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Chapter 1:An Office Meeting Chapter 1?? :? An Office Meeting


Hi! We?ve not really spoken before but you?ve probably heard a bit about me from Larry. I?m Sarah. Ooops, sorry, #06.085. I keep forgetting I?m only supposed to use my slave number. I?ve been doing secretarial work here in Clegg?s organisation for a while now and though lots of bosses like to think they have their secretaries as a sort of personal office slave, it?s only here that it?s literally true. I?ve been helping out around here for about six months, ever since my current boss had me kidnapped. There?s one other thing you need to know. As part of my training ? ?preparation? they call it - Clegg?s people put me through their sexualisation programme. It means I respond very quickly to sexual approaches or situations. I can?t help it. It?s just the way the programme makes you. I mean I wouldn?t want you to think I was some sort of sex maniac or anything.


Anyway, this is about one of our customers. Harry (that?s my boss ? yeah, I know its confusing - Harry, Larry - but don?t worry about it) was meeting him to discuss his new requirements and he asked me to tag along to take notes. Harry?s great at running the team but his admin isn?t up to much ? I guess that?s why he keeps me around.


I was quite surprised when I saw Harry?s guest. I mean, most of our customers are in their forties or fifties, I guess, but this one was much older, in his seventies, I guess. And he was sitting in a wheel chair. I?ve not had much contact with older customers ? apart from that Kushtian, Kushnati Koresh, and he was just horrid ? but this man looked nice. He was very well turned out; smartly dressed, his white hair cut neatly short, his moustache carefully trimmed. He obviously took care of his appearance, his shoes were polished, the creases in his trousers as sharp as a razor, his jacket immaculate with a carnation in his button hole.


He smiled at me as I came in. ?Well,? he said, ?that does brighten up the office, I must say.?


I?m used to hearing sexist comments at work (I mean what else would you expect in a business that trades in women, after all?) but at least he seemed to do it with a bit of charm. Actually since the training that they have put me through here, sex is pretty much a component of everything so I don?t really mind. Not, of course, that it matters, whether I mind or not. It?s just something I have to put up with and, since Harry insists that I look the part of the sexy secretary around the office, I put up with it most of the time. In any case, since I was put through what Harry calls the sexualisation programme, the slightest mention of sexual activity has my nipples stiffening and other parts getting distinctly damp.


Harry introduced his guest. ?This is Colonel Snell,? he said. ?We provided him with some product a while ago.?


?Very good too, very good,? Colonel Snell, interrupted, twisting his moustache in a way that recalled a Victorian villain.


?Thank you,? said Harry. ?Well as I was saying. We provided the Colonel with, what was it, 12 girls?? Snell nodded with a self satisfied grin. ?And now he has further use of our services. Take a seat Sarah; you?ll need to jot down what the colonel is looking for.?


I pulled up one of the chairs that Harry kept beside his desk and sat down. As I crossed my legs, I thought I caught Colonel Snell sneaking a surreptitious glance but Harry launched into the discussion of the Colonel?s needs and I was soon scribbling notes on my pad, too busy to worry about anything like that.


The discussion took about twenty minutes and at the end of it Harry stood up and reached across to shake Colonel Snell?s hand. ?I?m sure we?ll be able to sort something out,? he said.


?Fine, fine,? said Snell. ?Well it?s been a pleasure.? He spun his wheel chair around to face towards the office door. I moved across to open it for him. ?Thank you young lady,? he said as he drew up alongside me. ?It?s a delight to see someone so efficient and considerate.? I smiled in response to the complement. ?And, I must say, it is also good to see a young lady turned out so smartly. First rate,? he said looking me up and down as if he was inspecting one of his troops, ?Always liked red-heads. First rate.?


?I?ll see you out,? said Harry and followed him out through into the hall.


I got back to my computer, typing up the notes from our meeting. It?s always best to type things up quickly, I find. That way things don?t get forgotten. I?d got most of it done before Harry got back. He always appreciates it when I deal with things straight away. ?He seemed nice,? I said as Harry came back into the office. ?I don?t know why everyone is so nasty about him. It?s not his fault that he?s old and in a wheel chair.? Harry seemed a little distracted, lost in thought.


?Hmm?? he said.


?Colonel Snell,? I said, ?he seemed like a nice old chap. I hope we can help him out.?


?Yes, yes,? said Harry still obviously distracted. ?Well, you won?t mind then.?


?Mind?? I said, ?what should I mind??


?Oh, sorry,? said Harry, ?I was trying to work out what I was going to do while you?re off.?




?Yes. Snell wants you to fill in with him for a while. Says he wants some help with using the web system when we start finding some recruits. You know how it is with some of these old folk. They can?t get to grips with the technology like youngsters can. I said you?d help out.?


I must have looked surprised.


?Sarah, I have to keep reminding you that you?re a slave around here.? Suddenly I was very conscious of the solid metal collar that was locked around my neck under my blouse. ?Just remember that you are #06.085 and that you do as you are told and go where you are told.?


?Sorry, Sir,? I apologised. ?Of course.?


?That?s all right Sarah.? Harry?s a sweetie, really. He finds it hard to keep up the whole stern look thing. ?Look, finish typing up those notes and then you can get off for a while. Snell wants you transferred this evening if possible.?


?Oh, do you want me to speak to transport?? I said, trying to be helpful. ?They?ll need notice because we hadn?t got anything else scheduled tonight.?


Harry smiled. ?That?s all right Sarah, I?ll fix it. Just do the typing and have a couple of hours off.?


Chapter 2?? :? On The Move


I managed to get the typing finished and then got back to my room. I just had time for a shower before two of the transport team turned up.


I was only wearing a towel wrapped around me and another around my hair when the two of them appeared. From the way the taller one was licking his lips I could see that they weren?t worried by the fact that I?d only just finished in the bathroom. But then Harry?s team aren?t always the most subtle. ?Hi, Sarah,? the taller one said. ?You ready??


?Does it look like it?? I asked, still trying to rub my hair dry.


?Don?t worry about that,? he said. ?It?s time to go now.?


I gave a short sigh but I knew it wasn?t any good arguing. I held out my wrists ready for the handcuffs. He looked at them and shook his head, waving with a finger to indicate I should turn around. I did as he directed and felt the cold steel of the cuffs against skin that was still hot and damp from my shower as he fastened my wrists behind my back.


As the taller guy slid the cuffs tightly shut his colleague walked around to face me. He reached up and jerked the towel off, leaving me naked. OK, I know I?m a slave here but I thought they were being a bit unfair. ?Hey,? I started to say, ?that?s not nuungh?.? My objections were cut off as the taller man pushed a standard ball gag into my mouth and pulled the strap tightly around my head. I hate the ball gag most of all. They always make my jaw ache and they make me drool. It?s painful and it?s messy. Give me tape or even a cloth any time. I?d much rather be gagged with one of them.


?Works every time,? the shorter guy said, ignoring my grunted protests. He opened his work bag and pulled out a tape dispenser. He used tape to strap my arms to my side and lock my wrists into the small of my back with strips that went around my belly. He put a few turns around my legs just above the knee for good measure. I could still hobble along but I wasn?t going anywhere quickly.


?You?re in for a treat,? said the taller guy. ?We?re not using a crate this time.? That sounded good to me. The transport crates were really uncomfortable even if you had been sedated first. Harry must have put in a good word for me. He rummaged in the work bag and pulled out a neatly folded pile of brown woollen cloth. As soon as he started to unfold it I recognised it for what it was; a chanoosh.


I?d seen them plenty of times before, working with some of Clegg?s Kushtian clients. The chanoosh was the traditional robe worn by Kushtian women; a floor length garment that covered the head and included a veil that hid all of the face except for the wearer?s eyes. They pulled the towel from my head and then put the chanoosh on in its place.


?Seems a shame to cover her up,? the taller guy said. ?Aren?t too many titties around here nicer than these.?


?You?re right there,? his colleague said, grabbing a quick feel under the pretext of pulling the chanoosh down over my shoulders. Mostly the guards here are pretty good, Harry doesn?t have too much trouble with them taking liberties that they aren?t entitled to but somehow I?ve? seemed to moved out of the ?hands off the merchandise unless told? category, especially since the sexualisation programme that means I give out all the wrong signals in response. I gave a grunt of protest into my gag, but it ended up sounding like an ?mmm? of encouragement. The guard chortled. ?Where?s she going anyway??


