Belinda free porn video

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It was a beautiful, hot summer afternoon, just after midday as I strolled through the trees. The sunlight fell though the branches in beams, shimmering through the leaves as they moved gently in the light breeze.

Beneath my feet the dead twigs cracked and rustled as I walked, deep in thought. I should have been happy but even though the sun was bright and warming, and the birds twittered in the trees above, I felt cold inside.

I had been arguing with my husband again and had walked away and left him at home. I needed to get away from him for a while, to seek solitude and peace.

We argued a lot these days. As I grew older, I am forty-four. I felt there was so much I wanted to do. I had hobbies, interests, I wanted to live life to the full and began to feel that I was leaving him behind, and that he was holding me down, stifling me. I felt I was wading through mud and drowning in my unhappiness. He had no interests. He was sick and couldn't work. He kept the house tidy and clean but he always wanted to watch things on TV I had no interest in. Things that bored me.

I liked documentaries, he didn't. He liked football, I didn't. I liked historical things, he didn't. In short we had absolutely nothing in common any more and yet, I still loved him.

In recent times men had tried to befriend me, mainly hoping I would sleep with them, at least that's how it seemed to me, but I didn't want them. I wanted someone who wanted to be with me, someone to hold me and look after me and, equally importantly, someone to talk to who had similar interests to me whom I could converse with and not just pass the time of day.

As I walked deeper into the woods and retreated deeper into myself my heart became heavy, and I began to weep gently. I didn't know what to do. I was so tired of the rows and arguments, mainly over nothing. Whenever we were together we always ended up arguing over something stupid and all because he wanted his own way and whatever I did wasn't good enough.

I wiped my eyes. Crying was no good, it didn't change anything, I just didn't know what to do, I didn't want to leave him but I needed someone to love me. I'm sure he did but he didn't show it.

He never held me, never initiated a kiss. He said he loved me, but what good are words without actions.

The trees opened out into a small clearing and sitting with her back against the trunk of a tree was a very attractive woman. She was about my age I reckoned, with long brown hair. She did not appear to be skinny or overweight but had a very pleasant figure, her full breasts pushing against the white cotton fabric of her blouse and her denim clad legs stretched out in front of her, crossed at the ankles.

I stopped and cleared my throat.

“Hello,” I ventured. She looked up from reading her book, which I noticed was The Lord of the Rings. It was then that I noticed her gorgeous blue eyes that shone like sapphires in the sunlight.

“Hi,” she replied.

“Lord of the Rings,” I gestured towards the book.

“Yeh,” she replied. “My favourite book. I've read it a few times.” I smiled,

“Me too,” I answered, “I particularly like Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, the river woman's daughter.”

We laughed together for a moment and I continued.“This place reminds me a little of that part of the story, the trees, the sun, I can almost imagine a babbling stream.”

“That's not your imagination,” she laughed, “there is a stream just beyond those trees.”

We were quiet then, for a moment after our laughter had died away, until I asked, “May I sit with you for a while? I could do with a little company.”

She gestured the ground beside her.

“Be my guest. It is nice to meet someone who enjoys a good book.” 

“Yes, I like to read. My husband says reading is boring but he hasn't read a book in his life.”

She closed and lowered the book to her lap.

“Are you okay?” she asked, her blue eyes narrowing with concern.

“No, not really,” I replied, my eyes beginning to fill again and all my locked in emotions suddenly burst out and I told her everything in floods of tears.

She put her arms around me and comforted me, my head upon her shoulder. I stopped crying and realised how good it felt, just to be able to tell someone and to feel someone hold me again.

I had always been the strong one in our relationship and never really let him see how I felt so I sat for a while, my head upon her shoulder, just enjoying this brief moment.

At last I leaned back against the tree then turned to her.

“I'm sorry,” I said, “You didn't come here to listen to a stupid woman babbling about her problems, I will leave you to your book,” and began to get to my feet.

“No, wait,” she replied, taking my arm gently. “It's okay, honestly. I understand how you feel. I have been alone for a while now. My sons are great but it's not the same as having someone close to you. Stay, please.” 

I sat back against the tree.

