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Part I: Ache

She is a long woman, lean and pale. Long legs pull your eyes up to where they meet. Her long neck carries them further, to her face, that sweetly weak chin, her mouth. Only her lips are full bodied.

She has never liked her body, thinking that she is much too tall, that her hips are too wide, that her butt sticks out, that her chest is too flat; but men, and some women, enjoy watching her walk past and turn to look when she can't see them, to imagine her naked, imagine crawling between those never-ending legs, imagine her eyes swollen and half closed with desire. Many a man or woman has sighed with a private disappointment after she has passed, the strength of the sigh depending only on the strength of imagination.

She is right, though, at least about her absent breasts. Her chest is flat: two peas on an ironing board, as some men used to joke. No one will move his (or her) hand from chest to breast and delight in the smooth curve, because there is no curve. No one will feel the rubbery texture when her breasts are pushed up from below.

She could fix this, she supposes, by having a doctor insert gelatinous bags beneath her nipples, but it wouldn't any longer be her. It might even -- one might think -- take attention away from her neck or her mouth. Perhaps her breasts would grow larger if she had a child, though she is unlikely ever to know. People come as complex packages. This is what comes in hers.

What else comes is fascination. She watches the breasts of other women in her dance classes surge forward with centrifugal force during their steps, then bob around; furtive looks so well camouflaged that no one has ever suspected her, mixed with chatty commentary on technique but full of longing, enough longing to make her ashamed. She sometimes gossips about how men talk about tits and bazooms, but that's an excuse. She has seen her own reflection in the studio mirror often enough, and found nothing noteworthy there.

She is certain she couldn't attract a real lover and hasn't a clue as to how her husband came to want her. She thinks it couldn't have been her looks. Now that several years have passed since they married, and his interest has diminished, she understands that he must be tired of having to work himself up for someone who lacks a true woman's body. Along with that understanding, she has almost convinced herself that she is reconciled to a life of little passion.

That reconciliation is an illusion: while standing before the mirror after bathing a few weeks back, she suddenly made a despairing cry and began smacking her chest with her hands. It took almost an hour to regain composure, to fix her face, before she could meet people with her usual gracious smile, backed by an inner light.

In any event, while a life of little passion defies longings it doesn't banish them. Hers is as deep a well of desire as anyone's, producing forbidden fantasies that entrance like visions of water on the desert, but being a good Christian woman she isn't going to act on them. It shames her a little that she even has them. Hers may be a liberal church, full of good, open-minded people, but she struggles to be morally straight. Judge not. Only judge yourself.

Her fantasies slip into her mind at night when she is most vulnerable, forming from the swirls of almost- sleep thoughts, little universes of lust growing out of nothing, brushing her belly, awakening her body. She doesn't feel she deliberately calls them out, but there they are, and they are insistent, full-color images of sex with this man or that from her job, movies, even her church. Sometimes he is anonymous. It really doesn't matter. They didn't used to include full naked bodies on display.

Ever more during one of these fantasies her hand will slip from her side to her waist to her pubic mound, over the almost hairless mound to a spot where she can stroke herself with stealthy fingers. On occasion she resists. When she does touch herself she moves the fingers slowly between her labia, circling her clitoris, getting high, afraid of waking her husband while surrendering yet again. There are times that she can't keep herself still or quiet, when she'll finally go into the living room or bathroom to finish.

The acts she conjures once came mainly from R-rated films or the explicit romance novels she has taken to reading, but that ended when she stayed alone at a hotel that had a pay-per-view adult movie channel. On a whim she picked a movie almost at random and was devastated. Which was stronger, disgust or desire? She probably doesn't know to this day, but her repertoire of fantasies began growing that night.

After masturbating, once her breathing has slowed and she considers the visions that have driven her pleasure, she feels vile. Shame is her other secret burden; so much of it for such a good person. She certainly wouldn't ever cheat with any of those men. Once or twice a man from work came on to her, just a little, and she cut him down right away.

For awhile there was one man in her fantasies more than any other, a dance partner in their little community ballet. They've teamed on and off in "The Nutcracker," practicing once a week, then meeting daily during performance week. She is a principal dancer. He is a volunteer from the community who replaces a non-existent male dancer, there being no senior men in the company.

They've enjoyed playing dress-up, dancing, pantomiming. They've held hands. He has kissed her hand, often, often. He is actually the only man besides her husband whom she has touched regularly in any way for years, and one evening last Fall the hand kiss suddenly made her wonder what it would be like if he kissed her mouth. What if he pulled her to him and... did what? That. All of that.

She had been expressing amazement at the dances of Herr Drosselmeyer's toys, paying attention to the actions and positioning of the party goers, but at the thought her vision was obscured by quick flashes of fucking. She wouldn't use that word, but it's what she saw. It was followed that night by a detailed fantasy of degenerate sex that wouldn't make her feel guilty: what if he kidnapped me and forced me to submit? What would he make me do?

Please don't hurt me. You don't have to hurt me. I'll do anything you want.

The intensity and the pleasure frightened her, enough that she decided to avoid him, to talk only when on the floor, but the thoughts recurred throughout the season, finally fading only after the performances ended, when she wouldn't see him for eight months because their lives are completely separate and he too has a spouse.

How many little ballet troupes are there, hundreds? All performing "The Nutcracker"? How many fantasies are generated by them? How many come to nothing?

One shouldn't think that hers is a life of quiet desperation. She keeps telling herself it is a good life, economically, religiously, intellectually, and much of the time it is exactly that. Every life has some issues, she argues persuasively. She keeps herself busy.

And yet.

She has growing periods when can't stand to be around other people. She withdraws to her room to think and be alone, to trace the passing of the years, to fantasize and to wonder what happened to her life, how at one time everything had seemed possible.

