Music Of Change #1: Nice Girls free porn video

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Music of Change #1: Nice Girls By Valerie Hope Jenna slumped down beside him, hard, the sheen of her sexual sweat still reflecting amber candlelight from her smooth, unblemished skin. She buried her head in the covers and Heath could hear the telltale growl that announced she was fighting tears. He tried to keep it going, somewhat frantically, his hands caressing her skin gently and designed to keep her desire alive. "Forget it," he panted. "I love you. Please, let's keep going." She flinched from his touch and his heart shattered into a million razor-edged shards. "Damn," he breathed. "I'm sorry," she whimpered, unable to meet his eyes. He forced words from his throat. He didn't want to talk, but she needed him to. "I'm not angry." "I know," she said. "Sometimes I wish you'd get that way." He sighed. "I shouldn't have asked." She sat up, tears streaking her pretty face and rimming her clarion blue eyes in harsh, sickly red. "And why shouldn't you have asked?" "Because you always react this way," he said simply, closing his eyes. "You have every right to ask," she told him. "Every right." "Not if it makes you that uncomfortable," he concluded with finality. "You're a part of this relationship, too," she said. For answer, he just rolled over, licking the tips of his fingers to snuff the bedside candles. "I'm not going to fight about it anymore," he said. She clicked on the lamp by the opposite bedside and leaned on his broad, slightly overweight torso heavily. Her elbows dug into his ribs uncomfortably and his eyes opened reflexively in response. "Don't you think I want to?" she asked. "Don't you think I would love to be the woman you want me to be?" His voice was emotionless. "Of course you do. You say so all the time. But you can't. No matter how hard you try, you can't stop hearing your parents' voices in your head. And the damned bed isn't big enough for the four of us. Look, I'm sorry that 'nice girls' don't say or act certain ways, no matter how much that might excite me. I'm sorry that you got 'nice girls' hammered into your skull every day of your childhood. I'm sorry for asking you to try and change any of it. Just turn off the goddamned light and let me get some sleep. I don't want to talk about it any more." He flexed the muscles in his broad chest heavily and she couldn't stay atop him any more. She slid to the side of him and before she could recover he was cocooned in blankets, facing away from her. "Heath," she tried. He didn't answer. *** Four hundred and seventy-seven. More, if you counted the little half- and quarter-tiles along the edge where the ceiling met the walls. She turned a baleful eye on the waxing moon through the window. She wished sleep would claim her for just a little while, but the practical part of her mind knew otherwise. She'd hurt him again. The latest in a long, long line. They'd met on a fluke, at a trade show two years ago. His shy smile and quirky humor had netted Jenna Hawthorne in record time. Six months of dating before he even kissed her passionately. Another three before he even put a hand on her in a 'questionable' area, and only then after he'd proposed to her on bended knee and she'd tearfully accepted. Which was not to say Heath MacGowan was a prig. Not by any stretch - the few times she'd been out with his friends from college, they'd regaled her with stories of the campus 'wild man' whose sexual and libational escapades were still whispered legends among the residents of his old dorm. He'd gone the slow and easy route with her because he loved her, and she had a very strict Baptist upbringing and even stricter Baptist parents who'd told her over and over that there were certain things that 'nice girls' never did. She thought with no small amount of fondness of how long he'd spent with his mouth on her sex, his tenderness and firmness in all the right places, constantly and unflaggingly, for the four months it took her to push past her sexual repression and self- loathing and finally achieve her first orgasm at the age of twenty-seven. How his mastery of the 'boudoir arts' (as he termed it laughingly) now had her elevated to a sexual satisfaction that would easily be the envy of any woman. But still he hadn't come for her. He finished with his hand, or he ignored his erection and frustration and just held her close. His orgasm was far, far away from her and she was at a loss to why. It wasn't until she'd point-blank asked him (which took courage, since she wasn't entirely comfortable even raising the subject of sex with a man - nice girls didn't discuss such things) that it was clear. "Everybody is made up of three parts," he explained softly. "A body, a mind, and a heart. And you can only go places when all three things go at the same time. You have the attention and cooperation of my heart, babe, and my body too. My mind's not in it. I've always needed a certain amount of... I guess 'fantasy' is the only word I can use, in my sex life. And unless it gets added to the mixture, I don't think I'm going to be able to finish. I'm sorry, love. Really I am." She'd wondered, puzzling over and over, about what kind of fantasy he was talking about. She didn't have much in the way of fantasy - it wasn't something a nice girl would really think about. Most of her fantasies were very tame - holding hands and candlelight and walks on windswept beaches. She was pretty sure that was not what her husband was referring to. So she did what she thought was best. She snooped. Looked through his book collection, the movies, the computer. Nothing very 'personal' to be found there, but no surprises there. So she dug deeper. He worked much later than she did most nights, so there was ample time for her to try and do her 'research.' There were no clues to be found among his old friends, whom she emailed with questions designed not to be blatant but rather to conjure up reminiscences of Heath's old girlfriends so she could search for clues there. She even tried to track down an old girlfriend, but she thought that might have been too awkward for everyone involved. It wasn't until she thought to take a peek through his old college footlocker that she found the pieces of the puzzle. There, below a series of keepsakes from his college baseball days, high school yearbooks and letter jackets that she found the photo album. It was full of all manner of seamy stuff - pages ripped from pornographic magazines, Polaroids of naked girlfriends, and love letters. Reading only one page of a letter from 'Kim' (whom Jenna knew as an old college girlfriend) was enough to make her blush beet red and her eyebrows rise well into her scalp. Jenna had figured out that Kim had been a stripper ('Exotic dancer,' Heath had always smilingly corrected her) and something of a wild woman in her own right, but she'd never expected the explicit language of the letter, the graphic depictions of everything - down to the smallest detail - that this woman intended to do to her husband, and then the wild series of Polaroids in the envelope of the woman masturbating herself in a phone booth at the airport. Jenna started to brush her hair out of her eyes, aghast at the forwardness of the woman, when she noticed a passage at the bottom of the third page, written in the bubbly 'cheerleader'- type script: "...and I'll keep doing it until you come in my mouth and all over my face like you did Friday night..." Jenna dropped the letter in shock. He came for this woman? This was the kind of 'fantasy' her husband was craving, the push he needed to get his mind into it with her? She hadn't noticed, but over the course of going through the letters, she'd become very aroused. Her nipples peaked sensuously against the satin softness of her bra and her panties were quickly becoming heavy with a musky dampness. Flustered, she replaced everything back in the footlocker like she'd found it and ran into the living room, turning it on the Weather Channel until the dull, repetitious broadcast drowned out the other thoughts in her head and she didn't have to think about it any more. *** She tried - she had to give herself that. She'd gone all out at first, getting the sexy underwear and trying to talk dirty to him, to coax him into giving his mind, the final piece of the puzzle, to her. But the naughty lingerie from Frederick's of Hollywood had made her feel silly, she didn't have a very deft hand at makeup or hairstyling so she couldn't achieve any kind of 'magazine sultry' look, and the dirty-talking wouldn't force its way out of her throat - it was so embarrassing and it made her feel nasty. She wound up just repeating the same things over and over, like a broken record. It had been awful. Heath had been very tolerant and patient of the whole thing, assuring her that she wasn't cheapened by trying and how much he appreciated her efforts, but she could tell that his disappointment was huge. She supposed she could understand. Probably better to have no inkling that the brass ring existed than to have this mockery of what he wanted in his life. But the fears and the inability and the repression were so strong, and so old, that she wondered if they even could be beaten, much less whether or not she could beat them. So she hid. In books, hobbies, television, anything other than trying anything else. God, how she wished she could be what he wanted. How she wished she could make him happy, satisfy him the way he satisfied her. How she wished... She walked aimlessly through the crowded mall, not even seeing the stores or the press of people starting their early Christmas shopping like she was. She was in her work clothes - very prim and proper, thick and concealing, and her hair was pulled sharply away from her face. She told herself it was to maintain the integrity of the law office where she worked as a paralegal - she couldn't tempt fate by wearing something feminine or sexy and risking some kind of sexual harassment. But the truth of the matter was that she didn't want to look alluring. Heath joked that she didn't even like looking like a girl sometimes. Maybe he was right. Girls were sexy and beautiful, and playful and flirtatious, and she didn't want that. She took a little peek at her hazy reflection in the window of Wet Seal. A slumped, shy, frumpy creature stared back at her sadly. She'd noticed, on the rare occasions when she'd been able to coax Heath into coming shopping with her, that the stores like this one were where his head turned as they walked, with the sexy, flashy and revealing clothing in the windows and the cute salesgirls in the skintight sweaters and flared jeans which coated their backsides like second skin selling sexy and flirty clothing to sexy, beautiful young women. Jenna swallowed hard, trying to force her resolve into a hard knot, but she just couldn't go in. She couldn't wear anything like what was on the racks in those stores. She'd look like a slut. She could hear her father's disapproving eyes on the back of her neck, just like when she'd been a girl in church. Shuddering, she wrapped her coat around herself a little more tightly and walked on, scanning the crowd to see if she'd been spotted looking into that scandalous store. "Hey, lady. Lady!" a young voice called. Jenna turned to see a young teenage girl chasing after her. The girl wore a tight 'girlie' tee shirt with the number '00' displayed across the firm hug it gave her budding breasts. "You dropped this back there," the girl said, handing her a small business card. "It fell out of your pocket." Jenna didn't think, she just wanted to run, out of the mall and away from all the judging eyes. Taking the card, she stuffed it back into her pocket hurriedly and mumbled a thanks. "Merry Christmas," the girl said brightly, but Jenna was already on her way out. The girl turned back to the older man who sat on the bench not far from their encounter. He had a gentlemanly, lined face with deep creases and a head full of lush silver hair. "Was that good enough, mister?" the girl asked, smacking her gum. He smiled broadly. "That was excellent, Leanne. Well done indeed. I think it deserves a bonus." "A bonus?" the girl asked. "The twenty dollars I promised you, and twenty more," he said, passing over the bills. "Now you can buy that skirt I saw you eyeing in the window of Rave a moment ago." She looked at the teenage fortune in her hands and grinned. "Thanks, mister. Merry Christmas." "And best wishes of the season to you, as