Infidelity free porn video

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Infidelity By Lyrissa "No, sorry honey. I really have to go now," Roger said. "I'll call you, okay?" Maria leaned against the doorframe with a sultry expression in her dark Latina eyes, her brown hair framing her beautiful face. Roger gave her a reassuring smile with his perfect teeth and walked down the stairs to leave the apartment complex. It was a shame to leave Maria just as she was getting horny again, but she knew very well that he could only stay until Monday morning. Roger walked to his newly polished steel-grey BMW with a skip in his step, feeling like a million bucks. As he turned the keys and started driving to work he turned the radio on and was soon cruising along to the beat of whatever tune was playing. Roger briefly wondered what his wife would think if she knew, but then quickly dismissed the thought. It didn't take Roger long to get to his job downtown and getting his car parked. Soon enough he was riding the elevator into the tall glass-and- steel building that housed the legal firm where he worked, among other businesses. As Roger strode into the office he got several cheerful greetings from his colleagues, and returned them all in turn. "Bill, that diet really is helping, I can say. Soon you'll be as fit as me!" "Samantha, honey, that is a lovely suit. You should wear it more often." "Dex, always on top of things eh? Go get 'em cowboy." Roger sauntered into his office and closed the door, slipping his laptop out of its bag and starting up for the morning. Then he sat back in his expensive ergonomic chair and spun around to face the full-length mirror that hung on the wall. His suit was impeccable as usual, and his tie was spotless. His clean-shaven strong jaw and straight nose were as perfect as ever, and his dark blonde hair was combed back to show more of his face. His blue eyes studied his features as he ran one hand along his jaw, turning his head from side to side. "Rog, you are one handsome bastard. The girls don't know how lucky they are." He chuckled and turned back to his desk, beginning work as the morning sun trickled in through the large windows behind him. Roger had always been special, at least in his mind. As an only child he was the pride and joy of both his mother and father and never wanted for anything while growing up. Even before he entered kindergarten he had been reassured time and time again that he was special, and very handsome. Roger's immense self-confidence and charisma developed early and saw him coast through school as easily as walking down the street. He was athletic and qualified for several different sports teams during his time, and sufficiently clever to do well at most subjects and bluff his way through the rest. Roger knew he wasn't the smartest kid in school, but with his silver tongue and good looks he could make a pretty good show of it. Though many of his classmates and teachers thought it was inevitable that Rog become a professional athlete, that career never really appealed to him. Instead he went into law, and did moderately well at college just like he had everywhere else. He added several more girls to his long string of conquests, both students and teachers, and became something of a poster child for his college. The cute little boy had grown up to a handsome young man, who seemed like he could get whatever he set his sights on in life. After graduating he quickly got a junior position at the law firm where he still worked, and he had been climbing the ladder ever since. Roger had kept up his rollercoaster bachelor life for a while after graduating, but as he was made an associate he suddenly felt the need to settle down. Roger wanted a wife to show that he was not just successful and dashing, but also a romantic. It was another challenge to him, and he methodically set about finding a suitable bride. He found Janet at a friend's party and hit it off with her fairly quickly. She had all the traits that were important to Roger: good looks, a pleasant demeanor and a decent career of her own. He would not settle for less. Of course Roger never intended to be faithful to Janet. He was far too good of a man not to share himself with other women. In fact his first affair occurred only about six months after his marriage (the wedding had of course been perfect), and he had had a steady flow of flings ever since, always making sure to conceal his tracks thoroughly. Right now he had Maria, before her there had been Hannah, Diana, Rachel, Mia... Roger sighed and leaned back in his chair with his head filled with the pleasant memories. They were all so lucky, he thought. He idly wondered how long it would be before he grew tired of Maria, but dismissed the question as unimportant. For now the poor paralegal who could only afford a dingy rental place in the cheap side of town was his mistress, and Maria was good enough in bed to keep his interest. For now. The secret to it all was that Roger was not in love with any of the women he had sex with or dated, even his wife. Roger Ashbridge was only in love with himself, and always had been. That doting parentage and constant reassurance of how special he was had made Roger self-confident, then arrogant, and finally narcissistic. He wasn't just God's gift to women, in his mind. He was God's gift to the world. The fact that he had cruised through life like it was the open road had reaffirmed his belief that not only was he handsome and clever but also that he could get away with anything. Even if some people were smarter than him, he had the charm and arrogance to outwit them and ruin them if he wanted. Even if one of his lovers sought him out later and tried to pressure him about their affair, he had enough legal cunning and friends in the right places to get out of it scot free. "Rog, you're the best. You know that right?" he said, winking to himself in the mirror. He laughed and continued tapping away at his current case, daydreaming about his future. Maybe one day he'd become a movie star. He didn't see any reason why he couldn't become one. Hollywood was just another challenge to overcome just like school, sports, college and women. He could see himself as the next big teenage heart throb, his face on posters everywhere. He felt the beginning of an erection as he thought of huge billboards lining the freeway with his enormous face on them. But suddenly his daydreams were interrupted by his cellphone buzzing. He'd gotten a new text. Roger picked it up and tapped the screen to read. It appeared to be from his wife. "Miss you, come home soon. I've got you an anniversary gift! Love Janet" "Ah, the anniversary!" Roger said, grinning. He hadn't lost track of it, of course. He was meticulous and careful in all his romantic dealings, both with his wife and his many lovers. He made sure to keep Janet happy and content so she would never question or speculate that Roger might have someone else, and always told each and every mistress he acquired that they were his first extra-marital fling. That made them feel special and precious, and made them all the more devoted to Roger. He did admit that he was curious what Janet could have gotten him, however. She usually only bought him a bottle of champagne or something similar, and never talked about it ahead of time. The fact she felt the need to even send a message about it made Roger suspect it was something more than that. He grinned and sent a reply to his wife. "Will get off early. Feel like a kid on Christmas eve! Love Rog." As he continued with his workday, Roger tried to think of what Janet could possibly have gotten him. Maybe it was that water bed they'd talked about? A set of golf clubs? The rest of Roger's day virtually flew past as he got more and more excited and eager to return home. *** Roger's car pulled up outside his seaside house at three in the afternoon, and he almost jumped out of the vehicle and walked up to the front door. When Roger and Janet had moved together they had bought a beautiful white house overlooking the ocean with panorama windows in the living room and a wide porch for holding parties. Roger always thought he needed a house that befitted him, and a place like this suited his tastes. He opened the door and peeked inside, half expecting Janet to leap out at him yelling 'surprise'. He'd seen her car was in the garage so she was definitely home. However no amorous wife greeted him in the foyer, only a large gift-wrapped box sitting in the middle of the floor. Rog knelt down and read the attached note. "Don't