College Coed 4 free porn video

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Thanks to everyone who commented. I really do appreciate your thoughts. The next installment will be delayed while I am on vacation. -------------------------------- Previously......... By now she was crying. She had had it as bad as I did, maybe worse. I would have given her a hug, but our manacled wrists made that kind of impossible. "We better go to sleep" said Laura. We had given up trying not to have physical contact and aside from our wrists, only our legs touched each other. That would change sooner than either of us thought or wanted. -------------------------------- I woke up erect, harder than I had ever been. The dim light of early morning was streaming through the window. Something was rubbing against my cock. I opened my eyes and was looking at a very pretty girl. The memory of yesterday flooded my brain. I realized it was Laura rubbing against me and it felt awesome. I realized that she was rubbing me with her cock. She opened her eyes and smiled when as realized I was awake. She raised her arms above her head, lifting mine in the process. Then she rolled over on top of me, forcing me onto my back. I should have been offended but I offered no resistance. With her weight on me she continued to gyrate, causing friction between my cock and hers. She lowered her face to mine and gently kissed my lips. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth. I sucked on it eagerly, getting more turned on by the second. For one brief moment I realized that I was having sex with another guy. I returned her stare as she lifted her face and looked at me. Her smile was that of an angel and any reservations I may have had were quickly forgotten. I could feel the pressure in my groin increasing. I was reaching a point of no return. Suddenly Laura released. She lifted her body off mine, maintaining only the contact between our cocks. Her load fell all over my face and chest, soaking my baby doll top. That triggered my own release and even more semen was sprayed on me. Laura collapsed on top of me. To my shock she started licking the semen from my face. Then she kissed me, dropping some of it into my mouth. Strangely, I didn't mind it and eagerly swallowed her gift. She repeated this a few times and then we kissed. It seemed to last a long time. We kissed again and again and my erection reappeared. I could feel her erection against my stomach. Just then, the door opened and the light went on. Laura quickly rolled off me pulling me over on my side. Ee saw Ms. Violet standing in the doorway with a big grin on her face. "Good morning, girls. Time to get up." We were a bit slow to react from the shock of her seeing us in such a compromising position. "Now!" We tried to jump to opposite sides of the bed and pulled each other back. I saw Ms. Violet suppress a giggle. She unlocked the cuffs and ordered us out of bed. We stood in front of her. Fortunately, Laura remembered to curtsy. Seeing her perform the humiliating action, I followed her lead. Ms. Violet chose to ignore the delay. We stood nervously in front of her, fingering the hems of our baby doll tops. "It looks like my sweet sissies had fun last night. " I felt my face turn red and out of the corner of my eye I could see Laura's doing the same. "Take each others hand and come with me girls!" "Um..excuse me Ms. Violet." "Spit it out girl!" I curtsied again. "Can we put on our panties. Pleeeease!" "No need. Come with me. NOW!" Holding hands we nervously followed Ms. Violet out of our room and down the hall. We turned into the locker room I had been in the previous evening and walked through into the bathroom. There was another woman dressed like Ms. Violet, who I assumed was another mistress. There were two other sissies there holding hands and standing in front of one of the bathtubs which was filled with steaming water and bubbles. There was a flowery scent in the room. The other sissies were dressed the same as Laura and me and from the looks of them, they had had the same kind of fun last night as we had. Ms. Violet told us to stand in front of the middle tub and wait. I felt Laura squeeze my hand and I smiled at her. A couple of minutes later two more sissies walked in holding hands, followed by another Mistress. The sissies were dressed like Laura and me, but they showed no signs of having played the way the rest of us had. Both were crying and when they faced away from us we could see that their butts had been reddened, obviously from a spanking. They took their place in front of the third bathtub and we waited there for a couple of more minutes. We would later learn that their spankings had occurred because they had not played together as their Mistress expected them to do. Ms. Abigail walked into the room. She stopped and looked around. Then she started to speak. "Attention girls! Welcome to Ms. Abigail's Sissy Academy. As you already know I am Ms. Abigail. These three ladies are my staff, Ms. Rita, Ms. Violet, and Ms. Lauren. The rules of the academy are simple; you will obey any orders given you by me or my staff, without question or there will be consequences. You are here to be trained to serve as sissies. Any questions? Ask now. This is your last chance." Though