well, Leanne," he said, still smiling. With his other hand he brought up a small cassette recorder and pressed 'Play.' A strange, keening sound filtered over the crowd noise and the tinny Christmas carols in the mall's promenade and the young girl, Leanne, took on a look of confusion and suspicion for just a bare moment before her features smoothed over and she looked at the older man with large, guileless eyes. "Why do you want such a skirt, Leanne?" he asked. His voice melded with the music to the point where one couldn't tell where the eerie tones started and his voice truly began. "I'd look hot in it," she said. "You would indeed, my dear," the man said. "But you want someone else to think you look hot in it, though, don't you? That's really why you want it." She smiled and blushed. "Brad Lancaster," she said earnestly. Her little nipples hardened beneath her second-skin tee shirt at just the mention of the basketball star's name. "He'd have to be blind not to want you in it," the old man said fondly. "He won't, though," the girl said sadly, completely in contrast with the wide-eyed smile on her face. "He said he only likes girls with big tits." "And you still want him to like you, even after that?" "Of course I do," the girl said. "He's a babe." The old man smiled fondly. "I see. Look down at your chest, Leanne. Do it now." She looked down at her budding, teenage bosom. "What do you see?" the man asked. "My boobs," she said simply. "Aren't they big?" Leanne paused. "No. They're little." "I don't think so, Leanne. Look again." Her brow furrowed. "You're right. They are big." "How big?" the man said. Leanne smiled broadly. "36D. Bigger than my mom's. Brad will love them." The old man clicked his tongue. "What about you, Leanne? Will you love them?" She smiled up at him. "Oh, yeah," she breathed. "I love my big 36D tits. I love to hold them and play with them at night before I go to sleep. I love how the other girls get jealous of them when I wear tight shirts. I love my tits." As she spoke, the music seemed to take on a crescendo, a slight change in tempo and timbre that vibrated the air around Leanne and the older man. As she spoke so lovingly about her breasts, the old man watched proudly as her breasts began to enlarge in front of his eyes, thickening and filling out, stretching her tight shirt with their increased girth until it rode up to bare her midriff. The erect nipples stuck out proudly through the material as the enlarged mammaries settled easily into their new configuration, slightly lower than before but still firm and gravity-defying as only a teenager's body could effectively do without surgery. "And you should," the old man said gently. "They're magnificent. Now you should go buy your skirt and try to find young Mr. Lancaster, don't you think?" She smiled even more broadly. "Yeah. I'm going to suck his dick tonight." "That's nice, my dear. I'm sure you'll make him very happy like that." Her grin became a little lascivious. "Oh, you know I will." He shut off the music as she scampered away, back to her friends, her enormous tits jiggling wildly in the confinement of the little shirt. He did know she would. Soon, she would be able to be the woman she truly longed to be, the one, which would make her happy, without fear of reprisal. He sat down heavily. He'd field tested the Music of Change several times now, on young girls and old women and everything in between. Now it was time to see if it could be the power for change and healing that he hoped it could be, and that required a subject. Jenna Hawthorne was a godsend, and she was perfect. The music was written for women like her. Like his beloved daughter, Sarah. She, too, had needed to be the woman inside, but her mother hadn't allowed it. Words like 'slut', 'tramp' and 'whore' had been an everyday part of the girl's puberty. Sarah couldn't help what she needed to be. It was inside her. It was a part of her. If only her mother had seen that, seen that Sarah couldn't live without being free. If only she'd seen before Sarah had... He sighed. Christmas was not the time to be thinking of such things. He stood stiffly, took his umbrella and walked out into the parking lot, following the sidewalk around the contour of the building until he found the loading dock for one of the department stores. He heard the telltale sounds of his wife - Sarah's mother, the woman who'd tried to lock Sarah away from the woman she longed to be - and tracked the sound to a small workers' lounge just inside the delivery area. The three dockworkers were in the midst of play. One lay on his back across the low Formica table, with a luscious platinum blonde with enormous breasts lay across him, taking his hairy, erect penis frantically into her rectum while another, standing at the edge of the table, drove himself into her hairless vagina. The third was across the table from his standing partner, watching his considerably-sized prick slide in and out of the blonde's mouth between swollen, red-painted lips. She moaned and writhed, grunted and groaned in time with their thrusts until the men had spent themselves in and on her, in long white gooey stripes across her belly and down her throat, over her lips above and below. The workers stopped in shock and dismay as the older man walked in calmly and leaned against the doorframe. The blonde licked semen from her lips with a long pink tongue and slid long-nailed fingers across her still-throbbing slit, pausing only to lick the remnants of the other man's cum from her fingertips. "Come, my dear," he said to his wife. "It's time we headed home." The blonde pouted. "Please, honey, can't I stay? I want some more cock, and these men say they have friends who'd just love to fuck a wild little whore like me. Please? Can't I stay for one more fuck?" The older man seated himself heavily on the vinyl sofa next to the soda machine. He never could say no to his darling wife. "Of course, my dear. But just one more. We have a busy day tomorrow." *** Jenna made it all the way home without thinking about the mall. She shucked out of her coat and scarf and was plucking off her gloves one finger at a time when she noticed the business card on the tiled floor of the entryway. She snatched it up nervously and looked at the tiny print: Dr. Karl Renfro, Specialist Trans-consciousness Music Therapy Treatments for Phobias, Obsessions, Compulsions and Stress Management She sighed. The sheer amount of business cards she collected, as a paralegal would doubtlessly result in her finding several she didn't remember receiving in the first place. But stress management? She certainly was stressed, and even though she hadn't a clue what trans-consciousness music therapy was, maybe it might be nice to have a doctor to talk to at some point, if only to have someone who wasn't so close to the problem to talk to. It wouldn't necessarily be a betrayal of Heath. She set the business card next to the phone with a mental note to call later. *** Heath sat naked on the couch, staring out the balcony window over the trees and smoking a cigarette. She tried so hard - he wanted her to succeed, he really did, he loved her so much - but she just didn't get it. It wasn't what she was doing that would excite him. What excited him was the prospect of knowing that she wanted to do it. That she was getting off on getting him off. It was really simple, but she just didn't get it. So she went through the motions with this leaden monotone voice and a look of sublime distaste on her face and it was the most colossal turn- off imaginable. He couldn't stand the thought of her forcing herself to do something so anathema just to make an attempt to gratify him. Jesus, he would rather she didn't even try at all. But this had become insanely important to her and she couldn't leave it alone. He paced a little, trying to be silent - she'd only just fallen asleep and he didn't want to wake her. Instead he tried to settle himself down, even though his soul wanted to run for a while, maybe to take a drive or a long walk. He knew if she woke up without him in bed beside her she'd panic, think he'd left her, as if his daily protestations of love weren't any kind of bond at all. It was exhausting. As he went into the kitchen to find a drink, he noticed the little business card beside the telephone cradle where the cordless was recharging. Trans-consciousness music therapy. Obsessions and stress management. Maybe that would be a good thing for his Jenna in the long run. Hell, if the stress management worked, he might try it. Christ knows he was stressed. It was then that Heath noticed the fine print on the very bottom edge of the card. "24 Hours a Day, free phone treatments." Free? It would be nice to talk to someone. Shrugging in what was a very 'what-the-hell' way, he picked up the phone. The first thing he noticed when the line opened was music. There wasn't really a melody, or really a harmony, or any kind of recognizable tonality. It was almost like whale-song in a way, and in some ways like listening to the rain or the surf crashing into the shore. He felt knots in his shoulders disappear immediately. He lay back, just wanting to listen for a while, but a deep and resonant man's voice began speaking to him. It meshed with the music perfectly, making his words seem like they were a part of the unearthly tune. "Hello, Jenna, I'm glad you called. This message is recorded for you and is played on a special number, which only you know. I'm aware of your problems through a mutual friend, and I want to help you. If you'll let me, I might be able to let you find yourself. The first thing I need is for you to relax, Jenna. Completely relax. Feel the stress and the tension flowing out of you, through your fingertips and toes and nipples and hair. Float on the music." In spite of himself, Heath found that he couldn't fight the lure of the voice and the music. The tension leached out of him and he was floating along, completely engrossed in the words. "You're a good woman, Jenna, and I know you love your husband. That is strong, and I want you to believe in it strongly. Cling to it. Now, close your eyes and imagine a woman. Imagine the woman you would most like to be. Hold her image tightly in your mind." Behind Heath's eyelids he saw a lovely young lass, with voluminous soft blonde hair cascading over her shoulders. Her body was tall, trim and lithe while still possessed of lush curves, a lovely fluted backside and a slender waist. A flat, well muscled belly. Tan, unblemished skin that was soft as satin. Huge, liquid brown eyes like his own, so dark that he couldn't see the pupil. Long lashes that brushed high, soft cheekbones, full kissable lips with just a little of the 'eighties 'bee stung' look. "What is she like, Jenna? What is this woman like?" She's free, Heath thought. Proud of who she is and not embarrassed by anything. She's strong and tender at the same time, fun and flirtatious, sexy and alluring, smart and funny and she loves being beautiful. She loves men and women both to want her. She loves to tease and also to deliver on her promises, to shock and to be a dream come true. She gives of herself, that's how she feeds her soul. She's unafraid, she can take care of herself, she does the things she does because she wants to do them, not because she feels like she has to. "Good, Jenna. Excellent. Hold her tightly, Jenna. Imagine her breathing. Laughing. Imagine her with eyes blinking and moving. Make her alive. Bring her to life." The beautiful woman moved in time to the otherworldly music, arms and legs and hair. She smiled a dazzling, chalk-white smile. Suddenly she was clad in sexy, exciting clothes - tight leather pants and high-heeled boots, a midriff-baring halter top which barely restrained her lusciously proportioned chest, her hair in a wild but carefully designed style. Her long fingernails were buffed shiny with white tips. "Imagine her laughing and talking. What does she sound like?" A breathy, sensual and husky contralto with a hint of a Texas drawl, a lot like Heath's own voice. "What does she like to eat? How does she spend her evenings? What does she do for fun?" Suddenly, the woman was dancing sensuously in a crowded club, with flashing lights and thumping bass through the press of half- seen bodies. Then she was at a hole-in-the-wall little Mexican restaurant, digging into a plate of chicken enchiladas with chipotle sauce - the hot stuff. She finished the meal with a frozen margarita and a cigarette. "Imagine her alive, Jenna. Imagine