The Mystic Treefort #3: Nymphs In November free porn video

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Chapter 1: The Glow of Doubt

In his bed, Jack turned over, opened one eye and glanced up. There was a light shining off the top of his dresser. "Oh, no," he groaned.

It was his Library Card, and he capitalized it in his head because it referred to no Library on this Earth. It belonged to a woman he knew only as The Librarian. Ten years ago when he had been only nine, he and his sister had become Librarians for her, travelling through time and space to retrieve books for The Library's collection. After his last mission, he wasn't sure he wanted to go on another one.

The last two had frightened Jack. Their meeting with Petronius had been bad enough, but the Marquis de Sade had been so unnervingly powerful and influential that ... Jack tried not to think too hard about what had happened at de Sade's. He remembered that he had run-- and Annie with him, he noted-- back to the Treefort with the completed 120 Days of Sodom under his arm at full speed without looking back.

Did he really want to go on another mission? Once, when he was younger, he might have said yes. On many of those missions he had almost been killed, but that had never stopped him from going on another one. He had always been willing to risk his life for more knowledge. That willingness defined his life. But the current series of missions seemed to risk something other than his life. They threatened his dignity and his honor, and those of his sister. He was suddenly angry at The Librarian. She should have warned him!

He wasn't sure that would have stopped him.

Snarling, he picked up the card. He dressed, pulling on boots, and walked to the door. When he opened it, Annie was standing there. She was also dressed and holding her Library card. "Jack?" she asked.

"How long have you been standing there?" he said.

"Only a few minutes." She smiled, tiredly. "She's calling us."


"Can you say no, Jack?"

Jack glanced down the hallway to the window that overlooked the woods. "I don't know."

Annie said, "Let's ... let's go read her note, Jack. We owe her that at least."

Jack nodded. They grabbed flashlights and walked out of the house. Jack glanced at his watch. It was two in the morning.

They found the treefort in the woods without a problem. It was exactly where it always was, on the tallest branch of the tallest tree. Jack looked up the length of the ladder, and then he saw the swing of Annie's flashlight on her hip as she started up.

"Hey!" he said.

"There's no point in waiting, Jack," Annie said.

Jack grumbled and took hold of the ladder. He knew it was Annie's role to leap and for him to think, but she did not have to always be so obvious about it. When he pulled himself into the treefort, Annie was already holding the folded piece of parchment. She started reading it even before he asked.

Dear Jack and Annie,

I know the last mission was very hard on the two of you. The next two will be very easy. You're going to a lovely summer island in Greece, where you will meet a sad woman who writes joyful poems.

You are simply the best people I have ever known, and have never said no to anything I have asked of you. Please do this for me,


Jack sighed. "It can't be that bad. Where's the book?"

Annie laughed when she picked it up, knowing that Jack couldn't refuse. He loved knowledge, he loved knowing. It was what made him the great scholar that he was. The book had the now-common bookmark of bright green leather sticking out of it, and when Jack saw it, he smiled too. The book was entitled Sappho's Lyre: Archaic Lyric Poetry of Ancient Greece. "I guess I know who's getting laid on this trip," Jack said.

"Jack!" Annie said. "You can't mean that. Besides, I'm not attracted to girls, any more than you are to guys."

Jack had finally confessed to Annie what had happened to him at the hands of the Marquis de Sade. Annie had first tried to tell him it was rape, and Jack had scoffed it off as little more than a horrible hazing gone wrong, and he clung to that interpretation because the alternative was not acceptable to him. He didn't want to think of himself as a victim, nor the Marquis as a monster. He was alive and whole, and that past was more like a dream than anything that Jack could remember.

"Still," Annie said, her hand stroking the leathery cover of the book. "No."

"What?" Jack said.

Annie smiled. "Girls are supposed to be nice to each other."

Jack gave a lopsided grin. "Yeah, well..." He blushed. He wasn't supposed to think of his sister that way. Annie was supposed to be a nice girl. "She promised these would be easier."