I had many questions, I was too afraid to ask and kept my mouth shut. The other sissies were also silent. "Alright sissies" Ms. Abigail continued. You will all introduce yourselves. State your new sissy name, tell who sponsored you and why you were brought here. Remember, I know the truth about all of you so any deviation or omission will result in punishment. We will start with you." She pointed to one of the sissies who was there when we arrived. "Don't forget your curtsies, girls!" The girl released her partner's hand, grabbed the sides of her baby doll and dropped an awkward curtsy. She was clearly very nervous. I was grateful I did not have to go first. "My is St....stephanie. My mm...mother sent me here. She caught me dressed like a g..girl having sex with a b..boy." "Go on. Tell the whole story, Stephanie!" said Ms. Abigail. "I have two sisters. We are triplets. When I was 10, the sponsors of the 4th of July parade in our town were looking for triplet girls to ride on a float. My mother told them she had triplet girls. Despite my refusal, she dressed me like a girl. The three of us wore identical dresses except for the colors. One of my sisters wore a red dress, the other wore a blue dress and I wore a white one. We wore ribbons in our hair that matched our dresses." She hesitated for a moment and Ms. Abigail nodded for her to continue. "We rode on the float and since it is a small town where everyone knows each other many people not only knew I was a boy, but knew who I was. My life at school after that was miserable. After that, my sisters decided they preferred having another sister rather than a brother and they often made me dress like a girl. I hated it, but they wouldn't play with me unless I cooperated. I became more and more under their influence. When they started to like boys they would make me go with them dressed like a girl. Guys are fascinated by being with twins or triplets and it wasn't hard for them to pick up guys. I'm not gay, but I had to do things to prevent them from finding out I was not a girl. When I was caught by my mom it was with a guy who found out my secret and his price for keeping quiet was sex whenever he wanted it. We had sex several times before mom caught me. She decided I was a sissy and tossed all my boy clothes. She brought me here last night. By now she was crying. She curtsied again, stepped back, and her partner took her hand and squeezed it. "Thank you Stephanie" said Ms. Abigail. She pointed to Stephanie's partner. "It's your turn." The girl looked briefly at Stephanie. Stephanie nodded at her and then the girl stepped forward. She dropped a curtsy and began. "My name is Molly. I was sent here by my older sister Vanessa who is lesbian." "Your sister's sexual orientation is not the issue and you will refrain from mentioning it again" said Ms. Abigail. "Yes, ma'am." Molly continued "It start for me when my oldest sister, Anna announced she was engaged. It was Christmas Eve, 4 years ago. I was 14, almost 15 at the time. We were all happy for her. She asked Vanessa to be her maid of honor and of course she accepted. Then she asked my sister Margaret to be a bridesmaid and she also said yes. Then she asked me to be a bridesmaid. Her fianc? had three brothers who would be in his wedding party and she thought it would be nice if all her siblings were in hers. It was inconvenient that I wasn't a girl, but she thought it would be ok anyway. Before I could answer, my mother said it was a great idea and of course I would do it. My father said nothing. I tried to protest, but, with my mother ruling the household I had no choice." "Except for school, I spent the next 6 months dressed as a girl. There were dress fittings, dance lessons, a bridal shower and other parties I had to go to. It was the most embarrassing time for me. The girls at these events knew I was her brother. There was a little teasing, but it wasn't too bad. I just hated having to pretend I was a girl. At the wedding I had to dance with the groomsmen. One of them took a liking to me and we danced most of the dances together. Being kind of na?ve when it came to boy-girl things, I went with him when he suggested we walk outside for some fresh air. I figured anything was better than dancing with him. I was wrong. As soon as we were out of sight of the dining room he grabbed me and started to kiss me. He squeezed my ass and lifted my dress. I tried to push him away but he was far too strong. My sister Margaret followed us out and saw us before he could discover my secret." At that point Molly was crying. "It turned out that one of the wedding guests was a girl who went to my church and knew our family was 3 girls and a boy. She correctly guessed I was the brother. She took some pictures on her cell phone blackmailed me after that. She liked dress me as a girl and make me go out with her. I even had even double date with her. My sister Vanessa saw us on one of those occasions and followed us to her house. When Vanessa walked in I was sitting on my date's lap and we were necking. His hand was under my dress and he was caressing my thigh. She knew the guy I was with since he was in her class. She went up to him and told him she didn't know he liked guys. He had no idea what she was talking about until