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Rob ran past the fountain in the courtyard and pressed himself into the building's entrance to get out of the rain. He found her name immediately, an apartment on the second floor. He pressed the button and waited, hoping. Just before he was about to press again he heard her voice. He recognized it at once, even through the tinny intercom. "Oui?" she said. "Qui est-ce?"

"Uh, it's me, Rob. Rob Burton."

"Rob - Robbie? My little Robbie?"

Rob blushed. "Well, yeah, but I'm not, you know, little any more."

Her laugh bubbled through the intercom. "No, I guess not," she said. "It's been a while since I was your babysitter. You remember that, don't you?"

"Oh yeah," he said quickly, "I do, sure."

There was a pause. "Hey, Robbie, here's a little test – what was our favorite babysitting game?"

"Tie-up," he said without hesitation.

She laughed. "Right!" she said. "Okay, you pass the test, come on up." The door buzzed and Rob pushed it open. A staircase on the left led upwards. He walked up one flight, and knocked on one of the two doors in the hallway, the one with her number on it. It opened immediately.

"Robbie!" The woman who greeted him was tall, with a trim yet voluptuous figure, and blond hair that was tied back in a pony-tail. Her face was startlingly pretty and intelligent, with clear blue eyes and full lips. She was barefoot, and wore faded jeans and a light blue sweatshirt.

"Uh, hi, Anita."

"Get in here, you," she said, "Oh my God, look at you, you're taller than I am now!" She took him by the shoulders and pulled him into the apartment. Stepping back she looked him up and down appraisingly. "Oh, Robbie," she said, "it is so amazing to see you!" She moved to him and gave him a hug, pressing herself against him. She pulled back and looked into his eyes, then kissed him full on the lips. The kiss was brief but he felt a fleeting touch of her tongue between his lips before she stepped back again, beaming at him. "But you're soaking wet!" she said. "Come get this wet stuff off before you catch your death."

Rob took off his jacket, and Anita insisted that he take off his sweater as well, which had gotten wet in the downpour.

"There," she said, "that's better. You feeling cold? I'll turn up the heat."

"No, I'm okay," he said, "this is good."

"Don't be silly," she said, and adjusted the thermostat on the wall. "Now go sit down and I'll make some hot tea." She pointed to a long leather couch against the wall in the living room. "Or I could make cocoa for you, the way I did when you were a little boy. You feeling like a little boy tonight, all cold and lost?" She winked at him with a mischievous grin.

Rob laughed. "No, tea is good," he said. "Can't remember the last time I had cocoa."

"Well, we'll have to stir up some old memories when I get back," she said, disappearing into the kitchen. "It's been years!" Rob started towards the living room, then looked down at his feet and stopped.

"Uh, Anita," he called. "Is it okay if I take off my shoes? They're kinda wet and I don't want to get your rug all messed up.

"Of course!" she said, poking her head around the corner of the room. "You can take off anything you like!" She wrinkled her nose playfully and winked. "Just kidding," she said, and disappeared back into the kitchen.

Rob kicked off his shoes and went into the living room. He sat down on the couch, running his hand along the luxurious, tawny leather of the cushions. A coffee table was in front of the couch, covered with several books. They appeared to be text books and journals on psychology, as well as an open notebook. He glanced at the notebook whose pages were covered with writing in a neat, precise hand, which he took to be Anita's.

"Were you working?" he called out to the kitchen. "I didn't mean to disturb you – I mean I could go if you're busy, maybe come another time?"

Anita came into the living room carrying a tray. "No, don't worry about that," she said, putting the tray down on the coffee table next to the books. "I was ready for a break anyway." She gathered up the books and papers and moved them to another table, then sat down on the couch next to him. "Here you go," she said, handing him a cup. As he took a sip she took a plate of small flakey pastries from the tray. "Here, try one of these – real mille-feuille, I got them at a little pâtisserie on Saint Denis." She took one and nibbled at it delicately as she offered the plate to him.

