I Never Planned On Mandy - Part I free porn video

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I Never Planned on Mandy - Chapter I by Tabitha The ironic thing of all was that Brian had not even been interested in going to the party at Nick's house anyhow. However, when he overheard his sister, Louise, talking to her friend Michelle about it, he had decided to prevent her going. At fourteen, Brian was a bright but socially unnoticeable individual. It was not that he was unable to make friends or get involved in activities - he was after all one of the school's top chess players and on the debating team - but that he was always thinking about the future consequences of actions. As a smaller child, he had refrained from climbing trees with his peers, in case of falling, or swimming at the nearby lake in case of getting into difficulties. Similarly, he turned his nose up at any tomfoolery, as it only diminished other people's opinion of you. Thinking about it later, he could never decide if his intention of preventing his sister attending the party was as a result of wishing to preserve her reputation (Nick's parties were notorious as the scene of some rather risqu? misbehavior) or to prevent her from enjoying the fun that he denied himself. He liked to think it was the former, but rather doubted it. Nick's party fell on the Saturday night, when their parents would be at the Henderson's, playing bridge, drinking gin and tonic and bemoaning their jobs. Whilst they did not mind their offspring going out on Saturday nights, they did insist that they were home by 10:45pm, an arbitrary time that made them feel like responsible parents (they themselves did not get back until about 1am). Had Louise wished to enjoy the party's dubious delights, then she would have had to either tell her parents where she was going (with Brian filling in the more reprehensible details about Nick's parties) so that they could arrange a `babysitter' for Brian (they didn't believe children under sixteen should be left alone) or come home before all the fun really got going, so that she would be home by curfew time in case they rang to check up on their progeny. The only other alternative would be if Louise took Brian along with her. For some reason though, bringing your kid brother to a party has never seemed especially cool. At first when Brian confronted her about taking him along to the party, Louise reacted with the careful deliberation and poise possessed by all older sisters; she snarled, swore and threatened violence, before storming out of the room. Brian smiled at all this, telling himself that she would thank him one day for protecting her from getting a reputation. It was probably this ability to indulge in self-delusion that made him overlook just how downright cunning and cruel his sister could be when she put her mind to it. It was not until Saturday morning that Brian discovered that his sister had decided to agree to his demand. Brian passed his father at the breakfast table, the latter just departing it as the former sat down. Fiddling with his pipe, and picking up his golf cap, Brian's father said, `Your sister tells me that the pair of you are going to a school dance tonight.' Taken back by this sudden new information, Brian did not even think to point out the inaccurate description of the evening's function. Brian's father believed deeply in the importance of family bonding and communications, and as such rarely bothered to listen to anything his family might actually say to him. `It's good to see the two of you spending time together. Family is important. I remember when I was growing up. Going to the movies or theater with my siblings.' he rambled on. A loud honk from the front of the house broke through the father-son dialogue (or rather monologue, as dialogue does involve both parties being able to get a word in). `Hell, is that Vernon already,' cursed Brian's father as he correctly guessed the identity of the honker to be his golf partner. `The old fool gets earlier and earlier by the week. Anyhow son, have fun tonight. Your mother and I will be over at the Henderson's for bridge, so if you need picking up from the school, give us a call over there will you.' Needless to say, Brian's father got incredibly ratty if any of his brood called for a lift home whilst he was out playing bridge. As he watched his father's retreating figure, Brian was rather unsure of himself. He had been certain that Louise would miss the party and spend a month sulking rather than take him along. He half suspected that she intended to go by herself, and risk having him call their parents. However, at six-thirty that evening, Louise - who had been out shopping with Michelle for most of the day - stuck her head around Brian's door and said `Are you getting ready, we're off in an hour.' Brian who had been carefully cataloguing his collection of die-cast model soldiers was rather taken back, and asked, `So you are taking me with you?' Louise frowned, `Look,' she said, `I have no more desire to take you to Nick's party tonight than I would any other social leper. But if it's the only way I can go, then I guess I have to. Three ground rules though: One, we go together, we split up, we meet up again to go home; two, you don't spend the whole time preaching to people about how badly considered their lifestyles are; and three, you don't tell people you are my brother.' The last point seemed rather senseless to Brian, who did not realize how faceless he was to most of his sister's friends and acquaintances. Brian was now in a quandary. His sister had called his bluff. If he pulled out of going now, then he would have little or no leverage with her in the future when she wished to do something he disapproved of; however, he had little real desire to attend the party, particularly if something untoward might happen involving him. Quite why any of his sister's friends would consider indulging in something untoward with him did not cross his mind. `Right,' said Brian, `that seems fair enough. I will be ready for seven thirty. And as I am going to be there, please try and refrain from any behavior that might give our family name a sullied reputation.' Louise smiled that sweet smile that only as they get older do males realize means that they are going to be a grade-A bitch. `Certainly, oh brother of mine. I'll refrain if you will.' With that she left. Getting ready for a teenage party was a new experience for Brian, but drawing upon his familiarity with other functions that he attended (such as chess tournaments) he opted for some dark gray trousers, a light checked shirt, a tie and a sweater (in case it was cold at Nick's house or if the party moved outside). With his hair neatly combed and his shoes shined, he was ready for the party at seven thirty on the dot. To his surprise, his sister's outfit was not exceptionally outr?. The dark blue blouse above a flared calf length black skirt was not particularly promiscuous even by Brian's standards. Even her shoes, with a sensible inch and a half heel, were reasonable. Their father was busy shouting into his mobile phone when they left (he worked in marketing) but their mother bade them have fun and not be home too late (as a special privilege, they had been told that they could stay out until 11:15pm if they came straight home from the dance). Louise already had a car (her mother's old Toyota), and she drove them over to Michelle's house with hardly a word passing between the two siblings. `Wait here,' Louise told Brian, `I'll just get Michelle.' Brian watched his sister get out of the car and walk up to Michelle's parent's house, its windows darker than he would have expected at this time of the evening. He saw Louise knock, and, to her evident surprise, the door moved inwards a fraction. He watched her push it open, and look inside hesitantly, apparently calling Michelle's name, though he could not hear through the car window. A few moments later, Louise ran back to the car in a panic, pulling open Brian's door, and beseeching him to come with her. Not quite sure of what had happened, Brian followed, apprehensive in case there was some danger (he would have preferred to call the police and let them handle it), but his sister was already running back up the pathway to the house. He ran full pelt after her through the door; an uncharacteristic rashness that only underlined how sensible his usual caution was. As the hands grabbed hold of his arms, he found himself forced to the floor, where, with a click, handcuffs were snapped around his wrists and ankles and a blindfold put over his eyes. It was only Brian's sensible decision to visit the bathroom just before going out (in case it was a while before he got the opportunity again) that prevented him wetting his briefs. He felt himself dragged up the stairs, half stumbling, half carried, and dropped unceremoniously upon a bed. A