she told him I was her little brother. She made me pick my dress up and drop my panties. He probably would have killed me if she wasn't there. She told him she would keep it quiet if he didn't hurt me. My sister thought I was doing what I was because I wanted to. She wouldn't let me explain that I was being blackmailed." By now she was having trouble speaking she was crying so hard. "I think that is enough, Molly. Thank you. Molly curtsied and stepped back. Stephanie pulled her into a hug and let Molly finish her crying on her shoulder. "Alright girl, it is your turn" said Ms. Abigail as she pointed to me. Laura squeezed my hand as I stepped forward and curtsied. I told my story about Mary and my roommates. Then it was Laura's turn and she told her tale. We both sobbed as we retold the stories of our feminization and comforted each other at the end. She turned toward the last two sissies and singled out the younger one. She was more nervous than any of us sissies who had gone before. Her baby doll, unlike the rest of us was spotless. They obviously hadn't played the night before. She stepped forward and curtsied. "I am C..Cecilia. I was brought here by my father. started when my best friend, Doug, who lived next door to us, asked me to hide a web camera in my sister's bedroom so he could see her and her friends undress at a sleep over she was having. He had a major crush on one of my sisters' friends. I knew it was wrong, but I figured I would take it away after the sleepover. My sister caught me hiding it and made me tell her everything. She was going to tell my dad. I was afraid he would kill me so I begged her not to say anything. I told her I would do anything if she wouldn't tell him. My dad was disappointed in me anyway and already thought I was a some kind of a s..sissy cause I didn't do well in sports and I'm kinda scrawny for a guy." "She said she would think about it. The next day she told me I would be the entertainment at her sleepover. When I asked her what she meant she told me I would find out soon enough. It was to be the most humiliating night of my life." "My parents were out for the evening so I was at her mercy. Before her friends came over she made me use some cream on my body that removed all my hair, even my pubic hair. Then she had me put on robe that was pretty much transparent to wait for her friends." By now she had started to cry. "When they got there they teased me about being small, you know, down there. They told me I was too small to be a guy and that maybe what I had was really an enlarged clit. They dressed me up as a girl in panties, bra, pantyhose, a short tight top that left my navel exposed and black leather micro miniskirt. They made me wear high heels and makeup and put ribbons in my hair. I had to do their bidding the whole night, serving them drinks and snacks, etc. and they teased me the whole time. What I didn't know was that my sis had connected the video cam and was recording the whole night as well as broadcasting it to Doug." She was sobbing pretty heavily and could barely talk by now. "She called Doug and told him to come over. When he did I had to give him a blowjob. That's when my parents came home. We were all in trouble and were punished. My punishment was to come here." "Well thank you, Cecilia" said Ms. Abigail. She stepped back but her partner did nothing to comfort her. If anything, he had a look of disgust when he looked at her. I wanted to go and comfort her, but Laura, sensing what I was thinking, tightened her grip and gently shook her head to tell me to stay put. She turned to the last of us and asked for his story. While we were all 18-20 years old, she was quite a bit older; probably about 30 or perhaps 35. He looked very defiant and I had a sense that this would not go well. "My name is LOUIS. I am a man and you have no right to hold us here like this and I for one am leaving. Give me my clothes?" No one moved. Ms. Abigail had a slight smile on her face and a look in her eyes that said she was expecting something like this. She nodded slightly towards Ms. Lauren, who had brought Cecilia and Louis into the room. As Ms. Lauren approached him he stood up a little straighter and prepared himself to face her. She slapped him hard in the face, so quickly he had no chance to defend himself. The with her other hand she slapped the other side of his face, knocking him backward. He had red marks on both sides of his face and the defiant look had turned to one of fear. He took a step backward as she continued walking towards him. She grabbed his wrist and twisted hard behind his back, forcing him to bend in half. With her other hand she began to spank his ass. After only a few slaps tears formed in his eyes and soon after that he was begging her to stop, promising to do anything they asked. They were not finished with him. Ms. Rita and Ms. Violet both approached him wearing strapon cocks. I hadn't noticed them putting them on but they were very realistic with balls attached. Ms. Violet grabbed him from behind around the waist and lifted him into the air, then impaled him on her cock. He let out a scream as she penetrated his ass. She bent his head forward and Ms. Rita jammed her cock into his mouth. As Ms. Violet bounced him on her cock his agony was