Traitors CrownChapter 3 free porn video

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The long run had Silor's hands tired and sore before they reached the North gate of the giant city of Qeynos. Then again, the run had been anything but easy from the start. Within an hour of crossing the river, a pack of gnolls attempted to waylay them as easy targets. The pack would be licking their collective wounds for weeks to come and defending their territory from the other tribes in the area. They had lost over half their breeding age males in one second as Winter flash fried the main group in front of them. The rest moved away and did not cause the trio any further trouble.

Next came a few stupider than usual highwaymen that wanted to share the wealth as it were. Their six corpses littered the road, cut into little piece's that even an avid puzzle maker would not be able to solve, B'rill did the honors that time with the whip. As he would use it, the roar it made echoed off the distant mountains to send animals and birds scattering, thinking a hungry dragon had arrived in the lands.

They stayed at a roadside inn on their last day outside the city, just a days walk east of the city gates. Silor had wanted to give his tired hands a day off, so they agreed to walk the next day. The only problem they encountered at the roadhouse was a drunken barbarian and halfling and a love sick Woodelven. The two they ignored, the one finally got the hint to not bother them about flowers and bugs when Silor took him outside and pounded him into goop. "Go find that shit yourself you lazy little snot," he yelled as he came back inside. He sat back down and nobody bothered them for the rest of the night.

The following morning was another story entirely. It would seem that several merchants owed a fair amount of money to one Matsy Rollingpin. She hired one of the local adventurers to go collecting for her, but that had turned into a disaster as robbers kept taking them out. "You want to know something B'rill," said Winter, "I feel just about at home here. I would hear the exact same arguments on a daily bases at the Inns and Taverns back in Kelethin." B'rill grinned, "Yeah, I know what you mean, it is comforting that this land suffers the same silliness that ours does." Silor just grunted and held his head as he had a hangover from the dwarven ale he had drunk the night before after beating up the idiot.

Matsy Rollingpin did offer them some JumJum pie before they left, but the smell made the three Elven shy away. She seemed surprised, "Most folks like my pies, what is wrong with this one." B'rill answered, "We just came from the Feydark. We don't have JumJum root there, so it is not a normal food for us, and it does not smell right to me, I've had it before."

Matsy stopped and sniffed at it, frowned, sniffed at it again. "Something isn't right here," She muttered and poked the pie crust with her finger and tasted the hot filling. She spat it out in disgust, ran upstairs as fast as her short Halfling legs could go and started screaming at the other cook about using fish sauce in place of the sweet root sauce in her pies. The Trio quickly fled the building and started towards the city, hoping to reach the north gate before sundown.


Tamalain woke slowly, her mind felt strangely light, as if some great weight and strain that had always been there was suddenly removed and nothing moved in to replace it. She saw that she was out in the open and heard William moving around nearby, keeping an eye out for more Orc patrols. She looked up into the night sky and saw a beautiful sight. Drinel, the second moon was in full phase, and sprawled across it, the burned out hulk of Luclin.

Her history suddenly came back, Drinel is a rocky cold body with little atmosphere that was deadly. Some early history from the Combine Empire seemed to indicate that they had traveled there and explored it. They found nothing usable or of value so never returned. Luclin on the other hand was a smaller moon, but it was a living world in every sense. The Shadow Goddess Luclin had reformed the small moon and made into a world that was as beautiful as it was strange. The biggest visible feature at one time were its iridescent rings that were said to once glimmer and glitter even in the daylight skies. That was before Luclin hid her world in the shadows from the sight of mortal men.

It had been discovered that the ringed moon was visible from the Plane of Sky still, and any that could travel there, did so just to see the wonder of the system. She now remembered that there were several other worlds around Ro, the sun, all dead worlds. Trorsmang, Anbeal, and Cordan. All with no hope of being used to support life from Norrath. So much history in her mind that had been locked away, she wondered how that could have happened, then drifted back off to sleep.

William heard her move about a little as she woke up for a few minutes. She didn't say anything, just stared at the moons and sky, then she went back to sleep with a very uncharacteristic smile on her lips. He continued his lonely pacing, protecting his beloved wife from the evil that lurked in this foul land.

~Zek: main defense camp~

Captain Fildalgo watched as the Orcs set up a small, but well defended wall across the pass into the Spirit Valley. They intended to hold this area and attack the fort it seemed. The strategist could not figure out why they wanted the docks so bad. Orcs were not sailors by nature, so leaving by ship was not a viable option, especially since there weren't any usable vessels in the harbor. The bell was still out so that was not an option either. He stopped when a rather disturbing idea hit him. He quickly reported to the OD that he needed to report back to main headquarters in the village to check on something very important to all their safety.

It took him most of the night to run back along the trail to make it before dawn. He didn't wait for the staff to open up for the day, he just burst through the doors and quickly tracked down the office of Han'Mere. Han'Mere had told him once that the bell clapper was in the lower locked drawer in his desk. He pulled on each drawer and all were locked, until he reached the lower most. It opened and he saw it was empty, the clapper was not there. "Were is it," he said out loud.

"Were is what Fildalgo." asked the soft voice of Han'Mere, Master High Elven Mage. "The Clapper Han, the clapper, were is it."

"Ahh so that is why you came back in such a hurry. Hidden and safe, at least for now. Yes I am aware that the Orcs are going for the port and yes, they have made several attempts to find the device in my desk. They want the bell as bad as we do. If they got hold of the clapper, they then only needed the two missing stones to reactivate the bell. Is that what you had thought of?"

"That is exactly what I was thinking. I want to ask but it is better I not know where it is hidden."

"Smart boy. Now don't worry, I know for a fact the two stones in question are part of the set on the Emperors crown. So for Irontalon to get them he would have to assonate this Emperor. Go get some rest boy, We have a big day coming up and you will need all the rest you can get." Fildalgo looked at him questioningly. "Don't worry, you will be briefed in, in the morning."

