Never A Good Deed Goes Unpunished free porn video

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I guess you are wondering why this story is entitled "Never a good deed goes unpunished!" let me give you my story...... I work for a law firm and have done all my life, when I was younger I pulled in clients quite regular but as I grew older lacking ambition the clients grew sparse. So one day I was pulled into the old man's office, the owner of the firm and told I was being demote to office boy. Office boy at fifty-four, I should have told him to stick it but then I needed the money. Although I had no mortgage since I had lived with my parents all my life and inherited the house when they died I still had bills from a life of wining and dining the companies clients. I should have demanded a golden handshake but then I am quite pathetic and so I mumbled a thank you. I could see the arrogant sneer on his face knowing he had gotten away cheap, the old miser. As I left his office red faced I mused on my life, it was indeed pathetic. No ambition, lived with my parents all my life, only a couple of relationships and they had ended quickly due to my tiny cock and submissive nature. I dreamed of a dominant Mistress but they are few and far between. Now here I was demoted to office dogs body. I guess the old man was hoping I would quit but as I said I needed the money. So I settled into the new job which was not too bad save delivering post to the young man who had taken my office and one other office........the legal secretaries. Although through my career I had not treated them bad they seemed to have taken the greatest delight in my downfall, every time I entered their domain I was ridiculed and laughed at behind my back. Cynthia was the group leader at around fifty she had a voluptuous body and four ex- husbands. Samantha was early forties curvy and as far as I knew unmarried. The last of the trio was Emma who was mid thirties but quite naive and easily led by the other two, she had a husband but from what I heard he was even more wimpy than me....if that's possible! On top of this their manager William, was arrogant, chauvinistic and self centered......oh and the bosses son. He was everything I was not and surprisingly did not ride on the coat tails of his father. He pulled in clients..big clients all the time, usually by wining and dining them..and taking them to night clubs come brothels. The old man turned a blind eye to this due to his results and to anything he did in company so he got away with murder. It was said that he had fucked everything with a skirt on under 25 in the company. He loved to humiliate me, sending me out for his coffee or out to buy him lunch.....because he was busy.......yeah, busy fucking the new temp no doubt! So it was on this fateful day that I was returning from getting his morning coffee that I came upon the three women in a huddle, Cynthia had clearly been crying. I slowed down to catch their conversation. "The fucker put his hand right up my skirt and squeezed my bum!..." groused Cynthia. ."....said I was next across his desk." "The bastard!" quipped Samantha. "Maybe we should tell his father," Emma. Both Cynthia and Samantha laughed at this. "No way the old man would probably laugh in my face.....and then sack me." So it seemed that William had his eyes on the legal secretaries, well there had not been a new temp at the company in a while, maybe due to his reputation I mused. So I did the stupidest thing I had ever done, call it a moment of insanity.....I like to think it was my submissive nature wanting to help......but I spoke. "Can I do anything to help?" I muttered, realizing as I did that there was absolutely nothing I could! All three women turned to me, Cynthia and Samantha looked at me as if I was something they had stepped in, Emma open mouthed. "I don't think so!" sneered Samantha looking me up and down. "No you can't" growled Cynthia......and then a strange look crossed her face. "......but thank you for asking David," she finished much to my surprise. It also surprised Samantha and Emma because they were both looking at her as if she had gone mad. Somewhat startled myself I left them to finish my deliveries wondering if perhaps I had changed the way they think about me. A week later I was just finishing work when Cynthia stepped into the lift with me. It surprised me because usually she finishes early on a Friday, and was it my imagination or had she been waiting for the lift with me in! We descended in silence for a few seconds before she spoke. "David....about the other day, it was kind of you to help" she smiled at me. I blushed and stammered. " was nothing." It sounded soooo pathetic, why was I so inadequate around women! "Listen, I'm going for a drink why don't you join me?." "I.....I..." I was going to say no that I had to get an empty house. "Sure" I replied knowing full well this was going to end badly. Out of the office she linked arms with me and headed to the local bar, it was the strangest feeling. I insisted on buying the first round she had wine and I had lemonade.....because I was driving. I thought it was going to be a disaster because being inadequate around women meant I had very little conversational skills. However four glasses of wine later we were doing fine, well to be honest she did all the talking. She quizzed me about my house, in fact pretty soon she knew pretty much everything about me....and I little about her. "Well it's time this lady was getting home," she giggled, maybe a bit tipsy. "I could drive you home if you want," I offered. She did not miss a beat and soon I was on my way to her place. This turned out to be a flat in one of the better parts of the town. I dropped her at the door but she insisted that I come inside. The place was sparsely furnished I guess it was all she had left from her most recent divorce. Leaving me at the door she moved to a leather couch and sat, a lustful look on her face. At this look my heart began to beat faster and my cock swelled to life. "David......I'm horny as hell.....but I don't want you to think I'm easy......" She batted her eyes at me and I was lost. "Would you pleasure my sex.....just licking.... kissing....." She trailed off opening her legs. I was putty in her hands and found myself kneeling before her without even thinking. She opened her legs wider in response and rucked up her skirt. Now that I was on my knees the look of lust turned to one of.......arrogance.....dominance. I shivered, being a submissive it was this smoldering look that really got my heart beating. She was wearing purple full knickers the area around her pussy darkened by her pussy juices indicating she was indeed horny. I leant in closer taking in the scent of her as I did. It was musky, feminine and oh so delicious, it made my head spin. I looked up into her eyes and she was watching me avidly. I lent closer in and sticking out my tongue tasted her pussy through her panties. The taste slightly lessened by the panties was still divine so I licked harder eliciting a sigh from her. I looked up to see a wicked grin on her a cat about to catch a mouse! "Take my panties off." ...It was a command not a request. She lifted her hips and I eased the panties down revealing a slightly hairy pussy. I carefully folded the panties and set them aside much to her approval and then returned to my worship. I say worship because that was what it seemed to be, in my heart I was hoping she would be the Mistress I had always wanted. I tried not to get my hopes up but when you have dreamed so long it is easy to fall. Her pussy lips were pink and swollen and dripping with syrupy pussy juice just waiting to be tasted so I took the plunge. I took a long lick coating my tongue with her tasty nectar listening to her croon as I did. The strong pungent taste sent me to heaven and I was soon eagerly lapping at the juicy folds of her pussy. I quickly found the nub of her clit and began to play bringing her to a screaming convulsing orgasm. Not missing a beat I returned to gently licking her pussy allowing the orgasm to subside and her breathing to slow before returning to her clit. This time it was a slowly teased orgasm...building her up, then slowing before building her up again. Her orgasm when it came had her crushing my head with her thighs. Exhausted I made to pull away but she clamped my head in her thighs so I was forced to continue lapping at her slick pussy. The one bonus was the copious pussy juice that I gladly guzzled down. Another long slow orgasm later and she finally let me loose, I slumped back onto the floor exhausted. "You may go now," she commanded imperiously. In a daze I left, her pussy juice coating my face, I could also feel the damp patch in my underwear to attest to my own excitement. I was in a whirl as I drove home.....was she going to become my Mistress I wondered, the way she had used me certainly made it seem that way. As soon as I was home I played with myself her dried pussy juice on my face filling my senses with her as I my shame I went to bed with her pussy juices still on my face, the scent giving me vivid wet dreams! This continued for three more weeks no sex just me licking her pussy but I noticed she became more and more demanding. On the forth week she had me kneel in the centre of her living room and then disappeared. I wondered if this was it, was I finally going to get some sex. When she returned all thought of sex fled from my mind. There she stood in the doorway a vision of female dominance! Black shiny thigh high boots, then a flash of bare white thigh. Black shiny cat suit cut high at the hip and plunging between her thighs to cover her pussy but open at the back to flaunt her ample bum! The bodice pulled in tight to give her the sexy waspish look I really adore, the top half cut low presenting her ample tits for my avid gaze. Her makeup was severe her hair pulled back into a pony tail. All in all a vision from my wildest fantasies and to top it all the arrogant grin on her lips at my dumbfounded reaction! "So I'm guessing you like what you see slave!" She grinned wickedly. "Yes Mistress!" I replied meekly. She strolled into the room and pointed to her feet. "Kiss!" I obediently did as I was commanded reveling in the act. My heart was beating double-time. Was this really happening to me, could this be true...she called me slave of course it is! My mind boggled and my cock throbbed with joy. Without warning she stepped away to the nearby table and picked up a thick paper document and pen, she also picked up a pink PVC collar which really set my heart to thumping. She returned to me a wicked grin on her lips. "So