Friendship And Infidelity, Part 2 free porn video

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The next Wednesday the four of us had dinner together. Sandra and I allowed ourselves occasional wicked glances, but for the most part maintained something approaching our earlier behavior. At one point Dave said, “Phyllis and I have another meeting Friday with Sloan to work on the course plan from late afternoon until we finish, probably late at night.”

Sandra and I glanced at each other with what I at least intended to be little expression, and I said, “Crap, Friday?”

She added, “Yeah, Dave, what the hell? Why do you have to work on a fucking Friday?”

Phyllis said, “We hate it too, but Sloan is off for a conference the next day for a whole week.”

“So our Friday plans are shot all to hell,” I said.

Dave replied, “Why don’t you and Sandra do something? I’m sure you can keep yourselves occupied.”

“No doubt,” answered Sandra. She looked at me and said, “I might be your second-best choice, but I’m rated no lower than that anywhere in the world.”

I laughed and said, “Well, if I must,” to which Sandra stuck out her tongue.

Dave and Phyllis chuckled and Dave said, “I’m happy you two are becoming such good friends. It’s a shame you’re being widowed by our work.”

“So, Sandra, would you do me the honor of dinner Friday?” I asked.

“I’d be pleased,” she replied. “And afterwards?”

“Hmm. I know, wanna go to the park for a concert?”

“What’s playing?”

“Oh, probably something shitty for free.”

“Sounds like a real peach of an evening,” she pouted.

“You don’t expect me to pay for anything, do you?”

“Christ, I’ll make you pay for that shit.”

“It’s a date then.”

She groaned. “Thanks a lot, Dave.”

He chuckled, “You’ll still probably have more fun than we will.”

As we got ready to leave, I made arrangements with Sandra for dinner. On the way home I thought again about me and Phyllis. She pulled me inside her that night and had a leisurely orgasm as I pumped my seed into thoughts of Sandra, and we quickly fell asleep. The next day it had become fully clear to me finally that there was no brilliant, shining future with Phyllis, and I prepared myself for an evening with Sandra that promised something better.

Friday we met at six as agreed and took a quiet table. She was wearing a light cotton summer dress of green, white, and blue with spaghetti straps sitting next to the straps of a black bra, and with no visible traces of panties further down. We sat and talked of the weather and other boring things as the waitress rushed through a boring bit of work. After ordering I said, “I’ve thought a great deal about your proposal and have decided it’s an excellent idea.”

She smiled and said, “I’m glad you’ve come to see things my way. I think we’ll have an excellent long-term partnership. We can discuss the details after dinner and have a dry run after dark.”

Over dinner we chatted warmly, and after settling up I drove us to a nearby state forest where we might have some privacy. “No concert?” she asked.

“Freshmen punk band. Even the punk heads think they suck.”

We came to a small parking lot deep in the forest and empty except for our car, and with an hour before sunset I led her along a path that wound through thick trees not too far from the car. We walked quickly and arrived at a little stone shelter. We sat and looked at each other, and she finally asked, “So you know 100% you want to be with me then?”


“And break up with Phyllis.”

“Of course.”

She nodded. “When?”



“No, let’s wait a few days.”

She grinned and said, “You just get off on sneaking around, don’t you?”

I laughed, “No, but it doesn’t feel right. They have that conference soon. Let’s not spoil it for them.”

“I guess you’re right. —So when did you decide?”

“I was finally completely sure Wednesday night. There’s really nothing much between Phyllis and me now; we’re just friends with benefits who live together.”

“You know, even though it makes me so happy, that’s still sad to hear.”

“How do you think Dave will react?”

She frowned. “Lord, I’m not sure. He’ll probably take it well, but I doubt he’ll be friends afterwards with either of us.”

I took her in my arms and kissed her, and after a few minutes I said, “Sun’s going down. Come along.” I led her down a small path behind the shelter for about thirty yards to a small clearing with a barbecue grill and a picnic table. The sky was turning purple in the east and stars were starting to show themselves; the trees crowded around the edges of the clearing except for a small gap that opened over a forested valley.

“You chose a wonderful site for us.” She leaned on the table and smiled over her shoulder at me; I came up behind her and let my pants drop to my ankles as she lifted the hem of her dress. I positioned myself and slowly pushed inside her as she sighed, “What a beautiful view.”

“Mine’s pretty good too.”

Sandra was drenched and burning, and she pushed back vigorously as I thrust up into her. The pulpy back of her vagina wrapped snugly around my shaft while the rough front teased the sensitive underside to tempt me into climaxing immediately, but I bit my lower lip and maintained control. “How is it, love?”

She answered, “Yes, like that.”

I ran my hands along her sides and over her back, up to her neck and down to her breasts, marveling at the feel of her body as I slid the fabric of her dress over her skin. I reached up to run my fingertips along her neck and chin, delighting in the goose bumps I aroused on every inch of exposed skin I touched. I made to reach under her clothes to cradle her breasts, but she pushed my hands away and said, “Next time. This way really turns me on.”

I continued caressing her body and felt her excitement build as I pumped regularly back and forth into her. Her tunnel tightened around me and she squealed quietly as a small orgasm swept over her. I controlled myself with great effort and continued plowing her furrow. Now she pushed back against me in a faster rhythm and soon came more deeply. I leaned a little to the left to look down at her, and she looked up at me and smiled.

“You’re so beautiful,” I said.

“Come for me,” she replied, “Let me watch you.”

I pulled most of the way out of her and moved fast in small movements just inside her lips. The head of my cock was at the right depth to drive me crazy, and I saw her watching my face greedily as I gave myself over to her. When I came, my moans filled the clearing; I looked down at the beautiful woman who had given herself to me and thrust in as far as I could in a desire to possess her as fully as I could. My cum spurted into her with great force and I collapsed.

We leaned against the table and against each other, sweat dripping down our faces. “You’re really mine now,” she said with a touch of surprise and relief.