apparent in his eyes. At the same time his mouth was full and he could not scream. They kept up their abuse of him for several minutes. At some point he stopped resisting. Tears were flowing down his face by the time the two mistresses stopped and lowered him gently to the floor. We all knew he had been broken. While this was going on Cecilia had moved close to us and Laura grabbed her hand. On the other side Stephanie and Molly had also moved towards us and I grabbed Molly's hand so that the five of us were huddled together. Another phenomenon was that I realized I was erect. A quick glance confirmed that all of us were standing attention as a result of watching the abuse. Ms. Abigail gave Louis a few moments to clam down and ordered him to stand and tell his story. He resumed his place and dropped a perfect curtsy. "My name is L..louise and I was brought here by my Mother-in-Law. She found out about an affair I was having, had me followed by a private detective. He took pictures of me with my girlfriend. My mother-in-law told me she would keep it quiet from my wife if I did her some favors. I really do love my wife so I agreed. At first the favors were just some chores around her house. It wasn't a big deal and I thought I was getting off easy. Then she started having me do housework and eventually she had me dress up as a maid when I did it. She had me wearing a tight corset which made movement difficult, but the dress wouldn't fit without it. Then she started using a strapon on me. I wanted to quit, even if it meant losing my wife, but she said she would show the pictures to my boss and co-workers, so I had to endure it." "Then yesterday while I was cleaning her house my wife walked in. I learned she knew all along. They both laughed at how gullible I was and the sissy I had become. They brought me here last night." "Thank you Louise. I trust we won't have any more trouble from you?" "No ma'am. I'll be good." "It has come to my attention that no all of you girls, save one, has had some form of sexual activity." She paused, and all eyes turned to Cecilia. She had a look of fear in her eye. "Cecilia, come here girl." I took my arm of her shoulder and with a brief glance at us, she walked forward to Ms. Abigail. "Stand here, Cecilia." Then she turned towards Louise and ordered her to come forward also. Louise did not hesitate for a moment and hurried to Ms. Abigail as best she could. Ms. Abigail turned her to face Cecilia. "On your knees Louise!" Realizing what was happening she turned her head to Ms. Abigail. "No, please Miss." Ms. Abigail did not hesitate and slapped her hard on the face, sending her sprawling backwards and onto the floor. "Don't make me tell you again." This time, Louise scrambled to her knees and quickly positioned herself in front of Cecilia. "I think you know what to do girl." With tears running down her face, Louise licked Cecilia very tentatively. She looked up at Ms. Abigail who nodded. Louise took Cecilia's cock in her hand and began licking it. With a sigh of resignation, she took the head into her mouth. She began to suck on it. Cecilia seemed to get very hard and from the look on her face was clearly enjoying it. As she was about to cum, Ms. Abigail said "e sure and swallow every drop, Louise!" Louise swallowed furiously when Cecilia came. When she was done and withdrew from Louise's mouth, Louise licked her lips, making sure that no drop spilled. "Alright girls, I will now return you to your trainers and will be seeing you later in the day." Ms. Violet ordered us to remove our baby dolls and get into the bathtub. The other sissies also stepped into their respective tubs, two sissies to a tub. We were ordered to wash each other and specifically told that we were not to orgasm. Of the six of us I was the only one who could not hold back. Ms Violet told me I would be punished for that. We were told to dry each other, and leaving our towels in the bathroom walked naked into the locker room. There we saw lingerie laid out for us which we were ordered to put on. It consisted of plain cotton panties with matching bra, a waist cinch which we would have to help each other into, and a full cotton slip which came to just above the knees. The only frill was lace around the hem. Before I dressed Ms. Violet pulled me over and had me stand still with my hands at my side. Ms. Lauren brought Louise over and had her also stand there with her hands at her side. I guessed I was to be punished for having an orgasm in the bath. I was very nervous and hoped they wouldn't hurt me. Ms. Violet took a piece of metal and wrapped it around my cock, leaving only the head exposed. She then brought the ends together, tightened it, and locked it on. It was obvious I would not be able to remove it without the key. It was also obvious to me that an erection would not be possible and any attempt at achieving one would be quite painful. With my cock flaccid, however, it merely felt strange, but not uncomfortable. I noticed Ms. Lauren did the same thing to Louise. Then we were ordered to put on our lingerie. We were then given pantyhose and black shoes with a two inch heel and a cross strap. The dress was gray polyester with a collar and zipped up the back. It was knee length and resembled a hotel maid's dress.

