GardnerChapter 2 free porn video

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Thinking about her answer and knowing she couldn't lie to him, she responded, "I haven't asked you about your girl friends, have I?"

He was silent for a moment before answering, "No, you haven't."

"Could we leave it at that?" she asked, she was looking into his eyes as she spoke.

He grinned at her and said, "I can handle that," hugging her tightly and kissing her quickly on the lips, swiping his tongue against her lips at the same time. "Maybe later we can have a frank discussion, if you think it's okay?"

Helen was proud and she felt like talking. "Today is the first time I have made love on top, you are the first man to lick and suck my pussy, and I could never talk your father into pulling on my breasts like you did. It hurt at first but in the end, it was fantastic, it made me come so hard I can't wait to do it again. That has been my fantasy."

"What other fantasies have you?" he asked, grinning as he tilted her chin where they were looking at one another, eye to eye.

The chuckle was amusing and her grin widened, "You would disown me if you heard some of my fantasies, maybe someday I might share one or two with you." Her grin quickly left her face, changing to a serious expression, there was no way in the world could she share her fantasies with him.

"I've always thought fantasies were just that, fantasies, however I just had a fantasy come true, we are in my bed after making love," he said as he hugged her roughly, semi-wrestling by rolling her over, his weight firmly pressed against her, getting a playful squeal from her, before she joined his playful antics with some of her own. A few minutes of play and they lay still, huddled close.

He was staring at the ceiling, after their few minutes of silent cuddling, "Mom, would you wear the blue sundress dad bought you this afternoon, please?" He was thinking how nice his mom would look in the dress, it was sexy, and he was proud and wanted to show her off.

"Honey, I can't wear that dress, you can't wear a bra with it, and my knees would show, and I might be a little embarrassed at that, Helen said as she pulled his nipple which had hardened somewhat by her flicking it with her nail. Helen received a false reading as she saw his prick stiffen, and fall, as she pulled his nipple, however she didn't see the grimace his face made.

No bra, I wonder if she would go without panties too, JJ thought, feeling his prick jump at the thought of having access to her tits and pussy. JJ felt his prick slowly regaining its strength as he thought about his mom and Eileen going to lunch, and neither wearing panties or bra. Another few moments and he would be ready to roll and punch his mom's pussy again, however when he heard her next words, his prick relaxed, much quicker than it rose.

Oh, by the way, how did Eileen know you were in town? Something else, you smelled like you just got out of the shower and you were freshly shaved, were you at Eileen's house last night?" Helen asked inquisitively, raising on an elbow and looking into his face.

Rising on his elbow, he faced her, "No," he said, "not all night. I stopped there at four this morning, showered, shaved, and came straight here."

"Right, you just showered and shaved and came straight here," she obviously didn't believe him.

"No, she waited up for me. I needed a shower and I used hers, when I was finished she was sleeping and I came straight here. Now, how about that blue dress, and quit changing the subject." he said with a firm voice.

"Good heavens, I have a lot to do, I've just over two hours to get ready." She kissed him one more time and this kiss lasted a little longer, both continuing with the roaming hands while their lips were engaged.

Eileen was punctual, arriving exactly at two. Helen was still dressing and JJ shouted to her when he saw Eileen turn into the drive. Since he was standing at the door, he walked to the car to meet her. She looked up at him, the look half embarrassment, and half joy. He smiled and opened her door, she almost jumped from her car, locking her arms around his neck and crushing her lips against his.

The kiss was semi passionate, remembering where we were and neighbors were nosy when it came to strangers pulling into a drive. There was not a need for a neighborhood watch, as neighbors took great care in noticing who came and went. JJ stepped back and whistled softly, she looked gorgeous. Her light yellow dress made her brown eyes stand out, perhaps aided by the sparkle in her eyes and the wide smile. He did not miss the open top of her dress and he exaggerated as he looked down, he could see her breasts lying in the built-in bra. His prick stirred as she glanced down, getting the same view he did; she looked up, smiled and poked him in the ribs.

