No Good Deed Goes Unpunished free porn video

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How to start this? My parents were just killed in an auto accident and I was upset. So I joined that Army. Pretty straight forward shit so far.

On May 1, 1970, as part of Operation Menu, elements of the 3rd Brigade, First Cavalry Division decided it was a beautiful day to go fishing, so we went fishing. Ok we were involved in Operation Fishhook where we did a little work in Cambodia. Now the operation was going great and we were doing our thing against a very tough NVA division. These were regulars, tough, disciplined and not afraid to fight. They were battle hardened and most of us were not, but it does not take long to get that way in the Nam.

While we were "airmobile" it also means that we were in the middle of the shit and no way out except by air; so we fought. We ended up in some shit hole they called a village and civilians were everywhere and well I did something really stupid, I got my picture taken with a little kid, about four or five. It was the height of stupidity but I did it anyway, I jumped up in the middle of a fucking firefight and grabbed her and got her out of the area. I mean I was in the middle of one hell of a gun fight and I was ready to piss and shit all over myself I was so scared, except I was carrying this kid that ended up in the middle of the shit and trying to shoot as I ran toward my lines, if you could call a squad a line. Someone got a picture of me with this ball of fire behind me, it looked a lot closer than it really was, and a 7.62 mm tracer round from an AK47 came ripping through my side. Yes we know it was an AK because by then we were using the .223's and the NVA used green tracers and we used red. So in the picture you saw this green light passing through my side, a red ball of fire behind me and I got this kid in my arms. It was one hell of a picture and this little kid was looking at me with this "you saved me puppy dog look." It was lucky it was a tracer, and it only grazed me, I still have a scar from the burn, but it was a cool picture.

You know how kids don't understand shit. I got the kid to safety and she stayed with me during the entire firefight, I even put my vest on her and gave her my steel pot to wear. She did look cute and there is a picture of that too. Her sitting in my lap as I look up over a damn log in a hole and doing my best to play Audie Murphy until we got enough help so I could give her to the medics who took her to a Catholic Hospital for the locals and gave me a quick patch job, and because my shift was not yet over so I did not get to go home. [We call that black humor.] Damn, it would be my second Purple Heart. That is one decoration no one fucking wants. What I did not think about until later was who the fuck was the photographer, why didn't I see him and when did he fucking take the pictures?

We kept fighting for the next eight hours until the gun ships came in and Puff the Magic Dragon came in to raining smoke and fire on the NVA. You really had to see Puff to believe it. They did not have the 105 cannon on it yet, but this lumbering C130 that flew only counter clockwise and in a slow arc was like it was a real dragon. As it opened up with those two 20 mm Vulcan 6 barrel Gatling canons that shot 6,000 rounds a minute, all you saw was the smoke and the red tracers forming a line you could almost walk on. If you have ever seen a .50 caliber machine gun round, well add another 10 to it because you are talking a .60 caliber for this bad boy. It was pared with one Bofors 40 mm anti-aircraft autocannon that was not used to shoot at aircraft, but some dumb assholes on the ground that made the mistake of being under it and not being American. The 40 mm projectile was a 2 pound exploding messenger of death, and it was pumping out shells at the rate of 120 of them a minute. It was smoke and fire and it rained death on everything below it. It was a true weapons platform and it could fly around up there for five or six hours on end. And when Puff was firing everything at once you had all this hot brass raining down on you too. It had no defenses, unless you consider that the best defense is a good offense. When Puff showed up you had mixed feelings. The first was you were damn glad it was your gun ship but the second was, damn we are in some deep shit, they sent Puff out for us. In our case it was both.

Well the picture ended up in a few magazines and people saw it. Now I was in trouble, big trouble. I wanted a career in the Army, maybe getting a commission and spending the rest of my life being taken care of, or getting killed. But as of now the best I got was getting into the Instant NCO program and I became a Staff Sergeant pretty damn quick; it was usually a ticket to a body bag, instant NCO's were the first to die in combat. Not going to happen to me boys and girls; famous last words.

So we are still on the operation, the kid is gone, and we are someplace else in Cambodia, and I get hit hard, real hard, ticket home, third Purple Heart and I had actually extended my tour to say in Nam, because I am a real dumb ass. After all, the NVA know the ground, especially after all the years of war, and they sight us in pretty good. There is something inherently dumb about being someplace where no one looks like you and we get to wear uniforms that let the locals figure out we are not them. We might as well have been wearing bright red coats with white belts forming an X over our chests. I am wearing none of that, but round eyes and GI issue clothes mean: "Shoot at me." So I end up with lots of holes in me, and my blood in their mud; and I am in very deep shit. Don't believe what you read about morphine, it does not work all that well. A medic stabilizes me and a bunch more like me and then it is a nice flight in a chopper that is dodging ground fire, and sometimes not, to a field hospital; and then one in Saigon and from there, Germany. Back in the day all of us wounded ended up in Germany or the Philippines first then state side.

Now people are looking for me and they are pissed. The picture seems to be a problem, some relatives see me and reports are made, congressmen are contacted. I am talked at, not with, by people with more stripes than a Zebra. Keep my fucking mouth shut, were my orders and that is it in a nut shell. Don't die, hang in there, but keep my fucking mouth shut.