“You know, Since being alone,” she continued, “I have dated a few men but somehow I don't seem to find ones that fulfil me. My relationships don't last very long at all. Does that make sense to you?”

I looked at her.

“Yes, indeed,” I replied. “You are a very attractive woman, pretty face, good figure and, if you don't mind me saying, the most gorgeous eyes, but if the men attracted to you don't appreciate the person inside you then what do you have. Sex is great but without anything else, that is all it is.”

We sat silently for a moment then, she smiled and said, “Belinda,” and held out her hand. I laughed as I took it in my own.

“Anna. Very pleased to meet you.”

“Hi Anna,” she smiled,”and I am pleased to meet you too!” and we leaned forward simultaneously and hugged. We sat for a moment, holding each other tightly. I couldn't remember the last time I had held someone so warmly and it felt so good to be wanted again.

Soon, the moment passed and we sat back again against the warm bark.

For a while we sat in silence. I listened to the trees blowing gently in the warm summer breeze, the birds rustling the leaves as they flew and chirped in and out of the branches and I saw squirrels running up and down the trunks, stopping and looking inquisitively at us before continuing their unceasing foraging.

The sun felt warm on my body, my thin summer dress allowing the heat through to my skin and I stretched out my bare legs in front of me, luxuriating.

“It is nice here,” Belinda's soft voice broke the silence.

“Mmmm, yes,” I replied. “I walk through here often in the summer. I like to see and hear the animals and birds. I have never met anyone here before though.”

“I haven't been here before,” she replied, “I like animals too, and to enjoy nature. So peaceful.”

“We have so much in common, it seems,” I said, still enjoying the warm sun on my face with my eyes closed. “It's funny when you think, here we are, finding out so much about about each other in so short a time. If you were a man I would probably let you kiss me.”

“And if I were a man,” she replied, “I would probably be glad to do so.”

She sat thoughtfully before saying, “Do you think there is a man out there for me, who shares my passions the way you do?”

“I don't know,” I pondered the question, “probably. If you find him, let me know.”

“I like you, Anna,” she said slowly and I turned my head to look at her, “You are nice.”

“Thank you,” I said and paused for a moment whilst I studied her bright blue eyes, “I like you too.”

Belinda smiled but didn't look away then leaned to me and kissed my lips.

Suddenly she pulled back, “Oh my lord!, I'm sorry, I didn't....I mean I” and went to jump to her feet.

Although she had surprised me, I found I didn't mind and grabbed her arm before she stood, and pulled her back.

“No,wait!” I said gently, “It's okay, honestly.”

“I'm so sorry,” she repeated, “I don't know what came over me. I've never done that to a woman before.” She looked worried and embarrassed.

I didn't release her but just said, “Really, it's Ok, Belinda. I haven't either but I am glad you did it.” Pulling her to me, I kissed her gently. She didn't pull away, but responded by opening her mouth slightly and allowing my tongue to slip between her white teeth, greeting it with her own tongue. As we kissed I felt the saliva forming and mingling with her own. I sensed her heart beating inside he,r and heard the rasping breath as she tried to breathe through her nose. Soon, her hand moved to the back of my head and her fingers played in my long dark hair, massaging and gently pulling.

Together we pulled away. Her face was flushed with arousal and a little embarrassment.

“That was wonderful,” she said huskily. “Breathtaking. Do you think we could....,should, well......”

I didn't answer but pulled her to me once again and resumed where we left off.

I felt, well, warm, and so happy inside. It had been so long since I had felt this way. Just to be wanted, needed. It didn't matter it was a woman, maybe better even, I don't know, but she wanted me and I wanted her and at that moment every man on the planet could go to hell for all I cared!

I moved my hand onto her ample breast and began to softly massage it through her blouse. I hoped she wouldn't stop me and she didn't, instead she took a breath in and allowed a little moan to escape.

“Mmmm.......” She pulled me harder against her mouth. I sought out her nipple which I could feel hardening through the thick material of her bra, and gently rubbed it between finger and thumb.

As I did , I became aware of her hand against my small breast. My nipple stretched out through the thin material of my summer dress and soft cotton bra. It had been so long since anyone had touched me in this way, so caringly, that shocks ran through my whole body causing me to tremble with excitement.