her moving, talking, eating, sleeping, and... imagine her fucking." In a flash, he saw her, hair in wild floating disarray, straddling her unseen lover, riding his pole up and down with ecstatic tosses of her head and wild blonde mane. Her fingers dug into the muscles of her lover's belly as she climaxed loudly, thrashing her head and body in abandon. She cried to him, teased him and excited him with her words, urging him and coaxing him into greater pleasure. "Look at yourself, Jenna. Look down at yourself. What do you see?" Myself. My body. Lived in, worn out, but still mine. "Look again. What do you see?" Heath's eyes barely opened and through his lashes he saw his generous breasts, heaving in time with his deep, relaxed breathing. A flat, toned belly peeked from out of the hem of his oversized t-shirt, exposing an adorable little navel in tanned skin. Flared, womanly hips filled out the flannel boxer shorts and hairless, smooth and trim legs extended to the floor, ending in delicate little feet with the toenails painted a deep shade of metallic blue. Long blonde curls settled on his shoulders and dangled mischievously across his eyes. "I see myself," he mumbled. "You see yourself," the voice confirmed. "Remember what you see here, Jenna. Remember who you are, inside. The outside follows the inside, Jenna. It always follows the inside. You're beautiful, Jenna. You're sexy and alluring and fun and free. Always remember that." The line went dead. Heath stood fluidly and replaced the phone and the business card next to the recharging cradle and walked silently across the floor to the bedroom. His hips and behind swayed provocatively as he climbed into the bed next to his sleeping wife. Ignoring the dampness on the pillow from her tears, he kissed her forehead and brushed her long, soft hair away from her eyes before spooning up against her and closing his eyes in restful sleep. *** "Heath. Get up, Heath. You're going to be late for work." He groaned. The light streamed in through the windows, promising a beautiful winter day for him, and the thought of spending it cooped up in an office in front of a computer monitor made him cringe inside. He ran a tongue across his teeth (to check if something really was growing there) and buried his head under the pillow. "I'm not going. I don't feel well." She smacked him playfully on the shoulder. God, who did he piss off in order to get married to a 'morning person?' "C'mon, sleepyhead. That excuse isn't going to work. Get up and get going." He mumbled something that could have been a malediction as he swung heavy legs over the edge of the bed. Instead of the heavy thud that his oversized feet usually made when they hit the floor, he noticed that the balls of his feet just barely brushed the carpet. Strange. Scratching his head, he felt his hand tangle in hair that was getting very long, shaggy and unkempt. "I need a haircut," he said roughly, yawning. "Yes, you do," Jenna said. She walked over from the dresser where she was putting the finishing touches on a very body-hiding and prim business suit and kissed him on the lips. "I'm sorry about last night, love." "Forget about it," he said, this time scratching his face. At least he wasn't going to need a shave this morning - his face was still pretty smooth from the last one. But he was going to have to trim his nails. They were starting to get long and scratched the hell out of his face. Maybe he just had a little extra sensitivity this morning, but it seemed like he could feel the slightest touch on his skin today. "I told you I wasn't angry." "I know you aren't angry. You're disappointed. I think that's worse. Sometimes I think I could handle you yelling and screaming at me much more easily than this tired, hurt patience." He looked at her levelly. "Can we please not start this now?" She sighed. "You're right. 'Forget about it,' right? Until the next time it happens and we get to do it all over again?" He hid his head in his hands. "Jenna, please. Not now." "Then when?" "Oh, so it's my decision to make again, is it?" Heath snapped. He made a very sarcastic cross in the air over her forehead as he intoned, "De re responsibility, te absolvo in nomine Patri, et Filii, et Spiritu Sancti. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen." I absolve you of responsibility in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Jenna flinched visibly. Sometimes her husband's vast intelligence made it very difficult to make a point with him. And when he hit, he hit hard and in places calculated to hurt. He was no fun to fight with, not at all. "That was a cheap shot," she said, fighting tears. His tone softened, already regretting hurting her. He never meant to. "But it's true, Jen. You always put the decision back on me. It's always got to be my idea or my plan or my suggestion. You never take responsibility for anything that happens in this relationship." "Because everything I try to do winds up being a disaster," she said simply. He stood quickly. "Bullshit. You hide behind that every time, Jen. What has turned out to be disastrous? Nothing. Because you don't try. You have ideas, but you never follow through. You never do anything about them. That's the disaster, sweetheart. If you'd only work for something you wanted - just once - you'd see what you're capable of. But you're so damned convinced that you're a failure that you talk yourself right out of trying anything. You've heard me say it a million times..." "Even if you're going in the wrong direction, at least you're moving," she finished for him. He took her in his arms. The embrace was silken. Usually he put his chin on top of her head when he held her close like this, but in her heels she was closer to cheek-to-cheek with him. "Baby, I just want us both to be contributing members of this relationship, that's all. Equality. Partners, fifty-fifty. That's all I've ever wanted for us. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep us happy and together. But I can't do all the work. You have to shoulder some of the load sometime." She sniffed, pulling away and fighting back the tears. She didn't wear makeup, thank god, or it would be ruined. But she didn't want to show up for work with red-rimmed eyes. "I'm going to be late," she attempted feebly. He smoothed her lapels, a very 'wifely' gesture. "Then go," he said. "I guess the problems will still be here waiting for you when you get back." He sounded completely defeated. And she hated herself a little more. He never accused her outright of hiding in her job, but she knew he felt that way. And she hated to admit that he was right. She actually felt herself looking forward to escaping all this hurt and worry in a world of phone calls and schedules and research. Another eight-hour respite from all the complications. She knew it hurt him, but she couldn't do anything about it. Oh, sure, she could call in sick with him and they could stay and have it out, but that wouldn't be proper. There were meetings she had to attend, and a couple of depositions that she had to be present for. The plan of action solidified in her head and she resolved herself. "I have to go," she said. He just sighed and walked heavily into the bathroom. *** Jenna hung up the phone in something of a daze. She couldn't really remember anything but that soul-deep and relaxing music and how comfortable it had made her feel. She placed the business card on top of her day-planner with every intention of scheduling an appointment with Dr. Renfro as soon as she could. Although she was leery of head-doctors as a general rule (after several catastrophic failures in their care, who could blame her), but even a pre-recorded session with that wonderful music already had her feeling, if not better, then at least more comfortable and able to work within her present situation. But, first things first. She brushed cracker crumbs from the front of her blazer and swept the nearly-finished contents of her soup and salad from the cafeteria into the wastebasket beside her desk. She stood and walked briskly into the ladies' room, found a stall and did her business quickly. Checking her appearance in the mirror, she gave herself an appraising glance. She really was attractive, even though she didn't always like feeling that way. Wetting her fingers, she finger-combed her long chestnut hair a little and tried to give it a little more shape. She slid her blazer off of her shoulders and undid the top two buttons. Maybe Heath was right - there was no crime in showing a little cleavage now and then, and she did have nice skin. Pale and decorated with a light spray of freckles. One of the other paralegals, Mary, emerged from a stall and stood beside her, rummaging in her purse for something. "Have you done something with your hair, Jenna?" she asked. "No, why?" "It looks different," Mary said, pulling out a compact and dabbing the puff in the powder. "I thought maybe you got some highlights or something. It looks really good." She smiled at the compliment, getting a really nice feeling from being told she looked good that she hadn't really expected. "Thanks," she said brightly. "I've always thought you had beautiful hair," Mary said, working the powder across her face. "That's sweet of you to say," Jenna replied. "I like yours, too. Who does it for you?" She grinned. "I go to Miguel at Salon Z, downtown. He's great. I heard he used to work with models and celebrities. He even has autographed pictures of Melanie Griffith and Sigourney Weaver at the salon." A strange urge struck Jenna. "Do you think he'd take me? I'm tired of my guy and I was thinking of making a change." Mary brightened still more. "Oh, Miguel is always looking for clients. He wants to open his own salon someday. I think I have one of his business cards here somewhere. If you tell him I sent you I get a discount next time I go in." She rummaged around in the cavernous purse a little more, fishing out more cosmetics, a hairbrush, a change purse, and finally she passed over a dented but serviceable business card. "Thanks so much," Jenna said. "I'll definitely give him a try." Jenna exited the ladies' room with a little bounce in her step - that had been fun. And she hadn't pampered herself at a salon in she didn't know how long. It was kind of a kick feeling like a pretty girl for a change. She knew it couldn't last - she had to go to a deposition soon and it would be back to being plain old Jenna for a little bit, but she could definitely make it last as long as she could. She thought back to the cheerleaders back in high school, how they used to strut around in their tight clothes and make all the boys go crazy as they 'posed' around their lockers in that tight little clique they'd formed. Jenna had always been jealous, wished she were one of them, but her thick glasses and braces didn't let her make the 'cut.' She spied some of the cute little young things from the secretarial pool out on the balcony, having a smoke break. Another cheerleading clique, that. None of them had been hired for their typing abilities, of that everybody in the firm was sure. All seven of the women out there were statuesque and gorgeous, and proud of it. Jenna felt some of the old wishing from high school, a desire to be one of them, accepted and wanted. And why are you standing out here, then? Jenna asked herself. The glasses and the braces were gone, the chest filled out. She was more than attractive enough to be a part of that clique now, and here she stood like the school geek looking through a window at them and wishing she could be a part of it. Nothing was stopping her, was it? Taking a deep breath, she pushed through the glass door onto the balcony and walked up to Keri, the tall blonde with the enormous assets who worked for one of the partners. "Hi... Keri, right?" Jenna asked. Keri turned, fixing her with her large blue eyes. "Yes?" "Do you remember me? Jenna?" Keri thought a moment, pouting, and then a (very dim) light came on behind the gorgeous blue eyes. "You're one of the paralegals working for Mr. Patterson, right?" "Right," Jenna said. "Listen, I feel like a complete dummy. I walked out of the house this morning and left my cigarettes on the bathroom counter. Can I steal one of yours?" What am I saying? I don't even smoke! I don't even like it when Heath does it! The girl gave her a wide and guileless smile and a chuckle. "Don't feel bad. I do that all the time. How come I never see you out here? I didn't think you smoked." "I don't usually do it at work. New