Preachers Wife Chapter 9 and My WIfe and Wifes Fin
- 2 years ago
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Maggie woke up with the sun shining through the window. She was naked. So was Charles, lying beside her on his back. His large, languid penis and pendulous testicles reminded her of a description by Sylvia Plath: "turkey neck and gizzards".
She got out of bed and looked out the window. The sun reflected off the gentle waves of the sea. The white sand and shale rock beach was empty; the water rushing through caves guarding the entrance to the tiny bay was a deep green. "Another day in paradise," she said to herself.
She walked into the combination living room and kitchen, feeling the soreness in her crotch. "I've overdone it," she thought. "Charles and I are going to have to slow down today." She thought about that a moment. "The amazing thing is that I don't feel guilty, not a bit." Guilt, she decided, is fear of being caught.
The espresso machine on the kitchen counter was a mystery to her. She wanted a cup of coffee, but she had no idea how to make the machine work. She shrugged and walked out through the double glass doors onto the deck overlooking the beach.
Oscar was on the beach, naked, jogging, his penis flopping as each foot hit the ground. She waved at him and he waved back. "Could you show me how to use the espresso machine?" she shouted.
"With pleasure," he shouted back and jogged toward the staircase leading to the deck of the house.
She had a moment of panic. "Should I put clothes on? Can I greet a man I barely know with not a stitch on? But wearing clothes would seem weird." In any case, it was too late. Oscar was coming up the stairs.
"Good morning," he said. He kissed her on both cheeks and she felt his penis against her abdomen as they embraced briefly. "You are fine? And Charles?" His schoolboy English was stilted and formal. "You are called Sheila? Do I recall correctly?"
"Yes," Sheila was Maggie's beach name given her by her departed lover, Rory. "Only two days ago," she thought with a start. "It seems like a lifetime. First Rory, then Charles. It's nice to believe that I have been loved."
Oscar explained the espresso machine to Maggie as he brewed a cup of coffee. "Your coffee," he said proudly, handing her a tiny cup. "Be careful. It's hot."
She sipped the sweet. black coffee carefully. "It's a hazard, isn't it? Drinking hot coffee while naked." They laughed together.
Oscar said, "You are shaved." He was looking down at her crotch.
"Yes," her face turned red. "Charles did it. I asked him too. Everybody else here was shaved."
"Now you are beautiful everywhere."
She kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Oscar."
"I must finish my jog," he said. "And then I must fix breakfast for Alicia and Fiona."
"The English woman we saw on the beach yesterday."
"Oh, yes, Alicia said she was spending the night with you." Then, quickly, "Both of you, I meant."
He smirked. "We'll see you on the beach later." He kissed her on the cheek, turned, and walked down the stairs and onto the sandy beach.
Maggie watched him go. Oscar was tall, slender, and blond. "I'm not so sore," she thought.
Maggie made and drank another cup of coffee while sitting on the deck. Fiona walked by on the beach. She had a rounded stomach, a dimpled backside, and large, pendulous breasts. Maggie guessed her age as about the same as her own: thirty-seven. Oscar and Alicia were a few years younger. Charles was forty.
Fiona saw Maggie on the deck and waved. She was smiling and happy. "She must have had a good time last night with Oscar," Maggie thought.
Charles came out on the deck, casually scratching his testicles. "You're glowing," he said.
Maggie stood up and they embraced. "I ran into this wonderful man with a giant dick." She laughed. "Nobody would believe this back in Kansas."
He took his penis in his hand and directed it toward her face.
She pushed the penis away, feeling it harden in her hand. "May I have a rest?" She kissed him. "I'll make it up to you later."
"Agreed, but for now..." He thrust his penis, back and forth, through her enveloping hand.
"You're insatiable," she said stroking his penis, "And keep that cock away from my aching vagina."
"You said 'cock'." You're learning proper English. Only Americans call it a "dick."
"Shut up and come. My hand is getting tired."
"For a preacher's wife, you are cheeky."
"You wouldn't believe what a prude I am in real life."
"This is not real?"
"This is lotus-land."
"I'm going to come." He did, all over her stomach and hip, big gushing spurts, hot and sticky.
"God, what a mess!"
"Sperm is good for your skin. I'll clean it up." Charles disappeared into the house and returned a moment later with a paper towel. He knelt down and wiped away the sperm. He planted a kiss on her clitoris before rising to his feet and embracing her.
"Are you always this horny?" she asked.
"No, but you are new and exciting. And how about you?" Abruptly, he asked, "Why don't you leave your husband?"
She thought a moment. "Kids. One in high school, one in college. And career. I'm an accountant and my customers are churches and religious groups. If I got divorced, they'd take their business elsewhere. I would be a fallen woman to be shunned. Plus, there's comfort and security in a marriage."
"So, back home you're a different woman?"
"Most of the time. I come from a family of religious fanatics. Sex is shameful and only between husband and wife. My father was so puritanical that in high school I could never even go swimming in the public pool. A bathing suit was too revealing. Plus I was ashamed of my tits. I didn't have any for the longest time. And they were so small."