Four months later I was standing in front of the Secretary of Defense and someone was pinning the Distinguished Service Cross on me and I was promoted to Sergeant First Class, which is three stripes up and two rockers under. That pay grade is E-7; there are only nine enlisted pay grades. When that was over I was surrounded by a shit load of Command Sergeants Major, that would be E-9, three up and three down, a star in the middle with a wreath around each side of the star. A Sergeant Major is an enlisted man's general and they let you know it if you ever forget. They were all wearing CIB's and that would be Combat Infantryman's Badges but the part that was scary was they had two stars on the damn things. Shit these guys went through WW2, Korea and now the Nam; they were some fucking bad ass dudes. Each had a Purple Heart with stars on them, DSC's, Silver Stars, Bronze Stars with V devices [V means Valor as in got it in combat], and every other decoration you can imagine, and one wore a ribbon with stars on a field of blue. Shit the Medal of Honor, I came to attention and saluted when I saw it, as I was required to do; how the hell did I miss that when I was with the Secretary of Defense? I knew I was being ambushed, and by the best too, I was not sure when the shooting was going to start but there was no way to get out of this one, I was just along for the ride. I followed along as they led me from location to location in the Pentagon. I was still moving slow but they never let me stop.

I got a new picture and now I was given a Grey ID Card. It was not supposed to be grey. They were all glad handing me until we got into this one special little room. I called it the attitude readjustment room.

"You are at attention Sergeant. Listen you little fucking jerk, you fucked with our Army, you asshole. Yes you are a fucking hero, who the hell isn't, but god damn it you are out of here as of today. You are going to keep your fucking mouth shut forever. Do you read me young SFC?"

My only response was "Yes Sergeant Major!" in a very loud and clear voice as I now moved to and then stood at the ridged, but comfortable, position of attention; feet at a 45 degree angle, head and eyes forward, fingers slightly cupped and my thumbs alone the seam of my trousers. Hell I had so many people yelling at me I was not sure who I was agreeing with, but agree I would.

It was the picture, that damn picture. Yes it got me promoted to SFC, and it probably got me the DSC when what I did was hardly worth an Army Commendation Medal with a V device, and it got me recognized. You see, I was only sixteen years old at the time it was taken. I had used the birth certificate of an older brother that died shortly after birth to get into the Army and I was only fifteen then. Now it got me kicked out, but because of the photo and the publicity, and my wounds, I got a disability retirement and a 100% disability rating because I was shot up and I was gone. I was lucky I did not get a "void enlistment," but now I had a pension at sixteen. There was hell to pay and I was in hell. So the military followed the tried and true rule, "up and out," and that is what they did to me.

How do you go back to high school and finish your sophomore, junior and senior years when you have been banging whores in Saigon, and spent over a year playing soldier in the mud and blood? You don't. I was a prisoner waiting for a prison. I was an emancipated youth by this time so who would take me in, who would teach me something more than shooting at someone who pissed you off. And where could I get some pussy, hell I was sixteen.

Actually, I never got rid of my taste for a good Saigon whore and for the next fifty plus years I would get my fill. The slut would be dressed in nylons and garters, hot pants, and vest while wearing sexy boots, and getting my cock sucked, watching her sit on my cock and after a reasonable amount of discussion and negotiations, get them to agree that even if their husband was the only one to get their ass, for a few dollars they would share it with me. And Velcro, everything would come off with a pull. Ain't progress grand?

After what I call my attitude readjustment conference things mellowed out in that room for the remainder of my active duty military career, about two more hours. Actually you are out at midnight but no one was going to wait around for that. I told them I loved the Army and wanted to stay, but that was a "no go." I got my one and only drink in the United States at that meeting; and I gave the toast. "Infantry, Queen of Battle," and they were satisfied with that, since they were all Infantry and wore the insignia. I could hardly keep the damn liquor down because it burned like hell. That was my last drink for many years.

I was given some Levis and a shirt and a few other items and I was a civilian; almost. Looks like the Sergeants Major took a liking to me and I was given a place to stay and a military school to attend; and I fit right in. Except at this school I did not have to wear pretend decorations, I wore the real thing, which also kept me out of the hazing route. Even the teachers, every one a combat veteran, treated me with a certain amount of respect. Hell all I ever did was get shot at, and hit, three times, and one was only a scratch.

I finished High School at a military academy in Georgia in two years and then I was told that a military college was in my future but not a commission; or I could go to a regular civilian college. I went for the military one but I am not supposed to say the name of the college but its initials are VMI. I even did OCS but that was just for drill, I was not someone they wanted in the Army or Navy, or Air Force or even the Marines. But the Army takes care of its own; and I was now obviously adopted.

It was also during this time that I went to a restaurant in a China Town area on a trip to New York but it was not Chinese, it ended up being a Vietnamese restaurant. Anyway the husband and wife were arguing back and forth and I just interrupted and told them what I wanted, I was tired of waiting. They stopped and just stared at me; then they asked me a few questions about my order and I responded. Then I stopped. I had been talking to them in Vietnamese. I had not even thought about it, it just happened. From that time on I would go in and eat at a Vietnamese restaurant whenever I had the chance. The language was second nature to me; must have had something to do with learning it at a young age; remember I was only fifteen when I went to Nam.

So now I am twenty two and six years have passed and I got a job in the defense industry back home in California and by that time the war was over. Ok that war is over and they will not let me play in any other wars; its women and children first, then they would ask for me. I had a degree in engineering and worked on military projects. For some reason I had a pretty high security clearance despite my little error in taking my dead brothers birth certificate and using it to enlist at fifteen; but I was depressed, that was my excuse, parents killed and I was depressed, so I enlisted. Now that is a military career. In the Army at fifteen, in a war for over a year, get the DSC, three Purple Hearts, the CIB, a few other ones, and get retired as an E-7 SFC at sixteen; and all because I did something stupid, like picking up a kid in a war zone instead of keeping my dumb ass down. Hell, they are not legally allowed to send you even close to a war zone unless you are eighteen. Damn that was a short career. Well that was one good deed that did not go unpunished.