“I’m yours.”

She laughed and sang, “Yes, you is my own man now.”

Oh Lord,” I said, “that’s awful.”

Se giggled and said, “I’m sure there’s time for one more before we go. Is there the will?”


I reached under her skirt and caressed her lips for the first time. Her hair was thick, her lips engorged, and she gasped as I started pushing two fingers inside her, palm against her clit. I asked, “Why can’t I undress you?”

“I just...don’t like being nude in public, for one thing. And it’s so sexy, for another. Like what I wanted to do with you at dinner so many times, mount you and fuck you while we talked like two normal adults above the waist. Now when you finally undress me, you’ll know what’s coming. You can pay more attention to the journey. My breasts won’t just be a stop on the way.”

This made sense, or at least as much sense as anything could when she was stroking me back to full hardness. When she had succeeded, she bade me lie down on the table and mounted me. “Come for me, baby,” I said, “let me watch you now.”

She rode me fast. I tilted my hips upwards and pushed back lightly as she pounded onto me, and I watched all the little details of the movements of her body above me, the swings of her breasts restrained by her bra, the tensing and movement of the muscles under her skin and of her skin under her dress, and the changes in the color of her skin as it flushed. She cried out in a long orgasm and collapsed on me as I stared at the face twisted so beautifully by our pleasure. I held her hips as I pushed into her and took one last sharp, tiring orgasm inside her as she lay exhausted on me.

A few minutes later we were rested enough to move. I had brought a small bag and pulled from it a damp towel that I used to clean myself off, then handed it to her. After she wiped up we did what little dressing needed to be done and walked hand in hand in the gathering twilight to the parking lot. Halfway there she asked, “Do you love me? Really love me?”

“Yes, I guess as well as anyone can so soon.”

“Good. I was afraid, just a little afraid you would just use me.”

“No, never.”

She smiled happily and kissed my cheek. “I’ll find us a place we can make love indoors. We can’t do it at our apartment or yours. Nosy neighbors. Prying eyes. Too much chance of an accident. I refuse to go to a motel. I have connections though.”

“I leave it in your hands. Your remarkably capable hands.”

She giggled again. “Anyway, we should have two or three afternoons next week just to ourselves. Monday after next they’ll be back from the conference and we’ll be together after that.”

I drove her to her apartment and she waved happily as she got out. “Thanks, Cal, I had a great time. Shame Dave and Phyllis missed it.”

“We’ll take them next time.”

She smiled wryly at that and walked to the door as if I were just an old acquaintance. After making sure she got in safely, I drove home. It was about nine when I went inside and washed up. Phyllis got home about eleven and we hugged each other and went to sleep.

A couple of mornings later, memories of thrusting deeply into Sandra bedeviled me as I tried to read in my office. After twenty minutes I gave up trying to fight my loins. I locked the door, laid out a handkerchief, and opened a free porn site. I soon found a woman who looked like Sandra rubbing off splayed open for the camera and stroked myself slowly as I stared at her hand and the lips it alternately covered and revealed.

I was fully hard but far from coming, holding off for a massive finish, when I heard a soft knocking at the door. Irritated, I turned off the screen of my computer, zipped up, and opened the door. Sandra stood there smiling, her skin glowing brown in the light and her eyes bright and flashing when she saw me. I smiled back and pulled her inside. I stood back to admire her brown skin where it was uncovered by a shimmering green blouse and jet black knee-length skirt. Before she kissed me, she asked, “Will we have a little time?”


“No one saw me, I don’t think.”

“I need you.”

We kissed and she pulled me to my desk. I sat in my chair as she leaned against the edge of my desk facing away and hiked up her skirt. I unzipped and held her hips as she slowly impaled herself on me. When she had me fully inside her, she leaned forward to rest her elbows on the edge of my desk and said, “Slowly, baby.” We rocked slowly for a few minutes until she grinned evilly at me over her shoulder and said, “Computer’s on but the screen’s off, and a hanky’s on the desk. What ever were you doing?”

“Just thinking of you,” I blushed.

“We’ll see about that,” she said and turned on the screen to see a woman close to climax, her hand a blur, staring unseeingly at the camera. “Well, I guess you were,” she said after a few seconds, and after a pause, “In a way.”

“She looks a lot like you.”

“If you squint, I suppose.”

“I’m not staring at her face, dear,” I said with a smile. “Out of the corner of my eye she’s a dead ringer for you.”

“Fair enough.”

“And she does have a beautiful pussy.”

She shrugged, “Eh, I’ve eaten better.”

Involuntarily I thrust deeply inside her and worked hard to stop from spewing. “So you like girls, huh?”

She smiled over her shoulder. “Yes. I might tell you about them later. I want you concentrating just on me right now.”

I gladly followed orders and we climaxed hard and together ten minutes later. She wiped between her thighs and resettled her panties and skirt as I zipped up, and she sat back on my lap sidesaddle so we could kiss. “I’ll be ready again soon,” I said as I fondled her breasts and began to slip a hand down the neck of her blouse.

She pushed my hand away. “No. Hold off. We have a play date this afternoon. I hope you don’t have anything important planned, because you’ll have to skip it.”

I grinned happily. “Where?”

“Friend’s place.” She gave me the address. “Be there at one. You’ll finally get to see me naked.”

“I’ll finally get to see the girls.”

She laughed, “And other attractions. Think you can make it?” she asked coyly.

“Let me check my schedule. I might be able to pencil you in.”

“Hope you’re able to come.”

“I’ll be there with bells on.”

“Um, yeah, whatever. Just make sure you’re there.” We kissed passionately at the door until I was fully aroused and pressing hard against her. “Mmm, keep that thought,” she said. As she passed through my door and waved sweetly back at me, I wondered again at the sudden intrusion of passion and deceit in my life, but took relief in the realization the deceit would only last one more week.

