Never In November free porn video

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Never in November © 2003 by Nom de Plume LOS ANGELES: In a remarkable feat of neurosurgery and tissue engineering, scientists at the University of California at Irvine have successfully transplanted penises and testicles from male rabbits to female rabbits, and ovaries and uteruses from the former females to the castrated male donors. Once they recovered from the surgery, the new male rabbits attempted to have sex within 30 seconds of being put in a cage with an engineered female. "The males were able to copulate, penetrate and produce sperm," reported Dr. Theo Binder, Associate Professor of Medicine. "Whether the females will be able to conceive and bear offspring remains to be seen." *** The decision to volunteer for the first reciprocal sex transplant surgery was made over Bellinis at an Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills. It was an unseasonably warm October evening, and I was wearing the sleeveless dress which Hillary bought for me earlier in the day at a chic boutique on Rodeo Drive. Hillary delighted in shopping for feminine things for me, which I found amusing given our past history. When I was a guy in high school, Hillary had been my dream girl. Six years later, still deeply in love, we were both well down the road towards sex change operations. As we sipped our delicious concoctions of Champagne and peach nectar, I teased her about how much better she would have looked in my dress if we weren?t both on hormones. Hillary, now in her third year at UC Irvine medical school, gave me a long look before she brought up the amazing breakthrough achieved by one of her professors. "The key to it," Hillary explained, "was putting the rabbits on hormone therapy before the surgery. Somehow, when their sex organs went dormant and started to atrophy, it protected them from the shock of being transplanted, and made the host bodies more receptive to them." "Just like us," I said as I stared into her deep brown eyes. Hillary Fowler had been a striking woman, and she was devastatingly handsome as a man. "Wanna swap with me?" "If I thought it would work, I?d give anything to have your package. But we better decide soon if you?re actually serious, Jamie. Another few months of estrogen, and you?ll be too far gone down there." I kicked off one of my shoes and started to rub her leg with my stockinged foot. "I can still feel something down there, you know. If my poor little thing can still get happy after everything I?ve done to it, imagine what it?ll be capable of when it?s strapped onto a hunk like you." *** Two weeks later, Hillary and I sat at a crowded conference room table across from a battery of doctors, lawyers and medical school administrators. It turned out Hillary knew they had been quietly searching for the right subjects for the next stage of their radical surgical procedures, so when she sounded out Dr. Binder after we returned from our getaway in Beverly Hills, the timing had been perfect. Most of the people around the table knew Hillary as a top-notch student, and many of them had met me socially over the past year, but today they eyed us as if we were a couple of rabbits in a cage. Hillary, wearing khakis, a dark blue shirt and a yellow tie, looked for all the world like an earnest young man, and not a genetic female whose body had been masculinized by breast reduction surgery, steroids, and years of testosterone injections. And I, dressed in a suit with a knee length skirt, heels and stockings, looked like a conservative young woman, not a young man whose body had been slowly feminized by the ingestion of estrogen, progestin, and an anti- androgen to suppress my testosterone production. "Mr. Fowler and Miss Taylor, if I may address you as such," Dr. Binder began in a kindly voice, "we certainly appreciate?." "Those are your legal names, are they not?" a man in a pin stripe suit broke in. One of the lawyers, I mused. Before Hillary could respond, another lawyer, this one a woman with a big ass in an unattractive pants suit, interrupted him. "According to my file, neither one of you has changed your names." "Sweetheart," I said to her before Hillary could respond, "neither my fianc?e nor I have changed our names yet. We thought we?d take care of the plumbing first. Besides, Hillary is a nice name for a guy, very distinguished, don?t you think? And you can just call me Jamie. Everybody else does." The two lawyers ignored me and launched into a heated debate about the legal ramifications of our names until Dr. Binder put a stop to them. A short man with thick black glasses and a head full of gray hair, Dr. Binder seemed mild-mannered until he shouted "Silence!" in a voice which startled everybody in the room. "I told you not to include them," he said, glaring at one of the administrators. Turning to the attorneys, he said, "Leave whatever papers they need to sign and go, please." When the lawyers looked around the room for support, Dr. Binder shouted again, "Out!" They picked up their briefcases and left the room to a smattering of applause. "Now that we have removed that impediment to progress, let me thank you once again for coming today. And I agree with you," he said, winking at me, "Hillary is a fine name for a man, and Jamie is a lovely name for a lovely young lady." I blushed as he continued. "The lawyers have prepared some papers which it will be necessary for you to sign if you agree to proceed, but I first wanted to discuss with you frankly some of the ramifications of this procedure which you must carefully consider before we go any further. "Now as everybody in this room knows, both of you are what is commonly known as pre-operative transsexuals, and each of you intends to undergo sex reassignment surgery in the near future. Hillary, I believe your operation is to take place in January, and Jamie, if I am not mistaken, you are scheduled to have the procedure done next spring. Now, the risks and benefits for each of you are fairly well established, and if there are no unexpected complications, you can each look forward to living the rest of your lives with bodies that, from all outward appearances, are in line with your preferred gender. "However, as you both know, today?s surgical procedures, although almost routine, are quite limited, in that neither of you will be able to function normally in a reproductive sense. Hillary, in your case, although you will have a functioning penis, you will never be able to father a child. As for Jamie, you will have a functioning vagina, which will enable you to reach climax, and your breasts will be capable of nursing a child, but you will never be able to give birth. "Nevertheless, you will be able to enjoy your lovemaking, and if you stay in California, you will be able to adopt children, and indeed you will be accepted by society as man and wife. In other words, considering all of the trials that you have already been through, and the obstacles that you have overcome, you have a bright future together." Dr. Binder got up from the table and began to pace around the room. "I mention all this, even though you undoubtedly know it, because the procedure which you are about to consider offers enormous risks as well as enormous rewards." He dimmed the lights and motioned for an assistant to turn on a slide projector. The first image was of two white rabbits in a cage. "These little critters were known as Adam and Eve. They were the first subjects to undergo reciprocal sex reassignment surgery." The next slide showed the gloved hand of a physician holding a scalpel over the private parts of one of the rabbits, obviously Adam. "Here we see Adam undergoing the first phase of the procedure." As the slide show continued, images of Adam?s castration, Eve?s hysterectomy, and the implantation of their sex organs into each other?s bodies were graphically shown. I reached out and took Hillary?s hand in the darkness, and she squeezed my hand under the table. For a medical student, this was no big deal, but I found myself getting queasy