Episode 79 University Orgy
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Jack and Annie stood under the treefort. Ten years had passed since they last visited here, deep in the woods behind their home in Frogton, NH. The treefort was their place of childhood mystery. Here they had met the Librarian and helped her mission to collect items, mostly writings, but also to deliver messages, to people in the past, or the future. Once, they had been to the moon.
Or so they told one another. Jack doubted his own memories, it all seemed so long ago. "Do you really believe it all happened, Annie? I mean, the way we remember it?"
"Of course it did, Jack!" Annie smiled. She had grown much in the past ten years. Adulthood was being kind to her. To both of them, really. "Come on! Let's go up and see if there's anything still there."
"Oh, brother," Jack said. He pushed back his glasses and looked up the long rope ladder that swayed slowly in invitation. It felt like old times except now the rungs felt too close together, too small. They were meant for feet other than Jack's. They were meant for him when he had been half the size of his current six-foot frame. It had always been Annie who had gone first up the ladder, who had seen the mysteries to be found in the treefort, and who had always had to encourage him. Now he went first. He hoped for an empty, wooden floor.
"Oh, no," he said as he hoisted himself into the treefort. On the floor lay a single book. On top of the book rested an envelope made of a kind of heavy, yellow paper. It felt crisp as he thumbed open the flap. "Annie? There's something here."
She pushed herself up through the square hole. They both weighed much more than they had the first time they'd come up here, but the treefort bore them as if they weren't there at all. Jack would have expected creaking, or swaying, but there was none. The view outside the window said they were many feet in the air but the treefort may as well have been on solid ground for all the movement he felt.
Annie took the envelope and pulled out a sheet of something like parchment from within. She read it out loud:
Dear Jack and Annie. I am so pleased you came back now that you are adults. I have four more tasks to ask of you, tasks I could not give you when you were but children. These tasks require the skills, maturity, and development only adults can possess.
I ask that you find me four more stories, from four more places deep in our past. You will find the story I seek in a dark corner of a dark city, with a man who can be both kind and unkind, and whose drive to seek pleasure reveals the city to have kind of ugliness that can only be understood by those who have lived there. The story I seek is one that has been banned, but he will know how to find it. You know the rest.
"That doesn't sound like much fun," Jack said.
"Were they ever fun, Jack?" Annie's voice made Jack looked up. "We nearly died, time and time again. The river in Japan, or that pyramid in Egypt. People tried to kill us, animals tried to eat us, and I still have nightmares about what would have happened if anything had gone wrong while we were on the Moon."
"But they were exciting! We learned so much." He tapped the notebook he still carried in the pocket of his vest. "What we learned set the course for our futures, Annie." Jack had chosen archeology as his college major and had been accepted into the University of Michigan. Annie was planning on an Art History degree after the summer. "Come on, Annie. You know you want to do it."
"Of course I do, Jack. I just worry. We're not kids anymore. I doubt the Librarian's going to be watching us quite so closely as she used to. I ... I'm scared."
"Funny, it used to be the other way around."
Annie nodded. "Where's the New Hampshire book?" Jack found it, in its corner, in a leather bag. The other book, the one on which he had found the envelope, waited for them. "Rome? We're going to Rome?"
Rome, 67 A.D., the book said. "That wasn't a very nice time in history, if I recall."
"But, Jack ... Rome. Can you imagine it?"
"We've been there."
"No, we've been to Pompeii. We survived Vesuvius. Two years later. We never went to Rome, I mean, really Rome. Say yes, Jack."
"Okay. 'Yes.'"
Annie grabbed the book from Jack's hand and pointed to the cover. "I wish we could go there."
A wind arose outside the treefort. A howling, mournful sound, not at all like the joyous noise they had heard as children. The world outside the window began to spin, and then the treefort began spin with it. Jack's mind reeled at the assault on his senses, an overwhelming spiral down the rabbit hole of time. The howling outside grew in pitch and volume, blotting out all rational thought.
And then everything was still. Utterly still.
Chapter 2: Rome StinksJack groaned and picked himself up off the floor. That ride had been rougher than he remembered. Annie rose too, holding her head in her hands. "Ugh," she said. "Jack?"
"I'm okay." He stepped over to the window, looked down. The faint nausea he felt vanished. "Annie, we're really here!" He took out his notebook and pen, pulled off the elastic that held the notebook shut, and began writing furiously: Marble columns everywhere, and they're painted! Never saw that in the artbooks. Everything is bright and garish. Lots of gold leaf. It's pretty crowded and everyone is wearing a toga, but they don't look like what you see in the movies. Indeed, they didn't, for the cloth looked rougher and heavier, the cut and trim of it more utilitarian.