"Good," he said. "Nice." He took care not to drop any crumbs on his lap or the couch. He looked towards the books on the table across the room. "So, were you studying or something?" he asked.

"Yeah," Anita said, "doing research, actually. I'm a little behind schedule on my master's thesis, so I grab what time I can when I'm not in school or working."

"Master's, wow," Rob said. "I heard you were going to school but I didn't know you were going, you know, so far."

Anita shrugged. "I like it," she said. "I wasn't really the student type when I was a kid, but then I got interested. Especially in psychology, what makes people tick and all, you know?" She drew her legs up on the couch and turned towards him, moving very close. "But tell me about you, Robbie, what have you been up to?" She reached up to move a strand of wet hair off his brow.

"Actually, I'm in school too," he said. "Concordia, I started last year."

"Really! Good for you. What are you studying?"

"Not sure yet; maybe engineering."

"Fantastic! I always knew you were a smart kid. Gosh, when did we last see each other? Was it a wedding or something like that?"

"Yeah, when my sister Dory got married."

"Right! I remember now. How long ago was that?"

"Uh, about five years ago. Yeah, five."

"Wow. Yes, I remember. You were so shy at the reception. I made you do a slow dance with me, remember?"

Rob blushed. He often remembered that dance, especially during solitary self-pleasuring sessions in bed at night. He hadn't yet shot up in height, and had been a full head shorter than nineteen-year-old Anita. As he danced with her he found himself staring straight ahead at her ample bust, at the tops of her breasts swelling above the neckline of her low-cut dress. He felt a twitch between his legs at the memory. "Yeah," he said, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah, I hope I didn't step on your feet too much."

"Oh, you were so cute!" she said, tousling his damp hair. "No, you didn't step on my feet. You were so serious, concentrating on your steps, I guess. I couldn't even get you to look up at me!"

"Sorry," he said. She laughed and gave him a light punch in the shoulder.

She took a sip of her tea then put the cup back on the table. "So tell me," she said. "You have a girlfriend, Robbie? Meet anyone nice at school?" She watched his face over her teacup.

"Uh, yeah," he said, "well, sort of."

Anita raised her eyebrows. "Sort of?" she said. "How can you 'sort of' have a girlfriend?" She chuckled. "Does she know she's your girlfriend?"

Rob glanced at her quickly then looked away. "Well, yeah, of course she knows," he said. "I mean, I'm not stalking her or anything." He shifted uncomfortably on the couch. "She's just ... well, it's sort of complicated."

Anita put her hand briefly on his leg. "I'm sorry," she said. "I was just joking. So – it's complicated. How do you mean?"

Rob took a deep breath. "She, well, she ... I mean she says she loves me, and I love her, but when we're together she doesn't seem to, you know, seem to be interested in doing things that are ... well, fun."

"You mean sex?" Anita said.

"Uh, yeah, I mean we get real hot together, you know, and she seems ready to really get into it, but then she'll just say something like, oh, it's late, I have to get home, or she's not in the mood, or she's not ready, even though just before she said things that really sounded like she was ready! I just can't figure her out."

"Hm," Anita said, taking a sip of tea. "When was the last time you saw her?"

Rob was silent for a long moment. "Tonight," he said finally.

"Tonight?" Anita said. "You saw her tonight?"

"Yeah, uh, I was with her before I came here."

Anita grinned. "And why did you come here?"

Rob stared at the floor, embarrassed. "Uh, I thought, I don't know, I thought maybe you could give me advice or something, I mean I've known you a long time, and..."

"Advice from the one who taught you how to play tie-up?" Anita interrupted.

"No! I mean yes, or maybe, I thought ... Oh I don't know!" He was blushing furiously now. "I was just walking around in the rain and I thought of you ... oh shit I'll just go now, I was so dumb! This is weird." He started to get up.