Fildalgo sagged and had a look of great relief. "I don't know why I suddenly had the thoughts about it Han, it just came up in my thoughts as to why Irontalon is so hell bent on taking the ports. I guess it is something that was sitting in my mind waiting for the chance to come and be seen." Han'Mere nodded in understanding. "I hate to say this though, we will need to remove old Stormy before he betrays the troops there and lets the Orcs overrun the place. He is still fully in their camp from what the spies and scouts have been able to find out."

"I wouldn't trouble yourself to much about that foolish barbarian much longer. His own troops are ready to turn on him. He had them stand down so the Orcs could have the outer trenches. Then he refused cover fire to let them escape un-countered. No, he won't be in charge much longer I think."

Fildalgo didn't say anything, just nodded and left for the nearest bunkhouse, he admitted to himself, "I am tired, just very tired from all the intrigues and betrayals." Once in bed his last thoughts were of Tamalain and William, hoping they would be able to complete their part of the mission.

Han'Mere was also thinking along those lines, wondering how they would slip in without being detected. They needed a distraction to help them in, just like when she went down the shaft. You cover a quiet operation with a big noisy operation. Han'Mere stopped in place as he had been pacing back and forth in his office. He smiled, yes that would do it, a big noisy attack to draw out all the reinforcements long enough for them to slip in and grab the crown.

Stepping out of the building, he called a runner and handed him a note, "Deliver to the battle commander at once, I need to see him as soon as possible." He tossed the boy a silver and the kid was gone in a flash, Han'Mere heard the sound of the basic Selos song as the boy took off.

~Zek: Eastern Hills~

William had just refilled his water bags when he heard the sounds of another patrol entering the area he and Tamalain had settled in while she got her head back together. He quickly returned to cover her and himself in his cloak, but was surprised to find her standing, and looking in the direction of the wandering patrol. She saw him and smiled, then vanished from sight. He heard a faint rustling of cloth and then screams as the Orcs met something deadlier than themselves.

He ran towards the sounds only to find a dozen Orc bodies in various stages of dismemberment. Tamalain was standing in the middle of the piled bodies, looking rather pleased with herself. "I haven't lost my touch Will. It has been so long since I have been able to do this so well." William looked around, then shifted to his wolf form and listened. He didn't hear anything right away, so he figured they might have enough time to escape this small valley and continue the mission now.

Switching back to Elven form, "Come on Tama, we need to pack up and move out now. This patrol will be missed and they will send others to investigate." Without another word he turned and headed back to the small glen he had set them up in. By the time she made it back, he had his gear mostly loaded and ready to go. He gestured for her to do the same. She did not though, she moved up behind him and put her arms around him in a hug. "Thank you Will my love, thank you for protecting me while I rediscovered myself and fixed the mess that thing made in my head."

William turned around and returned the hug with a solid kiss to prove he meant it. "Mmmm," she sighed. "I do wish we had more time, but as always, you are right about needing to get the hell out of here before the uninvited arrive. I haven't told you yet, but I'm pregnant from the last few weeks of nightly howling." She grinned in a sexy manner that warned him if he gave in, every Orc in this region could find them just by tracking in on her screams.

"Your sure of that then?" He now had a smile a mile wide and the thought of a baby made him happier than he had been in a long time, but like all expectant fathers, it scared the living hell out of him as well.

"Better believe it lover boy. Jeez, listen to me. I sound like a teenager in heat. This will only take a second." She blurred and her gear seemed to fly into her pack, then she slowed and said, "Let's get out of this death trap and kill us some Orcs."

She moved out before he could say anything to correct her plans. Following her, he quickly discovered he was seeing the true Tamalain Arrowmark at her peak power for the first time. She is fast, decisive and unstoppable once she had made up her mind. He was in awe of her shear speed and agility as she went from outcropping to outcropping without slowing. He had to race to stay up with her at first. When Tamalain realized William could not easily keep up with her at this level, she slowed and let him catch up.

"Sorry Will, I have forgotten how much speed I can put on when I let go. I will slow down my husband. I can't afford to be separated from you now that I am myself again." She suddenly had a thought, "Hey you know something, I bet it was that thing that caused the suit to go insane. It tried to take it over, but the rage conflicted with it and the minds in the gear went insane from it. A shame really, I loved that Dragon scale armor at first. The power I would have had to work with would have been unbelievable. But no worrying about it now, the suit is well beyond recovery where we dumped it in the Tears."

She took off again, this time slowly enough William was able to stay with her. He watched her in wonder, this was a woman of every Elven mans dream. Even her form seemed to have altered for the better. She was trimmer looking, her skin once again a creamy white, not pale, just white. She had a sprinkling of freckles running across her nose and around her eyes, and her hair had lightened into a pure copper red with golden highlights. When he had the chance to see her eyes, they no longer had that disturbing hint of madness in the green. She was once again who she was always meant to be, he was in love and knew it. The real kicker though in her body was the change in her breast, they hadn't grown or shrunk, but seemed firmer looking and didn't bounce around much at all now as she moved. He decided right then if it came to killing every Orc between here and the bell, he would do it to complete this mission to get her alone in a quiet tent well away from the rest of the world for two solid weeks.

She soon had them back to the last line of hills around the Orc citadel, she stayed low and looked over the situation. "To many for easy entry, but I saw a map, while in the torture room where I died that day. I couldn't remember it before, but now I do. There is and entrance around back in the moat. We can slip in that way and enter through the basement. There is actually a small town in those walls, so we need to get high up as we can as fast as possible, then we drop down through the skylights into the main hall at night. We should be undetected for a number of hours to complete our search and grab."