knee placed in the middle of his back told him to stay still, and he felt the cuffs being undone from his left ankle and then, much to his consternation, his belt and flies being similarly opened. At first Brian tried to fight back, alarmed at what this might mean, but the knee was forced even deeper into his flesh, and rational fear of the actual danger overrode the imagined fear of the potential danger. Brian's shoes, socks, trousers and briefs were all pulled from his prostrate form and the cuffs clicked home once more on his left ankle. The perpetrators of this action then repeated the process with the garments on the top half of his body, until he was totally naked save for the two pairs of cuffs and the blindfold. When one of his assailants removed this last item, he let out a stream of expletives that shocked even him. Whilst he might have refrained from verbally abusing a normal attacker, discovering that this was his sister, Louise, left him in a less than pleasant frame of mind. His verbal assault trailed off as he realized that not only was he lying there in a rather suggestive pose (that is, suggesting that he was a bondage fan), but that Michelle was standing nearby with a digital camera. `I wonder what Princeton would think if they were ever to see these pics.' smirked his sister, referring to Brian's preferred university after high school. `In fact I wonder what the whole school would think if they were posted up on the notice boards.' Brian drew back in fear, whilst not exactly a popular member of the school, he thought himself at least well respected; those photographs would make him a laughing stock for years to come. `Ok.' he finally managed to say, `You win. I'll go home, and you can go to the party alone. I promise not to tell mom or dad.' Louise smiled the sweet smile again. `Oh no, that's just it. You will be coming to the party with me.' Amused by the querulous look on her brother's face, she continued, `you see when you demanded that I take you, or else I would not be allowed to go, you pontificated that it was for my own good, helping me keep my reputation untarnished. You even said that if I could see the matter from a different perspective, then I would appreciate that you were right. Well, little brother, I thought that I might help you see things from a different perspective.for your own good of course.' `W-What do you mean?' he asked apprehensively. Louise just smiled, and she and Michelle helped him over to the vanity table. Despite the application of blusher and eye shadow and the wig on the table next to him, it was not until the two girls started to apply the lipstick that he worked out what they were doing. He started to protest, but Louise swiveled him around in the chair (the course material of the seat covering rough against his unprotected cheeks) so that he could see Michelle's computer, and the first of the pictures they had downloaded from the camera. He knew he had no choice. The wig came down to his shoulders and was a nice shade of auburn. Had he not known otherwise, looking at his face in the mirror, he would have had to concede that the person looking back was a pretty young girl, albeit one with a boy's body and shackled at the wrists and ankles. `Think yourself lucky.' smiled Michelle as Louise left the room, `If you were a bit more developed for your age, we might have had to give your legs a wax. As it is, you seem pretty hairless, so you should pass without any comment. `Now listen. Here is how things stand. Your sister and I talked about that rotten little attempt you made to keep her from being able to go to the party, because of all the terrible things that happen to young ladies at them. We came up with the idea that if you had to attend as a girl, you might just realize how stupid your ideas are. Heck, you might even learn to loosen up and have some fun.' Michelle unlocked the cuffs and put them aside whilst Brian was rubbing his wrists, the boy now too stunned to think of covering his nudity. Walking to a drawer, Michelle took out some undergarments and laid them on the bed. Crossing to a closet, she similarly took out a blouse and skirt. `Your sister and I need to get ready for the party as well. She'll be back in here in about five or ten minutes. You had better be getting ready when she comes in.' With that Michelle picked up the digital camera and departed, closing the door behind her, and leaving Brian all alone. At first he sat the stupefied, then, in desperation, he looked around for some male attire or at least something that would pass for male. Having no luck, and recognizing that he had no other real options if he was to avoid total humiliation, he resigned himself to going through with the two girls' plan. Despite what he had privately feared, the outfit was not particularly risqu?. The bra and panties had a satin finish and were a pale ivory color. Noting the distinct lack of filling in the bra, Brian looked across to the vanity table again, and realized with a start just what the two small flesh colored mounds that lay on the desktop were. Feeling rather uneasy, he picked one up between two fingers and a thumb and slid it into the bra cup. Despite his apprehension at touching the breastform, he had to adjust it several times until it sat comfortably. He then repeated the process with its twin, fine-tuning how they both lay until they looked right. Looking at himself in the mirror side on, he realized that he could probably pass for female, save for a certain bulge at the front of the panties. While not an exceptional size, his penis was surely more prominent than would have been expected from a young lady. He tried several adjustments to try to disguise it, finally pushing it and his scrotum between his legs. The panties held it snugly and pleased with the result (or rather, not in wild distress about a noticeable bulge), he put his hand down the front and tried to push his penis further between his legs. A cough from behind signaled the presence of another person in the room, and as he spun around he saw it was his sister, a smirk on her face. `Having fun?' she inquired innocently. He was in the middle of formulating a repost to this enquiry when he noticed her new outfit. Gone was the deep blue blouse and long skirt, to be replaced by a scoop- necked gold lame top and very short matching skirt. The shoes had similarly been replaced by ones with a heel about twice the original's height. `Come on, get ready.' continued his sister, `We need to give you some instructions about behaving and talking like a female before we leave. I doubt you want anyone to realize that you are just a sissy in drag.' Brian almost flared up at this taunt, but he realized that he was at a distinct disadvantage. His mind went into overdrive thinking of ways to keep from having this situation repeated. `Ok.' he said. `I bet you I can pass for a girl all night long. Tell you what; wipe that picture of me off of the computer, so that the photographs are only on the camera's memory card. Bring the card with you tonight. If no-one realizes I am male, then I get the memory card, if not, then you can do what you like with it.' Brian watched his sister consider this proposal, and was relieved when she agreed. If he was recognized as a male tonight, then his reputation was in tatters anyway, whereas this way, if he could survive the party, then Louise could never use the pictures to blackmail him again. While Louise wiped the images off of the computer, Brian finished getting ready. Much to his surprise, his sister had obviously not intended to make him feel too exposed tonight. The pantyhose that went over the his legs and panties took some getting used to, but actually helped hold his penis and scrotum in place. The blouse was a soft ivory, about a shade darker than the bra it covered, its drape tailored to accentuate the breast beneath and complement the slim body of the wearer. The black skirt was shorter than he would have preferred, coming down only about a third of the way down the thigh, and very flared so that it swished out as he moved. The shoes were similar to the ones his sister had been wearing earlier, and while he took some time getting used to heels, they were not too dangerous and he soon found he could walk comfortably in them. The next hour was taken up with some intense instruction on how to sound and act feminine. Brian liked to think that his quick success at picking up the correct behaviors and vocal tone was due to his high intelligence and ability to adopt to new procedures swiftly, but to Michelle and Louise, it seemed to just give them an excuse for suggesting that he was naturally inclined to enjoy such mannerisms. He kept his cool, and did not rise to their baiting; he needed their instruction if he was to avoid social embarrassment. At about 9:15pm, the trio left Michelle's home; Brian learned that her parents were