"Don't be silly," Anita said, pulling him back down on the couch. "You're not going anywhere!" She pulled him around to face her. "It's not weird at all. You've been having frustrating experiences with a girl, and it's totally natural for you to be drawn to someone you had nice times with in the past. Many men sometimes have fantasies about their mothers for that reason."

"My mother!" Rob cried, shocked. "I've never..."

"No, no, I didn't say that you have! All I'm saying is that early crushes can have staying power. When I was your babysitter – how old were you? – ten, I think, when I was fifteen? – we had nice times together, and those warm memories will be with you forever. So when you have difficulties with your girlfriend ... what is her name?"


"When you have problems with Danielle then it's not only natural for you to seek out someone like me again, it's inevitable."

"I guess," Rob said, shrugging. "But I don't think of you as my mother!"

"I hope not," Anita said, laughing. "I'm only five years older than you, and I don't think your mother ever lay on the floor with her hands behind her back, pretending to be tied up, and then tied you up and tickled you!"

"No," Rob laughed, "I think I would have remembered that!"

Anita laughed and clapped her hands. "You're getting your sense of humor back, now that's the little Robbie I remember!" She reached for her tea cup, then put it back down. "You know what," she said, "I'm in the mood for some wine. Would you care to join me? Are you allowed to have wine, little Robbie?" She winked at him, her blue eyes sparkling.

"Well, I guess it's okay as long as you don't tell my mother on me," he said with a grin.

"Good!" she said, jumping up from the couch and heading for the kitchen. "Now don't you run away," she said, wagging a finger at him as she left the room. "I'll just be a minute or two." In the kitchen she took an opened bottle of sauvignon blanc out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter. Then she went across the hall into her bedroom. When she came out a short time later the jeans had been replaced by a short, tie-dyed cotton skirt, and her hair had been released from the ponytail and now hung loosely in gentle waves to her shoulders. She'd removed the sweatshirt, leaving the loose, midriff-baring t-shirt she'd worn underneath it. Her breasts swayed under the cutoff tee as she walked, unencumbered by a brassiere. She retrieved the bottle and two glasses from the kitchen and returned to the living room.

"Here we are," she said, holding up the wine and glasses.

"Wow," Rob said, taking in her change of wardrobe. "You look nice."

"Well, it's a special occasion, you know," she said. "It wouldn't be right to stay in my knock-around clothes for a reunion with my little Robbie." She walked to the couch and set the bottle and glasses on the coffee table. Sitting down next to him she poured them each a glass of the pale yellow wine. She raised her glass and clinked it against his. "Here's to tie-up buddies!" she said, winking as she took a sip.

Rob grinned shyly. "Yes," he said, "and to my favorite babysitter!" He raised his glass and took a large sip. He choked a little and lowered the glass.

"Easy there!" Anita laughed. "You sure you're old enough for wine?"

"Sorry," he said. "Guess I'm not used to fancy stuff." He put the glass down and looked at her. "I'm ... I'm glad to see you again," he said.

She smiled at him. "And I you," she said, touching his cheek tenderly. "Imagine, my little Robbie, all grown up." They began to talk about their earlier lives, recalling memories that made them both laugh. Anita asked about his sister Dory, and was surprised to learn that she was expecting. "We'll be calling you Uncle Robbie soon," she said, holding up her glass in a toast. He asked about her family, too, none of whom he had seen since his sister's wedding.

"And, uh, how's your sister Michelle?" Anita had sometimes taken Rob to her Uncle Jack's big cabin in the country when she went there on family outings. Michelle was two years older than Anita, and Rob remembered how she used to swim nude when she and Anita would take him down to the little river that ran through the property.

"Oh, she's fine," Anita said, eyeing him with a twinkle in her eye. "I guess I know why you remember her," she said. "She enjoyed teasing little boys like you. You were so cute, trying so hard not to look at her, but you managed to get plenty of peeks, didn't you?"