slave I'm assuming I'm your wildest dream....." "Yes Mistress." "...and that you want to be my devoted slave....." "Oh yes Mistress," I mewled. ." do everything I command!." "Yes Mistress.........yes." I was breathless waiting for her to put the collar on me. "You want to be my collared slave don't you." "Yes....yes.....oh yes please Mistress," I begged. She paused for dramatic effect and had me almost bursting with anticipation! "So I got the boys in legal to write up this contract, it is full and legally binding and gives me full and legal control of you. Once you sign this document I own you and all your possessions. I can do with you as I please......I could even sell you to someone else should I wish to. If you want to be my slave you will sign it." With that she handed me the document and pen. Now I know at this point I should have simply said no way because I was effectively signing my life away, signing myself into slavery! But that was exactly the point, that is what I be owned body and soul by another person.....a dominant Mistress was a dream come true. There was no way I was going to flinch and miss my chance. I feared that questioning Mistress would only mean that she retracted the contract and so I quickly signed. Mistress chuckled at my eagerness to sign and taking the document from me offered up the collar. I raised my chin allowing her to slip the cool PVC collar around my neck. I shivered not at the cool touch but at the implication that I was now hers body and soul. The click of a padlock also indicated that it was not coming off without her consent. Mistress then whisked the contract away returning with two things, a shiny pink chastity cage and an ice pack. "Stand and strip!" she commanded. When I was naked my tiny cock hard and on display she snickered. "Ahh all is explained," eyeing my tiny erection. She did not need to say any more and I blushed profusely my ridiculed cock weeping. She handed me the icepack and I pressed it to my crotch gasping as I did. "This shouldn't take long," she snickered making me blush a deeper red. Indeed it did not take long for my cock to wilt before she handed me the cock cage. It did not escape my notice that she was asking me to lock up my own cock! Once in place it was not secured with a padlock but one of the unique number tags so there would be no escape! The device was also top of the range and Mistress also owned my pleasure. A shiver ran down my spine and my cock grew painfully hard now that it was permanently in bondage! Mistress then had me worship her pussy before sending me to prepare her dinner. I was used through the whole weekend as her domestic slave and sex toy....well my tongue anyway! She used a riding crop liberally to educate me and by the end of the weekend I could hardly sit down. I was allowed to leave late Sunday evening the collar still around my neck. "Bring the deeds for your house in to work tomorrow," she commanded. The following day at work was completely humiliating since Mistress had told me not to cover the collar and when asked about it by anyone, to tell them that I was a collared slave......but not indicate whether to a man or woman. Most people sniggered behind my back and to my surprise Mistress completely ignored me only joining in when Samantha ridiculed me. The worst person was William, when he saw the collar he growled that he knew I was a fag. "Does your boyfriend fuck you up the arse fag!" he snickered. "Get out of my office you cock sucking fag!" he bellowed. I crossed the legal secretaries office red faced with the ladies laughter ringing in my ears. Soon after she moved into my place, I was informed that she would rent her flat for the time being and live in my house until she had me fully trained. Not long after she had moved in she had builders in making changes. The master bedroom was fitted to her specification and became her domain whilst the spare bedroom was mine.....decorated in pinks of all shades! It crossed my mind as to how she was paying for all this but I found out soon enough when she commanded me to sign for the remortgage on the house, I guess I would not be retiring early! Once all the changes had been made I really started my training, as always I was naked save for the clit cage....oh yes Mistress insisted that I now call my cock a clit which she said was apt due to its tiny size much to my balls were now my sissy cherries! Once the builders left Mistress went on a shopping trip returning with lots of bags that she had me take to my room. A short while later another delivery came and I was sent to the kitchen whilst the workmen did something in my room, I must admit I was very intrigued. When they left Mistress led me to my room where I found that a babies cot had been placed alongside my bed, beside it on the floor was a pink baby changing mat! I shivered at Mistresses intentions and my clit throbbed. "Lay on the changing mat," she commanded. Obediently I did as I was told looking up at Mistress longingly. Although she was not in a dom outfit everything she wore was tight and figure hugging.....pencil skirt, seamed stockings...brilliant white blouse. Mistress donned a pair of rubber gloves and then began to rub a white cream all over my body, liberally coating my clit and sissy cherries. Once this was done she had me kneel and began to shave all the hair from my head until I was completely bald, she then applied the white cream to my scalp, from the tingling sensation I was getting on the rest of my body I knew it was hair removal cream. Satisfied it had been on long enough from my mewling she had me go and wash it all off in the shower. Miserable I watched all my body hair wash down the drain before returning to the baby changing mat to gaze up at her adoringly. "So today is the start of a new you, over the next year I am going to turn you into Davina my feminized maid ...." She grinned as I squirmed with excitement. She knew this was my dream come true of course! "From this moment on you will refer to me as Mummy.....understood!." "Yes Mummy," I mewled. "For the next three months you will be my baby will think and act only like a that clear?" "Yes Mummy." She moved to the wardrobe and I was stunned to see that it was now full of girly romper suits, mostly pinks but some other pastel colours. She took an extremely frilly and girly PVC romper from its hanger and with some other items returned to me. Kneeling she took a pink disposable nappy and placed it under my bottom but did not fasten it, then she stood and began to hike up her skirt much to my puzzlement. Carefully she stepped either side of my thighs and with a sigh began to pee on me! The hot liquid scolded my sissy cherries and clit and pooled under my bum. When she had finished she moved up my body bidding me raise my head. I obediently lapped the last few drops of pee from her soft pussy lips hoping to pleasure her more but she pushed me onto my back. Kneeling she sealed me into her pee soaked nappy a wicked grin on her face. "Well babies are always permanently wet," she chuckled. The feeling was so strange her hot pee soaking into my sissies cherries and clit which was swollen to a painful size in its bondage. "Stand up Sissykins," Mummy cooed playfully. I stood to find the feeling even stranger, the nappy was quite heavy and bulky so I could not stand with my legs together, mummy chuckled at my unease as I blushed bright red. Now that I was standing the pee pooled in the bottom heating up my sissy cherries. Mummy took a pair of pink plastic panties adorned with hello kitty faces and snuggled them up over the nappy sealing in the heat and making me squirm with pleasure. To turn the screw she brandish the romper suit before me and I blushed at the frilly apparition. It was a one piece so to get it on she had to put it over my head and made me to wiggle into it. I blushed bright red at her ribald remark. "Look at you little girly clit jiggling!" she chuckled. Once the romper suit was fastened between my legs she positioned me before a full length mirror. I realised this was going to be a constant source of mental humiliation showing exactly what I had become. Before me stood a pathetic man in a baby romper suit. The romper suit was predominantly pink with white piping, short sleeves edged with a froth of pink ruffles. The area around my bum and clit was where it got really effusive! a froth of pink ruffles so big it was like a beach ball. The material of the romper was so tight I could see my nipples sticking through....and boy were they hard and sensitive, especially when I moved and the soft material rubbed against them. Mummy stood behind me an arrogant grin on her lips. Satisfied that she had completely humiliated me she continued my babification. On my hands she fastened candy pink PVC mittens, once these were locked in place I realised I was completely at her mercy, I also noticed they had metal loops at the tips of the fingers the use of which would later become apparent. On my feet she fastened candy pink bootees once again securing them in place with padlocks. "Babies can only crawl." She pointed to the floor. Obediently I got on all fours and watch her sway to a comfy chair beside the bed. "Come here sissykins," she cooed. I crawled to her and on her bidding climbed into her lap. Under my avid gaze she unbuttoned her blouse to reveal her ample tits, before scooping one from her bra and presenting the strawberry sized nipple to me. I sucked and licked it eagerly soon realizing from her moans that her nipples were extremely sensitive. I spent the next few minutes sucking and nuzzling on Mummies ripe teats before she pushed me from her lap. she was now extremely excited so grabbing my head she mashed my face into her sopping wet panties where I eagerly lapped until exasperated she shrugged off her panties and had me lap up her syrupy juices. Once again I pleasured her with my tongue until she was sated and I was exhausted. Mummy stood stretched and led me to the cot folding down the side so that I could crawl into it. "Lay on your belly sissykins," she ordered. I did as she commanded to have her pull my arms behind my back. She then clipped my hands to my feet so that I was hogtied and helpless. She pushed me onto my site so that she could show me what she had in her hand. It was a babies dummy but the teat was a three inch cock! The rubber was clear so I could easily see that it was filled with a milky liquid. With a smirk she described the contents of the teat. "This is a special cocktail of female hormones....." My eyes popped open at this revelation making her chuckle. "...and a little something to put some meat on those