After a few minutes I went to the gym and had a quick run, mostly as an excuse to use the showers. After a small lunch I went to the address she had given me; it was a small house in a quiet neighborhood close to one of the undergrad ghettos. A tall, thin black woman answered the door, Sandra looking over her shoulder. She inspected me crown to toe as Sandra said, “Let him in, Edith.”

Edith opened the door and said, “Welcome to my home. I’m Edith; pleased to meet you.”

“Edith and I are old friends,” said Sandra, “and she’s agreed to let us…crash here thre afternoons this week.”

I introduced myself and was led into the kitchen for a quick chat. After ten minutes or so, Edith said, “He’s a lot better than Dave, anyway.”

I asked, “What’s wrong with Dave?”

“He’s a jerk.”

Sandra smiled and said, “Dave and Edith started off on the wrong foot and never did manage to get over it. Dave flirts hard. Edith doesn’t flirt.”

“Not with my friends’ beaus,” she replied with a scowl. “This guy at least seems to have heard of respect.” She looked hard at me. “Though I understand you currently have a girlfriend who might not agree if she knew.”

“I’ll tell her soon.”

She nodded. “Yes you will, or I’ll make sure someone else will.”

I nodded in turn, “Fair enough.”

Edith leaned back and finally said, “Well, I guess I approve. I’ll be back at five.”

“Thank you,” Sandra said.

I added, “Yes, thank you for letting us take over your house.”

“You only get the guest bedroom,” she said with a smile. “And don’t expect me to change the sheets.”

“I’d be willing to pay for dry cleaning them and a maid to come in,” I replied.

For the first time she smiled and said, “That won’t be necessary, but thanks for the offer.”

After she left, we went into the living room and cuddled up on the couch. Sandra had changed into a formal outfit, silk cream-colored blouse and dark blue skirt, blue scarf around her neck, and light makeup, and stood up to show herself off to me. “Since you’re unwrapping me today, I thought I’d give your present a nice wrapping.”

I pointed at her neck and said, “You even tied it up in a pretty bow. I feel underdressed.” She sat down next to me and kissed me, and I added, “And overdressed.”

“I’ll take care of that soon enough,” she smiled.

We kissed passionately and my hands roamed around her torso, checking to make sure everything was still in place, and after ten minutes I had pushed her on her back on the sofa and lay atop her, kissing deeply and feeling nothing but her soft body under me. She pulled away and said, “Let’s go to bed.”

I followed her down the hall and sat on the edge of the bed as she stood before me. I reached up to cradle her breasts and said, “I can’t believe you dressed up for me like that.”

She simply smiled and untied her scarf, and I began unbuttoning her blouse. She pushed me back on the bed and lay over me, and we kissed as I continued unbuttoning her. She removed her belt and I unzipped the back of her skirt, and I slowly slid her blouse out of her waistband and off her shoulders. I pulled away to examine the parts of her I had finally uncovered, and she swayed her shoulders to show off her bra-encased breasts from several angles. I ran my fingers across her chest and neck, down her sides and up her back, drinking in the sight and feel of her flawless skin.

She sat up and said, “Happy birthday,” as she reached back to undo her bra.

“My birthday was last October.”

“Sorry it’s so late then,” she smiled, and let her bra slide off her breasts and down her arms. I stared at the dark brown hills dangling down over me and reached up to hold them as she swung them back and forth for me. They overflowed around my fingers, and she breathed hard as I kneaded them gently and began playing with her nipples. She rose up to push her breasts to my mouth and I suckled at them like a starved baby. She moaned above me and dug her crotch hard into me for several minutes; finally she tensed and groaned and said, “Yes, that was good.”

She stood up to strip off her skirt and panties. As I saw her thick thatch of curly black hair, she smiled at me and said, “Stand here for me.” She sat on the edge of the bed and undressed me quickly, delighting in every part she uncovered. When she had finally stripped me bare, she stroked my cock and said, “It looks as good as it feels. Didn’t see it in the light before”

I knelt on the floor before her, pushed her back, and spread her thighs. She was fully exposed to me, her outer lips thickly forested and her inner lips swollen and slightly open. I kissed her right knee and quickly slid my lips to the lips between her thighs and started drinking her juices. She gasped and raised her knees, put her hands on my head, and caressed my hair as I worked my tongue back and forth, side to side, and in and out, and soon she circled her hips, squeezed my head with her thighs, and screamed.

As she relaxed under me she pushed my head away, so I slid two fingers inside her and slowly worked them to find where they gave her the most pleasure. Soon her pussy was pulsating around them, so I bowed my head again and played with her clit with my lips and tongue as my fingers kept up a steady rhythm just inside her opening. My knuckles pushed down on the bottom of her vulva where the inner lips joined as my fingertips rubbed the ribbed front where the muscles were tight, and she repeatedly moaned, “Oh God, oh God.” Soon she came again, much harder and longer, and again I kept working my fingers gently inside her once it had passed.

This continued for twenty minutes and four orgasms, and finally she pushed me up and said, “That was incredible. Make love to me now.” She positioned herself along the length of the bed and spread her thighs wide open. As I rose above her, she reached down and guided me into her. I slowly entered her as I stared down at her dark body, and watched my pink cock slide deep within her brown belly, pushing her black lips apart as she thrust her hips beguilingly up towards mine. She looked greedily up at me, with probably the same possessive look I had as I watched every movement and detail of her body underneath mine, and she asked, “Worth the wait?”

“Oh yes.”

We moved together for several minutes, and as she climaxed again I let go and rode her fast and hard to a quick orgasm. I lay on top of her as I stayed semi-hard, and as we kissed I fully hardened again. I lasted through two more of her orgasms and came deep and hard fifteen minutes later, exhausted and drenched in sweat and her fluids.

We lay side by side and dozed for a few minutes. I awoke to her caressing my cock, teasing and stroking it, and when she saw my eyes open she smiled and kissed me. “It’s nearly three,” she said. “Don’t sleep through all of our first private time together.”

