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My thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for assisting me in preparing this story for posting.

I'd wandered away from the cathedral entrance, wondering what the hell I was doing there anyway. It was the third day of our holiday, and my two daughters had taken their spouses inside to enjoy the splendour of the old building. And the coolness of the air, I should imagine.

I didn't want to go inside the building myself. I'd seen it all too many times before and like most of the city, it held too many memories for me.

Quite honestly I didn't want to be in Italy at all, let alone Venice and even less so, St Marks Square. For some reason Venice, especially the famous Piazza, had been Mary's most favourite spot in the whole damned world. Okay, Venice had been the city we'd spent our honeymoon in, but I'd never thought it necessary for us to return to the city almost every other year.

Mary must have thought it was romantic, I suppose; she loved the place. I'll admit that I kind-a liked the city myself. Christ, I was so familiar with the place by then, it was something like coming home again; Mary and I had visited the city so often.

But for me personally, it wasn't the city itself; the fascination for me had always been the woman I was with when I visited.

But I'd lost Mary some five years before, and with her going the city had lost most of its charm for me. I have no idea what possessed the girls and their husbands to book this holiday, or even why I had -- after a lot of cajoling -- agreed to come along with them.

Yeah, neither of my son-in-laws had visited the city before, but my two girls knew the place almost as intimately as I did. So their story, of me playing tour guide didn't really hold water. But when I put that argument up, all I got was:

"Oh dad, you haven't been away since mother passed on. It's time you got out and did something. Besides you like Venice, it'll cheer you up no end, to get back there."

I honestly do not believe my daughters had thought that one through properly. Venice without Mary was hardly likely to cheer me up, now was it?

Anyway eventually, and against my better judgement, I'd agreed to go with them.

Telling them I'd meet them in one of the many cafes that surround St Marks Square, after they'd had their fill of the cathedral, I took a stroll up one side of the Piazza under the colonnade, or whatever you call the bloody thing. I think I was intending to walk back down the other side, but I noted that the sun was still partly finding its way under there, so I turned back the way I came. Just stopping for a moment to gaze in the window of a little jewellery store and remembering when I'd bought Mary a necklace she'd spotted in there one time, long before.

As I gazed into the window, I became aware that I could see a young child with incredibly large eyes reflected in the glass. She could only have been about five or six years old and for some inexplicable reason she appeared to be studying me with great interest.

Slightly embarrassed, I turned and smiled at the child. I have no idea why, maybe I thought that me looking at her, might drive the little girl away. No chance, the little girl continued to study me rolling her head this way and that, and then looking me up and down. Very curious behaviour I thought, and I wondered whether I'd suddenly sprouted horns or a tail or something.

Then suddenly a slightly older child, another girl, probably eight years of age, appeared by the little one's side. I figured an older sister. After exchanging a couple of words in Italian with her sister, she took hold of the little one's hand, then dragged the protesting smaller child away.

I probably smiled to myself, remembering how I'd seen my two girls studying something in the same manner, as the little girl had stared at me when they were young. I just could not imagine what the little girl had found so enthralling about me and cursed myself for not picking up more of the language over the years.

Then I made my way back along the colonnade to one of the pavement cafés nearer the Cathedral's entrance, so that my family would not have too much trouble locating me.

Picking a table that I thought would remain in the shade for a little while at least, I ordered a pot of tea and a couple of rounds of toast, pulled out the paperback I'd been reading and settled back to lose myself in it until the family showed up.

A short while later, I was reaching for the second slice of toast when something caught my eye. Just on the other side of the barrier that separated the many pavement cafés from each other and leaning against it was the little dark haired girl with the big green eyes again. What's more, standing beside her and also staring intently at me, was her larger sister.

I smiled -- I suppose slightly embarrassed to find myself the centre of their attention yet again -- then sat back wondering what the hell the children found so fascinating about a middle-aged Englishman and nibbled at my toast, while I tried to get back into my book.

Yes, it did cross my mind that they might be hungry. We've all seen those pictures of staving children from around the world on TV. But I was in Italy for Chri'sake, and those two young girls did not look at all underfed to me.

"Surely they've seen people eating buttered toast before?" was the one salient thought that crossed my mind.