open yet. More surprises await in the bedroom. Love Janet." Roger grinned. He suddenly had a distinct feeling that his loving wife was giving him something he had wished for a long time. While he had tried different sexual games with his mistresses, his sex with Janet had always been fairly vanilla (if very satisfying), and he had half-jokingly suggested various means of spicing up their sex life. Now he was sure this was what his gift entailed, and he felt his dick stiffen almost immediately. He kicked off his shoes and hung up his jacket, then picked the gift-wrapped box up and sauntered into the living room. Almost as soon as he did his ears picked up a faint creaking and scuffling noise coming from above which had been too faint to pick up out in the foyer. Roger felt is heartbeat quicken as he realized it must be coming from the bedroom. "Oh you kinky girl!" Roger exclaimed, dropping his laptop bag and phone into the soft sofa cushions in the living room. He loosed his tie as he rushed towards the stairway leading up, the box cradled under one arm. He scaled the steps as quickly as he could, his heart beating faster and his manhood growing stiffer even as the moaning, creaking noises from the upper floor grew louder. As he stepped into the second floor corridor, illuminated by the afternoon sun, he knew that the sounds came from the bedroom. His breath was now rapid and hot as his fevered imagination tried to consider what sort of erotic game his loving wife had arranged for him. With his shirt now unbuttoned, Roger lunged towards the bedroom door and wrapped his trembling, sweaty hand around the knob. The door swung open and the groans escaping from the room sounded like thunder in Roger's ears. Then he froze in the doorway, staring in disbelief at the scene in front of him. Roger stood as still as a statue. He blinked and rubbed his eyes with his free hand. On the large soft bed were two men, deeply engaged in the sweatiest, most passionate form of intercourse conceivable. One of them was on down on all fours on the soft covers, his head pressed against the soft sheets as he moaned in passion. The other was kneeling behind him, his large thick shaft buried deep in the other man's ass. The creaking Roger had heard came from the bed rocking gently under the force of the man thrusting into his lover and the groaning and strained gasps naturally came from the two men. They were both sweaty, as if they had been going at it for some time, with matted hair and wild looks in their eyes. As Roger looked up in disbelief he saw the reflection of the two in the ceiling-mounted mirror that Rog used to admire himself during the act. Apparently he wasn't imagining this, or the mirror was part of the hallucination. However it wasn't that he had walked in on two men going at it in his bedroom that was the thing that made Roger doubt his sanity. It was that both men on the bed were also perfect copies of Roger Ashbridge. They were both perfect. Just as perfect as he was. Their well-muscled bodies with lightly tanned skin free of imperfections, their strong masculine features and clean-shaven jaws, their intense blue eyes, their short blonde hair... Roger saw his every feature replicated in the two men just as if he was looking at himself in the mirror. He knew that he should raise his voice to scream at them to explain themselves, to stop this grotesque display, to ask what they were doing in -his- house, or to call the police... but Roger felt himself mesmerized by the act being played out in front of him. His erection grew almost painful as he realized that he was watching himself times two having sex and that it was the most perfect thing he could ever imagine. His eyes followed every line of musculature rippling under the sweaty skin of the two men as they fucked and rested on every small spot that Roger remembered from his own form. His mouth was getting to dry to even speak and he could do nothing but watch. The man in the back thrust hard and deep into the ass of his lover, each retraction bringing with it a dribble of precum that leaked down onto the covers. His wet loins slapped against the asscheeks of the other man again and again as he kept pushing, causing his partner to grunt and dig his free hand into the white sheets for support. The man down on all four was pushing back as hard as he could, shuddering and gasping as the thick length filled him and then withdrew. His muscular hand was wrapped firmly around his own member and stroking back and forth and thin dribbles of clear precum trickled down his hand and legs from the erect dick. Roger (the real Roger) could feel himself growing faint by watching his two copies fucking. It was amazing, beautiful and terrifying at once. The tiny logical voice in his brain told him that he was an idiot for being turned on by this, but that voice was drowned beneath Roger's immense narcissistic libido. Roger's hand left the doorframe and wandered down to his groin, and soon he was stroking himself while watching his two copies having sex. The thrusting man grabbed on to his partner's waist with both hands, his knuckles whitening as he held on for balance. He push his manhood deeper and deeper into the butt of the other man, clearly barely able to hold himself back much longer. His lover tugged his dick faster and faster in response and the firm member quivered in his hand. It wasn't long now. As Roger watched the first man howled in ecstasy as he came, pumping loads of seething hot cum into the ass of his lover. With each frantic thrust small spurts of frothing semen bubbled out around the edge of the rectum, staining the groin of the first man and the asscheeks of the second before it flowed down onto the bed. The man on all fours came a moment later, their screams joining together. His penis shot spurt after spurt of hot cum out onto the bed as he shuddered in orgasm. The couple were locked like that for what seemed like an eternity and Roger just watched as if in a daze, a dark spot forming on the groin of his pants as he kept stroking himself. Slowly the moment of passion died down, and the men on the bed stopped screaming and slumped against each other panting deeply. The thrusts of the man in back grew slower and fainter, and eventually stopped altogether, his full load spent. The other man was also dry and groaned as he lifted his cum-covered hand to his mouth and licked at the fingers. They both seemed exhausted, their blonde hair in disarray and both of them soaked in sweat. Then, suddenly, it was as if they were suddenly aware of Roger's presence. Despite how tired they both seemed, they started laughing and the man who had been thrusting pulled out of his partner's ass so they could both hop off the bed and approach the trembling Roger. The sight of his two naked, sweaty post-coitus copies approaching, their large manhoods dangling between their legs as they walked was almost too much for Rog to take. "Awww, look at the poor dear," said the first copy, grinning. "He's all worked up!" said the second sweaty copy as he walked up to Roger. The two men took Roger by the shoulders and gently led him over to the bed, where they made him sit down. Roger was still shocked almost speechless by what he had witnessed, and was only now starting to string some coherent thoughts together. "W-w-what... who... who are you?" he said looking between his two grinning, naked copies. "Is it time to show him?" one of them asked the other. "I think it is. On three? One, two, three!" said the other. Both men suddenly reached deep into their own mouths, leaving trails of cum dripping down their jaws and chests. Then they withdrew, their task apparently done, and gave each other a wide grin. The two Roger copies grabbed the edges of their mouths and pulled outwards, stretching the orifices wider than what was humanly possible. Roger sat staring, slack- jawed as his two copies pulled their mouths so far open they looked like constrictor snakes trying to swallow a prey animal. As they stretched their faces back over their heads a pair of hairy bumps emerged from the mouths of the copies, and as they forcefully tugged their impossibly stretched faces down around their necks, a pair of sweaty, wet heads shook free of the masks. Suddenly the bodies of the two Rog copies deflated, becoming empty and floppy, draped over much smaller frames. And the heads now sticking out of those skins were... "Janet? Linda?" Roger shouted in surprise. The two women laughed at his utter confusion as they reached over to stroke his cheek from both sides, their