The CollectorChapter 3 Shopgirl
- 4 years ago
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How could she? How could he? Cindy was devastated more by the fact that her uncle, the minister, Reverend Gillis would commit adultery with a married woman than by her mother's unfaithfulness. She'd heard stories that indicated that her father was not true to his vows and as for her mother, on two occasions she'd seen men, family friends, leaving the house when there were no good reasons for them to be there. It had bothered her but not nearly as much as seeing evidence that the minister she adored and respected, maybe even loved was aiding and abetting her mother's unfaithfulness.
The root of Cindy's distress was the fact that the handsome preacher had been more intimate with her than anyone else had ever been. Not only that but she had been willing to surrender to him her precious and irreplaceable virginity. She'd wanted him to take her that last distance to womanhood even if it was happening without the holy sanctity of marriage.
When Cindy returned home without visiting the man she'd thought she loved, her mother was already back and at the kitchen table drinking a gin and tonic.
"Hi Mom. How was your day?" It took great acting talent but the girl managed to pretend she'd seen nothing unusual.
"Oh, nothing special dear." Marilyn replied as she took a long sip from her drink. She squeezed her thighs together and the friction renewed her lust for the handsome preacher. "How was yours?"
"Oh, the usual... you know," and silently the girl added, I saw my Mom after she fucked the man I love, that's all. "What's for dinner?"
"I guess we'll order takeout Chinese if that's OK with you."
"Sure Mom." And if you weren't off fucking the minister maybe you could make something at home. Cindy turned to go to her room. How was she going to survive in this household? Then the phone rang.
Cindy waited until her mother answered it and after a brief conversation she looked up at her daughter and said, "Dad's not coming home for dinner. He has to work late... an interview or something... so we'll just have a pizza.
Marilyn knew and Cindy suspected what the interview was about. Some young, unschooled immigrant girl was going to spread her legs to get a job. For the good Christian Deacon Robert Ramsay.
Robert Ramsay was, at that moment, waiting in a hotel suite for his latest job applicant. This was not the sort of location that interviews for seamstress positions in a garment factory were usually held nor did the head of the company usually do the interviews. Except for Ramsay Re-Usables, Ramsay's company which advertised that it produced clothing that could be passed on from sibling to sibling or for that matter, from parent to child. There was no substance to the claim but it attracted cash-strapped family people and the truly frugal.
Ramsay Re-Usables had been founded by Patrick Mahoney whose family had been among the original settlers who had named the town Dublin after their former capital city. A descendant, Peter Mahoney had recently returned but he had no interest, financial or other wise, in the company his predecessors had founded. He was however Robert Ramsay's attorney.
The woman, actually not much more that a girl arrived ten miutes after Robert called home. She was from Guatemala and like most of his employees she didn't have a visa. And that made her delightfully vulnerable to his advances.
Robert however was not one to leave things to chance. Like his former minister Reverend Tyler and now his increasingly amoral brother in law Reverend Gillis, he used drugs when necessary. Room Service had already delivered an impressive tray and he'd prepared a concoction that would be both sweet-tasting and potent.
The job applicant was a young Latina as were most of his workers. Rita Gonzales was the product of a U.S. Marine and a Guatemalan girl. The man hadn't stayed around but the girl remembered his tattoo, Mother Rita, and she'd given her baby the name Rita. And then she'd married the man that Rita now called Papa.
Rita Gonzales was a good girl. She wasn't a virgin but in the place where she grew up there were few virgins older than ten. Nonetheless she was innocent and her few occasions of sexual intimacy had been nothing that would lead to a desire for more.
"Hello Rita. Thank you for coming." Robert Ramsay was a smooth talking and handsome man and the apparent sincerity of his greeting made the uneducated and underprivileged girl warm with appreciation. A few more words and she was seated on a plush sofa and the distinguished looking man had placed a tall glass in her hand.
"My goodness Rita... it's OK if I call you Rita isn't it? You're so beautiful I'm left speechless. Sam (his personnel manager and unintentional procurer) didn't tell me you were a movie star."
Flattered by the man's fawning obeisance the eighteen year old illegal immigrant flushed with pleasure and took a deep draught from the drink he had handed her.
"Hee hee," she giggled nervously. "Don't make fun of me."