Annie nodded, opened the book. A woodcut illustration showed a scene outside an old brick wall, painted white. Inside, a woman sat with a lyre, holding it but not playing it. "I wish we could go here," Annie said.

A wind arose outside the treefort. A sweet, playful sound this time, reminding Jack of the thrill they both felt when they were children. The world outside the window began to spin, and then the treefort began to spin with it. The wind picked up enough to be frightening.

And then everything was still. Utterly still.

Chapter 2: Sappho

Jack opened his eyes. He always closed them during the flight although he was never sure why-- what was he afraid of seeing? Annie, if she kept her eyes opened, never told him that he had missed any particularly spectacular light shows. Sunlight streamed in through the large window of the treefort (was it a window still when it lacked any glass? he wondered) and the sounds of seagulls pealed nearby in the air. Annie laughed and clapped her hands together. "We're here!"

"Where's here?" Jack asked. He picked up the book. "Sappho's family lived on the island nation of Sicily for fifteen years, after they were banished from their home nation following a political reversal of fortune."

"Jack," Annie said. "Sicily is where the Mafia come from!"

"That was hundreds of years later, Annie. Right now Sicily is just a large island kingdom."

"Oh," Annie said. Despite all she had done with Jack and the treefort over the years, ordinary world history was still not her strongest subject. Jack had tried to explain to her that Art History was world history, only from a certain point of view. Annie understood that, but events outside of art itself still escaped her. Annie tried to look appropriately abashed, but she didn't quite make it. "Let's go, Jack."

The treefort was lodged in a palm tree swaying gently back and forth. The air was sultry and bright without a single cloud in the sky. Over the cries of the seagulls, the playing of something that sounded like a harp reached their ears. It sounded out of tune. "Come on, Jack. We'll never get anywhere if we don't leave the treefort."

Jack followed Annie down the rope ladder. The tree in which they had landed was short but strong-looking, and the drop much less than usual. The treefort had followed its backup strategy: rather than the tallest tree, it had looked for any tree on which to land. Twice, Jack recalled, it had landed on the ground because there had been no tree within walking distance of the mission: once at the North Pole, and once on the moon.

Although it hung late on the horizon, the sun was merciless to this southern stretch of beach overlooking the Mediterranean. Jack and Annie had seen this ocean before many times on their voyages, and Jack never grew tired of its beauty. He knew that part of the reason he wanted to be an archaeologist was that so many interesting digs could be found around its waters, and that was one of the many things the Librarian had taught him. The sea hovered just off the sand, its lazily breathing surface hot and flat and shining like a hammered shield of green copper. Even the seagulls refused to cry too loudly.

"Let's follow the music, Jack," Annie said gently. She started walking toward the stone-and-plaster buildings. Jack followed. The music still came, sad and haunting, from a building with a doorway that led down to the beach. "Hello?" Annie said.

A woman sat in a courtyard, her hands on a small lute. Jack recognized the instrument from the illustration. She turned her head to them. "Hello," she said. "What brings you here?"

"My brother and I are looking for the poet, Sappho."

The woman smile was a contrast to the sea-deep sadness in her eyes. "Poet, you say? I am no poet. No woman can be a poet here. It is unseemly."

"You mean, in Sicily?" Jack asked.

The woman nodded.

"But you are Sappho, right?" Annie asked.

"That is my name. But who are you, strangers?"

"I'm Annie, and this is my brother, Jack. We have come from far away to hear your poems. I would like to write them down, if I may."

"Annie," Jack hissed. "Didn't you hear what she said? You can't tell people here you can read and write." He looked up at Sappho. "Is it ... is there some penalty for a woman who can read or write?"

"Only rejection from polite society," Sappho said. "It is more troublesome for the man who taught her. Did you teach her?"

"What? Oh, no. Annie learned to read and write from our parents, first." Both of them had been exposed to many stories from their parents, who had done the right thing and read to them almost from the time they were one year old.