We lay there looking happily at each other. I said, “My dick is sore.”

“Bitch, bitch, bitch, no sympathy from me. I’m not sue I can walk straight before tomorrow.”

“Told you I’d fuck you raw.”

“Yep. Oh, what’s up with your nose?”

“Rug burn.”

She laughed loud and happily and I added, “And inside my upper lip the skin’s completely raw from my teeth. And my jaw feels like it’s going to seize up.”

“Yeah, well, you did a great job. Thank you. It was wonderful.”

Soon we started asking each other about our earlier histories. “How many women have you had?” she asked.

“Just intercourse or what?”

“Okay, just intercourse.”

“You’re the seventh.”

“And including oral sex?”

“Another two.”

“All white?”


“Any men?”


“Ever want to?”

“Oh, a few times I get hot thinking about it, but no, never did anything with another man.” After a few seconds I asked, “And you? How many?”

“Five men, five women.”

“Which do you like better?”

“Men, definitely. Women are fun, but men are serious for me.”

“How’d you…start with…”

She smiled coyly, “I went to a public American university; lived in a dorm. It’d be harder not to play around with women in those circumstances.”

We started talking about our educations, what we wanted to be when we were younger, and how we ended up where we were now. She started telling me about her undergrad physics classes, and her face came alive again as she spoke of her classical mechanics class, symmetries, conservation laws, and Noether’s Theorem, which convinced her physics was her career, and I hardened quickly. Her eyebrows rose in tandem with my cock, and when she finished she said, “Wow. Wow.”

“That was my thought.”

She smiled and pushed me onto my back. She knelt down and took the head into her mouth. She looked into my eyes for a minute, then closed them and suckled gently as she worked me into her throat. I soon groaned and thrust away; she took it all and swallowed every drop. A few minutes later we settled ourselves into a leisurely 69 and finally exhausted each other. “It’s 4:30, babe,” she said.

We quickly showered and changed the sheets and were seated on the couch when Edith returned. Sandra hugged her and whispered something in her ear, and she replied, “Good. Maybe your time here will bring me some sympathetic magic.”

The next day I had classes all day, so we next met on Wednesday. Edith met me at the door and chatted with me and Sandra for a few minutes before heading to the library. We quickly undressed and fell on the bed in a fevered 69. After failing to exhaust each other, we coupled for my second climax and her third and fourth and lay back for a quick rest.

“So, tell me more about your old girlfriends,” I said.

She smiled, “I wondered when curiosity would get the best of you.”

“You started as an undergrad?”

“Yes, my sophomore year. I’d had two boyfriends the preceding year, one of them pretty lousy, and had been solitary for a couple of months when I went to a party with a friend of mine. It wasn’t in a dorm, actually, but a house, and many of the girls from our dorm were there. I’d had some wine and wandered into a room in the back to get away from the noise. Two girls I knew slightly were there, and after a few minutes one of them closed and locked the door and they started kissing. Well, at first I was taken aback, but they smiled and asked if it bothered me. Of course I said it didn’t, so they kept kissing. After a few minutes I was pretty turned on, and they noticed me watching them and held out their arms for me. I decided what the hell and went over to them, and they put me between them and seduced the hell out of me.”

We chuckled and she continued, “So we spent a couple of hours devouring each other. God, they loved my tits, each of them sucking on one as they rubbed my pussy, and they slowly undressed me and took turns going down on me and undressing for me, and my first pussy was blonde and my second was brunette. Afterwards I didn’t even feel guilty for more than a day.

“I visited the blonde at the dorm two days later, since she was prettier, with a beautiful face and tight body and firm breasts, and I spent an hour eating her out. We weren’t in love or anything, just having fun, and we loved each other’s bodies. Carol’s was so pretty, and after that we spent two nights a week with each other. Other nights I spent with her friend Cissy, the other girl from the party, and a few weeks after that they introduced me to their friend Frances, who was also a cute blonde. We made a great pair of couples for several months, switching off rooms and partners pretty much every night. So that was my start.”

“And what about the other two?”

“Ah, those were a little more serious. Carol, Cissy, and Frances were all seniors, so the next year my new friends were all gone when I came back from summer break. I was visiting my friend Velma from back home one evening. She and I had been friends since middle school and graduated from high school together and ended up at college together, but we’d drifted apart a bit and she’d spent all summer abroad, so we were catching up the first week back. She told me about her boyfriend from the year before, who cheated on her with some skanky cheerleader, so she kicked him to the curb.”

“Hmm,” I said.

She swatted my arm and said, “Be nice now. —Anyway,” she continued with a smile, “we were talking and she asked me who I’d seen after the two guys because she could tell I’d been getting some, and she kept pestering me about it, so I finally told her I’d…stuck with the home team for a year. I thought she’d be horribly shocked, since us black girls aren’t supposed to do that, you know, but she just tried to act cool and asked me all about them. I told her, and she asked for more details, and I told her all the details for an hour, since it was wonderful having a willing audience I could tell those secrets to, and she finally just said, ‘You know, you should find yourself a nice black girl in the future, stick with your own kind.’ We laughed and she smiled at me and said, ‘You know, once you go black...’

“This was a joke we always made about one of our acquaintances, who’d always say that to white girls at parties. Of course, it was legendary how lousy he was in bed, so they always went back, but he didn’t care since he’d gotten what he wanted…”

We laughed and she continued, “So that was all fun and jokes, but it was clear she wasn’t just joking, the way she was looking at me and nervous and all. I asked her if she had any leads and she kind of shut up, so I kissed her and she kissed me back and told me she’d wanted me since high school! So I made long slow love to her and taught her how to go down on me, and after that we’d meet twice a week.

“And I started up with the last of my girls the next semester. We were in a lab class together, the only women in our lab section. Lucy was Korean and smarter even than me. We were a good fit for doing lab together; too many times in the past my lab partners would spend more time staring at my tits than doing their share of the work. It was great not having to wear a turtleneck and a sports bra to make sure the work got done.”

