Preachers Pulpit Parishioners and Ch 01
- 2 years ago
- 49
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I saw her as soon as they walked in. Her face wasn’t familiar although I knew her husband. Was Samson her husband? I had never paid attention to Samson’s ring finger before and I couldn’t see it from here. Even trying to get a closer look during altar call didn’t help.
She wasn’t what I called ‘fine’ but extremely sexy. The way she walked around the offering table…ummm.
She wasn’t wearing anything revealing but cut to fit her body. A simple navy dress that skimmed slightly over her hips and stopping mid-calf was so enticing. Her style of dressing baring the same resemblance of that of Robin Givens in the movie ‘A Rage in Harlem.’ Looking so much like a lady but sexy and classic at the same time. No wonder Forest Whitaker was sucking her toes like a tootsie pop. The only differences were the curves this woman possessed. She appeared to be 5’2 despite the provocative heels that heightened her a few inches.
I hoped no one noticed the slight bulge I felt pressing against my pants.
Good thing I wore my ‘preachers robe’ over my normal attire. It was a little warmer than usual but I truly was grateful for it now.
I know that most preachers have reputations of being ‘partial’ to the ladies, but not me. Living in California for 30 years had a way of opening your eyes to what God was trying to tell you. I had my fair share of the streets of chasing and being chased by women and enemies alike. After getting shot three times during an ‘altercation’ I knew it was time to stop doing things my way and do things the Lords way.
No I’m not a saint. In fact im FAR from perfect. I still fantasize about women and even now as I sit her with my eyes glued to this mesmerizing woman sitting a few yards away I felt some sort of guilt.
Here I was thinking obscene thoughts about a woman I never met. Possibly a married woman at that.
Since taking this pastoral position here at St. Peter Baptist, all of the deaconesses were trying to play matchmaker between me and any single friend or relative they had. This Louisiana church was located in a hometown community where if you forgot your own business all you had to do was ask your neighbor or anyone around town for that matter. For this reason I was careful with the things I did, places I frequented and taking careful notice of the words that parted my lips. I didn’t want any unessaceary gossip from onlookers.
‘Would any visitors like to stand and have a word?’ said Tonya after reading through the numerous announcements.
Why do we have to endure sitting through countless announcements that are forgotten before church is even over with when they could be printed on the program? This would save time and allow for the members to save them for future reference.
Oh well I guess this was just another tradition that would continue for now. After all what’s another 5 or 10 minutes added to the already lengthy service?
Looking out over the crowd after Tonya’s invitation to the visitors, made me thankful of this tradition in most black churches. Maybe now the young lady sitting beside Samson would make herself known.
‘Well if there are no visitors that would like to stand and have a word, the doors of St. Peter B.C. are always open. Thank you for worshipping with us and please come again to the church Where Everybody is Somebody, under the leadership of Pastor Ian-Alexander Bronson’
Tonya looked back at me after completing the church motto making sure that I was watching her as she swayed her hips while she took her seat.
Only a few hours ago she had stopped by my home to deliver my ironed robe for today’s service. When I told her thanks and asked how much I owed her she dropped to her knees in prayer, or so I thought. 10 minutes later she was kneeling in front of me speaking in tongues to my dick. I wasn’t proud of this but it sure relieved some pressure. Spraying cum over her face all I could think about were the women that I prostituted in my past life. You would never know that these women were prostitutes. By looking at them, they were immaculate. Finest clothes, jewelry, and cars. These women would turn tricks just for a chance to live a lavish lifestyle often times marrying the rich guys that loved having a ‘showpiece’ on his arm. Yeah they thought they were high dollar but to me that was just another name for expensive whores that I profited from.
Looking at Tonya sit beside her husband in her Sundays best made her even less desirable than before. Whores like her were the reason I would never cum in their mouth. Before removing my dick from her mouth earlier she was begging me to let her swallow my nut. This was a no no.
I wouldn’t give her the pleasure of tasting my soul.
Tonya was the kind of woman that thought because she was fine and could suck a good dick they could have any man they wanted to. She was sneaky and had her husband under her spell, but not me. She was going to learn and if she continued to pursue me, I was going to have to teach her.
But for now I was wondering why the lady in blue hadn’t stood to have a word. All I wanted to do was know here name. Just to put a voice to that face. I could wait until after church but what if she left immediately? I knew there was a chance that sister Edwards would corner me as soon as the amen’s were said and I didn’t want to take that chance.
‘Amen. Let the church say Amen.’ I begin to speak.
It was now time for the Pastors observations. Trying not to be so obvious about wanting to know more about the new visitor who captured my attention, I begin to speak of the churches renovations and the upcoming youth bake sale. After thoroughly giving information about the upcoming events it was time to get to the reason I was hiding the bulge in my pants.