"I'm serious Rita. You're truly beautiful." And she was more so than many of the shop girls he'd screwed. He looked at her eyes for a sign that the drug was taking effect and he saw the glassiness developing. Yes! She'd be one of the fast ones, he thought. Maybe he could have her and be home with his wife and daughter before eight.
"Hee hee," the girl giggled again. "Do you really mean it?"
Robert Ramsay moved at once to the sofa beside her, put his arm around her and hefted her heavy breast. "You know I do, Rita. You're a special young woman. I need you working for me... a beautiful woman I can count on to... to take care of me... of my needs," and gently he placed her hand on the bulge in his pants. "Can you be good to me, Rita?"
The girl had no doubt about what her hoped to be boss was asking for. And other than the teaching of her religion, she had little reason to say no. She snuggled closer, pressing her thigh to his. Maybe he'd get her an apartment? And she wouldn't have to work. A feeling of relaxed comfort filled her as the drug took effect.
"Stand up Rita. Show me what you have to offer."
The girl was shocked by her boss's sudden change of tone but her natural deference to authority, her need for the job he might offer and the effects of the alcohol and drugs made her totally submissive and obedient. She rose to her feet and stood nervously before him.
Rita then stood by helplessly while the powerful man literally tore her clothing from her body until she was standing naked before him. Rita was a full figured young woman with very large heavy breasts and wide womanly hips that created a most appetizing sight for the male of the species, but it was her seldom used cunt that was covered with a thick coat of black pubic hair that was her boss was most interested in. She tried to cover herself with her arms, but it was impossible to hide all of her womanly charms while Deacon Ramsay led her to the adjoining bedroom and announced, "The only way for you to come to work for me is for you to surrender totally to my desires! First you must have a shower. You must make yourself completely clean for me."
Ten minutes later she came out of the bathroom showered and clean and still completely naked.
"My, you're beautiful, Rita," and as he spoke Robert snapped three quick photos. The modest girl mad a futile attempt to cover her voluptuous charms which added spice to the pictures.
"Meester Ramsay? Don't take my picture she pleaded but she was too late. Then she shuddered in fear, but offered no resistance when her boss-to-be lifted her upon the big table that was there for business meetings. She didn't notice the camera that was right beside her. He spread her young thighs wide apart. While she'd been fucked a few times none of her assailants had ever done what Ramsay was about to do to her as his mouth covered her hairy vagina and his tongue probed her tight little slit until it came to rest on her tiny bud. Her body shook involuntarily as his tongue worked its way up and down her crack, each time stopping to give her clitoris a special licking. Being young and sexually inexperienced, Rita had an abundance of reserved sexual energy stored up, so it was no surprise that her first orgasm was brutally hard, with her vagina flooding the man's mouth with cunt juice while her pussy convulsed for at least half a minute.
"I think you needed that, my dear," Ramsay said as she lay there panting and her head spinning at just what had occurred. "I need it too but the first load is for your womb." The meaning of his comment was lost on the guileless immigrant. He quickly undressed and the girl shuddered in dismay at the sight of what was to her an enormous cudgel projecting out from his hairy groin. Actually Ramsay's equipment was not abnormally large but the girl had not seen the cocks she'd had inside her and was most familiar with the child-sized cocks of her younger siblings.
He needed to get laid. It was more than two weeks since his last interview and the black haired young Rita looked capable of draining his lust. But right now she was still sprawled on the table; her big thighs spread wide apart, her lower legs dangling from the edge. He sat on the chair next to her and pushed two fingers into her. His fingers easily penetrated her fat cunt, lubricated by his saliva and her own juices. The girl groaned. Her eyes were closed and he wondered if she'd passed out from effects of the drink or the stress of her obviously intense orgasm. Ramsay reached out with his free hand and got the little digital camera. Then, careful to have her face in the picture, he snapped several shots of her finger-penetrated, hairy pussy.
Ramsay fingered his helpless victim for several minutes until her big hips began to move. Then he withdrew his hand and stood between her heavy thighs, pulling her hips close to the edge of the table to facilitate entry. He grasped his swollen penis and brought the throbbing head of his cock to the slit of her hairy vulva. She was so swollen and puffy down there that the head of his cock actually disappeared between her hair-wreathed pussy lips without even entering her vagina. He moved the head of his dick up and down in her hot wet cunt slit. God! She was so warm and soft. Once he was sure that the head of his cock was thoroughly coated with her juices, he placed it against her opening.
