Traitors CrownChapter 2 free porn video

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Silor had spent much of the next three months after that horrid council session at the bards headquarters in Butcherblock Docks. His wife, when she discovered the reason he had left, that he was against killing Tamalain had sent a notice of separation and had his personal items dumped over the edge of the city platform they had lived on. Several of Silor's Guild headquarters staff that had been sent to collect the guild leaders gear had arrived just as the last few things where being tossed over the side. The executive officer in charge while Silor was absent sent most of the group ground side to recover as much as they could before the scavengers could snap it up. It was only then that he approached and addressed the irate woman.

"Why in Brell's name are you doing this to Silor. He has always been good to you and treated you well Ginna."

"Why? Why, do you even have to ask you singing idiot. He still loves her and never truly loved me. He always kept an eye out and an ear open as to how she was doing. Always stopping by to visit and catch up if she was in town." She glared at the man and continued when he didn't respond. "I had checks run on her, she was a hussy according to my contacts. She was seeing the little cheat on the side along with half the instructors at Trueshot.

"Councilor, I think you have been badly misled by these so called sources. I have met her and worked with her a few times. Never once had she shown interest in any sort of affair."

"Says you fool, she is a threat to all the world and my now former husband says we are wrong about her." She spat at the bards feet, but he neither moved nor flinched at her rude treatment. "I have heard what she was as a child. A corruptor and temptress of the innocent, murderer of those that had the best interest in the Feydark. She caused the unjust exile of several families and that is unforgivable."

"You wouldn't happen to be referring to the Thornbreak insurrection would you," he asked quizzically. "He did attempt to overthrow the council and start several wars as you might recall."

"She murdered my father in cold blood when he tried to see to her safety and care," She spat back. "As to the rest, the winner writes history, the family sees it much differently.

"Child, you have the strangest and most twisted view of history, you are aware of that I am sure. The fact is, you are here against council orders now that you have shown yourself. Your entire clan went into exile of their own free will after what your father did girl."

"I am the last vestige of the Thornbreak clan in the Feydark fool. The rest are dead at the hands of the dark Elven and D'Lere. I am going to restore the family name and crest to greatness. Through me the elven will rise up and claim all the lands as our own. I will also have my revenge on those that tried to destroy us all."

He looked at the woman he once knew as Ginna Songweaver in horror. He backed away and prepared his defenses for an attack he felt must be coming. She just snorted in derision and turned away, "Your not worth the effort it would take to kill you, I will see to you and the rest of the council all at one time." She returned to her home and slammed the door shut, he heard the bolts slam home, locking the door tight in its frame.

He quickly fled the platform on the fourth level of the city and tracked down his people on the ground as they finished gathering all of Silor's effects that had survived the four hundred foot fall from above. He stopped at one of the Fey Queens guard Stations and reported events. They assured him the situation would be dealt with forthwith. "She is insane and on the council. I fear that the Thornbreak insurrection and the council war were just a foretaste of what is coming. I need to contact Winter, she has recently had a serious change of heart on the matter of the Arrowmarks. Prepare a shipping crate and get this sent out on the next available caravan to the Docks."

"Yes sir," said one of the assistants. They finished tracking down the last few salvageable items and hauled them to the nearest Shipping station.

Brandon Riverice knew that bad times where coming, but how bad he couldn't be sure. Winter had known Tamalain as long as Silor had since she was from the same village as well. The journey across the massive tree city took over three hours and he had to stop and rest at one point. He sat and watched children play at one of the many little parks high up in the tree. He felt that if Ginna were allowed to complete her plan, even in part, all these children would suffer for the failure of those in charge to act and stop her and her minions, whom ever they might be.

~Butcherblock Docks~

Three days after the great tossing as the event became known had happened, Winter arrived at the Docks to track down Silor with the news he needed to know about. She finally found him at the headquarters of the Bard Guild runners house. The receptionist quickly let her boss know he had an important visitor, one that is on the "I will kill them list if they have the unmitigated gall to come here and try to see me," as he had put it several months earlier. Up to this point, nobody had visited from Kelethin.

He stood, holding a long dagger in his right hand and a small buckler in the left, ready to fight. On entering the office, Winter saw this and stepped back across the doors threshold. "Silor, I have news, stay your hand until I speak what I came to say."

"Why should I you hateful woman," he snarled.

"Not hate Si, fear. Blinding fear of what she could do, did do in fact."

"What has Tamalain done now that is so horrible that you would risk my displeasure."

"Well old friend, their are several women now that are a problem. Tama being one but not of immediate concern. It is your now ex-wife that is the problem."

He seemed to slump a bit and set the dagger and shield on the desk, "Come in then and have a seat and tell me what that insane bitch has done now."

"Well, she tossed all your possessions over the side of the platform. Fortunately Riverice arrived in time to stop the scavengers from stealing it all. It is in route by caravan now. Silor, are you aware you married the blood daughter of Thadius Thornbreak?"

Silor went pail and grabbed the waste basket and began to wretch. Winter went around the desk and held the basket for him and waited for him to settle down. "That was not funny Winter, not funny at all," he snarled at her, his hand resting once again on the dagger.

"It wasn't a joke Si, she declared herself three days ago, and is taking over the council even as we speak. It's the Thornbreak insurrection all over again. Be damned glad Tama is stranded halfway around the world. What she would do now does not bear consideration"

"I thought I heard that the druid rings were about to be reconnected before I left."

"We thought so too, but something has gone very wrong with the ring on Zek recently. We had a link and were almost ready to push the first portal to it, but it will not accept any inbound singles. We are being blocked for some reason."

Silor thought about what this could mean, between the weather and sea preventing any ships from departing if they intended to sail their; now this news, the gods had decided to lock out that land and keep what ever was happening there isolated. "Tama is on her own then, may the gods aid her if she needs it, she isn't a threat to them anymore."