So at twenty two years of age I had my degree and a good job. I was in Southern California so I bought a house with two bedrooms in Redondo Beach. As luck would have it the place next door became available and I bought it too. The guy at the bank was in Korea, First Cav., just like me, so he approved both loans. So now I had a real nice size piece of property and I went on a building frenzy and ended up with four bedrooms plus the master bedroom. I also added a pool and a swim lane and a Jacuzzi. I left the second house alone and rented it but the back yard was the size of a postage stamp, I used most of it for a pool and a few other things. This is where I wanted to stay. I did not worry about any property line because I built where I wanted to, I owned it all.

The place was too big for just me now but I would have a family and we would fill the place with kids. Now I am twenty four and my building phase is over, now it is the living phase.

But I needed help. I went down to the Vietnamese center to see if there was someone who would be a live in house keeper and the older the better. I seemed to spend a lot of time at Vietnamese centers and locations. I sort of grew up into adult hood there in Vietnam. There was a lot of discussion going on and I was told they would find someone for me to talk too. So they found me a nice older woman about one hundred and fifty, ok she looked that old. She was nice and I moved her in to keep the place clean. I called her "bà," which is sort of my way of screwing up the word grandmother, or old woman, without identifying which side of the family she is from. She would call me "cháu," which means grandson, but a very young boy-grandson. She always smiled when she said it and I knew that we had a connection. She even did some cooking too. I had developed a taste for Vietnamese food, except 100 day old egg, or sometimes it is called 1,000 day old egg. If it is more than a few minutes old I don't eat it. I hated that and just would not get into an egg buried in the ground for 100 days and then you get to eat the rotten dead duck inside. And the smell of that thing, I am never, never, never going to eat it again; way too salty too.

I spent as much time on a military base retired as I did off of them. I shopped at them, got my medical on them, they were part of my home life. Fort MacArthur, Long Beach Navy Station, the U.S.S. Repose hospital ship, even the Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo. I was home with the military.

During this time I did the dating thing, I was in demand. Employed, single and had a home. The first one I fell for was Rita. By then I was twenty six and I mean she was everything a boy could want. She was a twenty two years old, tall, red hair, with DD tits, a waist you could put your hands around, long legs and a knack for giving the best damn blowjobs this side of Saigon. I banged her like a drum until I could hardly move and neither of us could even get out of bed we were both so sore. After six months we set a date.

Bà told me "no good cháu, no good." Now if I wrote it in Vietnamese you would not be able to read it so I am using English but we used Vietnamese when we spoke. She kept telling me "no" but I was bound to screw up my life on my own.

One day I got an envelope with pictures in it; I did not like them. They were four by five glossy prints, twenty or thirty of them. Back then there was no such thing as digital prints or e-mail.

I went to see Rita at her parent's house and we had a very frank discussion. I wanted my engagement ring back, things were not going to work out, we should both move on. Her mother and father were incensed; Rita was incensed. "Rita are we supposed to be exclusive?" I asked. She agreed we were. "Who is this Rita?" I asked as I produced a picture that showed her with a man who was definitely not me. Standard shit was the answer. Just a friend, nothing happened, just happened to meet and say hello, only met him once. Where did I get this? It was standard stuff. Are you following me? I never answered a question. Daddy was getting mad that I was questioning his daughter.

Then I showed her another picture of her with a different man and the same answer. "Rita looking at the clothes they are wearing you will agree that they were taken at different times?" was my next question as I showed her two more pictures of her with the same men. Of course she agreed. "So you met them more than once, didn't you?" again there was some agreement, which was definitely different than we "only met one time."

I just tossed the remaining pictures on the table with her entire family sitting there looking at pictures of their daughter/sister getting double fucked by the same two guys. Doggy, blow jobs, anal, she did it all and I gave them a picture of a good representation of each. Rita was in shock, and when I said "May I have my grandmothers engagement ring back please" while still in a trance she took it off and handed it to me. I walked out and never talked to her again and never told anyone why we broke up. If they asked I just said "we decided it would be better to move on." But I knew that the guys would talk and she would talk, and her girlfriends would talk, and her parents would talk and soon everyone would know, but not from me. I just wanted out and I got out. Don't get me wrong here, I like a woman with a good sexual appetite, and even a good whore once in a while, but not when they are engaged to be married to me. I don't share my pussy, ever.

I never did find out who sent me the pictures but I was glad I got them. It got very strange with anyone I was getting to close too. I would get a picture or a cassette recording or something that would show me that I was getting to close to someone I should not be getting close to. I never got engaged again, I just moved away from that person, as if it was nothing at all, just moving on. No confrontation, just called less frequently, fewer dates, until it was a thing of the past.

As time passed Bà, it almost became her name, was getting slower so when she asked for someone to help her in this big house and I agreed. It took a few weeks but soon we had a new house guest, her name is Lan, which means Orchid. She is sixteen years old and is going to school here. She is also Vietnamese and is a very sweet girl. She has all those things that girls have and does all the things they do. She is very pretty and has lots of dates but keeps to her school work too. I try to stay out of her way and since I am not her father I don't tell her how to live her life, Bà does a good job of that. She is like a guardian for her.

We eat dinner together and go out together; and by together I mean all three of us, I don't date sixteen year olds. But it is not unusual for all of us to sit down and have a meal together at the end of the day and talk about what was going on. Lan was like having a little sister around.

On one weeks notice I let her have sleep over's and pool parties, and I tried to stay away. I don't let them drink and I would know if they did, I don't drink and there is never any alcohol in the house. Drugs are always available but I don't allow them either. Lan is a bit rebellious but not more than any other girl her age.