Along with her romance novels she has started reading poetry from her old college textbooks. One Sunday afternoon she read "To His Coy Mistress." When she came to the line "time's wing'd chariot hurrying near," she threw the book across the room.

That was her life until this evening, when something happened.

What was it? As winter passed, her fantasies had shifted around to focus on some stranger she saw at the grocery, when she unexpectedly saw him -- the him. It is out of season for him, late spring, but there is a party thrown by a couple who turn out to be friends of friends of each. It's how a small world works. It's also how her God shows His sense of humor by -- just for the fun of it -- setting the stage for her seduction. Or perhaps He has another wager with Satan.

The earth is enjoying one of its magic times, the air rich with unimaginable varieties of blooms. The flowering began weeks ago and will continue another month, first early bloomers like forsythia, fruit trees, and daffodils, then the later blossoms to carry springtime along. The azaleas and their kin are colorful; the dogwoods, though, are achingly white and this is dogwood country.

It rained earlier today. The air is still sweet with it, the walk damp underfoot, and isolated drops still fall from the oaks, but the sky is almost clear and there is the slimmest crescent of a moon. Lone baby clouds scoot low in the sky, hurrying to a place people never see. Down below, the trees and shrubs have been waving to the sky all afternoon, a physical hosanna to whatever deities of Spring they worship.

She first saw him when she looked up from the walk, her mind filled with patterns of mud and raindrops, smelling the rain-cleansed air, aware of the clouds. He arrived in a sudden gust, without his wife, and when she saw him she felt the earth lurch, or the time, or something. Her husband was with her, but he groused about these boring parties and finally asked if she could find a ride home later, so that he could leave. Then he gallantly offered a ride.

So the air was charged from the beginning, exactly the same as always, but different in that indefinable way known to shamans, as though an invisible wave had washed away the part that was familiar, leaving a world that is alluring but strange. Jamais Vu. She feels shaky, physically ill at ease, and she thinks if she has a bite to eat it may help her. Or if she gets away from him. She doesn't want to think about him.

He walks to the table with her.

They have to talk, of course. She comes up with something interesting to say while he spreads baba ganousch on pita, nothing really, but they are able to chit-chat. It may all amount to nothing. She takes fresh vegetables and some kind of dip. It may be easy. She feels nothing special, and is about to relax when he takes her hand to pull her away from blocking the kitchen door.

Yes, the hand feels the same. It is a large hand, warm, not rough, and without warning there is the memory of rehearsal, of how his hands always did feel especially warm to her.

She hadn't considered his hands when they first met, when his daughters took ballet and he spent his time playing with the smallest children, helping them do backward flips and giving them airplane rides. She had just thought he was funny, still a big kid though much older than she.

His hands. They announced themselves later, when the two of them had played husband and wife so long that they could casually hold each other's before going on stage, and his would help warm hers until the lights heated the air.

There is another, related memory, the one she doesn't want to remember, the one of yearning and remorse. It is of that first, really cold night of dress rehearsal last December, how she had been shivering and huddling backstage, and how he had seen her and put his tuxedo jacket over her shoulders without being asked. When she had hugged it around herself she had smelled him and been suffused in his body heat. Though this was after her decision to avoid him, the smell and the feeling and the fact that he was so thoughtful had made her think about him all night long and want him to hold her.

It was bad, so bad that she had forgotten a step during one of their dances together.

She couldn't not think of him, but she'd stayed away from him as much as she could and she hadn't really thanked him. She knows she was cold to him and once again feels shame.

The memory arouses fantasies and regrets from wherever they have been resting, leaving her shy, making her wish she could extricate herself, making her want to stay. Oh, why did her husband have to leave?

She puts aside the plate of vegetables. He gets her a drink and their hands touch when she takes it.

Someone asks them to show a step from the ballet. This inspiration is doubtless generated by higher powers: these are arts people, sure, but there is no reason for this. The question leads to discussion of which step to show, a hasty improvisation, and the required holding of hands. The kiss on the hand. She tries to look lighthearted.

There is real improvisation when he spins her under his overstretched hands, catches her, and lets her lean down in his arms like a swing dancer. Their bodies touch, brush, catch on each other. For a second his face is right over hers and he looks her full in the eyes while she leans against his arm and body and tries not to look back up at him. She is frozen. She thinks he may kiss her right now.

An epiphany: all at once and without words she knows that he desires her.

Why doesn't she laugh and get up, move away? She could. It would be easy, if only she and her body weren't so busy betraying each other.

So she lies back in his arms and looks up at him blankly, swallowing, unable to muster the coquettish look she would once have used, telling herself not to be stupid but out of the blue feeling those sensations, the tingle or spark or subtle movement about her sex, the sensation like a tiny electrical current, the odd stirring in her lower belly. She knows them well, just hasn't felt them from contact with a man -- not like this -- in a long time. She feels herself growing vaguely damp where her vagina touches her panties. She thinks she can feel a bit, just a tiny bit, of trickling, a minute tickle along the walls of her labia, before finally he lets her up.

He wants me. He does. Me.

The thoughts echo, circle, blend with the fragments of fantasy and the sensations in her belly, and tell her that something is happening to her. Can anyone else tell? She looks around at the other guests, laughing and clapping or not paying them much attention at all. Thank you, Lord.

She needs separation and self-control, so leads him to a couch where she sits in a corner, but her leg touches his because all the seats are taken. She crosses her legs and her arms and leans as far into the corner as she can, to make herself invisible, to sort her feelings and get control of them.

There is general conversation. He is telling stories about major blunders during their performances, about prima donnas and untied Pointe shoes. She makes just a small comment now and then. She's normally active in these things, but she needs to look at him closely and can't do it while people look at her.