Roger-skins now like too large gloves around their hands. "Surprised to see us?" Janet said. "I did say I had a special gift for you!" "And I just -had- to be in on this," Linda said. Janet tugged her sweat-matted long blonde hair free of her suit and let it drape over the bodysuit's back. She was over ten years Roger's junior and quite beautiful in a sort of girl next door way. Next to her was her best female friend Linda, a slightly older woman with curly light brown hair and chestnut eyes. Roger couldn't fathom how he had thought that the two women were perfect copies of him just before. Janet was short and curvaceous and Linda was tall and willowy, neither having nearly the mass to fill out the Roger costumes. Roger wondered if he'd been drugged or hypnotized or if he was simply dreaming. While he tried to string his thoughts together Janet sat down next to him, stroking his crotch where the dark spot was, while Linda skipped over to the large walk-in wardrobe that belonged to Janet. "You're wondering how this is possible, I bet," Janet said. "You're wondering how and why we could become you!" "And we'd love to share the secret, Rog!" said Linda and vanished through the door into the closet. "First of all, Roger, I know you're unfaithful," Janet said calmly and smiled up at him. "W-what?" Roger said, his eyes bulging out. "No, that's not true, honey! I'd never cheat on you!" Janet shook her head, smiling. She didn't seem upset in the least, but she also didn't seem to believe Roger's frantic protest. He realized he was off-balance and not in control of the situation for the first time in his life. How could she know? How could she even suspect? He had covered his tracks, erasing every message or number she could possibly stumble upon. Not even his colleagues at work knew that when Roger said he was going on a business trip, he was actually spending the weekend with Maria. He had used fake numbers, fake email addresses... "You can relax and drop the act, Rog," Janet replied, still smiling. "I know. I've known for years." "We both know!" shouted Linda from inside the closet. "Janet told me the moment she found out! She was devastated, the poor dear!" "I really was upset at first," Janet said with a deep sigh. "But then, after we started studying you to try and plan out what to do, we realized we could turn this to our advantage. Your ego would never let you suspect you'd been tricked, so it would be easy to trick you." "Trick me? What do you mean? And those other girls... Janet, you have to realize they mean nothing to me! It's you that I want! Only you!" Roger said way too passionately. Something landed in Roger's lap. It was floppy and draped over his groin and when he picked it up he nearly screamed in terror. It was the empty skin of Maria Dominguez, his mistress. The nubile body of the young paralegal was hollow and her lovely tanned face only a mask, but he recognized every little detail of her body. "What the fuck?" Roger shouted as Linda emerged from the closet, giggling. "Y-you murdered her? Just because she was seeing me?" Linda rolled her eyes. She was carrying a pair of floppy piles in her arms that had tufts of hair sticking out here and there and soon walked over to sit on a chair opposite to Roger and Janet, her male skinsuit still draped around her. "No, dummy. I am Maria!" Linda said with a derisive snort. "And sometimes I am too!" Janet chimed in. "What?" was all Roger could manage. Linda rolled her eyes again and unfolded the bundles she'd been carrying. One was a perky-looking young woman who seemed to be in her early twenties with blonde hair in a ponytail and the second was a more mature woman with large, empty breasts dangling from her vacant skin. "Remember Hannah the intern? And Diana the part-time actress?" Linda said teasingly, dangling the two skins up and down like marionettes. "H-how-" Roger stammered. "They were me too!" Linda said, giggling. "And me! On occasion!" Janet protested. "It's always good to change things up now and then!" "Basically," Linda said in a very patient, calm voice, "once we figured out you were a randy, self-serving bastard who only really loved himself, we decided to turn that around to our advantage. Oh sure, Janet could have divorced you. She really wanted to at the start, before we stumbled on the online service that provide these." "Then Linda convinced me to not get mad, but get even. After all, we realized that if we could cover the roles of both your wife and your mistress at once, we would get twice the money from you!" Janet said, patting Roger's head. "And it worked so well because we set you up to meet each 'new' girl in a situation that made it easy for you to pick her up and woo her with your manly charms," Linda said with a giggle. "Sure, there were some you never went for, but we have managed to present you with a row of very good 'other women' haven't we?" Roger had no idea what to say. The idea of Linda inside Maria, the older woman somehow transformed by these skinsuits into the vivacious Latina girl... It was almost too much. And the suggestion that Janet had been in on it too? "And you have been good to us. We've gotten a lot of money and attention out of you that we wouldn't otherwise," Janet said. "Janet was very kind to share. We became more than friends, after a while," Linda said with a nod. "But the game has lost some of its luster lately," Janet said, her expression becoming serious. "So we decided to finally reveal the secret to you, and give you a little gift as thanks for the last two years of fun," Linda said with a smile. "We know you like nobody on this planet as much as yourself, so we got these to give you a little private show," Janet said, tugging at the deflated manhood of her Roger costume. "And even more than that, we want to make your darkest, most secret dream come true, Roger." Roger didn't know what to say. His emotions were like a rollercoaster and his thoughts were in a jumble. Still, he felt some relief that apparently neither woman was very angry with him, despite discovering his cheating ways. After this evening, whatever happened, he would find a way to deal with them and take back control. Probably divorce Janet and make sure he ended up with all the money, maybe move to a new town... "We want to give you a night of passion with yourself, Roger," said Linda seductively, licking her lips. "W-what?" Roger said, his train of thought derailed. Linda and Janet both stood up next to him, running their hands over his body and caressing his stiff dick through his pants. His erection had come back very quickly as his mind flooded with memories of the two Roger copies grinding and moaning as they had sex. "We're serious. We'll give you the night of your life", Linda said, lifting her hands to the empty mask draped around her neck. "It's what you want, isn't it? To be fucked by yourself. Not just yourself, but two perfect, identical copies of yourself," said Janet, mirroring Linda's action. "Open your present, Rog. That's -your- costume for tonight," Linda said, tugging the mask up. Roger's breathing was heavy as he watched his wife and her friend pull the masks over their heads. The women's smiling faces vanished as the mouths of the costumes went up and over, and soon they both reached inside their mouths to do whatever it was that opened the costumes. The skins started inflating and becoming solid again, filling out and stretching to change the two women into the two copies of Roger again. Soon their sweaty bodies were no longer skinsuits draped over feminine frames but real, muscular male bodies, and both of their members were slowly growing rigid again. Roger could barely tear his eyes away from the two smiling copies but eventually he managed to, tearing the gift wrapped box he had found in the foyer open. Inside was a sturdy cardboard box, and when Roger opened that he found an empty, soft mass draped carefully inside. He lifted it out and gasped. Hanging from his hands was the empty skin of a young woman. From the way the skin looked she seemed on the athletic side, as if she went running or swimming often. Her skin was a pale brown, clearly of mixed heritage, and her hair was a bunch of chocolate-brown dreadlocks and her face was pretty with strong features. Her breasts seemed to be of a nice size and shape and she had a nice figure overall. Most noticeably, a seam ran from her buttocks to the nape of her neck. Roger ran his hand inside, the found the empty skin a little warm and moist, but not unpleasant to the touch. "Go on. Try her on. And then we'll give