"I didn't know about that before Si, if I had I would never have called for her destruction. As it is now, there isn't much any of us can do with that vengeance minded madwoman running things in Kelethin. The Guild leaders and school proctors have sent word out to all the villages and communities to be on the alert for trouble."

Silor stared at Winter with bleak eyes, "We both saw what happened last time Winter, this will be worse, much worse. Have the Combine spires been reactivated yet?"

Winter was slightly taken aback by the sudden change of topic but answered, "Not yet, we haven't been able to set up the connections from our end at all. We need somehow to get a person with a few connection stones to Antonica and Commonlands. Then the hookups can be made and travel will resume. But for now we are stuck until the weather lets up."

"You're a Wizard, you can port if you want to any known location."

"Maybe I could have before skyfall, but not anymore. I would need a point of contact or a solid link to the spires in the area I am shooting for."

Silor smiled at her then opened a drawer in his desk. He pulled out a small box and placed it on the desk, opening it to show a group of white and purple stones. "See if any of these will help, I was a bit of a rock hound when I was young, before the academy days. I was able to convince a few traveler to bring me stones from the spires from around the world. They were also one of the few personal items I took with me when I left home."

Winter gently ran her fingers across each stone, when she found the one that seemed right, she gently picked out the dark purple stone from the box. "This is the only one that seems genuine Silor, you got gypped on the rest, it is an Antonica spire stone too. Feel up to a long road trip?"

"Might be for the best, let me get my gear together and we can go to the spires if need be." Without another word he headed to the back of the office to a narrow staircase leading up. She followed him to his quarters and watched as he packed his travel gear. It was when he opened a large chest and began pulling out musical instruments that she began to realize he wanted to leave these lands for all time. "If the council can't deal with her, then it deserves to fall. You must have figured it out by now Winter, when Tama stopped the two previous attempts to take over everything, it seems she only delayed the inevitable. I just need to grab some travel rations and water and we will be ready to go." He then spent a few minutes tuning each instrument for best performance.

Winter remain silent, regarding her friend with sad eyes. When she finally spoke, it was with a touch of derision, "So you are just going to run away, and let that insane bitch destroy everything we all fought so hard to protect?"

He didn't even pause while answering, "Yes, I will walk away and let it all fall. This has been coming since before we were born woman. Old Tamalain died because of what these same families tried then. Unless you hunt down the entire line, and all its offshoots, it sprouts anew, just like weeds in a field. So yes, I will walk away and let it go. We will stop at the Trade coalition headquarters to give them warning, but that's all." He closed the door and headed down the stairs settling his pack and gear as he went. "It has been long in coming Winter, and I plan to not be around to watch Kelethin burn."

She followed him down and waited as he handed the leadership off to his second and walked out without a look back. He first stopped at a supply store that carried the travel foods he said he would need, then as he started out towards he fountains to fill his water bags, Winter asked him to wait. She pulled out her purse and purchased herself a weeks worth of the same rations Silor had bought. As she exited, his look asked the silent question, "I am coming with you," was all she said and followed him to the local mariners bell to return to Kelethin.

~Loping Plains, Sombourn Village~

The hooded hunter approached the alter with great trepidation, he had very bad news and he didn't think his chances at surviving the day were good. "Sire, I bring word on the expedition results." He waited until the voice answered, then became fearful.

"It is good news I expect."

"No sire, bad news."

"Speak." The voice was a dead cold sound now.

"When we arrived at the site, the scouts reported the prison gemstone was gone. Locals said it vanished when the magic storm hit. It must have been a solid magic stasis field sire. The storm wiped it out along with many other spells. He is somewhere out there, with the whip sire." He took several steps back from the alter as the curtain rustled. "I have asked that all my scouts and sources keep their eyes and ears open for him."

The being seemed to sigh, "No blame falls on you for this, but you did right on setting the watch. B'rill will need a place to hole up, so keep an eye out around the Trueshot. That is all, go now and find my whip."

The scout fled, not believing his luck at still being alive. He would finish setting his spies, then he would wait, he was very good at waiting. His time spying on the Arrowmark during her recovery had given him the patience to do that.

~Trade Guild headquarters in Kelethin~

The pair that waited in Warren Arrowline's outer office came as a surprise to him since he knew them both well. It was their garb that surprised him more than anything else about them. They were both decked out on full battle and travel gear. "So what brings you two to my humble office, and looking like your ready for war no less." He offered seats, but they declined.

Silor spoke quickly, "We just stopped in to give you a heads up about Ginna. She is about to start an Elven civil war with the council backing her. You might want to move your family out of Kelethin for their safety until things settle down Warren."

"If you are referring to the Thornbreak girl, she will be dealt with shortly I am sure, the Fey Queen put her foot down and said enough is enough. She has opened the rage box Silor and pulled out the paddle. You know what that means, she ordered your ex-wife be brought before the court for lessons in manners."

Silor and Winter both laughed, but it wasn't a humorous laugh. It was more of a cold, bitter snort. "She will be in hiding by now, protected by at least two of the trade families Warren, you should know that."

His face fell and all levity vanished. "I know that Silor, but I can hope can't I. I have sent word out that providing aid and cover for her would be a very bad idea, but the Reaver Clan has a bone to pick with the Fey Queen over the previous events." Changing subjects, "You're planning to leave the Feydark, I can tell. I understand why in your case Silor, but why are you going Winter?"

Winter looked him coldly in the eye, "Warren, in a way Silor and I have been at the forefront of the battle against these forces since we were children. Tama was the leader of the fight then, but we all, the Gang of Nine did more than just play. It is time that those of us that are left get the hell out of the way while we still have our heads and allow the new generation suffer the pains of growing up."