William looked on and listened, this was a totally new Tamalain, a planner and thinker. What had that thing been doing to her all this time, he had to wonder. "We can cover up here and wait until Ro sets, then we move out Tam. Tam, is this the real you that has been buried for most of your life?"

"William, this is the me that did a striptease one day for some of the other kids that wanted to see how in shape I really was then." Getting down, she motioned for him to cover both of them with his cloak, then continued in a low voice. "This is the Tama that enjoyed learning to make a bow, only to see it explode on the tiller and had to clean it up. I went into overdrive to finished the clean up that day. Boy did I get a chewing out for that by my old mentor, Eaglesclaw. What a Ranger he was Will, I was so hurt when I heard how he died. I had been making stakes for vampire killing when I found out one may have been used to put him down. I didn't understand it at the time, but I hurt and the rage started to awaken then. I think that may be why I used so much power on Thornbreak, rather than just stop him, I killed him and enjoyed it."

"You did what you had to do Tama, he had to die or he would have just kept coming at you."

"Maybe so, but I still was so young then, I should have been shocked and upset, instead I was angry. I wanted to kill him over and over, it was wrong and I knew it, yet I wanted it." She set lowered chin down onto her crossed arms and sat silently for a minute then continued, "I went crazy on the Isle of Refuge Will. I didn't hesitate to maim, or kill if I was upset. That wasn't like me, yet I couldn't seem to stop as the rage would rise up and take over for a few minutes." She chuckled at one thought, "I will admit though, kicking that gnome up out of the basement shop was enjoyable without the rage to back it. He was a snotty little shit until he found out who my woodworking teachers were."

"I know who Tama, and I am in awe of your skill as a wood worker. Watching you cut a simple bow in a day like you did a few weeks ago for the young archer was amazing. I wonder what it will be like now that your skills are free to fly once more." He froze and put his fingers to his lips for her to be quiet.

They heard voices approaching the area they had stopped in, but they weren't Orc voices. In fact she could make out human, elven and dwarven voices as they whispered about planning to attack near sundown. "If those two are anywhere around here, I hope they take the chance to go in while we keep those stupid grunts busy out here."

She looked at Will wide eyed and questioning, his look was very much the same. A distraction attack for them to slip in? This had to be Han'Mere and Fildalgo's doing. She whispered right at his ear, "Do we break cover?"

"Let's wait a few more minutes and see what they have planned, then we'll decide." She nodded in agreement.

"Listen Fildalgo, I know you want them to succeed and all, but isn't this a bit on the dangerous side, even for us as a spoiler attack."

"It has to be, those two are around here somewhere right now, stuck because they haven't been able to slip over the walls. We make lot's of noise after sundown, make lights and fires and rain arrows down on the valley for a bout fifteen minutes then run like hell back up the way we came in."

The dwarf sighed, "Aye lad, you're right, I just hope they made it this far."

The two couldn't see the speakers, so they didn't see that Fildalgo was looking right at them and admiring the camouflage efforts of the cloak William had picked up from one of the stranded sailors. He looked then pointed slowly and the dwarf smiled then nodded. "I will signal the attack thirty minutes after sunset then the screaming and shouting commences, if those two can drag themselves out from under that cloak that is."

Tamalain didn't hesitate, she pulled the cloak aside and glared at the Dwarf, "Thanks a lot you two, can't a girl have any private time to screw her husbands brains out before slipping in the hidden back door in a citadel loaded with killer Orcs and insanity?" Both William and Fildalgo blushed as she slowly rose up, and then charged into Fildalgo's arm to give him a back breaker of a hug. "It is so good to see you again friend. I take it the war is not going well?"

"Actually it is in a stalemate at the moment. Stormwrath allowed the Orcs to capture the outer perimeter of the Port valley. That was his undoing, two days ago, his second arrested him and sealed him in the gnome cannon until this mess is settled one way or another." He looked at her more seriously, "Something happened out here about five days ago Tam, what was it. Han'Mere and the other casters all about had heart attacks all at once when they felt a massive energy surge out this way. He sat there and put his finger on the map, right in this area."

Tamalain looked at Fildalgo, thinking about it, "I will write up an after action report, we don't have time now for the story to be told." She stopped, looked around listening, "Company coming, and not friendly company either. Sounds like about five or six, be right back." She blurred and was gone she moved so fast.

Fildalgo knew she was fast and said so, "But that was an entirely new class of fast, what happened Will. She has changed in very noticeable ways to anybody that has gotten to know her."

"Like she said, read it in the report, if I can get her to write one."

Seconds later they heard grunts of pain then silence. She slipped back into the group in her camo then dropped it with a kiss that almost seared Williams lips off. When she came up for air, "Easy kills, Grunts and Pawns. No armor to mention, just cloth and tattered leather. Weapons a hodge podge of rusted iron mostly. I don't think they have any heavy troops outside the fort."

"Don't assume that Tam," said William. "They could have a reaction force of heavy mounted plate on the other side of that gate."

"Maybe so, but how long would it take them to suit up and get out the gate. I doubt even the big ones stay in metal all the time."

Fildalgo spoke now after watching and listening to the exchange between these two Rangers that did not seem even close to natural anymore. "Our spies have reported it takes close to fifteen minutes for them to suit up and ride during the day, nearly twice that at night since the horses are unsaddled and in the stables by then."

William nodded then asked Tamalain, "How long for us to get around at the maximum speed I can make in wolf form to stay up with you."

She looked around and studied the terrain she could see, then did a cast she had never tried before, she summoned a hawk and linked her eyes to it's. It flew off and looked out over the terrain and she soon had an idea of what they would be facing. She swung it around and started looking from the other direction when an arrow transfixed the hawk, breaking the spell. Tamalain grabbed her head then felt around her body, making sure she didn't have an arrow sticking out of it.

