- 4 years ago
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St. Evies―An Engagement
Introduction: Ruminations
Pedro de la Garza had a problem.
He was a young man, posing as a girl, which could not last forever. Every day brought new challenges and some had almost tripped him. He was also living on charity, which offended his sense of dignity. Even if he could, Pedro did not want to continue posing. Now that he had a steady job, with improving prospects, it was not necessary. Other living arrangements could be found. If it were not for Angela, Pedro would have thanked all the girls and left.
Angela was the problem. Pedro wanted to stay near her, which meant continuing the masquerade. For better or worse, Angela had given Pedro her attention and he had offered her his heart. She seemed inclined to accept, but things are rarely that simple. Since they both knew the charade for what it was, Pedro could not court Angela as Patricia. It was complicated, though not urgent. Not yet.
The issue was always in his thoughts.
Chapter 1: Of Ice Cream and Windy DaysThinking constantly about Angela did not mean nothing else mattered. While his education was lacking, there was nothing wrong with Pedro's mind. An education can be mended. The bank had a chronic need for bilingual clerks at all levels. In the space of weeks, Patricia was promoted three times. With the promotions came responsibility for higher level accounts―and more material to study. In this, Deirdre was a huge help, but Finance was not in her area of interest. Soon she was out of her depth. As most of the girls would, she turned to Edith Dryden.
By this time, Pedro had regular contact with all the girls on the fifth floor, save Edith. They met the first night, but rarely since. Patricia quickly moved into the elite cliques, while Edith remained among the outsiders. Each knew the other was around, but their paths rarely crossed. Neither had cause to seek the other out, until Pedro's job provided a reason.
In many ways, Edith was the anti-type of Gretchen, who had tired of the novelty of a man on the floor almost before the first night was over. Edith let her gaze linger and took in details. Gretchen was a passable student, when prodded. Edith was Dean's list at Columbia. Gretchen was impulsive, flamboyant, and irrepressible. Edith was quiet, methodical and precise. Gretchen made occasional sexual use of Pedro. Edith had had no plans to add Pedro to her short list of lovers. They had one thing in common. To them, Patricia did not exist; they saw only a man in women's clothing.
For his part, Pedro noticed the quiet girl in the back of the room. Her penchant for observation over participation intrigued him, but was a passive thing. As his following grew, Pedro neither dismissed her nor gave her much thought. When he considered Edith at all, it was usually to wonder why she behaved as she did. In passing, Pedro noticed something no one else in the Hotel had ever seen―Edith could be a major beauty.
It was not obvious. Pedro was slow to piece things together, but no one else saw it at all. It came to him as he practiced theory of makeup. He would select a girl and mentally critique her presentation. Edith received the only failing grade. The more he considered how she presented herself, the more confused he became.
Edith had near waist length hair, which she pinned tightly and covered it with an oversized hat. Her eyes hid behind horn rimmed glasses, which also concealed her cheekbones and often slid down her nose. Her clothes were seldom stylish and usually miss-mated. Her only makeup, when she remembered, was lipstick in an outdated shade that clashed with her eyes and skin tone. It was as if Edith's goal was to be unattractive. If so, she succeeded.
It took effort, because the raw materials were outstanding. Pedro, as his eye for makeup and presentation improved, could not help but notice her high cheekbones, hazel eyes and rich auburn hair. Few others saw the hair at all. Pedro had seen it on the rare occasions she had it down for brushing. Edith's eyes were always on view, but the heavy glasses were distracting. Her thin figure was disguised or hidden, never accentuated. She had a barely noticeable chin dimple, which added interest to a highly symmetrical face. Edith hated it.
In short, Edith considered herself too tall, much too thin, with mousy hair and an embarrassing dimple. If she were forced to pick a good point, it would have been her teeth. The reasons for Edith's odd belief were complex. It is sufficient to say, she thought herself plain and no one ever corrected the misimpression.
Since she did not think of herself as one of the good looking girls in the hotel, Edith's chosen niche was as one of the house brains. Another generation would call her a nerd. She was the house authority on several subjects, not even including her English Literature major. Everyone knew her as someone to go to with a homework problem or to prepare for a test. It was this line which eventually brought Edith and Pedro together.
Pedro was studying a book the bank had provided. He was doing well with basic English terms, but banking has a technical language of its own. When the terms became more than Deirdre could handle, she suggested a call on Edith. They met. Half an hour later they went their ways, but Pedro's interest was piqued.