Warren smiled, "Then I have a favor to ask of both of you. I have a guest that needs an escort out of the Feydark. He knows there are those that would seek him out and destroy him for what he carries, interested? In fact I think you both know him from way back."

He knocked on a board behind his desk and a hooded and heavily cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows. As he stepped into the light, he pulled the hood back and smiled at the amazed and stunned pair. It was B'rill, teacher and trainer at the Trueshot Academy.

B'rill looked at his two former students then smiled, "Well, well, well, look what little mice have crept back into my life." Both just stared and their jaws moved but no sound came out. He decided he needed to shock them a bit to bring them back to some sense of reality, then he felt the whip snicker at him. He thought back at it to remain silent and dormant or he would use the dragons bain dust on it again and seal it in a bag full of talcum powder. The whip went silent. "Wake up you two, I need escorts, not zombies."

Silor spoke first, "Your supposed to be locked in the Drakota stasis field sir. How did you break free, and with the whip, I felt it a second ago."

Winter answered his question, "The storm, Tamalains magic crushing storm collapsed the old spell, that has to be the answer."

"Very good Winter, got it in one. Silor always was a bit slow when shocked like this. Now before you ask, I'm hiding because several parties have been actively attempting to gain access to the dragon spine whip." He pulled out an evil looking length of dragon sinew.

It had been drawn as a single piece from the break point in the neck to the tip of the tail. The handle was composed of six pieces of the spine itself. About two feet from the tip, another small bone had been woven into the cord and twenty four two foot long bits of barbed sinew, attached to the end of each flail was a barbed spike from the spine of the beast, making it the single most deadly weapon either had ever seen. Winter took a step back while Silor peered at it more closely, then fell back when an evil sibilant voice whispered in his mind. He went pale and swore quietly.

"Better to not try too study it to closely, the mind in this thing is not insane as the entire suit was, just raw evil. Actually, more of a lawful evil so long as I am bound to it and it to me."

The whip now spoke up for all of them to hear it, "The suit got several bits of my mind that should have been destroyed when my body went. But the girl did a good job on sealing it all away. I can't even feel it, much less summon it to me like those idiot Orcs next door and that overly bright zombie want me to do."

"How can you know about any of this B'rill, the stasis field should have cut you off from everything, even the passage of time." Silor had finally gotten his mind and mouth back into a working order.

"Strangely enough, I was locked out of my body, forced to be a spirit if you will." He seemed to shudder, "But I was not able to interact with the spirit or mortal worlds. So I just wandered around and listened in to plans, plots and other assorted events of good and evil." B'rill sat down in a proffered chair and motioned for the kids to sit as well. "I was there Winter, right at the end. I saw what that monster did to her in full. That a single Orc still lives anywhere at all is a mystery to me." He went on and told them in detail what had been done to Tamalain in those last horrible hours. Before he finished, Silor had tears running freely down his face and Winter had fled the room and could be heard retching violently in a chamber bucket in the next room.

When Winter had recovered herself, she returned and asked that he finish. "It was when he drove his spiked member in to her body, raping her open that the damage froze her heart, in effect killing her that I was kicked back to the stasis field, the storm shattered the ancient spell, freeing me instantly. It was in that last instant though I saw what may very well be her true form. I still hurt thinking about it." He sat a moment, gathering his thoughts on how to continue. "It is said that to view a god in it's true form, not the avatars they let us see will drive a mortal to insanity. I think I had the briefest glimpse of what one may look like."

"Once I was back in my body and free, I spent most of the next week battling the mind of the whip. It had been hurt by the storm and I was able to eventually overcome it and take control of it. I am bound to it and it to me in a way that no other living being has been bound to another before. If I die, it dies, if it is destroyed, I will die. We both would prefer to go on living for a very long time thank you very much."

There was a quiet knock on the office door, Warren called for the person to enter after giving B'rill a few seconds to close his robe and pull his hood up. The assistant entered and handed Warren a folder, "This is the report on the Fey iron mines you requested sir." He turned to leave, realizing he had interrupted an important meeting of some sort.

"Thank you Sand, I will get to this shortly. We are almost finished here I think." Sand nodded and closed the door on the way out. "Now, where were we."

Winter was now more curious than afraid, "You said their a number of parties interested in capturing this weapon?"

"Yes, several that I learned about in my travels. All but one can be ignored at this point. It is a zombie that has me worried. It is fully intelligent and awake. The storm did discommode it for a few weeks, but it recovered quickly. From what I heard from its random mutterings, it was raised by Mayong Mistemoore. He used a body he had stolen from the old Upper Pass Village. If this were to ever come forward, it would start a civil war in Kelethin in a matter of days." He stared into the distance for a minute then continued. "My real concern is that should one certain woman learn this one still lives in any way, this part of the world would be laid to waste as she hunted him down."

Silor was perplexed for a moment, trying to recall any other time than the one he knew of that Mistemoore may have visited his home village. "I can only think of one time he appeared and did a body snatch B'rill. That was the day Tama cooked Thornbreak for attempting to kidnap her and kill her mother, are you saying he raised Thornbreak from the dead?"

B'rill was grim, "Yep, that is exactly what he did, the arrogant, stupid son of a bitch. Thadius had been dead less than an hour, so his spirit remained mostly intact in the mortal realm. Now it wants the whip to get revenge against all that wronged him in life." B'rill's grin did not help the young adventures much. He faced his protector, "Now, Warren I am in your debt for hiding me from the spies Thadius has all over the place. But it is time I left the Feydark and all the lands around her until the current situation is resolved once and for all time."