bones.." she chuckled. "Well you are somewhat effeminate in build but you don't really have the feminine curves of a girl" she winked. She slipped the teat into my mouth and then using a pink ribbon secured it in place. Immediately the sweet syrupy liquid filled my mouth. "Suck it gently sissykins.....too much too fast will make you sick," she admonished. Leaving me bound and gagged she left the room switching off the light. I gently sucked on the rubber cock blushing at the realization of what I was doing. Not only was I sucking a rubber cock I was also feminizing myself in the process. The mixture was extremely syrupy and sweet and coated my mouth. To my surprise I found it was extremely hard to suck the mixture from the cock and that I really had to suck make slurping baby noises as I did.....again adding to the humiliation and making my clit throb. I was not sure if it was the exhausting day or something in the mixture but I was soon sound asleep.......dreaming of Mummies very large tits topped with strawberry sized nipples! I spent the next three months as Mummies baby girl. Gradually the effects of the hormones I was being given daily began to show. My hips and bum became more pronounce and shapely but it was my tits where I noticed it the most. They had swollen to twice the size they were which is not saying much but they were certainly noticeable, and as for the nipples they had become extremely sensitive! So much so that I was in a permanent state of arousal from the rubbing of the soft romper suit against them.........well that and Mummy loved to tweak them and make me squeal. Since I was in chastity and incapable with the mittens permanently on there was no way of satisfying this frustration, I constantly begged Mummy to...... "Please let me do cummies Mummy." Of course I had to beg in the most humiliation way but much to my surprise Mummy did not tire of my constant begging, she in fact seemed to relish my mewling request for relief! Work wise Mummy let me go to work in male clothes but they were all pale pastel colours and slacks not trousers......and of course knickers not shorts! William found my change disgusting and went out of his way to ridicule me. So much so that I began to long for the end of the day when I could get home to Mummy. Once home I had to strip naked and Mummy would put my nappy on after filling it with her pee of course. Even though I constantly wore a nappy I was never allowed to use it. If I wanted to use the toilet I had to ask Mummy politely. "Please Mummy...please may I go pee pee," I had to ask in a pathetic girly voice. Mummy would sometimes say no and leave me until I was dancing about begging to be allowed to pee....or poo, much to her amusement. Of course the whole affair was quite humiliating as Mummy would oversee everything....even wiping my bum. She insisted that I always sat even if I only wanted a pee......because girls sat down to pee! When Mummy was not using me to suck her nipples or lick her pussy I was bound and gagged in the cot. She would on occasion bring her latest lover in and they would both ridicule me causing me to squirm as my clit dribbled into my nappy. I spent the whole three month either bound or on my knees crawling, never standing. So it came as quite a surprise that on my last day as a baby girl I was allowed to stand. The day started with her fitting me into a nappy surprisingly it was not filled with Mummies pee and strangely I missed it! The plastic pants she put on next were less baby and more girly, colourful ponies replacing teddy bears as the motif. The booties stayed on but finally she removed the mittens so I could use my hands. The romper suit was surprisingly plain just baby pink. However when she revealed the dress to go over it I squealed with delight, blushing as I did. It was candy pink with a white froth of frills on every hem. Bows adorned it on the arms, neck, waist and around the hemline. The sleeves were short but puffed up like puff balls, the waist narrow, over my tiny breasts the material was tight revealing my growing buds.....and ever erect nipples. The last piece of my change was a wig that she gleefully glued in place. It had golden curls with bangs that hung down framing my face. As usual I was placed before the mirror to blush profusely at the sight of my extremely girly reflection! I noticed however this time that I looked less like a pathetic wimpy male and more like a girl. The hormones certainly seemed to have softened my features and there was more of a shape that spoke of female! Mummy had hired caterers and they brought all sorts of party foods including a large birthday cake with the words "Happy Birthday Davina" piped onto it. The men delivering the food did look at me as I toddled around some with disgust others.....hunger perhaps? Once all the preparations were done I asked Mummy if we could cut the cake but she said no and that we had to wait for a special guest. My heart began to beat faster when I realised I was going to be revealed in all my baby sissiness to someone else. My clit throbbed painfully and I so much hungered for relief....I realised I would now indeed do anything for Mummy to..... "Allow me to make cummies." I blushed profusely at the way I was thinking now. The doorbell rang and with a wicked grin Mummy went to answer it..... She returned and behind her came Samantha......Mistress Samantha! PART 2. "Oh my fucking god! that David the fag from work!" She gasped at the sight of me. "Well yes....but she is now baby Davina!" chuckled Mummy. "No did you get the wimp to agree to this!" She chuckled herself. "Well, sit down and let me fill you in," insisted Mummy. They both sat Mistress Samantha never taking her eyes off of me, Mummy commanded. "Davina pour Mistress Samantha and me a glass of wine." "Yes Mummy," I simpered in a girly voice blushing even clit throbbing fit to burst. "Mummy!.......really!" exclaimed Mistress Samantha. Mummy then proceeded to explain everything to Mistress Samantha, including showing her the signed contract! "So she will do anything you command?" marveled Mistress Samantha. Mummy did not reply she simply lent forward and scooped a large blob of cream from the cake and spreading her legs smeared it onto her crutch, automatically my mouth started watering. Mummy simply cocked an eyebrow at me and I was on my knees lapping at the pussy juice flavored cream eliciting a gasp from Mistress Samantha and a sigh from Mummy. When the cream was gone I continued lapping at Mummies pussy through her panties. "What to try her?" crooned Mummy...I could tell she was really excited probably due to the fact she was showing of her total domination over me. Though the humiliating thought of being Mummies sex toy had my juices flowing as well! "Damn fucking right!" growled Mistress Samantha, shifting to take off her panties. "No....leave them on, sissykins loves to lick you pussy juices through your panties...don't you dear." "Yes Mummy," I crooned. The thought of a second woman to worship and be controlled by was just sissy bliss. If I had been able to touch my sissy clit I think I would have exploded, even in the clit cage. I crawled between Mistress Samantha's legs looking up into her eyes as I did. The look of pure lust and domination made me shiver. Her scent was subtly different to Mummies but still pungent and enticing. I licked at her crotch the panties unfortunately not giving much away. Gradually as I worked my tongue I began to taste her. Again subtly different but still delicious and I wanted more! Either Mistress sensed this or she wanted more because she wiggled out of her panties smiling indulgently as I neatly folded them and placed them aside. Her pussy was completely bald and so I could easily see the pussy juices glistening on her lips. I dived in wiggling my tongue deep into her pussy and eliciting a growl of pleasure from her. Her clit when I found it was soft and smaller than Mummies but just as sensitive allowing me to bring her to a screaming orgasm after which I was used in the same way by Mummy. Backwards and forwards I went until they were both sated. I was made to sit between them as Mummy handed me the large box wrapped in colourful paper with a bow on top. "Open it!" commanded Mummy. I opened the box to find what appeared to be a school girls uniform. I took each item out and placed them on the floor before me. Pink Mary Jane shoes, white ankle socks with frills at the top. Pink full bloomer style knickers, pink micro short pleated skirt, a girls white training bra and finally a white blouse frilly at the cuffs and collar. "Strip!" commanded mummy. I stripped down to the nappy causing Mistress Samantha to laugh uproariously. "She wears a nappy!" she chuckled. "Not any more, she is a little girl now....take it off Davina," commanded Mistress. I took it off and blushed even more as Mistress Samantha's amusement increased. "Oh wow I can see why she is a girl.......such a tiny thing!" she exclaimed. Humiliated beyond reason and loving every minute of it my clit throbbed painfully and weeping profusely much to both their amusement. I was made to dress causing more amusement as I struggled into the training bra and more wonder from Mistress when Mummy told her that I was willingly taking female hormones.....hence the tiny tits. Dressed I was made to serve them both, sandwiches, cakes and wine, their mixed pussy juices drying on my face as I did. I was made to pleasure both of them before Mistress left and it was also decided that Mistress would become my school Mistress for the next three month. So my three months as a school girl began. Work the first day of his period was extremely humiliating since Mummy had glued the blonde curls on there was no escaping the derision from everyone at work......especially Master William. Yes all my superiors had to be referred to as Master or Mistress now. Fortunately Master William did not want a great deal to do with me so I did not have to call him Master to his face. Mistress took to being my school teacher with relish. Any fault saw me over the school desk that had been added to my room the cot having disappeared. She favored the cane but also used a paddle and tawse depending on her mood. I was taught how to speak in a high girl voice and only in a high girly voice subject to punishment so pretty soon I was simpering in a high girly voice whenever I spoke. I was taught correct manners to my superior hence referring to all my superiors as Master or Mistress. Finally I was taught proper deportment. This was the strangest and hardest to master. Changing my gait from that of a man to the sway of a woman. Mistress had me place a slushy