Ramsay watched the girl's face as he slowly began to push with his hips. Her face began to register discomfort as her eyes scrunched tightly shut. She couldn't be a virgin could she? Damn though, she was delightfully tight. He continued to push and suddenly the wide flat head of his cock popped into her about an inch. Her mouth flew open and she gasped. He thought he saw her eyes begin to open but she seemed to remain unconscious even through the intrusion into her most private area. He held still as he felt her tight pussy begin to milk him as it tried to adjust to the large presence inside.
This girl was so HOT! Figuratively and literally. Her body temperature must have been over 100 degrees down there. He moved another inch into her. Again she gasped. Her heavy thighs closed around his waist holding him inside. Was she coming to? He could not hold out any longer. He pulled back until the tip of his cock was just inside her and then with one slow smooth motion, he pushed all of his throbbing seven inches into the girl's fat, hairy cunt...
I was sitting in front of a coffee shop in one of the wide corridors of the shopping mall I was visiting, lost in thoughts as I was sipping on my coffee. I hate shopping for clothes. Well, I don’t hate it. I just don’t like it. My tactics usually are: walking in, scanning the place for something I like and if nothing interesting catches my eye, getting out of the shop before some salesman or woman manages to approach me. I was thinking about what store to go to next as I had it on my mind to...
Quickie Sex“Becky, I need you to help me in the shop today.” Rebecca stopped with her glass of orange juice halfway to her lips as her blood ran cold. “M-me?” she looked at her father and slowly lowered her juice. “Are you s-sure I’m ready?” Frank McCallister looked at his youngest daughter as he Reached out and hefted her left breast. She trembled slightly as he ran his hand from her breast down her left side to her rump, gently kneading her flesh as he did. “Sure, your old more than ready, and...
Kathy Smart, a shapely, busty, eighteen year old blonde answered the doorbell of the big, rambling house. Standing outside was a girl who might have been her twin. Kathy threw her arms around the other girl and after a warm hug exclaimed, "C'mon in Cindy. Where've you been? Haven't seen you for weeks." "Uh... like... I'm going to Silverstone Academy... in Smootsville." "Huh! Why're you going to that elitist snob-factory? I know it's run by the church but... Do you think you're...
George Smart and Deacon Robert Ramsay neglected an important factor in their dissolute business and one of the subjects of their discussions was making some arrangements of her own. Rita Gonzales had been terribly distressed by her employer's actions. She had known when she went to the hotel room with him that he was going to take advantage of her. When he kissed her down below however, she fell in love with him. It had been tremendously exciting and she was sure that none of the macho guys...
Thu Sep 20 It was Barbara's turn to spend the night protecting Anita's (or maybe Reverend Gillis') virtue so John would be at home all night alone with his sister in law, Cheryl. His wife wondered briefly if it would be safe to leave him that close to the girl who obviously tempted him but then she decided that if he hadn't fucked the girl the night she sent him down to teach her a lesson about teasing, then it would be safe tonight. And if he had fucked her that night, then at least it...
Sep 20 9-11 PM Lieutenant John Flett's condom sheathed cock drooped and his sister in law reached over to fondle it. "Can I take it off? I mean, the condom?" "Do that," the man said as his own hand cupped the wet, soggy nest between her legs. The girl awkwardly peeled the flimsy sheath from her lover's softening tool and held it up. The little teat at the end was bulged with the creamy evidence of the man's orgasm. "It felt like a lot more than that when you did it inside me,"...
Sep 21 9 AM John awakened with a marvelous feeling of contentment and a throbbing hardon. He snuggled closer to the warm body beside him and filled one hand with a large, firm tit-globe. "Easy, lover... my breasts are tender," Cheryl murmured as she wriggled against his gentle touch. "I think they're bigger too ever since you made love to me. Hee hee... like when you pumped me you pumped them up." Was there time for a quickie? He glanced at the clock by the bed and heard a sound...
Barbara didn't hint to Cheryl that day. In fact it was five days before she did. She seemed to have picked up the same virus as her sister and she found herself being sick every day, mostly in the morning. In fact they had truly both caught the same virus but they didn't catch on very quickly. It was a sperm virus that would make Barbara very happy and Cheryl less so. John phoned on Wednesday afternoon to say that he was working late... going on a stakeout on the hooker case. Cheryl took...
