Goody episode 2
- 2 years ago
- 33
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Since I wouldn’t be involved in hiring Mrs. Polaski to continue Tina and Judy’s education - aside from the little side note about actually paying for it - they’d agreed to work out the details of how it would all work out, together. That actually was fine by me, since it gave me one less thing to have to worry about. I was feeling proud of coming up with the idea when I’d heard she was retiring, but I’d kept that to myself. Both Mom and the girls had a way of punching holes in my ego, whenever it seemed I might be getting too full of myself.
Still, I was happy with how things would work out. Aside from anything else, Mrs. Polaski had already started giving some excellent advice on what we should be doing to get tested out of the last two years of school, and for the best ways to set up homeschooling for Judy and Tina.
More good news came in the form of a call from the office when I got home. Miltech had come through with the contacts at NASA. Between Jonathan, Colonel Ron (who was still our point man on anything to do with Miltech), and Douglass (who still had a fair number of contacts at NASA, despite how he’d left employment there), we’d worked through all the initial phases of getting NASA to look at our battery and solar panel prototypes.
They’d worked out a demonstration on Wednesday for both, which was a big step for us. Apparently, NASA was in the process of working on a probe they wanted to send into Jupiter’s orbit. They weren’t happy with the power draw of some of their new instruments, and were very interested in seeing our battery. They were ok with their current solar panels, but Colonel Ron seemed to think that, if we pitched them as a combo only, they’d buy both.
I was a little annoyed that the test was scheduled for a Wednesday, since I’d be in school. Now that I knew someone was in the ear of the school board and had painted a target on me, I wanted to avoid missing more days and opening myself up to more problems. Jonathan, however, seemed to think it was for the best. For one, it was tough to get government contracts worked on over the weekend, since civil servants tended to frown on working on weekends. For another, he pointed out that government agencies tend to be less flexible with things that are outside the norm, like a contractor with a teenage CEO, for instance.
I suggested they probably did at least a minimal amount of research on us, and already knew this. He said knowing it, and putting it in front of their faces, were two different things.
So I was sidelined, at least for the actual meeting.
They were right, however. If it went through, it would mean a serious payday.
So, even though I was sidelined, I was in a pretty good mood that night and was spending some quality time with Emily, Zoe, and Vicki. Tami was delayed, and would join us later. She and Judy had to run to the courthouse after school with Mom, and sign some paperwork that would make the guardianship permanent. I didn’t realize there was a “permanent” guardianship, but apparently, that was a legal definition. I just thought she should be home any time, when I heard squealing from outside, and the distinct crack of a gunshot.
I was on my feet before I’d had a chance to consider what those sounds could actually mean, and was hurtling down the stairs and towards the door just as it opened. Judy, Mom, and Tami all piled through the door, slowing me down. I could see Jawarski in the doorway, her gun in her hand.
I dodged around the women, and started to make it to the door when Jawarski’s head turned ever so slightly, bringing me into her peripheral vision. She instantly changed her position, so she was entirely blocking the front door.
“Do not even think about coming out here,” she said, angrily.
“What happened?”
“Just shut the door, have Angela call the cops, and stay inside until I say you can come out.”
Her tone was serious, and I knew this was not the time to test her. Since everyone I cared about was confirmed as safe, either inside the house or, in Jawarski’s case in the doorway, healthy, and armed, I decided it was best to listen to her.
Shutting the door, I turned to the women. Judy was freaking out, and I could see the collar of her shirt was torn. Other than that, she wasn’t any worse for wear.
“Jawarski said you should call the cops,” I said to Mom once I finished my quick once over of all three of them.
She’d had her hands on her knees and was shaking a bit, but nodded and headed towards the house phone.
“What happened?” I asked Tami as soon as she was on her way.
“I don’t know. We were coming inside, and Judy said she left her backpack in the car and turned to go back and get it. Jawarski said to wait, and started to turn to go back with her, but was a bunch of steps behind since Judy was in a good mood and ran off towards the car like she always does.”
She sat on the ground, putting her back against the wall, and I could see her legs were wobbly.
“A car came tearing up to the house, slamming its brakes on so hard smoke came off the tires. This guy, arms covered in tattoos, jumped out of the back seat and rushed at Judy, grabbing at her. She jumped back, and he only managed to grab part of her shirt. Jaworski yelled, and the guy let go, and he reached to his back and started to pull something out, and Jawarski fired her gun. I didn’t even see her draw it just ... Blam!, and the guy fell to the ground. The car squealed its tires again as it tore off down the street, leaving the guy with the tattoos laying in the yard. Then Jawarski yelled at us to get Judy inside. That’s when you showed up.”
“Is he... ?”
“Dead? Yes. I also got the plate on the car.”
