BurrChapter 64: A Good Deed Gone Bad free porn video

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I spent the afternoon answering mail and reading. To Alice, I expressed concern about the last sentence in her letter where she complained that she was too busy to get laid. I suggested that she make some time for herself, telling her that maintaining her sanity was more important than impressing the stuff shirt instructors. I told her that if Blondie didn't show up soon I would be happy to volunteer to help her relax.

To my mother, I congratulated her on buying the small house where we had lived for years. Had I been asked about it before she bought the house I would have suggested that she pass it up and move into an apartment. But since she had already made the purchase my advice would be for naught. I asked her to send Heather's address, assuring her that I would stay in contact with my sister.

After sealing the two envelopes I shut down Suzanne's computer and went upstairs with the intention of reading. But when I saw the picture frame that held Becky's picture it brought back my conversation with Cindy the evening before. Per her plan I was to bring her sister to my room on the pretence of showing her Becky's picture. Once there, I was to seduce Jeannie and take her cherry. According to Cindy, I would be doing the deed to benefit us. Making Jeannie a woman would open new paths for her to follow, thus giving us the freedom we desired to do as we pleased.

But would Cindy's plan work? I didn't think so. That was one reason I had told Jeannie about the plan. The other reason was because Jeannie had confided in me. She had said that if she had a brother she would want him to be exactly like me. I realized that she was too dear to me to deceive. I leveled with her, telling her what Cindy proposed. Jeannie listened without comment. She agreed to go along with a new plan. We would pretend to play into Cindy's hands by following her suggestion that I show Jeannie Becky's picture while Cindy kept Josh busy downstairs.

The afternoon passed slowly and I made poor use of the time, letting my mind invent different scenarios. Cindy would eventually find out that I had not carried out the plan. How would she react? Would she accuse me of chickening out? Would she say that I had gone soft? Or would she accept my explanation that Jeannie was like a sister to me and that was the reason I couldn't do it?

An alternate scenario came to me. I would tell Jeannie that I had changed my mind. I would tell her that I had decided to take her cherry. What if Jeannie didn't want to be seduced? Would she regret it later? Would I regret it? Would she accuse me of seducing her simply to please her sister? Would she accuse me of using my brotherly charms to seduce her?

By the time Cindy parked her mother's car in front of my house I had changed my mind again. I would defy Cindy, regardless of the consequences. Josh was the only one that questioned why we were parking the car in the garage. "It's a precaution, Josh. It will save a lot of explaining in case your mother happens to drive by the house. By hiding the car in the garage she won't see it," I told him and watched his excited reaction.

Cindy opened the dialog as if she had rehearsed her lines. What she didn't know was that her sister had been told what to expect and was prepared to play her part in the skit. Josh was completely in the dark, unaware of what was about to take place.

"Sammy, Jeannie hasn't seen Becky's picture. Why don't you take her up to your room and show her your precious Becky?" Cindy said as soon as we entered the sunroom.

I was incensed by the way she referred to Becky as precious but I didn't have a chance to complain. Jeannie commenced with verbal sparing.

"Why would I want to see Becky's picture?" she asked, the hint of a grin forming at the side of her mouth.

"You should see the picture so you'll know what she looks like the next time Sammy tells you something about her. God knows you won't have to wait long. He talks about his precious Becky all the time," Cindy said with a sarcastic tone in her voice that I didn't like.

Jeannie looked at me and seeing that I was seething, she agreed to go upstairs with me. "I suppose I should see the picture. Let's all go. Come on, Josh."

"NO!" Cindy shouted. "I mean, Josh has seen the picture and I have too. Josh will stay down here with me."

Josh looked confused, not sure which way to turn until Jeannie gave her okay for him to keep Cindy company.

Jeannie was in stitches by the time we reached my room. She fell on the bed, laughing at the way she had beaten her sister at her own game. I left the door open and took a seat in my chair, still irritated by Cindy's mocking remarks about Becky.

"I could have kept it going for at least five minutes more but I could see that you were pissed at what she was saying about Becky," Jeannie boasted.

"That was some good acting you did," I congratulated her.

Jeannie lifted herself from the bed and took off her sweater. She and Cindy had worn short denim skirts, shirts and sweaters. She tossed the sweater to me and I put it on my desk. "Did you look at the clock when we got here? How long do we have to stay?"

