- 4 years ago
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James Talbot Sat back in the driver's seat of his car and inhaled the smoldering fumes of the crack pipe. He was on his way home from work and had pulled into the county park as he normally did each day to feed his habit. He was, in his opinion, a casual recreational user. He kept some lines of coke in his desk at work and maybe once a day when no one was around, he snorted a line. How he'd picked up using the illegal drugs was a work associate had given him his first hit only three months ago. The associate had introduced him to the associate's dealer and Jim began using in earnest. He'd started using to deaden his feeling of loss for his parents who had been killed in a commercial airline crash several months before.
But he could stop at any time. He just enjoyed the rush he got. And no one seemed to be the wiser. His wife didn't seem to notice he'd taken up the drugs. His friends didn't seem to notice. His boss hadn't said anything.
Jim was happy and life was good.
But then things started to go badly wrong, all within a one month period of time.
His boss called him in to do his annual review. Jim expected his normal above average appraisal and a nice raise in salary. As Jim settled into his chair across the desk from his boss he noticed his boss did not return his smile.
His boss looked at him with hard eyes and a humorless face. "Jim, I'm disappointed in you. Your work output has dropped by thirty percent. Your interaction with your fellow employees has become hostile.
I don't know what's going on with you, but it has to stop. If you don't clean up your act in the next ninety days, I'll have to let you go. Consider yourself on a performance improvement plan as of today."
Jim was stunned as his brain spun through questions. What? How? What had caused this? He did the same level work! His boss was being an ass!
Jim fumed and retorted, "Hell, I've busted my ass for this company and now you threaten me with dismissal! I ought to give you my notice and let you bastards hang out to dry trying to replace me!"
His boss eyed him and asked in a calm voice, "Jim, you are NOT doing your job well right now. Can't you see that? Don't be hasty with that giving notice because I might just take you up on it and not try to sort things out with you.
What's bothering you? Are you ill? You got home problems? What is it? Remember, I asked you at least once a week for the last few months what the heck was going on with you and you always blew me off. Well, that stops now. You either fix what's wrong yourself, or tell me and I'll try to help you."
Jim calmed a little as his boss's voice filtered through his mind. He was a little taken back by his boss saying he might accept his resignation with no qualms. Jim needed time to rethink his position. He stammered, "I ... I ... don't know what's wrong. I need time to think. Please give me a chance to straighten out whatever is affecting my work."
His boss replied, "You have ninety days. But I have to see improvement each month, so get professional help if you have to. Take the rest of the week off and get your shit together."
An hour after that awful meeting, Jim now sat in the car taking the last tokes on his pipe. He felt much calmer. He'd could go home now and eat dinner with his family. He checked his watch and was stunned. It was almost ten o'clock! His children would be heading to bed and his wife would be readying the youngest for bed by reading her a story. Where had all of the time gone?
He started his car and quickly drove home. He parked his car in the garage and entered the house through the laundry room. All was quiet downstairs and only the light over the stove was on. A covered plate set on the top of the stove. He raised the cover and saw a slab of meatloaf and potatoes with green beans. He stuck plate in the microwave and nuked its contents piping hot.
He pulled a beer from the refrigerator and sat down at the kitchen table to eat his dinner. He ate alone and after finishing his beer, he put the plate in the dishwasher and threw the empty beer bottle in the trash and got another from the refrigerator. He made his way to the den and flipped on the TV to watch the late news.
His wife Penny came into the room with a concerned look on her face. "Jim, why are you late? You didn't call. I was getting worried. It's not like you not to let me know that you wouldn't be home for dinner."
"Sorry honey. I stopped at the park and time just got away from me."
"You're spending more time at that damned park and less time with your family. What's going on?" Penny questioned in an irritated tone.
"I've just wanted to think. I'm having some problems at work and just wanted some time to myself. Is that asking too much? Quit bitching at me and just let me be." He replied with almost venom in his voice.
Penny was taken back by the unprovoked attack. She responded in her own defense, "I've got every right to want to know where you were. You've been acting like an asshole lately. You don't spend any time with me or the kids. What the hell is wrong with you?"
Jim was tired of hearing people ask him what was wrong. There was nothing wrong for Christ sake. They were all picking on him. He stood up and threw his beer bottle at the far wall. It shattered and a shard hit Penny in her forehead. The blood started to trickle down her face. She was in shock at Jim's actions. She ran to the kitchen for a dish towel to staunch the flow of the blood from the cut. When she came back to the family room on shaky legs she saw that Jim had not moved from the spot where he had thrown the bottle. He appeared to also be stunned by his actions. Penny sobbed as she asked her husband in a very soft voice, "Jim, can you drive me to the emergency room, I think I need stitches."
Penny picked up the phone and dialed their next door neighbors, Allan and Sally Arnold. Sally answered and Penny said, "We had a small accident and Jim needs to take me to the hospital. Could one of you come over and baby sit until we get back?"
Sally was at the door in less than a minute and was shocked to see all of the blood still running down Penny's face. Jim had his car keys in his hand but didn't look like he was in any shape to drive. Sally thought, is Jim drunk? He looks like he's spaced out. I better take Penny to the emergency room. She suggested that to Jim and he actually looked relieved as he replied,"Okay Sally, take care of my girl. I'll stay here."
Penny was shocked again. Jim didn't even want to go with her to the hospital. He didn't seem to care about her any longer.
As Sally drove Penny to the hospital, Penny sobbed and described what had happened, Jim's manner change, his lack of attention in conversations, and his increasing time away from home and family.