"Ok that wasn't good, in fact it hurts like hell to take an arrow like that." She looked at her stomach one last time, then ran her hand lower and held it there for a minute to make sure nothing had harmed her child. Reassured that the small group of cells was unharmed, she went on to describe what she saw. "It is rough going all around the edge. Rocky and uneven with dense scrub all over. The paths through it all are narrow and twisting with scattered tent camps and hut all over the place. We will both be in wolf form in about ten minutes. I think the northern route will be the easier and safer of the two. The terrain that way make farming impossible and camps don't have any large level areas to set up in."

"Easier and safer she says," grumbled the Dwarf. "I will just charge the gate, that way my Axe will see some work tonight."

"Sorry Greybeard, no gate charging tonight, just noise and arrows to make the buggers follow us," said Fildalgo. "Just lots and lots of noise."

For the rest of the day Tamalain and William went over every detail she could recall about the map and what it meant to their mission. Once he was sure they had at least a basic route and plan ready, he settled back and closed his eyes to get a few hours rest before sundown. Tamalain curled up to him and slept as well. For the first time in many years no nightmares haunted her, but other lives did.

She found herself on the Platform of Old Kelethin before Skyfall, long before in fact. She could hear talking, a man and woman talking about having a child. She turned to look and saw a woman that could be her own twin in size, build and hair color. Then they spoke again, "Tam my love, I don't know how long I will be gone this time. They are shipping the entire company to the Commonlands to deal with this new threat of the Litch king. I don't know when or if I will be coming back."

"Then now is the time, I am fertile right now. Beside, Axeman needs a brother or sister now that he is twenty five and bonded to Willow, so we need to make this happen over then next few nights. Else I will never have another child, even by another. This child can carry on our line along with Axe and then the following few generations will lead to the final events that saves our world. That Time raid told me more about my future than is good for me to know, we must do this tonight Ollan Trueshot. Besides, your brother Jordan can take your place as head of the academy now. He is one of the top ten Rangers in all the Feydark."

Tamalain was startled to say the least, this was the night the baby that was murdered by the Beast was conceived. And even more that she was directly related by blood to Jordan the traitor. "I wonder if he even knew who I really was when I was there all those years ago. And why am I seeing this now, of all times."

"Because daughter, you are free from that world eating monster. It was the real reason why we had to stop visiting you."

She spun about in her dream and was suddenly on the plain that her grandmother always met her on. "Father, is that you?" He was younger than she could ever remember him being, yet strong and able. "Yes Tama, it is I, come on out ladies." Two more elven walked out of the mist to join them. She saw immediately it was her Mother, Willow and grandmother, Tamalain.

Before she could ask, "I showed you that night granddaughter as that was the last time we were ever together. The unborn was conceived that very night. Sadly, Ollan's battle group was betrayed and destroyed before they could retreat back to the druid rings. It was pretty much known that the Thornbreaks were behind it, but no proof could ever be found. I know I told you I never made it to The Plane of Time before, but it was important that you not find out that part of the past and future until it was safe for you to learn of it.'

Willow spoke now, "Tama my darling girl, in spite of the evil from that other realm battling to take over your soul, you fought back and kept it at bay. Even when you had to contain that rip in reality, you still held it in check up to the very end. It finally gained the power it needed when that beast murdered you. I cried Tama, I wanted so badly to return and assist you, but the Gods prevented it. Yet even without us, you prevailed, you held it in spite of the induced rage. Then once revealed, even though it was the most evil creature ever to show on our world, you showed mercy rather than hate."

Axeman took over, "That mercy will have to be paid for daughter. You released it on a world not ready to deal with it, so when it is time, you will have to help correct the mistake you made. It was never to be able to return to the realms of the living. By the way, the keys for the back door are in a chest almost directly across the valley from where you are sleeping. Be safe, we will not speak again until you are free of this land."

They vanished and she suddenly woke as William was shaking her by her shoulder. "Time to go sleepy head."


Silor just looked out over the valley at the city in the distance. The towers seemed to glow in the late morning sun and the farm fields covered almost the entire valley. To their left was a tree line that seemed to be cut at a straight line at the high point on this side of line. They stayed on the road and started towards Qeynos at a fast walk.

Silor stopped and looked at one of the fields, "That scarecrow is moving, I didn't know they could do that."

"That is a conjuration magic, nasty stuff when used like this. Look at it and what it is doing. It is moving back and forth across the field, crushing the stalks and the farmers aren't able to stop them, I see at least six others further out," said Winter.

B'rill looked at the two younger travelers, "Are you saying you want to assist them in removing those nasty straw men?"

"Yes we are, aren't we Silor."

Silor seemed to think about, then smiled, "I need some sword work today, lets go play."

B'rill chuckled and shook his head at the insanity of youth. He pulled out the whip and charged after them to keep the kids out of too much trouble should the locals object to the help. He needn't have worried, the attack on one from Silor on the first one brought all the others from the surrounding fields running in to help their fallen fellow. Winter set a small series of attack spells to draw them to a large clearing then opened fire with her heavy fire blast.

By the time the flames had settled down, the farmers arrived and began thanking them profusely. "I am farmer Walcot, these fields are mine and have been ravaged by those creatures. Thank you, all of you for destroying them for me. Now I just need to find the source and a stop can be put to them entirely. How much do we owe you for this service?"

B'rill took over the conversation, "Not a single copper, and I hope you can find it as well. I fear we can't stay here for long, we need to get to the city and see the rangers and Mages guilds right away."

Walcot nodded in understanding. "I see, well I wish you the best of luck. You do know the guards will not let you in the city."

"No we didn't," said Brill. "Why would they prevent travelers from entering the city."