as I witnessed what was happening to the poor little bunnies. The last slide showed Adam and Eves stretched out on their backs in their cage, dead. "Unfortunately, their bodies rejected their new organs, and the resulting shock was too much for their systems. They died without regaining consciousness." I stifled a sob and looked away from the screen. "We learned much from them, and based on this knowledge, a new protocol was devised." The next slide showed two more healthy white rabbits. "Run, guys!" I said under my breath, loud enough for everybody to hear me. Peals of laughter broke out, and even Dr. Binder seemed grateful for the momentary relief from the tension which hung heavy in the room. "These critters are named Ada and Yves. This photograph was taken before they were administered high dosages of hormones, male hormones for Ada and female hormones for Yves." The next slide showed them sitting in their cage again, looking no different. "Here we see them in the same state of progression that Hillary and Jamie have reached today." I squinted at the screen. "No, Jamie, you are not missing anything, they look just the same to me, too." Another wave of nervous laughter swept around the table. Once again, the slide show progressed through surgery on both of the rabbits, concluding with a slide of Ada humping Yves in their cage. The room broke into spontaneous applause, and Hillary squeezed my hand again before we joined in. Dr. Binder waited for the lights to come back on. "It is really quite remarkable. But the most stunning development, which has not yet been reported to the public, occurred last week." Dr. Binder walked over to a built-in cabinet and opened the door, revealing a cage covered by some kind of cloth. He placed the cage on the table, and removed the cloth like a magician. Inside the cage were two adult white rabbits, and five little baby bunnies. "Behold Ada, Yves and family." *** After the meeting broke up, Hillary and I met privately with Dr. Binder. The forms prepared by the lawyers, carefully absolving the University from liability for any horrors which might befall us, lay signed on his desk. The sight of the baby bunnies had been enough for me, and Hillary needed no persuading. Dr. Binder chose his words carefully. "You are about to embark on a great adventure, like true pioneers. I can?t minimize the risks, but I want you to know that we will do everything possible to ensure a successful result. Your blood types are compatible, and from what we have learned from our rabbit friends, we anticipate no difficulty in suppressing your immune responses to prevent rejection of the foreign tissues. "The surgery has been scheduled for December 1st, which is one month from tomorrow." He glanced at the calendar on his desk. "Goodness, today is Halloween, I hope that isn?t some kind of omen." Hillary laughed out loud, but I didn?t find it amusing. "In any event, the reason we have to move quickly is that any further atrophy of Jamie?s testicles or Hillary?s ovaries could be highly problematic. "There is one more thing. Starting tomorrow, I am going to insist on the two of you engaging in complete abstinence from each other until after the operation." "You mean, no sex for the whole month of November?" I asked him, blushing once again. "Precisely, Jamie. I know you are still capable of male orgasms, and that is the last thing we want happening in your system before the operation. We have to be able to regulate both of your hormonal levels within very narrow tolerances, and sexual relations will add a variable which we can?t control." "You said starting tomorrow," Hillary said. "That?s right. Have a happy Halloween." *** The doorbell rang as I was applying a coat of lip gloss at my makeup table. "Come on in," I shouted. Hillary used her key to let herself in, and she was mixing us each a margarita when I joined her in the kitchen. "Are you sure it?s okay to drink before the operation?" I asked her. "Absolutely. We?re going to need it to keep our hands off each other after tonight. My God, look at you. How did you ever get so pretty?" I did a little twirl, enjoying the sensation as my short pleated skirt flipped above my knees. "And look at you, big boy. How did you ever get so buff?" Hillary flexed her biceps and kissed me on the lips. I reached for a paper towel and rubbed the lip gloss off her. "For someone who used to be a girl, you seem to have forgotten a few things," I chided her as we sat down on the sofa. "Like what, for instance?" "Like how much trouble it is for a girl to get her makeup just perfect for a big date." Hillary drained her margarita and got up to mix us two more. "Is that what you think this is, a date?" she said as she sat back down beside me. "I thought we were past dating and somewhere between cohabitation and ?till death do us part?." "Not until I have a ring on my finger, Mister. I?m an old fashioned girl." Hillary must have mixed the margaritas very strong, because I felt the second one like the kick of a mule. Hillary took my glass out of my hands and lifted my chin towards hers. "Afraid I?m going to have to mess up your makeup again." She kissed me, and I felt her hand sliding up my skirt as our tongues played with each other. My penis was no longer capable of erections, but the sensation of her hand sliding up my nylons sparked an exquisite glow in my panties, and I reached down and started to unbuckle her trousers. We were half undressed when the doorbell rang. "Trick or treat!" "Trick or treat!" We heard the sounds of excited children through the door of my condominium. "Beat it, brats, or I?ll boil you in oil!" Hillary shouted. We heard the sound of panicked footsteps retreating down the stairs. "That was terrible!" I scolded her. "I?m having second thoughts about the whole thing. You?re not fit to be the father of my children." "That?s okay. Technically, you?ll still be their father," she said as she started to unbutton my blouse. "Well, then you?re not fit to be their mother." "That?s okay. Technically, you?ll be their mother." "What do you mean?" I moaned as she nibbled on my breast. "Our kids will be conceived with my eggs and your sperm, and they?ll be born in your birth canal. Technically, that makes you a surrogate father and a surrogate mother." God, she was already starting to sound like a doctor. "Where does that leave you?" I asked as I reached for her clit. "I?m just along for the ride." God, she was already starting to sound like a man. *** The month of November was excruciating. Frustration from our forced abstinence, combined with anxiety over our upcoming operations, had us both climbing the walls. On the last day of November, we admitted ourselves into the medical center and spent our last night as man and woman in adjoining private rooms. I was so nervous I had to be given a mild sedative to get to sleep. Hillary put on a stoic front, but I could tell that she was as nervous as I was. The next morning, I bid goodbye to myself in my private bathroom as I relieved myself standing up for the last time. For years, I had looked forward to this day, but it was impossible not to feel sentimental over my impending loss. Some part of me was still a man, and I allowed what was left of my male ego to grieve over the sacrifice I was about to make. I wondered if Hillary, who had already left her room, was experiencing similar feelings. When I was wheeled into the operating room to join her, I had my answer. Her eyes were red, and although she tried not to show it, it was obvious that she had been crying. We were dressed in identical blue gowns, with caps over our heads, and from the looks of us, it was impossible to tell who was the man and who was the woman. She gave me a wan smile in response to my feeble thumbs up. "Are you okay, baby?" she asked me. "Tell me everything is going to be all right," I said. "Everything is going to be all right," she said bravely. We were placed on parallel operating tables, an anesthesiologist fastened a mask over my nose and mouth, and I started counting backwards from one hundred. *** I awoke with a splitting headache and a dull ache in my groin. When I tried to sit up, I felt the tug of stitches in my abdomen. Disoriented, for a moment I had no idea where I was or what had happened to me. Then I remembered. I was a woman now. The first artificially created, fully functioning woman in the history of medical science, if all went well. A nurse materialized and studied the monitor next to my bed. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Fine," I croaked. I tried to ask about Hillary, but my throat was too dry to speak. She brought me a cup of ice chips, and I was able to moisten my throat. "Hillary," I managed to say. "Your young man is doing just fine," she smiled. "He?s already up and asking about you." I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep. *** They had us up and about the next morning, and my first sight of Hillary as a man came when he paid a visit to my bedside, a nurse on his arm to make sure he didn?t keel over. "How you feeling, baby?" he asked me. "Okay. I must look terrible." "There you go, just like a woman. You look beautiful, Jamie. I?ve never seen you look happier." I didn?t believe him, but his words made me feel wonderful, and when I saw myself in the mirror later that morning, there was no mistaking the look of contentment on my face. My hair was a mess, and I looked washed out without any makeup, but my eyes sparkled and my face was radiant. As for Hillary, there was a glint in his eye that I had never seen before, and a jauntiness about him that would turn into a swagger when he got his strength back. We both recovered with remarkable speed. As the pain medications tapered off, I endured several days of real agony as my newly created vagina was dilated and my painful dressings healed. Hillary?s recovery was less complicated, and I could tell from the constant grin on his face that he was enjoying his new manhood hugely. We were subjected to frequent examinations by Dr. Binder and his associates as our conditions progressed. One day, he sat on the edge of my bed and took my hand. "Jamie, everything is going remarkably well. Your body has shown no sign of rejection of Hillary?s ovaries, and your new uterus appears to be fully functional. The other, more mundane aspects of your sex reassignment have been absolutely normal." "How about Hillary?" "It?s most extraordinary. Not only have your genitals been successfully grafted onto his body, they are experiencing a pronounced measure of growth under the influence of his high testosterone levels." I couldn?t stop from giggling. "Are you telling me my boyfriend is a hunk?" "Let?s put it this way. You?d better keep dilating your vagina." *** We were under strict instructions to refrain from sexual intercourse for two months following our operations. At first, the pain and soreness made any thought of that impossible, and then came the excitement of Christmas and the exhausting round of visits from family and friends. My mother, now comfortably settled in a condominium in Maui, had camped outside my hospital room for the length of our stay, and Hillary and I bid her a tearful farewell on December 31st. That evening, I dolled myself up for the first time since my metamorphosis. We had declined dozens of invitations to New Year?s Eve parties, preferring to spend a quiet evening at a favorite restaurant in Newport Beach. I spent the afternoon having my hair and nails done, and luxuriated in the tub for almost an hour, shaving my legs and relaxing in the scented suds. As I dried myself off and inspected my figure in the mirror, I liked what I saw. My breasts were firm, my waist was tiny, my butt was tight, and my pussy was perfect. I dressed myself in a black teddy, a long dress with a slit up one side almost to my ass, sheer black stockings, and strappy heels. A diamond necklace and earrings that my mother had given me for Christmas were the final touches. When Hillary came to the door, the sight of him sparked a new sensation between my legs. He was dressed in a navy blue suit, white shirt and Hermes tie, and he radiated power and confidence, from the spring in his step to the tilt of his chin. He kissed me on the cheek so as not to muss my lipstick, and he seemed nervous as we made small talk over a drink before he escorted me to his car for the short drive to Balboa Island. I threaded my arm through his as he walked me into the dimly lit restaurant. After we were seated at a quiet booth, I tried to start a conversation, but I could tell that something was wrong. Hillary seemed distracted, even aloof, and I felt a knot in my stomach as I tried to figure out what has happening. A waitress came to our table to take our drink orders and tell us about the specials of the day, and I watched as he flirted with her. Oh my God. He's been a guy for less than a month, and he's already on the prowl. He finally sensed my discomfort, and asked me what was wrong. "Nothing," I said. "Come on, Jamie, I know you too well. Tell me what's wrong." "You tell me," I said. "What?" "Am I losing you, Hillary?" "Women!" he sighed. Hillary took my hand. "Jamie, your female intuition is working overtime. I'll admit I'm a little nervous tonight, but it's not what you think." "What is it, Hillary?" The waitress returned with our wine, and we waited in awkward silence as she opened the bottle and Hillary tasted it for us. When we were alone again, I pressed him once more. "Please tell me, Hillary. Is it something I've done." "Absolutely," he smiled. "It's everything you've done. You've gone and turned yourself into a woman, and made me the man I am today. Jamie Taylor, will you marry me?" Before I could react, he produced a ring box and snapped it open. A beautiful Tiffany diamond sparkled in the candlelight. I started to sob, and he took me in his arms and wiped my eyes. "Sorry if I seemed out of sorts on the way over here, but a guy doesn't propose every day, and I was trying to figure out what to say." I laughed and took his hand, and as I did so I brushed against the noticeable erection in his trousers. "Goodness!" I said. "You wouldn't recognize yourself," he said with a wink. "Have you taken it out for a test drive?" "Nope. I'm saving myself." "Such virtue must be rewarded." I glanced around, and after I was sure nobody was watching us, I ducked beneath the table and unzipped his fly. My old penis sprang out into my hands, and I could tell that Dr. Binder had not been kidding. It had obviously taken root and grown considerably. For the first time in my life, I took a man into my mouth, and I started to suck and nibble on him as he grew even larger. I felt Hillary's hands running through my hair as I brought him higher and higher, and suddenly I felt a load of semen jetting into the back of my mouth. My head banged into the table, and I heard china and silverware clattering as the pulsing went on and on. What must the other people in the restaurant be thinking? It seemed to take forever before I sucked him dry. "Is the coast clear?" I finally whispered. Hillary ducked his head under the tablecloth. "Come on up. Hurry!" I tried to look ladylike as I slid back into the booth and looked around for witnesses. Nobody seemed to be paying any attention to us. Hillary had a huge grin on his face as I patted my lips with my napkin. "You?re looking mighty pleased with yourself," I said after I freshened my lipstick. "Wow," was all he could say. "Was that a medical opinion?" "Yes. One of our biggest worries was that the nerves wouldn?t fully regenerate, and I might suffer a loss of sensation. No problem there. That was the most amazing thing I?ve ever felt. Wait until I tell Dr. Binder." "No way! You can?t ever tell anyone what we just did. Think of your wife?s reputation." "You definitely are a different kind of girl." "What?s that supposed to mean?" "Not every woman will give her man a blow job after she gets her ring." "Keep talking like that, Mister, and it?ll be your last." *** Our wedding was hurriedly scheduled to take place one month later, at the same church in Newport Beach where my sister Emily got married. She