, Dee thought, remembering her Presbyterian ministerfather, enraged because his willful cheerleader daughter couldn't rememberthe text of his sermon one Sunday, yanking down the sixteen year old's pantiesand pulling up her miniskirt, throwing the screaming young Deirdre across ahassock and whaling her tender vanilla cheeks, telling the girl the Devil possessedher. But the Rev was surprised that Dee had taken it that well, not knowingthat the girl was already too familiar with the strop because she'd gottenit as well from her older brother, Robert.

Robert had been very upset when their mother had left their father to jointhe Sixties revolution in San Francisco, and he'd impressed on his little sisterthat girls were whoring little things and he wasn't going to let Dee becomethat. Five years Dee's senior, Robert had begun taking her over his knee withbared bottom starting in junior high school, every Saturday night. He'd startedwith his bare hand, and as she'd grown into womanhood, he'd moved on to usinga hairbrush, then a discarded riding quirt from the stables where he worked,and finally Daddy's Razor Strop.

But when Robert whipped Dee, it was different from Daddy's whippings, Deehad quite often had an orgasm, her pussy grinding against his legs as she'dbounced around on his lap, her faded jeans and pink panties bunched up aroundher thighs in her junior and senior years of high school…Dee had lefthome right after graduation, but she'd returned for Christmas, just once, andboth Daddy and Robert had once again taken her over their knees…andthe strop was a bitch!

Now, listening to the Gypsy, Dee wondered what the strop would feel likeon Norbert's tender buttocks, he was such a baby.

 As Dee thought of Norb screaming under the lashes of the strop, shesmiled, and a handsome young German, examining antique sunglasses and Americanrock albums from the 50's caught the white teeth of the pretty brunette andhe smiled back at her. Enjoying the attention, Dee grinned, and tried to focuson what the Gypsy was babbling about. Jesus, listening to the old bastard goingon, trying to sell me this strop that I already decided to buy twenty minutesago.

 "The strop can even be used to touch up shears between sharpening." TheGypsy was saying, and Dee guessed he still thought she was some sort of barber.The Gypsy himself was wondering why the girl had no questions, and also curiousabout how much he could get from the girl for the old belt.

"This budget priced strop was made by my cousin in Pakistan of smooth tannedleather. The top silver buckle  is removable. Are you a beautician, mydear?" Dee shook her head, wielding the belt, "But I think I'll take it, ifit isn't too much."

The Gypsy considered, looking at the girl's nice clothes. She was marriedto one of the Army officers, and all those bastards had money. "Fifty marks" theGypsy said. "It is killing me to give you this strop for so little,but I ama generous man." Dee laughed, deep in her throat.

 "I think not, for this rag of leather?  I'd say more like tenmarks, fifty pfennings."  The Gypsy's face took on an appearance of sorrowfulinsult, as Dee knew he would. "You are a most insensitive young lady."

 The Gypsy said. "My cousin made this belt with his own hands. Fortymarks." Dee's eyes glittered. She'd seen the "MADE IN JAPAN" label on the sideof the belt, and this Gypsy idiot was getting on her nerves. Ah yes. She knewwhat to do. "I don't know if I can use it, you know?"

Dee pretended to falter. "I'm not a hairdresser at all. This isn't for sharpeningrazors, This strop is for another purpose." Dee took the old Gypsy's arm, lookingsoulfully in his eyes. "Can I discuss it with you in private?" The old man'seyes widened "In private?" Dee looked at the ground, appearing to demur, whileher heart raced. "I have to decide whether I can use the belt for why I boughtit….you can help. If it's good enough for what I want, I'll give youforty marks for it."

The Gypsy stared at little Dee with his beady, lustful eyes. What did thiswoman want? What an opportunity to pull her in his caravan and find out! TheGypsy had had many rich white women in the caravan, and had screwed a couple,and raped a few more…but the group of Gypsies always moved on beforethere was any retribution.

 The old dark man gazed at Dee's nubile breasts,, the curly tufts ofher hair touching her shoulders, and stared at her full lips especially, imaginingforcing her to take his penis in his mouth, like he'd forcibly skull-fuckedthat thirteen year old  girl in Frankfort. What can I get out ofthis, he thought. It's usually such work to seduce them into the caravan, Ihave to lie and say I have jewelry to sell! Could I rape her and take her wallettoo?

The Gypsy motioned a young Gypsy boy over to the table. "Aram!" he said roughly. "Iam taking this lady over to the caravan and I want you to watch the table." Deewatched the boy, aged about fifteen argue with his uncle. "Uncle, youshouldn't take the lady in the caravan. It's wrong, please don't--" Deewinced as the old man's fist crashed across Aram's cheek, and the boy fell,and then the old man viciously kicked him. "Shut your mouth! Watch thegoddamn table!"

Aram, knowing he would pay for this later, turned to the girl. "Miss,don't go in there with my Uncle Osh. He's dangerous he--" The old manlunged at Aram again,but Dee delicately stepped in the way, and the old manturned servile again. "Down boy" she said to Uncle Osh. Turning toAram, she smiled. "Don't worry, I just need to see how this strop works,and have a talk with your uncle.  I'm sure it's all right." Thenshe whispered. "And if it isn't, from ages seven to sixteen I studiedjujitsu, capiche?" Aram nodded.

Aram stood at the table, watching his uncle Osh go with the striking darkhaired lady into the wheeled caravan. He saw her gaily waving the razor stropas they went. The door closed. A moment later, Aram heard Uncle Osh howling,then there was a crash, as if someone had hit the wall of the caravan. Anda lashing sound WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK

Aram listened to the screams,and then saw Uncle Osh open the caravan dooras if to escape, but a small manicured hand pulled him back into the cart,and the door shut and there was more whacking and Osh's screams. Aram thoughtof rescuing his uncle, but remembered years of beatings and abuse, and consideredmaybe this was good for Uncle Osh's empathy.

Finally, Uncle Osh fell out of the door of the caravan, and seemed to bepulling up his pants. It appeared to the astonished Aram that there were redstreaks on Uncle Osh's buttocks.

 Panting, he said to the young lady who followed, "Just take the beltand go! You have it free!" Aram was shocked. Uncle Osh never gave away anythingfor free. Shit, he charged Aram to buy his school clothes….this wasquite unusual. The girl trotted over to Aram, swinging her strop and gavehim a deep soul kiss. "You've been so helpful." she crooned. "Here'sforty marks just for you!"  Stuffing the bills in the astonishedboy's pants pocket, Dee kissed him again and trotted off to show Norb her new "toy"

 Second Lieutenant Norbert Vidalia looked up from his table in the pubas his beautiful young wife came in. "Norb, how are you honey?" Deesmiled and gave him a deep smooch. "I'm great, what have you been up to,Dee? You've not been to the marketplace have you?

Those Gypsies are hell on ripping innocent young women off." Norb supresseda smile as he said this, knowing Dee wasn't all that innocent.

"No, baby. the Gypsies are incredibly decent if they get to know you." Deesmiled. She held up a paper bag. "Look what I got!"  Dee pulledout a leather strop and showed it to Norb. "This is part of your fantasies,right?

Don't you like it? It'll be great when we 'play' you know?" Norb's dickhardened as he saw the strap, and he looked at his beautiful new wife. God,she's so sexy, and she really wants to do this stuff with me!

After Dee and Norbert had discussed his passion for S/M while he was stillan undegraduate at West Point, she had tried to instill some of the disciplinarytheories in urging him through his studies.

Norb, a prep-school pothead who had been bribed with a Maserati XL by anuncle to apply to West Point had not had much going for him as acadet when he'd met Dee. Norb had been failing History of Middle EasternWarfare and Military Communications until she'd taken Norb in hand, quizzinghim on a variety of test answers, and lashing his loins with razor wire ifit seemed that he wasn't paying attention.