Eileen and he walked towards the house, his eyes more on her exposed breasts than the walkway. She stopped suddenly, "My gosh!" she exclaimed. "Mrs. Blackmon, you look stunning!"

JJ looked up at her sudden comment; he had never seen his mother look better. His mom was wearing the sundress his dad bought her five years earlier. She was correct, it did stop about three inches above her knees, but she looked wonderful. JJ could feel his chest expand as his eyes watered, he was filled with pride; this was his mom.

His dad had excellent taste, JJ thought, the dress fit perfectly and she looked years younger. He walked up the steps and clutched her, giving her a hug. "You look beautiful," he whispered in her ear. It did not go unnoticed as he felt her body press firmly against his erection. Stepping back, he looked down at the top of the dress, he could see her breasts filled the bodice perfectly and the overflow of her breasts was perfect, and prick rising sexy.

Eileen insisted on taking the convertible and she drove as JJ sat between the two 'chicks'. The meal was fabulous and Helen and Eileen chatted constantly, he noticed they got along better than his mom and Tina. He knew however, if he brought this up to his sister, there would be a fight. He drove during the return trip and the conversation was between Eileen and Helen. The highlight of the afternoon had to be the waiter, having made a dozen trips to their table and each trip he stood over Eileen as he asked if he could be of any service. Helen and Eileen made fun of and laughed about him and his erection during the entire drive home.

"The party was the best yet Mom," JJ said hugging her, his hands capturing a breast.

"It's not over yet, I think you have a couple of presents you haven't unwrapped," she said as she nodded to his sister.

Tina led him to the door, opened it and pushed him forward into the darkness. Reaching for the light, he was surprised to see the two girls sitting on his bed, their dress a little old for their age. Walking to the closest girl, she stood and turned for his inspection. He nodded and turned. The second girl was standing, waiting on instructions. He nodded and she turned. When she was facing him again, he looked from one to the other, finally making a selection.

Pleased at being selected, she gave him a big smile and pushed him to the bed, she helped, as he removed his clothes. She watched as he stroked his prick a few times, bringing it to a full erection, and then she began undressing.

The dress was buttoned down the front and he watched as she slowly worked each button slowly, delaying the removal. The dress finally open, she slowly removed it, over one shoulder, then the next shoulder, sliding it slowly down one arm, and just as slow, removed the second arm. Tossing the dress to the girl he hadn't selected, she reached to catch the garment as it passed over her head, she was naked. Her clothing was lying in the floor beside her chair.

JJ watched as the undressing seemed to take hours, the full slip, the corset, the garter belt, then the stockings, one at a time and the second much slower than the first. The panties came next, however she had her back to him, and he couldn't see her pussy or her tits. She slowly removed the bra, and tossed it aside. She was naked, finally.

The girl turned as the door opened. JJ turned to the door and Charlene Redmon spoke as JJ's prick erupted, shooting his sperm across his chest. "Time to put your clothes on girls, I hope you gave JJ a memorable fourteenth birthday present."

"Damn," JJ said aloud, "that same stupid dream." Reaching for his shorts, he wiped his cum from his chest, and tossed his shorts on the floor. Every dream was similar, the girls always young and teasing, just the people and settings change. Without looking at the clock, he knew it was three a.m. He looked at the clock, just to make sure, and it was three.

Reaching for his trousers and slipping them on, he buttoned up and walked into the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator and reaching for a beer, he stopped and took the pitcher of orange juice instead. He was meeting Ellie at seven and he didn't want to drink this close to meeting her. Pouring a glass of OJ, he replaced the pitcher and carried the glass to his room, removing his trousers and sitting on the bed.

At least it's been over four months, thinking about his last similar dream, which was much better that two or three times a month, when they first started.