?Over to Colonel Snell?s.?


?Oh right. Is it true he?s called Basher because of, well, you know??


?Yepp,? nodded the other as he pulled my robe into place. ?renowned for it. World class by all accounts.? If there was an Olympic event for it, he?d have the gold medal.?


?Oh well,? said the first guard to me, ?you should be safe enough then.?


Satisfied that they?d got the robe on properly, the two men hustled me out of the room and into the corridor. I caught sight of myself in a mirror on one wall, the dark brown robe covered me from head to foot, the veil covered my nose and ball-gag filled mouth, all that could be seen of me was my eyes.?


I hobbled along as best I could with the tape wound around my thighs. My awkward gait seemed to amuse my escorts but they stopped laughing long enough to help me into the car that was parked beside the Prep Centre?s loading bay. Pushed into the back seat and strapped in, I could only wait until a driver appeared.


Two more of Harry?s team rolled out to drive me across to Colonel Snell?s. As usual one came to baby-sit me in the back of the car. He gave me a friendly smile as he slid in beside me but I still thought that he?d still be planning to spend the journey seeing if he could fumble with me under my robes. Then we were joined by someone else. Doctor Jordan, ?The Doc? as she was universally, but unoriginally, known came out of the Prep Centre talking to Harry. She finished her discussions and climbed into the front seat alongside my driver. ?Thanks for the ride, boys,? she said. ?Handy you going over to the Colonel?s right now.? And with that the car pulled away.


As the car wound its way through London I had to get used to strange looks whenever the car stopped at traffic lights. After some of the fuss last year, a lot of people still find it strange to see a veiled woman out in public. I guess they?d have thought things even more strange of they could see what I had on under my veil and my chanoosh. Us Brits can be really contradictory at times.


We got to Colonel Snell?s house late in the afternoon. It was good to see somewhere I was being taken to for a change. It might have been uncomfortable bound and gagged and strapped into the back seat with my minder sneaking his hands under my robe and running them over my thighs but it was a lot better than riding in the boot or in one of the Centre?s crates.


We were greeted by what I took to be Colonel Snell?s butler, although later, the Colonel explained that batman was the more correct title. He showed the group of us into the lounge where Colonel Snell was sitting in his wheelchair. One of the slaves we had supplied, it was Mylene ? I recognised her from some of the tapes that Harry had asked me to catalogue ? was kneeling beside him. Dressed in a khaki, short sleeved, blouse and a straight skirt in the same colour, she turned towards me, her mouth distended by a ball gag every bit as mouth filling as my own.


?Doctor Jordan, Miss Sarah, and two gentlemen, Colonel,? Snell?s batman intoned.


?Very good, Forbes,? the Colonel responded. ?I imagine you two gentlemen would appreciate a small glass of beer, what? Forbes, why don?t you look after them while I talk to the Doctor and get acquainted with our red headed friend.? Forbes led my driver and custodian away. Snell turned his attention to the Doctor and me.


?Good of you to come, Doctor,? he said. ?Must say I appreciate the after sales service. Why have you brought the young lady dressed like that though? Not some vile example of multi-cultural political correctness, is it? Hadn?t got Clegg down for that sort of thing at all.?


Doctor Jordan smiled tolerantly. ?Ah, no. I believe it?s just a piece of expedience; simpler to transport low risk pieces like this young lady. Clegg picked the idea up from some of his Kushtian contacts. You know what he?s like for trying new ideas.?


?Hmm. Too fond of it if you ask me. Still never mind. I assume she?s gagged under there.? He reached out and pinched one of my tits. The pained but muffled squeal I gave out answered his question. ?Thought so. Still never mind her for the moment, you?ll be wanting to see the patients.?


?Yes, if I could. It?s quite unusual for three of our girls to develop a fault so soon after delivery.?


?I?m sure,? he said, ?same problem too.?


?Well, if I could see the girls concerned.? Doctor Jordan said.


?If you would like to follow me, Doctor.? Forbes had reappeared at the back of the room.


With the Doctor joining Forbes to see to her patients, the Colonel turned his attention back towards me. ?Now, don?t you worry my dear, we?ll have you out of those robes shortly. I recall that you were very neatly turned out at Mr Clegg?s offices and I am sure you will want to present the same show of efficiency here. Forbes will have your bags taken through to your room and then you?ll be able to shower and dress properly. That robe may be all very well for transport but I have to say I got over the allure of veiled women in a three year stint in Aden. What??


With the ball gag still strapped into my mouth I could do no more than grunt in an agreeing tone. It didn?t stop the Colonel however.


?Appalling place!? he went on. ?Hot as hell with dust to match and flies everywhere. And the food! Yee gods, drove me back to the NAAFI canteen. Can?t imagine why we spent so long trying to hold onto it after the whole Suez debacle. Madness. That lunatic Eden. Could have done without him. Mind you Macmillan was no better. Politicians! None of them have the first idea. Ought to leave foreign policy to the military. Then you?d see what Britain can do in the world. Least this Blair chap has let us get on with things. Never thought I?d hear myself approving of one of his sort. But, there you are???


The Colonel?s rant continued. He didn?t seem to mind if I grunted in agreement or not so, for the most part, I stood, listening and appearing, in as much as you can in an all enclosing robe, to show interest.


Eventually the Doctor returned, accompanied by three of the Colonel?s women. All three wore the same uniform clothing that Mylene was dressed in. Each had her right hand in a collar and cuff sling.


The Colonel interrupted his flow. ?Ah,? he said, ?the witch doctor has returned. What?s the verdict, Doc? Nasty attack of acute idleness if you ask me!?


Doctor Jordan smiled. ?No, no, Colonel. It?s a real complaint, I?m afraid. RSI is my diagnosis.?


?Damned initials are no use to me. What?s wrong with them??


?I?m sorry,? said the Doc. ?RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury. You get it by repeating the same action over and over again. You tend to see it in offices ? too much typing that sort of thing ? or in some factory jobs. It just means the wrist has been asked to carry out more work than it?s used to. Can I ask what sort of thing you?ve been using the girls for? They didn?t seem keen to talk about it.?


?Ha,? barked Snell, ?wouldn?t have thought any of them were shrinking violets. The only hard work they?ve had to do is bringing me a bit of relief.?


?They?ve been masturbating you??


?Yes, of course. Not called Basher Snell for nothing, you know! Started at school, kept it up in the army. Can?t get any of those disagreeable diseases as long as you wash your hands! Should have seen some of the whore houses some of the chaps used to go to, excusing your sensibilities, doctor.? The doctor didn?t seem to have been unduly offended but Snell took no notice in any event. ?Still I can?t see what the problem is. Haven?t asked any of them to do anything I couldn?t do. Secret of good leadership, don?t you know? None of them has had to do it for more than, oh, three or four hours at a stretch.?


The Doctor looked on resignedly. ?I see,? she said. ?Well, I?m afraid that sort of activity could certainly cause this if the individual hasn?t had sufficient practice previously or if they don?t warm up properly beforehand. You must remember, Colonel, that these girls don?t have your experience.? I?m afraid the only cure is complete rest for the limbs concerned for at least two weeks and then only a very gradual return to use with plenty of exercise to increase the range of movement. They will need orthopaedic wrist braces but those slings will have to do until you can get them. They?ll need some pain relief. Regular ibuprofen should do it. They may find massage helps. Rest is the main thing though. Otherwise their wrists may lock up completely.?


?That might not be a problem,? Snell smirked, ?but I?ll see what I can do. I suppose they?ve got two hands after all.?


?Well, be careful,? the Doctor advised, ?for the right handers, their left hands will be even more susceptible to this. I also have to say that our warranty doesn?t really cover this. It?s what we would term fair wear and tear. I?m happy to have called today but if you needed any further help, I?d have to ask Mr Clegg if he wanted to levy a charge.?


?Hmm,? said the Colonel. ?Well thanks for your efforts Doctor. I appreciate what you?ve done.?


With that the Doctor left us, Snell waved the three invalid girls away and told Forbes to take me up to my room and help me to settle in.


Chapter 3?? :? Settling In


Forbes had a rather brisk manner, I thought, as he showed me up to a room near the top of the house. I was quite pleased by the accommodation because I?d half expected a cell in the basement or a cage outside.