A slacker of the first order who'd spent a great deal of drillingtime slurping Buds in front of the tube, Norbert had begun running and exercising,to avoid the pain of Dee's cane!

Norbert was always required to bring his college tests and quizzes to Deirdre,and if he got 90 points or more, which was an A, she'd screw him, 80-89 gothim a nice blowjob...and  anything under this resulted in a vicious hairbrushspanking, his pressed West Point uniform pants bunched up around his knees  aspoor Norbert would quiver over Dee's lap and the brush would land...endlessly!

But Norbert adored Dee, and she was very loving to him. She was a helluvagood looking girl, and loved necking and doing neat stuff. His fantasies werebeing fulfilled,and he was now an A student..though he didn't seem to havetime for the poker parties and beer blasts that he'd once done.

Norb ended up making Batallion commander of his regiment after three monthsof dating  Dee and served his senior year as the Regimental PersonnelOfficer for his  college regiment.

 By graduation, with Dee overseeing athletics, and making him do academics,he graduated with honors.

Now, he looked across the table with some trepidation at his beautiful wifeas she played her fingers across the heavy leather of the strop.

"God, it's beautiful" he confessed. "Like in the old movies"

Dee laughed girlishly. "I knew you'd like it. It'll be fun. You-yousaid something about razor strops and how horny you got watching some old moviewhere the kid had to go out to the barn and the mom followed with the strop,right?"

"The woodshed" Norb said dreamily. "She took him out to thewoodshed."

 Norbert, like so many submissive men, had often fantasized about razorstrops...he'd grown up in a "permissive" family, and had never hada spanking in his life until he'd gone to his first dominatrix in his freshmanyear at West Point.

But Norb had seen many, many movies, often G-rated where the fatheror mother took the erring teenager out to the woodshed with the "razorstrop" to give them their "medicine". Of course, the cameradidn't usually go into the shed, you'd just see the child coming out later,sobbing..but Norb could always imagine what had gone on.

As a child he'd been quite obsessed with these old black-and white movies..andonce had gotten quite enthralled during a movie about Winston Churchill. Winstonhad been taken into the headmaster's office when he was a small boy, and beforethe door had closed on him, the audience could see the boy's pants down, hisbare bottom exposed, and a heavy cane touching the bare bottom. It had beena tremendous turn-on, and he'd made his parents take him to see the movie twoor three times.

But presently, he was unsure...but his wife wasn't!

"It'll be really cool, I think" Dee giggled again, and swung the strop awayfrom the table, nearly grazing a busboy. "Bet you'll dance."  Dee pokedNorb's belly with her forefinger and he chuckled, and she kissed his ear, stilltenderly fingering the razor strop. Norb was pleased that Dee was so happy.She had not seemed all that thrilled that they'd been assigned to a Germanmilitary base, away from all their friends. But she was in a cheerful moodnow, and he had to admit, he was rather aroused at the sight of the damn razorstrop himself.

But it was big! Norb was a little frightened, though he'd often jerked offand fantasized about getting a vicious whipping with such a strop. Dee hadalready whipped him with canes, hairbrushes, rubber and wooden paddles, andit had all been a tremendous turn-on,but he'd gotten into the power thing ofnot crying out, and certainly not blubbing or weeping when she'd hit him!

It was just that whole soldier thing, he guessed. He had to prove he wasa man, even if he was her "slave".

And then recently, he'd been breaking down, Dee's canings had been gettingharder—two weeks before, he'd forgotten to pick up her dry cleaning onthe way home from work, and Dee had lashed his bare bottom with a piece ofsoaking, thick rope as he was bent over the bathtub, and on the fifth lash,he'd heard a howl, and yes, it was Norb's own voice. Then, just on Monday,they'd gotten in an argument about the brand of coffee she was buying overthe breakfast table.

Norb had been trying to quit smoking and had been somewhat irritable, andhe'd shouted at Dee, and Dee had responded with a brisk "Don't you raise yourvoice to me young man." Norb's fist had hit the table "Are you kidding? Whothe hell do you think you are, Dee?" Norb had been incredulous, after all wasn'tthis S/M thing just a game? He'd jumped when Dee had grabbed him by the ear,dragging him to the couch

Jerking down his pajama bottoms, Dee had whacked him forty times with a pancakespatula, one of those evil metal ones, and the stinging had been so painful,that Norbert had begun howling once again, he couldn't believe that he'd gottenso wimpy. When she'd let him off her lap, she'd seen slight tears in his eyes.

"You're turning into a crybaby." Dee had said with some satisfaction as hecowered in front of her, his pajama bottoms still crumpled around his ankles. "I'llhave you sobbing yet, my soldier boy. Go stand in the corner for ten minutes,leave your bottoms down. NOW!" And Norb had done so, not even being allowedto leave the corner when the mailman had come by, Dee had flirted with theguy, and he'd felt the mailman's eyes on him…on one hand Norb's shamehad been intense at the thought of another man seeing his naked bottom on display,buthis cock had never been harder, and when Dee had let him up, they'd screwedlike bunny rabbits. But Norb still remembered Dee's desire to make him cry.

 He thought the whole perv thing might be getting out of hand, but asit was, Norb had been obsessed with being a submissive his whole life. He watchedDee  toying with the strap, and remembered how early the slave thing hadcome on him, even before Winston Churchhill movies.

Certainly,  from seventh grade on, Norb had been reading the S/M sectionof magazines like  "Penthouse Variations", sometimes rippingout that section of the magazine as he cowered in the back of the drugstoreat age thirteen and fourteen, for the interest had hit him early....and sneakingthe torn bondage sections of the Variations magazine back home to jerk off...andseveral stories had mentioned the feared "razor strop" Ooooh! Hestared at his beautiful Dee, and wondered if it might not hurt too much...

An Hour Later

 Dee talked animatedly about all sorts of things as they drove home,but Norbert's mind never quite left the  razor strop in the back seat.They got in the house and Dee turned to him.

"I want you to get upstairs, strip off your clothes, and lie on the bed." Norblooked at Dee.

What happened to the giggling and all the kissy-face back at the pub? Shelooked almost venomous now. "We were going to have dinner at the Tomlinson'stonight, babe maybe we should hold off on playing with…" Norb was hesitant,and Dee stepped up quite close to him, so that he could stare right down intoher  heaving, milky white cleavage. "Our dinner plans are my affair, Norbert.I don't want to have to ask you again to get your butt upstairs and strip andlie on the bed. Do I make myself clear?"

Norb stared down at  Dee, his cock stiffening against his zipper. OhGod, what have I created, he thought. They'd started playing very lightly,hell, he'd even spanked her a few times, before he'd finally confessed thathe really wanted to be the slave-boy all the time. But she'd been so gentlewith him until recently. "Are you going now?" Dee asked again, and Norb noddedsheepishly. "Yes ma'am."

Norbert went upstairs, his legs shaking as he mounted each step. He enteredthe bedroom and took off his military uniform and undergarments, folding itneatly and putting it on the bureau, and looked at himself in the full lengthmirror. God was he scared. A razor strop! But he could tell that his erectionwas pulsating, sticking right out there. It seemed as if there might be someprecum at the tip as well. Poor Norb, he was a born pervert. He heard Dee'slight steps on the stairs and lay face down on the bed hurriedly.

Norbert heard the door open  swiftly. "Well, you did as I told you to,that's good." He could smell Dee's perfume, and his cock hardened even more.Norb heard the bag that had held the razor strop crumple and fall into thewastebasket. He looked back over his shoulder and there she was, pacing backand forth, doing little practice swings with the strop. She looked so cute,Dee did, in her tight halter and shorts. Her boobs were almost poking out ofthe halter, but Norbert felt humiliated as always, by the fact that she wasdressed and here he was, naked over a bed.