During this time I found myself in love again. I was now twenty seven and it was time I should be settling down. I met Sheila at work. Sheila was tall and blond with nice "C" tits, a small waist and long legs that she loved to wrap around me. She was a southern girl with a cute accent and so soft spoken there were times you could hardly hear her. She was smart too, very smart and she knew her job well. This was a woman who would breed some smart kids. Yes I wanted children.

We dated more than a few times and then I asked her if she wanted to come over to the house to hang and have a little barbeque and she agreed. Since the event would not take place until Saturday and this being Friday and her driving all the way from Hermosa Beach would be exhausting, it was decided she would stay at my place Friday night. She thought about it and agreed, because only a fool would want to make that drive she said with a smile and a loving kiss. We stopped at her place for clothes and then made the 2 mile arduous drive to my place.

Sheila was pretty good in the sack. We ate each other and fucked for an hour, took a nap, woke up and did it again, and then around seven am I got up and gave it to her one more time. It had been a while. Sheila went back to sleep and I took a shower and went to make breakfast.

Bà just glared at me when she saw me that morning. Lon has girls over and they will be up soon. Shit she was right, one of the never ending parties that young girls have. Well shit, this is my house and we can share. The master bedroom was purposefully designed to be away from the others for when my wife and I want to romp and not let the kids know what was happening.

I made some breakfast and went back to the bedroom to feed my latest girlfriend. Only a few had seen my home and now Sheila was one of them. We ate breakfast in bed then I gave her the bad news about all the kids going to be at the house. She said it was ok and she would handle it.

We headed do to the beach and took a little five mile run then a walk back to the house. Sheila looked pretty good in a sweaty sports bra and her long legs shined with the effort. She was not pale but not too tanned either. She wore those nylon running shorts that would open at the sides when she ran. I had a hard time running with a woody, but I managed.

When we got back to the house the party was in full swing. Sheila and I took a shower, fucked again, a little oral, in that order, washed and went out to see the war in my backyard. There were high school kids all over the place. I bet we had thirty to fifty of them, Bà never did make a head count but she knew where every one was. Every girl had on something they pretended was a bathing suit and the high school boys were just as bad. If I had to bet I would say a good number of the "boys" had not seen a High School, except to drive by it, in more than two years. There was the "would you put some lotion on me" ploy, or the tossing in the air in the pool, and even the "Marco Polo" game where you had to touch the other person. Kids I thought. It was so much easier when all you had to do was walk into a place, and someone would say "hello cowboy" and offer you a 'suckie fuckie" and name a price. Damn I missed Saigon.

I was going to get some food ready for Sheila and I when I heard some of the kids playing grab ass in the butler's pantry. I opened the door to find one of the "boys" with his tongue checking to see if Sheila had tonsils, his finger looking for her cherry and her hand around his cock. "I will call you a taxi" was all I said and I closed the door. Lan was there just looking at me with sad eyes. Then she opened the door and said "You're a taxi" and giggled. This kid watches way too much TV. She walked over to the phone and dialed yellow cab and gave them our address. Five minutes later Lan had Sheila's clothes in a paper bag and handed them to her as she opened the door to tell her the taxi was here. It was funny but Sheila never did come out of the butler's pantry until that happened. I could hear her talking to the guy and saying things like Vietnam and kill and shit like that. When Sheila walked out he ran out and headed in the other direction.

Needless to say there was no discussion, no walk to the taxi, no kiss good-bye, and I did not give her any money for the taxi, it was only two miles. Lan took my hand and led me outside and to a waiting deck chair and handed me an ice tea. She still looked a little sad but I told her to have fun. When I thought about it I had another close call, but that is what dating is for. Periodically I would see Lan looking over at me but I would just smile and waive. It was not like anyone was going to shoot me.

There was a "Loves" barbeque over on Hawthorne blvd., so I went over there for dinner and let the party go on without me. I did eat a rack of pork ribs and some beef ribs too, just as filler and brought a bunch home for lunch for the next day. Bà and Lan laughed at me, saying they were overcooked and had too much sauce on them but damn I thought they were good.

Sunday the family went to Mass and I wrote out my check to the Catholic Hospital in Vietnam. Lan asked about it and I told her I sent them $20.00 a week because they had taken care of someone for me and were probably still doing it and if not her then someone else and they did not exactly spend the money on drugs and sex and their boss did not need a new Cadillac, He had a fiery chariot, or some such thing.

Monday Sheila came into work and was looking like she had a bad weekend, probably took the "boy" home and he pounded her into the bed for the rest of the weekend. I did not ignore her, when it was business it was business, but there was no banter and people noticed. I never said a word about it and ignored any questions. I did see her and "boy" a few times driving away from the parking lot together but after a month that seemed to stop. Dumb bitch really fucked up. Three months later Sheila was putting on some major weight and soon took a leave of absence.

It was getting time for me to do some serious work. I decided to leave gainful employment behind and start doing some consulting. I had a bunch of offers every time I went to a reunion with the guys. I would see the Sergeants Major from my attitude readjustment conference at least once a year and the guys from the old unit and some I never met before. There would be formal dances and I would put on my "Dress Mess" and my black Stetson, which was standard for the First Cav., but not actually issue. It was fun but I always went stag.

Anyway I had met some fellow soldiers and their offer for consulting work finally got to me and at the ripe old age of twenty seven I packed in my employment, kept my security clearance, and went into the military consulting business. I was making twice the money for half the work, but I had to do all the paper work and pay taxes and all that shit, but in the end it was worth it.

I was hitting twenty eight and Lan was coming to the end of her senior year in High School. We were having dinner and she was talking about her Senior Prom and I was ignoring it until my name came up. We had a very upsetting talk. Apparently Lan thought I should take her to the prom. She did not have a date and needed an escort. That was bullshit of course. She had guys falling all over themselves to get to her. She was five feet tall with one inch heels, one hundred pounds dripping wet, long straight dark hair, almond shaped hazel eyes, and her skin was that wonderful color that Southern California girls spend hours at the beach trying to get. She had the cutest little butt and small breasts, maybe a "B" five days out of the month and smaller on others. Her nipples were big fatties that puffed out like golf balls when she was excited, and I think she was always excited.