Rob was blushing again. "I, uh, no, I just remembered her, I mean being your sister and all, you know?" He reached for his wine glass and took a large gulp, not meeting Anita's eyes.

"Uh huh," Anita said, giving him a poke in the ribs, "right." She took a sip from her glass then put on the table. "By the way," she said, "did you know that she's gay?"

"Huh? Your sister? She is?"

"Yes, she came out last year. I mean, we all knew she was – except for Uncle Jack, he's so clueless – but she finally made it official. She seems a lot happier now."

"Wow, I never would have thought, I mean, she's so, so..."

"Why, because she's pretty? You think you have to look like a big, rough dike to be gay?"

"No! No, I just meant that she, she just didn't seem to me..."

"You can't tell just by looking at people, Robbie," Anita interrupted. "Anybody could be gay – me, for instance." She looked at him with wide eyes.

"You?" he said, stunned. "You mean, you..." His voice trailed off. Suddenly she laughed and clapped her hands.

"Oh, you are so easy to tease! I really had you going there, didn't I?"

He smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "But Michelle, is she..."

"Yes, she really is," Anita said. She leaned closer to him and looked into his eyes. "But I am not – definitely not." She held his gaze for a few seconds then picked up his wine glass and handed it to him. "Drink up," she said. "There's plenty more where this came from." She picked up her own and took another sip.

"Now," she said, putting her glass back on the table and turning towards him, "this girlfriend of yours, this Danielle. What's she been doing with you?" She leaned closer. "Or not doing." She winked. "You know," she said quietly, putting her hand on his leg, "I couldn't help noticing that you were in a state when you arrived tonight. You still are." She ran her fingers over the discernible bulge in his pants at the top of his thigh. "She do that to you?" She withdrew her hand and looked at him.

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Cat was the first of the two to get past her shock. She flowed to my side in a flutter of rags, pointedly ignoring the other woman’ shivering form. She still flinched at the occasional scream, but it was obvious she was trying to prove something, perhaps that the murders didn’t bother her. Both women were afraid of whatever was happening outside. I, having the advantage of knowledge, felt no fear. Although I did feel an intense curiosity. I’d only killed three of the people outside, and my...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 132 Making solemn pledges

“Fuck!” John snarled, incensed that the Brimorians were causing him even more problems. Let me get this straight ... the Maliri fleets won’t make it in time, so now we’re rushing to save the Kintark from an Enclave invasion?! That’s correct, Edraele replied mournfully. Except we won’t make it in time either, Alyssa added, sounding heavily distracted. John froze. What do you mean? It’s kinda tricky to talk right now. Come up to the Bridge. He fastened up his trousers and reached for his...

2 years ago
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Panting on Saturday

My tongue felt swollen and dry as a bone. I probably could have slept longer had that sensation not banged loudly against my mind to address. Not a preferred way to wake up. Groaning internally as my sweat coated covers clung to me I adjusted so I could retrieve my iPad without wrenching my arm. Good grief I’m getting old.Once on my back and iPad on my bosom, the emptiness of the bed confirmed my young wife once again stayed up far too late watching Criminal Minds. Can’t stand much of the show...

1 year ago
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Suddenly he woke from his daydreaming and she asked him to come inside and take his luggage to his room upstairs. He couldn't help but wonder how his uncle managed to bang such a hot milf. He manages to set up his room best possible and came downstairs for breakfast. She introduced herself as Maya and told that she was pleased to have him at their place. Jay smiled and took his seat at the table, she told that his uncle was away to the office and would be back by dinner. All the while at...