"Wow," Annie said. She looked down. "Hey, Jack, we've got togas!"
Jack looked down and sure enough, the two of them were dressed in garb similar to that of the people walking. The cloth felt to be linen rather than cotton, and Jack remembered that cotton was a New World phenomenon, not something that would be found in ancient Rome. They also wore sandals, the kind where the straps mounted between their big toe and the rest. "Flip flops," Jack sighed. "I never could wear these things. Annie, your hair!"
Jack wished for a mirror, but neither of them had one. Annie's hair, normally long tresses of brown that fell down to somewhere between her shoulders, was now coiled in a striking flattened circular ziggurat atop her head, held in place with gold wire decorated with pearls. "You're beautiful like that."
"I just hope it doesn't mean I'm a prostitute or something."
Something in the Librarian's words came back to Jack, and he wondered if that's exactly what she was meant to be. He hoped it didn't mean they would have to trade her for the artifact the Librarian wanted. On the other hand, every scratch, every cut, every bruise he had received while travelling on the Librarian's adventures had been gone by the time they'd gotten home. So maybe...
"Let's go," Annie said. "Let's find the parchment and go home. By the way, who's Emperor?"
"Nero," Jack said automatically.
"The one with the fiddle?"
"That's a myth. There were no fiddles in Rome. The fiddle is a German invention of the mid-12th century, developed from a Turkish instrument." Jack had learned that just the month before.
"I'm sure they had musical instruments in Rome." Annie started down the ladder.
"Annie! Wait for me!"
They must have descended from the only tree in Rome, Jack thought. The road was just muddy dirt rutted through in places. It had rained recently, but now a bright sun beamed overhead. Citizens of Rome milled about in togas and other elaborate dresses, most of them stained with mud about the lower hems.
"I'm hungry," Jack said suddenly as they broke from the protective spell that hid their treefort and plunged into the very breath of Rome. It stank with the smell of bodily waste, both human and horse. "Rome never had a sewer system to speak of."
"How can you be hungry? I'm about to throw up," Annie said.
"You'll get used to it. These people lived with it every day."
"I'm not these people." Something growled about her midsection. "But I guess I'm hungry too. It's been a while since breakfast."
They walked down the street and found an intersection. The road they met was cobble-stoned and seemed to be much busier, especially in the direction going uphill. Jack and Annie walked in that direction, dodging several people, until an unmistakable smell reached Jack's nose. "Annie, do you smell that?"
"I do!" She looked at him, her eyes wide. They looked about and found the little booth that gave off the delicious smell. Jack checked the purse at his belt and found it full of coins. To his amazement, he could read the numbers. "Two, please," he said to the man behind the counter.
The man put an iron pan on top of a grill and threw two logs into the fire pit underneath it, then put two patties of ground beef into the pan. As he cooked, he would sometimes splash the patties with wine from a earthenware jug, and at the end he tossed on some chopped nuts. He expertly cut open two bread rolls and put the patties in, then handed one each to Jack and Annie. Jack grinned. "Hamburgers. Too bad they don't have cheeseburgers."
"Who knew they made hamburgers in Rome?" Annie said.
"Someone must have. Isn't there a cookbook that survives from this time?"
"You're the archaeologist, Jack," Annie said. They both grinned. Annie said to the man, "What kind of nuts are those?"
The cook looked surprised. "They're pine, miss."
The burgers were actually good. After they were done, Annie said, "We still need to find that writing the Librarian wanted. A dark story in a dark corner of a dark city, by a man both cruel and kind."
"I hope she doesn't mean the Emperor," Jack said.
"I don't think Nero ever qualified as 'kind'."
Jack nodded. A voice cut through the hubbub of the bustling intersection, shouting out "Attention, citizens! The Emperor has announced that today at the Coliseum there shall be lions! Boats! And the gladiator Casus Maximus shall fight two men at once!" The crowd around the crier turned and boo'd briefly at that last, but Jack was already thinking.
"The Coliseum? Annie, you know how these missions go. We probably have to go there."
Annie put a finger to her mouth. "I don't know, Jack. Did you see that crier? He had no scroll, no paper. I don't think most of these people can read. We won't find a story at the Coliseum."