Warren stood and bowed slightly to his friend, "B'rill, it has been a pleasure and honor to help you. You taught me far more than I was willing to learn in school, and it was your greatest student that put me where I am now. So I'm the repaying a small part of the honor debts I feel I owe. You owe nothing other than escaping Kelethin alive and completing the task set before you." Arrowline held out a hand to B'rill, who rose and clasped the proffered hand and shook it gravely, then smiled a slightly evil smile. "Just think, if Tamalain ever makes it back here, what is happening now will be a walk in the park compared to what will happen when she finds out the Thornbreaks are back and gunning for her."

Warren looked very worried at that thought, then dismissed it. He shook B'rill's hand once more and escorted them to the front room as they made ready to depart. "Take care of him you two, he is almost as important as Tamalain now." Both simply nodded and headed out the door, B'rill re-donned his cloak and hood then followed them out into the city.

~Elven Council Chambers~

Ginna Thornbreak entered the council chambers and waved her arms casting an enchanters mesmerize spell on the members seated around the large table. She received a shock when the entire membership turned in their seats and told her to stop messing around and sit down in rather loud and rude voices. Her spell had failed for some unknown reason. The Asire, or dark Fey as they are called by others had taught her that spell and it was supposed to be un-resistible. The lights in the room went dim for a few seconds and all the other members vanished. She was trapped in an illusion of some sort she realized. But before she could act to try and escape the effect, the doors slammed open and the Fey Queen and ten Elven guards stormed in.

"Don't even try to cast little girl, your Asire magic is just about as effective as a match in a storm," said the Queen. "If this is some plot by her wickedness the Dark Queen in Neriak, it was doomed to fail by her using such an idiotic child as you. I allowed Silor to marry you just to see what you would do." All the guards looked at her with something less than pleasure at that admission. "It was necessary at the time," she said without looking about, "but he is free of her and I will ask that Her Majesty, The Lady Tama not hold this against him."

Ginna looked on, not in despair, but disgust. "You stupid little winged freak, you and your goodie, goodie attitudes. You have no power over me at all, I allowed you to control my sight when I came here," she lied with forced bravado. She made several sharp gestures, casting a bolt of lightning at the Queen, intending to kill her and the guards. She got a real shock though when the queen whipped up what looked like a wooden paddle, the kind used to blister the bottom of a bad child and swung it like a club or bat. It caught the bolt and hurled it back at Ginna. She dove out of the path of the bolt and cast ice at her enemy and again had to scramble to avoid being caught in her own attack. "The Green brothers built these and made them so wonderfully, don't you think." The Fey Queen readied herself for the next cast, holding the paddle like a player in a game she had seen humans play at times.

"I can do this all day child, you on the other have just used most of your mana on those two simple attacks. You are poorly raised and trained girl. It is time to end this, and you." She gestured and suddenly Ginna was pulled to her feet by and invisible hand and held in place. Her arms were pulled down and behind her back, preventing her from acting at all, but the queen had erred in leaving her mouth unfettered. She uttered a word of command and the hand released her abruptly, dropping her to her feet.

Before the Queen could react, Ginna launched a fire attack, not at the Queen, but at the guards. That's when she found out exactly how powerful royal guard enchanted armor really could be. The fire struck and burned, yet not a hair was harmed on any of them. In a few seconds the fire faded and they closed in to bind her. Numbers and size beat her anger quickly, she was bound and gagged to prevent another such escape attempt. After a moment of study, the Queen ordered her blindfolded as well. "She has been trained as a courser, so even her eyes are a weapon if proper care is not taken. Take her to the upper isolation cell. None are to enter that area until it is time to take her to Trial and punish her." The Queen almost turned to leave, then stopped. She walked around behind the Elven female, ordered the guards to bend her over the nearest chair and hold her down. For the first time in two hundred and seventy five years, one of the paddles saw the use for which it was truly meant.

~Inner Platform group, Level Five, Kelethin~

Silor and Winter led B'rill towards the nearest shops to outfit him for travel, when B'rill noticed something odd. He looked without turning his head under the cloak and quickly moved to lead Silor and Winter to the nearest shop, even though it had nothing they needed. "Just follow along you two, or we will never leave this platform alive, much less the city. I will explain in a minute once we are safe, or as safe as possible now that we are outside." They followed him silently as he took them from one shop to the next without stopping.

He looked out the front of the leather goods shop he had stopped in and started looking at packs once he decided it seemed clear. After a few minutes of digging around the stacks of gear, he saw a stack of medium sized packs and picked one that looked like it would suit his needs. He paid for it in gold then they moved outside. Looking around, he gestured for them to remain silent and act as guards following their charge. They did so, both wondering what was going on, but decided to wait until he was ready and able to explain his behavior. With four more stops at assorted stores, B'rill had a simple but effective travel pack made up and started for the nearest ramp down from the city.

They descended three levels before he paused to tell them about the watcher he saw. "Silor, I think you knew about Tamalains being spied on during her recovery after the Dracota fight and beyond." Silor nodded and his face suddenly showed surprise. "Yes, he's back and seems to be watching for me now. I spotted him just before I led you off through the extra shops. He must not be allowed to find me or we will never be safe, no matter were we go."

They continued on in silence until they reached the last ramp down to a hilltop along the edge of the city. What they saw at the bottom of the ramp was not something they wanted nor needed to see. Several dozen Orc Pawns, a smaller breed of Orc, being led by the larger Grunts; They had attacked the ramp guards and destroyed several of the ground side merchants in just a few minutes. The city guard had not been able to respond yet so the Orcs had made it nearly to the top of the ramp already. Silor pulled out his sword and readied his buckler, Winter hefted her staff and prepared several lower level battle spells. She didn't want to burn down the tree, so she kept it weaker than she would have liked. It was when B'rill opened his cloak and pulled out the whip that things went crazy. He started it whirling around over his head, it's purple spines making a multi-tonal pitched whine and roar that hurt the ears and made the heart shudder. It was the sound of a dragon diving in for the attack. The Orcs went into a frenzy trying to reach him, but he lashed it out driving the twenty four tips straight though the nearest Grunt. That is when B'rill, yelled, "Get over here, " and yanked the whip backwards. He had drawn a large dagger and as the Orc flew towards him, he neatly side stepped and slashed the blade across the neck of the helpless Orc. He flipped the whip and the spines pulled free before the Orc hit the ground, and he started it spinning over his head again. "Who's next," he called out in a powerful voice.