romance novel on my head and balance it as I walked placing one foot slightly across the other. The book by the way was also part of my training. Mistress would have me read each book as homework and then she would quiz me the next day. Always I was asked what part I would want to play and always it would be the helpless maiden.....ravished by the handsome hero. Mistress loved to have me worship her as much as she loved to punish me and through her I gained a new exciting pleasure. One day after a severe thrashing I could see Mistress was extremely excited so I got to my knees my mouth watering. However instead of sitting on the edge of the seat and hiking up her skirt as she usually did she bent over the desk presenting her ample bottom. She hiked up her skirt revealing her red satin pantied was gorgeous! "Kiss it!" she crooned. Without hesitation I planted a kiss on her bottom as I did breathing in her was dark and delicious.....a groan escaped my lips eliciting a chuckle from her. "Put your nose in my crack and breathe," she demanded. I eagerly did as commanded breathing a chest full of her dark heavenly was heaven! "How long is it since you came Davina?" she quipped. "Five months!" I whimpered. "Poor dear....I guess you're ready to do anything" the hint of mischief in her voice set my pulse racing faster than it already was. To be honest I was so deep into subspace when I was at home with Mummy and Mistress that I would have gladly done anything for them.....still the thought of release was always on my mind. "Yes Mistress.....anything," I replied. She wiggled out of her panties allowing them to slide to her ankles, I folded them and placed them aside returning to gaze at her now naked ample orbs and the dark enticing crease! "Kiss!" she ordered. I planted kiss after kiss on first one and then the other ripe soft orb gravitating slowly to that dark enticing crease. She knew what I wanted to do, it was one of my many dark fantasies but still the command did not come. A groan of frustration escaped my lips and she chuckled but still did not relent. I wondered if she wanted me to beg but then one of the first lessons she taught me.....rather harshly with the cane I might add was that.... "Little girls are seen and not heard!" So I kiss and hungered breathing in the dark heavenly scent. "You may worship me," she crooned obviously my devotion was exciting her. As she said this she spread her legs giving me better access. Needing no further command my tongue was lapping at her puckered hole. The taste dark and delicious, sending my senses reeling and my clit to dripping. Soon my tongue was dipping inside her causing her to moan. The sensation strange, the taste darker, but still I worshipped her hot puckered hole squeezing my tongue as it invaded her dark secrets. After what seemed like seconds Mistress pushed her bum backwards a sign for me to reluctantly stop doing what I was doing. She strolled sexily to her favorite chair and soon I was pleasuring her pussy. So once again three months flew by. The hormones were really starting to take effect now giving me adolescent sizes tits and other female curves. Thanks to Mistress when I was now made to look in the Mirror I was now starting to see a passable female.....but there was still work to do according to Mummy and Mistress. Mummy was not absent in my teaching over the months in fact it was she who decided what I should learn and most particularly what I should wear. Her favorite was the Japanese Lolita style school uniform. It consisted of white patent leather Mary Jane shoes, white knee high socks....frilly at the top of course. Pink pleated mid thigh length skirt. The top was white cotton edged with pink piping. It was similar to the baby grow in that it slipped over my head and was fastened with poppers between my legs. Over the shoulders was a pink tabard tied with an effusive bow between my growing buds. Mistress seemed to like this uniform in that it meant the school day would be one of punishment. It seemed I needed to be trained on how to take a caning without moving and then thanking my punisher for their attention. Needless to say at the end of these days I could not sit down! When the three months came to an end another party was held and once again there was a large box waiting for me to open. As with last time Mummy and Mistress eluded to a surprise guest that would be coming to the party. If I had to guess I was thinking it would be Mistress Emma but I was not sure........perhaps it was Master William, that thought made me shudder. The thought of him knowing I was a complete sissy would be extremely humiliating.....although this excite my submissive self to bursting point!....luckily I know they hated Master William, in fact it seemed he was giving them some trouble at work and had set his sights on fucking Emma. They were constantly on their guard to make sure he did not get Emma alone. The surprise guest did indeed turn out to be Mistress Emma and I was not sure if I was happy or disappointed, over the months of humiliation and degradation I had come to crave it....being Master Williams sissy slave was another dark fantasy! Mistress Emma, much like Mistress Samantha was very surprised at my appearance but when she was introduced to my skills with my tongue she accepted the situation. In fact when I opened my present it became clear that Mistress Emma would be my tutor for the next three months. The box contained, six inch candy pink heels, white seamed stocking, a white heavily boned corset complete with suspends, white micro short PVC skirt and a white blouse. Also in the box was a teenagers makeup set. Mistress Emma really was the trend setter at work wearing all the latest fashions her makeup flawless, so I guess I would be the same pretty soon! Once again as if in a trance following a ceremonial procedure I removed the school uniform and put on the new me. Mistress Emma helped with the corset pulling it in bone crunchingly tight with the quip. "Mmm seems like this young lady is going on a diet!" Once again I was made to serve and pleasure the two Mistress and Mummy over the weekend. My three months under Mistress Emma soon began. Thanks to Mistress Samantha's posture training learning to walk in high heels was not so bad and quickly Mistress Emma had me up to six inches. Homework consisted of reading all the glossy fashion magazines memorizing as much as I could for the test the following day. Mistress Emma turned out to be quite the dark horse. Although she seemed meek and mild in the office she turned out to be quite the sadist particularly with bondage. When I failed to please her she would tie me up excruciatingly tight. She was an expert in rope bondage and loved to tie up my now ample tits until they turned purple. Her favorite activity was to bind me to a chair and then wrap loops and loops of rope around my tits until they were perfectly round. She then had me recite all the fashion designers from a given country as my tits went from pink to purple. She would then take great delight in sucking on my swollen nipples making me scream for release, I cannot describe the pain! Further turning the screw she would release me from the chair and have me pleasure her before releasing my tits, the pain as the blood rushed back in made my eyes stream and my clit drip! by the end of the three months I could apply makeup anything from virginal to slut. I could perfectly co-ordinate outfits, hand bag and shoes and in fact could sexily sway around on eight inch heels. At the end of the three months I was expecting another party but on the day there was no sign of the catering people. Just Mummy, Mistress Samantha and Mistress Emma and of course the big gift wrapped box. "Open it," instructed Mummy. Opening the box my heart skipped a beat at the contents, for inside was the stuff of one of my greatest fantasies and I remembered back to what Mummy said when she had first started training me.....she was going to turn me into Davina her feminized maid. Well the feminization was complete, all I had to do now was put on the contents of the box. Black eight inch heeled stilettos, black shear stocking with lacy seams up the back. A black satin heavily boned corset, black full but delicately frilled knickers.....and the item that thrilled me to the core...... a black PVC maids dress. Eagerly I stripped slipping the corset around my diet slimed frame. I shuddered at the cool touch and chuckling Mistress Emma laced it up....excruciatingly tight of course. They watched avidly as I slipped on the stockings carefully adjusting the seams as I did before attaching the suspenders. The knickers covered my tiny caged clit and much to my shame as soon as they were on a bead of sissy juice stained them. All three women helped me into the dress primping it to sit just right. The hem so high my frilly knickers were easily seen, the front so low my tits were on display......I loved it. Once the shoes were on I was presented to the mirror and gasped at the sight of myself. Completely gone was the pathetic wimpy man, in his place was a buxom serving wench ready to do her Mistresses bidding, eager to please. To finish the ensemble Mistress Emma gave me lace fingerless gloves, Mistress Samantha tied a lacy white apron around my waist.......and Mistress longer Mummy tied a maids hat around my golden curls. "What do you say Maid Davina" she commanded a wicked grin on her lips. "Thank you....oh thank you Mistress Cynthia...." I knelt and kissed her feet. "Thank you Mistress Samantha." ..kiss...kiss. "Thank you Mistress Emma." .....kiss...kiss... Now here of course my story should have ended but it did not in fact Mistress informed me I was just a trainee maid and still had three months of training. The training actually started with me preparing, serving and clearing up my own celebration party.....not that I was allowed to eat anything!.....well I did get the cream from the cake! Over the next three months I was tutored by all three Mistresses in domestic servitude chastised for getting things wrong in their own individual way. I cycled between their houses cleaning and used both domestically and for their pleasure. Two months in I was at Mistress Samantha's house when she bid me to knee in the centre of her living room. She then disappeared only to returned dressed only in her lingerie and sporting a twelve inch black strap on between her legs. I gasped at the size of it causing her to chuckle. Mistress stood before me the monster swaying in front of my face and looking even bigger from this angle, involuntarily I licked my lips eliciting a chuckle from her. "Now the secret of being a