Norbert had learned that there was going to be more and more of that as timewent on, it seemed. Often, after Dee punished him, if neither was leaving thehouse that evening, she would keep him in a state of nudity, standing in thecorner or kneeling by her couch as she reclined in her sexy outfits.

Dee had also begun going through short phases where she didn't feel likehaving sex with poor Norb, usually just two or three weeks at a time. Sometimesduring these times, she'd tell Norbert that he couldn't touch her at all, andshe'd parade around him in revealing lingerie, and other times he was allowedto perform oral sex on her,but that was all.

Dee always required Norb sleep naked next to her, and he would move closerand try and kiss her, and she'd push his head down, and he'd go down on heruntil she'd orgasmed a number of times, and she'd fall asleep, with her poorhusband frustrated. And then  were the worse times when she wouldn't lethim touch her at all…which was worse? Did she have a boyfriend duringthose periods?

 Norb didn't know, but he'd remembered  one night, after a fewweeks of sexual deprivation, talking to Dee in the kitchen, she'd suggestedhe masturbate to relieve his tension.

"Could-could I do it here, you can watch, and be kind of involved?" Norbhad asked her, and Dee had nodded, smiling that little cat-smile. Norb hadbeen in his bathrobe, and nothing else; he'd removed it right there in theliving room and jerked off in front of Dee, who was kneeling and recliningin her bustier, and quite clearly laughing at him.

 Norb had fumbled with his penis, and jerked slowly, watching Dee'stongue cross her lips as she snickered at him scornfully, and finally he'dcum all over his handkerchief. "Can you get me a glass of water?" Dee had askedhim. "Don't bother to put your bathrobe on, just go get it as is."

And Norb had walked naked to the bathroom and come back with her water, andthe bathrobe had been gone, and he'd knelt by her side as they'd watched thenightly news. This had been happening more and more, though they still hada healthy sex life...but it was when Dee chose, and for any irritation, itseemed that she'd suspend "num-nums" until Norbert was weeping andbegging for sex to resume. He wondered what would happen after the whippingtonight, if they made it to dinner...would there be sex after? Would he bealive to enjoy it? What a whipping!

Now, Norb lay very still as Dee swished the strop back and forth, and yes,his cock was nearly cement-like, he was so excited. "Now we're going to seewhat you're made of , Norbert." Dee said as she walked back and forth behindthe bed, swishing the strap back and forth. "I heard you screaming at somepoor corporal the other day, telling him he needed to be a man or something..let'ssee if you can practice what you preach." Norbert's throat quivered. "Hereyou go, big boy."

WHACK! WHACK! Norbert's soft white ass screamed as the strop fell. Dee lookedexcitedly at the huge red marks on his soft white skin. His buttocks were abubble-butt variety, and she was getting a kick out of this. My God, she'dbeen on the receiving end of the damn thing her whole life, and it was nicebeing able to dish it out a bit. WHACK! Norb's buttocks bounced at the thirdswipe, and Dee thought she could hear a shuddering moan emitting from her unhappyhusband.

Dee lifted the strop again and landed it hard on Norb's left cheek, smiling. "Oooh!" camea sound from the bed, and she realized the strop had gone between her victim'slegs a bit. Did she just hit the poor bastard's balls? Dee was wet with theidea that she was putting  poor Norbert through exquisite torture. Norbwas indeed trying to squeeze his legs together so she couldn't get her strapbetween them, but Dee was thinking…she'd bought another little toy recently,a spreader bar—long wooden pole with cuffs that could keep Norb's anklesseparated if she wanted to whack those nice little nuggets between his legs.

Whenever Dee went over to the base she had to listen ad nauseum to officerstelling her what a tough guy her husband was, how he could go through any battlefieldthey believed, though in this year 1980 there were no battles. She'd seen Norbscreaming at his troops about manhood and toughness, and Dee smiled becauseshe knew Second Lieutenant Vidalia's "toughness" was really pretty much ofa façade. Dee had gotten the strap lots more as a girl and she'd nevermade this much fuss. Look at him now, stark naked and quivering on the bed,trembling, really…and those horrible red marks made him look sissified,even if Dee had put them there. This was ridiculous.

Dee's project now was to get at the tender underside between Norb's buttocksand thighs. She remembered this from her own thrashings as a girl,but thislittle area was truly her husband's Achilles heel. A few nights before, Deehad given Norbert a list of chores to do, a long list that would keep him busyuntil she'd gone to bed. The final thing on the list was to get into bed withDee, and masturbate, but not to orgasm.

 Dee had been sure that Norb would fuck that one up, and he certainlyhad, she could hear the gasping and feel the wetness against her back thatnight, and she'd gotten up and turned Norb over her nightgowned knee and whippedhim with one of her slippers for nearly an hour, and the slipper had reallyscorched the tender crease between his buttocks and thighs. Norb had screamedonce, not like he was now of course, and Dee had locked him in the trunk oftheir car for the rest of the evening, because he was such a "baby"

"Norbert, stick your butt up, now." Norb heard her threatenening voice and  movedhis buttocks up, supporting his body on his knees while still burying his facein the bedspread. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Dee's strop found it's mark in the tendercrease between buttocks and thighs, and Norbert began crying  as he bitinto the sheets desperately. "Oh, I can't take it" he sobbed, as he filledhis mouth with the spread and the strop fell again and again. "Oh I can't takeit, Mommie" Dee's voice joined him in falsetto, and Norbert wept real tearsof fear and misery.

Dee couldn't believe her good luck, she was finally hearing muffled sobsfrom Norbert, who seemed absolutely dazed by everything. Dee wished ColenolHerries, who adored the manly young Second Lieutenant Vidalia, could see thiswhiny baby now. He would be violently ill watching his favorite young officerwhining and weeping through this little punishment. WHACK! Dee's strop foundonce again the tender crevice between his buttocks and thighs, and she couldsee the strop hitting Norbert's balls as they hung there, and heard his cryof anguish. "P-please no more, Miss Dee." This was hilarious. It had been apoint of pride with Norbert that he refused to utter any sounds at all duringher whippings, but in the last month she'd gotten some real screams and criesfrom him…and now she saw a few tears staining the bedspread. Norb hadmet his Waterloo in Mr. Razor Strop, eh?

Dee smiled grimly and  lifted the strop over her head, bringing it viciouslydown on the small of Norbert's back. Norb, for his part was a haze of incredibleagony, and was biting the bedcover, trying so desperately not to utter anysounds, but of course now he was openly sobbing. But by God, he wouldn't cryfor mercy. "Mercy" was their ultimate safeword, and Norbert was a Guy guy,and he could keep from uttering it, he thought, but she  had heard himbeg her to stop and completely ignored that, perhaps a cry for mercy  mightbe ignored too, he had looked behind his shoulder and seen the determinationin her lovely eyes, her breasts heaving as she swung the strop.

Norbert had to keep quiet now, he couldn't believe he was "blubbing" as boyscalled it in his prep school. But the tears were there. Norbert had alwaysbeen contemptuous of the male slaves crying and whining in various S/M clubsin the U.S. and Europe, and he was no wimp, he just had to hold out as theblows rained on him. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Norbert finally collapsed, and broughthis ass back down to the bed, thus directly disobeying Dee's command that hepush it in the air. "What a loser you are—can't you take it?" Dee's voicecame as the strap slammed again, just catching him on the back of his scrotum,and Norbert saw stars. Norbert's bottom felt as if Dee had been pressing itwith an electric iron and he was crying openly now "Please oh please ma'am" Yes,Norbert was crying for the first time since he was about twelve years old,no, about nine, actually.