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Jason spent an enjoyable late afternoon with Robert and Marie the Chefs in their kitchen, first preparing a menu and then helping to cook. Jason loved the cooking technology in the kitchen. All food preparation was automated and cooking had progressed a long way past microwaves. They could roast, fry, barbecue, and boil food in no time at all. Timing was done to the microsecond and food was weighed by each machine to fractions of an ounce or gram. They also had installed many of Earth’s...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 10 Second Trap

Jason was aware that the rate of fertility in the Empire had plummeted in the last 3000 years. The population had declined at a slow rate largely because the average age at the same time had extended so dramatically. It however meant that a considerable number of women didn’t fall pregnant and the men had become frailer and less fertile. Jason cursed the priests for what they had done to the people. Jason thought the priests had been very clever. Many doctors were priests and their research...

2 years ago
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 11 Dangerous Dimensions

“It seems that I’ve plenty of time to get a crystal. Eight days gives me ample time to both get a crystal and then adapt to it. I’m going to contact Lucia now. “That was a very interesting briefing, thank you very much Connie. I expect I’ll see all of you in a day at the most.” Jason contacted Lucia. “Lucia when you’ve some time I’d like to meet with you to get your help to get a crystal. We have a window of opportunity where we have eight days’ travel before we face our next set of...

3 years ago
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 12 Weapons and Women

“We spent the time in transit considering tactics. We reached our intended destination, some distance from their cruisers so that we could reconnoiter the area and see if it would change our options. We did two things. We sent intelligence people to the planet and planned our attack on the cruisers and frigates. We considered a few options but considered a surprise long distance missile attack followed by the battleship jumping into range and firing while the missiles were penetrating the...

4 years ago
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 18 Food Prep and Battle Prep

Prior to dinner, Jason went into the kitchen to spend time with Robert to discuss some menu ideas that he had in mind. He found Marie helping him, and he had a fine time enjoying their company. Linda and Andrea had been very busy working with their teams during the day. They had requested to be informed when Jason emerged. They then made their way to his canteen half an hour after he had provided his instructions and requested dishes to the chefs for an elaborate Thai feast. After Jason...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 19 Meeting lsquoThe Onersquo

Jason passed out in bed a little later. He was completely knocked out. While he slept his two companions went about their own tasks, working with dedicated AIs that helped them plan, coordinate others, and disseminate information and commands. He woke an hour later and joined Linda and Andrea. “What’s happening, and what are those AIs?” he asked. “Jason, we commissioned the battle AIs some months ago. We fetched them from Mars after we took the planet. They were in secure storage. They are...

2 years ago
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 22 Fort Sentinel The Boneyard

Jason’s ship, along with most of the battleships and carriers, moored at the huge space dock. It was just one of seven around the planet and large as the ships were, they were dwarfed by the enormity of the dock. Jason had never seen such a colossal structure. The docks supplied and serviced tens of thousands of ships mothballed in orbit around the planet or parked in groups nearby. Warehouses covered the surface of the planet. The warehouses were filled with every weapon and shuttle produced...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 24 Critical

Linda and Andrea rushed to his side, called the Ship AI, and transported Jason to the sickbay where he was immediately placed in a medical pod. The medical AI told Andrea, and Linda that Jason had suffered a critical injury. Every effort would be made to resuscitate Jason and bring him back to life. The AI informed them that the weapon had burnt through his chest, and had made a hole in his sternum then through the worst possible place at the junction of his atria and ventricles of his heart....

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The Car Park Assault on Mother and I

As a girl you get to see things you shouldn't, take for instance, the time we were out for a drive, myself and my parents.We drove into this town and it appeared we had taken a wrong turn and should never have arrived at where we were.Dad stopped the car in a supermarket car park, got out and went into the supermarket, to ask directions and buy cigarettes.Mum had wound down her window in the passenger side of the car and I was sitting in the rear, I was ten years old.She took a map out and was...

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Poor Little Cassie Chap 2 The Plumbers Return

One of them knelt down and looked me in the eyes. He was wearing a sort of headdress and had white paint across his face in stripes. He turned his head slowly to the side and stared at me. He reached out his hand and touched my cheek. I shivered under his touch and whimpered. He ran his finger across my soft face and then across my full lips. He touched my neck and then my shirt. I was staying perfectly still which I realized was probably the same as telling him I was ok with what he...

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Playing Doctor With A Student

The very idea of a doctor listening to the heart of a patient has always been a turn-on for me. As a child, I felt very nervous whenever a doctor would lean forward to listen to my heart. Nervous, and also sexually stimulated, if the doctor happened to be a woman. The cold touch of the chest-piece against my accelerating heart seemed dizzying. I wished I could borrow the instrument and use it upon the girls (and women) I found attractive. Once a girl named Mithu, we both were then in the eighth...

2 years ago
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School Of Sluts

School Of Sluts        I was ramming one of my many dildos in and out of my sloppy pussy when I heard the front door open. Mother must be home from work, I wonder if she brought home another guy from the strip club. I could sure use some real cock before going to school.        "Okay sleepyhead time to get up for school." Said mom, opening the door to my bedroom seeing me pound my pussy into orgasm overload. Candy, my mother is a beautiful 5 foot 4 slut, built for sex. Her natural 34D boobs...