Why does she feel this way? Is there a clue in his flesh? If he acts childlike sometimes, and he looks younger than his years, how can his eyes be surrounded by fine wrinkles that form folds upon folds when he smiles, and why does one eyelid droop a bit more than the other? Was he injured once?

The hostess announces a fresh plate of canapés. She calls them "munchies."

Our good woman is not hungry now, not at all. She looks around the room. The picture window is framed with a deep green cornice and drapes. She tries to watch the man via his reflection, but there are ghost figures behind him. When she focuses on them they become two teenagers who must belong to people inside, embracing just outside on the sidewalk. Their foreheads and noses touch as they talk, then they kiss deeply and open-mouthed, pasturing on each other.

Her mind flicks instantly to the political campaign, how Al and Tipper Gore had kissed at the Democratic convention. She hadn't liked it at all, because it was so hard and unmoving -- a fifties movie kiss.

Back flicks her mind and she is again being held by her dance partner, but this time he does bend to her and start to kiss, the kiss of the teens, lips and tongues, a kiss that goes on and on, lovingly and sensually, until there is one final flash and she realizes two things: that they couldn't kiss like that in front of everyone and that the hostess is holding a tray of munchies out toward her.

The conversation is all party talk, never turning toward anything serious, but twice, when someone asks about her husband, she says, "Oh, he's fine," in that voice, the one that says she doesn't want to talk about him. The second time, her dancer friend turns just a little to look at her with a serious expression.

"Isn't it stuffy in here?"

Yes it is, suddenly. He asks if she would like to walk on the deck out back.

Thank God! There may not be such an easy opportunity to stop this later. He hasn't been obvious, but she saw how he looked at her. She knows he wants to be alone with her, and that he knows that she knows, and all that. They understand each other completely, so when she says 'no' he will understand that, too.

"Just a minute. I have to find my shawl."

It is time, time for time to accelerate. Not the clock, but the experience. There is a sense of something rushing, of movement in the earth, though the wind has gone away to rest, and the air is finally still. Expectant. Naturally the night is empty for them, as though prepared in advance.

She feels it. Does he?

It is cool enough for her to pull her wool wrap tightly, but the night doesn't seem to affect him a bit; he doesn't even wear a sweater.

What's he saying? There's some flowering ajuga just below the deck. There, see? He leans out over the rail of the deck to make his point, standing closer to her than he should and she can feel the heat pouring off him. She looks, but she's too aware of his closeness to pay attention, so just says "Um hmm."

It isn't that she's thoughtless. She's thinking the whole time, setting scenes and conversation, visualizing possibilities. How would he take it if I put my hand on his arm, if I simply rested it there? I could lay it there only for a second. What would he do? Would he freeze? Get shy? Take it as an invitation?

She almost does it. No, no, no! This is getting absurd. It's time to go back in.

They don't. Different music begins, something slow and familiar that she can't quite place. He asks, "Dance?" and takes her hand at almost the same instant. Inside her the alarm bells go off, clanging in the night, warning her that this isn't any longer fantasy, telling her to refuse as she turns toward him to look, first to his mouth, then up to his eyes. She sees the party inside through half-open blinds, only for a second before the view is blocked by his body. Say no thank-you, she tells herself. She doesn't say anything at all.

This is how it happens, not to everyone but to her. She hasn't decided in her mind to let this man fuck her. She probably couldn't make such a decision, not coldly, not in advance. There is simply a flow to events. One would think that she would get help with her resolve.

So they begin to dance. It is slow motion. It is like lightning. She puts her free hand on his shoulder, feels his hand on her waist, lets him begin the step, judges his stride and his rhythm. They're too far apart, dancing like children, so ludicrous. She is talking to herself, trying to understand what is happening, though what seems most important is that she shouldn't stand so awkwardly apart from her partner, so she steps closer and lets him slide his hand around to the small of her back, to pull her gently to his body. He is large; he almost envelopes her.

Her face is at his shoulder. It brings the memory of December, how his tux jacket felt, the heat, the faint smell of Mennen now replaced by the real thing. She can feel his real heat with her cheek. Then, without any internal argument at all, she lays her head on his shoulder and leans her body completely up against his. It is a big step, her first one to push the situation along, and it scares her to death.

Their hands had been almost at his left shoulder and her face. He releases her hand to put both arms around her waist, and she puts both of hers around his neck, so that as they rock slowly together on the deck their bodies touch all the way down. She makes a tiny grunt, scarcely a high-pitched whisper, that she hopes he doesn't hear. She makes it because she wants him and she is afraid to want him.

Good Lord, I'm thirty-five, almost middle-aged. Why am I acting like a fourteen year old?

She's skidding on her straight and narrow. Does this make her guilt more pleasurable? Or a greater barrier? She wants to stop everything; she can do everything except make it stop. No, she might yet break away.

What is he doing? He is leaning his head to her. He kisses her hair, making her shiver, beginning a little frisson that sweeps all the way down her back from her scalp to her ass and brings a catch to her breathing.

The next thing isn't a single thing. It is two, more than two, some number, something kaleidoscopic. There is no order that she can recall later. She smells him again, with her cheek feels a muscle move in his chest, feels herself pull him closer, for the first time feels his penis as a hard shape against her belly. She holds her breath again, memorizes the outline of his cock on her body.

She can feel herself growing wetter, hotter. The feel of wetness seeping is obvious now, so beautiful a sensation, so perfect a mark of longing if he would touch her there. He kisses her hair again and inhales her. She can feel his breath. His penis. His face. A hand at her chin, lifting her face. He is erect against her. They begin a kiss.