?I run this place like clockwork, young lady. I hope you?ll find no trouble in fitting in with our little ways. I know some of you young girls have a rather slap dash approach to things and we don?t go in for that here.? He opened the door to a small room. It was rather sparsely furnished but the bed looked comfortable and there was a small dressing table, stool and a wardrobe. There was a window high up on the gable wall. I suppose I wasn?t surprised to see it had bars.


?This will be your room for tonight. You?ll be in the main barrack room with the others tomorrow,? Forbes said. ?I?ll have one of the other girls bring up your bags so you can get changed. I?m sure that sort of thing,? he peered disapprovingly at my chanoosh, ?is considered amusing by Mr Clegg?s people but we prefer more conventional attire. I?m assuming you have clothes with you?? I nodded and grunted through my gag. ?Right. We?ll see to a uniform issue later. Oh yes, I?ll tell them to take off your restraints as well. You can join the staff briefing at 19:00 hours in the kitchen. It?s at the bottom of the stairs - turn left and follow it through to the back of the house.? There is a lavatory and wash room at the end of the corridor. I think that?s about it for now. We?ll sort the other things out later. Welcome to the house, Miss.?


There didn?t seem to be much for me to do except to sit on the bed and wait until my clothes and some help appeared. It wasn?t long in coming. Another girl in khaki appeared carrying the small case that my clothes had been packed into. She said nothing but reached under my robes to free me from the handcuffs and the tape. I was pleased when the last piece came free from my arms and wasted no time in removing the strip that was hobbling my legs and then unbuckling the ball gag that filled my mouth.


?Oh thank you so much,? I said to the girl. ?My name?s Sarah. What?s yours??


The girl looked startled, shook her head, put her finger to her lips and pointed to a sheet of paper pinned to the wall. I peered it. ?Regulations? it said in large type at the top. Underneath was a list of rules that were evidently meant to apply to all the household staff The girl pointed to about halfway down the list where it said: ?7. Staff should not spend time in idle chatter during working hours.?


?Oh,? I said, ?come on. No one?s going to mind us exchanging names, are they?? The girl looked even more worried and nodded her head vigorously. With that she scurried away leaving me to unpack and change.


I thought that a bit odd but was glad to get out of the chanoosh and to peel the strips of tape from my arms and thighs. I wasn?t sure what was best to wear for the staff meeting but thought I ought to try to look efficient so I chose the black skirt and white blouse that I quite often wore around the office. It took me a while to put on some make up and sort my hair out ? putting a chanoosh on over wet hair isn?t recommended unless your planning to keep the chanoosh on! - but I was nearly ready when I heard the grandfather clock in the hall striking seven. I pulled on my shoes and walked to the stairs. As I started to come down the stairs, I saw Forbes apparently about to come up but as he saw me he turned on his heel and headed off towards the kitchen too.


When I got there the other girls were already gathered there, all neatly dressed in their uniforms. Forbes was standing at the front of the meeting.


?Ah,? he said. ?Miss Anderson. So good of you to join us.?


I recognised the irony and thought it was as well to apologise, even though I?d only been a minute or so late. ?I?m sorry I?m late Mr Forbes. I didn?t intend to keep you waiting. It?s just that there?s no clock in my room and?.?


?No matter, Miss,? he said. ?We must get on with the agenda.? I was relieved that it didn?t sound as though he intended to chastise me any further.? ?Item 1,? he said. ?Today?s Performance. You?ll be pleased to know that all has been completed satisfactorily today. The Colonel has been pleased with standards generally, apart from the medical problems of course. Item 2, Tomorrow?s Events. Nothing special. The Colonel is out for lunch tomorrow but breakfast and dinner will be taken as normal. We will take advantage of the Colonel being out in the middle of the day to have a kit inspection. Item 3, Tomorrow?s Duty Roster. Three of you are on sick parade. You two, Catering Corps, You three Colonel?s Special Needs. You two, Household. You two, Dogs. All clear? Good. Any questions? No? Good. I understand that we are a bit stretched at the moment but this young lady,? he pointed at me, ?is joining the Colonel?s staff to help find additional recruits. I?m sure we will all be pleased that she?s here. You,? he pointed to a dark haired girl, ?make sure our new arrival gets a uniform issued and see she knows what?s required for inspection tomorrow.?


I smiled at the dark haired girl. She looked back, nervously, apparently unhappy at being given the task.


?Right then,? Forbes said. ?That?s more or less it apart from Item 4. Punishment Parade.? I wasn?t surprised by that. It seemed almost inevitable that Forbes would be a strict disciplinarian. ?Well, quite a good show today,? he said. The girls all looked relieved. ?There?s just the one.?


He turned towards me. ?Miss,? he said, ?if you would just like to come up here.?


I was startled but got to my feet. ?Surely you don?t mean me?? I said. ?I mean I?ve only just got here. What can I possibly have done??


?I am afraid we take timeliness very seriously here, Miss. You were late for the meeting and that wastes everybody?s time.? He reached into a cupboard and pulled out a bamboo cane. ?The standard is one stroke for each minute,? Forbes said. ?So come here please.?


I was glad I was only one minute late, I thought. The cane looked as though it would deal a painful blow but I could take a single stroke.


?Bend over the end of this table, please Miss,? Forbes pointed to where he wanted me. ?And you, Dobbs, take her skirt down, please.? As I stood by the desk, Mylene came forward and unzipped my skirt, letting it fall around my ankles. ?And the knickers please,? Forbes was insistent, Mylene complied. ?Right,? said Forbes, gripping me by the back of the neck and pushing my face down against the desk. ?Fourteen strokes!?


?Fourteen!?? I gasped. ?I thought you said one.?


?Yes, that?s right. One for each minute wasted. Your were one minute late, there are thirteen of us and you, that?s fourteen minutes wasted, unless my mathematics is severely at fault. Is it??


?No, Mr Forbes,? I said fearfully, dreading the punishment that I now knew was to come.


?That?s, ?No Sergeant?, young lady,? he said. ?And the drill here is to count these off and say ?Thank you, Sergeant? at the end of it. Clear??


?Yes, err, Sergeant,? I said and the punishment began.??


The cane cracked down. The first blow caught me right across the buttocks. The force and the shock cracked the front of my thighs against the edge of the table. I gasped with the pain and counted ?One?. The other blows followed quickly. I?d had harder beatings but each stroke was laid down precisely on the place of the preceding stroke building up a crescendo of pain. By the tenth stroke I was gasping my responses, by the thirteenth I was sobbing. The last stroke and my final, ?Fourteen. Thank you, Sergeant? was barely audible.


Forbes let go the nape of my neck and I straightened up slowly. ?You can get dressed, now,? he said. I pulled my knickers up, regretting how tight they were as they stretched over my sore backside. When I bent forward to grip the waistband of my skirt the pain was even worse. I straightened up slowly, fastened my skirt and walked slowly back to my place. I didn?t feel like trying to sit down.


Forbes called the group to order. ?That finishes our agenda for today,? he said. ?Splendid display of discipline, Anderson. Some of you other girls could take her example for punishment parade. Now, don?t forget, lights out, nine o?clock tonight. That?s all. Parade! Parade, atten - shun!? The girls leapt to their feet, standing as stiff as boards under Forbes?s gaze. ?Parade dismiss.? Forbes picked up his cane, turned on his heel and left.



? 2007 Freddie Clegg

All characters fictitious.


All characters fictitious.


Sarah and Basher feature in Freddie?s story ?Market Forces? available here.

Download PDF copies of other Freddie Clegg stories at :


Chapter 1?? :? An Office Meeting


Hi! We?ve not really spoken before but you?ve probably heard a bit about me from Larry. I?m Sarah. Ooops, sorry, #06.085. I keep forgetting I?m only supposed to use my slave number. I?ve been doing secretarial work here in Clegg?s organisation for a while now and though lots of bosses like to think they have their secretaries as a sort of personal office slave, it?s only here that it?s literally true. I?ve been helping out around here for about six months, ever since my current boss had me kidnapped. There?s one other thing you need to know. As part of my training ? ?preparation? they call it - Clegg?s people put me through their sexualisation programme. It means I respond very quickly to sexual approaches or situations. I can?t help it. It?s just the way the programme makes you. I mean I wouldn?t want you to think I was some sort of sex maniac or anything.


Anyway, this is about one of our customers. Harry (that?s my boss ? yeah, I know its confusing - Harry, Larry - but don?t worry about it) was meeting him to discuss his new requirements and he asked me to tag along to take notes. Harry?s great at running the team but his admin isn?t up to much ? I guess that?s why he keeps me around.