I began to undo the buttons of her blouse. First one, then the next and on, until her blouse lay open and white lace bra was exposed to my touch. My hand moved over the cup and inside, seeking out the soft flesh of her breast and firm bump of her straining nipple.

I eased it free of the restrictive material then, breaking free of her lips, bent my head down to take her into my mouth.

As I gently drew her in between my teeth she gasped again, drawing the air in through her teeth. “Hmmm..........ssshhhh.” I guessed she was feeling much as I was. She let her head loll back against the tree trunk as I massaged the velvet-like flesh. I nipped her with my teeth, gently drawing back from the base of her engorged nipple, stretching it and partially releasing it so my teeth scraped gently along it's length. I began trapping the last, firmer, flesh at the tip, biting then enveloping it with my lips and sucking it, once again, into my mouth. And repeating the process over.

Meanwhile, Belinda was squeezing my pert breast and rolling the nipple between thumb and fingers. Every little squeeze, every touch, sent shivers through my whole body.

I felt wonderful, like I hadn't felt in such a long time. I sucked and massaged her breast, with my free hand I pulled the crisp white material free and reached behind her to unfasten the hooks which held her breasts captive.

I didn't release her as she pulled her arms free of the fabric but began to massage her other breast also, alternating my kisses between them. I was so hot hot now as I released her nipples and began to trace a line of kisses along soft flesh of her stomach. I seemed to know, instinctively, what to do, even though I had never had even the slightest sexual contact with a woman before. My nerve endings were buzzing. I knew what I liked and I wanted to make her feel the way I did, happy and excited and as I reached the waistband of her jeans I unfastened the button whilst I explored her navel with my tongue, lowering the zip and peeling the warm, blue denim aside, revealing the top of her white cotton briefs.

I could feel her heat on my face as I ran my tongue along the soft edge of the elastic where it pressed into her soft flesh and I kissed her as low a I could get to, through her panties. Her muscles quivered as I touched her with my lips and she lifted herself slightly, allowing me to slowly pull the tight blue denim down, over her hips , revealing the brilliant whiteness of her panties and the small, darker patch that had appeared between her legs.

I could smell her arousal, slightly metallic and it made me want her even more as I caressed her thighs and kissed her soft mound on top of the damp patch, licking her and sucking her through the wet cotton, tasting her moisture and feeling her squirm with pleasure.

Her hands pressed gently on the back of my head, encouraging but not forcing, gyrating her hips and grinding against my face.

I gripped the elastic and carefully pulled it down, revealing her perfectly trimmed hair, a neat triangle pointing to the place I had so much desire for. I kissed the neat, brown patch and then followed the cotton as it revealed more of Belinda's vagina, kissing as I went, my tongue finding the firm nub of flesh, straining to release itself from the protection of it's sheath.

With my finger and thumb I drew back the sheath and revealed her perfect clitoris, pulsing under my touch and I sucked it into my mouth, running my tongue over it's tip, causing her body to jump and twitch with each little flick then, releasing the pressure I continued to rub it whilst my tongue continued it's journey, downwards, finding the hot, wet entrance and dancing around the rim, dipping inside to taste her slightly salty wetness, my lips circling and sucking as my tongue delved ever deeper.

Her breathing had become heavy now and her stomach muscles where jumping like a trampoline. I withdrew my tongue and kissed her perineum as I worked down towards that other, tighter neighbour. I circled the puckered flesh and allowed my tongue to tease the entrance, letting the tip push slowly in and my saliva dribbled down, moistening and lubricating that most secret place.

She was gasping loudly now and I could sense she was on the edge of orgasm so I retuned my attention to her vagina, and as I felt her body tense I pushed a finger deep into her anus and then a second one, deep and hard and sucked and licked as her body went rigid and she lifted up to meet my tongue.

“Aaaaahhhhhh......Mmmmmm,” she cried as the flood of pleasure crashed through her, driving her on and her sphincter gripped me tightly as I pushed deep inside her and moved my fingers around to increase her pleasure.