"We should stay about thirty minutes," I said, recalling what Cindy and I had talked about.

"Is that how long it takes for you to get a girl to give up her cherry?" Jeannie smiled, like she was proud of her remark.

"Sometimes it takes longer but with you I could probably do it in less time," I answered.

"You wish!" She scoffed.

I didn't respond. She was lying on her side, watching me. We both smiled but said nothing. She raised one leg and I could see that her panties were blue. I wondered if she consciously wore them to match the denim skirt or because she envisioned this scene, her lying on my bed, showing me her panties.

"What does a girl look like after she loses her cherry?" Jeannie broke the silence.

"I don't know," I said.

"I was just wondering. You know... when we go downstairs I was wondering how I should look. What does a girl look like after she's been fucked for the first time?"

I laughed and Jeannie laughed with me, having derived the desired response from me. "Mess up your hair and walk funny," I said.

"Like this?" she asked as she got up from the bed, fluffed her hair and walked stiff-legged to the windows and back to me.

"That's good but you should put your hand on your forehead and complain about how badly you feel," I suggested.

Jeannie strode to the windows and I knew that I was in for a treat. She placed one hand on her forehead and held her crotch with the other one. "Oh Cindy, he ripped my poor pussy open and I have a horrendous headache," she said as she walked with an exaggerated limp.

I roared and Jeannie collapsed on my bed, rolling herself into a ball. It took several minutes for us to calm down but when it became quiet in the room she turned to me, serious again.

"You could have you know." There was stillness in her eyes, unwavering.

"Do you mean what I think you mean?"

She nodded, her eyes gleaming. "Two summers ago when we were going to the cottage. You could have done it but you didn't."

"Your sisters would have ripped my eyes out it I touched you back then," I said.

She smiled. "You touched me but you stopped short of fucking me. You could have done it and my sisters would never have known. But you didn't. You're good, Sammy Oldham. Sometimes you're too good."

I was touched by her candidness. Her eyes told me that she was sincere. I took the few steps to the bed and lay down, facing her. "I was tempted but I thought you were too young. You had just turned fourteen back then. I would have been taking advantage of you. Besides, your sisters were keeping me satisfied."

"Am I still too young?"

"Yes," I answered without thinking. We laughed together. I put my arm around her and we hugged.

"Next year when Cindy goes to college will I be old enough?"

I avoided answering her directly by positioning myself above her. She closed her eyes and waited for the kiss but I made her wait. I watched her expression change from anticipation to disappointment. Just as she opened her eyes I pressed my lips to hers and my tongue pried her lips open. Her response changed from surprise to passion. We must have kissed for fifteen minutes but that is all we did. When it was time to go downstairs Jeannie looked like a ravaged woman. Her hair was out of place and her clothes looked like she had dressed hurriedly.

We were in high spirits as we went down the stairs, sure that our ruse would remain secret. I did have one problem; my cock wouldn't go down. As we approached the sunroom entrance we heard talking. It sounded like Cindy was lecturing Josh. Just as we were about to enter the room we caught sight of Cindy. She was on the far side of the couch with her back to us. Aside from her bra, which she was fastening, she was naked.

Jeannie gasped, clasping her hand to her mouth in alarm, making Cindy turn her body toward us. Josh's head popped above the back of the couch. In those few seconds that we all stared at each other I noted that Cindy's pubic hair looked matted and moist. It also registered with me that Josh's shoulders were bare. They wore expressions of surprise but there was no rush for cover. Cindy may have blushed and Josh may have grinned sheepishly but by that time I was not sure what I was seeing. We didn't hang around long enough to inspect their moods.

Two minutes later we were back in my room, clinging to each other, shaken from what we had witnessed. Jeannie's body wilted in my arms. I picked her up and carried her to the bed before switching the bathroom light on and closing the door to the room. When I turned she was extending her arms, wanting me to join her.

"Did you see how Josh was grinning at us with that cat-that-ate-the-canary look?" Jeannie asked in a disbelieving whisper.

"Did you see how brazen Cindy looked at us?" I countered.

Jeannie was still shaking. She felt warm in my arms. I may have been shaking too. I was still trying to process what I had seen, hoping my eyes had made a mistake. But Jeannie confirmed that there was no mistake.