I suppose ... well, maybe ten minutes must have passed, while I nibbled at my toast and tried to pretend that I was reading my book. And keeping an eye on the two little girls out of the corner of my eye at the same time. Neither moved or said anything to me, or each other.

Then I heard a female voice talking in Italian and both girls' attention moved from me to the lady. Actually at the time, I wasn't completely sure it was their mother, as she didn't really look old enough, and at first had hazarded a guess that she might have been a much older sister ... There was a distinct and unmistakable resemblance between them, that for some inexplicable reason I found familiar.

Later I discovered that my guess was wrong and that the woman was their mother. But she looked to me, much younger than both of my own daughters.

The woman quite obviously chastised the two little girls, in Italian. I assumed because they'd done a disappearing act on her. Well, those of us who have had children of our own, know what it's like when you suddenly realise that one of the little tykes, isn't where they should be, or you thought they were.

But then something strange happened. The smallest child said something her mother in Italian, which caused the woman to look at me; doing so brought the oddest response from her. The woman's eyes appeared to grow as large as her daughters' had been, and her complexion turned a distinct shade of pink, when she realised that I was looking back at her. Then grabbing both children by the hand she muttered "Sorry!" In English, without the slightest trace of an accent, and then retreated from my sight between the tables of the next pavement café, at high speed.

I was still sort of wondering what the hell had just happened when I realised that I'd become the centre of attention for quite a few people sitting at adjacent tables, who were, without exception, smiling at me. I could only assume that whatever joke they were smiling at, must have had something to do with the words the child had said to her mother. But hardly speaking a word of the lingo, it had gone over my head.

I shrugged back at the people on the nearest table -- which brought an even bigger grin to their faces, and confused me even more -- then returned to trying to read my book; or rather, I attempted too.

Maybe another five minutes had passed, and everyone had apparently gone back to minding they're own business, before I figured it safe enough to pour myself another cup of tea. Under those circumstances I'd figured I my best option to keep my eyes down up until then.

But as I was putting sugar into my cup the little girls' mother appeared at my table.

"Excuse me ... I..." was as far as she got before I'd leapt to my feet.

Sorry, it was something I couldn't prevent myself from doing. One doesn't converse with a lady you do not know, whilst seated, if she is standing. Well, not when they look as good as that particular young lady does, you don't!

Look, I might have been pushing fifty, but I wasn't that old!

"I'm sorry if my daughters have caused you any embarrassment." The young woman was saying. "But they ... Well they didn't actually, but my mother thought ... No, this is ridiculous. There's no possible chance..."

"I'm sorry young lady, but you are making a very good job of confusing the hell out of me." I said when she stopped to take a breath.

"Yes, I'm sorry. My name is Vitalia. My friends call me Talia. Look, I'm sorry, you don't know me from Adam and I know this might sound like a ridiculous question, but your name isn't Matt Moncrieff, is it?"

"Mathew Algernon Earnest Moncrieff at your service madam." The name Algernon brought a flicker to Talia's eye, so I explained. "My mother had a thing about Oscar Wilde and thought it quite humorous. Most people call me Matt."

Talia was staring back at me with eyes that looked -- relatively speaking -- even bigger then her daughters' had appeared to be. Then she sank into one of the other seats around my table.

"Oh my god. Honestly?" she asked

"Would I lie to a lady, especially one as pretty as you, Talia?"

"My god, I would never believe it was possible."

At this instant the waiter appeared carrying a tray, loaded with another much larger pot of tea and five cups and saucers. The poor fellow must have assumed that the young woman's appearance at my table heralded the arrival of the rest of my party.

"You look like you've had a little shock Talia. May I offer you a cup of tea; it's very good for shock, or so I'm told?"

"Thank you." She replied without thinking.

"Now, if you don't mind, I like to ask you a small question." I said as I poured Talia and myself a fresh cup. "Your daughters are Italian, and, if you don't mind me saying, you are most definitely Italian, but you speak English without a trace of an accent?"

She smiled at me. "I am Italian, but I was raised in Zzumerzet!"

"Now, don't you go trying to kid I, that!" I kidded her.

"Honestly! At one time I had a humdinger of an accent, but then I went to a Public School, where they knocked all the West Country right out of us."