Sensing that this was not safe ground, Pedro sought Edith while Deirdre was out clubbing. Edith was shocked. Though she did not consider Pedro to be one of the girls, his status in the hotel was undeniable. Edith never received much attention, especially not from the most popular boy she knew. It jarred her to realize Pedro sought her for her own sake.
It was awkward. Pedro did not want to offend Edith by asking bluntly why she made herself so unattractive. She was at a loss for conversation topics, since there was nothing to study. Pedro resolved the tension by offering a go out for some ice cream. At St. Evies, this was a common excursion, since the parlor was on the same block. Girls often went there to meet dates, especially those they did not want exposed to Miss Walker.
Soon they sat licking almond fudge double dip cones. Edith asked about Pedro's job. Pedro painstakingly told her. With ease born of hundreds of hours tutoring, Edith drew out a fairly complete picture. Pedro positively glowed at conveying so complex a topic, in English. Her professional pride sated, Edith found herself relaxing and enjoying the occasion. Both would remember the night as a landmark.
The first night out established a precedent, which quickly evolved into a pattern. Whenever Patricia was not invited out, or when Pedro was not coming as himself to pick up Deirdre, they would walk and talk. These conversations helped Pedro's language skills as much as time in at the library would have. This was important, since the library was Patricia's usual excuse to check out of the hotel.
On one of the walks, the wind blew off Edith's hat and several of her hairpins. She was flustered and fussing when Pedro caught her hands, "No. Is good. Everybody will see your pella linda, your pretty hair." It was the first occasion in years that anyone had called any part of Edith pretty. She turned red. Pedro would have none of it. "Tu eres muy bonita." (You are very pretty). If Edith had been surprised and embarrassed before, this shocked her speechless. Seeing her clear disbelief, Pedro tsked, "Come. I show."
He pulled her into a shop entrance. A nearby streetlight gave a good reflection. Pulling out his makeup kit and a comb, Pedro unpinned Edith's hair and combed it out. He lined her eyelashes, blushed her cheeks, glossed her lips. He could do nothing with the clothes, but he bunched the excess in the back, to show her figure. When he was satisfied, Pedro stood her up straight and turned her to see the reflection in the window.
In some ways it was deja vu. As Pedro had once seen his feminine side in a full length mirror, so Edith saw a new person in store window reflection. She did not recognize the woman in her own clothes. The skinny, mousy haired girl was revealed as a long legged, auburn haired beauty. Edith flung her arms around Pedro and kissed him. After a moment, he kissed her back. The moment lingered.
"Golly." Edith was not given to strong language, but the intent was there. After a moment, she went on, "If we're going to do this, you should change."
Pedro was taken aback. Since most of the girls thought of him as female, much of his lovemaking had a lesbian flavor. What had just happened was unmistakably heterosexual. Still, Pedro was prepared. His outings with Deirdre taught him to stash changes of clothing. He lost a change, from time to time, but not often. Most of those that found his stash decided the clothes were too small to bother. In less than ten minutes Patricia was gone. Pedro took Edith's arm and led her on a stroll.
It was a perfect night for such things. It was warm, but breezy enough to want an arm around the waist. The moon was full and there was nothing to distract them. It was with shock when Edith finally realized they were out after curfew.
They rushed back to the hotel. As they approached the entrance, Edith realized another problem―Pedro could not go in and Patricia was still out. Rushing up to Miss Walker's desk, Edith improvised. "Miss Walker. Look who I just met. I mean we had met, but I never really had the chance to get to know him. Anyway, he came by to see Patricia and we got to talking. Patty's holding our chair at the parlor, so I could check in. Isn't he something?"
Miss Walker had trouble deciding which was more amazing―the sight of mousy little Edith looking attractive or the fact that she was gushing. In Miss Walker's expert opinion, Edith was the most self-controlled girl in the hotel. She told Edith to be back in 30 minutes. When they had gone, Miss Walker reflected on how much less boring it was with Patricia around. She was the best thing to happen to the house in years.
Miss Walker worried, because Patricia never dated. Hard work was good, but how could she find a good man?
Chapter 2: Double DateOutside, Pedro and Edith got well away from the hotel before they both dissolved in laughter. Then they went to the ice cream parlor and bought cones to use as props when they returned. It occurred to Pedro that his life would soon be more complicated. He was correct. Though he would not have put it in those terms, Pedro's life was not entirely his own. It did not take long for conflicts to develop.