good cock sucker.....and trust me we are going to make you the best...." she sneered......I blushed. " eye contact when you start and the look of pure bliss when you finish!." I blushed even deeper know what the intimation of finish meant. "Start by licking up the if you are licking the most delicious lollipop you have ever tasted." I did as she ordered whilst looking into her eyes noticing the look of sheer lust, I wondered to my shame if I would get the same reaction in a man. "Good.....good, you're a natural" she snickered. Could I blush even deeper! clit however throbbed with delight. I was then instructed to suck on the balls which given the size of the cock completely filled my mouth. The taste of rubber was slightly unpleasant and once again I found myself wondering what it would be like to suck a real mans balls. In the first session I barely sucked the strap on into my mouth, I was basically tutored in licking and sucking. As the sessions passed I was made to suck more and more of the strap on and indeed all three Mistresses took up my teaching. Pretty soon I could easily take all twelve inches down to the balls and hold it there for quite some time. Having been tutored in the fine art of cock sucking I wondered what the three Mistresses had in mind for me. Did they intend to pimp me out, that thought sent a thrill of humiliation down my spine but I wondered in all the time they had tutored me in sucking the strap on they had never used my sissy pussy.....indeed in was a fantasy as yet unfulfilled, were they saving me for someone? I wondered if it would be the special guest at the party to mark the end of my maid training. At the end of the three months I was the perfect maid and began to wonder what would happen next. On the last day of my training all three Mistresses were at Mistress Cynthia's no longer belonged to me of course. It was in fact a work day so I was expecting some sort of ceremony and then off to work. I was rather surprised and a little nervous when I was ordered to change into a rather slutty outfit overseen by Mistress Emma. It consisted of eight inch heeled black sandals, black fishnet stockings held up by a black PVC suspender belt. A candy pink thong barely a triangle of material but since I did not have much of a clit it covered what I had! Candy pink micro short skirt, candy pink bustier top that displayed both my midriff and my now ample makeup slutty. Pleased with my appearance I was ordered into the car. I almost balked at this but then having been presented before the mirror as I always was I knew I made a perfect.....if slutty female. So with a beating heart and a dripping clit I swayed to the car. However when I got to our destination I was a bag of nerves as we pulled up outside the office! Taking a lead Mistress Cynthia clipped it to my collar and then she sauntered in through the front door. I guess this was it, my graduation was going to be my outing to the whole office. I had never been so excited in my whole life, my heart was beating fit to burst my clit throbbing painfully. I was completely in sub space completely at the beck and call of my Mistresses. Mistress Samantha and Mistress Emma strolled alongside Mistress Cynthia and I watched their bums sway hardly daring to look up. As we moved through the office there were a few gasps and some ribald comments. "Oh.....she's our new office goffa," quipped Mistress Cynthia to one comment making me blush bright red! When we arrived at the legal secretaries office Mistress Samantha and Emma went to their desks however Mistress Cynthia headed straight for Master Williams office. I stuttered to a halt but only briefly as Mistress pulled on my collar. I did not want to do this, even deep in sub space this was too much I knew exactly what his reaction would be. Without pause or knocking she entered his office. "What the fuck do you want....and who the fuck......" He did a double take. "No fucking that Dave....the gay fag office wimp!" he sneered. "The very actually she is now Davina my feminized maid," she smirked. "So what the fuck does......she have to do with me?" he growled. Mistress opened her briefcase and produced a document that she then handed to him. He started to read through it whistling and some points....a lecherous grin spreading across his face. "You got him......her to sign this willingly," he snickered looking at me in a new way. That look made my heart sink as I realised Mistress was showing him the contract I had signed. "Oh she signed it gladly....didn't you Davina." "Yes Mistress," I simpered in a falsetto voice causing them both to chuckle. "I still don't see what this has to do with you turned him into a what." Mistress produced another document and handed it to him. As he read it the lecherous sneer became one of avarice. "So let me get this straight, if I sign this contract which binds me never to touch you and your.....lezzy treat you with respect. Then you sign over her contract to me!" The bottom fell out of my world and I almost it was I could hardly breathe my breath caught in my chest, and then it hit me! The look that she had given what seemed like years ago but had been only one! At that moment she had decided to ensnare me with my submissive nature and use me for her wicked ends. She never wanted to fulfill my fantasizes as my Mistress at all....she just wanted to use me! I should have rebelled at this but it was one of the biggest submissive hits I have ever had. My clit was dripping so profusely from the sheer humiliation that I could feel it running down my leg. I was broken from my submissive reverie by Master speaking.... "Mmmmm I'm not so sure....all she is, is a painted fag," he quipped, ever the salesman I could tell he was looking for a deal. "Davina show Master William what you have to offer," Mistress commanded. Master William was sitting at his desk so I moved around the desk and went to my knees before him. Still looking into his eyes which were wide with surprise I unbuckled his trousers and pulled them down to his knees along with his shorts, his eight inch cock sprang to life before me. Gripping the base and doing as I had been taught, keeping eye contact I licked lasciviously from his balls to the tip, licking off the precum I found there. "Holleeey fucking molley!!!!" he gasped. So this was what it was like to pleasure a man by sucking his cock! I was certainly getting the reaction I wanted. The taste well...sweat.... musk...not too bad, the taste of his precum was slightly salty and metallic. Moving lower but still maintaining eye contact I sucked one of his balls into my mouth, eliciting another exclamation from him. The taste was altogether more grungy since I was closer to his puckered hole but my submissive nature reveled in this and I groaned my own pleasure.....Mistress sniggered. Licking back up his now rock hard and lust engorged shaft I fixed his lustful gaze. Then ever so slowly I slid the whole length down my throat! "HOOOOOOLLLLLEEEEEE!!!!!" he exclaimed. So with a look of sheer bliss I pleasured Masters cock reveling in my new and humiliating abasement for my Mistress and knowing pretty soon that he would be my Master! As I was pleasuring him Mistress spoke... "She comes with some debts I'm afraid....her credit card is maxxed out and she owes the money on the mortgage for my house.......Still you could always pimp her out...." she snickered. I shivered at this suggestion looking at the gleeful leer on his lips. "That's certainly an interesting idea.....she does suck cock like a pro," he growled. "You will also have to find her some accommodation since her house belongs to me. I believe you have an apartment up town where you go to fuck your girls so your wife doesn't find out," she smirked. The leer on his face became lecherous. "Yeah...yeah then I can have the bitch on tap when I don't have pussy to fuck!" he grunted. "Exactly" chuckled Mistress Cynthia knowing she gad one him over....since he was thinking with his balls now......or was it the extremely exquisite blow job I was giving him! He did not last much longer after this and I pumped his shaft into my eager mouth guzzling down his salty seed before licking off the last few drops. "Give me a fucking pen!" he demanded. He scribbled his signature and Mistress took the contract stuffing it into her briefcase. She then took my contract and signed it before handing it to him with a wicked grin. "Enjoy," she quipped winking at me as she left. Master William immediately had me over his desk thrusting his rock hard cock into my sissy pussy even before the door had closed behind her. It was the most extremely painful experience I had ever had since he fucked me brutally! But to my shame it was not all pain because as he hammered my sissy pussy he also hammered my prostate. So brutally I was brought to my first orgasm.......sissygasm! He did not miss what was happening and growled. "You pathetic're enjoying this aren't you." "Yes Master!!!" I gasped. "You pathetic fag.....if you make a fucking make a mess you'll be licking it up," he grunted. This of course took me over the edge and I squealed my sissygasm as a year's worth of juice shot from my imprisoned clit! Splashing against the front of his desk. "You fucking pathetic cunt!" he bellowed. He fucked me brutally for quite some time before grunting and filling me with his sticky spunk. Of course he made clean his cock and lick up all my own juices before settling back for another slow leisurely blow job. A year later I strolled through the legal secretaries office under the condescending gaze of all three Mistresses, I noticed that it was however tinged with a little jealousy. Well I was wearing the latest fashion all be it two sizes too small.....or was it the jangle of the keys to my new Mercedes sports car that Daddy had just bought me. Daddy had also bought my new melons sized tits that were barely contained in the PVC mini dress I was wearing and the huge bottom I now had, totally on display since the miniskirt was too short and I was wearing a thong. My latest addition being my lips which when I looked down I could see since they swelled out plumply beyond my Daddy put it more cushioning when he face fucked me! I also had a new place in life as Daddy's slut. He took great pleasure pimping me out as a sweetener for any deals he was brokering with his clients. No matter how twisted or perverted their tastes I was there to pleasure them. Daddy had now moved me out of his flat into a warehouse down town which had a fully furnished dungeon and other room for fantasy play. I had now fulfilled all my darkest submissive desires and even added a few was submissive heaven!