"You said you were from far away? Are you returning there? Then you have no need to fear from polite society, if you have come to hear me. I shall ... I shall sing tonight. Annie, you are welcome to come and hear my poems. Would you like that?"

"I would!" Annie said. "I would very much! I've heard so much about your poetry!"

"Then you are welcome in my home as is your brother. However, my song tonight is not for him or any man."

"I understand." Once, when Jack and Annie had met Aristotle, Jack had been the one privileged to wander free, and Annie had been the one given over to chaperons. Jack sighed. "What will I do?"

"My brother has returned from Etrusca. I am sure he can regale you with a thousand stories that will turn your hair white," Sappho said. "The Etruscans are at war with the Gauls. Once more."

Jack stared. The Etruscans? Nobody knew anything about the Etruscans other than a few scraps and relics left over from digs in southeastern Italy. They had been artistic and yet unlettered, and no writing from them persisted. "I think I should like very much to talk to your brother," Jack said.

"Then it is settled," Sappho said. She clapped her hands together and a servant came out from hiding. She was shorter than Sappho, but heavier too. "Zef, fetch our guests some wine, and then fetch my brother. He has a guest."

"Yes, mistress," the woman said, bowed, and walked away. Jack and Annie exchanged glances, for they had known that the nobility of all these times kept slaves, and they had become familiar with it. Jack thought he should worry about himself if he ever become comfortable with it. The slave girl returned with two large goblets, one in each hand, and she presented them to Jack and Annie.

Chapter 3: The men around Sappho

Jack took his and sniffed it. There was an acrid smell to it, as if it had turned slightly to vinegar, but when he lifted it to his mouth the coolness of the wine washed away any doubts. It was wonderful, and he smiled up at Sappho. "Thank you," he said.

"You are welcome," she said. "Ah, here his is. This is Palmris. Palmris, this is Jack. He is the brother of my friend, Annie. If you would keep him out of trouble this evening, I would most appreciate it."

Palmris was a short man, older than Sappho. His grey, smokey eyes seemed flat and tired as if he had been going without much sleep recently, but he nodded. "You must stay in my quarters," he said, eyeing Jack with a vague sense of curiosity but nothing more. Jack was relieved. After his encounter with the Marquis de Sade he wasn't sure if even his own ironically correct sensibilities could take more tweaking, and he didn't need to be reminded that in this era of Greek history homosexuality was a potential hazard of life. The sexes thought of the other as alien and distinct, without much overlap in culture or interest.

Palmris grinned at him briefly. "Forgive me. I was up last night drinking with my men, and I have just awakened from a nap. Where are you from, stranger?"

"The city-state of Hamp," Jack said, translating as best as he could. "It is very far from here. My sister came in search of yours."

Palmris looked at Annie the same way someone might examine a horse. The he shrugged. "May she find what she came for. Come, I shall show you my quarters. Later this evening my soldiers will come by and we shall be conducting some business and then ... drink!" He laughed, but Sappho gave him a withering look. "I shall not end up a slobbering old fool, sister."

"Oh, Palmris, I know that. But when you return from a journey you are always so celebratory, and I worry that you shall become a scourge of the island. Someday, you shall fight a man who shall leave a knife between your ribs."

Palmris placed his hand on his side just under his left armpit as if feeling for the knife already. Jack watched, wide-eyed, as he pulled one out. "Someone has!"

Sappho said, "Your tricks with knives are cute, dear brother, but surely you can do better than that."

"How did you do that?" Annie asked.

Palmris showed Jack and Annie the leather sheath braced on his wrist, and how he had freed the knife from it before reaching up to feign the search. "It is a useful skill when one is a mercenary."

Mercenary. Palmris was a soldier who sold his services to a buyer and would fight on whichever side had the most gold. Jack shivered: this tired-looking little man was a soldier and a killer who carried a knife with him everywhere he went, even in the presence of his sister, one of the greatest poets the world had ever known.