4 years ago
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Art Studio Love

I see him everywhere, I don’t know his name or who he is but I seem to catch a gaze of that same man almost everywhere I go. It can be on my bus I get to university, in the park when I go running, at the local shops and sometimes even at the library. I don’t find it odd; as though he’s following me, because I know these places are just a part of his daily routine, as they are mine. I know this because he doesn’t seem to notice me; he just gets on with his day oblivious to my presence. Maybe...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Defeat by modesty ENF

You're sitting on a bench in one of the town's squares, off near its suburbs. You lean back against a wooden pole, absentmindedly scratching some dirt from beneath your fingernails, as a woman is standing in the square. She's angrily adressing you, repeatedly, but you've practically tuned it out. She appears to be a knight of sorts, or a warrior. A local warlord maybe? This part of the continent was riddled with petty tyrants ruling over one or a handful of villages, who all think they're the...

4 years ago
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Mothers Submission Chapter 7

He had fucked every hole she had, several times, with that huge dick of his. And then, yesterday, her friend Monica had discovered their relationship. She had been shocked at first, but it quickly turned into arousal. And then Monica had joined the Alicia and Alex in the living room, where Alex had given her the best orgasm she had ever had. Alicia could feel her pussy getting wet as she thought about yesterday and then she remembered her new rules. Well, one rule in particular. Alex had told...

3 years ago
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MultimanChapter 3

Author’s note:[ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. It took two more days for the ME’s report to be entered into the computer. At first, I was annoyed that it had taken so long for the report to be entered, then I realized that this was remarkably fast work, considering the time the autopsy would have taken, the writing of the report, and the entry of it into the computer. The report was interesting because the murder had taken place about four weeks before my boss had started negotiating...

1 year ago
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MylfDom Danni Rivers Kyaa Chimera Clandestine Coochie Kink

Beautiful Danni Rivers can be a little deceitful at times, especially when she is horny. Today, she is hanging out with her hot friend Kyaa Chimera again, and she is overjoyed when her man tells her he is coming home late. Now the babes have plenty of time to play with each others tight pussies! But our stud gets suspicious and comes home early to find his wife munching her besties muff. Instead of getting mad, he joins in on the fun. He dominates both their clandestine cunts, giving them a...

2 years ago
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Shortcuts are always the best Part I

Introduction: This is a fantasy. The characters in this story are real — names have been changes — but things didnt actually go this way. The initial set-up is a little too long and the actual sex part a little too short so Ill try and work on that. I hope you enjoy it. ???? Yep, hes new. And pretty young, too! Hes sort of hot, isnt he? Statements and comments like these were heard everywhere I went. The new school year had just commenced and apparently, there was a new, hot male teacher. I hadnt...

1 year ago
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The Agony of Simone

THE AGONY OF SIMONE A fantasy tale by Cordoza "Very well then you little slut, don't talk! We really don't care if it meanswe can gain so much more pleasure from watching your beautiful body writhein torment," the colonel cupped her firm breast and whispered into her ear, "Youhave no idea what we can and 'will' do to the most intimate parts of you bodyif you continue to keep silent," then she twisted the girl's nipple painfully. The beginning April, 1942, and in a small French provincial town a...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 5 Jill TrimbleChapter 7

Prudence and Ted had been submerged to their necks in the water for ten minutes. They seemed to just be talking, as far as Mirriam could tell. Prudence was laughing, at something. Mirriam felt much calmer when they left her alone, and she felt much more in control of herself. Watching them, she thought about everything that had happened. Ted was a mystery to her. He wasn’t like any other man she’d ever met. He was so open ... so direct ... so willing to say what was on his mind, even when...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 261 Drugstore and CoInkyDink

The very first thing I noticed about the abandoned drugstore was the floor. The tiles were black and white stone about a foot square. If that floor were to be removed carefully, it would be worth a bunch of money, I thought at the time. The walls and ceilings were painted plaster with a lot of cracks from the building settling. They looked a lot worse than they were. That I had learned from the downtown house renovation. The preacher's paint crew patched mine and yes the patches were...

3 years ago
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A conference in Mexco City

I was lucky enough to be selected to attend a conference in Mexico City and decided to do bit of sightseeing beforehand. So I arranged with Stan who was a colleague to go on a trip to Cancun first. The beach was delightful and the temperatures very agreeable for January. At the hotel we bumped into another group of two ladies and two middle aged men who were not known to us but were enjoying a holiday. They seemed a lively group and so we arranged to meet for dinner. The two ladies in the...