“Good. I mean, not that he’s dead. I’m not sad about that, not really, considering what he was doing; but I’d rather we had someone we could ask questions.”
“Next time you stay out here and stop him, then,” Jawarski said annoyed.
“Hey,” I said, holding up my hands, “I’m not criticizing. You did what you had to do, and you did a good job. I just wish we had things we don’t. You got the license plate, so maybe that will lead us to the driver, at least.”
“I doubt it. Things like this, the car’s always hot.”
“Ok, I can see that. Well, I guess we’ll have to just find out who he is, and go from there. Although, we have a pretty good idea who he is.”
I could hear sirens, meaning the cops would be here any minute.
“Don’t jump to conclusions. You’ve pissed off a lot of people lately, some of them pretty dangerous. Although, I’ll grant you the Syndicate’s our best suspect.”
“Get everything you have on this. Find out who he is. We’ve already started taking steps to take these guys down, but they may have wised up and decided to branch out of going after just me. And hire a few more guys. I want everyone in our immediate circle protected at all times.”
“I have people on everyone, now. The only reason I did the shooting, is because I went with them earlier, since the guy who’s normally on your sister had something to do.”
“That’s good. I’m serious though, I want everything we have looking into this guy.”
Something caught her attention, and she looked down the street, where the first flashing lights could be seen.
“Go inside. You’ve had enough run-ins with the Department, I’d rather you sat this one out.”
That I could absolutely agree with.
“Yes, Ma’am,” I said, heading back into the house.
I didn’t get out of dealing with them entirely. They had everyone who was in the house come out and give statements. I hadn’t actually seen anything though, so I managed to skate out from having to do more than give my statement. Thankfully, the detective who showed up was friendly with Jawarski, and she was able to skip the whole going down to the station thing.
She had to agree to come down to the station later, to answer follow up questions once they’d done some poking around on who the guy was. He did tell her the plate she got was already in the system as stolen, so she’d been right about that.
I called Jonathan to let him know we had something happening. He admonished me to leave everything to Jawarski, which I’d already done, and said he was on his way. I laid out everything that had happened so far, and he said he’d go to the station with her when she went to answer the questions. He didn’t sound particularly worried, which was a good sign at least. The last thing I wanted was for Jawarski to get locked up, and have to her out of play while we figured out what this latest attack on us was about.
The rest of the night was spent calming Tina and Judy down. Tami was actually pretty Zen about it, at least at the moment. I knew she’d break down later when it was just us, and she was just keeping up a solid front for her sister. Judy, in particular, was pretty rattled by it. Both she and Tina had been kept from all our conflicts with the Syndicate, so far. While they knew there’d been some violence, they’d never seen it or been involved with it. This brought it all home for her, and she wasn’t handling it well.
As Jonathan had predicted, the trip to the police station was straightforward. Everyone agreed it was self-defense, plain and simple. The assistant district attorney who got assigned the case apparently made some noises about vigilantism, but Jawarski had enough friends on the force saying it was clearly self-defense, that he let it drop. After hearing Jonathan’s description of how determined the man had been, even before seeing any of the evidence, to find some kind of charge to hit her with (including pulling her concealed carry permit), I added him to my list of people possibly in the Syndicate’s pocket. I was nearly certain that, had Jawarski not had enough friends on the force, he would have found something to pin on her.
As it was, they declared the shooting self-defense. She also managed to snag a copy of the guy’s file after her interview. The guy was from Dallas, and his file was really long, with dozens of small crimes like purse snatching, drug dealing, and extortion. It had escalated in the last few years, and apparently, he was a person of interest in a killing the previous year, but they couldn’t pin down any direct connection between him and the victim.
Jawarski said, reading between the lines, it looked like the detective on that case though it might have been murder for hire, though they’d never been able to prove it. The thing that worried me was, this was out of character for everything the Syndicate had done before. Every other attempt had been made by someone local, someone they’d had their hooks into. This guy had been brought in from out of town.
It’d be different if he were a specialist, an expert brought in since their local resources hadn’t worked, yet. That didn’t make sense in this case, though. For one, the guy didn’t seem all that great at it. He’d gotten away with the one killing, true; but he’d been convicted a whole lot of times over the years, spending more time in prison than not. It also looked like the hit-man thing was a fairly recent gig for him, which made the ‘imported expert’ idea not a great fit.
Additionally, they didn’t send him after me. He was clearly sent for Judy, he’d gone right for her. He was incompetent, but not so much that he’d mistake me for her. It didn’t make sense that they’d switch from me to people I cared about, and took the trouble of importing talent to do it.
I was still certain that the Syndicate was behind it, but I also knew I was missing something.
And that bothered me.