"From what we heard out here, Freeport tried to infiltrate the city and caused damage and destruction all around. Now all travelers have to go to the suburbs of their race and apply for and test to gain citizenship. The testing is more towards loyalty than anything else."

"How do we find out were we need to go."

"Well, if I was you, and I'm not, I would head off to Coldwind point at the lighthouse way over yonder and use the shuttle boats to get to the proper town."

"Thank you Mister Walcot," said Winter, "We will head that way now, by the way, what are those bugs I see running around?"

"Them? Those just be fire beetles. They ignore the crops but love the mice so we leave them alone. Just don't step on one unless you want to be burned bad, and swarmed by the others in the area. Now off with you, I have a problem to solve and can't be standing here talking like an old lady all day." From a nearby tree they heard a woman's voice shouting, "I heard that you lazy lout, Talking like an old woman..."

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 8 The Cruiser

Jason cheerfully followed Cherry Singh to see where she had entered his part of the ship. Singh began muttering, saying that she couldn’t see the door where she expected to be and began feeling along the wall. She muttered that she had found it, and that an accursed hologram had obscured the door. Jason carefully inspected the hologram projector which was a small sphere on the floor next to the wall and saw that someone had turned it to project panels that looked like wood over the door. The...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 9 Luscious Ladies

Jason spent an enjoyable late afternoon with Robert and Marie the Chefs in their kitchen, first preparing a menu and then helping to cook. Jason loved the cooking technology in the kitchen. All food preparation was automated and cooking had progressed a long way past microwaves. They could roast, fry, barbecue, and boil food in no time at all. Timing was done to the microsecond and food was weighed by each machine to fractions of an ounce or gram. They also had installed many of Earth’s...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 10 Second Trap

Jason was aware that the rate of fertility in the Empire had plummeted in the last 3000 years. The population had declined at a slow rate largely because the average age at the same time had extended so dramatically. It however meant that a considerable number of women didn’t fall pregnant and the men had become frailer and less fertile. Jason cursed the priests for what they had done to the people. Jason thought the priests had been very clever. Many doctors were priests and their research...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 11 Dangerous Dimensions

“It seems that I’ve plenty of time to get a crystal. Eight days gives me ample time to both get a crystal and then adapt to it. I’m going to contact Lucia now. “That was a very interesting briefing, thank you very much Connie. I expect I’ll see all of you in a day at the most.” Jason contacted Lucia. “Lucia when you’ve some time I’d like to meet with you to get your help to get a crystal. We have a window of opportunity where we have eight days’ travel before we face our next set of...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 12 Weapons and Women

“We spent the time in transit considering tactics. We reached our intended destination, some distance from their cruisers so that we could reconnoiter the area and see if it would change our options. We did two things. We sent intelligence people to the planet and planned our attack on the cruisers and frigates. We considered a few options but considered a surprise long distance missile attack followed by the battleship jumping into range and firing while the missiles were penetrating the...

4 years ago
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 18 Food Prep and Battle Prep

Prior to dinner, Jason went into the kitchen to spend time with Robert to discuss some menu ideas that he had in mind. He found Marie helping him, and he had a fine time enjoying their company. Linda and Andrea had been very busy working with their teams during the day. They had requested to be informed when Jason emerged. They then made their way to his canteen half an hour after he had provided his instructions and requested dishes to the chefs for an elaborate Thai feast. After Jason...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 19 Meeting lsquoThe Onersquo

Jason passed out in bed a little later. He was completely knocked out. While he slept his two companions went about their own tasks, working with dedicated AIs that helped them plan, coordinate others, and disseminate information and commands. He woke an hour later and joined Linda and Andrea. “What’s happening, and what are those AIs?” he asked. “Jason, we commissioned the battle AIs some months ago. We fetched them from Mars after we took the planet. They were in secure storage. They are...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 22 Fort Sentinel The Boneyard

Jason’s ship, along with most of the battleships and carriers, moored at the huge space dock. It was just one of seven around the planet and large as the ships were, they were dwarfed by the enormity of the dock. Jason had never seen such a colossal structure. The docks supplied and serviced tens of thousands of ships mothballed in orbit around the planet or parked in groups nearby. Warehouses covered the surface of the planet. The warehouses were filled with every weapon and shuttle produced...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 24 Critical

Linda and Andrea rushed to his side, called the Ship AI, and transported Jason to the sickbay where he was immediately placed in a medical pod. The medical AI told Andrea, and Linda that Jason had suffered a critical injury. Every effort would be made to resuscitate Jason and bring him back to life. The AI informed them that the weapon had burnt through his chest, and had made a hole in his sternum then through the worst possible place at the junction of his atria and ventricles of his heart....

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Im Not Like That

Lying there with a girl I don’t know sobbing gentle against me, staring at the ceiling and the lights dancing from the street outside. How did I get here? Most guys would have loved this situation, and most guys would have been easily swayed but this twenty year’s old cries and heartfelt tears, mistaking passion for regret and uncertainty. As a nineteen year old myself, I’d had my share of emotional feedback and so could sympathies. I wasn’t at all happy with this situation tho. She was crying...

1 year ago
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But she didn't want to leave her children until they were old enough to care for themselves. Rich was 19, becoming a man; tall, strong and as handsome as his father. In less than a year he would be on his own leaving her with just her daughter at home. Jenny was just 17 and blossoming into a stunningly pretty and sexy young woman. If one were to look at the Yearbook pictures of the mother, they would see the daughter. It started as a long restless night in front of the TV, she was...

2 years ago
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Joerg IsebrandChapter 4 How Joerg Isebrand Becomes Known as The Butcher of Warnesund

The winter in the warm quarters in Lubeck had made the men lazy and short of breath, but the long march eastward shaped them up somewhat. The welcome in Warnesund was nothing like what they had enjoyed in Lubeck. There were only tents as quarters for the men to begin with, and the food they were given was neither good nor plentiful. The City had some trouble with the Count of Schwerin to the South, and they wanted to beef up their garrison with the hired soldiers. From what Gernot's men...