We laughed and she continued, “Now, one week she was sick, so we made arrangements to go in Saturday afternoon to do a make-up lab. Velma walked to the lab with me and we smooched a little in the hallway before I went in. We figured no one was around, but actually Lucy caught sight of us but didn’t say anything. The whole time we did the lab though, she kept being totally careless. She’d bump into me or stand so that I brushed up against her and she kept having trouble speaking. I actually asked her if she was still sick and she said maybe.

“Anyway, the experiment was a really common one everyone does to measure the index of refraction of air. You have to send two beams of light through air at different pressures and basically count the dark rings you see in an eyepiece. We arranged it that I would count while she ran the air pump, and after we’d gotten it all set up I told her to start turning the valve. I was bent over looking in the eyepiece, and instead I felt her suddenly start tweaking my nipple. Everything made a lot more sense now, so I just smiled and said, ‘Babe, I can’t keep count if you keep doing that.’

“She said she was sorry and I said it was okay. ‘Let’s finish the lab, then you can feel me up all you want,’ I said, and she blushed like I’d never seen a woman blush before, and we ran the lousiest lab you’ve ever seen. I don’t think anyone’s ever gotten results as inaccurate as we did because we really rushed through it. I then walked her back to my room, since she had a roommate and I didn’t and of course Korean girls never do anything like that…”

We laughed and she continued, “Well, that one did. We undressed each other and she sucked on my breasts while riding my fingers and came five or six times in half an hour, and then I pushed her face between my thighs and she brought me off in less than a minute. And we just kept going. Finally I asked her if I was her first woman, and I was, and she said she had had a crush on me for a month or so but was afraid of doing anything. And later I introduced her to Velma and the three of us had fun together for the rest of the year.”

“So, did she go back? Lucy, I mean?”

She laughed, “Babe, she went all over the map after us.”

“So, you prefer men?”

“Yes, I do. I’ve had fun with women, but I’ve never fallen in love with one. Men I have. Men can be really hard to get along with and most of you, sorry, but most of you are just horribly immature and it’s like banging my head against a wall dealing with a lot of you, but when a man’s good, he’s the best thing in the world.”

“So tell me about your men.”

She laughed, “I think I just did.” We laughed and she continued, “My first was in high school my junior year; I fell for him at a dance and we were together until graduation. Broke my heart when we ended up going to different schools, but it was also a relief. We weren’t well-suited to each other. But oh, he was a gorgeous man!

“My next boyfriend was white. We met at a meeting on campus and he pursued me so hard I finally took mercy on him and slept with him. It lasted about a month; he had jungle fever like a bad joke and said some of the stupidest shit you ever heard. I finally had enough and told him to fuck off. The next one, Bill, was much better, but he fell in love with someone else. It was a clean break, very civilized. And I kept trading up. My first year of grad school I found Terry, and then after we broke up I found Dave.”

“All the others were black?”

“Yes. Now tell me about your women.”

I gave her a brief synopsis and said, “So that’s it. You’re the best, in case you didn’t realize it.”

“Yes, I know.” We laughed and she looked at me seriously. “So, we’re together now.”


“You’re completely mine. Understood?”


“I’m…not averse to sharing our bed with someone else, but only if we’re both there. No sneaking around. Nothing on the side. We discuss everything, and we both have final veto. Is that clear?”

“Yes. Have you ever…?”

“With a boyfriend? No.”

“So your men and women were separate?”


“You and Dave never shared anyone then?”

“No, that’s what I said. He never seemed interested, and I was happy enough with just him, so it never really occurred to me.”

We were both ready again by then and made love twice more. We showered and changed the sheets, and then I massaged and caressed her on the couch until Edith came back; we arranged to meet Friday at the same time and went home.

Friday passed a little differently; we spent our time discovering new and exciting ways to bring each other off, starting with masturbating for each other, continuing with her letting me plow hard between her breasts, and ending with her sitting in my lap and spreading her thighs to fully expose herself as we made love in front of a mirror.

After cleaning up, she said, “Dave and Phyllis are leaving tomorrow morning. Shall we finally spend the night together? Our place? The neighbors are less likely to notice.” I agreed and we arranged to spend the day after they left around town; after a nice dinner we would go quietly to her place.

That evening I took Phyllis to our favorite restaurant for dinner, and after we got home she finished packing and invited me to bed. I decided to make our last time special and made love to her twice. We fell asleep quickly and woke up early, and at nine I drove her to where she was to meet her ride. We had a cup of coffee at a sidewalk cafe and soon a car pulled up with Dave and a mousy blonde Phyllis introduced as Susie. They soon left and twenty minutes later Sandra arrived.

After lunch we walked to the park where we first made love and found a secluded place to make out. She leaned back against a tree and took me inside her. We soon came and walked on. The rest of the day passed in a happy blur and soon we were finished with dinner. “Bed time, love,” she said, and we walked solemnly to their apartment.

The instant we walked inside we saw a man’s and a woman’s outfit strewn across the floor. From the bedroom we suddenly heard a familiar woman’s voice moaning, “Oh, God yes, split my peach! Split my peach!”

Sandra and I immediately recognized Phyllis’s voice and stared at each other as a man’s voice we quickly recognized as Dave’s replied, “I’m gonna mash your peach to jam!”

Sandra blinked several times and sneaked over to peek in the open doorway to the bedroom; she came back and started stripping. She smiled at me and winked and I quickly joined her in adding our clothes to the floor, and pulled me quietly hand in hand into the bedroom. Phyllis lay on the bed with Dave plunging vigorously inside her . Her thighs were wrapped around his waist and she returned his thrusts stroke for stroke more passionately than I had ever seen her do with me.

Sandra lay on the bed on her right side facing them and asked innocently, “Whatcha doin’?” As I lay behind her, she spread her thighs and pulled me inside her.