Since she was now eighteen I had to agree. And no, I never once thought of those hot Saigon whores and their "go go" boots and garters when I looked at her -- not much anyway.

Having got that out of the way Lan decided to properly prepare me for the Prom. We took dancing lessons together. I already knew how do dance and so did she but we needed to dance together. So we took some ballroom dancing classes. Then Lan decided that we needed to practice at home and we did every day. Soon she put on her heels so that she would have properly practiced. She was slowly sucking me in and doing it like a general setting a trap.

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No Good Deed

This story was written for the enjoyment of adults only and is a product of my twisted mind.  I try to make things seem plausible that are unlikely to occur in reality.  Please send any comments to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.                                                                              NO GOOD DEED?                                      By 4play         My name is Carl Johnson and I want to tell how what I thought was a good deed became a nightmare and turned my...

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Rewarding The Noble Deed

Rewarding The Noble DeedBy: Londebaaz Chohan Another scorching day of August. Nelson got off job and was cursing himself that he forgot to turn back the AC ‘On’ in his apartment this morning when he was leaving for his office. Being a conscientious man he always made sure not to waste the energy of any kind and before walking into the bathroom for a shower, he switched off the AC but when he came out after shower, he was late by 5 minutes and in a hurry, not to miss the train, he dressed up...

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The Charitable Deed

BARRY I think that my marriage is over. I can't be absolutely certain until I talk with my wife, but I think that when I saw her get in that Cadillac and drive away she was telling me goodbye. There is a saying that you hear from time to time, "No good deed goes unpunished" and it would certainly seem to be the case where I'm concerned. Janice and I have been married just over eight years. Most of that eight years Janice was a stay at home mom. When the two kids started school it left her...

4 years ago
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The Good Deed

The Good Deed By Eric Through out the world the following anonymous e-mail appeared in every mailbox: FREE: ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE: Dissatisfied with your life? Want to swap with someone else? My free gift you! The following spell will you allow you to switch bodies with anyone you name. Take an ordinary candle, light it and say: "Kumquats are delicious in Athens." Then name the person you would like to be. You will find yourself in their body. They will be in...

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No Good Deed Goes Unchanged Chapter One

Thomas and his friend Karl were up on the Downs when he heard a scream, and motioned quietly to Karl to follow him into the bushes, where he saw one man held down by another whilst a third stabbed him over and over again. He took out his camera and took a picture of the scene, just before they saw him. "Get them!" "Run!" he told Karl and they both fled, Thomas throwing some marbles behind him, and hearing a satisfying thump as their pursuers fell over each other. They made it to Karl's...

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The Neighbors Repay a Kind Deed

The Neighbors Repay a Kind Deed Chapter 1 Debbie and Paul had lived next door to me for years. My daughter and their daughter were close in age and went to the same school together. We all got along well, and as a single parent I often needed help with transporting my daughter, and they helped. Debbie was an attractive blonde, well built, and while not a knockout by any means, I often let my mind fantasize about her. Of course, as neighbors and friends, I never did anything, but we did...

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The Neighbors Repay a Kind Deed

The Neighbors Repay a Kind Deed Chapter 1 Debbie and Paul had lived next door to me for years. My daughter and their daughter were close in age and went to the same school together. We all got along well, and as a single parent I often needed help with transporting my daughter, and they helped. Debbie was an attractive blonde, well built, and while not a knockout by any means, I often let my mind fantasize about her. Of course, as neighbors and friends, I never did anything, but we did...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Chat To Sex 8211 A Friend In Deed

Hello everyone, this is Rony here. I have been reading ISS stories for quite some time now; however this is my first story here. So do provide your feedback. Mail me at (especially women! ;) ). I hail from an engineering background and am in my final years of study now. I am 23, 5’6” tall and average bodied. This story is about a school friend of mine called Reeka. We were not very close friends but we started chatting frequently, especially after joining college. This incident occurred in my...

2 years ago
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My Good Deed

My Good Deed By C.J.B.B. Introduction: It all started on one of those days where you think nothing can go wrong especially what had happen today. My name is William "Willie" Colors and believe me I know that's a strange last name. My friends know me as Willie, I am 18 yrs. old, have short brown hair, have hazel colored eyes, is about 6' "5 tall, has average muscle tone and weights in at 200 lbs. My mother had to go on this business trip and would be gone for a week and because she...

5 years ago
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The Conversation AKA No Good Deed

The Conversation AKA No Good Deed By Laura Anne Mason NOTE: I'm a longtime reader, but this is my first story submission - exploring how seemingly kind and charitable intentions could result in a man being trapped in a servile female role... forever! It's a little different than the norm, but hope you like it :) ************* Diane dreaded the conversation she had to have, but she couldn't put it off any longer. With her husband Jack out with friends, now was a perfect time. So...

3 years ago
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A Good Deed

April started school and immediately had more boyfriends then you could shake a dick at, I mean a stick at. High schools in the city were a lot larger than in East Texas which meant more boys and more chances to get in trouble. I had promised my in-laws that I would keep my eye on her and it was my pleasure doing so. After the first grading period came and went April proved her self of deserving to get a part time job. She found one at the local drug store. The male manager did not even give a...