Charles ran his hands over her bare breasts. "I like them. So different from those norks of Alicia. And Fiona's jugs. You've seen Fiona...We make fun of Fiona, but she's very nice -- and not bad at all in bed."
"Aussie for tits, especially big tits."
"Does your wife in Australia know about your extra-curricular activities?"
"She knows. We are happy. I'm sure she's doing exactly what I'm doing right now. We have an open marriage when we're apart." His hand had found her vagina and he thrust a finger inside her. "I have to go to work. We could do a quickie right now. I'm up for it. Or wait for this afternoon?"
"This afternoon," she answered. She kissed him on the lips.
"I'll be ready. See you later. I've got to go dig up some stuff." Charles was an archaeologist and was digging for antiquities on the island.
Oscar and Alicia invited the two of them plus Fiona to a barbecue on their deck. "Clothed," Alicia said, "To be different."
Charles put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. "What should I wear?" asked Maggie.
"I have a dress that may suit you. It's my wife's -- if that doesn't bother you."
"Not at all. I'll be honored to wear something she wears. Is that weird?"
Charles went into the bedroom and returned with an ephemeral, flowery, knee-length dress with spaghetti straps. "I like it," she said. "But the fabric is thin. I should put on panties and a bra."
Charles laughed. "Don't. You haven't had clothes on since yesterday and now you want to get modest?"
"Okay, maybe not, if you think this dress is appropriate."
"More than appropriate. It will be beautiful on you."
She pulled the dress on over her head and tied the straps on her shoulders. She spun in a circle for Charles's examination. He nodded in approval. She looked down at her shallow cleavage and the outline of her legs visible through the thin fabric. "It doesn't conceal much."
"But too much. Let me loosen those straps." He untied the spaghetti straps over her shoulder and retied them, lowering the neck of the dress an inch.
"My nipples are just barely covered. It's funny," she added, "I feel more naked wearing this dress than I did not wearing anything."
"Your body is mysterious now and alluring."
The five of them drank beer and ate grilled fish at Oscar and Alicia's, a small house just down the beach from Charles's house, and then Oscar turned on the CD player and they danced in the dark -- men with women and women with women -- until they were tired and sweat-soaked, A million stars dotted the sky. Moonlight flooded into the room.
They collapsed on cushions in the living room. Oscar sat on one cushion and he pulled Maggie down and she sat between his legs. Fiona lay beside her. Oscar was wearing the same as Charles: shorts and a t-shirt. Fiona wore shorts and a tank top. Her large breasts bulged out the side of the tank top. A bowl full of condoms was conspicuous on a nearby coffee table.
Alicia and Charles sat on another cushion, facing each other, kissing. Alicia was wearing a blue dress shirt that reached nearly to her knees. "Should I be jealous?" Maggie asked herself, "Charles is kissing another woman and she has nothing on under that shirt. But Oscar has his arms around me and I'm feeling pretty good." She leaned back further into his arms.
Fiona snuggled closer against her. Maggie involuntarily flinched. "Does she want to have sex with me? How do two women have sex?"
"Fiona is bi-sexual," said Oscar, wrapping his arms around Maggie, his two hands clasped just below her breasts.
"Really?" asked Maggie. "Do you have a preference: men or women?"
"Back in England, usually women. Men are such a lot of trouble. But here, with these wankers," she pointed at Oscar and Charles, "I must do my part."
"We appreciate your sacrifice," said Oscar sarcastically.
Fiona kissed Maggie on her hip. "I bet you've never had sex with a woman."
Maggie laughed. "You would be right. I've never even thought about having sex with a woman."
"Does the idea offend you?"
Maggie thought a moment. "No. In for a dime, in for a dollar."
"What does that mean?" asked Oscar. "I am unfamiliar with the English phrase."
Maggie giggled at the formality of Oscar's English. "I guess it means that since you all fuck each other, I will also. But be nice. This is new for me." She stole a glance at Charles and Alicia sitting on a cushion an arm's length away. They were entwined, facing each other, Alicia sitting on his lap.
Oscar laughed. "We know. We call you the virgin queen."
"I'm getting less virgin every day I'm here,"
Fiona pulled Maggie's dress up to her waist. "May I? If you are uncomfortable with this, I won't." Fiona's head was resting on her stomach.
"I'm comfortable." She thought to herself, "I still feel a little guilty, sinful, to be having sex with men, but having sex with a woman? I'm curious, more than anything else."
Charles tapped her on the shoulder. "It looks like you're being taken care of. Alicia and I are going to the bedroom." Charles and Alicia got up from their cushion and walked toward the bedroom, hand in hand.
Maggie watched them go, then turned to Fiona. "Should I take my dress off?"
"Leave it on." Fiona rolled over and lay between Maggie's legs. "I like the feel of the fabric on my face."
"May I participate in this?" Oscar asked, putting his hands on Maggie's breasts.
Maggie leaned back in Oscar's arms and kissed him on the cheek. "Well, since you asked so politely, you may."