away at a presentation, learning the advantages and joys of timeshare ownership. As they drove to Nick's house, Louise informed Brian that his name for the night was Mandy, and that he was her cousin from a few towns away. Brian accepted this role without comment. Nick Rochester's father was a self-made millionaire who, several years ago, had realized that it is highly important to teach children to fend for themselves and not to expect a comfortable inheritance. As a result, he had sold his construction company and he and Nick's mother were busy spending as much of their accrued fortune on foreign travel as they possibly could. Mr. Rochester's demand for independence in his son extended to leaving him pretty much unsupervised in the large family home. As a diligent and responsible individual, Nick recognized what a display of trust this was and the importance of not abusing it. However, as a guy in his late teens, he realized that this was also the perfect opportunity to have lots of friends around and drink and party until the early hours. While himself not much of a football player (technically he was first reserve for the school team but never had to actually play) Nick was great friends with all the jocks in the school, a shared love of excessive alcohol and hard partying making a deep bond between them all. His parties therefore were the place to be to meet all of the `in' people. When the two girls and their effeminized boy arrived, Nick was still sober, and greeted them warmly, welcoming `Mandy' congenially and saying that any cousin of Louise's was welcome in his `humble abode'. Nick led them through to the lounge where already a number of girls and guys * all seniors - from the school were dancing or chatting. Michelle disappeared into the kitchen (she was a regular at Nick's parties and knew her way around extremely well), returning a few minutes later with three glasses. The doorbell rang again, and Nick excused himself to let the next guests in. `Here,' Michelle said, handing Brian a glass of orange juice. `I didn't think you would approve of alcohol.' Brian took the glass without comment, but relieved that he did not have to argue against getting inebriated. He was similarly glad that his sister's glass was also full of orange juice (drunk driving is a serious matter). The three stood chatting vaguely for a few moments, then Louise made her way across to a boy she rather liked, leaving Michelle and Brian in an uneasy silence. Finally Michelle said, `Look, you can't just hang around me or your sister all night. You agreed that you had to pass yourself off as a female tonight, Mandy, so get out there and chat to boys.' She smiled cruelly, `But don't let them get their hands or anything else into your knickers.' Brian blanched at this last comment and stood alone, looking at the throng of people, as Michelle disappeared into the kitchen again. When she came out again, she paused only long enough to give him another glass of orange juice before heading over to Roger Jordon, the Football team's captain. Draining half of this second glass, Brian made his way across to three guys, two of whom he recognized as members of the basketball team. The conversation seemed to be about the sporting prowess of different types of athletes, with the third youth arguing that football players had to be fitter than basketball players. Brian smiled nervously as he reached them, and said `Hi'. They turned with broad grins to the shy young female, and one of the basketball players - Brian thought his name was Phil - said, `Now why don't we ask this little lady. Say, sweety, who do you think are the true sportsmen, those bullnecked football players who just throw themselves through their opposition, or basketball players who have to combine their strength and stamina with agility and style.' Brian blushed, and looked down and to the side, `Gosh, I don't really know, they all look so strong and able to me.' Silently he congratulated himself on the performance. Phil laughed, then said, `That's what I like to see, diplomacy. You obviously know, baby, that men don't like to hear opinions, only their own voices' The other basketball player shoved his colleague aside, `Where are your manners, you great ape.' Extending a hand, he said `Greg Jervis, I haven't seen you around before. New to the school, or just visiting?' Brian took the hand and shook it, batting his eyelids, `Just visiting. My name's Mandy Green, I'm Louise Green's cousin.' The other two introduced themselves, with the garrulous Phil kissing Brian's hand. As the conversation progressed, the talk moved away from sport (which Brian knew little about, but which Mandy was not expected to know much about anyhow) to where Mandy was from, her interests, their interests, and other teenage prattle. Brian found himself warming to his role, and he found himself becoming emboldened as the time went by, and becoming more confident in his female persona. The circle of new acquaintances that he was talking with changed as the evening went by, with people excusing themselves to chat to other people or to dance, and new members joining the group. Louise did come over and hug Brian and ask how `she' was getting on, but seeing that the fake female was coping ok, she moved away, hooking up with Michelle who had just returned from a small liaison with Nick on the porch. `Mandy is really doing well,' Louise said, `I've never known Brian to be so animated and open in a group of people before, except perhaps at the chess club, and even then he seems halfway up his own backside.' Michelle smiled, `You can thank me for that.' she said, adding, in response to Michelle's querulous look, `Those orange juice I've been directing his way this last two hours have had a couple of measures of vodka in them. The little prig is loosening up because he's tipsy.' Louise looked shocked, then amused, then, frowning, said, `Well I suppose it has worked, but only orange juice from now on. I don't want him getting drunk and making a fool of himself.' `What like sucking off some football player's dick in one of the bedrooms?' asked Michelle mischievously. Louise was taken back be the very idea of this. `No, I mean like forgetting to put on the act. He may be an annoying little shit at times, but he is still my brother.' `Don't worry, I'll cut out the vodka from now on. I don't think he needs it much now anyhow.' Looking around in the direction Michelle was indicating, Louise saw Brian being whirled around the dance floor by Phil, the short skirt flaring up to show his pantyhose clad butt to anyone who felt the need to look. What was a touch worrying, was that one of the football players - Kyle Hudson - was watching, a little too intensely for Louise. Louise knew Kyle fairly well, having been through the education system with him since grade school, and he was always a pleasant, well-mannered person. `Hi there, Kyle.' she said, `What are you up to?' `Oh not much.' came the reply, a half-smile playing on Kyle's lips, `I've just dragged Randy up to the bathroom so that he could empty the eight cans of Budweiser that he had consumed down the toilet; before that I had Karen Malgin whining about her latest hairdo problem, and before that John Garvick was bemoaning the coach stopping him playing until that shoulder of his heals up. Same old routine for a party at Nick's.' They both laughed, and Louise indicated Phil and `Mandy', dancing to Britney Spears and laughing together. `You seem to be watching that pair a bit.' `The girl seems kind of familiar. I was trying to place her. She doesn't go to our school does she?' `No,' replied Louise. `She's my cousin, Mandy. She lives about fifty, sixty miles away, over in Ankeny.' `I must have met her twin.' smiled Kyle ruefully. `Want to join them on the dance floor?' The evening progressed much as the regulars at Nick's parties expected. Various couples disappeared into bedrooms or other suitable places for romantic trysts, Nick slowly got drunk and became less of a respectable host and more of a lecherous wreck, and people lost themselves in the joy of partying and forgot that come Monday morning they would all be back in class. Brian had danced with several of the guys at the party, his butt being fondled by some of the less sober of the males, particularly during the slow dances when he was held in close, and vague invitations to sexual interludes were whispered in his ear. It was just after he, Michelle and the head cheerleader, Tiffany, had danced `around their purses' singing along to Gloria Gaynor's `I will survive', that he found himself talking to Kyle. Kyle, along with only a few `designated drivers' who took the role seriously, still seemed sober. He had noticed that Mandy was only drinking orange juice and, pressing the glass into the grateful fingers of the young female, he introduced himself as she rehydrated her parched throat. Brian felt