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The Neighbors Repay a Kind Deed

The Neighbors Repay a Kind Deed Chapter 1 Debbie and Paul had lived next door to me for years. My daughter and their daughter were close in age and went to the same school together. We all got along well, and as a single parent I often needed help with transporting my daughter, and they helped. Debbie was an attractive blonde, well built, and while not a knockout by any means, I often let my mind fantasize about her. Of course, as neighbors and friends, I never did anything, but we did...

Straight Sex
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Chat To Sex 8211 A Friend In Deed

Hello everyone, this is Rony here. I have been reading ISS stories for quite some time now; however this is my first story here. So do provide your feedback. Mail me at (especially women! ;) ). I hail from an engineering background and am in my final years of study now. I am 23, 5’6” tall and average bodied. This story is about a school friend of mine called Reeka. We were not very close friends but we started chatting frequently, especially after joining college. This incident occurred in my...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 9

I went back the way I'd come, going around the block, to wander in the house through the front door. My mother was in the kitchen, and had breakfast ready. She came over and sniffed in my face. "Well, at least you're not drunk," she said darkly. "You know I don't drink," I said, wounded. "You smell like perfume," she said, looking at me. "I met a girl," I said. "I don't want to know!" she said holding up her hand. "There are some things a mother doesn't want to know." I...