  "This is great....listen to you bawling!" Dee laughedwildly as her husband's cries grew louder. "You are such a wimp. I justlove this razor strop, honey." WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK! She'd worked herway from his damaged buttocks down his thighs, and swung five or six lasheson the sensitive spot on the backs of his knees, and been rewarded by moreanguished sobbing.



Norbert's teeth were clenched against the pain as he withheld hisintense desire to jump out of the window, anything to get away from thathorrible razor strop. He broke down and grabbed his buttocks, screaming,but a lash from the buckle end of the strop nearly sprained Norb's wristand he re-graabbed the bedspread. "That's right honey. I want your handsaway from your butt. Touch your butt again and I'll hit your hands witha baseball bat." Norbert would have given a thousand dollars for an icepack right now, but the blows kept coming. THWACK WHACK WHACK SMACK! SuddenlyNorb couldn't help it, and he screamed "Mercy! Oh please stop!" Norb'sarms and legs bunched upa nd he went into the fetal position, begging andsobbing "Oh, please, Miss Deirdre,  please don't hit me any more withthat awful thing, oh it's too much!"

Dee's arm was hurting a bit now, and Norbert's buttocks were a mass of bluishwelts, red blood stains and scars. It was really a sight to see, and Dee lovedit. This whole macho military officer thing was revolting, she felt, and itwas high time she got to the bottom of the masculine rituals. Yes sir, thiswas a glory day for American feminism! Dee felt like calling Gloria Steinem.

Dee laughed. "Don't be such a fucking queer, Norbert. Get into the pain,give in to it, you pathetic worm!" But every inch of Norb's shoulders, back,buttocks and legs felt as if he'd been in a fire and was covered with firstdegree burns. "No, I've had enough, mercy oh, please!" Norb's eyes shut tightlybut the tears kept coming, and he was now crying openly, as he grabbed hisknees and bawled  like a newborn. "No more, mercy, Miss Deirdre, please!" Deewas quite happy. Mercy. There he'd said it several times the safeword aftertwo and a half years of being her macho slaveboy, he'd broken down after nevergiving in in twenty-seven months or so. And Dee knew that two previous girlfriendsfrom their club in the States had dommed him and he'd never broken down forthem, or any professional dome.

Dee threw the belt down and knelt on the bed looking deeply in Norbert'seyes. Tenderly she wiped his tears away. "Have you had too much, sweetest?" Deeleaned in to Norbert's face and he got a glorious view into her cleavage. Ithad been so long since she'd allowed him to touch her breasts! Dee had takento waving her boobs around in Norbert's face while  they were encasedin frilly bras, telling him he just wasn't man enough to touch them, and speculatingopenly about some of the hot young privates under his care. But she was socruel…she knew how sexy he felt her boobs were…

Dee rubbed her boobs in Norbert's face, cooing to her poor husband. "I canstop now if you want, honey." Dee said in her sweet voice, as she pressed Norbert'sface into her sweet, soft cleavage. "I can stop whipping you, the session canend, and I can rub some balm on your butt and legs. I can bring you cocoa infront of the TV and pamper you a bit, but I thought you kept telling me whata good slave you wanted to be, honey."

Dee's fingers found Norb's cock, and he began stiffening in her soft fingers. "Ithought you wanted to be the ultimate slave—you're always talking aboutthat, and telling me you want me to set the limits, and that's so sexy to me!" Dee'sforefinger rubbed precum into Norb's rapidly engorging glans as she kissedhis ear. "Don't you want that too?"

Norb's dick was incredibly hard in her soft grasp, and he watched the rubyfingernails toy with his foreskin. Oh, she was so tender to him sometimes.She wasn't so bad, really, for a dominant wife. He almost forgot the intensepain in his buttocks, back and legs as he watched his wife's curving bosomtops bounce. "I'm sorry I'm such a sissy, Miss Dee I really am." Dee beganpulling Norbert';s cock faster. "Well, Norb I thought you wanted to prove tome you could take any pain, and  honey, I was so proud that you were takingmy little whipping so well, that is until you began groping your knees andsniveling like a four year old that skinned her knee, you know that frankly mademe a little ill."

Norb looked so sad. "I want you to give me what I need, ma'am, it was justso painful, that's all. I can't seem to hold still on my own." Dee licked herlips carefully and thought about it. "Babycakes, maybe you could take the restof your punishment tied up. It might be easier that way. And even gagged. How'sthat. It'll be easier that way for you, and you can make me  proud, right?" Norbertwas so upset. Sweet Jesus, the rest of his punishment? He had gotten enoughwhipping for the rest of the decade in his opinion. But Dee looked so adorablein her tiny little halter top, and she was still nuzzling his face in her breastswhile she played enthusiastically with his rapidly stiffening cock. "I getreally hot when I see a good slave-boy taking his paces well, and I feel likegiving someone a nice blowjob tonight. Do you think it would be all right ifI tied you up and finished this off?" Norb, in heaven, said "Whatever you want,my princess."

Dee tossed her head and smiled down at Norbert lovingly. He looks like acalf about to be slaughtered, she thought, stifling a giggle. The fingers ofher left hand caressed his hair and wiped the accumulated sweat from his forehead,while her right hand was busily making trouble down below in his crotch. Norbertgasped and panted as Dee's long nails played downt here. He loved it when Deeplayed with his genitals, and he was very excited now, he could see pre-cumsoaking her red nails. It had actually been a few weeks since he'd came…itseemed that Dee never had time for sex anymore, unless he was performing it,and that was so heartbreaking. She tended to push Norbert away when it washis turn, it seemed.

 "I'm glad you want to be a good, obedient slaveboy and you want totake all the pain I can give you without all that jumping and screaming. Imean, they call you Viper, right?"

Norb blushed again. That had been his nickname as a tough recruit and a newofficer, Norbert "Viper" Vidalia. He was heavy on the enlisted men,screamingand humiliating them for the slightest offense.

As a kid, Norbert had read about Frederick William of Prussia beating thecrap out of a soldier with a baton if one button was out of place, and it sortof excited him. He knew the troops called him "Viper" and he got quite thekick out of it, though now Miss Dee was of course making fun of him, as  he'dbeen whining and crying like a little girl.

Dee's fingers tweaked the glans of Norb's engorged cock and he gasped. Deetrailed her fingers across the foreskin, and Norb lifted up to reach for her,he really wanted to make love now. But Dee's right hand casually dropped tohis crotch and pulled his balls together in a nasty squeeze, while she stillsmiled at him, and Norbert fell back on the bed. "That's better" she said,as her fingers resumed playing with his hardening cock.

"As I said, I hate to have to tie you down but you're such a little sissyand it's not very attractive to have you dancing about on the bed, sweetheart,not much of a Viper, I think." Dee's tones were like little bells, but Norbwinced at her cruel words. Dee noted his hurt look and pushed his face furtherinto her substantial cleavage. Norb mumbled "And- and you said if I took itwell, you might want to give a lucky someone a blowjob, is that right, MissDee?"

It had been some time since Norb's dick had been sucked by Dee's incrediblyfull lips, it seemed. She'd done it less and less ever since they'd begun playingmistress/slave games. The last time she'd given him head, he thought it wasabout three months previous to their wedding.  Certainly on the weddingnight she didn't even screw him! Dee had pushed Norbert's head between herlegs repeatedly and he'd licked and munched down there. Coming up, they'd havea bit of champagne and talk about their honeymoon, but when Norbert would reachfor her again, Dee would smile and say "can I have that tongue again, honey?"

 And Norb went back down the next time as well. Dee kept making jokesthat night about the condition of Norb's blue balls, but she didn't seem towant to do anything about them. Finally, Dee had been exhausted and she'd turnedover and gone to sleep, and Norb had steamed. The next night, Dee had beenhanging out with the purser of their cruise ship, and she'd dispatched Norbto get some drinks, and when he'd come back, the door to her cabin was locked,and he'd heard some very peculiar sounds emanating from inside.