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It was the start of an insane week. I was taking a vacation to Cancun, for Spring Break, with my best friend from college. In Cancun, I was planning on going wild and crazy. Melissa and I never once took a Spring Break trip. We would now, a few years after graduating, and I would see to it that it would be a vacation we would never forget. We’d party, dance, drink, and find people to have sex with – all things her and I never got to do in college. We would now, and it would be...

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College Teacher Chapter One

College Teacher. Chapter one. Quentin College was a place that I had taken a fancy to when I was studying for my doctorate at University and was very pleased when I received a letter asking me to attend an interview. I was one of twenty there that day and I progressed into the next interview of ten and finally for a third visit of just three of us for a position in such a prestigious college. I was the last to be interviewed and I went into the Dean’s office to find two other people sitting...

First Time
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College Sluts

Reddit College Sluts, aka r/CollegeSluts! Is there a more perfect time to get pussy than in college? There’s something about bitches in college that makes them infinitely hornier. Maybe it’s because they’re not tied down at home anymore, or perhaps it’s because they have instant access to cock – all they have to do is walk across campus and go to a dorm room. Hell, nowadays all they have to do is hail an Uber, and they can get dick anywhere in the city where mommy and daddy are nowhere to be...

Reddit NSFW List
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College Tuition

Chapter One Stephanie wanted to go to college ever since she finished high school. Butwith the economy the way it was, everything was so high priced, including tuition.She had worked for a few years with the hopes that she would be able to saveenough money to afford college. She continued sending in applications to allthe colleges she found, explaining her financial needs, but all of them hadturned her down so far. One college, a private university about 150 miles fromhome, placed her on a...

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College Humiliation

Hello guys, this is my story about college humiliation is fictional. It is based on a virtual world, which is male dominant and is on BDSM. There was a small country which was highly self-dependent and followed their own rules. Males dominated the country, and they held all senior positions. The country had only one college specializing in medical, engineering, commerce, arts, etc. Being the only college, there was a good strength of students. However, the students had to live in a hostel and...

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College Boy In Prison

COLLEGE BOY IN PRISON by Throne Everything had been going great for Sammy. He was starting college, with courses in art and poetry, and still hadn't decided what his major would be. His jet-setting parents lived on the opposite coast and honestly didn't have much to do with him except to pay his bills. So he had stayed briefly with his Uncle John, a tall dignified man, until the first semester began at the nearby college. While he was on campus he met a guy his own age, Ray, who...

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College Teacher Chapter Six

College Teacher. Chapter Six. I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning. ‘You’re not ashamed of we did last night are you?’ but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. ‘For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you’re always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don’t think...

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College Teacher Chapter Six

College Teacher. Chapter Six. I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning. ‘You’re not ashamed of we did last night are you?’ but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. ‘For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you’re always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don’t think...

First Time
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College Week 2

When I got up in the morning, I tried to think of a way to get out of going to college. Then I remembered that freshman girl.I showered, then nervously picked out some clothes that I could remove without much fuss. I wore blue sweat pants that unzipped at the bottom, and a pink short sleeved sweat shirt. I walked to college, avoiding the other students. Even going to college, I felt awfully conspicuous. I went to the main entrance. There was an old mailbox there, with a sign above it, "For use...