“Oooohhhh yes, oh yes,” she cried out. Her whole body shaking and dancing with desire until finally she sank down again and I slowly removed my fingers from her rear and slid up her virtually naked body to kiss her and put my arms around her.

She twitched a couple more times before relaxing fully and saying, “Oh my Lord, Anna, That was fantastic!” 

I smiled and held her tightly and soon I became aware that her hand had begun to massage my breast though the thin material of my summer dress. My nipples immediately hardened against her palm and began to tingle as the electricity of desire flowed through them.

As I had done with her, she began to release the buttons down the front of my dress. I lay back as she worked down, past my breasts, my waist and on until reaching the last button at the hem. Slowly, agonisingly slowly, she folded back the material like a wrapper until I was naked bar my bra and pants.

The sun was hot on my flesh but that only served to arouse me even more. I was so excited. What if someone should chance upon us?

So what! Right now a tour bus could stop and watch for all I cared!

I put my hand behind my back to release my bra, and slipped my arms out as Belinda removed the now redundant item. Then she bent to me, and began to lick and suck my straining nipples, pulling firmly at each one, stretching it to it's limit, pulling my breast upwards until I thought it would tear off. Releasing it to snap back, it sent waves of shocks coursing through me and I could feel myself getting wetter, and wetter with each attack.

Soon she began to work her way down my body, little butterfly kisses sending me to heaven and back and, as did I, pausing to to attend to my navel. This always sent me into a frenzy and today was no exception, my muscles quivered and twitched as her hot soft tongue dipped and flicked into the tiny cavity on my abdomen before continuing towards my panties. I was so wet now and she could not have failed to notice, as she slid the soft cloth down my legs exposing me to the sun light. I had never been naked outside before and the sense of wanton was so strong that I could feel the juices building up and running from me.

Belinda returned to kiss me again and I accepted her lips with eagerness, especially as I could feel her hand moving down my smooth mound and into the almost steaming valley, pushing between my labia and seeking out my clitoris, pressing and rubbing it as her tongue explored my mouth.

I pushed my hips against her hand, encouraging her until she found the soaking wet entrance and curled her finger to enter me deeply, moving in and out, circling and rubbing inside me, making little squelching sounds as I produced more and more moisture and I could feel it running out and over my bottom. Belinda made good use of it because I felt a second digit feed it's way into my back passage as it's partner worked away in my vagina. To have a finger working so feverishly in both orifices was more than I could take and the pressure burst forth, arching my back and wailing like a wolf, soaking her hand as it moved frenziedly back and forth until, finally, she removed her fingers and put them in her mouth, tasting me, then lying flat beside me, both of us enjoying the sun on our naked, satisfied bodies.

I heard a rustle nearby and grabbed my dress and pulled it around me. Was someone watching and had seen everything? Belinda pulled her blouse around her and half pulled up her jeans.

“Who's there?” she cried out, “show yourself!”

Silence, then more rustling.

I got to my feet, buttoning my dress as I went.

“Come out you damn pervert,” she shouted again and threw a stick in the direction of the sounds.

Suddenly, out from the trees jumped a fallow deer and ran past us, away into the woods behind.

We both almost jumped out of our skins, then, after a moments stunned silence, we broke into peals of laughter.

I threw my arms around Belinda and kissed her hard on the lips.

I pulled back from her, arms stretched out and hands clasped behind her head and said, “When I first saw you I was so miserable but you have made me happier than I have been for so long. Thank you Belinda, thank you so much.”

She looked into my eyes and held my gaze for a few moments before replying,“You don't have to thank me Anna. You have made me happy too. I don't know what the future holds in our lives but I hope that we will be together again soon. Whatever happens, I will never forget this moment.” And with that she pulled me to her and kissed me again.

We spent the rest of the afternoon together, chatting, enjoying each others company and generally getting to know each other and when the sun began to set I made my way home.

“Where have you been until this hour?” he snarled as I walked through the door.

“Having sex with a stranger in the woods,” I told him truthfully, although with a sarcastic tone.

“Funny!” he replied and turned back to the TV, if he bothered to look at me he may have noticed I had not bothered to put on my underwear again as I had left my bra and pants where they lay, in the clearing. If only he knew.......