Thinking back to the night of his fourteenth birthday, he remembered the girls tapping on his window at midnight and taking him to the garage. They undressed him and then he had to make the choice, his present, which he would fuck first. The one he didn't select stripped and they watched the second girl strip slowly. She was naked and they were mutually exploring one another, the second girl even joined as they explored one another's bodies. "That's enough teasing girls, get your clothes on and let's go home." The girl's mother waited until the girls were dressed before she spoke to JJ. "Did you enjoy your birthday present, JJ?" The girls thought of it themselves; they wanted to give you something special. The girls walked out the door and she followed, leaving JJ standing, hands covering his deflated prick. JJ remembered the look on the girls faces as they left the garage, pure spite showed on each. JJ crawled through his window, the clock in his face showed three a.m.

JJ drank the juice and lay back on the bed, within a minute he was sleeping.

Waking to the smell of fresh coffee, JJ glanced at the clock, wondering who left the glass sitting on his nightstand. He began thinking about his plans for the day, a visit to Eileen's grand parents. He chuckled to himself as he slipped from the bed and walked into the bathroom for a shower and shave.

Morgan was sipping the hot coffee, refreshed after a good nights sleep, having had a full day to recover from his hangover. He remembered barely moving the day before, after his friends had carried him in two nights earlier. The celebration got in full swing after his team won the tournament and Morgan came away with two additional personal trophies.

JJ made quick work of his morning erection, as he thought about his mom, and their new relationship, but the vision of Charlene Redmon's legs spread wide, was the ultimate and his load shot on the wall of the shower. While toweling himself dry, he knew he would be putty in her hands if she spread for him. He knew he would need to play it close when she returned. As an afterthought, he cussed Marge for instilling the thought in his mind, however he knew she was just the messenger, and you don't shoot the messenger.

JJ walked into the kitchen, dressed to meet Eileen's grandparents, "Morning Dad, great bowling this weekend," he said, touching his father on the shoulder, as he walked to the coffee pot. JJ was proud of his father's game; never bowling over 230, his father's 255 was good enough for a trophy.

"Good morning, son, sorry I wasn't too sociable yesterday, damn beer got me, I had a good time though." Morgan was smiling, remembering the tournament.

"I understand, dad, how you feeling today? I'd like to sit and talk a while but Eileen is will be here soon to pick me up, we are going to the country, her grandparents farm. I took mom shopping yesterday, she said it was her shopping day and we didn't think you were up to it." JJ sat beside his dad, placing a hand on his arm, wanting the personal contact he missed the past weeks.

"Thanks, son," Morgan said, "I sure didn't feel like going out yesterday, and you know your mom, she hates driving anywhere alone. Hell, I don't even know why she gets a license, she never drives."

"Son, I'm not getting nosey, but that young girl was here Sunday night, I do remember that, and she was here yesterday, a couple of times, anything serious there, she is pretty young?" Morgan asked, thinking as a father.

"She is a nice girl, dad," JJ replied in a serious tone, "but she is too immature to even think about getting serious with. She is nice looking though, don't you think?" JJ was smiling as he looked at his father, a smile just happened to pop up on the elder Blackmon's face at the same time.

"Yes, but you remember..." JJ cut Morgan's words short.

"She is sixteen now dad, and that's the age of consent. I'm not getting serious if that is a worry to you, and I will take precautions, when or if, if that is the reason for your question."

Morgan looked at his son, and JJ could see a slight nod as his father's facial expression seemed to relax. Both Blackmon's sat silent as they studied one another and sipped on their coffee.

JJ finished his coffee and watched as his father studied his empty cup. Morgan started to speak but turned his head when he heard the noise from the bedroom. JJ walked to the coffee pot and refilled the two cups, pouring another and returning to the table just as his mother walked into the room. He sat the coffee on the table and slowly took his seat, his eyes on the door. His mom stepped in the doorway, getting stares from both men.

Helen walked into the room and saw her men looking at her. She liked the looks she was getting, they actually sent a thrill through her body as she walked to Morgan, bent forward expressly for her sons pleasure, and kissed her husband. The kiss was more than the normal brush of lips, which surprised him, causing him pull back and look at her a little odd. She smiled at him and walked to her son, bending to kiss him, giving her husband an equal opportunity to enjoy her body.