"Did you know Cindy was going to do that?"

"She said she would keep Josh busy. I guess that was the only thing she could think of," I said and felt Jeannie's body begin to shake. We laughed together. It became contagious; neither of us could stop. We laughed until we heard a knock on the door.

"Sammy?" It was Cindy's voice.

I walked to the door and opened it just enough to see that she was wearing her panties and bra, nothing more. She gave me the thumbs-up sign and a grin. "May I have one of your condoms?" she asked, boldly.

I closed the door, went to my desk and got two rubbers. "Thanks," she said and I heard her bare feet hit the floor as she scampered down the hallway.

Turning to look at Jeannie, I realized that I was now the one who was shaking. I felt dizzy but made it back to the bed. I laid on my back and let Jeannie comfort me. She showered me with kisses and kept telling me that everything was going to be all right. As I began to recover from the shock of seeing Cindy dressed only in her underwear, I realized I didn't want to think about her. I began to concentrate on what Jeannie was doing. I began to return her kisses.

"Sammy, can we get under the covers?"

"Would that be a brotherly thing to do?" I teased her.

"Can we?"

"Sure," I said and got up and began peeling my clothes off.

Jeannie got off the bed and came to me as I was stepping out of my shoes. She stood in front of me, watching. I had lowered my pants and was down to my shorts when I realized that she wanted me to help her with her clothes. I unbuttoned her shirt and helped her out of it. Next was the skirt. It fell to the floor and I went to my knees to pick it up as she stepped out of it. While I was on my knees I helped her with her shoes and stockings.

I wondered why I was so nervous. "What would Mrs. Baldwin say if she saw us now?" I asked as I got to my feet. Jeannie didn't answer. I went to the bed and turned down the covers. But when I beckoned for Jeannie she remained where she was, not budging.

"Those too?" I asked, referring to her bra and panties. She nodded.

I smiled and shrugged as I put my arms behind her to unfasten the clasps that held her bra. She watched me closely as I lifted the cups off of her breasts and admired their development since I had last laid eyes on them. For a minute her breasts reminded me of Cindy. I had to close my eyes and put that image out of my mind. Next, I went to my knees and lowered her panties, down her thighs; letting them drop to her ankles. She helped by taking a step. When I looked up she was watching me, smiling timidly.

"Wait," she said when I lifted the sheet and held it for her to get into bed. She lowered herself to her knees and pushed my shorts down, careful not to bend my cock more than necessary.

Jeannie was fifteen and still growing but she was all girl. She was curious, especially interested in my cock and testicles. I let her examine me. This was not the first time we had been naked together and this was not the first time she had played with my cock. Two summers before, when she became fourteen and got the braces removed from her teeth, we had spent every third day together in the middle cottage.

Same as Burr
Chapter 64: A Good Deed Gone Bad Videos

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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 30

The next morning, David had finished one circuit around his running track and was starting his second when he heard running feet behind him. He slowed, and Nora caught up with him, quickly forcing him to lengthen his stride and run faster than he preferred. When they came up to the path that led to the copse of sissoo trees and Adirondack chairs, David took it, and Nora followed. Panting, he collapsed into one of the chairs. "Continue your run if you want," he said. She sat down. "No,...

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Mother's Good Deedbyrbuchanan©I suppose it all began when I was at college and I was seduced by a fellow pupil ... a male fellow pupil. Although I lived in a fairly well-to-do part of southern England, I have to admit I was pretty naive and innocent ... but then this was the 1950's and most people were pretty naive and innocent in those days. It's not like that anymore (sad to say). Anyway, we used to have a science class once a week in the science 'lab', and the seating for the pupils was a...

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All participants in sexual activities are eighteen or older. Thursday, March 23, 1961 My mom was having one of those “oops” babies—one of those pregnancies that come totally unplanned, which this definitely was. I’m Richard, 18 and a high school senior, and because Mom had to spend the next four months in bed, I was able to drive her car to school rather than take the school bus. After reaching the school and realizing that I was early I drove through some of the parallel streets behind...

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Adventures with Delicious DeeDee Pt2

Adventures with Delicious DeeDeePart 2You return to your car, placing the wooden box the receptionist on the passenger seat desperate to know what was inside, but also assuming it was a test as the box had no lock only a catch....you could just peek inside no-one would know, I would not know. You resist the temptation are start the short journey to the cabin, following the receptionist’s directions. Then your mind wonders about her, and the knowledge you did not think she should have, such as...

