Bare Music Part 2
- 2 years ago
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Note: To fully appreciate this part 2, please read part 1 first.
I went to the gallery to pick up Jennifer up for our date. She had Bare Music prominently displayed. She paid me a great compliment by pricing it three times as much as any similar sized painting.
Jennifer and I had a wonderful dinner, but I had to call the evening short as I had a rare Saturday morning meeting to attend.
Over the next few months, Jennifer and I dated regularly. She helped me decorate my woefully under-decorated apartment and helped me get out of my women-are-awful slump. Heather never joined us again in the bedroom, but sometimes the three of us would have dinner together.
Over time, however, my relationship with Jennifer waned. About the time my relationship with Jennifer was winding down, my company was asked to audit the books of the local school district. Government audits are the easiest to do, no taxes, no profits, no depreciation to worry about. Any one of our junior accountants could have handled it, but for the sake of appearances, my company sent me, a senior accountant.
An older woman greeted me at the receptionist’s desk. She ushered me into the comptroller’s office. She explained that Mrs. Mitchell, the comptroller, was away for a few days taking her daughter back to Berkeley, but would be back before my audit was completed The older woman, savvier with a computer than one would expect for her age, explained the school’s auditing system and how I could get any ledger I needed.
I sat down at Laura Mitchell’s desk and began to work. I soon noticed a framed photo of young women wearing a Berkeley sweatshirt – obviously Laura Mitchell’s daughter. If the mother was like the daughter, mom was a “looker” herself.
My audit was scheduled to last a whole week, but in less than two days, I had concluded that the school district’s finance were in proper shape. I met Laura Mitchell on the third day. She was dressed in simple business attire. She was shorter than I had imagined, but her breasts were larger. Yes, she was a looker.
After introductions, she asked if everything was in order. I replied that I found one discrepancy. She looked absolutely horrified. It was as if I was about to call the police and have her arrested for embezzlement.
I explained that I saw that some checks were written with the name, Laura Mitchell, but other checks were with the name Laura Giovanni. She explained that Mitchell was her maiden name, Giovanni was the name of her late husband.
I asked if her husband was related to Frank Giovanni. Frank Giovanni was the first firefighter to die in the line of duty in our area — ever. His death was front page news for days. Laura said, “Frank Giovanni was my husband.”
I said I was sorry. Laura placed her hand on my arm and said, “It’s alright, let’s just get back to work.”
My cold accountant brain went back to work. From my audit, I knew, that as the school district’s comptroller Laura was making 70 grand , plus she received her late husband’s firefighter’s pension, even with a kid at Berkeley, Laura was doing alright.
We made a date for a working brown bag lunch on Friday to go over the audit. During our lunch date I asked her on a real date. That date went well and I asked out again. During that date, she asked playfully, “Oh, Mr. Accountant, is this our second or third date?”
I replied, “Hmm, let’s call the brown bag lunch a half a date, rounding to nearest whole number, this is our second date.”
I didn’t have to ask the significance a “third date.” I knew she was ready to have sex.
Completely confident I read her right, I booked a room in Monterey. I picked her up at five. I was dressed in my usual casual business attire. She wore a simple skirt and blouse.
As we drove up the coast, Laura asked where we eating. I said we were going to a seafood place I knew in Monterey. She was momentarily startled, but then put her hand on my leg and said, “I like seafood.”
The dinner was delicious. We had some wine, but not too much. Laura didn’t blink when I drove into the Hyatt instead of driving down back down the coast . She did remark that she didn’t even have a suitcase.
We found our room. Once inside we began kissing. We just kissed for the longest time — no need to rush things. Finally, I held from behind and began unbuttoning the buttons of her blouse. After removing the blouse, I teased her nipples through her pink bra. I kissed her neck. She kissed me back and helped me out of shirt. We embraced. Her tits, engulfed in that pink bra, pressed against my bare chest.
I unclasped her bra. Her tits sag just a little, a remarkable fact given their size and age. I sat on a chair and Laura straddled me. I teased those nipples with both my tongue and fingers. From time to time, Laura teased my manly nipples.
Her breath began to quicken. I leaned her over to the end of the bed and promptly pulled down her skirt. She had on a pink thong I kissed her inner legs, then teased her pussy through her panties. Laura began to moan. It had been a year since Frank’s death and, I assumed, a year without sex. My teasing was unleashing a year of frustration. Not wanting anymore teasing, she pulled off her panties. I began to tease her orally when I heard, “No, I want you.” Which was quickly followed by, “Don’t stop.”
I tongued her clit. I purposely didn’t use a finger to tease. I didn’t use a finger, because I didn’t want anything to loosen her up. She would be so tight! It didn’t take long for Laura to have an intense orgasm on my face.