Many of the girls used Patricia as a chaperone. A boy would call for one of them and Patricia would accompany them out the door. At that point Patricia would leave them, to go to the library to study, to the theater to watch a movie, or whatever. Patricia was such a good customer that several of the area theaters owners had offered her a job as ticket taker. This routine would change.
Instead of going to the library, Patricia would change into Pedro clothes and meet someone. Originally it was Deirdre. Increasingly it became Edith. Either way, they would go to the library to study. With their tutelage, Pedro's mastery of both English and banking was becoming quite secure. Often as not, he would return his escort to the hotel, go back out, then return as Patricia, with another girl. Timing occasionally became intense.
Worse, jealousy began to rear its ugly head. Deirdre felt proprietary about Pedro's masculine guise. Their sessions in her playroom had become increasingly hard to schedule. Pedro was acutely aware that Deirdre felt neglected. It all came to a head one Saturday afternoon when Deirdre, going, met Pedro and Edith coming. In short order there were words flying and Pedro trying to calm both down. Finally, he put his foot down.
"Silencio! You will find someplace to decide that is not a public street."
This was followed by a squabble over a proper place. Eventually, they went to the apartment. For half an hour he let them scream themselves hoarse. In passing Pedro noticed that Deirdre looked even more attractive this way, but Edith did not have the coloration for it. Eventually the girls wound down, flushed and panting. Pedro asserted his role.
"What is all this shouting and names calling. You are both girls mine. Deirdre, you must know that Edith is my special friend. I will spend time with her, for I enjoy it and she has taught me much. But, chica mia, you are also mine. You follow me and I care for you. That is the way of things. To me you give your obedience. To you I give my promise to never leave you, or forget you, or put you aside, for as long as you and I both live. Until muerto, intiendes? The Dark Lady, she no come this year. Now, my girls, come to me and be friends."
Pedro did not yet know his strength. The fact that he had risen to a high status in a hotel full of pampered rich girls did not impress him. The fact that he had impressed a strong girl sufficiently to make her his devoted follower was lost on him. Without intending to, he stamped both girls with roles they would carry for the rest of their lives.
Deirdre would be Pedro's vassal and he her Lord. Her honor, her duty, her body, her life would be his forever. He would marry and she brought many suitors for his approval. Never would they be more or less to each other. For her part, Edith understood that while they were friends and might be lovers, there would never be a marital proposal. That was alright. She did not believe in marriage. The lover part began almost immediately.
As Pedro said "Come to me and be friends." he held his arms out. The girls moved into them. The embrace was long and full bodied. Pedro muttered "Bien. Muy bien." not realizing that he had two excited females in his grasp. They glanced at each other, forgot the fight and conspired against him, all without a word.
Deirdre led the three of them into the bedroom. Pedro did not understand their intent til they had him on his back and themselves on top. Deirdre, never at a lack for restraints, produced rope sections from a drawer. Before he could do more than protest, Pedro's hands were tied to the bedposts. That done, Deirdre turned to Edith.
"Well Edie, what should we do with him now that we have him? Personally I think he has too many clothes on." In short order Pedro was wearing only an unbuttoned shirt. His substantial length pointed to the ceiling. Deirdre was about to speak, when she noticed Edith staring at Pedro's erection.
Edith was not a virgin. She had one sexual experience, because Gretchen had insisted and provided a lover. It had been quick and embarrassing. The lover darted almost before he had his pants up. It was one of many things that confirmed in Edith's mind that she was unattractive to men. Typically, she ignored her own feelings toward men. For the first time Edith had the chance to observe male anatomy and her feelings rushed to the fore. Deirdre, both knowing and guessing the situation, took charge.
"Edie, lets get those clothes off you. How in the world are you going to fuck a man wearing all that?" The word "fuck" brought color to Edith's cheeks. Her mother would have been shocked to find that she even knew the word. Slowly, carefully, resolutely she began to remove her clothing as Pedro watched. It was her first role as a stripper. Famously, it would not be the last.
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When my best friend, Jimmy, left my house late that afternoon he was a very well satisfied guy, sexually. For the two years prior we'd had quite a few mutual masturbation sessions. This had progressed from jacking off while talking about various girls we knew in school to jacking off each other. Of course, at that time neither of us had actually done anything with a girl, but that never slowed us down - quite the opposite. One day he convinced me to wear some of his sister's clothes, namely a...