"Jack, come," Palmris said. He was not one to speak quietly. Apparently his lowest volume was meant to be heard over the din of battle. It was not an order but an invitation. The only kind Palmris knew how to make. "My men will be here shortly."

Jack smiled tightly. "Thanks. I think. Annie? Be careful."

"You too, Jack."

Jack walked off with Palmris.

Chapter 4: Wives and daughters

Annie sat quietly while Sappho played her lyre, not saying a word. She watched the sun sink lower into the west, and heard the songs of the seagulls, and smelled the salt of an ocean rich with life. Other smells reached her from time to time, sweet and savory. She had often wondered if there would come a day when she would not return to Frogton but would instead choose to stay in a time and place other than the 21st century. She had had her shots, and she knew enough modern hygiene and nutrition that she could probably have stayed alive much longer than her peers in any time she settled down into. She had even managed to get smallpox and polio vaccinations back when there had been fears of a terrorist outbreak.

A woman appeared in the doorway. Sappho looked up and nodded at her. She nodded back, regarded Annie with surprised eyes, then sat down next to her. "I am Aithra."

"Annie," Annie told her. She was a small woman, clear of skin but missing a tooth. That was no surprise to Annie. Other women came in, all of whom seemed to know one another, but all wanted to be introduced to Annie. She realized after a while that it was her pale skin and especially her hair they were all looking at, the soft curls so different from the tight, wax-laden hairstyles the women of Greece wore at this time. Annie collected names: Kolette, Ouriana, Dianetris, Selini. Soon twenty or more women were collected in the courtyard even as the sun touched the sea.

Sappho stood up. "Thank you all for coming here, for braving the night to be one with your own kind. There is little that the world of men has given to us, so let us enjoy our short time together." She picked up a basket, walked to the door. "Come, if you will."

Annie noticed that most of the other women had baskets as well. Not all of them, which made her feel better.

They walked down to the beach and Sappho led them along its sands until they reached a cave. The sun had gone down completely and now only dusk settled across the sea sent grey shards of light off a still sea into the cave's darkness. Annie saw that it was a grotto, half-full of water. "We have a few hours," Aithra said, "Before the tide brings back the sea. We mark our time carefully and well."

Annie nodded. "Thanks," she said, knowing Aithra was trying to make her feel comfortable.

Sappho led them to the back of the grotto. Annie had been afraid that it would smell of seaweed, but it had a clean, sweet smell like the ocean. Waves washed in regularly, soft rushes of noise that made Annie feel as if she were in the sea already, rhythmically swaying back and forth. She saw other women affected as she was. Sappho produced a lit oil lamp, and others shared with lamps taken from their baskets until the grotto was alight with little fires. Reed mats were also placed down on the ground, and the women sat upon them.

Sappho beckoned to Annie, and Annie joined her. "Are you familiar with Aphrodite?"

"Only ... she is one of your gods, Sappho. Not one of mine."

"But you know of her?"


"Good." She raised her head. "Let us sit. Aithra, you shall lead the prayer tonight."

Aithra sat cross-legged before a bowl from which smoke rose in lazy wisps. She raised the bowl to her face, inhaled deeply, held the smoke within her lungs for as long as she could, then released it with a gasp. She began a chant that Annie could not make out. The other women began to dance, gyrating around her. "Come, Annie, come!" Sappho shouted, holding out her hands.

Annie jumped into the dancing circle, her feet mysteriously falling into place as if she had always known this dance. She linked hands with Sappho and another, shorter woman with dark hair and kohl-rimmed eyes, and followed along as their dance spiralled in toward Aithra. Aithra's chant grew louder and faster, and the women spiralled in closer and closer until Annie was pressed up, chest to back with women before her and after her. Sappho was the one behind her, and Annie felt a soft kiss planted on her neck.

Chapter 5: Boys with their toys

Palmris had led Jack back to the the men's side of the building. There were two men waiting for Palmris already. "Kyrenios," Palmris said, reaching out with a hand to grasp the wrist of the shorter man. "Good to see you."