"They did a bloody fine job, by the sound of it."

"Thank you. But surely you can't be the same Matt Moncrieff my mother thinks you are. It would be just too much of a coincidence."

"The nature of coincidences young lady, is that they do seem impossible sometimes. But as, when I first saw you, I thought that you reminded me of someone, then it stands to reason that your mother may possibly be correct. Where does she think she remembers me from?"

"Rimini!" Talia replied.

"My Christ, I haven't been back there for ... Oh god, it's got to be..." -- I did some quick mental arithmetic -- "it must nearly thirty years at least!"

"So you have been there?"

"Oh yes, in my childhood I went there with my parents many times, and, when I was in my teens."

"And Lia! Do you remember Lia?

Strange how the mention of a name can take you back to your youth so quickly. Most certainly I remembered Lia!

Her parents had owned and run the small pension that my family always stayed at, in Rimini. My father had never been one for the big tourist hotels. I first met Lia when we were both less than ten years old. Although we only met for two weeks each summer and we could hardly communicate in actual words, a close friendship developed between us, and ... well, eventually a romance, of sorts,. By the time I got to sixteen it had developed into an extremely heavy romance as well.

All rather strange, because Italian parents kept a very close reign on their daughters in those days, and probably still do.

Somehow Lia and I slipped through the net of her family's close surveillance and well ... No, I don't think I'll go there, not just yet anyway. You can pick it up as we go along.

I have no idea why Lia and I never corresponded with each other by letter. Most likely because of my not speaking Italian, I couldn't write it either, and nether could she, English.

Hey, there were no computers kicking around back then, that you could type your letter into in English and then have a free internet program translate into Italian for you. And I somehow don't think either of us had the money, or the nerve, to have any mutual correspondence translated by anyone else.

Anyway, eventually one summer when the family and I arrived in Rimini, we discovered that Lia's family were no longer running the pension. I never went back to Italy again, until Mary and I honeymooned in Venice.

"Of course I remember Lia." I replied to the young woman. "But how... ?"

"Mother saw you on the waterbus yesterday, and told my daughters that you reminded her of ... Well, of you actually. Mother still has photographs of you two together in her album, when you weren't much older than my girls are now."

"Oh my, what does your father think about that?"

"He didn't mind. You and mother were friends long before he'd even met her."

"The way you said that leads me to believe..."

"Yes, mother is a widow, that's why we moved back to Italy, to be near her family. Oh, and Matt... ?"


"Mother has told me many times just how close friends you two became."

"Oh dear! How embarrassing..."

"No, I think it was sweet. Mother told me that you could hardly communicate in words. But she claims that you didn't need to talk." Talia had a knowing glint in her eye.

I suddenly felt a little hot under the collar, and took a long sip of my tea.

"Don't worry Matt, my lips are sealed." she giggled.

"I should bloody hope so. It was bit, er ... un-Italian of Lia, wasn't it? You know, to tell you about our relationship."

"My mother is not your typical Italian woman Matt; I would have thought you, above all people, would know that."

"Well she certainly wasn't any usual Italian young girl back when I knew her. Lia and I had something very special between us."


"Well, it was a very long time ago Lia."

"Matt may I tell you something? When we lived in Somerset, my mother once told me that her greatest fear in life was that one-day she might run into a certain Englishman. Mother told me, that she didn't know whether she'd have had the strength to leave him and come home again, if she did."

"Oh my god, that is flattering. But we haven't seen each other in years."

"Much to my father's relief, I should imagine. My father loved my mother, but I do believe he always knew that there was someone."

"Oh, so where is your mother now? I should imagine that you are going to suggest we meet again in person."

"Back at our hotel. We're on holiday the same as you, but nearly all of mothers' family is along. Our children are the youngest and can be rather boisterous sometimes. They needed a break from the old people; so my husband and I brought down here. Lucky we did, because Ambra spotted you again."

"Your little one?"

"Yes, and one who listens to, and understands, far too much adult conversation I fear. I'm afraid she told everyone that you were her grandmother's lover."

"I see. Well, that explains the general reaction."

"Yes, and why I came back to apologise. I didn't know how much Italian you understand."

"Not as much as I should, Talia, considering how often I've been over here. I'm afraid I'm not much of a linguist."