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Overboard TooChapter 21

Was just puttering along at about six miles an hour when the party barge passed me, and a blonde mermaid with a parrot jumped off, and a Mexican preacher hit me with a spar, and I got attacked by a coyote but an old guy with a cannon said "Make my day", then a guy in a toga barked at me, and I hit a horse and hurt my hand and all through it there was this weird ringing noise, and... Phone! Woah! Wake up, Rob! I groaned over and picked it up just as it stopped ringing. Didn't recognize...

4 years ago
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First Night Out as a Sissy

It was the first time I dared to act on my fantasies but the timing was most certainly perfect! Feeling the urge to explore my sissy side out in the world, I decided I’d hit the local sports bar in hopes I’d find a man that I could make want what I had to give. After taking my time doing all the preparation for a confidant night, I put on my favorite panties and my tightest jeans (the ones I would never dare to wear outside until this night). I was getting so excited with anticipation of making...

2 years ago
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Meri naukrani meri raat kali

Hi desi readers! I am 25 yrs of age and stay with my parents at home. We had a naukrani who does all the work of our home. One day what happened is my parents had to go to native place urgent for 2-3 days for Some property matters work. So my mom told naukrani to stay with me for 2 days And do all work (cook, cleaning etc). But she told no as she was having many other house and so she had no time. Then she agreed to keep her daughter mohini if my mom pays more. Also my mom agreed to her...

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Boy gets to fuck his two horny sister in laws

Suma couldn’t wait to see her sister suck her lovers Ajit’s cock and swallow his cum. She wondered if she would really do it. As she got up to suck Ajit’s cock which had started to grow hard from hearing what her sister wanted to do to him, Suma was getting a few ideas of what she wanted to do to her sister.“Get me nice and hard blowjob, Suma because I want to fuck your sister Sumithra so bad before she changes her mind,” said Ajit. Suma smiled with that lustful grin and told him that she was...

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Sisters in Arms A wish too far

Sisters in Arms... A wish too far...? I was so excited! I was on my way to Stansted Airport to pick up one of my best and oldest friends the lovely Caroline Brooks. We had been really close for over two years now but this was going to be the first time we had ever actually met face to face! When Caroline and I met online all that time ago we hit it off straight away and over the years we had became as close as two people could possibly be, being there for each other through the...

1 year ago
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Laura Makes a Sale

My wife and I have known one another now for about eight years and our life together is getting more exciting all the time, especially in the sex depart- ment. Both of us have interesting well paying pro- fessional careers that provide us all the money we need to pursue the good things of life, including our sexual appetites. Laura and I met when she was going to an all girls’ exclusive college. She had led a reserved and sheltered life until we met and I introduced her to ...

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Give Me a Little Credit Here

SMOKEY SAGAS #12: ‘Give Me A Little Credit Here’ *** I originally wrote this as a theater play—a medium in which I used to participate—hoping to get it produced and up on the stage one day. Well, that’s not going to happen, so, since it does actually have quite a bit of nice romantic stuff in it but doesn’t really go too much further than that (though I still think it’s a really cute goofy little story) I thought I would make it my first in the ‘Non-Erotic’ category. Speaking of firsts, this...

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Vicky Bound for Vacation Part 2

Part 2"Oh God....This thing is driving me nuts." Vicky was squirming in her seat at the restaurant with her new remote controlled vibrator snug in her pussy. Looking at me with a slight pout she asked, "Turn it up just a little higher, please. I want to see if I can cum right here." She was way into this. I was holding the remote control in my hand under the table, playing with the buttons and dials. Every time I tweaked the control her head would jerk back and forth in a body spasm. Her long,...

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Alene Ravens New Life Year IChapter 2

Suddenly, she felt a movement in her pants, she removed them. Looking back at her was a small cock. Her hand moved to her mouth to muffle a terrified scream. She couldn’t believe it, a cock? Where is her beautiful pussy? “This must be a dream,” she muttered to herself. She went to the bathroom to wash her face. Hoping, no, wishing this was all a very bad dream. The water she splashed on her face gave the world a better focus. She could see the marble sink and the towels she hung there...

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I have very large breasts for my height and my nipples are bright pink with small areolas. And most of all, I’m now a full pledged SLUT. It all started when I was only 14 years old. I grew up in a place where there are a lot of thugs and creeps roaming the streets. Every time a friend of mine has a party at their house, I usually wear really short skirts and I just love high heels, not to mention really thin panties or lingerie under my skirt. One night an older boy from school invited me and...

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Thugs Hugs and dgs

It's rather humiliating to put to words what happened the day I saw my soul-mate degraded the way she was. I must confess I do think often about the that day and it makes me cum instantly. She doesn't talk about it for reasons of her own. One thing is certain, we will never be the same. It changed our lives forever. I guess I should start at the beginning of that day so you get the whole story..We had been using speed for a couple of days and were looking to re purchase more to avoid the...

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Skin Deep II Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Second Wind The next morning Michelle sat at her dressing table preparing to attend the memorial service arranged by William's peers. She was wearing a simple black dress. It was taking her what seemed an incredible amount of time to finish preparing for what had to be done today and again tomorrow. She slowly picked up the string of pearls that Gary had given her just last year as an anniversary gift. There was something about them she felt she should remember but...

2 years ago
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DrPervys Pussy Eating 101

Now this is 4 the niggas that eat pussy (or at least try to lol).......let me start off by sayin there is a rite & wrong way to eat pussy.....if a girl ever say it hurt while you eatin her out you doin sumthin wrong (how you can make it hurt idk....but sum females have told me that sum niggas made they pussy hurt while they was eatin it lol) you cant juss move your tongue up &down & actually think you doing sumthin cuz you not especially if you not in the rite spots....take...