Sally didn't say anything. She just listened. She helped her friend from the car and into the E.R. where a nurse took charge of Penny. The nurse took her to an examination bay and cleaned the wound. A doctor arrived and stitched her up, gave the nurse an order for a tetanus shot, and asked Penny how it had happened.
He frowned as Penny tried to make up something about falling and hitting her head. He looked hard into her eyes and said, "Mrs. Talbot that wound could not have been made by a fall. That wound was made by something sharp glancing off your skull.
I know it was glass because I found a tiny piece still in the wound. Having seen many bar room fight injuries come through here, I would say it is a piece of a beer bottle. Now would you like to tell me what really happened?"
Penny sobbed and told the whole story. The doctor frowned some more as he listened to her description of her husbands symptoms.
As she wound down, the doctor offered his opinion, "Mrs. Talbot, I believe your husband is a drug user. I'd say perhaps rock cocaine and maybe doing lines of cocaine. You said he mentioned problems at work, if I'm right his performance has dropped off and his boss is riding him hard to improve.
If I was you I would contact his boss and find out what's going on. You'll have to find his stash and his drug paraphernalia. Once you know for sure he's using, you and your husband's friends will need to perform an intervention and get him into rehab."
Penny was stunned. Jim's using drugs? Why would he do that?
She thanked the doctor and readied to leave. The doctor walked her out and Sally walked up just as the doctor said, "In order to get your husband off drugs, you're going to have to shock him. Seriously shock him. Brutally shock him.
You have to get his attention and make him see he has a problem. That's the only way he'll ever agree to rehab and successfully kick the habit. If you don't shock him enough he may agree to attend rehab just to shut you up but not actually intend to break the habit.
I know his kind. He's a good man who's somehow gotten off track and denies he has a problem. He needs the shock of his life to put him back on track."
As the two women drove home, Sally questioned Penny about what she had heard the doctor say. "Penny, what are you going to do? You know Allan and I will help you any way we can. We love you guys and want only the best for you."
Penny listlessly responded, "I don't know. I guess I'll do what the doctor said and talk to Jim's boss and then try to find his drug stuff. I'd guess it's in his car."
While the women had been at the hospital taking care of Penny's injury, Jim feeling awful about what he had done to his wife, slunk to his car and snorted a line of coke to relieve the depression. He felt much better after the hit and was flying in a mellow mental altitude when the women returned. Penny took note of the sudden change in his demeanor and began to accept that he was using drugs.
Jim wanted to make love to his wife that night to show how sorry he was for his actions, but she pled a bad headache. She rolled over away from him and spent hours trying to get to sleep. He fretted that he had done something so out of character that maybe his drug use was starting to get in the way of his day-to-day life and his decision making process. Maybe his boss was right.
The next morning Jim left early for work for two reasons. The first was to avoid the look from his wife after last night's debacle. The second was he felt he needed a string of coke before going to the office. It would help mellow him out. He drove to the park and sat in the truck cab listening to some old 60's rock on the radio and snorting a line. The familiar warmth and rush of mellow feelings encompassed him. He drove to the office and began his work day.
At home Penny picked up the phone and called Jim's office. She asked to be connected to Jim's boss. Several seconds went by and she heard a click, "Lonnie Daniels speaking."
"Mr. Daniels? This is Penny Talbot, Jim's wife."
"Oh yes Mrs. Talbot, actually I'm glad you called."
Penny replied somewhat incredulously, "You are? I need to talk to you about Jim. H ... h ... have you noticed anything different about him lately?"
"That's why I'm glad you called. Most definitely something is different. His work is getting to be lousy and he just doesn't seem to care any more. Is there something wrong at home?
Penny told him about last night's debacle and how the doctor had thought drugs were involved.
"Well, that would certainly explain it. Our company has a zero tolerance to drug use, but Jim's been an excellent employee. If I can do something to help him clean up and keep it quiet here at work, I'll do what I can. But he's on a ninety day improvement plan right now and if he doesn't get better soon, I'll be forced to fire him."
Penny told him between sobs that the doctor had recommended a shocking intervention. As soon as Penny could figure out what that would be, she might ask for his help. Daniels replied, "Count me in if I can be of help."
He wished her well and hung up. He sat back in his chair and thought; she's a beautiful woman as I can remember from the last Christmas party. How can Jim be such an idiot and make her so sad. If she were mine, I'd walk through hell for her. He gave up his reflections and went back to the business matters at hand.
Penny hung up and planned out her next move. She would need to get into Jim's truck and see if there were any drugs here. She called Sally and asked if she could call Allan at his office and ask Allan to invite Jim out for a drink after work. Allan could tell him that he would pick him up after dinner and they would go bowl a few lines and have some beers. Sally had shared what the doctor had said about Jim with Allan after she had gotten home the previous evening and they had agreed to do whatever they could to help Penny get through to Jim.
So after dinner Allan appeared at their backdoor and yelled for Jim. "Jimbo, are you ready to get your ass kicked at the bowling alley?" Jim appeared with his bowling ball bag and replied something about they would see who kicked whose ass. With that they left for the boys' night out.
As soon as Penny was sure they were gone she called Sally who came over to assist her. They went to Jim's truck and began exploring its contents. It took her less then two minutes to find his stash. She was in shock.
There was a crack pipe, straw and plastic bags of something that looked like small pieces of crystal and whitish powder. She sat down on the garage floor and cried with soul wrenching sobs. Her husband — an addict!
Sally wrapped her arms around her and tried to console her. Soon the crying stopped as Penny realized she had to be strong to save her man from his addiction.
