Belinda free porn video

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Belinda was a wonderful person, great personality, bubbly; jocular and always full of fun; she’d a list of friends as long as your arm. However, she had one large problem and she herself would be the first to admit it; she was built like a brick shithouse. At 275lbs, she had to be huge, but her friends, girlfriends that is, loved her to bits. She was no problem to take out with them, if fact they jumped at the chance, knowing full well that any male’s attention would be attracted to them.

Sex, yes of course she’d had some of the lad’s, but she had to agree, they we’re three sheets to the wind when they’d taken her to bed. Some of her friends welcomed a Belinda night, they’d all go out, chatting up the lads getting them well and truly plastered, at the lads expense of course, winding up the guys with erotic gestures, some of her friends were quite fuckable, usually it was a good night for all with Belinda getting laid at the end. She could even choose her stud at the beginning of the evening; the girls would then work on him though the evening.

This was easy for her friends, but Belinda knew she had to be answerable to her own sexual needs, she wanted to have it when she herself had the demand, her needs were as that of her friends. T’was easy for them, little bit of down the blouse, or an up-skirt peek, they had it made; as far as cleavage was concerned for Belinda it was more of an overlap, and an up-skirt was completely out of the question with the knickers she wore. Her friends thought she got them from “Rent-a-Tent” for once as a joke she’d offered an old pair to the Coast Guard as a life raft.

“Decisive Needs” was an old peoples nursing home, just outside town, Belinda had worked there since she was 17, working her way up to now matron at 22. Sitting in her office one day she pondered over her eleven male patients, the youngest being 72 with old Bert the oldest at 94, they were all a good crowd, in all there were 34 patients at the home. Belinda was going through the staff rota, noting that no one had been allocated for the bathing of patients for that night or the following week, Mary would be away on her annual holiday, it looked as if she herself would have to stand in on administering the chore.

There we’re very few staff left when Belinda made her round, she’d checked out all the ladies first, they were very little trouble in the evenings, more content with the TV and their nattering to worry anyone.

“So how are we this evening Bert! Ready for you’re bath then.

“The big chief herself this evening then, I feel quite honoured!”

“We’ll have less of the big chief!” Belinda replied with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

“Well you might shut the door and lock it!” Bert stammered.

“Lock it, what an earth for; who do you think will come in here then?”

“I’d like to think you’d not take the chance!”

“For what pray?”

“I can only assume that you’re going to take over Mary’s roll?”

Belinda was fascinated by his words wondering just as to what Mary’s roll was, going back toward the door she eased it shut and locked it, then turned back toward Bert, who was now sitting up onto his elbows.

“So what is Mary’s roll then?”

“Thought you we’re the matron around here!”

Well, yes I am, but Mary’s roll. What does she do for you then?”

Bert leisurely eased the bed covers down, his eyes never leaving Belinda’s. She watched inattentively as they moved from his private parts, amazed as to the sight before her.

Bert’s cock came into full view, never had she realised that a man of Bert’s age could have such a strong and healthy erection.

“So what does Mary do to that for you then?”

Bert could see the tell tale look in her eye; she was captivated by his rod.

“Plays with it sometimes taking it up into her mouth!” Bert knew he was lying about her taking his cock into her mouth but it was worth a try.

“A bed bath first then perhaps I see what I can do for you!” Belinda quizzed easing the bedclothes from the bed exposing him fully.

“Not bad for an old one are you; when did you last service that then?” Belinda reached across the bed lifting his cock up into her hand.

“Depends on what you mean by service. Mary has made me cum a few times, as far as the real thing is concerned it be years!”

Belinda could feel the intense weight of his cock in her hand; a slight throbbing was sensed, conveying a twinge down between her own legs. Abruptly she released her hold, rolling Bert onto his side and started to bathe him in soothing activity, his arms his body and his legs, then turning over once more doing the same to the other side.

“Now back on your back!” She told him.

His cock was still in a solid state, rubbing her hands on the soap she reached across taking his cock into both hands manipulating the large organ between them, then rubbing them up and down on the shaft. Bert lie back onto his pillows.

“My. Your good at this aren’t you!” He murmured.

Belinda never replied, and by no means altering her pace, she sensed the erection becoming firmer by the minute.