"So what?" Jack said. "And you never know. The Coliseum is certainly one of the darkest corners of the city. And it's where famous people go. We have to go there, just like we had to go to the Olympic fields."
Annie said, "You're probably right."
Chapter 3: Blood and TerrorThe Coliseum was easy to find: Jack and Annie just followed the surging crowd until they reached the gates. The Coliseum was a massive construction, a huge round building of concrete and marble, decorated in gold and painted in hues of yellow, red, and green. It was a sight to behold, the most magnificent single building Jack had ever seen, and he had seen many.
Neither had noticed that they were being followed until a short man missing some teeth approached them. "Sir? Lady? Why are you in this line? Are you new to Rome?"
"Yes," Jack said automatically. "We're from ... from the provinces."
"Your clothes mark you as clearly from the upper families." Jack looked down, and could not tell what about his clothes made the difference. He looked at the man suspiciously, wondering if he was facing a pickpocket or a thief. Or some kind of cutthroat. "Through that door, please, kind sir." There were other people, the kind who radiated wealth, going through what looked exactly like a turnstile made of wood. Jack and Annie decided to follow them.
Inside, the Coliseum reminded Jack of a high-end sports arena. People lined the hallways already, and what looked very much like a passel of clowns cavorted in the middle, but their act was not what Jack considered funny. They all sported enormous wooden penises and much of the laughter that the audience gave seemed to arise from each pretending to rape or assault another.
The usher sat them down, handed each of them a leathery cup of watery wine and left them. "I'm not sure..." Jack said.
"I'm not either. Remember, you suggested this."
Jack nodded. More people were settled around them, and Jack noticed that almost all of them were scarred, pocked, or marked in the face in some way. None of them had escaped from the ravages of disease. Jack was grateful, suddenly, to live in a century where most diseases were a thing of the past. This past, he thought.
A blare of horns announced the arrival of the Emperor, who took his seat only a few yards away. Jack could see him clearly, a middle-aged man swathed in a purple toga and accompanied by a tall, thin man who talked animatedly while the Emperor waved him off. "That's Nero, Jack!" Annie said.
"Wow," Jack said. He had never thought of meeting the Emperor of Rome, although he had met a few kings along the way. "He ruled the world, you know."
"What was known of it," Annie said. More trumpets, and the games began. Jack took out his notebook and scribbled in it furiously, but Annie buried her face in his shoulder from time to time as they both watched the mounting horror in the center ring. Men were slaughtered before their eyes. Annie and Jack were no strangers to death and destruction: the San Francisco Earthquake and the eruption of Vesuvius had created no illusions for them. But the blood on the floor of the Colosseum was not wrought by unfeeling nature. Here, men killed one another, apparently for the mere pleasure of the crowd. Even as he wrote Annie said, "Jack, I want to leave."
"Ah, a man of letters!" said a voice behind them. "I am so pleased that they teach writing out in the provinces. I have not seen you here before, and I assure you that I know every literate man in Rome. What is your name, young man?"
"Jack ... us. Yohannus."
"Yohannus. You must be from the Eastern Provinces, then." Jack nodded. "And your wife?"
"This is my sister. Anna."
"Anna." Annie turned away from the butchery in the center stage and looked up at the man who was talking to them. "By Jupiter's beard! What a face! What skin! You have not a trace of the city upon you, my dear. How fortunate you must be! You must both come to my party tonight. You, for your beauty, and you, young man, for your letters."
Jack said, "I would, sir, if I knew where to go."
"Oh! I am Petronius Magister, and I live in a small villa near the palace. Find your way to the Palatine Hill and ask for my home. Make sure you get there just before dusk."
Jack nodded, suddenly sure that this was the man they had been sent to find. "We will do that, sir."
A scream went up from the center stage. Annie turned and blanched. Those slaves who could not perform useful work, those thinned and weak with disease, or those who were crippled by accidents, were being fed to lions. Bloody heaps of human viscera littered the sawdusty floor. "Jack!"
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When Gamora and Nebula turned twenty-one, their father threw them a sex party. Scantily-clad men, women, and several genders they hadn't heard of hung around their home, drinking champagne and sitting in the hot tub. Thanos was presiding over the whole thing. Wearing nothing but his helmet. “Breed,” he said, drawing out the word like a creaking door hinge. And Gamora and Nebula got at least twenty new mental scars that night. *** On the old world of Titan, people were more prudish than a...
