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The Intervention Kyorii Chapter 01 Phillipa Phillipa Dryburn lay on her back, she was snoring, her husband lay by her on his front on the bed they shared together, oblivious to the sounds his wife was generating. Oblivious as the previous evening they had both over indulged on alcohol cigarettes and recreational drugs and their bodies were keeping them asleep in a vain attempt to flush out some of the toxins of their lifestyle before the onslaught of yet another day. Phillipa however was also having a nightmare a recurring nightmare that she'd had many times before and that the medicines she took to moderate her moods never really managed to eradicate. At six forty seven the alarm on Philippa's side of the bed went off only for it to be slapped off by her over manicured hand a few seconds later, Philippa groaned and slowly lifted herself from her bed, swinging her legs and locating her feet into her 4" slipper mules strategically placed by her bedside, Phillipa raised herself from her bed and picked up her pink see through peignoir and slipped it on as she half walked half staggered from the dark bedroom. On the landing outside the bedroom she coughed a little trying to clear a tickle in her throat and entered the bathroom where she opened the mirrored unit by the toilet and took out a boxed feminine douche product, Phillipa sat on the toilet and let loose the contents of her full bladder before breaking the end of the douche and inserting the exposed tube into her vagina. As she squeezed the tube she felt the cool contents enter her and sighed a little as some of the sexual excesses of the previous evening were flushed from her body and fell into the toilet bowl before being flushed away. "Ughh I feel like shit," she said to herself as she wiped and got up from the toilet and flushed again, she then went over to the sink and just as she was about to place her loaded toothbrush in her mouth she commented. "I look like shit too, god I need a drink." Phillipa looked into the mirror and the image that looked back was not a pleasant one, she still wore most of the previous evenings makeup and had obviously forgotten to remove it before falling asleep her face looked bloated as did her fingers as they traced her cosmetically enhanced features. She opened the cabinet once more and emptied several prescription medicines from their respective bottles before filling a glass with tap water and taking each pill in turn before leaving the bathroom for the back bedroom where she normally dressed. Phillipa was dazzled momentarily by the light in the room as she turned it on she then went over to her dressing table and sat on the padded seat before the large mirror. Taking the first of several cotton pads she slathered it in makeup remover and started the belated process of removing the remnants of her previous night's face. Phillipa looked at her bare face in the large mirror, over four years of constant heavy makeup use had ensured that her once clear complexion had now been reduced to a pasty white sheet with the occasional blocked pore and spot, the only other blemish being the healing remnants of a recent black eye. Phillipa allowed her peignoir to slip down her arms and fall to the floor then carefully so as not to damage her nails she reached behind and removed the hooks and eyes of the heavily boned silk Basque that was keeping her figure in check, She poured herself a generous measure of gin into a tumbler from the bottle that now stood permanently with her cosmetics, took a gulp then stood up and walked over to the wall mounted mirror and appraised herself in it. Gone was her youthful figure of old slowly being replaced with something she hardly recognised but was resigned to. With her free hand she stroked her fingernails over where she once had full and, to her old self, beautiful dark eyebrows and then down to her small double chin that had been with her for nearly two years now, her fingers then tracing past the two recent scars in her armpits where the soon to be filled bags now resided under her pectoral muscles, she brushed past her pierced nipples with their ever present rings and down past the slowly growing roll of fat on her stomach and then to her Labia piercings, Phillipa then stopped dead and just stared at her reflection in the mirror taking a gulp of gin from the tumbler as she did. Phillipa then stepped out of her slippers and tried to place her heels on the ground but about an inch from the ground she winced as her Achilles tendons complained at being stretched so far so she stepped back into her slippers. It took over an hour for Phillipa to dress and re apply her makeup, it was curious but even though she knew she'd done the same ritual nearly every day since she'd married it somehow seemed new to her, Phillipa was even a little surprised to see a cigarette dangling from her lips as she applied a final coat of mascara on her lashes. Phillipa gave her hair one last spray to hold it in place, opened the top drawer of her dresser taking a small ornate tin out, opened it placed two tiny scoops of white powder on the back of her hand and deeply sniffed the tiny piles of dust into each nostril before removing any remnants with a tissue. It did not take long before Phillipa smiled took a final swig from the tumbler, picked up her cigarettes and headed downstairs to cook her husband his breakfast. At nine Phillipa heard the first stirrings from the bedroom above so she cracked two eggs and placed them onto the frying pan, by seven minutes past nine she heard the creak of the stairs as her husband came down for his breakfast and by the time he entered the breakfast room his breakfast was on the table alongside his newspaper a cup of tea a glass of grapefruit juice and two slices of lightly browned toast. "Good morning dear I hope you slept well," she said as she smiled hopefully at him." He said nothing and just sat down opened the paper and started on his breakfast. Phillipa sat demurely opposite him with her hands on her lap and watched him eat. After a few minutes of eating in silence he looked up at Phillipa. "Make yourself useful and suck me off." Without even the slightest hesitation Phillipa moved the seat she'd been sitting on, got down on her knees and went under the table where she started to undo her husband's flies, she then moved his underpants to one side and after un-clipping her dentures from her rear teeth and removing the upper and lower dental plate from her mouth gently slipped her lips over his rapidly expanding member. It was easier this way she reasoned as she used her tongue, gums and gentle suction on the head of her husband's penis to quickly bring him to full erection and then using her mastery of the gag reflex to allow his not inconsiderable girth to enter her throat. Even after the excesses of the previous evening his discharge was impressive as Phillipa felt his body stiffen as she massaged his penis, Phillipa took a tissue and gently wiped her husband's penis before tucking it back into his underwear and pants. As she got up from her knees she dropped the tissue into the nearby bin took her cigarettes and lit one before returning to her seat opposite. "You have cum on your lip," stated her husband coldly, Phillipa smiled took a drag from her cigarette, scooped the errant dribble with her nail and sucked her husband's semen from her finger whilst smoke erupted from her nose. "You smoke too much; the house absolutely stinks." He stated as he got up from his chair. "Don't forget tonight we're going to the Prendergast's, Sharon doesn't like you smoking in front of her husband so wear a patch or something." Phillipa nodded and replied simply, "Yes dear." Chapter 02 A Normal Day and a Guilty Secret Philippa's husband left the house a few minutes later for work, he worked as a security advisor for a large multinational company. Once he'd gone to work Phillipa set about doing the dishes, hoovering and making their bed before a little light dusting and a mid-morning Gin. At about eleven and after re doing her makeup Phillipa slipped her feet into her outdoor shoes and pulled on her coat placing her cigarettes and keys into her handbag before leaving to get the bus for her lunch date with Lois her best friend. Two or three years ago she would have gone in her little fiat to meet with her friends but she now lacked the confidence to drive so she preferred to use taxi's or the bus. It was a fifteen-minute trip into town and a five-minute walk to the small bistro where she would be meeting with Lois but as Phillipa waited for the traffic lights to change she witnessed on the other side of the road a minor collision between two small family cars. Unfortunately for Phillipa the accident triggered a suppressed memory within her brain and she found herself standing looking helplessly at another more serious road accident, there was a car on its roof it had been in a collision with a truck, in the car were four unconscious passengers with a fifth lying on the ground groaning, from nowhere the car was somehow engulfed in flames, Phillipa watched helplessly as the fifth person who had now regained consciousness and despite being obviously quite badly injured somehow managed to pull two of the nearest passengers from the rear of the inferno before she was blown back by a massive fireball, Phillipa watched as the two remaining passengers who were still trapped in the upturned car were engulfed in flames, she could hear their screams as the fierce heat driven by what she assumed to be leaking petrol seared and burnt their flesh as they awaited a rescue that would never come. "Pip?" "Pip is that you?" "Phillipa are you okay?" asked a concerned and familiar voice returning Phillipa to the waking world once more as she felt a hand hold her forearm to steady her. Phillipa looked at the person who was holding her and looking concerned. "Oh Maisie it's you?" she said almost with disdain. "Yes it's me," she replied chirpily. "Same old boring me, are you all right? You seemed quite upset a moment ago." "I'm fine Maisie really I am. Don't fuss." "Well you don't look fine to me, you look like you've just seen a ghost, how about we go for a cup of tea my treat?" Phillipa looked at Maisie and for a moment remembered how they'd once not so very long ago been quite good friends. "Just a quick one I suppose." Phillipa conceded. Maisie guided the still shaken Phillipa away from the junction and towards a nearby covered precinct where there were seating areas outside several food shops. "How on earth can you walk in those shoes Pip? Your feet must ache constantly." "Not really they just feel like shoes to me now I'm used to wearing them," she replied as she click-clacked over to the small Bistro she'd arranged to meet her friend Lois at. On sitting they were attended almost immediately by a waiter where Maisie ordered an Earl grey tea and Philippa ordered a very strong black coffee. As Phillipa drank her coffee a few minutes later Maisie asked, "So how have you been Pip?" "Phillipa I prefer to be called by my whole name if you wouldn't mind." Undaunted Maisie simply asked once more, "So how have you been then Phillipa?" "Fine everything is fine," Phillipa answered quite abruptly as she fumbled in her handbag for her cigarettes, placed one between her lips and lit it. "Still not given up the demon weed then?" joked Masie. "No its a life choice Maisie, my life choice. I chose to smoke, it was my choice and I enjoy it," she said abruptly with smoke punctuating every syllable as she spoke. "Okay, there's no need to bite my head off I was just making conversation." Maisie was not a stupid person she'd always had suspicion's that her friend had been manipulated into smoking and her current lifestyle by her husband and his friends and it saddened her as when she'd first met her Phillipa had been such a lovely caring person and now looking at her she seemed to just be a completely different person now a person that she didn't really know any more. One thing that really troubled Maisie were the small bruises that she could occasionally see as the sleeve of Phillipa's blouse moved as she drank her coffee Masie had seen these marks unfortunately many times before, they were bruises from being roughly manhandled. To Maisie's eyes Phillipa was both deeply troubled and heartbreakingly unhappy which is why she figured she drank and smoked so much and by the look of her pupils Maisie suspected that Phillipa was on something much stronger too. "You still trying to save the world then?" asked Phillipa irreverently through a talking exhale before taking another large gulp of her coffee. "Not the whole world Phillipa just a very small section." It was at this moment that Maisie heard a voice that she recognised but chose to ignore. "Well if it isn't miss goody two shoes, did you get lost on the way from the convent?" Phillipa laughed out loud at this comment, Maisie knew that her time with her friend was now at an end, got up to leave and went over to hug her friend, dropping her card into Phillipa's open handbag as she did so. "Go on do one I'm sure you have some one-legged lesbian body builders to save somewhere don't you?" Ignoring Lois's barbed comments Maisie hugged her friend. "Look after yourself Phillipa." She turned and acknowledged Lois as she left. "What on earth were you talking to that bitch for?" asked Lois. "She, she just appeared, took me here for a cuppa." Lois looked Phillipa over and said, "Before we order let's go into the little girls room for a pick me up, you look like you need one." Both women left the ladies toilet a couple of minutes later sniffing and dabbing their noses with tissues Phillipa brightened up considerably after that. When Phillipa reached home later that afternoon she was in a considerably better mood and in the back room of her home started to undress prior to showering and as she drew her tights down her legs remembered that she was overdue her pill. Dropping her tights and panties on the floor she went over to the wardrobe and out of the toe section of one of her many pairs of heeled boots she produced a partly used pack of contraceptive pills, popping one of the pills from its foil and plastic prison she placed it in her mouth washing it down with a swig of gin. The contraceptive pill was the one secret that Phillipa had managed to keep from her husband, there was no way that she was ever going to have children and this would ensure it. Chapter 03 Preparations Before Phillipa bathed she took out from her bedside table a vibrator and butt plug and lubricated them. "S'pose I'd better prepare myself for this evening," she said to herself as she squatted and slowly eased the butt plug into her anus then took the waterproof vibrator with her into the bathroom. After bathing and shaving Phillipa cleaned herself out internally with a disposable enema kit before re inserting the plug in her behind. Leaving the bathroom and walking as though on tip toes Phillipa went into the back bedroom where she usually dressed, she allowed the towel to drop to the floor as she slipped her feet into her fluffy mules leaving her naked but for the towel wrapped turban like on her head and looked herself over in the mirror. "You're certainly not a little girl any more are you dear?" She asked herself as she inspected her mature curves and the extra fat around her midriff, her hands went to the scars near her armpits and she felt for the small lumps, the filling ports for her implants. Tomorrow she would be going to see the plastic surgeon to get a few more CC's of Saline injected continuing the slow process of inflating her chest, Phillipa had reluctantly agreed to the procedure but was now having severe misgivings about having her chest pumped up as she liked her breasts how they currently were, Phillipa cupped her left breast in her hand whilst she looked in the mirror and smiled at how her breasts still looked somewhat youthful despite her lifestyle she then noticed the thick metal rings through her stretched nipples and frowned then sighed took a cigarette from her pack and lit it and with the cigarette dangling from her lips started to assemble her outfit for this evening. Phillipa's preparations for her evening out with her husband were put on hold whilst she prepared an evening meal for his return from work. So dressed only in her lingerie and flimsy silk robe she prepared a small meal for his return and listened to the radio as she bustled busily around the kitchen dining area in her now trademark heels. "Len?" said Phillipa with surprise. "You're early, I wasn't expecting you back yet." Phillipa's husband said nothing dragged her over to the kitchen table and forced her to bend over it whilst he lifted up her gown parted her panties and embedded his erect penis into her vagina, Phillipa accepted her husband's advances and complied, making the appropriate moans, groans and noises of encouragement knowing that any other actions would end badly for her. Within minutes it was over, Phillipa straightened herself, refastened her gown, lit another cigarette and asked, "Chops okay tonight dear?" "S'pose it'll have to do," stated Len as he fastened his pants up and sat waiting to be served his evening meal. Phillipa finished off cooking his meal all too aware of her husband's sperm pooling in the crotch of her panties and after dishing up his meal went immediately upstairs to replace her now sodden panties and clean herself up, returning two or three minutes later to her husband sitting with his arms folded having not touched his meal. "Is something wrong with the food, I cooked it exactly as you like it?" "And exactly how am I supposed to eat it may I ask?" Phillipa then realised her mistake, in her haste to prepare her husband's evening meal she'd forgotten the cutlery. "I, I'm so sorry Len I am, I'll get you your knife and fork now," said Phillipa nervously as she went over to the cutlery drawer not an arm's length from her husband and extracted a knife and fork from it. Phillipa placed the knife and fork at either side of the still steaming hot meal only for the plate to be flipped onto the linoleum floor by her husband who then grabbed her firmly by her upper arms and started to shake her violently. "How many times does that stupid little brain need to be told, it's not rocket science for fuck sake." "I'm sorry Len, I'll do better I promise." Len then let go of his wife and slapped her across her pale face causing her to reel and fall back onto her backside. "Tidy that crap off the floor and cook me fresh food I'm off for a shower." Phillipa looked up at her husband from her seated position on the linoleum. "Y, yes dear I'll do it now." When Len returned after his shower the dining area had been cleaned and Phillipa was just putting the finishing touches to his new meal, he sat down and said. "There that wasn't difficult was it?" "No dear," replied Phillipa who was now showing distinct redness on one side of her pale sun starved face. "You don't have time to eat so get ready for tonight, you're not going to starve with all that blubber you're carrying are you?" "No dear I'll go up now and get ready." Back in the rear bedroom Phillipa was about to apply the first coat of her thick foundation when she noticed that her eyebrows were starting to show, horrified she went immediately into the bathroom and using her razor and shaved the barely noticeable stubble until she no longer showed any signs of eyebrows, this was another thing that she kept secret from her husband, he'd wanted them removed permanently but she loved her old brows and instead of having them electrolysed away as he'd insisted she'd simply shaved them off and drew them back on with pencil. Returning back to the back bedroom Phillipa set about putting her face on for the evening to come starting with a thick foundation that she applied with a sponge covering her entire face and neck. Phillipa worked tirelessly for the next hour and a half highlighting and contouring with various cosmetic products until she'd created an entirely new and almost flawless image. Once finished she smoothed a fresh pair of stockings up her legs and attached them to the suspender straps of her basque before pulling up the thong and wriggling into her revealing cocktail dress then finally slipping into her heels. After a liberal application of lacquer to her elaborate updo she relaxed with a cigarette before redoing her lipstick and placing a nicotine patch on the small of her back just below the cut of her gown. As she got into the Taxi with her husband Phillipa knew exactly what to expect, she'd now been to these parties many times over the last few years and was mostly immune to their goings on. 'It's just how people get on in life now,' she repeated again and again in her head as her husband had once said to her on the eve before their first such gathering, Phillipa was still quite innocent at that time. Chapter 04 The Party As usual Len was at his congenial best when in company, Phillipa and he made the perfect couple as they mingled amongst the gathered guests in the large house on the outskirts of town. Lliam and Sharon Prendergast were the hosts of this evenings get together, Lliam being the CEO of the organisation at which Len worked Phillipa actually liked Lliam more than some others at the party, he reminded her of someone she once knew when she was younger, he was gentle with her she also knew that later this evening she would be having sex with him and probably his wife too at some point. As the evening progressed and the alcohol flowed freely Len virtually abandoned Phillipa and had last been seen walking out into the large secluded rear garden with Lois, Phillipa's 'Best' friend who at that very moment was bent over the patio table in the secluded back garden licking out one of the other guest's wives whilst simultaneously being drilled up her back passage by Len. Phillipa knew that because of her lifestyle she was no longer the prettiest woman at the party but she was still pretty enough to attract several party goers so quickly found herself talking to Pearl a young woman who she'd met on a previous evening. "You were really nervous last time we met," Phillipa commented to Pearl. "I was yes, I just couldn't believe what was going on, it sort of grossed me out." "Is that why you left early?" "Yes, I was a little disgusted at Bernard for bringing me, we had a huge argument afterwards." "And yet here you are back again," Phillipa noticed as Pearl nervously reached and recovered a packet of cigarettes from her tiny bag. "You smoke now too?" "I, no not really but Bernard thinks it'll make me look sexier." "Does he smoke?" "Well no he's a bit of a keep fit fanatic," she replied as she placed the filter between her lips and nervously lit the cigarette then without inhaling blew the smoke out into the room. Phillipa felt her lower lip tremble slightly as she watched the beautiful young girl who could have only been nineteen or twenty deliberately corrupt herself for her husband and then could not believe it when she said, "It'll take away your sweet voice your sense of taste your beautiful clear skin and replace it with addiction, bad skin, bad breath and eventually rip your beauty from you leaving you as an empty bitter addicted husk like me, do you want that?" "N, no." Phillipa took the cigarette from the young woman's fingers brought the filter to her own lips took a cheek hollowing drag and then another as she breathed out of her nose then stubbed the cigarette out in the ashtray, she then took the young woman by the hand and led her out of the large living room and into one of the guest bedrooms where they would have a little privacy. Phillipa sat on the double bed and patted the sheets beside her for Pearl to sit. "I don't do, I mean I've never had sex with a girl before." Phillipa looked up at the pretty young woman. "Don't worry I'm not going to seduce you, I just want to talk." "Oh." Phillipa smiled. "Unless of course you want me to seduce you?" The young woman called Pearl sat demurely beside Phillipa and sighed. "Honestly I don't know what I want any more, when I married Bernard I thought that my life would be just perfect and I'd soon be pregnant and we could all settle down and become a big happy family." "But?" "Bernard is a wonderful husband and we enjoy our normal social life immensely but in bed he does nothing for me at all, he just gets on top and humps away then does his business and usually just falls asleep afterwards leaving me to lie in the sticky wet patch with a sore, um you know," Pearl points at her vagina. "Do you get no pleasure at all from sex Pearl?" "No not really." "Foreplay?" "Um." "Do you ever stroke each other's bodies, caress each other whilst naked?" "No we just have sex." "Good lord girl where have you been, a convent?" "I um, I led a sheltered life, when we married I was still a virgin as was Bernard." "And he now has you going to sex parties, unbelievable." "One of his workmates suggested it to stop me being frigid." "Frigid? Oh Christ give me strength." Phillipa got up from the bed and went over to the door placed a do not disturb sign on the outside of the door and then closed and locked it. Philippa then said, "I know that I said that I wasn't going to seduce you but I think that you need to be aware of the power of your own desires, take your blouse off and your skirt." "I' I'm not sure about this Phillipa." "Neither am I Pearl and I'm not sure why I'm doing this for you either, so undress before I change my mind." The innocent woman hesitantly took off her blouse and her skirt then lay on her back on the bed. "All I'm going to do is stroke your skin gently Pearl, don't be nervous and try to relax, I won't hurt you I promise." Phillipa gently caressed Pearl's skin with the lightest of touches for three or four minutes before as she traced her fingers slowly up Pearl's inner thigh she gasped. "Ohhh that's nice, really nice." "Would you like me to continue?" asked Phillipa. "Yesss," Pearl hissed as Phillipa eased Pearl's delicate panties down over her hips. "If you find me doing something that you really like me doing just say or move my hands to where you'd like them to be, you're in charge now." Phillipa continued to caress Pearl and she noticed Pearl's hands slowly moving to her breasts and within seconds her left hand had slipped under the right cup of her bra and she'd started to gently massage her own breast and erect nipple. Phillipa started using both her hands and her lips kissing Pearl gently down her body until she reached Pearl's neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair, Pearl involuntarily parted her legs as Phillipa's nails gently traced up and down the fold of flesh protecting Pearls most intimate of places, she shuddered slightly. "Oooohhh." "Nice?" "Niiiceeee" Stated Pearl with laboured breath. Within seconds Phillipa had gently parted Pearl's lips and took her first taste of Pearl's pussy, it was very moist Phillipa then focussed her attention on the young woman's clitoris causing her to immediately gasp with pleasure as her tongue gently brushed at its engorged tip. Phillipa increased her licking and sucking motions on Pearl's clit whilst simultaneously stroking her body. Phillipa smiled internally at the look of shock and confusion on Pearl's face a few minutes later as she started to shake as probably the first full orgasm she'd ever experienced overtook her and she lost complete control. When Pearl had regained her senses Phillipa was sitting on the bed and holding her hand, Pearl looked up at her and with slightly glassy eyes said. "We've been doing it all wrong, that was amazing." Phillipa smiled at the young woman. "Don't go away I'll find your husband." Phillipa found Bernard who looked completely disheartened and was holding both his coat and that of his wife. "Going somewhere lover boy?" "I, err I we were just leaving but I can't seem to find my wife anywhere." "Follow me." Bernard followed Phillipa meekly back up to the room she'd just left they entered and she locked the door after them. "Pearl?" the young man looked crestfallen as he'd assumed that his wife had just been screwed by one of the other guests and what was worse she looked like she'd enjoyed it. "Your wife has just had her first ever orgasm Bernard, something that you have singularly failed to do for her, you should be ashamed of yourself." "I, I," "Fortunately I am now going to teach you both how to get the best out of each other's bodies so watch and learn kids." For the next hour Phillipa gave the young couple a crash course in pleasuring each other and soon after they both left the party hand in hand both sated and having promised never to attend a sex party again and with a warning to Bernard not to force his wife to become a smoker. Phillipa's absence had been noticed however and after having sex several times and as the sun rose a stormy faced Len and Phillipa entered the taxi that would take them home. Chapter 05 Leonard Len stayed quiet for the entire journey back to their home in the suburbs and didn't say anything to Phillipa until they'd both entered the hallway of their home when he immediately grabbed his wife by the arm and threw her to the floor. ?Where the hell were you? you stupid cow?? ?I' I was with Bernard and his wife, they chose me,? she lied. ?Bernard and his wife, they are nobodies, you were supposed to be entertaining Lliam and if necessary his wife too, that tart Lois got in there before you this evening, you're ruining everything for me Phillipa, just like you always do.? ?I'm sorry dear I really am,? said Phillipa as she attempted to get up off the floor, just as she managed to get herself upright Len kicked one of her heels and she tumbled catching her shoulder on the telephone table dislocating it and banging her head on the wall. ?You stupid clumsy bitch look what you've done now,? Len shouted at his unconscious wife?s crumpled body. ?Ughhh ngghhh.? Phillipa came to her senses with a banging headache and severe pain in her shoulder she looked up to see Len towering over her, he was furious. ?There's blood on the wallpaper you stupid bitch.? Len then went calmly over to the phone and dialled for an ambulance then sounded nervous as he explained. ?Hello, could I have an ambulance please?? ?Yes my wife has fallen she's banged her head and hurt her shoulder.? ?We've been out for the evening, I think she may have had a little too much to drink and tripped as she entered the hallway.? ?Our address yes it's...? ?Thank you, thank you so much please hurry.? Len hung up the phone and went to his wife ?It was an accident you hear an accident.? ?Y, yes dear an accident I' I'm really clumsy after a few drinks.? Phillipa knew that there was no point in fighting, her husband was an accomplished liar and manipulator, who would believe her after all, he was a respected man. Phillipa was taken to hospital where her shoulder was reset, the doctors seemed not to notice that she'd been admitted before with other injuries after slips falls or trips and just seemed to put it down to the fact that she was an alcoholic. Phillipa returned home by taxi late the next afternoon and was told to rest. To almost all of the Dryburn's friends and neighbours they appeared to be the perfect couple with Len being the sociable friendly one and Phillipa being the distant snooty wife thus was Len's mastery of manipulation and misdirection. Not so many years ago Phillipa had once been a very confident young woman but such were Len's skills at manipulation that her confidence had now been eroded to such an extent that she never disagreed with him and relied on him for everything, she'd turned to Len for support after a family tragedy and lost her own battle with independence soon after. On Phillipa's return from hospital she immediately set about cooking her husband?s evening meal even though she was still very sore from her dislocated shoulder, she just didn't want to irritate him any further but as she peeled potatoes whilst wearing her pink marigolds she started to think about the young woman and man from the evening before and why she'd helped them, this was so unlike her and her actions