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Cindys panties chapter three

I had a golf game scheduled for that Saturday morning and, in a way, it was a relief to not be hanging around with my niece all day. The little minx was obviously enjoying the sexual games we were playing and I had to remember that she was my brother's k** for heaven's sake and I shouldn't be fucking her. No, I shouldn't be but it seemed like that was where we were heading. Cindy seemed to recognize the power her panties held over me from the way I caved in whenever I came into contact with...

3 years ago
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Changes Abound Mayas Journey Part 2

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey Part 2 A Cross-Dressing story by Maria Ski Why was Susan Hawke smiling? Was the meeting with Julia an accident? Is Maya a pawn in a larger game? Well, let us continue with the tale of Maya's journey and maybe, just maybe we'll get some answers to those questions. So let's find out from someone we met in part 1. I watched as Maya walked towards me. She looked amazing, skin tight jeans, a T-shirt with the phrase 'I'm not perfect. But parts of me...

4 years ago
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Sex Trafficking Part 10 The End of the Sex Trafficking Operation0

After being assigned to look into Tracee’s disappearance, Rowdy talked to the December 2015 Christmas show organizers. No one had any record of Tracee Nelson attending. After checking in the day of the Christmas trade show the Blue Point had checked Tracee out the next day when her bill went unpaid. Rowdy saw the incoming call identified as the Redville police chief. “This is Rowdy. How can I help you?” The Redville police chief told him about the messages he had just gotten about...

4 years ago
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The Tease Learns A Lesson The Hard Way

Melissa was a beauty, the 25 year old was hot and she knew it. She had golden brown hair, slightly curly, her body was absolutely gorgeous. She had rather large tits, almost, but not quite, too large for her frame. And her legs... oh my god! Models would be so lucky as to have Melissa's legs. Unfortunately, as often happens with beauty outside, you get ugliness inside. She was a merciless tease and a flirt and loved to use her feminine wiles to get guys to do whatever she wanted, then she...

1 year ago
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Dinner and a sleepover

After a while I began to sob quietly and Auntie pulled me closer, and said, it was going to be fine and not to worry, I muttered, I wasn’t upset because I had been caught, but it was tears of relief that I had told somebody and I wouldn’t have to hide the fear anymore.We sat up and she quickly wiped away the tears and said, from today you will be free to explore your feelings when you are with me, now wait here and she trotted off to the bathroom.I started to take off my French knickers, corset...

3 years ago
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My Real Sex Life 8211 Part V

I think you all remember me now and I don’t have to introduce myself by wasting a page again So lets start My name is Deva (not real name). Let me briefly tell you about myself I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories. People who may know me might study these stories so I want to keep my identity...

2 years ago
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Psycho Therapy by loyalsock

"Just lie down on the couch and relax, Marcia," Dr. Fagen said easily, "this is just our first session to gether so we'll use it basicly to get to know one and other and create a trust between us, how does that sound to you!?!" "Uh, pretty good, doctor," she replied while getting comfortable on the cool leather sofa that dominated the expanisive office of Dr. Harold Fagen, the resident psychother****t at County General Hospital who specializes in sexual dysfunction!!! "Dr. Katzman sent over...

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Bengali Aunty

How was your first sex.I had mine in the winter of 2017 when I moved to Delhi city after my school in search of job.And rented a small room in a cheap suburb of Delhi.Mainly the people who live here are from the lower class families.Hardworkers and low earner.Street hawker,rickshaw puller , driver , domestic help and other.After few days of struggle, I got a job as a sales man with a small companyseeking mosquito repellent, in which I used travel a lot in entirecity.I worked like a dog for...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kimmy Kimm Exploring My StepUncle8217s Down Under Region

My sneaky teen step-neice Kimmy is sleuthing around my room unbeknownst to me when she slips undfer the bed covers and waits for me to come lie down again. As I’m starting to count sheep, my step-niece reaches around and starts to jerk my cock off! I immediately try to de-escalate the situation, but once she starts showing me those perky teen tits its over. Next, she’s got my fat cock in her mouth hungrily sucking it up. She rides me hard and then I turn her over and she lets me eat...

3 years ago
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A Body Wants What a Body Wants

Lori is standing behind the counter at the local diner when he walks in.  Every part of her body lights up, like a bolt of lightning has struck her.  Her mind flashes to the last three days starting with Friday evening…the nonstop fucking that they had engaged in, and the reason she is so tired this morning.  She is sore in both her asshole and her pussy which is now pulsing and beginning to drip.  Her body recognizes him, yearns for him, “Fuck,” she moans quietly.Danny could not wait to see...

Quickie Sex
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A Tough Choice

Weeks after Jaden return to Duel Academy he and Alexis started dating and week later Jaden decided Alexis deserved to know his secret. "Lex I have a secret to tell you." "Ok Jay." "My surname isn't Yuki." "A fake surname is the secret?" "Well one part of it." "Part 2 is your real surname." "Yeah but Lex until I decided to tell the others it stays between us." "No problem." "Ok my real surname is" but before Jaden could say Syrus and Hassleberry interrupted them. "Hey Jay what's up?" "Guys me...

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Trails WestChapter 2 Trail To Ellsworth

Marshal Webb Hickson didn’t set a date for Jeremiah to be in Ellsworth, but the young deputy felt it was his responsibility to report there within ten days, since it showed to be just over three hundred miles by his map. That was well within what Webb Hickson had schooled him, back when he first got his black horse from the Sioux. “Jeremiah, that hammer-headed black horse of yours will always be a damned outlaw and you better watch him close. He’s different from any horse I’ve ever seen....

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Mom Got HotChapter 2

Jodie hadn't actually thought much about her son that evening, but there was nothing strange about that. Dane hadn't been part of her life for many years. Jodie had been married very young, and she'd gradually realized that it was a mistake. Her husband Larry was a nice enough guy, but they had little in common, and they seemed to want totally different things out of life. When their son Dane was still in grade school, Jodie had made the decision to end her marriage. She'd been only a...