Oscar untied the straps on her dress and the fabric fell away from her breasts. He weighed one in each hand and then cupped his hands under them. Fiona was kissing her flanks, her hands running up and down the outside of Maggie's thigh. "Oh, my God!" thought Maggie, "I'm going to have a threesome." She laughed out loud. "What would the Woman's Missionary Union think of that?"
Maggie gasped as Fiona's mouth circled her vaginal mound, and again as Fiona's tongue found her clitoris. Oscar was kissing the back of her neck and caressing her breasts with his hands.
"Hold your hands still, would you?" she asked Oscar. "I love your hands, but I can't handle all this. Sensory overload."
"How am I doing down here?" Fiona asked with a laugh. Her tongue was now inside Maggie.
"I am breathless - and I'm going to come in about one minute." Maggie's legs were twitching, and she was rocking back and forth, thrusting her hips forward to take in more of Fiona's tongue, feeling her teeth, the wetness of her mouth.
"May I leave you for a moment?" asked Oscar, taking away his hands from her breasts, sliding away from her while lowering her head to the cushion. "I'd like to be inside Fiona when you come," he said. He pulled off his t-shirt and shorts and threw them aside.
Fiona sat up, took off her tank top and shorts, lay down again, and raised her hips in welcome, her tongue flicking against Maggie's clitoris.
Oscar picked up a condom from the bowl, bit through the plastic package, and pulled the condom out.
"May I put it on you?" asked Maggie. "I like to do that," she laughed.
"Oh, yes, you may," answered Oscar. "But don't play with me. I don't want this to end too soon."
"Oscar has a problem with premature ejaculation," said Fiona, raising her head from Maggie's crotch. "The first time we had sex, he spurted cum all over my face before we could get the condom on."
"I get a little over-excited," admitted Oscar, "especially the first few times with a woman. Fiona is a sex counselor, and she's been working with me. I think I did pretty well last night."
"You were splendid. The best man I've ever had."
"Do you tell all men that?"
"Of course, and I tell all of them that they have giant cocks. They like to hear that." She looked up from Maggie's crotch. "Do you wonder why I prefer women?"
Oscar extended his engorged penis toward Maggie. She unrolled the condom and slid it onto his penis. She felt the weight of his testicles, pulled up tight against his body.
He walked around back of Fiona, knelt with his penis in hand, and inserted it into her vagina. "I don't want to come yet, just watch," he said. He began a slow humping of Fiona, and she responded with twitches of his buttocks, welcoming his penis.
"You're a sex counselor?" asked Maggie.
"I'm a nurse. I work with a doctor. We advise clients on sex problems. Pre-mature ejaculation, impotence, inability to climax, fear of sex, etcetera. You're fortunate. You don't seem to have any hangups."
"Believe me, I've always been a prude." Maggie thought about that a minute. "Until recently. Very recently. Two days ago." She laughed. "I'm nervous and a little scared."
"Just focus on my tongue and my lips -- and my body against yours." Fiona moved her head upward, and lowered her hips, pulling away from Oscar's penis, kissing Maggie's clitoris, then up to her navel, then to her breasts, a hot mouth encompassing each of them, her large, pendulous breasts, rubbing against Maggie's abdomen. And then she kissed Maggie, a full-on passionate kiss, their tongues colliding, their bodies folding into each others, Fiona's hips driving against Maggie, searching for a union that was not there.
"I am so ready," said Maggie, falling back onto the cushion. Fiona moved her head downward, caressing Maggie's breasts with her hands, circling her navel with her tongue, and then, suddenly, covering Maggie's clitoris with her tongue, sucking, hard.
Maggie's legs thrashed, closing on Fiona's head and opening again. She went stiff all over, motionless for long seconds, and then came the explosion of passion that made her shake from head to toe. It was too intense. She took Fiona's head in her hands and raised it from her pubic area. "That's enough," she said gasping. "I can't take it anymore." She fell back on the cushion, feeling the sweat that ran down her chest and between her bare breasts.
"Wow!' said Oscar, his penis in his hand. "That was an orgasm! I want to fuck you."
"Give me a minute." Maggie was breathing hard, her muscles slowly relaxing, a mellowness creeping into her mind.
"I'd like to relax, " said Fiona to Oscar. "If you would kindly take your cock elsewhere."
"Oh, yes," answered Oscar. He stood up, took the condom off, and walked around to the cushion where Maggie lay. He sat down and cradled her head in his lap, his penis resting against her cheek. "Can I fuck you now?" he asked Maggie.
"I think I'd like to do Fiona now." She looked at Fiona, her head resting on Maggie's stomach. "That would be what you would like, wouldn't it?" It seemed polite to ask.
"Very much so." They changed positions, Fiona lying on her back, her head on the cushion, Maggie lying between her legs. Oscar crouched over Maggie's buttocks.
"This is so hot," said Oscar.
"Put another condom on, please," asked Maggie. "I can't take a chance of getting pregnant if you get too enthusiastic back there." She turned to Fiona. "I want to kiss you. I liked that."