you the best night you ever had," said one of the Roger copies with a smile. "It's fun, I promise," said the other copy. Roger debated the situation mentally for a few moments, but he finally decided that the temptation was far too strong to resist. While he would have loved to stay himself and be railed by his copies, it seemed they were quite adamant about him trying the wondrous skins for himself. And that was fair play. He gave them both a smile and carried the skin into the adjoining bathroom. Roger quickly stripped down, freeing his stiff dick from his boxers. It was at full attention already, quivering with excitement for the kinky pleasure promised to him. Quickly, to avoid being tempted into masturbating, Roger slid his legs into those of the suit he had been given. It wasn't a bad feeling at all, something like wearing a pair of very slick leggings. He continued by forcing his erection down between his legs as he pulled the suit up over his broad chest, finding that the much smaller skin stretched without much resistance and without tearing. Roger tugged the light brown arms and hands over his own, marveling at the detail put into the costume. It had nails and folds in the skin as if it had been crafted by a master sculptor and then emptied. He felt increasingly horny at the thought of his two copies waiting for him out there, and hurried up with the disguise. He pulled the head over his own, grunting as it clamped down on his skull on all sides. Fumbling, he reached down to start tugging the seam closed, pulling it up towards his neck. Finally Roger tugged the seam shut and a sense of vertigo flowed through him. He was being squeezed together from every direction at once and it was like the suit was suddenly even stickier, clinging to his skin. Then suddenly he felt normal again, feeling the cool tiles of the bathroom under his bare feet. Roger walked over to look into the large oval mirror set over the sink, and gasped. The brown girl looked back at him, her dreadlocks rustling as she moved her head. Her pert, bouncy breasts were no longer empty sacks, and there was no hint of a manhood tucked away between her legs anymore. Her hands found only a trim, tight slit when they darted down to her groin. She gasped, and realized the skins were real, no special effects trick. Roger Ashbridge had been changed from a large hunk of a man into a beautiful young woman. Suddenly she remembered what Janet and Linda had offered, and dashed back into the bedroom to find them both grinning at her as they cleaned the bed up. "You look good, Rog!" said one copy, and Roger had no idea who was who anymore. "What a little minx you are," said the other, and the two men walked up to sandwich her between them, their erect members rubbing over her flat tummy and lower back, leaving trails of sticky liquid. Roger grinned as she reached down to rub the members of her two copies. It was curious how the two men could be getting stiff again this soon after cumming, and the female-suited Roger could only guess it was something to do with the suits. Being this close to not one but two identical Roger Ashbridges was intoxicating, and the girl suddenly noticed she'd never paid attention to just how good their male bodies smelled. Her slender hands grabbed their rigid shafts firmly and began jerking them off while the two males slowly moved themselves and her towards the soiled bed. Helping her onto it in a kneeling position, the two Rogers took up their places on each side of the brown-skinned beauty, groaning as she slowly jacked them off. Roger peeked up into the mirror and shuddered with arousal as she saw the girl she now was in the bed with two copies of the best man on earth. "You're a natural at this," one Roger moaned. "We should have done this years ago. Would have saved ups a lot of headaches," the other nodded. "What do you mean?" the woman who Rog had become asked curiously. "Headaches?" "Well, at first it was all fun and games, wasn't it? Leech off your bank accounts by creating a succession of fictional lovers for you and making sure you met them and hit it off. But can you imagine all the work? Getting the skin, setting up false ID's, a place for them to live, traveling back and forth to get into character whenever you felt randy..." said one man, shuddering a bit as his member became rock hard under the girl's touch. "In the end it became tiring. A lot of work for a little monetary return and the joy of pulling the wool over your eyes," said his twin. "So we decided to change it up. Give you a little surprise!" said the first one. Suddenly both men (Roger could no longer tell which one was Janet and which one was Linda, so identical were their performances) pulled their dicks out of her hands. The twins gently but firmly pushed the chocolate- skinned girl down on all fours with her legs slightly spread and her head lifted up by the hand of one of the Rogers. "Wait. What are you doing?" the girl-bodied Roger said, suddenly uneasy. Roger had always wanted to be dominant in the bedroom, and even as a girl had imagined being in charge of this evening of pleasure. The two men smiled at her, but the smiles were just a bit unsettling. "We're just putting things to order, Nicole," said one of the blonde hunks. "Nicole?" she asked, now certain something was off. "That is your new name, yes. Nicole Gallagher, fresh out of college, hobbies are dance and swimming, allergic to coconut..." the man behind her said. Roger wasn't having any more of this, and made a move to slip off the bed. Suddenly four strong male hands pulled her back and down into the same position. She struggled, whimpering, but despite the girl being quite fit she had no chance against Roger's sheer strength. "What are you -doing-?" she snarled, her dark brown eyes flashing with anger. "Taking control," said the man in front of her. "As we said, we're tired of this state of affairs. Roger is a cheating bastard, and as fun as it's been to play around with that and keep his stupid ass in the dark, we want something better," said the other one. "We want it all, Nicole. Roger's accounts, his job, his carefree life style." "Well you can't have it. I'm Roger Ashbridge, and the moment I get out of here, you two bitches are going to regret revealing this to me!" the girl shouted, now quite furious. The men suddenly burst out laughing. She felt her smooth brown skin caressed by their hands, her breasts cupped, her nipples twisted gently, fingers exploring the tight folds of her sex. "You're not getting out, I'm afraid. Roger Ashbridge's role is already filled. By us," said the man in front. "But if you do well and don't try to create too much fuss... we'll let you stay with us and experience being fucked by Roger every night. That's what you've always dreamed about, isn't it?" said the other. "Y-you tricked me," said the girl with mounting horror as she noticed the erect penis hovering close to her face. "You never meant this as a present, you-" "Indeed we did, but you had so many chances to step away and instead you just swallowed the bait. Yes, we intend to take your identity over, Nicole. We'll share it, and if cornered we prepared the false identity of Roger's twin brother 'Reg' Ashbridge as a cover." With the firm hands holding her down and the two manhoods already brimming with precum coming closer, the brown-skinned beauty suddenly cracked. "W-wait! Please! I'll give you anything! Just d-don't-" "My dear Nicole, we already have everything you had. Voice print, DNA scan, retina scan, fingerprints... whatever passwords we don't know and you won't provide us with can be obtained through that. What do you have left to offer, honey?" the Roger behind her said, his dick now brushing the outer lips of her vagina. "J-Janet, I..." she whimpered. One Roger ruffled her dreadlocks with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Nicole. We'll make much better versions of Roger Ashbridge than you did. Honest, polite, loyal." "And you'll still get your wish of fucking Roger every night. That's what you wanted, isn't it Nicole?" "I-I'm not Nicole," she stammered. "You are now," said one of the men. The two firm members of the twins plunged deep into her waiting slit and her mouth simultaneously, and despite how wrong the situation seemed, the girl found herself liking it. Yes, she was being fucked by two versions of herself, and despite that she had just been tricked out of everything she owned, that was not bad. As they began spitroasting her, Nicole wondered if maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