JJ allowed her to kiss him briefly and his quick movement surprised her as he pulled her into his lap. She struggled, offering a token resemblance of resisting, as her son spoke, "Good morning gorgeous."

Morgan's mouth hadn't closed as he looked at his wife and when he was able to speak, his words were forced. "Damn woman!" after a moments pause, he regained his speech, "you come out here dressed in front of your son looking like that?"

Morgan's remarks were made in reference to the two-piece shorty pajama set Helen was wearing, a purchase from the prior days shopping. Eileen had actually picked it out after she and Helen were looking at sleepwear. It was a two-piece, turquoise in color and the top was almost translucent, covering a pair of darker, wide legged bottoms. It was designed to get the attention of a male, which definitely worked in JJ's case. Helen hoped it would work at bedtime, however Morgan failed to notice. "Why, I think it's a delightful outfit, Eileen helped me pick it out."

"JJ," Morgan remarked with a smile, "I married a hussy, walking around in her pajamas, and not wearing a robe." Morgan was looking at his wife and recognized a beauty he hadn't seen in many months, at least HE hadn't noticed. Inside he was smiling because Morgan remembered the robe going in the trash. He knew he couldn't perform as he did in years past however there was nothing wrong with his eyesight, he enjoyed Helen preparing breakfast in her pajamas, knowing soon the weather would change and she would start wearing a heavier nightgown.

Morgan looked at his wife and son, they were not aware, however his son's hand was within an inch of a breast, and this excited him thinking about another man's hand caressing her breast, while he watched.

"Ask Mr. Smarty pants where my robe is, he is the one who put it up," she said as she leaned to look at JJ.

The light knock on the front door caused three people to jump, Morgan stood to answer the door, and Helen, unaware the visitor was Eileen, tried to scramble to the bedroom. JJ held his mom firmly, taking the opportunity to caress her breast quickly. Helen continued scuffling, trying to rise from JJ's lap, until she saw Eileen enter, leading her husband. The sudden scuffling and twisting gave JJ a few chances to caress a breast and nipple, and when Morgan returned the first feature his eyes noticed were the pointed nipples poking hard against the material covering her breasts.

Eileen, having spent the majority of the last two days in the Blackmon house, felt at home as she walked to the coffee pot and poured herself a half cup of coffee. Holding the pot towards the table, she saw Helen and JJ with a full cup, and carrying the pot to the table, topped of Morgan's cup, leaning her hip against his body as she poured.

Eileen returned the coffee pot and upon returning to the table elected to stand beside Morgan rather than sit. Eileen was showing off her new out fit, picked out by JJ the day before, however he didn't appear to notice. She did notice his hand was under his mother's pajama top and it was awful near a breast. Looking at Helen's pointed nipples, she wondered if he was the reason they were pressing firmly against the material, obvious to anyone looking at her.

Same as Gardner
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The packing didn’t take Taylor long, considering he had only the one duffle bag and he’d just thrown out one set of clothes he’d brought with him. Even with that, he was only a few steps behind Whitaker when they checked out and both were on the curb when yet another non-descript black SUV pulled up with a male agent Taylor hadn’t met, driving. He and Whitaker made a bit of small talk, but that quickly fell off. It seemed there was little secret being made of Whitaker being yanked home by...

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Indiscretions Ch 21

Passion In James County IX Indiscretions By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-one Peter Tomlinson parked his car in front of Bonnie Markham’s garage, got out, walked up the sidewalk to Bonnie’s house, and rang the doorbell. Bonnie opened the door and her eyes brightened when she saw Peter. ‘Hi,’ she said. ‘Wow!’ Peter said, ‘You look fantastic!’ Bonnie had on a loose-fitting turquoise dress, gathered at the waist by a sash. The looseness of the dress accentuated, rather than hid, her voluptuous...