There were no further preliminaries. I dropped my pants and my underwear and pushed my dick into her womanly entrance. She was not as tight as I would have expected, probably because she had kept a dildo busy this past year.
We quickly got a rhythm going. When I make love, I like to hear the woman. Silence makes me worry that the woman is uncomfortable. But Laura’ was anything but silent. As she went through her second orgasm, her voice found a guttural, wanton tone I had never heard from her before. That was too much for me and I unloaded. It had been weeks since Jennifer and I had sex. I came exceptionally hard and long.
We made love again in the morning, this time with Laura on top. It felt so good to be inside her. But not only was my dick happy, my eyes were happy. I was looking at the most beautiful woman in the world. Oh, her face had a few lines, but I felt this incredible feeling of peace along with my manly excitement. After a long and leisurely pace Laura needed to finish. She quickened her pace on my manhood. Her moans became louder and louder, but not nearly as loud as last night’s screams. I came inside again. I did not worry about getting her pregnant. On our last date she had confided she had her tubes tied. Her sharing this information further confirmed to me that she wanted, as the younger generation says, “to take our relationship to the next level.”
After making love, we laid naked in bed for a good while. When it came time to get dressed, Laura didn’t want to put on the same “date clothes” she had worn when we had left.
I had anticipated this and packed a pair of jeans that were too small for me and as well as an old college t-shirt. I even packed a spare toothbrush. Laura said I was so thoughtful, not just about the clothes and toothbrush, but just about everything else. She started to speak. The first word out of her mouth was, “I” but she caught herself. I finished her thought and said, “I love you too.”
Months went by, very enjoyable months. I was with her Laura almost every weekend. When her daughter came home from college, I would still visit, but, to set a good example, would not spend the night. I would ask Anne about college classes. We got into some involved discussions about philosophy, quantum mechanics, and even art. I had actually ignored Heather’s big tits long enough to learn something.
One Saturday morning, forgetting that she had plans, I drove over to Laura’s . She was rushing out the door with Anne. Anne needed to pick up her car at the garage. Getting Anne’s car was one of many errands Laura had that morning. I volunteered to take Anne. Laura was most grateful. This gave me the chance I had been looking for. I wanted Anne alone.
On the drive over to the garage, I told Anne that I wanted to propose to her mother. I wanted to get down one knee with a ring, but I wanted it to be the right ring. After dad passed away, mom gave me the ring dad gave to her. I wanted to use Mom’s ring to propose, but I knew some women didn’t like the idea of “recycled” jewelry. Would her mother want a ring that was my mother’s or would she want her own ring?
Anne wasn’t sure what her mother would want. However, she speculated a “recycled” ring would be fine if it mattered to me.
When we got to the garage, I paid for Anne’s repair. To which she replied, “Thanks . . . .Dad.” I liked the sound of that.
Having nothing better to do, I went to the office. I began reviewing the books of one of the local unions. It made me think about Laura’s pension. I had completely forgotten that, if Laura married me, she would lose her widow’s pension. I quickly texted Anne to forget what I said. Her mother couldn’t lose her pension because I loved her. Anne did not reply back.
From the office I went to the gym. At the gym, it was not uncommon to see a few guys and the very occasional gal dressed in shorts and a city firefighter t-shirts. Several years ago, in an audit by my firm, it was discovered that some firefighters had been underpaid in their overtime. However, the records were too imprecise to say who was owed what. So to make things right all the firefighters got a free membership to gym. It has been part of their contract ever since. Today, for some unknown reason, several firefighters were working out.
I finished my workout and went back to the locker room. Most of the firefighters finished about the same time as I did and they were in a talkative mood. Apparently, a male and female firefighter was getting married and instead of separate stag and bachelorette parties, there was going to be one huge party at a ritzy hotel. Sex was on these guys’ minds.
One guy said he was going to bang “Sue”. His buddy said he didn’t have a chance. Sue was a “size queen”. She didn’t fuck anyone with less than an eight inch dick.
The first firefighter, who was already nearly dressed, said his “hose” was plenty long. A couple of other guys jested that their “hose” was available to finish the job – just in case the first firefighter opened “his valve” too soon. The sexual banter continued. Then a young firefighter, with choirboy looks, said , “Captain, what do make of this crap?”
The Captain replied, “At a Christmas party a couple of years back, Sue was going on and on about black guys. How the motion of ocean is important, but how it was better to sail with a black yacht than a white dingy and so on. Well ole’ Frank got tired of her talk. He pulled his pants right in front of her and showed her his enormous dick. I gave him a three day suspension on the spot. A week later Sue pleaded with me to take the suspension off Frank’s record. She said he was the best lay she ever had. As long as your equipment is the right size, Sue’s equal opportunity.”