Norb had had to pass the night on a folding chair on deck, and had been quitemiserable about it. It wasn't til the fourth or fifth night of the honeymoonthat Dee had deigned to screw him, and it hadn't been much, even then. Shewas a tough girl, Norb thought.

Since they'd been married, what was it, eight months now? Dee had screwedNorbert maybe ten times, and he'd gotten maybe two blowjobs, and one had justbeen a thirty-second one, and she'd gotten "tired". Certainly that was no excusefor Norb, who was required to stay between Dee's legs until she'd cum as manytimes as she liked!

 But Norb knew Dee liked giving blowjobs, before their relationshiphad changed she'd given him lots of head, and she was always talking aboutold boyfriend's dicks and how she'd loved to slurp them, and now and againshe'd make vulgar remarks about men in tight jeans in the street "I'd liketo lick his lolly" and that sort of thing, so she must be wanting to blow Norbertnow, as she'd said there would be a blowjob for a "lucky someone" right?

He would check yet again. "You did say something about giving a blowjob,Miss Dee?" Norb was worried that Dee might get offended, and then there wouldbe nothing. She often gave sentences out like "Three days-no sex!" if he'dforgotten to wash the car or something. But Dee smiled at him. "You heard mystatement right, honey, some lucky guy will get a blowjob if I am horny enough,and I bet you can guess who that is!"

Dee gave Norbert a long, probing kiss while her fingers played along thelength of  Norbert's rock hard erection. Norb gasped as Dee played furtheras she murmured. "You betcha, Norbert. I'm always horny as hell when a slaveboyis being really obedient and can take lots of pain." Dee's fingers trailedaround Norb's stiff pecker as she blew sweet nothings in his ear. "Oh, thankyou, Mistress" Norb murmured as his eyes closed. God, he was married to a passionatewoman, Norber thought. It was just finding the key to the passion, right? Norbcongratulated himself on a job well done. "I've found your secret, honey." Deesmiled indulgently. "You can make me happy and I can make you happy, Norbert."

Finally, Dee told Norb to lie on his back so she could tie him to the bed. "Butyou're whipping my behind, right, Miss Dee?" Norb asked, puzzled. "Well honey,I think I've done enough damage back there." Dee said reasonably. "It's timeto work on the front now."

Tying Norbert down, on his back, Dee hummed as she worked, securing eachof his limbs to a bed post until he was completely spreadeagled. Then, shetook up the razor strop again. Dee swung it a few times into her fist, humming,andNorb wondered what was going to happen now. She was going to whip his FRONT?What the hell did that mean?

Norbert couldn't understand this being punished on the "front". Dee tiedhim completely, and then, still smiling, she took a swing with the belt, andit landed harshly on his right inner thigh, and he bit his lip. Oh, God, thishurt. "How's that, darlin' ?" Dee asked in a friendly way. "That hurt too much?No complaints I hope." Norb knew better than to complain, then there mightbe no blowjob. Norb had a feeling he had to be careful to not offend, and tokeep his little wife's interest lively in him. Norbert got the impression thatshe had other friends.  He'd come home once in the middle of the day andhad run into Dee and his master sergeant  walking through the living room.Dee was wearing just a dressing gown, and Sergeant Pawson didn't quite look…buttonedup.

Norb thought about it as he felt Dee's strap slam on his left inner thigh,and he croaked a bit. "Feeling it, aren't you?" Dee said encouragingly. Norbdidn't know how to handle his young wife. When he'd questioned Sergeant Pawsonas to why he was in the living room, the man had insisted to Lt. Vidalia thathe was just helping  "Mrs. Vidalia out with installing yer air conditioner,Loot." Dee, lounging behind the Sergeant with a slow smile, had drawled thatthis was so. Norbert had shook his head. "But it's February, Pawson, why dowe need our air conditioner installed?" Pawson had turned helplessly to Dee,and she'd said "You're absolutely right, Norbert, we'll drop the project then." Andthen they'd both laughed. So Norb had to watch this girl.

Whack-ack! Dee's strop landed right on the tip of Norb's pot belly, and hewhined. "Oh, what's wrong my honey-baby, my fluffy-duffy bunny rabbit, is ithurting too much?" Dee's tone of scron rang harshly in Norbert's ears as shelifted the evil razor strop again and slammed Norb's right nipple. Smilingin satisfaction at the renewal of tears in her husband's eyes, Dee then lashedthe left nipple, and was gratified to see Nobert try in vain to leave the bed,tugging on his arms and legs helplessly.

"Oh, please Miss Dee, it's way, way too much, that strop is horrible." Norbertcried, his nipples felt singed by the evil leather strop and his stomach wasquite painful now. "Honeycakes, that's not so bad, just a few pats with mybelt." Dee crooned as she lifted the thick leather strop again. Norb's entirefront was in incredible pain, and the sting was uncanny. WHACK! WHACK! Dee'sstrop landed in Norb's right and left armpits next, and her poor husband screamedand cried in desperation. "Norbert, this is great exercise for me, and you'vegot to learn to be a little man. Let's see if I can get your right nipple again!"

Norb screamed loudly "Oh, Miss Dee, it's way, way too much, that strop ishorrible" Norb's nipples felt singed by the evil leather strop and his stomachwas quite painful now. "Honeycakes, that's not so bad, just a few pats withmy belt" Dee crooned as she lifted the strop again. Dee's boobs were shakingin her halter  top, and in spite of the vicious correction Norbert wasreceiving his penis hardened.

Norbert screamed as the strop found its target. "Please oh God, Dee, I knowthat I'm the one that's encouraged and taught you to be my dominant Mistressbut it's gone beyond games, now,  it's way too much honey, I've gone throughabsolute hell tonight, you've whipped m y a ss and m y back and legs and I'mready for the damn emergency room. Let's quit now, deaar. Please" Dee shookher head prettily. "Quit? But darling you've asked to quit before, and theninsisted we go back to our normal sex life and then you start getting boredand you cheat on me with professional domes and finally you beg me to takeyou back as a slaveboy. Dee's strop landed on Norb's left nipple again as shesaid the word BEG. "I'm really confused dear."

Dee leaned over, waving her boobs in Norbert's face. She'd taken a briefbathroom trip to squirt them with Chanel No. 5, and Norb was dazzled with thescent. His face was covered with perspiration, and Dee could tell that it hadbeen quite an afternoon. Dee scratched her nails gently on Norbert's rightinner thigh, which had just been singed by the evil razor strop. Norbert sighed.The sensation was incredible, and Norbert felt his penis straining into a fullerection.

"It's hot in here" Dee said casually, almost to herself. Dee took off herhalter top, revealing her shaking boobs in a beige lace demibra, which madeNorbert almost go out of his mind. Lately, Norbert had been the naked one aroundthe house, and Dee had mostly been clothed, though of course in very tightoutfits. Not only had Norb always felt somewhat humiliated by this, but alsocontinually aroused, as he'd be standing in the living room, dick bobbing,as Dee would sashay back and forth in her little leather minisuit, or something.It had been a while since he'd seen her quite this undressed, except of coursewhen he was allowed to bathe her.

 As Norbert scoped out Dee's magnificent breasts, he barely noticedit when she resumed operations with the razor strop, landing it hard againsthis right inner thigh, where she'd been so recently tickling him with her longnails. "Is that so bad, darling?" Dee asked Norbert, her cleavage practicallyenveloping his face, as she leaned over and played her long n ails across theaffected inner thigh once more. "N-no, Miss Dee" Norb mumbled, half in pain,half in ecstasy.