If you enjoyed this story, why not check out my e-book:
Crystal Dreaming and other Fantasies by Anna Morrison available now on Amazon just $2.06, £1.28, euro1.49.

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I remember the first time my sister Charlotte came to me and told me she was in love. The most shocking part of the news was when she said the man she loved was a vampire. My jaw was on the floor. I had no idea my older sister was in love, let alone with a vampire, let alone that vampires were real. It was a confusing time, but that was two years ago, and I’ve grown accustomed to it now.They live among us, always have, and while of course the secret must be kept from mainstream society, there...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 81

I woke to the alarm. Five-thirty came too early. I crawled over a body; I assumed it was Lena. The shower felt good. I brushed my teeth and shaved. As I strolled to the dresser, I heard a wolf whistle. "Good morning, sexy," I heard Audrey say in her sultry voice. "How are you this morning?" She had moved to lie facing the end of the bed. "Wonderful! I really enjoyed last night." "So did I. I am meeting your grandfather and Roy for breakfast in a few minutes. I put Jim Reeve's...

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GayChapter 40

My head was pounding like a drum and I could feel something large and moist stuck to my burning forehead. I’d had a similar dizzy spell before - the day at the mall when the witch cast her ‘gay’ spell on me - and I couldn’t believe the latest one was just a coincidence. I reluctantly forced my eyes open and found myself lying on the Calhouns’ sofa. Jay Calhoun was sitting on the chair I had head-butted, eating the chocolates I had given him, and looking at me with concern rather than hatred....

4 years ago
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In the Toolshed Short Story

Edward Caine, 42, electrician, divorced, lives without a partner since five years. He likes to sit on his front porch and to watch the school girls on their way home. It fascinates him, just to think about their blossoming youth and the trials and disappointment they are growing into. So it's no real wonder where most of his erotic fantasies are coming from: I walk into the back yard as I hear faint voices coming from my garden shed. But as I approach it to find out who is playing in there the...

3 years ago
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A present and a deal for the son pt 12

I found Sam before class started and asked him if he wanted to hang out at his house after school. The whole day it felt like the little USB stick was burning a hole in my pocket."I have something really important to tell you," I said as soon as we got up to his room."What?" he asked."But you have to promise me you'll never tell anyone.""Okay," he said."I'm serious. You have to swear you'll never breathe a word of this to anyone. Ever.""Alright, I swear."I took a deep breath. "I've been having...

2 years ago
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Mat Sullivan2Chapter 3

New Mexico Territory, May, 1893 It took two weeks for my ribs to heal enough for me to ride. During that waiting time, I really got sick of sitting in saloons. Not only that, I had read my copy of Homer's "Oddesy" so many times (in the original Greek) that I nearly had it memorized. I was going to have to find something else to read! There were not any working women in either of the saloons and the town did not even have a bordello! I felt like I was stuck at the backside of nowhere, so I...

1 year ago
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Private Tiny Tina Fucks For Her Husband

Tiny Tina enjoys watching porn on and today in Private Specials, Cuckhold’s Fantasy her husband has decided to treat her to the real thing by inviting over stud Angelo Godshack for a proper good fucking. Tina’s cuckhold husband is the happy audience for this live shoot recording all the action on his phone as she warms up with a nice deepthroat blowjob to get the party started. Then watch this brunette beauty get the fuck she was craving as she has her pussy pounded while...

4 years ago
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The Shamans SecretChapter 3

Caitlin followed Ned into the kitchen. He lifted the cover from his blender and sniffed the brew. "I guess you should feel lucky you're not drinking this." She sniffed it and curled her lip. He located a fine strainer and poured the pale green liquid through it into a small pitcher. "You're sure you want to go through with this?" "I'm not getting cold feet after we've gone this far," she replied. Caitlin regarded the enema gourd sitting on his kitchen counter. "You're not going...

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Brandys vacation

It had been hell around Brandys house, her parents were getting a divorce and the constant yelling was getting her very upset, it didnt help that her hormones were going crazy and her body was going through so many changes, In the last 5 months she had gone from an a cup to a c cup, her hips seemed to be getting wider along with growing taller, It was such a relief when her mother told her she would be going out west to spend the summer with her grandmother, she also had several cousins ,and...