That night, when Laura and I made love, she was on top. She rocked gently back and forth. She looked happy, like the-first-cup-of-coffee in the morning happy, but not the impassioned, I’m-having-cheesecake-for-dessert happy. She was content. I was good at making her “content” but she no longer screamed with lust when made love. She also never commented on how deep I felt in her. Feeling inadequate I came meekly and much too soon.
Laura asked, “What’s wrong?” I told her about what I heard in the locker room.
She replied, “Yea, Frank was a big dick. One week after Anne turned eighteen, he crawled into bed with her. He claimed he was just tired and didn’t know what he was doing, but he didn’t seem one bit tired to me I threw him out of the house that night.”
Laura went on, “Anne told me you paid for her car repair. That car repair was more than all the child support I ever received from her father. You’re the bigger man than either of my two husbands. If your father was half the man you are, I’m sure he bought your mother a very nice ring. Marry me John. Marry me.” We kissed and I felt asleep happier than I had ever been.
As the wedding approached, I went by the gallery. It was the least I owed Jennifer. She wasn’t there but Heather was. She greeted with a big hug. After we separated, I commented that I didn’t see Bare Music. She explained they had sold it to another gallery.
I told Heather I was getting married. Saying it was from both of them, Heather gave me a congratulatory hug. Heather’s big tits pressed against my chest once more. I realized that this was probably the last time I would feel really big tits against my chest, but I was OK with that.
At the wedding, Laura and I had just the right number of people not too large, not too small. Mom somehow found the strength to attend and she was thrilled Dad’s ring was being put to good use. She was also thrilled to finally have a grandchild, even if the grandchild was twenty-two year old Anne who was now living on her own.
Laura and I honeymooned in one of those all inclusive resorts. After we settled in our room we went to the pool. There was a mix of people. Some were in there twenties, most in their thirties, but still plenty Laura and mine’s age. After a few moments, I asked Laura, “Do you know what I’m thinking?”
Laura replied, “That you wish you were twenty-five again, so you could try to get that woman in the red thong in bed?” I hadn’t noticed the woman in the red thong any more than I noticed the few guys in Speedos. No, I told her that I was thinking she was the only woman over the age of thirty-five wearing a bikini. With that, she exclaimed, “make love to me John.”
We went back to our room. She gave me a big hug. Her bikini top pressed against my bare chest. I have no desire to dress up as a woman, or anything silly like that, but I find it incredibly erotica when a woman’s bra or bikini top presses against my bare chest. As we kissed, I let her press her bikini top into my chest for several minutes.
Still, as good as the fabric of her material, Laura felt better. I took her top off and we kissed again. Her bare tits now pressed against my chest.
After kissing her the longest time, I turn her around so her ass was against the growing bulge in my pants. I reached down into her bikini bottoms. She was wetter than a nineteen year watching her first porno.
I teased her clit and then got my finger good and wet. I then had her lick her juices off my finger. Having a woman taste her own juices is another one of those things I find exceptionally erotic.
She turned around again, pulled down my swimsuit, sat on the side of the bed. My dick led the way as I walked the short distance over to the bed. Laura knows how I like to get head, not too much licking, just in and out sucking. She stood up and kissed me as my dick found the crease between her legs. We stood together naked for a few moments, then I laid her on the bed and pulled off her bikini bottoms.
I knelt down on the floor and teased her pussy with my finger. Her hips bucked at the slightest touch of her clit. Now for the part she really liked my fingers in her pussy and my tongue on her clit.
Slurping away I got her pussy juices all over my lips. Her paced quicken. My tongue lapped harder on her clit as my finger stood guard inside her pussy. She took over now. She made love to my tongue and my fingers. Yes faster and faster until she had a violent orgasm on my face.
I lay on top of her and kissed her on the lips. Again one of those things I find highly erotic – a woman licking her own juices off her man.
I wanted so much to stuff my hard dick into her. I wanted her to have my man juice, but the night was still young. I would try something different. I entered her pussy alright, but after several strokes, like a teenager without a condom I pulled out. It made her crazy.
Laura was momentarily confused. Then, I positioned her into a 69. Now she would be sucking her juices off my dick, again something I find very erotica.
Now, while I enjoy 69 like everyone, in that position I never get the urge to cum. I can go on for quite awhile perfectly content with the sucking action I’m getting and the lapping action I am giving. Laura however moved from content to impassioned. She gobbled my cock, but what she really wanted was my tongue. My tongue teased her clit, lapped her pussy, and teased her clit some more. I kept her on the edge for the longest time. As she went over the edge, my dick popped out of her mouth and she moaned deeply.