and my other sister, Janet, joined me for a last girls? night out a few days before the wedding. Since I used to be a guy, they were at a loss to give me sisterly advice on how to please my husband, and we spent most of the night reminiscing about old times growing up as brother and sisters in Southern California. Our mother flew in from Maui the next morning, and the hours leading up the ceremony were a whirlwind of excitement as I prepared myself for my big day. Dr. Binder agreed to give me away, and when he saw me in my white gown and veil a few minutes before he walked me down the aisle, tears rolled down his cheeks. I blotted them away with his handkerchief, folded it back into his breast pocket, and thanked him from the bottom of my heart. Hillary was waiting for me at the alter, looking absolutely gorgeous in his morning coat and striped trousers, and after we exchanged our vows, the congregation broke into spontaneous applause. Despite the best efforts of the medical school to keep us out of the spotlight, news of our incredible transformations had inevitably leaked to the press, and a throng of paparazzi was waiting for us outside the church. We managed to avoid them as we ducked into our limousine, and if they were able to follow us to our reception at a private country club, they were barred at the gates. When Dr. Binder danced with me, I saw Hillary shooting the breeze with some of his classmates from medical school, like he had been a guy all his life. Everything about us seemed so normal. Dr. Binder knew better, and he clearly had something on his mind. "What?s up, doc?" I asked him. He laughed at my lame attempt at humor. "I know this all started with bunnies, Jamie, but you are definitely a real woman now. I see no reason why you and Hillary cannot start a family." "You wouldn?t ordinarily recommend that a third year med student get his wife pregnant, would you? Not with all the work and pressure facing him. You?d tell him to wait, right?" Dr. Binder shook his head. "You?re extraordinary. I thought only my own wife could read my mind." "So what do you think we should do, doctor? Go for it now, in the interest of medical science, or bide our time, in the interest of Hillary?s career?" "Hillary will never have a normal career. He has been catapulted into the pantheon of the medical gods. And not just because he had an operation. I chose him carefully, because he is brilliant, articulate, and attractive. He is far better suited than I am to champion the development of reciprocal sex change surgery." "Where does that leave me?" "Jamie Fowler, you are a beautiful woman, who can be anything she wants to be. But I am a bit of a mind- reader myself, and I think I know what you really want. I say, go for it." *** Our honeymoon in South America was a fantastic dream. Hillary had spent a year as a foreign exchange student in Buenos Aires, and he took me to a place I?d never heard of called Punta del Este. February was their summer, and the beaches were mobbed with gorgeous guys and girls from Argentina and Brazil. We lolled on the beach every day, played in the casino every night, and made sweet love so many times that the staff at our small hotel is probably still talking about us. I am embarrassed to describe the consummation of our marriage, because it took place on an airplane at 35,000 feet. We sprang for first class, and our sleeper seats reclined to full length beds. After a seven course meal and way too much wine, I thought I was out for the night when I felt him crawling under my blanket. The cabin was dark, and I hope nobody saw us, because we went at it like Ada and Yves. When my old penis entered my new vagina, Hillary had to stifle my cries with a pillow, and although I did not reach climax that night, he certainly did. By the end of our honeymoon, I had more than caught up with him. Any argument over which is the more fortunate sex can be settled by two words: multiple orgasms. One of the joys of being a woman that I was not looking forward to was my first period, and when two months went by without one, I was concerned enough to visit a gynecologist who had been part of our operating team. It didn?t take him long to diagnose my condition. I was pregnant, with twins. I spent the rest of the day in a complete state of shock, wondering how we were ever going to cope with this. But when I told Hillary that night, he was over the moon. "God, I can?t believe I?m going to be a father!" he said over and over again. "I thought you told me I was the father." "Let?s call it a team pregnancy. When are we due?" "October 31st," I said. "Halloween! I hope that isn?t some kind of omen." I punched him on the arm. "It better not be. These are going to be normal American kids. We better start thinking about names." "If it?s a boy and a girl, how about Ada and Yves?" *** I put my foot down, and our children were not subjected to the indignity of being named after a pair of rabbits. My maternal instincts emerged out of nowhere, and I became very protective of my unborn children as my pregnancy progressed. You will learn nothing about them here. The University managed to keep the public in the dark, and Hillary and I were determined not to let our family become some kind of media freak show. Although my children are off limits for this story, my relationship with Hillary is fair game. The psychiatrists were divided over how we would adapt to our new situations as mother and father. The animal behaviorists who monitored Ada and Yves were surprised when Ada did not attack her offspring, as would be typical with male rabbits and their kits. How would I react to the challenges of motherhood? Would Hillary retain his nurturing instincts? He was busy with his medical studies, so I had a lot of time to prepare a nursery in the small house we moved into after our honeymoon. By October I looked like a walking Winnebago, and I was sick and tired of wearing frumpy maternity clothes that made me feel like Hilo Hattie in a bad muumuu. When the doctors determined that a C-section was the safest course for my children, they got no argument from me. On October 31st, Hillary was right there with me when I was wheeled into the operating room, and because he was a medical student, he was able to participate actively in the deliveries. I was out cold, so he saw our kids before I did. They were beautiful, two perfectly normal babies who nursed side by side as I held them in my arms. My mother arrived from Maui shortly after we got home from the hospital, and it was wonderful to watch her as she took charge of our household. Needless to say, I would have been lost without her. Hillary soon returned to his grueling medical studies, and I threw myself into becoming a full-time mom. By the end of November, I was hard at work on getting my figure back. After everything I had gone through to get it, I was determined not to lose it now, and Hillary and I began taking long walks together, which graduated into light jogs, and finally serious running. By December 1st, exactly one year after our operations, I felt I was ready to reclaim some of Hillary?s attention. He was a doting dad, but I knew he felt the same way I did when I asked him what he wanted for Christmas. "Something to get the plaster out of my fingernails," was his reply. A weekend in Las Vegas was just what the doctor ordered, and since he was my husband, I was happy to comply. When the time came to leave for the airport, Mom practically had to force us out of the house. But once we were on the plane for the short flight, Hillary and I were the only two people in the world, trying to keep our hands off each other until we got to our hotel. I had packed the dress I wore the night he proposed to me, intending to seduce him after a romantic dinner, but I never got the chance to wear it. As soon as we got to our room, he put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. I spent most of the weekend looking at the mirror on the ceiling above our bed, watching a man and a woman go at it like bunnies. From the author of "The Jessica Project"