3 years ago
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No Good Deed

DISCLAIMER: It's fiction, ladies. That means I made it up in my head. It has no bearing upon and is not drawn from any true events, nor are any of my characters based on actual persons living or dead. COPYRIGHT: I made it. It belongs to me. I'd rather it not be reposted - I wrote it for Fictionmania fans - but if you absolutely must share it, please have the decency to give me proper credit. Thank you! TRIGGER WARNING: Life can be a scary place filled with moments of joy. ...

4 years ago
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PterisChapter 19 No Good Deed

There is a saying that ‘No good deed goes unpunished’, and the return of Pēteris and his Companions gave strong evidence that that was true. Their midday procession into Beavis was met with frowns and outright glares from people they passed in the street. Needing to know what was going on, they headed for the inn to talk with the parents of their hometown escort, Charles and Maggie. They trooped into the common room that was almost empty save for the owners, Tristan and Robinblue, and a...

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BurrChapter 64 A Good Deed Gone Bad

I spent the afternoon answering mail and reading. To Alice, I expressed concern about the last sentence in her letter where she complained that she was too busy to get laid. I suggested that she make some time for herself, telling her that maintaining her sanity was more important than impressing the stuff shirt instructors. I told her that if Blondie didn't show up soon I would be happy to volunteer to help her relax. To my mother, I congratulated her on buying the small house where we had...

2 years ago
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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 2

Over the next two months of that summer, I went over there three more times. She DID have a lot that needed doing too. I guess with no man around, and her being what she called "mechanically challenged", there was all kinds of stuff that had broken, and needed replacing or adjusting, or oiled or something pretty simple. Being a Boy Scout, I had learned how to do all kinds of things, and most of what she needed done was easy. She never tried to pay me anything after that first time, but she...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 3

Speaking of "communication problems", nobody thought to tell me not to do any more good deeds for Gloria Wilson. I imagine, now that I'm older, that my mother assumed that, during our "talk", I'd be told not to go back. Dad didn't say that, and I doubt that he reported to her that he didn't say that. But, let's be honest, since a good Scout is honest. Even if they had forbidden me from going back to her house, I'd have probably thought it was so unfair that I'd have done it...

2 years ago
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Topper 01 Good Deeds Are Where They Find You

Topper was written by Thorne Smith, made into a movie in 1937; with sequels: 1939, 1941 and a TV show from 1953-1955 01) Good Deeds Are Where They Find You By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "Mr. Topper," the senior bank manager's secretary said, as she opened the office door, "I'll be leaving now. Is there any..." She stopped because there, behind his desk, the distinguished man in his late-fifties had his arms up and out at the elbows, swinging them around as if he doing...

1 year ago
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Good deeds

Good deeds: A doctor treats a patient then fucks him, his wife and his daughter: I am a doctor in my mid forties. I had operated successfully on a patient. When he was about to leave the hospital I came to say goodbye. Realizing that both he and his wife looked poor I gave him some money and left. I noticed that despite being middle age and despite her run down look, the wife had a sexy voluptuous body. Couple of weeks passed and I met the wife. She thanked me for saving her husband's life and...

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The Seduction of Deedee

1. Deedee was brimming over with excitement, and a little trepidation, as she finished her shower and other activities in preparation for getting dressed. She took extra time because she wanted everything to be perfect. Her BFF Mimi was coming over tonight, and they were going to go out to dinner at a restaurant picked by Mimi and then a show Deedee had selected (Kinky Boots). Now, this might not seem so unusual for a couple of BFF girlfriends, but Deedee was a 'special' girl. 'I hope...

2 years ago
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Deedee Does Sally

Deedee's Night Out Deedee takes Sally to a strip club for their first date... It was Thursday night and I was really excited. I had a really hot date that night with Sally, the new girl at work. Only Sally didn't know it; she thought she was doing the town with my cousin Deedee. Sally and I had worked for the same company for about 5 years, she in the Boston branch, and me at the home office in New York. We had been introduced at a one-day training seminar shortly after she was...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 9

I went back the way I'd come, going around the block, to wander in the house through the front door. My mother was in the kitchen, and had breakfast ready. She came over and sniffed in my face. "Well, at least you're not drunk," she said darkly. "You know I don't drink," I said, wounded. "You smell like perfume," she said, looking at me. "I met a girl," I said. "I don't want to know!" she said holding up her hand. "There are some things a mother doesn't want to know." I...

4 years ago
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Adventures with Delicious DeeDee Part 3

Adventures with Delicious DeeDeePart 3Our kiss/introduction continues pulling each other tightly against one another, my hand moves down your back over your short skirt to feel the warm skin of your ass, pulling your hips even tighter against me so that you can feel my erection through our clothing. The closeness of it, and feeling it even through the barriers of our clothing increases you desire...your need to have it, feel it, to have it cum for you. As my hand slides slowly over your skin,...

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Fifteen minutes later, Cassy was getting tired of waiting. She wondered what was up. Puzzled. Then Daddy came in, followed by Mommy. Cassy suddenly remembered that yesterday was the day she was the Boss, not today. But, she thought to herself, I’m gonna get a hundred bucks every time they want to fuck me. Cassy didn’t really need the money, or even especially wanted the money since she was happy to get fucked by Mommy or Daddy whenever they wanted, it was so fun. But… she just...

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Deedee Gets It

Deedee stood at the curtained window of her bedroom, her iPhone in her hand, a wonderfully curved, soft plastic dildo clamped tightly in her throbbing vagina and watched her lovely older sister kill their father at the side of the pool. Margo emptied her little Beretta into Roger Morgan, the CEO and majority owner of Morgan Oil, at point-blank range, and Deedee could see that there were spots of their father's blood on her sister's new, white bikini as she snapped in another 7.65 cartridge...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 10

Again, I took the lead, and again, I went with habit, going out the back door, and leading the whole party to Gloria's back gate. "I wondered why you always went out the back door," muttered my mother. "I had to, after Mrs. Abernathy tattled on me," I said, grinning. "I remember that!" said Suzy, almost skipping along in her excitement. "You mean she was your girlfriend way back then?!" "No!" I defended myself. "I was just doing good deeds back then. I didn't think I should...