With her satisfaction obtained, she crawled off of me and laid back on the bed. With her legs akimbo, she remarked playfully “your turn.” I obliged. I stuffed my dick into my bride. She wanted it long and hard and that’s what I gave her. When I did cum, I spurted like a twenty-year old.
We made love many more times that week. Between long hours in the sheets we also did some sightseeing and snorkeling. We flew back home happier than either of us had ever been.
As Anne had moved out of the house before the wedding, it was just Laura and I at home. Our happiness only increased the next year when Anne got married. I was thrilled to walk my “daughter” down the aisle. I also liked her new husband a lot. He treated Anne right, he was well-read, and like his father-in-law loved baseball.
Laura and I were enjoying the good life. We were in love like a couple of kids out of college, but with two well-paying jobs we didn’t have the money worries of a young couple. Yes, life was good, very good.
Over several weekends, Laura re-decorated Anne’s room. One day I came home to find Bare Music handing on the wall of what had been Anne’s room. Laura explained she bought it because the man in the picture looked like me. I agreed there was resemblance, but said nothing else.
One night I caught Laura looking at Bare Music. She was just standing in front of it teasing her nipples. She didn’t notice me. I just watched as she played with herself. After awhile she stuffed her hand and down her skirt. My dick became rock hard. She had her eyes glued on the portrait as her hand quickened its pace. I ignored the feeling of jealousy, of her masturbating to the image of “not me” and just enjoyed the show. Laura’s womanly scent started to fill the room, then the phone rang. I was going to ignore it, but Laura stopped. I went to answer the phone, and told the caller “no, I don’t need new cable service.” The mood ruined Laura and spent the night watching one of those chick flicks she likes. I wanted to spend doing something she enjoyed because tax season was fast-approaching.
Tax season for accountants, even senior accountants like myself, is hell. From March 1 to April 15, it is work, work, work. That year was no different. On the last Friday before the April 15 th deadline, for the third time that week, I left the office after eight p.m., grabbed a burrito at Taco Bell and went home. Laura was not home. She left a note, “Knew you would be late. Went to see Taylor. Be back by nine.” It was almost nine already.
Taylor? Who’s Taylor? There was a Dr. Taylor Washington on the school board. At least, I thought his first name was Taylor. He was the lone African-American on the school board. He was also a former quarterback at Rice University or was it Clemson? He was no token appointee either, he was a good looking dude with a PhD from Princeton. She didn’t mean him or did she? Exhausted from work, I turned on the TV and promptly fell asleep. I awoke to the eleven o’clock news. Laura was still not home.
I began to worry. The last couple of times we made love, I was rather selfish. (Tax season will do that to a man). Was Taylor now giving her some attention I could not?
When Laura and I made love she seemed to enjoy herself, but I began to recall that while she groaned, she did not talk much during sex. She never made comments like, “ohh you feel so big inside me” or “your cock looks so nice .” Out of bed she might say, “nice suit” or “great tie” but never anything about my cock. I guess Frank’s big dick had spoiled her.
Yes, that was it! Her second husband had spoiled her. Regular size was fine, but having once having had “jumbo” package, she craved it again. I imagined her on all fours backing up onto Taylor’s extra large cock . I imagined her screaming , “I haven’t been filled like this for years.”
Or maybe she liked being on top. Taking her time, savoring every inch. Face it, if a guy has more inches, there is more for the woman to savor. How many more inches did Taylor have? Ironically, the bigger I thought he might the less upset I was. If Taylor was just a big cock to her, then she didn’t love him, and it was just about sex. In the bedroom, how could I truly compete with Mr. Big?
I read somewhere that for women big cocks are like flying first class. Once you have flown first class, you think about it every time you fly coach. You may still enjoy your flying coach, but still, as you sit in coach, you can’t help but recall how much bigger and better the seats in first class were. Could I be the “bigger man” and accept her wanting the size of first class?”
I thought about that hard. I had my dignity. I couldn’t share my wife with another man. Could I? No, I didn’t think so. But didn’t I want Laura to be happy? Yes, but. Then suddenly I thought about Anne. Anne was now pregnant. I was looking forward to being a grandfather. If I left Laura, I would not in be in Anne or the baby’s life. I didn’t want to lose Laura, to say nothing of losing the title of “dad” and “grandpa”. If letting Laura, from time-to-time, savor Dr. Taylor Washington’s big black dick meant keeping her, Anne, and a grandson in my life, it was a deal I was willing to accept.
Still it hurt. A lot. I decided to do something I had done in years and certainly not during tax season. I decided to get drunk. Just as I began to open a bottle of wine I got a call from the hospital. There had been an accident. I drove right over.
Laura was conscious, but the doctors made it clear there was little hope. An airbag is next useless when an eighteen wheeler runs a red light into the side of a Honda.