3 years ago
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Two women become addicted sex toys for Halloween

The sisters headed up to the old mansion and standing on the front porch knocked but were unprepared when a trapdoor dropped them into a chute. The next thing they knew was waking up strapped to a table naked. They could see each other and began yelling for help when the door opened to the room and a man in a lab coat entered. He introduced himself as Dr. Quillian and moving next to Alyssa's table moved a tray into place and told her this is going to hurt but all will be better in the end....

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The Catalyst

Sasha Fedoseev pulled out his driveway and started down the road. Sasha was by most accounts a successful man. He had started a corporation in his early 20's and had guided its ascent. His company now had three subsidiary corporations. He employed over five hundred employees through his subsidiaries and the parent corporation he had founded 10 years earlier. The parent corporation had its offices in a building several miles from Sasha's home. It was there that his staff worked. He had...

1 year ago
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Pilot Ne Jam K Choda Or Main Dusra Lund Chusti Rahi

Hi frnds, My id is- Ye story tab ki hai jab main delhi mein Air hostess ki training le ri thi, im 22 years old, 34” 26” 32”. Har saturday mai baki sab girls n pilots k sath parties me jati thi. Ek bar hume party me der ho gayi to main, meri frnd Sia, pilot Sanket n steward Ranzy, sab sanket k farm house chale gaye. Waha sirf ek he room saaf tha, isliye hum sab wahi so gaye. Sia n ranzy bf gf the isliye wo zameen pe so gadda laga k so gaye aur mjhe Sanket k sath bed pe sona pada. Lights off kar...

3 years ago
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Anniversary CruiseChapter 6

Day Six - Thursday - Ocho Rios, Jamaica Dave looked at the landscape of Jamaica passing by as the ship neared its docking area in Jamaica. Dave was happy that he had gotten a cabin with a private balcony. He liked standing out on it completely nude and feeling the sea air on his body. He knew he'd have to go in soon as they neared the docks. Dave thoughts turned to Lisa. He loved Britney as much as he had loved Lisa. A wave of guilt swept over him when thoughts of her demise being part of a...

2 years ago
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Two Types Chapter 4

There are two types of people in the world. Those that have a moral compass and those that do not. Johnny and Carolyn do not. Les does (for now) and we are not sure of Mrs. Johnny.Fast forward one week. A week that dragged on for Carolyn and her quasi-boss but constant lover, Johnny. They’d manage only one tryst, on the rainy Sunday following that rainy Saturday. Les still conjured what to do next, as Carolyn had not exactly agreed to end the affair. She knew Les was suspicious as fuck! In...

Wife Lovers
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Anita takes a wild black gangbang

During the week end Ana and I had gone to attend a good rock concert out of town. We had got a nice comfortable hotel room downtown. My sensual wife looked stunning in a tight white pearl dress that really showed off her tits and curvaceous body. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get back to our...

1 year ago
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Slim Jack proves Himself In Me

I had worked at the plant for a few months and had proven myself as a good bottom by servicing every Top and versatile gay and bi man there as well as proving my manliness as a good stud by screwing and nutting in every versatile and bottom. I never would be queer of the year because I couldnt lick an asshole or suck a dick clean after it pulled out of one without getting infected but I was adept at everything from eating smegma and drinking piss out of a man's cock to licking working mens'...

3 years ago
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Interlude 2077

Twenty As had become their usual pattern, it had been several weeks since their last encounter. They both enjoyed the sexual energy that built during time spent apart, particularly as they teased one another relentlessly through the magic of sexting. One night she decided to ask him (electronically) about something she wanted to try. Considering their last encounter and the mutual enjoyment it had produced, did he have any secret sexual desire that they had not yet explored. The thought of...

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The Beckwith Affair Chap 5

Alan picked up the phone and called the front desk and told them he was checking out and asked if they could send someone up right away with the bill. He began throwing his things together almost frantically, his mind racing as he packed. “If they don’t know I’m on to them they won’t be expecting me to leave right away,” he thought. His plan was to pay cash when the bill was brought up and avoid the lobby when leaving the hotel.   Then he remembered Savanna.   He ran to the door, opened it...