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The Cults Mascot

It was my first time in the cult’s forbidden manor since I joined it two month ago. This place was reserved for the members of the inner circle and ordinary members, like me, were not allowed. I was a little nervous, but I was also aroused because I could not stop thinking about the rumours of the orgies that were held here. It was thanks to Ms. Clark that I was given the chance to be here. I first visited her three months ago when she came to the boutique where I worked. She had admired my...

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A Glory Hole in my Bedroom

Some years back I had an experience, which ranks with the audacious and unbelievable, but when executed with the right person, it does work. My job as a stewardess with a well known airline, saw myself with overnight stays, sometimes extending to a couple of days, depending on scheduals and staff shortages. These overnight stays were usually in a cost cutting hotel or as in this case, little challets, consisting of bed and shower. I arrived early morning and after signing-in I was shown to my...

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My Scout and I have been friends forever. Long before he got married and I moved away. We were closer then of course but I found myself in our old stomping grounds and decided to call him to meet me for a beer.When he showed up it was awkward at first but soon we werte laughing and telling stories from the good ol days. One beer turned into another and soon the old challenge came up who was the better pool player.He laughed as I broke "give up now Katt,I know all your weaknesses!"Must be the...

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Chucks Forced VacationChapter 10

A warm lithe body slid in bed next to me. I didn't know what time it was or who was visiting. The body snuggled up to me and I felt pointy nipples against my chest. Lips touched mine as we clinched and a hand grasped my growing interest. The more we kissed, the more interested I became. Suddenly, I was curious to see who came to visit with me. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw Serene's smiling face. She whispered, "I knew you would pack a wallop. I think you might be the answer to Gloria's...

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Transition to Vikki part 4

Next part of how Steven Jennings became Vikki. Daylight flowed in through the still open curtains and I was slowly woken by early morning traffic outside in the town centre, wind through the trees and birds calling. I checked my watch for the time, 6:30 A.M.!. Realising I'd not get back to sleep now I decided to get out of bed and grab a coffee to wake myself up properly.My first task however was to try and get out from Gina's grasp. We'd fallen asleep last night with her spooning me, her right...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 50 Leslie Novak

January 13, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “I think I’m going to have the vasectomy,” I said. “But not until Jess delivers.” Jessica, Kara, and I were cuddling in bed early on Sunday morning. “Just in case?” Kara asked. “Yes. None of you girls has had any problems with carrying to term, but you never know. I’d hate to put us in a position where we couldn’t try again if we needed to.” “That makes a lot of sense, Tiger. It’s very responsible of you!” “It may be responsible,” Kara giggled. “But...

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SpaceChapter 8

"I was hoping you guys would help. Putting all those labels on is going to take a long time." Betts said, "How are you going to mail them? Put them in a mail box? It will get full pretty soon." "Some may go by post but there already are a lot of Purolator and other courier services. I figure we can put them into some boxes and get the company to just come by and pick them up before the people come to do their jobs in the morning." Betts was nervous. She said, "I want to help. Tell...

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EvilAngel Vanessa Vega Rim Job And Pussy Creampie

Leggy dirty blonde Vanessa Vega jiggles her fleshy butt cheeks for top pornographer Mick Blue. His POV camera captures their intimate private date. Mick primes her luscious rump with bright, shiny lube that Vanessa rubs into her delicious derriere. Clad only in a one-piece fishnet, she teases and tugs on her budding nipples, coating her skin with more glistening liquid. Vanessa fingers her hairy snatch, making Mick drool. He buries his face in her fur patch, handing the camera off so Vanessa...

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Knight of the Lewd Cross

The church of Montignue Bay Alice fidgeted in place, curling her crimson locks frantically between her gloved and bejewelled fingers. She ducked forward slightly, intimately aware of her tunic receding up her back, to peek through the flimsy purple curtain.Twin blue eyes parted their way into the walkway. Her luscious red hair drastically contrasting the dark tones of the curtain. Row upon row of noblemen and noblewomen sat in the pews with their backs to her, their eyes facing toward the...