I acknowledged Samson out of courtesy and I could see her looking at me with anticipation.
I studied her Mahogany skin carefully.
Perfectly applied makeup.
Lips painted red as if the color was extracted from a strawberry by angels just for her.
‘Your are so beautiful.’ I heard my voice echo over the microphone.
Briefly asking her a few questions and hearing her response I took my seat.
Did I just say that aloud?
‘What is wrong with you!’ my mind was screaming at me.
I couldn’t believe that I just said that standing in the pulpit. I was always in control of things. I had seen many beautiful women throughout my lifetime so why did this feel new?
I didn’t regret the things that I said I just know that by this comment alone members of my congregation would raise suspicion as to why I was showing interest in her.
As I listened to the choir sing its final hymn I saw Tonya staring me down with anger as if she was cutting through me like a hot knife through butter.
I was going to have to be extremely careful of my words and actions even more now.
I looked towards the heavens and uttered a simple prayer.
‘Lord help me, and please shield me from the devils and demons of this world. Amen.’
I know like hell he didn’t think that I was going to sit on that uncomfortable church pew and listen as he swooned over another bitch, I was milking his dick with my mouth moments before he put on his ‘Mercy robe’.
He wasn’t fooling me acting like he wasn’t like any of the other preachers. I could see the way he looked at my ass and breasts when I walked by.
When he first came here I had to have him. He was so different than my husband and when I saw the enormous size of his penis, it confirmed how different.
Ian exuded so much confidence when he walked and talked. I even heard my husband and the other deacons speak of him in high regard. All of the women of the church wanted him and if they were married and couldn’t have him they would try to make him interested in their d
aughters, cousins, sisters or friends. He never seemed interested. That’s why I had to pick the perfect time to catch him and it worked just how I planned it to two weeks ago. He didn’t seem uninterested then and I had the cum that dripped from my chin onto my dress to prove it. Monica Lewinsky didn’t have shit on me.
I realized at an early age that no man could resist me with the swish of my tongue and the wiggle in my hips. That’s why I after working my magic on him that wonderful Sunday morning, I wondered why he seemed intrigued by Samson’s bitch for a girlfriend Blake. I didn’t like her in school. Always somewhere with her nose in a book or getting some award. If you asked me she wasn’t all that and I personally thought she didn’t deserve my cousin. He was a kind man that did anything to make her happy. Buying her presents and everything for no reason at all. Then she had the nerve to show up at church knowing that the majority of my family felt the same as me. When she and Samson came by for the family gathering my husband, being the gentleman that his weak ass always is, begin pulling out chairs and waiting on her hand and foot. I understood she was a guest but she wasn’t royalty. That compliment that Pastor Bronson gave her must have gone to her head. You should have seen her when I brought him up in conversation. She was hanging on every word. I could see the surprise on her face when I called him ‘Ian’.
That’s right bitch I know him like that I thought and I plan on knowing him a lot better.
Samson was working more and more at St. Peter since he came back from his Charlotte trip. Sometimes he stayed so late that I would have to leave his dinner in the microwave for him. The church must have needed serious help if Samson’s expertise was called for. He was the best CPA around.
That was part of our reason for moving back to our hometown after living out of state for so long. Samson wanted to start his own accounting firm and thought this was the perfect market to do so. Of course I didn’t make any objections when he asked me to quit my job at the hospital and move back with him. If this was my mans dream then I was going to support him. After all that is what a good woman does, right? I was tired of the hustle and bustle of the city anyway.
When I graduated high school the first thing I did was buy a ticket out of here. It wasn’t because I hated the town but I knew in order to make something of myself I had to go. Growing up in a two bedroom home resembling that of old slave quarters made me want more for my family. I studied hard and put myself through school with the help of scholarships and grants. Becoming an Internal Medicine doctor was hard work and even harder if you were a double minority, an African American woman.
Not only was moving back a good opportunity for Samson but this was the ideal community to open a family clinic. Many people that lived within a 20 mile radius of here had never been to a doctor unless it was when they were born. Most of the residents didn’t possess the finances to see a physician on a regular basis and those who were fortunate enough to have the money, underestimated the necessity of getting annual exams. I had always cared for people and saw the need for medical service in this area. Even though conventional medicine and diagnosis was what I practiced but most of the people here only knew about ‘home remedies’. These remedies came in handy when you were ailing and either couldn’t get to the next town to the pharmacy or just didn’t have the money to make purchases.
Samson’s theory was that it wasn’t anyone’s fault for people being poor or lacking.
I tried to remind him that everyone wasn’t raised with a silver spoon in their mouth like him. When the conversation would come up about me working in the next town over, Ouachita (wash-e-taw) parish, he quickly silenced it. Not tonight.