4 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 10

Darla found Flint in the gym. David had told her that their head of security worked out with free weights and rode a stationary bicycle most mornings. "Not just when it rains," David said. "He hates running." Flint was exercising on the bench press. She marveled at the weight he was pressing: one hundred pounds on each side. He was sweating, and his muscles bulged. She sucked in air, amazed that his intense masculinity affected her so much. Flint was more like Pops than David. Rugged....

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Adventures with Delicious DeeDee Pt2

Adventures with Delicious DeeDeePart 2You return to your car, placing the wooden box the receptionist on the passenger seat desperate to know what was inside, but also assuming it was a test as the box had no lock only a could just peek inside no-one would know, I would not know. You resist the temptation are start the short journey to the cabin, following the receptionist’s directions. Then your mind wonders about her, and the knowledge you did not think she should have, such as...

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Good Deed Gets Rewarded

Hi, This is Rahul, sharing my story about meeting a woman and getting rewarded. One Saturday, I was bored at home watching movies, when I decided to go to the mall and pick up a few things, I went down to the underground parking to leave my car, when I got out of my car, I saw something on the floor, when I reached closer it was a woman’s clutch purse lying on the ground. I picked it up dropped it in my car and went to the mall to finish my shopping. When I came back to my car I opened the...

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Deedi EmergesChapter 3 Deedi Arrives

"Right let's start, how about some music first though?" said Rosy fully in control and sorting through her CD's, "Bonobo OK?" "Yes, that's cool, where do you want me then?" replied Daniel totally compliant with Rosie's wishes but also apprehensive. "Let's settle on what you're going to wear first and then I'll know what make-up will suit you best." She opened her wardrobe revealing an enormous collection of clothes of every possible style and design. "First question, dress...

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Deedi EmergesChapter 4 Deedi stays around

The next morning Liz came in with some coffee but Deedi was already wide awake. With so much racing around her head she opened her eyes with a start at seven O'clock and could not to go back to sleep. "Good morning sweetheart, so how did it go then? Is everything alright?" she asked checking there were no problems from the night before. As Deedi sat up Liz noticed that although she removed her makeup she retained the basic beauty that Rosy created the previous evening with her hair but...

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Deedi EmergesChapter 5 Deedis Awakening

Deedi spent the next couple of weeks living full time as a girl. She applied her own make-up and could brush her hair out any way she wanted it. Rosy and Liz gave her many tips for perfecting her role including colouring, walking, her voice and getting in and out of a car. Deedi and Rosy also went out some evenings which gave her a chance to do what she really loved, dressing up in pretty clothes. She nearly always wore stockings and open toed shoes or sandals to show off her feet and she...

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Deedi EmergesChapter 6 Deedis Trip

Deedi met Liz for lunch on Friday before they went to the office that afternoon and chatted about Rosie's trip including the presents they would buy for her. Rosie's flight was due to leave Heathrow the following Tuesday at three in the afternoon and Liz would take her to the airport, Deedi would go with them of course. Rosy said that she still needed a few more things for the trip so planned one last shopping expedition together for Saturday. That morning Liz went through the post which...

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Deedi EmergesChapter 7 Deedis Dilemmas

Deedi woke early on Monday eager to get ready for her new job. She wanted to look her best but that was never a problem since she was adept at putting on her make-up and dressing for effect. She wore a grey two piece suit with a light, check pattern. The skirt was knee length with a slightly see-through, light blue blouse and matching blue underwear. She pulled on a pair of sheer, barely-black stockings and clipped them to her suspenders and found a pair of plain, black high heels. The...

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Deedi EmergesChapter 8 Deedi Emerges

The girls met for lunch on Saturday and then spent the afternoon shopping although Sarah did most of the buying on this occasion. When they swiped their last credit card and packed the last bag they went back to Sarah's house. Sarah told her mum and dad about Deedi as soon as she knew but they never brought up the topic in front of her and Deedi also mentioned to Sarah that she told Liz, who also saw it as none of her business unless Sarah raised the subject. They went to Sarah's bedroom...

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Adventures with Delicious DeeDee

Adventures with Delicious DeeDeeThe day had finally arrived...and long overdue it was for James and Dee.It had been over three years ago that James and Dee had first met virtually through XHamster, sharing thoughts, desires, fantasies arousing each other. Then there had been a break of many months, but reconnecting again both quickly resumed their sharing and lust for one another, they were kindred spirits separated by circumstance and geography, but not today. Today their mutual passions and...

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From Dreams to Deeds

Feces thick and only a little softer than stone avalanched from my bowels into the bowl and felt to massage every nerve ending of my body on its way, breaking me out all over with gooseflesh. Urea rushed from my mons to the water with frenzied pressure, and the stinging of my too-full bladder softened gradually into miniature climaxes of relief that ran bursts of hot shivers from the root of my spine up to between my shoulder blades. I leaned my head back to the wall, closed my eyes, and...

2 years ago
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Peverted Deeds Part 4

I confess to Lisa, and Mom! Here it is several weeks after the night with Linda, Joe, and the big guy with the gun. Lisa and I are talking about getting married. We were keeping it private between us for the time until Lisa blurted it out at Linda and Joe’s house one evening. I do not feel uncomfortable being around Linda even after the night she took over. She acts as if nothing ever happened. When Lisa spilled the beans, as it were, the look on Linda’s face appeared to be...