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Part I: Ache She is a long woman, lean and pale. Long legs pull your eyes up to where they meet. Her long neck carries them further, to her face, that sweetly weak chin, her mouth. Only her lips are full bodied. She has never liked her body, thinking that she is much too tall, that her hips are too wide, that her butt sticks out, that her chest is too flat; but men, and some women, enjoy watching her walk past and turn to look when she can't see them, to imagine her naked, imagine crawling...

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Husband & wife confess their infidelities."When you were in Phoenix, ah...did you...damn it, this is difficult for me," Katy said.I shrugged. My business had failed six months before, and the first job I found took me to Phoenix for four months. Katy and our two c***dren couldn't relocate with me. She had a contract with the school board as a guidance counselor, and couldn't or wouldn't break her contract. My next job took me to Salt Lake City, and my family joined me when the school year...

1 year ago
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"When you were in Phoenix, ah...did you...damn it, this is difficult for me," Katy said. I shrugged. My business had failed six months before, and the first job I found took me to Phoenix for four months. Katy and our two children couldn't relocate with me. She had a contract with the school board as a guidance counselor, and couldn't or wouldn't break her contract. My next job took me to Salt Lake City, and my family joined me when the school year ended. When I left in search of a job,...

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Babysitter comes home from college for my birthday

On a cold dark winters evening in mid winter I was anxious to get home for the birthday celebration my daughters had planned for me but I had to work late at the office so my wife had to fix the k**s dinner, help them with their homework done and put them to bed before I got home. My wife and I had just finished a quiet romantic candle lit dinner and were washing the dishes when McKenzie showed up. I was leaning against the counter with my wife a few feet in front of me and McKenzie removed...

1 year ago
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Out for the Eve with Black Lover

Now I needed some more lovely Black Dick. Meeting by accident Huge Bull Victor in the park when out pushing my black baby boy Junior in the pram had made me so horny every night since cell phone rang and it was Victor laughing on the line.'Hey Babe, how's my fave red hot beeetsh...hahah,' he said.He went on to say he wanted to see me tonight and he was back in town, feeling all horned up for me!I told him that was fine and to come over to see me.'OK, hun, shall we go out Doll?,...

1 year ago
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What a Girl Wants

‘Come on, Katie. Give in to your desires. You’ve gone this far. You’re almost there. You’re so close to your goals and dreams of being treated like a lady. Accept it. Embrace it. Give in and complete your journey. Tell me what you want.’ Todd and I had been friends for years and even co-workers at one point in our respective careers. It had been almost ten years since I’d seen him and it seemed like fate that after all that time, I ran into him the first night I finally gathered the courage to...

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Swimming With Sharks Volume 1

All of a sudden, I’m underwater. Deep underwater. I swim up for a breath but I can’t break the surface. I start to panic. I’m flailing my arms and kicking my feet faster and harder. My lungs are burning. My heart is racing. And that’s when something slams into me. I get a glimpse of it on my left side a split second before contact is made, but I can’t identify anything. I’m racked with pain, but at least I can breathe again, though every time I inhale it feels like knives stabbing my chest....

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A story wrote by my friend gutak72 with input by TANGSomething is shoved into your mouth to stop you from screaming and a dark hood is brought down over your head, many strong hands take hold of you and you are bundled into a vehicle that takes off at speed, you are lying down on what feels like a cold metallic floor! The vehicle stops after some time and you have no idea where or how far away you are! The unknown men drag you out of the vehicle and you can hear birds chirping, dry twigs are...

1 year ago
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Facbook Pe Mili Bhabi

Hi friends Mera name Deepak hai or main age 28 and Punjab se belong karta hu .Ye meri pahli storiy hai jo ki bilkul sahi hai. Apko meri story kaise lagi aap mujko pe bta skte hai. Bat 2 month pahle ki hai maim Chandigarh main ek pvt company main job karta hu or yha ek kiryae ke room pe akela rhta hu. Kyonki main akela rhta hu to room pe aake bore ho jata the to aise hi facebook ya WhatsApp pe lga rhata tha. Ek din rat ko main fb use kar rha tha to maine ek ladki ko friend request beji jo ki...

2 years ago
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Twelve Days a Slave 3 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

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Tales from a Small Republic Taynas Story

One of the problems the Generals promised to deal with was the number of girls and women who turned to prostitution simply to try to get enough money to feed themselves after losing their jobs.  The middle classes were affronted by the sight of these filthy half starved young women showing as much flesh from beneath their rags as the cold night air allowed in often futile attempts to get custom from the few men who could afford them, which might include the very soldiers who were supposed to...