‘We’ve been back for almost 2 months now. Don’t you think it would be best for me to start bringing in some additional income for us baby?’ I said trying to butter him up and prevent an argument.
‘You know that I appreciate the things you do around the house. Plus if you’re going to be ‘doctoring’ anyone it’s going to be your husband.’ he told me eating a spoonful of warm peach cobbler and ice cream.
‘Husband? You haven’t even proposed. Plus it’s only so much cooking and cleaning to be done here. I didn’t spend all of those years struggling to make ends meet in med school to be your personal physician.’ I told him matter-of-factly as I strolled to the sink.
He was beginning to piss me off.
‘As long as I can remember ive had a dream to help those that needed it. You knew medicine was my first love when you met me.
When you asked me to not let anyone know that I was a doctor before coming here I agreed. Are you ashamed of what I do? Most men would jump up and down for an opportunity to be with me, if only to get free medical benefits. But you’re so intimidated by me and my profession that you hide it from your family and your parents because you want to be seen as the ‘breadwinner’. I’m 32. I finished at the top of my class and worked with some of the best in my field. Now you just want me to forget about who I am? I’m sorry Samson but I can’t do that.’
‘I’m sorry I didn’t catch that.’ he said tilting his head to the side but never looking at me.
‘You heard me.’
I was going to stand my ground.
‘With the amount of money I generate, you can be my personal CPA.’ I said winking at him.
I loved Samson but he could be so stubborn at times.
Turning to rinse the last of the remaining dishes I didn’t hear him approach me.
‘Ummm…that feels good.’
The way he was massaging my neck was amazing. There had been so much tension in my body lately.
‘This is one of my favorite spots. Have I ever told you that Blake? So delicate, so sensitive the neck is. ‘
I could feel the pressure from his fingers increase and the pleasure was becoming painful as he gripped my neck. The look that I saw reflected in the kitchen window was one that I had seen before.
Samson was angry.
I never thought of myself as a weak woman. The type to be ‘insecure’ enough to let a man strike them but I realize that it wasn’t insecurity that always made a woman stay. It was often times the hope that you could love someone enough to make them happy. So happy that their love for you would outweigh the urge to abuse you.
This cure for abuse hadn’t worked for me because I felt myself become dizzy as his grip became tighter.
There was noting in the sudsy water to aid in my defense. Nothing. I was losing consciousness quickly. Felling myself falling to the floor I heard him begin to unbuckle his belt.
Everything went black.
What had I done to awaken to being kicked and beaten with a leather belt? How long had I been unconscious? I rolled in a ball to protect myself from the painful blows he was administering. Since there was no chance of my almost limp body escaping, I knew it was critical to protect my vital organs. My physical strength was nothing compared to his. I knew from treating patients before that in a situation like this it would be better to protect yourself and wait for the assailant to leave or tire out before you moved, to avoid exposing yourself to the harmful fists or claws be it human or animal.
When he moved closer to me my hands went up defensively to protect my head and face.
‘Yeah cover your beautiful face. I wouldn’t want to fuck that up. If I have to look at you at least you can do is look presentable.’
My body ached laying here on the cold wooden floor.
Only after hearing the bathroom door shut and the shower run did I try to move. My body wouldn’t cooperate. It had betrayed me just like Samson.
I lay there thinking of all the nights my siblings and I slept in a cold home having to l
oad the wood heater every couple of hours. The days and nights I had to warm water on the heater just to bathe. Those were hard times. Laying here I wished for those times. A time when I felt secure and safe.
My eyes closed and as I felt myself fading once more I began to pray the prayer my mouth muttered without hesitation…
‘Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen
Waking up to the sun shining through the window and birds chirping reminded me that God was still watching over me. I couldn’t believe I had slept here all night. Samson must have covered me up before he left the note that I saw beside me. When I begin to move all I could feel was the skin weeps that had been left by the leather belt hours ago. A hot bath filled with Epsom salt would truly be needed today.
Boy did this feel good to my aching body. Letting the steam filled bathroom engulf me I reveled in the hot water…
I must have fallen asleep again because when I woke up I could feel the water getting cold and my skin had started to wrinkle. I finished bathing and towel dried my bruised body. The purple and blue marks shown slightly through my dark skin.
Looking into the mirror, I reached for my Ed Hardy lotion and begin to rub the shimmery cream into my skin. Its true I thought upon reading the container, ‘Love, Kills, Slowly’.