Laura motioned me close to her lips, and asked, “Who was she?”
Who was she? Since marrying Laura, I hadn’t so much as looked at another woman. Laura persisted, “who was the artist? I know those dimples on the ass in Bare Music are yours.”
I told her everything, well not everything,– even the best of marriages have a few secrets.
I explained that after my first marriage, I was through with dating and women. However, Heather and Jennifer gave me my confidence back . It was with the renewed confidence they gave me, I was free to find her, the love of my life.
Laura told me that she loved me and I said an “I love you” back. I sat with her silently for hours.
About five in the morning, I went to get a couple of coffee, by the time I came back Laura had died. I think she wanted to spare me the pain of watching her go. I cried that morning like I hadn’t cried since being a little boy.
A few days later, I got a call from the Highway Patrol. They were still holding a bag of Laura’s possessions. The clerk explained there was no rush, whenever I wanted I could come by station and get my wife’s things. As I was restless at home, I drove right over. In Laura’s purse, was her makeup, wallet, receipts from the grocery store, an unopened packet of Kleenex, and, of course, her cell phone. Right there in the parking lot of the Highway Patrol, I checked the cell phone record. Yes, Taylor was listed.
As much as I hated doing so, I had to call. But what was I to say? Thank Dr. Taylor Washington for giving my wife the best sex of her life right before she died?
Trembling I dialed. A young woman answered. As soon as I introduced myself , she began to apologize. She was Taylor! Her boyfriend had proposed to her, but she wasn’t sure he was “the one.” She knew Laura was happy in her marriage and wanted her “motherly” advice.
Taylor blamed herself for Laura’s death. She babbled away that if she hadn’t asked Laura to come over, if she hadn’t been more confident about her feelings, if she hadn’t invited Laura over, Laura would still be alive. I told she had nothing to feel guilty about and I began to cry for the second time that week.
A few months later Anne had a baby boy. I decided to let Anne and her husband have the house I had inherited from her mother. She and her growing family needed it more than I did.
However, I had to get rid of Bare Music before they moved in. After some thought, I shipped it to the conductor of the San Francisco symphony and told him the whole story, well not the whole story.
He sent back a thank you note and said anytime I wanted I could have a couple of box seats.
My son-in-law and I go to a couple of Dodger games a year. He insists on paying. I let him. After all, I did give him a house.
My new place needs some decoration. I’m not quite ready to move pass Laura, but when I am, I know an art gallery in town that’s pretty good.
WARNING!!! The following story contains sexual acts between consenting adults. If you are below the legal age (18 most places) to read such matters, or it is illegal where you are, stop it right there! Also this isn't meant to be fine literature, so there are mistakes and errors in there somewhere, and the writing is not meant to be airtight. if you're looking for revolutionary fiction, look elsewhere please. iBod by Potrzebie "Son of a bitch!" Aaron swore as his music...
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I first glimpsed Aspenwald in the early spring when everything still seemed dead. A month earlier, I had buried my father and, with him, all of my joy. Every plan I had for the future was dashed and every hope ground to powder. The black tracings of bone-bare trees along the drive to the main house and the gray, unpromising stone of the mansion suited my mood. Uncle Henry wasn't a blood relative, so I was fortunate he allowed me to come. Not simply allowed; he invited me with a letter so nicely...
SupernaturalSpring is always a time of hope and renewal. This had been the first time Janet had sat down at the piano since Tom had gone. It was like she had been in denial, afraid to play the melodies that had once so enraptured him, lest her emotions got the better of her and the awful pain of loneliness would consume her once again. He so used to enjoy her playing. Quite often on a Sunday afternoon, after a morning in the garden and a lovely beef roast and rice pudding lunch, he would settle himself in...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: July 2, 2012) Chapter 20 - Video Music Awards I looked over at Emily, dressed as Chloe. She was still staring out the window in awe as we approached downtown Los Angeles, where the Video Music Awards...
Jay looked out of the window of his Uber with his head leaned against the glass. He still couldn’t believe it. This trip which was supposed to be for him and his girlfriend Lindsey, turned into a last minute solo trip when he found out she cheated on him. The strange concoction of feelings; betrayal, embarrassment, and hurt have yet to subside. Jay only hoped that the music festival would cheer him up. He could hear his pal Mike’s words echoing in his head “bro, the only way to get over her is...
Why teens always have their music up loud:Margret and Timothy Jones were getting exasperated with the moody duo of Cameron and Lucy: the senior college siblings they had thought were destined for University next year. The alarm bells were rings as letters arrived stating both ‘k**s’ were behind with assignments and really needed to focus in the final short term ahead...Margret had been virtually inconsolable as a young wife... when Cameron’s twin sister had died as an infant. Tim had saved his...