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The Roses in November I watch him from the window of the north tower as he makes his way to me through the wilderness surrounding my keep. He is weary, this seeker with his rusted mail and sword smeared with the blood of the vines he has had to cut to keep from stumbling on the rocky path. He is no more than an ant struggling on the horizon at the moment, but I know that he is breathing heavily from the effort it takes to ascend this summit. I consider dispatching a bird to see where...

1 year ago
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One evening in November, I was sitting in the living room watching TV with my mother. Dad was out with some friends. I'm 18 years old and my mom and dad are 47.We had a very open tone about sex. Now we could ask each other about anything.Mom was very interested in my sex life.She suddenly asked if we should watch a porn movie?"What," I said in surprise."Just watch someone suck each other and maybe a little fucking," she continued."Nothing advanced"."Okay," I replied.She put on the internet on...

4 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 12 November

The next day Mike was awake as soon as it was light outside. He was careful not to wake up Ruthie as he got out of his bed, cleaned up, and settled at his computer to work on his term paper. He felt better than he had felt in a year, convinced that he now was in a solid relationship with the girl in his bed. Whatever her faults, she loved him and was a person worthy of his love. As far as he was concerned their relationship was sealed the night before, when she had given herself to him....

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The 4 november

Its been 4 years since that night, when my roomate won his election and my pussy assi remember how he tease me all night ''the polls arent saying all buddy ''i remember how cocky i was how i called him stupid for voting trump but the night goes on and i drank nervously at the resulti coudnt belueve itmy roomate was right Trump had way more vote i thought possible''now you looser gonna be wearing this all night ''he thru it at me''no fuck you i ''bang he punch me in the facei fell down dizzy him...

2 years ago
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Set after Splinter Of The Minds Eye, but before The Empire Strikes Back. Leia looked up in surprise as a large, bound and gagged, bundle of brown fur was thrown roughly into the cell. She sighed wearily and stood up. It had been bad enough to have been captured so easily, but then, she mused, being naked, even in front of completely non-human aliens, always put one at a disadvantage. She had been bathing on the edge of the lake, afraid to go particularly deep because she could not swim very...

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The Mystic Treefort 3 Nymphs In November

Chapter 1: The Glow of Doubt In his bed, Jack turned over, opened one eye and glanced up. There was a light shining off the top of his dresser. "Oh, no," he groaned. It was his Library Card, and he capitalized it in his head because it referred to no Library on this Earth. It belonged to a woman he knew only as The Librarian. Ten years ago when he had been only nine, he and his sister had become Librarians for her, travelling through time and space to retrieve books for The Library's...

2 years ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 9 Unhappy Returns November

It's 8 Days After Jenny's Disappearance I get back to London — at last. In the past 48 hours I've explained the position to Chris Parker, with a mixture of embarrassment and dismay, and then taken the first available flight home. Chris was very sympathetic, agreed that I should come back to the UK at once and arranged for the firm to book me a business class return flight. The journey back was a trial: the aircraft seemed to crawl across the world map on the TV screen by my seat, none...

3 years ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 10 Violation November

looking for clues It's 11 days since Jenny's disappearance. I'm standing outside our home, with officers from the Warwickshire Police Force. Detective Inspector Ackroyd is in charge and from his manner, he has seen this sort of thing plenty of times before. He has a young WPC with him and several other officers to help conduct the search. "So is this the first time you have been back Mr McEwan?" Ackroyd's trying to be friendly, keen to get me to talk. "Yes, first time." "Quite a...

2 years ago
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You are sleeping in your bed, having a great dream about you and Angelina Jolie in a very swanky hotel in Venice, having wild sex on the balcony, overlooking the canals. The dream ends. You think you hear a tiny little voice say, "And sprinkle this one good. I think Peter and Wendy need something to break the logjam. This one will do nicely." In your sleep-stupor, you open one eye a bit and see a glowing moth hovering over your bed. The moth's body looks strangely like a person. Then you go...

3 years ago
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Neverwinter Nights

Ah YES! The lands of Toril! What a place. A land of myth, and lore. A land where dangers, and adventure are around every corner. The infamous Spine of the World, Baldur's Gate, Helmsdeep, Waterdeep, the Underdark, Undrentide, Luskan, Amn, and Nevewinter city are just a few of the places any adventurer would seek. Some would go to these places to gain power, wealth, or even fame. Some go to these places to do villainous acts of evil, and some, heroic deeds of good. But for THESE 4 adventurers,...

1 year ago
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Fornever in Blue Genes a Wish the Heart Makes

A Wish the Heart Makes: Fornever in Blue Genes by Tigger Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Fictionmania and Nifty may archive this story. Anyone else, ask me first. From Walt Disney's "Cinderella": "A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on...