Only then does she step back, all at once, gasping out her regrets.

"No. Please. I'm sorry." What can she say? "What are we doing?"

Almost everyone knows that passion in the night can be frightening with its power to push aside all daytime considerations and lead people to a world in which there's no wrong or right, only hunger. How many know its other characteristic, its fragility, how a word can stop it dead, break it like a light bulb, leaving only useless remains?

He lets her stand apart from him but he doesn't let her go. She could walk away but it would have to be her choice. She wants him to talk, because she has run out of things to say that wouldn't make this worse. Maybe he can end it gracefully, in a way that will salvage their friendship. Perhaps, so she waits, but he doesn't answer for a moment.

What he does is take an enormous breath that comes back out as a slow breeze, like exhaling cigarette smoke, and only then does she realize how deeply he is affected.

Finally, hoarsely:

"I'm sorry." He looks away from her, then back, as though unsure what to say.

"No, I'm not." Another stop.

"I am and I'm not. Oh damn. I am sorry I did something your weren't ready for."

He pauses.

"But I wasn't alone in it, was I?"

She decides, without deciding, to be flippant in her defense, and a little cruel: "Do you always come on this fast with other women?"

He drops his hands and jerks away.

No, no, no, no. I didn't say that! Say I didn't!

There is no place to hide out here. One hand rises to cover her mouth before she knows she is doing it. He starts to say something in an angry tone, then stops himself and turns toward the railing. She thinks he might just walk away, which she won't be able to stand, but instead he stands almost perfectly still for a moment, then turns around slowly toward her, takes another large breath and finally starts talking in a very quiet voice, so softly that it is not at all accusing, so long that it is almost a monologue.

"How long have I known you? A decade? More? Have I ever come on to you before? Do you think I never wanted to?" He laughs a little self-deprecating laugh, though there's no amusement on his face.

"I've wanted to for years. Well, some things you know are never going to happen. I knew I wasn't ever going to try to seduce you."

He pauses for an instant.

"Anyway, before tonight I knew it. So I decided I had to stop thinking about it. I thought maybe I could just enjoy being with you for a bit, and let it go."

He leans against the deck railing and looks out to the lawn, while she pulls her wrap around herself more tightly and looks at the floor, knowing she has ruined everything. Her mind flicks back to the fantasy of the kiss; the hostess interrupts as an omen, the munchies are symbols of dread. He is talking.

"It didn't work. After awhile I realized that, yes, I'm sure there are people who can do that. Mother Teresa came to mind." He makes that little laugh again.

"Not me, though. I couldn't keep from looking at you. You must have noticed."

She is about to say something but can't bring herself to talk. She stares at a post of the deck rail, as though it is the unmovable center of all creation. He continues.

"Last fall I think you were upset with me. I guessed I was being too obvious, so I tried to stay across the floor from you as much as I could. Anyway, it was actually a relief when 'The Nutcracker' ended, because I didn't have to see you all the time."

He takes yet another enormous breath, exhales, goes on:

"Then tonight, you were different. I... I don't know how exactly. Willing. There was something in how you looked at me. Hell, I probably imagined it. I'm sorry I put you on the spot. Anyway. You can say I'm inappropriate, wrong, whatever. Just don't say I'm fast."

She listened quietly during most of it, not moving, not even taking her hand from her mouth. Only her eyes changed, growing wider and sadder and then wet. The exception came when he got to the part about her being upset with him. Then she squeezed her eyes shut and wiped them with her fingers. Now that he has finished, she has to say something:

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that. Please believe me. I've just been... I mean I was... I'm afraid. I am. I was afraid of where we were heading. I can't do that. We had to stop."

She wipes her eyes again and looks at the ground so that he won't be able to see her face. Her voice becomes so quiet that it scarcely rises above the music filtering through the closed door:

"And, no, you weren't in it alone."

It is done. So why, as they stand on the deck looking at each other, each reluctant to go back to the party, each knowing they need to, does she hope that he will stall a little longer?

Jumbled lines from some poem steal upon her like ground mist, telling her that her whole world has rolled up in a ball, moving her toward an overwhelming question, and that because she was afraid she couldn't give the answer that might make her happy. For one brief moment she had almost been happy. But now it is time to go home.

Part II: Redemption

Reset the scene. The air has leaked away. The night isn't expectant; the joke has been played. Two people stand apart and alone, batting idle thoughts into the dark. Nothing of significance will come of this.

She has made her decision to do the right thing, to live with that burden. Now she can't stand the thought of reentering the crowd, nor can she stay on the deck with him. There is a third option. She turns toward the steps and walks down into the yard, to be alone.

Everything is hard. She thinks: How will I get home tonight?

If this were a movie he would follow her, to confront her. She would welcome that; it would give her the chance to give in, having tried to be good. Nonsense. She knows that she wouldn't, gets almost teary thinking: I'll always do the right thing. If she gets far enough away she may be able to let herself cry over doing the right thing.

What he does is follow her and take her hand from behind.

"Don't go. Please don't. Stay with me for awhile." He is still speaking very softly, but urgently.

"Please stay."

"I don't know," and she looks to the house. Do the right thing. She needs an excuse to repulse him. "What if someone had come outside just then? We could have been caught."

Oh you idiot! No! That's not what you mean. Tell him the truth. Tell him you can't be with him ever.

He counters: "Then let's just walk in the yard and talk. Just talk. No kissing, okay?"

He makes a wan smile, more a grimace than a grin. She gives up on leaving, and she leaves her hand in his. Neither really knows what that means, but it is something.