4 years ago
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Blind Date

Since Erin’s break up with Tommy she had almost become a recluse. Everywhere she went people would ask "Where's Tommy?", and were surprised to hear they had split up, telling her that they had always made such a wonderful couple. But they didn't know the real Tommy, did they? They didn't have to put up with Tommy insistently asking if he could tie her up to have sex with, and getting irritable when she said "NO". All they ever saw was the happy face he always had on outside the apartment....

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart V 2 Are You Free This Evening Or A Slave

"Wow!" Joey exclaimed as we entered the room my father had selected for us. "Look at THAT!" Suzi exclaimed, pointing up on the wall. "Holy Shit! How did he get that!" I said amazed. "Heh. I guess the same place as that one," Joey said pointing behind us. "Shit," was I could say. We were looking at life size paintings of the moments I lost my virginities. The first one was of me entering Suzi, and the one behind us was of Joey entering me. I couldn't believe it. I had felt no...

3 years ago
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The Wish

((Author's note: I have stopped working on this story in favor of other projects, but I have now made it available to the public. I encourage those who are fans of this story to continue it if they so choose. Thank you for your understanding.)) You slam the door behind you and lean against it, staring into the middle-distance across your one-bedroom apartment. You can hear the melancholy symphony of the raindrops behind the door, occasionally accompanied by the sound of rolling thunder. You...

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Star An Anal Testing Subject

Her name is Star and she is about to be used as an anal testing ground for four men and their craftsman handiwork.There was a whirring noise as she felt her bound body rise back up. Her spread, suspended and very sore ass cheeks had been just kissing the cold hard floor as her body hung there from a wooden beam, tied up by ropes biting into her ankles and legs. Her arms were pinned tight with yards and yards of rope behind her. They were aching from the pressure of more rope that was tied off...

3 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 60

Grace unlocked and bumped the wall just so and the solenoids pulled the bars out of the door and jam which allowed her to bump the door with her butt and it swung open ... inwards. She hit the switch on one of the bay doors and the one on the far end rattled it's way up. There was a clean floor, a work bench and several machine tools; a couple of old lathes, three mills, a planer or two, two drill presses, vises, a tempering furnace, a pipe extruder and no crimp bender, an old Miller Falls...

1 year ago
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Hot Fever

As the sky darkens outside, threatening a thunderstorm, all I can think about is you. You, my love, away on business, and I here with our pets drinking wine, feeling the power of an oncoming storm. Sitting outside staring out, I close my eyes and imagine you here. The dogs sleep soundly at my feet, as the soft wind blows, a shirt of yours I wear still smells of you. As my hand travels down through my cleavage grasping my breasts massaging them, imagining it is your hand, pinching my nipples as...

Straight Sex
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DualChapter 3

As the dual girl slept, her dreams were plagued with erotic images. Row after row of naked girls lay before her. The line was never ending, threatening to overwhelm her. During the night, Nurse Jenny stayed by Lisa's side. Ten times, when she saw precum, she stroked Lisa off and collected the ejaculate in a flask. Only three times did this wake the blonde up. Twice, Lisa was awoken to someone riding her cock. The first time was only an hour or two after she had gone to sleep. The sun was...

1 year ago
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Unlucky at Cards

This story is not intended for commercial use and is not to be posted at any other site without the author's permission. This is not suitable reading for minors. Thanks to Kelly Ann Rogers for her editorial assistance, as well as Josie for allowing me to borrow her name. Josie swears she's never lost at cards. Unlucky at Cards -- "It's your deal." He flushed as he handed over the cards. The blood was rushing to his cheeks. From drinking two Brandy Alexanders? Possibly....