3 years ago
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College Mate Ko Pataya Aur Fir Choda

Hi friends I am Rohit. Main Bangalore se hu. Main is site par new hoon. Ye meri pahali story hai. Mene is site par bahut story padi hai aur mujhe laga ke kyu na main bhi apni ek story aap logo se share karu jo mere college batchmate ki hai. Aap apna feedback mjhe is mail id par de sakte hain. Meri mail id hai “” agar koi ladki mujhse chudwana chahe to vo mujhe mail kar sakti hai aur ye sab secret rahega. To ab hum story par ate hain. Mera name rohit hai aur man bangalore se hu. Mere lund ka...

1 year ago
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College Widow

The college widow was born in 1850. During the war she lost her heart to an older boy who went off to the Union Army. He was killed in the fighting. After the war, she was educated at one of the first new colleges for young women. A visiting male professor courted and married her. They were wed the day after her graduation and went off to honeymoon in Europe. He was 48, she was 22. He was virile and experienced and on their honeymoon he taught her the art of love. She had her first orgasm on...

4 years ago
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College Expectations

College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...

2 years ago
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College Friend After Her Marriage

Dear indian sex stories dot net friends, Yeh story ek real story hai jo meri aur friend k beech ki hai. Yeh story meri friend pp ki hai jisko maine uski shadi k baad base maje se thoka alag alag places par le jakar. My name is x and is story ki heroine ka name pp hai. Meri age 30 years hai and pp ki abhi age30 years nai. Ab story start karte hai. Main aur pp ek hi college me graduation karte the . College k time pe meri bahotsarigf hi to maie pp k ya college ki ladkiya pe jyada dhyan kabhi nai...

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College with a Cane Pt 0103

Note: This is a work of historical fiction. Though my wife and I met after I had completed my master’s degree, I loved my experiences in my undergraduate college. In this on going story, I will be exploring the way our relationship would have developed if we had met during our collegiate experiences College With a Cane, Freshmen Year, Part 1 ‘Erik!’ ‘Nnuuuuhhh—?’ ‘Erik! Wake up!’ ‘Hhhhhbbbbnnnrrr—‘ ‘Erik! Wake up you douchebag! Your alarm has been going off for 15 minutes!’ I slowly...

3 years ago
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College Girl Devoured 8211 1

Hello, sex story readers. It was my first day at college. Fresh out of the school. I still looked as if I should be in school. I looked like I was 15. Short height very slender body, breasts just starting to grow and short hair – almost a boy cut. Don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t ugly. I have great looks, I have perfect girl abs that let me pull off crop tops almost perfectly and I have a pair of properly toned legs. I also have a very good fashion sense that makes me quite popular among the guys...

2 years ago
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College Teacher Chapter Two

College Teacher. Chapter Two. I woke up with a start as I felt my cock being taken hold of and I hadn’t even got my eyes open when I felt the head of it being enclosed in a great warmth. I looked down my body to see Kit kneeling above my thighs, his head slowly moving up and down and felt his tongue running over the head of my erection that was firmly between his lips. ‘What a lovely way to be woken up,’ I groaned and saw him twist his head a little so that I could see his smiling eyes as he...

First Time
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College Colleague Ke Saath Sex Ussi Ke Ghar Par

Let me describe myself, I am Hiral (name changed) me freelancer hu, mumbai or pune aana jana laga rehta hai mene select ladki ke sath enjoy kiya hai par yeh meri pehli indian sex stories hai, jab bhi time milta hai me desi indian pe sex story read karta hu par zyaada time nahi milta. Mai dikhne me handsome hu but meri body average hai nahi slim nahi mota, mera penis ka size uttna hai jo ek ladki ko satisfy kar sake. Mujhe virgin ladkiya pasand hai jo phele baar maza karna chahti hai.. Mein...

1 year ago
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College Girl Part 5

College Girl Pt 5 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl parts 1-4 before reading this installment.) All week I was Hector's sex toy and he was mine. We went to another of those house parties. I'm not sure if it was my looks or the way that I clung to him that made the other guests recognize me. I was getting all sorts of lecherous looks from the men and critical looks from the women. Hector was viewed at as a valuable catch by the upscale meat market...