"And you, Captain," Kyrenios said. "What have you here? I thought you did not go for morsels so--"

Palmris laughed. "He is the brother of a friend of my sister's. Do not presume. I do not believe he goes for your 'morsels' either."

"Pity that," said the other man.

"Heraklesr," Palmris said. "What is the tally?"

"Excellent, Captain. Enough to keep all the men in their cups for six months if they are so inclined. And your share is respectable. Not enough to take back Lesbos, but..."

Palmris cut him off with a wave of the hand. "The tide will turn even there, Heraklesr, even there. There will come a time." Jack sat and watched as Palmris conducted business, using a small box of shallow pits and stones, as well as a wax tablet, as Heraklesr rummaged through a green cloth bag and pulled out little tokens. Palmris nodded when it was done. "It is good, Heraklesr. You are correct. It is enough to keep the men in food and drink through the winter." He grinned. "Let us go find the others. I should like to drink to this tonight."

Palmris and the other men led Jack out into the streets. The tavern they sought was not far away through the dusty narrow streets, and when they entered a cheer greeted Palmris. Two dozen men, handsome and recognizably powerful under their simple, belted tunics rose and lifted the cups to him. "Men!" Palmris shouted. Then he lowered his voice. "We have done well, and Heraklesr will distribute to you your rewards in the morning. In the meantime, drink, drink and be happy, for your captain commands you!"

The roar that greeted Jack's ears impressed him. "And who is this?" said one of the men.

"Blathyllos, this is Jack, the brother of one of my sister's friends. We are to show him the life of our town. He will be here only a while before he and his sister return to their own state."

Jack realized that he was taller than just about every man there. Most of them looked like they were stronger than Jack, and certainly all of them had much more combat experience. The past was funny that way. Thanks to the Librarian, Jack had become much more grateful to modern medicine and hygiene. They all looked at him with curiosity, one or two with something more. "Tell us of your travels, Jack!"

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Brysodine College of the Mystic and Magical Arts

Some quirk, meteorological or magical, you can't really tell here, caused a rare muggy stretch in the otherwise mild summer days of the Garwansch Valley where the Brysodine College of the Mystic and Magical Arts was cradled. But in an effort to console himself, Mandeeb reminded himself that it was only as half a humid as the monsoon days of his home in the east. And you're sweating like a dez-atithi, he chided himself and then chuckled at the use of the word. Dez-atithi, the word for foreigner...

4 years ago
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Mystic Night PART ONE

He was walking through the forest, deep within his thoughts. The last peace-making mission took a lot out of him. He was tired of the world and sleepless nights were taking a toll on him. He looked at the hidden moon lurking behind the clouds and sighed. He was hoping that the nightmares would end soon. He did not want to go to any psychologist, because it was not his thing to talk to strangers about his feelings. He did not talk about them with anyone. Then he heard a scream, and he turned...

3 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 28 The Dairy Nymphs

The next morning we all got up at the appointed time and Lilly started with her morning greeting only to find my penis was still asleep, wouldn’t wake up. I was surprised too and wondered “What in the world have they done to me”? But maybe it was really no surprise. Even though I was young endurance was sure to become a factor, eventually, and given what had happened to me the evening previous with all their final “adjustments” it was no wonder that my appendage might want a day off. I only...

3 years ago
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WitchyPoo Anarchist and the NymphsChapter 5

I woke up to the feel of my wife's big boobs slapping back and forth across my face. I tried to reach up and grab one, but she pulled away. "Nope. Get up, old man. Breakfast is ready, Todd wants to do some more party planning with you, and Jennifer's gonna take the twins to the mall." I was barely awake. "You aren't going with them?" "No, I don't need anything, and besides, we don't really have the money right now for me to do any serious shopping. I could stand a little quiet...