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Mrs Goodwin

By PenKnave193 When I was in junior high school in the mid 1970’s the administration made the progressive move of making, on a trial basis, two of the ninth grade PE classes coeducational. One was to be taught by one of the boy’s PE coaches, and the other by one of the girl’s PE coaches. The boy’s coaches were very selective in their choices for this project: they only picked the best behaved boys, not necessarily the best athletes. I was one of those boys chosen. While my buddies and...

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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 10

Darla found Flint in the gym. David had told her that their head of security worked out with free weights and rode a stationary bicycle most mornings. "Not just when it rains," David said. "He hates running." Flint was exercising on the bench press. She marveled at the weight he was pressing: one hundred pounds on each side. He was sweating, and his muscles bulged. She sucked in air, amazed that his intense masculinity affected her so much. Flint was more like Pops than David. Rugged....

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 10

Again, I took the lead, and again, I went with habit, going out the back door, and leading the whole party to Gloria's back gate. "I wondered why you always went out the back door," muttered my mother. "I had to, after Mrs. Abernathy tattled on me," I said, grinning. "I remember that!" said Suzy, almost skipping along in her excitement. "You mean she was your girlfriend way back then?!" "No!" I defended myself. "I was just doing good deeds back then. I didn't think I should...

1 year ago
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Good deeds

Good deeds: A doctor treats a patient then fucks him, his wife and his daughter: I am a doctor in my mid forties. I had operated successfully on a patient. When he was about to leave the hospital I came to say goodbye. Realizing that both he and his wife looked poor I gave him some money and left. I noticed that despite being middle age and despite her run down look, the wife had a sexy voluptuous body. Couple of weeks passed and I met the wife. She thanked me for saving her husband's life and...

2 years ago
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The Seduction of Deedee

1. Deedee was brimming over with excitement, and a little trepidation, as she finished her shower and other activities in preparation for getting dressed. She took extra time because she wanted everything to be perfect. Her BFF Mimi was coming over tonight, and they were going to go out to dinner at a restaurant picked by Mimi and then a show Deedee had selected (Kinky Boots). Now, this might not seem so unusual for a couple of BFF girlfriends, but Deedee was a 'special' girl. 'I hope...

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Deedee Does Sally

Deedee's Night Out Deedee takes Sally to a strip club for their first date... It was Thursday night and I was really excited. I had a really hot date that night with Sally, the new girl at work. Only Sally didn't know it; she thought she was doing the town with my cousin Deedee. Sally and I had worked for the same company for about 5 years, she in the Boston branch, and me at the home office in New York. We had been introduced at a one-day training seminar shortly after she was...

3 years ago
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Adventures with Delicious DeeDee Part 3

Adventures with Delicious DeeDeePart 3Our kiss/introduction continues pulling each other tightly against one another, my hand moves down your back over your short skirt to feel the warm skin of your ass, pulling your hips even tighter against me so that you can feel my erection through our clothing. The closeness of it, and feeling it even through the barriers of our clothing increases you desire...your need to have it, feel it, to have it cum for you. As my hand slides slowly over your skin,...

2 years ago
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Fifteen minutes later, Cassy was getting tired of waiting. She wondered what was up. Puzzled. Then Daddy came in, followed by Mommy. Cassy suddenly remembered that yesterday was the day she was the Boss, not today. But, she thought to herself, I’m gonna get a hundred bucks every time they want to fuck me. Cassy didn’t really need the money, or even especially wanted the money since she was happy to get fucked by Mommy or Daddy whenever they wanted, it was so fun. But… she just...

3 years ago
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Deedee Gets It

Deedee stood at the curtained window of her bedroom, her iPhone in her hand, a wonderfully curved, soft plastic dildo clamped tightly in her throbbing vagina and watched her lovely older sister kill their father at the side of the pool. Margo emptied her little Beretta into Roger Morgan, the CEO and majority owner of Morgan Oil, at point-blank range, and Deedee could see that there were spots of their father's blood on her sister's new, white bikini as she snapped in another 7.65 cartridge...

1 year ago
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Some Good Deeds

The banging at the door didn't surprise Mama Selma, even though the hour was late. She was no stranger to unexpected visitors, and she didn't sleep much these days, regardless. She calmly put her book down and grabbed the candle before rising from her chair. The sound continued as she walked, the intensity of the thumps growing with each knock. This didn't bother Mama Selma either. Folks that came to her door were rarely on social calls. More likely a husband had become particularly...

2 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 30

The next morning, David had finished one circuit around his running track and was starting his second when he heard running feet behind him. He slowed, and Nora caught up with him, quickly forcing him to lengthen his stride and run faster than he preferred. When they came up to the path that led to the copse of sissoo trees and Adirondack chairs, David took it, and Nora followed. Panting, he collapsed into one of the chairs. "Continue your run if you want," he said. She sat down. "No,...

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Mother's Good Deedbyrbuchanan©I suppose it all began when I was at college and I was seduced by a fellow pupil ... a male fellow pupil. Although I lived in a fairly well-to-do part of southern England, I have to admit I was pretty naive and innocent ... but then this was the 1950's and most people were pretty naive and innocent in those days. It's not like that anymore (sad to say). Anyway, we used to have a science class once a week in the science 'lab', and the seating for the pupils was a...

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All participants in sexual activities are eighteen or older. Thursday, March 23, 1961 My mom was having one of those “oops” babies—one of those pregnancies that come totally unplanned, which this definitely was. I’m Richard, 18 and a high school senior, and because Mom had to spend the next four months in bed, I was able to drive her car to school rather than take the school bus. After reaching the school and realizing that I was early I drove through some of the parallel streets behind...

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Adventures with Delicious DeeDee Pt2

Adventures with Delicious DeeDeePart 2You return to your car, placing the wooden box the receptionist on the passenger seat desperate to know what was inside, but also assuming it was a test as the box had no lock only a could just peek inside no-one would know, I would not know. You resist the temptation are start the short journey to the cabin, following the receptionist’s directions. Then your mind wonders about her, and the knowledge you did not think she should have, such as...

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No Good DeedChapter 4

I could barely contain myself until lunch, and I actually managed to get called out in class for staring off into space. When I got into the cafeteria at lunch, I marched to the table we all shared and grabbed a stunned Rachel from behind, lifting her off the ground. “Gah!” she squeaked out in surprise before seeing who grabbed her. “What the hell, Caspian?” “I heard you were the one who organized that counter protest, yesterday,” I said. I put her back on the ground, spun her around, and...