It had been almost two weeks since he'd initiated Daphne's nether portal and after his brief period of sexual satisfaction from his niece, his sister in law and then the young student Daphne, Reverend Gillis was incredibly horny. His young houseguest didn't help the situation for she seemed to intentionally display her considerable sexual allure. JJ was in his office with the door closed and sipping on a fine cognac that George Smart had given him for no special reason. It didn't quell...
Even though the increasingly libidinous Reverend James J Gillis had been unjustly rewarded for his concupiscent behaviour by getting two cherries in the short period of time since he was ordained he was still plagued by indecent thoughts concerning his well-chaperoned, underaged house guest. And Anita did nothing to help the situation. On Saturday, for example she had dressed in a pair of tight white shorts that barely extended below the buxom curve of her bottom and, as she bent to tease...
Church Folk "Reverend Gillis! How could you?" Bonnie Smart cried out as soon as the minister looked at her while she stood in the doorway looking at him lying on top of the young girl they were supposed to protect. "She's only a child!" "Where were you, then?" Caught in the commission of what might be statutory rape the minister decided that the best defense was a good offense. He made several rapid thrusts into the girl's ravished cunt and rolled off, his thick cock standing...
Mon Oct 1 Deacon Robert Ramsay was losing sleep with business worries... girl business worries and when he left for work on Monday he was so tired that he forgot his laptop computer that had the contact information for all of his employees and most importantly, the names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for the girls that he and George Smart sponsored in their free enterprise businesses that had moved them into comfortable income brackets. And those damned do-good women were...
Oct 1, 3 PM When she left the house she was less careful of noise, Cindy was suffering from a sudden rush to adulthood. Her mother was a slut. Her uncle was likely a victim of her mother's carnal instincts. She was angry that she'd cut herself off from the man she loved because she believed he was a hypocrite, and a lecherous one at that. She wanted to talk to him now, to get some comfort. Cindy was distraught. She had sometimes suspected her mother's marital fidelity even before she'd...
"We got him baby. For sure." "Damn it, don't call me baby. My name is Louise." The two uniformed police officers were sitting in a hotel room next to the room that Smart and Ramsay leased. Yesterday they had seen Mr. Thompson, the High School Principal give Smart $300 to arrange a meeting with a girl who could pretend to be a schoolgirl. The two police officers watched the television screen that was displaying the camera feed from the adjoining room with interest and, although they...
Police Lieutenant John Flett got few opportunities to sleep in, even on Saturday so October 6 was a special day. He'd had an exhausting week as they'd wrestled with how to get an indictment against Ramsay and Smart and last night he'd had too much of his favourite bourbon. "How do you feel?" He opened his eyes to see his beautiful wife standing beside the bed with a steaming mug of coffee. He took it from her hand and sipped the hot beverage. He tasted an unexpected added ingredient...
Remorse The Reverend James J. Gillis was suffering from a severe case of remorse. His remorse was really only a feeling of guilt which is somewhat different from remorse although it led to his remorse. It wasn't as if he was a Roman Catholic priest who had taken a vow of celibacy and broken that vow although he knew that there were cases where such things happened. No. It was because he had taken advantage of his special position as the guardian and guider of girls who trusted him, trusted...
Almost Adultery The rigid futon shook with Bonny's tremors until finally they subsided and she lay completely happy and completely satisfied, relaxed, feeling... well... just... Wonderful... it was the only word. Gillis's swollen balls ached with need and beside him, almost under him on the futon was all that he needed to quench his painful thirst. But the preacher could not push from his mind that this lovely, big-titted woman was married and a mother. If he committed adultery with...
Maybe Uncle Jim could help her, the agitated teen mused. Her right hand was between her legs and she was titillating her swollen clitoris. He must have experienced similar frustrations after Aunt Sherry left him. Maybe he could pray with her and God would quell her libidinous urges? Or maybe he could... ? And she left a particularly salacious thought die uncompleted. She pulled on a long t-shirt and flimsy, short pajama bottoms and went to his room. She was surprised to see that he was still...
"You're a lovely girl, Cindy," he murmured in her ear as he savoured the feel of her firm, heavy breast against him and stroked her shapely flanks. "Thank you Uncle Jim. That was cool. Nobody ever made me feel that way before," and she molded her nude body closer to his. As she snuggled she felt Jim's iron hard cock press to her and she realized that while he'd satisfied her, she hadn't reciprocated. "Do you want? Like? My hand or my mouth? Or... ?" the girl mumbled in a sudden...