This wasn’t helping her that much, she’d already accepted that she’d partake in her own sexual activities from now on, at the nursing home she’d have a more than willing cliental, they might be old, but they’d be more than willing going by Bert’s action. Belinda reached across once more rinsing the soap with a soft sponge; Bert could only but gasp as the outer sensations of the rough sponge was dragged along the sides his shaft.

As Belinda watched, she could see the blood pumping through the thick veins that protruded along it’s side, it was an magnificent specimen of manhood. The crown was bulbous, with the hefty proportioned helmet scoping down at the back, the flange extended outward around its circumference, in Belinda mind it was gigantic, as she dabbed it dry, her fingers could but reach around it completely. She sensed the dampness forming in the gusset of her knickers, perhaps Mary had only given the proud weapon a blow job, to take it further may have worried her, Belinda knew it was a chance she had to take, if she couldn’t handle it who’d know, it wasn’t as if her friends were around her now egging her on, watching as the guy’s fucked her.

With Bert the way he was, his age his medical condition, there would be no way that he could undertake any strenuous action, she’d never been with a man on her own before, but how far was he prepared to go. If Mary had given him a blowjob, there was no real stain on him from that action, but the real thing was the old fella up to it? Belinda thought.

If she experienced an orgasm, there’d be no laughter from behind; even the loss of her virginity was not a private matter, never had she felt so humiliated, just because she was a little larger than her friends, it didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt. Her mind went back to the occasion, the guy in question was flitting from one girl to the next, fucking them as though the world was coming to an end; he was pissed out of his mind at the time anyway, so the blame could not be put on him. They’d slotted her in between the three girls laid out on the bed, he was leaping like a maniac from one to the other, it then became Belinda’s turn, he’s cock felt not unlike a massif telegraph pole being thrust up her, she remembered screaming, God it hurt; she’d bleed for at least an hour afterwards not that the other girls even notice her distress.

Belinda put her hand up under her skirt, she was sopping wet at this stage, and only viewing his magnificence had caused this, she wondered if it would hurt like her first had. However she’d be in the chair so to speak, take her time, nice and slow. If it got the better of her, she’d only to get up and leave who’d say anything, definitely not Bert, at least she’d have been brave enough to attempt it.

Bert brought her back to her senses with a loud groan, she never realised the sensations she was administering on him with her stroking hand and manipulating fingers. The last thing she wanted was for him to blow at this stage. He spread his legs as he sensed her crawling up the bed between them; Belinda placed her head over the large helmet engulfing it into her mouth.

Poor old Bert couldn’t believe his luck, he lifted onto his elbows once more watching as her head bobbed up and down, okay she wasn’t that much to look at, but Christ, she did a wonderful blowjob. He’d have something to enlighten the lads with tomorrow at breakfast, that’s if they’d ever believe him; he tried lifting his hips, but it was to much for him, leave her to it he contemplated.

Belinda licked up and under the large helmet, then stimulating the eye very delicately with her tongue, she sense Bert groan once more, it had to be now or never she thought. Without more ado, she stood bolt upright hovering above him lifting her skirt, tugging the gusset of her knickers to one side. Bert couldn’t believe his own eyes as she started lowering herself down towards his cock, again he forced himself up onto his elbows; he just had to see this. He’d not had a pussy glove his cock in years, if he’d have been a younger man he’d have thrust up to meet her pussy; as the moist lips edged over the crown Bert let out a loud gasp. Belinda felt the pressure as it spread her pussy open wide, wider than ever before, she thought she’d had the biggest of cocks up until now.

“Is that nice big boy?” she grinned down to him, studying Bert’s face, she knew he yearned badly to push himself up into her, nevertheless she was now in control, slowly, very slowly she started lowing herself. The pleasure was more than she could ever have expected, or hope for, for that matter, amazed that she’d able to spread so easily, gradually she lifted and lowered, lifted and lowed. The large helmet jerked as it was compelled between her taught pussy muscles, no pain just sheer pleasure for both.

“Nice, I can think of other word’s, take you’re time missy, I don’t want to blow just yet, and I’m sure we’ll not be disturbed till morning!” Bert mused.
“Till morning, d’you think you can last that long?” Belinda sniggered

She was nearly there, it was getting easier by the minute, she’d only wished she had Bert’s viewpoint, it must be a wonderful sight, she could feel the drag on her pussy lips each and every time she lifted. How could a man of his age be so hard, the feeling was sensational? Her size and weight was getting the better of her, she couldn’t stop now what if he went soft on her, she’d never forgive herself.