She pulled herself together and they went back in the house. Sally and Penny discussed various ways to shock Jim into getting help. It was near the end of the evening and the guys would be back in another half hour or so when it finally dawned on Penny what to do.
Actually it was more like a stream of consciousness between the two women about a fantasy Jim had told Penny one night after an extremely passionate encounter that brought the plan to a hazy shape.
Penny was shocked herself at what was being proposed. Sally said she was uncomfortable with the plan because it would be very hard on all of the people involved and their friendships might never recover from the actions being proposed. Plus she wasn't sure she wanted Allan participating in what was possibly going to occur. She needed a day to think about it she told Penny.
Penny said she needed a day to accept the plan also. Because she had never thought she could do such a thing to Jim or their marriage. But she was desperate and it might be the only way to shock him into immediate action and rehab.
The guys arrived back home and were laughing that since they had each won a game, no one had had their asses kicked. Jim seemed nervous and on edge. Penny put it down to him needing a fix. She tried to initiate sex but Jim couldn't get it up. He begged off claiming he was too tired. Her decision now became easier to make.
The next morning she made a list of things to get done, called Sally and said point blank, "I'm going to do it. Will you help me? If this is not resolved soon, our marriage is going to just wither away. I'll not let that happen without a fight.
This plan may be the end of us anyway but it will definitely shock him into doing something. That something may be a rehab center or a divorce, but it will be something. So are you in or out?"
Sally sucked in some air and replied, "We're in. But understand it's for this one night and never again. Okay?"
Penny responded, "Yes. I couldn't do it more than once myself. I'm going to feel filthy after it is over anyway. I'm sure you two will also. But we all have to remember we are doing it to shock Jim into action."
Penny crossed their names off her list and said, "I've got to call Jim's boss and see if he will assist us. He said he would if he could help. I'm sure when he hears what I'm proposing he'll be floored, but he's a male and will respond as a male, even if it is with good intentions."
Penny called Lonnie Daniels and explicitly described what she was proposing as an intervention session. He was shocked at what she proposed. He stammered, "A ... a ... are you sure this is the best way to handle this? My god, it's so over the top. I know Jim's got problems but isn't this cruel? It borders on punishment not intervention."
Penny replied, "I know it's cruel, but the doctor told us the more we can shock him the better the chance he'll accept rehab and actually succeed to kick the habit. We've got one shot at this and I intend to get my Jim back.
If it all falls apart and the intervention fails, we would be getting divorced from the drug problem anyway. So the failed intervention would just speed up the divorce a few months. But I'm hoping that doesn't happen. Can I count on you?"
Lonnie thought through what was being asked of him. He remembered his own thoughts the day before when he'd mused I'd walk through hell for her.
"Okay Mrs. Talbot, I'm in. When will we do this?"
Penny let her breath out and replied, "You can call me Penny. After all what we will be doing should put us on a first name basis. And I want this done as soon as possible. Tomorrow is Saturday, how about at our house tomorrow night at six fifteen?"
"Six fifteen it is. I'll get your address from Jim's personnel file. Oh, you can call me Lonnie."
"Goodbye Lonnie."
"Goodbye Penny"
Penny was very busy chasing things down and crossing items off her checklist for the remainder of the day. By dinner time she had almost everything together except for a few items she would get at the local Home Depot tomorrow.
She'd gotten her parents to agree to watch the kids for a night. So tomorrow afternoon she would drive the children to her parents and they would be protected from seeing any of what was going to happen. Penny would have died if she thought her children would ever see anything like what was going to happen.
By tomorrow night all would be ready and Jim's intervention would either be a success or he would toss her and all of his friends out of his life. It was a serious risk, but one that could not be avoided if she wanted to get her husband back from his addiction.
Jim arrived home an hour late with no excuse as to why he was late. After last night, Penny didn't question him on it. She made small talk about her day. He answered her questions in monotone one-syllable answers. After dinner he disappeared into the family room and she walked next door to discuss tomorrow's intervention with Sally and Allan. Sally worked as a nurse at the local hospital and had obtained the one thing on Penny's check list that only she could provide.
Allan said he was very uncomfortable with what was going to happen. Sally patted his shoulder and soothed his conscious by saying, "Allan, no matter what happens tomorrow night, no matter what we all might do, I'll love you. I think you're amazing for even agreeing to this." She kissed him hard on the lips and turned to smile at Penny.
She got an evil grin on her face and grabbing Penny's hand moved Penny closer to Allan. "Penny, you might was well give Allan a big kiss for helping don't you think?"
Penny started to squirm away when Sally said, "Penny, you might as well do it now. It'll make things so much easier tomorrow night."
Penny closed her eyes and leaned forward. She pursed her lips and felt them brush Allan's. She started to pull back when Sally said, "I said a kiss, not a peck." Penny sighed and leaning forward opened her mouth a little and began to French kiss Allan. This went on for ten or fifteen seconds and then Sally laughed and said, "Okay guys. Enough. Save it for tomorrow evening!"
Penny's heart was pounding as she walked toward home. The kiss with Allan had started her juices flowing. She walked in the door of her house and rapidly made her way to Jim sitting in the family room. She jumped on his lap and kissed him hard on the lips. He inhaled and said, "Penny, not tonight. I'm tired."
Penny felt like she'd been slapped. He'd rejected her again in favor of his dope. If she had entertained any doubts about tomorrow's actions, she now was firm in her goal and mission. She bade him good night, reminded him of tomorrow's barbeque party, and headed to bed. Sleep was slow to come and she felt him slid into bed hours later. She was still asleep when he left the next morning. Jim had no reason to leave early since it was Saturday other than he felt guilty about not making love to his wife last night.