"So mother said."

"What about your mother's English?"

"My mother and father ran that ice-cream business in the west country for eighteen years, Matt. Mother can curse eloquently in both languages." Talia grinned back at me.

"Yeah, I do recall she had picked up a couple of words of English, that ... well, I don't think her own mother would have liked to hear her use."

"I know that she'd like to meet you again Matt, just to talk about when you were young. She would have approached you yesterday on the waterbus, but she had my little ones with her, and you had your family with you. Your daughters and their significant others?"

"Their husbands. They all but had to drag me over here for a couple of weeks. I've not been one for going away, since I lost my wife."

There was no mistaking the little hint of a smile that passed across Talia's face, even though it lasted no more than a millisecond or so. For a few moments, I don't think Talia knew what to say, but then she suggested that perhaps her mother and I could meet and have lunch together.

I told her that I thought that would be nice; if her mother would like to meet me again, that is?

"Oh Mother would like that, Matt. But she is well aware that you and she haven't seen each other for many years, and that you've both been married and had families of your own. That is another reason that she didn't approach on the waterbus yesterday."

"Yeah, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since we last met Talia, but it can do no harm for us to talk about old times." I smiled at the beaming young woman.

But as I spoke Talia's husband arrived at table, one of their children hanging onto each of his hands. Talia introduced me to Lauro and then they fell into a hurried -- and completely incomprehensible to me -- conversation in Italian. During which, Lauro pulled out his mobile phone and the conversation turned into a multi-way discussion that I could make neither head nor tails of.

Actually I spent most of it exchanging funny faces with Ambra, Talia's youngest, who took me by surprise, and after disentangling herself from her father's grasp, climbed onto my lap and sat there grinning at me.

That brought Talia's other daughter over to hang on the back of my chair and play a sort of game of hide and seek. Her face would appear at my right shoulder, then, when I looked that way, it would disappear again only to reappear at my left.

I was so engrossed in my games with the children, that Talia had to say my name twice before I realised that she was addressing me again.

Talia asked me if I could be at a certain restaurant at one o'clock.

By chance I knew the place. It was another pavement café but it had a more formal restaurant in the building where Talia suggested that I meet her mother. I expressed surprise because the formal part of the place, to my memory, was closed to the public during daylight hours.

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Please read first part (link on top). Next day in the morning I was thinking how could I put my hands on Rakhi aunty. I remember she said she would like to have sex with chachi and my step mom. I thought what is she planing to do. I thought that it would be good to spy on her to see what she is planing. She was sharing my chachi’s room , went to her room. I did not see her there I was about return back suddenly the bathroom door open and my chachi came out of there. Man… What can i say she was...

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hot mom 4

When Jodie woke the next morning and found her son in bed with her, she gasped. Then she came fully awake and remembered their wild fucking of yesterday, and she shivered with excitement. It hadn't been just a dream. She'd really had the satisfaction she'd craved for so long.Of course, she'd had it with her own son, and that made it a lot different from the average love affair. Also, she'd spent the night fucking with Dane just after she'd gotten engaged to Craig. The whole situation was pretty...

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Young WolvesChapter 5

Sarah was heartbroken. All her fears of Cameron finding someone prettier than her had come true. She thought he loved her, but obviously, he had only wanted to take her cherry. Like a fool, she had fallen for his lies completely. She sat through first period in a daze. She couldn't remember a thing Mr. Harper said about the Peloponnesian wars. The students were all buzzing about Cameron and those cheerleader whores, and something about a fight on the commons. She blocked their inane chatter...

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"Ned? NEDD? " the Brown eyed, tan skinned woman shouted after her words and worries were ignored the first time from her husband. "What? oh, ok...ok... now what is it again you wanted to tell me" like an asshole, farting but with words, Ned managed to calm his wife. " he's been doing JACKOFF!" Jin shouted this time, her Korean eyes full of fire burned into her lifeless husband. "Jack off?" he asked almost in an ignoring manner. Folding his newspaper, just right, careful not to ruin...