The window in JJ's bedroom faced east and at about six A.M. the sun shone through the window across the rumpled sheets of his bed. He was sprawled naked under those sheets and had he been conscious he would have told you that he was the most relaxed, most freed from sexual tension he'd been since... maybe since ever. But he still had a raging erection. As the sun shone brightly across the bed it illuminated the face of the girl lying beside him, his lovely, somewhat buxom and totally...
Fortunately (or otherwise, depending on your point of view) Cindy's parents got home at suppertime on Saturday and JJ did not have to resist the temptation of her ripe readiness for incestuous sex. On Sunday there was a formal turnover of duties from the retiring Reverend Tyler but JJ didn't have top give the sermon. "Remember, Reverend Gillis, the confessional is our... the Church of Redemption's special and unique ritual. Take it seriously and listen closely to everything the person...
George Smart took a Chivas from the mini bar. It was the same hotel room where Deacon Ramsay had been with his new employee, Rita Gonzales jut a few days ago. The choice of room made sense since George and Deacon Ramsay leased it for the business in which they were partners. They didn't broadcast their business relationship since it might have invited questions. What was a low cost garment manufacturer doing in business with a real estate tycoon? Actually 'tycoon' may be too big a name...
Police lieutenant John Flett was an upright member of the CoR congregation and he was being seriously considered as a deacon of the church although in deference to the times they were also considering adding a woman as a deacon. But Flett unlike Ramsay held his marriage vows as solemn and never gave serious thought to sex with a woman other than his plump and docile wife Barbara. Except... He'd wondered a couple of times though if he was the only man alive who wanted to bang his wife's...
The house was dark, the silence broken only by the intermittent sounds of the settling foundation as his footsteps traced down the stairs. He passed into the basement recreation room to find Cheryl asleep on the open hide-a-bed, her tousled hair spilled across the pillow, a comforter wrapped up to her chin for warmth. He stopped a few steps short of where she was sleeping and watched her body rise and fall with each heavy, wine-sedated breath. He jumped as her hand inched out and dangled...
Barbara went to sleep immediately after her husband confirmed that he had taught her sister the lesson she much needed. And Barbara awoke before five in the morning with a vague sense of unease. A vague sense that quickly became unambiguous. He had been close to her sister in a compromising situation and he hadn't immediately thereafter fucked her, his wife. The twenty nine year old woman lay there agonizing over what had happened or, more precisely, what had not happened. Had John gone too...
His congregation included a higher than normal representation of young people aged seventeen to twenty. This was because the CoR had founded a Christian junior college in the town and most of the students came to the CoR services at least once a week. The CoR also operated a boarding school in the nearby town of Smootville and that's where Cindy had suddenly and strangely decided to go. Since his first session or more precisely his first sex with his sister in law two weeks ago JJ had heard...
Jim took a trembling breath as he looked down at the nearly naked, unconscious young woman sprawled nakedly on his lap. He had just finished bringing her to a mind-blowing orgasm with his hand. She had fainted right after climaxing and simultaneously he had drenched the crack of her ass with a load of hot semen. He knew she would not be unconscious long and took the opportunity to take a few deep, steadying breaths. His hand stroked her swollen labia, petting her like a small, vulnerable...
When Daphne awakened two hours later she at first didn't know where she was nor did she remember what had transpired. The drug that had amplified her libido and contributed to her docile surrender of her virginity often temporarily blacked out memories. A lethargic calmness washed over her and she became aware that she was naked under a blanket. She was also fatigued and, as she often did when she awakened, she reached down between her legs. "Mmmmm," the newly devirginated teen murmured...
Lieutenant John Flett was fatigued. Almost every minute since he came home from work on Monday evening his wife had been cross examining him. "Did you lie to me? Did you just scare Cheryl or did you make love to her?" They were sitting side by side on the sofa in the living room and John was having his usual after work scotch, unwinding before dinner. Barbara, as usual on her husband's working days was dressed neatly in a skirt and a loose fitting, white blouse. She was determined that...
Cindy Ramsay's best friend was Kathy Smart who, like Cindy, was eighteen. The Smart family was headed by George, 46 years old and prodigiously endowed genitally if not mentally. Parenting was not high on his list of priorities. His first wife left him for a man who was genitally smaller but much, much bigger in the TLC category. George had three daughters, Kathy, an 18 year old high school student, Julie, 17 and also in high school and Darlene who had just turned 15 and was in Middle...