I was quite surprised when I saw Harry?s guest. I mean, most of our customers are in their forties or fifties, I guess, but this one was much older, in his seventies, I guess. And he was sitting in a wheel chair. I?ve not had much contact with older customers ? apart from that Kushtian, Kushnati Koresh, and he was just horrid ? but this man looked nice. He was very well turned out; smartly dressed, his white hair cut neatly short, his moustache carefully trimmed. He obviously took care of his appearance, his shoes were polished, the creases in his trousers as sharp as a razor, his jacket immaculate with a carnation in his button hole.


He smiled at me as I came in. ?Well,? he said, ?that does brighten up the office, I must say.?


I?m used to hearing sexist comments at work (I mean what else would you expect in a business that trades in women, after all?) but at least he seemed to do it with a bit of charm. Actually since the training that they have put me through here, sex is pretty much a component of everything so I don?t really mind. Not, of course, that it matters, whether I mind or not. It?s just something I have to put up with and, since Harry insists that I look the part of the sexy secretary around the office, I put up with it most of the time. In any case, since I was put through what Harry calls the sexualisation programme, the slightest mention of sexual activity has my nipples stiffening and other parts getting distinctly damp.


Harry introduced his guest. ?This is Colonel Snell,? he said. ?We provided him with some product a while ago.?


?Very good too, very good,? Colonel Snell, interrupted, twisting his moustache in a way that recalled a Victorian villain.


?Thank you,? said Harry. ?Well as I was saying. We provided the Colonel with, what was it, 12 girls?? Snell nodded with a self satisfied grin. ?And now he has further use of our services. Take a seat Sarah; you?ll need to jot down what the colonel is looking for.?


I pulled up one of the chairs that Harry kept beside his desk and sat down. As I crossed my legs, I thought I caught Colonel Snell sneaking a surreptitious glance but Harry launched into the discussion of the Colonel?s needs and I was soon scribbling notes on my pad, too busy to worry about anything like that.


The discussion took about twenty minutes and at the end of it Harry stood up and reached across to shake Colonel Snell?s hand. ?I?m sure we?ll be able to sort something out,? he said.


?Fine, fine,? said Snell. ?Well it?s been a pleasure.? He spun his wheel chair around to face towards the office door. I moved across to open it for him. ?Thank you young lady,? he said as he drew up alongside me. ?It?s a delight to see someone so efficient and considerate.? I smiled in response to the complement. ?And, I must say, it is also good to see a young lady turned out so smartly. First rate,? he said looking me up and down as if he was inspecting one of his troops, ?Always liked red-heads. First rate.?


?I?ll see you out,? said Harry and followed him out through into the hall.


I got back to my computer, typing up the notes from our meeting. It?s always best to type things up quickly, I find. That way things don?t get forgotten. I?d got most of it done before Harry got back. He always appreciates it when I deal with things straight away. ?He seemed nice,? I said as Harry came back into the office. ?I don?t know why everyone is so nasty about him. It?s not his fault that he?s old and in a wheel chair.? Harry seemed a little distracted, lost in thought.


?Hmm?? he said.


?Colonel Snell,? I said, ?he seemed like a nice old chap. I hope we can help him out.?


?Yes, yes,? said Harry still obviously distracted. ?Well, you won?t mind then.?


?Mind?? I said, ?what should I mind??


?Oh, sorry,? said Harry, ?I was trying to work out what I was going to do while you?re off.?




?Yes. Snell wants you to fill in with him for a while. Says he wants some help with using the web system when we start finding some recruits. You know how it is with some of these old folk. They can?t get to grips with the technology like youngsters can. I said you?d help out.?


I must have looked surprised.


?Sarah, I have to keep reminding you that you?re a slave around here.? Suddenly I was very conscious of the solid metal collar that was locked around my neck under my blouse. ?Just remember that you are #06.085 and that you do as you are told and go where you are told.?


?Sorry, Sir,? I apologised. ?Of course.?


?That?s all right Sarah.? Harry?s a sweetie, really. He finds it hard to keep up the whole stern look thing. ?Look, finish typing up those notes and then you can get off for a while. Snell wants you transferred this evening if possible.?


?Oh, do you want me to speak to transport?? I said, trying to be helpful. ?They?ll need notice because we hadn?t got anything else scheduled tonight.?


Harry smiled. ?That?s all right Sarah, I?ll fix it. Just do the typing and have a couple of hours off.?


Chapter 2?? :? On The Move


I managed to get the typing finished and then got back to my room. I just had time for a shower before two of the transport team turned up.


I was only wearing a towel wrapped around me and another around my hair when the two of them appeared. From the way the taller one was licking his lips I could see that they weren?t worried by the fact that I?d only just finished in the bathroom. But then Harry?s team aren?t always the most subtle. ?Hi, Sarah,? the taller one said. ?You ready??


?Does it look like it?? I asked, still trying to rub my hair dry.


?Don?t worry about that,? he said. ?It?s time to go now.?


I gave a short sigh but I knew it wasn?t any good arguing. I held out my wrists ready for the handcuffs. He looked at them and shook his head, waving with a finger to indicate I should turn around. I did as he directed and felt the cold steel of the cuffs against skin that was still hot and damp from my shower as he fastened my wrists behind my back.


As the taller guy slid the cuffs tightly shut his colleague walked around to face me. He reached up and jerked the towel off, leaving me naked. OK, I know I?m a slave here but I thought they were being a bit unfair. ?Hey,? I started to say, ?that?s not nuungh?.? My objections were cut off as the taller man pushed a standard ball gag into my mouth and pulled the strap tightly around my head. I hate the ball gag most of all. They always make my jaw ache and they make me drool. It?s painful and it?s messy. Give me tape or even a cloth any time. I?d much rather be gagged with one of them.


?Works every time,? the shorter guy said, ignoring my grunted protests. He opened his work bag and pulled out a tape dispenser. He used tape to strap my arms to my side and lock my wrists into the small of my back with strips that went around my belly. He put a few turns around my legs just above the knee for good measure. I could still hobble along but I wasn?t going anywhere quickly.


?You?re in for a treat,? said the taller guy. ?We?re not using a crate this time.? That sounded good to me. The transport crates were really uncomfortable even if you had been sedated first. Harry must have put in a good word for me. He rummaged in the work bag and pulled out a neatly folded pile of brown woollen cloth. As soon as he started to unfold it I recognised it for what it was; a chanoosh.


I?d seen them plenty of times before, working with some of Clegg?s Kushtian clients. The chanoosh was the traditional robe worn by Kushtian women; a floor length garment that covered the head and included a veil that hid all of the face except for the wearer?s eyes. They pulled the towel from my head and then put the chanoosh on in its place.


?Seems a shame to cover her up,? the taller guy said. ?Aren?t too many titties around here nicer than these.?


?You?re right there,? his colleague said, grabbing a quick feel under the pretext of pulling the chanoosh down over my shoulders. Mostly the guards here are pretty good, Harry doesn?t have too much trouble with them taking liberties that they aren?t entitled to but somehow I?ve? seemed to moved out of the ?hands off the merchandise unless told? category, especially since the sexualisation programme that means I give out all the wrong signals in response. I gave a grunt of protest into my gag, but it ended up sounding like an ?mmm? of encouragement. The guard chortled. ?Where?s she going anyway??


?Over to Colonel Snell?s.?


?Oh right. Is it true he?s called Basher because of, well, you know??


?Yepp,? nodded the other as he pulled my robe into place. ?renowned for it. World class by all accounts.? If there was an Olympic event for it, he?d have the gold medal.?


?Oh well,? said the first guard to me, ?you should be safe enough then.?


Satisfied that they?d got the robe on properly, the two men hustled me out of the room and into the corridor. I caught sight of myself in a mirror on one wall, the dark brown robe covered me from head to foot, the veil covered my nose and ball-gag filled mouth, all that could be seen of me was my eyes.?


I hobbled along as best I could with the tape wound around my thighs. My awkward gait seemed to amuse my escorts but they stopped laughing long enough to help me into the car that was parked beside the Prep Centre?s loading bay. Pushed into the back seat and strapped in, I could only wait until a driver appeared.