3 years ago
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NeverWorld Chapter One

NeverWorld Chapter One Randy Butler curled up in a comfortable armchair in the corner of the Student Center. There were students all around him talking, eating, and working. Even though they were all strangers, he felt comfortable here in the large crowded hall. Randy was lonely. He hadn't made any new friends in the two weeks since college began. He had hoped to meet other freshmen taking classes at Philadelphia College, but it wasn't happening. He wasn't meeting anyone...

4 years ago
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NeverWorld Chapter Two

NeverWorld Chapter Two Althea Smallwood found herself drifting off as the lawyer representing the group of fairies would not stop lecturing her about his clients "God given rights". She wanted to close her eyes and put her head down. She even considered taking a recess but wanted to end this case now. She tried what the other justices had suggested. She had pinched herself, she had tried chewing gum, she had pushed her fingernails into the palm of her hand. Nothing was going to keep...

1 year ago
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It wasn't going away. It had come before, and it had always gone away before, but this time seemed different somehow. This time it was heavier, lingering longer, filling up more of the empty spaces around her life. It was seeping through all of the uncaulked cracks in her psyche and was running down the walls of her brain. The cloud had taken on an almost physical form around her. It sat on her eyelids and made them heavy. It rested upon her shoulders and forced her to slump. Although she...

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Guineveres Dirty Little Secret

The sky looked like somebody had taken a white pebble board, masked it off, put some ultramarine blue in a thin wash, then dropped some Payne's grey into it. The close foreground of the sky was a dark and angry mixture of blue and grey; almost black, fading into a soft grey at the tops of the trees in the distant. The hunter green trees bled into the sky, creating an image of incoming rain in the distance. About a third of the way up from the bottom of the painting, silver over red greyhound...

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Never Experienced Rough Sex

Jade is 26 divorced, mother of one child, self employed living and working in Addison Tx. I bumped into Jade a half hour after we were first introduced. She is drinking Shirley Temples since she does not drink, but she is loosening up quickly. When she sees me, Jade put her arm around me and asked me if I was having a good time. I told her I was having a great time. I glanced down at her tits. Jade smiled at me and pushed her tits up against me. I see it in her eyes that she wanted more, so I...

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Never Hiding In Hose Again

NEVER HIDING IN HOSE AGAIN By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: Belladonna's "Hiding in Hose" (mother seizes corporate control from her son and transforms him into her maid): perhaps it's a dark tale rife with unfairness; alternatively, perhaps it's a moral tale of just desserts. This is my (unauthorized) tribute, Fanfiction, to one of the best FM authors. It is set 15 years after Belladonna's...

2 years ago
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Never bet your wifes pussy

I'm Jeff and this is how I got cuckolded for the first time. At the time I was a sophomore in college and lived in three bedroom house with two other guys. Nick who was an easy going nice guy and Dwayne, an arrogant black guy who thought he was the greatest thing on earth, especially when it came to women.I had dated my girlfriend Jen since our senior year of high school. After graduation we both went to local schools, me the local state university and Jen went to the local two year school to...

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Never Marry an Only Daughter

Warnings to the naïve, the unwary and those who are to love struck to make wise decisions. This writing is based entirely on personal experience. (Well kinda anyway). After three years of marriage, I began to take note of certain patterns of my loving wife’s behaviors. I guess many husbands and wives do this. Now these were not behaviors that she was aware were irritating to me. Certainly they were not ones that she deliberately did to piss me off. She has consistently claimed that my...

2 years ago
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Never Going Back Again

feminize – feminization – transsexual – crossdresser – gayTo tell the truth, I never really figured out how to do the guy thing very well. I was always small for my age. People used to say that I'd shoot up someday, but it never happened. All through my school years, I looked about two years younger than my classmates. It didn't make for an adolescence filled with confidence, or even security. I was picked on mercilessly—teased, of course, but also actually beaten up from time to time.It didn't...

4 years ago
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Never be Mine

Never be Mine Belladonna As I walked back towards my Dorm after my class day ended, I saw Danielle walking towards her dorm. She smiled at me and that made me smile back. I thought the world of her. She was 4'10" with the skin of a china doll. Her face was the most beautiful I had ever seen, and it was perfectly framed with brown hair. I put my head down and walked on. I was too cowardly to ask her out. I always saw her around, but I knew I had no shot. She was perfect, and I had...

1 year ago
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Never Again Ch 04

————– —– As the hot water pounded her back, Gia released a long, deep breath. She stood in the shower trying to piece together her feelings about the evening. Aside from her shock at seeing Scott again, Gia didn’t know what was going on with her. Her head spun with images of his face and the memory of his smile, and each time she thought of his touch, a shiver ran down her spine. He was so much the same, and being with him had made her feel that she was 18 years old again, naïve and flush with...

3 years ago
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Never Bet a Women You wont Cheat Blacken

Toni called being very apologetic, asking if I minded watching our little girl while she attended a party thrown by a friend of Gingers. I told her it was no problem, not to worry, and to have a good time. Wanting to make sure she would be safe, I asked if she or someone else was going to drive. Though Toni was very conservative with her actions, she didn't drink very often and when she did, it always made her tipsy. She informed me that Ginger was driving and she was riding with her. She also...

2 years ago
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Never Say Never

"I've never seen a girl with pink contacts in her eyes!" exclaimed Janet, as I described to her the kind of girls I saw today in class. It was my first day at the local community college, and I saw a girl wearing these bright pink contacts in her eyes. We were talking about how girls can dress weird sometimes so I mentioned that to her. "Do you think it's cute when girls where tight yoga pant's?" Janet asked me in a cynical voice. "Well yeah, I'm wearing them now so I obviously do." I replied...

1 year ago
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Never Too Late

  It was the beginning of the year, and I was looking forward to my last class of the day. Theater class. I knew that I was at least going to shine in that class. I walked in, and there she was. Crossing the barrier between jocks and art She was talking to someone when I came into the room, and I must have caught her eye in her peripheral, because she turned and smiled and said hi. I said hi to her and smiled back, and she told me that there was a seat close to her, so I went and sat...

1 year ago
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Never Too Late

‘I’m sorting the wedding album, which pictures do you want?’ Like I would really want anything to remind me of my failed marriage with Sherry. I wanted to ask if she had any that showed her kissing my ass but decided against it, goddamned photographs anyway. That had been a lot of the problem between her and me, photographs, not to mention I hate to argue. Sherry had an internal Rolodex that contained reference to every event that had occurred since the time we met. She had a super database,...