giddy. He wasn't sure why he felt so charged up, and not a hundred percent sure he liked it. His nervousness had all but gone, and he chatted happily to this new male acquaintance, keeping his voice light and feminine and his mannerism girlish. Fluttering his eyelids and feeling quite proud of how closely Kyle was studying his face (which Brian now conceded was very pretty in the makeup and framed by the auburn hair) he asked the older boy about his role in the school football team. `I'm a catcher.' Kyle explained, `I get ahead into the opposing team's area and catch the ball when it is thrown to me, then try and get it to the goal line.' ` Don't let him talk himself down,' a very drunk Nick interrupted, his arms going around the duo's shoulders, the one that embraced Brian flopping down, the hand affixing itself to his butt as it descended. `Kyle here is the star of that team. You ask Roger, the captain. Without Kyle here, I doubt we would win half the games we do.' Brian watched as Kyle lifted Nick off of them and draped him across Karen Malgin who seemed quite pleased with this new development. Returning he smiled ruefully, `Ignore Nick. He's a nice guy but a terrible drunk. Shame really as he gets so much practice at it.' `So are you a star?' asked Brian. `In football there are no real stars. Take away the rest of the team throwing or blocking or kicking and I wouldn't exactly do that well.' The conversation continued in a similar vein for a while. Brian had never followed the school's football performance, but he had heard about Kyle before and recognized that the drunken host's opinion of the catcher was well supported throughout the school. While they talked, Michelle came by a couple of times with a strange smile on her face, and replaced Brian's glass with a full one. As the conversation went on, Brian felt less alert, and was not clear of just how much time had elapsed. Vaguely he was aware of people departing, and looking up to the clock he noticed that it was eleven o'clock. While several of the partygoers would be enjoying themselves until the early hours, in some cases crashing out in one of Nick's bedrooms, some had to be up early for sport practice, church or other more decent activities. Brian became aware that he and Kyle were dancing, some slow dance which allowed them to stand in close together, their arms around each other's waists. Whatever parts of Brian's brain were still sober enough to keep up the pretence of being female were having to overcompensate for the less reliable parts. So when Kyle softly suggested they go and lie down somewhere quiet, the normal alarms failed to go off, and Brian just smiled and rested his head on the older youth's shoulder as he was led up the stairs. The bedroom was the one that Nick's parents used as the second guest bedroom. It was a fair size, but the furnishing were rather sparse, being just a closet, a chest of drawers, one large oval mirror and a Queen-sized bed. Brian was having trouble staying upright, and he felt Kyle take him in his arms and lift him onto the bed, gently putting him down. It wasn't the first kiss that sent panic shooting through his system, sobering him up, but the first French kiss. As Brian felt the other male's tongue enter his mouth, and embrace his own, he suddenly realized the predicament he was in. Gently Kyle pushed him down onto the duvet, unbuttoning the ivory blouse and exposing the satin bra beneath. Kyle's hand cupped around the left breastform, and he looked at Brian with a smile that left the younger teenager terrified about what the football player would say when he discovered the truth. Brian half expected Kyle to realize that the breast was not natural, but the footballer seemed not to notice. With the buttons of the blouse two thirds of the way open, Kyle took Brian's hands and directed them up to his own chest, gently telling Brian to start opening his shirt, and caressing his chest. Whilst Brian complied, his hands shaking, Kyle started to stroke the other youth's thigh, moving his hand up and down gently, the side of the palm making contact, briefly, with Brian's crotch. Suddenly a knock rang out at the door, making both of them start. Kyle recovered first and, kissing Brian's forehead, walked across and opened the door. Louise had been a bit apprehensive when Kyle started talking to her `cousin' and her concern had increased when she realized how long the two of them had spent talking and dancing. Michelle's replenishment of Brian's drink - which she swore was only orange juice - only raised her concerns. When the brother had left to go upstairs with the football player, his head on the older youth's shoulder and his ass wiggling provocatively to the room behind, she realized that she had to act. Following them upstairs, she had paused, taken a deep breath and knocked on the bedroom door that she had seen them enter a few moments before. Kyle answered the door, and looking past him, she saw `Mandy' lying on the bed, her left leg raised up so that the skirt fell back down to the crotch, and her torso raised up on one elbow, her blouse open almost to the navel. On Mandy's face was a look of both panic at the situation and relief at who the interloper was. `Hi Kyle,' she said, `I, er, I saw you come upstairs with Mandy.' Recognizing that more explanation was needed, she continued, `I just thought that she might be a bit, er, drunk, and, er, something might happen.' `Don't worry, I won't take undue advantage of him.' said Kyle gently, `It has to be a joint desire. I thought he wanted something to happen as well.' Louise realized she was holding her breath, and exhaled in relief. She knew Kyle wasn't the sort to take advantage of a drunk young girl. She was about to say something else, when she collected her thoughts, analyzed what he had said, and responded, `He?' `I wasn't sure at first. I only really met Brian once. That was when they had that debate about the amount of money spent on sports, and I contributed.' `You mean you know it is Brian in there?' `I wasn't sure at first.' admitted Kyle, `But when you introduced him as your cousin, it clicked where I had seen her before. I must admit I admire his willingness to actually go out and socialize en femme.' Louise was somewhat out of her depths. That Kyle might be gay, bisexual or whatever was not especially surprising - the school football team was pretty easy going, and it was an open secret that one of the previous coaches had been gay. However, as she stood there taking this in, realizing that the Kyle had mistaken her brother's attire to be of his own choosing and looking across to the rather scared `Mandy', she remembered Michelle's words of earlier that evening and had a wicked thought. `The thing you must realize about Brian,' she said, a sweet smile on her face, `is that he is not as at ease with the cross dressing as you might think. I had to urge him to dress up for tonight and come here.' Kyle nodded sympathetically, `I understand, it took me quite a while to face up to my preferences as well.' `Brian wants the man to take charge, treat him like a submissive young girl. Always call him Mandy, not Brian, and be a little rough with him, he likes that. Also, you have to understand that Brian is not a hundred percent ok with being Mandy. He thinks it is wrong or deviant or something. Twice before he got almost all the way with a guy and then cried off. Believe me, I had to sit up half the night with him crying his eyes out and telling me how he wished they had ignored him and gone through with it. Whatever he says, he wants to please you orally. It's something he often dreams of trying but his nerve always goes.' `Well I don't want to force him.' Kyle began. `But he wants you to.' urged Louise, `Please, he is too scared to make the decision himself, you have to be dominant.' `Ok,' said Kyle, `If it will make us both happy.' `Oh it will.' said Louise, `It will.' Just before Kyle closed the door, Louise made eye contact with her younger brother. She gave him a smile and a little wave, and watched in amusement as his eyes widened in terror when he saw that Kyle was closing the door. As Louise went away, she had to suppress a giggle. Brian had forced her to take him to the party, so really what he got - and where he got it - was his own fault. Louise wanted to be home on time in case their parents called, and leaving some money for Mandy to get a cab home with Karen (who smirked when she heard why Mandy was not ready to leave yet), she and Michelle headed off. At a little after midnight she heard the front door close, and went to greet her feminized brother. His wig was messed up, his lipstick smeared and he was not in a talkative mood. However, he did insist that she keep her end of the bargain, and she handed over the camera's memory card, which he snatched from her hand, attempted to snap and then stormed off to his bedroom.