3 years ago
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Perverted Deeds Part 2

My Sister has a new boyfriend. It has been over 8 months since Joe and I did our dirty deeds to his wife and my Mom and Sister. Things have been great around the house. Mom and Sis appear to be no worse for their night of sex with me and I get a lot of attention from my Mom and Sis. Mom seems to be more loving to Sis and me. We have not had sex again but I suspect Mom and Sis want to, I know I want to have sex with them. They are even more exciting to me. Mom and Sis being nude...

2 years ago
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Some Good Deeds

The banging at the door didn't surprise Mama Selma, even though the hour was late. She was no stranger to unexpected visitors, and she didn't sleep much these days, regardless. She calmly put her book down and grabbed the candle before rising from her chair. The sound continued as she walked, the intensity of the thumps growing with each knock. This didn't bother Mama Selma either. Folks that came to her door were rarely on social calls. More likely a husband had become particularly...

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Deeds of Love

Deeds of Love By Xspy4u Hi All, The ?incest theme? was just an idea that came to me, so I wanted to write it down and see how the story worked itself out.  I am on uncertain ground here so my apologies if it does not compare with the experts on the topic. The story has two more parts, but I will wait to see the comments to decide if I should continue. Hope you enjoy. All characters are over 18, not intended for minors, please no reposts without the author’s permission and blah, blah,...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 7

It hurt to be around Gloria, but the problem with not being around her was that that hurt too. I was miserable all day long. I wasn't hungry, and when I did eat something, I couldn't taste it. I yelled at Suzy, when she came in to ask if she could borrow one of my Forgotten Realms books, which I had been collecting for years. That got my mom on the rampage, because Suzy cried when I yelled at her. My dad had been napping on the couch, and he woke up and wanted to know what was wrong. He...

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Celestial WarsChapter 15 Black Deeds

"Love is not righteous. Only a fool who has never felt love's bitter edges would claim otherwise. Love is greedy, love is dark, and love is jealous. But this is why we desire love above all else. It is like a mania. Our thoughts become clouded, but our blood thrums with life." -Attributed to Lilith, Princess of Lust and Blood Devnik I could feel the daylight shield rippling like gauze around me. My skin tingled. It felt like a thin layer of frost had settled softly against me. I...

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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 3

David stood next to the glass wall in the great room of his home that gave him a view of mountain next to the compound. He nursed a cocktail while he watched the falling sun alter the hues and shadows on the mountain's craggy surfaces. Deep in thought, he wondered how his wife reacted when his mother told her that she was pregnant. A part of him dreaded the possibility of some hurt feelings, and another part of him believed his wife could handle anything. He'd learned to admire the...

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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 19

As the limo cruised through the gates to the compound, Vince said, "Is this home?" "Yes," David said. "Swell!" Vince said. David told the lad about the three homes within the walls and the amenities built into each home. "You'll be living in our home," Nora said, "David's and mine. A while back I met with the probate attorney for your parents' estate, and he allowed me into the house where you used to live. I packed up all your things. Your clothes are hanging in the closet in...

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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 29

Danny Yost dragged a rolling carryon behind her, and a garment bag draped her shoulder as she walked briskly along a concourse to exit the secure area of Sky Harbor Airport. She'd been told she'd be met, and shortly she saw a handsome, tall man holding a sign with Dr. Yost written in bold letters. Not just handsome, Danny thought as she drew closer to him. He's a hunk! Be still my heart! The man smiled when he recognized her, probably from the photograph she'd e-mailed her prospective...

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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 30

The next morning, David had finished one circuit around his running track and was starting his second when he heard running feet behind him. He slowed, and Nora caught up with him, quickly forcing him to lengthen his stride and run faster than he preferred. When they came up to the path that led to the copse of sissoo trees and Adirondack chairs, David took it, and Nora followed. Panting, he collapsed into one of the chairs. "Continue your run if you want," he said. She sat down. "No,...

5 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 33

"He's a beautiful animal, Joe," Danny said. They sat on the top rail of the corral. Joe made a sound in his throat, and Thee Brigand raised his magnificent head, tossed it once, and pranced over to them, his tail twitching, his neck arched — showing off. Joe nuzzled his neck, made some more soft noises, and the animal pushed his head into Danny's hands. She squealed with delight, and did some nuzzling of her own. "May I ride him?" Danny said. "Sure," Joe said, and watched...

1 year ago
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From Dreams to Deeds

I sat down on the ring, the unexpected coldness of which against my bare buttocks forced a comical yelp from my throat. I had a couple of thought's lengths to feel face-reddening embarrassment, but when Kristiina turned to grin and wink at me from the door, I knew this having happened to her as well. After my mind relaxing, I relaxed the sphincters of my urethra and rectum and let things proceed by their own weight. Feces thick and only a little softer than stone avalanched from my bowels into...

Erotic Fiction
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Ally Jane Episode 1 The deal the deed

“You know...” Stu started. “This pay could REALLY set us up” Ally looked up at him then back at the blast door, resting her hand on her hip just above her plasma blastsr. “If you say so, I can finally buy that lot back on Piscus 3...” “Kiddo, you’re 17, not 47, spend it upgrading that piece of shit breastplate to protect those nice titties” he jabbed. The breastplate Ally had was indeed very entry level. Stu was fortunate enough to have seduced the teen into giving him her cherry week...

2 years ago
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Another Good Deed Thankful

(Unlike the other AGD stories, this one will be void of any sexual things. I chose instead to show more of Maria’s heart this time. Hope you like it.) * It was November 11th and I woke up really early in the morning. I knew that I had an important date to get ready for. I slowly moved into the shower and took a slow shower. I decided to shave myself just because it always seemed like a good idea with the date I was going to see. As I dried off, I grabbed his favorite perfume and sprayed...

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