3 years ago
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Never Again

By will_4_rp and SecretEpiphany *** And here she is. I stare at the screen. After a few moments of stillness, I realise I am actually holding my breath. I let it out. Slowly. She’s found me. OK, so, not such a miraculous act to perform nowadays, although there was a time when I was in hiding from her, and from the world, and when hiding was almost straightforwards. But that’s just not an option anymore. ‘Join Facebook, have a MySpace, do some Tweeting, get some Friends and Followers: it’ll...

4 years ago
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never too old for a sitter

Chapter 1: Heat WaveThe blackout may have turned out the lights across the city and several of its suburbs, but the phones were still workingbecause as soon as Rachel walked through the front door, her mother was telling her that Mrs. Carmichael had called.She and her husband were stuck in the city when the power went out and didn't know when they'd get home. Theywanted her to go over to their house and baby-sit their son."Mom!" Rachel burst out. First of all, she'd only gotten home herself,...

2 years ago
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Never too old to learn

Let me start off by telling you about me. I am now 60 years old and a widower. I have been married most of my life and considered myself as a normal man that loved his family and wife. When my wife passed away, I still had a desire for sex. I wasn’t interested in dating and going through all the dating games that people do and at my age, I felt that woman I could date were not actually what I wanted. Since I knew I couldn’t get a 20 something girl to have sex with, my sex life was mostly...

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Never Been Kissed

At Sweet Sixteen, Linda had never been kissed, at least not THAT WAY. By the time she got to be Sweet Thirty-Two, things were unfortunately still the same. But like everyone else, even those who have taken vows of celibacy, she found the traditional way to keep her sanity, until ... until... AUTHOR'S NOTE: In the grand scheme of things, no matter what you feel in the matter of religion or the absence thereof, it is imperative that every living thing, animal or vegetable, have a method of...

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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 12

The afternoon of Monday 24 May - Robert and Sarah - [Sarah] My hands were shaking as I knocked on the door. He was behind the desk. Usually he never used the desk when he held tutorials. Always the big table so we could sit side by side and have a view over the garden. "I'm sorry to mess you about. Hope this time's not too late for you." Gruff and abrupt. My heart sank. Really, I could feel it, or maybe it was just my stomach. I shook my head and looked round wondering where to sit. It...

1 year ago
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Never to old

It was a cool and clear Sunday. Everything had been quiet all day and the evening patrol was no different. I came on duty at 3:00PM to start my shift. I had to cover until 11:00PM so I figured that if the day watch was an example, then it would be a very long night for me! I was assigned the 304 district over on the east side of the city. A mixture of residential, light commerical and some warehouses. The residential was middle clase, working people. Normal calls for service, and sometimes a...

4 years ago
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Never too young to FUCK

When I was a little girl, my parents would go out from time to time to eat out or go to parties and stuff. One time, they went out of town for a week and they had a girl, Brenda, who had sat for me several times, but this time was a whole week and I was a little nervous at my age, having them away from home so long this time. She was nice though and we always had fun, ordering pizza's, playing video games and watching scary movies, so I was comfortable being with her that long and overnight...

2 years ago
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Never Again

The house was dark and quiet when I got home. It had been a very long day at work, with both lunch and dinner eaten on the fly. As I shed my jacket, my ears pricked up at the sound of music from upstairs. Soft jazz was drifting down through the house. Smiling, I headed up to the bathroom where I was pretty sure I would find my lover Dee. Dee had been living with me temporarily while her apartment was being painted. It was a bit of a trial for us as a couple, too. My wife Angie, who was Dee’s...

Straight Sex
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Never Enough

Carrie and I had been dating for about five months when she decided to get her first set of breast implants. Though she had a nice, slim, curvy figure to begin with, she was always someone who absolutely craved the feeling of all eyes in the room turning to her when she walked in. She had always liked how men would watch her as she served tables at the sports bar at which she worked, walking about in her tight, khaki shorts that she used as a uniform. She knew she was pretty, that she had nice,...

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Never Again

The weeds were the first thing I noticed as I made my way along the paved path to Ben’s front door. My gaze followed the twisting lengths as they pushed through the cracks and strangled the roses once tended by me. It made my stomach drop to see how much he’d let it all go, as if the act of maintaining something that had meant so much to me was more than he could stand. Almost six months had passed since we’d spoken. A closing door and a couple of boxes filled with the belongings I’d left here...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Never Been There Before

   In my earlier years when I was some what innocent to sex I had the best encounter ever. It all stared when I we moved to a new neighborhood. I must of been seventeen or so. After making my rounds with the easy girls in the neighborhood, I developed a bit of a reputation. I was the new guy with a huge dick and I knew how to use it. Around the same time we moved in a couple moved in next door. I never seen them, but, Moms and Pops went over and introduced them selves to them. I heard them...

Wife Lovers
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Never Just Friends

Sorry for the long delay if anyone actually cares… my computer decided to muck me around, and so I’ve been unable to access my files until a few days ago. Also, I’ll be uploading the next part of ‘Washing Up’ soon, but I haven’t had the chance to finish it yet. There’s not really any sex in this one, but I’ll be doing that sometime in the next week. Anyway, I hope this is worth the wait. Yours, as ever, romanticredhead A redhead with a passion . * ‘I don’t know, why don’t you ask her?’ I...

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Never Again Ch 01

10 years ago… ‘No, no way, so not happening. There’s no way you can win this. You may be faster, but I’m smarter and sneakier.’ Scott had both of Gia’s wrists encircled with his long fingers, but she twisted her arms outwards, forcing him to release her. She headed up the hill as fast as her bare feet would allow. For a moment, he didn’t chase her but instead watched her run, absentmindedly admiring her long legs and ass. ——————- Scott and Gia had known each other since the very first day...

3 years ago
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Never a good deed goes unpunished

I guess you are wondering why this story is entitled "Never a good deed goes unpunished!" let me give you my story...... I work for a law firm and have done all my life, when I was younger I pulled in clients quite regular but as I grew older lacking ambition the clients grew sparse. So one day I was pulled into the old man's office, the owner of the firm and told I was being demote to office boy. Office boy at fifty-four, I should have told him to stick it but then I...