Two more of Harry?s team rolled out to drive me across to Colonel Snell?s. As usual one came to baby-sit me in the back of the car. He gave me a friendly smile as he slid in beside me but I still thought that he?d still be planning to spend the journey seeing if he could fumble with me under my robes. Then we were joined by someone else. Doctor Jordan, ?The Doc? as she was universally, but unoriginally, known came out of the Prep Centre talking to Harry. She finished her discussions and climbed into the front seat alongside my driver. ?Thanks for the ride, boys,? she said. ?Handy you going over to the Colonel?s right now.? And with that the car pulled away.


As the car wound its way through London I had to get used to strange looks whenever the car stopped at traffic lights. After some of the fuss last year, a lot of people still find it strange to see a veiled woman out in public. I guess they?d have thought things even more strange of they could see what I had on under my veil and my chanoosh. Us Brits can be really contradictory at times.


We got to Colonel Snell?s house late in the afternoon. It was good to see somewhere I was being taken to for a change. It might have been uncomfortable bound and gagged and strapped into the back seat with my minder sneaking his hands under my robe and running them over my thighs but it was a lot better than riding in the boot or in one of the Centre?s crates.


We were greeted by what I took to be Colonel Snell?s butler, although later, the Colonel explained that batman was the more correct title. He showed the group of us into the lounge where Colonel Snell was sitting in his wheelchair. One of the slaves we had supplied, it was Mylene ? I recognised her from some of the tapes that Harry had asked me to catalogue ? was kneeling beside him. Dressed in a khaki, short sleeved, blouse and a straight skirt in the same colour, she turned towards me, her mouth distended by a ball gag every bit as mouth filling as my own.


?Doctor Jordan, Miss Sarah, and two gentlemen, Colonel,? Snell?s batman intoned.


?Very good, Forbes,? the Colonel responded. ?I imagine you two gentlemen would appreciate a small glass of beer, what? Forbes, why don?t you look after them while I talk to the Doctor and get acquainted with our red headed friend.? Forbes led my driver and custodian away. Snell turned his attention to the Doctor and me.


?Good of you to come, Doctor,? he said. ?Must say I appreciate the after sales service. Why have you brought the young lady dressed like that though? Not some vile example of multi-cultural political correctness, is it? Hadn?t got Clegg down for that sort of thing at all.?


Doctor Jordan smiled tolerantly. ?Ah, no. I believe it?s just a piece of expedience; simpler to transport low risk pieces like this young lady. Clegg picked the idea up from some of his Kushtian contacts. You know what he?s like for trying new ideas.?


?Hmm. Too fond of it if you ask me. Still never mind. I assume she?s gagged under there.? He reached out and pinched one of my tits. The pained but muffled squeal I gave out answered his question. ?Thought so. Still never mind her for the moment, you?ll be wanting to see the patients.?


?Yes, if I could. It?s quite unusual for three of our girls to develop a fault so soon after delivery.?


?I?m sure,? he said, ?same problem too.?


?Well, if I could see the girls concerned.? Doctor Jordan said.


?If you would like to follow me, Doctor.? Forbes had reappeared at the back of the room.


With the Doctor joining Forbes to see to her patients, the Colonel turned his attention back towards me. ?Now, don?t you worry my dear, we?ll have you out of those robes shortly. I recall that you were very neatly turned out at Mr Clegg?s offices and I am sure you will want to present the same show of efficiency here. Forbes will have your bags taken through to your room and then you?ll be able to shower and dress properly. That robe may be all very well for transport but I have to say I got over the allure of veiled women in a three year stint in Aden. What??


With the ball gag still strapped into my mouth I could do no more than grunt in an agreeing tone. It didn?t stop the Colonel however.


?Appalling place!? he went on. ?Hot as hell with dust to match and flies everywhere. And the food! Yee gods, drove me back to the NAAFI canteen. Can?t imagine why we spent so long trying to hold onto it after the whole Suez debacle. Madness. That lunatic Eden. Could have done without him. Mind you Macmillan was no better. Politicians! None of them have the first idea. Ought to leave foreign policy to the military. Then you?d see what Britain can do in the world. Least this Blair chap has let us get on with things. Never thought I?d hear myself approving of one of his sort. But, there you are???


The Colonel?s rant continued. He didn?t seem to mind if I grunted in agreement or not so, for the most part, I stood, listening and appearing, in as much as you can in an all enclosing robe, to show interest.


Eventually the Doctor returned, accompanied by three of the Colonel?s women. All three wore the same uniform clothing that Mylene was dressed in. Each had her right hand in a collar and cuff sling.


The Colonel interrupted his flow. ?Ah,? he said, ?the witch doctor has returned. What?s the verdict, Doc? Nasty attack of acute idleness if you ask me!?


Doctor Jordan smiled. ?No, no, Colonel. It?s a real complaint, I?m afraid. RSI is my diagnosis.?


?Damned initials are no use to me. What?s wrong with them??


?I?m sorry,? said the Doc. ?RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury. You get it by repeating the same action over and over again. You tend to see it in offices ? too much typing that sort of thing ? or in some factory jobs. It just means the wrist has been asked to carry out more work than it?s used to. Can I ask what sort of thing you?ve been using the girls for? They didn?t seem keen to talk about it.?


?Ha,? barked Snell, ?wouldn?t have thought any of them were shrinking violets. The only hard work they?ve had to do is bringing me a bit of relief.?


?They?ve been masturbating you??


?Yes, of course. Not called Basher Snell for nothing, you know! Started at school, kept it up in the army. Can?t get any of those disagreeable diseases as long as you wash your hands! Should have seen some of the whore houses some of the chaps used to go to, excusing your sensibilities, doctor.? The doctor didn?t seem to have been unduly offended but Snell took no notice in any event. ?Still I can?t see what the problem is. Haven?t asked any of them to do anything I couldn?t do. Secret of good leadership, don?t you know? None of them has had to do it for more than, oh, three or four hours at a stretch.?


The Doctor looked on resignedly. ?I see,? she said. ?Well, I?m afraid that sort of activity could certainly cause this if the individual hasn?t had sufficient practice previously or if they don?t warm up properly beforehand. You must remember, Colonel, that these girls don?t have your experience.? I?m afraid the only cure is complete rest for the limbs concerned for at least two weeks and then only a very gradual return to use with plenty of exercise to increase the range of movement. They will need orthopaedic wrist braces but those slings will have to do until you can get them. They?ll need some pain relief. Regular ibuprofen should do it. They may find massage helps. Rest is the main thing though. Otherwise their wrists may lock up completely.?


?That might not be a problem,? Snell smirked, ?but I?ll see what I can do. I suppose they?ve got two hands after all.?


?Well, be careful,? the Doctor advised, ?for the right handers, their left hands will be even more susceptible to this. I also have to say that our warranty doesn?t really cover this. It?s what we would term fair wear and tear. I?m happy to have called today but if you needed any further help, I?d have to ask Mr Clegg if he wanted to levy a charge.?


?Hmm,? said the Colonel. ?Well thanks for your efforts Doctor. I appreciate what you?ve done.?


With that the Doctor left us, Snell waved the three invalid girls away and told Forbes to take me up to my room and help me to settle in.


Chapter 3?? :? Settling In


Forbes had a rather brisk manner, I thought, as he showed me up to a room near the top of the house. I was quite pleased by the accommodation because I?d half expected a cell in the basement or a cage outside.


?I run this place like clockwork, young lady. I hope you?ll find no trouble in fitting in with our little ways. I know some of you young girls have a rather slap dash approach to things and we don?t go in for that here.? He opened the door to a small room. It was rather sparsely furnished but the bed looked comfortable and there was a small dressing table, stool and a wardrobe. There was a window high up on the gable wall. I suppose I wasn?t surprised to see it had bars.


?This will be your room for tonight. You?ll be in the main barrack room with the others tomorrow,? Forbes said. ?I?ll have one of the other girls bring up your bags so you can get changed. I?m sure that sort of thing,? he peered disapprovingly at my chanoosh, ?is considered amusing by Mr Clegg?s people but we prefer more conventional attire. I?m assuming you have clothes with you?? I nodded and grunted through my gag. ?Right. We?ll see to a uniform issue later. Oh yes, I?ll tell them to take off your restraints as well. You can join the staff briefing at 19:00 hours in the kitchen. It?s at the bottom of the stairs - turn left and follow it through to the back of the house.? There is a lavatory and wash room at the end of the corridor. I think that?s about it for now. We?ll sort the other things out later. Welcome to the house, Miss.?