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A night with Cat

As I walk into the club that night you spot me like a lion spots dinner. Little do you know that not only do I spot you, but that it's very much the other way around. I stand at 5'11'', with black hair with a hint of blue. Peircing Green eyes with a hint of gold near the pupil. I'm wearing blue jeans, a white dress shirt, with a couple of buttons undone, revealing my pendant of gold and lapis lazuli, and a black leather coat.I slowly make my way to the bar, smelling the rush of blood in every...

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Sharing a Room

Introduction: This is about two girls who discover each others secrets. This is my first so be kind. Teenagers are lustful. Some would argue that boys more than girls. I was one of those teenage girls who always needed a way to please myself sexually. I was not too obvious, however, I did try to conceal myself in my room where I could have my private time. I discovered the beauty of masturbation when I was merely 13 years old via the detachable showerhead in my bathtub. I would lay on my back,...

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Loving Courtney Epilogue

Courtney, now twenty-one, is in her third year of college studying to be a Social Worker. She is showing remarkable talent in the field most likely because of her own experiences in the 'system'. I have to believe that after what Courtney went through, she will fight to do all she can to insure that what she endured will NEVER happen to a child assigned to her. Courtney aced her GED exam just one day after her eighteenth birthday and we were married in a small, private ceremony just a...

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Ashley Art Model Part Two

I arrived at my dorm to find Taylynn's sock slid over the doorknob. I rolled my eyes; I was tired and I wanted my bed, but now I had to wait for her and her boyfriend to quit fucking first. Great, just great. All I wanted was to get an hour of sleep before I went back for another modeling session this afternoon. I started to slink down against the wall when Kiera, another dorm neighbor, opened her door and saw me. "Taylynn just hung that sock not five minutes ago Ashley. I've been watching for...

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It was, of course, inevitable that sooner or later they would be caught. One of the cleaning staff arrived to service the Pi Phi apartment, only to be presented with a scene which could have come from the Thousand and One Nights. Maria was on all fours being reamed enthusiastically doggy fashion by one of the twins, while Sharon was in an almost orgasmic sixty-nine with the other. Naturally the cleaner complained to the authorities and they were hauled up before the Dean of Studies. "I...

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White Chubby Pussyboy Ch 1

I don't know how I got here. Well.. I do. It started a couple months ago. Back when I thought I was straight. Sometimes I still do, but for the most part I know better now. Now I know that I'm a pussyboy. A pantyboy with a clit and a cunt who prances around in skirts and heels and shakes her curves. A fat-assed faggot white boy. Daddy, I mean, Reed. Reed was a friend of a friend, really. I mean we hung out before, but only with other people around. He was more Kevin's friend...

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Sweet Dreams are Made of This

She saw his name appear online and instantly her pulse started to race. It seemed like every time she talked to him she couldn't help but instantly feel her panties dampen. Gabby: Hiya sexy. How has life been treating you? Dan: Not too bad, just tired and horny as usual. How about yourself Beautiful? Dan not being horny would be a surprise to Gabby, but she considered that a good thing since he made her instantly horny. Gabby: Same shit different day, but you seem to make things better...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 304 For a Woman There is Something Worse than a Ladder in Her Stocking

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It Was Yoda

151 proof and a best friend just don’t mix. First of all, we have been flirting like crazy for over a year. He knows that I want him. On Valentine’s Day 2011, he stayed overnight while my friends went to a hotel (his parents). Oh, he’s 21 and I am 33. That night, we laid in bed together, watching television, and talked about everything. He showed me that night just how much erotic fun pressure points are. But while he was tickling me, I screamed out ‘Stop, Sco…Yoda. Uncle!’ Scott being my...