4 years ago
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Never in November

Never in November © 2003 by Nom de Plume LOS ANGELES: In a remarkable feat of neurosurgery and tissue engineering, scientists at the University of California at Irvine have successfully transplanted penises and testicles from male rabbits to female rabbits, and ovaries and uteruses from the former females to the castrated male donors. Once they recovered from the surgery, the new male rabbits attempted to have sex within 30 seconds of being put in a cage with an engineered...

2 years ago
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The crisp fall breeze brought a fresh smell to the water as Isaac Turner walked along the deck. He looked over the rail as the ship coasted along down the Detroit River. There was a chill in the air and he thought about going below deck to get a jacket but decided to check on the youngster first. He looked down the length of the over 700 foot long freighter and tried to locate his charge. Before he caught sight of Jimmy he saw something else that brought a smile to his lips. There on the shore...

3 years ago
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Early November

She's told him he must wait until the time is right — until she is quite sure. But that was at the end of August. It's early November now, and he's growing impatient.Most evenings they lie together fully clothed on his childhood bed with limbs entwined, his hard cock imprisoned in his Levis incessantly pushing against her. Hour after hour of kissing, sometimes talking, only breaking off when he rises to change the vinyl, the albums that will become the soundtrack to their courting. A year ago,...

First Time
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Dear diary november

November 3 Dear Diary, It's getting cold outside! I love the holidays, but I have more pressing things to think about right now! Gary keeps wanting to fuck us, and we keep putting him off! I can tell that Emma is really close to giving in to him, she is so in love with his pecker!!! I'm not saying that Hillary and I aren't turned on to his cock too, it's just that Ems has turned into a little "cock hound"!!! When we have our masturbation sessions in her room, she has graduated to larger and...

1 year ago
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Calendar Girl November

Calendar Girl: November By Kimmie oh Peter walked up to the door of the little ivy-covered house at 911 Hope Road. He pushed the doorbell but heard nothing. He put his briefcase containing the foreclosure papers down on the cracked stoop. He pressed his ear to the chipped paint on the door and pushed the bell again. There was no sound from within the house. He gave up on the doorbell and knocked on the door's warped wood. The force of his fist opened the door a crack....

3 years ago
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5th NovemberChapter 5 Remember Remember the 5th of November

Fawkes decided to wait out the night at the cellar, to ensure that nothing happened in the final hours, he had measured out a fuse that would run for 15 minutes, he checked the watch was fully wound and correct and then smiled, it wouldn't do to set everything up and then find that the party was over before he'd set the fuse! He settled down to sleep when he heard a noise from outside, it was almost as if somebody was trying to open the door, he tensed up and then quietly walked to the...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

1 year ago
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The Mystic Stopwatch

You were out browsing the local small market, looking for a present for a friend, when you spot the Small Antique Shop tucked away between a Burger Bar and a Pharmacy. Entering the shop, you browse the aisles stacked with old books, toys, paintings, pottery and such when you come across a small gold stopwatch in a leather case. Something about it appeals to you so you purchase it. “Ah, a good choice,my young friend” smiles the Shopkeeper “The minute I saw you walk into my store, I just knew you...

2 years ago
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Legend Of Mystic Forest Ch 04

As we sat in the window staring out into the forest, Thalia was telling me that she missed all her woodland friends. A wet, heavy snow blanketed the forest and there is a haunting silence about the land. As the sun shines down on the snow, the ice crystals sparkle with a brilliant beauty. It looks like thousands of diamonds sparkling when the snow glistens in the sun rays. It seems the forest and the land takes time in the winter to rest. There is so much nature has to do with spring just...

2 years ago
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Legend Of Mystic Forest Ch 03

After we docked the canoe on shore, we encountered a magnificent garden surrounded by a wall of green ivy and a multitude of beautiful flowers in a rainbow of colors. Out of the vines and greenery came a rush of water. It was the most beautiful waterfall I had ever seen as the water cascaded over the vines and the spray of the mist covered the flowers. They glistened as the sun rays filtered through the trees above the vine covered falls. Walking silently over to me she takes my hands into her...