Before I let you in on what happened last Thursday, I’ll let you in on something else: I’m all business. Always have been. As a kid my favorite game was “Business”. In the game “Business” me and my other child friends would sit a few feet away from each other and pretend-work in silence. Every now and then one of us would shout “I’ve made an advancement! This company and everyone in it is gonna be rich!” Then we’d all cheer and then get right back to work. As time went on, the other kids grew...
Group SexI had met our new neighbors for the first time at the beginning of the week. There were three of them, a husband and wife and their adopted daughter.I had introduced myself. The man in heavily accented English gruffly bid me a good day and went back to directing the movers who were offloading a moving truck.The woman smiled at me and extended her hand. “You will have to excuse Sergei,” she said, “He’s not used to having this type of efficiency and feels he has to tell everybody what to do. My...
AnalJack was waiting for Lisa as the school let out. He smiled when she came walking to the car with a really young-looking girl in tow. One look at her and Jack knew she had to be Rose since she was a younger version of Lilly who had spent much of the day in a threesome with Beth and himself. Jack grinned as he knew he was going to fuck Rose and he would love the naughty roll play with her. The question was, would he prefer her as a school girl, girl scout, or babysitter. Of course, there was the...
My first Orgy was something. I was pretty nervous! A nice guy had invited me to this very nice house in Phoenix about 7 miles from where I lived in Scottsdale. He said his friend Bill had these parties every once in awhile and that he would love it if I would attend. I got in touch with Bill through Silver Daddies.com. He asked me some questions. I showed him some of my pics and vids, so he trusted I truly was a queer and told me the time. I wore my special Red Jockstrap with the silver band....
Hey all, my name is sohil Johnson and I live writing stories here so thanks for reading. This story is more like aftermath to my last story so read that first.Long story short, Adam and I were best friends and are now neighbors, we even have fucked each other's girlfriends and I fucked him for my first gay sex. I also fuck my mom and we are very closed about it, and none of my friends knows about it.Continuing on with this one, after that group sex at Chloe home, Adam and Jes got very open...
I answered an ad on Craigslist covering a location near my area to take part in dogging; a thrill known mostly along the parkways in the UK where participants park at rest areas or off-road locations and have sex. It could include anything from blow jobs to gang bangs and usually results in a discrete orgy.Since many of the adult stores were either shuttered or regulated, having consensual sex in a public venue is pretty much an impossibility. I responded to the post by asking the ad poster...
Ahh Brussels…Ahh Brussels, City of Culture, Fine Dining, Fine Art museums and some pretty serious sexual activity we were about to find out!Myself and my wife occasionally take some time off to do a City break somewhere toward the end of the year when it turns out we haven’t quite used our work annual leave entitlement. On this occasion we chose to pop over to Brussels on the Eurostar as I had travelled through there briefly as part of a charity bike ride earlier in the year and thought Vicky...
Batehole Story No. 18 Marine OrgyBy Buck JonesNo matter what video you are watching or what toy you are playing with, it is your imagination that takes you down into the batehole and to the finale with your sperm shooting out in all its glory. Or your insides ripped to shreds by that new and usually larger instrument of inserted pleasure. The road to the point of satisfaction can be a long one or one that develops quickly and leads to an almost instantaneous gratification. And the attack of...
If you don't want to read the introduction i can leave a big space between the intro and when the good things starts :*Me and my best mates from high school, Jennifer, Ingrid, Victoria, Anna, Linn, Clara, Sandra, Emma, Hanna and Malin were about to graduate in summer 2001.Jennifer: 19 year old blonde girl, not the biggest boobs but one of the best asses i have ever seen, she is really pretty aswell and most important, my best friend. body: 8/10 face: 9/10 Ingrid: 19 year old brunette short...
A little over a year ago Jose and I were wrapping up one of our sex sessions as was becoming the norm on a bi-weekly basis. We laid there next to each other on the lawn chair in my back yard recovering from the great sex we just had for about 10 minutes or so just shooting the shit. As we both started to get up and Jose was getting his clothes back on he asked me if he could bring some more friends next time. I replied to him that Miguel was always welcome and he didn’t need to ask if he wanted...
Taboo Orgy Part 9.Cathy had all eyes on her as she sipped on her drink. She could feel every part of her body tingle and she wanted more sex in any shape or form. She was amazed that she was doing all of this in front of her mum and dad and she loved them for letting her be a part of this orgy. Never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined being in an orgy could have so many possibilities for her to try out. As she sipped her drink and saw the state of all the others in the room her mind...