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How I Became My Watchman8217s Slave

Hi all, I accidentally chanced upon this website, and whoa, what a treasure this is!! And so, here I am, contributing a true life story! I am Arpitha, 21 years old. I reside in Chennai. I have a very fair complexion, height 5’5″, busty and curvy. Vital stats – 36, 30, 36. Am very very very horny and lost my virginity very young. Let me narrate one incident that happened to me. Both my parents are working and I was in college. It was study holidays for me and I was at home, alone, pretty bored....

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cuckold lifestyle 8

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and I had just finished working on a friends Chevy van. It is one of those raised roof vans with a TV and all that stuff. I was just about to go inside and get cleaned up when guess who drove up. TIM, yeah my wife's steady fuck buddy. He and I talked for a few minutes before my wife came outside to see who I was talking to. She was wearing her bikini and had been out by our pool sunning. I told her I was finished with Bob's van and was about to clean up...

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First orgasmand sister was there

This occurred when I was just 16 or 17 years old. Looking back, I was a little behind the learning curve, sexually speaking as a teen, but I was coming of age. I really had no experience at all, but I was very curious. It seemed like my friends were all talking about sexual things, and I was pretty much lost. The only source of anything sexual was a girlie magazine (Club) I had. I loved looking at the pictures and reading the stories. I had nothing else. From time to time, I would go through my...

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It started as a favour

OK, so as a really good brother, I agree to take my younger brother and sister to an event. Not only that, I agree to do it disguised as a girl, because apparently, it's for female companions only. Which turned out to not be true. My older sister wanted to be the one, who takes the kids to the event, so she lied to them and said it's for girls only. So I dressed up like this for nothing. But whatever. Now I'm sitting in a chair, getting my hair dried by the hairdresser, who just cut and...

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Vampire Nights

Darla looked out at the stars as he stood behind her. Shewas in his arms and he kissed her neck softly. The unmistakable feeling of his lust pressing against the firm cheeks of her ass, she melted into his strong embrace scarcely believing she had just met this dark stranger a few hours ago at twilight. He’d been sitting there at the bar whilst she’d been out with her friends. Styled hair of a deep, rich brown sat above the darkest eyes, high cheekbones and cool, pale, almost glowing skin. He...

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Billy the kid ch 5

Fresh from my hot shower. I walk into my bedroom, where I hear Tammie on her phone talking to her son Tommie. "Okay, you can go over to Alex's house, to finish your science project. But that's it! You go straight home when you're finished. Because you're still grounded." I look through my closet, trying to figure out what to wear for my trip to the park. I hear Billy and his friends returning from Chad's house. Billy walks into my bedroom. Where Tammie and I are still naked. He...

4 years ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 07

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter seven ‘You want to come over to my place for dinner tonight?’ Tosha asked Ben when they ran into each other in the hall between classes one day a few weeks after the night she’d invited him over for dinner. She grinned. ‘Maybe we’ll even get to eat this time.’ ‘I’m sorry, Tosha, I can’t tonight,’ Ben replied. ‘Even though I’d really like to.’ He really was disappointed. He hadn’t gotten a chance to get back together with the lovely black...

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XCOM 2 War of the Breeder

Aliens had invaded earth, and the old XCOM forces managed to push them back to the point they declared peace, they offered the governments technology and aid in return for cooperation and becoming part of the collectives forces. Little did Humanity know that the aliens needed humans, or more precisely human females to breed with. Their gene therapy clinics were there not to just help humanity, but to also augment them to be more fertile and be more compliant to their new overlords. XCOM saw the...

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Mera Luck

Hello friends and fans. Main lady fucker kafi wakt ke bad aapke kiye ek sexy story lekar aaya hun. Ye story mere aur mere padosh me rahne wali aunty aur unki bahu yane ki meri bhabhi ke sath suru hue mere sex affair ki hai. Humari aur unki family me kafi banti hai is liye humara ek dusre ke ghar kafi aana jana laga rahta hai. Ek din jab main unke ghar gaya to muze pata chala ki aunty, unka beta pravin aur sangitabhabhi aur unka 2 sal ka beta tour pe ja rahe hai. Uncle jaruri kam ki bajah se...

3 years ago
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Old Is Gold Chudai Ka Ali Maza 8211 Part 2

Hello dosto me mansi apni ek neyi anubhuti leke app ke samne hajir hun. Asha karti hun ki app logoko meri ye dastan pasand aye.Meri pichli kahaniya to app logone padhe hoge. Jo nehi padhe hay plz plz ek bar padhlijiye to ye kahani app logo ko jawani ka bharpur maza degi.Or han muth marna na bhuliyega plz.Agar muth marke koi uski pic bhejiyega to me apni chut ki or chuchi ki pic jarur bhejungi promise meri mail id hay . Ab me story pe ati hun jaha se chodi thi (old is gold chudai ki asli...

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 3

Brother and sister sat in the coffee shop. Daphne said, “Yeah, it’s nice catching up. But it’s not like you to call me up like that. We’ve hardly been close lately. What’s the deal?” Kyle was nervous. “Well, this is really, really freaky stuff. It’s about your sex life. Well, mine too. I’m pretty sure you’ve only had real intercourse twice. And it was incredibly freaky because the second time you heard dad’s voice.” Daphne stared. “Well, it happened to me too. Dad really is there and can...

2 years ago
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I never quite figured out why Hugh made a point of befriending me. I mean we seemed so different in almost every way possible; working at ChemCo was about the only thing we shared. He was tall, probably 6'3" at least, compared to my shorter 5'7" height. He was proportionally big too, with wide shoulders, beefy chest, big hands and feet, and a large cock he seemed to show off whenever he could. I preferred to describe my body as trim but he called me delicate more than once. About...