3 years ago
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Mystic kiss

The summer was crimson ,my teacher was marking me easy, but why did I need summer school? I thought. I was always a a student.such a bummer being here. In summer school. Misserable( I thought)* what was I doing in summer school. I was always good. A honner role student. A average. summer class was upsetting enough. Without a teacher having a problem with me. ‘ why’ I asked myself. When ms black asked why I was in summer class’ make up’ I responded. Ms black was the only bright...

3 years ago
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Mystic Night PART FOUR

Maximus woke up in the middle of the day, with both fairies in his arms. They were all spooning, with Minea in the middle, him behind her, and Eneia in her arms. He slowly got up, and as he was standing next to his bed, his eyes were caressing two stunning, sleeping girls. The sun was high, shining through thin white d****s, throwing shadowy glow on the girls. He was admiring their bodies, soft skin, inviting full breasts, and exquisite legs, which ended in firm tushies. Excitement started to...

3 years ago
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Mystic Night PART THREE

He was tracing his fingertips with his lips and enjoying her sweet moans of pleasure. Suddenly they were jolted from their delight by hard banging on the doors. He stopped kissing her neck and they looked at each other. “What the hell?" was all he said.Minea covered herself with the bed sheet, as Maximus got up, put his boxers on and took his Berretta out of the cupboard. “Just in case my darling, just in case. Who knows who can be banging at the doors so early in the morning? After last night...

2 years ago
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Mystic Night PART TWO

He could not sleep, so he was looking out the window into the breaking dawn holding her in his arms. Her head was resting on his chest. One of her legs was lying over his legs, and her arm was holding him tight. He was gently caressing her back, sliding with her fingertips over her smooth skin, and savouring the feeling of the tenderness he sensed. Holding her astonishing naked body in his arms felt so good, and he did not want to wake her up. He could have stayed like this with her sleeping in...

2 years ago
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The Roses in November

The Roses in November I watch him from the window of the north tower as he makes his way to me through the wilderness surrounding my keep. He is weary, this seeker with his rusted mail and sword smeared with the blood of the vines he has had to cut to keep from stumbling on the rocky path. He is no more than an ant struggling on the horizon at the moment, but I know that he is breathing heavily from the effort it takes to ascend this summit. I consider dispatching a bird to see where...

4 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 12 November

The next day Mike was awake as soon as it was light outside. He was careful not to wake up Ruthie as he got out of his bed, cleaned up, and settled at his computer to work on his term paper. He felt better than he had felt in a year, convinced that he now was in a solid relationship with the girl in his bed. Whatever her faults, she loved him and was a person worthy of his love. As far as he was concerned their relationship was sealed the night before, when she had given herself to him....

2 years ago
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Remember Remember The Fifth Of November

The fifth of November? OK, so we learnt about that in infant school. That Guy Fawkes dude plotting to blow up King Charles II. Or was it Charles I? Anyway, the gunpowder under the Houses of Parliament and then getting caught and killed and having heads stuck up as warnings around London. So we civilised 21 st century folks like to celebrate that by setting off fireworks. Fun! I do like a bit of history. It’s pretty tragic how the idiots got caught though isn’t it? One of the gang decided to...

3 years ago
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Red November

Svetlana Petrovich frowned as she gazed out of the window. She was standing at the top of the stairs, looking out across the expanse of growing crops that dominated a wide valley. Below her the road between the wheat fields was no more than a dirt path, and the wheels of the advancing horse drawn cart skidded along well excavated ruts. "He's here now. I can see him sitting with the driver. I wonder if he's changed much." Turning away from the window she glanced at her younger sister for...