There didn?t seem to be much for me to do except to sit on the bed and wait until my clothes and some help appeared. It wasn?t long in coming. Another girl in khaki appeared carrying the small case that my clothes had been packed into. She said nothing but reached under my robes to free me from the handcuffs and the tape. I was pleased when the last piece came free from my arms and wasted no time in removing the strip that was hobbling my legs and then unbuckling the ball gag that filled my mouth.


?Oh thank you so much,? I said to the girl. ?My name?s Sarah. What?s yours??


The girl looked startled, shook her head, put her finger to her lips and pointed to a sheet of paper pinned to the wall. I peered it. ?Regulations? it said in large type at the top. Underneath was a list of rules that were evidently meant to apply to all the household staff The girl pointed to about halfway down the list where it said: ?7. Staff should not spend time in idle chatter during working hours.?


?Oh,? I said, ?come on. No one?s going to mind us exchanging names, are they?? The girl looked even more worried and nodded her head vigorously. With that she scurried away leaving me to unpack and change.


I thought that a bit odd but was glad to get out of the chanoosh and to peel the strips of tape from my arms and thighs. I wasn?t sure what was best to wear for the staff meeting but thought I ought to try to look efficient so I chose the black skirt and white blouse that I quite often wore around the office. It took me a while to put on some make up and sort my hair out ? putting a chanoosh on over wet hair isn?t recommended unless your planning to keep the chanoosh on! - but I was nearly ready when I heard the grandfather clock in the hall striking seven. I pulled on my shoes and walked to the stairs. As I started to come down the stairs, I saw Forbes apparently about to come up but as he saw me he turned on his heel and headed off towards the kitchen too.


When I got there the other girls were already gathered there, all neatly dressed in their uniforms. Forbes was standing at the front of the meeting.


?Ah,? he said. ?Miss Anderson. So good of you to join us.?


I recognised the irony and thought it was as well to apologise, even though I?d only been a minute or so late. ?I?m sorry I?m late Mr Forbes. I didn?t intend to keep you waiting. It?s just that there?s no clock in my room and?.?


?No matter, Miss,? he said. ?We must get on with the agenda.? I was relieved that it didn?t sound as though he intended to chastise me any further.? ?Item 1,? he said. ?Today?s Performance. You?ll be pleased to know that all has been completed satisfactorily today. The Colonel has been pleased with standards generally, apart from the medical problems of course. Item 2, Tomorrow?s Events. Nothing special. The Colonel is out for lunch tomorrow but breakfast and dinner will be taken as normal. We will take advantage of the Colonel being out in the middle of the day to have a kit inspection. Item 3, Tomorrow?s Duty Roster. Three of you are on sick parade. You two, Catering Corps, You three Colonel?s Special Needs. You two, Household. You two, Dogs. All clear? Good. Any questions? No? Good. I understand that we are a bit stretched at the moment but this young lady,? he pointed at me, ?is joining the Colonel?s staff to help find additional recruits. I?m sure we will all be pleased that she?s here. You,? he pointed to a dark haired girl, ?make sure our new arrival gets a uniform issued and see she knows what?s required for inspection tomorrow.?


I smiled at the dark haired girl. She looked back, nervously, apparently unhappy at being given the task.


?Right then,? Forbes said. ?That?s more or less it apart from Item 4. Punishment Parade.? I wasn?t surprised by that. It seemed almost inevitable that Forbes would be a strict disciplinarian. ?Well, quite a good show today,? he said. The girls all looked relieved. ?There?s just the one.?


He turned towards me. ?Miss,? he said, ?if you would just like to come up here.?


I was startled but got to my feet. ?Surely you don?t mean me?? I said. ?I mean I?ve only just got here. What can I possibly have done??


?I am afraid we take timeliness very seriously here, Miss. You were late for the meeting and that wastes everybody?s time.? He reached into a cupboard and pulled out a bamboo cane. ?The standard is one stroke for each minute,? Forbes said. ?So come here please.?


I was glad I was only one minute late, I thought. The cane looked as though it would deal a painful blow but I could take a single stroke.


?Bend over the end of this table, please Miss,? Forbes pointed to where he wanted me. ?And you, Dobbs, take her skirt down, please.? As I stood by the desk, Mylene came forward and unzipped my skirt, letting it fall around my ankles. ?And the knickers please,? Forbes was insistent, Mylene complied. ?Right,? said Forbes, gripping me by the back of the neck and pushing my face down against the desk. ?Fourteen strokes!?


?Fourteen!?? I gasped. ?I thought you said one.?


?Yes, that?s right. One for each minute wasted. Your were one minute late, there are thirteen of us and you, that?s fourteen minutes wasted, unless my mathematics is severely at fault. Is it??


?No, Mr Forbes,? I said fearfully, dreading the punishment that I now knew was to come.


?That?s, ?No Sergeant?, young lady,? he said. ?And the drill here is to count these off and say ?Thank you, Sergeant? at the end of it. Clear??


?Yes, err, Sergeant,? I said and the punishment began.??


The cane cracked down. The first blow caught me right across the buttocks. The force and the shock cracked the front of my thighs against the edge of the table. I gasped with the pain and counted ?One?. The other blows followed quickly. I?d had harder beatings but each stroke was laid down precisely on the place of the preceding stroke building up a crescendo of pain. By the tenth stroke I was gasping my responses, by the thirteenth I was sobbing. The last stroke and my final, ?Fourteen. Thank you, Sergeant? was barely audible.


Forbes let go the nape of my neck and I straightened up slowly. ?You can get dressed, now,? he said. I pulled my knickers up, regretting how tight they were as they stretched over my sore backside. When I bent forward to grip the waistband of my skirt the pain was even worse. I straightened up slowly, fastened my skirt and walked slowly back to my place. I didn?t feel like trying to sit down.


Forbes called the group to order. ?That finishes our agenda for today,? he said. ?Splendid display of discipline, Anderson. Some of you other girls could take her example for punishment parade. Now, don?t forget, lights out, nine o?clock tonight. That?s all. Parade! Parade, atten - shun!? The girls leapt to their feet, standing as stiff as boards under Forbes?s gaze. ?Parade dismiss.? Forbes picked up his cane, turned on his heel and left.



? 2007 Freddie Clegg

All characters fictitious.


All characters fictitious.


Sarah and Basher feature in Freddie?s story ?Market Forces? available here.

Download PDF copies of other Freddie Clegg stories at :



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August 23, 1985, Chicago, Illinois I was showered with kisses from both girls in response to my proposal, but I gently pushed them away so that I could actually get the rings on their fingers. Jessica was first, as Kara and I had discussed when we’d planned this. I took Jessica’s ring from its box, and gently slipped it onto her left ring finger. Kara reached to take Jessica’s hand, squeezed it, and then I slipped the ring on Kara’s finger. The girls held out their hands for me to...

2 years ago
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First Date After Engagement

My first sex story……Comments on This is a huge ass story because I was too lazy to do it in parts. It’s basically a two or three part sex story crammed into one. Deal. With. It. After our engagement, I suddenly had to travel abroad for work and didn’t get time to spend with my fiancee. Her name is sriti. She’s an amazing girl. The perfect wife. She is cute, goofy, childish and whole lot of fun. She was gorgeous too, a small height of 5’4 that made her even cuter…. 32-28-34. She is the woman of...

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The Pressing Engagement

NOTICE: This is a work of transgender fiction and bears no connection to anyone living or dead. It contains explicit sexual descriptions and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. The Pressing Engagement By Erin Shoemaker, Jr. "Gentlemen and ladies, this is Agent Bob Reynolds," said the Director as the two of them entered the conference room. The group of six men and three women, seated at the large cherry-wood...

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Batrice engagement

B?atrice : EngagementL'action se situe en suite directe du 3e chapitre de B?atrice : les d?butsChapitre 1 : Premiere rencontre, la demeureFinalement, ce n'est pas une partie de plaisir de conduire completement nue ! La p?dale d'acc?l?ration ?a va encore mais les deuxautres, elles sont dures ! D'un autre cot?, cela m'empeche de penser constamment ? ma peur de croiser quelqu'un et qu'il me voit ainsi, surtout une patrouille de gendarmerie, cela ne m'amuserait pas du tout ! Autre probl?me, c'est mon si?ge ! Si mon anu...