4 years ago
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Oh Yes Deepak 8211 Part II

Having got dried off we went into my bedroom together and lay down on the bed cuddling one another. We started talking and neither of us had any intention to become lovers when we first met but circumstances had changed during our time together and we both were pleased with the result. It was lucky I went to the airport to see off my girl friend today or we would never have met I remarked. He agreed and said a lucky day for both of us and it was a good job my girlfriend wasn’t here seeing us...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 6 The Kitchen at the Farm House

[Premise: “Gizem” he called it and I had definition for what was coming out of my penis in volume. Thick and juicy, sometimes running, it fizzled and popped, lots of bubbles. The amazing part was how quickly it evaporated and Lilly had actually tasted it as part of her testing. No, it would take far more schooling before I actually knew how to fuck to fill the need.] Food for the crew was served three times a day, breakfast, dinner and supper. That was the old tradition “on the farm” as my...

1 year ago
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Consoled by a Cousin Part 1

James was just 21 when he got the phone call. It was his Aunt and the news she had to give him was devastating. His parents were dead, how do you tell a young man that his parents are dead she thought. Finally, she decided the only way to do it was to say the words. “Your Mom and Dad were killed by a drunk driver last night, James.” Her voiced shuddered as the words passed her lips, this meant her only sister was dead too. The thought sent her to tears. The words sucked the...

3 years ago
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Slaves Next Door

"Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh." I blink . The burning red alarm clock next to my bed tells the time. It's 3:00 AM. Three fucking 'o clock in the morning. I try to block my ears with my pillows, but it doesn't do shit. The constant guttural sound pierces it like it wasn't even there. I lay back in bed. This was the third night this week I've woken up to this. "Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh." The third night this week. I had work in the morning too. I should call the cops. Have them break up...whatever they're up to....

2 years ago
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Shy Wife Relents

I suppose this story starts with the love of my life; my sweet wife, Claire. She is truly the most amazing woman I have ever met. Everybody loves Claire. And aside from being a great wife and mother to our three k**s, she also has an amazing libido- always eager to have sex. She is 34 years old, and even after having three k**s, still has rocking body. She is 5'4", has great legs, and beautiful "C" cups. We have been married for five years and have enjoyed amazing sex from day one. You would...

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Desperate day of Filming

Hi guys, I know I haven't posted much recently, I've had a lot going on, and a serious case of writers block. I have about 5 stories all half finished. I finished this one a few years ago, but have never posted it for fear that it may reference people and websites that are real. If this isn't allowed, please remove it. My inspiration was a fantasy about a certain pee site, trying to have a day of filming and paying good money for real desperation. It is nothing more than a fantasy. I appreciate...

4 years ago
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Fucken Hmong Bitch from Milwakee

I know what you guys are saying. Oh it the same thing every single time. You know the saying "This is 100% Real." As much as I want to say that. It is you to judge if it is real or not. But I'm going to say. This is 100% Real.So back in the day around 2007, I got my heart broken by a bitch and I decided "Fuck it, I going to just go around fucking bitches." During that time I got a boy that lived in Milwaukee, WI. He and I were tight because we use to kick when we were k**s. Any whores, He...

2 years ago
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**Parts in italics indicate Mistress’ flashbacks and memories BOUND I He awoke abruptly with his wrists handcuffed above his head to a wrought-iron bedpost, trying to adjust his eyes to the sudden force of sunlight peering in through the window. He had no memory of the evening before and wondered how much he had drunk to wake up in a strange...

3 years ago
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Just Perfect 2

I couldn’t stand it! Throwing my head back into my pillow with my eyes shut so hard that a crowbar would have a hard time opening them, pulling at my restraints as hard as I could but to no effect. I was trapped; I screamed again and only muffled noises made it passed the sock. I felt something wet and warm move up my shaft. My eyes shot open seeing her middle and index fingers cover in her pussy juice slide up and back down my shaft before retreating back to her mouth, tasting her juices...

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