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Out of the Shadows Ch 01

Hello Readers. This story is the continuation of the Shadows of Resentment series. You may want to read that series before reading this story however, this story can stand on its own. This is the beginning of Darius Granger’s story. Darius is a unique character in this series. He has gone through so many facets and hopefully you, the reader will understand him a little better after reading more about him. Maybe even like the guy a little. Now his story will be divided into chapters, not sure...

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Daddy gets his cock between her lips

"That was fucking incredible." My eighteen year old daughter has just finished fucking herself with her stiletto heeled shoes, whilst I was filming it for her website.She sticks a finger into her pussy one more time, again scooping out some juices, and sucks her finger hard, licking it with her pierced tongue. She moans."Daddy, you'd better go and take care of yourself." She points at my rock hard dick, which is making a high tent in my trousers. "Is it okay if I use your computer to order some...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 111 Dude

I went to Starbridge Dude Ranch for my birthday. It was kind of a relief. I left Friday afternoon and came home Sunday afternoon. It's not that I wanted to get away from Rhonda, exactly. I really liked her a lot and we always had fun together. But she'd been my girlfriend for a month and I'd seen her every single day. Ironically, she volunteered to deliver my papers on Saturday so I could go. After we all talked about it together, her mom and dad and my mom and dad agreed that it would be...

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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 4 Another Step

Salt and Pepper. Sugar and Spice Chapter 4 Another step. The following two weeks, were a typical school and study routine for the couple. His parents and sister were due back on Sunday, so on the Friday before, they went grocery shopping. After they had put the groceries away, Ronnie said, "Honey, I got you something." "What?" "Here," she said, as she handed him a pink plastic bottle. "What's this?" "I...

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TeacherFucksTeens Kagney Linn Karter My Teacher Is A Cam Girl

Tony can hardly believe his eyes when he realizes that his hot and busty teacher, Miss Kagney Linn Carter, is a cam girl on the side. With her hot body, it makes sense for Miss Cater to show it off for cash. Tony realizes that he may be able to benefit from his discovery, so he goes to Miss Carter’s house to confront her. After a brief freakout that her secret has been revealed, Miss Carter does the only thing she can think: she buys Tony’s silence with a private show. Sitting Tony...

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my friend fucked my girlfriend

it began a year in a half ago dating my girlfriend at the time rachel. rachel and i had constant sex, even though we were both young, we both were always at it. till one night i actually started to talk dirty mentioning other men in the mix, and by other men i mean my best friend joe. the first time i mentioned it, she had become confused and disgusted by my actions and quickly went off to sleep. through the weeks we had mentioned joe for awhile, it had sparked up our sex lives and made it more...

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Hook up

Some of my stories start the same because it's usually how I start my Friday's after work. Donna and I, my husband and her fiancee always have dinner at this Mexican restaurant. After dinner and a couple Long Island Iced Teas, Donna and I usually go to a club to dance. My hubby doesn't like to dance, so he and Donna's fiancee go back to the house, drink beers, play pool or watch sports till we get home. This time we went to a club in the businesss district downtown. We usually buy the first...

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Losing Pounds Gaining a Cuckold Chapter Two

Chapter Two It was now early Sunday afternoon the day after my first sexual encounter with another man since my marriage to Doug. I was alone in my thoughts, lounging at our pool, reliving the intimacy I had with Frank the night before. My husband was out doing errands and picking up our two boys whom we had left with my mother the night before. Wild thoughts were rushing through my mind. What was I doing? Should I go out with another man even if my husband allowed it? Will Russ call to...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 22 Sacrifice

The fathers of the dating group—I supposed we were going to have to find some name for ourselves eventually—flanked the six boys who bore the casket from the school gymnasium. Seven. Lionel’s older brother supported Josh and helped him carry his share of the load. I walked behind the casket supporting Jack Raymond at his request. The mothers and girlfriends walked behind us. The next morning, we gathered at the television studio to show our support as Brian made a plea to his television...

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Hot Sex

We had spicy egg fried rice for dinner last night, chef sat in the living room chopping the veg and chillies ready for the rice that was sat steaming on the hob. Fast forward ten minutes to me being accosted on the stairs on route for a quick pre dinner bath. Sex on the stairs is always a good thing, there's something wonderfully naughty about having sex in a none sex designated zone .He ripped my jeans off, slammed me down on my back and slid his cock straight up inside me. If we had left it...