4 years ago
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A Royal Engagement

A Royal Engagement The planning had taken several months. Diplomatic exchanges had been lengthy and tedious and now the happy union between Prince Harold of Moronia and Princess Lilla of Transvallia had been arranged to cement the union between the two nations after twenty years or so of sporadic war. Neither side really wanted a war, but neither would accept peace over the disputed city and province of Dunn. Basically neither side wanted the money pit but national pride got in the...

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An Engagement

St. Evies―An Engagement Introduction: Ruminations Pedro de la Garza had a problem. He was a young man, posing as a girl, which could not last forever. Every day brought new challenges and some had almost tripped him. He was also living on charity, which offended his sense of dignity. Even if he could, Pedro did not want to continue posing. Now that he had a steady job, with improving prospects, it was not necessary. Other living arrangements could be found. If it were not for Angela, Pedro...

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Military School Adventures 3

Disclaimer: This story is not intended for inappropriate audiences. If you are too young to be reading this or this story is illegal where you live, then please do not go any farther. This story consists of sex between consenting men and is entirely based on real life occurrences; the names have been changed to protect the guilty. This story is copyrighted and should not be copied or distributed, all rights reserved. Any feedback would be welcome; I do ask that all criticism be...

4 years ago
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Military School Adventures 2

Disclaimer: This story is not intended for inappropriate audiences. If you are too young to be reading this or this story is illegal where you live, then please do not go any farther. This story consists of sex between consenting men and is entirely based on real life occurrences; the names have been changed to protect the guilty. This story is copyrighted and should not be copied or distributed, all rights reserved. Any feedback would be welcome; I do ask that all criticism be...

2 years ago
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Military School Adventures 1

Disclaimer: This story is not intended for inappropriate audiences. If you are too young to be reading this or this story is illegal where you live, then please do not go any farther. This story consists of sex between consenting men. This story is copyrighted and should not be copied or distributed, all rights reserved. Any feedback would be welcome; I do ask that all criticism be constructive as I will ignore all flames. In case you didn't pay attention to the categories, this is a...

3 years ago
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Military Training with the Big Bar Maid

When I entered basic training in the Army in Southern Germany as a 20 year old high school graduate, I was no virgin. In my younger years I had been in an intimate relationship with a much older woman who used to live in our house. She was horny and aggressive, and I was mostly on the receiving end. The school girls were much different, giggling and shy. We did a lot of kissing and petting on dark park benches, but I never had the guts to go beyond that. In the Army, some of my comrades were...

2 years ago
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Military Training with the Big Bar Maid

When I entered basic training in the Army in Southern Germany as a 20 year old high school graduate, I was no virgin. In my younger years I had been in an intimate relationship with a much older woman who used to live in our house. She was horny and aggressive, and I was mostly on the receiving end. The school girls were much different, giggling and shy. We did a lot of kissing and petting on dark park benches, but I never had the guts to go beyond that. In the Army, some of my comrades were...

4 years ago
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Military Reunion

I dragged my ass to a reunion finally and saw old mates from past military days. As we held it this time on the beach, there was plenty of hot young ass running around but not for me. I ended up finally working the bar giving a pal a break when a 30 something came up in a bikini and shawl skirt and I asked her for her reunion badge or ID. She laughed and said theres no room on her and I said I can think of a place. I asked her who she was property of and she said a guy from another unit I didnt...

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Eric Abbott was only 19 years of age and already he had seen just about every country anyone had ever dreamed of seeing. He had lived in Italy, Germany, France, Brazil, Hawaii, Russia, Australia, Canada, Japan and Israel. He had lived in so many places he almost forgot he was born in Florida. Eric had been to all these places because of the life his family led. His father was a General in the US Army and took his family wherever he was posted. Whenever General Paul Abbott was given a new...

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Military DelightsChapter 3 Trouble

Soon after the Prince became Khan of Tirfil, the raids into Kobekistani territory increased dramatically. Whole villages were razed, their men killed and their women and children taken to Tirfil as slaves. Diplomatic notes were exchanged to no effect. Finally the Emir wrote personally to Khan Habib demanding that the incursions stop forthwith and threatening punitive action if they did not. Ghada Baroud, the Emir's diplomatic advisor was loth to show the Emir the reply, but his Master...

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Military DelightsChapter 4 The Emir Leads

"Master, I have never said this before, and I never thought I would, but ... No, Master! You must not do that." Kamal Qumsiyeh, the Head of Protocol nodded his reluctant agreement with Ghada Baroud, the Advisor on Foreign Affairs. Both men feared for their jobs, and possibly for their lives. Open defiance of an absolute ruler such as the Emir is not generally a career enhancing move; on the contrary, it can often be life threatening. They looked over to General Mustapha, the Military...

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Military DelightsChapter 21 Spoils of War

Jalile Shalabi, the slave dealer, had set up a special reception session in the town square for the members of the victorious Kobekistani army to offer their captives for sale. There were quite a number of women on offer but, to his disappointment, not many of them were either young or beautiful, and none were both. There would be a glut of second rate slaves, he judged, so the prices he offered would have to be very low. Among the less interesting offerings was Nahla, who was being sold by...

3 years ago
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Screwed My Cousin Lavanya After Her Engagement

Hi to all iss readers. This is my first story hope you all will forgive my mistakes. Being an iss reader since many years….  I always waited for an experience as i read in the stories. I am Madhu from Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh and now i am staying in Hyderabad. I am good-looking guy with athletic body. Coming to my cousin…. Her name is Lavanya, she is a prefect structured girl with 36-28-36. She is 3 years elder to me. This incident happened in august 2013. I went to my granny’s village after...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 8 A Sisterrsquos Naughty Engagement

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! June 25th, 2022 – Melody Samuels “Ooh, that’s nice,” I whimpered as my older half-sister massaged my rump. Her oiled fingers dug into the meat of my ass, working in slow circled. “You like that?” Zoey asked. Her fingers bit deep. “Yes!” I gasped at the sensation, my nipples throbbing against the massage bed I lay, my face pressed into a padded cutout. I could see the floor below. My moans echoed through the massage room at the Lady’s Touch...

2 years ago
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Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 10 Engagement

Prue woke about two hours later to find herself wrapped in a man’s arms. It took her a moment to realise first, that it wasn’t Sandie, then to remember it was Tah. He was taller and harder than Sandie. He hugged differently as well. His big hand was firmly attached to one of her tits. Sandie generally hugged her waist and tended to leave a little more space between their bodies. Tah was skin to skin, and his cock was hard and jammed between her thighs. She squeezed her butt cheeks together....

4 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 8 Rules of Engagement

There were two VERY tired frowns staring at me. “And just where would that be?” Bob harrumphed. “Yeah, I’m dog tired Charlie! The ONLY place I want to go is to bed, laying next to Jamie.” Greg grumped. “I was thinking that we need to go see Zeus. I’ve GOT to plead our case to get more than 5 jumps. Tonight we really could have used 10! Plus, I thought you wanted to ask about Time Travel?” Bob looked defeated while Greg pleaded, “Okay, okay, I agree that we DO need to see Zeus. But, how...

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There and BackChapter 110 Engagement

It was a miserable afternoon, overall, I had to admit. I hated not having anything resembling control, I hated feeling useless. I wanted to at least be down there swinging my daggers and using my darkspawn invisibility to help the armies. Cailan clearly felt the same, and the two of us silently commiserated every time our gazes met. Messengers kept arriving every few minutes, delivering messages before running off with orders. A second wave of darkspawn joined the first, but two more of our...

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The Engagement

Your name is Andrew Brown and after living together for a couple years, a few months ago you finally popped the question and got engaged to your beautiful girlfriend Jill. She was what you considered a blonde bombshell. She kept herself in great shape and had big and perky DD cup breasts which other men were constantly ogling with envy. She was very kind with an infectious laugh and she seemed over the moon about the prospect of marrying you, and of planning the wedding. She wanted to go all...

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Your Engagement

Your name is Andrew Brown and after living together for a couple years, a few months ago you finally popped the question and got engaged to your beautiful girlfriend Jill. She was what you considered a blonde bombshell. She kept herself in great shape and had big and perky DD cup breasts which other men were constantly ogling with envy. She was very kind with an infectious laugh and she seemed over the moon about the prospect of marrying you, and of planning the wedding. She wanted to go all...

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Rachels Debt Chapter 4 Rules of Engagement

-Hey -Dont have this phone number, who is dis -It’s your dear old uncle Along with the text, I included a picture taken from our last session. I doubt Rachel had even noticed the cameras I had installed several years earlier at my late wife’s request. She used to love watching herself when I fucked her. This picture showed the young blonde with her hands bound behind her, her face against the ground. Not evident from the picture, but she had been busy licking my cum off the floor at the...