Dave replied, “We wondered when you slackers would get here.”

He rose off Phyllis, who smiled and said, “Hi, Cal. Hey, Sandra. You look very pretty today; I love your outfit.”

Sandra frowned and then laughed, and Phyllis rolled onto her side facing us as Dave positioned himself behind her and buried himself inside her to the hilt in one quick stroke. Phyllis groaned and said, “Yes, babe, you fill me so good.”

I stared at Dave’s cock stretching Phyllis’s raggedly pink lips. Dave was probably nine inches long and quite a bit thicker than me, and under the influence of his massive pillar Phyllis was soon lost in a realm on the borders of heaven and he pumped her hard and fast. Sandra had been staring at them fixedly the whole time, and she reached out and began squeezing Phyllis’s breasts. When she leaned over to kiss her, Phyllis’s eyes opened with a start and she moaned a soft “What?” as Sandra pushed her lips against Phyllis’s. After a few seconds she relaxed and kissed Sandra back.

Phyllis soon climaxed. Sandra pushed me away and said, “You and Dave have some fun. You said you were curious. Now’s your chance.” She pulled Phyllis’s mouth to her breasts and started rubbing her pussy. Soon Phyllis was suckling at her breasts and gave only token resistance when Sandra pulled her hand to her pussy. As the two began finger-fucking each other, I grabbed Dave’s throbbing hard cock and stroked it vigorously with both hands. When I knelt my head to take him into my mouth, he said, “Um, I’m really not sure...”

“You fucked my girlfriend. Both of them. Shut up and start sucking.”

He chuckled and began working me into his mouth. His cock was massive and hard to handle, throbbing and pulsing like a living creature as he fucked up towards me to obtain some relief for his cum-swollen balls, but I refused to let the fearsome girth of his choad allow the opportunity go to waste. I licked around the head of his cock and then opened wide and let him thrust into me. At the same time he worked half of my more modest cock into his mouth and gave himself over to nursing on me. We didn’t bother holding off and soon filled each other’s mouth with a massive load.

We sat up and looked at Sandra and Phyllis in a passionate 69. Phyllis was on her back with her thighs spread wide so that Sandra could devour her gaping pussy, while Phyllis licked daintily at Sandra’s crotch. Sandra soon came, and she rose and positioned herself between Phyllis’s thighs. Newly hard, I came up behind her and thrust into her depths. We all groaned and Phyllis and I came at the same time.

Sandra was close and told Phyllis to change places. As Phyllis knelt between her thighs and sucked Sandra much less daintily than before, Dave slammed hard into her. She soon came, and Sandra grabbed her head as her moans stopped and fucked her face and hard-working lips in a last massive orgasm. She lay back exhausted as Dave held Phyllis’s hips and used her like a rag doll. After two minutes, he screamed and spurted into her.

After we caught our breaths, Phyllis said, “Cal, let’s talk.” We walked into the living room. As we left Sandra said, “So you’re leaving me for a scrawny little thing like that?”

“Says the woman who chose a scraggly-ass scarecrow like that.”

“I’ll ask you not to insult my boyfriend, sir. He is gangly-ass, not scraggly-ass.”

Phyllis said, “Still here, you two!”

We all laughed and Phyllis pulled the door mostly shut. We sat on the couch and she said, “Thank God you two came here. We weren’t sure which apartment you’d go to.”

“No conference?”

“No conference.”

“How long have you two...?”

“Two and a half months. We were going to dump you two a month and a half ago, but we realized you two are perfect for each other. If we just dumped you, you might never get together. We really hoped you would, so we introduced you two and threw you two together all the time. You’re both wonderful people. It seemed the only way to make it up to you two cheating on you. —When did you two plan to tell us?”


She nodded. “When did you two start?”

I told her, and she said, “That’s what we figured. We knew you two were falling for each other really early on.”

“Were we that obvious?”

“Darling, you said each other’s names during sex two or three times each and in your sleep. In any other circumstances I’d have kicked you in the balls and made sure you never forgot my red-haired wrath, but as it was we were overjoyed. It’s only we didn’t know if you were actually doing anything or just pining away until a few days ago.”

“You knew?”

“Come on, Cal, cocoa all over the crotch of your slacks? Oldest trick in the book. At least you didn’t try to douse yourself in gasoline and pretend you’d had an accident while tanking up or something, because that would have been very dangerous and you’d stink of it for days. And finally, to make completely sure, we asked Susie to help us. She’s a talented and very quiet little sneak.

“She had caught us going at it in her and Dave’s office, so after we convinced her we were going to tell you two soon, she followed you two when you went to that house last week. We finally knew and just didn’t know how or when to tell you. We figured this was the best way. Certainly it was the most entertaining way, and maybe we can still be friends?”

“Of course.”

“Cal, I’m so glad it worked out like this. Things were dying between us. I hope you two are together forever.”

A bit stunned, I replied, “And you two as well. Are you in love?”

She smiled happily and lost the distant stressful look she had fallen into for the last year and said, “Yes, yes we are. And you?”

I nodded and she kissed my cheek and hugged me. We were smiling at each other a few seconds later when the bedroom door opened. I rose and walked over to Sandra, who kissed me and smiled. “Unless Phyllis has any objections, I think it would be best for the silly pride of the men in this situation if I go home with Cal and Phyllis stays here. We can move our stuff over the weekend. I’ll pack some clothes for tonight.”

Phyllis said, “That’s fine, but don’t touch my books! I have a very delicate system and I don’t want to go over there and find you’ve rearranged them.”

Sandra said, “Your books are safe, girlfriend.”

We laughed and Phyllis said, “Hmm, I guess we are. Girlfriends. I never thought I’d do that.”

“If it makes you feel any worldlier, you’ve had as much black pussy as I have now.”

Phyllis blushed as Dave looked at Sandra in surprise. Sandra smiled back at him and said, “You never asked, so I never told you.”