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Mandys Sexcapade Mandy the Matchmaker

Jacquelyn’s death was not unexpected, but that didn’t lessen the blow for her family and friends. A life was taken too soon from this world, and our only comfort was that she died peacefully in her sleep, without pain or suffering, and surrounded by those who loved her. Amanda wasn’t just the most beautiful, the most intelligent, and the most kind-hearted person I knew, and would ever know; she also possessed an inner strength that was like a rock against endlessly crashing waves. My wife...

2 years ago
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Mandys Big Sister

Mandy?s Big Sister 1Mandy?s Big Sister? 2k6 by Arnold PuttwynNOTE: This is a work of fiction, developed entirely in my own mind.? Any similarities between any persons living or dead are strictly co-incidental, and my good luck.?? Especially if you think it?s yourself.  ????????? Amanda Jenkins successfully graduated from high school, but she didn?t get along well with her mother Alice.? Their fractured relationship fell apart completely within two weeks of the commencement. So Alice...

3 years ago
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Mandy gives in to temptation

Mandy's 34 and has three lovely k**s with Sam, her husband of 10 years, but something happened recently which she will never ever forget and it's going to haunt her for a very long time indeed. She'll probably never trust another man again after this nightmare. Why did she give in to temptation?Mandy's very attractive, just over 5ft tall and has worked hard to keep her slim shapely figure despite her three pregnancies. She has long dark hair in a frizzy perm.She's well used to all the men...

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Aid In Africa Part three Mandy

Part 3 : Mandy and the Finale “woof!” Mandy wasn’t sure she heard it correctly. Through eyes half closed in sleep. She looked at the number. Trish! “Woof!” Baffled, she listened more carefully, but was only greeted by another woof. A dog ? Her mind conjured up an image of Trish as a bitch on a leash, and she couldn’t help laughing. Probably though, Trish was using one of Mgwabe’s dogs (see Part two) to pull a prank on her. Her doubts were confirmed when she heard Trish’s voice on the...

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Put Your Muffin Where Your Mouth is Mandy

Put Your Muffin Where Your Mouth is, MandyWritten by irish4skinStarringMandy Muffin as herself Josephine James as herself T-Girl Candy Surprise as herself MILF Delilah as Linda Herrin T-Girl Carla Novaes as herself Corina Curves as Dr. Carolyn Dick T-Girl Elisangel as herself Donita Dunes as herself Sasha Grey as herself ...

5 years ago
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The Introduction Of Mandy

Having had their night in a hotel room, Gaby Harrington and Steve Prentice were preparing, for now, to go their separate ways. During the conversations that they had had when not fucking, they had established that twenty-five-year-old Steve had taken a fancy to the hotel barmaid, Mandy, an attraction that seemed to be mutual. Sixty-year-old Gaby had confided that she and the slightly younger Mandy were occasional sex partners and the possibilities of a threesome were considered."I am going to...

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Mandy Does Football

An all American story of football and beer, of mysticism and sex, of heroes and heroines. Mandy rubbed her eyes and looked at her watch. It was seven o'clock in the evening. She turned her attention back to her history textbook and thumbed through a few pages. She figured that by eight she should be through with her reading and ready to join the party that was already in progress next door. The music and talk were already pretty loud over there. But it was Friday night in a college dormitory....

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My Love Mandy part 2

CONTRUCTIVE COMENTS! Part 2 I was still stupefied of what just happened. Mandy seemed worried. I took a big breath and asked -ok ok ok ok ok okk… tell me everything. -ok…I was born a witch. I leant magic till level 2… and…yeah… -ok…How dose magic work? -it is not how they show in the movies… we cannot do anything without a ingredients… like the sand and flower. -Ok…Do you have a place of reunion… -Yes there is a place where we meet. There is a school we go too as well to learn...

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Mandy and Lauren Transformed taboo story

Mandy was a good friend of ours. She was in her mid 30’s and had a daughter – Lauren, approaching 18. Mandy was very protective of her daughter since her husband Jeff had left, and perhaps saw us as parent figures as her own parents were many miles away. Mandy was sweet and quiet, and was one of these people who had a sensational body without being aware of it. When she was younger she had been rather plain, but now into her thirties her body had developed a sensational shape which she,...

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Mandy Stuck as a wife

Mandy - Stuck as a wife Based on a really existing woman She was one of my colleagues, i first met her when the company she was working for hired me. Mandy, 43, 160 cm of femininity and cuteness, a brunette with medium lenght hair (on her shoulders), a bit skinny maybe but far from ugly: she seemed to wear nothing but dresses (completed by pantyhose and boots during winter, or sandals or flip flops of any kind during summer) which enhanced her curves, her breasts in particular...