Oscar got up, took another condom out of the bowl, sat down again behind Maggie, and put it on. The two women were locked in a passionate embrace. He massaged Maggie's buttocks lightly with his hands and his penis.
Maggie rubbed her nipples against Fiona's breasts, pushing her hard brown nipples and firm breasts against Fiona's, large and soft, yielding to her touch. She kissed each of her breasts, flicking the nipple with her tongue, feeling it respond and become erect. "Her breasts are so soft and big, and her nipples so small compared to mine. I've never done this with a woman. It's nice."
Maggie moved down to Fiona's crotch, smelling her, feeling her wetness on her tongue and lips, a clean fresh taste and smell. She inserted her tongue into Fiona's vagina, testing how deep she could go, then flicked her clitoris with her tongue before encompassing it with her mouth, sucking on it.
"I want to fuck you," said Oscar from behind her. "Like a dog."
"Not like a dog. Doggie style," Fiona laughed. "You Swedes are like Americans. You butcher the English language."
"I speak Swedish, the language of the gods. English is the language you should speak only to your horse," answered Oscar.
They all laughed together, Maggie raised her hips. "I believe," said Oscar, "that is my invitation to enter your soft American pousy with my rigid Swedish cock."
"It's pronounced pussy, not pousy."
"I am now going to enter your pousy."
"Pussy!" both women said in unison.
"Fitta is the word in Swedish. And my kuk fits perfectly." He guided his penis into her vagina.
"It fittas very nicely," said Maggie.
"May I put my kuk in your rumpa?"
"If that means what I think it means, no!"
"See, you are learning Swedish." He was stroking her vagina smoothly with his penis, his crotch rubbing against her buttocks. He slapped her lightly on her bare buttocks as she turned her attention to Fiona's vagina and clitoris with her mouth and tongue.
"This looks like a nice group." It was Charles's voice. He and Alicia were silhouetted standing in the open door of the bedroom, naked, their arms over each other's shoulder. "Are you doing okay, Sheila?"
Maggie raised her head from Fiona's crotch. "I'm keeping busy." Alicia was tall, slender, curvaceous, with large firm breasts. Her body was so perfect that Maggie felt intimidated. Charles' enormous penis hung loosely between his legs.
"May we watch?" Alicia and Charles didn't wait to be invited but sat down on a cushion by Maggie's side. Alicia ran her fingers over Maggie's buttocks.
"This is the weirdest thing," thought Maggie. "I am being fucked by a man while sucking the clitoris of a woman, and two people are watching me, a man and a woman, a man I have fucked and a woman, who I probably will fuck. And I don't feel inhibited or sinful or anything else except pleasure. This is heaven. All my life I've been looking for heaven. Heaven is now. Heaven is close, intimate, unfettered relationships with like-minded people. Heaven is a kind and passionate lover. Or lovers."
"God has finally shown me the way to happiness. Or, if there's no God...?" She put that thought out of her mind quickly.
"Can I go back to my husband? I must; there's the children; there's the money I earn that has allowed me to be in this place at this time. This is only a vacation from the interminable sermons of my boring husband on Sunday morning, Wednesday prayer meetings, and the Women's Missionary Union."
"Have you gone away?" asked Fiona.
"No," Maggie turned her attention back to Fiona's clitoris. "I was just reminiscing" Oscar was sliding his penis slowly and deeply in her vagina; Charles had cradled Fiona's head in his lap and was massaging her breasts; Alicia was sitting beside Maggie, her hands running up and down Maggie's back and over her buttocks. Maggie extended her arm and took Charles' penis in her hand. It became erect.
"I'm going to cum," said Oscar, his motions increased in intensity, his pubic area slapping noisily against her thighs.
"Three stroker," said Fiona. "Me too." She began to arch her back as Maggie dug deeper and harder into her with her tongue.
"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck," said Oscar. He was holding Maggie's hips and pulling her backward and forward, running her vagina down the length of his penis. She felt him stiffen, shake, then relax. "I'm done," he said.
"I'm next," said Fiona, as Maggie continued, now sucking on a hard and large clitoris, and Fiona screamed in ecstasy. Maggie put her hands under Fiona's hips and held her suspended off the ground for a few seconds until Fiona relaxed, then Maggie lowered her gently to the floor.
"You didn't come, did you?" asked Charles.
"No," said Maggie. "It was too busy, too many things going on. Maybe I was a little uptight. Maybe I'm all worn out." She collapsed on her stomach, her head in Charles's lap.
"But you enjoyed it?"
"Oh, yes. But I can't help thinking that I'm going back to my normal life soon."
Alicia kissed Maggie on the lips. "You smell like sex. Let's take a shower and see what we can find to do."
Maggie got to her feet, took Alicia's hand, and together they walked to the bathroom.
Later, the five of them went to bed. Maggie slept with Charles and Oscar in one bedroom and Alicia and Fiona slept in the other bedroom. The next morning she gave blow jobs to both men, lying in bed between them, drinking coffee and chatting casually.