Music By Alyssa Davis It was a typical Spring afternoon and Terry was practicing his harp routines with his teacher, Ms Jones. She had been teaching Terry for 4 of his 16 yrs and he was her star pupil. He had a natural talent for the harp, unusual for a person so young, and a boy. As he played, she admired him with pride, as much as if he were her own son. He was a slender young man, handsome to the point of being too pretty for a boy with his shoulder length blond hair, petite...
This chapter was edited by MistySerenade and I would like to take the opportunity to thank her for the fine editing. Again, if there were any mistakes it would be my own doing and has nothing to do with the editor. Thank you Misty. * ‘Hey Bob! There’s a lady from the Social Services here to see you,’ one of Robert’s staff called to him through the recording studio door. Robert Duncan cut a trim figure. Even though he was in his early forties, he only had slightly thinning blonde hair. At...
The music had been playing for hours now. It was not the kind that, without fail, drives the person overhearing it insane. It was a soft, smooth, melodic song that brushed against your ears and persuaded you to listen. From the time I had woken up, at about 4:00 a.m, it had been drifting up from the apartment beneath mine. Subconsciously, I knew that my listening could almost be seen as a sort of invasion. The person in apartment 12A started playing the music very early in the morning, so...
Gay Male(elliie's comments) When I wrote it, my intent was for the transformation to be in parallel columns on the page. It didn't stay like that in the text file, but maybe you can fix it up when you do whatever editing you do. (fictionmania's comments) We have tried to tab a section of the story below. to format it to Ellies request. It hopefully will work in most browsers. Some older browsers might have a problem. If you do please contact us and we will try another method of...
It was a pleasant June day as we all drove out to the festival grounds. There were four of us in the car. Me, Steffie, Susan, and Sally. Me being Steve made up the last part of the four S's. We had been friends since high school and all went to the same college together, and now we were headed out to my first music festival. The other three S's had been before, but I always had some other obligation which prevented me from going. But this year I was finally free, and we had picked up some...
Music fads out “It’s hot, it’s humid and I hope your air conditioning is working. We are going to break all the records by this time tomorrow. It’s 6 o’clock and time for WSEX drive time news, sports, weather and traffic. Chuck DuPree, I hear we have a problem on the out bound expressway.” “That’s right Dan, we have a major accident...” Mic Off, Off with this damn headset. Had them on for the last 2 hours waiting for this break. Suppose I should introduce myself before I go live at the bottom...
I am standing at a mixing desk…with the music pumping..bass line thumping…my fingers feeling the vibrations every time I touch the decks. I mix in a song which is one of my favourites, smiling at the sound of the first moments..beginning to nod my head to the beat and move my body to the rhythm. I don’t notice that this whole time he has been leaning against the door frame behind me, watching me, scanning my figure, my back, my legs, my arse as I move to the music. As he moves closer towards...
Camp Challenge; Mitchie Face the Music! ? Disclaimer:?I do not own the movie Camp Rock, or any of its characters.? Disney Studios owns them.?? This story is?a parody, meant for mature audiences and should not be read by persons under 18 years old, or who are offended by a serious spanking of an eighteen year old teenage girl. ? ???? Mitchie had taken it upon herself to rally and sashay in her short summer dress over to Camp Star and challenge the new bold music camp to a "Final Jam". When she...
I am standing at a mixing desk...with the music pumping..bass line fingers feeling the vibrations every time I touch the decks. I mix in a song which is one of my favourites, smiling at the sound of the first moments..beginning to nod my head to the beat and move my body to the rhythm. I don't notice that this whole time he has been leaning against the door frame behind me, watching me, scanning my figure, my back, my legs, my arse as I move to the music. As he moves closer...
Straight SexPlease read chapters 1 - 21 to get to get acquainted with my friends and me and to get immersed in the story. Use the search feature and type "The Game," to find all of the previous chapters. From the feedback that I receive, you won't regret reading the previous chapters. A recap of the story appears in the last several chapters, so I will change the introduction this time. For those who like details this chapter is packed and the most revealing to date. For those who do not, there is plenty...
First TimeSuddenly I felt hot all over, I began to panic, I knew what we were doing was probably wrong, or in fact, what Mr Taylor was doing was probably wrong."Just relax little one, let it all happen...go on Millie...let it happen." Mr Taylor's voice was soft and quiet, and incredibly his wife was in the next room.The orgasm came with a rush, as his fingers continued to massage my clit. I was trying to stifle my gasps, but I was thinking that surely his wife must be able to hear.As Mr Taylor took his...