Dee smiled inwardly, knowing that the tops of her areolas were showing justabove the lace, and Norbert was enjoying his first sight of them in nearlya week. Dee rubbed Norb's shoulder and lightly kissed him on the lips. "Yousee, a little whack with a strop isn't such a bad thing is it?" Dee asked thisin a friendly way, tickling and scratching Norb's right inner thigh again.WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! The strop landed on Norb's nipples again, and Dee sawtears in his eyes, and she felt wet with power.

"Mommy---Miss Dee, my nipples are so sensitive." Norbert cried, the tearsrunning down his masculine cheeks. "P-please don't hit them any more." Norbert'scomplaint was halted by Dee's tongue, which poked right into his mouth as hewas talking. Dee pulled her head back and licked each of Norb's nipples extensively,and his cock grew harder. Dee reached down and played with Norb's cock more,and he began attempting to hump her hand.

Dee kept her fingers just on the tip of his cock as Norb tried hard to pushit in her hand. Dee leaned over, her boobs right in Norb's face and earnestlytalked to him, her fingers still tickling the tip of his penis. "Darling, Iadore you, and I want you to be happy and successful"breathed Dee as she leanedover the bed, waving her boobs in the tight lingerie bikini top right in Norbert'ssweating  face some more. "But you need discipline badly, my sweetheart." Deelifted the strop and landed it hard on the shaft of Norbert's cock, and hescreamed.

Dee calmed Norbert by rubbing the tip of his cock more with her soft fingers. "Youknow when you get lazy, and you're feeling arrogant, and no one can possiblystand you that way, dear." Dee casually unbuttoned her bra from the front,and Norb got his first look at her soft brown nipples, nipples that hadn'tbeen in his mouth in some months.

Dee leaned down so the nipples were just out of Norb's mouth's reach, andrubbed his cock a bit, and then it became very, very hard. Dee jumped up andgrabbed her razor strop WHACK! The strop landed harshly against Norb's knob,and he screamed again. WHACK! WHACK! Suddenly Norbert's penis was no longera stiff erection,but was wilted and wounded beyond belief as the cruel razorstrop landed its punishing strokes. Norb began moaning as Dee gently rubbinghis cock with her soft fingers once more.

Norb stared up at her nipples, which seemed erect and pleased, and the bloodbegan slowly re-entering his penis again. "Think of how happy Colonel Herrieshas been since you've been such a good boy." Dee breathed. "I think you mayget your promotion, and that's partially due to my work with you, don't youthink, honey?" Norbert knew Dee was right.

Norbert had always been a talented officer, but a notorious slacker all thesame. He was hell on his troops, a bit of a bully even, screaming at them andmaking them attempt almost impossible tasks, but when it came to paperworkand analytical stuff, Norb spent a lot of time in his office smoking joints,reading "Sports Illustrated" and staring out the window. Important reportswould remain undone  under a "Penthouse" centerfold.

When Norb had been turned down for his promotion to first lieutenant, Deehad taken Colonel Herries out to lunch, and asked the Colonel, her adorablelittle hand on his old bronzed paw, what the problem was, and, although itwas against regulations to discuss things with the spouse, of course ColonelHerries had told her everything. Dee had then taken the Colonel to a nearbyMotel 6 and managed to create some optimism for her husband's future in thegrizzled old officer.

 But later, as the Colonel was re-zipping Dee's tight little floweredfrock up he said, "It's not just me, my dear. After this glorious hour, I wouldmake him a general if I could,but there are many other officers that will notbe satisfied unless Norbert works harder, and I know he can do it, he has theintelligence, he needs motivation." Dee had given the Colonel a deep kiss andpromised him that she would work on this aspect of the problem with Norbert.

Dee realized that motivation was everything, and Norbert had one powerfulmotive—he wanted her body more than anything. Dee had become very cold,refusing to let Norbert touch her. The only time she'd touch him, was whenhe'd forgotten a chore, or something, and then of course she'd bend him overa sofa, dragging his pants down for fifty with the cane.

Dee worked even harder on her already quite satisfactory appearance, highlightingher hair, and using very sexy lip gloss, strutting around in front of Norbert,in her very snuggest striped sweaters, tight little denim miniskirts or cuteshort-shorts with pantyhose and high spike heels, flirting heavily with thelowliest private in Norb's regiment, or even the grocery boy. "You don't haveto carry the bags, you sweet thing" Dee would breathe, her chest heaving asshe'd stroke the cheek of the pimpled, blushing lad with a long nail.

"Dumbo will do it, he's going to be a seventy year old first lieutenant,since he can't get promoted. Hell, they may demote him to private, he shouldget used to carrying grocery bags." Then Dee would snap her fingers and Norbwould slump out behind her, his arms full of groceries, and his head hung lowunder the boy's amused countenance.

During this period, Dee would go to bed quite often in the flimsiest of nightgownsand lingerie underwear, forbidding Norbert to touch her. "I'm not attractedto C minus boys, it's not exciting screwing someone who can't get a simplepromotion…you should go smoke your pot and leave me alone." Dee  insistedof course that Norbert come to bed naked, and occasionally while she was stillawake, she'd notice his hard cock, as he was subject to her gorgeous body right  nextto him in the best that Frederick's of Hollywood could offer.

Dee would often then slap Norb's penis, or even scratch it savagely. "Howdare you get erect in this bed with me, you no-account, ambitionless pervert?" Itwas very difficult for Norbert, even when he took several showers before goingto bed. Then, one night after Dee was seemingly asleep, Norb attempted to gropeDee anyway, and he just couldn't resist touching one of her adorable breasts.Dee had awakened suddenly, and grabbed Norb's penis and twisted it, elicitinga howl from the young lieutenant. Then she had kicked Norbert out of bed, flailinghim with a pillow.

Norbert had spent the rest of the night handcuffed to the sink in the bathroom,cowering naked on the cold tiles. The next night, Dee had handcuffed Norbert'shands to the head of the bed which neatly kept him from touching her, and alsoprevented him from being able to touch himself. During the ngiht Dee would,supposedly in her sleep, turn over and rub Norb's cock all night long, playingwith his penis while dozing, or grinding her pantied crotch against his stiffcock. Then she would awaken, four or five times during the night and see Norberect again, and begin slapping him. Finally he'd sob that he was sorry, andshe'd go back to "sleep" and begin grinding against Norbert once more.

This had kept Norbert in a state of perpetual horniness, and he couldn'trelieve it, at home he couldn't jerk off, and at work if an officer had beencaught jerking off in a bathroom stall, his career was pretty much over. Onceor twice Norbert had jerked off in a gas station bathroom but that was aboutit. Finally, in tears, he'd begged Dee to tell him what she wanted, and then,amazingly, his work had become ship-shape. Dee would call

Colonel Herries and ask him how Norb was doing, and as long as Norbert wasworking hard, it seemed that Dee was all over him, still being a vicious punisherat times, still teasing him mercilessly, but also kissing him, hugging him,necking with him, and being very bed-playful, and thus Norbert had become agood officer. It looked like when he came up for review his promotion wouldbe imminent, and it didn't hurt that Dee occasionally met Colonel Herries atthe Motel 6 just to keep the old boy cheerful!

Now, tied to the bed, Norbert reluctantly admitted that Dee was right, asshe alternately stroked and whacked him with the forbidding belt. "Darlingyou know I wouldn't do anything that wasn't for your own good,  right?" Deesaid with a smile as she lifted the belt for punishment once more.

Whack! The strop landed again on Norbert's tender penis, bursting a blisterthat had been left earlier by the cruel razor strop. Norb bellowed loudly,weeping in protest. "God, honey, you sound like my Baby Alive doll, pull astring and it cries." Dee said, but even this insult didn't seem to get toher traumatized husband.