1 year ago
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College Rules

CollegeRules, or at least it has the potential to. Institutions of higher learning tend to be jam-packed full of sexually ripe babes first experiencing the freedom of not living with their parents. If you can’t see the inherent possibilities, you may need to see a doctor about your inhumanly low libido. I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve either experienced those possibilities for yourself, or you’re just looking to live vicariously through the magic of hardcore pornography. Just because...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
1 year ago
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College week

When I got to feet from the door, but it was very loud. I didn't know him, I'd said "Hi" to him in the hallway, but I knew who he was, of course. I was surprised to find he knew who I was. "What's going on?" I asked him. "Hmm. Yes." He coughed, seeming a little nervous, but then smiled at me. "You've been selected, Miss Shenoy." "For what?" I was mystified. "We've had a change in policy for the college," he told me. "We're going to pick a few students each week. Here, this will explain...

2 years ago
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College Days Ch 01

"What a sight for sore eyes!" I beamed, then gave my oldest sister a hug that lifted her off the ground. She was actually a step-sister, not related by blood but by marriage. But since I didn't have any memories without her in my life, she and her sister were both, as far as I was concerned, my real sisters. Colette laughed, "Okay, you can let me down, now, Mark," I set her down gently, still gazing into her pretty face. "I missed you, too." Colette gave me a kiss on the cheek and...

3 years ago
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College lady proffesor

Jr. College se Degree college mein jaane ka excitement that apne aap ko ab senior aur matured samajhne lage the hum (Main aur mere friends). Mumbai mein mostly colleges co-ed hain to ladkiya bhi sath thi aur ek accha group ban gaya tha. First year to aise hi hansi mazak ghumne firne mein nikal gaya. Group mein couples bhi ban gai. Baat second year ki hai jaise hi college start hua hame pata laga ke hamari ek favorite professor ne college chhod diya hai aur uski jagah koi nayi professor aa rahi...

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College Prep

I was twenty-four years old. Not too long out of college and my life was not going very well. I just broke up with my girlfriend of three years. The girl that I thought was "the one." Hell, I was looking for an engagement ring for crying out loud. So needless to say, I was not the one who broke it off. But what sucked the most was the fact that we lived together in a one-bedroom apartment and neither one of us could afford to pay the penalty fee for breaking the lease, nor could we afford to...

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College Mom Full of Freshmen Cum

College Mom Full of Freshmen CumIt was Saturday at a large department store of the nearby mall where Marcie and her husband Paul had decided to go shopping for clothes with their son Jason who was a freshmen attending the local college. Paul also wanted to look at some tools while out and Marcie knew that always took some time since Paul loved tools and had many of them. But first they would buy Jason some clothes before Paul did that. Marcie being a good mom would help her son pick out some...

2 years ago
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College Girl Part 2

College Girl (part 2) By Holly Day (Please read part one of the story before reading this story) I was now part of the sex industry in a way I could never have imaged a year ago. The added income from the party and the promise of future parties has made life easier. My savings had increased faster than planned making a few luxuries affordable. I shopped at a couple trendy places and saw a couple outfits that I just had to have. However I still shopped at...

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College Girl Part 7

College Girl Pt 7 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl parts 1-6 before reading this installment.) The five of us walked around campus for a while. Mother was actively talking with Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Wilson was quiet for the most part, but occasionally added something to the conversation. I whispered to Kevin, "Have you told your parents about me? I mean about me having been born a boy." "No, I thought it better for them to get to know you...

3 years ago
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College Ki Girlfriend Priya

Hello ISS readers. I am Meet, I am from Chandigarh. Main iss apr apni pehli story likha raha hu. Agar aap logo ko pasand aaye to comment jarur karna. Girls, bhabhiya can email me on Main 25 saal ka hu. Height 5.9″ hai. Main Chandigarh ka rehne wala hu. Any girl, bhabhi and aunty can contact me on Main apni story par aata hu. Maine Haryana ke ek engineering college se ki degree ki hai. Ye aaj se 6 saal pehle ki baat hai jab maine college me admission liya tha. Meri dosti Priya(name...

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College Boy Grabbed My Wet Pussy In Library

This voyeurism trend has got on my sensual nerves lately. In fact, last week I had a college student ejaculate the cum of his life from his young cock on my big boobs – all because of voyeurism! Guys, this is Simraan and welcome to another hot sexual experience of mine! I had gone to the local mall with my female friend to watch a movie. After coming out of the screening theatre, we began window shopping. While we were roaming freely, my friend met one of her relatives who turned out to be...