4 years ago
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Losing My Virginity

Chuck came into my mother’s life a year after she and my real father divorced. They married a few months after they met and Chuck became my step-father. I was seventeen at the time. Chuck was a nice man, always good and helpful to me. He was also a very handsome man, over six feet tall, with thick black hair, and was physically attractive. I mean to say he had a nice build. Although I tried not to look at him in that way, it was hard not to ignore his muscles, especially when he spent a lot of...

First Time
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MommysGirl Elle Alexandra Allie Haze Angela Sommers The Family Therapist

After Elle Alexandra complains to her dad that her workaholic stepmom Angela Sommers treats her coldly and makes her feel like a nuisance, he sends them both to talk out their issues with a great family therapist Allie Haze. When the girls meet for their therapy session, Elle says she feels neglected by her stepmom, and Angela responds that her career is stressful and she feels underappreciated by Elle. Allie identifies a lack of affection in the relationship, observing that while Angela...

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Andrea vs the Monster Cock

Andrea and I were driving to Las Vegas from San Diego. The drive was taking hours longer than it should because we kept pulling over to fuck. She was naked in the passenger seat next to me when we went through the border patrol check point by Temecula. She sucked my dick for most of the drive, and sunk her big black dildo into her soaking wet pussy, giving several truckers a show to remember. That was the tame part.When we pulled into the parking lot of our hotel in Vegas, we parked out towards...

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Bullet Part 2 A Cry In The NightChapter 3

For a while Marilyn mulled over what had just happened. Then very slowly her thoughts coalesced. "You know Will, for you to hear another's cry there has to be some sort of a connection. A bond between you." "I agree," interjected Valerie. "I'm sure that you and the young girl have some sort of bond." "Bond?" I asked. "I get it," said Tom. "Someone you know or have helped in some sort of way. Someone you've talked to." "But," I disagreed, "I don't know any young children...

2 years ago
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How My Sex Life Came About part 5

I wasn't for sure what my mother meant by that. My mother told me she hoped I had not forgotten about my game tonight. That our town and she were counting on us winning that game. “Please don't make me look bad in their eyes,” mom said giving me one of her looks. My mother always wanted to impress people. I guess you could say she was a stuck up bitch. She thought she was better than most. That her shit didn’t stink one might say. She had to be your center of attention no matter who you...

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Amanda 2 FFM

Introduction: Amanda introduces Toby to her friend Katie Amanda Adventures 2 : Amanda introduces Toby to Katie. Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she...

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Forbidden lust

Daughter in swimsuit going out to sunbathe, daddy stops her and makes her undress so he can put sun cream on everywhere. ‘if we make sure to get it all over then you can sunbathe naked princess, get a nice even tan’ She’s on hands and knees on the sun lounger, daddy rubs cream on her slim back and trim waist before quickly kneading her butt cheeks He slides a finger along her crack then gently inserts just the tip into her hole. Then she lies on her back and daddy generously slathers her...

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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 3

It was as long a night as I knew it would be. The worst part was calling my dad because I knew he’d have a fat-attack. He’d not wanted me to be a cop. Until I was ten, we had lived in Brisbane. I was a late child, and my parents were both surprised when mum found out she was pregnant. She was thirty-six and dad forty when I was born. They had some sort of epidemic back in thirty-two to thirty-six. It had caused a lot of changes in the world. We lost two percent of the population worldwide....

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Jennies Story The AccidentChapter 2

The ride up to the river wasn't a long one, only about a half hour, but the cast on my leg made the trip unbearable all the same. The skin and bone healing underneath itched very badly and there wasn't enough room in the car to stretch out so I could scratch it. 1991, a couple of weeks past our fourteenth birthday and a friend had invited Mark and I up to her parents summer place on the Mira River for the weekend. They would not be joining us as they were vacationing in Florida. The...

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Rack 2

If you have ever sat in the middle of a park becoming one with nature and marveling at the wonders of the world only to find yourself daydreaming about performing sexual experiments on the squirrels and birds that populate the region, pour some goddamn cold water on yourself. You might be a sick fuck, though ThePornDude isn’t the bro to judge that. Judging what developer Fek has been up to, I think they may have had the same epiphany that you had.The result is Rack 2: Furry Science. As you can...

Free Sex Games
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The Fundraiser

”Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our marathon charity show for the victims of the dreadful earthquakes in Nepal.”Paul Sumner, late night talk show host, newspaper columnist and stinking rich philanthropist, was hosting a huge televised charity event being beamed to millions of homes worldwide."Everyone has seen the shocking images and heard the heartbreaking reports, and tonight we,” — and he pointed directly at the camera — “that is you at home and those of us here in the studio, are going...

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Voice on the Machine

The sky was spitting rain as Mitch ascended the half flight of stairs that led to the door of his apartment. As he fished his keys out of his pocket, he mused to himself about the drabness of his life. What did he really do with himself? he got up every morning, went to work, did his eight, came home, went to bed, and started the whole thing over again the next day. Maybe he’d go out to eat on occasion, but that was the extent of things. He considered it a great night if it happened to be a...

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Cath cougar on campus

Ever since I turned sixteen I had been rather desperate to lose my virginity and finally become a man. By the time senior year rolled around, my friends had all lost their virginities and had girlfriends or in the very least, girls they would hook-up with once in a while and screw whenever the need took them. I, on the other hand, had no such arrangement and I felt as if everyone else was doing it except for me. It became an obsession for me and as the year melted away, I was faced with what a...