Maggie was more than a little worried when she arrived home in Kansas. Her body was tanned from head to foot: no tan lines on breasts or hips. "How had that happened?" her husband might ask. Moreover, her shaved public area was bare of hair, although stubble was sprouting. "Fortunately," she thought, "my husband never looks at me."
Her first night home she undressed in the bathroom and put on a modest nightshirt. When she slipped into bed, her husband was ready for her, his penis already hard.
After a superficial kiss on the cheek, he rolled over to enter her. He was guiding his penis into her vagina when he exclaimed, "What is this?" He had felt the bareness of her public area. "You have no hair on your private parts."
She had an answer prepared. "Not a very good one, but an answer," she thought. "I was afraid that hair would stick out of the bottom of my bikini. So, I shaved."
He contemplated the vision of his modest wife in a bikini for a long moment. Then, he resumed inserting his penis in her vagina. He laid down flat on top of her, his legs between hers, and began pumping away, breathing hard in her ear.
Maggie worked hard to ensure that her husband enjoyed the sex. Not so hard that he might wonder where she had learned new tricks, but hard enough to persuade him that she had missed his kuk in her fitta during her Greek vacation.
I will back track a couple paragraphs...What did Pam see? Pam saw Jaimie masturbating, Jaimie fucking me, even last Tuesdays at their house in Jamies bed and her own bed, when Jaimie obviously was not being forced at that time. What's more, I told her that such actions would ruin Jaimies future, get her kicked out of her college, and ruin her husbands preaching career if this ever got out. Pam, asked me what I wanted, they had no money, please do not show the preacher nor tell anyone, she...
Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife who was now my willing cum slut sex slave, had just been getting fucked by me in her car or mine before church each Sunday morning, then going to the choir and church full of my cum, in her tummy, pussy and sometimes tight asshole.She was putting on dildo and masturbation for me on her bed facing the hidden cam that she now knew was always there. I had her 69 with her husband John and I had noted on hidden cam, that John and her were fucking like rabbits, more...
As relationships strained in her house, her being pregnant, unmarried, preacher angry and ashamed, coupled with issues with her mom, as they were both my now willing sex slaves, although, it took some unwilling time to make that psychological leap to needing their Master's control to let out their inner slut. Jaimie would be 24 in a few months and she really wanted to move in with Master and his family.Pam and Jaimie would argue over petty things,for instance Pam would comment about her moving...
Well we arrived at my house and we all three carried everything into Jaimies room and unloaded it, I had both mother (Pam) and daughter (Jaimie) wearing summer dresses without panties and bras. Whenever I wanted, I would get a feel or reach under a dress to feel their pussies or asses or down the top to cup a breast. Jaimies young firm tits that I knew soon would be getting full of my babies milk as her 23 year old now sex slave cum slut to me, little preachers daughter, had become, with her...
Well, for those of you following the stories, for the next few weeks I fucked Jaimie at least once a day, everyday, or at least had the slut meet me for a blow job. She was turning into such a whore she would text me her par_ents were away the last it me I went over to see her, she texted they were away and the door was unlocked. I drove over, walked into the parsonage, walked down the hall to Jaimies room and opened the door. My little slut was kneeling wearing stockings, heels, garter belt,...
Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...
After fucking Pam before church that Sunday I had her as I wanted her, obedient.I would watch her on hidden cam and she knowing the cam was there, would give me shows as I directed her too.I told her that when the church was told about Jaimie be pregnant, I would act shocked and in a few weeks talk my wife Charlotte into letter my number #1 slut move in with me. Pam did not really like it, as she knew what all I would be doing to her beautiful pregnant daughter. I wondered if it might be some...
Katrina, the young 19 year old money who fucked me for money, then blackmailed into being my sex slave cum slut #3 for 6 months, had wanted to fuck more than once a week. Apparently, she enjoyed the control and hard fucking I gave her.Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife MILF I had black mailed and was fucking as my number #2 slut, was now trained and willing to do all my commands. Her most humiliating moment was her hard ass fucking and mostly when I had her and Jaimie, my 23 year old number #1...
Pam pulled into the doughnut shop as ordered and went in, she looked at my car. I followed her and stood behind her in line, I pressed against her and she tensed. What is someone saw? I told her to buy doughnuts and coffee. Buy enough for the Sunday school class. I told her to put them in her car then drive across the street to the parking lot of a closed store and wait. Unlock your car doors and wait for me.I ordered coffee and drove across the street parking nest to her.I wondered if...
For those following the story, Jamie is horny and thinking evil thoughts about a church man old enough to be her father, her d_ddy is a very busy preacher.I continued my forced seduction of the little slut, whom at 23 had maintained her virginity, but by now, I knew she was ready and I was sure I was going to fuck her.I showed up early one morning when I knew the preacher was going to a funeral, I was hoping his wife Pam would be away also, in case I got the chance to take Jaimie that day....