Belinda’s head went back as she sense her first orgasm, Bert knew what was happening, her hands were on his shoulders as she braced, with the removal of her weight on his hips Bert managed to lift giving her a few thrusts himself, not to deep, just enough to let her know he was still with her. Belinda moaned, arching her back, her inner pussy muscles contracted along the walls of his thickened shaft.

“That’s good Bert, bloody dam good!” Belinda lie lengthwise along his body, Bert managed to pull his feet back up the bed, enabling him to lift his hips, then he really started to fuck her, not to fast but it gave her a chance to catch her wind. At this stage she could have done with her so-called Arse man, the lover who always fucked her in that region. Bert’s cock felt like the rough bark of an old oak tree, Belinda put it down to the thickness of the heavy vein formation along the sides of his cock; however it did feel good. She angled her body allowing him complete authority; Bert needed no invitation as he speeded his stroke.

Again, Belinda went into orgasm, this time she had to clench the sheets along side Bert, his velocity overwhelmed her, he was literally ploughing into her now, his fingers gripping her waist tightly

“Hang in there missy, the boy’s about to blow!” He stammered. “You’ll know when he blows, just you hang in there, my what a good fuck you are!!”

Belinda could not perceive as to where he was getting the energy from, he was like a young stud that had been deprived of sex for to long. With head back and back arched, she went through an almighty con-tippler, her breathing was laboured but she managed to let out a low but gutterish moan. Bert was now using his full length, levering himself with her hips, forcing deep; Belinda enormous breasts were being thrown backwards and forwards across his face, it was as much as she could do to hold herself above him. She knew she’d have to slow him down if only for his own sake, no man she’d known could fuck at this pace.
“Bert…this is to much…you must slow you’re speed, your taking my breath away!”

“Never you mind none missy! He’ll blow soon, I’m confident of that!”

“Bert…slowdown; you’ll kill yourself at this rate!”

“But what a way to go missy!” Bert never faulted, but fucked her even harder, he was like a man with no limits.

Belinda sensed him withdraw on each backward motion; her pussy felt the cool air of the bedroom entering her body. Nevertheless Bert had motive for this; she felt her pussy inflated each time his cock was ultimately forced back into her, a fanny fart was out of the question, with the girth of his cock there just wasn’t the room, she sensed the air welling inside her, sooner or later she felt she’d burst.

Bert hadn’t undertaken such employment with a female in years; he was going to blow, and blow he would. This was one fucking she’d never forget, he needed the air to open her up, as when he did blow, it would need space. Mary had done him proud with her hand jobs, but this, she would milk him dry.

“Here she blows missy!” Bert gripped the sides of his bed, forcing his cock in deeply, letting out a thunderous moan. “Jesus Christ boy, fill her to the brim!”

Belinda felt as if she was sitting on Mount Etna when the primary spurts started it was a real eye-opener for her; she thought the first jet would cut her in two. Then the long blasts boiling inside her, she lowered her upper torso pushing her arse backwards allowing her pussy full penetration of the huge organ. Her teeth were buried into Bert’s pillow with the severity of it all, never had she had such a dynamic fucking or filling, it seemed never ending.

Bert virtually collapsed beneath her once he’d downloaded his balls, Belinda thought him dead, with no movement being shown.

She eased herself back up into a sitting position without putting her weigh on his body.

“Bert…Bert are you alright?” she cried out.

It was moments before there was any movement from the old fella, but he looked up with a twinkle in he’s old eyes.

“Missy, you’re one hell of a fuck, wish I’d have known you 40 year ago. God, I’d have given you a seeing to…Hell!”

Belinda started to gently lift from him, but taking her time, there was still enjoyment to be had from the mammoth cock, even at this slow pace the helmet and the bulbous veins made sure of that.

“You’ll be needing that towel of yours or my bed will be awash missy!” Bert beamed, his eyes glued between them, watching as his cock came visible once more.

As she finally lifted clear, great globules of spunk started flowing in a slow but even stream, luckily for Bert she’d lifted one leg clearing his body, allowing the bulky rivulet of semen to land on the other. She immediately grabbed the towel placing it up to her open pussy dabbing it profusely, already her knickers had soaked up most of the gummy fluid.

“Bert Thomson, I didn’t think you had it in you, I’ll lay a wager that cock of yours has sown a few seeds!”

“You don’t really think those skimpy knickers are going to hold that lot back do you. You’ve had about 20 years of pump up there I’ll have you know young lady. Now you make sure you put it to good use?”