She arose, fed the kids, dressed them, packed a small overnight bag for them, and drove them to Gramps and Grammy's house. They kids jumped out and were hugging and laughing with the grandparents as Penny brought the overnight bag up to the porch. She kissed her parents and said she would be back by noon on Sunday to pick the children up. She kissed each in turn and almost ran back to the car in fear she would break down and worry her children and parents.
She stopped by Home Depot and picked up duct tape, and some long plastic ties. She stopped by a fabric store and picked up a yard of muslin.
When she got home Jim still wasn't back so she took her various purchases to the master bedroom and placed them in her big walk-in closet. She bought up one of the heavy oak chairs from the breakfast set and hid it in her closet. All was ready for the evening.
She'd gone to the grocery store the day before and had purchased all of the fixing for a barbeque get together. She began prepping the dinner when Jim walked in. He walked over and put his arms around her and kissed her on her neck. He playfully took a tiny nip at her earlobe. She smiled and said, "Not now, I've got to get dinner ready. You go shower and change and get the grill going. You're the cook tonight."
He squeezed her and whispered, "Maybe we can cook something up after the party. I do love you."
Penny almost died when he said that. What would happen in a few hours would test that love to the limit.
He showered and started the grill. Penny brought out the hot dogs and hamburger patties. Jim placed them next to the glowing embers of the grill and waited for the guests to arrive.
At exactly six, Sally and Allan arrived with potato salad and a chocolate pie. Jim noted they were alone and said, "Where are your kids?"
Allan responded, "Oh, when Penny said yours were going to spend the night with the grandparents, we thought it was a great idea and we followed suit. So we're free for the night."
At six fifteen Lonnie Daniels arrived. Jim was taken back, what the hell is he doing here?
Penny introduced Lonnie to Allan and Sally. Jim slowly walked over and asked, "Lonnie what are you doing here?"
"Your lovely wife invited me. She said she wanted to get to know your boss. I think it was a nice gesture don't you?"
"Well, I guess so." Jim said with some trepidation as he eyed his wife.
Jim seemed extremely wary of Lonnie's presence for the first hour. As they ate dinner, Jim seemed to relax because nothing was being exchanged that gave him any reason to believe that his precarious job situation had been or would be discussed. Allan and Lonnie took turns telling jokes.
The women laughed and Penny began sitting closer to Allan and Sally was sitting closer to Lonnie. Jim felt like he was on the outside looking in. The group paid no attention to him when he tried to interject anything in the conversation. Allan had put his arm around Penny and Lonnie had done the same to Sally. They were getting ready to openly cuckold him!
Jim finally got fed up and felt the need for one of his coke releases. He quietly walked away while the group continued talking and laughing. He went through the house and into the garage. He didn't turn on the overhead light but felt his way to his truck. He sat in the cab of his truck and began to prepare a line of coke.
Just as he readied to snort the line, the lights came on and all four of the men and women entered the garage and walked right to his truck door. Penny said, "Get out of the truck Jim. Get out now."
Jim was confused and getting angry. He growled, "Leave me alone. Go back to getting ready to cheat on me. Don't you think I saw how lovey dovey your four were getting? So just leave me alone."
Penny calmly said again but with more authority, "Jim, get — out — of — the — truck — now! If you don't I'll have the guys remove you."
Jim was now totally belligerent. "Get the fuck away from me. All of you. Now! Go fuck yourselves."
Penny sighed and asked the men "Take him out please."
Lonnie grabbed Jim by the hair and Allan got him by the shirt and together they heaved him from the truck. He slammed against the side of Penny's car parked next to his truck. His eyes filled with stars as his head hit the edge of the car door. He felt a prick and sting in his arm. It was the injection that Sally had stolen from the hospital.
Jim felt himself going limp. He wasn't unconscious — just too weak to do anything.
He felt himself lifted and carried into house, up the stairs. He felt his clothes being removed and was placed in a hard wooden chair. His hands were placed behind his back. The muslin was wrapped around his wrists, and tied with the plastic ties. He could struggle but the ties would now not bite into and cause his wrists to bleed. His hands were then duct taped to the back of the chair. The same treatment was done to his legs. A piece of duct tape was placed over his mouth.
He was now effectively immobile no matter how much he might struggle.
As the group awaited Jim to become more alert, they readied for the intervention. Each man and woman stripped. Penny got the newly purchased tube of KY, the new dildos and the dozen condoms ready.
Penny looked at Allan and Sally and patted the bed. Sally got on one side of Penny and Allan on the other. Lonnie walked over to Jim and threw a glass of ice water in his face. Jim gasped and his eyes flew open. There in front of him was his loving wife lying in between their next door neighbors and they were all naked! Jim tried to move and looked down to see he was naked and firmly tied into the chair. Struggle as he might he couldn't break free. Whatever was going to happen, he had no choice but to watch it.
Penny began to kiss first Allan and than Sally. They began to touch her breasts and twist her nipples. As things began to get hotter Penny groaned with each touch. She looked over at her husband still struggling against his bonds and said, "You know we had planned to include you in this because it was your fantasy, but none of us want to make it with a druggie. You're just some cheap ass addict that would rather give in to his addiction then to fuck his own wife. Well Jim, Allan will fuck your wife. So we hope you enjoy it. You'll not get any more of this pussy until you give up the crack cocaine."