had bordered on kindness fortunately after a couple of large swigs of gin her thoughts drifted back to how she should keep on her husband?s good side. That evening Phillipa managed to do almost everything correctly and Len even seemed to be friendly towards her as she snuggled into him as he watched the TV. Phillipa was not a stupid woman, on the contrary she was highly intelligent, but over the years she'd developed several dependencies the first being given anti-depressants and then perversely tranquillisers, alcohol, cocaine and her ever present need for cigarettes, she really didn't stand a chance, Phillipa loved Len or at least she though she did; in reality her need for him was just another addiction fuelled by her now non-existent self-esteem. Phillipa wanted to forget her past and until now apart from the occasional nightmare with the aid of her medications alcohol and drugs she'd largely succeeded. That evening however Phillipa woke from her sleep to the noise giggling by the base of her bed, she squinted to try and see where the noise was coming from in the dimness of the room finally focusing on what appeared to be a small girl whose features were obscured by shadow, Phillipa cleared her throat coughing a little in the process and then said. ?Hello.? The little girl continued to giggle and moved closer to Phillipa but kept just out of reach. After a few seconds the little girl moved closer, Phillipa then reached over to part the hair covering the little girls face when just as the hair moved the little girl's entire body was engulfed in yellow and blue flames reaching up to the ceiling and a blood curdling high pitched scream from the little girl within. Phillipa woke immediately ?another bloody nightmare' she thought to herself as she reached over and extracted a cigarette from her bedside packet and lit it. Chapter 06 Woman's Hour Over the next few days the bruising from her dislocated shoulder and the cut on her head healed quickly, the bruising on the side of her face was easily concealed by her makeup, on Monday of the next week Phillipa visited her psychiatrist Dr Smedley, she?d missed a couple of sessions with him as he?d been away at a conference up north. ?So how have you been since our last chat then?? he asked as she sat opposite him on a comfortable sofa with her legs crossed. ?Fine I suppose, having a little trouble sleeping though.? ?Do the sleeping pills not help?? ?Not really, I think I may have built up an immunity.? ?It?s possible I suppose, are you still having the recurring nightmares?? ?Yes.? ?Curious indeed.? The doctor paused. ?So these nightmares are of an event that you never witnessed but nevertheless you see everything in great detail as though you were actually there?? ?Yes, you know this already doc, we?ve gone through this all before, I feel shame over an event that I was not involved in.? ?Whilst I was away at conference I discussed your case with a specialist in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD for short, he was very interested in meeting you Phillipa, I could put you in contact with him if you would like.? Phillipa froze ?No under no circumstances, you are my doctor I don?t want any old hack messing with me.? ?He is a specialist.? ?I don?t care my answer is still no and I won?t change my mind.? ?Okay, I won?t mention it again, I?m sorry for bringing it up.? and the doctor didn?t. Thirty-five minutes later she left his office with a prescription for stronger sleeping pills and headed across the street to the offices of her plastic surgeon who after assessing her healing scars injected several CC?s of Saline into each port of her implants to start inflating the silicon inserts under her breasts. That evening Phillipa dined alone as Len was on a business trip to Barrow in Furness and wouldn?t be back until Thursday evening and by eleven she?d fallen into a drunken stupor in front of the TV only to be woken at three in the morning by the sound of giggling and the apparition of a little girl once more standing this time by the patio doors. ?I?m so sorry please don?t hate me,? said Phillipa to the little girl. ?I don?t hate you silly, it?s you who hates you.? The little girl once again screamed and burst into bright yellow blue and orange flames that leapt to the ceiling as had happened previously. Once again Phillipa woke with a start and in a cold sweat. ?I? I can?t take much more of this,? she said to herself as she got up from the sofa she?d been lying on picked up her cigarettes and set off up to her bedroom. The next morning after doing her daily chores makeup and read the post she was standing by the sink doing the few dishes from breakfast when a radio show called Woman?s hour came on she was only half listening to the radio until she heard the announcer introduce the next article at this point her blood ran cold. ?Tomorrow will be the sixth anniversary of the last confirmed sighting of the woman known as ?The Angel? she disappeared as mysteriously as she appeared a few years before, just in case listeners need reminding of her contributions Fran Templemass has this report for us from the outskirts of Harrogate where she and her team rescued many young women from...? Phillipa started to shake and could feel the tears rising as she leant over and changed the radio to a classical music channel. ?Can it really have been six years?? Phillipa thought to herself as she puffed at her cigarette, she didn?t have long to contemplate however as a minute or so later her mobile phone rang. Smiling she answered the call. ?Lois, how are you? I was just thinking that we should get together.? She listened to the phone for a few seconds. ?Half eleven, see you then.? Phillipa reached over to her pack to extract another cigarette but found it to be empty. ?Shit.? She then remembered the pack in her handbag so went into the hall and extracted the half-finished pack noticing as she did the small printed card next to her purse, on removing it she smiled. ?She just doesn?t give up does she?? she muttered to herself as she read Maisie?s name and telephone number on the card, Phillipa placed the card back in her bag checked her makeup in the hall mirror then took her handbag and a coat and left for her lunch date with Lois. Milton Keynes is a large soulless sprawl of housing estates criss- crossed by wide bush and tree lined roads punctuated by many many roundabouts and subways about 56 miles to the north east of London, a nightmare to people not used to its road layout but to its inhabitants or inmates as I will call them it is home. Phillipa had been an inmate Milton Keynes since arriving as a newlywed six years previously, Phillipa was a completely different person now than the person who'd arrived on that grey September morning, some would say that it was the new town itself that had drained away her humanity leaving the woman who was currently teetering through one of the many subways to catch the bus in her completely inappropriate heels, initially on arriving she remembered that she'd been keen on tennis and jogging but after suffering a bout of Plantar fasciitis more commonly called Postman's or policeman's foot she took to wearing heeled shoes on a more regular basis not noticing as she did that her flat shoes and trainers were slowly vanishing. Following her injury and with encouragement from Len her husband she drifted away from some of the friends she'd made whilst doing sport and started to socialise with a group of welcoming albeit toxic women whose alcohol and pharmaceutically driven lives she reluctantly at first started to embrace. Phillipa was not really a smoker when she'd arrived at her new home with her husband having only smoked a few times before to relieve stress from a friends illness a family tragedy and the complete breakdown of her relationship with her remaining family. As Phillipa teetered past two men who were replacing paving stones near to the subway on her way to the bus stop they both stopped and looked at her, the younger man smirked and said to the older man as she teetered out of earshot. ?Ere Ned didja see err? Mutton dressed as lamb that one.? The older man however scowled back at his young friend, ?No mate, that was actually lamb dressed as mutton.? He paused for a second or two before continuing, ?Poor cow.? Chapter 07 Sanctuary Len returned home drunk from his business trip early and. as it hadn't gone as well as he?d wanted. he took his frustration out on Phillipa resulting in bruising on her chest, she did her best to placate him over the next week mostly with sex, but on Sunday evening as they were getting ready for bed he found that the toothpaste tube was empty so he stormed onto the landing and shouted, ?Where's the fucking toothpaste?? Phillipa came out of the bedroom in a see-through baby doll nightie went into the bathroom opened the cabinet and passed him a new tube. ?This is not my brand.? ?I'll get your brand tomorrow when I do my shop dear, I'm sorry but you didn't tell me you were running low.? Phillipa's comment incensed her husband who pushed her out of the room onto the landing, unfortunately as she staggered back on her heels her left heel chose that moment to break causing her to lose balance and her head to hit the corner of the wall at the top of the stairs, unfortunately her unconscious body carried on and without her to check her fall she tumbled from the top to the bottom of the stairs finally lying on the carpet at the bottom with her leg at an unusual angle. Phillipa regained consciousness at one point briefly to hear a calm lady paramedic asking, ?Phillipa can you hear me?? Only after the event did Phillipa piece together what had happened over the next few hours as she recovered safe in a lovely comfortable single bed and it runs something like this. Phillipa was admitted to the local hospital's casualty department and whilst her husband Len booked her in with the reception desk the paramedics took her to be assessed by a very wise and shrewd trauma doctor called Doctor Patrick Denholm who instantly became suspicious of not only Phillipa's new injuries but also some of her older ones, he immediately called for the hospital's security staff to be posted outside her cubicle and to escort her as she went to X-ray and for scans. When Dr Denholm examined the X-rays and scans sometime later her suspicions were confirmed. ?Nurse can you ask her husband what medications she's on for me please?? ?Yes doctor.? The doctor then opened Phillipa's handbag which had somehow made the journey with her to see if she had any 'other' non- prescription medications with her and was surprised to find under her cigarettes and purse a small card with a name and number he recognised. Dr Denholme took out his personal mobile phone from his pocket and dialled the number from his own directory. ?Maisie, sorry to ring you at this late hour but I may have one of yours here at the hospital.? ?Name? Oh let me see Phillipa, Phillipa Dryburn, husband says she fell down the stairs.? ?Mostly bruising, dislocated knee, cracked ribs and a concussion, she'll have a hell of a hangover when she wakes though but judging from her blood tox results she's going to need protecting from herself as well as her husband.? ?I can Maise, but it'll only be a temporary order and judging by the nuisance her husband is making of himself in the family room at the moment he'll be wanting to be with her when she wakes.? ?Okay then Maise, I'll set the ball rolling see you soon.? At three the next morning a still unconscious Phillipa was wheeled into the back of a waiting private ambulance via a rear service entrance and whisked away into the night. Phillipa woke the next morning and groaned loudly, it didn't take her long to realise that she was not in her own bed and that she also wasn't in hospital either, she was, however, alone. It took several minutes for Phillipa to work out that she was in a small room with one window, what looked like an en suite bathroom and a door to the outside world, beside her bed was a jug of water with ice in it and a plastic glass, Phillipa shuffled up her bed realising as she did that she was for the first time in years wearing pyjamas soft silky pyjamas. Pouring water into the glass with difficulty she then took a sip from the glass. ?Pity it's not Gin,? she said to herself whilst wondering where she was. Several minutes later she heard the door to her room being unlocked 'was she a prisoner?' she thought immediately as a casually dressed woman appeared with a tray containing several small paper cups. Good morning Phillipa I hope that you slept well I have your medication here. ?Medication?? ?Yes your usual ones just at a slightly lower dose; oh and this one here should take the edge off your cravings and these are for your pain.? Phillipa took each pill quickly gulping each one down with water and then asked. ?So where do I go to get a cigarette?? ?Oh I'm afraid that you can't smoke whilst you are indoors but we do have smoking areas outside the building you'll be able to use when you are well enough.? ?B' but I need one now I get really irritable if I don't smoke often.? ?I'll see about getting you a patch or gum to help, but I would give the Champix a chance to kick in first.? ?Listen you stupid cow I need my cigarettes, I'll go mad without them.? ?I think you may be underestimating yourself Phillipa, just give it a few minutes.? With that the woman left the room locking it from behind as she went. By the time the casually dressed woman reappeared carrying a lunch tray Phillipa was starting to feel the effects of withdrawal not only from nicotine but also from alcohol and to a lesser extent her mood stabilising medicine, in essence she felt completely awful. ?I've brought you some food and a drink, oh and a patch.? Phillipa who had been lying curled up on her bed shivering and whilst scratching at her arms rose and took the offered patch immediately peeling off the backing and placing it on her forearm. ?I'm sorry it's just soup but it's home-made as is the crusty bread.? Phillipa propped herself up on her bed and took the tray from the woman and without talking started to eat the warm soup. ?Unfortunately your dentures were left at the hospital so it may be a while before we can get you replacements.? Phillipa hardly heard the woman's comments as she greedily slurped at the soup. ?Don't s?pose you have any Gin do you?? asked Phillipa hopefully. ?No I'm sorry just water for you for now I'm afraid,? replied the woman. ?Do you have a name then?? ?Yes it's Ellie.? ?Where am I?? ?Our guests usually call it Sanctuary but in reality it's just an old teacher training college we rent from the council, this room is in one of the old accommodation blocks.? ?Can I leave?? ?No, I'm sorry not yet.? At this Phillipa became agitated. ?No? What do you mean by no?? asked Phillipa loudly. ?You are under a temporary medical protection order at the moment.? Phillipa placed her spoon down on the tray and stared at Ellie. ?Why?? ?Because of your injuries and evidence of previous injuries that showed up on your scans, we believe that you are a victim of domestic abuse.? ?I, no that's bullshit and you know it.? ?Well if that's true Phillipa then in a couple of weeks you'll be released and can get on with your life but until then you can enjoy being our guest.? ?No I want to see my husband, you don't understand I need him, he looks after me.? ?By pushing you down the stairs?? ?It was an accident, he didn't mean too, I'd forgotten to buy toothpaste it was my fault he...? Ellie smiled weakly at Phillipa. ?Denial is quite common with domestic abuse cases Phillipa, all we are doing here is giving you the chance to catch your breath in a safe environment and contemplate your future.? Phillipa looked at Ellie in frustration picked up the tray and threw it at the wall causing the soup to splatter across the wallpaper mirror and door to the en suite. ?I need to get fucking home, let me go home Len needs me... I need Len.? With that Phillipa broke down fell back onto the bed into the foetal position and started to sob uncontrollably, Ellie cautiously approached Phillipa sat by her side and stroked her back as she wept. Chapter 08 Turning Point For the next week and a half Phillipa was confined to the small room and during that time her body valiantly worked to expel some of the more toxic chemicals that had built up in her system over the last few years, she still felt dreadful every single day but after a week she finally grew to accept that cigarettes, alcohol and recreational drugs were completely off the table whilst in her what she hoped would be temporary prison. One concession Ellie had made to Phillipa was to supply her with a pair of 2? wedge heeled shoes to assist with her mobility. Today Phillipa stood by the one window in her room and looked down on the grounds, in the distance she could see two young women playing tennis, they seemed to be having a great time and Phillipa found herself becoming quite jealous of them as there was no way she would be able to play tennis any more in her current state because of her now shortened Achilles tendons due to her stupidly constant heel wearing and her generally poor level of fitness. ?Good morning Phillipa and how are you today?? asked Ellie brightly as she entered Phillipa's room a few minutes later. ?Okay I suppose, when can I go home?? asked Phillipa as she continued to look out of the window she'd been standing at, Ellie placed the lunch tray on the small table adjacent to the window and looked out of the window. ?Have you ever played tennis?? ?Yes but had to give it up, they don't really make high heeled trainers.? ?Hmm yes but you could retrain your feet so that you could wear normal trainers.? ?That would take ages wouldn't it?? ?I think you'd be surprised Phillipa, I can speak to our physio if you'd like and see if she could suggest some exercises to help you.? Phillipa whilst still looking out the window at the two women on the tennis court said simply. ?I'd like that.? It did not go unnoticed by Ellie however that a tear had just run down Phillipa's cheek as she'd absent-mindedly answered. Sometime later Ellie unlocked the door to Phillipa's room and entered. ?I come bearing gifts.? Phillipa was sitting on her bed, staring at the mirror opposite her, Ellie noticed. ?Is there a problem Phillipa?? ?A problem, yes there is a fucking problem, just look at the state of me I'm a complete mess my roots are showing my skin is awful and I feel like shit.? Ellie looked at Phillipa and dark roots were starting to show on her previously auburn almost copper coloured hair, her eyebrows which she'd obviously shaved in the past were growing back and her skin was very pale almost white still. ?I've been speaking with the Physio and she's given me these for you to use they're called resistance bands she suggests that you loop one end over your knee when sitting and the other between your arch and your toes the gentle pressure over time should help stretch and lengthen your tendons, I've also brought you a jigsaw to do whilst doing your stretching exercises. Phillipa looked at the two stretchy bands and at the 1000-piece jigsaw picked them up and threw them across the room at the mirror causing the pieces of the jigsaw to scatter all over the floor. Undaunted Ellie simply said, ?I've obviously caught you at an awkward moment, I'll call in again tomorrow morning.? ?Yeah, you do that bitch,? stated Phillipa as she continued to stare at her reflection in the mirror.? The very next morning when Ellie entered with Phillipa's breakfast she immediately noticed that the jigsaw had been tidied up and that all the edge pieces had been assembled into a rectangle on the table by the window and from the sounds coming from the en suite Phillipa was having a shower. She smiled to herself and left the breakfast on its tray on the bed along with a tee shirt and bra. Ellie decided to leave Phillipa and call in on her once she'd showered and eaten her breakfast. At lunch Ellie called on Phillipa again to find her sitting at the table by the window, wearing the tee shirt she'd been provided with doing the jigsaw whilst using the resistance bands on both feet, Phillipa turned and smiled at Ellie and Ellie smiled back noticing the tiniest amount of colour on the cheeks of Phillipa's otherwise pale face. ?I must say you are looking much better today Phillipa.? ?I feel odd Ellie, odd in quite a nice way, Is that lunch?? ?Yes hotpot today and corporation pop.? Phillipa frowned. ?You mean water.? ?Fraid so, you may be allowed a little milk by the end of the week if you are a good girl though.? Ellie expected Phillipa to say something sarcastic like ?Whoopie doo.? or some other quip but instead simply said. ?I'd like that.? Phillipa then released the two resistance bands and half walking, half tip toeing walked over to Ellie. ?Would you stay with me whilst I eat Ellie please?? ?I'll just go and get you're meds, tuck in I'll be back in a moment.? Ellie true to her word returned quickly with Phillipa's medication and a small elastic hair band. ?I thought you might like this to hold your hair back.? Phillipa smiled. ?May I ask you a question Ellie?? ?Certainly ask away.? ?Why are you being so patient with me,? Ellie reached out and touched Phillipa's hand. ?Because love you're in pain.? ?But I have the pills for that.? ?Not the physical pain you've suffered Phillipa but your emotional pain, today was the first time I'd seen you smile since arriving here with us, it was wonderful to see.? Phillipa immediately drew her hand away from Ellie and her defences came back up but undaunted Ellie continued. ?I was thinking that if you continued to improve, maybe I could take you for a walk in the grounds in a couple of days.? Phillipa looked at the woman she classed as her jailer and could feel herself welling up, she turned away from her and said as coldly as she could. ?Maybe.? It was more than a couple of days though before Ellie judged Phillipa ready it was nearly a week later that holding tightly to Ellie's hand Phillipa finally and very nervously stepped out of her room and into a short-carpeted corridor. ?I, I'm not sure I can do this Ellie, take me back please.? ?You're in this for the long haul now I'm afraid Phillipa. Just think of the lovely warm sunshine outside,? said Ellie comfortingly as she held Phillipa's hand firmly. ?What's wrong with me Ellie? I'm absolutely terrified.? ?It?s been a while for you hasn't it, your mind is no longer damped down as much by the medications, alcohol and drugs you'd been using to keep the world at bay, it?s okay I'll be with you the whole time, nothing bad will happen to you I promise.? It took several minutes but soon Phillipa was taking her first tentative steps out of the brick accommodation building and into the fresh country air. ?Can you feel it Phillipa can you feel the sunshine on your face, Isn't it lovely?? Phillipa however didn?t say anything, she just closed her eyes and let her skin be bathed in the gentle sunlight, she was then guided over a narrow roadway by Ellie and onto the grass by several trees that provided shade for a circle of picnic tables. ?I?ve arranged for refreshments to be brought over to us, oh and use this on your face.? Elle passed Phillipa a plastic bottle containing sun cream. ?Whilst we wait for lunch would it be okay if I discussed some things with you?? ?I suppose... what kind of things?? ?Well firstly your teeth, I wasn?t exactly honest with you when you first arrived, we have your dentures but they have been used to make a set of implants for you.? ?Implants?? ?Yes just like your original teeth they will be fixed into your gums and be permanent.? Elle watched as Philippa?s tongue ran its way around the hole where her front teeth had once lived. ?I?d like that Ellie but when could it be done?? ?Tomorrow morning if you agree.? Phillipa nodded. ?Your breasts too.? ?What about them.? ?The doctor who treated you at hospital noticed that you had partially inflated implants under your pectoral muscles.? ?Yes I was in the process of having them inflated.? ?would you like us to continue with their expansion Phillipa? I can arrange that for you if you wish.? Philippa went quiet and thought about Ellie?s suggestion. ?To be honest with you Ellie I?m not sure I even want the implants any more, I?m not even sure why I agreed to get them in the first place, I quite like my boobies just the way they are.? ?Was it possibly your husbands suggestion?? Phillipa answered Ellie's question. ?Ellie I just don?t know. It?s like I?ve been in a dream, a very mushy, fuzzy dream for a while and I?m just starting to wake up only to find that someone else had been driving my body whilst I was asleep.? Ellie smiled broadly at Phillipa. ?Does it feel good?? ?It?s bloody scary Ellie and the really weird thing is that I?m not really sure who I am anymore.? ?I?m sure you?ll work it out Phillipa.? ?Pip, call me Pip that?s what my friends called me just after I...? ?Just after you?? Phillipa looked over towards two young women carrying trays towards them. ?I think our refreshments are here Ellie.? Ellie wasn?t too bothered by Phillipa?s reluctance to discuss her past, she?d already come so far in such a very short time she?d noticed early on in her recovery that her recuperative powers were quite impressive it was almost as if Phillipa had been keeping herself unfit and constantly drunk deliberately. This morning when she?d entered Phillipa?s room she?d caught Phillipa doing crunches on the carpet in an attempt to strengthen her stomach muscles. Chapter 09 Refurbished Just under a week later Phillipa had dental implant surgery and whilst under the general anaesthetic had her breast implants removed and within two weeks was starting to walk around the grounds in walking shoes with a built-up heel then one night after a wonderful day out in the grounds Phillipa woke once more to girlish giggling in her room. Before even looking towards the source of the noise she said, ?Please It wasn?t my fault, I had to attend a meeting, I couldn?t make it, I?m so sorry.? there was no reply so Phillipa opened her eyes to see this time the silhouette of a small child and that of a woman. ?Please stop punishing me please,? begged Phillipa as the tallest silhouette moved forward stopping near her bed, a charred arm moved towards her the blackened peeling flesh on the fingers brushing her cheek ?We both love you and want you to stop punishing yourself, you need to return home.? ?I? I can?t, please don?t make me I just can?t.? At that moment the door to Phillipa?s room opened and silhouetted in the doorway was Ellie in her nightclothes. ?Pip. Phillipa are you okay you sounded upset?? Phillipa tried to compose herself, but couldn?t quite carry it off. ?It was just a nightmare Ellie, just a bad dream that?s all.? ?No that?s not it Pip. You look terrified, you?re covered in sweat.? ?Please just leave it, it was just a bad dream that?s all.? ?Okay then, If you?re sure.? Phillipa nodded to Ellie. ?I am, I promise.? With that Ellie exited the door way and closed it, she did not however lock it. The next morning when Ellie came to give Phillipa her breakfast she found that her room was empty, Ellie checked the en suite quickly but it was empty she then went over to the window and noticed down on the lawn near to the tennis courts was Phillipa doing what looked like Tai chi, she was being observed curiously by several other guests. Phillipa noticed her looking down on her and waved. Ellie smiled to herself, Phillipa had made her decision and she?d decided to stay at least for a while. That afternoon whilst Phillipa sat in one of the many communal areas she noticed three women doing some form of craft and jewellery work and after a while observing what they were doing approached the women and asked. ?That drill thingie you?re using does it cut through metal?? ?The Dremel? Yes it can do with the correct disk, why do you ask?? Phillipa?s pale face became very red but she still managed to splutter out. ?I have piercings I?ve tried to remove them but I believe that the threads were glued or something when they were tightened.? ?And you?d like them removed?? asked a young woman rummaging through a box of accessories. ?Yes I would.? ?Let?s see then,? asked another woman. ?Err.? ?Oh I see.? The three women all started to giggle causing Phillipa to join them and after a while she pulled up her tee-shirt and pulled down one of the cups of her bra revealing the ring through her nipple. ?Actually that may be soft enough to cut with jewellery snips, may I try? The name?s Sharon by the way.? Sharon took a pair of small snips to the ring but very quickly determined that it was made of stronger stuff than her little pliers could cut. By this time the other two women had found portable screens and wheeled them over to give Phillipa a little more privacy. The cutting disk on the little drill did however cut the metal of the ring but it had to be done in several stages as the ring quickly heated up and became uncomfortable. It took an hour and several ice cubes for the first ring to be removed and just over forty-five minutes for the second to be dropped into the litter bin. ?There all done, that wasn?t too bad was it.? Phillipa smiled sheepishly. ?Actually.? Sharon looked down at Phillipa?s crotch. ?Nooo.? ?Fraid so six more down there.? ?We?re going to need to order more disks girls.? All four women then burst out laughing. In the background by the door to her office stood Ellie watching the four women interacting, she smiled and re-entered her office. It took two further weeks before Phillipa was free of her piercings by which time she could also walk in flats for nearly fifteen minutes before becoming uncomfortable, she?d also gained quite a following in the mornings with some of the other guests and children joining her doing Tai chi exercises on the grass. One afternoon Phillipa approached Ellie in her office. ?Ellie I?d like to try tennis again and do more exercises but don?t have any suitable clothing, I was wondering if we could go into Milton Keynes and buy some. ?Oh Phillipa didn?t you know you?re no longer in Buckinghamshire but are actually in Shropshire now, the chances of your husband randomly coming across you here are pretty slim? ?Oh.? ?It was your friends idea, she thought that the further you were away from your husband the safer that you would be.? ?My friend?? ?Yes Maisie, she organised for you to be brought here so that we could help you, she was worried for your safety Phillipa.? Phillipa swallowed a little ?She still thinks of me as her friend?? ?Yes Phillipa she does.? Phillipa quickly turned and left Ellies office barely managing to say, ?I?m sorry please excuse me,? as she quickly left the room. Ellie found Phillipa several minutes later after being alerted to someone crying in the toilets by another guest. Ellie talked patiently for nearly an hour to a cubicle door until Phillipa exited and accepted a hug of the woman that she?d until recently classed as her jailer. Back in Ellie?s office Phillipa sat with tissues and a cup of tea. ?If you would like we can go into town tomorrow and I?m sure we could find you something suitable for exercising in, we don?t really have the budget for anything extravagant so it?ll probably just be charity shop clothing I?m afraid. ?I could use my cards and pay for myself.? ?Only if you want your husband to get an idea where you are at the moment Phillipa as the shop you used will show up on your statement.? ?Ah I?d not thought about that.? Ellie moved closer to Phillipa. ?About your husband?? ?Yes?? ?Do you feel up to talking about your relationship yet?? Phillipa winced visibly. ?I?ll try Ellie but no promises.? ?No problem Phillipa Just tell me when to stop probing.? ?I will Ellie, so what do you want to know?? ?May we start with your relationship? Do you still love him?? ?Honestly I?m not sure any more, I thought I loved him; no not loved, needed him. I needed someone to be my grounding point, when we first met he seemed so sweet and attentive but I think almost from our first date he was manipulating me somehow.? ?And your accidents?? ?You mean when he hurt me Ellie?? ?Yes Phillipa.? ?The first time I think was genuinely