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A day at the office

I had been feeling extremely horny all week, but it took me a few days to realise why. I have been shaving my balls for only a little while and gave them a tidy up on Monday clearing the stubble and making them feel soft and smooth again. The extra sensitivity obviously worked its magic and by Wednesday my balls were heavy with cum and I was feeling as horny as all fuck! As luck would have it Melissa popped up on line at messenger. We chatted for a couple of minutes then I steered the...

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Angela and Bruiser 5

Introduction: Karen and Kim Sure enough, mid morning Karen arrived. Not just Karen but a Karen clone, her sister Kim, small, same blonde curly hair and baby doll looks, as innocent in the face as could possibly be. Hi, I didnt think you were going to be home yet Karen said, seemingly a little disappointed, Oh this sis my younger sister Kim, she twelve she added for some reason telling me her sisters age. Kim was wide eyed, she seemed to search the room and then saw Bruiser. Oh this is the dog...

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‘My mom won it in a jitterbug contest when she was 20,’ she said, ‘and mom would never sell it.’ The older plump lady said to me, ‘My mom loved this old thing. She’d sit behind the wheel and remember when she was young and she was single, then put it back into the garage and it would sit there for another month.’ She laughed, ‘My dad cursed it because it ran so erratically, so it sat in the garage most of the time. Mom would get it out and clean it up once a month.’ As we walked out to the curb...

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Save Me

I am in my mid-twenties, and I am told that I am a cute little hottie. I hardly ever need to shave, I have nice, smooth skin, and a nice full head of soft, light brown hair that is not hippie-length but long enough. I've also been told that if I styled my hair a certain way, put on some lipstick and a dress, that I could pass for a girl (but that's for another story). I guess you could say that I am a girly-boy. My fondest fantasy is to be rescued from danger by a strong, handsome man, to whom...

Gay Male
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After School SessionsChapter 3 Bringing Cheryl

Tommy knew he was taking an awful chance, but if he was ever going to fuck Cheryl, he just had to let her watch him fuck either Miss Parsons or Miss Williams!!! If she could see how much pleasure he gave them with his big pecker, he was sure that then she would gladly let him put his penis into her cute little box!!! The trick was getting her to join him in Miss Parsons' room after school, if she suspected anything, she wouldn't show up! Then it hit him, why not have Miss Parsons make...

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Letter from a Slave Girl

Letter from a Slave Girl Letter from a Slave Girl   One: The Letter October 2006 The Supreme Office of the President,Club Model World  Dear Master President,  I am writing to you to beg for mercy as I don?t think I can endure another night of punishment like I recently suffered at your Club Model Showcase evening. Those men were very sadistic to me and hurt me a lot. Although it was three days ago I am still in agony from all the punishments they inflicted on me. My breasts, bottom and...

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Loss of virginity on diwali eve8230

Its a story that happend in real life time. And its a story about how I lost my virginity with two of my neighbourhood girls who were younger to me. I am Anand,a software engineer and a busy go, I go home only on festival times and on vacations. So it was this diwali time I went home. And, I lost my virginity on diwali day. There were two girls in my neighbourhood. One is Sreemathi and other is Priya. They both belong to different families. Priya’s father was a docter and her mother was a house...

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Ken Summers8217 encounters with his married secretary and her two daughters

Part 1-Office Respite ——————— “Yes, sir. I completely understand. I’ll have it done for you when you come in first thing tomorrow morning.” I lowered the phone from my ear and will depressing the end button to end the call, my other hand ran through my short black hair and I exhaled a soft sigh of disgust. My overbearing boss had just given me yet another unreasonable deadline. A deadline that I knew that I wasn’t going to meet...

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The Cosca Episode 1 Family ValuesChapter 2

Ray felt numb. The implications of what Joe had been telling him were staggering: on the other hand, it might all be a fabrication. Perhaps the "entertainment" might offer some kind of validation of what he had been hearing - but he hoped not. Shortly after Joe left the room, Ray heard footsteps approaching, and was not surprised to hear the doctor's voice. "Hello again, General," he said. "I trust that you are still comfortable?" "I wouldn't call it that," Ray responded, "but I...