2 years ago
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The Weavers Gift

You give a long sigh as you slowly finish boxing up the last of your things, setting the box near the door. It's been a tough couple of weeks - First, your work burned down in a freak accident. You don't even know how an office building would end up with all the carpets on every floor catching fire... You don't even remember the office having carpets. You're pretty sure that they had tile floors. Regardless, your office burned to the ground, and while a lot of people managed to keep their jobs,...

3 years ago
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Heart Attack

This is a true account of my first medical disaster. Maybe the descriptions will help one of you. * I was up at five in the morning, cooked a little breakfast and prepared for the forty five minute drive to SR, where I was employed as an avionics engineer. I had had a fight with my wife that morning, so I didn’t even get my usual goodbye smooch before hitting the traffic. I had some heartburn when I woke up, but I ignored it because this was not an unusual occurrence. As I got into my...

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Tim And Abbie 59 Finishing Off The Weekends For The Rest In Attendance Friday Night

Luke and Mary have been together the longest of the four couples, first meeting when six years old when their families moved next door to each other.  All through school, they were inseparable, walking to school together, playing in the afternoon, and in and out of each other’s houses all the time.By secondary school and now sixteen, they were exploring more and more of each other.  It did not take long after they blew out the candles on their sweet sixteen cakes that Mary was blowing some...

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Apni Manager Ki Choot Chati

Hello frds me 24 saal ka hu,delhi me rehta hu,jada sunder nahi hu but bahut hot hu or mujhe sex bahut pasand he.aj me aapko apni real storuy bta rha 1 fashion house me kaam kerta hu.meri manager bahut sunder he.uska figure 35’29’36.bahut mast he.humeda jeans top me trehti he.but us din vo skirt me aai thi.saaam ko kaam khtam hone ke baad me hum sath me final office dekh rahe the.achanak se meri najar uske bpoobs per padi uske top se booobs saf dikh rahe the.bade gore gore the.usne mujhe...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 85

Liz’s arrival (along with the rest of the group, of course) was entirely welcome. The paparazzi, thanks to catching me with Rosalita, knew which hotel to congregate at and they followed Jill and me to the private airfield where Liz’s leased jet would land. We had called ahead and security stopped the gawkers from getting anywhere on the property. Instead, they set up shop outside the chain-link fence and pointed their lenses through the openings. Sean and the advanced team had brought...

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Babs Meets Brian

Brian had been working with me for about a month and we had gotten friendly. For some reason that I couldn't understand no one else in the office seemed to like him. It could have been because he was black, but that didn't really make sense because from time to time we had other blacks working with us and the crew had always gotten along with them. Brian had moved to our city from Atlanta to take the job and he had no friends or family in town and he was always after me to tell him where the...

1 year ago
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My wife the internet swinger

Sorry that this first chapter is a little long.  I wanted to establish a background that would explain how this couple evolved into what they became.  I have seen real women just like her on a popular unnamed picture site.  They have no problem posting pics of themselves with men other then their husband.      My wife and I have been married 10 years. She is 35 and I am 36. We lead a pretty normal suburban life. We don’t have any kids, but not from lack of trying. She was on the pill for the...

2 years ago
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New BeginningChapter 8 Expectations

It was Friday night and Roger was dropping off his date for the night. Jill Abrahms was the last woman Roger would ask out from the single parent groups. He had already asked out all the rest of the women that interested him. And one date with Jill was enough. Roger felt like he spent half the night just trying to get her to pay attention to him. With The Plan, or what was left of it, running out of steam, Roger wasn’t quite sure what to do next. Well, he still had a couple of women with...

3 years ago
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Runaway From Hell

Episode 1 I had just come back from a month-long vacation trip back home and I was dead-tired; I had gotten up at an ungodly hour this morning to catch my flight at St. John's, then a two hour lay-over at Toronto's Pearson Airport before the next leg to the State capital and finally, an hour and half by car to get here. Altogether ten hours' travel time ... the only advantage to flying westward is that the stores were still open; I had nothing in the fridge. I stopped off at Paco's to buy...