an accident, we were playing rounders on the green near our home when we lived in the Borders and I must have gotten too close to him, he took a swing for the ball and hit me in the face splitting my lip and smashing my front teeth, it?s curious when I think of it now but I think he was actually quite irritated that my injury had spoilt his afternoon with our friends, of course he made a big thing of taking me to hospital but I believe that was just a show for his friends, he didn?t talk to me at hospital at all and gave me the silent treatment for a couple of days afterwards, I felt absolutely awful for spoiling his day.? ?And after that?? ?Nothing much really for a while but when he started working for his new company what with the long hours and socialising, sometimes he?d vent his frustration on me.? ?By hitting you?? ?No not always Ellie. Sometimes he?d just make me feel inadequate or he?d belittle me in front of our friends.? ?And how did you react to this.? ?Sex, initially I?d try to keep him happy with sex but it didn?t always work and of course he started to want to try different things, positions and such.? Phillipa continued to talk to Ellie for some time after that charting how she?d slowly been drawn into a life of domestic and substance abuse ending with Ellie giving Phillipa another hug. The very next day Phillipa, Ellie and two other guests from the refuge went on a shopping trip in the local town and Phillipa returned to her room later with a white pleated tennis skirt and cotton top along with a pair of training shoes, two sport bras and lycra jogging bottoms. Ellie passed Phillipa the keys to the old colleges small sports hall with the apology. ?There?s not much in there I?m afraid Just a punch bag or two and a few other items.? The next day Phillipa got up early and started with a gentle jog around the grounds before warming up with Tai Chi and then locking herself in the gym for nearly an hour. As the days turned slowly into weeks Phillipa?s physique changed rapidly and the extra weight she?d been carrying fell away. Ellie noted on several occasions that Phillipa seemed to know exactly how to look after her body and was perplexed as to why she?d deliberately allowed herself to get into such bad shape. Even though Phillipa was training hard, she'd lost none of her femininity and after shedding the outer coating of fat revealed her almost perfect figure. Her skin was now clear and soft and even the skin on her face was regaining a youthful glow as it was now unhindered by layers of thick makeup and had been allowed to breath. Just after her Tai chi session with several other guests one morning Phillipa was approached by Ellie. ?Good morning Phillipa, how are you this morning?? ?Fine, I was just going to the gym before breakfast.? ?May I come and watch please?? Phillipa smiled. ?If you like, you'll probably be bored though.? ?I have my tablet with me.? Ellie followed Phillipa into the old gymnasium where Phillipa had used the main floor area to set up several old crash mats onto a large square on the floor, the started her session using one of the punch bags firstly using her hands to hit it then graduating to her feet and legs then surprisingly her elbows. After working up a sweat Phillipa then wiped herself down with a towel and entered the clear area of the old netball court with matting on and started to perform what looked to Ellie like a martial arts Kata, starting slowly with repetitive movements but speeding up until Phillipa's movements were so fast she had trouble following them. Phillipa used the entirety of the mat as though dodging and attacking an invisible opponent. Ellie was impressed. Once finished Ellie approached the now pink Phillipa who was lying on her back on the mat breathing heavily. ?That was amazing Pip.? Phillipa smiled as she looked up at Ellie. ?It has certainly got my heart pumping again Ellie, I really enjoyed that.? ?So what kind of martial art is that?? ?It's more self-defence than any martial art so I suppose it's a mixture of a lot of techniques.? Ellie paused for a second or two before asking something she'd been thinking for the last ten minutes. ?I don't suppose you'd consider...? Phillipa answered Ellies question before she'd even finished asking. ?Teaching some of the other guests? I'll think about it. Breakfast time now, I'm famished.? Ellie followed Phillipa from the gym and as Phillipa locked it she realised that Phillipa's voice had actually risen in pitch and now sounded less like a heavy smokers gravelly voice and more that of a younger woman, she'd always assumed that such changes were irreversible without surgery. It didn't take long before several of the guests and a couple of the refuge's staff were attending Phillipa's self-defence classes every morning and sometimes in the afternoons when Phillipa would teach the children of the guests a little keep fit and self-defence. Chapter 10 Divorce It was now late summer and the days were long and hot, Phillipa's confidence had grown over the last few weeks and even though she still refused to discuss certain events with Ellie she had opened up some more about her relationship and had come to understand that she could never be with Len again more for his safety now, more than hers. ?Ellie I need to use a phone,? said Phillipa during one of her sessions. ?May I ask why?? ?To contact a solicitor as I've decided to divorce Len.? ?Have you thought this through fully Pip?? ?Yes I have. I don't want to go back to how I was and with your help I now realise how manipulative and abusive Len is. we could never be a couple again I'd end up killing him.? ?You would have realised yourself eventually Pip I just guided you.? Phillipa smiled. ?You are a wonderful counsellor Ellie.? Ellie smiled at Phillipa. ?I had a good mentor Pip.? She paused. ?We usually recommend an Ipswich based firm for people whose relationship is irreparably damaged or do you have someone else in mind?? ?I used to use a trusted company who should be able do everything for me Ellie let's just hope they remember who I was.? ?Okay then this afternoon we'll go into town together and you can use a call box there to make the call I'd rather not use the telephones here just in case.? By mid-afternoon Phillipa and Ellie were once more in town and had located one of the few remaining call boxes in the area and Ellie stood outside whilst Phillipa used the phone, she listened absent-mindedly to the call not really meaning to listen in but more to check that Phillipa protected her location. ?Hello, could I speak to Mr Jenkins please I'd like him to handle my divorce.? ?Yes I know he doesn't specialise in marital law but I think he may make an exception for me.? ?My name, it?s currently Phillipa Dryburn but it used to be...? At that very second a large truck from the local quarry trundled past drowning out Phillipa's voice. When the truck finally made its way down the road Phillipa could be heard once more. ?Hello is that Mr Jenkins?? ?Yes It has been quite some time hasn't it?? ?I just couldn't face them anymore Mr Jenkins, not after what happened, I also think I may have had a breakdown of sorts.? Ellie was a little puzzled as Phillipa was being more forthcoming with the man on the phone than she'd been over the last few weeks with her. ?Yes Mr Jenkins I'd like you to start divorce proceedings I want out of this marriage as soon as possible.? ?Grounds, oh well he's beaten me several times and I've ended up in hospital more than a couple of times too.? ?Yes I can provide evidence.? ?Thank you Mr Jenkins and if you could just send any paper work to this email address.? ?Mr Jenkins would it be possible for you to restore my old name for me please?? ?It would, oh I could hug you.? Ellie continued to listen to the one- sided conversation until Phillipa asked, ?Mr Jenkins if I may ask, my family how are they?? Phillipa nodded as the unheard voice talked for some time before Phillipa could take no more and terminated the conversation then with tears streaming down her face left the small glass cubicle to be passed a paper tissue by Ellie. ?Mop your tears Pip, I know of a lovely little caf? just down the road we can go to. ?That was the first time in years I'd asked about my family Ellie.? ?I assume you didn't part company on the best of terms.? ?You could say that yes.? It was whilst Phillipa and Ellie were enjoying cakes and tea's a little later that Ellie received an email from Jenkins, Merchant and Carter on her tablet. ?Ohh that was quick Phillipa, this is for you I believe.? Phillipa took the small tablet computer and read the message and typed a reply before deleting the reply and original message. ?Oh the wonderful man he's started already,? she said as she read the message before turning to Ellie and asking, ?Would it be possible for us to call in to the bank on high street on our way back please?? ?Yes if you wish.? Phillipa and Ellie finished their afternoon tea and walked down to the local branch of a well-known high street bank. On entry Phillipa approached the counter and asked to see the manager who appeared promptly and guided her and on her insistence Ellie into his office. ?Well Mrs Dryburn I've just been contacted by our head office, most irregular I must say but they were quite insistent so I have opened up an interim account for you here, I just need a couple of signatures from you here and here where I've indicated with crosses. Phillipa took a pen and signed the two documents. ?Thank you Mrs Um Dryburn I will now issue with a temporary debit card a permanent one will be available for you in a couple of days would you like to pick it up or would you rather we posted it to you?? ?I'll pick it up if you don't mind, I'm also starting the process of changing my name would you prepare a card for me with my original name too please?? ?Yes Mrs Dryburn. In fact I have already prepared the paperwork for you.? ?Thank you.? The manager placed the temporary card into a small terminal not unlike a payment terminal and typed in several numbers then passed the terminal to Phillipa. ?If you could just enter your four-digit pin for me please.? Phillipa typed in 7899 on the keyboard and pressed enter. ?and now on my computer could you enter a numerical password for me please for online banking, the longer the better.? Phillipa typed 787260783836766. on the keyboard and pressed the enter key ?Thank you very much Mrs Dryburn you should be able to access funds immediately.? Phillipa thanked the manager, left his office and took her card directly over to the cash point and withdrew money then after checking her balance smiled and left the bank. ?I know that we are running late Ellie but can we make one more stop please as I really need to buy a couple more bra's and a decent pair of running shoes.? Ellie smiled patiently and just nodded. Chapter 11 An Unwelcome Disturbance On the way back to the refuge Ellie asked ?I noticed that you asked about changing your name are you thinking about going back to your maiden name then?? ?Well yes and no, I?m actually going to return to my original first name and surname.? ?Really?? ?Yes both Len and I changed our names, we basically ran away you see, him from his job and me well me from my family. After the tragedy with everyone grieving I quickly drifted away from my friends and sought solace in Len. Of course I didn?t know how manipulative and controlling he was then.? ?You have mentioned a family tragedy more than once Pip; do you want to talk about it?? Phillipa looked down at the floor of the bus. ?Maybe soon Ellie, I?m not quite ready to talk about it just yet.? The bus dropped Phillipa and Ellie off on the main road just outside the entrance to the grounds of the old college and they walked together up the entrance road and into the reception area where they parted ways. That evening Phillipa had another visitation from her over active imagination, this time however there was no giggling little girl and just one shadow by her window, the shadow approached her but stopped at the base of Phillipa?s bed. ?You did well today, you reached out, I?m so proud of you.? Phillipa woke with a start but instead of feeling scared just sat looking at the dull orange glow from the street light through the curtain for a while and slipped back down under the covers falling asleep almost as fast as she?d woken. About a week later Phillipa woke early and went through her usual run warm up and gym session the gym now having several new items of equipment thanks to her new debit card. Mid-afternoon she did a keep fit class with some of the other guests and a personal trainer called Nora after which Phillipa gave tips on self-defence to the few young and not so young women that had stayed behind the class was just ending when she heard the screech of tires outside the gym block and then after a few seconds a male voice shouting for Kylie to come out of the building next door. Phillipa knew Kylie, she?d arrived recently with two black eyes, bandaged wrist and two small terrified children. Phillipa excused herself and exited the gym area and entered the covered walkway to the main building. By the time Phillipa had reached the reception area there was a man inside shouting for staff to get his wife and kids as he was taking them home, outside the reception area there were two men standing looking in. Ellie appeared from the administration area and approached the man making a scene. ?Please sir leave the premises at once there are vulnerable women here and you are upsetting them.? ?I don?t care I just want my Kylie back.? ?Unfortunately sir, she does not want to see you.? ?It was an accident I didn?t mean it, I?ll apologise and it?ll all be better you?ll see.? ?An accident, you gave her two black eyes and dislocated her wrist not to mention badly bruising little Jason.? ?It was an accident I told you.? Ellie stood her ground. ?I?m going to ask you once more sir, please leave, you already have an exclusion order on you.? The man moved forward towards Ellie and became more menacing, Phillipa noticed a bracelet on the man?s ankle he was tagged and yet he was still here, he just didn?t care Phillipa stepped between Ellie and the man. ?One chance mate, go now.? In frustration the man slapped Phillipa across the face. She stood her ground and didn?t flinch, this unnerved the man visibly ?That one was free the next will have repercussions,? stated Phillipa coolly. ?AW fuck this, this is all crap, get out of my way you stupid ooff urk.? The man had just started to take a swing at Phillipa when she leant to the side with what can only be described as lightning speed and punched him in the stomach, she then elbowed him in the testicles. Upon seeing what had just happened to their friend the other two men entered the reception area and headed straight towards Phillipa who caught the first man full in the face with her foot before then dropping to the ground and leg swiping the second man. ?Okay boys who?s next, I have several years of repressed anger to vent?? ?Fuck this for a game of cards," said the first of the two men, the second simply scrambled across the floor and exited the building without saying a word. Kylies partner however got up and took another swing at Phillipa, a swing that she easily parried and as she dodged she slapped him hard on the cheek. ?Now we?re even, please don?t be stupid and try to best me.? Unfortunately he was and took another swing at Phillipa who grabbed his extended arm twisted and used it as a means of jumping onto his chest overbalancing him and causing him to fall backwards onto the floor, Phillipa then reached over and picked up a teaspoon from a saucer sitting on an occasional table and grabbed the young man?s leg and whilst keeping him immobile and, using the spoon like a small knife she somehow managed to release the tracking tag from just above his ankle. ?Oh no you?ve broken the tamper seal, you?re in trouble now,? Phillipa stated sarcastically. ?They?ll put me back inside for this you stupid cow,? stated the man as he tried in vain to re fix the tagging device to his ankle. There was a screech of tyres as one of the cars outside left in haste Kylie?s man got up off the reception carpet and said, ?I?ll be back bitches and I?ll bring friends.? Phillipa simply said, ?No you won?t,? as she hit him sharply on the neck and he fell to the carpet unconscious. ?Oh dear he?s gone sleepy bye?s.? Phillipa turned to Ellie. ?I was never here.? Ellie just nodded blankly as Phillipa headed out of the reception area. Later that evening after the police had finished with her Ellie knocked on the door to Phillipa?s room she entered carrying two cups of cocoa on a tray. ?I told the police that you were just here visiting and that I didn?t know who you were, to be honest they didn?t seem to be interested in you at all.? ?Thank you Ellie ooh cocoa.? Ellie passed Phillipa the hot drink. ?I on the other hand have many questions.? ?I thought that you might, fire away.? ?Well the first and most pressing for me is; What the hell!! With skills like that why on earth did you allow your husband to beat you?? ?Dunno, love I suppose or my reliance on him for almost everything and by the time he'd started to use violence on me I was probably too drugged up and unfit to react or fight back.? Ellie shook her head. ?I'm a trained counsellor and you are still a mystery to me Phillipa, when you arrived here I thought you to be in your mid-thirties possibly early forties, but now I'm not even sure about that as you are starting to look like a young woman, don't even let me get started on your dark past and the nightmares that terrify you but you won't talk about.? ?It's not that I won't Ellie it's just that I can't, not really. I used to use medication to block the memory of what I thought happened and I think it may have done too good a job as my memories are now out of order or sequence if you know what I mean?? Ellie nodded ?I can sometimes recall what happened quite vividly but how could I as I was over forty miles away at the time of the accident?? ?Maybe you were told what happened.? ?I was but what I see when I dream about it is almost like a vivid re- enactment I can see every detail of what happened so vividly and I can even walk around the scene as it happens but rarely can I remember more than the most horrific parts when I eventually wake.? ?Hypnosis.? ?Sorry?? ?Hypnosis we could use hypnosis to take you back to the events that happened and you could describe what you see whilst you are under.? ?Sounds a bit tree huggy to me Ellie.? ?I have a friend who uses hypnosis regularly in his therapy sessions I could give him a call if you like?? ?I think I'd like to give it a go but if he tells me that I was an heiress in a previous life I won't be impressed.? Ellie laughed out loud. ?I?m sure he won?t say anything like that Pip. It may be a while before he can fit us in though, but I?ll set the wheels in motion tomorrow if you?d like.? ?I'm not going anywhere Ellie at least not just yet.? Chapter 12 The Hearing Following the altercation in the reception area that day, that evening Phillipa once again found herself witnessing the accident that had been the subject of so many nightmares over the last few years but this time was different this time she forced herself to be observant. Phillipa was standing on a crossroads an intersection of two roads with traffic lights controlling the flow of traffic each way, she watched as a car that she recognised a Ford estate car came towards the junction and as it started to slow down for the lights, the traffic lights changed to green so the Ford speeded up and just as it crossed the centre of the junction it was hit on its side by a large truck travelling at speed straight through the red lights, the truck flipped the Ford onto its roof and just carried on its journey as though nothing had happened, the Ford, however, spun and skidded along on its roof for several meters before hitting a lamppost at the side of the road and came to a stop throwing one of the occupants free. Phillipa then observed a man she'd previously not noticed before approaching the car she assumed to help but after a second or two he seemed to decide against it and quickly left the scene. Within seconds the crashed vehicle was in flames and she observed the driver?s side passenger pick herself up from the pavement and despite her injuries she fought to unstrap and pull the remaining occupants from the car only to be blown back by a huge fireball after dragging two unconscious passengers from the rear of the upturned car. All through the next day Phillipa was troubled by this, something about the whole scene she?d witnessed was wrong, she already knew that the driver of the truck had never been found and that the truck had been reported stolen the previous day but something was wrong with the scene something she just couldn't quite put her finger on. That morning Phillipa had received by courier documents from Mr Jenkins stating that her husband was requesting a meeting to discuss the terms of the divorce, Phillipa would rather have not gone to this meeting but it had been arranged and would have many witnesses present so she reluctantly agreed to attend via email then went to the gym and spent two hours venting her frustration and aggression. That afternoon Phillipa got a taxi into the nearest town and went on a mini shopping spree for clothing and makeup for her upcoming meeting, she also noticed in the window of a charity shop a beat-up old school satchel that she simply just had to have! When Phillipa returned later that day she placed her new clothing on the bed and reviewed it. ?Perfect.? She stated to herself not noticing Ellie standing in the doorway behind her. ?It's a bit old though isn't it?? ?Oh hello there Ellie, yes it's the look I'll be going for I've also spent a small fortune on makeup and from the local transvestite store padding for my hips and stomach and bigger boobs.? ?Why?? ?Len will expect me to look a certain way and I'm going to give him what he expects.? ?I repeat, why?? ?Lull him into a false sense of security, make him think I haven't moved on make him think I'm still the same drugged up air headed little bimbo he'd turned me into.? ?Okay I get it, so what's with the scruffy old satchel then?? ?Memories Ellie, just memories?? ?Of school?? ?Something like that, oh before I forget I ordered a car to be delivered here tomorrow I hope that you don't mind?? ?Not at all, spending your money eh?? ?It's not a new car Ellie It's a six or seven-year-old car, a Ford I believe, when I've finished with it I was thinking of leaving it here as a pool car.? ?Oh that is kind of you Phillipa is it a petrol one or a diesel?? ?Die.s..e...l, oh how could I have been so stupid It was a diesel, diesel's don't just explode in balls of flames.? Ellie looked at Phillipa and could tell she was becoming distressed. ?The crash, the accident, it shouldn't have happened. The car was a diesel, not a petrol. It shouldn't have burst into flames Ellie it just shouldn't have.? ?What on earth are you going on about Phillipa?? ?The accident, Petrol vapour is extremely flammable and can easily cause a fireball but diesel although flammable to a certain extent would not cause the huge fireball I witnessed.? ?But didn?t you say that you weren?t actually there?? ?I wasn?t, something is really wrong here and I think I?m only just waking up to what actually happened, I think my grief and guilt has clouded my mind, oh I am so stupid,? stated Phillipa frustratedly. The following day Phillipa went to the local hairdressers and had her hair dyed the same colour as her now inch long dark roots returning her hair to its original colour she also had a wig she?d recently ordered coloured and dyed to match her now absent style. Three days later Phillipa and Ellie headed to their meeting with her legal team and that of her soon to be ex Len. Ellie drove and Phillipa sat in the passenger seat demurely, dressed in wholly inappropriate clothing and wearing far too much makeup, her only concession at the moment was that she was wearing flat shoes her strappy heels having been relegated to the back seat next to the old satchel. It took nearly an hour and a half to get to the hotel in Swindon where the meeting was to take place and as their car pulled into the car park Phillipa observed Mr Jenkins entering the reception area with three other, younger, members of his staff. Phillipa and Ellie got out of the car Phillipa first slipping into her heels and placing the flat?s into the satchel which she carried like a briefcase. Mr Jenkins looked at Phillipa first then took a double take and then approached her. ?I?m so sorry Mrs Dryburn I hardly recognised you, you?ve changed so much since we last met.? Phillipa hugged the old man and whispered into his ear. ?Don?t believe everything you see.? ?Ah.? Was his reply. Mr Jenkins introduced his team and then ushered Phillipa and Ellie into a small conference room they?d hired for the day. Len and his legal team of two were half an hour late for the meeting, Phillipa noting that Len looked both tired and a little worried, they sat opposite each other Len looking straight at Phillipa whilst the legal talks began. ?You look well Phillipa, I?ve missed you,? said Len whilst appearing to be contrite. Phillipa just looked at him dispassionately desperately trying not to show the hatred and contempt she now felt for him. ?I?ve been getting help for my issues, I?ve been seeing a doctor.? Mr Jenkins interrupted the conversation with. ?And a lot of a young woman called Lois too if these surveillance photographs are anything to go by.? He laid several A4 high resolution pictures of Len embracing and kissing Phillipa?s so called best friend. ?I suppose she was just consoling you was she Len? She was supposed to be my best friend for fuck sake.? Phillipa then turned to Mr Jenkins. ?I suppose you should add adultery to the divorce petition too Mr Jenkins.? ?Already done Mrs Dryburn.? The meeting continued for nearly an hour with the results of surveillance by Mr Jenkins private detective Clive Andrews being gone over in great detail. Len could not provide any evidence of being treated for any medical condition. The meeting ended angrily with Len stating that he would not under any circumstances give Phillipa a divorce and Mr Jenkins stating, ?We have enough evidence of infidelity and of Mrs Dryburn?s injuries for the divorce to be granted without your consent I?m afraid, Goodbye Mr Dryburn.? With that Mr Jenkins his team Phillipa and Ellie left the room. During lunch in the hotel restaurant Mr Jenkins said. ?I have restored your original name now, you can start using it whenever you wish.? ?Thank you so much Mr Jenkins for your help.? ?Will you be returning home now or?? ?I?m not sure what kind of reception I?d get after all this time, the last I?d heard the old place had gone to rack and ruin.? ?The main house has seen better days yes but I do think that you returning could help.? Phillipa looked into the old man?s almost pleading eyes. ?No promises but I?ll think about visiting.? ?Thank you.? After lunch Phillipa and Ellie said their goodbyes to Mr Jenkins and his team and were just about to get into their car when from behind her she heard. ?I think not, you?re not going anywhere Phillipa.? Phillipa turned to see Len standing with three large men. ?When I?ve finished with you my dear you?ll be begging me to take you back.? Defiantly and totally uncharacteristically to Len Phillipa stood her ground and stated. ?Bring it on dickhead.? ?Ha what you going to do spray me with your perfume you great tub of lard?? whilst looking Len dead in the eyes Phillipa stepped out of her heels dropped the flat?s from her satchel onto the ground and slipped her stockinged feet into them, she then smiled. ?Ellie ring the police.? ?You?ll be long gone before they get here pet, I may have been in awe of you once but you don?t impress me anymore you daft bloated tart.? ?Okay then, come and take me then.? Len turned to the man immediately to his left. ?Just get her and bring her to the car I?m bored with this now.? Len turned to leave and heard a very loud and unmanly scream he immediately turned back to find his man rolling on the ground clutching at his groin. ?Okay then you two get her,? ordered the now slightly less confident Len, Phillipa smiled. ?I don?t think that they can Len.? ?Why the hell not?? ?Because your harmless fat lazy wife just took out Marty without even breaking a sweat and he?s a third dan Black belt, that?s why,? stated one of the men as he backed away, Phillipa smiled at her soon to be ex husband ?Looks like it?s just you and me now Len.? ?Fuck you.? He said as he moved forward to attack Phillipa missing her and hitting the side of a car as she dodged his blow. Just as Len turned to resume his attack he heard a voice loudly stating. ?Mr Denholm do I have to remind you that there is a restraining order out preventing you from being within three miles of your wife unless accompanied by a member of your legal team or a court appointed representative.? It was Mr Jenkins and he was not amused by what he had just witnessed. ?Mrs Denholm I suggest that you leave here now.? Phillipa did not need to be told twice, she and Ellie got into their vehicle and left almost immediately. On the journey back to the refuge the two women pulled onto a motorway services to stretch their legs and indulge in mid-afternoon motorway cuisine Phillipa took the opportunity to remove the additional padding and remove both her makeup and wig returning to the restaurant area wearing a long flowing skirt, ballet flats and a tee-shirt. ?You pull off the hippy teenager look very well Pip,? said Ellie as Phillipa returned ?Thank you it was the look I was going for.? ?So do you want to talk about what happened earlier?? ?Not really do you?? asked Phillipa as she twisted the top of an empire biscuit and started to nibble on it. ?Yes actually I do Pip, your attack on that man was both brutal and spectacular, you didn?t even hesitate even though he must have been nearly a foot taller than you and probably three or four stone heavier too.? ?Yes but I had to make a point Ellie I?m still nowhere near fit enough to take on three blokes that size so I took out the biggest, it was a calculated risk.? ?They said he was a black belt.? ?Yes they did, didn?t they? The twins took on several junior black belts once at a competition and won and they were only...? Phillipa?s voice tailed off and she started to look into the distance as the tears started to flow, Phillipa took a tissue from her satchel and dabbed at her eyes. ?Oh the twins, those mischievous adventurous twins.? Phillipa?s lips formed a weak smile before shivering. ?I think it?s time we headed back now Ellie it?s been a long day?? Chapter 13 A Trip to The Capital. That night Phillipa had the almost inevitable nightmare and the very next morning started to plan a trip away from the refuge, after breakfast she approached Ellie in her office. ?Ah Pip, whilst you were punishing yourself this morning a courier arrived with a pouch for you It?s waiting in reception.? ?Thank you Ellie,? Phillipa paused for a second then asked, ?Um this weekend I was thinking of having a trip down to London would you like to come with me?? ?Any particular reason you?d like me to be there?? ?Moral support as I?m not really sure how I?ll be received after all this time.? ?Well I was going to spend this weekend doing shopping and chores in my flat but as long as we are back by Monday morning I suppose I could come with you yes.? ?Thank you Ellie I appreciate it, oh before I forget I have made a donation to help with the running costs of the refuge I?m sorry it couldn?t be more but my finances are still in a state of flux.? ?Oh that?s okay Pip every little helps, as the advert on the telly says.? Phillipa smiled mischievously and left Ellie?s office then headed back to her room via reception to pick up her post. Back in her room Phillipa opened up the pouch and took out several new documents along with a new bank card, passport and driving licence, she smiled at the name. ?Welcome back Ms Stevenson,? she said to herself as she picked up the receiver of the phone and nervously