Phyllis said, “It was fun. I liked it. Maybe...?”

Dave said, “Oh, hells yeah.”

Sandra looked at me and asked, “Any objections?”

“No, it might be fun once in a while.”

“Yeah, I thought you liked sucking cock.”

I nodded and Dave said, “You know that goes no further. Ever. Even if your life depends on it, the secret will go to your grave.”

“Let’s just say my mouth’s sealed with that massive cock of yours.”

We laughed. Dave nodded and said, “Good, ‘cause I wouldn’t mind doing it again in a few days.”

We dressed and opened a bottle of wine to toast our changed circumstances, and soon Sandra and I left to go to what was now our own place. As we walked hand in hand, she said, “You’re really completely fully mine now.”

“I am.”

“And you didn’t mind me and Phyllis?”

“It was great.”

She nodded. “I liked what I saw of you and Dave. And you’re not jealous?”


“Hmm. I should introduce you to Velma. She’ll really like you.”


“Yes, she’s hoped for a couple years now I’d find a man who could handle both of us.”

“Did she now?”

“Oh yes. What do you say?”

“I guess I’m not ever going back.”

We laughed and she said, “That’s the spirit.”

And after we got to what was our new home we finally fell asleep after a couple of hours of our first fully honest, open, and above-board lovemaking, and to our joy we woke the next morning next to each other and began the rest of our lives together.

Same as Friendship and infidelity, Part 2 Videos

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She had first day of college the next day, a Monday. She was tied up all day with that until well after 6. Danny had gone home that morning. She was adamant that her relationship with Ryan would end that day. She also knew that the very sight of him made her melt. So why fight it? She was at her strongest after a good hard fuck. Hell, after two good hard fucks she would have even more control, more resolve. So why not end things with a bang? It was twisted logic that gave Charmaine a sense...

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Acts of Infidelity Mary Brian Part 2

These days, Mary needs to feel a close connection with a man, knowing and liking him before she can really enjoy a full sexual union with him. And I want all her sexual unions to be full and satisfying.But it wasn’t always this way; she had sex with her second lover within ten minutes of their meeting. He took her on the couch in his board room without them even getting naked, simply removing her panties, fucking her crudely and cumming inside her without ceremony.He then took her to dinner...

2 years ago
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Acts of Infidelity Mary Brian Part 1

Thursday 26 October 2017 - 1.33pm.My wife’s lover Richie arrived nearly an hour ago. I opened the door to let him in. Mary was pleased to see him. So was I.I joined the two of them in the kitchen for the usual coffee and chat. For quite a while, all seemed as it might in any house when a welcome friend came to call until fifteen minutes ago when Mary asked him directly if he wanted to join her in bed.It was a redundant question and we all knew it; bed with my wife was the reason he had come. It...

2 years ago
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Infidelity Revisited Ch 01

Charmaine was completely loyal to Danny for over a year and a half, and she thought she was over her infidelity ways. She was wrong. When she decided to go back to school for a career change, she chose the school that was back in her hometown, and away from Danny. She lived with her mother, and was given one half of the house for her own use. Danny would visit on weekends when he could. Things changed rather quickly when she ran into her old friend Holly. They began to hang out quite...

1 year ago
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Infidelity Revisited Ch 11

Charmaine was awakened the next morning by a movement in her bed. She opened her eyes a little, and noticed that it was Danny. He had stripped to his underwear and slipped into bed with her. She smiled, and kissed him, snuggling closer. He was a little late, it was almost eleven, though to her it seemed like it was very early. After all, she was kept up by Ryan until nearly four thirty! She closed her eyes, guilt going to war with arousal within her. She felt good in Danny’s arms. She felt...

3 years ago
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A sexy wife shares her exciting tale of infidelity with her loving cuckold

The last few weeks of the busy season had Dan working sixteen hour days, six days of the week. Even a few hours on Sunday. Just before eleven he had finally called it quits and made his way home. The house was quiet and empty. The text from Sylvia, his wife, at six- thirty said that she and some girl friends from work were going to check out ladies night at the recently refurbished club near the store where she worked. The lure of discounted cocktails and DJ orchestrated dance music always...

2 years ago
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TRUE LOVE & INFIDELITY   This is a true story.   I have changed the names to protect their privacy.   I am a seventy year old retired Federal Investigator and in earlier years a Naval Officer.   I have been a widower for six years.   My name is Bill.   This is the story of my two closest friends, Jim and Dot Hanson.   Jim is seventy-one and Dot is sixty-nine.   They have been married for forty-nine years.   Jim and I became close friends when we served together in the Navy in the late...

1 year ago
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My first infidelity

MY FIRST INFIDELITY Fourteen years ago, at the age of 18, I became pregnant, and got married, three months before the birth. Two years later, I had my second son. Six months after I had my second baby, my elder sister, Jenny, told me that, instead of sitting around, looking like an old woman, I needed a few nights out. I knew that she went, with five or six friends to the local social club, every Friday night, to see local rock bands, but she had never invited me, before. When we met, in a...

1 year ago
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Acts of Infidelity Judy Sam Part 2

The rest of the story…In later life, during our less and less frequent sex, Judy would sometimes make up stories about all the naughty things she had done when she went to Doctor Johnson’s house that day. The stories were always far-fetched enough for them not to be believable and she would always end our fantasy session telling me it was just that; a fantasy she was making up just for me to help make me cum.But at the back of my mind still remains that nagging, persistent doubt. By her own...

3 years ago
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My second infidelity

After my first infidelity, our lives came back to their natural state of things. Our sex life has became more, and more interesting, as my wife accepted new things, and up until we were three years married, it all felt like a dream. Well, she got pregnant then, and, I cant say anything changed during the pregnancy, in fact, sex got even more frequent and better. But, after she gave birth, it all went to hell.There is this thing, that happens to many women in such occasions, and she was one of...