Years' resolution. But today has been one of those days, y'know? I decided the resolution could wait long enough for me to have one cigarette." "I know exactly how you feel," Keri said, passing her the box of Marlboro Lights. Jenna fished one out and accepted a light from the pretty blonde. She pulled the smoke into her mouth to cool, like she'd seen her husband do, and inhaled carefully. It didn't taste bad, like she'd thought it would, and it didn't burn or make her cough like she'd expected. It tasted kind of good. She exhaled it in a long plume and felt some of her tension exhale with it. It felt really good. She started to understand why Heath did it. "Thank you so much," Jenna said, trying unconsciously to hold the unfamiliar cigarette like Keri was, between the tips of her first two long-nailed fingers. "You're a lifesaver." Keri grinned - it was unconsciously sultry, as was most of the mannerisms the girl had, but it was still genuine and friendly. "Any time," she said. "We're all bums out here, anyway. If one of us has smokes, then all of us have smokes." "That's sweet," Jenna said. "Except when you're the one buying," Keri giggled, and Jenna giggled with her. Keri took her by the arm and led her into the gaggle of gossiping secretaries with no preamble. "Hey, guys, this is Jenna. She's one of Old Man Patterson's paralegals. Jenna, this is everybody." *** Heath walked heavily into Ambo Design, where he'd worked for two years as a graphic designer. It paid well and kept him in stock options, but it was far from exciting. He'd always wanted to do something flamboyant or exciting for a living, something interesting, but meeting Jenna had convinced him that he needed to stick to the nine-to-five for a while, get used to the idea. Jenna wanted kids someday, and that would mean that he would have to serve time as the breadwinner. He booted up the computer and got a cup of coffee while he waited for Windows NT to go through its morning routine. He logged in with a feeling of dread and went back to the catalog he'd been designing for Monique's, a local clothing designer with extreme delusions of grandeur. But hell, she had the money to hire a design firm, and she'd liked Heath's sketches more than any of the others and had asked for him by name. It was a terrible job - a huge web catalog of what appeared to Heath as the exact same clothes, page after page after page. He went through the morning email - junk - and gritted his teeth and went to work. Luckily, he found the zone early and time ceased to have any coherent meaning. It was a matter of rote then, cropping and resizing images, making thumbnails and putting them into the layout. His fingers could do it more or less automatically after the last week of doing nothing but, and his mind started to wander. He started looking at the local models and the designs a little more carefully. Maybe he'd judged Monique too harshly. There were some really nice things in that catalog. He looked at a really pretty cropped cashmere sweater and immediately started pairing it up with some of the other items he'd already worked on during the week. It would look fantastic with a pair of those tight leather jeans and suede boots. Blinking his eyes, he saw a sultry woman with long blonde curls and a smoky look in her eyes in the clothes and she looked fantastic. Where had he seen that woman before? She looked familiar. He thought he heard a song in his head, but it was just outside of his grasp, like someone humming in the next room. But it sounded really familiar as well. The vision of the woman was so vivid Heath felt like if he reached out, he could touch her. And he could swear that the vision winked at him. He looked at an old email in his inbox from a few weeks ago, when he'd met the deadline for the original layout and design. His boss had written him saying, "Monique is thrilled with the look and feel. She's offered you and Lyla discounts on anything in the catalog to say thanks for all the great work." He'd originally kept it against Jenna's birthday, but there was nothing in the catalog that was 'tame' enough for his wife's tastes. Lyla, the e-Commerce designer, had ordered a few things and Heath had overheard her saying that Monique had given her almost a 75% discount, very generous. Seizing a wild impulse, he fished in his desk drawer for the little card he kept with Jenna's sizes on it. He thought for a moment, wondering if he'd actually be throwing away money, but decided to hell with it. It was something fun and exciting, and there wasn't much of either commodity in his life right now. Hell, maybe if Jenna didn't want the clothes, if he could remember who the sexy blonde woman was he'd seen he could make a gift of them to her. *** Jenna pulled up right in front of the little office in the strip mall (of all places) and walked into the pleasant office of Dr. Karl Renfro. The doctor had seemed overjoyed at her call and made an appointment for that afternoon. The office had been on her way home from the depot and she was in a very good mood. She'd even stopped off at a convenience store on the way and bought herself a pack of cigarettes (that had felt scandalously naughty and quite good, and she was enjoying the nicotine buzz immeasurably). It was shaping up into a very good day. The receptionist was a real beauty, a statuesque blonde with an enormous chest and a sultry, come-hither smile. She was cordial and very professional, but she looked at Jenna like she was something tasty for dessert. It took the paralegal aback a little, but both flattered and thrilled her a little bit. She was led straight in to the nicely appointed back office just as Dr. Renfro came in through a small door in the back. He walked to her with a bright smile and a warm handshake. "Ah, Jenna. I'm so glad you could come." She couldn't resist returning the smile. "How could I not? The pre-recorded session was wonderful. I'd not been that relaxed in a long, long time. I had to see how well the real thing worked." He motioned her to a seat. "I hope it meets all your expectations," he said, sitting across from her. "What, precisely, are your expectations?" Jenna, firmly in the thrall of the man's easygoing and open demeanor, set about explaining the situation between herself and her husband, leaving out no details, even going into great detail about her childhood and her upbringing. Dr. Renfro asked insightful questions at some points, and made copious notes in a small leather-bound notebook. "I believe I can help you, my dear," he said at length, lifting his glasses to peer at his notes a little more closely. "Your problem is one of division within yourself. You're searching for approval from two different sources, you see. You desperately want to be the woman that your parents approve of and you desperately want to be the woman that your husband desires. And your 'paralysis,' as your husband terms it - very aptly, I might add - comes from those two women being irreconcilable. You cannot be both, my dear. You simply cannot. You would go mad in the attempt." Jenna nodded. "I think I'm going mad right now, Doctor," she said. He chuckled, a warm and grandfatherly sound. "You seem very stable to me, my dear. But in order to proceed, Jenna, I need to ask you a very important question, and I need you to give me the most complete and honest answer you can." "Of course." He cleared his throat and poised his pen for more notes. "Which is more important to you, your husband or your parents?" Jenna sat in stunned and thoughtful silence for a while. "I don't know how to answer that." "It's very complicated for such a simple-sounding question, I know," he empathized. "But it's the most important question in your life right now. Do you seek the approval of your parents and risk never fulfilling your husband in the way you want to, or do you seek to become the woman your husband desires and risk your parents' disapproval?" She wrung her hands. "I don't know if I can answer that, Dr. Renfro." He smiled, setting her more at ease. "Perhaps I can clarify a bit more," he said. "You're terrified of losing either one of them. So ask yourself these questions. Could you live without your parents?" Her voice was soft and emotional. "I've always known I'd lose them someday. Physically, I mean. But even with distance - I don't know, it's strange. They seem almost omniscient to me sometimes. That no matter how far away I am or how different I am from the girl I used to be, I still feel like they're watching. I doubt that will go away, even when they're gone." Dr. Renfro scribbled more notes. "And could you live without your husband?" She didn't pause. "I'd die without Heath. I'd curl up and die." He sat back, satisfied. "Then I think you answered your question, Jenna dear. Yes, it's a hard decision to make. You'd like to keep everyone happy. But if you were forced to choose, to prioritize who's more important to you, you would choose your husband." She nodded. "I would." "Do you believe that if you go on the way you are, Jenna, that you'll lose your husband?" She shuddered. "I lay awake nights thinking about just that," she said. "Then here comes the hardest part of all to swallow," Renfro said with importance. "In order to keep your husband, my dear, you have to let him go completely." Jenna's eyebrows climbed. "What do you mean?" "I mean that you have to separate yourself from him. You have a picture inside of a woman that your husband will desire. A sense of this woman, what she wears and eats and how she looks and moves. She's got a life of her own. You can't let your husband interfere with that. He'll want to help. He'll want to comfort you and assist you with the process if he's any kind of man at all. But you can't let him. Understand? You have to separate. This is your process. Your work. It's something you have to do alone." "Like childbirth." "Exactly," Dr. Renfro said. "Do you think you can do that?" "I do," Jenna said with tremulous strength in her voice. "I do." "Good," Dr. Renfro said happily. "Because I think I have just the thing. I have pre-recorded sessions, which I'm going to give you to listen to. At the end of these sessions, I'm going to give you a customized session with myself to make sure everything is solid and in place. You can listen to the tapes as often as you like, in any order you like, for as long as you like. You'll know when you're ready for the final, personal session. Just call me and I'll arrange for it that same day." Jenna stood. "Doctor, thank you." "You're very welcome, my dear," he said. He handed her a stack of five compact discs and a portable player. "Call me when you're ready." *** Jenna was too excited about the prospect of healing the rift between herself and her husband to even think about waiting. Dropping her briefcase and four of the CDs in the car, she loaded the first into the player and walked around the little strip mall listening to the remarkable music, smoking a cigarette and peering through the little shop windows. She sat back down heavily in the car, wondering where the time had gone. She seemed to have only walked around for a few minutes, but her watch easily said two hours had passed. She felt completely refreshed, rested and happy. It was wonderful, but a little scary. She remembered nothing but starting to walk around the little mall and then 'coming back to herself' in the car. She made a mental note to listen to the other recordings only at her home. What would have happened if she'd listened to one of them while she was driving? She reached into the passenger seat for her purse and was surprised to see the seat filled with sacks. She hadn't bought anything, had she? The first, from the drugstore, was full of cosmetics and the other drugstore sacks contained hair styling products, a curling iron, a new hair dryer and a set of hot rollers. Another was from the little lingerie shop two doors down. Silk stockings, the thigh-high kind that stayed up without garters, and a couple that needed a garter belt, of which she'd bought two. There were also a few pairs of thong panties and some lacy, barely-there push-up bras, which would enhance her cleavage. There was also a bag containing three shoe boxes - one held a cute pair of black leather wedges, another a really sexy pair of snakeskin-look pumps and the third a pair of adorable high-heeled suede go-go boots which would look fantastic with her short black wool skirt. And her hands! In her haze, she barely remembered going into the little manicure place and