Norb was in agony. It wasn't as if Dee had never punished Norb's penis before.Now and then, when she'd caught him smoking, she'd smoke a few herself, puttingout the butts severely on the tip of his agonized penis.

Once at Club Scourge, Norb's dick had been a human target for the Dominatrixe'sDart's League, and Dee and her friends had hit the poor thing with a numberof the cruel metal quoits. It had been especially hard for Norbert since allof him, except for his cock and balls were behind a wall, and only his genitalshad been poked through the hole. He'd had to stand there, in mystery, and thenall of a sudden feel a horrible bit of metal stab into his soft penile skin.Fortunately, Norb's cock and balls had only been the bullseye, and most ofthe women had been a little drunk and not great aimers, and they'd just hitthe circles that surrounded his unfortunate genitals.

It had been unbelievable, because after the stinging tips had hit his penisonce or twice, it would be completely limp, and then Dee or one of the othergirls would call for a break and massage his penis into full hardness onceagain, before bringing on the darts once again! This wasn't the worst of Norb'scock and ball torture, but it  had certainly been significant.

And then recently, Norbert and Dee had been preparing to attend a ball atthe Officer's Club, and Dee, noting Norb's satisfaction at how completely greathe looked dressed up in his full  military uniform, complete with medals,had ordered poor Norbert to strip naked and stand with his chest out. Then,in her cocktail dress, Dee had whacked him across the nipples with a whippycane, and after Norb had fallen down and held his chest, crying,  Deehad ordered him to arise again. Then Dee had whacked his cock with the caneabout five times, before allowing Norb to wipe away his tears and put his dressgreens back on.

And then there was that picnic, right after Norb had graduated from WestPoint.

Dee had hated Norb's prep-school friends, and thought they were responsiblefor his alcoholic, pot-addled state. But they were all so devoted to each other,and there were a few adoring ex-girlfriends of Norb's there. Somehow, Dee hadsomehow gotten a hold  of a jar filled with honeybees, hornets and wasps,and had coaxed Norbert away from his friends into the forest for some "fun." There,she'd ordered him to strip naked and she'd stuck his penis in the jar, andthen Dee had whacked it enthusiastically, and the bees, hornets and wasps hadstung poor Norbert's cock until he'd cried and howled.

Norb's friends and ex-girlfriends had run into the wood to see the greatNorbert "Viper" Vidalia, rolling around naked on the ground, holding his crotchand crying and screaming. Dee had looked at them puzzled (having tossed thejar and released the bees) and said "I don't know what it is, it just comesover him sometimes…it's a weird way of jerking off." And that had beenthe end of Norb's association with his loser friends

Now, Norbert was crying wildly as his penis looked quite savaged by the strop,but Dee was equal to comforting him. Dee's soft fingers found his cock andbegan stroking and tickling, and the sobs became pants and moans. "Honey, youknow that you need to be bound and punished and humiliated now and then." Dee'sfingers rapidly pulled his foreskin up and down as she waved her breasts atNorbert. "Your parents gave you this bullshit ego that really is way too full."

It was true, Norbert's parents were good liberals, and they'd given Norbeverything any kid could ask for, toys, splendid education, motorcycle by seventhgrade,  Platinum card his sophomore year of high school, brand-new BMWon his sixteenth birthday, and a continual trust fund.

Norbert had rewarded their kindness with addictions to pot and cocaine, pregnantwaitresses, several school expulsions, juvenile delinquency and one unfortunatepre-college trip to a reformatory. Dee had had her hands full in reformingthe slacker.

Now  Dee leaned over and licked the tip of Norbert's penis, and he pantedwildly. "I have to punish you now and then so you won't believe that you'relike, the second coming of Christ, you know?" Dee waved her bare nipples inNorbert's face, and he gasped "Thank you for disciplining me, Miss  Dee." That'smore like it, Dee thought as she looked compassionately in Norb's eyes. "Iknow it's hard, honey."  But then Dee briskly buttoned up her bra andstepped back. "But you understand about being a good officer, don't you?" Deepicked up the strop, waving it in her hand.

"I know you're strict yourself, because Cheryl, Major Antonelli's wife  andI were driving past the base just last week  and we saw you pushing somepoor boy's head in the sand…Private Linton."

 Dee landed the strop severely on Norbert's cock again as she pronouncedthe "Lin" in "Linton". "Dear I don't know how you know the man's name, butyes, we have to be a little tough on the men to keep them in shape" Norb protested. "Iguess I've been written up once or twice for being a little excessive, butthey need the discipline. Private Linton had behaved badly."

Dee began massaging Norbert's cock slowly, as she threw the strap down. Upand down went her forefinger and thumb, the red nails shimmering as Norb'scock got a full stroking. "Darling" Dee said in her soft voice. "As PrivateLinton tells it, you did this to him because he fell asleep in a munitionsclass or something." Dee suddenly grabbed Norb's scrotal sack and twistedit, scratching his cock savagely with her long nails. "You, who can'teven remember to pick up my dry cleaning, who Herries tells me is known asLieutenant Marijuana Maintenance, is punishing that poor boy."

"You made him dig his face in the dirt, eyes and mouth open, becausehe fell asleep, the poor child." Norb was wondering how the hell she knew allthis. Had she talked to Private Linton. He was smiling inwardly thinking ofher referring to the private as a "child", Linton being nearly a year olderthan either Norbert or Dee.

Dee put her right hand around Norbert's balls and began pulling up and downon his shaft with her left. Norbert breathed in, in ecstasy, as her soft handsmanipulated his cock. "Poor Brian told me that you've been down on him sincehis transfer to Germany, dear." Dee slowly pulled a long nail down the sideof Norb's shaft as he wondered how his wife had gotten on a first name basiswith Private Brian Linton. "He tells me you and the sergeants make fun of himin front of all the other men, dearest, is that true?" How the hell does sheknow all this? Norbert wondered.

Norbert was gasping and panting now, he felt like he might be about to orgasmsoon, she was toying so expertly with his severely abused and neglected penis. "Honey,you have to understand" Norb managed to say "In every regiment there is a fuck-up,what whe call the company "goat". Linton's the bad example. He's the one werag on a little bit. It's to keep the rest of the men in shape. And Lintonwill work out, or he'll wash out of the service, one or the other."

Dee leaned over and licked the tip of Norbert's cock and he gasped. " AndLinton's not doing all that badly, really. Although I didn't think he deserveda pass out, and I've been keeping him on base till he straightens up his act,Herries insisted that I give Linton a complete weekend pass on Friday." Youbet Herries insisted, thought Dee. Herries had finagled it after Dee had askedhim, the old lech would do anything for her now. Norb continued "The kid isstarting to get more confidence, because his love  life is getting better!"

 "I think he went to some little inn in Heidelberg with a mysterygirl." Norb gasped and breathed in, as Dee's fingers rapidly played aroundhis scrotum. "He had a better weekend than I did, were at that potteryconvention all weekend yourself." Dee giggled, remembering  Private BrianLinton rolling around in bed with her all weekend long. He looked much better,the poor private did, when she'd sent him back to base Monday morning.

 The evening went on. At one point, Dee taped Norbert's penis to hisstomach, tying his ankles to the bedposts holding his wrist cuffs, and thenthe belt buckle began landing on Norb's exposed balls, to the point that hesaw stars. But he held on, biting his lip, because he knew he would eventuallybe the beneficiary of the promised seven-thirty...three hourssince the razor strop session started, Dee said to Norb "You've got toget up soon, to get ready for going to dinner at our friend's house, dear. "Butwhat about the blowjob?" Norb asked.