“Use, how say you Bert?”

“Rub it onto your breasts, it will tenderise your beautiful body!” Bert chuckled to himself. “Now, I prefer to bathe at least twice a week more if you treat me right. That’s of course unless you have other patients that you look after?”

“Other patients! That’s food for thought Bert!” Belinda smiled.

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As the doors closed behind them and before he could begin, Kari jumped in, saying, "Mark! You have to quit worrying about me so much. You know that you have wanted to be part of J.A.M. aluminum for a while now. This business is what you live for. And I don't want you to miss out on reaching any of your goals in life because you are worried about me in this EPOD program!" "Let me finish!" she placed the fingers of her left hand up to his lips, as he was about to interrupt. "I have to...

3 years ago
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For Starters 8

CHAPTER 8when Gary waked me up, my first thought was he had heard about my little (or not so little) help to my friend George. But he immediately told me to take a shower and dress, because one of the most important guests from the hotel had announced his arrival, and Gary and Al wanted him to met me.We went together to one of the suites, were a older gentlemen opened the door: At first sight I judgment I estimated him to be more than 70 years old, white hair, and with some overweight.Gary...

2 years ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 10

Introduction: Carls masterplan to finally expose Peter as PBear is underway. Meanwhile, Johns impending eviction has William worried hell lose his brofriend forever Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work...

1 year ago
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College Tour Threesome 8211 Pt 2 Gangbang Of Biji Ma8217am

This is the second part of a fantasy mixed with some real-life happenings that I wished to happen. If you haven’t read the first part, go read that one first. It’s another series where we are on a college tour. How I have a threesome with my bestie and her roommate. and a gangbang with our sexy teacher. Let me introduce the characters again. My best friend from college. Her name is Devu (Devika). We both were 21 years old. She was a slim white curvy hot girl with medium boobs and ass. Grace,...

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Twisted Sister Vl Plans take shape

Jen is at her computer with Kerri and I at her side watching after a couple of hours she has printed about twelve photos. Most every thing but Robin is blurred. You can not tell who we are except for Robin or where it took place. She has two short videos too with the blurring. Two full length videos with no blurring one is hers the other is mine.Kerri asked when she is going to present them? Jen's reply is we need her back over her for more footage first. Kerri not happy with this asks why? Jen...

2 years ago
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Caught Stealing and Paying the PriceChapter 2

Tony had already shot over two hours of tape of Jan. Today he parked in a much nicer spot for what was going to happen. He parked so that when both car doors were open, it was easy to see that students walking around in front of the school. The place he was yesterday was ok and you could see the school in the background, but today the car was in the perfect spot to get a lot of background action. It was still far enough away that probably nobody would see what was happening, but it was close...

3 years ago
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Happily MarriedNeeding More

Doug had a good life. Anyone looking in from the outside would find it to be so – dare say they would be envious. He was 40 and had been married for eleven years. He worked as a manager of the forest ranger team at a state park. His wife was attractive and taught fourth grade. He had two daughters who both were on the honor roll at their elementary school. He drove a nice decked out GMC Sierra pickup truck and his wife pushed a late model Cadillac ATS. He lived in a two-story four-bedroom...

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Lesbian magic part four

Lucy couldn’t believe who grabbed her hand and was leading her away from her friends. It was Amanda Ashbrooke a model that has been on the cover of magazines and have been on the runway a few times. She wasn’t as big as Tyra Banks or Kate Upton but she was a rising star in the modeling industry. She made the sports illustrated swimsuit calendars twice and model for the world-famous fashion photographer Raina Dupont.Raina Dupont was so big in the modeling industry that appearing in something...

4 years ago
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Stolen Moments

I guess you could say that there had been months of foreplay. Stolen kisses, brief encounters with barely enough time to feel the heat of each other’s bodies, passing touches, knowing glances. Always wondering when we’d meet next, knowing it would be just long enough to feed our fantasies some more. Always teasing, tempting, and arousing. On this day, I see a glimpse of him as I enter the building. He sees me passing through the corridor. My pulse is racing at the thought that we might get to...

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Enjoying a Big Ass in NYC

I am a white male and I live in New York City, the big city. I had subscribed to several dating web sites. For me, because I travel a lot, having access to these sites is a blessing. On one of the normal sites, I was contacted by a lady. Come to find out, after some emails, that she lived close to me in the same neighborhood. It seemed she wanted to meet someone close, did not matter to me. So we met for drinks and a bite to eat after several failed attempts to meet up. She was 4 years older...