1 year ago
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One evening in November, I was sitting in the living room watching TV with my mother. Dad was out with some friends. I'm 18 years old and my mom and dad are 47.We had a very open tone about sex. Now we could ask each other about anything.Mom was very interested in my sex life.She suddenly asked if we should watch a porn movie?"What," I said in surprise."Just watch someone suck each other and maybe a little fucking," she continued."Nothing advanced"."Okay," I replied.She put on the internet on...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

2 years ago
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Vanessa sighed as she approached as she approached the airport showers. What should have been a quick round-trip had turned into one of the longest and most stressful flights of her career. She didn?t know exactly what it was, as a flight attendant she?d had plenty of bad trips before, but something about this one had just worn her out. It probably hadn?t helped that she?d been so done-up when she arrived. She?d had a date the evening before, a very promising guy she?d met at a Starbucks who...

4 years ago
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Kristie and Jessica Two Teenage Church Going Nymphs

Kristie was seventeen. I knew her mom, Kelly, We were all very good church-going friends. I liked Kristie’s mom, but couldn’t really find a way to express my feelings, so I did the next best thing- be there for her teenage daughter. Kristie, sometimes her friends from school, her mother and I often spent hours together playing board games or dominoes, sometimes until the wee hours of the morning. most usually on Sunday evenings after church services. Kristie’s mother always insisted that...

First Time
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Locker Room Nymphs

Cindy and Sandy giggled as they ran down the hall toward the locker rooms and the pool. They had seen their names on the sheet that announced they were on the swim team! They were so excited. Both were fourteen-years-old and in the blossom of their sexual maturity, they were filled with hormones and emotions and it all came out physically as they pranced and danced along. When they got to the pool office they saw their two new coaches. Ms. Simpson was the diving coach and both girls sighed...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 28 Naked Nymphs by the Pool

As Jax drove to Hannah’s place he thought about his sister and what her and her friend would be doing right now. It is really amazing how what started out as a fairly simple plan had just bloomed into something so much more. The original idea was to just get his youngest sister to be his sex toy ... Well not a toy per say, for one doesn’t usually care about a toy when broken, but he does care about his sister, and she certainly isn’t a sex slave -- She could always say no. Jax didn’t know...

3 years ago
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WitchyPoo Anarchist and the NymphsChapter 6

By the time we had showered and settled back on the patio, Jennifer and the twins returned, with sacks of fast food burgers and fries for everyone. The twins were chattering happily about their shopping trip, and in between, we managed to bring Jenn up to speed about Ron and Brenda and the party plans. The twins couldn't wait to show off their purchases, and we got an impromptu fashion show as they modeled a few items for us one at a time. I whistled when they came out in matching nearly...

2 years ago
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WitchyPoo Anarchist and the NymphsChapter 4

"Let me ask you something, Ben," Todd said, after it was just the four adults at the picnic table. "How many members do you have on your board? Registered, full access members?" "I dunno for sure. Eighty or ninety I think. Why?" "Probably about the same on Pagan's," he said. Jennifer nodded and spoke up, "There's probably a lot of duplicate members across our lists, too. People that are members of both boards." Truth there. The society of online computer users was still pretty...

1 year ago
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WitchyPoo Anarchist and the NymphsChapter 3

"Having fun, guys?" Pam and Jennifer stepped nude out onto the patio, having obviously been home long enough to strip. Pam walked over, leaned down and gave me a kiss. "Mmm. You smell like pussy," she said. She knelt beside me, leaned over and vacuumed my cock into her mouth briefly. "Taste like it, too," she said, smacking her lips as she stood up. "Looks like you win, Jennifer." "Told you so!" "We made a bet," Pam explained. "Jennifer bet me you'd be fucking one of the...

3 years ago
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WitchyPoo Anarchist and the NymphsChapter 2

A week later, Todd and I were lounging nude in two chairs next to his pool. Pam and Jennifer were gone to the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner, and two naked fifteen year old girls were splashing happily in the pool. I had to admit, the girls were as mature as Todd had said. Karen and Lisa were bright, intelligent, polite and drop-dead gorgeous. They each stood about 5'3", with jet black hair worn in short pixie cuts and big brown eyes. They each had firm, upthrust breasts...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites

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