Who was this woman staring back at me? Where was the woman that I had carefully sculpted through years of education and acts of humanity? Life definitely has a way of being a bully sometimes. Sometimes I have a problem with hiding my feelings even from myself. I had never spoke these words because they could often times be misinterpreted. But when Samson came into my life I was tired, emotionally and physically. Since I had moved away to attend school in Charlotte, it was always a struggle. Here I was in a humongous city with no one but myself and God. And after putting myself through years of schooling and maintaining two jobs, I was tired. Any extra money that I had was spent on necessities and my family who had moved further south of Richwood to take care of my grandparents. They never asked for anything and always gave me encouragement.
I never knew how ruthless people of the world could be until I experienced it for myself.
When I wasn’t at work or school, I was on my way to work or school because I had to spend so many hours of my day on city transportation. Looking back I think of how determined I was. ‘By any means necessary’ was my slogan and when I met Samson I applied it.
Samson recognized me almost immediately when I saw him. Out of all the places in the world we both could have been, we were here at the same airport. It had to be fate we thought. After all these years away and never speaking to each other when we crossed paths in our hometown, here we were. Samson and I came from different sides of the track and couldn’t have been raised more differently.
He was tall and cute with great credentials and he had a car. I went from food rations and walking to exclusive restaurants and wheels. And since we were from the same hometown, I finally felt I had a friend. Don’t get me wrong these things were great to have but what ultimately made me stay with him was the man that I saw he could be. He needed my emotional support and I needed him in other areas. Before we moved together in Charlotte we were just friends. Hanging out and getting to know one another until we decided to take it to the next level. Sex was horrible the first time together. How could he think that a health clinic condom would work? I was all for safety but one of my rules was once you get to a certain age you should spend the extra few dollars for condoms. That’s just what grown people do. And just like a woman has to be fitted for a bra, a man should be required to be fitted for condoms.
Pam, the MILF preachers wife had been doing as told since I last had her fuck young Katrina with me (see previous stories).Pam knew I planned to have her fuck my wife, but had no idea I planned to have her fuck her d _ _ _ _ e r as well. I was planning a special 24th birthday present for Pam's lovely girl.However, this is about Pam fucking me and my wife.She met me as usual on Sunday before church and I used her, only this time as she told me about fucking her hubby with the strap on, I turned...
I will back track a couple paragraphs...What did Pam see? Pam saw Jaimie masturbating, Jaimie fucking me, even last Tuesdays at their house in Jamies bed and her own bed, when Jaimie obviously was not being forced at that time. What's more, I told her that such actions would ruin Jaimies future, get her kicked out of her college, and ruin her husbands preaching career if this ever got out. Pam, asked me what I wanted, they had no money, please do not show the preacher nor tell anyone, she...
Pam, the 38D MILF preachers wife that had become my willing cum slut and sex slave had been getting fucked by me about once a week and before church each Sunday morning, although she did not know it, her husband, John, the preacher I was blackmailing him too.It had been two months since I fucked John but we would text or call on the phone and I kept him informed of how I was using his wife and 23 year old daughter, whom was pregnant with my c***d...he would jack off while I talked to...
For those following the story, Jamie is horny and thinking evil thoughts about a church man old enough to be her father, her d_ddy is a very busy preacher.I continued my forced seduction of the little slut, whom at 23 had maintained her virginity, but by now, I knew she was ready and I was sure I was going to fuck her.I showed up early one morning when I knew the preacher was going to a funeral, I was hoping his wife Pam would be away also, in case I got the chance to take Jaimie that day....
While my wife Charlotte was away at the ladies church retreat with the preachers wife (my number #2 sex slave slut) getting seduced and fucked by Pam, the preachers wife, Jaimie (preachers 23 year old daughter -- 24 next month!) whomk lived with my wife and I was left alone with me for a few days.She is VERY pregnant and showing with my baby (unknown to my wife that our nanny is carrying my baby).Jaimie has been getting jealous (as my first seduced and blackmailed number #1 sex slave slut) of...
Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife who was now my willing cum slut sex slave, had just been getting fucked by me in her car or mine before church each Sunday morning, then going to the choir and church full of my cum, in her tummy, pussy and sometimes tight asshole.She was putting on dildo and masturbation for me on her bed facing the hidden cam that she now knew was always there. I had her 69 with her husband John and I had noted on hidden cam, that John and her were fucking like rabbits, more...
As relationships strained in her house, her being pregnant, unmarried, preacher angry and ashamed, coupled with issues with her mom, as they were both my now willing sex slaves, although, it took some unwilling time to make that psychological leap to needing their Master's control to let out their inner slut. Jaimie would be 24 in a few months and she really wanted to move in with Master and his family.Pam and Jaimie would argue over petty things,for instance Pam would comment about her moving...
My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...