Of course she loses her words again, distracted by his hand. He leads her across some stepping stones, past a few new bushes in mulched earth and a dogwood that is so bright it gleams in bits of reflected light. They are holding hands. She stumbles a little, and so has to catch onto his arm, an arm that is as warm as the rest of him, while she tries to hold her wrap tightly to her chest.

Why are we still holding each other?

Anyone could tell her.

Her behavior last fall weighs on her. She didn't know then that she had hurt him, not exactly, not like that. She wants to apologize, but how do you bring that up? She certainly can't tell him what drove her. There are some things one just doesn't say. They are both so shy now that they may not say anything at all, but she tries because she can't stand the silence.

"I'm really sorry about... back there. I shouldn't have let things go so far. I think I led you on. You must think I'm terrible."

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Dont ShoutChapter 7

He hadn't spoken to anyone since he'd gotten back, simply holed himself up in his bedroom, ostensibly reading the latest of the Discworld novels. Jared lay curled up on his bed, book forgotten, hugging the duvet in the half dark cast by his desk lamp. He'd left Cole, abandoned him in the truck without a word, hadn't let him explain. If he hadn't cared, Jared doubted that he would feel this awful. He hated to admit after the fact, but he felt about Cole the way people in stories seemed to...

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NuruMassage Cherie Deville Valentina Nappi My Husband Can8217t Find Out

Cherie DeVille and her husband are seated at the reception desk in front of a laptop, going over their bookings for the next few days. The husband brings up that he’s noticed that the wife keeps swapping bookings around, and he wonders why that is. His wife liesand says she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He elaborates that it seems like she keeps moving some of their female clientsoff his schedule and onto hers, and he doesn’t understand why. Cherie tries to...

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Bastille Day Ch 3

… Her thoughts flutter as warm slender fingers drift about her chest and abdomen. Her eyes closing as her body begins to respond to his tender ministrations of her flesh. ‘Please… I can’t do this… do not know you…’ ‘You know me Monica. Your body and soul know me. You and I were destined to meet here… now.’ His breath touches her side. Lips brushing her skin as fingers move expertly down the flare of her hips. She senses his hard, hot torso against her arm as his body turns to massage her...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 6 Her First Day Out

"Good morning. You look like you're happy to be going back to school." I said as she got in my car Tuesday morning. "You must have read my mind," she joked before kissing me on the lips. "How did it feel to sleep in your own bed last night?" I said as I waved to Lee and pulled out of her driveway. "Actually," she yawned, "I didn't get much sleep. Lee kept me up until two... " I waited patiently as she yawned again and then stretched, enjoying the glowing happiness she was...

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A Night of Firsts

A Night of Firsts By Sexy Laura This story is property of me, and may not be resubmitted without my consent. [email protected] ************************* "Tommy.. Can you give me a hand for a second?? Please???" I hated when my sister Shelley asked me for a favor when she had clients over. I always feel uncomfortable. Especially since my sister has a clientele that is slightly different then most people would imagine. She is a professional dominatrix. Complete with the...

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MomPOV Valentina Mamacita non MILF gets porn debut E419

– 34 years old 100% Columbian – Currently single, has been married once but no kids – Has been in the US for about 10 years now – Actually was a TV reporter in her home town – Is all natural besides maybe her eyebrows – She is a very sexual and horny woman – Does have a few boy toy friends with benefits – She prefers to get off or fuck at least once a day – I was the 3rd person she has ever had anal sex with – Very oral fixated, she loves big dick in her mouth – Likes to be a little rough and...

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A Platonic Relationship Chapter 06

This final chapter again gets a little intense as Marcella is forced to face whether or not she is a true pain slut. There is some not very nice and not all that sexy electro-pain stuff leading up to the conclusion of the story. If you are not into electro-pain and want to skip that, just scroll or search down to where Plato says he has had to make a deal with the devil. It is all totally non-sexual techno-nerd stuff from that point out as I wind up the story... but leave the possibility open...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 397 Telling My Loved Ones About My Voyage

Saturday, November 3, 2007 (Continued) Everyone was in the Adults' House, mostly in the living room but some scattered around. Julia spotted me coming up the hill and used the intercom to summon everyone else to the living room. I entered through the living room's ranch slider doors, my girls running to cuddle with me. My dishes would be in the way so I bent over and put them on the floor, where the baddies' cameras wouldn't see them as they skidded along the floor to the kitchen while...

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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 11 A Breakthrough

Some of the greatest scientific discoveries have been made as a matter of chance. Fleming and penicillin, for example, or Calthorpe finding the fabulously appointed tomb of Nefertiti. My own breakthrough in the re-shaping of Helena Voutrakis came about by chance as well. After my call on Aristides Poloi, it had occurred to me that an excess of sexual stimulation might possibly produce a helpful response. As a result I had arranged a series of sessions for Helena on the Orrery. The Orrery is...

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Love Thine Enemy

He stroked her bare behind, a touch so gentle, as if cradling a baby’s head. Her soft downy hair hardly registered on his calloused hands in the sweep over her pink flesh. She sighed in contentment and comfort of their shared love. Her head lay on her folded forearms, breath warming the space between her mouth and the sheet of the bed. Her eyes were closed so that she could concentrate on the pleasure of his touch.Brian, lent forward, taking in the smell of her, savouring the faint aroma from...

Straight Sex
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Brick House Pt 02 Ch 0102

All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo This is part 2 (chapters one and two) of a longer work, ‘Brick House.’ While this part does not have erotic content, many of the others do. It is included for the convenience of readers interested in the larger story. Chapter 1 During my senior year in college I lived in an on-campus apartment with three other guys. It was an old concrete block building, rendered only marginally less ugly by the presence of a red brick facade. There were no discrete...