Sally had moved over Penny and had sucked Allan to full erection. She had played with Penny's cunt while she sucked Allan's cock to full attention. Penny was groaning and twisting with each of Sally's caresses. Sally applied a condom to Allan's cock and then moved back to allow him access to Penny. He positioned himself over her and Sally helped guide his throbbing erection to Penny's awaiting cunt. He lowered himself until his member was just resting against Penny's pussy lips. Penny yelled, "Do it! Fuck me! You're a man! That wimp husband of mine is no man. He's a junkie. He's nothing! Fuck me now!"
Allan lowered himself another inch and Jim's eyes widened as he saw the head of Allan's cock disappear into the folds of Penny's cunt. Jim heard her gasp as Allan entered her. Jim in misery thought, this can't be happening. Why would they do this to me? Are they all that evil?
Sally looked over at Jim as Allan began to piston in and out of his wife. She looked at his cock and started to laugh and pointed, "Lonnie, look at Jim's tiny little cock. The drugs must have shriveled it, just like they've done his brain. No wonder Penny wants a real man." Lonnie walked by Jim and he saw Lonnie was also naked. Sally placed a condom on Lonnie's almost erect dick and began to slurp it in and out of her mouth almost taking the entire shaft.
As she rocked her head back and forth on Lonnie's cock, Lonnie glanced over and said, "You miserable little fucker. No wonder Penny feels the need for sex with real men. She told us how you craved your drugs more than her. Well, don't worry, from now on we'll take care of Penny and you can just go hole up with your pipe and rocks of coke."
Jim was almost ready to pass out. He felt faint from what he was being forced to watch. Allan was still ramming his cock in and out of Penny and she was yelling obscenities. Jim could make out, "Fuck me you damned big prick bastard. Give what I need that my husband will not give me anymore."
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I try on a few outfits while you watch; a light blue tank top with cream lace trim and a cream lace pair of panties, a thin almost see-through white shirt with a burnt orange thong, and a pair of knee-high black socks with matching lace bra and panties; spinning around for you to see my curves as I giggle and move from outfit to outfit. You help me settle on the pink and black pot socks that come up almost to my knees, the black fabric shorts with a pink seam that runs right under my ass,...
ExhibitionismIt’s rare to find a woman, at least as upstanding and educated as I am, and a Black woman on top of that, who readily admits that she is a aroused by sexual variation and coloring outside the lines. I didn’t say it was rare to find a woman of my social and economic standing who is a pervert, I meet tons of them. We live in such a sexually repressed society, finding women who are sophisticated and conservative on the outside and horny and willing to push their limits when they let their hair...
Hi I.S.S Readers, I am abhishek from kanpur, I am regular visitor and reader of this website since last one year. I am 21 yrs of age and I am single. This is my first story for my hot readers, And if any of ladies, gals, bhabhi’s or aunties want to have some sex fun with me then freely email me at and I will give you my contact details aur aapki secrecy ka bhi poora dhyan rakhunga…Chalo ab sidhe story pe aata hu,, baat pichhle December ki hai.. Is baar kanpur mein thand pichle 40 years se sab...
My name’s Fenella. I’ve got a younger brother, Andy, and a new lover ... Randy. Yeah, it can get confusing. They’re really similar - Andy is one of those genius inventor types ... he’d been working on some new project with Randy, and Randy really seems to be obsessed by it. Whenever he’s around, he doesn’t put it down ... I don’t know why Andy doesn’t mind - I’ve never actually seen both of them in the same place at the same time. Weird, I know, but I don’t think about it too much ......
My friend Mark was the only one with a pool down in our street so we'd have to a have a pool night at least once a week. We were nearing our high school years so it wasn't that we were k**s.. We just were k**s at heart. Still knocking on each others door to come play outside or to go somewhere. His mom would cook us food while we swim. I knew she was hot but never really got a chance to see her body. I was always tempted at times. She'd be watching her soap operas on TV on a relaxing day off...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 12, Akti. "Pane mua jo peppuun, pliis" bimbo aneli, h?iriten ajatusteni lentoa. Kummastelin kadonneen erektion enigmaa, mahdollista motiivia miettien. Samapa tuo, totesin olkap?it?ni kohauttaen. Olipa blondilla itsell??n penis tai ei, kovasti h?n halusi minua kairaamaan onkaloaan. Sapelini syk?hti odottavasti muistaessani toisenlaisen kuuman ja m?r?n onkalon, sen tiukan puristavan imun. T?n??n pantaisiin viimeinkin kakkoseen, naisen toiveen mukaisesti, pitk??n h?nt? piinattuani j...
Young, cocky brunette Jane Wilde can’t wait to show director Angel Long her rude anal skills. Dolled up in colorful lingerie, the petite cutie indulges in some nasty lesbian shenanigans. Angel fingers herself from behind the camera, feeding Jane her cunt juice and probing Jane’s butthole. When superstud Ramon Nomar arrives, Jane drops to her knees for a sloppy, face-fucking blowjob. Gag spit flows as Ramon drills Jane’s throat. Next, Jane pries open her sphincter for rabid...
xmoviesforyouThe showerhead hissed as Tony picked up the bottle of Hibiclens, the disinfectant body wash. Apply thoroughly. Avoid face and genitals, the label read. He obeyed.As he rinsed himself, he gazed down at the jelly roll dangling between his thighs, fat and complacent.“You look good like that,” Tony said. “Better get used to it. I know it’s a date but it’s a socially distanced date if you can believe. So your help will not be needed.”He dried himself and got dressed in freshly laundered casual wear...