Well we arrived at my house and we all three carried everything into Jaimies room and unloaded it, I had both mother (Pam) and daughter (Jaimie) wearing summer dresses without panties and bras. Whenever I wanted, I would get a feel or reach under a dress to feel their pussies or asses or down the top to cup a breast. Jaimies young firm tits that I knew soon would be getting full of my babies milk as her 23 year old now sex slave cum slut to me, little preachers daughter, had become, with her...
Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...
For those following the stories, here is a update.Jamie, the 23 year old preachers daughter slut is pregnant with my baby, unknown to my wife, and she is living with us. I use her. Pam, preachers wife has been meeting me Sunday mornings and getting fucked before church and her husband knows about it, but has not confronted them yet. I told John, the preachers to wait. He is ashamed she loved sucking my cock and getting his virgin ass pounded. He has been enjoying fucking his wife Pam and I it...
Well, now I had enough video to blackmail the sexy young slut and I was sure she was masturbating thinking of me and also of her d_d_y fucking her m_m_y! But, I wanted MORE to seal the deal, so to speak!My wife and I had a wedding anniversary coming up and I got us reservations at a cabin and planned a nice get away. I knew she would love it, be horny, and I would fuck her all weekend! Although she is a hottie, sometimes I would think of her but other times of Jaimie, the preachers daughter...
With my wife Charlotte away at the church ladies retreat being seduced (I hoped) by my number #2 sex slave slut Pam (the hot 38D preachers wife I had blackmailed that was now a willing sex slut) and I home alone fucking my pregnant 23 year old Number #1 cum slut sex slave Jaimie (preachers daughter) during the day while the k**s were at school, I decided on day two to bring in Katrina (Katrina, the young 19 year old mommy who first fucked me for money, then I also blackmailed her into being my...
Well, that Sunday at church she acted very uncomfortable around me, and around my wife. I sensed that 23 year old vixen was feeling guilty. Well, she would feel a lot more guilty soon, but a lot more relaxed as well as used.So over chit chat, I learned that both Preacher and his MILF wifey Pam would be out of town Thursday, and I suggested we might need a baby sitter Thursday afternoon (not really, just wanted to make sure Jaimie would be in town). In fact, I cooked up this story about I...
If you read previous stories, you will see at the church ladies retreat I had the preachers wife Pam, my sex slave cum slut, seduce my wife. Since that time, Pam had met with her 3 other times for romantic love making sessions, all of them caught on film.If you read my last story about the BBC gang bang my wife Charlotte had, this is the follow-on after she was devastated I found out she "cheated!"While I had my wife Charlotte set-up by Ed, her BBC 24 year old boy toy lover, and he had her...
Continued, so I decided it was time for some more forceful fucking again and I ordered Jaimie at church Sunday, to be at the mall Monday at noon, at the pet store.Sunday, Pam, the preachers wife did as told, she tried not to make contact with me and she was very nervous, but she passed we her wet panties that had been in her pussy (see previous post) and I briefly pulled Jaimies panties from my pocket and showed her, then returned them. I could tell there was tension when I was talking to both...
Well, for the next ten days I used her sex young cunt hole and mouth at least twice a week. I told her that Sunday before she got in the choir to sing she was to remove her panties and stuff them in her pussy. After singing she was to go remove them and slide them to me as she left the ladies room and I went to the mens room. What a sexy trained slut. Even in church she was now giving me her panties. So, it was time to get rougher with her and take that tight ass. Not make love to it, not...
She was 23, 5'3" brunette with a stunning smile and perfect young tight body. She had held her virginity through all those years, being homeschooled made it easier, but in college she almost broke down and she longed to be touched, tasted, used and to do the same. Her long time boyfriend she never allowed to do anything other than kiss and one time when she was daring she let him finger her and suck her nipple, she was u******e at that time. He left for college where she learned he turned...
Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...
Although the last chapter gave me the clearest video and loud audio of her masturbating in daylight... another wonder session was captured at night. In fact, only a couple nights later. The best part was as I reviewed recordings from the preacher and preacher wife's room, I realized Jaimie was masturbating the same time her p______ents were fucking in the other room, where she could no doubt hear them.Again, what wonderful video for future use, when I finally show her!It was a Tuesday night...
About 2 weeks after pressing my hard cock into "Jaimie" at church, I played it cool and stood back. Kind of ignored her but could see her looking at me. It made me semi hard and I sat so she could see my buldge in my slacks.Then the preachers lawn mower broke down and his car was not usable, nothing serious, just a starter solenoid on the mower and a alternator on his car. I told him I would be glad to fix them for him. Well I timed my arrival for when he was going to see folks at the...
For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...
For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...