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Jaq the milf

It was a Sunday afternoon back in 2009. Jaq realised that she had the attention of our son's friend.The afternoon was very warm, friends and family had arrived for an afternoon barbeque and drinks. The last guest to arrive was Mark. Mark was the friend of our son, Max. The drinks were flowing and everyone was having a great time, including Mark. Every time I looked for Jaq, Mark appeared to be nearby.Later in the afternoon Jaq and myself were in the kitchen opening some more wine. I mentioned...

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Zoe Trilogy 1 Zoes Mum

Zoe was new to school and we hit it off immediately. Her mother and her had moved to the city during the break between school terms. We found ourselves in mostly the same classes, with me helping her get used to the system at our school. The task was made very easy because Zoe was very beautiful (but shy), and she felt more comfortable with the nerdy me rather than the muscle-head football jocks. Like me, Zoe was 16 years old. She was fairly tall at 5ft 8ins tall, short blonde wavy hair, and...

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Numchucks The Legend Ch 08

The list of people wanting to go hunting got longer. My boss had me do him a favor and take some clients out and show Numchucks off as well as guide their hunt. The morning came and the number of People grew to be larger than I had expected. They had brought another person which put four of us in the boat plus the dog. The boat was a four man limit which wasn’t the problem. The problem was that a couple of these guys made up four men. An early morning ride down river, in winter, is cold. A...

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Australian or Danish

As I enter the shop I notice her bending down behind the counter, her arse encased in tight jeans and is firm and neat. Black high heels complete the view as I travel down the back of her thighs and calf muscles, to the end of her very tight leg jeans. Good shape I think to myself, and those heels look wickedly high. She looks up and brushes hair out of her eyes. Mature clear skin, secretary glasses and full lips, mouth slightly open and the hint of a tongue over your white teeth. She stands up...

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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 6

I woke up spooned against Kelly the next morning. My erection nested between her butt cheeks. As I began to gently rock my hips, Kelly pushed back against me. “Mmmm, this is nice,” Kelly said, flexing her bottom against my cock. Reaching over her, I began massaging one of Kelly’s breasts. She put her hand over mine, holding it to her bosom. My fingers closed around her breast and I felt her nipple harden against my palm. “We should get up and take our shower,” I whispered in her ear. “I...

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The March of the RoseChapter 15

Anastasia had a restless night, tossing and turning, until she finally got out of bed just before first light. The events of the previous evening still weighed heavy on her mind, and more importantly, her soul. For all of the training and lectures she had received, nothing had prepared her for the aftermath of taking someone's life. No discussion with Rac-Nur, or with Master Drexil had touched on the subject and it had never come up in conversation during drills with Aaron. She assumed they...

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I never planned on Mandy Part I

I Never Planned on Mandy - Chapter I by Tabitha The ironic thing of all was that Brian had not even been interested in going to the party at Nick's house anyhow. However, when he overheard his sister, Louise, talking to her friend Michelle about it, he had decided to prevent her going. At fourteen, Brian was a bright but socially unnoticeable individual. It was not that he was unable to make friends or get involved in activities - he was after all one of the school's top...

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Late Night in the Office

I’m sitting at my desk in the office. It’s late and the rain is pouring down heavily outside. I am all alone in the office except for the humming the computers. Suddenly I feel a presence behind me. Before I can turn around I feel a set of hands cover my eyes.“Guess who?” I hear a sultry voice whisper into my ear. I remove your hands from my eyes and turn around to the surprise of you standing there in a trench coat and high heels.“What are you doing here?” I ask.“I know you are working late...

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Jennas bachelorette party part 2

Two weeks after Jens first bachelorette party with all her friends family and bridesmaids it came to the time of the little private bachelorette party that I had organised just for her and myself. I had told my husband and Rodger that I was taking her away to a beauty spa retreat for the weekend which was in fact partly true. I had booked us into a room at a lovely 2 bedroom spacious self catering chalet at a nearby nature reserve which offered a number of beauty packages.I however didn't book...

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Friend to Crush to Friendzoned Cuck 2

After we woke up from our nap we only briefly talked about what happened. I again admitted that I loved her, and even though what happened was hot, I wasn't sure if I'd want something like that again because of my feelings for her. She said she understood and we would keep it a secret. It was to be buried between us, never to be talked about again.Things seemed to have gone back to normal. We didn't talk to much during the week, then she texted me on Friday. She asked me if I wanted to go to a...

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So here we were, nineteen year old 'women of the world', or so we thought. We had arrived in Trinidad that morning for a fortnights holiday. The place was a paradise compared to Brixton. The year before we'd been in Benidorm but this year Trailie wanted to go somewhere 'exotic', so here we were. There was; Shauna, tall, leggy, blond and very pretty. Kim, dark, athletic, big boobs and pretty with it. Trailie or course, short, blond, bubbly, and drop dead gorgeous. Finally there's me, Beth,...

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Winter Fires Ch 08

Chapter 8 June came to an end and July arrived. The festival would take place on the Saturday, the Fifth. Marianne said, ‘Plan on having the whole of the following week off, Simon. I expect we’ll be partying all over the weekend, and you’ll definitely want Monday off – and I’d like to be able to spend time with you all that week. Besides, you deserve some time off after what you’ve been through, you hero you!’ Simon had waved off the last part, but had put in for the leave anyway. To his...

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Mere Bhai Ne Mujhe Fasa Kar Choda

Hello mera naam reshma hai. Meri nick name rani hai. Ye kahani hai ki kaise mere bhai bhai ne mujhe meri hi ek dost se lesbian sex karaya or fir blackmail kar k mujhe choda. Meri friend ka naam shivanai hai. Meri age 32 years hai or meri friend shivani bhi meri hi age ki hai. But humdono ke figure me bahut anter hai. Mai moti hu or shivani slim and sexy. Meri figure 38-34-36 hai or shivani ki 34-30-36. MERE pati ek private company me job karte hai. Mai bihar se hu. Shivani ke pati railway me...