Days slipped by and nothing happened. I’d pushed Carter and Jarwarski to put on more staff, specifically investigators instead of bodyguard types. They both said more people wouldn’t solve the problem. Even though their standing policy was to change anyone who came on board, to ensure the people in charge of protecting us weren’t somehow infiltrated by the Syndicate, they were quick to point out that this did not mean we told them what was going on. I was pretty sure they were incredibly vague on the ‘inoculation’ employees for the security company were getting and even more sure that they didn’t understand what they agreed to. That aside, Jawarski and Carter had a point. There was a wide difference between the way the change worked, and the inner workings of my nature and our long-term goals, and why those put us in conflict with the Syndicate.
Goody........Chapter 2 She certainly was. Her real name was Gudrun. One of those funny-peculiar names that Germans give to girls. Everybody called her Goody. When I met her she was Dot's best friend. It's not too difficult to describe Goody. She was, in a word, voluptuous. She was only about 5'6" tall between me and Dot, both about 5'10". She had black hair, blue eyes, a tiny waist with flaring hips..... truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had...
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The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer's outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicion that the farmer or one of his family members may have used it last night. When I got back to the barn Nell was awake, getting dressed and repacking her blankets in her pack. She must have known I was watching her pull her leather shorts up...
Straight SexI was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can't stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn't all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...
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Free Porn Tube SitesTed walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. ‘Oh, lord! What have we here?’ He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship. The women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot’s hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the...
To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips, truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot’s arm around Goody’s neck and...
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One night, doing the nightly routine visit, I approached and entered her room fairly quickly, she didn't notice me at first- I took just a few seconds to pause at the doorway, just long enough to see her body was squirming under the covers, her head to one side, opposite me, breathing heavy and moaning slightly, as soon as she noticed, me she quickly stopped and re-positioned. When I approached her face to kiss her good night on the cheek, as I usually did many nights before, I could feel her...
After a couple hours the doorbell rang, Joy answered it. Joy walked back out to the patio "look who is here," Joy said. From behind Joy, Cora's friend Lexi emerged, "Hi Mr. Grant," she says as she smiled and gave a quick wave. "Oh hey Lexi," I replied as I quickly scanned her sexiness in her extra short jean shorts and tank top, "Cora's not here, she is working," I claim. Joy replied "yeah I told her, but I suggested she should just hang out with us, Cora shouldn't be too...
I decided to do some work from my home office on this day. Again my mind wanders into Dad perv mode and I decide to go up to the scene of the crime- Cora's bedroom. I sit on the bed looking around the room and start rubbing my cock getting hard. I unzip my pants and take it out and start jacking off sitting on Cora's bed. Quickly I can feel my cock growing tightening my pants, I unzip and ease my dick out. It's is super hard and I grip it with enough pressure to stroke my foreskin moving it...
I climb into Michelle’s bed every night and wrap my arms around her soft warm body. I lean my head down and gently press my nose into her hair and take in the scent of her freshly washed strands. Tonight it is apples. Tomorrow night it could be coconuts. The next night it could be the scent of freshly falling rain. That’s what I loved about Michelle. She always surprised me. However, she always wore the same thing to bed. That never changed. It was always a tee shirt and her panties. Of...
I was fortunate to spend New years day evening at Betty my neighbours house. Betty had a party for some of the neighbours, a very happy if not slightly drunken do. We had a great evening with everyone joining in with great stories and the general chatter of neighbours/friends. As the evening wore on the music got turned up bit by bit, mostly 60's and 70's music. Everyone joining in with dancing and singing going on until late into the night. As time wore on people slowly drifted off home until...
It was almost like old times. Uncle Joe had stopped by, like he used to do every Friday night, before he had moved east a couple years ago. He was back as a special favor for his sister, who had asked him to come visit to keep an eye on Jolie while Sis was enjoying herself in Las Vegas.Joe had arrived early that evening, but was still getting used to his 18-year-old niece. The last time he had seen her, she was just becoming a woman. Now she was a stunning beauty, and she seemed to still have...
First TimeHi. I'm Brandon. These happened when I'm still working as a Salesman. our company provides us a staff house so all the employees in one branch live together. Our house has two rooms. Me and Rob (my staff) shares the same room. three of my staff in the other room and two more in the living room. All in all we're seven.It was the end of the month so we received our salary. Me and my staff decided to go to a disco bar since we don't have work for tomorrow. We drink a lot and dance and dance until...
Copyright© 3/09/2005 After dinner, Daddy would lie down on the sofa and fall asleep. This time he woke up to discover his daughter asleep beside him, partially hanging off the couch. Nudging her, he told her she needed to get her bath and go to bed. She yawned and stretched, "Can't I just go to bed, and I'm too tired for a bath, Daddy." Before he could answer, she turned and looked at him, pleading, "Pleeeeeeease Daddy can I skip a bath just this ONE time?" Daddy was firm, saying,...