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No Good DeedChapter 4

I could barely contain myself until lunch, and I actually managed to get called out in class for staring off into space. When I got into the cafeteria at lunch, I marched to the table we all shared and grabbed a stunned Rachel from behind, lifting her off the ground. “Gah!” she squeaked out in surprise before seeing who grabbed her. “What the hell, Caspian?” “I heard you were the one who organized that counter protest, yesterday,” I said. I put her back on the ground, spun her around, and...

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No Good DeedChapter 17

The week went by, and I kept getting weird vibes off of Josh. Most of the time he seemed genuine, acting like the guy I made friends with the previous year. Every now and then though, that mask would slip, and I’d see a glimpse of something else. Josh had always been fairly blunt and straight forward, both when he was being friendly and when he was threatening me. This new scheming Josh had me concerned. I didn’t think he’d make this type of behavioral change on his own, especially since in...

1 year ago
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No Good DeedChapter 19

Since I wouldn’t be involved in hiring Mrs. Polaski to continue Tina and Judy’s education - aside from the little side note about actually paying for it - they’d agreed to work out the details of how it would all work out, together. That actually was fine by me, since it gave me one less thing to have to worry about. I was feeling proud of coming up with the idea when I’d heard she was retiring, but I’d kept that to myself. Both Mom and the girls had a way of punching holes in my ego,...

4 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 33

"He's a beautiful animal, Joe," Danny said. They sat on the top rail of the corral. Joe made a sound in his throat, and Thee Brigand raised his magnificent head, tossed it once, and pranced over to them, his tail twitching, his neck arched — showing off. Joe nuzzled his neck, made some more soft noises, and the animal pushed his head into Danny's hands. She squealed with delight, and did some nuzzling of her own. "May I ride him?" Danny said. "Sure," Joe said, and watched...

2 years ago
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Good Deed Gets Rewarded

Hi, This is Rahul, sharing my story about meeting a woman and getting rewarded. One Saturday, I was bored at home watching movies, when I decided to go to the mall and pick up a few things, I went down to the underground parking to leave my car, when I got out of my car, I saw something on the floor, when I reached closer it was a woman’s clutch purse lying on the ground. I picked it up dropped it in my car and went to the mall to finish my shopping. When I came back to my car I opened the...

4 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 19

As the limo cruised through the gates to the compound, Vince said, "Is this home?" "Yes," David said. "Swell!" Vince said. David told the lad about the three homes within the walls and the amenities built into each home. "You'll be living in our home," Nora said, "David's and mine. A while back I met with the probate attorney for your parents' estate, and he allowed me into the house where you used to live. I packed up all your things. Your clothes are hanging in the closet in...

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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 29

Danny Yost dragged a rolling carryon behind her, and a garment bag draped her shoulder as she walked briskly along a concourse to exit the secure area of Sky Harbor Airport. She'd been told she'd be met, and shortly she saw a handsome, tall man holding a sign with Dr. Yost written in bold letters. Not just handsome, Danny thought as she drew closer to him. He's a hunk! Be still my heart! The man smiled when he recognized her, probably from the photograph she'd e-mailed her prospective...

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No Good DeedChapter 3

I stormed out of the offices and headed out to the sidewalk in front of our building. I’d had enough of this preacher, and I was ready to tackle him there on that sidewalk and beat the shit out of him. Which is why it’s a good thing that as I came out the front door of the offices I was body checked by Jawarski. Planting her palms on my chest, she pushed me with each step, almost knocking me on my ass, back into the reception area. “What the hell?” “Get a grip. What do you think’s going to...

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No Good DeedChapter 8

Christmas Eve came around, and the group we’d all started considering part of ‘the family’ were present, plus a good collection of people who were variously attached to people in the know, but weren’t themselves privy to our secret. I’d discussed it with Mom, and she’d agreed to hold our Christmas on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas morning, as was traditional, to allow people who would otherwise need to spend the time with their own families to be present. There was the immediate...