3 years ago
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Piss and Give Me a Clue

Inspired by watching Russian whale like mature women showering in Voyeur videos and how I might enjoy being very dirty with them instead of nubile fit youngsters. “Piss and give me a clue Gran,” I giggled but half meaning it. “Don’t be a daft haporth Jim, I haven’t put that much on,” she snickered back. “You fucking have, enormous, but I still love you,” I retorted, grinning up my 67 year old grandmother on my dad’s side, from a so called vantage point between her cellulite dimpled...

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Kyles spanking

Kyle's Spanking Kyle was 19, 6'2", blond and horny for everything kinky but he was beginning to specialise in CP and had had several amazing encounters with men with belts, straps, canes and strong hands.? He found he loved to be dominated and beaten but also had a top side and really loved fucking.? As Kyle got off the underground he thought back to the chat he had had on recon with a bloke promising a meet he would enjoy. Dressed in his military kit, full cammos and boots as...

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 12 Take a Look at Me

I felt an arm grip my winter coat. “Matt ... I don’t know that we can do this!” “Of course you can. It’s not that hard.” “No, I’m worried about Tommy!” she whispered. “What if he falls? Or runs into someone?” I gave her gloved hand a pat. “He’ll be okay. It’s pretty soft, you know. Watch...” I let myself fall sideways like a cut tree, landing on my hip and shoulder. Muireann gave a little cry of surprise, but I just laughed it off. In another moment I was standing again. “You want to...

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AnnetteChapter 21

When they woke the next morning they had somehow reverted to their spooning position without waking each other. They lay there contentedly, both aware that the other was awake. Finally, Harry spoke. "I must go to the loo," he said, "but I don't want to let go of you." "Off you go then because if I feel that thing of yours jabbing into my bum much longer I'm going to forget about the pill having not taken effect yet." Harry chuckled and then nuzzled her neck. "Life can only get...

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Candy From Strangers 4 Lost Little Girl

The first “ victim” of this madness was Franny Chesterson. Loving wife and mother one day and devoted sexual servant the next to her two stepsons; James and Marshall. The twin boys themselves enhanced by those drug to increased physiques, stamina, penile size and recovery. Their father Ted, a victim of another combination of the drugs into submission and lethargy; a cuckold in his own home. The boys had caught onto the slippage of the drugs just in time, and planned that they would go no...

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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 03 Hotwife Massage

Just a short recap from the last chapter. My hubby had made the excuses of going out to buy beer and asked his buddy, Eddie to massage for me instead. After my hubby had gone off, we were left alone and Eddie wasted no time to proceed with the massage. I lay on my front, fully naked, and was too shy to face him. So I just closed my eyes and enjoyed his hands massaging my body. His hands wandered from my shoulders to my toes and covered almost every part of my body. He started from my...

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© Sven The Elder - November 2004 We were taking tea when she asked the question. "What do you think of when you're making love?" I thought for a moment and then responded, "Many things, the pleasure of sliding into you, feeling you ripple around my hardness. The depth of colour in your eyes as we gaze into each others' soul. The feeling of your muscles as I cup your ass in my hands, pulling you even further onto me. Many things, but most of all the love I feel for you at that...

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Clifton Park

The head of my dick pressed against my panties and jeans, stiff again. But I was trying to ignore it, trying to make time. I did forget about it for a few minutes as I drove past the Albany skyline on my way north. The skyline was beautiful at night, especially in January. It was only around 6 o'clock and I was tired; work had been a bitch over the past few weeks. I was looking forward to a few days at the cabin with only the fire, a bottle of whisky, my sexy lingerie and my three favorite ass...

2 years ago
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Mom A Sleeping Beauty 8211 Part I

Hello Friends, this is Shravan from Bangalore. The following new story is completely a FICTION and it’s not related to real life. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedbacks to Enjoy my latest Fiction story…… My family consists of 3 members. Me , My dad Ramesh, is working abroad, and my mom Nitu who is a home maker. So it’s just me and mom at home. Mom is a beautiful lady with decent structure. We were very friendly and i loved to hangout with her a lot. As a teenager, I used to...

1 year ago
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Busted by stepdaughter Part 2

100% fiction! Nadia and I lay in each others arms for some time after playing together , after a little bit she whispered in my ear would you like to watch me finger my pussy , how could i refuse yes please i could love to watch you , she made herself comfortable on the lounge and spread her legs , she started by teasing her nipples pinching them pulling them they were so hard. Then she slowly ran her hands down over her smooth flat tummy between her legs and looked me straight in the eyes as...

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The Fat GirlChapter 3

I had fewer classes with Fran the next day owing to different electives and Phys Ed. But I saw her at the end of the lunch break and brought my salad over. "How goes?" I asked - politely overlooking her food. "So-so," she said. "I'm a little hung up on the physics report. I thought I understood everything yesterday, but I got stuck writing the discussion and conclusion." "You should have called me," I replied. "Or have come over. I spent half the afternoon teaching Jake that...

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Natalie by Emily Ross [email protected] I'm always anxious when I'm waiting for my suitcase to appear at an airport after a flight. What if it's been sent to the wrong destination? Why does everyone else's luggage seem to arrive before mine? I was hot and sticky after a nine hour transatlantic flight. Although it was technically still the morning, thanks to the crossing of time zones, I had been up for hours. I was tired and jet-lagged. I just wanted my suitcase. Where...