2 years ago
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My first infidelity

I got married really early, I was 23. I know, not cool at all, but it was love at first sight. I met her when I was 19, she was 18 at the time, and we just clicked. I had a few girls before her, but you all know, what that looked like. Inexperienced sex is, I guess, better than no sex at all, but yet, we got married in our early ages, and I guess we both felt it was right thing to do. And it was. She is perfect in every way, phisically, and emotionally, and now, 13 years later, I still dont...

2 years ago
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20 Years Of Infidelity Chapter One

((((All writers re-write, re-write, re-write... After all, as Mark Twain once said, "The difference between a word and the right word is the difference between a lightening bug and lightening." I try to write with lightening... LOL This was my first attempt at erotic writing and I've known I could do better since I've learned how to insert pics, so I re-wrote...)))) Just over 20 years ago I was married to a great guy who was more than twice my age. I was twenty and had a job as an office temp...

3 years ago
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20 Years of Infidelity Part Finis

Sorry I haven't been able to write much the last week but bowing to popular demand and many, many requests, here is the final chapter of the 20 Years of Infidelity saga. I may, as time permits, go back to fill in the story but for now I'm very busy and I don't want to keep all who have messeged me waiting any longer... I waited a month after Jason left for college before confronting my husband. Telling him we needed to talk, I made us drinks and laid it all out. I gave him credit, he didn't try...

1 year ago
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Test tube infidelity

A British man discovered his wife used her lover’s sperm to get pregnant at a Spanish clinicA court ruling from the case is now raising questions about fertility treatment proceduresSix years after attending the birth of his son, and bringing him up as his own, a British man who shall be referred to as Mr X discovered that his ex-wife, Ms Y, had tricked him: the c***d was another man’s. It’s an old story, but with a new twist. The infidelity did not take place...

1 year ago
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Chain Reaction 8211 Pranali8217s Infidelity

Hey this is Cathericist from Delhi & this incident was shared by my best friend jay, when we were partying aloof & he was drunk. Please get in touch with me on if you feel and want to reach at the state of complete catharsis. Jay’s native was Nasik, but he was settled in Delhi for 5 years or odd. This is a story about infidelity of his wife Pranali, he caught her getting fucked by one of our common friend Vinay. He is 28 years old and got married to Pranali, 27, a year back which was a love...

3 years ago
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Fucking The Neighbor A True Story of Infidelity

When I started my affair with Susan, I had no idea what a sex freak she was and when I did find out, I took full advantage, and believe me, there were no regrets from either of us.We had been neighbors for a couple of years and she, my wife and I had become close. We’d have dinner at each other’s home, watch movies together on Friday and Saturday evenings, she and I would get stoned together while my wife would fuck with our heads once we were loaded. Basically, a good time was had by all...

3 years ago
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Infidelity By Lyrissa "No, sorry honey. I really have to go now," Roger said. "I'll call you, okay?" Maria leaned against the doorframe with a sultry expression in her dark Latina eyes, her brown hair framing her beautiful face. Roger gave her a reassuring smile with his perfect teeth and walked down the stairs to leave the apartment complex. It was a shame to leave Maria just as she was getting horny again, but she knew very well that he could only stay until Monday morning. Roger...

3 years ago
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TRUE LOVE & INFIDELITY   This is a true story.   I have changed the names to protect their privacy.   I am a seventy year old retired Federal Investigator and in earlier years a Naval Officer.   I have been a widower for six years.   My name is Bill.   This is the story of my two closest friends, Jim and Dot Hanson.   Jim is seventy-one and Dot is sixty-nine.   They have been married for forty-nine years.   Jim and I became close friends when we served together in the Navy...

Love Stories
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The act of infidelity

I am an avid reader of this site. Whenever I get chance and feel kinky I open up one of the story pages. It really increases my urge and my sex life with my wife is so intense afterwards. For a long time I have been pondering over writing out one of my very own sexual encounters. Suchitra was my best friend’s wife, Vikas and I were great friends, the day Vikas got married to Suchitra, I was too happy for him. My wife and I worked so hard to plan the wedding along with Vikas’s parents. My wife...

2 years ago
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Infidelity Part 2

Infidelity, Part 2I kissed Sue Ellen again full on the mouth, nuzzled her ear, and took her hand to lead her upstairs...."Oh, just a second, let me grab the wine and a glass". I let go of her hand and gathered up the bottle and a glass, and followed her up the narrow, enclosed stairway to the bedroom...she was still acting a little downtrodden, but I greatly enjoyed watching her ample ass cheeks gyrate as she took each step up the stairs. When we got to the bedroom, I could see Sue Ellen was...

1 year ago
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Acts Of Infidelity Peters Perks Part 2

So, my career as a faithful husband ended and my life as an unscrupulous sexual adventurer began.For several days and even more nights, I felt terribly guilty about what had happened, not even trying to persuade my wife to have sex just in case she noticed something had changed.But life has a way of making us come to terms with these things. Once I realised that Fiona had much more to lose than I did and had far more interest in keeping our encounter secret, I began to relax and enjoy the...

3 years ago
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Infidelity 101 Chapter Two

Looking at Jason after I'd hung up the phone, I thought back to when I was his age. Remembered what it had been like when I’d been a teenager screwing boys in cars on dates and in beds when the parents weren't around. Sex back then wasn't the practiced love making that age and experience brings, but it was always energetic! Looking at Jason's lean, muscular, toned body, I knew that sex with him would be energetic as fuck! Knowing what I know now... What I could teach a boy... I knew it wouldn't...

4 years ago
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The Infidelity ClubChapter 14

BONNIE The following weeks were glorious for Bonnie. She and Richard were seeing each other each week, sometimes at the office and sometimes at a motel or hotel. She had to be quite inventive in making excuses for being gone. Sometimes she would have Laura and Vivian cover for her with a story the three of them had gone to a movie or the old working late routine she had used before. Increasingly Kevin was growing suspicious and once or twice there had been some angry words about doing so...

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