dialled a number she hoped was still valid, fortunately within seconds the phone was answered. ?Hello, Stacy Stevenson's phone.? On Friday afternoon at around three Phillipa and Ellie placed their overnight bags and other essentials into the rear luggage space of the estate car, Phillipa was dressed casually wearing ballet flats a pleated black skirt with fine nude tights that added a little colour to her shapely but otherwise very pale legs, Phillipa was also wearing a lavender coloured tee-shirt and only the merest hint of makeup and with her now dark hair tied back into a ponytail and the satchel she'd recently bought she looked like a slightly mature student. ?I've booked us into a hotel for the night I hope that you don't mind Ellie? Adjacent rooms,? stated Phillipa ?I don't mind at all Pip but wouldn't it have been cheaper to have just gone down tomorrow morning as I've heard that London hotels are very expensive during the summer months.? ?My treat Ellie, we'll probably need to use the spa once we arrive before our evening meals anyway as I believe that the M25 can be quite frustrating at rush hour.? Surprisingly the journey to London and one of its more select boroughs went without major issue and they arrived at their hotel just after six that evening and after a little confusion over the booking both women were shown to their adjoining suites. It only took ten minutes for Ellie to knock on Phillipa's door. ?Pip I think you should check with reception I think they may have placed us in the wrong rooms.? Phillipa laughed at her newest friend and assured her. ?There's been no mistake Ellie so don't worry I pre-paid the rooms yesterday.? ?But my rooms are bigger than my flat.? Phillipa smiled took Ellie's hand and said, ?C'mon let's go to the spa, I'll need to use the gym first though.? Phillipa led Ellie out of her room and the two women headed to the hotel's spa/gym complex where she left Ellie in the capable hands of the spa staff whilst she went for a workout and then swim in the hotels pool, re-joining Ellie over an hour later after she'd showered. The two women then dressed and spent the rest of the evening in the restaurant before retiring to their rooms at around eleven. At approximately three in the morning Ellie was woken by Phillipa talking loudly in her sleep she pulled on a thin robe and using the interconnecting door entered Phillipa's suite and made her way to Phillipa's bedroom where Ellie found her sitting bolt upright and apparently talking to someone. ?I'm so sorry, but it should have been me, I should have been there, If I'd been there none of this would have happened. Oh Terri please forgive me?? Ellie gently sat by Phillipa's bedside and placed her hand upon Phillipa's then proceeded to gently stroke it. ?No please I don't want to see the crash again please Terri don't make me watch.? Ellie observed in the pre-dawn twilight of the room that Phillipa's eyes were rapidly moving, she was dreaming. Tears started to stream down Phillipa's face as she continued her dream ?What do you want me to see Terri? What do you want me to see?? There was a brief pause and then Phillipa said simply, ?Ian?? followed by ?Noooooooo.? Phillipa then fell to one side and started to whimper quietly to herself. Ellie pulled the covers over Phillipa and quietly left the room leaving her friend to the remainder of her hopefully peaceful sleep, now with a greater understanding of why she'd been numbing her senses with both prescription and recreational drugs as well as alcohol for some years. At breakfast the next morning Ellie mentioned. ?You had a nightmare last night.? ?Did I?? ?Yes can't you remember it?? ?No, not a thing I'm sorry, I wish I could as I'm starting to think that they've been trying to tell me something.? ?They?? ?Yes the people in my nightmares I think they blame me.? ?Who's Terry?? ?Terry?? ?Yes in your dream you were apologising to someone called Terry? Phillipa gripped her cutlery tightly and the colour drained from her cheeks. ?Terry is a family friend he used to be a marine.? Ellie frowned. ?No it was more like you were talking to a small child than an adult.? Phillipa got up from her chair causing it to fall back as she did. ?Excuse me Ellie I'm so sorry.? Phillipa left Ellie sitting and quickly exited the hotel restaurant Ellie instantly knew that she'd upset her friend but, instead of following her, decided to finish her breakfast. When Ellie reached Phillipa's room sometime later she could hear her sobbing in her bedroom so entered cautiously and approached her. ?I'm sorry for upsetting you Phillipa I truly am.? Through sniffs and sobs Ellie managed to piece together that Terry was in fact a little girl called Theresa but was called Terri for short. ?She was such a sweet thing Ellie, we all loved her, she didn't deserve how she died she didn't deserve it at all she was burned alive. burned alive trapped upside down in her car seat along with, with, with Mummy Alice, they both died, it should have been me that day it was my turn to pick Terri and the twins up, but I had to attend a meeting at uni, a bloody meeting, a stupid bloody meeting.? Ellie held her friend. ?You're feeling guilt for something you had no control over Phillipa. There was no way that you could have known. I can't understand why no one has picked up that you were suffering from survivor guilt in all of this time.? ?Mummy Alice and Terri paid with their lives but the twins and Mummy, mummy.? Phillipa broke down once more. ?Phillipa you have to stop punishing yourself, it has happened, you can't make it un happen you should celebrate the lives of the people you lost not dwell on their death, Terri sounded like a wonderful little girl Phillipa.? Phillipa sniffed. ?Oh she was she was lovely, almost never without a smile or a cheeky little grin I absolutely adored her.? ?Think about her smile Phillipa just try and think about her smiling at you, imagine she's sitting on the bed next to you now, what would she do?? ?Terri? She'd pass me her little teddy bear and hug me as tightly as she could until all of the hurt had gone.? Ellie gently held Phillipa hugging her gently whilst Phillipa tried to imagine she was being hugged by her littlest sister. After a few seconds Ellie?s image was replaced by that of a small girl with long black pigtails. ?Don't cry Suzy please don't cry, Mummy and me don't want you to cry anymore.? Phillipa looked down at the young girl whose big dark eyes glistened as she looked up at her big sister. ?I' I'll Try Terri I'll Try.? ?Promise?? ?I promise.? Phillipa watched as the slightly sad face changed and a beautiful toothy grin appeared, she closed her eyes and Terri was gone once again replaced by Ellie who was still hugging her gently. ?Thank you Ellie.? Ellie reached over pulled out several tissues from the box on the bedside table and passed them to Phillipa who took them and started to gently dab at her face. ?If you are feeling better now Phillipa, I?ll leave you to freshen up.? ?Susan, please call me Susan from now on please, Phillipa died about thirty seconds ago and good riddance to her.? ?Err okay then, if you are sure.? ?I am and I'll explain later I promise.? Chapter 14 Visiting Relatives. Susan and Ellie checked out of the hotel at ten. ?I hope that everything was okay for you and your guest Miss Stevenson?? ?Yes thank you It was.? ?I'll get the porter to load your car and bring it round for you.? ?Actually could I just leave the car here for a while and pick it up later, our destination is only a short walk from here.? ?Certainly miss.? ?Thank you.? And with that Susan and Ellie walked out the hotel turned left and headed down the road further into town. As the two strolled together down the busy shopping street in the warm breeze Ellie asked. ?So that's your name Susan Stevenson?? ?Yup.? ?Susan Stevenson, the missing Heiress?? ?Yup.? ?When I was asked to help you I had no idea at all.? ?May I ask who asked you to help me Ellie?? ?My mentor.? Susan smiled ?He wouldn't by any chance be called Bob would he?? ?Robert yes.? ?He's your mentor?? ?Yes he's been lecturing at my Uni, he has fascinating insights into PTSD and other conditions.? ?May I ask how he found me? I thought we'd covered our tracks really well.? ?Apparently it was a random discussion with someone at a medical conference.? ?I'm starting to feel manipulated Ellie.? ?As am I Susan, I thought I'd crapped out when I was given the post of counsellor at the refuge but I think I was placed there now.? ?The sly old fox, it still doesn't explain how I ended up at your refuge though does it.? ?No It doesn't.? After fifteen minutes of strolling and window shopping the pair turned off down a side street and onto a much quieter tree lined street of large Georgian houses. ?Number 27, 29, 31 ah 33 this is the one.? Susan stopped outside an impressive looking three storey house with a small stone staircase leading up to the front door and also a wide gently sloping ramp built to its side taking the scenic route to the front door. ?Ooh I have butterflies Ellie maybe this was not such a good idea after all,? said Susan as she stood on the pavement and looked at the large black front door. At that very moment the front door opened and a young woman in a wheelchair appeared. Susan looked up at her and instantly recognised her. ?So you coming in or what?? asked wheelchair?s occupant impatiently. Susan couldn't help but smile and ran up the steps and embraced the young woman. ?Oh Lucy I've missed you so much, I'm so sorry for not being there for you.? The girl in the wheelchair hugged back tightly. ?You took your sweet time though didn?t you, your marbles must have been well and truly lost,? her voice changed and she then continued more softly, ?But I'm glad you've finally found them though.? Ellie just stood and looked observing that the young woman in the wheelchair was actually quite disfigured and when she moved, it exposed the fact that one of her ears was missing on one side. ?Come in, Stacy has had to go to the gallery for an hour or two but Dawn is upstairs, she's busy in the kitchen.? Lucy expertly turned the wheelchair around on its axis and headed towards a small lift in the middle of the hallway and wheeled herself into it. ?You two will have to use the stairs I'm afraid my little lift only carries one.? As Susan and Ellie reached the first floor they were met by who Ellie assumed to be Dawn Susan immediately hugged the young woman wearing an apron. ?You took your sweet time coming to your senses Suzy, have you ditched the dickhead then?? ?Yes Dawn, he?s all but gone now.? ?Manipulative bastard. Silvia was right about him all along, fancy a scone?? Ellie noticed that Dawn was also scarred with what looked like skin grafts on her legs and arms and had a very long scar on her leg below the knee. ?Go into the living room I?ll bring refreshments through for you, Lucy if you would do the honours.? Susan and Ellie followed Lucy and her wheelchair into the living room and then to Susan?s surprise she with the aid of a crutch got out of it and sat on a high-backed chair. ?Lucy you can walk again,? stated Susan in complete surprise. ?Yeah cool or what, legs are still mostly numb though and my bladder isn?t what it was but I can at least get around a little once more, don?t think I?ll be climbing any trees for a while yet though.? ?But how?? ?An implant Suzy, it takes electrical signals from the nerves before the break on my spine and plops them down onto the nerves after the break, I was lucky that the Physio?s kept working on my muscles so that they were still strong enough.? ?That?s amazing Lucy it really is.? ?Want to know something even cooler?? Susan nodded. ?The last scan I had on my spine shows that somehow the nerves are growing towards each other it?s like they want to re-join, I?m going back up to ?The Centre? in a couple of weeks for what will probably be several months of intensive therapy, I want to walk again Suzy I just have too and now that you are back we can be a family again.? ?Lucy I keep telling you, it?ll never be the same, not like it used to be, it just can?t,? stated Dawn who had just entered the room with a tray piled with cups and saucers and other refreshment paraphernalia, Lucy looked deflated at her sisters comment. ?I can hope can?t I?? Susan went over to her sister and hugged her ?With your will and determination I believe that you can do anything Lucy.? ?Really?? ?Yes really.? Dawn re-entered with scones and a large teapot which she placed on the large coffee table next to the tray she?d recently brought in. ?So who?s your friend then?? asked Dawn to Susan. ?Oh this is Ellie she helped me recover after I, I.? Ellie continued for Susan. ?After her husband threw her down the stairs at her home,? stated Ellie ?Why Suzy why on earth did you put up with him?? ?I loved him Dawn, no needed him or at least I thought I did.? Over tea and scones Susan gave her sisters a potted version of her life since running away with Len or Ian as he was called then and just as the clock struck one on the hallway landing Stacy Stevenson appeared and said, ?So you?ve finally returned.? ?Hello auntie Stacy it?s good to see you.? Stacy went over to her Niece and hugged her tightly. ?I thought we?d lost you forever Suzy.? ?You very nearly did auntie.? Stacy held her Niece for well over a minute before asking brightly. ?Shall we go out for lunch today?? Over lunch Susan tried asking about Stevenson Towers, their family home, but her questions were met with. ?You?ll need to go there yourself Susan and see, things have changed a lot since you ran away, you?ll also need to make peace with Mummy Joy.? This was not an encounter that she relished at all, more from guilt than fear. ?What about my friends are they still there? Trish Is she still with Chris?? Lucy who seemed, despite her own issues, to be the most amiable of her family said, ?She and Chris stayed for a while Suzy, but once she graduated from Uni they moved near to Chris's father, we don't really hear much from them anymore.? ?And what about...? It was at this point that Dawn slammed her cutlery down on the table, looked Susan coldly in the eyes and said, ?Why don't you just bloody go up to North Yorkshire and find out for yourself Susan, not a peep from you for years on end and you just pop up and want everything to be as it was. Where were you when we were all hurting over Mummy Alice and... and... and Terr? ?DAWN THAT IS ENOUGH,? boomed Stacy, Dawn immediately got up from her seat and stormed away. ?I'm so sorry Suzy, but Dawn had to grow up really fast after the accident. She doesn't really mean what she said.? Susan looked at Stacy and at Lucy and swallowed. ?But she was right wasn't she? I failed our family when they most needed me, I should have been your big sister, a shoulder to cry on and your emotional support but I let myself be influenced by Ian, I ran away and hid like the coward I am. I'm so sorry for coming back, for being such a disappointment to you all.? The restaurant was now silent as the other diners witnessed the awkward scene. Susan got up to leave and had only gone two or three steps when Lucy thrust her crutch between Susan?s legs and tripped her up causing her to fall to the carpet. ?Don't you dare leave me again Suzy, I've just got you back and I want you to be my big sister again, Dawn will calm down, I'll talk to her. I believe that you have returned to us for a reason and I'm not about to scupper your chances so please come back to the table. Oh and can I have my crutch back please?? Susan got up from the floor and returned Lucy's crutch to her, she smiled weakly ?You're braver than any of us Lucy, thank you.? She then kissed her sister on the cheek turned and headed away once more. ?I'll be back in a minute I promise.? After asking the greeter if he'd seen her sister, Susan left the building and found her a little up the pavement to Susan's shock she was smoking a cigarette she immediately took it from her sisters fingers and threw it to the ground. ?You don't need these Dawn, really you don't I know, I?ve just quit.? ?You're pretty good at quitting aren't you Suzy?? stated Dawn tersely. ?Yes, I've been a terrible big sister to you and I'm so sorry.? ?Why did you run away Suzy? We all needed you.? ?Honestly?? ?Yes Suzy, honestly.? ?I just couldn't take it anymore I mean with mummy's other job then what happened to Trish and finally the accident I think I just overloaded, I started to visit Ian's Grandmother as a way of escaping from home. Then, after the accident, Ian somehow convinced me to run away with him and start a new life together, it seemed to make perfect sense to me at the time.? ?Hillary tried to find you Susan, you literally vanished, he was initially convinced that you had been kidnapped.? ?I was in Milton Keynes, I wasn't even really hiding, Len I mean Ian even somehow organised new identities for us.? ?Milton Keynes?' Mogadon city' hardly surprising he couldn't find you, you might as well have been on Mars.? ?Oh Dawn I so want to make it up to you I really do but I just don't know how to.? Dawn turned to Susan and almost squeaked as she said. ?Just be my big sister again Suzy, that's all I want.? Dawn went to hug her sister and Susan hugged her back gently and as she hugged she could feel the ridges of scar tissue on her sisters back from the burns she'd received during the accident. Susan and Dawn returned to the restaurant sometime later holding hands and looking much happier than when they'd both left. That evening Susan and Ellie stayed at Stacy's home and the very next morning after Susan had exercised in the local park they packed for their journey back to the refuge. Susan hugged both her sisters before leaving, Lucy even managed to stand for her hug. ?So when are you going back up to the frozen north then?? asked Stacy. ?I'm going back to the refuge now and will probably go up mid next week, I'm not honestly expecting to be welcomed with open arms but I have to at least try and put things right between mummy and I.? Stacy hugged Susan tightly. ?I think that you may just pull it off Suzy, just be careful things are different at home now.? Chapter 15 Wanted Susan drove the car on their journey back and once she?d negotiated the heavy and impolite city traffic and had entered the M25 they headed towards the turn off for the M40 at junction sixteen. About two miles after they had joined the M40 Ellie?s phone went off, Ellie as answered the call saying, ?It?s the refuge Susan I wonder what they want?? After answering her mobile she said very little apart from the occasional ?Yes? or ?I see.? And when the call ended she turned to Susan. ?We can?t go back to the refuge I?m afraid Susan.? ?Why on earth not?? ?Several men who claimed that they were police officers barged to the reception area earlier asking where you were, they?ve seized files and they?ve searched your room from top to bottom.? ?Why on earth did they do that I?ve done nothing wrong that I?m aware of?? ?Apparently they say that you are a wanted fugitive with several outstanding warrants for your arrest.? ?That is rubbish Ellie I?m no such thing.? ?There?s something else too.? ?Could it get any worse?? ?It could, they were using anti-terrorism powers to circumvent the normal police protocols and rules.? Susan sighed. ?Ellie I?m going to drop you off at the next services, you should be able to get a lift back from there, you?ve helped me too much for me to allow you to become entangled in whatever the hell is now going on.? ?You bloody won?t I?m staying with you,? stated Ellie indignantly. ?Ellie you don?t understand this could get really heavy, you could get hurt.? ?I?m staying with you and that is final,? Ellie replied defiantly. ?Okay then we need to get off the motorway just in case they have our reg, Ellie take my phone and warn auntie Stacy.? Susan quickly found the next exit and started to make her way cross country trying to avoid towns and ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras, just before lunch Susan pulled up the car in the car park to a small commuter belt train station, she left her car and returned quickly with two number plates. ?These are also from a Ford Ellie, it?s a trick my friend Taff taught me.? Susan removed the existing plates from her car and placed her old ones on the car she?d just liberated her new ones from.? ?That should keep us safe at least until the owner realises.? Susan then turned the car again and headed roughly north using old A roads as much as she could. After stopping off for a snack Ellie noticed that her mobile phone was behaving peculiarly. ?The screen keeps switching on and off on my phone Susan.? ?Pass it here please Ellie.? Ellie passed Susan her phone, Susan slowed down, got out of the car and went into the back of the car where she found an old metal biscuit tin that was full of tools, she tipped them out and placed both Ellies and her own phone into the tin and placed the lid Back onto it. ?I may just be being paranoid but the tin should screen the phones until I can dispose of them.? ?Really? Do you think that we are being tracked?? ?Possibly, I just need to get home now, hopefully Mummy will know what to do.? Susan started driving again and changed course once more heading roughly west this time until she picked up the M6. ?I thought we were avoiding Motorways Susan?? asked Ellie ?We are but I?m hungry and as soon as we?ve eaten I need to ditch those two phones and what better place than a very busy motorway services.? ?Are you sure you are not some kind of spy Susan, you certainly seem to know a lot about not being seen.? ?I promise you I?m not but I used to know some people that may have been.? At the services Susan and Ellie ate in one of the overpriced restaurants and bought provisions including two cheap replacement mobile phones with pay as you go sim?s, Susan went back to the car and with Ellie waiting in the car with the engine running she opened the old metal biscuit tin and placed one of the phones in the back of a plumbers pickup truck and the other she wedged into the tarpaulin of a large flatbed transporter, Susan then left the car park but instead of entering the motorway exited via a small service road onto a B road behind the service?s. The pair continued with their journey travelling roughly north up the west coast until they needed another toilet stop, Susan then found a small hotel in the Coastal town of Morecambe to spend the evening. Susan and Ellie dined at the hotel that evening and were pleasantly surprised at the quality of the simple food on offer, ending their evening with a walk along the seafront before preparing for their evening in their double room. Susan was sitting cross legged on her bed watching Ellie preparing for bed when Ellie asked, ?You?ve discussed several things with me over the last several weeks Susan and I know that you don?t want to talk about the accident and after seeing the impact and repercussions it?s had on your lovely sisters I fully understand why but what I don?t understand is how you allowed Len to take virtual control over your life.? Susan gave a little half-hearted laugh, ?I?ve thought about this many times recently too Ellie, if you sit on the bed I?ll brush your hair whilst I give you a potted history of my downfall.? Susan. Ellie sat as I brushed her hair and I started my tale of woe. ?I met Ian Thompson probably oh it must be just over seven years ago now, I sort of accidentally saved his life, he was a policeman at the time. Well, one thing led to another and he asked me out a couple of times to the cinema and the occasional disco, at the time I didn?t drink alcohol at all and led a really sheltered life, so sheltered in fact that when I went to University my best friend Trish looked out for me and made sure I didn?t get into any trouble, Trish is very streetwise and I loved her dearly as a friend. I think it was just before Christmas the year before everything went wrong when I first met Trish?s sister, she was in trouble and I, along with Trish and Trish?s wife Chris went to meet with her in a town called Harrogate, suffice it to say things didn?t go quite to plan and I got into a fight and was nearly strangled getting an impressive shiner and lots of bruises also. Trish?s sister came to stay with us and we enjoyed a really good Christmas, except that now when I look back on it I realise that Ian was starting to become really possessive and jealous when I talked to other men, culminating in us having an argument at a Christmas party after being given some lovely jewellery by one of Mummy?s friends. Ian of course apologised the very next day and we started to date proper after that. Ian loved me to wear heels and was always encouraging me to wear them. It was just after New year that he took me to visit with his grandmother, she was a lovely woman that lived down the coast from where I lived in a bungalow with a view of the coast. I really liked Ian?s grandmother she was friendly and very talkative but I fear may also have had a controlling manipulative streak about her. For her age Ian?s grandmother was very sprightly and always dressed very femininely, I don?t think I?d ever seen her without makeup on. She also smoked but I didn?t really mind as she seemed very considerate and avoided blowing the smoke in my direction. I started to call in on who I?d started to call Granny Marjorie occasionally if I was passing and she was always pleased to see me and seemed to have an endless supply of cakes and biscuits. Granny Marjorie would ask questions about what I'd been doing at Uni and where I?d been and would also comment on my clothing complimenting my feminine clothing and heels but never really commenting one way or another when I wore jeans or tee shirts. I liked talking with her but she had one or two annoying habit?s the first being that she constantly offered me a cigarette every time she had one and the second being that she always seemed to have a glass of sherry or Gin on the go. After New Year there was a lot going on at home, I?d restarted Uni and was trying to juggle my study time and time with Ian alongside spending time with my family and was coping quite well until there was an incident whilst I was picking up the twins from school and Trish and I were attacked culminating in me losing consciousness and the two of us being abducted. It was as I was regaining consciousness from being attacked that I was thrown from a moving car by my friend, Trish had realised what the probable outcome of our abduction would be and decided that being thrown out of the car would be preferable for me. Trish of course was correct and she paid dearly for her bravery? ?Oh lord was she okay?? asked Ellie. ?She was rescued the very next day Ellie, but not before she?d been beaten, raped and had suffered terrible injuries at the hands of her captors.? ?Did her captors see justice?? ?Yes most paid with their lives, my friend was airlifted to hospital, her heart stopped on the way but even after she?d been treated from her wounds she was still gravely ill and there was nothing I could do to help her I was completely helpless.? ?Did you talk to anyone about your feelings?? ?I tried Ellie but, understandably, everyone was more worried about Trish and her wife Chris than me so I went and visited Marjorie, she seemed to understand what I was going through and this is where I think I may have made my greatest mistake, Granny Marjorie was so sympathetic and listened to me for ages and even offered to show me how to hide my bruising, we went into her bedroom and I even accepted a puff from her cigarette whilst she tried to hide my black eyes with some of her thick foundation and concealer. "When she?d finished on my face I looked and felt like a different person, it was like I was wearing a mask I could see myself in the mirror but it wasn?t me at the same time, I was someone else, Marjorie seemed to be really pleased at how I?d turned out and lit two cigarettes passing one to me whilst saying, 'I just want to see the effect Susan to see how feminine and sophisticated you look.'" ?You have to understand Ellie I was almost at rock bottom as far as my confidence was concerned and hearing Granny Marjorie tell me how sophisticated and good I looked almost ensured that I would at least attempt to smoke that cigarette.? ?And? ?It reminded me of when Mummy Joy smoked. It actually tasted bitter and horrible, but there was also some kind of naughty allure as to what I was doing and knowing that my parent?s would have disapproved seemed to perversely make me want to do it all the more. Of course when Ian found out from his grandmother that I?d smoked a cigarette a few days later he started to pester me to show him and after a couple of days I did as he drove us to the cinema, he told me that I looked really sexy when I smoked and in my state of mind at the time it was all the encouragement I needed to do it again.? ?So you started smoking just like that?? ?No not really Ellie after a week or so when Trish?s condition improved I basically stopped as I started spending more time away from Ian and his grandmother and after the twins had seen my efforts to cover up my bruises and ribbed me about it I started to return towards my normal self I had however cut back on my exercise routines as I just couldn?t really face them anymore. ?Did you not confide your feelings with your mum at all Susan?? ?Mum?s Ellie, we had two mums Mummy Alice And Mummy Joy. I wanted to Ellie, I just couldn?t bring myself to confide in them or to admit that I may need help. I did however talk to Silvia a little, she seemed to understand, but didn?t like Ian, so I avoided talking about him to her.? ?Silvia You haven't mentioned her before was she a family friend?? ?Yes sort of, I?m not really sure what she was but she listened to me.? Ellie looked at her watch. ?It?s getting late Susan but I would love to continue our conversation tomorrow, your story is quite fascinating but I feel that you are not telling me everything are you.? ?No Ellie, I actually can?t tell you some things.? Chapter 16 Cross Country The next morning whilst getting dressed before going down for breakfast Susan noticed her picture appear on the screen of the Television she'd had on in the background, she looked in disbelief at the picture of her that had been taken just under six months ago. Taking the remote- control Susan turned up the volume just in time to hear. ?Phillipa Dryburn has been missing for nearly six weeks, she is said to be in a poor mental health and is wanted for questioning over injuries her husband sustained whilst trying to restrain her whilst suffering from a psychotic episode, her husband has offered a reward of 1000 pounds for information leading to her safe return, Mr Dryburn in an emotional interview stated that he just wanted his wife returned so that she could get the help she needed.? ?Bastard,? stated Susan as she used the remote control to turn off the TV. ?Don?t let him get to you Susan, he is convincing though I?ll give him that.? ?Come on Ellie we need to make tracks.? Within ten minutes Susan and Ellie were skirting the west coast in their car as they headed indirectly to their eventual goal. As lunch loomed for the pair they stopped for lunch in the small Lakeland town of Keswick and after buying fish and chips on the main street went down towards park by the lake to eat them and after finding a picnic bench the two women opened up their tightly wrapped meals and started to eat. ?Last evening you discussed Ian and his Grandmother would you like to continue now Susan?? ?Not really, but I probably do need to get it off my chest so here goes. Once Trish had recovered enough from her injuries she re-joined me at university in Newcastle and my life sort of went back to normal and as I was away from home some of the week out of Ian?s influence my confidence started to build once more. Then one afternoon Trish and I were approached by the course leader and asked if we would like to attend a presentation being given by a visiting designer from one of the huge semiconductor manufacturers on emerging technologies, I contacted my Mum and asked if she could pick up the twin?s on their way home from picking up my baby sister from