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Reversing Practice

REVERSING PRACTICE I am a professional driving instructor and in the course of my work, meet many young and attractive women. The Driving Standards Agency, which governs my profession, lay down very strict rules regarding inappropriate behaviour and I have to be careful not to do or say anything that could be misconstrued and cost me my licence to give instruction. In September last year I met a new pupil; a divorcee in her early thirties. A mature woman, not a teenage girl like most of my...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Room Service

Hi All! Long time no see! I’ve finally ‘got my arse in gear’ and feel inspired to write. The only problem was, because it has been a while what should I blog about? After some careful consideration I thought it only polite to keep you all up to date with ‘recent events’ so to speak lol. I suppose the best place to start (as with all stories)is from the beginning. I had been chatting to a chap, lets call him Colin (rhyming slang ‘Colin Firth’ - girth ;-P) for a short while, when the...

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3 Some with cuz and GF

So it starts off like this...My cousin (whom from previous stories ive had sexual relations) needs a place to stay for the night and ive asked my gf if she can stay. Now my gf is wary as she is well aware of went on before due to my cousin phoning me one night demanding sex and talking filthy to me. After persuading my gf to allow her to stay the night we agree we would meet her half way at a sporting event i was participating in. I look over and i see my cousin and my gf standing side by side...

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Third Time Part Fourteen

Author's note: This chapter is the first of final three chapters of this long and sordid tale. Your patience, and your comments - good and bad - have been most appreciated. G.A. Elizabetta reveled in her conquest. She looked down at her sleeping victim and gently stroked her hair. "You had no idea, my sweet girl. They never do. Your beautiful wife, my lover, has paid me dearly to kill you, to erase you from her life. And that is exactly what I'm going to do. But you will not...

1 year ago
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Book 2 Bitsys StoryChapter 10 London Town

The next day a very green around the gills, Bitsy, sat watching Rav sleep. She looked at Katrina, "Didn't your father have a house in London? Kat" Smiling, Kat nodded, she hadn't thought of that house in a very long time, she remembered the times they had taken trips to town and her father taking her to a puppet show and buying her a sweetmeat because she had been so good. "Would you mind very much if I used the house, for awhile? I'm going to go to London shortly." Kat who had been...

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Putting On A Show

One of the oddest and weirdly hottest experiences I can recall was back in my early 20's when I was living with my then gf Gemma in a bedsit,one room that was maybe twice the size of your ordinary bedroom.Back then none of us worked but lived on the dole,scammed,bent the rules and indulged in large amounts of party chemicals.In fact,from wednesday or thursday to saturday night there were always people coming by,taking this and that,loud music,party time and my best mate Tom was there nearly all...

4 years ago
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First Time With Cousin 8211 Part 1

Hello friends… I am Maddy(name changed) from Pakistan… I am 19 years old… I belong to a middle class family… Me looking wise inna kuxh zada handsome nii hun… Physically v smart sa hun… Anyway story ki taraf aaty hen… Though i am reading stories on iss since 2011… But for the first time i am posting my true experience of sex which occures with my cousin… I post the story in urdu so that it would be easy to understand… Jessa k mene btaya he k me Pakistan se belong krta hun aur aik middle class...

4 years ago
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My First Time With An Old man

Since I was young, I've always had a liking to older people, both men and women. And alot of my friends parents fit into this category. There was this one married couple who were my neighbors that lived on the same street. There son and I grew up together and over the years, I found myself very attracted to the mother and father. At the time they were much older, in their mid 50's. They were of German decent and had these hot german-american accents. The mother was very sexy, nice figure and...

2 years ago
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Fun Time With Menaka

Hello everyone, this is Varun, age 24 athletic body 5’11”. This is my first story in ISS.  I work in an MNC in Bangalore. I met Menaka (age 26, 5’6″, Fig: 32, 28, 32) in this company. Menaka was a senior in my company and she was supposed to my initial trainer. This story took place 2 years Everything was normal during the first week of my training. She had a variety of dressing sense. The first day we wore jeans and tee and the next day she wore salwar and the third day she wore one-piece...

1 year ago
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VolleyballChapter 4

The following week Coach Addams changed the practices from twice a week for two hours a day to three times a week for three hours a day. Practice time was usually from one to four on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Coach was getting us in condition so we were ready for the games. Gaby was a good girl on Tuesday but tried the shower thing once more on Wednesday. Lindsay wasn't going to deal with that again, so she had Emily drive us back and left Gaby to walk home. Gaby complained the...

3 years ago
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The New GirlsChapter One

(Notes, as there are two people in the story, the symbol ***** means a viewpoint change. That should make this story a bit easier to follow.) I sat sadly in a cell below the courtroom, with my best friend Adam beside me. Why was I stupid enough to key that car, and then threaten its owner with a knife that my friend passed to me? It was just meant as a laugh, not as anything serious, and I didn't know Adam had a knife with him, now both of us are looking at prison time. A bailiff...

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Sinful Education

Welcome to Unsrct, a school of students who are all at least 18 of, but this isn't any school. This is the highest rated scant in the country. You start your first day tomorrow, so tonight you prepare. You start by laying out your school uniform, males wear blue blazers, an matching pants. Wear as the females has a simaler, but with skirts of white. Next you adjust your alarm, so you won't over sleep, for tomorrow is your only chance to make a good impression on the Den, and teachers. You look...

1 year ago
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Slave SisterChapter 2 Daves Friends

Saturday morning Fran got out of bed just after her brother finished his morning fuck and headed back to his own room. She sat on the edge of the bed, trying to make sense out of what was happening to her. She seemed to have lost all her will power. All day yesterday she did whatever her brother had asked. After sucking his cock in the parking lot of the shopping center they had come back home and he tied her naked to the hood of his car and fucked her while the video camera recorded the...

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