getting the long square-cut acrylic 'falsies' with the glossy French manicure. She'd never worn long nails in her life! But it did look good, she thought, as she took a cigarette out of her purse and lit it. She imagined Keri's hands as they held the cigarette between the fingers and thought that she looked much better smoking with long fingernails now. It might be a little more difficult to type with it, but she knew she'd get used to it eventually. Strange that she didn't remember any of it, but it seemed rather inconsequential in light of how good she was feeling about herself. For the first time in a long time the problems between her and Heath didn't seem insurmountable. She started the engine and pulled into traffic. *** Heath dropped the packages from Monique's into the back of the hall closet where they'd remain hidden until he was ready to surprise Jenna with them. He was very glad to be home - the day had not only been long and frustrating, it had been boring. He wanted to go do something exciting and there was nothing to do. He'd stopped off on the way home and had a quick beer, but that didn't seem to be a good lead-in to anything promising. It was all so damned frustrating; it made him want to scream. Which was why he found himself redialing the number of the 24- hour stress line from Dr. Renfro and settling back in the chair by the balcony window to try and get a grip again. "Jenna, if you're calling, that means you've hit a rough patch. So this session is just to help you through the tough parts of what you're trying to do. Remember that woman you envisioned." The vision of the flirtatious blonde sprang into Heath's mind. She was smiling and laughing, having an excellent time. Heath envied her a little bit. "Remember who she is, Jenna. She's you. There's no distance between the two of you." In the background, the music shifted a little bit. It got - larger somehow. Thicker. Heath sank into it like it was a down mattress and it pillowed around him, bathing his body in soft coolness. "There is no distance. You're one and the same. When you look in the mirror, Jenna, you'll see the woman you want to be just behind that reflection. Reach out for her, Jenna. Stop making different people out of it. She lives inside you, she is you. Give her the life she deserves." Heath looked down at his body, trying to see the woman inside him. It made so much sense. He looked as hard as he could, and he could feel the music tracing over his skin like streams of warm water. His mind reached out, grasped. He could see it. There, on his chest - the hair becoming sparser and the little budding mounds of breasts pushing up behind his swelling nipples. The spare tire melting away to reveal a flat, toned belly. The hips widening, the ass spreading out, the waist tucking in. Long, lissome arms instead of his stocky, hairy ones. The hair lengthening, softening, filling out and becoming lighter. The feet and hands becoming delicate and slender. The movements full of grace and sexuality. She was in there. There was no distance. Heath could almost reach her. The key in the lock snapped him from his reverie. He hung the phone up and stood just as Jenna swept into the room, dropping packages on the kitchen counter. She was positively beaming with - health? Happiness? Contentment? Excitement? It looked like a mixture of all of them, and something more. "Hey, baby," Heath said. His voice was very breathy and kind of husky, but neither of them seemed to notice at all. "How was your day?" "It was great," she said, kissing him. "You look different," Heath said. "Your hair is different?" "I didn't do anything to it," she said. "It almost looks like you had it colored." Jenna peeped into the mirror in the hallway. She hadn't noticed, but Heath was right. Maybe it was all the sunshine this late in the winter, or whatever, but her hair was definitely lightening from its customary chestnut hue and taking on reddish-gold highlights. And it seemed to be getting longer. She touched up her bangs in the mirror, distracted. "Look at your hands!" Heath exclaimed. "You did your nails! What's the occasion?" Jenna shrugged with a happy little grin. "There's not one. I just felt like doing something special for myself, is all. I'd never gotten a manicure before, so I figured what the hell." "What's in the sacks?" Heath asked. Jenna felt a little sense of shock. Dr. Renfro said to separate. "Just girl stuff," she said, gathering up her packages. "Nothing you'd be interested in." "Oh," Heath said, trying hard to hide his disappointment. She smiled. "It's a surprise, honey," she said kindly. "Really? For me?" "In part," she told him. "When do I get to see it?" he asked. "I'd forgotten how much you like surprises," she said with fondness. "You'll get to see it soon, love. When the time is right." *** Heath couldn't stand it any longer. He had to try and peek. Waiting until Jenna was safely asleep; he went poking through the closets and cabinets looking for where she might have stashed his surprise. He found nothing. Maybe it really was girl stuff - sexy underwear or something. If it was, he really wanted to see it anyway, but on her. Or on the blonde woman, one. Maybe both. He did find something strange on Jenna's computer desk, though. She had a portable CD player and several unmarked CDs. Curious, Heath slipped on the headphones and pressed 'play.' The wonderful, relaxing music filled his head again and he stood straight. The music crescendoed strongly, wrapping him in its comforting embrace, and the deep voice rose out of the tunelessness to speak to him once again. "The woman inside you has to have a voice. She has to have a plan for her life, and a way to carry it out. She can't exist in a vacuum. You have to carve a place for her. What does she do for a living? What does she want to do? Who are her friends? What does she do for fun?" Heath's eyes filled with the vision of the beautiful blonde. She was an exciting woman, doing what she wanted to do and answering to no one. Her fondest love was being beautiful and flirtatious and desirable. The voice was right - she would need money for clothes and to make herself beautiful. What did she do? A model? A dancer? No. Too demanding, she'd never have time to do the things that made her happy that way. No. She was independently wealthy, and she worked part-time to meet people and to keep from being bored. She modeled a little, of course, but nothing major. Her life was geared around having fun and being sexy and beautiful. That's what she did for a living. Her friends were all sexy and beautiful as well, and they stayed friends because they shared everything and cared deeply for one another. They passed boyfriends back and forth and refused to let any man come between them in any way. "If she is to have life, she has to have a place to live. You have to make that for her. You have to find her a place to live, and a way to live, an identity and a history. That is your responsibility. "Pave the way for her. Make her a place in the world; populate it with friends and possessions. Then you can start bringing her into the world in a way that won't hurt her." He stopped the player. The voice was right. Heath had work to do. *** It was just dawn when he finally shut down his computer. Work would suck, that was for damned sure, but it was worth it. The woman would have a place ready for her when she came into the world. The home healthcare website he'd designed a year ago was one of the prizes of his portfolio, and he still had administrator privileges to the whole network database, a back door that the hospital had never fully bricked up. As such it was extremely easy for him to order copies of a birth certificate. He'd go and pick them up in an hour or two. The legal forms for a name change were printed out and sitting in the printer tray, under the application for a Social Security number and a state drivers' license. By noon, the woman would have an identity and a name, and shortly after she would have a bank account and credit cards. He slipped into bed shortly before the alarm went off and pretended to be asleep next to Jenna. She woke first, as always, and went blearily into the bathroom for her shower and morning rituals. By the time she came out to reset the alarm an hour later so that her husband would be up in time for work, he was already asleep in actuality and never saw her leave. *** She'd almost been disappointed that Heath had been asleep and hadn't seen her ready to leave. She'd taken the time to do her hair up. The mousse and gel had given volume and lift to her bangs and she wore her hair up in a stylish chignon, with little curls escaping out the top and sides. She'd left two sections out of the up-do, letting two long tendrils frame her face sexily; sprayed heavily to maintain the flirtatious curl she'd put in them. Her makeup wasn't understated - she didn't quite have the skills to pull of understated, but the foundation and concealer had covered up the darker circles under her eyes and even out her complexion, and a little bronze blush on her cheeks and eyelids gave her a tanned, healthy appearance. She wore the lipstick heavy, the way Keri did, and the glossy red lips in the pale soft face were very striking and extraordinarily sexy. Her long lashes were accented by a lavish coat of mascara. She wore black silk stockings with lacy tops, held up with a lacy garter belt (which made her feel devilishly sexy in the process), a short linen skirt in charcoal with silver pinstripes and a double-breasted blazer to match. The blazer was tailored to her curves and made her waist seem tiny, her hips lush and curvaceous and her breasts very prominent. To further emphasize her breasts, she wore a second-skin burgundy turtleneck that added lift in addition to the lacy shelf bra she wore underneath, and a cute little diamond solitaire pendant, which drew the eye to, the generous swell in her sweater. She'd been surprised to notice that the new bras she'd bought were a full size larger than her old ones (she'd gone from a 34 to a 36) and with C-cups instead of her old B's, and she filled them out admirably. A very nice rack, actually. She was quite proud of them. She added some black patent pumps with a three-inch heel that made her legs look fantastic and a black patent handbag stuffed with hairspray, cosmetics, cigarettes and her portable CD player. She left the rest of the CDs where they were, not wanting to carry all of them around everywhere she went, trusting on the anonymity of their cases and markings to evade Heath's notice. *** Heath listened to the entire second CD in the car on the way back from the Federal Building where he'd gotten a Social Security number for his new friend. It had only taken a few hours, actually - he'd called in sick to work and they'd let him off eagerly due to the long hours he'd already put in. The birth certificate was for a baby girl who'd died tragically in the incubator twenty-three years ago named Emily Susan Woodbridge. A trip to the county clerk and a $10 filing fee had altered that name officially to Heather Elaine MacGowan. Heather now had a Social Security number, a checking account with $100 in it, and a Visa Platinum, Platinum MasterCard and a Mobil card in the mail to her along with her ATM card and checks. And a well-placed phone call to Monique had paved the way for lots of modeling work once she was 'in town,' which meant she'd have a job as well. The second CD was different than the phone service or the previous one. There was a sense of urgency to it, like there was a timer ticking over the whole process, and that worried Heath for reasons he couldn't identify. Heather - wherever she was - was waiting. She was impatient. She needed out. Heath returned from his errands and pitched three more sacks from the mall into the hall closet where Jenna wouldn't see them. It had been fun shopping for Heather, finding sexy clothes for her in some of the places in the mall where Jenna wouldn't go. Sacks from Rave, 5-7-9, Frederick's of Hollywood, Victoria's Secret, Wet Seal and The Wild Pair were now piled on top of the purchases from Monique's. Heather would have plenty to wear by the time she arrived. But the urgency wouldn't fade. He needed to do more. And he needed to do it now. Sliding the next CD off the pile which Jenna had left on the computer desk, he went back out the door to get Heather the rest of the things she was going to need. It was nearly four by the time Heath returned, loaded with still more sacks