MasturbationI was hanging out at the bar when my friend Charlie walked up and sat down next to me. He told me he needed someone to look after his daughter, who was staying with him for the summer, while he took a trip to Dallas. I said I would look in on her and make sure she was okay. I went to the trailer the next evening and knocked on the door. The door opened and I saw an extremely hot little doll. I thought she was 15but it turns out she was 18. She told me she wanted to go get some dinner and see...
September arrived and Jordan was back in school. I still saw her quite often and was always delighted when she walked in the door. Some time ago a long time, major client of mine had offered me the use of a condo on Padre Island in Texas. So in early October I took 'my ladies' and we spent several days there – again separate bedrooms. In late October I'd noticed that I hadn't seen Jordan for several days but I just put it down to schoolwork or something like that. I was a bit surprised...
(Almost all of this story is true. The variety and quality of the clothing and shoes is a fantasy, but the activities and sensations are all based on real experiences.) The Shivers I always got the shivers about an hour before I was to be left alone. They started in my backbone and shook me from my torso to my neck. I must have appeared to be having an epileptic fit. In fact, I did get mild seizures fairly often, but I don't know if they were related to the shivers. All I'm sure...
by bodaciousbob © His hand had made his way up my thigh until his fingers were brushing the white cotton of my panties where they covered my sex. I grabbed his forearm and held it with all of my strength to keep him from working his fingers inside of the elastic band where they would meet with my freshly shaven sex. His other hand had worked my left breast out of its bra cup where he was rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I wanted to tell him to stop but his mouth was...
After my solo trip to the movies, I just had to share my experiences with my friends. The following weekend we were sitting around and talking about what to do when I suggested we take in a movie. A couple of the other guys were not interested since we had just gone a week or so ago. That is when I said that I had gone just the other night and had a very interesting time.One of my friends asked what film was showing and I could not give him the name of the movie, I was only able to describe a...
"I'm deeply sorry for your loss," said Father Likembe and nodded solemnly. He struck Ethan as a man of integrity and good will. His words sounded true enough, so Ethan obliged a sincere reply: "Thank you, father," he said and nodded pensively, suddenly lost in thought, his eyes fixed beyond the mass of people waiting for a meal. There was a peaceful murmur in the air, rarely broken by the sound of crying children. The people that had gathered weren't restless at all. He had been...
My Date-Part 13 New Years EveFor Christmas, I got many spanking implements from Jane’s family and coworkers. I also proposed to Jane, and Jane accepted. Jane also got a spanking apparatus from her sister. I also got spanked by all the women in Jane’s family, as well as all of the other men in Jane’s family. So to me, it turned out to be a different type of Christmas.Now it was time to celebrate the New Year. Jane and I decided that we would celebrate it together, just the two of us. We...
SpankingYou are someone that has made a habit when bored to browse the less popular, junk, or unheard apps on the app store for fun. Often enough these apps are downloaded once or twice if they are even that lucky only to get taken down by some guy trying to strike it rich who has lost hope. Not exactly the most exciting thing to do but it helps the hour on the train back home pass a bit easier. One day on the ride home you find an app with zero downloads that has been on the store for what looks like...
I never wanted another man other than my husband, but he's long had the fantasy of me being a little slut. It started as role playing at home and while we were fucking I'd make up stories about pretend encounters, both singular and gang bangs and what we found is we both got off on it. I never realized it until the day he pointed out that when I was talking about fucking other men, I came often and I came hard... and I mean HARD. I never failed to have 3 or 4 multiples with my husband, but...
“Oh, fuck, that’s tight!” I declared as I drove deeper inside Nina’s arse, enjoying her gesture of complete surrender to me at a time when my own wife wanted to effectively enslave me. Nina tried to speak for a second before she recalled that her mouth was busy licking Heather’s bum, something that our guest seemed to relish in no small measure. We had gone at it for some time now, forgetting about the pool and anything else as we fucked much of the day away. It was just too great, the way...
Josh left at a little after five. All three of us were exhausted. On his way out he said to Rob, "I told her she can't wear anything around the house but those shoes. I love the way they make her ass look. Do you have a problem with that?" I got the impression from the challenging look on Josh's face that it wouldn't matter if he did object. But one look in Rob's eyes and I knew they were in agreement. Rob smiled and said, "I think she looks just fine." Josh grinned that arrogant...
You are driving around the countryside with me on a Saturday morning. You are dressed appropriately; a simple white blouse with buttons down the front, a white skirt and sneakers. You are wearing no underwear. It is a warm and sunny day. All of a sudden, I pull the car over to the side of the road. "It is time for your third lesson.", I say. You immediately begin to get wet. "You must be totally obedient today.", I say, "Are you ready to do that?" "Yes, sir", you answer. I open the glove...
When I graduated public school, I knew exactly what I wanted to study at university - anthropology, biology, geology, sociology, psychology, philology, physiognomy, paleontology, and, if I had any spare time, botany. And, I wanted to play on the volleyball team, but only so long as it didn't interfere with my studies. Luckily, I had studied speed reading while a child, so I could absorb the contents of a typical college textbook in about an hour. Having nine major fields of study was a bit...
Growing up there was a girl who lived next door to me who was much older. She used to invite me over to her place to practice all sorts of things. She was very petite, blond and had a beautiful smile and personality.At first we would just go under the blankets and see how long we could make out. Over the next few weeks things progressed, she began to let me see quick flashes of her nipples and pussy which was quite hairy with these gorgeous pink lips peaking out between her bush. When she would...
Our dating life slowed almost to a halt. Four out of five of us guys and one of the girls were on basketball teams. Three of the girls were cheerleaders. That was nearly half our dating group and the others felt obligated to come and cheer us on. Then we all had to study like crazy on the weekend to catch up. I didn't even get to see everyone over our long Thanksgiving weekend because we had to go to this cousin-I'd-never-heard-of's wedding. Betts wasn't any happier than I was since she...