Camp Site Orgy By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) The following story is a work of fiction. Being a work of fiction all concerns regarding disease and pregnancy are unnecessary. This storyline was suggested to me by a fan and I hope that I have done it justice. This story contains slut wife and unfaithful husband behaviour. If you don't like these stories please don't read it. I am also Australian and will make no apologies for using Australian terms and spelling. Enjoy. ------...
I was at home feeling somewhat bored but really horny. My pussy hadn't been touched in days except by me and I was needing some action badly. I was walking around my house and decided to look outside. I noticed that my neighbor next door was having some work done so I decided to look at who was doing it. Suddenly one of the sexiest guys I've ever seen came into view. He stood about 5'11 with a white hat on turned backwards and a sexy muscled body with six pack abs with his shirt off. I could...
The last thing Cheryl Lynn thought that she would be doing at thirty-five years old was lying on a towel in the sand on a nude beach while six guys lined up around her naked body with their cocks hard, all of them at varying lengths, ready to splatter her already tanned body with their cum. She watched each one stroking feverishly and wondered which one would start the domino effect. Cheryl Lynn had the most perfect angle to watch each of them. She loved how every time each one stroked, their...
MasturbationHi guys and gals thank for all your appreciation and mails which forced me to write anther experience of mine which I made it happen with my boss for all those who have not read my previous story this is who I am. My name is Priya Agrawal. I am a 23-year-old single woman working in a multinational software company in Mumbai. I originally belong to Punjab but I am in Mumbai for last 5 years. Talking about looks I ‘m an extremely attractive young woman with 170 cms height and milky fair...
This is the true story of my first orgy experience. My wife and I had been married for about three years when this happened. We had discussed non-monogamy for most of our relationship but hadn’t really acted much on it other than a soft swap we did at a local swinger’s club with the person who invited us to this orgy. Rather than building up to it, we jumped right into the group sex scene with both feet. We were given directions on where to go for this party, it was the hostess's birthday...
TrueAfter the breakup of the six women my wife Kristie had been part of, she had become depressed to the point sex had grinded to a halt. This was so not her and I was quickly and desperately looking for a way to snap her out of it. During a visit to a popular adult book store, I came home with a couple of swinger magazines full of couples ads looking for other couples to swap with. The magazines were for our area and I was thinking her next girlfriend needed to be someone she didn't work the same...
BisexualMy wife and I went out to meet friends for a good night dancing in the main club in New York. There was six couples including ourselves we met in the usual spot and started drinking we had the usual chat about the hard week’s work we had just done and how we were all looking forward to getting to the club and taking the drugs of love ‘E’. I always get butter flies in my stomach before taking ‘E’ it’s the excitement and today was no different. We got to the club and because we had VIP passes we...
Group SexMy friends and I were planning a weekend getaway to my lake house where I experienced orgy with a shemale. I didn’t know that they were planning my birthday party too. I packed up and all of us headed to the house. Soon it was evening and I hear the doorbell. “Surprise delivery!†my friend Sean shouts. I go to the door and see a tall blonde walk in. She is dressed well, some cleavage too and heels. She has a large paper bag in hand and she sets it down on the coffee table. We are four of us and...
ShemaleThe next morning Trudy woke up to find her right arm was ‘asleep’ positioned under Della’s sleeping form. She carefully extricated it and lay there waiting for circulation to be restored, her left arm still d****d over Della. Light shone in through the curtains and she managed to make out the time on Della’s watch - 7.24. After a couple of minutes, Della stirred, groaning and lay on her back, eyes blinking before turning around to see Trudy beside her.“Good morning,” Trudy began, smiling into...
Venice in August By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer My thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for assisting me in preparing this story for posting. Venice in August I’d wandered away from the cathedral entrance, wondering what the hell I was doing there anyway. It was the third day of our holiday, and my two daughters had taken their spouses inside to enjoy the splendour of the old building. And the coolness of the air, I should imagine. I didn’t want to go inside the building myself. I’d seen...
Only diehards eat outside at Au Bon Pain in Copley Place on a hot August day, but hot days of any sort were going to go away real soon, so Lisa and I put our trays on the table and collapsed into the sauna. "So how was Maine?" she asked. "The usual." "No, come on. Tell me what you do up there while I'm sitting in the bowels of the library trying to read records written by semi-literate medieval clerks. I know what you do when Jack and I go up, but what do you when it's just family,...