4 years ago
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College Fuck Buddy Akanksha

Hello, dicks and pussies! Here’s my first story though I’m very old to ISS. I have a wonderful sex life with over 7 partners till date with no strings attached. I’m Akash (name changed) from Hyderabad living in Bangalore working in an MNC. I’m not in a perfect relationship right now. I’m a workaholic and can’t give enough time (texting/talking every hour/day) to it. Let’s meet, have fun/romance/ sex is my concept. But again it is not like treating like a whore. It should be romantic sex. Let me...

3 years ago
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College Sex At Its Best

A quick introduction about me. I’m a 20 year old straight, male. Although, I’m Indian, I moved abroad to attend college. This is a true story, but all names have been changed and exact locations will not be specified. I would appreciate any comments/feedback or questions about me at This story took place in my freshman year of college. Unlike India, the college life is completely different abroad. We get to pick a class schedule according to out convenience and do not have any attendance...

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College Life

DisclaimerThis story is a work of pure fantasy. If you are underage and/or repelled by erotic fiction about non-consensual sex then do not read any further.I would like to stress that in this story quite a few rather stupid clich?s are used. Therefore I want to urge those of you who cannot distinguish truth from fiction to please don?t read any further.English is not my native tongue so I guess that some errors could not be avoided. I sincerely hope that they do not disturb your reading too m...

1 year ago
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College Girl Worships My Big Ass In Front Of Boyfriend

It’s the season of graduates shooting out of college and finding their places on the high streets…I know it because I had a stimulating experience with a couple who recently graduated. You see, my company visits selective colleges to grab freshers straight out because it needs more workers to make more profits. (true story!) I recently attended a meeting in one of the prestigious institutions in the field of commerce in South Delhi. The meeting was in 3 phases each separated by an hour-long...

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College Celebrations Ericas Bukake

“It was a male blitzkrieg. Its Erica’s bukake moment. The spasmed sperm splash of every wanking and jerking Tom, Dick and Harry from the choir…plus a Mark and a Will… and her personal black skinned arse delighter…”Bernard really ought to give up smoking was Erica’s thought as she diverged from Chas and Beth in the vestibule. She had time to find the St Xavier’s Senior Male Choir before her own practice.....Her morning had been really pleasant, spent with Meredith. A senior dorm girl who had...

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College Annual Day Fun With Angel Of Class

This story happened in 2006 on college annual day. I was 18 yrs old then and studying my diploma in mechanical engineering. Her name was sarayu (name change). As it was mechanical department there were only few girls and sarayu is an angel in our class.I was the class topper then and everyone had a good impression on me. At that time I was a virgin and those were my early masturbation days. I used to jerk off daily 4 times and believe me my dick was really hungry ;).Few people in our college...

1 year ago
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College Ki Junior Ko Choda

Hi guys! Mera naam Aakash hai. Main Final Year Engineering ka Student hu. Aaj main aap logo ko apne sacche experience ke bare me batana chahta hu. Baat us waqt shuru hui jab maine use pahli bar apni college mein dekha. Ek to Engineering college mein ladkiya kam hoti hain aur jo hoti hain wo Chodne ke layek nahi hoti (Enginnering ke student samajh sakte hain) First year aur second year do saal tak achha maal dekhne ko nazrein taras gai thi. Acha maal dekhne ke liye MBBS college jana padta tha jo...

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College Girl

College Girl By Holly Day My name is Jamie and I am about to graduate from State University. It's been a long and strange trip and my life is just beginning. Four years ago I was Jim, a freshman just starting at State University and was looking forward to a new world. The thousands of new freshmen there were starting all over again socially. The high school cliques were gone and no one really knew each other. It was also the first time away from home for...

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College Changes a Boy Part 2

College Changes a Boy - Part 2 Taylor Jordan AUTHOR's UPDATE: I'm incredibly flattered by all the compliments on Part 1. That encouragement has inspired me to write more. I intend to write several chapters, as long as there seems to be interest in the story. Part 2 appears below, and I'm nearing completion on Part 3, with more to come. One of my readers was kind enough to send me photos that could depict my characters. Thank you, Michael! I've also added a few photos that I've found....

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