While my wife Charlotte was away at the ladies church retreat with the preachers wife (my number #2 sex slave slut) getting seduced and fucked by Pam, the preachers wife, Jaimie (preachers 23 year old daughter -- 24 next month!) whomk lived with my wife and I was left alone with me for a few days.She is VERY pregnant and showing with my baby (unknown to my wife that our nanny is carrying my baby).Jaimie has been getting jealous (as my first seduced and blackmailed number #1 sex slave slut) of...
The ending of Chapter 14 as a lead in: "Ray standing there getting hard watching his wife on her knees swallowing my cum and some on her face and chin and Rachelle just smiling and smirking and saying, "Laura, you and I know better and we were not raised like this!" Laura embarrassed said, "I know" and at that time I told Ray and Laura that Rachelle and I were going out for breakfast, then shopping, then for a day of play at a hotel room. We would be back late that night. Laura was not happy,...
My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...
To set the stage, starting with the ending paragraphs of Chapter 13:"As we fucked Laura, Rachelle, watched in envy and fingered herself, she cum again as Laura cum. Soon Ray filled his wife's ass with his cum and then we switched positions, and I took her ass hard, pulling hair, calling her "our slut" and I used her and degraded her in front of Ray. The things I made her say. Soon she was Cumming again and again. Next she collapsed, used and spent with a stretched ass with cum dripping from...
She was 23, 5'3" brunette with a stunning smile and perfect young tight body. She had held her virginity through all those years, being homeschooled made it easier, but in college she almost broke down and she longed to be touched, tasted, used and to do the same. Her long time boyfriend she never allowed to do anything other than kiss and one time when she was daring she let him finger her and suck her nipple, she was u******e at that time. He left for college where she learned he turned...
For those following the stories, here is a update.Jamie, the 23 year old preachers daughter slut is pregnant with my baby, unknown to my wife, and she is living with us. I use her. Pam, preachers wife has been meeting me Sunday mornings and getting fucked before church and her husband knows about it, but has not confronted them yet. I told John, the preachers to wait. He is ashamed she loved sucking my cock and getting his virgin ass pounded. He has been enjoying fucking his wife Pam and I it...
Well, now I had enough video to blackmail the sexy young slut and I was sure she was masturbating thinking of me and also of her d_d_y fucking her m_m_y! But, I wanted MORE to seal the deal, so to speak!My wife and I had a wedding anniversary coming up and I got us reservations at a cabin and planned a nice get away. I knew she would love it, be horny, and I would fuck her all weekend! Although she is a hottie, sometimes I would think of her but other times of Jaimie, the preachers daughter...
With my wife Charlotte away at the church ladies retreat being seduced (I hoped) by my number #2 sex slave slut Pam (the hot 38D preachers wife I had blackmailed that was now a willing sex slut) and I home alone fucking my pregnant 23 year old Number #1 cum slut sex slave Jaimie (preachers daughter) during the day while the k**s were at school, I decided on day two to bring in Katrina (Katrina, the young 19 year old mommy who first fucked me for money, then I also blackmailed her into being my...
Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...
Although the last chapter gave me the clearest video and loud audio of her masturbating in daylight... another wonder session was captured at night. In fact, only a couple nights later. The best part was as I reviewed recordings from the preacher and preacher wife's room, I realized Jaimie was masturbating the same time her p______ents were fucking in the other room, where she could no doubt hear them.Again, what wonderful video for future use, when I finally show her!It was a Tuesday night...
Well, that Sunday at church she acted very uncomfortable around me, and around my wife. I sensed that 23 year old vixen was feeling guilty. Well, she would feel a lot more guilty soon, but a lot more relaxed as well as used.So over chit chat, I learned that both Preacher and his MILF wifey Pam would be out of town Thursday, and I suggested we might need a baby sitter Thursday afternoon (not really, just wanted to make sure Jaimie would be in town). In fact, I cooked up this story about I...
My buddy lived next door to me. His father was a preacher at a big church in town. His mom was the typical conservative preachers wife type. Average looking, blonde brown hair, not over weight, a few wrinkles. Not wanking material at all. Any way I would spend the night over there and my buddy would spend the night at my house. So spending the night, you sometimes see things, which are not too big a deal. But some times they are a big deal. This night I spent over at my buddy's house. We were...
Continued, so I decided it was time for some more forceful fucking again and I ordered Jaimie at church Sunday, to be at the mall Monday at noon, at the pet store.Sunday, Pam, the preachers wife did as told, she tried not to make contact with me and she was very nervous, but she passed we her wet panties that had been in her pussy (see previous post) and I briefly pulled Jaimies panties from my pocket and showed her, then returned them. I could tell there was tension when I was talking to both...
Well, for the next ten days I used her sex young cunt hole and mouth at least twice a week. I told her that Sunday before she got in the choir to sing she was to remove her panties and stuff them in her pussy. After singing she was to go remove them and slide them to me as she left the ladies room and I went to the mens room. What a sexy trained slut. Even in church she was now giving me her panties. So, it was time to get rougher with her and take that tight ass. Not make love to it, not...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Rachelle was horrified as she thought of how she had cum over and over again with a strangers (mine) cock in her married pussy, mouth and devouring and using her body. She was ashamed and guilty, how could a married preachers daughters do this! How could she fuck me and enjoy it so, when she knew it was so wrong and why did she slut herself so. It made her feel worse she had been fucking in her sisters house. But, Rachelle, also could not but get her sore pussy wet and her nipples would harden...