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No Good DeedChapter 17

The week went by, and I kept getting weird vibes off of Josh. Most of the time he seemed genuine, acting like the guy I made friends with the previous year. Every now and then though, that mask would slip, and I’d see a glimpse of something else. Josh had always been fairly blunt and straight forward, both when he was being friendly and when he was threatening me. This new scheming Josh had me concerned. I didn’t think he’d make this type of behavioral change on his own, especially since in...

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No Good DeedChapter 19

Since I wouldn’t be involved in hiring Mrs. Polaski to continue Tina and Judy’s education - aside from the little side note about actually paying for it - they’d agreed to work out the details of how it would all work out, together. That actually was fine by me, since it gave me one less thing to have to worry about. I was feeling proud of coming up with the idea when I’d heard she was retiring, but I’d kept that to myself. Both Mom and the girls had a way of punching holes in my ego,...

4 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 33

"He's a beautiful animal, Joe," Danny said. They sat on the top rail of the corral. Joe made a sound in his throat, and Thee Brigand raised his magnificent head, tossed it once, and pranced over to them, his tail twitching, his neck arched — showing off. Joe nuzzled his neck, made some more soft noises, and the animal pushed his head into Danny's hands. She squealed with delight, and did some nuzzling of her own. "May I ride him?" Danny said. "Sure," Joe said, and watched...

2 years ago
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Good Deed Gets Rewarded

Hi, This is Rahul, sharing my story about meeting a woman and getting rewarded. One Saturday, I was bored at home watching movies, when I decided to go to the mall and pick up a few things, I went down to the underground parking to leave my car, when I got out of my car, I saw something on the floor, when I reached closer it was a woman’s clutch purse lying on the ground. I picked it up dropped it in my car and went to the mall to finish my shopping. When I came back to my car I opened the...

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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 19

As the limo cruised through the gates to the compound, Vince said, "Is this home?" "Yes," David said. "Swell!" Vince said. David told the lad about the three homes within the walls and the amenities built into each home. "You'll be living in our home," Nora said, "David's and mine. A while back I met with the probate attorney for your parents' estate, and he allowed me into the house where you used to live. I packed up all your things. Your clothes are hanging in the closet in...

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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 29

Danny Yost dragged a rolling carryon behind her, and a garment bag draped her shoulder as she walked briskly along a concourse to exit the secure area of Sky Harbor Airport. She'd been told she'd be met, and shortly she saw a handsome, tall man holding a sign with Dr. Yost written in bold letters. Not just handsome, Danny thought as she drew closer to him. He's a hunk! Be still my heart! The man smiled when he recognized her, probably from the photograph she'd e-mailed her prospective...

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No Good DeedChapter 3

I stormed out of the offices and headed out to the sidewalk in front of our building. I’d had enough of this preacher, and I was ready to tackle him there on that sidewalk and beat the shit out of him. Which is why it’s a good thing that as I came out the front door of the offices I was body checked by Jawarski. Planting her palms on my chest, she pushed me with each step, almost knocking me on my ass, back into the reception area. “What the hell?” “Get a grip. What do you think’s going to...

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No Good DeedChapter 8

Christmas Eve came around, and the group we’d all started considering part of ‘the family’ were present, plus a good collection of people who were variously attached to people in the know, but weren’t themselves privy to our secret. I’d discussed it with Mom, and she’d agreed to hold our Christmas on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas morning, as was traditional, to allow people who would otherwise need to spend the time with their own families to be present. There was the immediate...

2 years ago
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No Good DeedChapter 14

True to her word, by the time Celia’s grandmother knocked on the front door late that afternoon, I’d stopped thinking about the ledgers Damion had brought, entirely. She’d kept us hustling for nearly four hours, getting the house nearly spotless. I had to admit, I was feeling much better. There’s something to be said for doing a little hard work, and getting something done you can look at, like a perfectly clean house and say: ‘I did that!’ Of course, Tina and Judy managed to get out of...

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No Good DeedChapter 26

When I’d said I was going to get tired of being on bed rest for multiple weeks, I hadn’t known the half of it. A week and a half into my recovery period, and I was starting to go stir crazy just laying here. The girls had come in to keep me company, and I’d spent a very strange couple of days with Mrs. Polaski as she had me take one test after another. Our original schedule called for us to be tested over a week and a half, with the tests spread out to one each day. I’m not sure if it was...

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The Delinquents Good Deed

It was doing summer break, I was in the park enjoying my leisure time. By the time I sensed danger Bruce, Charlie and Daniel was already too close for me to break and run. Bruce, Charlie and Daniel was the three delinquents that robbed me of my sexual innocence and anal virginity. They had held me hostage and took turns having sex with me until I stopped trying to struggle free. My not reporting them gave them license to take me when ever they wanted a sex toy. Sometimes it was all three or...

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No Good DeedChapter 2

By the next morning I’d shaken most my concern over Josh’s threat. He was going to do what he was going to do, and I still felt deep inside he was a good person. He just needed to get over this desire to find the easy path to what he wanted and jealousy over what other people had. Megan stopped by with her van, bringing back memories of the previous year and the early days of my relationship with Zoe, which also helped bring me out of my funk. Even with her suburban, we were still packed...

1 year ago
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No Good DeedChapter 11

The new semester did start with surprises, just not the ones I expected. The teachers had stacked us with homework and additional studies over the winter break, although the girls and I sailed through that within the first week of the break. We spent the beginning of the day going over that work and talking about what the new semester would bring. I hadn’t given it a lot of thought, but listening to the breakdown, I started to think that Mom’s idea of switching to a homeschooling setup was a...

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No Good DeedChapter 13

Emily and I trudged in late Friday evening, after a very long week. Douglas’s presentation had lit a fire under Ted and Marcus; and Aaron Baxter, who’d extended his stay through yesterday. We’d spent the first two days after the presentation getting a first-hand look at both the new solar panels and the new battery. While charts and graphs on a screen are fine for a first step, it’s all just numbers until you see it in action. Not that there was a lot of action to be seen from more mundane...

1 year ago
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Another Good Deed Thankful

(Unlike the other AGD stories, this one will be void of any sexual things. I chose instead to show more of Maria’s heart this time. Hope you like it.) * It was November 11th and I woke up really early in the morning. I knew that I had an important date to get ready for. I slowly moved into the shower and took a slow shower. I decided to shave myself just because it always seemed like a good idea with the date I was going to see. As I dried off, I grabbed his favorite perfume and sprayed...

3 years ago
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No Good DeedChapter 6

On the way back home, I worked over something I’d been thinking of for some time, ever since we decided to get information from the judge. My main problem was, I didn’t know exactly how to go about it ... or at least, parts of it. “How would I make an untraceable phone call?” I asked Jawarski and Carter as we walked into my house. “Why? It’s too early to bring in the Feds,” she said, suspiciously. “It’s not for calling the Feds, although we’ll need the same thing when it comes time to call...

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No Good DeedChapter 7

For the next week, things were quiet, which I should have known was a sign. If I was honest with myself, I didn’t even consider it for a second. I just relaxed and, for a few days at least, pretended I was a teenager. Next Step was progressing, and by the end of the week, they’d started building, which was great but didn’t give us a lot to do. Work was almost on autopilot, with a lot of the staff taking off for Christmas, MilTech was dealing with everything on their Navy contract, with only...

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