Mrs. Smart, David's mother and Darlene's step-mother was thirty one years old. Thirteen years ago when she was only seventeen she had been swept off her feet by the attentions of an older man, George Smart who was thirty three at the time. He had wined and dined her and filled her head with ideas of travel and a luxurious lifestyle. And on their third date he'd filled another part of her anatomy with an impossibly huge cock that emptied a large load of sperm-laden semen into her vulnerable...
Daphne Burke had no feelings of guilt after her minister took her virginity under the guise of helping her control her overactive libido. She was an intelligent girl who guessed that Reverend Gillis wasn't being truthful but she didn't disabuse him. She was looking for sexual solace so she let the unprincipled preacher continue to believe had had successfully conned her. It was ten days before the lubricious teen and the increasingly goatish cleric met again privately. She'd attended two...
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Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st: The Subjugation of Scully Three things: 1. Obviously I don?t own the rights to the X Files characters, this is pure fanfic, so no commercial reposting please.2. Similarly, I hope no one reading this thinks it?s alright to really go out there and start kidnapping FBI agents. Let?s keep a fingernail grip on reality please people!3. This is my first ever attempt at writing fiction, so any feedback (no matter how negative!) will be appreciated....
She had desperately wanted to wear her “bathing habit” for this excursion. It was the only convent sanctioned outfit that allowed a nun to show some skin. Typically it was worn when doing “dirty work” outside or on the rare occasion when the nuns went on a field trip to the beach. But for now, the bathing habit wasn't an option. Lilith's gift would have displayed much too prominently in that garment, so Jessica had to suffer and sweat in a full habit for a little while longer. As she did,...
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CrossdressingMinidevilette© 2012 “I’m having a quiet affair at work.” Grant said. “I’ll bet you are,” I answered sarcastically. “Behave,” he admonished. “I’d like you to play hostess for me.” It had been five days since he had demonstrated to me just how ineffectual my defiance was in the face of his determination and I had relived that afternoon over and over in my mind as I waited to be with him again. “Nothing major, just a small business thing at the office on Thursday evening. Few drinks and a...
Minidevilette© 2012 It was supposed to be one of ‘our’ days. Plans had been made, a rendezvous arranged, the countdown of hours dragging by until the appointed time. As I was dressing to be undressed he had called. Something had come up, an important last minute thing with colleagues. A business lunch. Cases hung in the balance and it couldn’t be put off. We’d have to reschedule. I honestly thought I’d be physically ill from anticipation if I had to wait another day to finally crawl under...
Minidevilette© 2012 “I’m having a quiet affair at work.” Grant said. “I’ll bet you are,” I answered sarcastically. “Behave,” he admonished. “I’d like you to play hostess for me.” It had been five days since he had demonstrated to me just how ineffectual my defiance was in the face of his determination and I had relived that afternoon over and over in my mind as I waited to be with him again. “Nothing major, just a small business thing at the office on Thursday evening. Few drinks and a lot...
ReluctanceIt was a blazing hot summer day as Jessica trudged down the burning sidewalk, her thick wool habit making the journey much more arduous than it needed to be. That had been the story of her life since joining the Sisters of Guadalupe. It might as well have been the sisterhood's motto. "Harder than it has to be." But not for much longer. Their mission was no longer hers. Jessica was charting a new course and the first stop was a sex shop in downtown Austin. She had desperately wanted to...
................................. Chapter 2 ................................. Located 50 miles from the outskirts of Cheston city, Mandan Powers Solar Plant had a capacity of around 18MW. It comprised 53K solar modules installed on 130 acres of land. However, it produced only 8MW, for which it could be considered highly inefficient. What the world did not know was power was not its actual business. It was merely a cover for a clandestine facility underneath, comprised of seventy...
................................. Chapter 3 ................................. Marston Island was a private island located at three hundred and twenty six nautical miles southeast from the Eastern shores of Newshire. It had covered area of 2412 square miles. Its southern and eastern ends were mountainous. Rest was mostly savannah, with grassland having low- density of pine, oak, and various fruitful trees. A river came from the mountains and connected to a lake somewhat in the center....