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They Just Go Together

She has discovered her sexuality. She is a woman, she began having her period over two months ago and she had begun to develope breasts, her little pussy had a little tuft of fine reddish hair growing. She pulled a chair in front of the big mirror in her bedroom. She sat in it with her legs spread wide, feet flat on the floor, then she peeled her pink pussy lips open to inspect herself, she was amazed at the sight of her pussy and as she played with it, she began to get wet, she dipped a finger...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 76 Swati Ke Armano Ka Agla Shikaar

Narrated by Swati Hi, main Swati. mein aap logone dekha ki kaise main apne papa ke sath kai baar maze kar chuki thi. Papa aur main ghar par akele the. Aur jab bhi mann hota to papa mujhe jamkar chod bhi rahe the Mujhe bhi papa se baar-baar chudwane mein kafi maza aa raha tha. Par ab ghar mein ek mehman tha, papa ke dost, Ashok uncle. Papa maa se milne hospital gaye hue the. Yaha ghar par Uncle mujhe tash mein rummy khelna sikha rahe the. Par mere mann mein kuch aur hi tha. Isse pahle kabhi...

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Going on Vacation Pt 3

As the trail widened up again, we all started walking side by side; but every once in a while, Aaron’s hand would “accidentally” brush against my ass, or my side, a few times even my pussy. I was getting all turned on, and by the look of his shorts, so was he. We just had to hope that Mom and Dad wouldn’t suddenly look down! We all walked about a mile before Dad said he was too old for all this walking, and he was going to walk back. Mom decided to walk back with him, and asked if we wanted...

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Tight as a Glove

"Good to see you so thoroughly ravished," a deep voice chimes as I walk out of the chamber. I look at Whitey's grin before glancing at my dress, my wrinkled, cum-soaked, ripped strap blue dress. I smile sheepishly before stretching lightly. "Yeah well it was a good adventure," I murmur as I watch his eyes change from content to lustful. He reaches a hand out for me and instantly I go over to him, desire stirring inside of me as well, surprisingly. He takes my hand and leads me to a corner of...

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Summer at Aunties

You stumble off the plane and into the airport with your legs feeling like jelly having been seated for a few hours, heading down to the conveyor belt to collect your suitcase. Watching as a few familiar people you recognize from the flight all come and go, collecting their bags happily and leaving while you remain growing increasingly worried. Eventually it becomes clear to you that your luggage isn't going to be there as you head to the nearest staff member and explain your situation. Getting...

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A Dirty Dirty Girl

I invited just about everyone I knew, including my co-worker Morgan who brought along her friend Amy. I had met Amy a few times. She went to college in a different city, but always came home on the weekend. At first she seemed like the stereotypical ditzy blonde, all giggles and batting eye lashes, but I found she was also incredibly sweet. She was a petite little thing, only about 5'2", with straight blonde locks, big brown doe eyes, and a sweet, perfect little mouth. Nice rack. Very...

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Just Another Day

Leaving the library after checking out several books, you are approached by 3 guys offering you a ride home. The first guy goes to your school. Tall, muscular, handsome and on the football team. You've never actually talked to him but you've heard stories about all the crazy parties he and his friends throw and how the parties almost always get busted up by the cops for various reasons. The second guy also goes to your school. He's sort of the "gangster" type. He's a tall, muscular black guy...

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Jessys Diary Part 4

Jessy's Diary, January 25thDear Diary,last time I told you about that guy, Chris. Well, as I already said, this episode of my life was about to turn pretty freaky, actually, it have been the most freaky months of my still young life. Some things of it were so weird, I haven't even told my husband all of them yet.So, after the confession of my best friend Christine about making up her mind to give Chris the blowjob of her life and the very nice masturbation afterwards I woke up the next day...

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My First FFM

I had a fling with a woman in my early 30s who I was glad to introduce to several sex acts. After I had eaten her out, she said she'll like me to eat her friend too like that. One night, she called me and asked if I was “up to it” and I said sure.As soon as I got off I went to the area of her friends house and met my friend. They didnt want me to park there since the friend was married and her husband was out of town long distance lorry driver. My friend picked me up and took me to the...

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