2 years ago
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Hiding Sandy Part 1

Mike dated several women over the years; but was dedicated to his business and never found the right woman to settle down with. He wanted to have children and was now in his mid-30’s but was hoping the right woman would come along soon. Steve took a different path and always had a get rich quick scheme and had business partners who were in organized crime, including money laundering, drug smuggling and gun running. He built a very large flashy house, which caught the eye of the government,...

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Jessicas loss

The room was dark and she could barely see the street lights through her window. She hated sleeping in the dark. If she had it her way she would have at least had a night light but mommy said that she needed to be a big girl. At t** years old, Jessica looked like a big girl. She had grown up faster than her friends and was much taller than them. She had also had to wear a big girl bra because her breast had started to bounce. She tend to wear sports bras to hide her B cup boobs. Her caramel...

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The Shop Owners Dream

The Shop Owner's Dream The bell above the sign jingled lightly as the door was pressed open. Theshop was vacant save the owner, and now the new patron. She was breathtaking,the shortest skirt possible, which some would venture to say was just aboutthe size of a belt hugged her waist. No sign of underwear was visible asher elastic T-shirt showed the size and firm texture of large C cup breasts.Her blonde mane was layered in volume as it hung down at her ass. Sweet featuresembraced a sexy smile...

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Mothers Animal LoverChapter 4

At twelve forty-five, Stella Burnside quietly let herself into the apartment she shared with her daughter, but she was totally unprepared for what she saw in the living room. She noticed at once that all the lights were on, and the quiet conversational tones of a late-night talk show were audible coming from the television set. At first, Stella thought that perhaps Jackie was just up watching TV, but one glance into the living room told her otherwise. Her beautiful, innocent blonde daughter...

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Autopilot My name is Jesse I'm not the biggest boy there is and certainly not the manliest. I'm what you call an Average Joe, maybe a little on the small side. I started growing my hair out so I can get that punk rock look. I hoped then maybe people won't pick on me so much. However it doesn't seem to be working. People keep calling me a girl. Anyways I'm at school. It's the last period of the day, science class for me. My teacher Mrs. Green is about to assign everyone partners for...

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I could never pass as a woman. I am clearly a sissy put into woman’s close. Love being sent out like that. Exposed. Knowing whoever sees me knows just what I am. I have only done that at adult bookstores and at adult theaters. When openly dressed there, either in nothing but lingerie and stockings and panties, or if I go in a skirt, stockings, blouse, bra and breast forms, it is not only clear what I am, but most men who enjoy sissies see it as an open invitation to use me. When dressed like...

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Lelianas Lament

Leliana’s LamentThe heavy wooden door behind her slammed shut with an echo of finality as the guards dragged the Orlesian forward. Leliana cringed at the smell of the dungeon wafting up the stairs...sweat and sickness and other, even more unpleasant odors...the scent of misery.The two guards holding her arms didn't exactly smell like roses as well.She definitely had to get out of here before that smell began to stick on her, too...but Leliana was confident that she would manage. She had been in...

1 year ago
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Main aur meri maa

Hi i m akash from bangalore .this is my first story on iss.hope u guys will enjoy it.this story is a real one describing the incident which happened between me and my mother.we are four member family,father mother,younger sister and myself.i m 23 years of age and studying in an engineering college .my sister also studies in a father is an engineer himself. My mother mamta has slim and tight fgure even at the age of 40.her tight round big boobs(chuchis)add to her sex appeal.her tight...

3 years ago
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Heather and her son Chris find some unexpected partners in their loveplay

Heather made her way home through the afternoon rush hour traffic. As usual, her thoughts turned to her son, Chris, and their plans for the evening. As a single mother she’d had these thoughts countless times on a countless number of drives home through the years. Did Chris have ball practice, and was it her turn to drive? What would they have for dinner? Had he finished his homework, and did he have clean clothes for school tomorrow? Of course, Chris was in high school now and many...

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Best Friends Forever IV SixtyNine

Best Friends Forever IV: Sixty-Nine Alexa and Amanda had spent the night together in bed, after a wild first night of a little fingering in the pool naked, as well as her best friend tasting and eating Alexa’s pussy also, to their first real experience of grinding their naked pussies together on a bed and having wonderful orgasms. The two fell asleep in each other’s arms, as the night drew in. Alexa was the first to awaken, to the soft sounds of birds chirping their morning tune. As she opened...