nursery. I remember Mummy Alice?s words clearly as though she?d just uttered them ?Of course Suzy enjoy the presentation, we?ll see you a little later on, love you? That was the very last time I heard Mummy Alice?s voice, she died at the scene of the crash she was burned alive trapped in my upturned car she died alongside my beautiful baby sister Terri.? ?Oh Susan I?m so sorry.? Susan took a tissue and dabbed at her eyes and sniffed. ?Of course Trish and I knew nothing of the accident until we got home later and noticed the police car outside my home. Grandpa tried to be strong for us but from that day on he just seemed to lose the will to live, Mummy Joy had somehow managed to pull Lucy and Dawn from the wreckage but as you have seen they did not come out of the accident unscathed, Mummy Joy suffered burns to her arms, thigh and face, she also broke her back in two places and had a broken ankle yet still somehow managed to pull the twins from the wreckage. ?But she didn?t get to your other mum or your little sister in time?? ?No according to witnesses she was trying to free Mummy Alice when the entire car exploded and threw her out of the way knocking her out, by the time she'd regained her senses little Terri and Mummy Alice had been consumed by flames, the twins heard Terri and Mummy Alice?s screams as they burned alive.? ?I now see why you've been suppressing those memories Susan.? ?Ellie I just didn't know what to say to mummy or the twins when I went to hospital Mummy was in shock and the twins they were pretty much doped up but I just didn't know what to say or who to talk to so when I left the hospital I drove aimlessly for what seemed like hours before eventually ending up at Granny Marjorie's bungalow. On seeing me she hugged me and led me in the house,? ?Oh you poor dear come in and sit by the fire,? she said as she led me into her living room. Marjorie prepared me a tumbler containing gin and I sipped at it whilst she listened to me pour my heart out. I can't even remember smoking that day or even falling asleep but the next morning I woke with a bad head and a horrible taste in my mouth on her settee with a half- finished pack of cigarettes on an occasional table next to me and an almost empty tumbler of Gin.? I remember Marjorie entering the room and saying brightly ?Good morning Susan, you probably feel quite awful this morning after last evening, if I were you I would finish off that drink and have a cigarette to wake you up.? ?And that is exactly what I did I took a gulp from the glass and then lit myself a cigarette and miraculously within minutes I started to feel human again, Ian arrived later that morning with some fresh clothing for me and took me home by which time I was quite drunk and had smoked several more cigarettes.? ?So did your family not notice your condition?? asked Ellie. ?If they did they didn't say anything I'd used breath freshener and was trying to act normally, I think everyone at home was just too upset to notice me skulking back the house and going to my rooms, when I woke a little later that day and went to the bathroom I noticed my makeup, It was heavy as Marjorie had helped me apply it but when I started to remove it and expose my own face I found that I just didn't want to see it anymore, I was ashamed of it. So with my own makeup I made myself back up covering my features and creating a new person a person that couldn't be hurt because she didn't care about anyone else but herself, in one afternoon I re-invented myself, of course I know now that I was having a breakdown of sorts and that Ian and Granny Marjorie were literally feeding on my insecurities but at the time those two toxic individuals were becoming my new family and I was slipping inexorably away from my mummy and family. ?It does sound as though you were having a breakdown Susan but surely your family would have rallied around you and gave you the help you needed?? ?They probably would have Ellie but sometime later just before the funeral Mummy Joy caught me in the gardens smoking, she was incensed that I'd done something so stupid and tried to take my cigarette from me, normally she would easily have done it but as she was still suffering badly from her own injuries and had a back brace to protect her spine I prevented her from taking it and pushed her out of the way then stormed off and went to see Marjorie.? ?Who of course gave you the attention you sought and plied you with alcohol and cigarettes.? ?Yes Ellie that's almost exactly what happened and it's frightening to me now how easily both she and Ian managed to alienate me from my own family and friends.? Ellie smiled a little sadly at her friend. ?It doesn't surprise me at all Susan, you were grieving, angry and suffering terrible guilt over an accident that couldn't possibly have been your fault, that along with your relative immaturity and the totally inappropriate treatment from Ian and his grandmother would probably have unhinged me; what I am surprised about however is you not getting grief counselling.? ?They tried Ellie but I just chose to ignore them and after the funeral I basically vanished I eloped with Ian, he was very good at covering his tracks as until recently I pretty much had stayed missing.? ?Nobody tried to find you? nobody at all?? ?I assume not, but then again for several months whilst our new identities were created I stayed indoors all the time in a small ex council flat in Falkirk, with no TV or radio. Ian did everything for me, I just stayed inside and slowly became the woman I was when I was admitted to the refuge.? ?I find it hard to believe that your family cared so little for you that they didn't at least try and find you Susan.? ?Well to me it felt that way Ellie but then I have no way of really knowing, I mean my initial reception at my auntie Stacy's was a little frosty and Mummy Joy probably still hates me, to be honest with you I'm not even sure why we're going back.? ?Susan stop it.? ?I'm sorry Elle but the more I think about it the more I think that this may be a terrible idea.? Elle scrunched up her mostly empty chip wrapper and got up then offered Susan her hand. ?That settles it, this place must have a library come on.? With that Susan and Ellie left the well-manicured park next to the theatre and lake and headed back into the centre of town. Chapter 17 Diversion Susan left the small library holding Ellie's hand she was holding a tissue and sniffing it was obvious she'd been crying. ?Ellie I had no idea; Mummy Joy must have been frantic.? ?They searched for over a year Susan but it was like you had vanished off the face of the earth.? ?I had Ellie, at least Susan Stevenson had, I'd become a different person by then and I don't think my family would have liked the new me one little bit, maybe it was for the best.? ?Maybe then Susan but now you have returned and you need to get home so that the healing can begin.? ?I suppose you are right Ellie but it's getting a little late now, let's see if we can at least make Carlisle.? As Susan and Ellie approached the large municipal car park by the theatre they noticed two police cars slowly making their way around it, checking number plates. ?Aw crap looks like we've been rumbled, must've been caught on ANPR somewhere local,? stated Susan as she headed quickly to their car in the hope of leaving the car park before the police got to her car but after a few seconds went over to a public call box and dialled 999 and reported a large brawl in one of the local pubs. It did not take long before the blue lights on both police cars came on and they sped out of the car park and as the coast was now clear Susan took the time to swap number plates once again with another car. As they pulled out of the car park however unnoticed by both Ellie and Susan a very old Citroen pulled out from a bay four along from them and started to follow them discretely at a distance. That evening Susan and Ellie stayed in a travel lodge on the outskirts of Carlisle with Ellie being woken in the middle of the night by Susan's sobs as she appeared to be apologising to someone for not being able to see something she was being shown. ?I'm sorry mummy but what do you want me to see I just can't see it, I'm so sorry I've failed you again.? Within minutes Susan was sleeping once more with only the occasional whimper. Susan's day started with a long jog and exercise session in the local park along the river and past the castle before breakfast and then a trip along the A69 to Newcastle where Susan decided that they should stay that evening. After Susan had pulled into a pre-war housing estate on the eastern fringes of Newcastle and negotiated the streets she parked the car and with Ellie walked back a street or two before finally arriving at a quite large semi-detached house. ?This used to be mummy Joy's house when she was young and from the look of it no one has been here for a while, I just hope that there is still a key in the key safe round the back.? Susan quickly found the key safe and used the thumb wheels to enter the combination before taking a set of keys out and letting herself into the house. After they had lugged their luggage from the car parked back in an adjacent street Susan said. ?I'll just nip to the shops and get some essentials back in a mo.? Susan left the house to go to the shops and as she returned carrying a full plastic carrier bag was confronted by four men wearing suits who grabbed her before she could react and held her arms firmly whilst escorting her to a waiting vehicle. ?You need to come with us Mrs Dryburn.? As she walked Susan was constantly looking for some way to escape but these men were well built and there was four of them, Susan knew that although she was now fitter than at any time since she'd left home she was nowhere near sharp enough to tackle all four of them so she simply complied for now in the hope of them making a mistake. As they approached their vehicle an old tramp staggered out from in front of it, the old woman dropping a bottle of cheap vodka on the ground as she fell, the bottle broke into several long sharp shards. ?Get out of the way you stupid old hag,? said one of the lead men as he bent down to pick the old tramp up to move her out the way of their vehicle. ?You first,? said the old woman as she slashed at his ankles with a very thin and, from its effect, very sharp blade. The man fell to the ground his leg no longer able to support his weight the other free man going to his aid was quickly subdued by the apparently possessed mad old female tramp, Susan took this opportunity to twist herself free and kneed the man to her left in the balls, then with her now free arm she twisted quickly back and punched the other man in the throat and just as she was squaring up to attack her captors further the tramp shouted. ?Just get out of here and take your friend with you. The 99 is parked behind the Ford.? Susan didn't need to be told twice, she grabbed one of the bags of shopping and ran from the scene to the sound of four men being well and truly bested by the old female tramp. Back at the house Ellie had just boiled the kettle and was looking for cups when Susan entered breathlessly by the entrance from the back garden. ?Sorry Ellie this was a bad move, we've gotta go now.? Ellie took her overnight bag whilst Susan took her own and her satchel and they both left quickly via the back garden. Susan stopped for a second and looked with almost disbelief at the car parked behind the ford that they'd been using. ?It's Mum's Ellie, Mum?s favourite car.? ?How did it get here?? ?I don't think that now is the best time to ask, we need to get out of here and quickly.? Susan went to the front wheel arch and moved her fingers around hoping to find the button she prayed was still there. ?Clunk? Went a solenoid at the rear of the car, Susan then went to the boot and opened it then after lifting the rear floor covering typed a 6-digit code into a keypad finally revealing two keys, one for the ignition and one for the steel weapon locker welded to the rear subframe. Susan placed the key into the ignition slot between the front seats, took the car out of reverse and started the engine and quickly pulled away. ?What the hell,? said Susan to herself as Ellie sat in the passenger seat looking bemused as to what had just happened. ?Some people tried to abduct me Ellie, they didn't seem like police more like government types, oh this is messed up.? Susan quickly left the housing estate and headed back in towards town hoping that the old SAAB was still immune to ANPR's influence. Sometime later after making sure that they were not being followed Susan pulled the car into a small motorway services and she and Ellie left the car in the Service's car park and headed over to the hotel where they paid for an evening?s accommodation. That evening over dinner where they both dined in jeans and tee shirts as they were running short of more suitable clothing Susan stated. ?Tomorrow before we go back to my old home I would like to pay a visit somewhere first.? Ellie smiled at Susan somehow knowing what she was saying, reached over placing her hand on top of her friends. ?Why not take them flowers Susan.? ?Yea I was thinking of but not for Terri, she wouldn't appreciate them.? ?I have confidence that you will find something suitable for your little sister Susan.? Susan nodded and continued with her meal. ?So that old tramp that helped you earlier, do you have any idea who it was?? It was now Susan's turn to smile. ?I believe I do Ellie but it was really hard to tell as she was very hidden under a lot of layers of clothing and grime.? ?Would you care to enlighten me?? ?I believe it was someone called Silvanus or at least I hope it was, its either that or the tramps in Newcastle have become really tough in my absence.? Ellie laughed but wasn't sure why. After their evening meal the pair took the receptionists suggestion and went for a walk in the nearby woodland it was a warm night but they both sported cardigans? just in case and as they walked Ellie asked. ?Are you nervous about tomorrow Susan?? ?Duh yes.? ?Stupid question, what I was hoping is that you would be open with me about your fears and hopes for your meeting with your mum.? ?Sorry Ellie but the closer I get to my old home the more I seem to be becoming the old me, sarcasm and all. Yes I'm nervous about tomorrow Ellie I'm terrified, terrified of almost everything about my visit, what if mummy doesn?t want to see me, what if I make everything worse again?? ?I don?t think that will happen Susan, she searched for you for over a year.? ?Yes but then stopped Ellie did they give up?? ?I suppose there is only one real way to find out and you will be doing that tomorrow.? ?S?pose,? said Susan. Chapter 18 Paying respects The next morning after exercise and breakfast Susan and Ellie started the final leg of their journey down to North Yorkshire Susan and Ellie stop in Sunderland for a while as despite everything that had happened to her over the last few days she was not going to visit her mum and little sister dressed in jeans and a tee-shirt. Finally wearing a dark blue cotton pinafore dress dark hose and very subtle makeup Susan and Ellie got back into the old SAAB and headed south on the last leg of their journey. It was becoming quite dull and overcast when they pulled the old SAAB into the village four miles from the Stevenson estate Susan exited the car first and went to the rear of the car removing a small arrangement of flowers and a gift for her sister. ?Could you give me a little while please Ellie I think I should really to do this alone.? ?Of course, just wave me over if you need me.? Susan headed over to the church noticing the Church hall where she?d attended several birthdays and other events over the years. The gate to the graveyard creaked as she opened it and disturbed several crows in the trees as she entered and walked down the tarmac path towards the fields beyond. Two thirds of the way down the path Susan turned left and headed along a narrower path and then noticed the two relatively new dark granite headstones, Susan?s stomach was in turmoil as she started to recall the very last time she?d been here and in her mind she replayed the events of the funeral as though seeing them for the first time whilst sober. Susan could see in her mind the many mourners along with Mummy Joy and her grandfather who looked absolutely awful, Dawn was there still bandaged as was her friend Trish and Trish?s wife Chris along with Terry who was in dress uniform standing with what seemed to be all of his Marines. As Susan looked she noticed almost every single person she?d ever known including her old School friend Becky, and then she noticed herself dressed in black and swaying a little. ?Was I actually drunk at the funeral?? she asked herself as she then watched the pallbearers as they placed first her mum?s and then the small coffin of her sister to the side of the burial plots. Susan could feel the tears running down her face as firstly her mum?s coffin was lowered into its final resting place and then that of her sister. Susan took a tissue and attempted to stem the flow of tears as she laid her small arrangement of flowers onto the coloured gravel of her mum?s grave and then a small teddy bear onto that of her sister Terri. Susan stood back and bowed her head before looking at the inscriptions on each headstone. Under her mother?s name it read. ?Until we are reunited? and under her little sister?s ?Like a ray of sunshine she brought Joy to everyone she met? Susan?s tears started once more at reading the inscription in the polished granite and she closed her eyes trying to catch even a fleeting glimpse of her little sister?s face but instead she heard a most curious thing, she could hear Terri giggling and Mummy Alice saying ?Stop wriggling you little menace, you need sun cream so that you don?t burn.? ?It tickles mummy.? ?I?ll be as quick as I can and then you can go play again.? ?Oh okay then.? ?There you go all done off you go.? ?Thank you mummy; love you.? ?Love you too.? And all the time she heard her Mum and sister talking she could also feel warm sunlight on her face and chest but when Susan opened her eyes the spell was broken and she had returned to the dull grey skies and the local graveyard. Standing between the two graves Susan said quietly, ?I know that you are both trying to tell me something, trying to show me something but I just can?t see it I?m so sorry.? ?Or maybe you are just choosing not to see it Suzy?? Susan turned around to see a pretty woman standing with a young girl of six or seven the young girl was carrying a small bunch of flowers.? Susan looked at the woman who?s smile seemed familiar then she realised who it was. ?Hello Suzy, I thought we?d lost you.? ?Toni?? ?Yes in the flesh and this is our daughter Sam, short for Samantha.? Susan looked a little confused for a second or two before Toni said, ?Sarah lost the first child I?m afraid, Stillborn we called him Dylan, Sam this is Susan she?s a friend of mine Terri was her Sister and Alice was her mummy.? The little girl smiled at Susan. ?Mummy Toni says that your mummy was really pretty and that Terri was a princess.? Susan crouched a little and said, ?Yes your mummy is right.? The little girl turned and asked, ?Can I put the flowers down now mummy?? ?Of course and then we?ll leave and let Susan be alone shall we?? Toni turned to Susan and hugged her. ?Please make everything okay again Susan; please.? Within seconds Susan was the only person in the graveyard once more. Susan stood for several more minutes just looking at the two gravestones then after an involuntary shiver down her spine she turned and retraced her steps back along the path towards the car. Ellie wasn?t at the old car when she arrived at it but appeared from the newsagents across the village green after a minute or so. ?They have proper Midget Gem?s Susan I got us a packet to share.? Ellie entered the passenger side of the car and passed the small white paper packet over to Susan who took a couple of the tiny sweets out, started the engine and headed out of the village on the short journey towards the Stevenson Estate. ?The man in the newsagents was saying that there had been quite a few visitors to the village over the last month or so, executive looking types, he thinks they were location scouts for a film or something, they weren?t very talkative. Susan slowed the car and just outside the village pulled into a small lay-by. ?Something feels wrong Ellie.? ?What do you mean?? ?I can?t really describe it but something is off I just don't think I should go straight home, I?ll tell you what you drive and we?ll go past the estate I?ll keep a low profile and you tell me what you can see.? ?Okay then.? Ellie and Susan swapped places and with Susan?s direction she navigated the winding country roads. ?Up ahead on the road in a bit you should see a row of cottages Ellie.? ?Yes I see them there?s a large black Jaguar parked outside one of them, they look a little run down and the middle one has boarded up windows, looks like there?s been a fire or something.? ?Okay just keep going on down the road and on the right is the turn off for the estate drive past and see if you can see anything. ?Okay there?s something coming up now. It?s a sign warning private property and lots of fences with barbed wire on the top. Just coming up to the entrance now, ooh now they are big gates.? ?Gates?? ?Yes two large steel ones and an intercom, it looks like some kind of cabin behind the gates.? ?Keep going Ellie, I don?t like this at all.? At the next lay by about a mile along the road Ellie stopped the car. ?I?m just going to go over there Ellie and see if I can see the house.? Susan left the car and slipped through a small gap in the fence then headed up the gently sloping ground of the thick woodland until she found a vantage point within a large Rhododendron bush. In the distance she could see Stevenson Towers her old home but it looked all wrong and she couldn?t figure out why, there were two large black Jaguars and a Mercedes parked outside. Taking her phone Susan dialled what she knew to be the phone number of the telephone in the hallway by the front door. ?Hello how may I address your call.? ?Oh hello there could I speak to Joy Stevenson please it?s Anja calling from Proteus automation here, we have a query about,? The man on the other end of the line cut in and asked tersely. ?How did you get this number?? Susan did not like the tone of the man who?d just answered. ?To whom am I speaking?? asked Susan politely. ?Maximillian I?m Mrs Stevenson?s personal assistant.? ?So is Mrs Stevenson available or not Max?? ?Who is this?? Susan cancelled the call and then left the phone just hidden within the bush near to the driveway, turned and moved back the way she came. As she approached the 99 she noticed that a Black Jaguar was now parked in front of it and a man wearing a sharp grey suit was talking to Ellie, Susan crept closer being careful not to be seen until she was in earshot. ?But this is a lay-by sir surely I can park here if I wish?? ?Normally that would be true miss but not today, this area should have been coned off,? There was a pause and the man then asked, ?So why did you stop here in the first place then It?s not exactly a beauty spot is it?? ?Oh I didn?t intend to sir but I felt a little odd, stopped to check my blood sugar levels, found I was slightly hypo so decided to have a couple of bites of a snickers bar.? ?Are you diabetic then?? ?Yes Here?s my pouch with my kit in.? The man looked at Ellie ?Yea my cousin is diabetic, it?s a real pain, don?t be long miss.? With that the man turned and walked towards the black Jag and within seconds drove off. Susan joined Ellie as soon as the coast was clear. ?I didn?t know that you were diabetic Ellie.? Ellie smiled as she engaged gear. ?I?m not the pouch is my makeup bag, glad he didn?t ask me to open it.? ?Ellie I want you to drop me off again a couple of miles up the road, go into Saltburn and pick up a couple more El cheapo pay as you go phones and then text this other one with your number then meet me back where you dropped me off in an hour or so I'll call you if there's a problem.? ?Okay but can?t we just go straight in and see your mum?? ?I?m really not sure Ellie the estate seems to have a lot of security, something is not right but what I am sure about is that Mummy would never employ someone called Maximillian to be her personal assistant, I could be wrong I suppose.? it didn?t take long for Susan and Ellie to find another place to park and as Susan prepared to leave the car once more Ellie said. ?Be careful Susan.? ?I will.? With that Susan took the other mobile phone and left the car once more pausing only to pick up a pair of binoculars and Barbour jacket she'd noticed in the boot earlier. At the stone wall that separated the roadside from the moorland ahead Susan placed the phone in her satchel before slinging the strap over her shoulder and using the stile by the public footpath sign to get to the other side. Soon she was heading with purpose up a gently sloping hill where she knew from past experience she would get a good view of best part of the estate. After about twenty-five minutes Susan had reached the high point of the local moorland and stood by an old dry-stone wall with a recently erected fence behind it. ?Hmm this wasn't her last time I was here.? Susan said to herself as her way was now temporarily barred, Susan also knew that the route she was taking was a public right of way so she simply leapt up onto the wall and from there vaulted the fence ending up on the other side in a small copse of trees that afforded some cover from prying eyes. Moving to the edge of the copse Susan took the binoculars from around her neck and started to survey the local area and as she did she smiled as all of the familiar places of her childhood came into view. The lake and its surrounding area looked to be completely unchanged as she scanned it, but the house by the lake looked in need of attention; it's gardens being overgrown and the large windows that looked out onto the lake being dulled with grime. Susan continued to scan the area noticing the garage and the outbuildings and the stables were all in need of care along with the main house that looked like it needed a really good prune as ivy had covered a majority of windows on its southern side. ?What the hell is that?? said Susan quietly to herself as she noticed a new ugly utilitarian building that was on the site of the tennis courts and Mrs Burton?s herb garden Susan's heart nearly stopped when she noticed a woman exit the rear of the house it was her mum, Susan watched as she started to do warm up exercises watched by two men in suits and a woman. ?Oh Mummy,? said Susan as she continued to watch. After a couple of minutes Susan started to move closer to bet a better view and headed to a larger wooded area slightly closer to the big house, it was difficult as there was very little cover but soon was watching as her mum started to jog out into the wooded area by the lake. Susan then noticed two men and a dog walking along by the entrance drive and as they approached the rhododendron bushes near to where she'd been earlier she pressed call on her phone to see what effect if any there would be. She watched through her binoculars as the two men started to rummage through the bushes finally finding the phone and answering it. ?Hello?? ?Oh hello there I see that you've found my phone.? ?Who is this, this is private property.? ?My name is not important who are you?? ?Listen I don't know who you are but you are now in a great deal of trouble, you are on government land and when we trace this call we will prosecute you.? ?Government land I think not, this is the Stevenson estate It belongs to the Stevenson family.? ?Who is this?? Susan had absolutely no idea why she said what she said next but the response she elicited was impressive. ?Me oh nobody, I?m certainly not ?The Angel? though am I?? There was silence on the other end of the phone for several seconds before from almost nowhere people started appearing and looking almost wildly around, Susan even noticed that her mum was now being ushered back towards the large house by several armed escorts. ?Well that seemed to have an effect,? said Susan to herself snugly just before hearing a low growling noise behind her followed by. ?Come out from the bushes slowly I am armed,? warned the voice, Susan turned to see a figure standing with a large dog she couldn't see who the figure was but she recognised the dog immediately. ?Toby, come here boy,? she said and a large panting Irish wolf hound bounded over to her, leapt up placing his paws on her shoulders and started to lick her face. ?Oh Toby you've gotten old,? said Susan as she tickled her old friend under the chin ?Some bloody guard do you are,? stated the shadow as he broke the barrel of his shotgun and came towards Susan. ?I thought you were a poacher miss, I'm sorry but you can't stay here you really need to go that lot down there are expecting you.? Susan ignored the man and hugged him. ?I've missed you Daniel I've missed all of you.? Susan pulled back a little from the gamekeeper. ?What do you mean go, I have no intention of going.? ?Miss since a few weeks ago security has been stepped up here, they're after you Miss I don?t know why but they really don't want you to make contact with your Mum? ?Who is Daniel who's after me?? ?Miss, I can't talk here they're probably already finding out where you are from your phone.? ?Oh, I hadn't thought of that, I need to contact my friend and get her to pick me up.? Susan took her phone and quickly contacted Ellie to come and get her. And as she finished her call, down at the bottom of the valley engines could be heard. ?Miss you have to go now, I'll try and get a message to your mum for you.? Susan turned to leave just as Daniel took her phone from her. ?I'll say I found it here but that you'd already gone miss.? ?Thanks Daniel, bye Toby.? ?Woof? Susan made no pretence of hiding herself as she sprinted over to the small copse of trees and climbed the fence to enter the heather and gorse covered moorland. It took Susan several minutes to catch sight of the road and to her surprise found two black Jaguars parked where she'd arranged to meet with Ellie. Susan crouched down and watched as several men exited the cars and started to head up the grassy footpath towards her as her mum's old 99 drove past without stopping. ?I can cut across the moors and come out near to 'The Centre',? she said to herself as she doubled back and headed south west into a narrow channel cut into the heather Susan had only gotten two or three hundred yards at most when her feet were literally pulled out from under her and before she could react she was hooded and restrained with what felt like cable ties. ?Do not move a muscle if you want to get out of here,? was whispered in her ear by a male voice. 