2 years ago
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No Good DeedChapter 14

True to her word, by the time Celia’s grandmother knocked on the front door late that afternoon, I’d stopped thinking about the ledgers Damion had brought, entirely. She’d kept us hustling for nearly four hours, getting the house nearly spotless. I had to admit, I was feeling much better. There’s something to be said for doing a little hard work, and getting something done you can look at, like a perfectly clean house and say: ‘I did that!’ Of course, Tina and Judy managed to get out of...

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No Good DeedChapter 26

When I’d said I was going to get tired of being on bed rest for multiple weeks, I hadn’t known the half of it. A week and a half into my recovery period, and I was starting to go stir crazy just laying here. The girls had come in to keep me company, and I’d spent a very strange couple of days with Mrs. Polaski as she had me take one test after another. Our original schedule called for us to be tested over a week and a half, with the tests spread out to one each day. I’m not sure if it was...

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The Delinquents Good Deed

It was doing summer break, I was in the park enjoying my leisure time. By the time I sensed danger Bruce, Charlie and Daniel was already too close for me to break and run. Bruce, Charlie and Daniel was the three delinquents that robbed me of my sexual innocence and anal virginity. They had held me hostage and took turns having sex with me until I stopped trying to struggle free. My not reporting them gave them license to take me when ever they wanted a sex toy. Sometimes it was all three or...

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No Good Deed Goes Unchanged Chapter One

Thomas and his friend Karl were up on the Downs when he heard a scream, and motioned quietly to Karl to follow him into the bushes, where he saw one man held down by another whilst a third stabbed him over and over again. He took out his camera and took a picture of the scene, just before they saw him. "Get them!" "Run!" he told Karl and they both fled, Thomas throwing some marbles behind him, and hearing a satisfying thump as their pursuers fell over each other. They made it to Karl's...

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No Good DeedChapter 2

By the next morning I’d shaken most my concern over Josh’s threat. He was going to do what he was going to do, and I still felt deep inside he was a good person. He just needed to get over this desire to find the easy path to what he wanted and jealousy over what other people had. Megan stopped by with her van, bringing back memories of the previous year and the early days of my relationship with Zoe, which also helped bring me out of my funk. Even with her suburban, we were still packed...

1 year ago
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No Good DeedChapter 11

The new semester did start with surprises, just not the ones I expected. The teachers had stacked us with homework and additional studies over the winter break, although the girls and I sailed through that within the first week of the break. We spent the beginning of the day going over that work and talking about what the new semester would bring. I hadn’t given it a lot of thought, but listening to the breakdown, I started to think that Mom’s idea of switching to a homeschooling setup was a...

4 years ago
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No Good DeedChapter 13

Emily and I trudged in late Friday evening, after a very long week. Douglas’s presentation had lit a fire under Ted and Marcus; and Aaron Baxter, who’d extended his stay through yesterday. We’d spent the first two days after the presentation getting a first-hand look at both the new solar panels and the new battery. While charts and graphs on a screen are fine for a first step, it’s all just numbers until you see it in action. Not that there was a lot of action to be seen from more mundane...

1 year ago
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The New HoodChapter 3 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

The next morning I woke up very refreshed proud of my work so far. As I freshened up for the day, and got dressed, I thought I would like to go hunting to get some meat stocked up soon, to test out my new butchering skills. And I wanted to do this before the alien force field went bye-bye in a few days. When I got to the area near the mantel, a.k.a. the kitchen area, I saw a big box with two long vertical handles that would look real familiar in a real kitchen. I wasn’t going to get my hopes...

1 year ago
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Another Good Deed Thankful

(Unlike the other AGD stories, this one will be void of any sexual things. I chose instead to show more of Maria’s heart this time. Hope you like it.) * It was November 11th and I woke up really early in the morning. I knew that I had an important date to get ready for. I slowly moved into the shower and took a slow shower. I decided to shave myself just because it always seemed like a good idea with the date I was going to see. As I dried off, I grabbed his favorite perfume and sprayed...

3 years ago
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No Good DeedChapter 6

On the way back home, I worked over something I’d been thinking of for some time, ever since we decided to get information from the judge. My main problem was, I didn’t know exactly how to go about it ... or at least, parts of it. “How would I make an untraceable phone call?” I asked Jawarski and Carter as we walked into my house. “Why? It’s too early to bring in the Feds,” she said, suspiciously. “It’s not for calling the Feds, although we’ll need the same thing when it comes time to call...

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