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Mandy loves to cook

During Mandy’s time volunteering as a member of a cooking committee for her company’s sponsored employee organization, she often came home with an obvious air of having consumed an acholic beverage. When I commented about the apparent acholic beverage smell, she said all the members of the committee had a drink or two while they were preparing the dinner meal and no one ever over indulged. My wife said she always limited her participation in the pre-dinner cooking activity to a single Harvey...

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Getting Stoned with Mandy

He checked out his sister’s sexy legs, from the hem of the short robe to a small golden anklet with several small charms dangling from it. He saw how the thin material of the robe molded to the crevice of her ass then answered, “I’m watching a movie about some people lost on an island. There are five guys and two women, things are getting tense because all the guys want to screw the women, but they won’t let any man fuck them.” “Smart girls,” Mandy said as she flopped down on one end of the...

3 years ago
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Getting Stoned with Mandy Again

Derek wasn’t stoned when he got up that morning so he worried that he and his sister Mandy had taken chances with unprotected sex. Later that morning, he questioned her, she assured him that she was close to her cycle, that she felt safe. But regardless of what she said, there was a slight hint of doubt in her eyes. Other than him questioning her safety, nothing else was said, the two expressed no excuses, apologies, or pleasure for the long night of intense sex; the two quickly resumed a...

2 years ago
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Mandy and her Son

The living room was a total mess, Mandy Allwood gazed around the room with a look of disgust. She'd just got in from work, after a hard day at the hospital where she worked as a nurse. She didn't want to come home and find her house like this. There were magazines strewn across the sofa and over the coffee table, videos cases left on the floor by the television and cups and plates scattered in various places around the room. Only one person could be responsible for this Mandy thought, her...

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Foursome with Steve Marie and Mandy

I was thinking of getting Steve to undress Mandy while you and I sat at opposite sides of the room watching. He could take his time, taking each piece of clothing off very carefully, he could leave her stockings on and lie her down in between us. I thought maybe then he could take his time to rub that cock of his up and down her body for a while, just like he probably did on holiday. You and I would still be fully clothed, until..... until I offer you a drink from the table. we both go over to...

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Mandy and Bob

Chapter 1 Bob held Mandy tight and whispered into her ear, "I need you too Mandy. I want you to stay forever. Please stay forever!" Mandy sighed, kissed Bob's ear and softly whispered into it, "Yes!" They were sitting in the warmth of the tub. Safe. Secure. His arms wrapped around her and he sighed, thinking, "It has been so long since I have been with a woman. So long." Bob had never been with anyone as young as Mandy. Never had sex with anyone so young. He had been in his mid...

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The Story Of Mandy And Emily

"Mandy, time to get up!" "Yes Mom.." The young girl was lounging in her bed, the sun was shining in her eyes. She got up and grabbed her clothes. Mandy was 15 years old now. But she was looking younger, maybe because of the braces she still had to wear. She was a conspicuous slender girl, quite petite and dainty. She somehow seemed fragile. But she had such a cute face, so fresh and innocent with red cheeks. Mandy was very shy. Most girls in her class yet had sex or at least a...

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Jon and Mandy again

Meeting Jon & Mandy again….The sun had gone down by the time we left Jon and Mandy but the evening was still warm with not a hint of a breeze but I couldn’t help but notice Marie’s nipples still standing proud. We walked by several guys who clearly had noticed the same thing too, much to my enjoyment.I had my arm around Marie and we excitedly chatted about what we had just done and how much fun it had been. Our main intention had been to find a couple with a bi-wife who Marie could play...

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Meet Mandy stoke Andy

Introduction: Oh boy what a night I am now 56 years old and I still to this day wank about this actual episode some of you younger ones who may read this may think err an old man wanking well we do, so get over it or get with it, who knows you may like it. I have lived with partner for four years she is a fine looking women with a wonderful set of tits and a very small waist she was blessed with a fine figure and has never lost it. She can be a right pain in the ass but with her body at your...

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Meet Mandy stoke Andy

I have lived with partner for four years she is a fine looking women with a wonderful set of tits and a very small waist she was blessed with a fine figure and has never lost it. She can be a right pain in the ass but with her body at your disposal, it is a small price to pay. She works in a department store in London and to protect her and those involved in this true story I will call her C. This event took place on a Friday evening after work like so many groups of employees a drink...

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Mandy and JimmyChapter 3 I Have a Secret

Thursday morning, right after dad left for work Mandy came into my room, she was crying, “what’s wrong? I asked.” “Dad came into my room again last night. I was horny, I was about to get up and go to your room so you could make love to me. At first, I thought it was you that came in, but I soon found out, by the smell of alcohol that it was Dad. I pretend to be asleep. He stood over me for a while before he pulled his Sweatpants down and off. He played with himself until he was hard. He...

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The Irreverent Mandy Jack

CHAPTER 1 Mandy Jack had another of those useless thoughts: Why had she given up smoking? For health reasons you useless dope, she sniffed, waiting for coffee. She wished she could have thought useless slut but a guy hadn’t popped her for close to a month and so the word slut was inappropriate. Also why give yourself a bad name? God she was bored. She hadn’t found work since returning home fifteen months ago. No sex was a worry. What was happening? Had she lost her sex appeal overnight or...

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Mandy and the Wimp

I wasn't ready for it. I knew what I was going to find when I got there, but I still wasn't ready for it and it didn't help any to know that it happened because of something I'd done. I met Mandy when she came to work at the XYZ Corporation as a secretary. I had started at XYZ the week after my graduation from Eastern Michigan University and in seven years I had risen to regional manager. Sarah, my secretary was going on maternity leave and personnel had sent Mandy to me as her...

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The Long Con Magnificent Mandy part 1

Introduction: What do you do when the woman of your dreams isnt someone you can have? I remember the day so vividly, when I first saw her. In fact, many times after we made love I would think back to that day. Hard to believe it has been 20 years now. My hair is turning gray, my skin is getting leathery, ​I have developed a bit of a belly, though I try to work out a lot to keep it from getting too big. You dont want to be too fat when you are only 5 foot 10. The pounds show fast. I heard...

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My Love Mandy

I saw Mandy in school. She had very long black hair going down to the beginning of her legs. She had very pale skin, almost like if she never went into the sun. her hair was frizzy. But she was rejected by everyone. She was not clumsy or stupid. She was in fact a nerd under a Goth body. Her marks where always among the best. Even with that, everyone made fun of her. They even pulled some tricks and bad jokes on her. She was in some my class and I was the only one not making fun of her....