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Futa Naked in School 02 Winning the Futa VoteChapter 3 Denicersquos Wild Futa Delight

Denice Jenning’s Week, Friday My week had been crazy at Rogers High School. I was chosen for the Program because was I was in the running to be my school’s homecoming queen. The naughty futa-principal, Ms. McTaggart, thought it would cute to have my rival, that slut Umeko Himura, and me go naked for the entire week. That was the point of the Program, to encourage young people to embrace their bodies and sexuality. To not be ashamed about anything. It was part of a new-wave of laws sweeping...

3 years ago
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Change for an Archangel Part 1

Change for an Archangel Part 1 There was this beautiful girl name Loren, who lives in Sacramento California; she was the perfect girl that every guy wants, She was blonde, blue eyes, well shaped ass, big size breasts, and her lips is so luscious. She was 18, 5'9 tall, and she was an honor student in senior in high school. But there something happens to her she was depressed because he had 12 boyfriends and never find the right one. One day in her home she was thinking of giving up...

3 years ago
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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

3 years ago
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A Dad for Denice

Although sixteen now, Denice had never been camping before. I enjoyed camping; it was a way of escaping my home-life, where the wife doted only on the dog. Denice was my sister Cathy’s daughter; a single mom whome I visted rarely. Denice had lately become very tempting. Her brown hair seemed to kiss her beautiful neck and her big brown eyes danced every time I took-in her yummy figure. Visits to Cathy’s place became more frequent; and I found Cathy good to chat with before Deniece came in...

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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

2 years ago
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Vacation couple exchange in Venice

Me and my ex-girlfriend from that time decided that we wanted to visit Venice for vacation.This happened 3 summers ago, we got flight tickets booked accommodation and we were ready to go. While we were checking all the nice places to visit we were also interested to check what Venice had to offer for beaches so aside for sightseeing we can have some fun on the sea.The first few days was only going trough the beautiful places and then we decided that we want to rest and enjoy the beach a little...

1 year ago
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Kristen Helps Bernice With The Office Space

I had a special assignment to assist the planning manager with the layout of the executive suite. I had caught the eye of management with my design skills, which I had studied in school as a minor. Bernice was the management lead for the project. We had a meeting set for 10 am. I had a few items to wrap up before our meeting.“Hi Kristen,” said Bernice.“So, nice to meet you, Bernice.”“I have heard good things about you from the assistance you gave with the design of the lobby. I saw no reason to...

Office Sex
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Training Bernice

Training Bernice By: Malissa Madison Bernie and Beth had a lot to look forward to in life. college Sweethearts they married right after graduation. Bought a nice house in a quiet Suburb. Both had nice cars, and nice clothes. And they were very much in love. Beth landed a good job with a financial company making a more than adequate salary. But Bernie had majored in Accounting, in a city where Accountants were a dime a dozen. So Beth was supporting them both. She admitted to...