This story is not for anyone under the age of 18. (21 in some areas) It contains explicit sex and adult situations. This is actually my second attempt at writing fiction. (I'm still working on the first project) Constructive criticism is OK, as are positive comments. Keep the rest to yourself. Surprised "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?" I froze in place. Scared shitless, I almost peed my panties. I had just come down stairs and...
For those of you who have read two of my previous stories entitled, 'CAUGHT IN THE ACT' and 'ALMOST TOO LATE', you will know the background of the tale I am about to recount to you. It was some fourteen months ago that Paul, Antoinette and Calen {pronounced K-Len} left for Ireland. Apart from the occasional phone call requesting help for his PC, I hardly heard from Paul or his family, until four weeks ago. Out of the blue I got an email from him which rather intriguingly read. "Hi...
In the dim light golden bubbles caught brief reflections of the city lights outside as they danced up the glass. I handed her one of the glasses and we sat down on the couch, sinking into the smooth, supple black leather. "Well," I said. "Well," she said. "It's been a wonderful evening," I said. "It doesn't have to be over," she said. I smiled, warmth and gratitude in my eyes. "I hoped not," I said. "This is what I've hoped for since I bought the restaurant." She gave me a...
“Baby girl?” Dad asked. He also knocked at the door to my bedroom. It was about ten o’clock and a school night. I was sixteen, not very tired, and had just turned out my light. I turned it back on.“How’s mom?” I asked back.“She’s fine. She’s asleep now.” Mom had a bad cold and took a fair amount of medication for it.I remember I was wearing my red zippered Minnie Mouse pajamas. My hair was longer then, but I looked pretty good, all things considered. I mean, I didn’t think I looked that great,...
IncestKaise ho dosto aur meri pyasi prari pyari auntys,girls,housewifes,bhabhiyo ye kahani meri aur mere padosan bhabhi ke beech ki hai.Ap to janate hi ho ke muze bhabhiya aur auntys bahut pasand hai.Aaj aisehi mai ek nayi story batane ja raha hu.Agr kisi aunty bhabhi koi bhi girl ya ladies muzse secrete sex ka maza lena chahati hai to muze mail kariye mera email id hai par. Mai college ko bus se jata tha aur aap sab jante honge subah ke vakt kitni bhid hoti hai.Aaj bhi mai hamesha ki tarah college...
The following week John had a few personal appearances to make. I had stopped going with him as no one was paying any attention to me. I decided to tag along with him this week as I had a plan on how I could get more attention myself. The plan I had hatched was to dress as sexy as I could to see if anyone paid me any attention. Monday night after football practice John was to go to a local sporting goods shop at the mall. The mall is not really in our hometown as it sits between two towns....
It bothered Roxy, the look that Maddie had on her face. Although she could probably guess what was going through her blonde friend's mind, she could only guess what Maddie planned on doing next. They had started walking around, letting Yumi check out the other parts of the party, and Roxy noticed the stares she was getting from being naked, but didn't pay it any attention, as she watched her friends walking in front of her. Maddie on the other hand, had gotten dressed. She wasn't as bold...
I turned to the task of testing for the best way to flavor the shine. I knew there were two options to make a cocktail of it. I just needed to find the very best ways and go with that. Like I had said on the tape, I thought the novelty of it and the slightly illegal nature of it, would make it sell like hot cakes. Phil turned the video recorder on as I spoke, "What I really need to do here is to find the best and most universally accepted drink. Then we can figure out how to make it in...
Submitted to by the author. * Kokata cut off the silk-bandage, inspected the crack in the leg-plate, and started cleaning it. ‘How is it?’ asked his Lei from right behind him. Kokata winced. ‘It’s healing,’ he snarled. ‘Let me look,’ insisted his Lei and reached out. She wasn’t wearing her gloves. ‘Don’t touch me,’ snarled Kokata, and moved himself and his leg out of her reach. His Lei turned away from him, and he pretended he couldn’t figure out that she was crying. She...
His hands shook slightly as he ran the white bath towel down her back, mopping up the droplets of water from her shower. Simon was naked too and his erection was prominent. “Careful,” Terry told him as his cock touched her body, “I don’t want to be covered with your semen do I?” She said with a smile as she turned and touched him. Simon was not only hard but also very wet from leaking cum. “Sorry,” he apologised. Terry reached for a wipe from her dressing table and began to clean the...
Name of the theory: Theory of “Muslim Cock Supada”While fucking the penis moves in and out of the vagina. There are two types of movements that are involved in this process. Forward jerk or pushing the penis into the vagina and backward jerk which means pulling the penis backwards. So there is backward and forward (to and fro) movements involved during a sexual intercourse.The ‘edge of muslim supada’ comes into play when the musalman man moves the penis backwards during fucking. When the Muslim...
Before he left the school on Sunday afternoon, Mr. Oldham told me to keep my chin up but it was damn hard to face my roommates with them knowing I was being brought up on charges for something that was vaguely described as 'actions unbecoming a C.M.A. cadet.' I was more tense and unnerved the longer I waited. Rumor had it that the four witnesses were saying that I had, in a fit of temper, caused harm to Douglas using unfair means. Smitty was sympathetic but he didn't ask what really...