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Strict rules of engagement

It had been an unusually hot afternoon considering summer hadn’t yet started. Brody stared out the window as he sat in history class, the monotonous sound of Mr. Filk droning on had been washed out in Brody’s mind by the sound of the birds chirping outside. If he didn’t know any better, he could’ve sworn they were in the middle of summer. Brody’s day dreaming had been rudely interrupted by a piece of crumpled up paper hitting the right side of his face. As he snapped back to reality he...

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Strict rules of engagement

Introduction: Family ties restored in an unorthodox way This story is split into 3 parts, each getting more heated than the last. It had been an unusually hot afternoon considering summer hadnt yet started. Brody stared out the window as he sat in history class, the monotonous sound of Mr. Filk droning on had been washed out in Brodys mind by the sound of the birds chirping outside. If he didnt know any better, he couldve sworn they were in the middle of summer. Brodys day dreaming had been...

5 years ago
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The Engagement

Prologue On a cold Christmas day war broke out, both sides evenly matched, a snow-coated garden their battlefield and snowballs their weapons. The conflict began when the sound of children yelling erupted, the first strike was thrown by Victor a tall boy wearing an expressive coat and a smug smile of superiority on his charming face. His hands protected from the cold by his leather gloves as he mockingly tossed a snowball into the air and caught it again whilst his eyes searched for a...

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Return Engagement

“And this time,” Gwen said over the phone, “try to be on time.” This was my weekend for Tim. She was bringing him to his soccer game, and I was taking him from there and to camp on Sunday. It had been weeks since I’d been late, but she wasn’t about to let me forget it. Once, Gwen had reminded me of all my faults regularly. The divorce had put a crimp in her schedule, but she did her best to keep up. Since soccer was important to Tim, it was important to me. I got to the field before the game...

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The Naked CraneChapter 4 Return Engagement

While I walked silently toward the breaking waves with my new friend, I was surprised by the emptiness of our stretch of beach. In fact, I considered it luck, that during our fun little romp on the towels behind us, no one happened by. I was so involved with the moment that I neglect to keep track of who was coming and going along the beach. That can be dangerous out here if you don't want to se your name in the police blotter of the local paper for indecent exposure. But now as I looked,...

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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 12 Rules of Engagement

The five young women sat at an outside table at a nice restaurant in downtown Sarasota named Maurice’s: Edie, Kat, Amber, and their new friends Crystal and Melody. They were more upscale than the restaurant, and their looks and demeanor captivated the attention of everyone that walked by. Each of the girls had ordered a salad. There was some talk about the summer jobs that the latter two girls had taken: Crystal as a part-time waitress during the dinner shift at TGIFridays restaurant, and...

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PalimpsestChapter 25 Engagement

Everyone asked came to see the debuts of Debra and Laura. Mary and L after two days in bed making delicious love and creating Mary's new destiny, Marianne after working solo for a change and accumulating clientele, Margie relaxing and fattening up and studying the internet about education and doing some writing at her father's log cabin taking the train into town and being picked up at Union Station by Marta, joined Roger, Joe, Marta and the two performers at Choice. Of all the amateurs,...

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John N JulieChapter 6 No Prior Engagements

Julie: On the way to the downtown stores, John's cell phone rang and he answered it. "Yah. What? Those idiot cops towed the car off?" He turned to me and said, "Just now, the cops impounded your car. That was about the worst mistake they ever made in their miserable lives. We'll look at rings and then I am going to do something I have never done in my life." It scared me, when he made such a bald statement. Before he could tell me what, the cab driver turned his head and said, "Hey,...

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Military women dominate the best part 1

‘Why the hell are people knocking on my door this late at night?’ You asked yourself. You finally got up and went to the door and opened it. Surprise was one of many things that crossed your mind. “I’m about to ask you a favor that I could never imagine asking anyone, because you’re the only one I can trust to help me.” I whispered very seriously to you. “Umm I’m really confused right now. It’s almost past midnight, we have work tomorrow and we shouldn’t be in the same room vicinity this...

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Military Wife Blow Job Lessons

Introduction: My ex and I began to have some friends among the other jr officers After a while my ex and I started to have some friends among other Jr. officers and their wives. I found that they were in general, prudes, and that the husbands complained all the time about them not doing oral on them and a couple that did not care for any contact with their mouths to a cock My ex and I laughed about it a lot and then one day he came home and said, Hey, the guys wana know if you can teach the...

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Military Man Part 2

I was warm, content and relaxed. The dream I was having felt heavy and musky like a strong yet sweet perfume, consuming me completely. I felt weightless, floating softly in this cosy state. Slowly the dream began to shift and I started to grow colder, and I groaned a little as I felt myself waking up from this pure relaxation. I opened my eyes slightly, letting them adjust to the darkness around me. It can’t be morning yet, I couldn’t see any form of light except from the dim lamp outside. A...

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Military Man

I walked out of the train station, the bag at my shoulder beginning to weigh me down. I was over 2 hours away from home and had been travelling far too long for my liking. I shifted my heavy overnight bag higher up on my shoulder and steadily made my way down the concrete steps, careful not to topple over due to my sore feet. As I cautiously stepped onto the pavement, my phone began to ring in my pocket. Grumbling, I once again shifted the weight of my bag in order to dig around in the pocket...

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Military slut

Quick story ive just thought of.Kirsty is a slut in a uniform. She joined the army just so she would be surrounded by men. When choosing her role in the army she looked for a role where she would have access to more men with hardly any other women. She discovered that being a clerk (hr) would mean she could go to any unit in the country. Through basic training the men were hard to get to as she was with 23 other females. But her lust for cock had her sneaking out of her dorm room to go and bend...

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Military Strength

My wife Lauren is thirty-five and I'm thirty-four. She was a virgin when we married. She is four feet eleven inches tall and weighs ninety pounds, with a body you would kill for. Lauren and I have fantasized about her fucking someone else while I watched, but nothing like that has ever happened in the sixteen years we have been married. Recently we took a vacation together and enjoyed one wild time I'll not soon forget. A number of servicemen just happened to be staying at our hotel. They were...

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Military Man Part 2

I was warm, content and relaxed. The dream I was having felt heavy and musky like a strong yet sweet perfume, consuming me completely. I felt weightless, floating softly in this cosy state. Slowly the dream began to shift and I started to grow colder, and I groaned a little as I felt myself waking up from this pure relaxation. I opened my eyes slightly, letting them adjust to the darkness around me. It can't be morning yet, I couldn't see any form of light except from the dim lamp outside. A...

Straight Sex
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Military Man

I walked out of the train station, the bag at my shoulder beginning to weigh me down. I was over 2 hours away from home and had been travelling far too long for my liking. I shifted my heavy overnight bag higher up on my shoulder and steadily made my way down the concrete steps, careful not to topple over due to my sore feet. As I cautiously stepped onto the pavement, my phone began to ring in my pocket. Grumbling, I once again shifted the weight of my bag in order to dig around in the pocket...

Straight Sex
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Military Escort

It’s my first time in Newcastle Upon Tyne. My first time up north. I’d fallen in love with your accent but we’d never made it up here together. We’d always planned to. We’d said we’d come up, visit your folks and I could watch a match. I look out the window of the hotel and watch the hordes of black and white-clad men parading down the road from St James Park. The chants and songs rising up leave me in no doubt as to the paternity of the referee. I look at my watch. It’s almost 5 pm. I really...

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Military Quartes

Our quarter had 4 small apartments, in each apartment lived an official. Now during my stay my dad had to go home due to an emergency, i was supposed to go with him but i didnt wanted to. I convinced him a lot to let me stay back. After a lot of persuasion he finally let me stay there. Since he was a high ranking doctor in the army he had two soldiers appointed for his protection, he asked them to take care of me and stay with me at all times. I knew these soldiers, Harry and Rob. They were in...

4 years ago
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Military DelightsChapter 1 Prince Habib

The first encounter between His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, and the despised son of the Khan of Tirfil was at the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the Emir's accession to the throne. A number of notables had been invited to attend the ceremonies, during which a competition was held to select a Special Concubine to the Emir. The notables were each offered the privilege of deflowering one of the losing competitors, and the Emir recalled with distaste...

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