About 2 weeks after pressing my hard cock into "Jaimie" at church, I played it cool and stood back. Kind of ignored her but could see her looking at me. It made me semi hard and I sat so she could see my buldge in my slacks.Then the preachers lawn mower broke down and his car was not usable, nothing serious, just a starter solenoid on the mower and a alternator on his car. I told him I would be glad to fix them for him. Well I timed my arrival for when he was going to see folks at the...
Laura -- the preachers daughter continuation. Well, I went to sleep soon and Ray went to bed. I noticed Laura did get up and came to get a drink a of water, I could hear and sense her looking at me on the sofa. I adjusted my cock and had it semi hard and turned so it was showing outside my shorts, I could tell she lingered and looked. I was getting harder as I remembered how her ass felt and also how sexy and slutty she looked on her hubby's hidden cam of her masturbating. Finally she went...
For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...
For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...
Introduction: Batwoman goes in search of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, only to find her fill-in, Holly Robinson. It was all going so well. A simple looting of a rich persons home of a few baubles, and what not. Yep, everything was going so well until she found herself blacking out from something hitting her. She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. Where am I? she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. ouuuhhh…...
She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. "Where am I?" she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. "ouuuhhh..." she groaned in pain. "As to the where, you're in an adult toy factory. As for the why, because I saw you and decided you might be the one person that can give me what I want." Stepping from behind the hanging woman, Batwoman let the fingers of her left hand trace Holly's right thigh...
Over the next two weeks I watched and recorded a number of hot masturbation sessions unknown to the hot 23 year old virgin Jaimie, and a few of her MILF m_ _ _ _y and one of her parents fucking in their room. Near the end of two weeks, I even caught the preacher himself alone in Jaimie's room sniffing her worn panties and jacking off his little pecker over her bra, but that is another story for later!My favorite two masturbation recordings, other than her at night in the middle of the night...
Blake How could things be the same after all we had gone through? It’s true that you can’t judge a book by its cover because sometimes the cover lied. Either it didn’t entice the reader enough to open the pages or it made you believe that the words on the inside were equivalent or better than the wonderful picture on the outside. That’s how we were, Samson and I. Sitting here on the 5th pew during morning worship made everyone think that he loved me so much. I was a strong woman but always...
Tonight was Rachelles last night in town at her sisters house before going home. She was going up with marks, sore and used and totally spent. She was spent from the day fucking, emotionally and physically. She talked about things she never told anyone and she got off so many times. She was a total whore now...for me. Tonight, she would be a total whore for her brother in law also.We arrived late at the house, and she walked in a mess. Hair, makeup, no panties, no bra, dried cum in her and...
If you have followed the stories, I first black mailed and fucked the preachers 23 year old hot daughter, Jaimie, she is now carrying my baby. See preachers daughter chapter 13 and preacher sucks for lead in to this story:Over two months ago I sucked my first cock and fucked my first man pussy, unbelievable, it was our preachers, so wrong but made me so fucking hard!He sucked and cum hard and recovered quick, he said he would be my sex slave cum slut #3. Well, I had been letting him wait as I...
-IAN I saw her as soon as they walked in. Her face wasn’t familiar although I knew her husband. Was Samson her husband? I had never paid attention to Samson’s ring finger before and I couldn’t see it from here. Even trying to get a closer look during altar call didn’t help. She wasn’t what I called ‘fine’ but extremely sexy. The way she walked around the offering table…ummm. She wasn’t wearing anything revealing but cut to fit her body. A simple navy dress that skimmed slightly over her hips...
As I rode back toward Rays and Laura's I ordered her to be at a hotel I had already arranged, I ordered her to get a sitter, to bring her collar and leash, the HD short shirt and panties I had bought her, to be wearing bright red lipstick, to be all made up and I would call five minutes from the hotel. She was to be in the room waiting. She was to be on her knees, on the bed, faceing away from me with her ass toward me, her head down watching me between her tits and legs as I opened the door. ...
While waiting for Laura at the Harley Davidson shop I had bought a Harley dog leash and collar and put them in my saddle bag, she never saw them.When I retrieved my scoot that afternoon, I stopped and had a pet name tag made, on one side it said, "Laura" and on the reverse it said, "Bill's SSS"As I departed that morning, I handed Laura a key to the room I had gotten and directions looking into her eyes I said, "Laura, I need you one more time this morning, text me "ride safe" when you are 5...
From CH 5: " She was nervous, but I knew if she was getting a baby sitter and picking me up, alone, coupled with the fact she had masturbated herself to sleep after I teased her -- I had no doubt that before noon little miss brunette Laura, the preachers daughter, would be sucking my cock and riding me like there was no tomorrow! I just had to play it cool and make sure I had it recorded for Ray. So on the way to the Harley shop, I stopped and got my own hidden camera and recorder to make sure...