This one is a little personal, my father in law was a Japanese-American GI in WW2 and there are a lot of echoes of my family in Doc M’s family. The Battle of the Lost Brigade happened in October 1944. Like the Light Brigade at Balaclava, the 442d was ordered by incompetent generals to do a militarily impossible task and did it on sheer courage, at great loss to themselves. For this and many similar feats the all Japanese-American 442d became the most decorated unit in the US Army, including...
The year is 30078, and Earth is very different; for now it's inhabited by Furries...and Aliens. Thanks to the knew Peace Bill, passed in 30018, both races have come out of hiding and now mingle with Human Society. You see them doing all sorts of jobs; teacher, office worker, waitress, fashion models, construction worker, etc. There are even marriages between Humans, Furries, and Aliens. Because of this, medical studies have evolved; allowing Doctors to make a break thorough for all three...
BisexualI opened the passenger side door. "So where is your girl friend?" I asked. "She is waiting for us at the party," Mary Ellen said. "Hold on now, I never agreed to any party," I said. "It's suppose to be girls night out." "And it is. We are just going to a party for our night out. You are the guest of honor." Mary Ellen said. Mary Ellen had already pulled out of my parking lot. If I planned to get out of the car, I knew I had better do it soon. I wasn't dressed for any long walks...
Author’s Note: Hey this is a story about an extraordinarily successful man and his twin wives in a modern-day setting. The story will include F/F/M, F/F, and M/F pairings. Everything from the sweet loving making, to hard fucking, down to role-playing, and obvious implied or overt incest. More or less their lives are “perfect”. They are well off and have done much to ensure they and their future family will continue to be that way. There may be someone who “tries or tired” to get at one of the...
BDSMhe slams my door with his fist, "dammit! I'm not gay, i shouldn't do that! what is wrong with m-" "uh, I'm not ga-" "shut up!" i could now tell he didn't know why he kissed me. Luke opened the door and slammed it, doing the same for his home door. i drove of. in a small daze but feeling amazing. "Shut up!" i shush Missy when i see people start to look. she talks quieter now. "he actually kissed you?" "yeah, i mean, he got all mad at himself and whatever...but i really...
Dear friends, This is for the first time that I am penning down my sex experience in any site. I am not a professional writer so bear with me if I get into extra details as whatever I am going to narrate is 100% truth and not even a single word is fiction. I am writing with consent and encouragement of Mr.Chetan and his lovely wife Mrs.Supriya who gave me my wildest sex encounter ever. Dedicated to you Chetan & Supriya!! After reading the story, please write your valuable feedback to me on...
Written on 07-01-2015Hello !Fun night ...So, 21h15, naked, I make the harness (karada mode). I've already make it, so I know the good rope to. A 10m white 6mm coton rope. Before I put the balls in. Next, the harness, I pass the rope between my lips, and make the only one knot on my back. It's tight, but not too.I put on the swimsuit. I have to arrange some ropes to be hidden (the suit has a high legs cut). All ropes are hidden. When I want tu put the egg, I have a pb with the ropes. So I pass...
It was a hot June morning when I woke up and noticed that someone was moving into the house across the street. I thought nothing of it and went downstairs to eat breakfast before heading to work for the day. Work was terrible and I came home just wanting to go to bed. When I walked in the house, I saw my mom drinking wine with someone I didn’t recognize. My mom saw me and told me to come over and introduced me to our new neighbor. Her name is Sarah and she was smoking hot! She couldn’t have...
Kitty and I were sent to a seminar in New Orleans. We had adjoining rooms and planned to sit together during the class. We arranged a time to meet downstairs in the lecture hall and said our good nights. I got up early and gathered my briefcase and travel coffee cup and secured a table near the back of the room. I got some of the free coffee and a banana and sat at our table. I had a deviant urge and when no one was looking, I slid under the tablecloth and hid under the table. I left my...
HardcoreTim was waiting for Janice when she came out of the bathroom after her shower. "I have a reservation at seven at Gerardo's. I've laid out everything you will need to wear. However, when you're dressed, I have one little addition." Janice looked at him suspiciously as she put on the pretty summer dress. The dress was bright yellow and made of a thin cotton material. It was short as usual but this time it was also low cut with little spaghetti straps holding the material covering her bare...
Calara pulled back from Jack and they shared a warm smile, revelling in the new sense of closeness between them. Feeling giddy with emotion, she rode a euphoric high of relief at finally being able to put aside months of worry. Out of all Calara’s family members, it had always been her father’s reaction to her amazing new life that she’d worried about the most, but that was all in the past now. She finally had the best of both worlds; the incredible intimacy she shared with John and the girls...
“The road to Baltimore is hopefully nice and boring, but I fear that it won’t be. Nobody mentioned anything about the open countryside, though if we stick to I-70, that should be less of a worry, if not entirely nonexistent. I suppose that it could just be my worrywart nature or a little hillbilly superstition, or else the fact that the trek has gradually, but steadily grown more dangerous for us. I guess that we’ll find out soon enough, one way or the other. I just don’t like surprises, you...
Over the past few weeks we have been having some work undertaken on both our front and back gardens. The weather has been good and it has given us the opportunity for Mrs V to give the gardeners more than they bargained for.It all started by accident. Mrs V always walks around the house naked before she gets dressed for work. She was sat naked in the kitchen one morning having a cup of tea when two men appeared in the back garden. They were the gardeners we had booked to undertaken a complete...
I could tell by the look in your eyes that you wanted me as much as I wanted you. We had been chatting online for months and my heart had grown to long more for you with each and every day that we were apart. I would awaken each morning and wonder what you were doing and if you were thinking about me too. Now that you stood in front of me, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. You were even more beautiful than I could ever imagine, and I knew that my love for you was not in my head at all. It...