1 year ago
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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Futa Naked in School 02 Winning the Futa VoteChapter 2 Denicersquos Naughty Favors

Denice Jenning’s Week, Tuesday “Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned as Tanisha rammed her futa-dick in and out of my pussy. The African-American futa had me pinned against the lockers. She was fucking her big, Black girl-cock in and out of my cunt. My naked body pressed against her clothed flesh. She’d only hiked her skirt and shoved down her panties to fuck me. I felt her round breasts through her top, her nipples hard. “Damn, you got a hot, tight cunt!” she moaned, thrusting into me harder,...

2 years ago
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Lenore Julia And Bernice

It’s happened to me several times since, but Lenore was the first girl to dump me for another guy. It went about the same way as the later incidents.  The first thing I noticed was that she had stopped contacting me, and she wouldn’t return my attempts to contact her.The telephone was our usual method of communication. Sometimes I would run into her in the lobby or the elevator, but when it came to arranging dates the phone was the easiest way to reach each other. She would call me when she...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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The Archangel Files

Permission is given to do whatever you want with this story, I'm not picky. Fair warning before reading, when I write stories I'm a writer, and a bad one at that. I am not a businessman, lawyer, doctor, theologian or hair care expert. Though I do have a working knowledge of many of these fields, I am an amateur not a professional. So, there is probably a whole bunch of factual errors in this piece. I did what research I could, but the primary goal was to tell a story, not write a...

2 years ago
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Breaking Up With Bernice

Let's start with some details. Bernice is a tall girl, mid thirties with tumbling brunette hair. I guess she has what you might describe as a fuller figure and has lovely big tits. Her pussy is partially shaved and always wet - seriously, all the time! I am six foot with a medium athletic build, brown hair and a 7 inch, uncut, thick cock. A week or so earlier we had agreed to split up. I was ready to move on and had started seeing someone else. I think Bernice was still hoping for a...

1 year ago
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Fred and Bernice A Love Story

63-year-old Fred Edmonds stood outside his farmhouse looking at the impending storm clouds with concern. He was a slender but muscular man from years of hard labor of tending to the soil. 60-year-old Bernice standing on the steps of the cellar said, "Fred, I know you are worried but I don't want to lose you in this storm." Fred looked at Bernice with a haggard look and went down into the cellar with Bernice. Inside the cellar, Fred stood there in his faded Wranglers and Wranglers...

4 years ago
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The Changeling

The war had been long between the changelings and the Ventari, the origins of the war were from concern that the changelings were breeding out their species as they had done to the Clemon on their homeworld centuries earlier. The changelings were a genderless race that should never have been evolved or increased in numbers to the level they did. How they evolved is unknown, perhaps they were made as a genetic experiment but noone knows. They live for hundreds or thousands of years barring...

Mind Control
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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls

The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...

2 years ago
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A story for Venice Day 2

The picture above taken just before Venice was subject to her terrible ordeal.I sat and watched a bit of tele. Dee called and I told her that I had a guest. She was curious and asked me who it was, I told her a girl called Venice, we’d been friends on Xhamster. I asked her what she had been up to and she told me that at that precise time two guys from the office were in bed with her, she had been sucking one before she called, but he had cum too quickly. But the other guy was happily sucking...

2 years ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 31 Bernice Blows It

"Did you bring the pictures, Mrs. Bartlett?" "Yes, Reverend." Bernice placed the envelope on the desk and stood nervously before the seated minister. "Becky looked wonderful after her visit with you this afternoon. So happy." "She's a wonderful girl, Sister Bartlett. You and Mr. Bartlett have brought her up well." Wilson's balls were not as swollen and painful now as they were two hours ago after his preparatory session with the woman's ripe-fourteen-year-old daughter and having...

2 years ago
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The Changeling Baby

To the waters and the wild With a faery, hand in hand, For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand." -WB Yeats, "The Stolen Child" *** William didn't tell anyone that the baby spoke to him. Who would believe it? Instead he ran away. His parents would probably be angry, but what else could he do? The Menskrs had lived in the apartment downstairs for years and had been trying to have a baby for as long as anyone could remember. So William’s mother insisted...

3 years ago
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The Changeling Baby

"Come away, O human child!To the waters and the wildWith a faery, hand in hand,For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand."-WB Yeats, "The Stolen Child"*William didn't tell anyone that the baby spoke to him. Who would believe it? Instead he ran away. His parents would probably be angry, but what else could he do? Not stay, certainly. Not with…whatever it was, still in the room.The Menskrs had lived in the apartment downstairs for years and had been trying to have a baby for...

2 years ago
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Venice had car trouble

Venice was having one of those days, she had a tough day at work and as soon as the clock hit 5:00pm she hurriedly got to her car and pulled away just as the rain started. Venice’s commute was very long. It took her an hour each way. She knew that it would take longer in the downpour she was in. As she pulled onto the highway she looked down and noticed that the her already too short denim skirt had ridden all the way up to hip and she is soaked. She sighed heavily thinking that her day...

3 years ago
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Dressing Phase 1 A Holiday in Venice

DRESSING: PHASE 1 - A HOLIDAY IN VENICE Barry Robbins and I have been best friends since we were three years old and met in the Reception Class at Nursery School. Naturally as two active, competitive little boys we had our moments and our spats, but it soon became clear to our parents and teachers that we functioned better together than apart. As we grew up it was apparent that our talents and personalities complemented each other. Barry was the imaginative one; I could come up with...

3 years ago
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The Vampire of Venice

-Charles Perrault, "The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood" *** 1796 Elena woke. It was dark. She pushed on the lid of the coffin and it opened. A single candle glowed on the table, and she saw that the crypt was empty except for herself and her casket. It was made of beautiful polished wood, and she spent a few minutes admiring its lines and running her fingers over it smooth surface. It was good to be buried in such a thing if one is dead, she decided. Was she dead? She didn’t...

2 years ago
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Janices Unexpected Threesome

The eleven o’clock news had started about fifteen minutes earlier when I heard a key entering the lock to our door. Moments later the door opened and Janice entered the room, closing and locking the door behind her. Janice stood by the door for a few moments before saying “You’ll never guess what happened tonight.” I looked at her, waiting for her to continue her story, as I had absolutely no idea as too what she about to tell me. Janice looked at me with a grin on her face and said “I got...

3 years ago
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Janices Way

JANICE'S WAY By Jasmine Lee It all started in early December. Janice, the woman across the street, called after Terry as he walked up his front steps. "Scuse me, Terry? Could you do me a favor?" "Sure, Janice, what do you need?" "Could you carry my Xmas tree up the steps for me?" "Be glad to," Terry replied, wondering why she couldn't ask her husband to do it. Terry hated getting involved with the neighbors. He preferred to keep to himself and felt very ill at ease...

2 years ago
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Janices Italian Job Part 2

As they continued riding in the gondola, Natalie took Janice's hand and placed it on her breast, placing her hand on top of Janice's and squeezing. When Janice squeezed on her own, Natalie let out a soft moan. The gondola had circled back to where it had picked them up, and they exited the boat. They made the walk back to the car holding hands and drove back to the villa. Once there, they went to Natalie's room and sat on the bed."Can I ask you something, Natalie?""Of course.""I have...

First Time
4 years ago
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GT the Niceville PT finds out it aint so NICE Part 5

Tracey wanted to seek new pastures, so she looked for somewhere to move to – she found a place called “Niceville”. Well that sounded just great, she thought, so she moved there to make new friends and a new life. She got a job as a receptionist at the local used car lot so came into contact with a lot of people – not always the best type though! One guy, named Buck, bought an old Chevvy from the lot; he eyed her up as she bent over in her black leather miniskirt to file the papers....

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6 Hearts LongingChapter 5 The Changelingrsquos Bride

Xandra – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds “My husband,” I whispered into Chaun’s ears as I lay draped over his body, my naked breasts rubbing into his ebony skin, his cock hard inside me, his seed swirling through my once untouched depths. “Husband?” he asked. “Of course” I giggled. “My love. My husband.” It was so wonderful to say those words, to have finally found my mate. When I danced tonight, I had little hope of attracting a mate. I couldn’t transform into a bird, and though I...

2 years ago
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Venice in August

Venice in August By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer My thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for assisting me in preparing this story for posting. Venice in August I’d wandered away from the cathedral entrance, wondering what the hell I was doing there anyway. It was the third day of our holiday, and my two daughters had taken their spouses inside to enjoy the splendour of the old building. And the coolness of the air, I should imagine. I didn’t want to go inside the building myself. I’d seen...

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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

3 years ago
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Pleasure Island Ponygirls

Pleasure Island Ponygirlsby Sarah        Sarah and Emily couldn't believe their luck in getting the invitation to Pleasure Island.  The two 18 year old teens had survived their first semester of college, with a D average, but it was enough to pass them into the spring semester.  Now as the pivotal moment for all new college girls arrived, spring break, the girls had each received in the mail an invitation to what was rumored to be the best party spot for all of spring break.  Of course they had...