3 years ago
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Something New Under the Sun

Something New Under the Sun I love your cock and balls and breasts The way you can be my woman or my man The way I can be your husband or your wife You make me me, as I make you you; Together, we are one--and two-- No man knows what a man is until he has been On both the giving and the receiving end Of an erection, having been both cock and cunt, Both male and female, both man and woman; Therefore, my dear, no one knows what a man is But one like you or me, a...

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Eleanor Risby a Modern Fairy Tale RomanceChapter 2

March 2nd 1995 This is my first ever diary. I say ‘diary,’ although there are no dates printed in the book. Perhaps it should be ‘The journal of Eleanor Risby.’ I believe that’s what people call them - not that I would know what others think. Ever since I ceased working, I never mix. But, there I go again, wandering from the point. I must try hard to control myself and keep to the subject. I’ve never written a diary, even when I was a child. Mind you, nothing ever happened in my infancy, at...

4 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 8

By this time it was well past one o'clock and the lower floor bar was crowded with city workers all talking away nineteen to the dozen and raising Cain as is the way of things at these times. As Veronica's perfectly formed and beautifully arched bare right foot with its scarlet painted toenails came into view, those drinkers nearest the staircase ceased talking and looked to see what female charms were to follow this wondrous extremity. Although our heroine was scrupulously adhering to the...

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Sniper Cock

Jim and Dave were former Snipers in the Army sitting in a hunting blind in the backwoods of Michigan as they had done for years in the service. Jim was sitting quietly spotting for their current target, squirrels. Dave had dozed off and was quietly snoozing his head bobbing up and down occasionally as he tried to fight off the sleepiness.Jim had decided as he had done many times in the quiet to relieve his tension by jerking off in their hide. After all his pal was asleep and many times he...

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JulesJordan Ariana Marie Anal Upper Class

Ariana Marie is on deck and delivers a sexy and slutty performance in this scene from Marie is a sensuous sprite with long dark hair. She’s primped in pink, frilly lingerie with silky white stockings and matching high-heels. Also draped in an extra lengthy pearl necklace that can only be taken as foreshadowing… Ariana wields those pearls expertly during the racy come-hither style tease that she simply knocks out of the park. A nice transition ensues as Marie crawls to the couch...

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Barbara Becomes a Bimbo

Barbara Blaine was tired of having the same argument with her husband over and over. After twenty years his printing business was failing and for the first time since their first year of marriage twenty years ago, she was going to go get a job. When Barbara had married her husband at age 27 she had a new MBA from a midsize Midwestern University. After helping her husband with a business for the first few years, she had stayed home to raise the family. Now the kids were in college and her...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 37

Linda and I went and had dinner, then I put the top down and we cruised Van Nuys Boulevard for a couple of hours. Finally it got dark, so we headed over to the park behind the baseball field. I think we both knew that tonight was just about cuddling and talking. I put the top up as she prepared the back. Then we crawled into the back and cuddled. We talked about the almost Twilight Zone conversation we had with her mother.“Pete, I can’t believe she knew! And she seemed so calm about it!”“Well...

1 year ago
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Let's have a look at Porn Dig! One of the crazy things about porno is that there’s just never enough. I could spend a few hours watching premium lesbian movies, and then another few banging pornstars in VR, and I’d still wind up needing more stimulation. Paysites can add up quick, but free tubes like Porn Dig are good for a quick, low-investment wank any time of the day. The fact that you can conveniently masturbate at the library is just a was registered back in 2005 and...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Lauren GisalChapter 39

As her senses slowly returned, Lauren opened her eyes and saw the seat belts above her. She felt limbs over her stomach and smelt human faeces, urine, sweat and vomit. Instantly, she bolted upright and screamed loudly, tearing at the arms and legs on top of her as she pulled wildly at the door handle. Firm hands gripped her, pulling her back towards the seat, pushing her head down, back into the reeking flesh. “Hey, it’s OK. Keep your head down until we’ve got through the village!” said a...

2 years ago
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first experince

this is true story not any bs make up typei was 17 when i experince with black male. in past i did had few sex experince with school friends but never black cock i always wonder how would that feel after seeing their pics online and how big they are. I never thought i will have them soon, i was talking to this black guy online for month and he really got me so horny i couldn't say no when he ask me to meet him at his place.when i got their my heart was pounding so hard i can feel it on my...

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Science UnFair

[If you're trying to read these stories in their intended chronological order, this one occurs after Dots and Dashes of Color 9.] Every year for the past twenty or so, I've volunteered one day to the local City-Wide High School Science Fair. As a technologist, I enjoy seeing the innovations the students come up with. As an eternal lecher, I enjoy checking out the young ladies, dressed up to make a good impression with the judges. The event was held in the corner of a huge museum. All of...

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Thoughts On A Flight

Good morning to the only woman to ever own me! I'm somewhere over Iowa right now and thinking of you. I have been flying for over two hours and I'm ready to start executing our plan. I'm sitting in a window seat, next to a very attractive man. He is probably in his early thirties, tall, with broad shoulders, muscular arms and excellent posture that exudes confidence. I bet he was a Marine in a past life. He has that chiseled face and tough-guy look. At that same time, he strikes me as an...

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Wifes Friend Swallows

"I am very oral and I swallow," Liz said as my wife Jenna and I sat across from Liz and her husband John in a local restaurant, "but I won't do anything anal."It wasn't especially strange that the conversation had turned to sex, especially after sharing a few bottles of wine. Ever since we met Liz and John through our k**s' sports teams, we've enjoyed frank and at-ease conversation. Over the years, we'd become good friends, but not close or best friends, and we worked to keep the friendship...

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Realization Part 2

Realization: Part 2 By Marti B Tim met a beautiful woman on a recent flight and falls madly in love. Due to a variety of circumstances he stands Suzanne up on their first date. She offers Tim one chance to redeem himself 'if he's man enough to complete a few small tasks'. Tim has the most meaningful day of his life as he follows Suzanne's instructions. Slowly Tim begins to slip away and Tina emerges from the cocoon. CHAPTER EIGHT - The Journey Continues With Susan's help I...

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Let It SnowChapter 2

“So, when you were all hot and bothered, talking about being a willing sexual plaything for so many of us, I know that the talk excited you, but as you yourself noted, there would have to be practical limits. Even if you were deadly serious about being on hand to meet people’s sexual wants and needs on demand, there would be major, if mundane constraints on your ability to perform as you suggested, much as I wish that it were practical,” I noted regarding Vicki’s loose talk of being a “family...

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Both her and I were shall we say, quite young for sex but that didn’t stop us. Her family had moved in next door a couple years before and being that me and her where the same age, and I also think because she was kind of a tom boy, me and her “got along like peas and carrots” as Forrest would say. Now both our families were pretty much, middle class, white folk, stuck in the middle of the desert and that is about it. no glamour here. Anyways, we would spend our days together in school on the...