After fucking Pam before church that Sunday I had her as I wanted her, obedient.I would watch her on hidden cam and she knowing the cam was there, would give me shows as I directed her too.I told her that when the church was told about Jaimie be pregnant, I would act shocked and in a few weeks talk my wife Charlotte into letter my number #1 slut move in with me. Pam did not really like it, as she knew what all I would be doing to her beautiful pregnant daughter. I wondered if it might be some...
Over the next two weeks I watched and recorded a number of hot masturbation sessions unknown to the hot 23 year old virgin Jaimie, and a few of her MILF m_ _ _ _y and one of her parents fucking in their room. Near the end of two weeks, I even caught the preacher himself alone in Jaimie's room sniffing her worn panties and jacking off his little pecker over her bra, but that is another story for later!My favorite two masturbation recordings, other than her at night in the middle of the night...
Katrina, the young 19 year old money who fucked me for money, then blackmailed into being my sex slave cum slut #3 for 6 months, had wanted to fuck more than once a week. Apparently, she enjoyed the control and hard fucking I gave her.Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife MILF I had black mailed and was fucking as my number #2 slut, was now trained and willing to do all my commands. Her most humiliating moment was her hard ass fucking and mostly when I had her and Jaimie, my 23 year old number #1...
Pam pulled into the doughnut shop as ordered and went in, she looked at my car. I followed her and stood behind her in line, I pressed against her and she tensed. What is someone saw? I told her to buy doughnuts and coffee. Buy enough for the Sunday school class. I told her to put them in her car then drive across the street to the parking lot of a closed store and wait. Unlock your car doors and wait for me.I ordered coffee and drove across the street parking nest to her.I wondered if...
Well, sure enough sexy little Jaimie was carrying my baby! I had bred her good!So, as directed, she told her m_mmy who of course knew I was the father of her baby.Jaimie told her m_ommy what I had told her to tell her dad so Pam went along with the lie to John. Boy, was the preacher pissed. He even cursed! Jamie cried. She knew she could not go back to her Christian University in a few weeks so she was going to have to stay there, and they would have to tell the church. She would have to...
Almost Adultery The rigid futon shook with Bonny's tremors until finally they subsided and she lay completely happy and completely satisfied, relaxed, feeling... well... just... Wonderful... it was the only word. Gillis's swollen balls ached with need and beside him, almost under him on the futon was all that he needed to quench his painful thirst. But the preacher could not push from his mind that this lovely, big-titted woman was married and a mother. If he committed adultery with...
Over the last two weeks Pi had found St. Agatha’s library to be anything but wanting. Its shelves were made from rich cherry wood that had been painstakingly put together and polished to shine as if they were crafted from gemstones instead. The demoness took a moment to caress the back of her fingers along the rigid underside of one, marveling in its smoothness. French cut nails grazed back down the shelf’s side before skipping off to reach for a worn book. Everything from stacks set on simple...
Dave woke early and after showering, he went to the Tim Horton's. He was surprised how busy the street was for the early morning hour. He thought about both B.C. and Quebec and how both of those places had been much quieter. He briefly thought about the Asian triplets two years earlier and then about Jennifer the previous year. Finished reviewing the warm memories, he got his mind back on the Canadian Amateur and got focused on his upcoming round. After having a hot chocolate, he met his...
Kathy Smart, a shapely, busty, eighteen year old blonde answered the doorbell of the big, rambling house. Standing outside was a girl who might have been her twin. Kathy threw her arms around the other girl and after a warm hug exclaimed, "C'mon in Cindy. Where've you been? Haven't seen you for weeks." "Uh... like... I'm going to Silverstone Academy... in Smootsville." "Huh! Why're you going to that elitist snob-factory? I know it's run by the church but... Do you think you're...
George Smart and Deacon Robert Ramsay neglected an important factor in their dissolute business and one of the subjects of their discussions was making some arrangements of her own. Rita Gonzales had been terribly distressed by her employer's actions. She had known when she went to the hotel room with him that he was going to take advantage of her. When he kissed her down below however, she fell in love with him. It had been tremendously exciting and she was sure that none of the macho guys...
Thu Sep 20 It was Barbara's turn to spend the night protecting Anita's (or maybe Reverend Gillis') virtue so John would be at home all night alone with his sister in law, Cheryl. His wife wondered briefly if it would be safe to leave him that close to the girl who obviously tempted him but then she decided that if he hadn't fucked the girl the night she sent him down to teach her a lesson about teasing, then it would be safe tonight. And if he had fucked her that night, then at least it...
Sep 20 9-11 PM Lieutenant John Flett's condom sheathed cock drooped and his sister in law reached over to fondle it. "Can I take it off? I mean, the condom?" "Do that," the man said as his own hand cupped the wet, soggy nest between her legs. The girl awkwardly peeled the flimsy sheath from her lover's softening tool and held it up. The little teat at the end was bulged with the creamy evidence of the man's orgasm. "It felt like a lot more than that when you did it inside me,"...