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Andy 16

Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German SIXTEEN "Do you know what tomorrow is?" Mom asked. I shook my head. What had I forgotten? "New Year's Eve. Did you actually forget it?" I looked at her. "What am I supposed to do on New Year's Eve? I'd have a hard time throwing firecrackers with the boys." Which I regreted a little. But none of my pals could be allowed to see me this way. I was wearing a jeans dress and with it bright...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 248 Suddenly It All Makes Sense

I had lost all sense of time. Time to me was just one period of sleep, followed my short periods of wakefulness, punctuated by lot and lots of pain. Then I would slip back into blessed sleep. One of the times t got woke me up, it was by a person in a set of white scrubs. He asked "Are you Maxine Stone?" "If this is her room, I guess I am. I sure as hell ain't been playing musical beds," I said only about half away. Just awake enough to be a smart ass it seemed. "Just making sure hon,...

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Interracial encounter with my neighbor1

I sat on the couch of Mr. Thomas’ house watching TV. I wondered to myself where Mr. Thomas was, since it was already 11:30pm and he had told me he would be home 2 hours ago. I didn’t really care though. The kids had already gone to bed hours ago and I had pants in the dryer. I had accidently spilled some tea on my pants a little while ago and so I threw them in the dryer. I didn’t have any underwear on so I just picked a pair of Mr. Thomas’ basketball shorts out of the clean laundry bin and...

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Public Display During XRay

My name is Susmita Sanyal. I am from the city of kolkata and currently studying in final year of b.A.(hons) in a college in kolkata itself.From the time when i understood the meaning and the pleasures of sex i had been very much fascinated by it. I watched a lot of porn on my computer from class 10 onwards that led to a bad result in my class 10 board exams and also my class 12 exams. So my dream of studying in a college outside kolkata was shattered and i had to stay at home and go to college...

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The Girls from Work

It was a rainy Friday evening. I was recently single and out in a pub with the people I work with, the hours were ticking by and I had to admit I wasn't enjoying myself. I lived two bus rides away from my workplace and the pub we had congregated in was practically next door. I had planned to leave at 11, but my boredom was trying to convince me to leave earlier.'Right we're off' My manager plucked up. She was a short round blonde woman, who would call herself 'brassy' but pretty much everyone...

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MomPOV Christina Petite fit freak is fun to fuck

– 35 years old single – Has a much younger boy toy she plays with on occasion – They like to invite other men or women over to join them – He likes to watch her suck another mans cock before he fucks her – They bought an 11inch dildo so she can practice deep throating – Her ultimate fantasy is to get gang banged raw with 5+ creameries – Doing her first porn, seemed like a fun thing to try out – She has a normal day job working as a saleswoman – Is also a fitness competitor so she is in the gym...

2 years ago
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I wrote this journal entry as soon as I got home from an interesting near-miss at the bar after class. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. I often imagine, with a neutral eye, what it was like the night Trey kissed Corie. Was it in a bar, or was it in the parking lot? I bet it was in the lot, right alongside her driver-side door. Was she pressed up against her white RAV-4, or did she too lean forward? Was it dark, or were they under a streetlamp spotlight? Was it a thrill? How...

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SweetheartVideo Abella Danger Jade Kush I Kissed A Girl

Elsa (Elsa Jean) is a young woman who has just finished high school. Living in a small town in Arkansas, she is a shy and discreet person who doesn’t feel like she fits in in her town or even in her state. So when she is awarded a scholarship in Los Angeles, she packs her bags and leaves everything behind. She finds a room in India’s (India Summer) house. She doesn’t really know what to expect from the City of Angels, but she strongly feels that her life will change...

4 years ago
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They were a normal couple Arranging cuck w

They were a normal couple.Arranging, cuck & wife We are a normal couple. Sex was fun when we got married, but now the seven year itch has really got to us, but not from the one you would think! In reality, it’s my husband. I love him. I found him more and more withdrawn and when it came to sex, he started giving an excuse after another excuse. For one thing, his penis is a four incher when hard but, he seemed to enjoy when I told him that. In the past it was not a problem because what he...

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Island Girl Chapter 2

The next morning, Mark got up early and showered, getting ready for his day with his beautiful tour guide. Not sure exactly what they would be doing just yet, he dressed casual in his blue jeans, a lightweight polo shirt, socks and sneakers. Making sure he had plenty of money in his wallet and his credit cards just in case, he locked the room and went downstairs to meet Jennifer. As they had previously arranged, he waited in the hotel lobby for her to arrive. He was sitting in one of the lobby...

Love Stories
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Demon Crossing

I rode into the valley reluctantly and headed toward a pass on the far side. This whole valley was called Demon Crossing and there was a reason. Once a millennium ago an army of demons had spilled out of their realm and into this valley. They had one thing on their mind, to kill and destroy. We had been lucky, there had been signs before the demons surged out of the realm gate and a army was here to stop them. Every year one man was sent to scout the valley for signs that the demons might...

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Dr Venus Sex Psychologist Androphobia

Rebecca seemed to have had a troubled youth. Abandoned by her father and harassed by men would most likely be the cause for her phobia. She was a cute girl and dreams of marriage and having kids. Unfortunately, this will likely never happen. Her fear seems to be extremely crippling. Nausea, weak legs, excessive sweating and a shortness of breath. Her phobia prevents her from going outside like a typical teenager, thus causing her mild depression. It would be a difficult case for Venus, but...

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A Boy and His Mom Part 2

The next morning Lily was surprised to arrive downstairs and not find her son there already. Ever since he was born, Tim had been an early riser and even though he was now a teenager eager to get his license and begin driving on his own in a few weeks, he was unlike most teens in that he was always in the kitchen when she came downstairs, if not already gone off on whatever project he was planning for the day.She was disappointed. She had put on a white t-shirt that she knew would become almost...

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