3 years ago
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After a Rough Night Out

It was a Saturday morning, some where before 6AM, I staggered back into my dorm room. I had decided, on Friday, to go into the huge park and see how many cocks I could take in a night. Once I had found the right path, I was besieged by two young hunks. They both wanted me to suck their cocks, I tried to ditch them to no avail. Finally I stopped and stoop down and started to suck one of their cocks, the other one was impatient and demanded that I suck his at the same time. I tried to switch...

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How I Fucked My sisterInLaw

Hello guys and girls. Myself Rishi (20 yrs) from luck now. I am a student. I am here to narrate the first & till now last encounter of my life. I hope U guys like the whole encounter .It was summer vacation. I was alone at home since everyone from my family had gone to native place. My mom requested our neighbor Sandhya to give me food for those 15 days.Sandhya was a very good lady; by nature as well as by looks. She was just 25 years of age and looks stunning even after 1 year of his...

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NaughtyAmerica Karlee Grey VR 23077

Yes, your brand-new girlfriend is Karlee Grey — we can’t believe it either. Not only are you dating her, and not only are you cuddling on the couch with her after finishing a movie, but she’s telling you that she wants to FUCK ALREADY. She even goes into your room and comes out in your ex-girlfriend’s skimpy Naughty America top! And once that top comes off, watch out! Big natural tits will come flying in your face via Virtual Reality. Suck and fuck those things and...

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Cuck4K Haley Spades Dirty Release Session

The highest degree of trust between two people who love each other is to be able to say what you really think, and to know that your partner will accept it adequately and without offense. Of course, you can’t always say what’s on your tongue. But sometimes it is necessary, and the heroes of this story know this firsthand. They invited a stranger with a sturdy cock to their house, to be able to spit out all the dark has accumulated under the heart. And to realize their cuckold...

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Boat Banging Babes

As she passed through the last few minutes of her twentieth birthday, lying next to Tony on his sailboat, Cori reminisced. He’d been last on her schedule that day because he would “make love” to her as a finale, a great topping for the three earlier fucks she’d enjoyed with other lovers. Her body was still tingling from his skill which is why he got the invitation he did. She loved boats and she loved fucking, so his nice boat and nice cock made him a favorite. She’d found out about both...

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Finding a Home

Finding a Home By Ross Martin Master Len bought her over the computer for six hundred dollars American.She arrived at Mascot airport, Sydney looking very muck like a typical forty-somethinghousewife. He didn't recognize her at first because she had clothes on butthen he saw the face. He saw her face and was at once relieved he hadn't beenripped off. It wasn't that he couldn't afford to lose six hundred US, whichamounted to a grand Australian; it was the principal of the thing. He was...

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Maria The Blowjob Queen of the University

Maria Castelo walks the campus in small fast steps. Her 4" spiked high heels prevents the hot Latina from going faster. She notices all the male students turn their heads to see the young busty girl walk by, her large braless hooters sway beautifully with each exaggerated little step. The girls give her evil stares, hating the fact that the big titted girl is able to draw their boyfriend's attention with her large and firm bubble butt and gigantic jugs. The cockteasing little minx loves male...

2 years ago
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The Slave Princess Part 3

  A dragonfly’s wing Rolling amongst brittle leaves; A plaything of the wind, That uncouth and awkward child.   -          The Canticle of Menkeret.       “Menkeret is a kindly god. He is lord of all mysteries, certainly, and the source of all magic, but he is a benevolent deity foremost of all. Invoke him in your hour of need. He is the door of all subtleties and through subtlety we might best understand him. His emanations are manifold, my daughter and his manifestations truly...

Oral Sex
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Fate hung in the balance of a pair of lacy panties. Megan found herself pressed against the office window, my breath hot on the back of her neck. “Someone will see us!” she hissed in protest. I pushed myself up against her, my breasts rubbing against from behind. “Tinted glass, so probably not,” I reminded her. “Probably?” her voice quivered in reply, nervously observing the crowd of people obliviously milling in the hallway just beyond the pane. “Probably,” I assured her. She...

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Runway 21

Chapter 21 The next day Brenda was at her desk when Melissa came in. "Good morning Brenda," she said. "Good morning Melissa." "Is Tiffany here yet?" "She came in a while ago, shall I call her for you?" "Please send her into my office, I have something for her." Brenda told Tiffany that Melissa wanted to see her and Tiffany entered Melissa's office. "Tiffany dear, do you know that all of your hard work is finally paying off? I wanted to give you this myself to let you...

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FootsieBabes Katya Rodriguez Quickie with her Pinky

Mr Pete has business in town, but before he needs to see his sexy foot fetish lover, Katya. Ms Rodriguez has the ankles that Pete would kill for, and the first thing he does is place his mouth all over those sexy toes. Soon he gets to sucking on the tiniest cute little pinky, the final tip on her perfect body. These two bang away, as Katya Rodriguez goes extra deep throat on her illicit lover. She cries extra loud with lust as he fingers her hard to a moaning orgasm. As he spanks her breasts,...

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Smugglers GoldChapter 9

"You still looking for a new place?" Gyorgy asked in a low voice just above a whisper. "Yes," Antal answered without looking at his friend. His eyes were tracking along the approaching riverbank. "Have a few that are interesting; the right price but just a little too close to the city to be really comfortable. The problem is the farther out you go the higher the prices, but I think I'm just going to have to cut the purse strings and do it." "Yeah, I suppose I'd do the same in your...

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Coeds European Roadtrip Horror Part1

Diora turned on the wipers again and they uselessly screeched against the hot dry screen. "It's making it worse not better," muttered her friend as the young red head tried to clear her view from hours of dust. They'd left Warsaw earlier that week and only a month into their European expedition had realised that a road trip had it limitations. "Did you measure how far Moscow is from Warsaw?" Asked the less opinionated girl in the back seat. Diora gave a chuckle "well it...

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It feels So Right Ch 1

“Am I too thick?” she asked. “You want my honest opinion?” I asked. “Of course, that is why I asked right?” she responded in a serious tone. “To me, hell no! You would be perfect for me!” I exclaimed laughing. “Oh really? So, you know what to do with all of this?” she said giving me that eye. “Yeah! The thicker, the better!” This story begins in Detroit, MI. Now, for disclaimer I’m not going to any real names in this story. It was my birthday, I just turned 18 years old, and I was a bit...