Sep 21 9 AM John awakened with a marvelous feeling of contentment and a throbbing hardon. He snuggled closer to the warm body beside him and filled one hand with a large, firm tit-globe. "Easy, lover... my breasts are tender," Cheryl murmured as she wriggled against his gentle touch. "I think they're bigger too ever since you made love to me. Hee hee... like when you pumped me you pumped them up." Was there time for a quickie? He glanced at the clock by the bed and heard a sound...
Barbara didn't hint to Cheryl that day. In fact it was five days before she did. She seemed to have picked up the same virus as her sister and she found herself being sick every day, mostly in the morning. In fact they had truly both caught the same virus but they didn't catch on very quickly. It was a sperm virus that would make Barbara very happy and Cheryl less so. John phoned on Wednesday afternoon to say that he was working late... going on a stakeout on the hooker case. Cheryl took...
It had been almost two weeks since he'd initiated Daphne's nether portal and after his brief period of sexual satisfaction from his niece, his sister in law and then the young student Daphne, Reverend Gillis was incredibly horny. His young houseguest didn't help the situation for she seemed to intentionally display her considerable sexual allure. JJ was in his office with the door closed and sipping on a fine cognac that George Smart had given him for no special reason. It didn't quell...
Even though the increasingly libidinous Reverend James J Gillis had been unjustly rewarded for his concupiscent behaviour by getting two cherries in the short period of time since he was ordained he was still plagued by indecent thoughts concerning his well-chaperoned, underaged house guest. And Anita did nothing to help the situation. On Saturday, for example she had dressed in a pair of tight white shorts that barely extended below the buxom curve of her bottom and, as she bent to tease...
Church Folk "Reverend Gillis! How could you?" Bonnie Smart cried out as soon as the minister looked at her while she stood in the doorway looking at him lying on top of the young girl they were supposed to protect. "She's only a child!" "Where were you, then?" Caught in the commission of what might be statutory rape the minister decided that the best defense was a good offense. He made several rapid thrusts into the girl's ravished cunt and rolled off, his thick cock standing...
Mon Oct 1 Deacon Robert Ramsay was losing sleep with business worries... girl business worries and when he left for work on Monday he was so tired that he forgot his laptop computer that had the contact information for all of his employees and most importantly, the names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for the girls that he and George Smart sponsored in their free enterprise businesses that had moved them into comfortable income brackets. And those damned do-good women were...
Oct 1, 3 PM When she left the house she was less careful of noise, Cindy was suffering from a sudden rush to adulthood. Her mother was a slut. Her uncle was likely a victim of her mother's carnal instincts. She was angry that she'd cut herself off from the man she loved because she believed he was a hypocrite, and a lecherous one at that. She wanted to talk to him now, to get some comfort. Cindy was distraught. She had sometimes suspected her mother's marital fidelity even before she'd...
"We got him baby. For sure." "Damn it, don't call me baby. My name is Louise." The two uniformed police officers were sitting in a hotel room next to the room that Smart and Ramsay leased. Yesterday they had seen Mr. Thompson, the High School Principal give Smart $300 to arrange a meeting with a girl who could pretend to be a schoolgirl. The two police officers watched the television screen that was displaying the camera feed from the adjoining room with interest and, although they...
Police Lieutenant John Flett got few opportunities to sleep in, even on Saturday so October 6 was a special day. He'd had an exhausting week as they'd wrestled with how to get an indictment against Ramsay and Smart and last night he'd had too much of his favourite bourbon. "How do you feel?" He opened his eyes to see his beautiful wife standing beside the bed with a steaming mug of coffee. He took it from her hand and sipped the hot beverage. He tasted an unexpected added ingredient...
Remorse The Reverend James J. Gillis was suffering from a severe case of remorse. His remorse was really only a feeling of guilt which is somewhat different from remorse although it led to his remorse. It wasn't as if he was a Roman Catholic priest who had taken a vow of celibacy and broken that vow although he knew that there were cases where such things happened. No. It was because he had taken advantage of his special position as the guardian and guider of girls who trusted him, trusted...
Maybe Uncle Jim could help her, the agitated teen mused. Her right hand was between her legs and she was titillating her swollen clitoris. He must have experienced similar frustrations after Aunt Sherry left him. Maybe he could pray with her and God would quell her libidinous urges? Or maybe he could... ? And she left a particularly salacious thought die uncompleted. She pulled on a long t-shirt and flimsy, short pajama bottoms and went to his room. She was surprised to see that he was still...