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My wife is kinkier than me

Since I convinced my wife to have sex outside of our marriage she has become very creative in how and where she gets her eggs scrambled. For example, one fall night she and I were in the den doing nothing , she left the the room and returned wearing her long winter coat. I asked her where she wanted to go. She opened the coat to show me she was completely naked under it, she said let's find me a cock to fuck. I grabbed the keys to my four wheel drive and we headed to the power line trail....

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Annas Overnight

I knew better. I'd watched friends and co-workers make the same mistake for years and I still went ahead and did it. And even though what had happened to them also happened to me, I didn't care. In fact, what had ended in divorce for most of them ended up making my marriage stronger. I am an airline employee and have been one for over thirty years. And among the lower orders (that is everyone except pilots) it is a basic article of faith that you never, and I do mean never, take up with a...

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Pnp with MsB

I hadnt gotten high in over a year and hadnt been thinking about it. That was until I ran into a guy who owed me some cash and he could only pay me with crack and weed. So I ended up with a 1/2 once of crack a qtr pound of weed and a couple days with no responsibility. I go to an older crackhead house named Ms. B. Shes older nice body and a true freak especially once she starts tweaking!, more importantly she does EVERYTHING she's told to do w/o question! I purchased some cock hrd...

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a threesome

I had a threesome with a couple in the Chicago area several years ago.A THREESOMEby the shootistI was with a couple in the Chicago area several years ago where the wife was a bit reluctant and the husband was really pushing for it to happen. I also was a bit reluctant to get involved at first but after we talked for about an hour in the lounge of the hotel I was staying, I agreed to have them come up to my room.After getting there, he sat in a chair and told us to go ahead and do it. His wife...

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Sarah Carerra 223 Star Power

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 3, 2011) Chapter 23 - Star Power "Megan, it's time to wake up," somebody said softly just before I was lightly shaken. I opened my eyes to see Dad standing next to my bed. "Huh?" I mumbled. It was too dark in my room to...

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The Debate CoachChapter 4

We were busy. Karen with her volunteer work, and Hanna and I with our school. As far as I could tell everything was going well. I was a little uncomfortable with the idea that Amy would be coming over Friday night. I could imagine some interesting scenes but I had to let Hanna take the lead. While I was doing homework I had an email from Dr. Frantz. It said there was a secure message for me on the machine in his office. The password was on the back of a picture of Jules Verne hanging on the...

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Wife Stories Marie

Introduction Harvey, relaxing in the hot tub, moaned at the work Marie was doing. She was under water sucking on his still working, nearly 60-year-old cock. His 33-year-old lover came up for air, laughing at the older man. Marie ran her fingers through her short, blonde hair, slicking it back. She straddled Harvey, guiding his cock into her. “You know, I’m surprised this thing still works,” Marie smiled, kissing Harvey’s balding head, her breasts dangling against his...

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bbc slut

These words from my bride of six months cut through me like a knife,"Michael, I am sorry to have to say this, but I need to be fucked by areal man with a decent sized cock who can last more than two minutes. Iam sick and tired of your tiny dick, and if we are going to staytogether, you are going to have to accept being a cuckold in future."I always knew that I was smaller than other men, but I thought that shewas happy with me.To give some background, I met Vicki just under a year ago at a...

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The Unexpected Real Incident Part 1

He was sleeping right next to me. Perhaps, that was the reason that the world’s all vulgar thoughts were making rounds in my mind. All I wanted was his ass. Ahh !! I know so mean of me. I could easily guess his age. He must be 18 years of age. Oh yes! Am sure he cannot be elder than that. How can I not tell you about his appearance. Yes, he was neither a Ranbir Kapoor nor a Varun Dhawan, yet he had a appeal in him. He was a little dusky in color and must be hardly 5 feet and 5 inches in height....

Gay Male
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AntonioChapter 6 Larry

“I’ll tell you,” Larry said. “Otherwise, you’ll think it is worse than it was. I love you. I’ve never loved another woman. I’ve had sex with other women, but not loved them.” And this is the story he told: Larry was alone in the showers bringing himself off when Hank came in. Hank immediately turned away and watched the wall while he took his own shower. They left the base with the other trainees on liberty. Hank caught Larry’s arm as the others streamed into the Red Cross meeting...

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