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Dark TownChapter 15

SECOND WEEK SINCE GLOBAL FLOODING MONDAY GROCERY SHOP Nessie Carter was working behind the counter, paying attention to of her colleagues fighting it out. She didn't want to think what happens once she gets back home so for now she concentrates on the businesses of other people. On the shelf for dog and cat food Selena Cordoba and Matthew McDonald were arguing. "Look!! I am flesh and blood!! Why don't you want to go out with me!!" Matthew complained in a whiny tone. "Like I told...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 24 An Unwelcome Visitor

London, Spring 1867 For weeks, Rose was confined to the house while slowly recuperating. Lady Wilkes had left strict instructions for the convalescence, and Priscilla enforced those rules without mercy. In this she found loyal support from Jim who would not allow Rose to exert herself at all. In her enforced idleness Rose busied herself with reading. Outwardly, Priscilla was living in the guest cottage, but for all practical purposes she spent the days and even some nights in the manor...

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My double dick wife

Got married 2 years ago to tall well built good looking sexy Goan girl Virginia. She was working in my office as a receptionist. She trapped me or I fell in love with her I can’t say. She is kind of woman any man would like to have. She is 5′ 6″ tall. Dark brown hair, always inviting brown eyes, sexy full lips that you will love to suck hard or shove your hard cock between them, she has real solid hard big boobs with medium size brown nipples always erect and inviting you to play with them. She...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 7 A Change of Plans

June 16, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “So that’s it?” Clarissa asked when I hung up the phone on Saturday morning. “Yes. After I talked to the investigators on Thursday morning, they closed the investigation and late yesterday the base commander told Maggie’s dad he wasn’t going to take any action. According to what Karl said, the base commander gave Maggie’s dad an unofficial reprimand about what he said to me, but that won’t have any negative effect on his career.” “And Maggie is going to see...

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Susies Freshman YearChapter 1

Susie Brock knew that part of her would always be sad that she couldn't work it out with Governor Bruce Calahan. She also knew that the Governor was right about them needing some time apart, after being lovers for the whole semester. She had missed him that summer, as she worked in the area, to ensure that she already had a job when the other students came into town. She missed him even more by now, but the past had to be left to history, and the future embraced, so she went ahead and...

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Skeletons in my Closet part G or part 7

Part 7 Finding Keith's skeletons and creating more of my own. When we got home from my mother's funeral. I walked my daughter to her room telling her to lie down for a while as she was upset from burying her grandmother. I walked out to find Keith once again standing at his war wall. I saw his hand go to that picture of him and those 5 men. I went over to him. I wrapped my arm around his waist as I asked, ”How many of those men had he not forgotten?” Keith looked me in my eyes as he...

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Copyright 1996 by April May - For Sierra BBS Only Northern Territories, Canada 1976 Assignment Earth was half over as she programmed the biotransformer. Her next project, a 30 year study of earth female reproductive habits and biological and cultural forces. She programmed the machine for earth female, age approx. 14, slender, petite approx 5 feet 0 inches tall and 95 pounds mass. Clothing, young female, dresses and skirts no slacks. She had the computer analyze latest earth...

3 years ago
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New niehgbours

Well this is how it all started. the old guy next door was put into a home and the family sold the house to a couple , George and Sally, both late 40s. My wife was 23 and I was 25. They soon made us friends and Sally persuaded my wife Lyn to go out and play darts on a Thursday nite. George invited me to his house to play cards, as we were both on our own, which I readily agreed to. He was a really nice guy, got beer in and we got on well. After a couple of weeks, one Thursday nite we were...

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Mike and Beth

Mike was 19, living on his own. He was a medium built man, 5' 11" with dark curly that was shaved on both sides. He had a thin mustache, and wore wired frame glasses. He moved out of his mom's apartment when he turned 18. He needed to get away from his crack whore mom. For a short time, he was staying at his girlfriend's parents house, until their relationship fell through. Then, he moved in with one of his buddies who was looking for a roommate to help pay for rent and stuff. Later, his friend...

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The Scent Of Summer

It was early June and already a scorching hot. The air was constantly thick with humidity. Elise was thoroughly enjoying the heat. It meant that the 17 year old could justify wearing as little as possible as often as possible. She loved to show off her perky B cup breasts and round apple bottom. Unfortunately her fully-developed body and sexy attire made her appear more sexually active than she really was. In reality, Elise hadn’t become sexually aware until the previous summer. She started...

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Exxxtrasmall Lily Jordan 2 Dollars A Pound

Lilys parents really keep her on a tight leash. She cant leave the house and they forbid her to see her boyfriend Logan as much as possible. What a bunch of assholes. Currently, this little bottle rocket is not only desperate for dick, but also kind of crazy. She decides to ship herself in a box to Logans house in order to kill two birds with one stone. She will get fucked AND stick it to her shitty parents by charging it on their shipping account. Lucky enough for Lily, she was super tiny and...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 5

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . In the last part, I told you about how I and Chloe had a great fuck near the lake. Let me continue from there. I and Chloe wore our clothes and headed towards the campfire party. Everyone was sitting in a circle near the campfire. It looks like Abigail...

2 years ago
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Pacts Gods and FamilyChapter 30

There was one last, ceremonious announcement for Blanca and Tina, just before Liam’s and Becky’s nuptials, though Gail only recalled at the last second. It was a good thing, too, because I knew that they would be hurt if it wasn’t done right. The last thing that any of us wanted was to hurt Blanca, Tina, or anyone else. “Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you Mrs. and Mrs. Blanca Ruiz!” Gail declared the couple in precisely the way that the note Tina slipped to her told her. Watching my...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 49

The Bay of Seals, Two days later... “Here they come, boys ... here they come!” Jallen Tarlor, the captain of the watch, shouted, as the Dead came ashore yet again in force. “Aye, that they do! Are we ready to set them ablaze, too!” Nardel, his sergeant of the watch, a Wildling like their commander, asked him. “You know Lord Tormund’s standing orders, my savage friend! Cook them! Fry them! Roast them! Burn them all!” Jallen insisted, much to the relief of Nardel, who was anxious to rid the...

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Ms Eileen PeachChapter 4

My plight got worse, or better depending on your perverted point of view. That afternoon following the incident with the vine and slugs, I decided to take the sample of sap from the vine to the laboratory at the University for analysis. Needless to say the analysis was going to take a few days so I wasn't expecting anything soon. Meanwhile I took a look around town and I needed to get some supplies. I also needed to search for a full time gardener to look after the grounds. I didn't want...

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