First Time“Abigail!” He ran out the door and gave me the tightest hug that I have received since I'd left. “I am so glad to see you!” It felt good, and I wrapped my arms tightly around him as I watched the rest of my immediate family file out of the home. My brother, Andrew, hugged me next while my aunts and uncles attempted to fire all of their questions out about my recent adventures. However, knowing that I was tired from my long journey, my father quickly stepped in. “Leave the poor girl alone,”...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 31 - The American Music Awards On Sunday I woke up excited for the awards show. But after returning home from church my day started to take a turn for the worse that left me worried about what would happen...
This was going to be a night to remember for sure. They had met on Labor Day for the first time. However since that time she hadn’t stopped thinking of him. His dark hair, his brooding dark eyes and all of the secrets they held. She had worked so hard to draw out all of those hidden areas and help him to feel safe and happy once again. She selected her outfit very carefully when she had gone shopping. Black very low cut dress, red lace see through panties, and a red lace see through bra, black...
Robyn arched her back, her thighs tightened around Leith’s, her eyes were closed, breathing coming in deep, heavy pantings, she put her hands out to him, clutched at his arms, pushed her hips to his, her firm, fullish breasts, flushed pink, moving slightly up and down on her chest, the pleasantly, painfully hardened nipples seemed to be screaming bite me, she gasped. Leith bent his head to hers, her lips gripped at his tongue, pulling it into her mouth, he felt her tightening more and more...
Kitty had heard about the music festival for years because it took place just a few miles from the trailer park where Kitty lived. Her mom told her that the kids who came to the festival were dirty hippies, and told Kitty to stay away from them.But every summer, Kitty saw the vans, and the kids walking in, who seemed to be having a LOT of fun. They all wore colorful outfits, both the girls and the guys, and they didn't mind "public displays of affection" or PDA, as Kitty and her friends...
Teen[This is merely character development for what will progress into a romance story. If you’re looking for immediate sexual content, this is not the story for you.] As his fingers strummed the last chord of his encore, the uproar of females’ satisfied screams flooded Jake’s ears. The stage lights went off and he quickly grasped his amplifier chord with his sweaty fingers and pulled it out before walking offstage with his guitar. It had been a long and grueling set, but Jake was pleased with his...
While driving on main highway, i am on driving seat with my didi, she was unconfirtable while sitting next to me. Didi kaya baat hai? Kuch nahi abhi or litnee door hai? Didi abhi to kam sa kam 5 ghanta lag sakta hayin, acha yahan pass koe rest house ya asee jagha? Didi tum paga ho gee ho, yahan beech rocks, kaya tum sapna dakh rahi ho yahan kon banaa ga rest house, preet (her name) didi huva kaya hai kuch to batao. Chotu mujha chee lagee hai baree zor sa, ha ha ha ha ha ha, to rok kar rakhoo 5...
Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...
Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...
Love Stories(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...
I followed him into the music room. The wall baffles made it look like the inside of an egg crate, and it was summer hot and roasted, and we were young, and had come here to make love. There was nothing for us but the territories of ourselves, and he turned to me and he smiled that slightly lopsided smile and I put my arms around him, and the ands in this sentence are not meant for bad construction or run on sentences, but because there was always an and between us and around up, and protecting...
The Music Room The Music Room. Notes from a Diary Wednesday February 7th Dear Diary: Last night George again proposed anal sex, and again, I refused. I cannot help it. I just cannot relax back there. I shut up like a clam. Even when I am really excited I freeze if he touches me there. I?ve had anal intercourse once, years ago, with Paul, my boyfriend in college. I wish I could say it was horrible and that I hated it. It wasn?t. It hurt, a little, but it wasn?t too bad, and ? For...
Don't worry about saving these songs! And if one of our instruments breaks, it doesn't matter. We have fallen into the place where everything is music. The strumming and the flute notes rise into the atmosphere, and even if the whole world's harp should burn up, there will still be hidden instruments playing. So the candle flickers and goes out. We have a piece of flint, and a spark. This singing art is sea foam. The graceful movements come from a pearl somewhere on the ocean...
The party had been a good one. At one point there must have been 20 or 30 people milling around our house, talking and enjoying each other. As the night passed some of our friends left and others arrived. By 10 PM we were down to 4 couples. We had been sitting around making small talk and telling a few off color jokes when one of the girls suggested that we play some kind of party game.Several different games were suggested and the teenage games were named. Spin the Bottle, Post Office, and...
Hy guys. I am jaggs. This story is about my music teacher. My music teacher’s name is Subhalakshmi. She is my neighbour. She is from Chennai and I used to love her company. It was my hobby to ogle at her sexy body. That was when I told my parents I wanted to learn to play some musical instruments. They both agreed and told me to go to Subhalakshmi’s house. So she started taking class for me on evenings, daily. She tutored the other students on Wednesdays and Saturdays. We had gotten really...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: September 5, 2011) Chapter 52 - Radio City Music Hall The final day of my summer concert tour brought a peace and serenity that was abnormal for a concert day. For the first time all week I got to sleep in longer than usual. I...