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Never MarryChapter 5 What If

Al thought that it was really Craig’s fault. She doubted that she could have persuaded a jury of that, though. He’d brought up marriage, and that made her think of what marriages had been like for her family, especially Deb and Mom. “Would you fight me for custody?” she asked on a trip back from yet another museum. “If we were in divorce court, I mean.” “Let me get clear. Do I have your permission to answer your question?” “Of course.” “There’s nothing ‘of course’ about it,” he said. “You...

1 year ago
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Never To Old To Start Some New Fun pt 1

Sex life takes a turn for the better after a guy at work lends me a porno then a new "blacklad" starts work! It turned me in to a gangbang party slut for Blackcocks to do as the please with! Never To Old To Start Some New Fun, pt 1 randysandy June 09, 2020 | 6 Views I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot really believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby UK, Have been marred for many years with not that much very "Sexually"...

2 years ago
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Never trust Aunt Angie part 1

It was the first time she spoke to me like an adult. That moment played in my head today, 13 years later When i found a secret folder on our home computer. Now just to make it clear, aunt Angie is a very nice person, she always smiles and gives me long loving hugs when i see her, my mom has a complicated relationship with her, but they are as close as sisters can be. "Never trust aunt Angie" i kept thinking As i examined the biggest collection of porn I've ever seen, it has to be Aunt...

2 years ago
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Never Would Have Thought

“Deanne” “Deanne”, he yelled. I snapped out of my brief daydream. “Yeah, what’chu want?” I asked. “Bring me a cup of ice.” His voice sounded so damn seductive to me. After bringing him the ice, I told him good night and went to bed. Kevin had been around our house since he was seventeen and now he’s twenty-eight. I have no idea why my mother even wanted him, she was thirty-two when he moved in. Right after snuggling under the covers, I quickly fell fast asleep. “WAKE UP!” “WAKE...

4 years ago
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Never Look at BBC in a Locker Room Gay

It caught my attention from across the empty locker room. I was sitting on the bench tying my shoes when I looked up for a split second and saw it. I could not believe how big it was. Long, thick, and black, it hung down low against his thigh. Fully flaccid, it was definitely bigger than I was when hard. I couldn't help but stare. This guy literally had a big black dick. Stereotypes must come from somewhere, I thought to myself. My eyes traced up and down his oversized dick and massive balls in...

3 years ago
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Never Forgetting Trip to the North

This Incident happened few months ago when I planned a trip to Manchester to surprise my cousin sister’s birthday. She had no idea I’m coming to surprise her on Friday night for her birthday and to spend time with her over the weekend. I have left work early and booked the 5pm coach to Manchester a from London which I was supposed to arrive there at 10 the latest. For my surprise the coach was packed with weird looking people and couples whom I was finding difficult to find a seat and however...

2 years ago
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Never Wanted To Be Your Girlfriend Ch 02

So, after being made up like a slut, left glued to a pair of silicon breast forms, and caught sucking-off my best friend, I was pretty sure my day couldn't get any worse, but I had come nowhere near the end of my torment, as Michelle now had something else planned that I was probably not going to like.Brittany got all tarted up to go clubbing with her friends. Michelle and I ordered pizza, flirted with the delivery guy like a couple of teeny-boppers at a sleep-over, and killed time by playing...

3 years ago
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Never Too Old

She sat at the same table every morning for breakfast. It was the only place I ever ate when visiting this small rural city. I was a semi-regular in that I visited every few months each year for about a month and I had an apartment across the road.Mrs Stein was her name the waitresses told me and she lived upstairs in the luxury apartment block in which this café /bar / restaurant was situated. For the past two years since first noticing her she had apparently been grieving the loss of her...

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Never Trust the Pretty Ones

"Never Trust the Pretty Ones" by Jennifer Brock I came back to my motel room feeling dejected. I'd been trying to find a target for my next big scheme and hadn't yet. My last con up in New York had been nearly perfect, and so I didn't want to follow up a big score like that with some penny-ante job. But so far I wasn't finding any good prospects in Atlanta, and it was the third big city I'd tried. It was the damn economy! I still had around fifty thousand in cash left so I didn't...

1 year ago
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Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman

Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman "For they are subtle and quick to anger." By Zapper Synopsis: 'Typical,' I thought, stepping away from the ticket counter in Heathrow. The short business trip to Ireland, for no reason comprehensible to mortal man, required a layover in London. Now, due to an ice storm hitting Chicago, my flight was canceled. "Well, at least I've got the first flight out in the morning and the airline is putting me up in a decent hotel," I said, as I...

3 years ago
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Never know what will happen

When my wife had just turned 18 she was a Senior in High School. She was somewhat restricted in her sexual knowledge and experience mainly due to her parents upbringing. She had just broken up with her High School boyfriend of 1 year and they had made out quite a lot and even had intercourse four times.She was a typical High School student with school spirit and cheered from the stands at every game. On this occasion she really wanted to attend an away basketball game but her ride canceled at...

First Time
3 years ago
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Never MarryChapter 2 Evolution

Craig Warren was happy with the date at the zoo. As much as he enjoyed -- needed -- the making out at the end of their dates, he understood that Alicia was less comfortable with it in the late afternoon. On the other hand, he had her company for a longer time, and she’d held his hand in public. “This is my woman,” even if it was in front of a bunch of total strangers. More than that, she had been obviously happy. When he called that night, he had the movie for next Friday selected. Alicia...

1 year ago
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 26

To Sarah's Home - Friday, 11-June [Sarah] I felt smart and holiday-ish after returning to my room. Sunshine chasing away the gloomy memories of the last days I'd spent there. As I sorted out a dress, I thought suddenly that I might never sleep here again. I felt shy stripping off in front of Robert. He was sorting through my books though, not looking at me. It as one of those weeks when May feels like June, but the world is so much fresher. Away from work on a Friday, playing hooky....

3 years ago
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Never Too LateChapter 13

Our clothes had mysteriously appeared overnight, folded over the back of a chair. We slipped them on and proceeded downstairs where Vanessa was busy loading up the washing machine, dressed in just a thin dressing gown. I ogled her, hardly able to disguise my desire. "I've got various cereals or I can cook you something up," she offered. "Cereal is fine," I replied, not wanting to put her to any trouble. Jenny cheekily asked what was on offer and finally accepted a minor feast of...

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