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The Italian Sugar DaddyAfternoon Delight

Yesterday morning when I got out of bed, I checked my phone for any missed called or texts. Nothing. Not a word. I was excited when I then check my email and there he was. The Italian had sent me our next request for our second adventure. Since the first meeting, we have text, emailed and even spoke on the phone. He told me of how precious I was to him, of how he had never met someone like me as far as a lover was concerned. I too enjoy him, everything about him. I loved talking to him, we...

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My 1st Mature

This story is completely true.A while ago i was in a pub after work down my local and after about my 3rd pint a group of 6 mature women walk in so as im male i look over and give them the once over. 1 caught my eye so after a while she came up to the bar to order a bottle of wine so i say the usual chat up lines but none of them worked and my mates laughed. When she walked back to her mates she must of said something because they all looked at me and giggled like a school girls. So after being...

1 year ago
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Drunken Sister Fuck

I was around sixteen; my sister and I didn’t get along. She was nineteen and thought the world revolved around her. She’s very popular and very hot. People do seem to gravitate to her. She stands around five nine, long reddish brown hair, thirty six c cup, sweet hips, long legs and a ass that draws all kinds of attention. Like I wrote, she’s hot. It was summer time and my sister convinced our parents to let her have a pool party. She could have alcohol as long as everyone was over eighteen....

2 years ago
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Wealthy Sissy Surrender Station

Fire immediately engulfed the house just next door after an earth shaking explosion rocked the neighborhood. Fear was setting in. The rebels were getting closer and closer, Inch by inch. Relentlessly. Terror crept in as silhouettes and shadows extended deeper into the darkness with sudden flashes of light exposing their footsteps. I held my breath and cowered in the corner of the room. Shock waves riddled the streets. Please, let this end. Another bombardment shook the ground pushing me around...

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A halftransformation

"Holy shit!!" "In here, hon." "My dick is gone!" "I'm out in the living room." I rushed to the living room. "Fuck!" I started hopping up and down. "I stubbed my toe!" "Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry," said my wife Samantha, with sympathy. "Are you OK?" she said, turning away from the TV. "Yeah, I'll live." Wonder if Jack Daniels said that after kicking his safe? "But didn't you hear me? What the fuck is going on?! My dick is gone!" "I heard you. I'm trying to tell you, it's...

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The Act

Part One – the mtgI enter in the classroom dressed very casually today. I was running late so I didn’t take the care to shower or even put on my makeup. I threw on my long orange dress, looked in the mirror and thot, “it fits snug but it’ll do” and I headed out.As I sit thru the lecture, my mind wonders. I watch the way she moves, the wrinkles on her aging face; I notice the tits sagging lower than the other professors and the pantyline under her slacks. “Granny panties” I think to myself. I...

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Meri Biwi Chandana Ki Chudai 8211 Part I

Dear friend mera nam baburao hai aur meri biwi kanam chandana hai ohh 5.2″ height aur 38 32 38 figure hai usaka age 37 saal hai aur ohh dikhane mai gori chitti hai mai Mumbai mai reheta hun hamare do bachhe unamese ek hi hamare sath reheta hai dusara mere salik ke pass reheta hai mera bada beta Bhusha 19 sal ka hai aur college padhata hai. Meri biwi badi hi sexy hai usaka rang gora, bal curly aur kale oh jadatar saree pehenati hai blouse sleeveless aur saree nabhi se 3″ niche bandhati hai use...

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Marina's cousins, Lisa and Robert, would be staying at her house for a full week. I thought this would be an end to our sex education tutoring, but I was very wrong. Marina instead told me that she had told her cousin Lisa everything about our little sessions, and that Lisa was interested in "being tutored" too. Robert would be another story, although Marina did want to see if he would go along with what we had planned. My plan was to have sex with both girls!Marina and I decided a game of...

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My Wife My Partner Chapter 8

I sat in the driver's seat of the car on our way to the airport to pickup Mark. I looked over at Tammy who had an excited expression on her face and thought about what we went through the past few months. How many people could say they had recently had a sex change? The last time I saw Mark, I was masquerading as a woman. Now I was a real woman! Last time we talked, he didn't have any clue that Tammy and I were really married and now he knows the truth. This was going to be a very...

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