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Music By Alyssa Davis It was a typical Spring afternoon and Terry was practicing his harp routines with his teacher, Ms Jones. She had been teaching Terry for 4 of his 16 yrs and he was her star pupil. He had a natural talent for the harp, unusual for a person so young, and a boy. As he played, she admired him with pride, as much as if he were her own son. He was a slender young man, handsome to the point of being too pretty for a boy with his shoulder length blond hair, petite...

3 years ago
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Music To My Ears Ch 02

This chapter was edited by MistySerenade and I would like to take the opportunity to thank her for the fine editing. Again, if there were any mistakes it would be my own doing and has nothing to do with the editor. Thank you Misty. * ‘Hey Bob! There’s a lady from the Social Services here to see you,’ one of Robert’s staff called to him through the recording studio door. Robert Duncan cut a trim figure. Even though he was in his early forties, he only had slightly thinning blonde hair. At...

3 years ago
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Music Fades Out

Music fads out “It’s hot, it’s humid and I hope your air conditioning is working. We are going to break all the records by this time tomorrow. It’s 6 o’clock and time for WSEX drive time news, sports, weather and traffic. Chuck DuPree, I hear we have a problem on the out bound expressway.” “That’s right Dan, we have a major accident...” Mic Off, Off with this damn headset. Had them on for the last 2 hours waiting for this break. Suppose I should introduce myself before I go live at the bottom...

3 years ago
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Musica Gratis

The man at the door was medium height but nicely muscled. His hair was dark and his eyes intense as he looked me over and smiled slightly. I opened the door thinking that this was going to be good. I'd just met him at a local bar and after conversation and four drinks had invited him over. It was lunchtime but I was only hungry for him. I hadn't fucked anyone for a long time and I had a need. It felt insatiable as he grabbed a tit while closing the door behind him then slowly pushed me back...

1 year ago
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Venice in August

My thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for assisting me in preparing this story for posting. I'd wandered away from the cathedral entrance, wondering what the hell I was doing there anyway. It was the third day of our holiday, and my two daughters had taken their spouses inside to enjoy the splendour of the old building. And the coolness of the air, I should imagine. I didn't want to go inside the building myself. I'd seen it all too many times before and like most of the city, it held too many...

4 years ago
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Lena Goes to Venice Again

It had all seemed so long ago and far away. Lena’s first trip to Venice was almost twenty years ago. That fact stunned her as she sat on the passenger jet airliner over the Mediterranean Sea and circled for an approach to the airport near Venice. Her first trip to Venice was all by ship and train. This time, she had to take two pills to overcome her fear of flying to get onboard this miracle of science that put humans into the air like soaring birds. The impossibility of such a heavy piece...

3 years ago
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Music Festival Fun

Kitty had heard about the music festival for years because it took place just a few miles from the trailer park where Kitty lived. Her mom told her that the kids who came to the festival were dirty hippies, and told Kitty to stay away from them.But every summer, Kitty saw the vans, and the kids walking in, who seemed to be having a LOT of fun. They all wore colorful outfits, both the girls and the guys, and they didn't mind "public displays of affection" or PDA, as Kitty and her friends...

1 year ago
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CarleyChapter 6 Venice and Marja Again

On Wednesday morning, we checked out of the hotel and took a taxi to the train station. I had pre-paid tickets on the high-speed train to Venice. We had a private compartment, but the door was clear glass, so we couldn’t do any serious fooling around. The countryside zipped by and, as usual, I was amazed at the amount of farmland and just plain wilderness that covers large parts of northern Italy. We pulled into the Santa Lucia train station on the Grand Canal in Venice. A water taxi took us...

2 years ago
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Music Love

[This is merely character development for what will progress into a romance story. If you’re looking for immediate sexual content, this is not the story for you.] As his fingers strummed the last chord of his encore, the uproar of females’ satisfied screams flooded Jake’s ears. The stage lights went off and he quickly grasped his amplifier chord with his sweaty fingers and pulled it out before walking offstage with his guitar. It had been a long and grueling set, but Jake was pleased with his...

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Changeling takeover

You are the ruler of a changeling hive and want to rule the world. However you will have the risk of your hive being banished from the lands you have hid yourselves in or killed off if you piss off the other races too much. Changeling race: they are similar to the pony race with a insect like apparence mixed in. They have a black fur-less carapace, webbed manes and tails, bent horns, and insect-like wings. They feed on the emotions of other races with love the best and can change their...

2 years ago
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Musical Chairs Not mine

The party had been a good one. At one point there must have been 20 or 30 people milling around our house, talking and enjoying each other. As the night passed some of our friends left and others arrived. By 10 PM we were down to 4 couples. We had been sitting around making small talk and telling a few off color jokes when one of the girls suggested that we play some kind of party game.Several different games were suggested and the teenage games were named. Spin the Bottle, Post Office, and...

4 years ago
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Janices Italian Job Part 3

The next morning Janice woke up to find Natalie sitting out on the small patio outside the bedroom. She slipped on a robe and went out to join her, leaning over her chair and kissing her."Is that coffee I smell?""Yes, I had Rosalinda bring a thermal pot and two cups. Help yourself."Janice poured herself a cup and sat down next to Natalie."You were right. It is quite peaceful out here in the morning. I can see why you enjoy it.""It is my favorite time of day out here. Or at least it was...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Chapter 14 Choosing Change

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is definitely adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 13," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or...

1 year ago
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She was the one who became the game changer

Cheating can be defined as an accident, unintentional or maybe intentional act. It depends on person to person and maybe situations are different for everyone. We can’t say until we go through the same condition and become the game changer. I was the one lady in his life and the only mistress. The guy I was married to was my high school boyfriend and the love that evolved over time can never be compared to anything. But maybe it’s time which leads you on a different path. We needed some space...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 332 Archangel Michaels Press Interview

Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued) I suggested, "Before we start the Question and Answer session, I have some advice for you. I would like you to behave sensibly and maturely. You're all adults, so I'll assume you're all aware of what I'm asking for. If you behave in ways that annoy me, I will sensibly and maturely toss you into the ocean. At the risk of annoying all the reporters, I'll take the first question from the only non-reporter smart enough not to remove himself from the...

1 year ago
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Music Love Ch 02

‘Will you sign my CD please? Please?’ Jake turned around, arms full of groceries, and looked down into the eyes of the cutest little girl he had ever seen. That’s what I get for not using a cart, he muttered to himself. He set his groceries down on the floor before getting on his knee to sign the old CD cover the little girl held out to him. There weren’t many places that Jake could go without having to sign autographs anymore. Most musicians were bothered by it and, although there were times...

3 years ago
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Music Love Ch 03

Jake reached for his alarm clock, knocking empty beer cans and bags of chips onto the ground. He picked up the clock frantically trying to shut it off. It was 4:30 in the morning. I must have accidentally set this thing for the wrong time, he thought. Resigning to his lack of patience for the beeping of the alarm and his lack of coordination to turn it off, he picked the clock up and threw it at the wall. The fate of the clock was determined by the cease of sound. Good, thought Jake. No more...

2 years ago
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Musical Chair

By : Raj Wanna B Cuckold It’s not real story but my fantasy. Hi this is Raj again with new story.My first story was Deva fucks my wife.J got only 2 reply after that story.My id is I had recently started working as a financial analyst in the Bombay branch of a small but prestigious wealth management firm. Their clientele was very exclusive, staff size small at just under 50, and they usually hired only one person a year, so I was pretty pleased to get selected from what had been at least a...

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Janices Italian Job Part 1

Janice was almost certain she was straight. The one and only time she had touched another girl's breasts or even kissed another girl was that summer when she was sixteen and a camp counselor, and she chalked that up to youthful exploration. Since then, in her last two years of high school, Janice had dated boys, a lot of boys. She had finally slept with one of them, then spent the next two months worrying she was pregnant.After finally getting a pregnancy test, and it was negative, she swore...

2 years ago
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Sex In Venice

I had been to Venice several times and was never disappointed by its magic. Yes, there are hordes of tourists throughout the year, but what can you expect if you seek out such a preposterously over-the-top, baroque city-on-an-island? A man-made fairytale confection, doomed to eventually sink into the lagoon that surrounds it, like a latter day Atlantis.I had met Alicea on a European dating site. We 'clicked' from the word go and when I suggested a long weekend in Venice, she didn't need asking...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Sex In Venice

I had been to Venice several times and was never disappointed by its magic. Yes, there are hordes of tourists throughout the year, but what can you expect if you seek out such a preposterously over-the-top, baroque city-on-an-island? A man-made fairytale confection, doomed to eventually sink into the lagoon that surrounds it, like a latter day Atlantis.I had met Alicea on a European dating site. We 'clicked' from the word go and when I suggested a long weekend in Venice, she didn't need asking...

Love Stories

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