3 years ago
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Bathroom Break

“I’m going to take a bath for an hour so see you soon,” she giggled over the phone. That voice of hers and her sweet gentle laughter just makes me stop and think what I wouldn’t do to her, absolutely nothing.. “Well ok but you shouldn’t tell me these things, good grief” I said back to her as she ended the conversation. I stared at the phone in my hands, trying to stop visions, images forming, taking shape that would infuriate me for the rest of the morning. Looking around the office,I went back...

1 year ago
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Lip and AnnieChapter 3

The month of December always passes quickly, and it was that way for Robert and Annie. They were in the habit now of trading almost daily emails, discussing minor events in their lives, and often trading simple messages and jokes. Robert was still playing online poker, and managed to win a very welcome $1500 in an online tournament. Annie was still not a fan of the online game, much preferring to play live in a casino. About a week after their return from Hinckley, Annie described how she...

1 year ago
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A Virtuous FamilyChapter 2

Eric Newbury’s initiation by his mother-in-law Pauline bonded him to the Johnstone family in a way he would never have conceived. While his morning romp in bed with her on his first morning at the Garden of Eden was an unexpected shock that no healthy human would turn down, nor did he. He had suspicions that the “touchy-feely” nature of the family meant something more than just touching and feeling, which had created a natural lust for his mother-in-law. While he had often fantasized about...

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My Mother My Teacher and Lover

I don't really remember how it all started. But I was only a sixteen year old working on our farm. I came in for dinner. My Father was away and had been for some time. Mum was in a cranky and disturbed mood. Being innocent about sex at the time it didn't register that some women like male company, especially when the male company is sexually active. I knew what Mum's moods were like, so I didn't stay up late with her that night. However, the next morning, it was a different thing. When I...

4 years ago
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Peeking SisterChapter 5

When he heard Nina slam the door of the guest bedroom and lock it after he slapped her, Axel poured himself a hefty shot of bourbon neat in a highball glass and selected a fresh cigar. There was a sardonic glint in his flinty grey eyes under their grizzled brows and the barest shadow of a cruel smile on his hard sensual mouth. In a way this was the moment he savored most. He had just given the wheel of fate a random spin... and now to see what would happen. One thing he was ready to stake...

2 years ago
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A Step Ahead

The dinner started late. Delays were common with me but this time, traffic had played spoilsport to skew the average delay time a lot. Sudarshana was quite a striking woman, it suddenly occurred to me. Years ago, when we had met for the first time, she looked just the same. Piercing dark gray eyes and a full mouth with red lips that needed no garnishing of lipstick completed her angel like face. A slender waist led up to a full bosom and trailed down to a very flared hip and terminated in the...

1 year ago
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MomsBoyToy Lauren Phillips Anything For Mom

Lauren Phillips has a stepson in Juan Loco and this hot busty mommy really wants to use him as her own personal boy toy. She asks Juan for help in the small kitchen and makes sure to show off her T&A to their fullest potential in the most innocent-seeming way possible. She follows up by giving Juan a hug where she smushes his face into her boobies. Later, Lauren dresses in a lingerie demi-bra and matching thong, then calls Juan into the bedroom to fix her vibrator. He offers to bring her...

3 years ago
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A Familys New Years Eve Part 4

A Family New Year’s Eve – Part IV     Please read “A Family New Year’s Eve – Chapters I and II and III” – before you read this (if you haven’t already.) This will make more sense if you do.     I don’t know what I found more shocking – the sharp pain from where Lisa, my beautifully wicked twenty year old daughter, pinched the skin under the crown of my cock, or the image she had just put in to my head.   We were laying in my bed, now very early in...

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Married Wife Gives it Up Blacken

Kim was a pretty woman in her late-twenties. She was married to a long-distance trucker named Larry who was seldom home. Kim was sure Larry loved his truck more than her and she didn't care much for Larry either. Kim got pregnant she was still in high school. Now that her youngest c***d was in grade school, she wanted to get an education. Larry thought she should stick to raising the k**s, watching game shows and meeting his needs after a road trip. When Larry played linebacker in high school,...

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