"You're a lovely girl, Cindy," he murmured in her ear as he savoured the feel of her firm, heavy breast against him and stroked her shapely flanks. "Thank you Uncle Jim. That was cool. Nobody ever made me feel that way before," and she molded her nude body closer to his. As she snuggled she felt Jim's iron hard cock press to her and she realized that while he'd satisfied her, she hadn't reciprocated. "Do you want? Like? My hand or my mouth? Or... ?" the girl mumbled in a sudden...
The window in JJ's bedroom faced east and at about six A.M. the sun shone through the window across the rumpled sheets of his bed. He was sprawled naked under those sheets and had he been conscious he would have told you that he was the most relaxed, most freed from sexual tension he'd been since... maybe since ever. But he still had a raging erection. As the sun shone brightly across the bed it illuminated the face of the girl lying beside him, his lovely, somewhat buxom and totally...
Fortunately (or otherwise, depending on your point of view) Cindy's parents got home at suppertime on Saturday and JJ did not have to resist the temptation of her ripe readiness for incestuous sex. On Sunday there was a formal turnover of duties from the retiring Reverend Tyler but JJ didn't have top give the sermon. "Remember, Reverend Gillis, the confessional is our... the Church of Redemption's special and unique ritual. Take it seriously and listen closely to everything the person...
How could she? How could he? Cindy was devastated more by the fact that her uncle, the minister, Reverend Gillis would commit adultery with a married woman than by her mother's unfaithfulness. She'd heard stories that indicated that her father was not true to his vows and as for her mother, on two occasions she'd seen men, family friends, leaving the house when there were no good reasons for them to be there. It had bothered her but not nearly as much as seeing evidence that the minister...
George Smart took a Chivas from the mini bar. It was the same hotel room where Deacon Ramsay had been with his new employee, Rita Gonzales jut a few days ago. The choice of room made sense since George and Deacon Ramsay leased it for the business in which they were partners. They didn't broadcast their business relationship since it might have invited questions. What was a low cost garment manufacturer doing in business with a real estate tycoon? Actually 'tycoon' may be too big a name...
Police lieutenant John Flett was an upright member of the CoR congregation and he was being seriously considered as a deacon of the church although in deference to the times they were also considering adding a woman as a deacon. But Flett unlike Ramsay held his marriage vows as solemn and never gave serious thought to sex with a woman other than his plump and docile wife Barbara. Except... He'd wondered a couple of times though if he was the only man alive who wanted to bang his wife's...
The house was dark, the silence broken only by the intermittent sounds of the settling foundation as his footsteps traced down the stairs. He passed into the basement recreation room to find Cheryl asleep on the open hide-a-bed, her tousled hair spilled across the pillow, a comforter wrapped up to her chin for warmth. He stopped a few steps short of where she was sleeping and watched her body rise and fall with each heavy, wine-sedated breath. He jumped as her hand inched out and dangled...
Barbara went to sleep immediately after her husband confirmed that he had taught her sister the lesson she much needed. And Barbara awoke before five in the morning with a vague sense of unease. A vague sense that quickly became unambiguous. He had been close to her sister in a compromising situation and he hadn't immediately thereafter fucked her, his wife. The twenty nine year old woman lay there agonizing over what had happened or, more precisely, what had not happened. Had John gone too...
His congregation included a higher than normal representation of young people aged seventeen to twenty. This was because the CoR had founded a Christian junior college in the town and most of the students came to the CoR services at least once a week. The CoR also operated a boarding school in the nearby town of Smootville and that's where Cindy had suddenly and strangely decided to go. Since his first session or more precisely his first sex with his sister in law two weeks ago JJ had heard...
Jim took a trembling breath as he looked down at the nearly naked, unconscious young woman sprawled nakedly on his lap. He had just finished bringing her to a mind-blowing orgasm with his hand. She had fainted right after climaxing and simultaneously he had drenched the crack of her ass with a load of hot semen. He knew she would not be unconscious long and took the opportunity to take a few deep, steadying breaths. His hand stroked her swollen labia, petting her like a small, vulnerable...
When Daphne awakened two hours later she at first didn't know where she was nor did she remember what had transpired. The drug that had amplified her libido and contributed to her docile surrender of her virginity often temporarily blacked out memories. A lethargic calmness washed over her and she became aware that she was naked under a blanket. She was also fatigued and, as she often did when she awakened, she reached down between her legs. "Mmmmm," the newly devirginated teen murmured...
Lieutenant John Flett was fatigued. Almost every minute since he came home from work on Monday evening his wife had been cross examining him. "Did you lie to me? Did you just scare Cheryl or did you make love to her?" They were sitting side by side on the sofa in the living room and John was having his usual after work scotch, unwinding before dinner. Barbara, as usual on her husband's working days was dressed neatly in a skirt and a loose fitting, white blouse. She was determined that...