CrossdressingI had my first real experience with sex when I was 16. I didn’t find out till sometime later that it was called being dominated. That summer I was staying with my Uncle. He and my Aunt had divorced and technically he was no longer related to me, but to me he was & still is my favorite Uncle. Uncle Bill was that cool Uncle that all my friends wished they had. He liked to party, and he had no problem letting my cousin Mike and I do it too as long as we did it with him. The first night...
"Come on, girls! Up! Up! Up!" It was early in the morning, hours before dawn. In the pitch-black bedroom, the sound of snowflakes hitting the window sounded like radio static. The girls all grumbled in annoyance, even the usual, perky Sonja. It didn't help that the bedroom was chilly. I turned on the lights but Momo and Sonja just pulled the blankets over their heads, trying to escape back into the warm darkness. "Hmmmm, Masterrrrrr, just five more minutes…" Momo whined. "On your...
I don't usually wake up before the alarm. But on Thursday morning I did. I rolled over in the half light and realised the alarm was going to go off in five minutes. I sat up on the side of the bed and defused the detonator. I took a moment to stretch. I felt pretty good until I stood up. After steadying myself, I put on my robe and grabbed a fresh towel to take to the bathroom. While washing myself, my thoughts drifted back to the amazing night I'd had. I closed my eyes in the shower, with the...
BDSMI must have had a restless night, because when I woke up the next morning the top sheet was on the floor and I was sprawled naked on top of the bed with my legs apart, showing off everything I’d got. I smiled as I thought of Matt waking up and seeing me like that, and examined myself briefly for evidence of fresh semen, in case he hadn’t been able to resist jerking off over my naked body. But as far as I could tell he hadn’t indulged himself in that particular perversion. Maybe he was starting...
Hey guys and girls. It’s good to meet you all after a long time. I apologize for the delay in the second part of my story. Thank you to all the guys and girls who contacted me to appreciate the story and also shared their desires and fantasies with me. This is the second part of the series ‘Kiss of Love & Sex’. For the new readers, I request you to read the first part of the story to get a better understanding and description of my story. A quick re-introduction about myself, I am Harish (name...
Justin wasn't sure why he decided to take Mrs. Benmore up on the invitation. He hesitated outside No.34 and looked back at the party next door. It was still in full swing with a group of guys he knew making a lot of noise by the gate. Evidently they were seeing off someone because he could hear the reving of some car engine. He didn't much like parties anyhow. He went along because he was trying to fit in and do what the other guys did. He still felt an outsider, shy, and found meeting new...
Major Jim Reynolds, disabled war vet, that's me. I left the title and part of my leg and all of the foot that was attached to it, in Bosnia. That was more then a year ago. Now I was walking into a company that had posted a job in the classifieds. Oh yes, I was walking, for the government had seen to it that I could do that much. However, they said they didn't need me anymore. They gave me a bundle of cash, transferred my records to the VA and said good-bye. The money for my missing foot and...
I was daydreaming about showing up to your classroom unexpectedly and you fucking me over your desk, specifically with a strap-on. I walked in and we immediately started pulling our clothes off. You kept feeling between my legs and moaning about how wet I was. Eventually you stopped teasing me and pushed me up against a desk and started eating me out, I kept moaning loudly and pulling at your hair, trying to push your tongue deeper and you kept pushing my hands away and giving me that look that...
Bess Breast loves to walk around the house like nobody is home. Her roommate Tony has a girlfriend, but the temptation of her amazing tits and huge booty is making it difficult for him to stay away. He catches her walking around in her bra and underwear a few times and then he can’t take anymore. He spies on her while shes in the bath. Her huge tits look amazing. He gets caught but she’s into it. She calls him over and the real fun begins. He worships those perfect tits and round...
xmoviesforyouThey were searching for the perfect sexy set of lingerie, something to compliment her intense green eyes and beautiful brown hair. They tried all the less expensive places in the mall, the fabrics felt wrong, the colours were not right, and the staff were always less than helpful. Even though lingerie was meant to be beautiful they did not want to spend their life savings on it, so were avoiding the Boutique at the end of the mall, it was known for its incredible pricing and snooty staff. ...