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She’s GoneMy Wife Mandy and I have been married for 25 years, and she looks to be in her early 30’s, not bad, considering that she is 45 years old. We have two k**s that are grown up and have left home to pursue lives of their own, leaving us empty nesters. Things between us had become stagnant over the past few years, as she and I lives our lives separately, but we admit that we still love and need each-other. Mandy stands five feet, six inches tall, and weighs one-hundred and forty lbs. She...

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A Date With Mandy

Author’s notes: It has romantic elements as well as sexual situations. Please skip it if this is not the kind of story you like. There are many great stories on this site with more explicit sex. Please do not read this if you are under 18, or are not allowed to read it in your region… Please do send feedback and comments, they are greatly appreciated. Special thanks to AnotherWannabe and Visioneer for their excellent feedback. All mistakes are the author’s however. A Date with Mandy ...

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Bank holiday camp part 3 Getting to know Mandy

. Mandy and I had finished showering each other after having some fun at pool side, and paying particular attention to each other’s intimate areas. “Would you like to come back to my Caravan for a Drink, and a get to know you chat?” Mandy said with a wink and a smile. “How could I refuse such a sexy woman?” I replied. With that, she took my hand, and we said goodbye to everyone else as we left the pool. As we walked along the gravel pathway Mandy was telling me all about herself, and how she...

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The Long Con Magnificent Mandy part 4

She was a work of art that had to be achieved. Her squat build made it near impossible to appreciate her gifts. Thighs that big belonged on a thick Brazilian babe with a massive ass, a wide body and a come fuck me attitude. Then those tits. 34 C of pure magic. They were perky, firm, bouncy and . . . . delicious. It was crazy come to think of it. I had only actually sucked them three times. Three measly times. Why didn’t I incorporate that into each encounter? She was all tits and...

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mandy gets taught a lesson

The bell for the end of lunch sounded, and Mandy stood up, slinging the strap of her bag over her shoulder as she did so. Walking to home room, she wondered what her homeroom teacher would be doing when she arrived, reading, or marking papers maybe.In the hall now, kids were jostling and shoving one another, eventually making their way to their homerooms. Mandy followed suit, slipping into class 3 c after a group of chattering girls. She sat down at the back of the class, skimming the room for...

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MandyChapter 3

After I became Mandy's foster parent, our love life just got better and better. She had moved into my bedroom on a more or less permanent basis. Mandy did go out on a few dates from time to time, mainly for appearances' sake, but mainly came home to me for her loving. When she turned fifteen, Mandy became good friends with a girl in her class named Tawny Bledsoe. Tawny was a gorgeous blonde, slightly taller than Mandy, but equal in all other departments. Since they were in high school...

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mandy and my holiday in crete

Introduction: mandy and i go to crete for a holoday, she isnt very outgoing sexuakky but she is fucked in every hole, body modified, and life will never be the same again We arrived at our apartment in Crete at about 4 in the afternoon, hot and sweaty and tired from a 5 hour flight from the UK. We needed a break we had decided as we were not getting on fantastically well so me and the wife left our kids with their grandparents and jetted of for a week of sun, sea and sex. The sex we got was not...

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Mandy Part Two

Suzie explained that when she needed a big cock she went to the Ebony Room over in the black part of town. She said, "You'd be surprised at the women you'll see there especially late at night after the other bars close. It's a nice crowd, overall, both black and white; some of the black men are good looking, and a couple of them are hung like a horse." Mandy had thought all week about the notion of trying her luck at the Ebony Room. She had heard of the reputation of black men as...

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mandy and my holiday in crete

afternoon, hot and sweaty and tired from a 5 hour flight from the UK. We needed a break we had decided as we were not getting on fantastically well so me and the wife left our kids with their grandparents and jetted of for a week of sun, sea and sex. The sex we got was not what we had in mind and this is our story. The apartment had a shared pool with one other villa, when we got out of the cab, the couple in the other villa were laid out on sunbeds,...

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It was a typical late Spring Saturday morning on the Florida Gulf coast, hot, muggy and sunny with a slight breeze coming in off the water. My wife had to work until 3:00 and she had been gone for about an hour or so. I had showered and eaten breakfast and was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. When I heard the thunk from above my head I looked at the clock in the kitchen, 10:30. Mandy, our 18-year-old daughter, was finally out of bed.In a few minutes I heard her footsteps in the...

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Doing MandyChapter 9 Making Her Bring Julie Into the Game

I had no sooner finished my final day of work for Mandy and had my "nooner" fuck with her at the local motel than I began to formulate my next step. It hadn't been an hour after I finished fucking Mandy that I called her and told her precisely what the next step in our relationship was going to be. The phone rang on Mandy's end and I waited impatiently for her to pick it up. It rang and rang and rang... I figured my sexy blonde fuck-mate was probably in the ladies room diddling her cunt...

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Mandy Gets A Shower

In a few minutes I heard her footsteps in the stairwell as she headed for her morning breakfast of a bagel and orange juice before her shower. She wore her usual nightclothes, not stopping to put on a robe before coming down. In the past year or so this had become the rule rather than the exception with her. She wore a pair of silk thong panties and an old muscle shirt that a friend had given her; they did nothing to hide the growing woman beneath them. The big arm holes and scooped neck meant...

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Foosball Bet gets Mandy Gangbanged

Mandy and I have been married for about four years now. She is still as stunning as the day we got together. She is about 5 foot 5 and maybe 115 pounds. She has an absolutely great set on perky low C cup tits. When we met she was a dirty blond, but recently has changed her hair up to a deep brunette with thin purple streaks on the sides. She was incredibly hot before, but her new hair suites her amazingly. We used to have quite a regular party/sex life, but have sinced moved away from our...

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Mandy Part 5

While the girls took a shower he 'tidied' a little, occasionally listening at the bathroom door as they soaped and played with each others bodies. Once they were finished he had one himself, returning to the bedroom in a towel and stopping dead again. Once more they were wearing the 'costumes', but this time they'd swapped and Mandy was the 'Nurse' while Karen had donned her high-boots and jacket, her 'awkwardness' seemingly gone. She was sat on the bed, the coat was zipped up, but he could...

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Mandy Part 4

He opened the door with a mixture of anticipation and slight trepidation, and for a moment he was disappointed, but also a trifle relieved. "So, you couldn't persuade her?" "No," she smiled a little ruefully. Then a second or two later she chuckled. "Just winding you up! She'll be up in a minute, she's just paying the cab..." He smiled politely while she grinned up at him playfully. Even allowing for the very warm weather the shorts she was wearing were unbelievably short and the...