................................. Chapter 4 ................................. Girl's moans of pleasure were echoing all across the bedroom. She was fully naked. Under her crotch there was the face of a man much older than her. Moving back and forth, she was rubbing her vagina all over his face. More than his pulled tongue she was utilizing his nose for receiving stimulations. Suddenly, the door opened and Tetsu entered. "What the hell is going on here?" 19-years old Noriko halted...
That day has been the same as usual. Went to school, got bullishit, did some work, came home. Tomorrow will be the same as well as every day for the next couple of years. But between each day, there is one delight. Several hours of paradise known as sleep, I thought as I closed my eyes.... ......and woke up in an unknown place. I was sitting on a chair and while their were no noticeable straps I could not move. In front of me sat a man on a chair that seems far more comfortable than mine. He...
She had desperately wanted to wear her “bathing habit” for this excursion. It was the only convent sanctioned outfit that allowed a nun to show some skin. Typically it was worn when doing “dirty work” outside or on the rare occasion when the nuns went on a field trip to the beach. But for now, the bathing habit wasn't an option. Lilith's gift would have displayed much too prominently in that garment, so Jessica had to suffer and sweat in a full habit for a little while longer. As she did,...
It was a blazing hot summer day as Jessica trudged down the burning sidewalk, her thick wool habit making the journey much more arduous than it needed to be. That had been the story of her life since joining the Sisters of Guadalupe. It might as well have been the sisterhood’s motto. “Harder than it has to be.” But not for much longer. Their mission was no longer hers. Jessica was charting a new course and the first stop was a sex shop in downtown Austin. She had desperately wanted to wear...
It was a little over a month into my husband Howard's new job when Jim called me during the day. "Hey, baby, I'm coming over this afternoon. Howard will be busy on a new project with tough deadlines I just gave him. But before I come, I'll be having some fun at lunch with your extra pussie! Then you and I will have some REAL fun at your house. But I want to go a little further today. I'm going to have Howard call you and have you meet him and me at After Hours Bar this evening, okay? I want you...
Cheating WifesWindy day and day off work what shall I do , long hot shower great wank ,fresh clothing on think I will nip to the shop , going to get the dog (G Sheppard) walk round the park and nip to local shop coffee tidy up den and prep for my sub wife to get home . Sounds like a solid plan sent wife to work this morning to await 3pm phone call instruments in her bag and only other instruction was to wank her pussy lunch time send me the video call and receive more details at 3pm. Well day was going to...
I was in my home town visiting for a week. I had decided to stay at a downtown hotel for some quiet and to catch up on some homework. As I work away at my computer I slip away to my favorite site. As I peruse through the countless photos of mature woman one in particular catches my eye. The valley girl, there she is in her corset bosoms bursting, tender lips, and a devilish smile. My cock is rubbing against my jeans begging for attention. I continue on to find a photo of her bent over such a...
It was half-past seven in the morning in December. (Well, January, technically.) the world was still generally dark when Jade padded quietly downstairs in her bare feet. Usually, she was the first one up, and always got the coffee started and began working for at least an hour or so before anyone else rose. Today was New’s Year’s Day, so it was even more likely she’d be the first one awake. Her younger brother, who was fourteen to her seventeen, had had a sleepover with two of his closest...
It was so wrong. So wrong. His thrusts deepened, his firm body pinning hers to the wall. Her hot, slick pussy enveloped him like a glove, milking him with every stroke. His panting breaths washed over her neck as she whimpered in reponse. How did this happen? He began losing some of his practiced rhythm. He'd been with many women, but this one was different. She was something he never thought he could have. That he thought he'd never want. But here she was, with one slender leg wrapped around...
At fifty, I decided that it was time to retire from my part-time law enforcement career. My biggest concern was keeping my certification from going to inactive status. Fortunately I had made friends with the director of the local police academy, who clued me in to the fact that instructors at the academy were granted active status on their certification from the state. While I wasn’t able to instruct at the regular academy due to my day job, I had my nights and weekends free so took a position...
TabooMy master was in a bad mood. I could tell from the way he focused on the road ahead of us, seemingly so absorbed in the task of driving he did not even spare me a side glance for the entirety of the trip.He had good reasons to be mad. Since the very start of the day, things had not happened according to plan. He had been planning this road trip for weeks now, waiting for the one weekend when his job would allow him to take some time off. We were supposed to leave right after his job in the...