'What the hell,' she thought to herself as her head was pushed down and something was pulled over her body. Susan listened and could hear shouting and the sounds of people quite close by, her heart was pounding in her chest. ?See anything?? asked a close male voice. ?No don't think she came this way; Game keeper says she was heading west but that's just moorland for miles.? ?I'll increase patrols on the local roads she can't have gone far.? ?We need to find her, if her mother gets wind of the fact she's not under our control anymore then we?ll have no hold over her. I don't want to have to think of the consequences for us all if that happens, she's a fucking nightmare that woman at the best of times and more recently I think she's just been looking for an excuse to kick off.? ?Well if she blows, I'm out of here, government contract or not I'll be on the first plane to Brazil.? ?She's just one woman, we'll be okay won?t we?? ?Listen mate I've seen her fight and watched helmet cam footage of her when I was at the academy, she fucking terrifies me.? ?That was all years ago, her spirit is broken, she's just a forgotten has been now.? ?Just keep thinking that mate as she snaps your neck like a twig, she?s got friends and they?re just biding their time.? The voices got quieter as they continued their debate and once the voices had died away to nothing Susan heard her captor whisper. ?Extraction required my location asap.? and then in a very quiet tinny voice ?State nature of extraction?? ?Olfa Swann's daughter.? ?Please repeat.? ?Olfa Swann's daughter.? ?Roger, dispatched, protect asset at all costs, lethal force authorised.? ?Acknowledged.? Chapter 19 Interrogation It took nearly an hour before Susan was swiftly manhandled into the back of a forestry commission land rover by two men and a further half an hour before she was escorted hooded and bound into a building and placed onto a seat. ?Don't turn around Miss I'm going to remove your hood and your bindings now.? The hood was removed, Susan knew better than to move and blinked several times as her eyes adjusted to the light in the room and found that she was standing facing a bare painted wall. Susan heard a 'klunk' as behind her a door was closed then locked. After a while a tray with hot Pizza slices and milk was passed through the hatch at the bottom of the door to her room, she took the tray and ate a couple of the slices of pizza. ?At least my captors are being civilised about this,? Susan said to herself. After her meal a pile of neatly folded fresh clothing was passed through the hatch, Susan showered using the shower in the corner of her cell and redressed in the soft casual clothing thoughtfully supplied by her captors. Sometime later as she was relaxing on the bed the door to the cell was opened and two men in fatigues entered, their faces were covered only their eyes being visible through the hoods they wore. Susan stood up and a hood was once again placed on her head she was then escorted from her cell, down a corridor and into another uncomfortably warm room where she was negotiated into position and her shoulders were gently pressed down, Susan took this as an indication that she should sit so she did, the hood was then removed and in front of her on the other side of a table was Bob, Bob was an interrogator and psychiatrist and she?d once classed him as her friend. ?Bob?? ?Good afternoon Mrs Dryburn I have some questions for you.? ?I've changed my name back now Bob It's Susan again Susan Stevenson.? ?Irrelevant, I still need to ask you questions and please do not interrupt me when I'm speaking. ?Fair enough Bob,? said Susan deciding to play along. ?Firstly you have been missing for over six years where have you been in that time?? Susan explained at length where she'd been and that most of the six years she'd spent either Stoned, drugged or drunk. ?And your relationship with your husband?? Susan answered as honestly as she could but found it very difficult. ?You allowed yourself to be manipulated bullied and dominated.? ?Well Bob that's just about it in a nutshell.? ?I don't believe you.? ?It's the truth.? The conversation went on without a break for what seemed to Susan like hours with Bob becoming more confrontational and aggressive towards Susan until. ?Your Mother and your little sister die in a tragic accident and you just run away with your boyfriend,? Bob paused for effect before continuing. ?I thought I knew you Susan, but obviously I don't do I? You abandoned your mother and your family in their time of greatest need because you were feeling sorry for yourself, pathetic.? Susan felt herself balling her hands into fists she could feel the barely contained anger rise within her. ?I was manipulated by false sympathy, I didn't know which way to turn, Trish nearly died because of me, my mummy and little Terri did die because of me, Mummy Joy lost her wife and daughter because of me and my beautiful mischievous sisters were horribly injured and disfigured because of me and, and you, you arrogant self-important arsehole sit in judgement of me! I know what I did Bob and I am thoroughly ashamed of what happened to me. But I'm trying to put it right now and if you don't like it,? Susan placed her middle finger up at him defiantly. ?Now either let me go or tell me what the hell is going on.? ?No.? ?What the hell do you mean by no?? ?You are staying right here until I can figure out just why you have had such a miraculous change of heart. ?Oh fuck you Bob, Mummy is in some kind of trouble and I want to help her.? ?Tough you're not going anywhere.? Susan then without any warning whatsoever leapt over the table separating her from Bob taking him by complete surprise and quickly got him in a strangle hold. Within seconds there were several armed fatigue clad men entering the room as Bob gasped to get his breath whilst struggling in vain to get out of Susan?s vice like strangle hold. ?Slide a side arm over to me now or I will hurt him, I really don't have time for this crap.? Susan squeezed a little harder and Bob's face changed to a darker hue of red as he fought the rapidly approaching blackness of unconsciousness. Finally Susan heard a familiar voice as her friend and self-defence mentor Aliza entered the room. ?Lower your weapons now,? she calmly instructed the soldiers, ?Suzy give Bob a little air please, he?s going a funny colour.? Susan released her grip slightly. ?I think Bob may have tried a little too hard to get you annoyed Suzy he was just trying to see if you had been conditioned in some way during your absence.? Bob gasped. ?A little more if you wouldn't mind.? Susan released her grip a little more. Aliza moved over to Susan and offered her her hand. ?You lot stand down, she's with me.? Susan finally released Bob who fell to the floor gasping for air and coughing. ?So can I take her Bob?? Bob didn't answer he just gave Aliza the thumbs up as he continued to gasp for air and cough. As Aliza and Susan left the room Bob was heard to say. ?And I thought Joy was the difficult one.? Aliza led Susan by the hand down the sloping corridor to a large room where several marines were sitting eating. As Susan entered all of the marines got up from their seats. ?Hello miss, I?m glad you?ve returned, you look well.? Susan turned to see Taff, he was smiling, Susan hugged her friend. ?I?ve been so stupid Taff. I?m sorry.? Taff hugged Susan back awkwardly. ?Let?s sit Suzy, we need to talk.? Susan sat down and Aliza sat opposite. ?You shouldn?t have gone for Bob like that. If it wasn?t for him you?d probably still be with that psychopath, he was the one that totally by accident found out where you were.? ?Really?? ?Yes Suzy, he narrowed down your location after talking to your Psychiatrist at a conference, we?ve all been trying to find you for years, your disguise was almost perfect.? ?It wasn?t a disguise Aliza I was Phillipa Dryburn and probably would have stayed being her if I hadn?t been whisked away to the refuge.? ?Once more you have Bob to thank for that too, he knew that you were somewhere in the Milton Keynes area but your Psychiatrist had quite a large catchment area, Bob knew from his conversation with your shrink that he suspected you were being abused so he asked the local emergency departments to keep an eye out for you.? ?And Ellie?? ?She knows very little about you and your past, I believe she genuinely likes you. She certainly did a good job of bringing you out of yourself.? ?Okay so what the hell is going on then? Stevenson towers is like a prison with all the barbed wire and gates.? ?It is sort of but it is now really only prison for your mum.? ?But why? Why doesn?t she fight back?? ?To protect you Suzy.? ?That?s rubbish Aliza.? ?It?s not, about a year after you vanished she received an envelope with several pictures of you in it, your mother was told that if she didn?t give up searching for you and her other activities you would be terminated.? ?Who sent it?? ?Hillary has his suspicions but can?t prove anything yet, you do know that the accident wasn?t an accident don?t you?? ?Yes I?ve been working through it in my nightmares.? ?Well in order to keep you, the twin?s and your grandparents safe she?s become somewhat of a recluse and one by one her friends have left the estate in disgust at her decline, it?s all a front of course, we needed them away to keep them safe.? It was at that moment Susan realised that she may have put the twins and her Auntie Stacy's life at risk.? ?Oh god the twins, are the twins safe?? ?Once we realised that you had escaped the clutches of your husband and were now at large the twins and Stacy were taken into protective custody and are now staying at Hillary's country retreat Brunsfields with more protection than a visiting foreign leader would get so don't worry about them, ironically we got to them about half an hour after you'd left to come up here.? ?So how did you realise I'd 'recovered my marbles' as the twins put it.? ?Hillary, he's been monitoring strategic phone lines for years now waiting for just the slightest hint as to you coming back; then when you contacted Mr Jenkins he sprang into action unfortunately he only managed to get a rough whereabouts for you.? At that moment Ellie was escorted into the room by a very familiar Marine. ?Susan you're safe thank god.? She looked around and then asked, ?Where the hell are we?? ?I believe that this is Terry's bunker, Isn't it Terry?? The marine smiled broadly. ?Y'alright Kidda.? Susan got up from her seat and hugged him Tightly, Terry stood and let Susan hug him. ?Bob's just been telling me that you've been keeping up with your self- defence training.? ?Ah.? ?Yes he's afraid to come and see you Suzy, I think he may actually be in shock.? Terry laughed loudly. ?Oh I need to apologise to him Terry I shouldn't have attacked him like that.? ?Probably but let him stew for a bit, anything to eat I've been stuck on that bloody moor most of the day being eaten by midgies.? ?Pizza and burgers Captain,? shouted Taff from across the room. ?They'll do Taff, S?cuse me Susan.? Chapter 20 Reunited Susan listened to Aliza and Bob who finally approached her and apologised for going too far with her Susan noticed that Bob acknowledged Ellie?s presence as he entered the Mess room. The rest of the afternoon was conducted in a far more civilised manner as Aliza talked through the scenario she and Silvia had devised where Susan would hopefully be able to meet with her mum to prove that her life was no longer in danger. ?Okay Susan, Daniel has just contacted me from his local pub, he's already told your mum that you are safe and with us in Terry's bunker.? ?How did she take the news?? ?How do you think? she cried. Anyway he's convinced your mum to attend the Summer f?te on the village green tomorrow, you however are going to need a disguise, fortunately Silvia has come up with something that she thinks will be most suitable for you.? ?Oh?? ?Madam Zelda Fortuna the mildly famous fortune teller, apparently Silvia once used this very scenario to assassinate a prominent ex Stasi official after he'd fled Germany following the fall of the Berlin wall.? ?I'm not assassinating anyone Silvia.? ?I don't expect you to Suzy, but with any luck it should allow you some privacy to be with your mum.? ?Oh I see, I like it.? ?The marquee is already being set up on the green Susan and everything should be ready for tomorrow.? Susan then sat whilst both Aliza and Silvanus coached Susan on how to act the next day along with several items of intelligence about her mum?s captors. That evening Susan slept really badly partly due to her nerves over meeting with her mum and partly as she was having the most vivid nightmare yet of the accident. Susan was in the dream as usual and it seemed just as real as it always did with the difference this time that Terri was holding her hand and tugging at it urging Susan to follow her as the car was hit once again by the truck and rolled onto its roof, Susan wanted to see what was happening at the car but Terri pulled her away from the scene of the accident and into a small back lane several tens of yards from the junction. ?I don't understand Terri; why are we here? we should be back at the car.? Terri's small hand tightened into a vice like grip far stronger than any little girl would have so Susan stopped trying to go back to the scene of the accident and waited, whilst in the distance she heard a loud 'Whoomf' along with the sound of breaking glass and several car alarms going off. ?Oh Terri,? said Susan, whilst watching the skin on her little sisters face redden, peel and then turn black as the effects of the flames in the car around the corner did irreparable damage to her body. Susan jumped in shock as the hooded man she'd seen several times before in her dreams quickly entered the back lane and passed her without even acknowledging her or her smouldering little sister, Susan?s hand was tugged once more as her sister guided her around another corner where she came face to face with a police car and the hooded man pulling his hooded top off to reveal. ?Ian?? Susan immediately went up to the man who she now knew to be her husband and attempted unsuccessfully to attack him. ?You complete and utter bastard, how could you? I loved you, how could I have been so blind?? Susan woke to her hands being grabbed. ?Shhh Susan you are having a bad dream a really bad dream.? It was Silvia. Susan grabbed for her friend. ?It was Ian, Ian Thompson, he fire-bombed the car after the crash, it was a setup, that bastard killed my little sister and Mummy Alice.? Silvia held Susan to her chest and stroked her hair gently as she sobbed her eyes out.? ?So it was that Bloody policeman after all, he's a dead man walking now my princess. I'll see to that.? It hardly sank in what Silvia was saying such were the feelings of betrayal she was suffering but Susan knew that one way or another Ian/Len's days on this planet were now numbered. Susan finally succumbed to sleep in the early hours, Silvanus laying her gently on the bed and covering her with a thin cotton sheet, Silvanus smiled as Susan snuggled under the sheet whilst she took the chair next to her bed to watch over her young friend in case she had another nightmare. ?Sleep tight Princess, I don?t think those nightmares will be bothering you further.? Silvanus noticed after a few minutes that Susan was now sucking her thumb and smiled. ?Just like her mum? she thought. Next morning Susan was joined by both Aliza and Silvanus for her exercises and after over an hour of punishing sparring they headed off for the showers at ?The Centre.? ?Not bad Susan a little rusty in parts but still pretty good.? ?Tell my body that Aliza, I ache everywhere.? ?I?ll massage you when we get inside Suzy can?t have you cramping up today can we?? Offered Silvanus. ?Oh before I forget Suzy after breakfast you have a medical with Harry and Sandy.? ?Sandy, who?s that?? ?It?s Harry?s niece she?s really good.? ?Okay then, last one in is a greasy sausage.? Susan skipped off ahead of her two friends and into The Centre for a shower and then breakfast. The Grand opening of the Lingholm village fete was at midday precisely by the church clock and was to be opened by a special guest, the local parish vicar was waiting patiently for his last-minute guest to appear hopefully before the clock struck the hour. Just before midday two large black Jaguar cars circled the green and after several seconds four men and two women exited the cars, one of the two women being Joy Stevenson. As Joy and her escorts approached the vicar the old public address system crackled into life followed by a howl of feedback before. ?Ladies Gentlemen and children. At Lingholm we have had a village fair since before my predecessors predecessors predecessor with only a brief break for the second world war. For the last twenty years however we have been generously sponsored by the Stevenson family and today Joy Stevenson has graciously agreed to open the festivities? the small crowd clapped respectfully making Joy look very awkward in her black business suit and heels. ?Now along with the normal attractions of the tombola, jam and cake stall and prettiest sheep competition Today we have managed to secure the services of the world-famous Madam Zelda who will read your palm and tell your future for only three pounds with all profits going to the clock tower restoration fund.? The vicar then passed a pair of dressmaking scissors to Joy Stevenson and whilst being flanked by her ever-present security she cut the ribbon to open the fete. Within minutes Joy was walking around the stalls of the summer fete with what to the villagers appeared to be polite indifference, she then noticed the small marquee with an aged and well-worn advertisement on it stating that Madam Zelda would foresee the future, advise on matrimonial issues. ?I?d like to try that,? stated Joy to the woman that stood by her side. ?We don?t really have time for this Mrs Stevenson, we have a conference call booked at three.? ?Well we?ll make time Antonia, it may be fun.? ?Very well Mrs Stevenson.? The two women with attached security stood in the queue for nearly ten minutes until it was their turn to be seen and the woman at the entrance to the tent said. ?Next please.? Antonia looked at the woman at the entrance to the Marquee. ?I?m going in with her, we go everywhere together.? ?Of course, of course we are all broad minded here Miss.? ?No it?s not like that I?m her security.? ?Of course you are miss I understand,? stated the woman at the entrance. ?Oh never mind, this way Mrs Stevenson.? Antonia entered the Marquee first followed by Joy Stevenson and once inside they noticed a woman dressed exactly how an over the top Gypsy fortune teller would look with large dangling earrings a headscarf and far too much makeup masking her true features. ?Ah a couple, you first my dear,? Antonia said through gritted teeth. ?We are not a couple I?m her personal security.? ?Of course you are dearie, now sit opposite me and show me your palms.? Antonia sat down hesitantly whilst Joy stood back near the entrance to the Marquee looking at the strange young gypsy holding Antonia?s hands. ?You have cold hands my dear cold, cold hands, I feel this may be due to a troubled childhood, your lifeline is long but your future is confusing.? ?Confusing?? ?Yes there are many paths before you, some good and some bad, there is also love in your future it is not too late for you to find love once more.? Antonia looked into the young Gypsies eyes. ?This is Bullshit, you know nothing of me.? ?I see young love, a betrayal and then a hardening heart, I see your past and oh lord.? Antonia got up off her seat quickly and turned to face Joy. ?I?ve had enough of this nonsense Mrs Stevenson we are going back to the hall Nrggghhh.? Antonia fell to the floor of the marquee and twitched a little as her bodies central nervous system was overcome by the TASER that had just been thrust into her back and discharged. The fortune teller then proceeded to bind Antonia?s legs and wrists with ties whilst from behind Joy. ?That Antonia always was a cold-hearted fish.? ?Aliza?? ?In the flesh, we need to get you out of here right now Joy.? ?But the message said that Susan would be here I?m not going anywhere until I know that she is safe.? ?Hello Mummy, did you not recognise me?? Joy stared in disbelief at the fortune teller. ?Suzy?? ?Yes Mummy.? Joy looked in disbelief as Susan pulled off her headscarf and wig then unhooked her large dangling hoop earrings, Joy then went as fast as her heels would carry her over to Susan and hugged her tightly. Aliza waited patiently for several seconds. ?We need to leave now girls before security gets suspicious.? Susan took her mum by the hand and led her to the rear section of the Marquee where a duct grating had been removed ?Down here Mummy it?s a bit smelly but brings us out behind the post office.? Joy didn?t hesitate and followed Susan down the surprisingly wide shaft and into the old now redundant cable duct where after a fifty or sixty metre stooped walk they emerged out of the ground in the back yard of the local post office and then quickly into the rear of a familiar old transit van, meanwhile Aliza left a small parting gift on the fortune tellers table before lowering the unconscious Antonia into the manhole where she was taken by two marines.? It was nearly ten minutes before the two security men plucked up the courage to enter the fortune tellers Marquee only to find a message that chilled them to the bone as on a piece of card neatly folded to be self-supporting on the fortune tellers table was a crudely drawn pair of Angel?s wings with the text ?I?m Back? written under them. Chapter 21 The Angel Returns In the back of the van as it left the rear of the post office Joy wasted no time in getting out of her business suit Kicking off her heels first then unzipping her skirt followed by her dark tights, Joy picked up the waiting camouflaged combat fatigue trousers and stepped into them, then as she unbuttoned her blouse said. ?You have no idea how glad I am that you are back Suzy, I couldn?t really believe it yesterday when Daniel told me.? At that very moment Antonia started to wake only to be punched in the head causing it to hit the floor with such force by Joy that it knocked her out once more. ?For years now she?s been under the impression that she was superior in every way to me I was actually hoping to show her just how wrong she was, maybe another time as I have our home to liberate,? Joy paused for a second ?I hope that you understand Suzy but this is something I have to do.? Susan smiled at her mum. ?Of course Mummy, I understand fully.? Joy was now completely topless as she pulled a sports bra over her shoulders with both Taff and Terry avoiding her gaze. ?Is Hillary aware of Susan?s return Taff?? ?Yes Ma?am the twins and your sister in law are safe at Brunsfields Mr Simpson is supervising their safety personally.? ?Thank you Taff.? By the time the battered looking van arrived at the dry-stone wall marking boundary of Stevenson?s land Joy was dressed fully in combat gear and striping her face and neck with camouflage makeup almost ready to go into action. ?Taff, CCTV?? ?The entire network will be down as soon as you require Ma?am, Jonesey is already embedded within the grounds along with Dix and several other lads,? ?Thanks Taff, I think it only fair that I give my jailers the opportunity to leave of their own accord don?t you?? ?Already on it Ma?am sending group text and emails now.? ?Mum I?m coming with you.? ?You are not, I?m not losing you again Susan.? Susan however stated, ?I?m ready for this mummy, these people whoever they are ruined our lives, I want to help.? Joy looked over to Aliza and Silvanus. ?Silvia and I will see she doesn?t get into difficulty Joy.? ?Okay then but you need to change into more appropriate clothing and you will wear a vest.? Within minutes of the warning being sent several cars were seen to leave Stevenson towers at speed however not as many as Joy or Taff had hoped. At 13:59:00 a lone drone lowered itself to window height adjacent to the portacabin being used as a guardhouse at the entrance to the Stevenson estate and at 13:59:06 the charge of C4 seasoned with ball bearings suspended below the drone was triggered peppering the thin walls of the portacabin and nearby bushes and causing life changing injuries to the staff within. At that same moment Joy, Terry, Silvanus, Aliza and Susan left the back of the van and clambered over the old dry-stone wall and dispersed into the bushes becoming almost immediately invisible. At 14:00 precisely nine men who were patrolling the perimeter and two dogs fell silent as they received fatal wounds from silenced weapons and bolts from two crossbows, several vehicles parked in the carpark adjacent to Stevenson towers were rendered immobile by sniper fire and two recently erected communication towers toppled following small explosions at their base. Joy?s team followed by Susan Aliza and Silvanus then moved in towards the big house through the woodland adjacent to the lake stopping only when they encountered security, Joy and her team knew that everyone on the estate barring Daniel and his dog were targets and she had no intention of taking any prisoners, Joy was going to ensure that every single remaining person on site would not survive long enough to regret their decision to stay, it was payback time for them taking so much of her life from her and she was not in a forgiving mood. Susan following behind her mum approached the house via a new prefabricated building built by Joy?s captors on the site of the tennis courts and herb garden to house security staff and the new house staff who were no better than polite jailers. Entering the building one of the cleaning staff still in uniform reached for her weapon only to be rewarded by a single round to her chest from Joy?s Mp5 then two of the kitchen staff rounded on her the first being shot in the chest at almost point-blank range the second receiving a fatal wound from the boot knife Joy plunged into his chest. Susan could see that her mum was not in the mood for compromise or chit chat and she was going to rid Stevenson Towers from the creeping cancer that had infected it. Susan watched from relative safety as Joy reached the ground floor security room with Terry where her captors had been monitoring her every move for what seemed like an eternity via the dozens of camera's within her home, Terry kicked in the door and caught the four occupants still trying to re-establish communication with the outside world, all four occupants fell to the floor after both Terry and Joy emptied almost full magazines into the room Joy then proceeded to destroy the sophisticated surveillance and recording equipment, Terry ensuring it?s complete destruction with two grenades as they left. Sometime later... After splitting from her mum, Susan Aliza and Silvanus approached the main building from the east most side via the car park and the many disabled vehicles and encountered four suited security staff who immediately went for their weapons, Aliza shot the first whilst Silvanus took out the second with her crossbow and the third fell to the floor as one of her fine sharp blades was forced between his lower ribs and pierced his left ventricle, Susan took on the final man and although she had a Glock in her satchel decided to engage the man with one of Silvanus's knives. Initially the man fared well managing to dodge Susan?s attacks, Aliza nearly intervened but Silvanus held her back saying. ?She needs to do this prietenul meu.? (My friend) Buoyed by his initial success Susan?s target foolishly started to taunt her. ?We?ve been told about you, you?re Susan aren?t you?? Susan said nothing. ?You were well and truly played you were and because of that we have managed to gain control of your mum and a huge chunk of her business empire it?s such a pity she?s not here as she?ll miss the death of her dear little troublesome daughter.? ?Actually Mummy is here, we picked her up at the village f?te and she?s out for payback.? Susan?s assailant almost instantly looked a lot less sure of himself and lunged towards one of his colleagues discarded pistols only to have Susan slash through the tendons on his wrist rendering him unable to use his hand. Susan then stabbed him in the thigh severing his femoral artery. Susan turned from the badly injured man ?Don?t get up,? she said as she walked away from him towards her home. ?Thuck? Susan turned to see the man she?d just fought fall back to the ground dead. ?He got up,? stated Aliza coldly as she lowered her weapon. Susan, Aliza and Silvanus tentatively entered the laundry by the side door to Stevenson towers and unlike when she?d last been there it was deserted the cleaning surfaces being covered in a thick layer of dust and the machines lay dormant. Susan, now holding a Glock aloft using both hands, followed Aliza and Silvanus as they made their way through the laundry area towards the guest accommodation and as they entered the corridor of the ground floor guest rooms, two armed men came out of cover at the end of the long corridor of guest accommodation and opened fire catching Silvanus a glancing blow on her left arm, Silvanus, Aliza?s and Susan's aims however were true and the two men fell to the floor badly injured. Aliza and Silvanus covered Susan as she bound the injured men. ?Ow that bloody hurts,? said one of the men in response to Susan?s restraining. ?Stop your whingeing at least you?re alive.? She stated without any real concern for the man?s plight. After gagging both men and dragging them into one of the guest bedrooms the trio continued along the corridor checking each guest room as they went until they reached the main entrance hall. ?Check your grandfathers office Suzy, we?ll cover you.? Just before Susan entered the room however Terry, Dix and two other marines burst through the front door. ?Do the upper floors we've got this Captain,? said Aliza to her husband, Terry nodded and headed up the wide curving stairway to the first-floor landing. Susan opened the large oak panelled door to Matt Stevenson?s old office to be confronted by a thin man in his early thirties sporting a ponytail on his dyed blonde hair who appeared to be trying to shred documents but his attempts had been thwarted by a malfunctioning shredding machine. The man turned apparently in shock but quickly recovered his composure. ?So you have finally returned, I suppose the cat is out of the bag now is it?? ?And you are?? asked Susan pointing her Glock directly at his chest. ?Maximillian Snyder and you are Susan Stevenson if I'm not mistaken,? stated Maximillian as he edged closer to Susan even though she was pointing her weapon at him. ?Do not move any closer Maximillian or I will shoot you,? warned Susan. ?No you won?t Susan I've read your file, I know more about you than you do so I know for certain that you?re bluffing.? He continued to move towards Susan and as expected Susan lowered her weapon, Maximillian smiled smugly to himself as he spoke. ?There you see I knew Ngggh.? Susan shot Maximillian?s kneecap out causing him to stumble and fall to the floor. ?You shot me, you blew my fucking kneecap out you psycho.? ?No Maximillian I warned you and you chose to ignore me, do not ignore me again.? ?You fucking shot me.? ?Yes Maximillian we?ve been through this, now what were you shredding?? ?Nothing nothing of interest.? ?So from that I?ll assume that it is evidence of some sort then?? As she walked around Maximillian to have a look for herself whilst covering him with her Glock. ?Oh some of these are on government headed notepaper I?m sure that our man will have fun sifting through this lot.? Somehow Maximillian managed to stand, propping himself up against her grandfather?s old sturdy desk. ?You Miss are trespassing and I must ask you to leave now before I call the police.? ?Really? This is my house you idiot or did my bullet scramble your brains too?? ?Not anymore it isn?t you silly girl, it was recently acquired by our organisation who in turn are working for the British government, your mum was allowed to continue living here purely due to our generosity, I?m now personally going to see to it that she?s evicted and that you and your friends go to prison for what you?ve done today.? Susan looked at the now puce faced arrogant man half standing before her and then over to Aliza who was now in the doorway. ?Aliza is this true?? ?It was until the very moment your Mum and you were reunited Susan, at that moment Taff contacted Hillary and he moved swiftly against those in government that have been working against him and his department over the last few years, in the last minute or so Hillary informed Taff that full ownership has been restored to your family of both your land and all of your businesses the individuals within government that had been working against your family have agreed to this in return for immunity from prosecution and as long as no serious crimes have been committed by them there will be no reprisals.? ?No this can?t be I've worked so hard to annexe all of the businesses they just can?t do this they?ve ruined everything, you?ve ruined everything you stupid tart why the hell didn?t you just stay as a bimbo wife to our man. ?Your man? Tell me more.? ?You?ll get nothing from me I want to see a lawyer now.? Susan thought for a second before