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Doing MandyChapter 19

It had been nearly a year since I'd last been with Mandy sexually. What a run we'd enjoyed not only before my "last two weeks" were over but then for quite some time after that, Mandy had been MORE than willing to fuck me. Ahhh, Mandy, what a hot pussied fucking bitch you were, babe. What an amazingly sexy and orgasmic woman you turned out to be. Truly a delight to fuck and to make you suck my cock like your favorite personal lollipop. Well, almost a year to the day that I'd last fucked...

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Oh Mandy

She sat in the corridor, shaking and alone, her knees drawn and her head on her arms. Mandy was shaking. Dane got off the elevator, walking toward his hotel room. His very presence exuded power and authority. He was a man who was used to getting what he wanted. His eyes took in the scene before him as he came close to his door. One of the hotel maids looked very distraught. Instinct took over, and he touched her shoulder, prompting her to look up. “What’s the matter?” he asked her softly. ...

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Officer Mandy and the Pool Party

It was just to hot to say no to the girls, all they wanted to do is go swimming with their friends. Even if the lockdown said not to. I wasn’t going to deny my stepdaughters and their friends from enjoying the pool. Let them enjoy hanging out for at least a little while.Erica is my oldest stepdaughter she’s 20 and was attending college across the state until they sent her home. Jessica my younger stepdaughter at 18, was going to graduate early this summer. She had just won a scholarship to a...

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Britney Spears Mandy More Haveing A Good Tim

Britney Spears had her hands tucked under the table as she listenedextremely bored to what her manager was telling her.“And with the current research, I think we’ve found the perfectperson for you to go on tour with…” This immediately caught Britney’s attention. She was nervous for weeks trying to figure out who her touring partner would be. “….and I know you’ll be extremely pleased. Mandy Moore.”Britney’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Mandy Moore?!?” She yelled out annoyed. “You can’t be...

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Strip pool with my wife Mandy

About a year after our strip poker threesome With Nick, He moved to a new place in the same town as Mandy and I. He had graduated with a Bachelors Degree and would be attending our university to get his Masters. Nick moved into his Uncles place. It was a rather large place with a game room upstairs that had a pool table. My wife Mandy has always liked houses with pool tables. I’m not sure why, since she’s not very good and we only played now and then when we went out to a bar. We...

5 years ago
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Doing MandyChapter 13 Getting Some Help

Tom finished fucking Mandy and no sooner had he put his cock back into his boxers that morning than he began to hatch the next sex rendezvous that he would share with his busty blonde sex partner. He went and got a bite of breakfast, giving Mandy a little time to catch her breath after their lusty fuck that morning. About two hours later, Tom went to a phone booth and dialed Mandy's number at her office. The phone rang a couple of times and then he heard Mandy's sexy soft voice...

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Doing MandyChapter 18 Making Sure She Understood

It had been nearly three months since Tom had last seen Mandy. He'd missed not being in town where he could get together with her. He'd found himself getting very horny and missing the sexiness of Mandy's full womanly body while he was lying in bed awake at night. Tom had always found Mandy to be extremely sexy and very desirable. Before she'd pushed him to the edge so that he'd felt compelled to submit his resignation from working for her, Tom had often fantasized about how hot it...

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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

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Telling Mandy No

by Lubrican Author's Note: I got the idea for this story from one I read somewhere by another author. I don't remember the name of the story, or who wrote it, or even where it was posted. If it seems familiar, that's probably why. My intent is not to plagiarize, but I wanted to tell the story in a different way than it was originally written. Bob ======================================================= Bob didn't know exactly when he began to look at Mandy and see a woman,...

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Mandys Milk

ADULT. Not for selling. By Jay Jay1: Accidental Introduction Mandy could not believe she was falling victim to her own devices. Had she never pushed her father into the 21st century, she would not be in the predicament she is today. Mandy was born and raised on the family farm. She had left to go to college and had returned after gaining dual degrees in Computer Technology and Financial Accounting. But in the five years since she had left the fourth generation dairy farm; it had become...

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My Wife Mandy loses a bet

It had been almost six months since Mandy and I had played strip pool with our friend Nick. He had started seeing a girl, and she definitely was not the type to even consider getting involved in anything like that. Of course, either would Mandy unless she had been drinking. Anyway, Nick called us up one day and said that his girl would be out of town for a week so he was having a little get together with old friends that he didn’t really get to hang out with when she was around. He asked if we...

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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

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"Oh no, no, no, no, please no!" sobbed Mandy, as the car just died on her. No lights, no power, just a car slowly freewheeling to a halt in the middle of Exmoor. No passing motorists either and no sign at all of civilisation. "Dammit!" she muttered when pulling out her mobile; no signal either, she really was stuck. "Why me Lord?" she asked prayerfully. "Sorry Lord, your ways are mysterious and I'm sure there's a reason." The car had drifted to a halt on the narrow road that...

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Doing MandyChapter 16 Turning Her into a Slut

Just as Mandy was in the throes of her masturbation session with her hairbrush, Tom had walked up to the front door of her office and he could hear the wet sounds of Mandy's new "dildo" slicing in and out of her tight wet pussy. Tom couldn't believe what he saw when he opened the door. Months earlier before he'd made his former supervisor, Mandy, his submissive sexual partner he didn't even know if the woman ever had sex. She never said or hinted that she had sex and here she was now...

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157 Mandys Adventure with a master

157. Mandy`s Adventure with a master. Another true story by happy-cuck ghost written by EddyMandy my ex, she was to be my long-term partner in total for 14yrs she was a beautiful mixed race curvy sub and her father is from Jamaica, She is 5'6" tall about size 14 with 36d tits and a great big fleshy arse, a real hour glass shape and a deep seated need to be used and controlled... We had involved other people in our games but I told her I wanted to take it a step further. I had said I wanted to...

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Mandy Can Fuck DadbyThe Needler©I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. It seemed unreal, everything that happened the day before, and I was still figuring things out. I got up, ran through the shower, dressed and came into the kitchen just as Mandy was putting breakfast on the table."Hi Daddy, sleep well?"She was wide awake and cheerful, and the only thing she wore was an apron. It wasn't terribly broad, and I could see the outside of her nipples at the edges of the cloth. She had dimples on...

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MandyChapter 2

A teacher falls in love with his 13-year-old female student, only to have her move away; at the end of the semester, fate steps in and provides him with the opportunity to teach at his love's new school. After a short period of time, Mandy and I were back to our routine-fucking, fondling, and kissing every chance we got. I couldn't get enough of her; I wanted to just crawl inside her and live there. One Friday, Mandy came to class more excited than usual. I asked her why she was so...

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