Jessie's Music Box Dance and Bitch Ride. I once again step into my dark side. I really thought this one up at my paying job. Hello all you happy people. My name is John Labatt. This how I spent one summer vacation. The plant where I worked at had closed. The corporate headquarters, tech support, and warehouse would remain. All production jobs would be out sourced. Sinced I worked in production, I was out of a job. I was also out of a home as well. The condo unit where I...
Following on from All My Lovers, Amy and Gary get back to work, try to figure out how to explain their new car and plan their wedding. This story is from Amy's point of view again. I managed to squeeze my car past the Aston Martin that Geoff had placed in our driveway as an early wedding gift, we'd not even arranged a date for it yet, but it was a very sweet thought. I think we'll have to break into some of his money to pay the insurance for it, I'll be taxing the insurance comparison...
The man at the door was medium height but nicely muscled. His hair was dark and his eyes intense as he looked me over and smiled slightly. I opened the door thinking that this was going to be good. I'd just met him at a local bar and after conversation and four drinks had invited him over. It was lunchtime but I was only hungry for him. I hadn't fucked anyone for a long time and I had a need. It felt insatiable as he grabbed a tit while closing the door behind him then slowly pushed me back...
I wasn’t there myself, but the story was all over town… About the time that the plane crashed into Empress Chili and the Ninja Twins went on their killing spree at the Lucky Star, Mommyrot who had been playing at the Plexiglass Onion mysteriously lapsed into My Name is Bocephus by Hank Williams Jr., which in turn lured Santa Claus and countless other innocent victims to a horrible death from a Nuclear Wastoid in a Garfield-covered package. Fortunately, the day was saved and everyone was brought...
My name is Michael, a fifty-eight-year-old recently divorced Londoner and I would like to share with you one of the most exciting and sexually adventurous nights I have ever experienced.After my divorce, I realised just what a toll a toxic marriage had taken on me. I was overweight, unhealthy, depressed, demotivated and quite frankly going downhill so fast that I doubted I would ever see the pension that my wife had done her best to steal from me.A very honest conversation one night with my...
Mature‘Will you sign my CD please? Please?’ Jake turned around, arms full of groceries, and looked down into the eyes of the cutest little girl he had ever seen. That’s what I get for not using a cart, he muttered to himself. He set his groceries down on the floor before getting on his knee to sign the old CD cover the little girl held out to him. There weren’t many places that Jake could go without having to sign autographs anymore. Most musicians were bothered by it and, although there were times...
Jake reached for his alarm clock, knocking empty beer cans and bags of chips onto the ground. He picked up the clock frantically trying to shut it off. It was 4:30 in the morning. I must have accidentally set this thing for the wrong time, he thought. Resigning to his lack of patience for the beeping of the alarm and his lack of coordination to turn it off, he picked the clock up and threw it at the wall. The fate of the clock was determined by the cease of sound. Good, thought Jake. No more...
To most of the world at large, they're names above compare. Names that everybody, from the youngest girl, just learning to figure out what she likes and dislikes on the radio, to the oldest man, who can barely work the darn thing, would know, even if just by cultural osmosis. Rihanna. Taylor Swift. Ariana Grande. They were celebrities so damn successful that it's hard to think of them as even being humans on the same plain as's even harder to think of them as being lesser. Yet despite...
I was late again, I couldn't fucking believe it. Today of all days, Principal Bitch had to come into my office making a nuisance of herself for fifteen minutes. Anyone would think she knew I was rushing and what was waiting for me. Once she left I could hardly wait to jump up from my desk and dash out of the door behind her. I didn't even bother locking it; I just took off down the corridor as fast as possible without actually running. I didn't want that cow berating me again right now. My feet...
Quickie SexHi guys so let me start with a HUGE apology for not posting this a while ago, I totally made a version of it that was pretty great but it deleted when my computer ran out of battery (chord must of unplugged), so without further due, here is the part 3 that I've gotten many many messages of starting it on :) Plus this is the girl I had in mind for Emily except imagine her a little younger Enjoy!!!!Mr. Milks (Tyler) has changed my mind in ways I couldn't of imagined- both my mind and body. He's...
Please read part 1 which is the same title without the Part 2 attached to it before you read this please ;)Mr. Milks and I have had sex for the past two weeks. I would usually meet him in his Music room and we would make love in all sorts of ways there, but the reason he was in the Library the first time is because he was filling in for my b*o's library teacher who was sick. Mr. Milks (first name is Tyler) didn't teach any music classes that day so he was free to take over. I'm in high school,...