"Yes, how right you are!" Dee remembered. She went into the otherroom for half an hour and Norbert heard her talking on the telephone. Norbertwas startled as Dee came back into the room. "Remember, I said if youput up with all my punishments, some lucky guy would get a blowjob...and nowit's going to happen!" Norbert closed his eyes and tried not to pay attentionas Private  Linton came into the room and unzipped his pants.

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The first encounter between His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, and the despised son of the Khan of Tirfil was at the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the Emir's accession to the throne. A number of notables had been invited to attend the ceremonies, during which a competition was held to select a Special Concubine to the Emir. The notables were each offered the privilege of deflowering one of the losing competitors, and the Emir recalled with distaste...

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Military DelightsChapter 2 The Visit

It was with this background that the Emir was surprised to receive an intimation that the Foreign Minister of Tirfil wished to pay a formal visit to Ghada Baroud, the Emir's advisor on Diplomatic Matters, in Kobekistan. "Why are you asking me? It's you he wants to see," asked the Emir. "Master, it is forbidden for any Tirfilese to enter Kobekistan. Only two aircraft have tried in the past year, both helicopters, and both bearing the markings of the Tirfilese army." "What happened to...

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Military DelightsChapter 5 Sima And Tajwar

When they heard the soldiers rampaging down the street, Sima and Tajwar cowered in the unlit cellar of their small house. Sima was a widow whose husband had died only months after the birth of Tajwar, her daughter. In the ensuing fifteen years they had lived in the small house, and lived well, on the proceeds of selling his business and the large mansion he had owned. As was to be expected, Sima had led a completely celibate life, and Tajwar was a virgin. In three weeks time, she had expected...

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Military DelightsChapter 6 Jahiz And Siharn

Jahiz was too old and infirm to fight in the army, but he was determined to protect his home and his belongings, especially his only concubine, the delicious Siharn, forty years younger than him. He was no longer able to use her properly, but he enjoyed her mouth on his body, and did not want her defiled or enslaved by this invading army. He had his loaded jezail on his knees and the girl was well hidden in the linen chest on which he sat. When six dragoons burst in to the house he raised the...

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Military DelightsChapter 7 The Infantry

There were six of the infantry in the patrolling platoon who were ordered to clear any resistance out of a short street of small houses. Their orders were to take any men they found between the ages of fifteen and sixty to the town square as prisoners. It was not a street where they expected to find much in the way of wealth, and so they also expected little resistance. Any males they found would probably be deserters, and there wouldn't be much loot either. They went the length of the...

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Military DelightsChapter 8 Bukhari

Bukhari, a seasoned soldier, twenty-five years old, who had fought against the Tirfilese incursions in the desert for six months, was the first to finish one house, having found nothing of interest in the almost deserted hovel. True, there was an old woman there who swore at him, but he didn't bother with her, and after a perfunctory check of all the rooms he moved on to the next house on his search pattern. As he went into the first room there was a loud report from the rear of the house...

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Military DelightsChapter 9 Gadhi

Kicking the door of his first assigned house in the approved television manner of attacking troops, Gadhi entered cautiously with his rifle at the ready. The house appeared empty as he checked the ground floor, then he heard a small noise from the upper floor. Making his way very carefully up the stairs he found a woman in an abaya with two small children crouching behind her skirts. Other than some rugs on the floor for sleeping on there was no furniture and so nowhere for anyone to...

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Military DelightsChapter 10 Jalal

Corporal Jalal charged somewhat recklessly into the first of his chosen pair of houses and was actually inside before he remembered that he was in an enemy country and that there might be someone waiting there to ambush him. Fortunately the place was deserted and showed every sign of a recent hasty departure by the occupants. Searching it took little time and the only items of interest were some food in the kitchen and a little jewellery in the upper room. Pausing only to stuff the trinkets...

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Military DelightsChapter 11 Ebrahim And Abdur

Ebrahim always felt that as the youngest of the section, at only eighteen and newly enlisted in the army at the start of the campaign, he was always given the worst duties. He was right, but it was not the sergeant's intention in this case, it was merely Ebrahim's bad luck that the two houses he was assigned were empty, and had been completely stripped of everything of value by their owners. He searched them thoroughly and conscientiously, finding nothing, and went out to join his...

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Military DelightsChapter 12 The Officers Mess

One of the buildings that had been sacked in the downfall of Tradagha was the Grand Vizier's harem. The younger women in it had been herded into a lorry and taken to serve the Officers' Mess as general bed companions. Most of them were completely resigned to this and were quite co-operative with their new Masters. A few had to be persuaded, but by the time the sacking of Tradagha was completed all the women in the Officers' Mess were most co-operative. The headquarters staff decided to...

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Military DelightsChapter 13 Dividing The Spoils

Back in their camp, a disused warehouse which had a dirty concrete floor and little furniture other than the bedrolls the men had carried from Kobekistan, the six men surveyed their nine captives. It was almost nightfall, so the two children were put to bed in one of the bedrolls. Tired and confused, but with the resilience of all small children, the little boys quickly fell asleep. The seven women were lined up and Abdur started a discussion about the sharing of the profit they would make...

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Military DelightsChapter 14 Revenge

The Emir was sitting on the throne of Tirfil and the Khan was in chains on the floor in front of him. There were many of the Kobekistani Royal Guards ranged round the room and a number of the leading citizens had also been brought before him. "What do have to offer to persuade you to let me go?" asked the Khan. "Whatever I want, I will take," replied the Emir, "What could you possibly offer me?" "Money that I have hidden away in Switzerland. Information about your rivals in...

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Military DelightsChapter 15 Soldiers Of The Emir

Outside the Khan's Palace, Jalal, Gadhi, Ebrahim and Bukhari were debating among themselves whether the Emir's guards would let them in to the Palace to look around and perhaps even to pinch the odd souvenir, when a Sergeant they did not know came out of the building and walked over to them. "You four, come with me," he ordered and turned back towards the Palace. "Yes, Sergeant," said Jalal, "What do you want us to do?" "The Emir wants to speak to you," was the startling...

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Military DelightsChapter 16 A New Khan

"Put the ex-Khan on the whipping bench," ordered the Emir. When this had been done, he was offered a whip but waved it away with the comment, "I would not use that on this worm. It would be a defiling of the whip." Swiftly, he drove his prick into the unprepared arse before him, causing an immense amount of pain to the hapless vanquished wretch. Immediately, he withdrew and used the man's kameez to wipe himself thoroughly. "Good," he ordered, "Take this worm away. Take the women...

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Military DelightsChapter 18 Return To Civilisation

There was no further trouble from the inhabitants of Tirfil as the army busied itself packing its weaponry and its trophies, and withdrawing from the city and the country. In a symbolic gesture which was not lost on the former Vizier, now the Khan, the Emir stayed on the Tirfil side of the main border crossing until every member of his army was safely inside Kobekistan, and then strolled across the border alone, to complete the war. Turning to face the Vizier from some ten yards away, he...

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Military DelightsChapter 19 Charlottes Journey

Charlotte had lost her husband in England when he left her to set up home with the woman she had always thought of as her best friend. Living alone, near London Airport, and without much money, she had taken to drinking in the bars of some of the airport hotels, where she could usually find a man to buy her drinks. Usually she slipped away about the time the men suggested a visit to their bedrooms but sometimes, with a man who seemed nice, she would let herself be persuaded. This particular...

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Military DelightsChapter 20 Arrival

As the Emir arrived at the Golden Palace on his triumphal return home, he sensed that something was wrong. Sure enough when he strode into the Throne Room, there was the eighteen-year-old Crown Prince Mustapha lolling on the small throne on the dais. Surrounding him were a small number of his sycophantic supporters. Without pausing, the Emir strode up to the dais and mounted it. Turning to the assembled courtiers he said, "I have been away for some weeks. In that short time have you...

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