saying. ?Okay but could you answer one question for me please?? Maximillian said nothing. ?Why did your organisation feel they had to murder my other mummy and my little baby sister? And don?t go all silent on me as I know that my husband was there at the scene.? Maximillian initially looked shocked but looked at Susan directly and smiled. ?Oh who?s a clever little girl then? Did you work it out all by yourself? the accident was just meant to be you and your friend Patricia and was only meant to injure you as a warning to your mother but the truck was going too fast, your dick of a boyfriend at the time panicked and doused the car in petrol and boom, the rest is history, ha, ha, ha.? Maximillian fell into a crumpled heap on the floor once more as his other kneecap blew apart, this time it was Silvanus who inflicted the injury. ?It was only conjecture until now Max so thank you for confirming it for us, Aliza can you contact Hillary and tell him the deal is off?? ?Taff has been listening in he?s already talking with Hillary.? Silvia then went over to Susan and put her arm around her young friend. ?Are you okay Susan?? Before Susan could speak however Maximillian started to laugh and taunt Susan only to be silenced as he reached into his jacket by a single round to his chest fired from Silvanus's Beretta92. ?Come with me Suzy your mum is used to this kind of thing you aren?t.? ?Silvanus led Susan out of her grandfather?s study and across the hallway into the dining room. ?Oh look Silvia they?ve ruined it,? said Susan as they entered the large room to find it looking like a works canteen with rows of tables and cheap tubular steel and plastic chairs, the intricate plasterwork on the ceiling having been damaged by the addition of surveillance cameras and the wood panelling on the walls by the careless positioning of tables and chairs. ?Suzy this place will be back to normal in no time I?m sure.? Silvia sat Susan down and relieved her of her Glock. ?I?ll make us a nice cup of tea shall I?? Susan nodded. ?Please.? As Susan sat by herself in the old dining room with Silvanus in the kitchens making tea and Aliza keeping her company she listened to the occasional burst of gunfire as the last of her mums well-dressed jailers were either shot or rounded up, she was home, finally home and even though her home was pale shell of its former self and had almost been wrecked by the well-dressed vandals that had been misusing it for the last few years it was still her home. Chapter 22 Reunions Susan had been a little disappointed when she?d met her mum earlier that day but when Joy entered the dining room sometime later her combat?s spattered with blood and looking exhausted she placed her weapons on one of the tables and immediately embraced her eldest daughter and started to weep. Joy held her daughter seemingly afraid to let her go for nearly six minutes with tears streaming down her cheeks but not saying a single word nor was the pair disturbed by anyone, as her friends allowed Joy and Susan as much time as they required to get reacquainted, eventually Joy let go of her daughter. ?When Daniel told me that you were back I could hardly believe it Suzy, I didn?t dare move against my captors until I knew that you were safe.? ?I?m so sorry Mummy I?ve been such a fool I?m so ashamed.? ?Don?t be, your man took us all in, he was pretty convincing but he won?t be able to wriggle out of what I have planned for him when I find him.? ?You heard my conversation?? ?Yes every word, we?ll get him Susan I promise.? ?Thank you mummy.? Joy looked at the dining room. ?I think that it?s well past time for our home to come alive again, Joy walked over to the phone by the old serving hatch and picked up the receiver then dialled a number and a few seconds later said. ?Mr Jenkins It?s Joy Stevenson, I know it?s been some time since I made my promise to them but would you see if any of our old staff would like to resume their duties back at the house.? There was a pause whilst Joy nodded as she listened to the unheard person talking. ?And Mr Jenkins could you arrange for the return of our belongings from storage please, Susan?s first, Thank you Mr Jenkins.? Late that afternoon following a visit by a team of specialist ?cleaners? sent by Hillary the first removal van appeared at Stevenson Towers, the corridor to Susan?s rooms was unsealed and a team of several removal specialists started restoring Susan?s rooms to exactly how she?d left them. By this time four women and a young man had turned up to enquire about returning to their old positions within the big old house all were instantly reinstated with the women supervising the restoration and cleaning of Susan?s rooms and the young man leaving for the stables to prepare for the return of the families horses. Susan slept soundly in her bed that evening knowing that the house and it?s grounds were being protected by both her mum and her friends, the very next morning Susan joined her mother who actually looked younger than the day before and had a smile on her face the entirety of their morning Jog. As Susan and Joy headed towards the house from the old barn they noticed three more removals vans outside the house along with several contractors vehicles. ?Looks like the restoration team are here to repair the damage done by my jailers Susan.? ?That was quick Mummy.? ?It was, I want this place back to its former glory before your grandpa and grandmother return from Spain, he?d be heartbroken to see what they did to the place. ?Grandpa is coming home?? ?Yes Suzy in a couple of months I spoke to him last evening, Dawn and Lucy will be returning too hopefully in a week or two as soon as we have the means to get Lucy up to her old room.? As Joy and Susan entered the hallway they both detected the smell of cooking coming from the vicinity of the dining room and following the smell were greeted by Dawn who usually worked at ?The Centre? as the head of catering. ?Hello Mrs Stevenson, I hope you don?t mind but until Mrs Burton returns I thought I?d help out with meals.? ?Not at all Dawn.? ?Sorry about the tables but until the coving and plasterwork is restored your large dining table is being kept in storage.? Susan and Joy sat opposite each other and Dawn took their breakfast requests then after a while whilst enjoying their breakfast they noticed even more staff returning to their roles within the household being directed by the chief housekeeper. Within days the old building was starting to come back to life with the gardening staff cutting back the overgrowing ivy and builders performing much needed repairs to the roof chimneys and facade of the building. The large prefabricated building that had been being used as an admin and dormitory facility was demolished and bulldozed by the weekend and by midweek it?s concrete foundations were being dug up so that the area could be restored back to a walled herb garden and tennis court. By this time both of the twins had returned to North Yorkshire, but were staying at ?The Centre? whilst Lucy received intensive therapy to help her to regain more use of her legs. Life slowly returned to the old house as it woke from its slumber and soon both the twins and their grandparents moved back into their home, unfortunately Mrs Burton did not return, choosing to stay in retirement in Torquay where she'd met an old school friend and started a relationship with him. Lucy's condition improved to such an extent that she only ever used her wheelchair when tired and used a walker, crutches or a stick to get almost everywhere on the estate. The twins had even been caught by their mum trying to climb a large old tree in the woods with Lucy being supported by a safety rope, harness and fall arrest lanyard suspended from one of the contractors extendible boom platforms as she used her arms and weak legs to pull herself up the trunk and branches of the tree. Susan?s own fitness levels increased with the encouragement of her mum Aliza and Silvanus as did her sharpness when sparring. About three months after the liberation of Stevenson Towers, Susan was taking an afternoon stroll through the woodland that bordered the lake when she decided to go to her mum?s favourite place the rock outcrop that gave excellent views of the lake, she sat at the wooden bench placed there by her mums and looked out across the calm water towards the old boathouse where Terry could be seen up stepladders cleaning the large windows at the rear of their house, Susan closed her eyes and could feel the warmth of the sunshine on her back as she thought back to happier times when she and her family would picnic here in the summer and play in the crystal clear waters of the pebbly shallows of the lake. As Susan relaxed she imagined that she could actually hear Terri her little sister playing by the water with her other mum Alice, Susan could hear splashing and giggling, Susan smiled as she recalled how much her little sister loved playing in the water. ?I wonder Susan just how forgiving you are?? ?Uh.? Susan opened her eyes and looked towards the source of the voice to find Ellie sitting on the bench next to her. ?Oh hello there Ellie I didn't hear you arrive, I was just daydreaming.? ?Your ex-husband was observed visiting his grandmothers care home this morning, I was wondering how forgiving you could be.? ?Not very Ellie considering what he put me through, does Mummy Joy know about him yet?? ?No you are the first person I've told, his car was tracked to a village near here, he's staying in the local pub.? Susan got up from her seat and said, ?C?mon Ellie I need to confront him.? ?Shouldn?t we wait for your mum or contact the police Susan?? ?No, are you coming?? Ellie also got up and followed Susan back to the house. Chapter 23 A Dark Angel? It took less than an hour for Susan to change her clothing and drive to the sleepy village of Carlinthorpe. She parked her car outside the local Post Office/grocers and, with Ellie following her, she walked slowly across to the local public house. Susan was dressed completely in black with her dark hair tied back into a high ponytail and was wearing a satchel very similar to her mum?s as a shoulder bag, Susan entered the old pub and stooped a little to get through the doorway. Inside the pub was almost empty barring an old couple enjoying a meal and two or three men playing darts. ?Good afternoon luv what can I get you?? ?Two glasses of water and a menu please.? asked Susan, the friendly barman passed Susan a menu. ?Certainly just find yourselves a table and I?ll bring your drinks over.? Susan and Ellie found a table in the corner of the bar and sat then after ordering food Susan asked the barman as he set the table. ?Do you have any accommodation here Sir?? ?Normally yes Luv but at the moment they are both occupied I?m afraid, one by an ornithologist who comes here nearly every year and the other by a man on business, I can however recommend a couple of good local B and B?s if you need somewhere to stay.? Susan smiled at the helpful barman and thanked him. Very quickly the food arrived and Susan enjoyed it immensely, she and Ellie were just enjoying their dessert when out of the small paned windows Susan noticed Ian/Len getting out of a large four by four with another man, the two men stood across the bonnet of the car and appeared to be arguing, Susan got up from her seat and quickly paid the barman using her card before exiting the Pub and heading directly over to the parked vehicle. Susan?s ex-husband initially didn?t hear Susan as she said. ?Hello Len.? But almost immediately did a double take before approaching her and reaching out to grab her arm, Susan simply took his hand, pulled two of his fingers back and rotated his wrist. ?Oh no you don?t,? Susan said as she twisted causing Ian/Len to trip on her outstretched leg and fall onto the road surface, Susan then released him and asked. ?So why are you here Len? You do realise that you are a wanted man, wanted for two murders.? ?No, No you have it all wrong I had nothing to do with the crash or fire.? ?Bullshit Ian and you know it, we?ve already gone through the historic tracker reports and your police car was parked in a back lane just around the corner from the crash at the exact time it happened so for once in your life just tell the truth.? Ian/Len just sat on the ground and tried to plead his innocence whilst the man he was with asked, ?What accident mate, what?s she saying? Is this why you left the force?? ?Shut up Larry, she?s twisting the truth as she always does, that?s why I divorced her, I mean look she attacked me.? ?No mate I watched, you went for her and she defended herself.? ?Look Larry she?s twisting the truth I know her, you don?t, she?s really dangerous.? Larry thought for a second before answering. ?Well if she?s so dangerous why don?t I just call the police and let them sort it out?? ?No it?s better if we don?t.? From somewhere Ian had produced a knife and slashed it towards Susan who immediately released her ex-husband in order not to get injured. ?Ian Mate, put that knife away before you hurt someone,? said Larry as calmly as he could whilst approaching his friend, Ian however was now in no mood to compromise and thrust his knife at Larry only for it to be deflected by a blow from Susan millimetres from Larry?s chest. Susan then approached Ian once more and with lightning speed and devastating precision hit both Ian?s forearm and wrist in opposite directions with such force that the knife he?d been wielding milliseconds before flew to the side and landed on the grass of the village green. ?You tried to stab me!? Exclaimed Larry partly in shock as he backed away from both Susan and Ian. Susan advanced on Ian and slapped Ian hard across the face causing him to stagger back. ?You killed my Mummy.? Susan slapped Ian across the other cheek. ?My beautiful baby sister,? She punched him in the stomach and as he bent forward she kneed him in the face causing blood to spurt from his nose ?And you almost destroyed me.? Ian balled his fist and even though in pain took a swing at Susan who ducked and swept his legs out from underneath him she then leapt to her feet and kicked him in the stomach, Susan then stood and looked at the pathetic specimen before her. ?How does it feel to be scared Ian? It?s not a pleasant feeling is it? You subjected me to years of hell you pathetic little cockroach you could have killed me.? ?I wish I had, at least I would then have gotten control of your fortune.? ?That?s just it Ian, you wouldn?t have, you wouldn?t have gotten a single penny from my estate or my family I made sure of that.? Ian got up off the ground and faced Susan. ?What do you mean by that?? ?I ran away with you because I loved you Ian, or at least I thought I did. Mr Jenkins has been looking after my money for me and using profits from my investments to help people in real need, we called it the Terri fund.? ?So you had money all along and you didn't see fit to share it with me?? ?No Ian I didn't have access to it, I would only regain control of my money if our relationship failed.? ?You bitch.? Ian slapped his ex-wife across the face, she made no attempt to stop him. ?I'll give you that one but don't attempt to hit me again, the police should be here shortly I suggest that you wait quietly for them.? ?Yes I suppose I...? Ian never finished his sentence as he launched a renewed attack on his ex-wife hoping to take her by surprise, he didn't, Susan simply moved out of the way of his attack she then retaliated by kidney punching him then as he staggered back she rained blow upon blow on his body as he held his arms up to protect his face from her relentless onslaught. It took very few seconds for Ian to fall to the ground, he curled up into a ball and begged for Susan to stop, Susan however did not want to stop she wanted to hurt this man as he had hurt her, she wanted him to feel helpless and frightened, terrified that the next blow would be the one that would end his life but also terrified that it wouldn't and that the pain would continue. ?Susan.? Susan was breathing heavily her heart was full of darkness she wanted Ian to suffer as she had suffered all of those years at his own hands. She looked over to see Ellie standing beside her. ?Susan is this who you want to become?? Susan looked down at the cowering figure on the grass, she was shaking with fury but hesitated. ?It's time to make a decision Susan, what are you going to do next?? said Ellie calmly. Susan then looked over by her car and at the gathering crowd of onlookers standing watching her and then realised just who she was being watched by. Trish her best friend was standing holding Chris her wife's hand, Toni and Sara were standing together too as was Dot and Silvanus, Terry stood with his wife dressed in combat gear along with all of his marines including Corporal Jones and Taff, Susan?s Grandmother and Grandfather were also standing with their daughter Stacy. As Susan scanned the increasing crowd she started to notice school and college friends and even the woman from the local paper shop. The biggest surprise of all however was that Joy her mum was standing with Mummy Alice the twins and her baby sister Terri and everyone seemed to be waiting for her next move. Susan turned to her ex-husband. ?Ian I loved you, you took that love and turned it into something dark and disgusting, I?m never going to forgive you for that, fortunately I am not you and still have the love of my family to help and guide me, I'm no longer afraid of you Ian and never want to see you again.? Susan turned to leave and as she walked away towards the crowd of her friends she heard Ian scream. ?You fucking bitch I'll kil...? Susan turned just in time to see Ian fade out of existence in mid dive. Susan then turned back to see all of her friends and family start to fade away along with the village green, the only thing left being her and Ellie ?Ellie what's happening?? ?I'm sorry Susan but I just had to intervene.? ?What do you mean intervene.? ?Intervene in your life, I had to show you what would happen if you carried on the path you were going.? ?Ellie, what are you saying?? ?I'm sorry but your path was changed when you saved the young policeman's life when you pushed him out of the way of the gunmen in that car (Note. A Lost Angel) from then on your lives were intertwined your path forward then became darker.? ?So are you saying that none of this has yet happened?? Ellie smiled weakly ?Yes that is exactly what I am saying Susan, I've given you a glimpse of a possible future, a future where you and Ian make a life together albeit a very unsatisfactory one.? ?No, no this is all wrong Ellie It's all happened I can recall every single minute of it I can even remember feelings and grief, the car accident it was real.? ?No Susan it wasn't I've been manipulating your memories of the car you shot when you were delivering the ransom for your Auntie Stacy and with other memories from your friend Trish your mummy Joy and your Mummy Alice along with memories of several other people too.? ?So everything I've experienced are just a collection of random memories and experiences from people around me?? ?Yes Susan and I am so sorry that I've had to do it to you but your current path would have always ended in tragedy, I needed to show you.? ?Are you saying that Terri and Mummy Alice are still alive Ellie?? ?Yes Susan, your Mummy Alice is only a few yards from you now and your little sister is playing with her friend in the shade by the lake.? Susan started to shake and said very slowly and quietly. ?How could you Ellie I thought you were my friend, my mind is full of memories I've never experienced memories that have tainted me memories of sadness and grief memories from my Mummies and friends that nobody should ever experience, private memories. Ellie I thought you were my friend.? ?Susan, all I?ve done was to prevent a tragedy, your sister will die as will one of your mum's if you continue on this path, I'm not saying that any alternative path will be much better for you or your family as there will be heartache ahead no matter what fork you take but I believe that you and your family will, with the help of your loyal friends and others you meet on your journey, you will overcome those obstacles and become stronger.? ?And what of my memories, the memories of the last six years.? ?They will fade almost immediately Susan, you will regain your innocence quickly I promise you.? ?So where am I, where am I now then?? ?Where you have been all along, Sunbathing with your mum's near to the lake by your home.? Susan started to scratch her head in confusion. ?But I'm talking to you so where are we then?? ?In your mind Susan I created your alternative life whilst you dozed and replayed through your subconscious.? ?Really? You mean like a virtual world?? ?Yes I suppose, I'm not really too good with modern terms but yes I manipulated and edited other people?s memories and experiences into a new story to show you what your life could be like if you continued on your current path.? ?And you Ellie who the hell are you?? ?I would like to think the term ?benevolent entity? best describes me now Susan, I watch over and guide the lost and conflicted but rarely intervene.? ?You intervened with me big time though.? ?I did and I am already feeling the effects, you will return to your family soon Susan, please end your relationship with Ian Thompson.? ?And you what happens to you, will I see you again?? ?I will return to my home in the North to recuperate I do not know if we will ever meet again, possibly in your dreams, good luck Susan Stevenson.? Chapter 24 You Little Monkey Susan. ?Arghh What the?? I said milliseconds after being woken from the strangest of dreams as Terri poured cold water over my bikini from her little plastic bucket, she stood over me giggling nervously as I came to my senses. For a brief instant I was annoyed at Terri until I looked at her beautiful smiling face looking down at me. ?You little monkey, I'm going to get you.? I said as I slowly got up off the towel I'd been lying on and started to chase Terri across the grass with Terri giggling and laughing as she ran away her pigtails flailing wildly as she did. Eventually I caught up with my little sister and started to tickle her and as she wriggled and twisted with tears in her eyes from laughing I got the strangest feeling of Deja vu. Once I'd finished tickling Terri she hugged me tightly. ?You're all wet Suzy.? ?Oh I wonder how that happened?? ?Um.? I allowed Terri onto my back and I started to give her a piggy back over to where our towels were and Mummies Alice and Joy were still sunbathing. I lowered Terri onto the grass and Covered her in a large soft cotton bath towel as I gathered up my shoulder bag and heels. ?Do you want to come back to the house for a snack Terri or do you want to stay here with mummies?? ?Snack, snack,? said Terri brightly. Mummy Joy opened her eyes as Terri and I were leaving. ?Not wearing your heels Suzy?? she asked as I walked barefoot along the grass ?No, bit sick of them to be honest.? ?But I thought that Ian liked you in them.? ?He can wear them if he wants mummy but they're not really day wear are they?? My mum just smiled at me and went back to her sunbathing. On the way back to the house I came across the twins, they were racing Toni through the woods on their bikes, for a second I almost remembered something almost as though it were on the tip of my mind, but never quite making it, Terri and I continued into the house where I found her a tee shirt and helped her on with it before going into the dining room to see if Mrs Burton would rustle us up a snack. After a while Mummy Joy and Mummy Alice appeared and took Terri away for a bath to wash the lake water off her and I went up to my rooms with a growing sense of unease about something. On entering I locked the door and removed my wraparound then for some reason just stared into my mirror for what seemed like ages, I still had my bikini on but just kept looking at myself as though checking myself for something that shouldn?t be there. Eventually I pulled myself away from the mirror and went to my dressing table where I clipped my nails to a more manageable length and then filed them after removing the blood red nail varnish first. It seemed to me rather silly that I was limiting myself by growing my nails really long I knew that Ian liked my nails long but he didn?t have to live with them did he? Ian why on earth was I thinking about him again? Curious. I decided to have a shower to freshen up and rid myself of my sun cream coating, when I returned I almost instinctively stepped into a pair of heels, pausing for a second before kicking them off into the corner of the room. ?Oh this is weird, what am I doing?? I asked myself before remembering that Ian liked me wearing heels too, I walked barefoot over to my shoulder bag and looked inside to find an opened pack of ten cigarettes and a lighter. Remembering that Ian?s grandmother had given them to me some time back. ?To help relieve your stress dear,? she?d said as she pushed them into my bag, I?d actually smoked two since being given them several weeks ago. ?What the hell am I doing to myself?? I asked myself in disgust as I crushed the packet in my hand then threw it along with the lighter into the litter bin. Sitting on my bed a few minutes later gently rubbing my temples as I tried to rub away the onslaught of what seemed an inevitable headache I suddenly realised that over the last few months I?d been played by both Ian and his grandmother, they?d been undermining my confidence in my own abilities and driving a wedge oh so slowly between me my family and my friends. I felt such a fool, it was somehow obvious to me now but how on earth had I not noticed or heeded Silvia?s and Trish's warnings. I could feel myself getting angrier by the moment, soon I was absolutely furious so I quickly dressed in my exercise clothing and headed out to the old barn to try and relieve a bit of stress the old- fashioned way. Silvia waved at me as I crossed the courtyard and walked with a purpose to the old barn, she must somehow have worked out that I was not in the mood for conversation but regardless turned up a few minutes later dressed for exercise. Silvia warmed up quietly on the mat as, armed with a metal baseball bat, I vented my frustration at being manipulated on one of the several bags hanging from the rafters. ?Boy trouble?? asked Silvia a few minutes later as I walked over to her. ?You could say that Silv, I think I?ve been played by Ian and I?m bloody furious about it.? ?Want to take it out on me then?? ?No, I want to take it out on him, but I?m not sure I?d be able to stop myself.? ?Okay then me it is.? Silvia then without warning launched a furious attack on me that sent me reeling as I fought to defend myself against her seemingly merciless and continual attack. Fifteen minutes Silvia and I fought before I finally submitted to her and fell back onto the mat exhausted, breathlessly Silvia commented. ?Ohh I think I?m going to feel this tomorrow.? As she sat watching me. After a while I moved over to Silvia and as I felt tears gathering I wrapped my arms around her, Silvia simply rubbed my back gently as I wept into her shoulder. ?I feel such a fool Silvia; how could I have been taken in so easily?? Silvia didn?t reply she just continued to hold me, I was glad as I really didn?t want to be told how stupid I?d been. It took several minutes before Silvia asked tentatively. ?Susan did your boyfriend harm you in any way, physically or sexually?? ?Oh no nothing like that Silvia but I feel he was attempting to control me, it all came to me a little earlier.? ?And thus the anger, I?m so sorry Susan.? ?Don?t be Silvia, I?m going to tell him we?re finished later once he?s off shift.? ?You haven?t told him yet?? ?No I only realised what a fool I was being this afternoon, I sort of had a strange dream.? ?A dream?? asked Silvia ?Yes I think so, I can?t really remember much about it but when I woke I wanted to hug the living daylights out of Terri and the twin?s and Mummy Alice.? ?Hmm.? ?Oh and I need to see Trish too, she must think I've been ignoring her.? ?Oh Susan she doesn?t, she is however really worried about you.? ?I must ring her.? ?No Susan call in and see her. She?ll be thrilled to see you, I?ll tell her you?ll be calling on her later should I?? After another shower I headed out in my car to see Ian something I was not looking forward to but knew needed to be done, it was only twenty- five-minute drive to Ian?s new home just outside Loftus and as I pulled up outside his new house I noticed his car on the driveway so parked behind it. Ian answered the door only seconds after I?d rung his doorbell. ?Hello Susan, come in,? he said whilst looking me up and down obviously disapproving of my casual attire. ?No It?s okay I?ll just stay here if you don?t mind.? ?I?d rather that you came in Susan,? he said insistently sensing my mood. ?And I?d rather stay on your doorstep Ian,? I replied forcefully. ?Okay, okay so what can I do for you?? I sighed. ?I think we should stop seeing each other Ian.? ?You?re kidding me right?? ?No Ian I?m deadly serious I don?t think that we are good for each other.? Ian grabbed my arm. ?Come inside and we?ll talk abo... Oww that really hurts.? I twisted grabbed his hand and pulled two of his fingers back. ?No Ian you don?t get it do you? Looking back now I can see how you?ve been manipulating me, I should have realised last Christmas and when Trish?s friend Anthony came to stay and you became jealous.? ?No Susan you?ve gotten it all wrong those men were flirting with you.? ?I know, so what?? Ian looked me in the eyes and spoke slowly and menacingly, ?You are my girlfriend and I won?t have you talking with other men.? So I reciprocated by copying him. ?I will talk to whoever I want to whenever I want to and you have no say whatsoever now as you are no longer my boyfriend, goodbye Ian.? I turned to leave and made it half way up his driveway when I heard Ian saying. ?Oh no, no, no you?re not leaving me like that miss, no one dumps me,? I felt a hand grab me from behind and attempt to pull me back so I twisted with the pull to free myself grabbed his now free arm and threw him over my hip onto his neatly manicured lawn. Ian looked furiously up at me and was about to get up and confront me again when I heard. ?Is everything okay Pc Thompson.? It appeared to be one of Ian?s neighbours. ?Oh, er yes Mr Law?s my girlfriend was just demonstrating her Judo skills to me, she?s rather good isn?t she?? ?I?ll say, she certainly bested you there didn?t she?? Ian got up and dusted himself down. ?Yes she did rather, didn?t she?? I couldn?t help but add, ?Ex-girlfriend now.? as I continued my journey back to my car only to notice as I did a curiously familiar old female tramp collecting bottles and cans from a litter bin on the other side of the road. Ian was still trying to get away from his neighbour as I entered my car and as I started to pull away I could see him getting into his car. As I waited at the junction to turn onto the main road I noticed Ian reversing out of his driveway straight into an old shopping trolley being pushed by the old tramp, it was then I realised it had to be Silvia in disguise, bless her. I drove straight back home and had another punishing training session before visiting with Trish and Chris I even stayed and had my evening meal with them. Now I?m free of Ian I hope that my life will get back to normal now I?ll probably have a rest from boys for a while and concentrate on my studies, I just hope that my next boyfriend isn?t anything like Ian and all that remains for me to do now is to explain to my mummies why I've broken off my relationship with him but I?m sure that will wait for a while won?t it? © Kyorii 2019 Thank you for reading my latest story and hope that you enjoyed it and that it helps explain Susan?s unusual behaviour in the last two stories. Mostly though it was just an excuse for me to have a little fun messing with alternative timelines. I have some ideas for the next full-blown Stevenson adventure and should start on them soon. As always comments, suggestions, criticisms are always welcome.