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A Kingdom of Endless Wonder

The Kingdom of Mirantia.... Known and admired throughout the world as the fair land where magic and mortal coexist. For well over one hundred years the inhabitants of the kingdom have prospered, thanks in no small measure to the wise leadership of a succession of good kings. Its current monarch, King Malcolm, has continued the policies of his father and grandfather by striking a careful balance between the magical and mortal beings. Malcolm has been on the throne for over 20 years. At 45 years...

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Asma ki chudai

Hi iss readers.i m a big fan of ur site and i want to share my story with all the ppl out there.i hope u wont let me down and u will publish my experience.thanx,here is my story. Hi to u all readers.i m rehan from islamabad pakistan. I m 23 years old.with a athletic body. I m going to narrate my experience with u all email add is It happened when i was in islamabad to visit my aunt and her family. In my aunt’s neighbour there was a girl who was very beautiful and gorgeous. Her name...

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Innocent College Pussy 8211 Part 4

Hello, dear readers. This Sonia and Rohitha again. I hope you read the previous parts. By now, all the boys are reading this story with a swollen dick in their hands due to masturbation. All the girls are reading this story with a wet pussy. Without any delay, let’s get back into the story. Ravi and I were sitting in a restaurant after having a wonderful fuck session in my house. I liked Ravi and his cock strength. So, I broke the silence in no time by telling him that he will have to take...

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Jakes Dream Come TrueChapter 23

Just before noon the next day, Samantha and I arrived at the City offices so she could pretend to apply for a job. I'm fairly sure our blind act was good enough as none of the auras flared with suspicion. Hell, there weren't even any of the lust flairs I was used to seeing when one of the girls were guiding me, but then, she was in full uglified regalia. It took forever. I'm not sure what I expected but it was a government office and they can't even hand out job applications...

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Garden of Sinners Immoral Distant Desires

Prologue Namba Shizuko had just left her home and was making her way to the seedier part of Mifune for a bit of fun tonight. She hadn't partaken in it at all, but all of her friends were talking about this new trend that had enveloped the city, a trend of making out and copulating with the foreign men that were visiting Mifune. The influx of tourists had happened when some overseas TV show from America had recommended the quiet city as a hidden gem, causing the sudden surge of tourists to come...

2 years ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 7

In a sizeable room with nothing more than a single desk, a man sits cross-legged, with long blond hair reaching down the back of the chair. His eyes focused on the two standing in front of him as they enter the room. One an Elven girl with short black hair and the other a tall burly man with dog ears and a tail. “So the patrol unit captured two criminals?” The man asks. The girl salutes. “Yes sir. They were coming from...” “Who gave you permission to speak?” He asks, silencing her. “You...

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A nice visit from my family

My place was close to the beach so Jill will be able to get some sun if she wanted to. Mom and Andy had planned on going on day trips alone. So guess I was going to have to play host to Jill. I didn’t have to pick them up from the airport since they had planned to rent a car. I was just finishing up my workout and was getting ready to take a shower when my Mom called you say that they were just leaving the airport. I showered and got everything ready. Cleaned both bathrooms and the kitchen....

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A Goody Two Shoes Really Isnt So Good Part 3

I stood underneath the hot water that poured from the shower head. My skin was red, and felt as if it were burning, yet it felt so good. The paleness I was forced to wear every day hadn't stopped burning in hours, and now I couldn't feel a thing beyond the tingle that swam through me; straight to my core. I was preparing to drive my daddy nuts, to make him so hard and horny that he would just ravage me and take total control. I hoped my plan worked, I mean it wasn't what you would consider well...

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A Husbands Revenge Ch 02 A husband gets re

I raced home and thanked Carol for watching the k**s. She'd gotten them changed and off to bed even before I'd even arrived. Checking on the k**s, I saw that they were asleep, so I made my way down to the kitchen, poured myself a glass of wine and waited for Ann to come home.About 30 minutes later I heard her car pull into the garage. She came bounding in, apologizing for being so late. I asked her how the meeting had gone and where it had been held."Nick, our principal, had decided to have it...

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A WifesFantasy

When I stepped into the bedroom I was unprepared for what happened next. Phillip my husband was behind the door completely naked and grabbed me by my ponytail and yanked me around to face him. “So my little slut are you ready to be mine?” He said more forcefully than I have ever heard him speak. My breath caught in my throat when with his free hand he reached over and squeezed my breast hard. Instantly I felt the nipples of my DD cup breast stand at attention. He realized this and with his...

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My Two Aunts Part 2

Aunt Linda was 25 years old and working in the city for the past three years. She had an apartment there and enjoyed the city life. She was a bit of a hippie, loved nature, was very free and laid back and she didn't like to wear a bra unless she had too. Aunt Linda was a pot head and the whole family knew except grandma and grandpa (Her parents). Anyway, while driving back Aunt Linda told me how she was without a boyfriend for the past six months and how guys all suck. She even joked...

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Using you

After having some good dreams of you playing with me while I was asleep, I wake up fully aroused and ready to go. Unknowingly I've been touching myself as you were in my dream. My hand already wrapped around myself with a firm grip and wanting you badly!   Rolling over I see that you're already up and out of bed to my dismay. But on the plus side, I can smell breakfast on the stove. Always so eager to keep me happy. You're such a good girl, and who could want more. You make love like no...

Straight Sex
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Research and Demonstration

Markus smiled as he saw his wife practically bounce up and down. Andrea's fuzzy red hair and her current A cup breasts going up and down with every bounce if only slightly. "Oh it's gonna be so good. Its going to be the future of our kinky shenanigans." "Yes yes, I'm aware." He sipped some of his drink without paying much notice to his wife. He knew better then to bring her down when she was excited about something. "What's this about again?" Jeremy, the skinny adolescent who...

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