The first day you get here we spend the afternoon at the beach. You’re hot and sweaty since you just got in to town so we go for a swim in the crystal clear blue water. Every once and a while we just kiss passionately and I give your ass a squeeze, bringing you in closer just so you can feel my cock underneath my shorts. Every time you feel it I can hear you gasp a little but every time you go to touch it I move your hand away, teasing you a little bit. Making you wait. We dry off and sit...
Just a short time ago, I came across a website that offered Love Dolls and fascination got the bestof me. I thought it out long and hard and decided to order one. I choose the color of her hair, the eye color, the lip color, etc. After two hours picking the Doll of my Dreams, Jasmine was her name, chosen by me. When checking out the site, I read that the delivery time would be around six weeks, enough time for me to get ready for Jasmine's arrival. I bought her clothes, shoes, bras, panties;...
MasturbationLinda stopped in the gymnasium to slip into her clothing before going to lunch. She opened her bag for her student ID and found a note from Auntie Gwen stuffed inside. This she read as she ate an egg salad sandwich on whole wheat bread and a small side salad of endive, chard and tomato. After drinking a large glass of water she went in search of a ladies room before heading off to class. Doctor Joyce Heath entered room 303 of the Liberal Arts Building on the campus of Philadelphia Fashion...
based on characters and a sketch by stev2244 Friday. Bleccch. I hated the day of the week that everyone else seemed to live for. By mid-afternoon, no one was doing any work. That was okay; we were always far enough ahead that it didn’t matter. The problem was that everyone was chattering away about where they were going that night, who they were going with, and what they were going to do to him or her afterward. I put my earbuds in, turned them up loud, and concentrated on the code review...
She was ten when she began her training to become a Valkyrie. Her father was a famous Warrior with his own glorious battle songs. She knew what to expect on battlefields, she ached for the thrill, the blood of her enemies. But she had to wait and train for six years to wield the sword in her first battle Six years which felt like eternity. It was then that she heard about Mothers. Mothers, she was told, gave birth to the Warriors and Valkyries. She had never understood why the marriage of her...
Maturethis is true story not any bs make up type i was 17 when i experince with black male. i always wonder how would that feel after seeing their pics online and how big they are. I never thought i will have them soon, i was talking to this black guy online for month and he really got me so horny i couldn’t say no when he ask me to meet him at his place. when i got their my heart was pounding so hard i can feel it on my throat. first time i meet him he was very very nice personwe sit on his couch he...
Rick Johnson walked in the small restaurant, trying to shake the rain from his coat, but quickly knew it was hopeless. He'd been working out in the cold and rain for two straight weeks and it was getting to him. No person needed to be subjected to such weather, but the job needed finished or he was going to loose a considerable bonus. After hanging up his drenched coat, he looked around for an empty booth to sit and walked towards it. Rick sat down and couldn't wait for a hot cup of coffee....
This is a story about how I fucked a customer in my clothing shop. I am a well built 22-year-old british lad, I workout regularly and own a designer clothing store in london with branches in other cities across england. My shop regularly has beautiful young flirtatious women as well as more mature but extremely gorgeous ladies who love spending their husband’s money and flirting with me to get a bargain. One day a gorgeous kashmiri women entered my shop. That day none of my workers were in...
"Tiffany" After another week long vacation in New York City I was back on the plane headed south along the eastern seaboard. But we didn't get far because only minutes after take off we were diverted. Weather and delays had forced an overnight in Boston once again. After making the trip three or four times a year I had by now gotten used to the layovers. I got off the plane, then went to retrieve my luggage and was soon wheeling my suitcase down the concourse as I juggled my purse...
(DEC 1941 JAPANESE BOMB PEARL HARBOR) Author’s Note: I apologize for the interruption of the unfolding story, but wanted to draw attention to the fact that there is some lag time between the Historical side of the story and the plot with the time-traveling Jack Kruger from the twenty-first century. As I previously indicated at the beginning, chapters 27 and 28 are the pivotal chapters of the war in Europe during World War Two and the events in these two chapters are the alpha and the omega...
When she told him on Friday that they were going skiing for the weekend, he just nodded his ok. He didn’t always do what his mother asked but he’d learned over the years to choose his battles. This wasn’t worth a confrontation. Although he didn’t understand why anyone would want to be outside in below freezing temperatures, he knew that the hot chocolate and the women at the lodge would be tasty. They left directly from the main office since she had packed what they would need before coming in....