Well, sure enough sexy little Jaimie was carrying my baby! I had bred her good!So, as directed, she told her m_mmy who of course knew I was the father of her baby.Jaimie told her m_ommy what I had told her to tell her dad so Pam went along with the lie to John. Boy, was the preacher pissed. He even cursed! Jamie cried. She knew she could not go back to her Christian University in a few weeks so she was going to have to stay there, and they would have to tell the church. She would have to...
The preacher's wife drove home to her small, conservative town and dignified life. She had committed adultery and felt extreme guilt. But she was even more distraught over how she had behaved. There were times she was forced to commit sexual acts, but at other times she wanted to do them. The drive was long and she had time to reflect. She knew she was going to spend a lot of time in church asking God for forgiveness and to return her to a normal, respectable life. But part of her was wondering...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAfter finally spending half the day fucking my friends wife and secretly recording most of it for him on hidden cam, I played it cool the rest of the day and when my bike was done at the shop took a little test ride. I went and got a hotel in the town, just in case use it in the morning.That evening over dinner, my cock was getting hard thinking how I had ate his wife out and fucked her on the table where he sat eating supper. As we watched TV that night, we would exchange smiles and glances. ...
It was a Friday night, rainy, when I had "accidently" bumped my hard cock into Laura, a preachers daughter and my friend Ray's MILF wife. She is a hottie, pleasantly thick with curves in the right places, wonderful tits and ass, long sexy brown hair and pretty eyes. She has lips to cum over and a little mommy belly from having k**s. She is conservative and quite, but, damn I wanted to fuck her.I waited until I heard her up in the shower Saturday morning, she was the first one up. I watched...
This story is unrelated to others, but the story of seduction on a trip I made a friends house. He is married to a prim and proper preachers daughter, whom is also HOT.Her name is Laura, and she is pleasantly plump and curvy in ALL the right places. Nice hanging tits, beautiful long brunette hair, sexy face and lips, and a ass made for fucking. Although, according to my friend and her hubby, it has never been fucked. You see, he says she is a good fuck but very conservative. She reluctantly...
I could not stop thinking about my sexy Laura, how I had turned her into a fucking cum slut and after I got home or when away on business I would often web cam with her and talk nasty to her on the phone as she masturbated for me and cum hard...I would record these sessions unknowingly for her husband Ray as well.However, this story is not so much about the Preachers Daughter Laura, it is about her MILF MIL Shelly. Shelly is 54, slightly plump, looks like the mommy and grand mommy she is, and...
To everyone who takes the time to get to know me by reading my work, thank you. I hope that you enjoy this installment as well as the others posted previously. I also look forward to your feedback/comments. With sincere gratitude, K. Carmichael * IV. I planned on learning more about Blake from Tonya but when she cancelled her meeting with me I knew I had to take things into my own hands. Samson had told me that he would drop the forms off at the church but I knew that he would be out of...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
I have had other husbands wife's a few times before, but this last one was unique. Some time ago I was online viewing some nude photos. After making comments of photos towards this one lady , I received site mail from her thanking me for my comments. She was 70 years old and very pretty. After some chit chat I found that she was married. The couple was new to the site and the husband, a retired naval Captain, wanted more spice in his sex life. His wife was welcome to meet another man if she...
Becoming Brandee Chapter Four: Richard picked me up in his Lexus at the steps of the beauty salon. It was another wonderful experience. All the operators knew him and about me. I now had acrylic nails in a French style that were ? inch from the tips of my dainty fingers. I also had electrolysis and laser hair removal sessions as well. The girls treated me with a lot of fussing and tenderness and made me feel so welcomed there. I was already looking forward to my next...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
Rachelle was suspicious, and had horny dreams about me fucking her sister Laura and wondering what my cock, a strangers cock, would feel like. She felt guilty, but horny. She remembered when her and her dad had played a long time ago. She got wet and horny. She was sitting at the breakfast table, tired and wondering about the sticky mess she found, it seemed like dried cum.That day was uneventful and fun for all. Ray and I were gone a few hours with the k**s allowing sisters to talk and...
For those following the series, I have been using and fucking my friends wife Laura. She confided to her sister Rachelle, who is a HOT MILF mommy as well.When they went to pick Rachelle up at the airport, I stayed at their house. I stayed to set up my hidden cams and some more that Ray had gotten. I would catch any action at the sofa, kitchen table, guestroom for Rachelle, and shower area, as well as Rays bedroom, garage and laundry room.When Laura went to get her sister, she had went down...
Becoming Brandee Chapter Two: Pulling up to his condo I realized that Richard was very well off. He lived in a very exclusive part of the city and his home furnishings matched his stature and good grooming. Looking around I felt like I just had to become his maid as well as girlfriend and make sure this wonderful man had me to look after him as a sweet girl would desire to do for a man who took good care of her. I squealed with delight when he showed me my own room. It couldn't...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...
Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...