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I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

2 years ago
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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

2 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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BlazBlue Sexy Intervention

You certainly don't need to know about the BlazBlue universe to read this story. It'll definitely help, though! It's simply an anime set in the future. There's magic, and science, and they use it in unison to survive in what is essentially a post-apocalyptic world. It isn't barren, however, but a good portion of the population did die almost a hundred years ago. All you need to know while reading this is that there's people, and you're going to mess with them. Feel free to "like" your favourite...

2 years ago
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Godly Intervention

Eros sighed. Today was turning out like every other day he'd suffered for aeons. Stuck on Mount Olympus, occasionally shooting an arrow at a nymph for target practice, the minor God was getting sick of the routine. "Mother, can you please tell me why I'm not allowed out in the human world?" Eros asked Aphrodite, a question she'd grown accustomed to hearing. "Because," the goddess of love began, "you can't be trusted out there. Every time we let you out, you mess with natural law and people end...

2 years ago
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Never MarryChapter 6 Military Intervention

Looking back from September, Alicia Ortega thought the Sunday of her first run with Craig had made a dramatic turn in their relationship. Up to then, Craig had tried quite solemnly to give her as intense or as many orgasms as he could. She appreciated that; what girl wouldn’t? They had not, however, had much fun. After the pinch, the tickling match, the wrestling match, they had been much looser with each other. They slept in the same bed, and Craig had slept nude all summer. That made sex...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 7 Intervention

Rachel acted like a cat with a new toy loaded with catnip. She was all over Dave almost from the moment she arrived Wednesday evening for dinner and for ‘her time’ with ‘her lover.’ The obviousness of her possessiveness was not lost on any of the others at the dinner and, in fact, it provoked some subtle laughter behind Rachel’s back since it was undeniably blatant. Dave took her advances in stride, returned a modicum of affection, and did announce that ‘one of the other women’ would be...

4 years ago
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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 39 Isekai Life Divine Intervention

So, to recap, while I reflect on how massively fucked I was. Katriana, Ashryn, Voss and I were lying on the floor of the arena, bound by Hold Person spells (or whatever stupid name that spell had in this universe). We were all still alive, but for how much longer was anyone’s guess. The only other person still alive in the arena was Mariska, who had taken a hard right into mad religious nutcase territory and never looked back, cackling and capering with joy now that she had managed to...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 13 Intervention

May 8, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “How are you, Katy?” I asked when she arrived home. “Depressed. I guess that sounds strange.” “No it doesn’t. You told us before that it wasn’t a cause for celebration. And it’s not. The death of any relationship is hard. How was he?” “Angry and confused, just as he’s been since I first told him about my sexuality.” “Where’s Lauren?” I asked. “Studying. She has finals next week, just as Kara does. I guess Kara’s studying?” “Yes, with her ‘Chemistry...

3 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons21 A Caring Intervention

“All right, what’s so important that you’re taking me away from my other priorities? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m still mopping up operations. I’m talking to hundreds of curious creatures, fending off the media until I have a better grasp of where we stand, and I’m nervous about leaving that little weasel, Desttr, alone for too long.” “That’s not a very ‘accepting’ statement,” Sweizzr reminded him. “No, but I’m being honest. I still don’t trust the bugger.” Ignoring the distraction,...

4 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 23 Not Even Divine Intervention

The Darwyth Pride rumbled towards Mount Gyru, slowly climbing the easy slopes of the lower elevations on the western face. They could see a massive encampment just below them boiling with men and horses and elph-tor, all slowly streaming up the northern face of the mountain and curving westward to meet him and his companion's Pride. The cloudy sky over head was roiling in the gloomy dusk of the Netherland winter and even though night was not far behind, the sky was strangely luminous. Where...

4 years ago
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Second ChancesChapter 2 Intervention

I placed the gun to my head ready to pull the trigger and bring down the final curtain on my life. It took me the better part of an hour to muster up the courage to do the final act. I put my finger on the trigger and gradually squeezed. I heard the mechanism of the gun working as the pressure on the hammer spring was released. I then heard the hammer come down striking the primer cap of the 38 caliber shell in the cylinder. I had my eyes closed, resigned to meeting my maker and just waiting...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 95 Sexual Intervention

Greg felt horrible. It was the worst feeling in the whole world, knowing that he had just seduced his own daughter. That wasn't something that happened in real life; it only happened in the news, to people that he didn't know. But he had just become one of those monsters. Brit's reaction was completely opposite. "Oh thank you, Daddy!" Brit whispered in his ear, hugging him to her. "You've made me so happy." "Happy?" he mumbled, astonished. "I've seen the way you kept stealing...

1 year ago
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Compassionate Rachel part 5 Aprils intervention

Angry and horny would be the words I would describe April at that very moment. I could tell she didn’t know about Becky and for that I was very glad. It was however obvious in this very awkward moment that she know about Rachel and myself. I quickly grabbed my clothes putting them back on, slightly embarrassed from April’s presence. “And how do you suppose we work this out?” April asked softening her tone. “Well,” Rachel hesitated thinking ‘what could I possibly offer her?’ Just then April...

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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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