"Come in Grace, welcome to the party!" Rick held the door open as I edged inside. I saw his eyes look me up and down and he tried to hide the smile on his face. He wasn't alone; all the guys were looking at me. Some were just looking at the amount of skin I was showing, others were trying to match my face, known to belong to the shy, quiet, bookish girl with the bunny girl who had just walked in to the Halloween party. My sister was right, I may just be fourteen, but I needed to show the...
We'd spent all day hiking in a park not far from her parent's house and had returned there to discover that her mom and dad were out on one of the riverboat casinos for the night. We sat down and watched a movie though I can't for the life of me remember what the movie was. It was almost 11 when the movie was over and I had a forty-five minute drive ahead of me so I got up to leave. She walked with me to the foyer of the house to let me out when I grabbed her and pulled her close to me. She...
All my stories so far, have been drawn from some sort of personal event or situation in my life. I haven’t written a story in a fair while because nothing had happened of note. Something in my life, though it happened years ago, finally hit me recently, and this was borne of it. ————————————————- I hope it’s peaceful where you are. Looking at your photo, I hope you’re at peace Scott. My fingers, they trace the outline of your face on the photograph. Interesting. This is the closest I’ll ever...
“You and I need to tell them the truth.”“Must we?”“I'd rather they hear the whole story from us, instead of from strangers spreading rumors, exaggerating the nature of our....”“What is the truth? In your opinion.”“We're friends, Quigley. Friends who coincidentally see each other at the same monthly movie club.” “As well as today, in a booth at the back of this quaint diner.”“Approximately once every 30 days, we engage in cinematic conversations.”“In a congenial manner.”“And we watch the...
Love StoriesThe quarter ended to the school year, that meant I was no longer in gym class. The last day of gym I made sure I fucked my gym teacher very well because I knew I wouldn’t be able to see him much more. But that was okay because without him knowing I was admiring my math teacher. I was switched into that class about a week ago. He’s about 32 years old, has a shaved head, clean cut beard, brown eyes, and beautiful smile. When he smiled it was like the world lit up. I always loved math, but this...
Chapter 10 – Muck-Up Day “Good morning, Miss Granger.” I looked up from my desk, startled out of a little daydream. It was only Josh, but even after two years of teaching that term of address still reminded me more of Hermione than of myself. And that might just be the last time I hear it, I thought to myself with an inward smile. Mrs Jeannie Marsh. Or at least that’s whom I would become in just three weeks’ time and I probably wouldn’t see many more students between now and then. I’d get a...
Straight SexChapter 8 – Celebrity Bang 2011 was a wonderful year for me. After that extraordinary first date, Kevin and I later revealed to each other that it was our first time – something that hardly came as a surprise to either of us. Belinda spent hours trying to debrief me. Ostensibly it was to ascertain the effectiveness of her plan for managing virgins, but I think she really just likes to listen to all of the lurid details. I gave her just enough to shut her up on the subject, but no more. I...
Straight SexI woke up at midday with a mild hangover and my face burning from third-degree pash-rash. I pulled on my robe and trudged to bathroom, and as I sat on the toilet, I jerked in surprise at the crazy-woman looking back at me in the bathroom mirror. God help Emma Watson if she ever looked like this; I had bloodshot eyes, hair in a crazy tangle, and my lips and chin were glowing red and swollen. I looked like a meth-addict’s mug-shot. Stretching for the medicine cabinet while I peed what felt like...
Straight SexUnder normal circumstances I’m a positive person; despite my emotional misery, I finished school with good marks and was accepted into my chosen course at university: a Bachelor of Science with a major in Pure Mathematics. And I did well, well enough to progress on to my Master’s degree in 2008-09. Hermione Granger didn’t haunt me beyond high school, although I did have one scare when J.K. Rowling published the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where Hermione’s middle name was...
Straight SexPrologue “Miss Granger, may I ask a question?” Oh shit, here we go. Class smart-ass, Craig Wellman. It was the last week of school and the Year 12s were getting feisty; we’d spent the school year preparing them for life after high-school, treating them like adults, loosening the apron strings and encouraging them to engage us as peers, if not as equals. It worked for most of them; at eighteen they can legally drive a car or drink a beer; though preferably not at the same time. Heck, they could...
Straight SexIn April, 1971 Sarah and I had only six weeks left to serve in the Air Force having served seven years seven months a three stripe Sergeant living in a modern open plan apartment in a block of eight apartments. Next door neighbour Captain Frank was away in Indiana on leave and had told us he planned to ask his girl friend Anita to marry him. He,d told us they,d been engaged for over a year and it was about time they got married(she said Yes and they married in Juky). So Sarah had only me now...